Version 2.6 -> 2.7 ------------------ - added wrapper for Locale.canonicalize() - added wrappers for MeasureUnit.product(), reciprocal(), getDimensionality() - added wrapper for MeasureUnit.forIdentifier() - implemented *, /, **, 1/m for MeasureUnit in terms of product and reciprocal - added wrappers for BasicTimeZone, RuleBasedTimeZone, VTimeZone - added wrappers for TimeZoneTransition, TimeZoneRule and its subclasses - added wrappers for DateTimeRule, DateRuleType, TimeRuleType - added support for ICU 69.1 Version 2.5 -> 2.6 ------------------ - added missing BreakIterator.getRuleStatus() wrapper - added wrappers for UBiDi API - added wrappers for UBiDiTransform API - added support for ICU 68.1 - added wrappers for DateIntervalFormat.get/setContext() - added wrapper for LocaleMatcher.isMatch() - added wrapper for LocaleMatcherBuilder.setDirection() - added wrappers LocaleMatcherBuilder.setMaxDistance(), setNoDefaultLocale() - added wrappers for MeasureUnit.getComplexity() and UMeasureUnitComplexity - added wrapper for MeasureUnit.getIdentifier() - switched MeasureUnit.__str__() to use MeasureUnit::getIdentifier() - added wrappers for new MeasureUnit static factory methods - added wrapper for FormattedNumber.getOutputUnit() - added wrapper for FormattedNumberRange.getDecimalNumbers() - added wrappers for|Range) Version 2.4.3 -> 2.5 -------------------- - added support for turning on -pedantic with gcc or clang - added support for ICU 67.1 - added wrappers for FormattedValue, ConstrainedFieldPosition, UFieldCategory - made FormattedValue iterable via nextPosition() - added wrappers for FormattedDateInterval, FormattedNumber, FormattedList - added wrappers for FormattedRelativeDateTime and enums - added wrappers for UNumberFormatFields, UNumberFormatAttribute - added wrappers for NumberRangeFormatter, FormattedNumberRange and enums - added icu.ICU_MAX_MAJOR_VERSION global set to largest ICU version supported Version 2.4.2 -> 2.4.3 ---------------------- - added Char.getPropertyValueName() and Char.getPropertyValueEnum() - fixed build errors with PythonReplaceable for ICU < 55 Version 2.4.1 -> 2.4.2 ---------------------- - fixed build issues with ICU < 59 Version 2.4 -> 2.4.1 -------------------- - added missing header files to Version 2.3.1 -> 2.4 -------------------- - workedaround mystery variations in test_Script.testSurrogatePairs - added support for RuleBasedBreakIterator.getBinaryRules() - added support for RuleBasedBreakIterator(binaryRules) - added wrappers for LocaleBuilder - added workaround for MSVC++ compiler issue (kochelmonster) - added support for ICU 65.1 - added wrappers for DecimalFormat.get|setMultiplierScale() - added wrapper for Locale.createUnicodeKeywords() - added wrappers for new MeasureUnit static factory methods - added wrappers for LocaleMatcher - added wrappers for LocaleMatcher::Builder as LocaleMatcher.Builder - added wrappers for LocaleMatcher::Result as LocaleMatcher.Result - added support for constructing Locale objects from keywords - locale.addLikelySubtags() and minimizeSubtags() now modify locale in place - added wrappers for BytesTrie, BytesTrie.Builder|Iterator|State - added wrappers for UCharsTrie, UCharsTrie.Builder|Iterator|State - added wrappers for GenderInfo - added support for implementing a subclass of Replaceable in Python - added support for using PythonReplaceable with Transliterator methods Version 2.3 -> 2.3.1 -------------------- - fixed build error with ICU 61, ICU 62 Version 2.2 -> 2.3 ------------------ - added support for also trying pkg-config for build configuration (Linux) - fixed compilation issue in collator.cpp when not using c++11 (and icu < 60) - added support for ICU 64.1 - filled out wrappers for missing NumberFormatter methods and classes Version 2.1 -> 2.2 ------------------ - added wrappers for AlphabeticIndex and ImmutableIndex - added wrapper for NumberingSystem - added wrapper for UGraphemeClusterBreak enum - added wrapper for UHangulSyllableType enum - added wrappers for Edits and Edits::Iterator and Edits support with CaseMap - added support for ICU 63.1 - added wrappers for Locale::to|fromLanguageTag - added wrappers for UIndicPositionalCategory, UIndicSyllabicCategory enums - added wrapper for UVerticalOrientation enum Version 2.0.6 -> 2.1 -------------------- - added wrapper for ULineBreak enum - fixed crasher with pypy3 6.0 Version 2.0.5 -> 2.0.6 ---------------------- - fixed another build error with ICU < 62 Version 2.0.4 -> 2.0.5 ---------------------- - fixed build error with ICU < 62 - added casemap.h to Version 2.0.3 -> 2.0.4 ---------------------- - added support for ICU 62.1 - added support for CaseMap (without Edits) Version 2.0.2 -> 2.0.3 ---------------------- - added wrappers for Region class and URegionType enum - added wrappers for MeasureFormat.formatMeasure and formatMeasurePerUnit - fixed build errors with ICU 59.1 - replaced occurrences of nullptr with NULL, -std=c++11 req'd w/only ICU >= 60 Version 2.0.1 -> 2.0.2 ---------------------- - fixed build error with ICU < 53 Version 2.0 -> 2.0.1 -------------------- - made Measure wrapper abstract when building with ICU < 53.1 - str(Measure) uses NumberFormatter when available Version 1.9.8 -> 2.0 -------------------- - use icu-config for configuring compiler and linker (Constantine Peresypkin) - added wrappers for UBidiPairedBracketType enum - added wrappers for UWordBreakValues enum - added wrappers for UJoiningGroup enum - added wrappers for 120+ MeasureUnit static factory methods - added wrapper for NoUnit class - added wrapper for TimeUnit class - added missing Measure constructor(Formattable or number, MeasureUnit) - added wrappers for NumberFormatter and related classes and enums, and tests - added wrapper for SimpleFormatter and tests - fixed bugs in using undefined values (Fredrik Roubert) - added wrapper for UMemory and made it UObject's base - removed unused Version 1.9.7 -> 1.9.8 ---------------------- - fixed bugs in "UnicodeString as sequence"; it's a sequence of 16-bit UChar - added support for ICU 60.1 Version 1.9.6 -> 1.9.7 ---------------------- - fixed bug in with Python 3 when ICU_VERSION obtained from env - added workaround for - added support for ICU 59.1 Version 1.9.5 -> 1.9.6 ---------------------- - turned icu into a package and moved into it - fixed a bunch of warnings about missing int/int32_t casts - added reduced version of missing in < 2.7 check_output() used in - added wrapper for MessageFormat::getFormatNames() - added check for ICU_VERSION env variable before calling icu-config - added wrappers for static Normalizer2 constructors that appeared in ICU 49 - hopefully workedaround 'daylight' #define on Windows Version 1.9.4 -> 1.9.5 ---------------------- - added icu-config --version check in to exclude libicule from libs - fixed bug with Python3.3+ <-> UnicodeString conversion with surrogate pairs - reworked Python3.3+ <-> UnicodeString with no allocations (Markus Scherer) - fixed bugs with 32bit Python2..Python3.2 <-> UnicodeString conversions - added conditionals around uses of features in newer ICUs (Keegan Parker) Version 1.9.3 -> 1.9.4 ---------------------- - added wrappers for uloc_addLikelySubtags(), uloc_minimizeSubtags() on Locale - fixed bug in some script.cpp wrappers not accepting surrogate pairs - added wrapper for UnicodeString.countChar32() and test - fixed crasher due to ICUException not incref'ing members during copy - added support for ICU 58.1 (conditionally removed layout engine wrapper) - fixed bug in StringCharacterIterator's dealloc freeing random memory - reworked Python <-> Unicode conversions for Python 3.3+ to use new APIs Version 1.9.2 -> 1.9.3 ---------------------- - added missing conditionals around uses of features in newer ICU versions - added wrappers for TimeZone::getIDForWindowsID, TimeZone::getWindowsID - added wrappers for DateTimePatternGenerator - added missing Context and BooleanAttribute wrappers on DateFormat - added support for ICU 57.1 - build tested with Python 2.7.5, Python 3.5.1 and PyPy 2.2.1 Version 1.9 -> 1.9.2 -------------------- - added to ensure nothing's missing in the 'sdist' package - enabled -Wwrite-strings and fixed warnings - added missing conditionals around uses of features in newer ICU versions Version 1.8 -> 1.9 ------------------ - fixed utf-8 conversion error position reporting (bug 13113) - fixed delete/delete[] bug in common.cpp (Fredrik Roubert) - added support for ICU 54.1 - added wrapper for USpoofChecker and related enums - added support for ICU 55.1 - replaced UnicodeString idna methods with new uidna.h UTS #46 wrapper (55.1) - added wrapper for Char functions and related enums (from uchar.h) - added wrapper for Shape defines and shapeArabic() (from ushape.h) - added wrapper for RelativeDateTimeFormatter (bug 13115) - build tested with Python 2.7.5, Python 