{ "type": "FeatureCollection", "features": [ { "type": "Feature", "id": "relation/1161689", "properties": { "timestamp": "2018-09-26T01:38:21Z", "version": 23, "changeset": 62931388, "boundary": "protected_area", "description": "Excludes buffer zone", "heritage": "1", "heritage:operator": "whc", "historic": "ruins", "name": "Patrimonio Mundial Misiones jesuíticas Guaraníes", "name:ar": "البعثات اليسوعية في غوارانيس: سان إغناسيو ميني، سانتا أنا، سيدة لوريتو، سانتا ماريا مايور (الأرجنتين) وآثار ساو ميغال داس ميسويس (البرازيل)", "name:en": "Jesuit Missions of the Guaranis: San Ignacio Mini, Santa Ana, Nuestra Señora de Loreto and Santa Maria Mayor (Argentina), Ruins of Sao Miguel das Missoes (Brazil)", "name:es": "Misiones jesuíticas de los guaraníes: San Ignacio Miní, Santa Ana, Nuestra Señora de Loreto y Santa María la Mayor (Argentina), ruinas de Sao Miguel das Missoes (Brasil)", "name:fr": "Missions jésuites des Guaranis : San Ignacio Mini, Santa Ana, Nuestra Señora de Loreto et Santa Maria Mayor (Argentine), ruines de Sao Miguel das Missoes (Brésil)", "name:ja": "グアラニーのイエズス会伝道施設群:サン・イグナシオ・ミニ、サンタ・アナ、ヌエストラ・セニョーラ・デ・ロレート、サンタ・マリア・ラ・マジョール(アルゼンチン)、サン・ミゲル・ダス・ミソオエス遺跡群(ブラジル)", "name:nl": "Jezuïtische missieposten van de Guarani", "name:ru": "Иезуитские миссии на землях индейцев гуарани: Сан-Игнасио-Мини, Санта-Ана, Нуэстра-Сеньора-де-Лорето и Санта-Мария-ла-Майор (Аргентина);руины Сан-Мигел-дас-Мисойнс (Бразилия)", "name:zh": "瓜拉尼人聚居地的耶稣会传教区:阿根廷的圣伊格纳西奥米尼、圣安娜、罗雷托圣母村和圣母玛利亚艾尔马约尔村遗迹以及巴西的圣米格尔杜斯米索纳斯遗迹", "note": "This relation refers only to the 5 sites of WHC/UNESCO inscription number 275. See separate relations for the World Heritage missions in Paraguay, and for all 30 Jesuit missions among the Guaraní.", "protect_class": "22", "ref:whc": "275", "source": "https://whc.unesco.org/en/list/275/", "source:name": "World Heritage Centre", "type": "boundary", "website": "https://whc.unesco.org/en/list/275/", "whc:criteria": "(iv)", "whc:inscription_date": "1983", "wikidata": "Q465960", "wikipedia": "es:Misiones jesuíticas guaraníes", "id": "relation/1161689" }, "geometry": { "type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [ [ [ -54.5567742, -28.5454048 ], [ -54.5569546, -28.5469697 ], [ -54.5571111, -28.5472788 ], [ -54.5574003, -28.5496854 ], [ -54.5574369, -28.550139 ], [ -54.5546724, -28.5508353 ], [ -54.5542476, -28.550937 ], [ -54.5540121, -28.5504949 ], [ -54.5533863, -28.5494447 ], [ -54.5526952, -28.5479556 ], [ -54.5526597, -28.5479085 ], [ -54.5536253, -28.5478511 ], [ -54.5533864, -28.5456751 ], [ -54.5567742, -28.5454048 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "id": "relation/8741905", "properties": { "timestamp": "2018-09-26T02:15:17Z", "version": 1, "changeset": 62931791, "boundary": "protected_area", "heritage": "1", "heritage:operator": "whc", "historic": "ruins", "name": "Missão de São Miguel Arcanjo", "protect_class": "22", "ref:whc": "275-001", "type": "boundary", "website": "https://whc.unesco.org/en/list/275/", "whc:criteria": "(iv)", "whc:inscription_date": "1983", "wikidata": "Q503828", "wikipedia": "pt:Sítio Arqueológico de São Miguel Arcanjo", "id": "relation/8741905" }, "geometry": { "type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [ [ [ -54.5567742, -28.5454048 ], [ -54.5569546, -28.5469697 ], [ -54.5571111, -28.5472788 ], [ -54.5574003, -28.5496854 ], [ -54.5574369, -28.550139 ], [ -54.5546724, -28.5508353 ], [ -54.5542476, -28.550937 ], [ -54.5540121, -28.5504949 ], [ -54.5533863, -28.5494447 ], [ -54.5526952, -28.5479556 ], [ -54.5526597, -28.5479085 ], [ -54.5536253, -28.5478511 ], [ -54.5533864, -28.5456751 ], [ -54.5567742, -28.5454048 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "id": "way/621876366", "properties": { "timestamp": "2023-10-18T02:45:19Z", "version": 4, "changeset": 142738776, "description": "Historic Jesuit Reduction", "heritage": "1", "heritage:operator": "whc", "historic": "archaeological_site", "name": "Ruínas Jesuítas de São Miguel das Missões", "ref:whc": "291-001", "source": "https://whc.unesco.org/document/128215", "source:name": "World Heritage Centre", "tourism": "attraction", "website": "https://whc.unesco.org/en/list/275", "whc:criteria": "(iv)", "whc:inscription_date": "1983", "wikidata": "Q503828", "wikipedia": "pt:Sítio Arqueológico de São Miguel Arcanjo", "id": "way/621876366" }, "geometry": { "type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [ [ [ -54.5567742, -28.5454048 ], [ -54.5569546, -28.5469697 ], [ -54.5571111, -28.5472788 ], [ -54.5574003, -28.5496854 ], [ -54.5574369, -28.550139 ], [ -54.5546724, -28.5508353 ], [ -54.5542476, -28.550937 ], [ -54.5540121, -28.5504949 ], [ -54.5533863, -28.5494447 ], [ -54.5526952, -28.5479556 ], [ -54.5526597, -28.5479085 ], [ -54.5536253, -28.5478511 ], [ -54.5533864, -28.5456751 ], [ -54.5567742, -28.5454048 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "id": "node/3884525779", "properties": { "timestamp": "2023-10-18T02:46:11Z", "version": 8, "changeset": 142738823, "end_date": "1756", "heritage:operator": "whc", "historic": "archaeological_site", "name": "Sítio Arqueológico de São Miguel Arcanjo", "name:es": "Ruinas Jesuíticas de San Migiel Arcángel", "note": "POR FAVOR: NO BORRAR ESTE NODO; pertenece a la relación completa de 30 pueblos; en caso de problema, contactar autor / Please: do not remove this node: it's member of a relation; if happen a problem, contact author", "ref:whc": "275", "ruins": "yes", "start_date": "1687", "tourism": "attraction", "website": "https://whc.unesco.org/en/list/275", "wikidata": "Q503828", "wikipedia": "pt:Sítio Arqueológico de São Miguel Arcanjo", "id": "node/3884525779" }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ -54.5548771, -28.5473261 ] } } ] }