#!/bin/bash # ipv6-dhclient-script - https://github.com/outime/ipv6-dhclient-script/ INTERFACE=$1 BLOCK_ADDR=$2 BLOCK_SUBNET=$3 BLOCK_DUID=$4 DEFAULT_INTERFACE=`ip route get | awk '{print $5; exit}'` write_from_template () { sed -e "s/{{INTERFACE}}/$INTERFACE/g" -e "s/{{BLOCK_ADDR}}/$BLOCK_ADDR/g" -e "s/{{BLOCK_SUBNET}}/$BLOCK_SUBNET/g" -e "s/{{BLOCK_DUID}}/$BLOCK_DUID/g" templates/$1 >> $2 } err_exit () { echo "$1" >&2 exit 1 } if [[ "$(id -u)" != 0 ]]; then err_exit "Sorry, you need to run this as root." fi if [[ -e /etc/debian_version ]]; then RELEASE=$(cat /etc/debian_version) DISTRO="Debian" elif [[ -f /etc/centos-release ]]; then RELEASE=$(rpm -q --queryformat '%{VERSION}' centos-release) DISTRO="CentOS${RELEASE}" else err_exit "This distribution type or version is not supported." fi while : do clear if ! [[ -f /proc/net/if_inet6 ]]; then err_exit "Seems that IPv6 is not supported by your kernel or the module is not loaded (is it blacklisted?)." fi echo "WARNING: Network will restart at the end of this script so any existing connections will be dropped!" while [[ $INTERFACE = "" ]]; do read -e -p "Interface where IPv6 will be enabled: " -i $DEFAULT_INTERFACE INTERFACE done CURRENT_IPV6=$(ip addr show dev $INTERFACE | sed -e's/^.*inet6 \([^ ]*\)\/.*$/\1/;t;d') if [[ $? -eq 0 ]]; then echo "You have the following IPv6 addreses configured for $INTERFACE:" echo "$CURRENT_IPV6" read -e -p "Continue? [Y/n]: " -i "Y" SKIP if ! [[ $SKIP =~ ^([yY][eE][sS]|[yY])$ ]]; then exit 1 fi fi while [[ $BLOCK_ADDR = "" ]]; do # to be replaced with regex read -p "Your IPv6 block address (e.g. 2001:bb8:3e23:200::): " BLOCK_ADDR done while ! [[ $BLOCK_SUBNET =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]]; do read -p "Subnet for your block (e.g. if it's /56, input 56): " BLOCK_SUBNET done while [[ $BLOCK_DUID = "" ]]; do # to be replaced with regex read -p "Associated DUID (e.g. 00:03:00:00:34:b0:0c:47:4a:0e): " BLOCK_DUID done echo "Working..." if [[ $DISTRO = "Debian" ]]; then write_from_template Debian/etc_network_interfaces /etc/network/interfaces elif [[ $DISTRO = "CentOS6" ]]; then write_from_template CentOS6/etc_init.d_ipv6-dhclient /etc/init.d/ipv6-dhclient chmod +x /etc/init.d/ipv6-dhclient elif [[ $DISTRO = "CentOS7" ]]; then write_from_template CentOS7/etc_systemd_system_ipv6-dhclient.service /etc/systemd/system/ipv6-dhclient.service fi write_from_template etc_dhcp_dhclient6.conf /etc/dhcp/dhclient6.conf if [[ $DISTRO = "Debian" ]]; then sysctl -w net.ipv6.conf.$INTERFACE.autoconf=0 write_from_template Debian/etc_sysctl.conf /etc/sysctl.conf ifdown $INTERFACE && ifup $INTERFACE if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then ifup $INTERFACE # see https://git.io/vbKYM fi elif [[ $DISTRO = "CentOS6" ]]; then chkconfig --add ipv6-dhclient service ipv6-dhclient start elif [[ $DISTRO = "CentOS7" ]]; then systemctl enable ipv6-dhclient systemctl restart ipv6-dhclient fi if [[ $DISTRO != "Debian" ]] || [[ $DISTRO = "Debian" && $VERSION != "6*" ]]; then # TODO: Support for loading IPv6 rules on boot for Debian Squeeze echo "Would you like to limit DHCP client traffic to prevent accidental UDP flood towards your provider?" echo "This will enable iptables, add a few rules and load them on boot along with other existing rules." if [[ $DISTRO = "Debian" ]]; then echo "This will install an additional package (iptables-persistent)."; fi read -e -p "Limit traffic? [Y/n]: " -i "Y" SKIP if [[ $SKIP =~ ^([yY][eE][sS]|[yY])$ ]]; then ip6tables -A OUTPUT -p udp --dport 547 -m limit --limit 10/min --limit-burst 5 -j ACCEPT ip6tables -A OUTPUT -p udp --dport 547 -j DROP if [[ $DISTRO = "Debian" ]]; then ip6tables-save > /etc/iptables/rules.v6 apt update -q && apt install -y iptables-persistent elif [[ $DISTRO = "CentOS*" ]]; then ip6tables-save > /etc/sysconfig/ip6tables chkconfig iptables on fi fi fi echo "Testing IPv6 connectivity..." IPV6_TEST=$(ping6 -c 8 ipv6.google.com | grep 'received' | awk -F',' '{ print $2 }' | awk '{ print $1 }') if [[ $IPV6_TEST > 0 ]]; then echo "Success!" else err_exit "Something went wrong :(" fi done