import builtins import difflib import inspect import os # Hack that modifies the built-in `open` function in such a way that # an assignment can be done even at other places than the server. def find_filename(filename): if os.path.exists(filename): return filename path = os.path.dirname(inspect.getfile(inspect.currentframe())) path = os.path.join(path, os.path.basename(filename)) if os.path.exists(path): return path return filename old_open = def new_open(filename, mode='r', buffering=-1, encoding=None, errors=None, newline=None, closefd=True, opener=None): return old_open(find_filename(filename), mode, buffering, encoding, errors, newline, closefd, opener) = new_open # Lab code proper def _diff(gold_tokens, pred_tokens): """Iterator over pairs describing longest differing subsequences within `gold_tokens` and `pred_tokens`. """ matcher = difflib.SequenceMatcher(None, gold_tokens, pred_tokens) a_lo = b_lo = 0 for a_hi, b_hi, n in matcher.get_matching_blocks(): if a_lo < a_hi or b_lo < b_hi: yield gold_tokens[a_lo:a_hi], pred_tokens[b_lo:b_hi] a_lo = a_hi + n b_lo = b_hi + n def diff(gold_tokens, pred_tokens): """Return a list of pairs describing longest differing subsequences within `gold_tokens` and `pred_tokens`. """ return list(_diff(gold_tokens, pred_tokens)) def _n_matches(gold_tokens, pred_tokens): """Return the number of elements that match within `gold_tokens` and `pred_tokens`. """ matcher = difflib.SequenceMatcher(None, gold_tokens, pred_tokens) return sum(match.size for match in matcher.get_matching_blocks()) def n_errors(gold_tokens, pred_tokens): """Return the number of errors in the tokenization given by `pred_tokens`, relative to the gold-standard tokenization given by `gold_tokens`. """ return len(gold_tokens) + len(pred_tokens) - 2 * _n_matches(gold_tokens, pred_tokens) def precision(gold_tokens, pred_tokens): """Return the precision of the tokenization given by `pred_tokens`, relative to the gold-standard tokenization given by `gold_tokens`. """ n_pred_tokens = len(pred_tokens) n_matches = _n_matches(gold_tokens, pred_tokens) return n_matches / n_pred_tokens if n_pred_tokens > 0 else float('NaN') def recall(gold_tokens, pred_tokens): """Return the recall of the tokenization given by `pred_tokens`, relative to the gold-standard tokenization given by `gold_tokens`. """ n_gold_tokens = len(gold_tokens) n_matches = _n_matches(gold_tokens, pred_tokens) return n_matches / n_gold_tokens if n_gold_tokens > 0 else float('NaN')