0.19.6 2024-05-19 ----------------- * Bugfix use ContentRange in the right way. See issue #331. * Bugfix hold a strong reference to background tasks. * Bugfix avoid ResourceWarning in DataBody.__aiter__. 0.19.5 2024-04-01 ----------------- * Bugfix DeprecationWarning from datetime.utcnow(). * Bugfix ensure request files are closed. * Bugfix development restarting when commands are passed. * Restore teardown_websocket methods. * Correct the config_class type. * Allow kwargs to be passed to the test client (matches Flask API). 0.19.4 2023-11-19 ----------------- * Bugfix program not closing on Ctrl+C in Windows. * Bugfix the typing for AfterWebsocket functions. * Improve the typing of the ensure_async method. * Add a shutdown event to the app. 0.19.3 2023-10-04 ----------------- * Bugfix update the default config to better match Flask. 0.19.2 2023-10-01 ----------------- * Bugfix restore the app {after, before}_websocket methods. * Bugfix correctly set the cli Group in Quart. 0.19.1 2023-09-30 ----------------- * Bugfix remove QUART_ENV and env usage. 0.19.0 2023-09-30 ----------------- * Remove Flask-Patch. It has been replaced with the Quart-Flask-Patch extension. * Remove references to first request, as per Flask. * Await the background tasks before calling the after serving funcs. * Don't copy the app context into the background task. * Allow background tasks a grace period to complete during shutdown. * Base Quart on Flask, utilising Flask code where possible. This introduces a dependency on Flask. * Bugfix trailing slash issue in URL concatenation for empty 'path' * Bugfix Issue #219. Use only CR in SSE documentation. * Bugfix typing for websocket to accept auth data. * Bugfix ensure subdomains apply to nested blueprints. * Bugfix ensure make_response errors if the value is incorrect. * Bugfix propagated exception handling. * Bugfix ensure exceptions propagate before logging. * Bugfix cope with scope extension value being None. * Bugfix ensure the conditional 304 response is empty. * Bugfix handle empty path in URL concatenation. * Bugfix corrected typing hint for abort method at helpers.py. * Bugfix root_path usage. * Fix Werkzeug deprecation warnings. * Add svg's to jinja's autoescaping. * Improve the WebsocketResponse error, by including the response. * Add a file mode parameter to the config.from_file method. * Show the subdomain or host in the routes command output. * Upgrade to blinker 1.6. * Require Werkzeug 3.0.0 and Flask 3.0.0. * Use tomllib rather than toml. 0.18.4 2023-04-09 ----------------- * Restrict blinker to < 1.6 for 0.18.x versions to ensure it works with Quart's implementation. 0.18.3 2022-10-08 ----------------- * Fixed Issue #206. Corrected quart.json.loads type annotation. * Bugfix signal handling on Windows. * Bugfix add missing globals to Flask-Patch. 0.18.2 2022-10-04 ----------------- * Bugfix use add_signal_handler not signal.signal. 0.18.1 2022-10-03 ----------------- * Bugfix static hosting with resource path escaping the root. * Bugfix adopt the Werkzeug/Flask make_conditional API/functionality. * Bugfix restore the reloader to Quart. * Bugfix support subdomains when testing. * Bugfix the signal handling to work on Windows. 0.18.0 2022-07-23 ----------------- * Remove Quart's safe_join, use Werkzeug's version instead. * Drop toml dependency, as it isn't required in Quart (use config.from_file as desired). * Change websocket.send_json to match jsonify's options. * Allow while serving decorators on blueprints. * Support synchronous background tasks, they will be run on a thread. * Follow Flask's API an allow empty argument Response construction. * Add get_root_path to helpers to match Flask. * Support silent argument in config.from_envvar. * Adopt Flask's logging setup. * Add stream_template and stream_template_string functions to stream a large template in parts. * Switch to Flask's top level name exportion style. * Add aborter object to app to allow for abort customisation. * Add redirect method to app to allow for redirect customisation. * Remove usage of LocalStacks, using ContextVars more directly. This should improve performance, but introduces backwards incompatibility. _*_ctx_stack globals are removed, use *_context instead. Extensions should store on ``g`` as appropriate. Requires Werkzeug >= 2.2.0. * Returned lists are now jsonified. * Move url_for to the app to allow for url_for customisation. * Remove config from_json use from_file instead. * Match the Flask views classes and API. * Adopt the Flask cli code adding ``--app``, ``--env``, and ``-debug`` options to the CLI. * Adopt the Flask JSON provider interface, use instead of JSON encoders and decoders. * Switch to being a Pallets project. * Requires at least v8 of click. 