# Copyright 2021 OASIS Open # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. @prefix dcterms: . @prefix rdf: . @prefix rdfs: . @prefix owl: . @prefix vann: . @prefix vs: . @prefix oslc: . oslc: a owl:Ontology ; dcterms:title "The OSLC Core Vocabulary" ; dcterms:description "All vocabulary URIs defined in the OSLC Core namespace."^^rdf:XMLLiteral ; rdfs:label "The OSLC Core Vocabulary" ; vann:preferredNamespacePrefix "oslc" ; dcterms:publisher ; dcterms:source ; dcterms:hasVersion "OS" ; dcterms:issued "2021-08-26"^^ ; dcterms:isPartOf ; dcterms:license . # ********** Resource Types (Classes) ********** oslc:ServiceProvider a rdfs:Class ; rdfs:isDefinedBy oslc: ; rdfs:label "ServiceProvider" ; rdfs:comment "The Service Provider resource." . oslc:ServiceProviderCatalog a rdfs:Class ; rdfs:isDefinedBy oslc: ; rdfs:label "ServiceProviderCatalog" ; rdfs:comment "The Service Provider Catalog resource." . oslc:ResponseInfo a rdfs:Class ; rdfs:isDefinedBy oslc: ; rdfs:label "ResponseInfo" ; rdfs:comment "The ResponseInfo included in query results." . oslc:Service a rdfs:Class ; rdfs:isDefinedBy oslc: ; rdfs:label "Service" ; rdfs:comment "The Service definition included in a ServiceProvider." . oslc:CreationFactory a rdfs:Class ; rdfs:isDefinedBy oslc: ; rdfs:label "CreationFactory" ; rdfs:comment "The CreationFactory definition included in a ServiceProvider." . oslc:QueryCapability a rdfs:Class ; rdfs:isDefinedBy oslc: ; rdfs:label "QueryCapability" ; rdfs:comment "The QueryCapability definition included in a ServiceProvider." . oslc:Dialog a rdfs:Class ; rdfs:isDefinedBy oslc: ; rdfs:label "Dialog" ; rdfs:comment "Describes information about a dialog such as its title and dimensions." . oslc:Publisher a rdfs:Class ; rdfs:isDefinedBy oslc: ; rdfs:label "Publisher" ; rdfs:comment "The Publisher definition included in ServiceProvider." . oslc:PrefixDefinition a rdfs:Class ; rdfs:isDefinedBy oslc: ; rdfs:label "PrefixDefinition" ; rdfs:comment "The PrefixDefinition definition included in ServiceProvider." . oslc:OAuthConfiguration a rdfs:Class ; rdfs:isDefinedBy oslc: ; rdfs:label "OAuthConfiguration" ; rdfs:comment "The OAuthConfiguration definition included in ServiceProvider." . oslc:Error a rdfs:Class ; rdfs:isDefinedBy oslc: ; rdfs:label "Error" ; rdfs:comment "Basis for forming an error response." . oslc:ExtendedError a rdfs:Class ; rdfs:isDefinedBy oslc: ; rdfs:label "ExtendedError" ; rdfs:comment "Extended error information." . oslc:Comment a rdfs:Class ; rdfs:isDefinedBy oslc: ; rdfs:label "Comment" ; rdfs:comment "A Comment resource represents a single note, or comment, in a discussion thread." . oslc:Discussion a rdfs:Class ; rdfs:isDefinedBy oslc: ; rdfs:label "Discussion" ; rdfs:comment "A Discussion resource is intended to represent a sequence of comments or notes regarding the associated resource." . oslc:Preview a rdfs:Class ; rdfs:isDefinedBy oslc: ; rdfs:label "Preview" ; rdfs:comment "An HTML representation of a resource that can be embedded in another user interface." . oslc:Compact a rdfs:Class ; rdfs:isDefinedBy oslc: ; rdfs:label "Compact" ; rdfs:comment "A resource describing how to display a link and Preview for another, associated resource." . oslc:AttachmentDescriptor a rdfs:Class ; rdfs:comment "An LDP-RS that contains additional data about an attachment." ; rdfs:isDefinedBy oslc: ; rdfs:label "AttachmentDescriptor" . oslc:AttachmentContainer a rdfs:Class ; rdfs:comment "An LDP-C that contains attachments for a resource." ; rdfs:isDefinedBy oslc: ; rdfs:label "AttachmentContainer" . oslc:attachment a rdf:Property ; rdfs:comment "An attachment associated with a