local Settings = { ApplyToLeaderboard = true, IdentifyFriends = true, FriendIdentifier = ' [Friend]', BlockedIdentifier = ' Blocked', Orientation = 'Vertical', DisplayNameToName = false, ShowBlockedInName = true, } local Data = { Main = 'rbxasset://LuaPackages/Packages/_Index/UIBlox/UIBlox/App/ImageSet/ImageAtlas/img_set_1x_1.png', Friend = 'rbxasset://LuaPackages/Packages/_Index/UIBlox/UIBlox/App/ImageSet/ImageAtlas/img_set_1x_3.png', BlockedPos = '488, 133', PremiumPos = '484, 489', FriendPos = '230, 301' } if not game['Loaded'] or not game:GetService('Players')['LocalPlayer'] then game['Loaded']:Wait(); game:WaitForChild(game:GetService('Players')); game:GetService('Players'):WaitForChild(game:GetService('Players').LocalPlayer.Name) wait(1) end local Players, LP, CoreUI = game:GetService('Players'), game:GetService('Players').LocalPlayer, game:GetService('CoreGui') local function GetPlayer(data) if type(data) == 'string' then for _, v in next, Players:GetPlayers() do if v.Name:lower():match('^'..data:lower()) or v.DisplayName:lower():match('^'..data:lower()) then return v end end elseif type(data) == 'number' then for _, v in next, Players:GetPlayers() do if v.UserId == data then return v end end end end local function FindChildByOrder(parent, tbl, returnInstance) if parent and tbl and typeof(parent) == 'Instance' and type(tbl) == 'table' and #tbl > 0 then local Current = parent; for _, v in next, tbl do coroutine.wrap(function() if type(v) == 'string' and Current:FindFirstChild(v) then Current = Current:FindFirstChild(v) else return false end end)() end if not returnInstance then return true elseif returnInstance then return Current end end end local AppendNames = function() local PLM = FindChildByOrder(game:GetService('CoreGui'), {'PlayerList', 'PlayerListMaster', 'OffsetFrame', 'PlayerScrollList', 'SizeOffsetFrame', 'ScrollingFrameContainer', 'ScrollingFrameClippingFrame', 'ScollingFrame', 'OffsetUndoFrame'}, true) if PLM and PLM:IsA('Frame') then for _, v in next, PLM:GetChildren() do task.spawn(function() local TP, NLabel, Status = GetPlayer(0 + v.Name:gsub('p_', '')), FindChildByOrder(v, {'ChildrenFrame', 'NameFrame', 'BGFrame', 'OverlayFrame', 'PlayerName', 'PlayerName'}, true), FindChildByOrder(v, {'ChildrenFrame', 'NameFrame', 'BGFrame', 'OverlayFrame', 'PlayerIcon'}, true) if TP and NLabel and Status and not Settings.DisplayNameToName then if tostring(Status.ImageRectOffset) == Data.FriendPos then --1 NLabel.RichText = true if Settings.ApplyToLeaderboard == true and Settings.IdentifyFriends then if Settings.Orientation == 'Vertical' or not table.find({'Vertical', 'Horizontal'}, Settings.Orientation) and TP.Name ~= TP.DisplayName then NLabel.Text = ''..TP.DisplayName..'\n(@'..TP.Name..')'..'' elseif Settings.Orientation == 'Horizontal' and TP.Name ~= TP.DisplayName then NLabel.Text = ''..TP.DisplayName..' (@'..TP.Name..')'..'' elseif table.find({'Vertical', 'Horizontal'}, Settings.Orientation) and TP.Name == TP.DisplayName then NLabel.Text = ''..TP.DisplayName..'' end else NLabel.RichText = false NLabel.Text = TP.DisplayName end if Settings.ShowBlockedInName and TP['Character'] and TP.Character:FindFirstChildWhichIsA('Humanoid') and TP.Name ~= TP.DisplayName then local H = TP.Character:FindFirstChildWhichIsA('Humanoid') if Settings.Orientation == 'Vertical' or not table.find({'Vertical', 'Horizontal'}, Settings.Orientation) and TP.Name ~= TP.DisplayName then H.DisplayName = TP.DisplayName..'\n(@'..TP.Name..')\n'..Settings.FriendIdentifier elseif Settings.Orientation == 'Horizontal' and TP.Name ~= TP.DisplayName then H.DisplayName = TP.DisplayName..' (@'..TP.Name..')'..Settings.FriendIdentifier elseif Settings.Orientation == 'Vertical' or not table.find({'Vertical', 'Horizontal'}, Settings.Orientation) and TP.Name == TP.DisplayName then H.DisplayName = TP.DisplayName..'\n'..Settings.FriendIdentifier elseif Settings.Orientation == 'Horizontal' and TP.Name == TP.DisplayName then H.DisplayName = TP.DisplayName..Settings.FriendIdentifier end elseif not Settings.ShowBlockedInName and TP['Character'] and TP.Character:FindFirstChildWhichIsA('Humanoid') then local H = TP.Character:FindFirstChildWhichIsA('Humanoid') H.DisplayName = TP.DisplayName end elseif tostring(Status.ImageRectOffset) == Data.BlockedPos then --2 if Settings.ApplyToLeaderboard == true and Settings.ShowBlockedInName then NLabel.RichText = true if Settings.Orientation == 'Vertical' or not table.find({'Vertical', 'Horizontal'}, Settings.Orientation) and TP.Name ~= TP.DisplayName then NLabel.Text = ''..TP.DisplayName..'