"""Extends setuptools with the ``build_apps`` and ``bdist_apps`` commands. See the :ref:`distribution` section of the programming manual for information on how to use these commands. """ import os import plistlib import sys import subprocess import zipfile import re import shutil import stat import struct import string import tempfile import setuptools import distutils.log from . import FreezeTool from . import pefile from . import installers from .icon import Icon from ._dist_hooks import finalize_distribution_options import panda3d.core as p3d def _parse_list(input): if isinstance(input, str): input = input.strip().replace(',', '\n') if input: return [item.strip() for item in input.split('\n') if item.strip()] else: return [] else: return input def _parse_dict(input): if isinstance(input, dict): return input d = {} for item in _parse_list(input): key, sep, value = item.partition('=') d[key.strip()] = value.strip() return d def _register_python_loaders(): # We need this method so that we don't depend on direct.showbase.Loader. if getattr(_register_python_loaders, 'done', None): return _register_python_loaders.done = True from importlib.metadata import entry_points eps = entry_points() if isinstance(eps, dict): # Python 3.8 and 3.9 loaders = eps.get('panda3d.loaders', ()) else: loaders = eps.select(group='panda3d.loaders') registry = p3d.LoaderFileTypeRegistry.get_global_ptr() for entry_point in loaders: registry.register_deferred_type(entry_point) def _model_to_bam(_build_cmd, srcpath, dstpath): if dstpath.endswith('.gz') or dstpath.endswith('.pz'): dstpath = dstpath[:-3] dstpath = dstpath + '.bam' src_fn = p3d.Filename.from_os_specific(srcpath) dst_fn = p3d.Filename.from_os_specific(dstpath) _register_python_loaders() loader = p3d.Loader.get_global_ptr() options = p3d.LoaderOptions(p3d.LoaderOptions.LF_report_errors | p3d.LoaderOptions.LF_no_ram_cache) node = loader.load_sync(src_fn, options) if not node: raise IOError('Failed to load model: %s' % (srcpath)) if not p3d.NodePath(node).write_bam_file(dst_fn): raise IOError('Failed to write .bam file: %s' % (dstpath)) macosx_binary_magics = ( b'\xFE\xED\xFA\xCE', b'\xCE\xFA\xED\xFE', b'\xFE\xED\xFA\xCF', b'\xCF\xFA\xED\xFE', b'\xCA\xFE\xBA\xBE', b'\xBE\xBA\xFE\xCA', b'\xCA\xFE\xBA\xBF', b'\xBF\xBA\xFE\xCA') # Some dependencies need data directories to be extracted. This dictionary maps # modules with data to extract. The values are lists of tuples of the form # (source_pattern, destination_pattern, flags). The flags is a set of strings. PACKAGE_DATA_DIRS = { 'matplotlib': [('matplotlib/mpl-data/*', 'mpl-data', {})], 'jsonschema': [('jsonschema/schemas/*', 'schemas', {})], 'cefpython3': [ ('cefpython3/*.pak', '', {}), ('cefpython3/*.dat', '', {}), ('cefpython3/*.bin', '', {}), ('cefpython3/*.dll', '', {}), ('cefpython3/libcef.so', '', {}), ('cefpython3/LICENSE.txt', '', {}), ('cefpython3/License', '', {}), ('cefpython3/subprocess*', '', {'PKG_DATA_MAKE_EXECUTABLE'}), ('cefpython3/locals/*', 'locals', {}), ('cefpython3/Chromium Embedded Framework.framework/Resources', 'Chromium Embedded Framework.framework/Resources', {}), ('cefpython3/Chromium Embedded Framework.framework/Chromium Embedded Framework', '', {'PKG_DATA_MAKE_EXECUTABLE'}), ], 'pytz': [('pytz/zoneinfo/*', 'zoneinfo', ())], 'certifi': [('certifi/cacert.pem', '', {})], '_tkinter_ext': [('_tkinter_ext/tcl/**', 'tcl', {})], } # Some dependencies have extra directories that need to be scanned for DLLs. # This dictionary maps wheel basenames (ie. the part of the .whl basename # before the first hyphen) to a list of tuples, the first value being the # directory inside the wheel, the second being which wheel to look in (or # None to look in its own wheel). PACKAGE_LIB_DIRS = { 'scipy': [('scipy/extra-dll', None)], 'PyQt5': [('PyQt5/Qt5/bin', 'PyQt5_Qt5')], } SITE_PY = """ import sys from _frozen_importlib import _imp, FrozenImporter sys.frozen = True if sys.platform == 'win32' and sys.version_info < (3, 10): # Make sure the preferred encoding is something we actually support. import _bootlocale enc = _bootlocale.getpreferredencoding().lower() if enc != 'utf-8' and not _imp.is_frozen('encodings.%s' % (enc)): def getpreferredencoding(do_setlocale=True): return 'mbcs' _bootlocale.getpreferredencoding = getpreferredencoding # Alter FrozenImporter to give a __file__ property to frozen modules. _find_spec = FrozenImporter.find_spec def find_spec(fullname, path=None, target=None): spec = _find_spec(fullname, path=path, target=target) if spec: spec.has_location = True spec.origin = sys.executable return spec def get_data(path): with open(path, 'rb') as fp: return fp.read() FrozenImporter.find_spec = find_spec FrozenImporter.get_data = get_data """ SITE_PY_ANDROID = """ import sys, os from _frozen_importlib import _imp, FrozenImporter from importlib import _bootstrap_external from importlib.abc import Loader, MetaPathFinder from importlib.machinery import ModuleSpec from io import RawIOBase, TextIOWrapper from android_log import write as android_log_write sys.frozen = True # Temporary hack for plyer to detect Android, see kivy/plyer#670 os.environ['ANDROID_ARGUMENT'] = '' # Replace stdout/stderr with something that writes to the Android log. class AndroidLogStream: closed = False encoding = 'utf-8' def __init__(self, prio, tag): self.prio = prio self.tag = tag self.buffer = '' def isatty(self): return False def write(self, text): self.writelines(text.split('\\n')) def writelines(self, lines): num_lines = len(lines) if num_lines == 1: self.buffer += lines[0] elif num_lines > 1: android_log_write(self.prio, self.tag, self.buffer + lines[0]) for line in lines[1:-1]: android_log_write(self.prio, self.tag, line) self.buffer = lines[-1] def flush(self): pass def seekable(self): return False def readable(self): return False def writable(self): return True sys.stdout = AndroidLogStream(2, 'Python') sys.stderr = AndroidLogStream(3, 'Python') # Alter FrozenImporter to give a __file__ property to frozen modules. _find_spec = FrozenImporter.find_spec def find_spec(fullname, path=None, target=None): spec = _find_spec(fullname, path=path, target=target) if spec: spec.has_location = True spec.origin = sys.executable return spec def get_data(path): with open(path, 'rb') as fp: return fp.read() FrozenImporter.find_spec = find_spec FrozenImporter.get_data = get_data class AndroidExtensionFinder(MetaPathFinder): @classmethod def find_spec(cls, fullname, path=None, target=None): soname = 'libpy.' + fullname + '.so' path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(sys.executable), soname) if os.path.exists(path): loader = _bootstrap_external.ExtensionFileLoader(fullname, path) return ModuleSpec(fullname, loader, origin=path) sys.meta_path.append(AndroidExtensionFinder) """ class build_apps(setuptools.Command): description = 'build Panda3D applications' user_options = [ ('build-base=', None, 'directory to build applications in'), ('requirements-path=', None, 'path to requirements.txt