/*! Prefixes.scss v0.2.0 | CSS(3) prefixes mixins library for Sass/Scss, Custom you need CSS prefixes. | Author: Pandao | Copyright (c) 2015 Pandao, MIT License | https://github.com/pandao/prefixes.scss | 2015-06-19 */ @charset "UTF-8"; // Animations IE10+ @mixin keyframes($name) { @-webkit-keyframes #{$name} { @content; } @-moz-keyframes #{$name} { @content; } @keyframes #{$name} { @content; } } @mixin animation($animation...) { -webkit-animation: $animation; -moz-animation: $animation; /* Firefox 5.0~16.0 */ animation: $animation; /* IE10+ */ } @mixin animation-name($name) { -webkit-animation-name: $name; -moz-animation-name: $name; /* Firefox 5.0~16.0 */ animation-name: $name; } @mixin animation-duration($time : 1s) { -webkit-animation-duration: $time; -moz-animation-duration: $time; /* Firefox 5.0~16.0 */ animation-duration: $time; } @mixin animation-timing-function($easing : ease) { -webkit-animation-timing-function: $easing; -moz-animation-timing-function: $easing; /* Firefox 5.0~16.0 */ animation-timing-function: $easing; } @mixin animation-delay($delay : 1s) { -webkit-animation-delay: $delay; -moz-animation-delay: $delay; /* Firefox 5.0~16.0 */ animation-delay: $delay; } @mixin animation-iteration-count($count : infinite) { -webkit-animation-iteration-count: $count; -moz-animation-iteration-count: $count; /* Firefox 5.0~16.0 */ animation-iteration-count: $count; } // normal or alternate @mixin animation-direction($direction : normal) { -webkit-animation-direction: $direction; -moz-animation-direction: $direction; /* Firefox 5.0~16.0 */ animation-direction: $direction; } // paused or running @mixin animation-play-state($state) { -webkit-animation-play-state: $state; -moz-animation-play-state: $state; /* Firefox 5.0~16.0 */ animation-play-state: $state; } // animation-fill-mode @mixin animation-fill-mode($mode) { -webkit-animation-fill-mode: $mode; -moz-animation-fill-mode: $mode; animation-fill-mode: $mode; } // background // gradient @mixin linear-gradient($start-color, $end-color, $position : top, $perStart : 0%, $perEnd : 100%) { background: -webkit-linear-gradient($position, $start-color, $end-color); /* Webkit browsers */ background: -moz-linear-gradient( $position, $start-color, $end-color); /* Firefox(old) */ background: -o-linear-gradient( $position, $start-color, $end-color); /* Opera(old) */ background: -ms-linear-gradient( $position, $start-color $perStart, $end-color $perEnd); /* IE10 */ filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(GradientType=0, start-colorstr=#{$start-color}, end-colorstr=#{$end-color}); /* IE9 */ ms-filter: "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient (GradientType=0, start-colorstr=#{$start-color}, end-colorstr=#{$end-color})"; /* IE8 */ background: linear-gradient( $position, $start-color $perStart, $end-color $perEnd); /* W3C */ } @mixin background-clip($value) { -webkit-background-clip: $value; background-clip: $value; /* Firefox 4.0, IE9+, Opera 10.5+, Chrome, Safari 3.0+ */ } @mixin background-origin($value) { -webkit-background-origin: $value; background-origin: $value; /* IE9+, Other */ } @mixin background-size($value) { -webkit-background-size: $value; /* Chrome, iOS, Safari */ -moz-background-size: $value; /* Firefox 3.6~4.0 */ -o-background-size: $value; /* Opera 9.5 */ background-size: $value; /* IE9+, New */ } // Border // border-radius @mixin border-radius($radius: 