#if defined _INC_SKY #endinput #endif #define _INC_SKY // Sync Packets enum E_SYNC_TYPES { E_PLAYER_SYNC = 0, E_AIM_SYNC, E_VEHICLE_SYNC, E_PASSENGER_SYNC, E_SPECTATING_SYNC, E_LAST_SYNC, E_ALL_SYNC }; // Make a player appear to spawn for all players but himself native SpawnPlayerForWorld(playerid); // Keep re-sending the last received sync data #pragma deprecated Please use FreezeSyncPacket instead native FreezeSyncData(playerid, bool:toggle); // Keep re-sending the last recieved sync packet of a certain type native FreezeSyncPacket(playerid, E_SYNC_TYPES:type = E_PLAYER_SYNC, bool:toggle); // Set the HP bar (warning: affects GetPlayerHealth) native SetFakeHealth(playerid, health); // Set the armour bar (warning: affects GetPlayerArmour) native SetFakeArmour(playerid, armour); // Force a specific facing angle to sync for other players native SetFakeFacingAngle(playerid, Float:angle = Float:0x7FFFFFFF); // Disable stealth-knife sync (only the player doing it will see it happen) native SetKnifeSync(toggle); // Make a player appear dead for other players native SendDeath(playerid); // Set the last animation data native SetLastAnimationData(playerid, data); // Send the last sync data // If an animation is specified, it will be similar to ApplyAnimation #pragma deprecated Please use SendLastSyncPacket instead native SendLastSyncData(playerid, toplayerid, animation = 0); // Send the last sync packet // If a type is specified it will sync that packet only // If an animation is specified, it will be similar to ApplyAnimation native SendLastSyncPacket(playerid, toplayerid, E_SYNC_TYPES:type = E_PLAYER_SYNC, animation = 0); // Clear animations for another player only native ClearAnimationsForPlayer(playerid, forplayerid); // Disable infinity ammo bugs and other bugs (some bugs still work) native SetDisableSyncBugs(toggle); // Make the weapon state always synced as WEAPONSTATE_MORE_BULLETS native SetInfiniteAmmoSync(playerid, toggle); // Stop syncing keys for a player native SetKeySyncBlocked(playerid, toggle); // Same as YSF (renamed to avoid problems) native TextDrawSetPosition(Text:text, Float:x, Float:y); // Same as YSF (renamed to avoid problems) native PlayerTextDrawSetPosition(playerid, PlayerText:text, Float:x, Float:y); // Set the string of a TextDraw per-player native TextDrawSetStrForPlayer(Text:text, playerid, const string[]);