file for pip'), ('platforms=', 'p', 'a list of platforms to build for'), ] default_file_handlers = { } def initialize_options(self): self.build_base = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'build') self.application_id = None self.android_abis = None self.android_debuggable = False self.android_version_code = 1 self.android_min_sdk_version = 21 self.android_max_sdk_version = None self.android_target_sdk_version = 30 self.gui_apps = {} self.console_apps = {} self.macos_main_app = None self.rename_paths = {} self.include_patterns = [] self.exclude_patterns = [] self.include_modules = {} self.exclude_modules = {} self.icons = {} self.platforms = [ 'manylinux2014_x86_64', 'macosx_10_9_x86_64', 'win_amd64', ] self.plugins = [] self.embed_prc_data = True self.extra_prc_files = [] self.extra_prc_data = '' self.default_prc_dir = None self.log_filename = None self.log_filename_strftime = True self.log_append = False self.prefer_discrete_gpu = False self.requirements_path = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'requirements.txt') self.strip_docstrings = True self.use_optimized_wheels = True self.optimized_wheel_index = '' self.pypi_extra_indexes = [ 'https://archive.panda3d.org/thirdparty', ] self.file_handlers = {} self.bam_model_extensions = ['.egg', '.gltf', '.glb'] self.exclude_dependencies = [ # Windows 'kernel32.dll', 'user32.dll', 'wsock32.dll', 'ws2_32.dll', 'advapi32.dll', 'opengl32.dll', 'glu32.dll', 'gdi32.dll', 'shell32.dll', 'ntdll.dll', 'ws2help.dll', 'rpcrt4.dll', 'imm32.dll', 'ddraw.dll', 'shlwapi.dll', 'secur32.dll', 'dciman32.dll', 'comdlg32.dll', 'comctl32.dll', 'ole32.dll', 'oleaut32.dll', 'gdiplus.dll', 'winmm.dll', 'iphlpapi.dll', 'msvcrt.dll', 'kernelbase.dll', 'msimg32.dll', 'msacm32.dll', 'setupapi.dll', 'version.dll', 'userenv.dll', 'netapi32.dll', 'crypt32.dll', 'bcrypt.dll', # manylinux1/linux 'libdl.so.*', 'libstdc++.so.*', 'libm.so.*', 'libgcc_s.so.*', 'libpthread.so.*', 'libc.so.*', 'ld-linux-x86-64.so.*', 'libgl.so.*', 'libx11.so.*', 'libncursesw.so.*', 'libz.so.*', 'librt.so.*', 'libutil.so.*', 'libnsl.so.1', 'libXext.so.6', 'libXrender.so.1', 'libICE.so.6', 'libSM.so.6', 'libEGL.so.1', 'libOpenGL.so.0', 'libGLdispatch.so.0', 'libGLX.so.0', 'libgobject-2.0.so.0', 'libgthread-2.0.so.0', 'libglib-2.0.so.0', # macOS '/usr/lib/libc++.1.dylib', '/usr/lib/libstdc++.*.dylib', '/usr/lib/libz.*.dylib', '/usr/lib/libobjc.*.dylib', '/usr/lib/libSystem.*.dylib', '/usr/lib/libbz2.*.dylib', '/usr/lib/libedit.*.dylib', '/usr/lib/libffi.dylib', '/usr/lib/libauditd.0.dylib', '/usr/lib/libgermantok.dylib', '/usr/lib/liblangid.dylib', '/usr/lib/libarchive.2.dylib', '/usr/lib/libipsec.A.dylib', '/usr/lib/libpanel.5.4.dylib', '/usr/lib/libiodbc.2.1.18.dylib', '/usr/lib/libhunspell-', '/usr/lib/libsqlite3.dylib', '/usr/lib/libpam.1.dylib', '/usr/lib/libtidy.A.dylib', '/usr/lib/libDHCPServer.A.dylib', '/usr/lib/libpam.2.dylib', '/usr/lib/libXplugin.1.dylib', '/usr/lib/libxslt.1.dylib', '/usr/lib/libiodbcinst.2.1.18.dylib', '/usr/lib/libBSDPClient.A.dylib', '/usr/lib/libsandbox.1.dylib', '/usr/lib/libform.5.4.dylib', '/usr/lib/libbsm.0.dylib', '/usr/lib/libMatch.1.dylib', '/usr/lib/libresolv.9.dylib', '/usr/lib/libcharset.1.dylib', '/usr/lib/libxml2.2.dylib', '/usr/lib/libiconv.2.dylib', '/usr/lib/libScreenReader.dylib', '/usr/lib/libdtrace.dylib', '/usr/lib/libicucore.A.dylib', '/usr/lib/libsasl2.2.dylib', '/usr/lib/libpcap.A.dylib', '/usr/lib/libexslt.0.dylib', '/usr/lib/libcurl.4.dylib', '/usr/lib/libncurses.5.4.dylib', '/usr/lib/libxar.1.dylib', '/usr/lib/libmenu.5.4.dylib', '/System/Library/**', # Android 'libc.so', 'libm.so', 'liblog.so', 'libdl.so', 'libandroid.so', 'libGLESv1_CM.so', 'libGLESv2.so', 'libjnigraphics.so', 'libEGL.so', 'libOpenSLES.so', 'libandroid.so', 'libOpenMAXAL.so', 'libz.so', ] self.package_data_dirs = {} self.hidden_imports = {} # We keep track of the zip files we've opened. self._zip_files = {} def _get_zip_file(self, path): if path in self._zip_files: return self._zip_files[path] zip = zipfile.ZipFile(path) self._zip_files[path] = zip return zip def finalize_options(self): # We need to massage the inputs a bit in case they came from a # setup.cfg file. self.gui_apps = _parse_dict(self.gui_apps) self.console_apps = _parse_dict(self.console_apps) self.rename_paths = _parse_dict(self.rename_paths) self.include_patterns = _parse_list(self.include_patterns) self.exclude_patterns = _parse_list(self.exclude_patterns) self.include_modules = { key: _parse_list(value) for key, value in _parse_dict(self.include_modules).items() } self.exclude_modules = { key: _parse_list(value) for key, value in _parse_dict(self.exclude_modules).items() } self.icons = _parse_dict(self.icons) self.platforms = _parse_list(self.platforms) self.plugins = _parse_list(self.plugins) self.extra_prc_files = _parse_list(self.extra_prc_files) self.hidden_imports = { key: _parse_list(value) for key, value in _parse_dict(self.hidden_imports).items() } if self.default_prc_dir is None: self.default_prc_dir = 'etc' if not self.embed_prc_data else '' num_gui_apps = len(self.gui_apps) num_console_apps = len(self.console_apps) if not self.macos_main_app: if num_gui_apps > 1: assert False, 'macos_main_app must be defined if more than one gui_app is defined' elif num_gui_apps == 1: self.macos_main_app = list(self.gui_apps.keys())[0] use_pipenv = ( 'Pipfile' in os.path.basename(self.requirements_path) or not os.path.exists(self.requirements_path) and os.path.exists('Pipfile') ) if use_pipenv: reqspath = os.path.join(self.build_base, 'requirements.txt') with open(reqspath, 'w') as reqsfile: subprocess.check_call(['pipenv', 'lock', '--requirements'], stdout=reqsfile) self.requirements_path = reqspath if self.use_optimized_wheels: if not self.optimized_wheel_index: # Try to find an appropriate wheel index # Start with the release index self.optimized_wheel_index = 'https://archive.panda3d.org/simple/opt' # See if a buildbot build is being used with open(self.requirements_path) as reqsfile: reqsdata = reqsfile.read() matches = re.search(r'--extra-index-url (https*://archive.panda3d.org/.*\b)', reqsdata) if matches and matches.group(1): self.optimized_wheel_index = matches.group(1) if not matches.group(1).endswith('opt'): self.optimized_wheel_index += '/opt' assert self.optimized_wheel_index, 'An index for optimized wheels must be defined if use_optimized_wheels is set' assert os.path.exists(self.requirements_path), 'Requirements.txt path does not exist: {}'.format(self.requirements_path) assert num_gui_apps + num_console_apps != 0, 'Must specify at least one app in either gui_apps or console_apps' self.exclude_dependencies = [p3d.GlobPattern(i) for i in self.exclude_dependencies] for glob in self.exclude_dependencies: glob.case_sensitive = False # bam_model_extensions registers a 2bam handler for each given extension. # They can override a default handler, but not a custom handler. if self.bam_model_extensions: for ext in self.bam_model_extensions: ext = '.' + ext.lstrip('.') handler = self.file_handlers.get(ext) if handler != _model_to_bam: assert handler is None, \ 'Extension {} occurs in both file_handlers and bam_model_extensions!'