%G OVERTURE @INPROCEEDINGS{Alves06, KEY = "Alves06", AUTHOR = "Tiago M. L. Alves", TITLE = "Sex Up Overture", BOOKTITLE = "Third Overture Workshop at Newcastle University", YEAR = "2006", MONTH = "November", NOTE = "", ANNOTE = "", COMMENT = ""} %G VDM OVERTURE @TECHREPORT{Battle&15, KEY = "Battle\&15", AUTHOR = "Battle, Nick and Fitzgerald, John", INSTITUTION = "{School of Computing Science, Newcastle University}", TITLE = "{Proceedings of the 12th Overture Workshop, Newcastle University, 21 June, 2014}", NUMBER = "CS-TR-1446", YEAR = "2014", PAGES = "52", url_Paper = {http://www.cs.ncl.ac.uk/publications/trs/papers/1446.pdf}, MONTH = "January"} %G OVERTURE @BOOK{Chacon09, key = {Chacon09}, author = {Scott Chacon}, title = {Pro Git}, publisher = {Apress}, year = {2009}, month = {August}, ISBN = {978-1430218333}, } %G VDM VDM++ TOOL OVERTURE @MASTERSTHESIS{Christensen07, KEY = "Christensen07", AUTHOR = "Thomas John H\o{}rlyck Christensen", TITLE = "{Extending the VDM++ Formal Specification Language with Type Inference and Generic Classes}", SCHOOL = "Aarhus University", ADDRESS = "Computer Science Department", YEAR = "2007", MONTH = "April", ANNOTE = "", COMMENT = "I have a copy PGL"} %G TOOL VDM TOOL OVERTURE @INPROCEEDINGS{Coleman&12b, KEY = "Coleman\&12", AUTHOR = "Joey W. Coleman and Anders Kaels Malmos and Claus Ballegaard Nielsen and Peter Gorm Larsen", TITLE = "{Evolution of the Overture Tool Platform}", BOOKTITLE = "Proceedings of the 10th Overture Workshop 2012", SERIES = "School of Computing Science, Newcastle University", YEAR = "2012", COMMENT = ""} %G COMPASSPUB OVERTURE @INPROCEEDINGS{Couto&13a, KEY = "Couto\&13", TITLE = "{The COMPASS Proof Obligation Generator: A test case of Overture Extensibility}", AUTHOR = "Couto, Lu{\'i}s Diogo and Payne, Richard", BOOKTITLE = "Proceedings of the 11th Overture Workshop", YEAR = "2013", COMMENT = ""} %G VDM OVERTURE TOOL @INPROCEEDINGS{Couto&15a, AUTHOR = "Lu{\'i}s Diogo Couto and Peter W. V. Tran-J{\o}rgensen and Joey W. Coleman and Kenneth Lausdahl", TITLE = "{Migrating to an Extensible Architecture for Abstract Syntax Trees}", BOOKTITLE = "12th Working IEEE / IFIP Conference on Software Architecture", YEAR = "2015", MONTH = "May", ANNOTE = ""} %G VDM OVERTURE TOOL @INPROCEEDINGS{Couto&15b, key = {Couto&15}, AUTHOR = "Lu{\'i}s Diogo Couto and Peter W. V. Tran-J{\o}rgensen", TITLE = "{Extending the Overture code generator towards Isabelle syntax}", BOOKTITLE = "Proceedings of the 13th Overture Workshop", PUBLISHER = "Center for Global Research in Advanced Software Science and Engineering", ADDRESS = "National Institute of Informatics, 2-1-2 Hitotsubashi, Chiyoda-Ku, Tokyo, Japan", YEAR = "2015", MONTH = "June", PAGES = "48-59", NOTE = "GRACE-TR-2015-06", URL = "http://grace-center.jp/wp-content/uploads/2012/05/13thOverture-Proceedings.pdf", ANNOTE = "", COMMENT = ""} %G VDM OVERTURE TOOL @INPROCEEDINGS{Couto&15c, KEY = "Couto\&15", AUTHOR = "Lu{\'i}s Diogo Couto and Peter Gorm Larsen and Miran Hasanagic and Georgios Kanakis and Kenneth Lausdahl and Peter W. V. Tran-J\o{}rgensen", EDITOR = "", TITLE = "{Towards Enabling Overture as a Platform for Formal Notation IDEs}", BOOKTITLE = "2nd Workshop on Formal-IDE (F-IDE)", ADDRESS = "Oslo, Norway", YEAR = "2015", MONTH = "June", ANNOTE = "", COMMENT = "BIB WE have the sources"} %G VDM OVERTURE @MASTERSTHESIS{Esparza11, KEY = "Esparza11", AUTHOR = "Jos\'e Antonio Esparza Isasa", TITLE = "{A VDM-RT Methodology for the Hardware/Software Co-design of Embedded Systems}", SCHOOL = "Aarhus University School of Engineering", ADDRESS = "Finlandsgade 22, 8200 Aarhus, Denmark", YEAR = "2011", MONTH = "December", PAGES = "", SIZE = "260", NOTE = "Supervised by Prof. Peter Gorm Larsen. Available on-line at \url{http://overturetool.org/publications/theses/Esparza11.pdf}", ANNOTE = "", COMMENT = "BIB JAE. I have the sources."