Define the JRE needed to compile and run the Java projects of ${scope.project.label} Set the heap space needed to work with the projects of ${scope.project.label} Set an Oomph redirection system property to redirect the logical location of this setup to its physical location in the Git clone. Before enabling this task, replace '...' with the repository path of this setup's containing project. Initialize JDT's package explorer to show working sets as its root objects Don't show workspace selection dialog The root directory for git clone operations github.remoteURIs Development Github repository remoteURI Clone OSATE development settings repository github.remoteURIs OSATE2 Core Github repository remoteURI Clone OSATE2 core repository github.remoteURIs Error Model V2 Github repository remoteURI Clone Errormodel V2 repository github.remoteURIs OSATE2 Plugins Github repository remoteURI Clone OSATE2 plugins repository github.remoteURIs OSATE2 Behavior Annex Github repository remoteURI Clone OSATE2 behavior annex repository github.remoteURIs ${scope.project.label} Github repository remoteURI Clone OSATE2 graphical editor repository github.remoteURIs SMACCM Github repository remoteURI Clone SMACCM repository github.remoteURIs ALISA Github repository remoteURI Clone ALISA repository github.remoteURIs Ocarina Github repository remoteURI Clone Ocarina repository ${} false false true ${} false false true edu.umn.cs.crisys.agree.realtime edu.uah.rsesc.aadlsimulator.agree.eval.test com.rockwellcollins.atc.tcg.feature com.rockwellcollins.atc.tcg.standalone ${} false false true The dynamic working sets for ${scope.project.label} Set up a development environment for OSATE2