resource. May be used as a membership predicate for an attachment container." ; rdfs:isDefinedBy oslc: ; rdfs:label "attachment" . oslc:attachmentSize a rdf:Property ; rdfs:comment "Size in bytes of the attachment content." ; rdfs:isDefinedBy oslc: ; rdfs:label "attachmentSize" . # ********** Properties: ********** oslc:serviceProvider a rdf:Property ; rdfs:isDefinedBy oslc: ; rdfs:label "serviceProvider" ; rdfs:comment "A link to the resource's OSLC Service Provider." . oslc:instanceShape a rdf:Property ; rdfs:isDefinedBy oslc: ; rdfs:label "instanceShape" ; rdfs:comment "The URI of a Resource Shape that describes the possible properties." . oslc:queryable a rdf:Property ; rdfs:isDefinedBy oslc: ; rdfs:label "queryable" ; rdfs:comment "Indicates whether a property is queryable (can appear in oslc.where and olsc.select clause) or not." . oslc:shortTitle a rdf:Property ; rdfs:isDefinedBy oslc: ; rdfs:label "shortTitle" ; rdfs:comment "Shorter form of dcterms:title for the resource." . oslc:shortId a rdf:Property ; rdfs:isDefinedBy oslc: ; rdfs:label "shortId" ; rdfs:comment "A short, human-readable, plain text value. This value should be unique in some context that is apparent to human users of a service." . oslc:discussedBy a rdf:Property ; rdfs:isDefinedBy oslc: ; rdfs:label "discussedBy" ; rdfs:comment "A series of notes and comments about this resource." . oslc:modifiedBy a rdf:Property ; rdfs:isDefinedBy oslc: ; rdfs:label "modifiedBy" ; rdfs:comment "The URI of a resource describing the entity that most recently modified this resource. The link target is usually a foaf:Person or foaf:Agent, but could be any type. This is modeled after dcterms:creator, but Dublin Core currently has no equivalent property." . oslc:archived a rdf:Property; rdfs:comment "Indicates whether the subject has been marked as archived, no longer an actively updating resource."; rdfs:isDefinedBy oslc:; rdfs:label "archived" . oslc:inverseLabel a rdf:Property; rdfs:comment "Provides a human-readable label for the inverse of the subject property."; rdfs:isDefinedBy oslc:; rdfs:label "inverseLabel" . oslc:impactType a rdf:Property; rdfs:comment "Asserts that the subject property is a dependency relation and gives the direction of impact."; rdfs:isDefinedBy oslc:; rdfs:label "impactType" . oslc:ImpactType a rdfs:Class ; rdfs:isDefinedBy oslc: ; rdfs:label "ImpactType" ; rdfs:comment "An enumeration of specifying different impact types or a property." . oslc:ImpactFollowsLink a oslc:ImpactType ; rdfs:comment "The property represents a dependency from subject to object."; rdfs:isDefinedBy oslc:; rdfs:label "ImpactFollowsLink" . oslc:ImpactOppositeLink a oslc:ImpactType ; rdfs:comment "The property represents a dependency from object to subject."; rdfs:isDefinedBy oslc:; rdfs:label "ImpactOppositeLink" . oslc:SymmetricImpact a oslc:ImpactType ; rdfs:comment "The property represents a dependency from both subject to object and object to subject."; rdfs:isDefinedBy oslc:; rdfs:label "SymmetricImpact" . oslc:NoImpact a oslc:ImpactType ; rdfs:comment "The property does not represent a dependency."; rdfs:isDefinedBy oslc:; rdfs:label "NoImpact" . oslc:partOfDiscussion a rdf:Property ; rdfs:isDefinedBy oslc: ; rdfs:label "partOfDiscussion" ; rdfs:comment "Reference to owning Discussion resource ." . oslc:inReplyTo a rdf:Property ; rdfs:isDefinedBy oslc: ; rdfs:label "inReplyTo" ; rdfs:comment "Reference to comment this comment is in reply to." . oslc:discussionAbout a rdf:Property ; rdfs:isDefinedBy oslc: ; rdfs:label "discussionAbout" ; rdfs:comment "Reference to associated resource." . oslc:comment a rdf:Property ; rdfs:isDefinedBy oslc: ; rdfs:label "comment" ; rdfs:comment "Comment about the resource." . oslc:oauthRequestTokenURI a rdf:Property ; rdfs:isDefinedBy oslc: ; rdfs:label "oauthRequestTokenURI" ; rdfs:comment "URI for obtaining OAuth request token." . oslc:authorizationURI a rdf:Property ; rdfs:isDefinedBy oslc: ; rdfs:label "authorizationURI" ; rdfs:comment "URI for obtaining OAuth authorization." . oslc:oauthAccessTokenURI a rdf:Property ; rdfs:isDefinedBy oslc: ; rdfs:label "oauthAccessTokenURI" ; rdfs:comment "URI for obtaining OAuth access token." . oslc:prefix a rdf:Property ; rdfs:isDefinedBy oslc: ; rdfs:label "prefix" ; rdfs:comment "Namespace prefix to be used for this namespace." . oslc:prefixBase a rdf:Property ; rdfs:isDefinedBy oslc: ; rdfs:label "prefixBase" ; rdfs:comment "The base URI of the namespace." . oslc:domain a rdf:Property ; rdfs:isDefinedBy oslc: ; rdfs:label "domain" ; rdfs:comment "Namespace URI of the specification that is implemented by this service. In most cases this namespace URI will be for an OSLC domain, but other URIs MAY be used." . oslc:creationFactory a rdf:Property ; rdfs:isDefinedBy oslc: ; rdfs:label "creationFactory" ; rdfs:comment "Enables clients to create new resources." . oslc:queryCapability a rdf:Property ; rdfs:isDefinedBy oslc: ; rdfs:label "queryCapability" ; rdfs:comment "Enables clients query across a collection of resources." . oslc:selectionDialog a rdf:Property ; rdfs:isDefinedBy oslc: ; rdfs:label "selectionDialog" ; rdfs:comment "Enables clients to select a resource via a UI." . oslc:creationDialog a rdf:Property ; rdfs:isDefinedBy oslc: ; rdfs:label "creationDialog" ; rdfs:comment "Enables clients to create a resource via UI." . oslc:service a rdf:Property ; rdfs:isDefinedBy oslc: ; rdfs:label "service" ; rdfs:comment "Describes a service offered by the service provider." . oslc:details a rdf:Property ; rdfs:isDefinedBy oslc: ; rdfs:label "details" ; rdfs:comment "A URL that may be used to retrieve a resource to determine additional details about the service provider." . oslc:prefixDefinition a rdf:Property ; rdfs:isDefinedBy oslc: ; rdfs:label "prefixDefinition" ; rdfs:comment "Defines a namespace prefix for use in JSON representations and in forming OSLC Query Syntax strings." . oslc:oauthConfiguration a rdf:Property ; rdfs:isDefinedBy oslc: ; rdfs:label "oauthConfiguration" ; rdfs:comment "Defines the three OAuth URIs required for a client to act as an OAuth consumer." . oslc:serviceProviderCatalog a rdf:Property ; rdfs:isDefinedBy oslc: ; rdfs:label "serviceProviderCatalog" ; rdfs:comment "Additional service provider catalog." . oslc:label a rdf:Property ; rdfs:isDefinedBy oslc: ; rdfs:label "label" ; rdfs:comment "Very short label for use in menu items." . oslc:icon a rdf:Property ; rdfs:isDefinedBy oslc: ; rdfs:label "icon" ; rdfs:comment "URI of an image applicable to the resource." . oslc:iconSrcSet a rdf:Property ; rdfs:isDefinedBy oslc: ; rdfs:label "iconSrcSet" ; rdfs:comment "Specification of a set of images of different sizes based on HTML img element srcset attribute." . oslc:iconAltLabel a rdf:Property ; rdfs:comment "Alternative label used in association with the oslc:icon, such as HTML img tag's alt attribute." ; rdfs:isDefinedBy oslc: ; rdfs:label "iconAltLabel" . oslc:iconTitle a rdf:Property ; rdfs:comment "Title used in association with the oslc:icon, such as HTML img tag's title attribute." ; rdfs:isDefinedBy oslc: ; rdfs:label "iconTitle" . oslc:creation a rdf:Property ; rdfs:isDefinedBy oslc: ; rdfs:label "creation" ; rdfs:comment "To create a new resource via the factory, post it to this URI." . oslc:resourceShape