4px) { -webkit-border-radius: $radius; -moz-border-radius: $radius; -ms-border-radius: $radius; -o-border-radius: $radius; border-radius: $radius; } @mixin border-top-left-radius($radius: 4px) { -webkit-border-top-left-radius: $radius; -moz-border-top-left-radius: $radius; -ms-border-top-left-radius: $radius; -o-border-top-left-radius: $radius; border-top-left-radius: $radius; } @mixin border-top-right-radius($radius: 4px) { -webkit-border-top-right-radius: $radius; -moz-border-top-right-radius: $radius; -ms-border-top-right-radius: $radius; -o-border-top-right-radius: $radius; border-top-right-radius: $radius; } @mixin border-bottom-left-radius($radius: 4px) { -webkit-border-bottom-left-radius: $radius; -moz-border-bottom-left-radius: $radius; -ms-border-bottom-left-radius: $radius; -o-border-bottom-left-radius: $radius; border-bottom-left-radius: $radius; } @mixin border-bottom-right-radius($radius: 4px) { -webkit-border-bottom-right-radius: $radius; -moz-border-bottom-right-radius: $radius; -ms-border-bottom-right-radius: $radius; -o-border-bottom-right-radius: $radius; border-bottom-right-radius: $radius; } // border-image @mixin border-image($value) { -webkit-border-image: $value; /* Safari 5, Chrome */ -moz-border-image: $value; /* Firefox 3.5~15.0 */ -o-border-image: $value; /* Opera */ border-image: $value; /* Safari 6+, Chrome, New */ } @mixin border-image-source($value) { -webkit-border-image-source: $value; /* Safari 5, Chrome */ border-image-source: $value; /* Safari 6+, Chrome, IE11+, Opera 15+ */ } @mixin border-image-slice($value) { -webkit-border-image-slice: $value; /* Safari 5, Chrome */ border-image-slice: $value; /* Safari 6+, Chrome, IE11+, Opera 15+ */ } @mixin border-image-width($value) { -webkit-border-image-width: $value; /* Safari 5, Chrome */ border-image-width: $value; /* Safari 6+, Chrome, IE11+, Opera 15+ */ } @mixin border-image-outset($value) { -webkit-border-image-outset: $value; /* Safari 5, Chrome */ border-image-outset: $value; /* Safari 6+, Chrome, IE11+, Opera 15+ */ } @mixin border-image-repeat($value) { -webkit-border-image-repeat: $value; /* Safari 5, Chrome */ border-image-repeat: $value; /* Safari 6+, Chrome, IE11+, Opera 15+ */ } // Box // box-shadow @mixin box-shadow($value) { -webkit-box-shadow: $value; /* Webkit browsers */ -moz-box-shadow: $value; /* Firefox */ -ms-box-shadow: $value; /* IE9 */ -o-box-shadow: $value; /* Opera(Old) */ box-shadow: $value; /* IE9+, News */ } //box-sizing @mixin box-sizing($value) { -webkit-box-sizing: $value; -moz-box-sizing: $value; box-sizing: $value; } // box-reflect @mixin box-reflect($value) { -webkit-box-reflect: $value; /* Chrome, Safari, iOS, Blackberry */ box-reflect: $value; /* None yet / Non-standard */ } // Clip // clip-path @mixin clip-path($value) { -webkit-clip-path: $value; /* Chrome, iOS, Safari */ clip-path: $value; } // Column @mixin column-count($value) { -webkit-column-count: $value; /* Chrome, Safari, Android, Blackberry */ -moz-column-count: $value; /* Firefox 34+ */ column-count: $value; /* IE 10+, Opera 11.1+, New */ } @mixin column-gap($value) { -webkit-column-gap: $value; /* Chrome, Safari, Android, Blackberry */ -moz-column-gap: $value; /* Firefox 34+ */ column-gap: $value; /* IE 10+, Opera 11.1+, New */ } @mixin column-rule($value) { -webkit-column-rule: $value; /* Chrome, Safari, Android, Blackberry */ -moz-column-rule: $value; /* Firefox 34+ */ column-rule: $value; /* IE 10+, Opera 11.1+, New */ } @mixin column-rule-color($value) { -webkit-column-rule-color: $value; /* Chrome, Safari, Android, Blackberry */ -moz-column-rule-color: $value; /* Firefox 34+ */ column-rule-color: $value; /* IE 10+, Opera 11.1+, New */ } @mixin column-rule-style($value) { -webkit-column-rule-style: $value; /* Chrome, Safari, Android, Blackberry */ -moz-column-rule-style: $value; /* Firefox 34+ */ column-rule-style: $value; /* IE 10+, Opera 11.1+, New */ } @mixin column-rule-width($value) { -webkit-column-rule-width: $value; /* Chrome, Safari, Android, Blackberry */ -moz-column-rule-width: $value; /* Firefox 34+ */ column-rule-width: $value; /* IE 10+, Opera 11.1+, New */ } @mixin column-fill($value) { -webkit-column-fill: $value; /* None yet */ -moz-column-fill: $value; /* Firefox 13.0+ */ column-fill: $value; /* None yet / Non-standard */ } @mixin column-span($value) { -webkit-column-span: $value; /* Safari, Chrome, iOS 7.0+, Android, Opera 26+ */ -moz-column-span: $value; /* Firefox 34+ */ column-span: $value; /* IE10+, Opera Mini */ } @mixin column-width($value) { -webkit-column-width: $value; /* Safari, Chrome, iOS 7.0+, Android, Opera 26+ */ -moz-column-width: $value; /* Firefox */ column-width: $value; /* IE10+, Opera */ } // columns: column-width column-count; @mixin columns($value) { -webkit-columns: $value; /* Safari, Chrome, iOS 7.0+, Android, Opera 26+ */ -moz-columns: $value; /* Firefox */ columns: $value; /* IE10+, Opera */ } // Display @mixin display-grid() { display: -ms-grid; /* IE 10 */ display: grid; /* None yet */ } // filter @mixin filter($value) { -webkit-filter: $value; /* Chrome 23+, Safari 6.0+, Blackberry 10.0+ */ filter: $value; /* None yet */ } // filter blur @mixin filter-blur($value : 10px, $ie-value : 10) { filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Blur(PixelRadius=#{$ie-value}, MakeShadow=false); /* IE6~IE9 */ -webkit-filter: blur($value); /* Chrome, Opera, iOS, Safari */ -moz-filter: blur($value); /* Firefox(Old) */ -ms-filter: blur($value); filter: blur($value); } // Flexbox @mixin display-flex() { display: -webkit-box; /* Old - iOS 6-, Safari 3.1~6, Blackberry 7 */ display: -ms-flexbox; /* TWEENER - IE 10 */ display: -webkit-flex; /* New - Safari 6.1+. iOS 7.1+, Blackberry 10 */ display: -moz-flex; display: flex; /* New, Spec - Firefox, Chrome, Opera */ } // alias display-flex() @mixin flexbox() { @include display-flex(); } @mixin inline-flex() { display: -webkit-inline-box; display: -webkit-inline-flex; display: -ms-inline-flexbox; display: -moz-inline-flex; display: inline-flex; } // alias inline-flex() @mixin inline-flexbox() { @include inline-flex(); } @mixin flex-inline($value) { -webkit-inline-flex: $value; /* Chrome 21.0+ */ -moz-inline-flex: $value; -ms-inline-flex: $value; inline-flex: $value; /* Firefox 20+, Opera 12.5 */ } @mixin flex($value : 1) { -webkit-box-flex: $value; /* Old - iOS 6-, Safari 3.1~6 */ -moz-box-flex: $value; -webkit-flex: $value; /* Safari 6.1+. iOS 7.1+, Blackberry 10 */ -moz-flex: $value; -ms-flex: $value; /* IE 10 */ flex: $value; /* New, Spec - Firefox, Chrome, Opera */ } @mixin flex-direction($value: row) { @if $value == row-reverse { -webkit-box-direction: reverse; -webkit-box-orient: horizontal; } @else if $value == column { -webkit-box-direction: normal; -webkit-box-orient: vertical; } @else if $value == column-reverse { -webkit-box-direction: reverse; -webkit-box-orient: vertical; } @else { -webkit-box-direction: normal; -webkit-box-orient: horizontal; } -webkit-flex-direction: $value; /* Chrome 21.0+, But Safari & Android & iOS Not supported. */ -moz-flex-direction: $value; -ms-flex-direction: $value; flex-direction: $value; /* Firefox 28+, IE11, Opera 12.10 */ } @mixin flex-basis($value : auto) { -webkit-flex-basis: $value; /* Chrome 21.0+, But Safari & Android & iOS Not supported. */ -ms-flex-preferred-size: $value; -moz-flex-basis: $value; flex-basis: $value; /* Firefox 22+, IE11, Opera 12.10 */ } @mixin flex-flow($values: (row nowrap)) { -webkit-flex-flow: $values; /* Chrome 21.0+, But Safari & Android & iOS Not supported. */ -moz-flex-flow: $values; -ms-flex-flow: $values; flex-flow: $values; /* Firefox 28+, IE11, Opera 12.10 */ } @mixin flex-grow($value : 0) { -webkit-box-flex: $value; -webkit-flex-grow: $value; /* Chrome 21.0+, But Safari & Android & iOS Not supported. */ -ms-flex-positive: $value; -moz-flex-grow: $value; flex-grow: $value; /* Firefox 20+, Opera 12.10, IE Not supported. */ } @mixin flex-shrink($value) { -webkit-flex-shrink: $value; /* Chrome 21.0+, But Safari & Android & iOS Not supported. */ -moz-flex-shrink: $value; flex-shrink: $value; /* Firefox 20+, Opera 12.10, IE Not supported. */ } @mixin flex-wrap($value: nowrap) { -webkit-flex-wrap: $value; /* Safari 6.1+, Chrome 21.0+, Android 4.4+, iOS 7.0+ */ -moz-flex-wrap: $value; @if $value == nowrap { -ms-flex-wrap: none; } @else { -ms-flex-wrap: $value; } flex-wrap: $value; /* Firefox 28+, IE11, Opera 12.10 */ } @mixin order($value : 1) { -webkit-box-ordinal-group: $value + 1; -webkit-order: $value; /* Chrome 21+, Safari Not supported. */ -ms-flex-order: $value; /* IE 10.0 */ -moz-order: $value; order: $value; /* Firefox 20+, Opera 12.10 */ } // alias order() @mixin flex-order($args...) { @include order($args...); } // flow @mixin flow-into($value) { -webkit-flow-into: $value; /* Safari 7.1+, iOS Safari 7.1+ */ -moz-flow-into: $value; -ms-flow-into: $value; /* IE10+ */ flow-into: $value; /* None yet */ } @mixin flow-from($value) { -webkit-flow-from: $value; /* Safari 7.1+, iOS Safari 7.1+ */ -moz-flow-from: $value; -ms-flow-from: $value; /* IE10+ */ flow-from: $value; /* None yet */ } // Flex align // Values: flex-start | flex-end | center | space-between | space-around | stretch @mixin align-content($value: stretch) { -webkit-align-content: $value; /* Chrome 21.0+, Safari Not supported. */ -moz-align-content: $value; @if $value == flex-start { -ms-flex-line-pack: start; } @else if $value == flex-end { -ms-flex-line-pack: end; } @else { -ms-flex-line-pack: $value; } align-content: $value; /* Firefox 28+, Opera 12.10, IE Not supported. */ } @mixin align-items($value: stretch) { @if $value == flex-start { -webkit-box-align: start; -ms-flex-align: start; } @else if $value == flex-end { -webkit-box-align: end; -ms-flex-align: end; } @else { -webkit-box-align: $value; -ms-flex-align: $value; } -webkit-align-items: $value; /* Safari 7.0+, Chrome 21.0+ */ -moz-align-items: $value; align-items: $value; /* Firefox 20.0+, IE11+, Opera 12.10 */ } // Values: auto | flex-start | flex-end | center | baseline | stretch @mixin align-self($value: auto) { -webkit-align-self: $value; /* Chrome 21~36, Safari Not supported. */ -moz-align-self: $value; @if $value == flex-start { -ms-flex-item-align: start; } @else if $value == flex-end { -ms-flex-item-align: end; } @else { -ms-flex-item-align: $value; } align-self: $value; /* Firefox 28+, Opera 12.10, IE Not supported. */ } @mixin justify-content($value : flex-start) { @if $value == flex-start { -webkit-box-pack: start; -ms-flex-pack: start; } @else if $value == flex-end { -webkit-box-pack: end; -ms-flex-pack: end; } @else if $value == space-around { -ms-flex-pack: distribute; } @else if $value == space-between { -webkit-box-pack: justify; -ms-flex-pack: justify; } @else { -webkit-box-pack: $value; -ms-flex-pack: $value; } -webkit-justify-content: $value; /* Chrome 21+, Safari Not supported. */ -moz-justify-content: $value; /* Chrome 21+, Safari Not supported. */ justify-content: $value; /* Firefox 20+, Opera 12.10, IE Not supported. */ } // alias justify-content @mixin flex-justify($args...) { @include justify-content($args...); } // Font @mixin font-kerning($value) { -webkit-font-kerning: $value; font-kerning: $value; } // font-feature-settings @mixin font-feature-settings($value) { -webkit-font-feature-settings: $value; /* Chrome 16-26, Blackberry 10 */ -moz-font-feature-settings: $value; /* Firefox 4-21 */ font-feature-settings: $value; /* IE 10, Safari 4.0-6.0 */ } @mixin font-variant-ligatures($value) { -webkit-font-variant-ligatures: $value; font-variant-ligatures: $value; } // Helper // clearfix @mixin clearfix() { &:before, &:after { content: " "; display: table; } &:after { clear: both; } } // user-select @mixin user-select($type) { -webkit-user-select: $type; -moz-user-select: $type; -ms-user-select: $type; -o-user-select: $type; user-select: $type; } // appearance @mixin appearance($value) { -webkit-appearance: $value; -moz-appearance: $value; -ms-appearance: $value; appearance: $value; } // opacity @mixin opacity($opacity) { opacity: $opacity; /* W3C */ filter: alpha(opacity=($opacity * 100)); /* IE */ } // ruby-position @mixin ruby-position($value) { -webkit-ruby-position: $value; /* Blink, Webkit */ ruby-position: $value; /* Firefox, IE */ } // Input // input-placeholder @mixin input-placeholder($seletor) { #{$seletor}::-webkit-input-placeholder { @content; } #{$seletor}:-moz-placeholder { /* Firefox 4~18 */ @content; } #{$seletor}::-moz-placeholder { /* Firefox 19+ */ @content; } #{$seletor}:-ms-input-placeholder { /* IE10+ */ @content; } } // margin @mixin margin-start($value) { -webkit-margin-start: $value; /* Safari 3.0+, Chrome */ -moz-margin-start: $value; /* Firefox 1.0+ */ margin-start: $value; /* None yet / Non-standard */ } @mixin margin-end($value) { -webkit-margin-end: $value; /* Safari 3.0+, Chrome */ -moz-margin-end: $value; /* Firefox 1.0+ */ margin-end: $value; /* None yet / Non-standard */ } // Mask @mixin mask-image($value) { -webkit-mask-image: $value; /* Chrome, iOS, Safari */ mask-image: $value; /* None yet / Non-standard */ } @mixin mask-size($value) { -webkit-mask-size: $value; /* Chrome, iOS, Safari */ mask-size: $value; /* None yet / Non-standard */ } @mixin mask-clip($value) { -webkit-mask-clip: $value; /* Chrome, iOS, Safari */ mask-clip: $value; /* None yet / Non-standard */ } @mixin mask-position($value) { -webkit-mask-position: $value; /* Chrome, iOS, Safari */ mask-position: $value; /* None yet / Non-standard */ } @mixin mask-position-x($value) { -webkit-mask-position-x: $value; /* Chrome, iOS, Safari */ mask-position-x: $value; /* None yet / Non-standard */ } @mixin