local Values = { NoRecoil = true, AutomaticWeapons = true, InfiniteBulletPunch = true, InfiniteRange = true, -- NOT TESTED ON THE FLAMETHROWER. USE THIS ON THE FLAMETHROWER AT YOUR OWN RISK! InfiniteAmmoPickup = true, FastAnimations = true } for i,v in next, getgc(true) do if type(v) == "table" and rawget(v, "VerticleRecoil") then if Values.NoRecoil == true then v.RecoilShake = 0 v.VerticleRecoil = math.rad(0) v.HorizontalRecoil = math.rad(0) end if Values.AutomaticWeapons == true then v.Type = "Auto" end if Values.InfiniteBulletPunch == true then v.MaxPen = 9999 end if Values.InfiniteRange == true then v.Distance = 9999 end if Values.InfiniteAmmoPickup == true then v.AmmoPickup = 9999 end end end