/*! * Voca string library 1.3.1 * https://vocajs.com * * Copyright Dmitri Pavlutin and other contributors * Released under the MIT license */ (function (global, factory) { typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module !== 'undefined' ? module.exports = factory() : typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define(factory) : (global.v = factory()); }(this, (function () { 'use strict'; /** * Checks if `value` is `null` or `undefined` * * @ignore * @function isNil * @param {*} value The object to check * @return {boolean} Returns `true` is `value` is `undefined` or `null`, `false` otherwise */ function isNil(value) { return value === undefined || value === null; } /** * Converts the `value` to a boolean. If `value` is `undefined` or `null`, returns `defaultValue`. * * @ignore * @function toBoolean * @param {*} value The value to convert. * @param {boolean} [defaultValue=false] The default value. * @return {boolean} Returns the coercion to boolean. */ function coerceToBoolean(value) { var defaultValue = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : false; if (isNil(value)) { return defaultValue; } return Boolean(value); } /** * Checks whether `subject` is a string primitive type. * * @function isString * @static * @since 1.0.0 * @memberOf Query * @param {string} subject The value to verify. * @return {boolean} Returns `true` if `subject` is string primitive type or `false` otherwise. * @example * v.isString('vacation'); * // => true * * v.isString(560); * // => false */ function isString(subject) { return typeof subject === 'string'; } /** * Get the string representation of the `value`. * Converts the `value` to string. * If `value` is `null` or `undefined`, return `defaultValue`. * * @ignore * @function toString * @param {*} value The value to convert. * @param {*} [defaultValue=''] The default value to return. * @return {string|null} Returns the string representation of `value`. Returns `defaultValue` if `value` is * `null` or `undefined`. */ function coerceToString(value) { var defaultValue = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : ''; if (isNil(value)) { return defaultValue; } if (isString(value)) { return value; } return String(value); } /** * Converts the first character of `subject` to upper case. If `restToLower` is `true`, convert the rest of * `subject` to lower case. * * @function capitalize * @static * @since 1.0.0 * @memberOf Case * @param {string} [subject=''] The string to capitalize. * @param {boolean} [restToLower=false] Convert the rest of `subject` to lower case. * @return {string} Returns the capitalized string. * @example * v.capitalize('apple'); * // => 'Apple' * * v.capitalize('aPPle', true); * // => 'Apple' */ function capitalize(subject, restToLower) { var subjectString = coerceToString(subject); var restToLowerCaseBoolean = coerceToBoolean(restToLower); if (subjectString === '') { return ''; } if (restToLowerCaseBoolean) { subjectString = subjectString.toLowerCase(); } return subjectString.substr(0, 1).toUpperCase() + subjectString.substr(1); } /** * Converts the `subject` to lower case. * * @function lowerCase * @static * @since 1.0.0 * @memberOf Case * @param {string} [subject=''] The string to convert to lower case. * @return {string} Returns the lower case string. * @example * v.lowerCase('Green'); * // => 'green' * * v.lowerCase('BLUE'); * // => 'blue' */ function lowerCase(subject) { var subjectString = coerceToString(subject, ''); return subjectString.toLowerCase(); } /** * A regular expression string matching digits * * @type {string} * @ignore */ var digit = '\\d'; /** * A regular expression string matching whitespace * * @type {string} * @ignore */ var whitespace = '\\s\\uFEFF\\xA0'; /** * A regular expression string matching high surrogate * * @type {string} * @ignore */ var highSurrogate = '\\uD800-\\uDBFF'; /** * A regular expression string matching low surrogate * * @type {string} * @ignore */ var lowSurrogate = '\\uDC00-\\uDFFF'; /** * A regular expression string matching diacritical mark * * @type {string} * @ignore */ var diacriticalMark = '\\u0300-\\u036F\\u1AB0-\\u1AFF\\u1DC0-\\u1DFF\\u20D0-\\u20FF\\uFE20-\\uFE2F'; /** * A regular expression to match the base character for a combining mark * * @type {string} * @ignore */ var base = '\\0-\\u02FF\\u0370-\\u1AAF\\u1B00-\\u1DBF\\u1E00-\\u20CF\\u2100-\\uD7FF\\uE000-\\uFE1F\\uFE30-\\uFFFF'; /** * Regular expression to match combining marks * * @see http://unicode.org/faq/char_combmark.html * @type {RegExp} * @ignore */ var REGEXP_COMBINING_MARKS = new RegExp('([' + base + ']|[' + highSurrogate + '][' + lowSurrogate + ']|[' + highSurrogate + '](?![' + lowSurrogate + '])|(?:[^' + highSurrogate + ']|^)[' + lowSurrogate + '])([' + diacriticalMark + ']+)', 'g'); /** * Regular expression to match surrogate pairs * * @see http://www.unicode.org/faq/utf_bom.html#utf16-2 * @type {RegExp} * @ignore */ var REGEXP_SURROGATE_PAIRS = new RegExp('([' + highSurrogate + '])([' + lowSurrogate + '])', 'g'); /** * Regular expression to match an unicode character * * @type {RegExp} * @ignore */ var REGEXP_UNICODE_CHARACTER = new RegExp('((?:[' + base + ']|[' + highSurrogate + '][' + lowSurrogate + ']|[' + highSurrogate + '](?![' + lowSurrogate + '])|(?:[^' + highSurrogate + ']|^)[' + lowSurrogate + '])(?:[' + diacriticalMark + ']+))|\ ([' + highSurrogate + '][' + lowSurrogate + '])|\ ([\\n\\r\\u2028\\u2029])|\ (.)', 'g'); /** * Regular expression to match whitespaces * * @type {RegExp} * @ignore */ var REGEXP_WHITESPACE = new RegExp('[' + whitespace + ']'); /** * Regular expression to match whitespaces from the left side * * @type {RegExp} * @ignore */ var REGEXP_TRIM_LEFT = new RegExp('^[' + whitespace + ']+'); /** * Regular expression to match whitespaces from the right side * * @type {RegExp} * @ignore */ var REGEXP_TRIM_RIGHT = new RegExp('[' + whitespace + ']+$'); /** * Regular expression to match digit characters * * @type {RegExp} * @ignore */ var REGEXP_DIGIT = new RegExp('^' + digit + '+$'); /** * Regular expression to match regular expression special characters * * @type {RegExp} * @ignore */ var REGEXP_SPECIAL_CHARACTERS = /[-[\]{}()*+!<=:?.\/\\^$|#,]/g; /** * Regular expression to match not latin characters * * @type {RegExp} * @ignore */ var REGEXP_NON_LATIN = /[^A-Za-z0-9]/g; /** * Regular expression to match HTML special characters. * * @type {RegExp} * @ignore */ var REGEXP_HTML_SPECIAL_CHARACTERS = /[<>&"'`]/g; /** * Regular expression to match sprintf format string * * @type {RegExp} * @ignore */ var REGEXP_CONVERSION_SPECIFICATION = /(%{1,2})(?:(\d+)\$)?(\+)?([ 0]|'.{1})?(-)?(\d+)?(?:\.(\d+))?([bcdiouxXeEfgGs])?/g; /** * Regular expression to match trailing zeros in a number * * @type {RegExp} * @ignore */ var REGEXP_TRAILING_ZEROS = /\.?0+$/g; /** * Regular expression to match flags from a regular expression. * * @type {RegExp} * @ignore */ var REGEXP_FLAGS = /[gimuy]*$/; /** * Regular expression to match a list of tags. * * @see https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/syntax.html#syntax-tag-name * @type {RegExp} * @ignore */ var REGEXP_TAG_LIST = /<([A-Za-z0-9]+)>/g; /** * A regular expression to match the General Punctuation Unicode block * * @type {string} * @ignore */ var generalPunctuationBlock = '\\u2000-\\u206F'; /** * A regular expression to match non characters from from Basic Latin and Latin-1 Supplement Unicode blocks * * @type {string} * @ignore */ var nonCharacter = '\\x00-\\x2F\\x3A-\\x40\\x5B-\\x60\\x7b-\\xBF\\xD7\\xF7'; /** * A regular expression to match the dingbat Unicode block * * @type {string} * @ignore */ var dingbatBlock = '\\u2700-\\u27BF'; /** * A regular expression string that matches lower case letters: LATIN * * @type {string} * @ignore */ var lowerCaseLetter = 'a-z\\xB5\\xDF-\\xF6\\xF8-\\xFF\\u0101\\u0103\\u0105\\u0107\\u0109\\u010B\\u010D\\u010F\\u0111\\u0113\\u0115\\u0117\\u0119\\u011B\\u011D\\u011F\\u0121\\u0123\\u0125\\u0127\\u0129\\u012B\\u012D\\u012F\\u0131\\u0133\\u0135\\u0137\\u0138\\u013A\\u013C\\u013E\\u0140\\u0142\\u0144\\u0146\\u0148\\u0149\\u014B\\u014D\\u014F\\u0151\\u0153\\u0155\\u0157\\u0159\\u015B\\u015D\\u015F\\u0161\\u0163\\u0165\\u0167\\u0169\\u016B\\u016D\\u016F\\u0171\\u0173\\u0175\\u0177\\u017A\\u017C\\u017E-\\u0180\\u0183\\u0185\\u0188\\u018C\\u018D\\u0192\\u0195\\u0199-\\u019B\\u019E\\u01A1\\u01A3\\u01A5\\u01A8\\u01AA\\u01AB\\u01AD\\u01B0\\u01B4\\u01B6\\u01B9\\u01BA\\u01BD-\\u01BF\\u01C6\\u01C9\\u01CC\\u01CE\\u01D0\\u01D2\\u01D4\\u01D6\\u01D8\\u01DA\\u01DC\\u01DD\\u01DF\\u01E1\\u01E3\\u01E5\\u01E7\\u01E9\\u01EB\\u01ED\\u01EF\\u01F0\\u01F3\\u01F5\\u01F9\\u01FB\\u01FD\\u01FF\\u0201\\u0203\\u0205\\u0207\\u0209\\u020B\\u020D\\u020F\\u0211\\u0213\\u0215\\u0217\\u0219\\u021B\\u021D\\u021F\\u0221\\u0223\\u0225\\u0227\\u0229\\u022B\\u022D\\u022F\\u0231\\u0233-\\u0239\\u023C\\u023F\\u0240\\u0242\\u0247\\u0249\\u024B\\u024D\\u024F'; /** * A regular expression string that matches upper case letters: LATIN * * @type {string} * @ignore */ var upperCaseLetter = '\\x41-\\x5a\\xc0-\\xd6\\xd8-\\xde\\u0100\\u0102\\u0104\\u0106\\u0108\\u010a\\u010c\\u010e\\u0110\\u0112\\u0114\\u0116\\u0118\\u011a\\u011c\\u011e\\u0120\\u0122\\u0124\\u0126\\u0128\\u012a\\u012c\\u012e\\u0130\\u0132\\u0134\\u0136\\u0139\\u013b\\u013d\\u013f\\u0141\\u0143\\u0145\\u0147\\u014a\\u014c\\u014e\\u0150\\u0152\\u0154\\u0156\\u0158\\u015a\\u015c\\u015e\\u0160\\u0162\\u0164\\u0166\\u0168\\u016a\\u016c\\u016e\\u0170\\u0172\\u0174\\u0176\\u0178\\u0179\\u017b\\u017d\\u0181\\u0182\\u0184\\u0186\\u0187\\u0189-\\u018b\\u018e-\\u0191\\u0193\\u0194\\u0196-\\u0198\\u019c\\u019d\\u019f\\u01a0\\u01a2\\u01a4\\u01a6\\u01a7\\u01a9\\u01ac\\u01ae\\u01af\\u01b1-\\u01b3\\u01b5\\u01b7\\u01b8\\u01bc\\u01c4\\u01c5\\u01c7\\u01c8\\u01ca\\u01cb\\u01cd\\u01cf\\u01d1\\u01d3\\u01d5\\u01d7\\u01d9\\u01db\\u01de\\u01e0\\u01e2\\u01e4\\u01e6\\u01e8\\u01ea\\u01ec\\u01ee\\u01f1\\u01f2\\u01f4\\u01f6-\\u01f8\\u01fa\\u01fc\\u01fe\\u0200\\u0202\\u0204\\u0206\\u0208\\u020a\\u020c\\u020e\\u0210\\u0212\\u0214\\u0216\\u0218\\u021a\\u021c\\u021e\\u0220\\u0222\\u0224\\u0226\\u0228\\u022a\\u022c\\u022e\\u0230\\u0232\\u023a\\u023b\\u023d\\u023e\\u0241\\u0243-\\u0246\\u0248\\u024a\\u024c\\u024e'; /** * Regular expression to match Unicode words * * @type {RegExp} * @ignore */ var REGEXP_WORD = new RegExp('(?:[' + upperCaseLetter + '][' + diacriticalMark + ']*)?(?:[' + lowerCaseLetter + '][' + diacriticalMark + ']*)+|\ (?:[' + upperCaseLetter + '][' + diacriticalMark + ']*)+(?![' + lowerCaseLetter + '])|\ [' + digit + ']+|\ [' + dingbatBlock + ']|\ [^' + nonCharacter + generalPunctuationBlock + whitespace + ']+', 'g'); /** * Regular expression to match words from Basic Latin and Latin-1 Supplement blocks * * @type {RegExp} * @ignore */ var REGEXP_LATIN_WORD = /[A-Z\xC0-\xD6\xD8-\xDE]?