# Release Notes ## 2.7.0 This release adds support for Pip 24.1.1. * Add support for `--pip-version 24.1.1`. (#2451) ## 2.6.3 There are no changes to Pex code or released artifacts over 2.6.1 or 2.6.2, just a further fix to the GitHub Releases release process which #2442 broke and #2444 only partially fixed. * Fix GitHub Releases deployment. (#2448) ## 2.6.2 > [!NOTE] > Although 2.6.2 successfully released to [PyPI]( > https://pypi.org/project/pex/2.6.2/), it failed to release to GitHub > Releases (neither the Pex PEX nor the pex.pdf were published.) You > can use Pex 2.6.3 instead which has no Pex code changes over this > release. There are no changes to Pex code or released artifacts over 2.6.1, just a fix to the GitHub Releases release process which #2442 broke. * Fix GitHub Releases deployment. (#2444) ## 2.6.1 > [!NOTE] > Although 2.6.1 successfully released to [PyPI]( > https://pypi.org/project/pex/2.6.1/), it failed to release to GitHub > Releases (neither the Pex PEX nor the pex.pdf were published.) You > can use Pex 2.6.3 instead which has no Pex code changes over this > release. This release improves error messages when attempting to read invalid metadata from distributions such that the problematic distribution is always identified. * Improve errors for invalid distribution metadata. (#2443) ## 2.6.0 This release adds support for [PEP-723]( https://peps.python.org/pep-0723) script metadata in `--exe`s. For such a script with metadata describing its dependencies or Python version requirements, running the script is as simple as `pex --exe