0.17.0 2022-03-26 ----------------- * Raise startup and shutdown errors. * Allow loading of environment variables into the config. * Bugfix switch to Werkzeug's redirect. * Bugfix import Markup and escape from MarkupSafe. 0.16.3 2022-02-02 ----------------- * Bugfix ensure auth is sent on test client requests. 0.16.2 2021-12-14 ----------------- * Bugfix await background task shutdown after shutdown funcs. * Bugfix use the before websocket not request funcs. 0.16.1 2021-11-17 ----------------- * Add missing serving exception handling. 0.16.0 2021-11-09 ----------------- * Support an auth argument in the test client. * Support Python 3.10. * Utilise ensure_async in the copy context functions. * Add support for background tasks via ``app.add_background_task``. * Give a clearer error for invalid response types. * Make open_resource and open_instance_resource async. * Allow save_session to accept None as a response value. * Rename errors to have an ``Error`` suffix. * Bugfix typing of before (first) request callables. * Bugfix support view sync handlers. * Bugfix import of method "redirect" from flask. * Bugfix registering a blueprint twice with differing names. * Bugfix support ctx.pop() without passing exc explicitly. * Bugfix a request timeout error should be raised on timeout. * Bugfix remove jinja warnings. * Bugfix use the websocket context in the websocket method. * Bugfix raise any lifespan startup failures when testing. * Bugfix handler call order based on blueprint nesting. * Bugfix allow for generators that yield strings to be used. * Bugfix reorder acceptance to prevent race conditions. * Bugfix prevent multiple task form body parsing via a lock. 0.15.1 2021-05-24 ----------------- * Improve the ``g`` AppGlobals typing. * Bugfix nested blueprint url_prefixes. * Bugfix ensure the session is created before url matching. * Bugfix Flask Patch sync wrapping async. * Bugfix don't try an parse the form data multiple times. * Bugfix blueprint naming allowing blueprints to be registered with a different name. * Bugfix teardown callable typing. 0.15.0 2021-05-11 ----------------- * Add the routes command, ``quart routes`` to output the routes in the app. * Add the ability to close websocket connections with a reason if supported by the server. * Revert AppContext lifespan interaction change in 0.14.0. It is not possible to introduce this and match Flask's ``g`` usage. * Add syntatic sugar for route registration allowing ``app.get``, ``app.post``, etc... for app and blueprint instances. * Support handlers returning a Werkzeug Response. * Remove Quart's exceptions and use Werkzeug's. This may cause incompatibility to fix import from ``werkzeug.exceptions`` instead of ``quart.exceptions``. * Switch to Werkzeug's locals and Sans-IO wrappers. * Allow for files to be sent via test client, via a ``files`` argument. * Make the NoAppException clearer. * Support nested blueprints. * Support while_serving functionality. * Bugfix Correct routing host case matching. * Bugfix cache flashed msg on request.flashes. * Bugfix debug defaults and overrides using run. * Bugfix adopt Werkzeug's timestamp parsing. * Bugfix only show the traceback response if propagating exceptions. * Bugfix unhandled exception handling. * Bugfix support url_for in websocket contexts. * Bugfix cookie jar handling in test client. * Bugfix support SERVER_NAME configuration for the run method. * Bugfix correctly support root_paths. * Bugfix support str and byte streamed responses. * Bugfix match Flask and consume the raw data when form parsing. 0.14.1 2020-12-13 ----------------- * Bugfix add missing receive to test request connection and docs. * Bugfix Add the templates_auto_reload API. * Bugfix setting the debug property on the app now also sets the auto reloading for the jinja environment. 