local f = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Remotes.Attack local p = game:GetService("Players") local l = p.LocalPlayer local s = l.Character local e = s and s.PrimaryPart local q,a = e and e.CFrame,e and s:FindFirstChild('Battle') local x = a and a:FindFirstChild('Team') for i,v in next,p:GetPlayers() do local c = v.Character local g,b = c and c.PrimaryPart,c and c:FindFirstChild('Battle') local t = b and b:FindFirstChild('Team') if not (a and g and b and v ~= l) then continue end if a.Value and b.Value ~= a.Value then continue end if not ((x and t and t.Value == x.Value) or (not (x and t))) then continue end while a and b and b.Value and b.Value == a.Value and c.Config.Damage.Value < 350 do e.CFrame = g.CFrame s.Humanoid:ChangeState(11) for i = 1,3 do f:FireServer('Normal', i) end task.wait() end f:FireServer('Normal', 5) end if e then e.CFrame = q end