/* Copyright 2013-present Barefoot Networks, Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ header_type ethernet_t { fields { dstAddr : 48; srcAddr : 48; etherType : 16; } } header_type ipv4_t { fields { version : 4; ihl : 4; diffserv : 8; totalLen : 16; identification : 16; flags : 3; fragOffset : 13; ttl : 8; protocol : 8; hdrChecksum : 16; srcAddr : 32; dstAddr: 32; } } parser start { return parse_ethernet; } #define ETHERTYPE_IPV4 0x0800 header ethernet_t ethernet; parser parse_ethernet { extract(ethernet); return select(latest.etherType) { ETHERTYPE_IPV4 : parse_ipv4; default: ingress; } } header ipv4_t ipv4; field_list ipv4_checksum_list { ipv4.version; ipv4.ihl; ipv4.diffserv; ipv4.totalLen; ipv4.identification; ipv4.flags; ipv4.fragOffset; ipv4.ttl; ipv4.protocol; ipv4.srcAddr; ipv4.dstAddr; } field_list_calculation ipv4_checksum { input { ipv4_checksum_list; } algorithm : csum16; output_width : 16; } calculated_field ipv4.hdrChecksum { verify ipv4_checksum; update ipv4_checksum; } parser parse_ipv4 { extract(ipv4); return ingress; } action _drop() { drop(); } header_type routing_metadata_t { fields { nhop_ipv4 : 32; } } metadata routing_metadata_t routing_metadata; action set_nhop(nhop_ipv4, port) { modify_field(routing_metadata.nhop_ipv4, nhop_ipv4); modify_field(standard_metadata.egress_spec, port); add_to_field(ipv4.ttl, -1); } table ipv4_lpm { reads { ipv4.dstAddr : lpm; } actions { set_nhop; _drop; } size: 1024; } action set_dmac(dmac) { modify_field(ethernet.dstAddr, dmac); } table forward { reads { routing_metadata.nhop_ipv4 : exact; } actions { set_dmac; _drop; } size: 512; } action rewrite_mac(smac) { modify_field(ethernet.srcAddr, smac); } table send_frame { reads { standard_metadata.egress_port: exact; } actions { rewrite_mac; _drop; } size: 256; } control ingress { if(valid(ipv4) and ipv4.ttl > 0) { apply(ipv4_lpm); apply(forward); } } control egress { apply(send_frame); }