0.14.0 2020-12-05 ----------------- * Add user_agent property to requests/websockets - to easily extract the user agent using Werkzeug's UserAgent class. * Bugfix set the content length when using send file - instead of using chunked transfer encoding. * Introduce a test_app method - this should be used to ensure that the startup & shutdown functions are run during testing. * Bugfix prevent local data sharing. * Officially support Python 3.9. * Add send and receive json to the test websocket client - allows a simpler way for json to be sent and received using the app's encoder and decoder. * Add signals for websocket message receipt and sending - specifically the ``websocket_received`` and ``websocket_sent`` signals. * Add dump and load functions to the json module - as matching Flask. * Enhance the dev server output. * Change AppContext lifespan interaction - this pushes the app context on startup and pops on shutdown meaning ``g`` is available throughout without being cleared. * Major refactor of the testing system - this ensures that any middleware and lifespans are correctly tested. It also introduces a ``request`` method on the test client for a request connection (like the websocket connection) for testing streaming. 0.13.1 2020-09-09 ----------------- * Bugfix add the data property to the patched request attributes. * Bugfix WebSocket ASGI rejection (for servers that don't support the ASGI WebSocket response extension). * Bugfix don't wrap commands in with_appcontext by default. * Bugfix CSP parsing for the report-only header. * Bugfix wait for tasks to complete when cancelled. * Bugfix clean up the generator when the response exits. * Bugfix request data handling with Flask-Patch. 0.13.0 2020-07-14 ----------------- * Bugfix set cookies from the testing jar for websockets. * Restore Flask-Patch sync handling to pre 0.11. This means that sync route handlers, before request, and more, are **not** run in a thread if Flask-Patch is used. This restores Flask-SQLAlchemy support (with Flask-Patch). * Bugfix accept additional attributes to the delete cookie. 0.12.0 2020-05-21 ----------------- * Add certfile and keyfile arguments to cli. * Bugfix request host value returns an empty string rather than None for HTTP/1.0 requests without a host header. * Bugfix type of query string argument to Werkzeug Map fixing a TypeError. * Add ASGI scope dictionary to request. * Ensure that FlaskGroup exists when using flask_patch by patchin the flask.cli module from quart. * Add quart.cli.with_appcontext matching the Flask API. * Make the quart.Blueprint registration api compatible with flask.Blueprint. * Make the add_url_rule api match the flask API. * Resolve error handlers by most specific first (matches Flask). * Support test sessions and context preservation when testing. * Add lookup_app and lookup_request to flask patch globals. * Make quart.Blueprint API constructor fully compatible with flask.Blueprint * Bugfix ensure (url) defaults aren't copied between blueprint routes. 0.11.5 2020-03-31 ----------------- * Bugfix ensure any exceptions are raised in the ASGI handling code. * Bugfix support url defaults in the blueprint API. 0.11.4 2020-03-29 ----------------- * Bugfix add a testing patch to ensure FlaskClient exists. * Security/Bugfix htmlsafe function. * Bugfix default to the map's strict slashes setting. * Bugfix host normalisation for route matching. * Bugfix add subdomain to the blueprint API. 0.11.3 2020-02-26 ----------------- * Bugfix lowercase header names passed to cgi FieldStorage. 0.11.2 2020-02-10 ----------------- * Bugfix debug traceback rendering. * Bugfix multipart/form-data parsing. * Bugfix uncomment cookie parameters. * Bugfix add await to the LocalProxy mappings. 0.11.1 2020-02-09 ----------------- * Bugfix cors header accessors and setters. * Bugfix iscoroutinefunction with Python3.7. * Bugfix after request/websocket function typing. 0.11.0 2020-02-08 ----------------- *This contains all the Bugfixes in the 0.6 branch.* * Allow relative root_path values. * Add a TooManyRequests, 429, exception. * Run synchronous code via a Thread Pool Executor. This means that sync route handlers, before request, and more, are run in a thread. **This is a major change.** * Add an asgi_app method for middleware usage, for example ``quart_app.asgi_app = Middleware(quart_app.asgi_app)``. * Add a ``run_sync`` function to run synchronous code in a thread pool with the Quart contexts present. * Bugfix set cookies on redirects when testing. * Bugfix follow the Flask API for dumps/loads. * Support loading configuration with a custom loader, ``from_file`` this allows for toml format configurations (among others). * Bugfix match the Werkzeug API in redirect. * Bugfix Respect QUART_DEBUG when using ``quart run``. * Follow the Flask exception propagation rules, ensuring exceptions are propogated in testing. * Support Python 3.8. * Redirect with a 308 rather than 301 (following Flask/Werkzeug). * Add a _QUART_PATCHED marker to all patched modules. * Bugfix ensure multiple cookies are respected during testing. * Switch to Werkzeug for datastructures and header parsing and dumping. **This is a major change.