a rdf:Property ; rdfs:isDefinedBy oslc: ; rdfs:label "resourceShape" ; rdfs:comment "A Creation Factory MAY provide Resource Shapes that describe shapes of resources that may be created." . oslc:resourceType a rdf:Property ; rdfs:isDefinedBy oslc: ; rdfs:label "resourceType" ; rdfs:comment "The expected resource type URI of the resource that will be created using this creation factory. These would be the URIs found in the result resource's rdf:type property." . oslc:usage a rdf:Property ; rdfs:isDefinedBy oslc: ; rdfs:label "usage" ; rdfs:comment "An identifier URI for the domain specified usage of this creation factory. If a service provides multiple creation factories, it may designate the primary or default one that should be used with a property value of http://open-services.net/ns/core#default." . oslc:queryBase a rdf:Property ; rdfs:isDefinedBy oslc: ; rdfs:label "queryBase" ; rdfs:comment "The base URI to use for queries. Queries may be invoked either by HTTP GET or HTTP POST. For HTTP GET, a query URI is formed by appending a key=value pair to the base URI. For HTTP POST, the query parameters are encoded as content with media type application/x-www-form-urlencoded and sent in the request body. The base URI MAY accept other query languages and media types in the request body, e.g. application/sparql-query for SPARQL queries." . oslc:dialog a rdf:Property ; rdfs:isDefinedBy oslc: ; rdfs:label "dialog" ; rdfs:comment "The URI of the HTML dialog." . oslc:hintWidth a rdf:Property ; rdfs:isDefinedBy oslc: ; rdfs:label "hintWidth" ; rdfs:comment "Preferred width of a delegated user interface. Values must be expressed using length units as specified in Cascading Style Sheets 2.1." . oslc:hintHeight a rdf:Property ; rdfs:isDefinedBy oslc: ; rdfs:label "hintHeight" ; rdfs:comment "Preferred height of a delegated user interface. Values must be expressed using length units as specified in Cascading Style Sheets 2.1." . oslc:statusCode a rdf:Property ; rdfs:isDefinedBy oslc: ; rdfs:label "statusCode" ; rdfs:comment "The HTTP status code reported with the error." . oslc:message a rdf:Property ; rdfs:isDefinedBy oslc: ; rdfs:label "message" ; rdfs:comment "An informative message describing the error that occurred." . oslc:error a rdf:Property ; rdfs:isDefinedBy oslc: ; rdfs:label "error" ; rdfs:comment "Error information that may be associated with a resource." . oslc:extendedError a rdf:Property ; rdfs:isDefinedBy oslc: ; rdfs:label "extendedError" ; rdfs:comment "Extended (additional) error information." . oslc:moreInfo a rdf:Property ; rdfs:isDefinedBy oslc: ; rdfs:label "moreInfo" ; rdfs:comment "{{A resource giving more information on the error, with an HTML content-type." . oslc:rel a rdf:Property ; rdfs:isDefinedBy oslc: ; rdfs:label "rel" ; rdfs:comment "If present and set to 'alternate' then indicates that work-around is provided, behavior for other values is undefined." . oslc:results a rdf:Property ; rdfs:isDefinedBy oslc: ; rdfs:label "results" ; rdfs:comment """Used to hold the results of dialog action or JSON query results (default). The JSON query result attribute 'oslc:results' is used whenever a provider doesn't have a suitable property already in its model for such purposes.""" . oslc:totalCount a rdf:Property ; rdfs:isDefinedBy oslc: ; rdfs:label "totalCount" ; rdfs:comment """This optional property indicates the total number of results across all pages, its value should be non-negative. In the context of a query resource, this value SHOULD be the total number of results, i.e. the number of resources that match the query. In the context of other resources, the value