[a-z\xDF-\xF6\xF8-\xFF]+|[A-Z\xC0-\xD6\xD8-\xDE]+(?![a-z\xDF-\xF6\xF8-\xFF])|\d+/g; /** * Regular expression to match alpha characters * * @see http://stackoverflow.com/a/22075070/1894471 * @type {RegExp} * @ignore */ var REGEXP_ALPHA = new RegExp('^(?:[' + lowerCaseLetter + upperCaseLetter + '][' + diacriticalMark + ']*)+$'); /** * Regular expression to match alpha and digit characters * * @see http://stackoverflow.com/a/22075070/1894471 * @type {RegExp} * @ignore */ var REGEXP_ALPHA_DIGIT = new RegExp('^((?:[' + lowerCaseLetter + upperCaseLetter + '][' + diacriticalMark + ']*)|[' + digit + '])+$'); /** * Regular expression to match Extended ASCII characters, i.e. the first 255 * * @type {RegExp} * @ignore */ var REGEXP_EXTENDED_ASCII = /^[\x00-\xFF]*$/; /** * Verifies if `value` is `undefined` or `null` and returns `defaultValue`. In other case returns `value`. * * @ignore * @function nilDefault * @param {*} value The value to verify. * @param {*} defaultValue The default value. * @return {*} Returns `defaultValue` if `value` is `undefined` or `null`, otherwise `defaultValue`. */ function nilDefault(value, defaultValue) { return value == null ? defaultValue : value; } /** * Get the string representation of the `value`. * Converts the `value` to string. * * @ignore * @function toString * @param {*} value The value to convert. * @return {string|null} Returns the string representation of `value`. */ function toString(value) { if (isNil(value)) { return null; } if (isString(value)) { return value; } return String(value); } /** * Splits `subject` into an array of words. * * @function words * @static * @since 1.0.0 * @memberOf Split * @param {string} [subject=''] The string to split into words. * @param {string|RegExp} [pattern] The pattern to watch words. If `pattern` is not RegExp, it is transformed to `new RegExp(pattern, flags)`. * @param {string} [flags=''] The regular expression flags. Applies when `pattern` is string type. * @return {Array} Returns the array of words. * @example * v.words('gravity can cross dimensions'); * // => ['gravity', 'can', 'cross', 'dimensions'] * * v.words('GravityCanCrossDimensions'); * // => ['Gravity', 'Can', 'Cross', 'Dimensions'] * * v.words('Gravity - can cross dimensions!'); * // => ['Gravity', 'can', 'cross', 'dimensions'] * * v.words('Earth gravity', /[^\s]+/g); * // => ['Earth', 'gravity'] */ function words(subject, pattern, flags) { var subjectString = coerceToString(subject); var patternRegExp = void 0; if (isNil(pattern)) { patternRegExp = REGEXP_EXTENDED_ASCII.test(subjectString) ? REGEXP_LATIN_WORD : REGEXP_WORD; } else if (pattern instanceof RegExp) { patternRegExp = pattern; } else { var flagsString = toString(nilDefault(flags, '')); patternRegExp = new RegExp(toString(pattern), flagsString); } return nilDefault(subjectString.match(patternRegExp), []); } /** * Transforms the `word` into camel case chunk. * * @param {string} word The word string * @param {number} index The index of the word in phrase. * @return {string} The transformed word. * @ignore */ function wordToCamel(word, index) { return index === 0 ? lowerCase(word) : capitalize(word, true); } /** * Converts the `subject` to camel case. * * @function camelCase * @static * @since 1.0.0 * @memberOf Case * @param {string} [subject=''] The string to convert to camel case. * @return {string} The camel case string. * @example * v.camelCase('bird flight'); * // => 'birdFlight' * * v.camelCase('BirdFlight'); * // => 'birdFlight' * * v.camelCase('-BIRD-FLIGHT-'); * // => 'birdFlight' */ function camelCase(subject) { var subjectString = coerceToString(subject); if (subjectString === '') { return ''; } return words(subjectString).map(wordToCamel).join(''); } /** * Converts the first character of `subject` to lower case. * * @function decapitalize * @static * @since 1.0.0 * @memberOf Case * @param {string} [subject=''] The string to decapitalize. * @return {string} Returns the decapitalized string. * @example * v.decapitalize('Sun'); * // => 'sun' * * v.decapitalize('moon'); * // => 'moon' */ function decapitalize(subject) { var subjectString = coerceToString(subject); if (subjectString === '') { return ''; } return subjectString.substr(0, 1).toLowerCase() + subjectString.substr(1); } /** * Converts the `subject` to kebab case, * also called spinal case or lisp case. * * @function kebabCase * @static * @since 1.0.0 * @memberOf Case * @param {string} [subject=''] The string to convert to kebab case. * @return {string} Returns the kebab case string. * @example * v.kebabCase('goodbye blue sky'); * // => 'goodbye-blue-sky' * * v.kebabCase('GoodbyeBlueSky'); * // => 'goodbye-blue-sky' * * v.kebabCase('-Goodbye-Blue-Sky-'); * // => 'goodbye-blue-sky' */ function kebabCase(subject) { var subjectString = coerceToString(subject); if (subjectString === '') { return ''; } return words(subjectString).map(lowerCase).join('-'); } /** * Converts the `subject` to snake case. * * @function snakeCase * @static * @since 1.0.0 * @memberOf Case * @param {string} [subject=''] The string to convert to snake case. * @return {string} Returns the snake case string. * @example * v.snakeCase('learning to fly'); * // => 'learning_to_fly' * * v.snakeCase('LearningToFly'); * // => 'learning_to_fly' * * v.snakeCase('-Learning-To-Fly-'); * // => 'learning_to_fly' */ function snakeCase(subject) { var subjectString = coerceToString(subject); if (subjectString === '') { return ''; } return words(subjectString).map(lowerCase).join('_'); } /** * Converts the `subject` to upper case. * * @function upperCase * @static * @since 1.0.0 * @memberOf Case * @param {string} [subject=''] The string to convert to upper case. * @return {string} Returns the upper case string. * @example * v.upperCase('school'); * // => 'SCHOOL' */ function upperCase(subject) { var subjectString = coerceToString(subject); return subjectString.toUpperCase(); } /** * Converts the uppercase alpha caracters of `subject` to lowercase and lowercase * characters to uppercase. * * @function swapCase * @static * @since 1.3.0 * @memberOf Case * @param {string} [subject=''] The string to swap the case. * @return {string} Returns the converted string. * @example * v.swapCase('League of Shadows'); * // => 'lEAGUE OF sHADOWS' * * v.swapCase('2 Bees'); * // => '2 bEES' */ function swapCase(subject) { var subjectString = coerceToString(subject); return subjectString.split('').reduce(swapAndConcat, ''); } function swapAndConcat(swapped, character) { var lowerCase = character.toLowerCase(); var upperCase = character.toUpperCase(); return swapped + (character === lowerCase ? upperCase : lowerCase); } /** * Converts the subject to title case. * * @function titleCase * @static * @since 1.2.0 * @memberOf Case * @param {string} [subject=''] The string to convert to title case. * @param {Array} [ignoreWords] The words that should not be capitalized. * @return {string} Returns the title case string. * @example * v.titleCase('learning to fly'); * // => 'Learning To Fly' * * v.titleCase('another brick in the wall', ['in', 'the']); * // => 'Another Brick in the Wall' */ function titleCase(subject, ignoreWords) { var subjectString = coerceToString(subject); var ignoreWordsArray = Array.isArray(ignoreWords) ? ignoreWords : []; var wordsRegExp = REGEXP_EXTENDED_ASCII.test(subjectString) ? REGEXP_LATIN_WORD : REGEXP_WORD; return subjectString.replace(wordsRegExp, function (word) { var lowerCaseWord = word.toLowerCase(); return ignoreWordsArray.indexOf(lowerCaseWord) !== -1 ? lowerCaseWord : capitalize(lowerCaseWord, true); }); } /** * Clip the number to interval `downLimit` to `upLimit`. * * @ignore * @function clipNumber * @param {number} value The number to clip * @param {number} downLimit The down limit * @param {number} upLimit The upper limit * @return {number} The clipped number */ function clipNumber(value, downLimit, upLimit) { if (value <= downLimit) { return downLimit; } if (value >= upLimit) { return upLimit; } return value; } /** * Max save integer value * * @ignore * @type {number} */ var MAX_SAFE_INTEGER = 0x1fffffffffffff; /** * Transforms `value` to an integer. * * @ignore * @function toInteger * @param {number} value The number to transform. * @returns {number} Returns the transformed integer. */ function toInteger(value) { if (value === Infinity) { return MAX_SAFE_INTEGER; } if (value === -Infinity) { return -MAX_SAFE_INTEGER; } return ~~value; } /** * Truncates `subject` to a new `length`. * * @function truncate * @static * @since 1.0.0 * @memberOf Chop * @param {string} [subject=''] The string to truncate. * @param {int} length The length to truncate the string. * @param {string} [end='...'] The string to be added at the end. * @return {string} Returns the truncated string. * @example * v.truncate('Once upon a time', 7); * // => 'Once...' * * v.truncate('Good day, Little Red Riding Hood', 14, ' (...)'); * // => 'Good day (...)' * * v.truncate('Once upon', 10); * // => 'Once upon' */ function truncate(subject, length, end) { var subjectString = coerceToString(subject); var lengthInt = isNil(length) ? subjectString.length : clipNumber(toInteger(length), 0, MAX_SAFE_INTEGER); var endString = coerceToString(end, '...'); if (lengthInt >= subjectString.length) { return subjectString; } return subjectString.substr(0, length - endString.length) + endString; } /** * Access a character from `subject` at specified `position`. * * @function charAt * @static * @since 1.0.0 * @memberOf Chop * @param {string} [subject=''] The string to extract from. * @param {numbers} position The position to get the character. * @return {string} Returns the character at specified position. * @example * v.charAt('helicopter', 0); * // => 'h' * * v.charAt('helicopter', 1); * // => 'e' */ function charAt(subject, position) { var subjectString = coerceToString(subject); return subjectString.charAt(position); } var HIGH_SURROGATE_START = 0xD800; var HIGH_SURROGATE_END = 0xDBFF; var LOW_SURROGATE_START = 0xDC00; var LOW_SURROGATE_END = 0xDFFF; /** * Checks if `codePoint` is a high-surrogate number from range 0xD800 to 0xDBFF. * * @ignore * @param {number} codePoint The code point number to be verified * @return {boolean} Returns a boolean whether `codePoint` is a high-surrogate number. */ function isHighSurrogate(codePoint) { return codePoint >= HIGH_SURROGATE_START && codePoint <= HIGH_SURROGATE_END; } /** * Checks if `codePoint` is a low-surrogate number from range 0xDC00 to 0xDFFF. * * @ignore * @param {number} codePoint The code point number to be verified * @return {boolean} Returns a boolean whether `codePoint` is a low-surrogate number. */ function isLowSurrogate(codePoint) { return codePoint >= LOW_SURROGATE_START && codePoint <= LOW_SURROGATE_END; } /** * Get the astral code point number based on surrogate pair numbers. * * @ignore * @param {number} highSurrogate The high-surrogate code point number. * @param {number} lowSurrogate The low-surrogate code point number. * @return {number} Returns the astral symbol number. */ function getAstralNumberFromSurrogatePair(highSurrogate, lowSurrogate) { return (highSurrogate - HIGH_SURROGATE_START) * 0x400 + lowSurrogate - LOW_SURROGATE_START + 0x10000; } /** * Get the number representation of the `value`. * Converts the `value` to number. * If `value` is `null` or `undefined`, return `defaultValue`. * * @ignore * @function toString * @param {*} value The value to convert. * @param {*} [defaultValue=''] The default value to return. * @return {number|null} Returns the number representation of `value`. Returns `defaultValue` if `value` is * `null` or `undefined`. */ function coerceToNumber(value) { var defaultValue = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : 0; if (isNil(value)) { return defaultValue; } if (typeof value === 'number') { return value; } return Number(value); } /** * If `value` is `NaN`, return `defaultValue`. In other case returns `value`. * * @ignore * @function nanDefault * @param {*} value The value to verify. * @param {*} defaultValue The default value. * @return {*} Returns `defaultValue` if `value` is `NaN`, otherwise `defaultValue`. */ function nanDefault(value, defaultValue) { return value !== value ? defaultValue : value; } /** * Get the Unicode code point value of the character at `position`.
