syntax = "proto3";
import "google/protobuf/field_mask.proto";

option go_package = "";
package onehub.v1;

import "onehub/v1/models.proto";

 * Service for operating on messages
service MessageService {
   * Create a new sesssion
  rpc CreateMessage(CreateMessageRequest) returns (CreateMessageResponse) {

   * List all messages in a topic
  rpc ListMessages(ListMessagesRequest) returns (ListMessagesResponse) { 

   * Get a particular message
  rpc GetMessage(GetMessageRequest) returns (GetMessageResponse) { 

   * Batch get multiple messages by IDs
  rpc GetMessages(GetMessagesRequest) returns (GetMessagesResponse) { 

   * Delete a particular message
  rpc DeleteMessage(DeleteMessageRequest) returns (DeleteMessageResponse) { 

   * Update a message within a topic.
  rpc UpdateMessage(UpdateMessageRequest) returns (UpdateMessageResponse) {

 * Message creation request object
message CreateMessageRequest {
   * Message being updated
  Message message = 1;

 * Response of an message creation.
message CreateMessageResponse {
   * Message being created
  Message message = 1;

 * A message listing request.  For now only paginations params are provided.
message ListMessagesRequest {
   * Instead of an offset an abstract  "page" key is provided that offers
   * an opaque "pointer" into some offset in a result set.
  string page_key = 1;

   * Number of results to return.
  int32 page_size = 2;

   * Topic in which messages are to be listed.  Required.
  string topic_id = 3;

 * Response of a topic search/listing.
message ListMessagesResponse {
   * The list of topics found as part of this response.
  repeated Message messages = 1;

   * The key/pointer string that subsequent List requests should pass to
   * continue the pagination.
  string next_page_key = 2;

 * Request to get a single message.
message GetMessageRequest {
   * ID of the topic to be fetched
  string id = 1;

 * Message get response
message GetMessageResponse {
  Message message = 1;

 * Request to batch get messages
message GetMessagesRequest {
   * IDs of the messages to be fetched
  repeated string ids = 1;

 * Message batch-get response
message GetMessagesResponse {
  map<string, Message> messages = 1;

 * Request to delete an message
message DeleteMessageRequest {
   * ID of the message to be deleted.
  string id = 1;

 * Message deletion response
message DeleteMessageResponse {

message UpdateMessageRequest {
  // The message being updated.  The topic ID AND message ID fields *must*
  // be specified in this message object.  How other fields are used is
  // determined by the update_mask parameter enabling partial updates
  Message message = 1;

  // Indicates which fields are being updated
  // If the field_mask is *not* provided then we reject
  // a replace (as required by the standard convention) to prevent
  // full replace in error.  Instead an update_mask of "*" must be passed.
  google.protobuf.FieldMask update_mask = 3;

  // Any fields specified here will be "appended" to instead of being
  // replaced
  google.protobuf.FieldMask append_mask = 4;

message UpdateMessageResponse {
  // The updated message
  Message message = 1;