# sublime_fewest_moves A Sublime Text 3 plugin for FMC practises ## Usage 1. Open a new buffer 2. Set syntax to `Fewest Moves` 3. Enter scramble on the first line, the plugin will show the scrambled cube state below it 4. Type your solutions, and make sure there's at least 1 line after first line (i.e. start from line 3), the plugin will calculate move count for each line 1 second after you stop typing 5. move your cursor to a skeleton and press Ctrl+Alt+I, the plugin will try to call `insertionfinder` command in your system to find insertions for the given scramble and skeleton. The plugin recognizes `.fm` and `.fmc` as extensions for the syntax. You can get `insertionfinder` from [here](https://github.com/xuanyan0x7c7/insertionfinder.git). ## Syntax Definition - The first line of the file is the scramble sequence - The second line of the file is an empty line - You may have any number of skeletons, skeletons are **separated by empty line(s)** - You may add comments to each line, any content from a `//` or a `#` symbol in a line to end of the line is considered as comments - You may have `NISS` operators in your solution, which indicates switch points of normal-scramble sequences and inverse-scramble sequences - You may use any WCA notation suitable for a 3x3x3 Cube, like `R L2 F' Bw2 2Rw' x2 y' z [u'] [f2] [d]` and so on ### Example ``` R' U' F U R2 D L2 B2 D2 U B2 L R2 U2 L2 B D R' B F' L' R2 B2 R' U' F D' L2 # 2x2x2 NISS B' R2 D2 R' D' R2 // pseudo 2x2x3 NISS D2 R D R' B D' L2 NISS B' R2 D2 R' D' R2 NISS D' B D B' D' R D' L2 //comment NISS B' R2 D2 R' D' R2 NISS D' B2 D B2 D' NISS R' B' U' B U R B' D' L2 NISS B' R2 D2 R' D' R2 NISS D2 R2 D R2 ```