* If a valid UTF-16 * surrogate pair starts at `position`, the * astral code point * value at `position` is returned. * * @function codePointAt * @static * @since 1.0.0 * @memberOf Chop * @param {string} [subject=''] The string to extract from. * @param {number} position The position to get the code point number. * @return {number} Returns a non-negative number less than or equal to `0x10FFFF`. * @example * v.codePointAt('rain', 1); * // => 97, or 0x0061 * * v.codePointAt('\uD83D\uDE00 is smile', 0); // or '😀 is smile' * // => 128512, or 0x1F600 */ function codePointAt(subject, position) { var subjectString = coerceToString(subject); var subjectStringLength = subjectString.length; var positionNumber = coerceToNumber(position); positionNumber = nanDefault(positionNumber, 0); if (positionNumber < 0 || positionNumber >= subjectStringLength) { return undefined; } var firstCodePoint = subjectString.charCodeAt(positionNumber); var secondCodePoint = void 0; if (isHighSurrogate(firstCodePoint) && subjectStringLength > positionNumber + 1) { secondCodePoint = subjectString.charCodeAt(positionNumber + 1); if (isLowSurrogate(secondCodePoint)) { return getAstralNumberFromSurrogatePair(firstCodePoint, secondCodePoint); } } return firstCodePoint; } /** * Extracts the first `length` characters from `subject`. * * @function first * @static * @since 1.0.0 * @memberOf Chop * @param {string} [subject=''] The string to extract from. * @param {int} [length=1] The number of characters to extract. * @return {string} Returns the first characters string. * @example * v.first('helicopter'); * // => 'h' * * v.first('vehicle', 2); * // => 've' * * v.first('car', 5); * // => 'car' */ function first(subject, length) { var subjectString = coerceToString(subject); var lengthInt = isNil(length) ? 1 : clipNumber(toInteger(length), 0, MAX_SAFE_INTEGER); if (subjectString.length <= lengthInt) { return subjectString; } return subjectString.substr(0, lengthInt); } /** * Get a grapheme from `subject` at specified `position` taking care of * surrogate pairs and * combining marks. * * @function graphemeAt * @static * @since 1.0.0 * @memberOf Chop * @param {string} [subject=''] The string to extract from. * @param {number} position The position to get the grapheme. * @return {string} Returns the grapheme at specified position. * @example * v.graphemeAt('\uD835\uDC00\uD835\uDC01', 0); // or '𝐀𝐁' * // => 'A' * * v.graphemeAt('cafe\u0301', 3); // or 'café' * // => 'é' */ function graphemeAt(subject, position) { var subjectString = coerceToString(subject); var positionNumber = coerceToNumber(position); var graphemeMatch = void 0; var graphemeMatchIndex = 0; positionNumber = nanDefault(positionNumber, 0); while ((graphemeMatch = REGEXP_UNICODE_CHARACTER.exec(subjectString)) !== null) { if (graphemeMatchIndex === positionNumber) { REGEXP_UNICODE_CHARACTER.lastIndex = 0; return graphemeMatch[0]; } graphemeMatchIndex++; } return ''; } /** * Extracts the last `length` characters from `subject`. * * @function last * @static * @since 1.0.0 * @memberOf Chop * @param {string} [subject=''] The string to extract from. * @param {int} [length=1] The number of characters to extract. * @return {string} Returns the last characters string. * @example * v.last('helicopter'); * // => 'r' * * v.last('vehicle', 2); * // => 'le' * * v.last('car', 5); * // => 'car' */ function last(subject, length) { var subjectString = coerceToString(subject); var lengthInt = isNil(length) ? 1 : clipNumber(toInteger(length), 0, MAX_SAFE_INTEGER); if (subjectString.length <= lengthInt) { return subjectString; } return subjectString.substr(subjectString.length - lengthInt, lengthInt); } /** * Truncates `subject` to a new `length` and does not break the words. Guarantees that the truncated string is no longer * than `length`. * * @static * @function prune * @since 1.0.0 * @memberOf Chop * @param {string} [subject=''] The string to prune. * @param {int} length The length to prune the string. * @param {string} [end='...'] The string to be added at the end. * @return {string} Returns the pruned string. * @example * v.prune('Once upon a time', 7); * // => 'Once...' * * v.prune('Good day, Little Red Riding Hood', 16, ' (more)'); * // => 'Good day (more)' * * v.prune('Once upon', 10); * // => 'Once upon' */ function prune(subject, length, end) { var subjectString = coerceToString(subject); var lengthInt = isNil(length) ? subjectString.length : clipNumber(toInteger(length), 0, MAX_SAFE_INTEGER); var endString = coerceToString(end, '...'); if (lengthInt >= subjectString.length) { return subjectString; } var pattern = REGEXP_EXTENDED_ASCII.test(subjectString) ? REGEXP_LATIN_WORD : REGEXP_WORD; var truncatedLength = 0; subjectString.replace(pattern, function (word, offset) { var wordInsertLength = offset + word.length; if (wordInsertLength <= lengthInt - endString.length) { truncatedLength = wordInsertLength; } }); return subjectString.substr(0, truncatedLength) + endString; } /** * Extracts from `subject` a string from `start` position up to `end` position. The character at `end` position is not * included. * * @function slice * @static * @since 1.0.0 * @memberOf Chop * @param {string} [subject=''] The string to extract from. * @param {number} start The position to start extraction. If negative use `subject.length + start`. * @param {number} [end=subject.length] The position to end extraction. If negative use `subject.length + end`. * @return {string} Returns the extracted string. * @note Uses native `String.prototype.slice()` * @example * v.slice('miami', 1); * // => 'iami' * * v.slice('florida', -4); * // => 'rida' * * v.slice('florida', 1, 4); * // => "lor" */ function slice(subject, start, end) { return coerceToString(subject).slice(start, end); } /** * Extracts from `subject` a string from `start` position a number of `length` characters. * * @function substr * @static * @since 1.0.0 * @memberOf Chop * @param {string} [subject=''] The string to extract from. * @param {number} start The position to start extraction. * @param {number} [length=subject.endOfString] The number of characters to extract. If omitted, extract to the end of `subject`. * @return {string} Returns the extracted string. * @note Uses native `String.prototype.substr()` * @example * v.substr('infinite loop', 9); * // => 'loop' * * v.substr('dreams', 2, 2); * // => 'ea' */ function substr(subject, start, length) { return coerceToString(subject).substr(start, length); } /** * Extracts from `subject` a string from `start` position up to `end` position. The character at `end` position is not * included. * * @function substring * @static * @since 1.0.0 * @memberOf Chop * @param {string} [subject=''] The string to extract from. * @param {number} start The position to start extraction. * @param {number} [end=subject.length] The position to end extraction. * @return {string} Returns the extracted string. * @note Uses native `String.prototype.substring()` * @example * v.substring('beach', 1); * // => 'each' * * v.substring('ocean', 1, 3); * // => 'ea' */ function substring(subject, start, end) { return coerceToString(subject).substring(start, end); } /** * Counts the characters in `subject`.
* * @function count * @static * @since 1.0.0 * @memberOf Count * @param {string} [subject=''] The string to count characters. * @return {number} Returns the number of characters in `subject`. * @example * v.count('rain'); * // => 4 */ function count(subject) { return coerceToString(subject).length; } /** * Counts the graphemes in `subject` taking care of * surrogate pairs and * combining marks. * * @function countGraphemes * @static * @since 1.0.0 * @memberOf Count * @param {string} [subject=''] The string to count graphemes. * @return {number} Returns the number of graphemes in `subject`. * @example * v.countGraphemes('cafe\u0301'); // or 'café' * // => 4 * * v.countGraphemes('\uD835\uDC00\uD835\uDC01'); // or '𝐀𝐁' * // => 2 * * v.countGraphemes('rain'); * // => 4 */ function countGrapheme(subject) { return coerceToString(subject).replace(REGEXP_COMBINING_MARKS, '*').replace(REGEXP_SURROGATE_PAIRS, '*').length; } /** * Counts the number of `substring` appearances in `subject`. * * @function countSubstrings * @static * @since 1.0.0 * @memberOf Count * @param {string} [subject=''] The string where to count. * @param {string} substring The substring to be counted. * @return {number} Returns the number of `substring` appearances. * @example * v.countSubstrings('bad boys, bad boys whatcha gonna do?', 'boys'); * // => 2 * * v.countSubstrings('every dog has its day', 'cat'); * // => 0 */ function countSubstrings(subject, substring) { var subjectString = coerceToString(subject); var substringString = coerceToString(substring); var substringLength = substringString.length; var count = 0; var matchIndex = 0; if (subjectString === '' || substringString === '') { return count; } do { matchIndex = subjectString.indexOf(substringString, matchIndex); if (matchIndex !== -1) { count++; matchIndex += substringLength; } } while (matchIndex !== -1); return count; } var reduce = Array.prototype.reduce; /** * Counts the characters in `subject` for which `predicate` returns truthy. * * @function countWhere * @static * @since 1.0.0 * @memberOf Count * @param {string} [subject=''] The string to count characters. * @param {Function} predicate The predicate function invoked on each character with parameters `(character, index, string)`. * @param {Object} [context] The context to invoke the `predicate`. * @return {number} Returns the number of characters for which `predicate` returns truthy. * @example * v.countWhere('hola!', v.isAlpha); * // => 4 * * v.countWhere('2022', function(character, index, str) { * return character === '2'; * }); * // => 3 */ function countWhere(subject, predicate, context) { var subjectString = coerceToString(subject); if (subjectString === '' || typeof predicate !== 'function') { return 0; } var predicateWithContext = predicate.bind(context); return reduce.call(subjectString, function (countTruthy, character, index) { return predicateWithContext(character, index, subjectString) ? countTruthy + 1 : countTruthy; }, 0); } /** * Counts the number of words in `subject`. * * @function countWords * @static * @since 1.0.0 * @memberOf Count * @param {string} [subject=''] The string to split into words. * @param {string|RegExp} [pattern] The pattern to watch words. If `pattern` is not RegExp, it is transformed to `new RegExp(pattern, flags)`. * @param {string} [flags=''] The regular expression flags. Applies when `pattern` is string type. * @return {number} Returns the number of words. * @example * v.countWords('gravity can cross dimensions'); * // => 4 * * v.countWords('GravityCanCrossDimensions'); * // => 4 * * v.countWords('Gravity - can cross dimensions!'); * // => 4 * * v.words('Earth gravity', /[^\s]+/g); * // => 2 */ function countWords(subject, pattern, flags) { return words(subject, pattern, flags).length; } /** * The current index. * * @ignore * @name ReplacementIndex#index * @type {number} * @return {ReplacementIndex} ReplacementIndex instance. */ function ReplacementIndex() { this.index = 0; } /** * Increment the current index. * * @ignore * @return {undefined} */ ReplacementIndex.prototype.increment = function () { this.index++; }; /** * Increment the current index by position. * * @ignore * @param {number} [position] The replacement position. * @return {undefined} */ ReplacementIndex.prototype.incrementOnEmptyPosition = function (position) { if (isNil(position)) { this.increment(); } }; /** * Get the replacement index by position. * * @ignore * @param {number} [position] The replacement position. * @return {number} The replacement index. */ ReplacementIndex.prototype.getIndexByPosition = function (position) { return isNil(position) ? this.index : position - 1; }; // Type specifiers var TYPE_INTEGER = 'i'; var TYPE_INTEGER_BINARY = 'b'; var TYPE_INTEGER_ASCII_CHARACTER = 'c'; var TYPE_INTEGER_DECIMAL = 'd'; var TYPE_INTEGER_OCTAL = 'o'; var TYPE_INTEGER_UNSIGNED_DECIMAL = 'u'; var TYPE_INTEGER_HEXADECIMAL = 'x'; var TYPE_INTEGER_HEXADECIMAL_UPPERCASE = 'X'; var TYPE_FLOAT_SCIENTIFIC = 'e'; var TYPE_FLOAT_SCIENTIFIC_UPPERCASE = 'E'; var TYPE_FLOAT = 'f'; var TYPE_FLOAT_SHORT = 'g'; var TYPE_FLOAT_SHORT_UPPERCASE = 'G'; var TYPE_STRING = 's'; // Simple literals var LITERAL_SINGLE_QUOTE = "'"; var LITERAL_PLUS = '+'; var LITERAL_MINUS = '-'; var LITERAL_PERCENT_SPECIFIER = '%%'; // Radix constants to format numbers var RADIX_BINARY = 2; var RADIX_OCTAL = 8; var RADIX_HEXADECIMAL = 16; /** * Repeats the `subject` number of `times`. * * @function repeat * @static * @since 1.0.0 * @memberOf Manipulate * @param {string} [subject=''] The string to repeat. * @param {number} [times=1] The number of times to repeat. * @return {string} Returns the repeated string. * @example * v.repeat('w', 3); * // => 'www' * * v.repeat('world', 0); * // => '' */ function repeat(subject, times) { var subjectString = coerceToString(subject); var timesInt = isNil(times) ? 1 : clipNumber(toInteger(times), 0, MAX_SAFE_INTEGER); var repeatString = ''; while (timesInt) { if (timesInt & 1) { repeatString += subjectString; } if (timesInt > 1) { subjectString += subjectString; } timesInt >>= 1; } return repeatString; } /** * Creates the padding string. * * @ignore * @param {string} padCharacters The characters to create padding string. * @param {number} length The padding string length. * @return {string} The padding string. */ function buildPadding(padCharacters, length) { var padStringRepeat = toInteger(length / padCharacters.length); var padStringRest = length % padCharacters.length; return repeat(padCharacters, padStringRepeat + padStringRest).substr(0, length); } /** * Pads `subject` from left to a new `length`. * * @function padLeft * @static * @since 1.0.0 * @memberOf Manipulate * @param {string} [subject=''] The string to pad. * @param {int} [length=0] The length to left pad the string. No changes are made if `length` is less than `subject.length`. * @param {string} [pad=' '] The string to be used for padding. * @return {string} Returns the left padded string. * @example * v.padLeft('dog', 5); * // => ' dog' * * v.padLeft('bird', 6, '-'); * // => '--bird' * * v.padLeft('cat', 6, '-='); * // => '-=-cat' */ function padLeft(subject, length, pad) { var subjectString = coerceToString(subject); var lengthInt = isNil(length) ? 