-- -- Show information about Oracle sessions -- SELECT s.inst_id, s.osuser, gps.qcsid, p.spid, s.sid, s.serial# , s.machine, s.schemaname, s.program, w.event AS wait_event FROM gv$session s JOIN gv$process p ON p.addr = s.paddr LEFT OUTER JOIN gv$session_wait w ON w.sid = s.sid LEFT OUTER JOIN gv$px_session gps ON gps.sid = s.sid AND gps.serial# = s.serial# WHERE s.osuser != 'SYSTEM' -- Show sessions on a particular instance of the RAC -- AND s.inst_id = 1 -- Show sessions for the particular OS user -- AND s.osuser LIKE 'sergey%' -- If you know the session ID -- AND s.sid = 11 -- If you know the OS process ID -- AND pid = 22 -- If you know the name of the application accessing the database -- AND Lower(s.program) LIKE 'sqlplus%' /