# Open know-how manifest # according to The Open Know-How Manifest Specification Version 1.0 # for more info, see http://openknowhow.org/ # The content of this manifest file is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. # Licenses for modification and distribution of the hardware, documentation, source-code, etc are stated separately. # Remove any fields that are not used. Comments (beginning with '#') may also be removed. # Manifest metadata date-created: 2020-05-10 #date-updated: 2020-05-11 manifest-author: name: Robin Vobruba affiliation: OpenSourceEcology Germany e.V. email: robin.vobruba@ose-germany.de manifest-language: DE-Western-Europe documentation-language: DE-Western-Europe documentation-home: https://wiki.opensourceecology.de/Boxfarm title: BoxFram description: | Die Boxfarm ist ein kleiner experimenteller Prototyp einer transportablen Hydroponikfarm, basierend auf dem NFT-Verfahren (Nutrient Film Technique). Ein anpassungsfähiges Design, beliebig in der Größe skalierbar, teilautomatisiert mit geplanter Off-Grid-Erweiterung. intended-use: | Mobile Off-Grid DIY farm keywords: - Mobile - Farm - Off-Grid - NFT - Hydrophonic project-link: https://github.com/osegermany/BoxFarm contact: name: Timo Nendel affiliation: OpenSourceEcology Germany e.V. email: timo.nendel@ose-germany.de contributors: - name: Timo Nendel affiliation: OpenSourceEcology Germany e.V. email: timo.nendel@ose-germany.de image: https://wiki.opensourceecology.de/images/0/01/Boxfarm_prototype_1.1_thumb.jpg version: 1.1 development-stage: prototype made: true made-independently: false license: hardware: CERN OHL documentation: CC-BY-SA 4.0 #software: CC-BY-SA 4.0 licensor: name: Timo Nendel affiliation: OpenSourceEcology Germany e.V. email: timo.nendel@ose-germany.de ## User defined Fields ## Include any custom / extended fields here