2022-04-14 (THURSDAY) - AA DISTRIBUTION QAKBOT (QBOT) WITH COBALT STRIKE INFECTION CHAIN: - email --> link --> zip --> extracted .msi file --> dropped Qakbot DLL --> Qakbot C2 --> Cobalt Strike NOTES: - Also known as TA577, aa distribution Qakbot started using .msi files in downloaded zip archives as of Monday 2022-04-11. - Reference: https://twitter.com/k3dg3/status/1513514251788464132 - Reference: https://twitter.com/Max_Mal_/status/1513539551070937093 - Saw the same Cobalt Strike C2 domain and IP address on Monday 2022-04-11 for 172.241.27[.]237 using kuxojemoli[.]com. - Reference: https://twitter.com/malware_traffic/status/1513556366346137605 ASSOCIATED MALWARE: - SHA256: 5c3b39ec6ffbfe05ac0246d98d6ce7287de442896c90d24e256a03da21f3ada9 - File size: 817,162 bytes - File location: hxxps://geobram[.]com/ist/iseerroaemtefspidnle - File location: hxxps://geobram[.]com/ist/NO_2950435796.zip - File name: iseerroaemtefspidnle.zip - File description: ZIP archive downloaded from link in email - SHA256: 2b9861436d994bee6a332cbaf71a9fd6f157089062f414207c9effe84bf556e5 - File size: 977,920 bytes - File name: 281.msi - File description: MSI file extracted from above ZIP archive - SHA256: f642fe6b372183af134c1c8cd5f806de37dcea27d6eab2ef53663d61795416e0 - File size: 1,399,296 bytes - File location: C:\Users\[username]\AppData\Local\SetupTest\1.dll - File description: Windows DLL for Qakbot (aa distribution tag) - Run method: regsvr32.exe [filename] TRAFFIC TO DOWNLOAD THE INITIAL ZIP ARCHIVE: - 208.91.198[.]131 port 443 - hxxps://geobram[.]com/ist/iseerroaemtefspidnle - 208.91.198[.]131 port 443 - hxxps://geobram[.]com/ist/NO_2950435796.zip QAKBOT C2 TRAFFIC: - 47.158.25[.]67 port 443 - attempted TCP connections - 45.46.53[.]140 port 2222 - HTTPS traffic - port 443 - www.openssl[.]org - connectivity check (not inherently malicious) - 23.111.114[.]52 port 65400 - TCP traffic - 75.99.168[.]194 port 443 - HTTPS traffic COBALT STRIKE TRAFFIC: - 172.241.27[.]237 port 443 - kuxojemoli[.]com