} %G VDM OVERTURE @INPROCEEDINGS{Esparza&12, KEY = "Esparza\&12", AUTHOR = "Jos\'e Antonio Esparza Isasa and Peter Gorm Larsen and Kim Bjerge", TITLE = "{Supporting the Partitioning Process in Hardware/Software Co-design with VDM-RT}", BOOKTITLE = "Proceedings of the 10th Overture Workshop 2012", SERIES = "School of Computing Science, Newcastle University", YEAR = "2012", COMMENT = "BIB JAE"} %G VDM OVERTURE @INPROCEEDINGS{Esparza&13, KEY = "Esparza\&13", AUTHOR = "Jos\'e Antonio Esparza Isasa and Finn Overgaard Hansen and Peter Gorm Larsen", TITLE = "{Embedded Systems Energy Consumption Analysis Through Co-modelling and Simulation}", BOOKTITLE = "Proceedings of the International Conference on Modeling and Simulation, ICMS 2013", ORGANIZATION = "World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology", YEAR = "2013", MONTH = "June"} %G VDM OVERTURE @INPROCEEDINGS{Esparza&13b, KEY = "Esparza\&13b", AUTHOR = "Jos\'e Antonio Esparza Isasa and Peter Gorm Larsen", TITLE = "{Modelling Different CPU Power States in VDM-RT}", BOOKTITLE = "Proceedings of the 11th Overture Workshop 2013", SERIES = "Aarhus University", YEAR = "2013", MONTH = "June", COMMENT = "BIB JAE"} %G VDM OVERTURE @INPROCEEDINGS{Esparza&13c, KEY = "Esparza\&13c", AUTHOR = "Jos\'e Antonio Esparza Isasa and Peter W.V. J\o{}rgensen and Peter Gorm Larsen", TITLE = "{Hardware In the Loop for VDM-Real Time Modelling of Embedded Systems}", BOOKTITLE = "MODELSWARD 2014, Second International Conference on Model-Driven Engineering and Software Development", SERIES = "", YEAR = "2014", MONTH = "January", COMMENT = "BIB JAE"} %G COMPASSPUB SOS OVERTURE @inproceedings{Nielsen&14b, KEY = "Nielsen\&14b", AUTHOR = "Claus Ballegaard Nielsen and Kenneth Lausdahl and Peter Gorm Larsen", TITLE = "{Distributed Simulation of Formal Models in System of Systems Engineering}", BOOKTITLE = "{4th IEEE track on Collaborative Modelling and Simulation in IEEE WETICE 2014}", YEAR = "2014", MONTH = "June", NOTE = ""} %G VDM OVERTURE @TECHREPORT{Fitzgerald&06a, KEY = "Fitzgerald\&06a", AUTHOR = "J. S. Fitzgerald and P. G. Larsen and N. Plat~(Eds.)", TITLE = "{Towards Next Generation Tools for VDM: Contributions to the First International Overture Workshop, Newcastle, July 2005}", INSTITUTION = "School of Computing Science, Newcastle University", NUMBER = "CS-TR-969", MONTH = "June", YEAR = "2006" } %G VDM TOOL APPLY OVERTURE @TECHREPORT{Fitzgerald&08b, KEY = "Fitzgerald\&08", AUTHOR = {J. S. Fitzgerald and P. G. Larsen and S. Sahara}, TITLE = "Modelling and Analysis in VDM: Proceedings of the Fourth VDM/Overture Workshop", INSTITUTION = "School of Computing Science, Newcastle University", YEAR = "2008", MONTH = "May", NUMBER = "{CS-TR-1099}", SIZE = "71"} %G VDM OVERTURE TOOL CPS DESTECS @ARTICLE{Gamble&15, KEY = "Gamble\&15", AUTHOR = "Carl Gamble and Martin Mansfield and John Fitzgerald and Peter Gorm Larsen", TITLE = "{Pacemaker Parameter Tuning using Crescendo}", BOOKTITLE = "Proceedings of the 13th Overture Workshop", PUBLISHER = "Center for Global Research in Advanced Software Science and Engineering", ADDRESS = "National Institute of Informatics, 2-1-2 Hitotsubashi, Chiyoda-Ku, Tokyo, Japan", YEAR = "2015", MONTH = "June", PAGES = "116-131", NOTE = "GRACE-TR-2015-06", URL = "http://grace-center.jp/wp-content/uploads/2012/05/13thOverture-Proceedings.pdf", ANNOTE = "", COMMENT = ""} %G VDM COMPASS DESTECS OVERTURE @MISC{GPLv3, KEY = "GPLv3", TITLE = "{GNU} General Public License, version 3", HOWPUBLISHED = "\url{http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html}", NOTE = "Last retrieved 2012-06-29", YEAR = "2007", MONTH = "June" } %G COMPASSPUB VDM OVERTURE @INPROCEEDINGS{Hallerstede&13, KEY = "Hallerstede\&13", AUTHOR = "Stefan Hallerstede and Peter Gorm Larsen", TITLE = "Modelling a Smart Grid System-of-Systems using VDM", BOOKTITLE = "Overture 2013", PUBLISHER = "Aarhus University", ADDRESS = "Technical Report, ECE-TR-17", YEAR = "2013", MONTH = "August", ANNOTE = "", COMMENT = "BIB PGL"} %G VDM OVERTURE TOOL @MASTERSTHESIS{Hasanagic14, KEY = "Hasanagic14", AUTHOR = "Miran Hasanagi\'{c}", TITLE = "{Code Generation for Distributed Systems Modelled in VDM-RT}", SCHOOL = "Aarhus University", ADDRESS = "Department of Engineering", YEAR = "2014", MONTH = "December", SIZE = "122", ANNOTE = "", COMMENT = ""} %G VDM OVERTURE TOOL @INPROCEEDINGS{Hasanagic&15, KEY = {Hasanagic\&15}, AUTHOR = "Miran Hasanagic and Peter Gorm Larsen and Peter W.V.\ Tran-J\o{}rgensen", TITLE = "{Generating Java RMI for the distributed aspects of VDM-RT models}", BOOKTITLE = "Proceedings of the 13th Overture Workshop", PUBLISHER = "Center for Global Research in Advanced Software Science and Engineering", ADDRESS = "National Institute of Informatics, 2-1-2 Hitotsubashi, Chiyoda-Ku, Tokyo, Japan", YEAR = "2015", MONTH = "June", PAGES = "75-89", NOTE = "GRACE-TR-2015-06", URL = "http://grace-center.jp/wp-content/uploads/2012/05/13thOverture-Proceedings.pdf", ANNOTE = "", COMMENT = ""} %G VDM VDM++ OVERTURE @INPROCEEDINGS{Ishikawa&09, KEY = "Ishikawa\&09", AUTHOR = "Fuyuki Ishikawa and Kenji Taguchi and Shinichi Honiden", TITLE = "{How Top-Level Engineers Learn and Investigate VDM: Experiences in the Top SE Project}", NOTE = "The 7th Overture workshop at FM'09", YEAR = "2009", MONTH = "November", ANNOTE = "", COMMENT = "I have the source (PGL)"} %G VDM OVERTURE @PROCEEDINGS{Ishikawa&15, KEY = "Ishikawa\&15", EDITOR = "Fuyuki Ishikawa and Peter Gorm Larsen", TITLE = "Proceedings of the 13th Overture Workshop", PUBLISHER = "Center for Global Research in Advanced Software Science and Engineering", ADDRESS = "National Institute of Informatics, 2-1-2 Hitotsubashi, Chiyoda-Ku, Tokyo, Japan", YEAR = "2015", MONTH = "June", SIZE = "139", NOTE = "GRACE-TR-2015-06", URL = "http://grace-center.jp/wp-content/uploads/2012/05/13thOverture-Proceedings.pdf", ANNOTE = "", COMMENT = ""} %G VDM OVERTURE TOOL @ARTICLE{Ishikawa15, KEY = "Ishikawa15", AUTHOR = "Fuyuki Ishikawa", TITLE = "{Case Studies on Combination of VDM and Test-Driven Approaches: Application, Model Finding and Refinement}", BOOKTITLE = "Proceedings of the 13th Overture Workshop", PUBLISHER = "Center for Global Research in Advanced Software Science and Engineering", ADDRESS = "National Institute of Informatics, 2-1-2 Hitotsubashi, Chiyoda-Ku, Tokyo, Japan", YEAR = "2015", MONTH = "June", PAGES = "104-115", NOTE = "GRACE-TR-2015-06", URL = "http://grace-center.jp/wp-content/uploads/2012/05/13thOverture-Proceedings.pdf", ANNOTE = "", COMMENT = ""} %G DESTECS OVERTURE @MASTERSTHESIS{Jorgensen12, KEY = "J\o{}rgensen12", AUTHOR = "Peter W.V. J\o{}rgensen", TITLE = "{Evaluation of Development Process for co-models}", SCHOOL = "Aarhus University/Engineering College of Aarhus", YEAR = "2012", MONTH = "December", SIZE = "", ANNOTE = "", COMMENT = ""} %G VDM TOOL OVERTURE @INPROCEEDINGS{Jorgensen&13, KEY = "J\o{}rgensen\&13", AUTHOR = "Peter W.V. J\o{}rgensen and Kenneth Lausdahl and Peter Gorm Larsen", TITLE = "{An Architectural Evolution of the Overture Tool}", BOOKTITLE = "The Overture 2013 workshop", YEAR = "2013", MONTH = "August", ANNOTE = ""} %G VDM TOOL OVERTURE @INPROCEEDINGS{Jorgensen&13b, KEY = "J\o{}rgensen\&13", AUTHOR = "Peter W.V. J\o{}rgensen and Peter Gorm Larsen", TITLE = "{Towards an Overture Code Generator}", BOOKTITLE = "The Overture 2013 workshop", YEAR = "2013", MONTH = "August", ANNOTE = ""} @INPROCEEDINGS{Jorgensen&13c, KEY = "J\o{}rgensen\&13", AUTHOR = "Peter W.V. J\o{}rgensen and Sune Wolff", TITLE = "{Five Views of a Collaborative Model}", BOOKTITLE = "Submitted to the 17th International Conference on Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control (HSCC 2014)", YEAR = "2014", MONTH = "April", ANNOTE = ""} %G VDM OVERTURE TOOL @INPROCEEDINGS{Jorgensen&14a, KEY = "J\o{}rgensen\&14", AUTHOR = "Peter W.V. J\o{}rgensen and Lu{\'i}s D. Couto and Morten Larsen", TITLE = "{A Code Generation Platform for VDM}", BOOKTITLE = "The Overture 2014 workshop", YEAR = "2014", MONTH = "June", ANNOTE = ""} %G VDM OVERTURE TOOL @MASTERSTHESIS{Kanakis14, KEY = "Kanakis14", AUTHOR = "Georgios Kanakis", TITLE = "{Concurrency code generator for the VDM++ Language}", SCHOOL = "Aarhus University", ADDRESS = "Department of Engineering", YEAR = "2014", MONTH = "December", SIZE = "89", ANNOTE = "", COMMENT = ""} %G VDM OVERTURE TOOL @INPROCEEDINGS{Kanakis&15, KEY = {Kanakis&15}, AUTHOR = "Georgios Kanakis and Peter Gorm Larsen and Peter W.V.\ Tran-J\o{}rgensen", TITLE = "{Code Generation of VDM++ Concurrency}", BOOKTITLE = "Proceedings of the 13th Overture Workshop", PUBLISHER = "Center for Global Research in Advanced Software Science and Engineering", ADDRESS = "National Institute of Informatics, 2-1-2 Hitotsubashi, Chiyoda-Ku, Tokyo, Japan", YEAR = "2015", MONTH = "June", PAGES = "60-74", NOTE = "GRACE-TR-2015-06", URL = "http://grace-center.jp/wp-content/uploads/2012/05/13thOverture-Proceedings.pdf", ANNOTE = "", COMMENT = ""} %G VDM OVERTURE @INPROCEEDINGS{Kurita15, KEY = "Kurita15", AUTHOR = "Taro Kurita", EDITOR = "Fuyuki Ishikawa and Peter Gorm Larsen", TITLE = "Advance in VDM Application to Development of Mobile FeliCa IC Chip Firmware -- Toward Readable VDM Specification for Reliable System and Good Relationships", BOOKTITLE = "Proceedings of the 13th Overture Workshop", PUBLISHER = "Center for Global Research in Advanced Software Science and Engineering", ADDRESS = "National Institute of Informatics, 2-1-2 Hitotsubashi, Chiyoda-Ku, Tokyo, Japan", YEAR = "2015", MONTH = "June", PAGES = "1-2", NOTE = "GRACE-TR-2015-06", ANNOTE = "", COMMENT = ""} %G VDM OVERTURE @TECHREPORT{Larsen&10e, KEY = "Larsen\&10", AUTHOR = "Peter Gorm Larsen and Sune Wolff and Nick Battle and John Fitzgerald and Ken Pierce", TITLE = "Development Process of Distributed Embedded Systems using VDM", INSTITUTION = "The Overture Open Source Initiative", YEAR = "2010", MONTH = "April", NUMBER = "TR-2010-02", ANNOTE = "", COMMENT = ""} %G VDM OVERTURE @MISC{Larsen&10h, key = "Larsen\&10", AUTHOR ="Peter Gorm Larsen and Kenneth Lausdahl", TITLE ="{Overture/VDM Tools Status}", HOWPUBLISHED="{Handout at SEFM20 Tool Workshop}", MONTH ="September", YEAR ="2010", NOTE ="Second edition"} %G VDM OVERTURE @inproceedings{Larsen&10i, key = "Larsen\&10", AUTHOR = "Peter Gorm Larsen and Nick Battle and Miguel Ferreira and John Fitzgerald and Kenneth Lausdahl and Marcel Verhoef", TITLE = "{The Overture Initiative -- Integrating Tools for VDM}", BOOKTITLE = "{Harnessing Theories for Tool Support in Software}", editor = "Min Zhang and Volker Stolz", MONTH ="November", YEAR ="2010", pages ="9--19"} %G SOS CPS COMPASSPUB DESTECSPUB OVERTURE @INPROCEEDINGS{Larsen&12a, KEY = "Larsen\&12", AUTHOR = "Peter Gorm Larsen and Joey W.\ Coleman and John Fitzgerald", EDITOR = "Alexander K. Petrenko", TITLE = "{Getting Software Engineering out of Isolation}", BOOKTITLE = "SYRCoSE Software Engineering Colloquium", ADDRESS = "Perm, Russia", YEAR = "2012", MONTH = "May", NOTE = "ISBN 978-5-91474-019-8", PAGES = "", ANNOTE = "", COMMENT = "BIB PGL I also have the sources"} %G VDM TOOL OVERTURE @TECHREPORT{Larsen&13a, KEY = "Larsen\&13", AUTHOR = "Peter Gorm Larsen and Kenneth Lausdahl and Peter J\o{}rgensen and Joey Coleman and Sune Wolff and Nick Battle", TITLE = "{Overture VDM-10 Tool Support: User Guide}", INSTITUTION = "The Overture Initiative", ADDRESS = "www.overturetool.org", YEAR = "2013", MONTH = "April", NUMBER = "TR-2010-02", SIZE = "130", ANNOTE = "", COMMENT = "We have the sources PGL"} %G VDM TOOL OVERTURE @TECHREPORT{Larsen&13b, KEY = "Larsen\&13", AUTHOR = "Peter Gorm Larsen and Kenneth Lausdahl and Nick Battle and John Fitzgerald and Sune Wolff and Shin Sahara", TITLE = "{VDM-10 Language Manual}", INSTITUTION = "The Overture Initiative", ADDRESS = "www.overturetool.org", YEAR = "2013", MONTH = "April", NUMBER = "TR-001", SIZE = "208", ANNOTE = "", COMMENT = "We have the sources PGL"} %G VDM OVERTURE TOOL @ARTICLE{Larsen&15a, KEY = "Larsen\&15a", AUTHOR = "Morten Larsen and Peter W.V. J\o{}rgensen and Peter Gorm Larsen", TITLE = "{Improving Time Estimates in VDM-RT Models}", BOOKTITLE = "Proceedings of the 13th Overture Workshop", PUBLISHER = "Center for Global Research in Advanced Software Science and Engineering", ADDRESS = "National Institute of Informatics, 2-1-2 Hitotsubashi, Chiyoda-Ku, Tokyo, Japan", YEAR = "2015", MONTH = "June", PAGES = "90-103", NOTE = "GRACE-TR-2015-06", URL = "http://grace-center.jp/wp-content/uploads/2012/05/13thOverture-Proceedings.pdf", ANNOTE = "", COMMENT = ""} %G INTOCPSPUB VDM TOOL OVERTURE @ARTICLE{Larsen&15a, KEY = "Larsen\&15", AUTHOR = "Peter Gorm Larsen and John Fitzgerald", TITLE = "{The evolution of VDM tools from the 1990s to 2015 and the influence of CAMILA}", JOURNAL = "Journal of Logical and Algebraic Methods in Programming", YEAR = "2015", MONTH = "October", VOLUME = "", NUMBER = "", PAGES = "", ISSN = "2352-2208", DOI = "http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jlamp.2015.10.001", ANNOTE = "", COMMENT = "BIB I have the sources (PGL)"} %G INTOCPSPUB VDM TOOL OVERTURE @INPROCEEDINGS{Larsen&16a, KEY = "Larsen\&16", AUTHOR = "Peter Gorm Larsen and John Fitzgerald and Jim Woodcock and Peter Fritzson and J{\"{o}}rg Brauer and Christian Kleijn and Thierry Lecomte and Markus Pfeil and Ole Green and Stylianos Basagiannis and Andrey Sadovykh", TITLE = "{Integrated Tool Chain for Model-based Design of Cyber-Physical Systems: The INTO-CPS Project}", BOOKTITLE = "Submitted for DATE 2016", PUBLISHER = "", ADDRESS = "Dresden, Germany", YEAR = "2016", MONTH = "March", PAGES = "", SIZE = "", NOTE = "", ANNOTE = "", COMMENT = ""} %G INTOCPSPUB VDM TOOL OVERTURE @INPROCEEDINGS{Larsen&16b, KEY = "Larsen\&16", AUTHOR = "Peter Gorm Larsen and Jose Esparza and John Fitzgerald and Stefan Hallerstede and Ole Green", TITLE = "{Modelling and Simulating an Agricultural Robot}", BOOKTITLE = "Submitted for ICCPS 2016", ORGANIZATION = "CPS Week", PUBLISHER = "", ADDRESS = "Vienna, Austria", YEAR = "2016", MONTH = "April", PAGES = "", SIZE = "", NOTE = "", ANNOTE = "", COMMENT = ""} %G COMPASSPUB OVERTURE @INPROCEEDINGS{Lauritsen&12, KEY = "Lauritsen&12", AUTHOR = "Rasmus Lauritsen and Lasse Lorenzen", TITLE = "{Towards an extensible core model for Digital Rights Management in {VDM}}", BOOKTITLE = "Proceedings of the 10th Overture Workshop 2012", SERIES = "School of Computing Science, Newcastle University", YEAR = "2012", COMMENT = ""} %G VDM UML TOOL OVERTURE @MASTERSTHESIS{Lausdahl&08, KEY = "Lausdahl\&08", AUTHOR = "Kenneth Lausdahl and Hans Kristian Lintrup", TITLE = "{Coupling Overture to MDA and UML}", SCHOOL = "Aarhus University/Engineering College of Aarhus", YEAR = "2008", MONTH = "December", SIZE = "282", ANNOTE = "", COMMENT = "I have a copy PGL"} %G VDM OVERTURE @UNPUBLISHED{Lausdahl&10b, KEY = "Lausdahl\&10b", AUTHOR = "Kenneth Lausdahl and Peter Gorm Larsen", TITLE = "{VDM-RT Scheduling in Overture}", YEAR = "2009", MONTH = "April", SIZE = "16", NOTE = "{Model driven development using VDM++ and UML II}", INSTITUTION = "Aarhus University/Engineering College of Aarhus", COMMENT = "BIB JAE. I have the presentation. VDM 2 course material."} %G VDM OVERTURE @INPROCEEDINGS{Lausdahl&10, KEY = "Lausdahl\&10", AUTHOR = "Kenneth Lausdahl and Marcel Verhoef and Peter Gorm Larsen and Sune Wolff", TITLE = "{Overview of VDM-RT Constructs and Semantic Issues}", BOOKTITLE = "Proceedings of the 8th Overture Workshop", YEAR = "2010", MONTH = "September", LOCATION = "Newcastle, UK", SERIES = {Technical Report Series}, NUMBER = {CS-TR-1224}, PAGES = {57--67}, EDITOR = {Ken Pierce and Nico Plat and Sune Wolf}, } %G VDM COSIM TOOL OVERTURE @INPROCEEDINGS{Lausdahl&11c, KEY = "Lausdahl\&11", AUTHOR = "Kenneth Lausdahl and Augusto Ribeiro", TITLE = "{Automated Exploration of Alternative System Architectures with VDM-RT}", BOOKTITLE = "Proceedings of the 9th Overture Workshop", YEAR = "2011", location ="Limerick, Ireland", MONTH ="June", SERIES = {Technical Report Series}, NUMBER = {ECE-TT-2}, pages ={17--31}, EDITOR = {Sune Wolff and John Fitzgerald}, URL = "http://eng.au.dk/fileadmin/DJF/ENG/PDF-filer/Tekniske_rapporter/Technical_Report_ECE-TT-2-SAMLET.pdf" } %G VDM TOOL OVERTURE @TECHREPORT{Lausdahl&11d, KEY = "Lausdahl\&11d", AUTHOR = "Kenneth Lausdahl", TITLE = "{Enhancing Formal Modelling Tool Support with Increased Automation}", INSTITUTION = "Aarhus University", YEAR = "2011", MONTH = "October", NUMBER = "{ECE-TR-4}", URL = "http://eng.au.dk/fileadmin/DJF/ENG/PDF-filer/Tekniske_rapporter/Technical_Report_ECE_TR-4-samlet.pdf"} %G VDM COSIM TOOL DESTECS OVERTURE @INPROCEEDINGS{Lausdahl&12, KEY = {Lausdahl\&12}, AUTHOR = {Lausdahl, Kenneth and Coleman, Joey W. and Larsen, Peter Gorm}, BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 10th Overture Workshop}, EDITOR = {Nico Plat and Claus Ballegaard Nielsen and Steve Riddle}, MONTH = {August}, NUMBER = {CS-TR-1345}, ORGANIZATION = {Computing Science, Newcastle University}, SERIES = {Technical Report Series}, TITLE = {Towards a Co-simulation Semantics of {VDM-RT/Overture} and 20-sim}, YEAR = {2012}, URL = "http://www.cs.ncl.ac.uk/publications/trs/papers/1345.pdf", pages = "30--37", } %G VDM ALLOY TOOL OVERTURE @incollection{Lausdahl&13, KEY = "Lausdahl13", year ={2013}, isbn ={978-3-642-38612-1}, booktitle ={Integrated Formal Methods}, volume ={7940}, series ={Lecture Notes in Computer Science}, editor ={Johnsen, Einar Broch and Petre, Luigia}, doi ={10.1007/978-3-642-38613-8\_4}, title ="{Translating VDM to Alloy}", url ={http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-38613-8\_4}, publisher ={Springer Berlin Heidelberg}, author ={Lausdahl, Kenneth}, pages ={46-60}, note ={10th International Conference, IFM 2013}, } @TECHREPORT{Lausdahl&13a, KEY = "Lausdahl\&13a", AUTHOR = "Kenneth Lausdahl and Joey W. Coleman and Peter Gorm Larsen", TITLE = "{Semantics of the VDM Real-Time Dialect}", INSTITUTION = "Aarhus University", YEAR = "2013", MONTH = "April", NUMBER = "{ECE-TR-13}"} @UNPUBLISHED{Lausdahl&13b, KEY = "Lausdahl\&13b", AUTHOR = "Kenneth Lausdahl and Joey W. Coleman and Peter Gorm Larsen", TITLE = "{The Execution Semantics of VDM Real-Time in a Co-Simulation Environment}", NOTE = "{Submitted for publication to the International Journal on Software Tools for Technology Transfer}", YEAR = "2013", MONTH = "June", } %G VDM TOOL VDM++ OVERTURE @MASTERSTHESIS{Maimaiti11, KEY = "Maimaiti11", AUTHOR = "Maihemutijiang Maimaiti", TITLE = "Towards Development of Overture/VDM++ to Java Code Generator", SCHOOL = "Aarhus University", ADDRESS = "Department of Computer Science", YEAR = "2011", MONTH = "May", SIZE = "89", ANNOTE = "", COMMENT = "I have a copy (PGL)"} %G VDM OVERTURE TOOL @INPROCEEDINGS{Masci&15a, KEY = "Masci\&15", AUTHOR = "Paolo Masci and Luis Diogo Couto and Peter Gorm Larsen and Paul Curzon", EDITOR = "Fuyuki Ishikawa and Peter Gorm Larsen", TITLE = "{Integrating the PVSio-web modelling and prototyping environment with Overture}", BOOKTITLE = "Proceedings of the 13th Overture Workshop", PUBLISHER = "Center for Global Research in Advanced Software Science and Engineering", ADDRESS = "National Institute of Informatics, 2-1-2 Hitotsubashi, Chiyoda-Ku, Tokyo, Japan", YEAR = "2015", MONTH = "June", PAGES = "33-47", NOTE = "GRACE-TR-2015-06", URL = "http://grace-center.jp/wp-content/uploads/2012/05/13thOverture-Proceedings.pdf", ANNOTE = "", COMMENT = "PGL I have the sources"} %G VDM APPLY VDM++ OVERTURE @INPROCEEDINGS{Mori10, KEY = "Mori10", AUTHOR = "Takayuki Mori", EDITOR = "Sune Wolff and John Fitzgerald", TITLE = "Formal Modelling and Safety Analysis of an Embedded Control System for Construction Equipment: an Industrial Case Study using VDM", BOOKTITLE = "Proceedings of the 9th Overture Workshop", ADDRESS = "Limerick, Ireland", YEAR = "2011", MONTH = "June", ANNOTE = "", COMMENT = "BIB PGL"} %G VDM TOOL OML OVERTURE @MASTERSTHESIS{Moller&09, KEY = "M{\"o}ller\&09", AUTHOR = "David Holst M{\o{}}ller and Christian Rane Paysen Thillermann", TITLE = "{Using Eclipse for Exploring an Integration Architecture for VDM}", SCHOOL = "Aarhus University/Engineering College of Aarhus", YEAR = "2009", MONTH = "June", SIZE = "117", ANNOTE = "", COMMENT = "I have a copy (PGL)"} %G VDM VDM++ TOOL OVERTURE @MASTERSTHESIS{Nielsen&05, KEY = "Nielsen\&05", AUTHOR = "Jacob Porsborg Nielsen and Jens Kielsgaard Hansen", TITLE = "{Development of an Overture/VDM++ Tool Set for Eclipse}", SCHOOL = "Technical University of Denmark", ADDRESS = "Informatics and Mathematical Modelling", YEAR = "2005", MONTH = "August", NOTE = "IMM-THESIS-2005-58", ANNOTE = "", COMMENT = "I have a copy PGL"} %G VDM TOOL OVERTURE @INPROCEEDINGS{Nielsen10, KEY = "Nielsen10", AUTHOR = "Claus Ballegaard Nielsen", TITLE = "{Towards Dynamic Reconfiguration of Distributed Systems in VDM-RT}", BOOKTITLE = "Semantic Issues in VDM: a BCS-FACS and Overture Workshop", YEAR = "2010", MONTH = "September", ANNOTE = "", COMMENT = "BIB PGL"} %G VDM TOOL VDM++ OVERTURE @MASTERSTHESIS{Nielsen10b, KEY = "Nielsen10", AUTHOR = "Claus Ballegaard Nielsen", TITLE = "{Dynamic Reconfiguration of Distributed Systems in VDM-RT}", SCHOOL = "Aarhus University", YEAR = "2010", MONTH = "December", ANNOTE = "", COMMENT = "BIB I have a copy (PGL)"} %G VDM TOOL OVERTURE @inproceedings{Nielsen&12e, KEY = "Nielsen\&12e", AUTHOR = "Claus Ballegaard Nielsen and Kenneth Lausdahl and Peter Gorm Larsen", TITLE = "{Using the Overture Tool as a More General Platform}", BOOKTITLE ="{iFM 2012 \& ABZ 2012 - Proceedings of the Posters \& Tool demos Session}", YEAR = "2012", MONTH = "June", EDITOR = "Mazzanti, Franco", NOTE = "", PUBLISHER = "CNR-ISTI", ADDRESS ="", PAGES ="1-34", SERIES ="", VOLUME =""} %G VDM OVERTURE TOOL @INPROCEEDINGS{Oda&15b, KEY = "Oda\&15", AUTHOR = "Tomohiro Oda and Yasuhiro Yamomoto and Kumiyo Nakakoji and Kenjiro Araki and Peter Gorm Larsen", EDITOR = "Fuyuki Ishikawa and Peter Gorm Larsen", TITLE = "{VDM Animation for a Wider Range of Stakeholders}", BOOKTITLE = "Proceedings of the 13th Overture Workshop", PUBLISHER = "Center for Global Research in Advanced Software Science and Engineering", ADDRESS = "National Institute of Informatics, 2-1-2 Hitotsubashi, Chiyoda-Ku, Tokyo, Japan", YEAR = "2015", MONTH = "June", PAGES = "18-32", NOTE = "GRACE-TR-2015-06", URL = "http://grace-center.jp/wp-content/uploads/2012/05/13thOverture-Proceedings.pdf", ANNOTE = "", COMMENT = ""} %G VDM OVERTURE TOOL @INPROCEEDINGS{Omori&15, KEY = "Omori\&15", AUTHOR = "Yoichi Omori and Kenjiro Araki and Peter Gorm Larsen", EDITOR = "Fuyuki Ishikawa and Peter Gorm Larsen", TITLE = "JODTool on the Overture Tool to manage formal requirement dictionaries", BOOKTITLE = "Proceedings of the 13th Overture Workshop", PUBLISHER = "Center for Global Research in Advanced Software Science and Engineering", ADDRESS = "National Institute of Informatics, 2-1-2 Hitotsubashi, Chiyoda-Ku, Tokyo, Japan", YEAR = "2015", MONTH = "June", PAGES = "3-17", NOTE = "GRACE-TR-2015-06", URL = "http://grace-center.jp/wp-content/uploads/2012/05/13thOverture-Proceedings.pdf", ANNOTE = "", COMMENT = ""} %G VDM OVERTURE @TECHREPORT{Pierce&10, KEY = "Pierce\&10", AUTHOR = "Ken Pierce and Nico Plat and Sune Wolff (eds)", TITLE = "Proceedings of the 8th Overture Workshop", INSTITUTION = "Newcastle University", ADDRESS = "Computing Science", YEAR = "2010", MONTH = "November", NUMBER = "CS-TR-1224", SIZE = "73", ANNOTE = "", COMMENT = "BIB PGL"} %G VDM OVERTURE @MASTERSTHESIS{Qualen&12, KEY = "Qualen\&12", AUTHOR = "von Qualen, Mads and Askov Andersen, Martin", TITLE = "{A Methodology for Transforming Java Applications Towards Real-Time Performance}", SCHOOL = "Aarhus University School of Engineering", YEAR = "2012", MONTH = "December", SIZE = "", URL = "http://eng.au.dk/fileadmin/DJF/ENG/PDF-filer/Tekniske\_rapporter/Ece-tr-11-samlet.pdf", ANNOTE = "", COMMENT = ""} %G VDM PROOF OVERTURE @MASTERSTHESIS{Ribeiro08, KEY = "Ribeiro08", AUTHOR = "Augusto Ribeiro", TITLE = "{An Extended Proof Obligation Generator for VDM++/OML}", SCHOOL = "{Minho University with exchange to Engineering College of Arhus}", YEAR = "2008", MONTH = "July", ANNOTE = "", COMMENT = "I have the pdf PGL"} %G VDM COSIM TOOL OVERTURE @INPROCEEDINGS{Ribeiro&11, KEY = "Ribeiro\&11", AUTHOR = "Augusto Ribeiro and Kenneth Lausdahl and Peter Gorm Larsen", TITLE = "{Run-Time Validation of Timing Constraints for VDM-RT Models}", YEAR = "2011", BOOKTITLE = "Proceedings of the 9th Overture Workshop", location ="Limerick, Ireland", MONTH ="June", SERIES = {Technical Report Series}, NUMBER = {ECE-TT-2}, EDITOR = {Sune Wolff and John Fitzgerald}, URL = "http://eng.au.dk/fileadmin/DJF/ENG/PDF-filer/Tekniske\_rapporter/Technical\_Report\_ECE-TT-2-SAMLET.pdf", pages ={4--16}, } %G VDM TEST TOOL VDM++ OVERTURE @MASTERSTHESIS{Santos08, KEY = "Santos08", AUTHOR = "Adriana Sucena Santos", TITLE = "{VDM++ Test Automation Support}", SCHOOL = "{Minho University with exchange to Engineering College of Arhus}", YEAR = "2008", MONTH = "July", ANNOTE = "", COMMENT = "I have the pdf PGL"} %G VDM VDM++ OML OVERTURE @TECHREPORT{vanderSpek04a, KEY = "vanderSpek04", AUTHOR = "P. van der Spek", TITLE = "The Overture Project: Towards an open source toolset", INSTITUTION = "Delft University of Technology", YEAR = "2004", MONTH = "January", PAGES = "122", NOTE = "", ANNOTE = "", COMMENT = ""} %G OML VDM VDM++ OVERTURE @MASTERSTHESIS{vanderSpek04b, KEY = "vanderSpek04", AUTHOR = "P. van der Spek", TITLE = "The Overture Project: Designing an Open Source Tool Set", SCHOOL = "Delft University of Technology", YEAR = "2004", MONTH = "August", PAGES = "239", NOTE = "", ANNOTE = "", COMMENT = ""} %G VDM TOOL OVERTURE @ARTICLE{vanderSpek&05, KEY = "vanderSpek\&05", AUTHOR = {P. van der Spek and N. Plat and C. Pronk}, TITLE = "{Syntax Error Repair for a Java-based Parser Generator}", JOURNAL = {SIGPLAN Not.}, VOLUME = {40}, NUMBER = {4}, YEAR = {2005}, ISSN = {0362-1340}, PAGES = {47--50}, COMMENT = "BIB PGL"} %G VDMRT VDM VDM++ JAEINT OVERTURE @ARTICLE{Verhoef05, KEY = "Verhoef05", AUTHOR = "Marcel Verhoef", TITLE = "{On the Use of {VDM++} for Specifying Real-Time Systems}", JOURNAL = "Proc. First Overture workshop", PUBLISHER = "University of Newcastle-Upon-Tyne, Centre for Software Reliability", YEAR = "2005", MONTH = "November", COMMENT = "I have the proceedings PGL"} %G VDM VDM++ VDMRT OVERTURE @INPROCEEDINGS{Verhoef06, KEY = "Verhoef06", AUTHOR = "Marcel Verhoef", EDITOR = "J. S. Fitzgerald and P. G. Larsen and N. Plat", TITLE = "{On the Use of VDM++ for Specifying Real-Time Systems}", BOOKTITLE = "{Towards Next Generation Tools for VDM: Contributions to the First International Overture Workshop, Newcastle, July 2005}", ADDRESS = "School of Computing Science, Newcastle University, Technical Report CS-TR-969", YEAR = "2006", MONTH = "June", PAGES = "26--43" } %G VDM VDM++ VICE TOOL MACPJ OVERTURE @PHDTHESIS{Verhoef08, KEY = "Verhoef08", AUTHOR = "Marcel Verhoef", TITLE = "{Modeling and Validating Distributed Embedded Real-Time Control Systems}", SCHOOL = "Radboud University Nijmegen", YEAR = "2009", NUMBER = "RU. 2009-01", NOTE = "The right one is \cite{Verhoef09}", ANNOTE = "{ISBN 978-90-9023705-3}", COMMENT = "I have a copy PGL. Please use Verhoef09 instead of this cite."