import * as oauth from '../src/index.js' // replace with an import of oauth4webapi // Prerequisites let issuer!: URL // Authorization server's Issuer Identifier URL let algorithm!: | 'oauth2' /* For .well-known/oauth-authorization-server discovery */ | 'oidc' /* For .well-known/openid-configuration discovery */ | undefined /* Defaults to 'oidc' */ let client_id!: string let client_secret!: string /** * Value used in the authorization request as redirect_uri pre-registered at the Authorization * Server. */ let redirect_uri!: string /** * A key that is pre-registered at the Authorization Server that the client is supposed to sign its * Request Objects with. */ let jarPrivateKey!: CryptoKey // End of prerequisites const as = await oauth .discoveryRequest(issuer, { algorithm }) .then((response) => oauth.processDiscoveryResponse(issuer, response)) const client: oauth.Client = { client_id, client_secret, token_endpoint_auth_method: 'client_secret_basic', } const code_challenge_method = 'S256' /** * The following MUST be generated for every redirect to the authorization_endpoint. You must store * the code_verifier and nonce in the end-user session such that it can be recovered as the user * gets redirected from the authorization server back to your application. */ const code_verifier = oauth.generateRandomCodeVerifier() const code_challenge = await oauth.calculatePKCECodeChallenge(code_verifier) let state: string | undefined // Signed Request Object (JAR) let request: string { const params = new URLSearchParams() params.set('client_id', client.client_id) params.set('redirect_uri', redirect_uri) params.set('response_type', 'code') params.set('scope', 'api:read') params.set('code_challenge', code_challenge) params.set('code_challenge_method', code_challenge_method) /** * We cannot be sure the AS supports PKCE so we're going to use state too. Use of PKCE is * backwards compatible even if the AS doesn't support it which is why we're using it regardless. */ if (as.code_challenge_methods_supported?.includes('S256') !== true) { state = oauth.generateRandomState() params.set('state', state) } request = await oauth.issueRequestObject(as, client, params, jarPrivateKey) } { // redirect user to as.authorization_endpoint const authorizationUrl = new URL(as.authorization_endpoint!) authorizationUrl.searchParams.set('client_id', client.client_id) authorizationUrl.searchParams.set('request', request) // now redirect the user to authorizationUrl.href } // one eternity later, the user lands back on the redirect_uri // Authorization Code Grant Request & Response let access_token: string { // @ts-expect-error const currentUrl: URL = getCurrentUrl() const params = oauth.validateAuthResponse(as, client, currentUrl, state) if (oauth.isOAuth2Error(params)) { console.error('Error Response', params) throw new Error() // Handle OAuth 2.0 redirect error } const response = await oauth.authorizationCodeGrantRequest( as, client, params, redirect_uri, code_verifier, ) let challenges: oauth.WWWAuthenticateChallenge[] | undefined if ((challenges = oauth.parseWwwAuthenticateChallenges(response))) { for (const challenge of challenges) { console.error('WWW-Authenticate Challenge', challenge) } throw new Error() // Handle WWW-Authenticate Challenges as needed } const result = await oauth.processAuthorizationCodeOAuth2Response(as, client, response) if (oauth.isOAuth2Error(result)) { console.error('Error Response', result) throw new Error() // Handle OAuth 2.0 response body error } console.log('Access Token Response', result) ;({ access_token } = result) } // Protected Resource Request { const response = await oauth.protectedResourceRequest( access_token, 'GET', new URL(''), ) let challenges: oauth.WWWAuthenticateChallenge[] | undefined if ((challenges = oauth.parseWwwAuthenticateChallenges(response))) { for (const challenge of challenges) { console.error('WWW-Authenticate Challenge', challenge) } throw new Error() // Handle WWW-Authenticate Challenges as needed } console.log('Protected Resource Response', await response.json()) }