### 0.5.1 - Bug fix: https://github.com/p4535992/foundryvtt-token-factions/issues/30 ty to @strongpauly - Apply PR: https://github.com/p4535992/foundryvtt-token-factions/pull/31 ty to @strongpauly ### 0.5.0 - Rewrite some code ### 0.4.9 - Try to fix: with suggestion from Freeze023 ### 0.4.8 . Bug fix: https://github.com/p4535992/foundryvtt-token-factions/issues/25 ### 0.4-1-2-3-4-5-6-7 - Release for v11 ### 0.3.11 - Some update ### 0.3.10 - Bug fix: https://github.com/p4535992/foundryvtt-token-factions/issues/23 ### 0.3.9 - Update for pf2e ### 0.3.8 - Fixed https://github.com/p4535992/foundryvtt-token-factions/issues/22 ### 0.3.7 - Fixed at 90% https://github.com/p4535992/foundryvtt-token-factions/issues/22 ### 0.3.5-6 . Little bug fix ### 0.3.4 - Some bug fix and delete token behaviour ### 0.3.3 - Bug fix: [[BUG] Scale Border Feature doesn't work](https://github.com/p4535992/foundryvtt-token-factions/issues/20) - bUG FIX: [[BUG] The module doesnt work on Foundry V10](https://github.com/p4535992/foundryvtt-token-factions/issues/18) ### v0.3.0-1-2 - BETA Upgrade for fvtt10 ### v0.2.24 - Bug fix wrong async function on API method ### v0.2.23 - Update API for better integration with other modules ### v0.2.22 - NEW FEATURE: Add custom color picker for every single token ### v0.2.21 - Bug fix [Toggle Border for Multiple Tokens at Once](https://github.com/p4535992/token-factions/issues/14) - Add some API functions for enable and disable border ### v0.2.20 - Little bug fix on hud feature position ### v0.2.19 - Bug fix: [[BUG] "Circular Borders" doesn't scale with "Scale Borders"](https://github.com/p4535992/token-factions/issues/13) ### v0.2.18 - Some bug fix and some new module setting ### v0.2.17 - Some bug fix courtesy of @dev7355608 ### v0.2.16 - Some update ### v0.2.15 - Update changelog and conflicts ### v0.2.14 - Add [CHANGELOGS & CONFLICTS](https://github.com/theripper93/libChangelogs) hooks for better management of the conflicts ### v0.2.13 - Clean up some code ### v0.2.12 - Added grid scale border setting (always from border control module) - Changed all scope settings from cleint to world so only the gm can modify these - ### v0.2.11 - Try to fix [Throw error & crash module: scaleBorder not registered setting ](https://github.com/p4535992/token-factions/issues/1) ### v02.10 - Added permanent and scale border settings ### v0.2.9 WORKING ???? ### v0.2.8 BETA ### v0.2.7 BETA - Try to resolve many buf fix - Compatibility with Perfect vision ### v0.2.6 (ON DEVELOPING) - Some minor update - ### v0.2.5 (ON DEVELOPING) - beta version for anyone fwnat to take on this project ### v0.2.4 - Integration with BorderFrame project by Kandashi ### v0.2.3 - Small bug fix ### v0.2.2 - Preapration to foundryvtt 0.8.0 - Converted to typescript project - Iintegration wit libwrapper - Some minor issue fixed - Update documentation - Integration of nug fixes from [erithtotl](https://github.com/Voldemalort/token-factions/pulls/erithtotl) ### v0.2.1 - fix opacity with textured frame