import sys, socket, threading, traceback, os, inspect, subprocess PY3 = sys.version_info[0] == 3 class Disconnect(Exception): pass class Object(): def __init__(self, **kw): for k, v in kw.items(): self.__dict__[k] = v def nullfunc(*args, **kwargs): pass class Log: def __init__(self, writer, name='Remote-Embed'): if not hasattr(writer, 'write'): = nullfunc self.error = nullfunc return flush = getattr(writer, 'flush', nullfunc) = name self.write = lambda s: (writer.write(s), flush()) def info(self, s): try: self.write('(%s) %s\n' % (, s)) except IOError: pass def error(self, s): try: self.write('(%s) %s\n%s' % (, s, traceback.format_exc())) except IOError: pass # verbose = Log(sys.stderr, 'VERBOSE').info def Embed( host='', port=0, popup=None, log_writer=sys.stderr, this_coding=None, debugger_coding=None, help_info=None ): if this_coding is None: this_coding = 'gb18030' if == 'nt' else 'utf8' if debugger_coding is None: debugger_coding = this_coding def embed(): log = Log(log_writer) lineinfo = inspect.stack()[1]'Break at: %s, line %d, %s' % lineinfo[1:4])'--------> %s' % lineinfo[4][0].strip()) sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) try: sock.bind((host, port)) _port = sock.getsockname()[1] sock.listen(1) except: log.error('Failed to listen on %s:%d!' % (host, port))'Resume the execution.') sock.close() return'Listen at %s:%d, waiting for the remote debugger to attach...' % (host, _port)) _popup(popup, host, _port) try: conn, addr = sock.accept() except: log.error('Failed to accept a connection!')'Resume the execution.') sock.close() return'Be attached by the remote debugger at %s:%d.' % addr) _help_info = help_info or '\n'.join([ 'Attached to the remote process at %s:%d.' % (host, _port), 'Remote Python version: %s' % sys.version, 'Remote cwd: %s' % os.getcwd(), 'Remote breakpoint: %s, line: %d, %s' % lineinfo[1:4], '-----------------> %s' % lineinfo[4][0].strip(), ]) def send(s): if not PY3: if type(s) is unicode: s = s.encode(debugger_coding) else: if type(s) is not str: s = str(s) if this_coding != debugger_coding: s = s.decode(this_coding).encode(debugger_coding) else: if type(s) is str: s = s.encode(debugger_coding) elif type(s) is bytes: if this_coding != debugger_coding: s = s.decode(this_coding).encode(debugger_coding) else: s = str(s).encode(debugger_coding) try: conn.sendall(s) except socket.error: raise Disconnect def recv(): try: code = conn.recv(1024) except socket.error: code = '' if not code: raise Disconnect if this_coding != debugger_coding: code = code.decode(debugger_coding).encode(this_coding) return code.strip() try: send(_help_info + '\n>>> ') except: log.error('Failed to send help infomation to the remote debugger!')'Resume the execution.') conn.close() sock.close() return fileobj = Object(write=send, flush=nullfunc) oldout, olderr = sys.stdout, sys.stderr sys.stdout, sys.stderr = fileobj, fileobj _locals = inspect.currentframe().f_back.f_locals _globals = inspect.currentframe().f_back.f_globals try: while True: code = recv() if code in (b'exit', b'quit', b'exit()', b'quit()'):'The remote debugger exit.') break _coding = this_coding.encode(this_coding) if PY3 else this_coding code = b'#coding=%s\n%s' % (_coding, code) try: try: bytecode = compile(code, '', 'eval') except SyntaxError: exec(code, _globals, _locals) send('>>> ') else: send(eval(bytecode, _globals, _locals)) send('\n>>> ') except SystemExit:'The remote debugger exit.') break except BaseException: send(traceback.format_exc()) send('>>> ') except Disconnect:'The remote debugger disconnected.') except BaseException: log.error('Embarassing...') finally:'Resume the execution.') sys.stdout, sys.stderr = oldout, olderr conn.close() sock.close() return embed def _popup(popup, host, port): if not popup: return if isinstance(popup, str): if == 'nt':['start', popup, host, str(port)], shell=True) return # TODO: add MacOS, Linux support return if callable(popup): popup(host, port) if __name__ == '__main__': # runs in windows('gb18030'), attaches from linux('utf8') # embed = Embed('', 9999, this_coding='gb18030', debugger_coding='utf8') embed = Embed(popup='./test/nc.exe') a = 2 def func(x, y, z): print(a, x, y, z); sys.stdout.flush() embed() print(a, x, y, z); sys.stdout.flush() func(1, 2, [3])