** * Make the lock class customisable by the app subclass, this allows Quart-Trio to override the lock type. * Add a run_task method to Quart (app) class. This is a task based on the run method assumptions that can be awaited or run as desired. * Switch JSON tag datetime format to allow reading of Flask encoded tags. * Switch to Werkzeug's cookie code. **This is a major change.** * Switch to Werkzeug's routing code. **This is a major change.** * Add signal handling to run method, but not the run_task method. 0.6.15 2019-10-17 ----------------- **This is the final 0.6 release and the final release to support Python3.6, Python3.8 is now available.** * Bugfix handle 'http.request' without a 'body' key 0.10.0 2019-08-30 ----------------- *This contains all the Bugfixes in the 0.6 branch.* * Support aborting with a Response argument. * Fix JSON type hints to match typeshed. * Update to Hypercorn 0.7.0 as minimum version. * Bugfix ensure the default response timeout is set. * Allow returning dictionaries from view functions, this follows a new addition to Flask. * Bugfix ensure the response timeout has a default. * Bugfix correct testing-websocket typing. * Accept json, data, or form arguments to test_request_context. * Support send_file sending a BytesIO object. * Add samesite cookie support (requires Python3.8). * Add a ContentSecurityPolicy datastructure, this follows a new addition to Werkzeug. * Unblock logging I/O by logging in separate threads. * Support ASGI root_path as a prepended path to all routes. 0.6.14 2019-08-30 ----------------- * Bugfix follow Werkzeug LocalProxy name API. * Bugfix ensure multiple files are correctly loaded. * Bugfix ensure make_response status code is an int. * Bugfix be clear about header encoding. * Bugfix ensure loading form/files data is timeout protected. * Bugfix add missing Unauthorized, Forbidden, and NotAcceptable exception classes. 0.9.1 2019-05-12 ---------------- * Bugfix unquote the path in the test client, following the ASGI standard. * Bugfix follow Werkzeug LocalProxy name API. * Bugfix ensure multiple files are correctly loaded. 0.9.0 2019-04-22 ---------------- *This contains all the Bugfixes in the 0.6 and 0.8 branches.* * Highlight the traceback line of code when using the debug system. * Bugfix ensure debug has an affect when passed to app run. * Change the test_request_context arguments to match the test client open arguments. * Bugfix form data loading limit type. * Support async Session Interfaces (with continued support for sync interfaces). * Added before_app_websocket, and after_app_websocket methods to the Blueprint. * Support sending headers on WebSocket acceptance (this requires ASGI server support, the default Hypercorn supports this). * Support async teardown functions (with continued support for sync functions). * Match the Flask API argument order for send_file adding a mimetype argument and supporting attachment sending. * Make the requested subprotocols available via the websocket class, ``websocket.requested_subprotocols``. * Support session saving with WebSockets (errors for cookie sessions if the WebSocket connection has been accepted). * Switch to be an ASGI 3 framework (this requires ASGI server support, the default Hypercorn supports this). * Refactor push promise API, the removes the ``response.push_promises`` attribute. * Aceept Path (types) throughout and switch to Path (types) internally. 0.6.13 2019-04-22 ----------------- * Bugfix multipart parsing. * Added Map.iter_rules(endpoint) Method. * Bugfix cope if there is no source code (when using the debug system). 0.8.1 2019-02-09 ---------------- * Bugfix make the safe_join function stricter. * Bugfix parse multipart form data correctly. * Bugfix add missing await. 0.8.0 2019-01-29 ---------------- *This contains all the Bugfixes in the 0.6 and 0.7 branches.