pkgname="cantata" gives="cantata" pkgver="2.5.0" source=("${pkgver}/cantata-${pkgver}.tar.bz2") depends=("mpd" "cmake" "media-player-info" "fonts-font-awesome" "libcddb2" "qttools5-dev" "qtbase5-dev" "qtchooser" "qtmultimedia5-dev" "qt5-qmake" "qtbase5-dev-tools" "libqt5svg5" "libqt5svg5-dev" "libebur128-1" "libmusicbrainz5cc2v5" "libqt5multimedia5") pkgdesc="Cantata is a graphical client for MPD. It is support for Linux, MacOSX, and Windows, Multiple MPD collections and it has a Highly customizable layout." maintainer=("ty1118 ") repology=("project: ${gives}") sha256sums=("eb7e00ab3f567afaa02ea2c86e2fe811a475afab93182b95922c6eb126821724") prepare() { cd "${_archive}" mkdir build } build() { cd "${_archive}" cd build cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release .. make -j"${NCPU}" } package() { cd "${_archive}" make install DESTDIR="${pkgdir}" } # vim:set ft=sh ts=4 sw=4 et: