# Privacy Policy for PassGen Effective Date: 12/07/2023 Thank you for using PassGen (the "Extension"). This Privacy Policy is intended to inform you about the types of information we collect, how we use and protect that information, and your choices regarding your information. 1. Information We Collect 1.1 User Data We do not collect any personally identifiable information such as names, email addresses, or any other personal details. 1.2 Extension Data The Extension works locally on your device and utilizes a secret word and encoded alphabet for secured password creation. This information is stored locally on your device and is not transmitted or stored on our servers. 2. Use of Information The information processed by the Extension, including the secret word and encoded alphabet, is solely used for generating secure passwords on your device. This information is not shared, transmitted, or stored on external servers. 3. Security We take the security of your information seriously. The secret word and encoded alphabet used for password creation are stored locally on your device in an encrypted format. We employ industry-standard measures to protect against unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration, or destruction of your information. 4. Data Retention We do not retain any user data or information generated by the Extension. The secret word and encoded alphabet are stored locally on your device for the sole purpose of password generation. 5. Third-Party Services The Extension does not integrate with or utilize any third-party services for the collection, processing, or storage of user information. 6. Children's Privacy The Extension does not conains any kind of data or information tha may damage any children age. 7. Changes to this Privacy Policy We may update this Privacy Policy from time to time. If there are significant changes to how we handle your information, we will notify you through the Extension or other means, as appropriate. 8. Contact Information If you have any questions or concerns about this Privacy Policy, please contact us at pkitos@gmail.com. By using the Extension, you agree to the terms outlined in this Privacy Policy. Please review this Privacy Policy periodically for any updates or changes. Marco Zarate pkitos@gmail.com