0 : clipNumber(toInteger(length), 0, MAX_SAFE_INTEGER); var padString = coerceToString(pad, ' '); if (lengthInt <= subjectString.length) { return subjectString; } return buildPadding(padString, lengthInt - subjectString.length) + subjectString; } /** * Pads `subject` from right to a new `length`. * * @function padRight * @static * @since 1.0.0 * @memberOf Manipulate * @param {string} [subject=''] The string to pad. * @param {int} [length=0] The length to right pad the string. No changes are made if `length` is less than `subject.length`. * @param {string} [pad=' '] The string to be used for padding. * @return {string} Returns the right padded string. * @example * v.padRight('dog', 5); * // => 'dog ' * * v.padRight('bird', 6, '-'); * // => 'bird--' * * v.padRight('cat', 6, '-='); * // => 'cat-=-' */ function padRight(subject, length, pad) { var subjectString = coerceToString(subject); var lengthInt = isNil(length) ? 0 : clipNumber(toInteger(length), 0, MAX_SAFE_INTEGER); var padString = coerceToString(pad, ' '); if (lengthInt <= subjectString.length) { return subjectString; } return subjectString + buildPadding(padString, lengthInt - subjectString.length); } /** * Aligns and pads `subject` string. * * @ignore * @param {string} subject The subject string. * @param {ConversionSpecification} conversion The conversion specification object. * @return {string} Returns the aligned and padded string. */ function alignAndPad(subject, conversion) { var width = conversion.width; if (isNil(width) || subject.length >= width) { return subject; } var padType = conversion.alignmentSpecifier === LITERAL_MINUS ? padRight : padLeft; return padType(subject, width, conversion.getPaddingCharacter()); } /** * Add sign to the formatted number. * * @ignore * @name addSignToFormattedNumber * @param {number} replacementNumber The number to be replaced. * @param {string} formattedReplacement The formatted version of number. * @param {ConversionSpecification} conversion The conversion specification object. * @return {string} Returns the formatted number string with a sign. */ function addSignToFormattedNumber(replacementNumber, formattedReplacement, conversion) { if (conversion.signSpecifier === LITERAL_PLUS && replacementNumber >= 0) { formattedReplacement = LITERAL_PLUS + formattedReplacement; } return formattedReplacement; } /** * Formats a float type according to specifiers. * * @ignore * @param {string} replacement The string to be formatted. * @param {ConversionSpecification} conversion The conversion specification object. * @return {string} Returns the formatted string. */ function float(replacement, conversion) { var replacementNumber = parseFloat(replacement); var formattedReplacement = void 0; if (isNaN(replacementNumber)) { replacementNumber = 0; } var precision = coerceToNumber(conversion.precision, 6); switch (conversion.typeSpecifier) { case TYPE_FLOAT: formattedReplacement = replacementNumber.toFixed(precision); break; case TYPE_FLOAT_SCIENTIFIC: formattedReplacement = replacementNumber.toExponential(precision); break; case TYPE_FLOAT_SCIENTIFIC_UPPERCASE: formattedReplacement = replacementNumber.toExponential(precision).toUpperCase(); break; case TYPE_FLOAT_SHORT: case TYPE_FLOAT_SHORT_UPPERCASE: formattedReplacement = formatFloatAsShort(replacementNumber, precision, conversion); break; } formattedReplacement = addSignToFormattedNumber(replacementNumber, formattedReplacement, conversion); return coerceToString(formattedReplacement); } /** * Formats the short float. * * @ignore * @param {number} replacementNumber The number to format. * @param {number} precision The precision to format the float. * @param {ConversionSpecification} conversion The conversion specification object. * @return {string} Returns the formatted short float. */ function formatFloatAsShort(replacementNumber, precision, conversion) { if (replacementNumber === 0) { return '0'; } var nonZeroPrecision = precision === 0 ? 1 : precision; var formattedReplacement = replacementNumber.toPrecision(nonZeroPrecision).replace(REGEXP_TRAILING_ZEROS, ''); if (conversion.typeSpecifier === TYPE_FLOAT_SHORT_UPPERCASE) { formattedReplacement = formattedReplacement.toUpperCase(); } return formattedReplacement; } /** * Formats an integer type according to specifiers. * * @ignore * @param {string} replacement The string to be formatted. * @param {ConversionSpecification} conversion The conversion specification object. * @return {string} Returns the formatted string. */ function integerBase(replacement, conversion) { var integer = parseInt(replacement); if (isNaN(integer)) { integer = 0; } integer = integer >>> 0; switch (conversion.typeSpecifier) { case TYPE_INTEGER_ASCII_CHARACTER: integer = String.fromCharCode(integer); break; case TYPE_INTEGER_BINARY: integer = integer.toString(RADIX_BINARY); break; case TYPE_INTEGER_OCTAL: integer = integer.toString(RADIX_OCTAL); break; case TYPE_INTEGER_HEXADECIMAL: integer = integer.toString(RADIX_HEXADECIMAL); break; case TYPE_INTEGER_HEXADECIMAL_UPPERCASE: integer = integer.toString(RADIX_HEXADECIMAL).toUpperCase(); break; } return coerceToString(integer); } /** * Formats a decimal integer type according to specifiers. * * @ignore * @param {string} replacement The string to be formatted. * @param {ConversionSpecification} conversion The conversion specification object. * @return {string} Returns the formatted string. */ function integerDecimal(replacement, conversion) { var integer = parseInt(replacement); if (isNaN(integer)) { integer = 0; } return addSignToFormattedNumber(integer, toString(integer), conversion); } /** * Formats a string type according to specifiers. * * @ignore * @param {string} replacement The string to be formatted. * @param {ConversionSpecification} conversion The conversion specification object. * @return {string} Returns the formatted string. */ function stringFormat(replacement, conversion) { var formattedReplacement = replacement; var precision = conversion.precision; if (!isNil(precision) && formattedReplacement.length > precision) { formattedReplacement = truncate(formattedReplacement, precision, ''); } return formattedReplacement; } /** * Returns the computed string based on format specifiers. * * @ignore * @name computeReplacement * @param {string} replacement The replacement value. * @param {ConversionSpecification} conversion The conversion specification object. * @return {string} Returns the computed string. */ function compute(replacement, conversion) { var formatFunction = void 0; switch (conversion.typeSpecifier) { case TYPE_STRING: formatFunction = stringFormat; break; case TYPE_INTEGER_DECIMAL: case TYPE_INTEGER: formatFunction = integerDecimal; break; case TYPE_INTEGER_ASCII_CHARACTER: case TYPE_INTEGER_BINARY: case TYPE_INTEGER_OCTAL: case TYPE_INTEGER_HEXADECIMAL: case TYPE_INTEGER_HEXADECIMAL_UPPERCASE: case TYPE_INTEGER_UNSIGNED_DECIMAL: formatFunction = integerBase; break; case TYPE_FLOAT: case TYPE_FLOAT_SCIENTIFIC: case TYPE_FLOAT_SCIENTIFIC_UPPERCASE: case TYPE_FLOAT_SHORT: case TYPE_FLOAT_SHORT_UPPERCASE: formatFunction = float; break; } var formattedString = formatFunction(replacement, conversion); return alignAndPad(formattedString, conversion); } /** * Construct the new conversion specification object. * * @ignore * @param {Object} properties An object with properties to initialize. * @return {ConversionSpecification} ConversionSpecification instance. */ function ConversionSpecification(properties) { /** * The percent characters from conversion specification. * * @ignore * @name ConversionSpecification#percent * @type {string} */ this.percent = properties.percent; /** * The sign specifier to force a sign to be used on a number. * * @ignore * @name ConversionSpecification#signSpecifier * @type {string} */ this.signSpecifier = properties.signSpecifier; /** * The padding specifier that says what padding character will be used. * * @ignore * @name ConversionSpecification#paddingSpecifier * @type {string} */ this.paddingSpecifier = properties.paddingSpecifier; /** * The alignment specifier that says if the result should be left-justified or right-justified. * * @ignore * @name ConversionSpecification#alignmentSpecifier * @type {string} */ this.alignmentSpecifier = properties.alignmentSpecifier; /** * The width specifier how many characters this conversion should result in. * * @ignore * @name ConversionSpecification#width * @type {number} */ this.width = properties.width; /** * The precision specifier says how many decimal digits should be displayed for floating-point numbers. * * @ignore * @name ConversionSpecification#precision * @type {number} */ this.precision = properties.precision; /** * The type specifier says what type the argument data should be treated as. * * @ignore * @name ConversionSpecification#typeSpecifier * @type {string} */ this.typeSpecifier = properties.typeSpecifier; } /** * Check if the conversion specification is a percent literal "%%". * * @ignore * @return {boolean} Returns true if the conversion is a percent literal, false otherwise. */ ConversionSpecification.prototype.isPercentLiteral = function () { return LITERAL_PERCENT_SPECIFIER === this.percent; }; /** * Get the padding character from padding specifier. * * @ignore * @returns {string} Returns the padding character. */ ConversionSpecification.prototype.getPaddingCharacter = function () { var paddingCharacter = nilDefault(this.paddingSpecifier, ' '); if (paddingCharacter.length === 2 && paddingCharacter[0] === LITERAL_SINGLE_QUOTE) { paddingCharacter = paddingCharacter[1]; } return paddingCharacter; }; /** * Validates the specifier type and replacement position. * * @ignore * @throws {Error} Throws an exception on insufficient arguments or unknown specifier. * @param {number} index The index of the matched specifier. * @param {number} replacementsLength The number of replacements. * @param {ConversionSpecification} conversion The conversion specification object. * @return {undefined} */ function validate(index, replacementsLength, conversion) { if (isNil(conversion.typeSpecifier)) { throw new Error('sprintf(): Unknown type specifier'); } if (index > replacementsLength - 1) { throw new Error('sprintf(): Too few arguments'); } if (index < 0) { throw new Error('sprintf(): Argument number must be greater than zero'); } } /** * Return the replacement for regular expression match of the conversion specification. * * @ignore * @name matchReplacement * @param {ReplacementIndex} replacementIndex The replacement index object. * @param {string[]} replacements The array of replacements. * @param {string} conversionSpecification The conversion specification. * @param {string} percent The percent characters from conversion specification. * @param {string} position The position to insert the replacement. * @param {string} signSpecifier The sign specifier to force a sign to be used on a number. * @param {string} paddingSpecifier The padding specifier that says what padding character will be used. * @param {string} alignmentSpecifier The alignment specifier that says if the result should be left-justified or right-justified. * @param {string} widthSpecifier The width specifier how many characters this conversion should result in. * @param {string} precisionSpecifier The precision specifier says how many decimal digits should be displayed for floating-point numbers. * @param {string} typeSpecifier The type specifier says what type the argument data should be treated as. * @return {string} Returns the computed replacement. */ function match(replacementIndex, replacements, conversionSpecification, percent, position, signSpecifier, paddingSpecifier, alignmentSpecifier, widthSpecifier, precisionSpecifier, typeSpecifier) { var conversion = new ConversionSpecification({ percent: percent, signSpecifier: signSpecifier, paddingSpecifier: paddingSpecifier, alignmentSpecifier: alignmentSpecifier, width: coerceToNumber(widthSpecifier, null), precision: coerceToNumber(precisionSpecifier, null), typeSpecifier: typeSpecifier }); if (conversion.isPercentLiteral()) { return conversionSpecification.slice(1); } var actualReplacementIndex = replacementIndex.getIndexByPosition(position); replacementIndex.incrementOnEmptyPosition(position); validate(actualReplacementIndex, replacements.length, conversion); return compute(replacements[actualReplacementIndex], conversion); } /** * Produces a string according to `format`. * *
* `format` string is composed of zero or more directives: ordinary characters (not %), which are copied unchanged * to the output string and conversion specifications, each of which results in fetching zero or more subsequent * arguments.

* * Each conversion specification is introduced by the character %, and ends with a conversion * specifier. In between there may be (in this order) zero or more flags, an optional minimum field width * and an optional precision.
* The syntax is: ConversionSpecification = "%" { Flags } * [ MinimumFieldWidth ] [ Precision ] ConversionSpecifier, where curly braces { } denote repetition * and square brackets [ ] optionality.

* * By default, the arguments are used in the given order.
* For argument numbering and swapping, `%m$` (where `m` is a number indicating the argument order) * is used instead of `%` to specify explicitly which argument is taken. For instance `%1$s` fetches the 1st argument, * `%2$s` the 2nd and so on, no matter what position the conversion specification has in `format`. *

* * The flags
* The character % is followed by zero or more of the following flags:
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
+ * A sign (+ or -) should always be placed before a number produced by a * signed conversion. By default a sign is used only for negative numbers. *
0The value should be zero padded.
(a space) The value should be space padded.
'Indicates alternate padding character, specified by prefixing it with a single quote '.
-The converted value is to be left adjusted on the field boundary (the default is right justification).
* * The minimum field width
* An optional decimal digit string (with nonzero first digit) specifying a minimum field width. If the converted * value has fewer characters than the field width, it will be padded with spaces on the left (or right, if the * left-adjustment flag has been given).

* * The precision
* An optional precision, in the form of a period `.` followed by an optional decimal digit string.
* This gives the number of digits to appear after the radix character for `e`, `E`, `f` and `F` conversions, the * maximum number of significant digits for `g` and `G` conversions or the maximum number of characters to be printed * from a string for `s` conversion.