SHOULD be the total number of property values (i.e. RDF triples) of the resource. Unless Stable Paging is in effect, the total count MAY vary as a client retrieves subsequent pages.""" . oslc:score a rdf:Property ; rdfs:isDefinedBy oslc: ; rdfs:label "score" ; rdfs:comment """A computed property for each member resource of a full text search query indicating the quality of the match, and sort them in descending order of score.""" . oslc:order a rdf:Property ; rdfs:isDefinedBy oslc: ; rdfs:label "order" ; rdfs:comment """A computed property for each member resource of a query with an orderBy clause supporting sorting of the RDF results.""" . oslc:nextPage a rdf:Property ; rdfs:isDefinedBy oslc: ; rdfs:label "nextPage" ; rdfs:comment "Link to next page of response." . oslc:postBody a rdf:Property ; rdfs:isDefinedBy oslc: ; rdfs:label "postBody" ; rdfs:comment """The body of a POST request to return the next page if the response was to a POST request. Where a paged resource supports POST with an application/x-www-form-urlencoded body as an alternative to GET to avoid the request URI exceeding server limitations, the oslc:ResponseInfo in the response to the POST SHOULD contain this property so that a client knows what to POST to get the next page.""" . # ********* Resource Shapes ******** oslc:ResourceShape a rdfs:Class ; rdfs:isDefinedBy oslc: ; rdfs:label "ResourceShape" ; rdfs:comment "The Resource Shape used for creation, query and modify. Formally, a shape S applies to a resource R if there is a triple R rdf:type T and there is a triple S oslc:describes T, or if there is a triple R oslc:instanceShape S." . oslc:AllowedValues a rdfs:Class ; rdfs:isDefinedBy oslc: ; rdfs:label "AllowedValues" ; rdfs:comment "Provides a way to specify allowed values for one or more properties." . oslc:Property a rdfs:Class ; rdfs:isDefinedBy oslc: ; rdfs:label "Property" ; rdfs:comment "A Property resource describes one allowed or required property of a resource." . oslc:describes a rdf:Property ; rdfs:isDefinedBy oslc: ; rdfs:label "describes" ; rdfs:comment "This shape describes resources that are of the RDF type given by the object of the oslc:describes predicate. Formally, a shape S applies to a resource R if there is a triple R rdf:type T and there is a triple S oslc:describes T." . oslc:property a rdf:Property ; rdfs:isDefinedBy oslc: ; rdfs:label "property" ; rdfs:comment "The properties that are allowed or required by this shape." . oslc:allowedValue a rdf:Property ; rdfs:isDefinedBy oslc: ; rdfs:label "allowedValue" ; rdfs:comment "Specifies the allowed values for a property (may be more than one)." . oslc:allowedValues a rdf:Property ; rdfs:isDefinedBy oslc: ; rdfs:label "allowedValues" ; rdfs:comment "Reference to an AllowedValues resource that specifies the allowed values for the property." ; rdfs:range oslc:AllowedValues . oslc:defaultValue a rdf:Property ; rdfs:isDefinedBy oslc: ; rdfs:label "defaultValue" ; rdfs:comment "A default value for property, inlined into property definition." . oslc:hidden a rdf:Property ; rdfs:isDefinedBy oslc: ; rdfs:label "hidden" ; rdfs:comment "A hint that indicates that property MAY be hidden when presented in a user interface." . oslc:isMemberProperty a rdf:Property ; rdfs:isDefinedBy oslc: ; rdfs:label "isMemberProperty" ; rdfs:comment "Used to define when a property is a member of a container, useful for query." . oslc:name a rdf:Property ; rdfs:isDefinedBy oslc: ; rdfs:label "name" ; rdfs:comment "Name of property being defined, i.e. second part of property's Prefixed Name. For all other uses, consider dcterms:title, rdfs:label, oslc:shortTitle or