require 'yaml' require 'tempfile' begin prov = $evm.root['miq_provision'] template = prov.source vm = prov.destination # # Check that the VM is booted and has an IP address # if $evm.log(:info, "VM doesnt have an IP address yet - retrying in 1 minute") $evm.root['ae_result'] = 'retry' $evm.root['ae_retry_interval'] = '1.minute' exit MIQ_OK end ip_address = vm.ipaddresses[0] $evm.log(:info, "IP Address is: #{ip_address}") ansiblerole = prov.get_option(:ansiblerole) $evm.log(:info, "Ansible Role is: #{ansiblerole}") # # add host to /etc/ansible/hosts if it doesn't already exist # unless File.foreach('/etc/ansible/hosts').grep(/#{Regexp.escape(ip_address)}/).any? open('/etc/ansible/hosts', 'a') do |f| f.puts "#{ip_address}" f.close end end # # Remove the hosts key if it already exists # cmd = "ssh-keygen -R #{ip_address}" `#{cmd}` # # update the hosts key # cmd = "ssh-keyscan -H #{ip_address} >> \'/root/\.ssh/known_hosts'" `#{cmd}` # # Create a temporary Ansible playbook file # tempfile ='ansible-') playbook = [] this_host = {} this_host['hosts'] = [] this_host['hosts'] = "#{ip_address}" this_host['tasks'] = [] this_host['tasks'] << { 'name' => 'Set hostname', 'hostname' => "name=#{}" } this_host['tasks'] << { 'name' => 'touch a file to test', 'command' => '/usr/bin/touch /tmp/helloworld' } this_host['roles'] = [] this_host['roles'] << { 'name' => "install #{ansiblerole}", 'role' => "#{ansiblerole}" } playbook << this_host # # Write the contents of the playbook # tempfile.write("#{playbook.to_yaml}\n") tempfile.close cmd = "ansible-playbook #{tempfile.path}" $evm.log(:info, "Running ansible-playbook using #{tempfile.path}") ansible_results = `#{cmd}` $evm.log(:info, "Finished ansible-playbook, results: #{ansible_results}") end