* * The conversion specifier
* A specifier that mentions what type the argument should be treated as: * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
`s`The string argument is treated as and presented as a string.
`d` `i`The integer argument is converted to signed decimal notation.
`b`The unsigned integer argument is converted to unsigned binary.
`c`The unsigned integer argument is converted to an ASCII character with that number.
`o`The unsigned integer argument is converted to unsigned octal.
`u`The unsigned integer argument is converted to unsigned decimal.
`x` `X`The unsigned integer argument is converted to unsigned hexadecimal. The letters `abcdef` are used for `x` * conversions; the letters `ABCDEF` are used for `X` conversions.
`f` * The float argument is rounded and converted to decimal notation in the style `[-]ddd.ddd`, where the number of * digits after the decimal-point character is equal to the precision specification. If the precision is missing, * it is taken as 6; if the precision is explicitly zero, no decimal-point character appears. * If a decimal point appears, at least one digit appears before it. *
`e` `E` * The float argument is rounded and converted in the style `[-]d.ddde±dd`, where there is one digit * before the decimal-point character and the number of digits after it is equal to the precision. If * the precision is missing, it is taken as `6`; if the precision is zero, no decimal-point character * appears. An `E` conversion uses the letter `E` (rather than `e`) to introduce the exponent. *
`g` `G` * The float argument is converted in style `f` or `e` (or `F` or `E` for `G` conversions). The precision specifies * the number of significant digits. If the precision is missing, `6` digits are given; if the * precision is zero, it is treated as `1`. Style `e` is used if the exponent from its conversion is less * than `-6` or greater than or equal to the precision. Trailing zeros are removed from the fractional * part of the result; a decimal point appears only if it is followed by at least one digit. *
`%`A literal `%` is written. No argument is converted. The complete conversion specification is `%%`.
* * @function sprintf * @static * @since 1.0.0 * @memberOf Format * @param {string} [format=''] The format string. * @param {...*} replacements The replacements to produce the string. * @return {string} Returns the produced string. * @example * v.sprintf('%s, %s!', 'Hello', 'World'); * // => 'Hello World!' * * v.sprintf('%s costs $%d', 'coffee', 2); * // => 'coffee costs $2' * * v.sprintf('%1$s %2$s %1$s %2$s, watcha gonna %3$s', 'bad', 'boys', 'do') * // => 'bad boys bad boys, watcha gonna do' * * v.sprintf('% 6s', 'bird'); * // => ' bird' * * v.sprintf('% -6s', 'crab'); * // => 'crab ' * * v.sprintf("%'*5s", 'cat'); * // => '**cat' * * v.sprintf("%'*-6s", 'duck'); * // => 'duck**' * * v.sprintf('%d %i %+d', 15, -2, 25); * // => '15 -2 +25' * * v.sprintf("%06d", 15); * // => '000015' * * v.sprintf('0b%b 0o%o 0x%X', 12, 9, 155); * // => '0b1100 0o11 0x9B' * * v.sprintf('%.2f', 10.469); * // => '10.47' * * v.sprintf('%.2e %g', 100.5, 0.455); * // => '1.01e+2 0.455' * */ function sprintf(format) { var formatString = coerceToString(format); if (formatString === '') { return formatString; } for (var _len = arguments.length, replacements = Array(_len > 1 ? _len - 1 : 0), _key = 1; _key < _len; _key++) { replacements[_key - 1] = arguments[_key]; } var boundReplacementMatch = match.bind(undefined, new ReplacementIndex(), replacements); return formatString.replace(REGEXP_CONVERSION_SPECIFICATION, boundReplacementMatch); } function _toConsumableArray(arr) { if (Array.isArray(arr)) { for (var i = 0, arr2 = Array(arr.length); i < arr.length; i++) { arr2[i] = arr[i]; } return arr2; } else { return Array.from(arr); } } /** * Produces a string according to `format`. Works exactly like sprintf(), * with the only difference that accepts the formatting arguments in an array `values`.
* See here `format` string specifications. * * @function vprintf * @static * @since 1.0.0 * @memberOf Format * @param {string} format=''] The format string. * @param {Array} replacements The array of replacements to produce the string. * @return {string} Returns the produced string. * @example * v.vprintf('%s', ['Welcome']) * // => 'Welcome' * * v.vprintf('%s has %d apples', ['Alexandra', 3]); * // => 'Alexandra has 3 apples' */ function vprintf(format, replacements) { return sprintf.apply(undefined, [format].concat(_toConsumableArray(nilDefault(replacements, [])))); } var escapeCharactersMap = { '<': '<', '>': '>', '&': '&', '"': '"', "'": ''', '`': '`' }; /** * Return the escaped version of `character`. * * @ignore * @param {string} character The character to be escape. * @return {string} The escaped version of character. */ function replaceSpecialCharacter(character) { return escapeCharactersMap[character]; } /** * Escapes HTML special characters < > & ' " ` in subject. * * @function escapeHtml * @static * @since 1.0.0 * @memberOf Escape * @param {string} [subject=''] The string to escape. * @return {string} Returns the escaped string. * @example * v.escapeHtml('

wonderful world

'); * // => '<p>wonderful world</p>' */ function escapeHtml(subject) { return coerceToString(subject).replace(REGEXP_HTML_SPECIAL_CHARACTERS, replaceSpecialCharacter); } /** * Escapes the regular expression special characters `- [ ] / { } ( ) * + ? . \ ^ $ |` in `subject`. * * @function escapeRegExp * @static * @since 1.0.0 * @memberOf Escape * @param {string} [subject=''] The string to escape. * @return {string} Returns the escaped string. * @example * v.escapeRegExp('(hours)[minutes]{seconds}'); * // => '\(hours\)\[minutes\]\{seconds\}' */ function escapeRegExp(subject) { return coerceToString(subject).replace(REGEXP_SPECIAL_CHARACTERS, '\\$&'); } var unescapeCharactersMap = { '<': /(<)|(�*3c;)|(�*60;)/gi, '>': /(>)|(�*3e;)|(�*62;)/gi, '&': /(&)|(�*26;)|(�*38;)/gi, '"': /(")|(�*22;)|(�*34;)/gi, "'": /(�*27;)|(�*39;)/gi, '`': /(�*60;)|(�*96;)/gi }; var characters = Object.keys(unescapeCharactersMap); /** * Replaces the HTML entities with corresponding characters. * * @ignore * @param {string} string The accumulator string. * @param {string} key The character. * @return {string} The string with replaced HTML entity */ function reduceUnescapedString(string, key) { return string.replace(unescapeCharactersMap[key], key); } /** * Unescapes HTML special characters from &lt; &gt; &amp; &quot; &#x27; &#x60; * to corresponding < > & ' " ` in subject. * * @function unescapeHtml * @static * @since 1.0.0 * @memberOf Escape * @param {string} [subject=''] The string to unescape. * @return {string} Returns the unescaped string. * @example * v.unescapeHtml('<p>wonderful world</p>'); * // => '

wonderful world

' */ function unescapeHtml(subject) { var subjectString = coerceToString(subject); return characters.reduce(reduceUnescapedString, subjectString); } /** * Returns the first occurrence index of `search` in `subject`. * * @function indexOf * @static * @since 1.0.0 * @memberOf Index * @param {string} [subject=''] The string where to search. * @param {string} search The string to search. * @param {number} [fromIndex=0] The index to start searching. * @return {number} Returns the first occurrence index or `-1` if not found. * @example * v.indexOf('morning', 'n'); * // => 3 * * v.indexOf('evening', 'o'); * // => -1 */ function indexOf(subject, search, fromIndex) { var subjectString = coerceToString(subject); return subjectString.indexOf(search, fromIndex); } /** * Returns the last occurrence index of `search` in `subject`. * * @function lastIndexOf * @static * @since 1.0.0 * @memberOf Index * @param {string} [subject=''] The string where to search. * @param {string} search The string to search. * @param {number} [fromIndex=subject.length - 1] The index to start searching backward in the string. * @return {number} Returns the last occurrence index or `-1` if not found. * @example * v.lastIndexOf('morning', 'n'); * // => 5 * * v.lastIndexOf('evening', 'o'); * // => -1 */ function lastIndexOf(subject, search, fromIndex) { var subjectString = coerceToString(subject); return subjectString.lastIndexOf(search, fromIndex); } /** * Returns the first index of a `pattern` match in `subject`. * * @function search * @static * @since 1.0.0 * @memberOf Index * @param {string} [subject=''] The string where to search. * @param {string|RegExp} pattern The pattern to match. If `pattern` is not RegExp, it is transformed to `new RegExp(pattern)`. * @param {number} [fromIndex=0] The index to start searching. * @return {number} Returns the first match index or `-1` if not found. * @example * v.search('morning', /rn/); * // => 2 * * v.search('evening', '/\d/'); * // => -1 */ function search(subject, pattern, fromIndex) { var subjectString = coerceToString(subject); var fromIndexNumber = isNil(fromIndex) ? 0 : clipNumber(toInteger(fromIndex), 0, subjectString.length); var matchIndex = subjectString.substr(fromIndexNumber).search(pattern); if (matchIndex !