PzFormat ================ A sublime text plugin to format text. ![alt tag](pzformat_demo.gif) # Installation - Use Package Control to install - Or you can download or clone directly and drop into your Sublime Text 3 packages directory # Usage ## Put any type format string into clipboard Format syntax example. - my name is {}, come from {}. - INSERT INTO Persons (id, name, gender) VALUES ({0}, {1}, {2}); - {0} * {0} = {1} ## Select data in sublime text The number of columns must be equal to the number of format string parameters.
"separator": [",",",",";"] //default separators. space is implicit included
## Format by [super+shift+o,super+shift+f] PzFormat will auto split data into lines and try to format each line. # Attentions - You can use {{ replace { and }} replace } to avoid them escaped. e.g. string.format("{{}},{{}},{{}}", {},{},{}); show be format to string.format("{},{},{}", value1,value2,value3);