.format(ext) self.file_handlers[ext] = _model_to_bam tmp = self.default_file_handlers.copy() tmp.update(self.file_handlers) self.file_handlers = tmp tmp = PACKAGE_DATA_DIRS.copy() tmp.update(self.package_data_dirs) self.package_data_dirs = tmp # Default to all supported ABIs (for the given Android version). if self.android_max_sdk_version and self.android_max_sdk_version < 21: assert self.android_max_sdk_version >= 19, \ 'Panda3D requires at least Android API level 19!' if self.android_abis: for abi in self.android_abis: assert abi not in ('mips64', 'x86_64', 'arm64-v8a'), \ f'{abi} was not a valid Android ABI before Android 21!' else: self.android_abis = ['armeabi-v7a', 'x86'] elif not self.android_abis: self.android_abis = ['arm64-v8a', 'armeabi-v7a', 'x86_64', 'x86'] supported_abis = 'armeabi', 'armeabi-v7a', 'arm64-v8a', 'x86', 'x86_64', 'mips', 'mips64' unsupported_abis = set(self.android_abis) - set(supported_abis) if unsupported_abis: raise ValueError(f'Unrecognized value(s) for android_abis: {", ".join(unsupported_abis)}\n' f'Valid ABIs are: {", ".join(supported_abis)}') self.icon_objects = {} for app, iconpaths in self.icons.items(): if not isinstance(iconpaths, list) and not isinstance(iconpaths, tuple): iconpaths = (iconpaths,) iconobj = Icon() for iconpath in iconpaths: iconobj.addImage(iconpath) iconobj.generateMissingImages() self.icon_objects[app] = iconobj def run(self): self.announce('Building platforms: {0}'.format(','.join(self.platforms)), distutils.log.INFO) for platform in self.platforms: # Create the build directory, or ensure it is empty. build_dir = os.path.join(self.build_base, platform) if os.path.exists(build_dir): for entry in os.listdir(build_dir): path = os.path.join(build_dir, entry) if os.path.islink(path) or os.path.isfile(path): os.unlink(path) else: shutil.rmtree(path) else: os.makedirs(build_dir) if platform == 'android': # Make a multi-arch build for Android. data_dir = os.path.join(build_dir, 'assets') os.makedirs(data_dir, exist_ok=True) for abi in self.android_abis: lib_dir = os.path.join(build_dir, 'lib', abi) os.makedirs(lib_dir, exist_ok=True) suffix = None if abi == 'arm64-v8a': suffix = '_arm64' elif abi == 'armeabi-v7a': suffix = '_armv7a' elif abi == 'armeabi': suffix = '_arm' else: # e.g. x86, x86_64, mips, mips64 suffix = '_' + abi.replace('-', '_') # We end up copying the data multiple times to the same # directory, but that's probably fine for now. self.build_binaries(platform + suffix, lib_dir, data_dir) # Write out the icons to the res directory. for appname, icon in self.icon_objects.items(): if appname == '*' or (appname == self.macos_main_app and '*' not in self.icon_objects): # Conventional name for icon on Android. basename = 'ic_launcher.png' else: basename = f'ic_{appname}.png' res_dir = os.path.join(build_dir, 'res') icon.writeSize(48, os.path.join(res_dir, 'mipmap-mdpi-v4', basename)) icon.writeSize(72, os.path.join(res_dir, 'mipmap-hdpi-v4', basename)) icon.writeSize(96, os.path.join(res_dir, 'mipmap-xhdpi-v4', basename)) icon.writeSize(144, os.path.join(res_dir, 'mipmap-xxhdpi-v4', basename)) if icon.getLargestSize() >= 192: icon.writeSize(192, os.path.join(res_dir, 'mipmap-xxxhdpi-v4', basename)) self.build_assets(platform, data_dir) # Generate an AndroidManifest.xml self.generate_android_manifest(os.path.join(build_dir, 'AndroidManifest.xml')) else: self.build_binaries(platform, build_dir, build_dir) self.build_assets(platform, build_dir) # Bundle into an .app on macOS if self.macos_main_app and 'macosx' in platform: self.bundle_macos_app(build_dir) def download_wheels(self, platform): """ Downloads wheels for the given platform using pip. This includes panda3d wheels. These are special wheels that are expected to contain a deploy_libs directory containing the Python runtime libraries, which will be added to sys.path.""" import pip self.announce('Gathering wheels for platform: {}'.format(platform), distutils.log.INFO) whlcache = os.path.join(self.build_base, '__whl_cache__') pip_version = int(pip.__version__.split('.', 1)[0]) if pip_version < 9: raise RuntimeError("pip 9.0 or greater is required, but found {}".format(pip.__version__)) abi_tag = 'cp%d%d' % (sys.version_info[:2]) if sys.version_info < (3, 8): abi_tag += 'm' whldir = os.path.join(whlcache, '_'.join((platform, abi_tag))) if not os.path.isdir(whldir): os.makedirs(whldir) # Remove any .zip files. These are built from a VCS and block for an # interactive prompt on subsequent downloads. if os.path.exists(whldir): for whl in os.listdir(whldir): if whl.endswith('.zip'): os.remove(os.path.join(whldir, whl)) pip_args = [ '--disable-pip-version-check', 'download', '-d', whldir, '-r', self.requirements_path, '--only-binary', ':all:', '--abi', abi_tag, '--platform', platform, ] if platform.startswith('linux_'): # Also accept manylinux. arch = platform[6:] pip_args += ['--platform', 'manylinux2014_' + arch] if self.use_optimized_wheels: pip_args += [ '--extra-index-url', self.optimized_wheel_index ] for index in self.pypi_extra_indexes: pip_args += ['--extra-index-url', index] try: subprocess.check_call([sys.executable, '-m', 'pip'] + pip_args) except: # Display a more helpful message for these common issues. if platform.startswith('manylinux2010_') and sys.version_info >= (3, 11): new_platform = platform.replace('manylinux2010_', 'manylinux2014_') self.announce('This error likely occurs because {} is not a supported target as of Python 3.11.\nChange the target platform to {} instead.'.format(platform, new_platform), distutils.log.ERROR) elif platform.startswith('manylinux1_') and sys.version_info >= (3, 10): new_platform = platform.replace('manylinux1_', 'manylinux2014_') self.announce('This error likely occurs because {} is not a supported target as of Python 3.10.\nChange the target platform to {} instead.'.format(platform, new_platform), distutils.log.ERROR) elif platform.startswith('macosx_10_6_') and sys.version_info >= (3, 8): new_platform = platform.replace('macosx_10_6_', 'macosx_10_9_') self.announce('This error likely occurs because {} is not a supported target as of Python 3.8.\nChange the target platform to {} instead.'