== -1 && !isNaN(fromIndexNumber)) { matchIndex += fromIndexNumber; } return matchIndex; } /** * Inserts into `subject` a string `toInsert` at specified `position`. * * @function insert * @static * @since 1.0.0 * @memberOf Manipulate * @param {string} [subject=''] The string where to insert. * @param {string} [toInsert=''] The string to be inserted. * @param {number} [position=0] The position to insert. * @return {string} Returns the string after insertion. * @example * v.insert('ct', 'a', 1); * // => 'cat' * * v.insert('sunny', ' day', 5); * // => 'sunny day' */ function insert(subject, toInsert, position) { var subjectString = coerceToString(subject); var toInsertString = coerceToString(toInsert); var positionNumber = coerceToNumber(position); if (positionNumber < 0 || positionNumber > subjectString.length || toInsertString === '') { return subjectString; } return subjectString.slice(0, positionNumber) + toInsertString + subjectString.slice(positionNumber); } /** * Generated diacritics map. See bellow the base code. * @ignore * @see http://stackoverflow.com/a/18391901/1894471 * @type Object */ var diacritics = { "3": "\u039e\u03be", "8": "\u0398\u03b8", "A": "\x41\xc0\xc1\xc2\xc3\xc4\xc5\u0100\u0102\u0104\u01cd\u01de\u01e0\u01fa\u0200\u0202\u0226\u023a\u1e00\u1ea0\u1ea2\u1ea4\u1ea6\u1ea8\u1eaa\u1eac\u1eae\u1eb0\u1eb2\u1eb4\u1eb6\u24b6\u2c6f\uff21\u0386\u0391\u0410", "B": "\x42\u0181\u0182\u0243\u1e02\u1e04\u1e06\u24b7\uff22\u0392\u0411", "C": "\x43\xc7\u0106\u0108\u010a\u010c\u0187\u023b\u1e08\u24b8\ua73e\uff23\u0426", "D": "\x44\u010e\u0110\u0189\u018a\u018b\u1e0a\u1e0c\u1e0e\u1e10\u1e12\u24b9\ua779\uff24\xd0\u0394\u0414", "E": "\x45\xc8\xc9\xca\xcb\u0112\u0114\u0116\u0118\u011a\u018e\u0190\u0204\u0206\u0228\u1e14\u1e16\u1e18\u1e1a\u1e1c\u1eb8\u1eba\u1ebc\u1ebe\u1ec0\u1ec2\u1ec4\u1ec6\u24ba\uff25\u0388\u0395\u0415\u042d", "F": "\x46\u0191\u1e1e\u24bb\ua77b\uff26\u03a6\u0424", "G": "\x47\u011c\u011e\u0120\u0122\u0193\u01e4\u01e6\u01f4\u1e20\u24bc\ua77d\ua77e\ua7a0\uff27\u0393\u0413\u0490", "H": "\x48\u0124\u0126\u021e\u1e22\u1e24\u1e26\u1e28\u1e2a\u24bd\u2c67\u2c75\ua78d\uff28\u0389\u0397\u0425", "I": "\x49\xcc\xcd\xce\xcf\u0128\u012a\u012c\u012e\u0130\u0197\u01cf\u0208\u020a\u1e2c\u1e2e\u1ec8\u1eca\u24be\uff29\u038a\u0399\u03aa\u0406\u0418", "J": "\x4a\u0134\u0248\u24bf\uff2a\u0419", "K": "\x4b\u0136\u0198\u01e8\u1e30\u1e32\u1e34\u24c0\u2c69\ua740\ua742\ua744\ua7a2\uff2b\u039a\u041a", "L": "\x4c\u0139\u013b\u013d\u013f\u0141\u023d\u1e36\u1e38\u1e3a\u1e3c\u24c1\u2c60\u2c62\ua746\ua748\ua780\uff2c\u039b\u041b", "M": "\x4d\u019c\u1e3e\u1e40\u1e42\u24c2\u2c6e\uff2d\u039c\u041c", "N": "\x4e\xd1\u0143\u0145\u0147\u019d\u01f8\u0220\u1e44\u1e46\u1e48\u1e4a\u24c3\ua790\ua7a4\uff2e\u039d\u041d", "O": "\x4f\xd2\xd3\xd4\xd5\xd6\xd8\u014c\u014e\u0150\u0186\u019f\u01a0\u01d1\u01ea\u01ec\u01fe\u020c\u020e\u022a\u022c\u022e\u0230\u1e4c\u1e4e\u1e50\u1e52\u1ecc\u1ece\u1ed0\u1ed2\u1ed4\u1ed6\u1ed8\u1eda\u1edc\u1ede\u1ee0\u1ee2\u24c4\ua74a\ua74c\uff2f\u038c\u039f\u041e", "P": "\x50\u01a4\u1e54\u1e56\u24c5\u2c63\ua750\ua752\ua754\uff30\u03a0\u041f", "Q": "\x51\u024a\u24c6\ua756\ua758\uff31", "R": "\x52\u0154\u0156\u0158\u0210\u0212\u024c\u1e58\u1e5a\u1e5c\u1e5e\u24c7\u2c64\ua75a\ua782\ua7a6\uff32\u03a1\u0420", "S": "\x53\u015a\u015c\u015e\u0160\u0218\u1e60\u1e62\u1e64\u1e66\u1e68\u1e9e\u24c8\u2c7e\ua784\ua7a8\uff33\u03a3\u0421", "T": "\x54\u0162\u0164\u0166\u01ac\u01ae\u021a\u023e\u1e6a\u1e6c\u1e6e\u1e70\u24c9\ua786\uff34\u03a4\u0422", "U": "\x55\xd9\xda\xdb\xdc\u0168\u016a\u016c\u016e\u0170\u0172\u01af\u01d3\u01d5\u01d7\u01d9\u01db\u0214\u0216\u0244\u1e72\u1e74\u1e76\u1e78\u1e7a\u1ee4\u1ee6\u1ee8\u1eea\u1eec\u1eee\u1ef0\u24ca\uff35\u0423\u042a", "V": "\x56\u01b2\u0245\u1e7c\u1e7e\u24cb\ua75e\uff36\u0412", "W": "\x57\u0174\u1e80\u1e82\u1e84\u1e86\u1e88\u24cc\u2c72\uff37\u038f\u03a9", "X": "\x58\u1e8a\u1e8c\u24cd\uff38\u03a7", "Y": "\x59\xdd\u0176\u0178\u01b3\u0232\u024e\u1e8e\u1ef2\u1ef4\u1ef6\u1ef8\u1efe\u24ce\uff39\u038e\u03a5\u03ab\u042b", "Z": "\x5a\u0179\u017b\u017d\u01b5\u0224\u1e90\u1e92\u1e94\u24cf\u2c6b\u2c7f\ua762\uff3a\u0396\u0417", "a": "\x61\xe0\xe1\xe2\xe3\xe4\xe5\u0101\u0103\u0105\u01ce\u01df\u01e1\u01fb\u0201\u0203\u0227\u0250\u1e01\u1e9a\u1ea1\u1ea3\u1ea5\u1ea7\u1ea9\u1eab\u1ead\u1eaf\u1eb1\u1eb3\u1eb5\u1eb7\u24d0\u2c65\uff41\u03ac\u03b1\u0430", "b": "\x62\u0180\u0183\u0253\u1e03\u1e05\u1e07\u24d1\uff42\u03b2\u0431", "c": "\x63\xe7\u0107\u0109\u010b\u010d\u0188\u023c\u1e09\u2184\u24d2\ua73f\uff43\u0446", "d": "\x64\u010f\u0111\u018c\u0256\u0257\u1e0b\u1e0d\u1e0f\u1e11\u1e13\u24d3\ua77a\uff44\xf0\u03b4\u0434", "e": "\x65\xe8\xe9\xea\xeb\u0113\u0115\u0117\u0119\u011b\u01dd\u0205\u0207\u0229\u0247\u025b\u1e15\u1e17\u1e19\u1e1b\u1e1d\u1eb9\u1ebb\u1ebd\u1ebf\u1ec1\u1ec3\u1ec5\u1ec7\u24d4\uff45\u03ad\u03b5\u0435\u044d", "f": "\x66\u0192\u1e1f\u24d5\ua77c\uff46\u03c6\u0444", "g": "\x67\u011d\u011f\u0121\u0123\u01e5\u01e7\u01f5\u0260\u1d79\u1e21\u24d6\ua77f\ua7a1\uff47\u03b3\u0433\u0491", "h": "\x68\u0125\u0127\u021f\u0265\u1e23\u1e25\u1e27\u1e29\u1e2b\u1e96\u24d7\u2c68\u2c76\uff48\u03ae\u03b7\u0445", "i": "\x69\xec\xed\xee\xef\u0129\u012b\u012d\u012f\u0131\u01d0\u0209\u020b\u0268\u1e2d\u1e2f\u1ec9\u1ecb\u24d8\uff49\u0390\u03af\u03b9\u03ca\u0438\u0456", "j": "\x6a\u0135\u01f0\u0249\u24d9\uff4a\u0439", "k": "\x6b\u0137\u0199\u01e9\u1e31\u1e33\u1e35\u24da\u2c6a\ua741\ua743\ua745\ua7a3\uff4b\u03ba\u043a", "l": "\x6c\u013a\u013c\u013e\u0140\u0142\u017f\u019a\u026b\u1e37\u1e39\u1e3b\u1e3d\u24db\u2c61\ua747\ua749\ua781\uff4c\u03bb\u043b", "m": "\x6d\u026f\u0271\u1e3f\u1e41\u1e43\u24dc\uff4d\u03bc\u043c", "n": "\x6e\xf1\u0144\u0146\u0148\u0149\u019e\u01f9\u0272\u1e45\u1e47\u1e49\u1e4b\u24dd\ua791\ua7a5\uff4e\u03bd\u043d", "o": "\x6f\xf2\xf3\xf4\xf5\xf6\xf8\u014d\u014f\u0151\u01a1\u01d2\u01eb\u01ed\u01ff\u020d\u020f\u022b\u022d\u022f\u0231\u0254\u0275\u1e4d\u1e4f\u1e51\u1e53\u1ecd\u1ecf\u1ed1\u1ed3\u1ed5\u1ed7\u1ed9\u1edb\u1edd\u1edf\u1ee1\u1ee3\u24de\ua74b\ua74d\uff4f\u03bf\u03cc\u043e", "p": "\x70\u01a5\u1d7d\u1e55\u1e57\u24df\ua751\ua753\ua755\uff50\u03c0\u043f", "q": "\x71\u024b\u24e0\ua757\ua759\uff51", "r": "\x72\u0155\u0157\u0159\u0211\u0213\u024d\u027d\u1e59\u1e5b\u1e5d\u1e5f\u24e1\ua75b\ua783\ua7a7\uff52\u03c1\u0440", "s": "\x73\xdf\u015b\u015d\u015f\u0161\u0219\u023f\u1e61\u1e63\u1e65\u1e67\u1e69\u1e9b\u24e2\ua785\ua7a9\uff53\u03c2\u03c3\u0441", "t": "\x74\u0163\u0165\u0167\u01ad\u021b\u0288\u1e6b\u1e6d\u1e6f\u1e71\u1e97\u24e3\u2c66\ua787\uff54\u03c4\u0442", "u": "\x75\xf9\xfa\xfb\xfc\u0169\u016b\u016d\u016f\u0171\u0173\u01b0\u01d4\u01d6\u01d8\u01da\u01dc\u0215\u0217\u0289\u1e73\u1e75\u1e77\u1e79\u1e7b\u1ee5\u1ee7\u1ee9\u1eeb\u1eed\u1eef\u1ef1\u24e4\uff55\u0443\u044a", "v": "\x76\u028b\u028c\u1e7d\u1e7f\u24e5\ua75f\uff56\u0432", "w": "\x77\u0175\u1e81\u1e83\u1e85\u1e87\u1e89\u1e98\u24e6\u2c73\uff57\u03c9\u03ce", "x": "\x78\u1e8b\u1e8d\u24e7\uff58\u03c7", "y": "\x79\xfd\xff\u0177\u01b4\u0233\u024f\u1e8f\u1e99\u1ef3\u1ef5\u1ef7\u1ef9\u1eff\u24e8\uff59\u03b0\u03c5\u03cb\u03cd\u044b", "z": "\x7a\u017a\u017c\u017e\u01b6\u0225\u0240\u1e91\u1e93\u1e95\u24e9\u2c6c\ua763\uff5a\u03b6\u0437", "OE": "\x8c\u0152", "oe": "\x9c\u0153", "AE": "\xc6\u01e2\u01fc", "ae": "\xe6\u01e3\u01fd", "hv": "\u0195", "OI": "\u01a2", "oi": "\u01a3", "DZ": "\u01c4\u01f1", "Dz": "\u01c5\u01f2", "dz": "\u01c6\u01f3", "LJ": "\u01c7", "Lj": "\u01c8", "lj": "\u01c9", "NJ": "\u01ca", "Nj": "\u01cb", "nj": "\u01cc", "OU": "\u0222", "ou": "\u0223", "TZ": "\ua728", "tz": "\ua729", "AA": "\ua732", "aa": "\ua733", "AO": "\ua734", "ao": "\ua735", "AU": "\ua736", "au": "\ua737", "AV": "\ua738\ua73a", "av": "\ua739\ua73b", "AY": "\ua73c", "ay": "\ua73d", "OO": "\ua74e", "oo": "\ua74f", "VY": "\ua760", "vy": "\ua761", "TH": "\xde", "th": "\xfe", "PS": "\u03a8", "ps": "\u03c8", "Yo": "\u0401", "Ye": "\u0404", "Yi": "\u0407", "Zh": "\u0416", "Ch": "\u0427", "Sh": "\u0428\u0429", "": "\u042c\u044c", "Yu": "\u042e", "Ya": "\u042f", "zh": "\u0436", "ch": "\u0447", "sh": "\u0448\u0449", "yu": "\u044e", "ya": "\u044f", "yo": "\u0451", "ye": "\u0454", "yi": "\u0457" }; var diacriticsMap = null; /** * Creates a map of the diacritics. * * @ignore * @returns {Object} Returns the diacritics map. */ function getDiacriticsMap() { if (diacriticsMap !== null) { return diacriticsMap; } diacriticsMap = {}; Object.keys(diacritics).forEach(function (key) { var characters = diacritics[key]; for (var index = 0; index < characters.length; index++) { var character = characters[index]; diacriticsMap[character] = key; } }); return diacriticsMap; } /** * Get the latin character from character with diacritics. * * @ignore * @param {string} character The character with diacritics. * @returns {string} Returns the character without diacritics. */ function getLatinCharacter(character) { var characterWithoutDiacritic = getDiacriticsMap()[character]; return characterWithoutDiacritic ? characterWithoutDiacritic : character; } /** * Returns the `cleanCharacter` from combining marks regular expression match. * * @ignore * @param {string} character The character with combining marks * @param {string} cleanCharacter The character without combining marks. * @return {string} The character without combining marks. */ function removeCombiningMarks(character, cleanCharacter) { return cleanCharacter; } /** * Latinises the `subject` by removing diacritic characters. * * @function latinise * @static * @since 1.0.0 * @memberOf Manipulate * @param {string} [subject=''] The string to latinise. * @return {string} Returns the latinised string. * @example * v.latinise('cafe\u0301'); // or 'café' * // => 'cafe' * * v.latinise('août décembre'); * // => 'aout decembre' * * v.latinise('как прекрасен этот мир'); * // => 'kak prekrasen etot mir' */ function latinise(subject) { var subjectString = coerceToString(subject); if (subjectString === '') { return ''; } return subjectString.replace(REGEXP_NON_LATIN, getLatinCharacter).replace(REGEXP_COMBINING_MARKS, removeCombiningMarks); } /** * Pads `subject` to a new `length`. * * @function pad * @static * @since 1.0.0 * @memberOf Manipulate * @param {string} [subject=''] The string to pad. * @param {int} [length=0] The length to pad the string. No changes are made if `length` is less than `subject.length`. * @param {string} [pad=' '] The string to be used for padding. * @return {string} Returns the padded string. * @example * v.pad('dog', 5); * // => ' dog ' * * v.pad('bird', 6, '-'); * // => '-bird-' * * v.pad('cat', 6, '-='); * // => '-cat-=' */ function pad(subject, length, pad) { var subjectString = coerceToString(subject); var lengthInt = isNil(length) ? 0 : clipNumber(toInteger(length), 0, MAX_SAFE_INTEGER); var padString = coerceToString(pad, ' '); if (lengthInt <= subjectString.length) { return subjectString; } var paddingLength = lengthInt - subjectString.length; var paddingSideLength = toInteger(paddingLength / 2); var paddingSideRemainingLength = paddingLength % 2; return buildPadding(padString, paddingSideLength) + subjectString + buildPadding(padString, paddingSideLength + paddingSideRemainingLength); } /** * Replaces the matches of `pattern` with `replacement`.
