#!/bin/bash echo "Installation wdsp or pihpsdr" echo "----------------------------" echo "NOTE. Before building and installing pihpsdr you should to install wdsp." echo "" echo "What do you like to install [wdsp/pihpsdr/reboot] ?" read input if [[ $input == "wdsp" ]]; then echo "" echo "Installing WDSP library..." function install_dependency { echo "--- Installing dependency: $1" sudo apt-get -y install $1 } install_dependency git install_dependency libfftw3-dev cd /tmp git clone --depth=1 https://github.com/g0orx/wdsp cd wdsp make -j 4 sudo make install cd .. rm -rf wdsp cd ~ echo "" echo "WDSP installed." elif [[ $input == "pihpsdr" ]]; then echo "" echo "Installing pihpsdr..." echo "" echo "" localcw=0; while true; do read -p "Do you wish to install the local CW option: yes or no?" yn case $yn in [Yy]* ) localcw=1; break;; [Nn]* ) break;; * ) echo "Please answer yes (Y or y) or no (N or n).";; esac done function install_dependency { echo "--- Installing dependency: $1" sudo apt-get -y install $1 } install_dependency git install_dependency libpulse-dev install_dependency libgtk-3-dev install_dependency libasound2-dev install_dependency libcurl4-openssl-dev install_dependency libusb-1.0-0-dev install_dependency libgpiod-dev install_dependency gpiod install_dependency libi2c-dev cd /tmp git clone https://github.com/g0orx/pihpsdr.git cd pihpsdr #makefile modification; when 'on' switch it 'off' (adding '#'). sed -i '/^PURESIGNAL_INCLUDE=PURESIGNAL/c\#PURESIGNAL_INCLUDE=PURESIGNAL' ./Makefile; sed -i '/^#MIDI_INCLUDE=MIDI/c\MIDI_INCLUDE=MIDI' ./Makefile; sed -i '/^GPIO_INCLUDE=GPIO/c\#GPIO_INCLUDE=GPIO' ./Makefile; sed -i '/^LOCALCW_INCLUDE=LOCALCW/c\#LOCALCW_INCLUDE=LOCALCW' ./Makefile; if [ "$localcw" -eq "1" ]; then sed -i '/^#GPIO_INCLUDE=GPIO/c\GPIO_INCLUDE=GPIO' ./Makefile; sed -i '/^#LOCALCW_INCLUDE=LOCALCW/c\LOCALCW_INCLUDE=LOCALCW' ./Makefile; fi make -j 4 sudo make install if [ ! -d "${HOME}/.pihpsdr" ]; then mkdir ${HOME}/.pihpsdr fi cp release/pihpsdr/hpsdr.png ${HOME}/.pihpsdr cd .. rm -rf pihpsdr rm ${HOME}/Desktop/pihpsdr.desktop || true file="${HOME}/Desktop/pihpsdr.desktop" echo "[Desktop Entry]" >> $file echo "Icon=${HOME}/.pihpsdr/hpsdr.png" >> $file echo "Exec=/usr/local/bin/pihpsdr" >> $file echo "Type=Application" >> $file echo "Terminal=false" >> $file echo "Path=${HOME}/.pihpsdr" >> $file cat $file echo "" echo "pihpsdr installed" elif [[ $input == "reboot" ]]; then sudo reboot else echo "You did not make a selection; Nothing installed!" echo "73!" fi