# Improve the clarity of long images in grid lists Translations: [简体中文](long_image_grid_thumbnails_zh.md) For example, in GirdLayoutManager, the width and height of ImageView is 400x400, and the width and height of the image are 30000x960. Sketch automatically calculates that [Resize] is 400x400 and [Precision] defaults to LESS_PIXELS. In this case, the inSampleSize calculated according to [Resize] is 16, and the decoded thumbnail size is 1875x60, this thumbnail is extremely blurry and no content can be discerned For this situation, you can use [LongImageClipPrecisionDecider] to dynamically calculate [Precision]. [LongImageClipPrecisionDecider] will return when encountering a long image. SAME_ASPECT_RATIO or EXACTLY (specified when creating), otherwise LESS_PIXELS is returned. This not only ensures that long images have a clear thumbnail, but also ensures fast loading of non-long images. > Notice: > 1. The default implementation of long image rules is [DefaultLongImageDecider], you can also create [LongImageClipPrecisionDecider] Use custom rules when > 2. SAME_ASPECT_RATIO and EXACTLY will use BitmapRegionDecoder to crop the original image, so you can get a clearer thumbnail. ### Use ```kotlin imageView.displayImage("https://www.sample.com/image.jpg") { resizePrecision(LongImageClipPrecisionDecider(Precision.SAME_ASPECT_RATIO)) } ``` [Sketch]: ../../sketch-core/src/main/kotlin/com/github/panpf/sketch/Sketch.kt [Resize]: ../../sketch-core/src/main/kotlin/com/github/panpf/sketch/resize/Resize.kt [Precision]: ../../sketch-core/src/main/kotlin/com/github/panpf/sketch/resize/Precision.kt [LongImageClipPrecisionDecider]: ../../sketch-core/src/main/kotlin/com/github/panpf/sketch/resize/PrecisionDecider.kt [DefaultLongImageDecider]: ../../sketch-core/src/main/kotlin/com/github/panpf/sketch/resize/LongImageDecider.kt