class icinga_ssh_client { package { "nagios-plugins-basic": ensure => installed, } # file { "/usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_mem": mode => 755, owner => root, group => root, require => Package['nagios-plugins-basic'], source => "puppet:///modules/icinga_ssh_client/check_mem", } # apt-get install -y nagios-plugins-contrib --no-install-recommends file { "/usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_raid": mode => 755, owner => root, group => root, require => Package['nagios-plugins-basic'], source => "puppet:///modules/icinga_ssh_client/check_raid", } # TODO: relative path to # extract data from public key file (e.g. /var/lib/nagios/.ssh/ $ssh = split(file("/etc/puppet/modules/icinga_ssh_client/files/"), ' ') $ssh_type = values_at($ssh, 0) $ssh_key = values_at($ssh, 1) $ssh_id = values_at($ssh, 2) ssh_authorized_key { $ssh_id: ensure => present, user => root, type => $ssh_type, key => $ssh_key, } # alternatively, read key from file and remove line break # ssh_authorized_key { 'nagios@icinga': # ensure => present, # user => root, # type => ssh-rsa, # key => chomp(file("/etc/puppet/modules/icinga_ssh_client/files/")), # } }