* * @function replace * @static * @since 1.0.0 * @memberOf Manipulate * @param {string} [subject=''] The string to verify. * @param {string|RegExp} pattern The pattern which match is replaced. If `pattern` is a string, * a simple string match is evaluated and only the first occurrence replaced. * @param {string|Function} replacement The string or function which invocation result replaces `pattern` match. * @return {string} Returns the replacement result. * @example * v.replace('swan', 'wa', 'u'); * // => 'sun' * * v.replace('domestic duck', /domestic\s/, ''); * // => 'duck' * * v.replace('nice duck', /(nice)(duck)/, function(match, nice, duck) { * return 'the ' + duck + ' is ' + nice; * }); * // => 'the duck is nice' */ function replace(subject, pattern, replacement) { var subjectString = coerceToString(subject); return subjectString.replace(pattern, replacement); } /** * Get the flags string from a regular expression object. * * @ignore * @param {RegExp} regExp The regular expression object. * @return {string} Returns the string with flags chars. */ function getRegExpFlags(regExp) { return regExp.toString().match(REGEXP_FLAGS)[0]; } /** * Checks whether `subject` includes `search` starting from `position`. * * @function includes * @static * @since 1.0.0 * @memberOf Query * @param {string} [subject=''] The string where to search. * @param {string} search The string to search. * @param {number} [position=0] The position to start searching. * @return {boolean} Returns `true` if `subject` includes `search` or `false` otherwise. * @example * v.includes('starship', 'star'); * // => true * * v.includes('galaxy', 'g', 1); * // => false */ function includes(subject, search, position) { var subjectString = coerceToString(subject); var searchString = toString(search); if (searchString === null) { return false; } if (searchString === '') { return true; } position = isNil(position) ? 0 : clipNumber(toInteger(position), 0, subjectString.length); return subjectString.indexOf(searchString, position) !== -1; } /** * Append flag to a regular expression. * * @ignore * @param {RegExp} pattern The pattern to coerce. * @param {string} appendFlag The flag to append to regular expression. * @return {RegExp} The regular expression with added flag. */ function appendFlagToRegExp(pattern, appendFlag) { var regularExpressionFlags = getRegExpFlags(pattern); if (!includes(regularExpressionFlags, appendFlag)) { return new RegExp(pattern.source, regularExpressionFlags + appendFlag); } return pattern; } /** * Replaces all matches of `pattern` with `replacement`.
* * @function replaceAll * @static * @since 1.0.0 * @memberOf Manipulate * @param {string} [subject=''] The string to verify. * @param {string|RegExp} pattern The pattern which match is replaced. If `pattern` is a string, a simple string match is evaluated. * All matches are replaced. * @param {string|Function} replacement The string or function which invocation result replaces `pattern` match. * @return {string} Returns the replacement result. * @example * v.replaceAll('good morning', 'o', '*'); * // => 'g**d m*rning' * v.replaceAll('evening', /n/, 's'); * // => 'evesisg' * */ function replaceAll(subject, pattern, replacement) { var subjectString = coerceToString(subject); var regExp = pattern; if (!(pattern instanceof RegExp)) { regExp = new RegExp(escapeRegExp(pattern), 'g'); } else if (!pattern.global) { regExp = appendFlagToRegExp(pattern, 'g'); } return subjectString.replace(regExp, replacement); } /** * Reverses the `subject`. * * @function reverse * @static * @since 1.0.0 * @memberOf Manipulate * @param {string} [subject=''] The string to reverse. * @return {string} Returns the reversed string. * @example * v.reverse('winter'); * // => 'retniw' */ function reverse(subject) { var subjectString = coerceToString(subject); return subjectString.split('').reverse().join(''); } /** * Reverses the `subject` taking care of * surrogate pairs and * combining marks. * * @function reverseGrapheme * @static * @since 1.0.0 * @memberOf Manipulate * @param {string} [subject=''] The string to reverse. * @return {string} Returns the reversed string. * @example * v.reverseGrapheme('summer'); * // => 'remmus' * * v.reverseGrapheme('𝌆 bar mañana mañana'); * // => 'anañam anañam rab 𝌆' */ function reverseGrapheme(subject) { var subjectString = coerceToString(subject); /** * @see https://github.com/mathiasbynens/esrever */ subjectString = subjectString.replace(REGEXP_COMBINING_MARKS, function ($0, $1, $2) { return reverseGrapheme($2) + $1; }).replace(REGEXP_SURROGATE_PAIRS, '$2$1'); var reversedString = ''; var index = subjectString.length; while (index--) { reversedString += subjectString.charAt(index); } return reversedString; } /** * Slugifies the `subject`. Cleans the `subject` by replacing diacritics with corresponding latin characters. * * @function slugify * @static * @since 1.0.0 * @memberOf Manipulate * @param {string} [subject=''] The string to slugify. * @return {string} Returns the slugified string. * @example * v.slugify('Italian cappuccino drink'); * // => 'italian-cappuccino-drink' * * v.slugify('caffé latté'); * // => 'caffe-latte' * * v.slugify('хорошая погода'); * // => 'horoshaya-pogoda' */ function slugify(subject) { var subjectString = coerceToString(subject); if (subjectString === '') { return ''; } var cleanSubjectString = latinise(subjectString).replace(REGEXP_NON_LATIN, '-'); return kebabCase(cleanSubjectString); } /** * Changes `subject` by deleting `deleteCount` of characters starting at position `start`. Places a new string * `toAdd` instead of deleted characters. * * @function splice * @static * @since 1.0.0 * @memberOf Manipulate * @param {string} [subject=''] The string where to insert. * @param {string} start The position to start changing the string. For a negative position will start from the end of * the string. * @param {number} [deleteCount=subject.length-start] The number of characters to delete from string. * @param {string} [toAdd=''] The string to be added instead of deleted characters. * @return {string} Returns the modified string. * @example * v.splice('new year', 0, 4); * // => 'year' * * v.splice('new year', 0, 3, 'happy'); * // => 'happy year' * * v.splice('new year', -4, 4, 'day'); * // => 'new day' */ function splice(subject, start, deleteCount, toAdd) { var subjectString = coerceToString(subject); var toAddString = coerceToString(toAdd); var startPosition = coerceToNumber(start); if (startPosition < 0) { startPosition = subjectString.length + startPosition; if (startPosition < 0) { startPosition = 0; } } else if (startPosition > subjectString.length) { startPosition = subjectString.length; } var deleteCountNumber = coerceToNumber(deleteCount, subjectString.length - startPosition); if (deleteCountNumber < 0) { deleteCountNumber = 0; } return subjectString.slice(0, startPosition) + toAddString + subjectString.slice(startPosition + deleteCountNumber); } var _slicedToArray = function () { function sliceIterator(arr, i) { var _arr = []; var _n = true; var _d = false; var _e = undefined; try { for (var _i = arr[Symbol.iterator](), _s; !(_n = (_s = _i.next()).done); _n = true) { _arr.push(_s.value); if (i && _arr.length === i) break; } } catch (err) { _d = true; _e = err; } finally { try { if (!_n && _i["return"]) _i["return"](); } finally { if (_d) throw _e; } } return _arr; } return function (arr, i) { if (Array.isArray(arr)) { return arr; } else if (Symbol.iterator in Object(arr)) { return sliceIterator(arr, i); } else { throw new TypeError("Invalid attempt to destructure non-iterable instance"); } }; }(); /** * Translates characters or replaces substrings in `subject`. * * @function tr * @static * @since 1.3.0 * @memberOf Manipulate * @param {string} [subject=''] The string to translate. * @param {string|Object} from The string of characters to translate from. Or an object, then the object keys are replaced with corresponding values (longest keys are tried first). * @param {string} to The string of characters to translate to. Ignored when `from` is an object. * @return {string} Returns the translated string. * @example * v.tr('hello', 'el', 'ip'); * // => 'hippo' * * v.tr('légèreté', 'éè', 'ee'); * // => 'legerete' * * v.tr('Yes. The fire rises.', { * 'Yes': 'Awesome', * 'fire': 'flame' * }) * // => 'Awesome. The flame rises.' * * v.tr(':where is the birthplace of :what', { * ':where': 'Africa', * ':what': 'Humanity' * }); * // => 'Africa is the birthplace of Humanity' * */ function tr(subject, from, to) { var subjectString = coerceToString(subject); var keys = void 0; var values = void 0; if (isString(from) && isString(to)) { keys = from.split(''); values = to.split(''); } else { var _extractKeysAndValues = extractKeysAndValues(nilDefault(from, {})); var _extractKeysAndValues2 = _slicedToArray(_extractKeysAndValues, 2); keys = _extractKeysAndValues2[0]; values = _extractKeysAndValues2[1]; } var keysLength = keys.length; if (keysLength === 0) { return subjectString; } var result = ''; var valuesLength = values.length; for (var index = 0; index < subjectString.length; index++) { var isMatch = false; var matchValue = void 0; for (var keyIndex = 0; keyIndex < keysLength && keyIndex < valuesLength; keyIndex++) { var key = keys[keyIndex]; if (subjectString.substr(index, key.length) === key) { isMatch = true; matchValue = values[keyIndex]; index = index + key.length - 1; break; } } result += isMatch ? matchValue : subjectString[index]; } return result; } function extractKeysAndValues(object) { var keys = Object.keys(object); var values = keys.sort(sortStringByLength).map(function (key) { return object[key]; }); return [keys, values]; } function sortStringByLength(str1, str2) { if (str1.length === str2.length) { return 0; } return str1.length < str2.length ? 1 : -1; } var reduce$1 = Array.prototype.reduce; /** * Removes whitespaces from the left side of the `subject`. * * @function trimLeft * @static * @since 1.0.0 * @memberOf Manipulate * @param {string} [subject=''] The string to trim. * @param {string} [whitespace=whitespace] The whitespace characters to trim. List all characters that you want to be stripped. * @return {string} Returns the trimmed string. * @example * v.trimLeft(' Starship Troopers'); * // => 'Starship Troopers' * * v.trimLeft('***Mobile Infantry', '*'); * // => 'Mobile Infantry' */ function trimLeft(subject, whitespace$$1) { var subjectString = coerceToString(subject); if (whitespace$$1 === '' || subjectString === '') { return subjectString; } var whitespaceString = toString(whitespace$$1); if (isNil(whitespaceString)) { return subjectString.replace(REGEXP_TRIM_LEFT, ''); } var matchWhitespace = true; return reduce$1.call(subjectString, function (trimmed, character) { if (matchWhitespace && includes(whitespaceString, character)) { return trimmed; } matchWhitespace = false; return trimmed + character; }, ''); } var reduceRight = Array.prototype.reduceRight; /** * Removes whitespaces from the right side of the `subject`. * * @function trimRight * @static * @since 1.0.0 * @memberOf Manipulate * @param {string} [subject=''] The string to trim. * @param {string} [whitespace=whitespace] The whitespace characters to trim. List all characters that you want to be stripped. * @return {string} Returns the trimmed string. * @example * v.trimRight('the fire rises '); * // => 'the fire rises' * * v.trimRight('do you feel in charge?!!!', '!'); * // => 'do you feel in charge?' */ function trimRight(subject, whitespace$$1) { var subjectString = coerceToString(subject); if (whitespace$$1 === '' || subjectString === '') { return subjectString; } var whitespaceString = toString(whitespace$$1); if (isNil(whitespaceString)) { return subjectString.replace(REGEXP_TRIM_RIGHT, ''); } var matchWhitespace = true; return reduceRight.call(subjectString, function (trimmed, character) { if (matchWhitespace && includes(whitespaceString, character)) { return trimmed; } matchWhitespace = false; return character + trimmed; }, ''); } /** * Removes whitespaces from left and right sides of the `subject`. * * @function trim * @static * @since 1.0.0 * @memberOf Manipulate * @param {string} [subject=''] The string to trim. * @param {string} [whitespace=whitespace] The whitespace characters to trim. List all characters that you want to be stripped. * @return {string} Returns the trimmed string. * @example * v.trim(' Mother nature '); * // => 'Mother nature' * * v.trim('--Earth--', '-'); * // => 'Earth' */ function trim(subject, whitespace) { var subjectString = coerceToString(subject); if (whitespace === '' || subjectString === '') { return subjectString; } var whitespaceString = toString(whitespace); if (isNil(whitespaceString)) { return subjectString.trim(); } return trimRight(trimLeft(subjectString, whitespaceString), whitespaceString); } var OPTION_WIDTH = 'width'; var OPTION_NEW_LINE = 'newLine'; var OPTION_INDENT = 'indent'; var OPTION_CUT = 'cut'; /** * Wraps `subject` to a given number of characters using a string break character. * * @function wordWrap * @static * @since 1.0.0 * @memberOf Manipulate * @param {string} [subject=''] The string to wrap. * @param {Object} [options={}] The wrap options. * @param {number} [options.width=75] The number of characters at which to wrap. * @param {string} [options.newLine='\n'] The string to add at the end of line. * @param {string} [options.indent=''] The string to intend the line. * @param {boolean} [options.cut=false] When `false` (default) does not split the word even if word length is bigger than `width`.