* * Bugfix raise an error if the loaded app is not a Quart instance. * Remove unused AccessLogAtoms * Change the Quart::run method interface, this reduces the available options for simplicity. See hypercorn for an extended set of deployment configuration. * Utilise the Hypercorn serve function, requires Hypercorn >= 0.5.0. * Added list_templates method to DispatchingJinjaLoader. * Add additional methods to the Accept datastructure, specifically keyed accessors. * Expand the abort functionality and signature, to allow for the description and name to be optionally specified. * Add a make_push_promise function, to allow for push promises to be sent at any time during the request handling e.g. pre-emptive pushes. * Rethink the Response Body structure to allow for more efficient handling of file bodies and the ability to extend how files are managed (for Quart-Trio and others). * Add the ability to send conditional 206 responses. Optionally a response can be made conditional by awaiting the make_conditional method with an argument of the request range. * Recommend Mangum for serverless deployments. * Added instance_path and instance_relative_config to allow for an instance folder to be used. 0.6.12 2019-01-29 ----------------- * Bugfix raise a BadRequest if the body encoding is wrong. * Limit Hypercorn to versions < 0.6. * Bugfix matching of MIMEAccept values. * Bugfix handle the special routing case of /. * Bugfix ensure sync functions work with async signals. * Bugfix ensure redirect location headers are full URLs. * Bugfix ensure open ended Range header works. * Bugfix ensure RequestEntityTooLarge errors are correctly raised. 0.7.2 2019-01-03 ---------------- * Fix the url display bug. * Avoid crash in flask_patch isinstance. * Cope with absolute paths sent in the scope. 0.7.1 2018-12-18 ---------------- * Bugfix Flask patching step definition. 0.7.0 2018-12-16 ---------------- * Support only Python 3.7, see the 0.6.X releases for continued Python 3.6 support. * Introduce ContextVars for local storage. * Change default redirect status code to 302. * Support integer/float cookie expires. * Specify cookie date format (differs to Flask). * Remove the Gunicorn workers, please use a ASGI server instead. * Remove Gunicorn compatibility. * Introduce a Headers data structure. * Implement follow_redirects in Quart test client. * Adopt the ASGI lifespan protocol. 0.6.11 2018-12-09 ----------------- * Bugfix support static files in blueprints. * Bugfix ensure automatic options API matches Flask and works. * Bugfix app.run SSL usage and Hypercorn compatibility. 0.6.10 2018-11-12 ----------------- * Bugfix async body iteration cleanup. 0.6.9 2018-11-10 ---------------- * Bugfix async body iteration deadlock. * Bufgix ASGI handling to ensure completion. 0.6.8 2018-10-21 ---------------- * Ensure an event loop is specified on app.run. * Bugfix ensure handler responses are finalized. * Bugfix ensure the ASGI callable returns on completion. 0.6.7 2018-09-23 ---------------- * Bugfix ASGI conversion of websocket data (str or bytes). * Bugfix ensure redirect url includes host when host matching. * Bugfix ensure query strings are present in redirect urls. * Bugfix ensure header values are string types. * Bugfix incorrect endpoint override error for synchronous view functions. 0.6.6 2018-08-27 ---------------- * Bugfix add type conversion to getlist (on multidicts) * Bugfix correct ASGI client usage (allows for None) * Bugfix ensure overlapping requests work without destroying the others context. * Bugfix ensure only integer status codes are accepted. 0.6.5 2018-08-05 ---------------- * Bugfix change default redirect status code to 302. * Bugfix support query string parsing from test client paths. * Bugfix support int/float cookie expires values. * Bugfix correct the cookie date format to RFC 822. * Bugfix copy sys.modules to prevent dictionary changed errors. * Bugfix ensure request body iteration returns all data. * Bugfix correct set host header (if missing) for HTTP/1.0. * Bugfix set the correct defaults for _external in url_for. 0.6.4 2018-07-15 ---------------- * Bugfix correctly handle request query strings. * Restore log output when running in development mode. * Bugfix allow for multiple query string values when building urls, e.g. ``a=1&a=2``. * Bugfix ensure the Flask Patch system works with Python 3.7. 0.6.3 2018-07-05 ---------------- * Bugfix ensure compatibility with Python 3.7 0.6.2 2018-06-24 ---------------- * Bugfix remove class member patching from flask-patch system, as was unreliable. * Bugfix ensure ASGI websocket handler closes on disconnect. * Bugfix cope with optional client values in ASGI scope. 0.6.1 2018-06-18 ---------------- * Bugfix accept PathLike objects to the ``send_file`` function. * Bugfix mutable methods in blueprint routes or url rule addition. * Bugfix don't lowercase header values. * Bugfix support automatic options on View classes. 