\n(@'..TP.Name..')'..'' elseif Settings.Orientation == 'Horizontal' and TP.Name ~= TP.DisplayName then NLabel.Text = ''..TP.DisplayName..' (@'..TP.Name..')'..'' elseif Settings.Orientation == 'Vertical' or not table.find({'Vertical', 'Horizontal'}, Settings.Orientation) and TP.Name == TP.DisplayName then NLabel.Text = ''..TP.DisplayName..'' elseif Settings.Orientation == 'Vertical' and TP.Name ~= TP.DisplayName then NLabel.Text = ''..TP.DisplayName..'' end else NLabel.RichText = false NLabel.Text = TP.DisplayName end if Settings.ShowBlockedInName and TP['Character'] and TP.Character:FindFirstChildWhichIsA('Humanoid') and TP.Name ~= TP.DisplayName then local H = TP.Character:FindFirstChildWhichIsA('Humanoid') if Settings.Orientation == 'Vertical' or not table.find({'Vertical', 'Horizontal'}, Settings.Orientation) and TP.Name ~= TP.DisplayName then H.DisplayName = TP.DisplayName..'\n(@'..TP.Name..')\n'..Settings.BlockedIdentifier elseif Settings.Orientation == 'Horizontal' and TP.Name ~= TP.DisplayName then H.DisplayName = TP.DisplayName..' (@'..TP.Name..')'..Settings.BlockedIdentifier elseif Settings.Orientation == 'Vertical' or not table.find({'Vertical', 'Horizontal'}, Settings.Orientation) and TP.Name == TP.DisplayName then H.DisplayName = TP.DisplayName..'\n'..Settings.BlockedIdentifier elseif Settings.Orientation == 'Horizontal' and TP.Name == TP.DisplayName then H.DisplayName = TP.DisplayName..Settings.BlockedIdentifier end elseif not Settings.ShowBlockedInName and TP['Character'] and TP.Character:FindFirstChildWhichIsA('Humanoid') then local H = TP.Character:FindFirstChildWhichIsA('Humanoid') H.DisplayName = TP.DisplayName end else --3 if Settings.ApplyToLeaderboard == true then NLabel.RichText = true if Settings.Orientation == 'Vertical' or not table.find({'Vertical', 'Horizontal'}, Settings.Orientation) and TP.Name ~= TP.DisplayName then NLabel.Text = TP.DisplayName..'\n(@'..TP.Name..')' elseif Settings.Orientation == 'Horizontal' and TP.Name ~= TP.DisplayName then NLabel.Text = TP.DisplayName..' (@'..TP.Name..')' elseif table.find({'Vertical', 'Horizontal'}, Settings.Orientation) and TP.Name == TP.DisplayName then NLabel.Text = TP.DisplayName end else NLabel.RichText = false NLabel.Text = TP.DisplayName end if TP['Character'] and TP.Character:FindFirstChildWhichIsA('Humanoid') and TP.Name ~= TP.DisplayName then local H = TP.Character:FindFirstChildWhichIsA('Humanoid') if Settings.Orientation == 'Vertical' or not table.find({'Vertical', 'Horizontal'}, Settings.Orientation) and TP.Name ~= TP.DisplayName then H.DisplayName = TP.DisplayName..'\n(@'..TP.Name..')' elseif Settings.Orientation == 'Horizontal' and TP.Name ~= TP.DisplayName then H.DisplayName = TP.DisplayName..' (@'..TP.Name..')' elseif table.find({'Vertical', 'Horizontal'}, Settings.Orientation) and TP.Name == TP.DisplayName then H.DisplayName = TP.DisplayName end end end elseif TP and NLabel and Status and Settings.DisplayNameToName == true then -- 1b NLabel.RichText = false NLabel.Text = TP.Name if TP['Character'] and TP.Character:FindFirstChildWhichIsA('Humanoid') and TP.Name ~= TP.DisplayName then local H = TP.Character:FindFirstChildWhichIsA('Humanoid') H.DisplayName = TP.Name elseif TP['Character'] and TP.Character:FindFirstChildWhichIsA('Humanoid') and TP.Name == TP.DisplayName then local H = TP.Character:FindFirstChildWhichIsA('Humanoid') H.DisplayName = TP.Name end end end) end end end AppendNames(); -- for _, v in next, Players:GetPlayers() do if v ~= LP then v.CharacterAdded:Connect(function() local CA;CA = v.Character.ChildAdded:Connect(function(b) if b:IsA('Humanoid') then AppendNames() end end) wait(1) CA:Disconnect() end) end end -- Players.PlayerAdded:Connect(function(v) wait() v.CharacterAdded:Connect(function() local CA;CA = v.Character.ChildAdded:Connect(function(b) if b:IsA('Humanoid') then AppendNames() end end) wait(1) CA:Disconnect() end) end)