oslc:label." . oslc:maxSize a rdf:Property ; rdfs:isDefinedBy oslc: ; rdfs:label "maxSize" ; rdfs:comment "For String properties only, specifies maximum characters allowed. If not set, then there is no maximum or maximum is specified elsewhere." . oslc:occurs a rdf:Property ; rdfs:isDefinedBy oslc: ; rdfs:label "occurs" ; rdfs:comment "One of the values http://open-services.net/ns/core#Exactly-one, http://open-services.net/ns/core#Zero-or-one, http://open-services.net/ns/core#Zero-or-many or http://open-services.net/ns/core#One-or-many." . oslc:propertyDefinition a rdf:Property ; rdfs:isDefinedBy oslc: ; rdfs:label "propertyDefinition" ; rdfs:comment "URI of the property whose usage is being described." . oslc:range a rdf:Property ; rdfs:isDefinedBy oslc: ; rdfs:label "range" ; rdfs:comment "For properties with a resource value-type, Providers MAY also specify the range of possible resource types allowed, each specified by URI. The default range is http://open-services.net/ns/core#Any." . oslc:readOnly a rdf:Property ; rdfs:isDefinedBy oslc: ; rdfs:label "readOnly" ; rdfs:comment "true if the property is read-only. If omitted, or set to false, then the property is writable. Providers SHOULD declare a property read-only when changes to the value of that property will not be accepted after the resource has been created, e.g. on PUT/PATCH requests. Consumers should note that the converse does not apply: Providers MAY reject a change to the value of a writable property." . oslc:representation a rdf:Property ; rdfs:isDefinedBy oslc: ; rdfs:label "representation" ; rdfs:comment "Should be http://open-services.net/ns/core#Reference, http://open-services.net/ns/core#Inline or http://open-services.net/ns/core#Either." . oslc:valueType a rdf:Property ; rdfs:isDefinedBy oslc: ; rdfs:label "valueType" ; rdfs:comment "A URI that indicates the value type, for example XML Schema or RDF URIs for literal value types, and OSLC-specified for others. If this property is omitted, then the value type is unconstrained." . oslc:valueShape a rdf:Property ; rdfs:isDefinedBy oslc: ; rdfs:label "valueShape" ; rdfs:comment "if the value-type is a resource type, then Property MAY provide a shape value to indicate the Resource Shape that applies to the resource." . oslc:smallPreview a rdf:Property ; rdfs:isDefinedBy oslc: ; rdfs:label "smallPreview" ; rdfs:comment "URI and sizing properties for an HTML document to be used for a small preview." . oslc:largePreview a rdf:Property ; rdfs:isDefinedBy oslc: ; rdfs:label "largePreview" ; rdfs:comment "URI and sizing properties for an HTML document to be used for a large preview." . oslc:document a rdf:Property ; rdfs:isDefinedBy oslc: ; rdfs:label "document" ; rdfs:comment "The URI of an HTML document to be used for the preview." . oslc:initialHeight a rdf:Property ; rdfs:isDefinedBy oslc: ; vs:term_status "archaic" ; rdfs:label "initialHeight" ; rdfs:comment "Recommended initial height of the preview. The presence of this property indicates that the preview supports dynamically computing its size. Values are expressed in relative length units as defined in the W3C Cascading Style Sheets Specification (CSS 2.1). Em and ex units are interpreted relative to the default system font (at 100% size)." . oslc:ResourceValueType a rdfs:Class ; rdfs:isDefinedBy oslc: ; rdfs:label "ResourceValueType" ; rdfs:comment "Specifies how an object reference is represented in a document." . oslc:Resource a oslc:ResourceValueType ; rdfs:isDefinedBy oslc: ; rdfs:label "Resource" ; rdfs:comment "The object resource must be identified with a URI." . oslc:LocalResource a oslc:ResourceValueType ; rdfs:isDefinedBy oslc: ; rdfs:label "LocalResource" ; vs:term_status "archaic" ; rdfs:comment "The object resource must be identified with a blank node. The term 'local resource' is used because the scope of identifier is local to the representation. Clients and servers should use oslc:representation oslc:Inline instead to include resource representations in the same document." . oslc:AnyResource a oslc:ResourceValueType ; rdfs:isDefinedBy oslc: ; rdfs:label "AnyResource" ; rdfs:comment "The object resource can be identified with either a URI or a blank node." . oslc:Representation a rdfs:Class ; rdfs:isDefinedBy oslc: ; rdfs:label "Representation" ; rdfs:comment "Specifies how a resource is represented in a document." . oslc:Reference a oslc:Representation ; rdfs:isDefinedBy oslc: ; rdfs:label "Reference" ; rdfs:comment "A URI Reference representation to a resource." . oslc:Inline a oslc:Representation ; rdfs:isDefinedBy oslc: ; rdfs:label "Inline" ; rdfs:comment "The representation of the object resource must be present in the representation of the described resource." . oslc:Either a oslc:Representation ; rdfs:isDefinedBy oslc: ; rdfs:label "Either" ; rdfs:comment "Representation is either a URI reference or blank node." . oslc:Cardinality a rdfs:Class ; rdfs:isDefinedBy oslc: ; rdfs:label "Cardinality" ; rdfs:comment "The number of allowed values for a property." . oslc:Exactly-one a oslc:Cardinality ; rdfs:isDefinedBy oslc: ; rdfs:label "Exactly-one" ; rdfs:comment "Property with value is required." . oslc:Zero-or-one a oslc:Cardinality ; rdfs:isDefinedBy oslc: ; rdfs:label "Zero-or-one" ; rdfs:comment "Property is optional and single valued." . oslc:Zero-or-many a oslc:Cardinality ; rdfs:isDefinedBy oslc: ; rdfs:label "Zero-or-many" ; rdfs:comment "Property is optional and multi-valued." . oslc:One-or-many a oslc:Cardinality ; rdfs:isDefinedBy oslc: ; rdfs:label "One-or-many" ; rdfs:comment "Property is required and multi-valued." . oslc:Any a rdfs:Class ; rdfs:isDefinedBy oslc: ; rdfs:label "Any" ; rdfs:comment "Any value type is allowed." . oslc:default a rdf:Property ; rdfs:isDefinedBy oslc: ; rdfs:label "default" ; rdfs:comment """Used in conjunction with oslc:usage property used to identify which service is the default usage.""" . oslc:futureAction a rdf:Property ; rdfs:isDefinedBy oslc: ; rdfs:label "futureAction" ; rdfs:comment """A predicate that links to an action that is not currently executable on the subject resource, but may be executable in the future and/or on other resources. For example, in OSLC Automation this is expected to link from an oslc_auto:AutomationPlan to an oslc:Action resource with zero bindings (as it is not executable), with the meaning that the executable form of the action may be available on oslc_auto:AutomationResult resources generated by executing that Automation Plan. Similarly, resource shapes can allow discovery of actions available on the output of a creation factory.""" . oslc:executes a rdf:Property ; rdfs:isDefinedBy oslc: ; rdfs:label "executes" ; rdfs:comment "Link from a currently available action to the future action it realizes." . oslc:publisher a rdf:Property ; rdfs:isDefinedBy oslc: ; rdfs:label "publisher" ; rdfs:comment "An entity responsible for making the resource available. Servers should use dcterms:publisher." ; vs:term_status "archaic" . oslc:ResourceShapeConstraints a rdfs:Class ; rdfs:isDefinedBy oslc: ; rdfs:label "ResourceShapeConstraints" ; rdfs:comment "Resource Shape Constraints metadata" . oslc:cause a rdf:Property ; rdfs:isDefinedBy oslc: ; rdfs:label "cause" ; rdfs:comment "An error that is a cause of this error." .