3.3.0 and PyPy 2.2.1 Version 1.7 -> 1.8 ------------------ - added wrapper for Locale::getRoot() - added tp_hash implementation for Locale type based on Locale::hashCode() - fixed bug 13112 (Markus Scherer) - added support for building with PyPy (tested on PyPy 2.2.1 / Python 2.7.3) - added Locale(lcid) constructor calling uloc_getLocaleForLCID() - added wrapper for CompactDecimalFormat and its createInstance() method Version 1.6 -> 1.7 ------------------ - added missing #include for - fixed issues building against ICU 4.2 - added wrapper for Script.isRightToLeft() (bug 13081) - added support for ICU 53.1 (bug 13110) - added wrappers for other Script functions introduced in ICU 51 Version 1.5 -> 1.6 ------------------ - removed wrappers for some layoutengine.cpp internal flags (bug 13074) - added wrappers for ULocaleData functions (bug 13080) - added wrappers for uscript functions and UScriptCode enum (bug 13081) - generalized freebsd support (Laurence Parry) - added support for ICU 52.1 - added wrapper for Locale::setKeywordValue() - added Locale::removeKeywordValue() - added support for ListFormatter - build tested with Python 2.7 and Python 3.3.0 Version 1.4 -> 1.5 ------------------ - added wrapper for MessageFormat::format(argumentNames, arguments, ...) - fixed bug in t_transliterator_filteredTransliterate passing UBool for int - added wrapper for DateFormat::format(Calendar) - added wrapper for Calendar::set(UCalendarDateFields field, value) - added wrappers for UnicodeString::toTitle() w/o iterator (Fredrik Roubert) - added support for ICU 50.1 - improved test_Collator's testGetSortKey() (Markus Scherer) - added pypi classifiers to PyICU project info, including Python 3 tag - build tested with Python 2.7 and Python 3.3.0 Version 1.3 -> 1.4 ------------------ - fixed bug with default tzinfo set on ICUtzinfo type (bug 13038) - fixed bug 13040 (Martin Hosken) - added wrapper for Transliterator::toRules() - added missing wrapper for RuleBasedNumberFormat(URBNFRuleSetTag, Locale) - added support for ICU 49.1.1 - implemented wrapper for new NumberFormat.parseCurrency() - fixed bug in CurrencyAmount.str() not calling correct getDouble() overload - added ScriptCode constants new in 49.0 Version 1.2 -> 1.3 ------------------ - fixed bug 13031 - PyICU ready for Python 3.2 (tests pass 2to3'd) (Martin von Gagern) - added auto-conversion of test sources for Python 3 during setup - added support for LEFontInstance and LayoutEngine (Martin Hosken, bug 13035) - fixed bugs in RegexMatcher and RegexPattern not keeping their inputs - added support for ICU Version 1.1 -> 1.2 ------------------ - fixed bug 13009 (Martin von Gagern) - fixed bug 13011 (Martin von Gagern) - some unit test beautification (Martin von Gagern) - added macros for RTTI checks (Martin von Gagern) - fixed bug 13012 - fixed bug 13013 (Yuriy Pilgun) - added wrappers for Locale::isBogus()/setToBogus() (Jimmy Yuen Ho Wong) - fixed bug 13022 (Martin von Gagern) - added support for ICU 4.8 Version 1.0 -> 1.1 ------------------ - added support for ICU 4.6 - switched to using RTTI if ICU >= 4.6 instead of poor man's ICU RTTI - fixed bug with incorrect icu.VERSION string on Windows build Version 1.0 -> 1.0.1 -------------------- - removed variable length array uses in regex.cpp (Chandler Carruth) - fixed bug 12983 - fixed bug with BreakIterator.setText() not keeping reference to text - fixed incorrect conditional include in locale.cpp (Ralf Haring) - fixed incorrect spellings of PyErr_SetFromWindowsErrWithFilename (ditto) - fixed incorrect declaration of PythonTransliterator (Christian Heimes) Version 0.9 -> 1.0 ------------------ - added support for UnicodeSet, UnicodeFunctor, UnicodeFilter, UnicodeMatcher - added support for RegexPattern and RegexMatcher - added support for Normalizer - added support for UTransPosition (Christoph Burgmer) - added support for UTransPosition and UnicodeFilter methods to Transliterator - fixed bug in UnicodeString single character assignment method - added support for extending Transliterator from Python (Christoph Burgmer) - improved support for in-place operations on UnicodeStrings - added support for Transliterator::registerInstance (Christoph Burgmer) - added support for ICU 4.4 - added support for Normalizer2, FilteredNormalizer2 if ICU version >= 4.4 - added support for SelectFormat if ICU version >= 4.4 - added support for TimeUnitFormat if ICU version >= 4.2 - added support for PluralRules and PluralFormat if ICU version >= 4.0 - added support for DateInterval, DateIntervalFormat if ICU version >= 4.0 - added support for CurrencyPluralInfo if ICU version >= 4.2 - added support for UnicodeSetIterator and UnicodeSet iterates via it - added support for SearchIterator and StringSearch - added some missing Collator and RuleBasedCollator methods - refreshed README and CREDITS - fixed bugs with UnicodeString-converted text arg ownership in iterators - added missing conditionals for features in ICU versions >= 4.0 - README now marked-up with reStructuredText (Christoph Burgmer) - PyICU main module renamed to 'icu' (with deprecation warning for old name) - UnicodeString objects are now hashable - reviewed all wrapped ICU setters for parameter ownership - removed symbol prefixes from wrapped typed enums symbols - added ResourceBundle.setAppData() implementation that memory maps file Version 0.8 -> 0.9 ------------------ - fixed 64-bit random crasher bug in registerType()/isInstance() - fixed bug 11548 - added entries for freebsd7 to (Jan Gehring) - added support for building on Solaris (Christian Kesselheim) - added missing wrapper for Collator.getSortKey() - added support for built-in Transliterators (bug 12870) - removed support for ICU internal URES_TABLE32 ResourceBundle type - added support for TimeZone::getDSTSavings() (Jimmy Yuen Ho Wong) - added support for ICU 4.2 - refreshed README Version 0.6 -> 0.8 ------------------ - ICUtzinfo and FloatingTZ types now written in C for faster performance - fixed bug 8180 - fixed bug 9229 - reworked FloatingTZ to optionally wrap a specific tzinfo instead of default - incorporated c++ patches by Fredrik Roubert - changed Exact unicode and string check to allow subclasses - replaced Makefile with for distutils-based build (Bernd Zeimetz) - PyICU supported with ICU 3.6 or 3.8 - PyICU supported on 64-bit processors (bug 11394) Version 0.5 -> 0.6 ------------------ - integrated patch to support Python 2.3 and MSVC 6 - changed naive datetime to UDate conversion to use ICUtzinfo.default - fixed bug not checking return value of PyImport_ImportModule - PyICU now wraps ICU 3.6 - added support for building with Python 2.5 - added support for CharsetDetector and CharsetMatch C ICU APIs - added UnicodeString.encode() to access compression and conversion APIs - added support for IDNA APIs to UnicodeString - added support for MessageFormat(string) %(objs) style formatting - fixed bug in Formattable constructor not accepting a python unicode string - added support for BreakIterator::DONE - added support for BreakIterator::getText() - added support for BreakIterator::nextBoundary() to bypass iterator code Version 0.4 -> 0.5 ------------------ - changed OS X linking to resolve all symbols at link time - Collator.getCollationKey() wasn't working - added Collator.getCollationKey(string) overload - using u_strFromUTF32() now to convert 4 byte unicode to 2 byte unicode - improved support for Python 2.3 - PyICU no longer uses SWIG, wrappers are written by hand - all APIs returning UnicodeString now return 'unicode' - all APIs returning UnicodeString also take a UnicodeString arg to return it Version 0.3 -> 0.4 ------------------ - PyICU now wraps ICU 3.4 - added Calendar.getType(), changed Calendar.__repr__() - added Locale.createKeywords(), Locale.getKeywordValue() - moved Locale to locale.i and added support for ResourceBundle - replaced TimeZone.adoptDefault() with TimeZone.getDefault() Version 0.2 -> 0.3 ------------------ - added support for CanonicalIterator, CollationElementIterator - added static formatMessage() method on MessageFormat - added static encoding helper methods to UnicodeString - reworked PyString_AsUnicodeString() to report decode errors by default - added support for Collator, RuleBasedCollator and CollationKey - added test_Collator unit tests - added test_MessageFormat unit tests - fixed various MessageFormat bugs - fixed bug in ICUtzinfo, now returning copy of ICU TimeZone instance - fixed bug in TimeZone.adoptDefault() not checking type of pointer - added __eq__, __ne__ and __hash__ methods to ICUtzinfo - MessageFormat.getFormats() now returns copies of concrete formats Version 0.1 -> 0.2 ------------------ - added most missing UnicodeString methods - added support for the BreakIterator and CharacterIterator classes Version 0.0 -> 0.1 ------------------ - initial release