.format(platform, new_platform), distutils.log.ERROR) raise # Return a list of paths to the downloaded whls return [ os.path.join(whldir, filename) for filename in os.listdir(whldir) if filename.endswith('.whl') ] def update_pe_resources(self, appname, runtime): """Update resources (e.g., icons) in windows PE file""" icon = self.icon_objects.get( appname, self.icon_objects.get('*', None), ) if icon is not None or self.prefer_discrete_gpu: pef = pefile.PEFile() pef.open(runtime, 'r+') if icon is not None: pef.add_icon(icon) pef.add_resource_section() if self.prefer_discrete_gpu: if not pef.rename_export("SymbolPlaceholder___________________", "AmdPowerXpressRequestHighPerformance") or \ not pef.rename_export("SymbolPlaceholder__", "NvOptimusEnablement"): self.warn("Failed to apply prefer_discrete_gpu, newer target Panda3D version may be required") pef.write_changes() pef.close() def bundle_macos_app(self, builddir): """Bundle built runtime into a .app for macOS""" appname = '{}.app'.format(self.macos_main_app) appdir = os.path.join(builddir, appname) contentsdir = os.path.join(appdir, 'Contents') macosdir = os.path.join(contentsdir, 'MacOS') fwdir = os.path.join(contentsdir, 'Frameworks') resdir = os.path.join(contentsdir, 'Resources') self.announce('Bundling macOS app into {}'.format(appdir), distutils.log.INFO) # Create initial directory structure os.makedirs(macosdir) os.makedirs(fwdir) os.makedirs(resdir) # Move files over for fname in os.listdir(builddir): src = os.path.join(builddir, fname) if appdir in src: continue if fname in self.gui_apps or self.console_apps: dst = macosdir elif os.path.isfile(src) and open(src, 'rb').read(4) in macosx_binary_magics: dst = fwdir else: dst = resdir shutil.move(src, dst) # Write out Info.plist plist = { 'CFBundleName': appname, 'CFBundleDisplayName': appname, #TODO use name from setup.py/cfg 'CFBundleIdentifier': '', #TODO 'CFBundleVersion': '0.0.0', #TODO get from setup.py 'CFBundlePackageType': 'APPL', 'CFBundleSignature': '', #TODO 'CFBundleExecutable': self.macos_main_app, 'NSHighResolutionCapable': 'True', } icon = self.icon_objects.get( self.macos_main_app, self.icon_objects.get('*', None) ) if icon is not None: plist['CFBundleIconFile'] = 'iconfile' icon.makeICNS(os.path.join(resdir, 'iconfile.icns')) with open(os.path.join(contentsdir, 'Info.plist'), 'wb') as f: plistlib.dump(plist, f) def generate_android_manifest(self, path): import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET name = self.distribution.get_name() version = self.distribution.get_version() classifiers = self.distribution.get_classifiers() is_game = False for classifier in classifiers: if classifier == 'Topic :: Games/Entertainment' or classifier.startswith('Topic :: Games/Entertainment ::'): is_game = True manifest = ET.Element('manifest') manifest.set('xmlns:android', 'http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android') manifest.set('package', self.application_id) manifest.set('android:versionCode', str(int(self.android_version_code))) manifest.set('android:versionName', version) manifest.set('android:installLocation', 'auto') uses_sdk = ET.SubElement(manifest, 'uses-sdk') uses_sdk.set('android:minSdkVersion', str(int(self.android_min_sdk_version))) uses_sdk.set('android:targetSdkVersion', str(int(self.android_target_sdk_version))) if self.android_max_sdk_version: uses_sdk.set('android:maxSdkVersion', str(int(self.android_max_sdk_version))) if 'pandagles2' in self.plugins: uses_feature = ET.SubElement(manifest, 'uses-feature') uses_feature.set('android:glEsVersion', '0x00020000') uses_feature.set('android:required', 'false' if 'pandagles' in self.plugins else 'true') if 'p3openal_audio' in self.plugins: uses_feature = ET.SubElement(manifest, 'uses-feature') uses_feature.set('android:name', 'android.hardware.audio.output') uses_feature.set('android:required', 'false') uses_feature = ET.SubElement(manifest, 'uses-feature') uses_feature.set('android:name', 'android.hardware.gamepad') uses_feature.set('android:required', 'false') application = ET.SubElement(manifest, 'application') application.set('android:label', name) application.set('android:isGame', ('false', 'true')[is_game]) application.set('android:debuggable', ('false', 'true')[self.android_debuggable]) application.set('android:extractNativeLibs', 'true') app_icon = self.icon_objects.get('*', self.icon_objects.get(self.macos_main_app)) if app_icon: application.set('android:icon', '@mipmap/ic_launcher') for appname in self.gui_apps: activity = ET.SubElement(application, 'activity') activity.set('android:name', 'org.panda3d.android.PythonActivity') activity.set('android:label', appname) activity.set('android:theme', '@android:style/Theme.NoTitleBar') activity.set('android:configChanges', 'orientation|keyboardHidden') activity.set('android:launchMode', 'singleInstance') act_icon = self.icon_objects.get(appname) if act_icon and act_icon is not app_icon: activity.set('android:icon', '@mipmap/ic_' + appname) meta_data = ET.SubElement(activity, 'meta-data') meta_data.set('android:name', 'android.app.lib_name') meta_data.set('android:value', appname) intent_filter = ET.SubElement(activity, 'intent-filter') ET.SubElement(intent_filter, 'action').set('android:name', 'android.intent.action.MAIN') ET.SubElement(intent_filter, 'category').set('android:name', 'android.intent.category.LAUNCHER') ET.SubElement(intent_filter, 'category').set('android:name', 'android.intent.category.LEANBACK_LAUNCHER') tree = ET.ElementTree(manifest) with open(path, 'wb') as fh: tree.write(fh, encoding='utf-8', xml_declaration=True) def build_binaries(self, platform, binary_dir, data_dir=None): """ Builds the binary data for the given platform. """ use_wheels = True path = sys.path[:] p3dwhl = None wheelpaths = [] has_tkinter_wheel = False if use_wheels: wheelpaths = self.download_wheels(platform) for whl in wheelpaths: if os.path.basename(whl).startswith('panda3d-'): p3dwhlfn = whl p3dwhl = self._get_zip_file(p3dwhlfn) break elif os.path.basename(whl).startswith('tkinter-'): has_tkinter_wheel = True else: raise RuntimeError("Missing panda3d wheel for platform: {}".format(platform)) if self.use_optimized_wheels: # Check to see if we have an optimized wheel localtag = p3dwhlfn.split('+')[1].split('-')[0] if '+' in p3dwhlfn else '' if not localtag.endswith('opt'): self.announce( 'Could not find an optimized wheel (using index {}) for platform: {}'.format(self.optimized_wheel_index, platform), distutils.log.WARN ) for whl in wheelpaths: if os.path.basename(whl).startswith('tkinter-'): has_tkinter_wheel = True break #whlfiles = {whl: self._get_zip_file(whl) for whl in wheelpaths} # Add whl files to the path so they are picked up by modulefinder for whl in wheelpaths: path.insert(0, whl) # Add deploy_libs from panda3d whl to the path path.insert(0, os.path.join(p3dwhlfn, 'deploy_libs')) self.announce('Building runtime for platform: {}'.format(platform), distutils.log.INFO) # Gather PRC data prcstring = '' if not use_wheels: dtool_fn = p3d.Filename(p3d.ExecutionEnvironment.get_dtool_name()) libdir = os.path.dirname(dtool_fn.to_os_specific()) etcdir = os.path.join(libdir, '..', 'etc') for fn in sorted(os.listdir(etcdir), reverse=True): if fn.lower().endswith('.prc'): with open(os.path.join(etcdir, fn)) as f: prcstring += f.read() else: for fn in sorted((i for i in p3dwhl.namelist() if i.endswith('.prc')), reverse=True): with p3dwhl.open(fn) as f: prcstring += f.read().decode('utf8') user_prcstring = self.extra_prc_data for fn in self.extra_prc_files: with open(fn) as f: user_prcstring += f.read() # Clenup PRC data check_plugins = [ #TODO find a better way