import { GraphQLResolveInfo } from 'graphql'; import { DMMF } from '@paljs/types'; import { parseResolveInfo } from 'graphql-parse-resolve-info'; export type PrismaSelectOptions< ModelName extends string, ModelsObject extends Record>, > = { /* * you can pass object with your models and what the fields you need to include for every model even if user not requested in GraphQL query. * @example * const defaultFields = { * User: { id: true, name: true }, * Type: { id: true, descriptionRaw: true }, * Post: { id: true, body: true }, * // as function you can check if client select some fields to add another to default fields * Account: (select) => ? {firstname: true, lastname: true} : {} * } * */ defaultFields?: { [model in ModelName]?: | { [field in keyof ModelsObject[model]]?: boolean; } | ((select: any) => { [field in keyof ModelsObject[model]]?: boolean }); }; /* * you can pass object with your models and what the fields you need to exclude for every model even if user requested in GraphQL query. * @example * const excludeFields = { * User: ['id', 'name'], * Type: ['id', 'descriptionRaw'], * Post: ['id', 'body'], * // as function you can check if client select some fields to add another to default fields * Account: (select) => ? ['firstName', 'lastname'] : [] * } * */ excludeFields?: { [model in ModelName]?: | (keyof ModelsObject[model] | string)[] | ((select: any) => (keyof ModelsObject[model] | string)[]); }; /* * array of dmmf object import from generated prisma client default * @example * import {Prisma} from './customPath'; * import {Prisma as Prisma2} from './customPath2'; * { * dmmf: [Prisma.dmmf, Prisma2.dmmf] * } * */ dmmf?: Pick[]; }; /** * Convert `info` to select object accepted by `prisma client`. * @param info - GraphQLResolveInfo. * @example * // Graphql query * { * findManyUser{ * id * posts(where: { title: { contains: "a" } }, first: 10) { * id * comments{ * id * } * } * } * } * // convert to * { * select: { * id: true, * posts: { * select: { id: true, comments: { select: { id: true } } }, * where: { title: { contains: "a" } }, * first: 10 * } * } * } * * // Use * * const select = new PrismaSelect(info); * * prisma.user.findMany({ * ...args, *, * }) * **/ export class PrismaSelect< ModelName extends string = '', ModelsObject extends Record> = Record>, > { private availableArgs = ['where', 'orderBy', 'skip', 'cursor', 'take', 'distinct']; private allowedProps = ['_count']; private isAggregate = false; constructor(private info: GraphQLResolveInfo, private options?: PrismaSelectOptions) {} get value() { const returnType =]/g, '').replace(/\[/g, '').replace(/!/g, ''); this.isAggregate = returnType.includes('Aggregate'); return this.valueWithFilter(returnType); } get dataModel(): DMMF.Model[] { if (this.options?.dmmf) { const models: DMMF.Model[] = []; this.options?.dmmf.forEach((doc) => { models.push(...doc.datamodel.models); }); return models; } else { const { Prisma } = require('@prisma/client'); if (Prisma.dmmf && Prisma.dmmf.datamodel) { return Prisma.dmmf.datamodel.models; } else { return []; } } } get defaultFields() { return this.options?.defaultFields; } get excludeFields() { return this.options?.excludeFields; } private get fields() { return parseResolveInfo(; } private static getModelMap(docs?: string, name?: string) { const value = docs?.match(/\(\[(.*?)\]\)/); if (value && name) { const asArray = value[1] .replace(/ /g, '') .split(',') .filter((v) => v); return asArray.includes(name); } return false; } private model(name?: string) { return this.dataModel.find((item) => === name || PrismaSelect.getModelMap(item.documentation, name)); } private field(name: string, model?: DMMF.Model) { return model?.fields.find((item) => === name); } static isObject(item: any) { return item && typeof item === 'object' && !Array.isArray(item); } static mergeDeep(target: any, ...sources: any[]): any { if (!sources.length) return target; const source: any = sources.shift(); if (PrismaSelect.isObject(target) && PrismaSelect.isObject(source)) { for (const key in source) { if (PrismaSelect.isObject(source[key])) { if (!target[key]) Object.assign(target, { [key]: {} }); PrismaSelect.mergeDeep(target[key], source[key]); } else { Object.assign(target, { [key]: source[key] }); } } } return PrismaSelect.mergeDeep(target, ...sources); } /** * Get nested value from select object. * @param field - name of field in select object. * @param filterBy - Model name as you have in schema.prisma file. * @param mergeObject * @example * // Graphql query * { * findManyUser{ * id * posts{ * id * comments{ * id * } * } * } * } * * // when you need to get more nested fields just add `.` * PrismaSelect.valueOf('posts.comments', 'Comment'); * // return * { select: { id: true } } * * PrismaSelect.valueOf('posts', 'Post'); * * // return * { select: { id: true, comments: { select: { id: true } } } } * **/ valueOf(field: string, filterBy?: string, mergeObject: any = {}) { const splitItem = field.split('.'); let newValue: Record = this.getSelect(this.fields); for (const field of splitItem) { if (this.isAggregate &&, field)) { newValue = newValue[field]; } else if ( !this.isAggregate &&, 'select') &&, field) ) { newValue =[field]; } else { return {}; } } return filterBy ? PrismaSelect.mergeDeep(this.filterBy(filterBy, newValue), mergeObject) : newValue; } /** * Work with this method if your GraphQL type name not like Schema model name. * @param modelName - Model name as you have in schema.prisma file. * @example * // normal call * const select = new PrismaSelect(info).value * * // With filter will filter select object with provided schema model name * const select = new PrismaSelect(info).valueWithFilter('User'); * **/ valueWithFilter(modelName: string) { return this.filterBy(modelName, this.getSelect(this.fields)); } private filterBy(modelName: string, selectObject: any) { const model = this.model(modelName); if (model && typeof selectObject === 'object') { let defaultFields = {}; if (this.defaultFields && this.defaultFields[modelName]) { const modelFields = this.defaultFields[modelName]; defaultFields = typeof modelFields === 'function' ? modelFields( : modelFields; } const filteredObject = { ...selectObject, select: { ...defaultFields }, }; for (const key in { if (this.excludeFields && this.excludeFields[modelName]) { const modelFields = this.excludeFields[modelName]; const excludeFields = typeof modelFields === 'function' ? modelFields( : modelFields; if (excludeFields.includes(key)) continue; } if (this.allowedProps.includes(key)) {[key] =[key]; continue; } const field = this.field(key, model); if (field) { if (field.kind !== 'object') {[key] = true; continue; } const subModelFilter = this.filterBy(field.type,[key]); if (subModelFilter === true) {[key] = true; continue; } if (Object.keys( > 0) {[key] = subModelFilter; } } } return filteredObject; } else { return selectObject; } } private getArgs(args?: Record) { const filteredArgs: Record = {}; if (args) { this.availableArgs.forEach((key) => { if (args[key]) { filteredArgs[key] = args[key]; } }); } return filteredArgs; } private getSelect(fields: PrismaSelect['fields'], parent = true) { const selectObject: any = this.isAggregate ? {} : { select: {}, ...(parent ? {} : this.getArgs(fields?.args)) }; if (fields) { Object.keys(fields.fieldsByTypeName).forEach((type) => { const fieldsByTypeName = fields.fieldsByTypeName[type]; Object.keys(fieldsByTypeName).forEach((key) => { const fieldName = fieldsByTypeName[key].name; if (Object.keys(fieldsByTypeName[key].fieldsByTypeName).length === 0) { if (this.isAggregate) { selectObject[fieldName] = true; } else {[fieldName] = true; } } else { if (this.isAggregate) { selectObject[fieldName] = this.getSelect(fieldsByTypeName[key], false); } else {[fieldName] = this.getSelect(fieldsByTypeName[key], false); } } }); }); } return selectObject; } }