} %G VDM VDM++ VICE TOOL OVERTURE @PHDTHESIS{Verhoef09, KEY = "Verhoef09", AUTHOR = "Marcel Verhoef", TITLE = "{Modeling and Validating Distributed Embedded Real-Time Control Systems}", SCHOOL = "Radboud University Nijmegen", YEAR = "2009", NUMBER = "RU. 2009-01", ANNOTE = "{ISBN 978-90-9023705-3}", COMMENT = "I have a copy PGL"} %G VDM++ VICE VDM OVERTURE @INPROCEEDINGS{Verhoef&06b, KEY = "Verhoef\&06", AUTHOR = "Marcel Verhoef and Peter Gorm Larsen and Jozef Hooman", EDITOR = "Jayadev Misra and Tobias Nipkow and Emil Sekerinski", TITLE = "{Modeling and Validating Distributed Embedded Real-Time Systems with VDM++}", BOOKTITLE = "FM 2006: Formal Methods", SERIES = "Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4085", PUBLISHER = "Springer-Verlag", YEAR = "2006", PAGES = "147-162", ANNOTE = "", COMMENT = "I have the sources (PGL)", doi = {10.1007/11813040\_11}, } %G VICE VDM VDM++ OVERTURE @INPROCEEDINGS{Verhoef&07, KEY = "Verhoef\&07", AUTHOR = "Marcel Verhoef and Peter Gorm Larsen", EDITOR = "Brian Sauser and Gerrit Muller", TITLE = "{Interpreting Distributed System Architectures Using VDM++ -- A Case Study}", BOOKTITLE = "5th Annual Conference on Systems Engineering Research", PUBLISHER = "", YEAR = "2007", MONTH = "March", NOTE = "{Available at http://www.stevens.edu/engineering/cser/}", ANNOTE = "", COMMENT = "I have the sources (PGL)"} %G VDM VDM++ OVERTURE @INPROCEEDINGS{Verhoef&07b, KEY = "Verhoef\&07", AUTHOR = "Marcel Verhoef and Peter Visser and Jozef Hooman and Jan Broenink", TITLE = "{Co-simulation of Real-time Embedded Control Systems}", BOOKTITLE = "Integrated Formal Methods: Proc. 6th. Intl. Conference", EDITOR = "Jim Davies and Jeremy Gibbons", PUBLISHER = "Springer-Verlag", SERIES = "Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4591", PAGES = "639--658", YEAR = "2007", MONTH = "July", ANNOTE = "", COMMENT = ""} %G VDM OVERTURE TOOL @ARTICLE{Verhoef&15, KEY = "Verhoef\&15", AUTHOR = "Marcel Verhoef and Maxime Perrotin", TITLE = "{TASTE for Overture to keep SLIM}", BOOKTITLE = "Proceedings of the 13th Overture Workshop", PUBLISHER = "Center for Global Research in Advanced Software Science and Engineering", ADDRESS = "National Institute of Informatics, 2-1-2 Hitotsubashi, Chiyoda-Ku, Tokyo, Japan", YEAR = "2015", MONTH = "June", PAGES = "132-139", NOTE = "GRACE-TR-2015-06", URL = "http://grace-center.jp/wp-content/uploads/2012/05/13thOverture-Proceedings.pdf", ANNOTE = "", COMMENT = ""} %G VDM VDM++ PROOF OVERTURE @MASTERSTHESIS{Vermolen07, KEY = "Vermolen07", AUTHOR = "Sander Vermolen", TITLE = "{Automatically Discharging VDM Proof Obligations using HOL}", SCHOOL = "Radboud University Nijmegen", ADDRESS = "Computer Science Department", YEAR = "2007", MONTH = "August", SIZE = "115", ANNOTE = "", COMMENT = "I have the hard copy PGL"} %G VDM PROOF TOOL OVERTURE @INPROCEEDINGS{Vermolen&10, KEY = "Vermolden\&10", AUTHOR = "Sander Vermolen and Jozef Hooman and Peter Gorm Larsen", TITLE = "{Automating Consistency Proofs of VDM++ Models using HOL}", BOOKTITLE = "Proceedings of the 25th Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC 2010)", PUBLISHER = "ACM", ADDRESS = "Sierre, Switzerland", YEAR = "2010", MONTH = "March", ANNOTE = "", COMMENT = "I have the sources (PGL)"} %G VDM VDM++ JML TOOL OVERTURE @MASTERSTHESIS{Vilhena08, KEY = "Vilhena08", AUTHOR = "Carlos Vilhena", TITLE = "{Connecting between VDM++ and JML}", SCHOOL = "{Minho University with exchange to Engineering College of Arhus}", YEAR = "2008", MONTH = "July", ANNOTE = "", COMMENT = "I have a copy PGL"} %G VDM VDM++ APPLY OVERTURE @INPROCEEDINGS{Wolff09, KEY = "Wolff09", AUTHOR = "Sune Wolff", TITLE = "{Formalising Concurrent and Distributed Design Patterns with VDM}", NOTE = "The 7th Overture workshop at FM'09", YEAR = "2009", MONTH = "November", ANNOTE = "", COMMENT = "I have the source (PGL)"}