name: SPFx WebParts CICD with Office 365 CLI on: workflow_dispatch: inputs: sample_name: description: 'Name of the solution' required: true default: react-adaptivecards # test on 07/31 # Variables that are available for all the jobs in the workflow - 07/25 env: APP_FILE_PATH: '**/*.sppkg' SAMPLE_TO_BUILD_DEPLOY: './samples/' SEND_MAIL: 'false' jobs: build-and-deploy: runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: # Checkout code - name: Checkout code uses: actions/checkout@v1 # Setup node.js runtime - name: Use Node.js 10.x uses: actions/setup-node@v1 with: node-version: 10.x # npm install - name: Run npm install working-directory: ${{env.SAMPLE_TO_BUILD_DEPLOY}}${{ github.event.inputs.sample_name }} run: | pwd [ -f "package-lock.json" ] && rm package-lock.json npm install # install gulp if mac - name: Run npm i -g gulp run: npm i -g gulp working-directory: ${{env.SAMPLE_TO_BUILD_DEPLOY}}${{ github.event.inputs.sample_name }} # if: runner.os == 'macOS' # gulp bundle and package solution - name: Bundle ${{env.SAMPLE_TO_BUILD_DEPLOY}}${{ github.event.inputs.sample_name }} working-directory: ${{env.SAMPLE_TO_BUILD_DEPLOY}}${{ github.event.inputs.sample_name }} run: | gulp bundle --ship --warnoff - name: Package ${{env.SAMPLE_TO_BUILD_DEPLOY}}${{ github.event.inputs.sample_name }} working-directory: ${{env.SAMPLE_TO_BUILD_DEPLOY}}${{ github.event.inputs.sample_name }} run: | gulp package-solution --ship - name: Set pkgname id: get-pkgname run: | echo ::set-output name=pkgname::$(find . -name *.sppkg) - name: Use the output run: | echo 'The output pkgname is ${{ steps.get-pkgname.outputs.pkgname }}' # Login to tenant using action-cli-login - name: Office 365 CLI Login uses: pnp/action-cli-login@v1.0.0 with: ADMIN_USERNAME: ${{ secrets.adminUsername }} ADMIN_PASSWORD: ${{ secrets.adminPassword }} # Deploy package to tenant using action-cli-deploy - name: Office 365 CLI Deploy ${{ steps.get-pkgname.outputs.pkgname }} id: o365clideploy # optional - use if output needs to be used uses: pnp/action-cli-deploy@v1.0.1 with: APP_FILE_PATH: ${{ steps.get-pkgname.outputs.pkgname }} SKIP_FEATURE_DEPLOYMENT: false OVERWRITE: true # Send an email using action-cli-runscript - name: Office 365 CLI Send email uses: pnp/action-cli-runscript@v1.0.0 with: O365_CLI_SCRIPT: o365 spo mail send --webUrl --to '' --subject 'Deployment done' --body '

Office 365 CLI

The deployment is complete.

Email sent via Office 365 CLI GitHub Action.' if: env.SEND_MAIL == 'true' # Print the id of the app - name: Get the id of the app deployed run: echo "The id of the app deployed is ${{ steps.o365clideploy.outputs.APP_ID }}"