to get this list 'pandaegg', 'p3ffmpeg', 'p3ptloader', 'p3assimp', ] def parse_prc(prcstr, warn_on_missing_plugin): out = [] for ln in prcstr.split('\n'): ln = ln.strip() useline = True if ln.startswith('#') or not ln: continue words = ln.split(None, 1) if not words: continue var = words[0] value = words[1] if len(words) > 1 else '' # Strip comment after value. c = value.find(' #') if c > 0: value = value[:c].rstrip() if var == 'model-cache-dir' and value: if platform.startswith('android'): # Ignore on Android, where the cache dir is fixed. continue value = value.replace('/panda3d', '/{}'.format(self.distribution.get_name())) if var == 'audio-library-name': # We have the default set to p3fmod_audio on macOS in 1.10, # but this can be unexpected as other platforms use OpenAL # by default. Switch it up if FMOD is not included. if value not in self.plugins and value == 'p3fmod_audio' and 'p3openal_audio' in self.plugins: self.warn("Missing audio plugin p3fmod_audio referenced in PRC data, replacing with p3openal_audio") value = 'p3openal_audio' if var == 'aux-display': # Silently remove aux-display lines for missing plugins. if value not in self.plugins: continue for plugin in check_plugins: if plugin in value and plugin not in self.plugins: useline = False if warn_on_missing_plugin: self.warn( "Missing plugin ({0}) referenced in user PRC data".format(plugin) ) break if useline: if value: out.append(var + ' ' + value) else: out.append(var) return out prcexport = parse_prc(prcstring, 0) + parse_prc(user_prcstring, 1) # Export PRC data prcexport = '\n'.join(prcexport) if not self.embed_prc_data: prcdir = self.default_prc_dir.replace('', '') prcdir = os.path.join(binary_dir, prcdir) os.makedirs(prcdir) with open(os.path.join(prcdir, '00-panda3d.prc'), 'w') as f: f.write(prcexport) # Create runtimes freezer_extras = set() freezer_modules = set() ext_suffixes = set() def get_search_path_for(source_path): search_path = [os.path.dirname(source_path)] if use_wheels: search_path.append(os.path.join(p3dwhlfn, 'deploy_libs')) # If the .whl containing this file has a .libs directory, add # it to the path. This is an auditwheel/numpy convention. if '.whl' + os.sep in source_path: whl, wf = source_path.split('.whl' + os.path.sep) whl += '.whl' rootdir = wf.split(os.path.sep, 1)[0] search_path.append(os.path.join(whl, rootdir, '.libs')) # Also look for eg. numpy.libs or Pillow.libs in the root whl_name = os.path.basename(whl).split('-', 1)[0] search_path.append(os.path.join(whl, whl_name + '.libs')) # Also look for more specific per-package cases, defined in # PACKAGE_LIB_DIRS at the top of this file. extra_dirs = PACKAGE_LIB_DIRS.get(whl_name, []) for extra_dir, search_in in extra_dirs: if not search_in: search_path.append(os.path.join(whl, extra_dir.replace('/', os.path.sep))) else: for whl2 in wheelpaths: if os.path.basename(whl2).startswith(search_in + '-'): search_path.append(os.path.join(whl2, extra_dir.replace('/', os.path.sep))) return search_path def create_runtime(platform, appname, mainscript, use_console): freezer = FreezeTool.Freezer( platform=platform, path=path, hiddenImports=self.hidden_imports, optimize=2 if self.strip_docstrings else 1 ) freezer.addModule('__main__', filename=mainscript) if platform.startswith('android'): freezer.addModule('site', filename='site.py', text=SITE_PY_ANDROID) else: freezer.addModule('site', filename='site.py', text=SITE_PY) for incmod in self.include_modules.get(appname, []) + self.include_modules.get('*', []): freezer.addModule(incmod) for exmod in self.exclude_modules.get(appname, []) + self.exclude_modules.get('*', []): freezer.excludeModule(exmod) freezer.done(addStartupModules=True) stub_name = 'deploy-stub' target_name = appname if platform.startswith('win') or 'macosx' in platform: if not use_console: stub_name = 'deploy-stubw' elif platform.startswith('android'): if not use_console: stub_name = 'libdeploy-stubw.so' target_name = 'lib' + target_name + '.so' if platform.startswith('win'): stub_name += '.exe' target_name += '.exe' if use_wheels: if stub_name.endswith('.so'): stub_file = p3dwhl.open('deploy_libs/{0}'.format(stub_name)) else: stub_file = p3dwhl.open('panda3d_tools/{0}'.format(stub_name)) else: dtool_path = p3d.Filename(p3d.ExecutionEnvironment.get_dtool_name()).to_os_specific() stub_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(dtool_path), '..', 'bin', stub_name) stub_file = open(stub_path, 'rb') # Do we need an icon? On Windows, we need to add this to the stub # before we add the blob. if 'win' in platform: temp_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='-icon.exe', delete=False) temp_file.write(stub_file.read()) stub_file.close() temp_file.close() self.update_pe_resources(appname, temp_file.name) stub_file = open(temp_file.name, 'rb') else: temp_file = None use_strftime = self.log_filename_strftime if not self.log_filename or '%' not in self.log_filename: use_strftime = False target_path = os.path.join(binary_dir, target_name) freezer.generateRuntimeFromStub(target_path, stub_file, use_console, { 'prc_data': prcexport if self.embed_prc_data else None, 'default_prc_dir': self.default_prc_dir, 'prc_dir_envvars': None, 'prc_path_envvars': None, 'prc_patterns': None, 'prc_encrypted_patterns': None, 'prc_encryption_key': None, 'prc_executable_patterns': None, 'prc_executable_args_envvar': None, 'main_dir': None, 'log_filename': self.expand_path(self.log_filename, platform), }, self.log_append, use_strftime) stub_file.close() if temp_file: os.unlink(temp_file.name) # Copy the dependencies. search_path = [binary_dir] if use_wheels: search_path.append(os.path.join(p3dwhlfn, 'panda3d')) search_path.append(os.path.join(p3dwhlfn, 'deploy_libs')) self.copy_dependencies(target_path, binary_dir, search_path, stub_name) freezer_extras.update(freezer.extras) freezer_modules.update(freezer.getAllModuleNames()) for suffix in freezer.mf.suffixes: if suffix[2] == 3: # imp.C_EXTENSION: ext_suffixes.add(suffix[0]) for appname, scriptname in self.gui_apps.items(): create_runtime(platform, appname, scriptname, False) for appname, scriptname in self.console_apps.items(): create_runtime(platform, appname, scriptname, True) # Warn if tkinter is used but hasn't been added to requirements.txt if not has_tkinter_wheel and '_tkinter' in freezer_modules: self.warn("Detected use of tkinter, but tkinter is not specified in requirements.txt!") # Copy extension modules whl_modules = {} if use_wheels: # Get the module libs for i in p3dwhl.namelist(): if not i.startswith('deploy_libs/'): continue if not any(i.endswith(suffix) for suffix in ext_suffixes): continue if has_tkinter_wheel and i.startswith('deploy_libs/_tkinter.'): # Ignore this one, we have a separate tkinter package # nowadays that contains all the dependencies. continue base = os.path.basename(i) module, _, ext = base.partition('.') whl_modules[module] = i # Make sure to copy any builtins that have shared objects in the # deploy libs, assuming they are not already in