GO_AR:0000001 Basic GAF checks cherry@genome.stanford.edu The following basic checks ensure that submitted gene association files conform to the GAF spec, and come from the original GAF check script.

  • Each line of the GAF file is checked for the correct number of columns, the cardinality of the columns, leading or trailing whitespace
  • Col 1 and all DB abbreviations must be in GO.xrf_abbs (case may be incorrect)
  • All GO IDs must be extant in current ontology
  • Qualifier, evidence, aspect and DB object columns must be within the list of allowed values
  • DB:Reference, Taxon and GO ID columns are checked for minimal form
  • Date must be in YYYYMMDD format
  • All IEAs over a year old are removed
  • Taxa with a 'representative' group (e.g. MGI for Mus musculus, FlyBase for Drosophila) must be submitted by that group only
GO database Implemented Approved
GO_AR:0000003 Annotations to 'binding ; GO:0005488' and 'protein binding ; GO:0005515' should be made with IPI and an interactor in the 'with' field edimmer@ebi.ac.uk rama@genome.stanford.edu Annotations to binding : GO:0005488 or protein binding ; GO:0005515 with the TAS, NAS, IC, IMP, IGI and IDA evidence codes are not informative as they do not allow the interacting partner to be specified. If the nature of the binding partner is known (protein or DNA for example), an appropriate child term of binding ; GO:0005488 should be chosen for the annotation. In the case of chemicals, ChEBI IDs can go in the 'with' column. Children of protein binding ; GO:0005515 where the type of protein is identified in the GO term name do not need further specification.

For more information, see the binding guidelines on the GO wiki.

GO database GO database GO database GO database GO database GO database Proposed
GO_AR:0000011 ND annotations to root nodes only edimmer@ebi.ac.uk rama@genome.stanford.edu The No Data (ND) evidence code should be used for annotations to the root nodes only and should be accompanied with GO_REF:0000015 or an internal reference. PMIDs cannot be used for annotations made with ND.

  • if you are using an internal reference, that reference ID should be listed as an external accession for GO_REF:0000015. Please add (or email) your internal reference ID for GO_REF:0000015.
  • All ND annotations made with a reference other than GO_REF:0000015 (or an equivalent internal reference that is listed as external accession for GO_REF:0000015) should be filtered out of the GAF.

The SQL code identifies all ND annotations that do not use GO_REF:0000015 or one of the alternative internal references listed for it in the GO references file.

GO database