# Reveal **Focus on data that actually matters** ## Overview Objects can have many properties, but when debugging, not all of them are useful to you. You’re usually interested only in a select few. For a Customer class, it might be the ID and FirstName properties. For a Point in 3D space, it might be the X, Y, and Z fields. With OzCode's ***Reveal*** feature, you can finally focus on the data that actually matters. ## Using Reveal In order to run this demo press the _Reveal_ button in the demo application. ![Reveal button](Resources/RevealButton.PNG) Notice that a breakpoint has been triggered. It seems that although we're in a method that should only be used to send packages outside of the country (US), somehow we got a package that should have been shipped using a local shipping method: ![Debug break](Resources/DebuggerBreak.PNG) Because nobody bothered to implement `ToString` on the Customer class, initially, the HUD will use the default `ToString` implementation, which just shows the type name, and is not very useful. Further, traversing the _Customer_ class in the DataTip can be a pain, because it contains so many fields. Hover your mouse over `customer` for the DataTip window to appear. Then expand the cutomer fields by using the '+'. ![RevealCustomerName](Resources/WatchWindow1.png) Lastly find "FirstName" and click on the "*star*" next to it: ![RevealCustomerName](Resources/WatchWindow2.png) Notice how the DataTip window and the HUD updated accordingly: ![RevealCustomerName](Resources/RevealFullName.png) And similarly use the *star* to add the "SurName" property as well. Now use the [Call Stack Window](https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/a3694ts5.aspx) to go back to the caller of the method, and use the DataTip again to see how many customers are from *Paris* (including Jose Duke). Since they're all instances of _Customer_, the _FirstName_ which we've previously starred is shown automatically. ![Customers from Paris](Resources/customersFromParis.png) Let's add some more information to each customer: From the DataTip window - expand one of the customers, then expand the _Address_ property and star the _Country_, _State_ and _City_ properties. Lastly toggle the star next to _Address_ as well - in order to show _Address_ information as part of _Customer_ (making it much easier to see the nested information!). ![Add address info](Resources/cutomersWithAddresses.png) Collapse the current customer and look at the customer list: Now we can see all of the selected customers and their addresses. Finding the bug and the affected customers should be simple. ![Customers with addresses](Resources/RevealCustomersAndAddresses.png) [Back to Main](../../README.md)