freezer_extras. for mod, source_path in freezer_extras: freezer_modules.discard(mod) for mod in freezer_modules: if mod in whl_modules: freezer_extras.add((mod, None)) # Copy over necessary plugins plugin_list = ['panda3d/lib{}'.format(i) for i in self.plugins] for lib in p3dwhl.namelist(): plugname = lib.split('.', 1)[0] if plugname in plugin_list: source_path = os.path.join(p3dwhlfn, lib) target_path = os.path.join(binary_dir, os.path.basename(lib)) search_path = [os.path.dirname(source_path)] self.copy_with_dependencies(source_path, target_path, search_path) # Copy any shared objects we need for module, source_path in freezer_extras: if source_path is not None: # Rename panda3d/core.pyd to panda3d.core.pyd source_path = os.path.normpath(source_path) basename = os.path.basename(source_path) if '.' in module: basename = module.rsplit('.', 1)[0] + '.' + basename # Remove python version string parts = basename.split('.') if len(parts) >= 3 and ('-' in parts[-2] or parts[-2] == 'abi' + str(sys.version_info[0])): parts = parts[:-2] + parts[-1:] basename = '.'.join(parts) # Was this not found in a wheel? Then we may have a problem, # since it may be for the current platform instead of the target # platform. if use_wheels: found_in_wheel = False for whl in wheelpaths: whl = os.path.normpath(whl) if source_path.lower().startswith(os.path.join(whl, '').lower()): found_in_wheel = True break if not found_in_wheel: self.warn('{} was not found in any downloaded wheel, is a dependency missing from requirements.txt?'.format(basename)) else: # Builtin module, but might not be builtin in wheel libs, so double check if module in whl_modules: source_path = os.path.join(p3dwhlfn, whl_modules[module]) basename = os.path.basename(source_path) #XXX should we remove python version string here too? else: continue if platform.startswith('android'): # Python modules on Android need a special prefix to be loadable # as a library. basename = 'libpy.' + basename # If this is a dynamic library, search for dependencies. target_path = os.path.join(binary_dir, basename) search_path = get_search_path_for(source_path) self.copy_with_dependencies(source_path, target_path, search_path) # Copy classes.dex on Android if use_wheels and platform.startswith('android'): self.copy(os.path.join(p3dwhlfn, 'deploy_libs', 'classes.dex'), os.path.join(binary_dir, '..', '..', 'classes.dex')) # Extract any other data files from dependency packages. if data_dir is None: return for module, datadesc in self.package_data_dirs.items(): if module not in freezer_modules: continue self.announce('Copying data files for module: {}'.format(module), distutils.log.INFO) # OK, find out in which .whl this occurs. for whl in wheelpaths: whlfile = self._get_zip_file(whl) filenames = whlfile.namelist() for source_pattern, target_dir, flags in datadesc: srcglob = p3d.GlobPattern(source_pattern.lower()) source_dir = os.path.dirname(source_pattern) # Relocate the target dir to the build directory. target_dir = target_dir.replace('/', os.sep) target_dir = os.path.join(data_dir, target_dir) for wf in filenames: if wf.endswith('/'): # Skip directories. continue if wf.lower().startswith(source_dir.lower() + '/'): if not srcglob.matches(wf.lower()): continue wf = wf.replace('/', os.sep) relpath = wf[len(source_dir) + 1:] source_path = os.path.join(whl, wf) target_path = os.path.join(target_dir, relpath) if 'PKG_DATA_MAKE_EXECUTABLE' in flags: search_path = get_search_path_for(source_path) self.copy_with_dependencies(source_path, target_path, search_path) mode = os.stat(target_path).st_mode mode |= stat.S_IXUSR | stat.S_IXGRP | stat.S_IXOTH os.chmod(target_path, mode) else: self.copy(source_path, target_path) def build_assets(self, platform, data_dir): """ Builds the data files for the given platform. """ # Copy Game Files self.announce('Copying assets for platform: {}'.format(platform), distutils.log.INFO) ignore_copy_list = [ '**/__pycache__/**', '**/*.pyc', '**/*.py', '{}/**'.format(self.build_base), ] ignore_copy_list += self.exclude_patterns ignore_copy_list += self.extra_prc_files ignore_copy_list = [p3d.GlobPattern(p3d.Filename.from_os_specific(i).get_fullpath()) for i in ignore_copy_list] include_copy_list = [p3d.GlobPattern(i) for i in self.include_patterns] def check_pattern(src, pattern_list): # Normalize file paths across platforms fn = p3d.Filename.from_os_specific(os.path.normpath(src)) path = fn.get_fullpath() fn.make_absolute() abspath = fn.get_fullpath() for pattern in pattern_list: # If the pattern is absolute, match against the absolute filename. if pattern.pattern[0] == '/': #print('check ignore: {} {} {}'.format(pattern, src, pattern.matches_file(abspath))) if pattern.matches_file(abspath): return True else: #print('check ignore: {} {} {}'.format(pattern, src, pattern.matches_file(path))) if pattern.matches_file(path): return True return False def check_file(fname): return check_pattern(fname, include_copy_list) and \ not check_pattern(fname, ignore_copy_list) def skip_directory(src): # Provides a quick-out for directory checks. NOT recursive. fn = p3d.Filename.from_os_specific(os.path.normpath(src)) path = fn.get_fullpath() fn.make_absolute() abspath = fn.get_fullpath() for pattern in ignore_copy_list: if not pattern.pattern.endswith('/*') and \ not pattern.pattern.endswith('/**'): continue pattern_dir = p3d.Filename(pattern.pattern).get_dirname() if abspath.startswith(pattern_dir + '/'): return True if path.startswith(pattern_dir + '/'): return True return False def copy_file(src, dst): src = os.path.normpath(src) dst = os.path.normpath(dst) if not check_file(src): self.announce('skipping file {}'.format(src)) return dst_dir = os.path.dirname(dst) if not os.path.exists(dst_dir): os.makedirs(dst_dir) ext = os.path.splitext(src)[1] # If the file ends with .gz/.pz, we strip this off. if ext in ('.gz', '.pz'): ext = os.path.splitext(src[:-3])[1] if not ext: ext = os.path.basename(src) if ext in self.file_handlers: buildscript = self.file_handlers[ext] self.announce('running {} on src ({})'.format(buildscript.