0.6.0 2018-06-11 ---------------- * Quart is now an ASGI framework, and requires an ASGI server to serve requests. `Hypercorn `_ is used in development and is recommended for production. Hypercorn is a continuation of the Quart serving code. * Add before and after serving functionality, this is provisional. * Add caching, last modified and etag information to static files served via send_file. * Bugfix date formatting in response headers. * Bugfix make_response should error if response is None. * Deprecate the Gunicorn workers, see ASGI servers (e.g. Uvicorn). * Bugfix ensure shell context processors work. * Change template context processors to be async, this is backwards incompatible. * Change websocket API to be async, this is backwards incompatible. * Allow the websocket class to be configurable by users. * Bugfix catch signals on Windows. * Perserve context in Flask-Patch system. * Add the websocket API to blueprints. * Add host, subdomain, and default options to websocket routes. * Bugfix support defaults on route or add_url_rule usage. * Introduce a more useful BuildError * Bugfix match Flask after request function execution order. * Support ``required_methods`` on view functions. * Added CORS, Access Control, datastructures to request and response objects. * Allow type conversion in (CI)MultiDict get. 0.5.0 2018-04-13 ---------------- * Further API compatibility with Flask, specifically submodules, wrappers, and the app. * Bugfix ensure error handlers work. * Bugfix await get_data in Flask Patch system. * Bugfix rule building, specifically additional arguments as query strings. * Ability to add defaults to routes on definition. * Bugfix allow set_cookie to accept bytes arguments. * Bugfix ensure mimetype are returned. * Add host matching, and subdomains for routes. * Introduce implicit sequence conversion to response data. * URL and host information on requests. * Add a debug page, which shows tracebacks on errors. * Bugfix accept header parsing. * Bugfix cope with multi lists in forms. * Add cache control, etag and range header structures. * Add host, url, scheme and path correctly to path wrappers. * Bugfix CLI module parsing. * Add auto reloading on file changes. * Bugfix ignore invalid upgrade headers. * Bugfix h2c requests when there is a body (to not upgrade). * Refactor of websocket API, matching the request API as an analogue. * Refactor to mitigate DOS attacks, add documentation section. * Allow event loop to be specified when running apps. * Bugfix ensure automatic options work. * Rename TestClient -> QuartClient to match Flask naming. 0.4.1 2018-01-27 ---------------- * Bugfix HTTP/2 support and pass h2spec compliance testing. * Bugifx Websocket support and pass autobahn fuzzy test compliance testing. * Bugfix HEAD request support (don't try to send a body). * Bugfix content-type (remove forced override). 0.4.0 2018-01-14 ---------------- * Change to async signals and context management. This allows the signal receivers to be async (which is much more useful) but requires changes to any current usage (notably test contexts). * Add initial support of websockets. * Support HTTP/1.1 to HTTP/2 (h2c) upgrades, includes supporting HTTP/2 without SSL (note browsers don't support this). * Add timing to access logging. * Add a new Logo :). Thanks to @koddr. * Support streaming of the request body. * Add initial CLI support, using click. * Add context copying helper functions and clarify how to stream a response. * Improved tutorials. * Allow the request to be limited to prevent DOS attacks. 0.3.1 2017-10-25 ---------------- * Fix incorrect error message for HTTP/1.1 requests. * Fix HTTP/1.1 pipelining support and error handling. 0.3.0 2017-10-10 ---------------- * Change flask_ext name to flask_patch to clarify that it is not the pre-existing flask_ext system and that it patches Quart to provide Flask imports. * Added support for views. * Match Werkzeug API for FileStorage. * Support HTTP/2 pipelining. * Add access logging. * Add HTTP/2 Server push, see the ``push_promises`` Set on a Response object. * Add idle timeouts. 0.2.0 2017-07-22 ---------------- This is still an alpha version of Quart, some notable changes are, * Support for Flask extensions via the flask_ext module (if imported). * Initial documentation setup and actual documentation including API docstrings. * Closer match to the Flask API, most modules now match the Flask public API. 0.1.0 2017-05-21 ---------------- * Released initial pre alpha version.