mask-position-y($value) { -webkit-mask-position-y: $value; /* Chrome, iOS, Safari */ mask-position-y: $value; /* None yet / Non-standard */ } @mixin mask-origin($value) { -webkit-mask-origin: $value; /* Chrome, iOS, Safari */ mask-origin: $value; /* None yet / Non-standard */ } @mixin mask-repeat($value) { -webkit-mask-repeat: $value; /* Chrome, iOS, Safari */ mask-repeat: $value; /* None yet / Non-standard */ } @mixin mask-attachment($value) { -webkit-mask-attachment: $value; /* Chrome, iOS, Safari */ mask-attachment: $value; /* None yet / Non-standard */ } @mixin mask-composite($value) { -webkit-mask-composite: $value; /* Chrome, iOS, Safari */ mask-composite: $value; /* None yet / Non-standard */ } @mixin mask-box-image($value) { -webkit-mask-box-image: $value; /* Chrome, iOS, Safari */ mask-box-image: $value; /* None yet / Non-standard */ } // padding @mixin padding-start($value) { -webkit-padding-start: $value; /* Safari, Chrome, WebKit */ -moz-padding-start: $value; /* Firefox 3+ */ padding-start: $value; } @mixin padding-end($value) { -webkit-padding-end: $value; /* Safari, Chrome, WebKit */ -moz-padding-end: $value; /* Firefox 3+ */ padding-end: $value; } // perspective @mixin perspective($value) { -webkit-perspective: $value; /* Safari, Chrome */ perspective: $value; /* None yet / Non-standard */ } @mixin perspective-origin($value) { -webkit-perspective-origin: $value; /* Safari, Chrome 12+ */ -moz-perspective-origin: $value; /* Firefox 10~16 */ perspective-origin: $value; /* Opera 15+, IE10+ */ } @mixin perspective-origin-x($value) { -webkit-perspective-origin-x: $value; /* Safari, Chrome 12+ */ perspective-origin-x: $value; /* IE10+ */ } @mixin perspective-origin-y($value) { -webkit-perspective-origin-y: $value; /* Safari, Chrome 12+ */ perspective-origin-y: $value; /* IE10+ */ } @mixin backface-visibility($value : hidden) { -webkit-backface-visibility: $value; /* Chrome, Safari, Opera 15+ */ -moz-backface-visibility: $value; /* Firefox */ -ms-backface-visibility: $value; /* IE10 */ backface-visibility: $value; } // tab @mixin tab-size($value) { -webkit-tab-size: $value; /* Chrome 21+, Safari 6.1+ */ -moz-tab-size: $value; /* Firefox 4.0 */ -o-tab-size: $value; /* Opera 10.6~15 */ tab-size: $value; /* Blink & Webkit */ } // Text @mixin text-size-adjust($value) { -webkit-text-size-adjust: $value; /* Chrome 27+ */ -moz-text-size-adjust: $value; /* Firefox */ text-size-adjust: $value; /* None yet */ } @mixin text-align-last($value) { -webkit-text-align-last: $value; /* Chrome 35+, Safari Not supported. */ -moz-text-align-last: $value; /* Firefox 12.0 */ text-align-last: $value; /* IE 5.5+ */ } @mixin text-justify($value) { -webkit-text-justify: $value; text-justify: $value; } @mixin text-decoration-color($value) { -webkit-text-decoration-color: $value; text-decoration-color: $value; } @mixin text-decoration-line($value) { -webkit-text-decoration-line: $value; text-decoration-line: $value; } @mixin text-decoration-style($value) { -webkit-text-decoration-style: $value; text-decoration-style: $value; } @mixin text-orientation($value) { -webkit-text-orientation: $value; text-orientation: $value; } @mixin text-underline-position($value) { -webkit-text-underline-position: $value; /* Chrome 33 not fully supported. */ text-underline-position: $value; /* IE 5 not fully supported. */ } @mixin text-emphasis($value) { -webkit-text-emphasis: $value; /* Blink */ text-emphasis: $value; /* WebKit */ } @mixin text-emphasis-color($value) { -webkit-text-emphasis-color: $value; /* Blink */ text-emphasis-color: $value; /* WebKit */ } @mixin text-emphasis-style($value) { -webkit-text-emphasis-style: $value; /* Blink */ text-emphasis-style: $value; /* WebKit */ } @mixin text-emphasis-position($value) { -webkit-text-emphasis-position: $value; /* Blink */ text-emphasis-position: $value; /* WebKit */ } // Word @mixin word-break() { -ms-word-break: break-all; word-break: break-all; word-break: break-word; } // hyphens : none | manual | auto // iOS 4.2+ @mixin hyphens($value : auto) { // Chrome 29- and Android 4.0 Browser support "-webkit-hyphens: none", but not the "auto" property. -webkit-hyphens: $value; /* Safari 5.1+, Chrome */ -moz-hyphens: $value; /* Firefox 6.0+ */ -ms-hyphens: $value; /* IE 10+ */ hyphens: $value; /* None yet */ } // line // 指定用于中文、日语和韩语 (CJK) 文本的换行规则的严格程度 @mixin line-break($value) { -webkit-line-break: $value; line-break: $value; } // Transform @mixin transform($transform) { -webkit-transform: $transform; /* Safari, Chrome */ -moz-transform: $transform; /* Firefox 3.5~16.0 */ -ms-transform: $transform; /* IE9~10 */ -o-transform: $transform; /* Opera 10.5~12.10 */ transform: $transform; } @mixin transform-origin($origin) { -webkit-transform-origin: $origin; -moz-transform-origin: $origin; /* Firefox 3.5~16.0 */ -ms-transform-origin: $origin; /* IE9~10 */ -o-transform-origin: $origin; /* Opera 10.5~12.10 */ transform-origin: $origin; } @mixin transform-origin-x($origin) { -webkit-transform-origin-x: $origin; /* Blink, Webkit */ transform-origin-x: $origin; /* IE11+ */ } @mixin transform-origin-y($origin) { -webkit-transform-origin-y: $origin; /* Blink, Webkit */ transform-origin-y: $origin; /* IE11+ */ } @mixin transform-origin-z($origin) { -webkit-transform-origin-z: $origin; /* Blink, Webkit */ transform-origin-z: $origin; /* IE11+ */ } @mixin transform-style($style) { -webkit-transform-style: $style; -moz-transform-style: $style; /* Firefox 10~16.0 */ -ms-transform-style: $style; /* IE9~10 */ transform-style: $style; /* Firefox, Blink, IE11+ */ } // Transitions // IE10+ @mixin transition($transition...) { -webkit-transition: $transition; /* Safari, Chrome */ -moz-transition: $transition; /* Firefox 4.0~16.0 */ transition: $transition; /* IE >9, FF >15, Opera >12.0 */ } @mixin transition-property($property) { -webkit-transition-property: $property; -moz-transition-property: $property; /* Firefox 4.0~16.0 */ transition-property: $property; } @mixin transition-duration($duration) { -webkit-transition-duration: $duration; -moz-transition-duration: $duration; /* Firefox 4.0~16.0 */ transition-duration: $duration; } @mixin transition-timing-function($easing) { -webkit-transition-timing-function: $easing; -moz-transition-timing-function: $easing; /* Firefox 4.0~16.0 */ transition-timing-function: $easing; } @mixin transition-delay($delay) { -webkit-transition-delay: $delay; -moz-transition-delay: $delay; /* Firefox 4.0~16.0 */ transition-delay: $delay; } // viewport @mixin viewport-device-width() { width: device-width; user-zoom: fixed; } @mixin viewport() { @-webkit-viewport { @include viewport-device-width(); } @-moz-viewport { @include viewport-device-width(); } @-ms-viewport { @include viewport-device-width(); } @-o-viewport { @include viewport-device-width(); } @viewport { @include viewport-device-width(); } }