__name__, src)) try: dst = self.file_handlers[ext](self, src, dst) except Exception as err: self.announce('{}'.format(err), distutils.log.ERROR) else: self.announce('copying {0} -> {1}'.format(src, dst)) shutil.copyfile(src, dst) def update_path(path): normpath = p3d.Filename.from_os_specific(os.path.normpath(src)).c_str() for inputpath, outputpath in self.rename_paths.items(): if normpath.startswith(inputpath): normpath = normpath.replace(inputpath, outputpath, 1) return p3d.Filename(normpath).to_os_specific() rootdir = os.getcwd() for dirname, subdirlist, filelist in os.walk(rootdir): subdirlist.sort() dirpath = os.path.relpath(dirname, rootdir) if skip_directory(dirpath): self.announce('skipping directory {}'.format(dirpath)) continue for fname in filelist: src = os.path.join(dirpath, fname) dst = os.path.join(data_dir, update_path(src)) copy_file(src, dst) def add_dependency(self, name, target_dir, search_path, referenced_by): """ Searches for the given DLL on the search path. If it exists, copies it to the target_dir. """ if os.path.exists(os.path.join(target_dir, name)): # We've already added it earlier. return for dep in self.exclude_dependencies: if dep.matches_file(name): return for dir in search_path: source_path = os.path.join(dir, name) if os.path.isfile(source_path): target_path = os.path.join(target_dir, name) self.copy_with_dependencies(source_path, target_path, search_path) return elif '.whl' in source_path: # Check whether the file exists inside the wheel. whl, wf = source_path.split('.whl' + os.path.sep) whl += '.whl' whlfile = self._get_zip_file(whl) # Normalize the path separator wf = os.path.normpath(wf).replace(os.path.sep, '/') # Look case-insensitively. namelist = whlfile.namelist() namelist_lower = [file.lower() for file in namelist] if wf.lower() in namelist_lower: # We have a match. Change it to the correct case. wf = namelist[namelist_lower.index(wf.lower())] source_path = os.path.join(whl, wf) target_path = os.path.join(target_dir, os.path.basename(wf)) self.copy_with_dependencies(source_path, target_path, search_path) return # If we didn't find it, look again, but case-insensitively. name_lower = name.lower() for dir in search_path: if os.path.isdir(dir): files = os.listdir(dir) files_lower = [file.lower() for file in files] if name_lower in files_lower: name = files[files_lower.index(name_lower)] source_path = os.path.join(dir, name) target_path = os.path.join(target_dir, name) self.copy_with_dependencies(source_path, target_path, search_path) # Warn if we can't find it, but only once. self.warn("could not find dependency {0} (referenced by {1})".format(name, referenced_by)) self.exclude_dependencies.append(p3d.GlobPattern(name.lower())) def copy(self, source_path, target_path): """ Copies source_path to target_path. source_path may be located inside a .whl file. """ try: self.announce('copying {0} -> {1}'.format(os.path.relpath(source_path, self.build_base), os.path.relpath(target_path, self.build_base))) except ValueError: # No relative path (e.g., files on different drives in Windows), just print absolute paths instead self.announce('copying {0} -> {1}'.format(source_path, target_path)) # Make the directory if it does not yet exist. target_dir = os.path.dirname(target_path) if not os.path.isdir(target_dir): os.makedirs(target_dir) # Copy the file, and open it for analysis. if '.whl' in source_path: # This was found in a wheel, extract it whl, wf = source_path.split('.whl' + os.path.sep) whl += '.whl' whlfile = self._get_zip_file(whl) data = whlfile.read(wf.replace(os.path.sep, '/')) with open(target_path, 'wb') as f: f.write(data) else: # Regular file, copy it shutil.copyfile(source_path, target_path) def copy_with_dependencies(self, source_path, target_path, search_path): """ Copies source_path to target_path. It also scans source_path for any dependencies, which are located along the given search_path and copied to the same directory as target_path. source_path may be located inside a .whl file. """ self.copy(source_path, target_path) source_dir = os.path.dirname(source_path) target_dir = os.path.dirname(target_path) base = os.path.basename(target_path) if source_dir not in search_path: search_path = search_path + [source_dir] self.copy_dependencies(target_path, target_dir, search_path, base) def copy_dependencies(self, target_path, target_dir, search_path, referenced_by): """ Copies the dependencies of target_path into target_dir. """ fp = open(target_path, 'rb+') # What kind of magic does the file contain? deps = [] magic = fp.read(4) if magic.startswith(b'MZ'): # It's a Windows DLL or EXE file. pe = pefile.PEFile() pe.read(fp) for lib in pe.imports: deps.append(lib) elif magic == b'\x7FELF': # Elf magic. Used on (among others) Linux and FreeBSD. deps = self._read_dependencies_elf(fp, target_dir, search_path) elif magic in (b'\xCE\xFA\xED\xFE', b'\xCF\xFA\xED\xFE'): # A Mach-O file, as used on macOS. deps = self._read_dependencies_macho(fp, '<', flatten=True) elif magic in (b'\xFE\xED\xFA\xCE', b'\xFE\xED\xFA\xCF'): rel_dir = os.path.relpath(target_dir, os.path.dirname(target_path)) deps = self._read_dependencies_macho(fp, '>', flatten=True) elif magic in (b'\xCA\xFE\xBA\xBE', b'\xBE\xBA\xFE\xCA'): # A fat file, containing multiple Mach-O binaries. In the future, # we may want to extract the one containing the architecture we # are building for. deps = self._read_dependencies_fat(fp, False, flatten=True) elif magic in (b'\xCA\xFE\xBA\xBF', b'\xBF\xBA\xFE\xCA'): # A 64-bit fat file. deps = self._read_dependencies_fat(fp, True, flatten=True) # If we discovered any dependencies, recursively add those. for dep in deps: self.add_dependency(dep, target_dir, search_path, referenced_by) def _read_dependencies_elf(self, elf, origin, search_path): """ Having read the first 4 bytes of the ELF file, fetches the dependent libraries and returns those as a list. """ ident = elf.read(12) # Make sure we read in the correct endianness and integer size byte_order = "<>"[ord(ident[1:2]) - 1] elf_class = ord(ident[0:1]) - 1 # 0 = 32-bits, 1 = 64-bits header_struct = byte_order + ("HHIIIIIHHHHHH", "HHIQQQIHHHHHH")[elf_class] section_struct = byte_order + ("4xI8xIII8xI", "4xI16xQQI12xQ")[elf_class] dynamic_struct = byte_order + ("iI", "qQ")[elf_class] type, machine, version, entry, phoff, shoff, flags, ehsize, phentsize, phnum, shentsize, shnum, shstrndx \ = struct.unpack(header_struct, elf.read(struct.calcsize(header_struct))) dynamic_sections = [] string_tables = {} # Seek to the section header table and find the .dynamic section. elf.seek(shoff) for i in range(shnum): type, offset, size, link, entsize = struct.unpack_from(section_struct, elf.read(shentsize)) if type == 6 and link != 0: # DYNAMIC type, links to string table dynamic_sections.append((offset, size, link, entsize)) string_tables[link] = None # Read the relevant string tables. for idx in string_tables.keys(): elf.seek(shoff + idx * shentsize) type, offset, size, link, entsize = struct.unpack_from(section_struct, elf.read(shentsize)) if type != 3: continue elf.seek(offset) string_tables[idx] = elf.read(size) # Loop through the dynamic sections and rewrite it if it has an rpath/runpath. needed = [] rpath = [] for offset, size, link, entsize in dynamic_sections: elf.seek(offset) data = elf.read(entsize) tag, val = struct.unpack_from(dynamic_struct, data) # Read tags until we find a NULL tag. while tag != 0: if tag == 1: # A NEEDED entry. Read it from the string table. string = string_tables[link][val : string_tables[link].find(b'\0', val)] needed.append(string.decode('utf-8')) elif tag == 15 or tag == 29: # An RPATH or RUNPATH entry. string = string_tables[link][val : string_tables[link].find(b'\0', val)] rpath += [ os.path.normpath(i.decode('utf-8').replace('$ORIGIN', origin)) for i in string.split(b':') ] data = elf.read(entsize) tag, val = struct.unpack_from(dynamic_struct, data) elf.close() search_path += rpath return needed def _read_dependencies_macho(self, fp, endian, flatten=False): """ Having read the first 4 bytes of the Mach-O file, fetches the dependent libraries and returns those as a list. If flatten is True, if the dependencies contain paths like @loader_path/../.dylibs/libsomething.dylib, it will rewrite them to instead contain @loader_path/libsomething.dylib if possible. This requires the file pointer to be opened in rb+ mode. """ cputype, cpusubtype, filetype, ncmds, sizeofcmds, flags = \ struct.unpack(endian + 'IIIIII', fp.read(24)) is_64bit = (cputype & 0x1000000) != 0 if is_64bit: fp.read(4) # After the header, we get a series of linker commands. We just # iterate through them and gather up the LC_LOAD_DYLIB commands. load_dylibs = [] for i in range(ncmds): cmd, cmd_size = struct.unpack(endian + 'II', fp.read(8)) cmd_data = fp.read(cmd_size - 8) cmd &= ~0x80000000 if cmd == 0x0c: # LC_LOAD_DYLIB dylib = cmd_data[16:].decode('ascii').split('\x00', 1)[0] orig = dylib if dylib.startswith('@loader_path/../Frameworks/'): dylib = dylib.replace('@loader_path/../Frameworks/', '') elif dylib.startswith('@executable_path/../Frameworks/'): dylib = dylib.replace('@executable_path/../Frameworks/', '') else: for prefix in ('@loader_path/', '@rpath/'): if dylib.startswith(prefix): dylib = dylib.replace(prefix, '') # Do we need to flatten the relative reference? if '/' in dylib and flatten: new_dylib = prefix + os.path.basename(dylib) str_size = len(cmd_data) - 16 if len(new_dylib) < str_size: fp.seek(-str_size, os.SEEK_CUR) fp.write(new_dylib.encode('ascii').ljust(str_size, b'\0')) else: self.warn('Unable to rewrite dependency {}'.format(orig)) load_dylibs.append(dylib) return load_dylibs def _read_dependencies_fat(self, fp, is_64bit, flatten=False): num_fat, = struct.unpack('>I', fp.read(4)) # After the header we get a table of executables in this fat file, # each one with a corresponding offset into the file. offsets = [] for i in range(num_fat): if is_64bit: cputype, cpusubtype, offset, size, align = \ struct.unpack('>QQQQQ', fp.read(40)) else: cputype, cpusubtype, offset, size, align = \ struct.unpack('>IIIII', fp.read(20)) offsets.append(offset) # Go through each of the binaries in the fat file. deps = [] for offset in offsets: # Add 4, since it expects we've already read the magic. fp.seek(offset) magic = fp.read(4) if magic in (b'\xCE\xFA\xED\xFE', b'\xCF\xFA\xED\xFE'): endian = '<' elif magic in (b'\xFE\xED\xFA\xCE', b'\xFE\xED\xFA\xCF'): endian = '>' else: # Not a Mach-O file we can read. continue for dep in self._read_dependencies_macho(fp, endian, flatten=flatten): if dep not in deps: deps.append(dep) return deps def expand_path(self, path, platform): "Substitutes variables in the given path string." if path is None: return None t = string.Template(path) if platform.startswith('win'): return t.substitute(HOME='~', USER_APPDATA='~/AppData/Local') elif platform.startswith('macosx'): return t.substitute(HOME='~', USER_APPDATA='~/Documents') else: return t.substitute(HOME='~', USER_APPDATA='~/.local/share') class bdist_apps(setuptools.Command): DEFAULT_INSTALLERS = { 'manylinux1_x86_64': ['gztar'], 'manylinux1_i686': ['gztar'], 'manylinux2010_x86_64': ['gztar'], 'manylinux2010_i686': ['gztar'], 'manylinux2014_x86_64': ['gztar'], 'manylinux2014_i686': ['gztar'], 'manylinux2014_aarch64': ['gztar'], 'manylinux2014_armv7l': ['gztar'], 'manylinux2014_ppc64': ['gztar'], 'manylinux2014_ppc64le': ['gztar'], 'manylinux2014_s390x': ['gztar'], 'manylinux_2_24_x86_64': ['gztar'], 'manylinux_2_24_i686': ['gztar'], 'manylinux_2_24_aarch64': ['gztar'], 'manylinux_2_24_armv7l': ['gztar'], 'manylinux_2_24_ppc64': ['gztar'], 'manylinux_2_24_ppc64le': ['gztar'], 'manylinux_2_24_s390x': ['gztar'], 'manylinux_2_28_x86_64': ['gztar'], 'manylinux_2_28_aarch64': ['gztar'], 'manylinux_2_28_ppc64le': ['gztar'], 'manylinux_2_28_s390x': ['gztar'], 'android': ['aab'], # Everything else defaults to ['zip'] } DEFAULT_INSTALLER_FUNCS = { 'zip': installers.create_zip, 'gztar': installers.create_gztar, 'bztar': installers.create_bztar, 'xztar': installers.create_xztar, 'nsis': installers.create_nsis, 'aab': installers.create_aab, } description = 'bundle built Panda3D applications into distributable forms' user_options = build_apps.user_options + [ ('dist-dir=', 'd', 'directory to put final built distributions in'), ('skip-build', None, 'skip rebuilding everything (for testing/debugging)'), ] def _build_apps_options(self): return [opt[0].replace('-', '_').replace('=', '') for opt in build_apps.user_options] def initialize_options(self): self.installers = {} self.dist_dir = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'dist') self.skip_build = False self.signing_certificate = None self.signing_private_key = None self.signing_passphrase = None self.installer_functions = {} self._current_platform = None for opt in self._build_apps_options(): setattr(self, opt, None) def finalize_options(self): from importlib.metadata import entry_points # We need to massage the inputs a bit in case they came from a # setup.cfg file. self.installers = { key: _parse_list(value) for key, value in _parse_dict(self.installers).items() } if self.signing_certificate: assert self.signing_private_key, 'Missing signing_private_key' self.signing_certificate = os.path.abspath(self.signing_certificate) self.signing_private_key = os.path.abspath(self.signing_private_key) eps = entry_points() if isinstance(eps, dict): # Python 3.8 and 3.9 installer_eps = eps.get('panda3d.bdist_apps.installers', ()) else: installer_eps = eps.select(group='panda3d.bdist_apps.installers') tmp = self.DEFAULT_INSTALLER_FUNCS.copy() tmp.update(self.installer_functions) tmp.update({ entrypoint.name: entrypoint.load() for entrypoint in installer_eps }) self.installer_functions = tmp def get_archive_basedir(self): return self.distribution.get_name() def get_current_platform(self): return self._current_platform def run(self): build_cmd = self.distribution.get_command_obj('build_apps') for opt in self._build_apps_options(): optval = getattr(self, opt) if optval is not None: setattr(build_cmd, opt, optval) if not self.skip_build: self.run_command('build_apps') else: build_cmd.finalize_options() platforms = build_cmd.platforms build_base = os.path.abspath(build_cmd.build_base) if not os.path.exists(self.dist_dir): os.makedirs(self.dist_dir) os.chdir(self.dist_dir) for platform in platforms: build_dir = os.path.join(build_base, platform) basename = '{}_{}'.format(self.distribution.get_fullname(), platform) installers = self.installers.get(platform, self.DEFAULT_INSTALLERS.get(platform, ['zip'])) self._current_platform = platform for installer in installers: self.announce('\nBuilding {} for platform: {}'.format(installer, platform), distutils.log.INFO) if installer not in self.installer_functions: self.announce( '\tUnknown installer: {}'.format(installer), distutils.log.ERROR ) continue self.installer_functions[installer](self, basename, build_dir)