* When `true` breaks the word that has length bigger than `width`. * * @return {string} Returns wrapped string. * @example * v.wordWrap('Hello world', { * width: 5 * }); * // => 'Hello\nworld' * * v.wordWrap('Hello world', { * width: 5, * newLine: '
', * indent: '__' * }); * // => '__Hello
__world' * * v.wordWrap('Wonderful world', { * width: 5, * cut: true * }); * // => 'Wonde\nrful\nworld' * */ function wordWrap(subject) { var options = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : {}; var subjectString = coerceToString(subject); var _determineOptions = determineOptions(options), width = _determineOptions.width, newLine = _determineOptions.newLine, indent = _determineOptions.indent, cut = _determineOptions.cut; if (subjectString === '' || width <= 0) { return indent; } var subjectLength = subjectString.length; var substring = subjectString.substring.bind(subjectString); var offset = 0; var wrappedLine = ''; while (subjectLength - offset > width) { if (subjectString[offset] === ' ') { offset++; continue; } var spaceToWrapAt = subjectString.lastIndexOf(' ', width + offset); if (spaceToWrapAt >= offset) { wrappedLine += indent + substring(offset, spaceToWrapAt) + newLine; offset = spaceToWrapAt + 1; } else { if (cut) { wrappedLine += indent + substring(offset, width + offset) + newLine; offset += width; } else { spaceToWrapAt = subjectString.indexOf(' ', width + offset); if (spaceToWrapAt >= 0) { wrappedLine += indent + substring(offset, spaceToWrapAt) + newLine; offset = spaceToWrapAt + 1; } else { wrappedLine += indent + substring(offset); offset = subjectLength; } } } } if (offset < subjectLength) { wrappedLine += indent + substring(offset); } return wrappedLine; } /** * Determine the word wrap options. The missing values are filled with defaults. * * @param {Object} options The options object. * @return {Object} The word wrap options, with default settings if necessary. * @ignore */ function determineOptions(options) { return { width: coerceToNumber(options[OPTION_WIDTH], 75), newLine: coerceToString(options[OPTION_NEW_LINE], '\n'), indent: coerceToString(options[OPTION_INDENT], ''), cut: coerceToBoolean(options[OPTION_CUT], false) }; } /** * Checks whether `subject` ends with `end`. * * @function endsWith * @static * @since 1.0.0 * @memberOf Query * @param {string} [subject=''] The string to verify. * @param {string} end The ending string. * @param {number} [position=subject.length] Search within `subject` as if the string were only `position` long. * @return {boolean} Returns `true` if `subject` ends with `end` or `false` otherwise. * @example * v.endsWith('red alert', 'alert'); * // => true * * v.endsWith('metro south', 'metro'); * // => false * * v.endsWith('Murphy', 'ph', 5); * // => true */ function endsWith(subject, end, position) { if (isNil(end)) { return false; } var subjectString = coerceToString(subject); var endString = coerceToString(end); if (endString === '') { return true; } position = isNil(position) ? subjectString.length : clipNumber(toInteger(position), 0, subjectString.length); position -= endString.length; var lastIndex = subjectString.indexOf(endString, position); return lastIndex !== -1 && lastIndex === position; } /** * Checks whether `subject` contains only alpha characters. * * @function isAlpha * @static * @since 1.0.0 * @memberOf Query * @param {string} [subject=''] The string to verify. * @return {boolean} Returns `true` if `subject` contains only alpha characters or `false` otherwise. * @example * v.isAlpha('bart'); * // => true * * v.isAlpha('lisa!'); * // => false * * v.isAlpha('lisa and bart'); * // => false */ function isAlpha(subject) { var subjectString = coerceToString(subject); return REGEXP_ALPHA.test(subjectString); } /** * Checks whether `subject` contains only alpha and digit characters. * * @function isAlphaDigit * @static * @since 1.0.0 * @memberOf Query * @param {string} [subject=''] The string to verify. * @return {boolean} Returns `true` if `subject` contains only alpha and digit characters or `false` otherwise. * @example * v.isAlphaDigit('year2020'); * // => true * * v.isAlphaDigit('1448'); * // => true * * v.isAlphaDigit('40-20'); * // => false */ function isAlphaDigit(subject) { var subjectString = coerceToString(subject); return REGEXP_ALPHA_DIGIT.test(subjectString); } /** * Checks whether `subject` is empty or contains only whitespaces. * * @function isBlank * @static * @since 1.0.0 * @memberOf Query * @param {string} [subject=''] The string to verify. * @return {boolean} Returns `true` if `subject` is empty or contains only whitespaces or `false` otherwise. * @example * v.isBlank(''); * // => true * * v.isBlank(' '); * // => true * * v.isBlank('World'); * // => false */ function isBlank(subject) { var subjectString = coerceToString(subject); return subjectString.trim().length === 0; } /** * Checks whether `subject` contains only digit characters. * * @function isDigit * @static * @since 1.0.0 * @memberOf Query * @param {string} [subject=''] The string to verify. * @return {boolean} Returns `true` if `subject` contains only digit characters or `false` otherwise. * @example * v.isDigit('35'); * // => true * * v.isDigit('1.5'); * // => false * * v.isDigit('ten'); * // => false */ function isDigit(subject) { var subjectString = coerceToString(subject); return REGEXP_DIGIT.test(subjectString); } /** * Checks whether `subject` is empty. * * @function isEmpty * @static * @since 1.0.0 * @memberOf Query * @param {string} [subject=''] The string to verify. * @return {boolean} Returns `true` if `subject` is empty or `false` otherwise * @example * v.isEmpty(''); * // => true * * v.isEmpty(' '); * // => false * * v.isEmpty('sun'); * // => false */ function isEmpty(subject) { var subjectString = coerceToString(subject); return subjectString.length === 0; } /** * Checks whether `subject` has only lower case characters. * * @function isLowerCase * @static * @since 1.0.0 * @memberOf Query * @param {string} [subject=''] The string to verify. * @return {boolean} Returns `true` if `subject` is lower case or `false` otherwise. * @example * v.isLowerCase('motorcycle'); * // => true * * v.isLowerCase('John'); * // => false * * v.isLowerCase('T1000'); * // => false */ function isLowerCase(subject) { var valueString = coerceToString(subject); return isAlpha(valueString) && valueString.toLowerCase() === valueString; } /** * Checks whether `subject` is numeric. * * @function isNumeric * @static * @since 1.0.0 * @memberOf Query * @param {string} [subject=''] The string to verify. * @return {boolean} Returns `true` if `subject` is numeric or `false` otherwise. * @example * v.isNumeric('350'); * // => true * * v.isNumeric('-20.5'); * // => true * * v.isNumeric('1.5E+2'); * // => true * * v.isNumeric('five'); * // => false */ function isNumeric(subject) { var valueNumeric = typeof subject === 'object' && !isNil(subject) ? Number(subject) : subject; return (typeof valueNumeric === 'number' || typeof valueNumeric === 'string') && !isNaN(valueNumeric - parseFloat(valueNumeric)); } /** * Checks whether `subject` contains only upper case characters. * * @function isUpperCase * @static * @since 1.0.0 * @memberOf Query * @param {string} [subject=''] The string to verify. * @return {boolean} Returns `true` if `subject` is upper case or `false` otherwise. * @example * v.isUpperCase('ACDC'); * // => true * * v.isUpperCase('Morning'); * // => false */ function isUpperCase(subject) { var subjectString = coerceToString(subject); return isAlpha(subjectString) && subjectString.toUpperCase() === subjectString; } /** * Checks whether `subject` matches the regular expression `pattern`. * * @function matches * @static * @since 1.0.0 * @memberOf Query * @param {string} [subject=''] The string to verify. * @param {RegExp|string} pattern The pattern to match. If `pattern` is not RegExp, it is transformed to `new RegExp(pattern, flags)`. * @param {string} [flags=''] The regular expression flags. Applies when `pattern` is string type. * @return {boolean} Returns `true` if `subject` matches `pattern` or `false` otherwise. * @example * v.matches('pluto', /plu.{2}/); * // => true * * v.matches('sun', 'S', 'i'); * // => true * * v.matches('apollo 11', '\\d{3}'); * // => false */ function matches(subject, pattern, flags) { var subjectString = coerceToString(subject); var flagsString = coerceToString(flags); var patternString = void 0; if (!(pattern instanceof RegExp)) { patternString = toString(pattern); if (patternString === null) { return false; } pattern = new RegExp(patternString, flagsString); } return pattern.test(subjectString); } /** * Checks whether `subject` starts with `start`. * * @function startsWith * @static * @since 1.0.0 * @memberOf Query * @param {string} [subject=''] The string to verify. * @param {string} start The starting string. * @param {number} [position=0] The position to start searching. * @return {boolean} Returns `true` if `subject` starts with `start` or `false` otherwise. * @example * v.startsWith('say hello to my little friend', 'say hello'); * // => true * * v.startsWith('tony', 'on', 1); * // => true * * v.startsWith('the world is yours', 'world'); * // => false */ function startsWith(subject, start, position) { var subjectString = coerceToString(subject); var startString = toString(start); if (startString === null) { return false; } if (startString === '') { return true; } position = isNil(position) ? 0 : clipNumber(toInteger(position), 0, subjectString.length); return subjectString.substr(position, startString.length) === startString; } /** * Splits `subject` into an array of characters. * * @function chars * @static * @since 1.0.0 * @memberOf Split * @param {string} [subject=''] The string to split into characters. * @return {Array} Returns the array of characters. * @example * v.chars('cloud'); * // => ['c', 'l', 'o', 'u', 'd'] */ function chars(subject) { var subjectString = coerceToString(subject); return subjectString.split(''); } /** * Returns an array of Unicode code point values from characters of `subject`. * * @function codePoints * @static * @since 1.0.0 * @memberOf Split * @param {string} [subject=''] The string to extract from. * @return {Array} Returns an array of non-negative numbers less than or equal to `0x10FFFF`. * @example * v.codePoints('rain'); * // => [114, 97, 105, 110], or * // [0x72, 0x61, 0x69, 0x6E] * * v.codePoints('\uD83D\uDE00 smile'); // or '😀 smile' * // => [128512, 32, 115, 109, 105, 108, 101], or * // [0x1F600, 0x20, 0x73, 0x6D, 0x69, 0x6C, 0x65] */ function codePoints(subject) { var subjectString = coerceToString(subject); var subjectStringLength = subjectString.length; var codePointArray = []; var index = 0; var codePointNumber = void 0; while (index < subjectStringLength) { codePointNumber = codePointAt(subjectString, index); codePointArray.push(codePointNumber); index += codePointNumber > 0xFFFF ? 2 : 1; } return codePointArray; } /** * Splits `subject` into an array of graphemes taking care of * surrogate pairs and * combining marks. * * @function graphemes * @static * @since 1.0.0 * @memberOf Split * @param {string} [subject=''] The string to split into characters. * @return {Array} Returns the array of graphemes. * @example * v.graphemes('\uD835\uDC00\uD835\uDC01'); // or '𝐀𝐁' * // => ['\uD835\uDC00', '\uD835\uDC01'], or * // ['𝐀', '𝐁'] * * v.graphemes('cafe\u0301'); // or 'café' * // => ['c', 'a', 'f', 'e\u0301'], or * // ['c', 'a', 'f', 'é'] */ function graphemes(subject) { var subjectString = coerceToString(subject); return nilDefault(subjectString.match(REGEXP_UNICODE_CHARACTER), []); } /** * Splits `subject` into an array of chunks by `separator`. * * @function split * @static * @since 1.0.0 * @memberOf Split * @param {string} [subject=''] The string to split into characters. * @param {string|RegExp} [separator] The pattern to match the separator. * @param {number} [limit] Limit the number of chunks to be found. * @return {Array} Returns the array of chunks. * @example * v.split('rage against the dying of the light', ' '); * // => ['rage', 'against', 'the', 'dying', 'of', 'the', 'light'] * * v.split('the dying of the light', /\s/, 3); * // => ['the', 'dying', 'of'] */ function split(subject, separator, limit) { var subjectString = coerceToString(subject); return subjectString.split(separator, limit); } var BYRE_ORDER_MARK = '\uFEFF'; /** * Strips the byte order mark (BOM) from the beginning of `subject`. * * @function stripBom * @static * @since 1.2.0 * @memberOf Strip * @param {string} [subject=''] The string to strip from. * @return {string} Returns the stripped string. * @example * * v.stripBom('\uFEFFsummertime sadness'); * // => 'summertime sadness' * * v.stripBom('summertime happiness'); * // => 'summertime happiness' * */ function trim$1(subject) { var subjectString = coerceToString(subject); if (subjectString === '') { return ''; } if (subjectString[0] === BYRE_ORDER_MARK) { return subjectString.substring(1); } return subjectString; } /** * Checks whether `subject` contains substring at specific `index`. * * @ignore * @param {string} subject The subject to search in. * @param {string} substring The substring to search/ * @param {number} index The index to search substring. * @param {boolean} lookBehind Whether to look behind (true) or ahead (false). * @return {boolean} Returns a boolean whether the substring exists. */ function hasSubstringAtIndex(subject, substring, index) { var lookBehind = arguments.length > 3 && arguments[3] !== undefined ? arguments[3] : true; var indexOffset = 0; if (lookBehind) { indexOffset = -substring.length + 1; } var extractedSubstring = subject.substr(index + indexOffset, substring.length); return extractedSubstring.toLowerCase() === substring; } /** * Parses the tags from the string '...'. * * @ignore * @param {string} tags The string that contains the tags. * @return {string[]} Returns the array of tag names. */ function parseTagList(tags) { var tagsList = []; var match = void 0; while ((match = REGEXP_TAG_LIST.exec(tags)) !== null) { tagsList.push(match[1]); } return tagsList; } var STATE_START_TAG = 0; var STATE_NON_WHITESPACE = 1; var STATE_DONE = 2; /** * Parses the tag name from html content. * * @ignore * @param {string} tagContent The tag content. * @return {string} Returns the tag name. */ function parseTagName(tagContent) { var state = STATE_START_TAG; var tagName = ''; var index = 0; while (state !== STATE_DONE) { var char = tagContent[index++].toLowerCase(); switch (char) { case '<': break; case '>': state = STATE_DONE; break; default: if (REGEXP_WHITESPACE.test(char)) { if (state === STATE_NON_WHITESPACE) { state = STATE_DONE; } } else { if (state === STATE_START_TAG) { state = STATE_NON_WHITESPACE; } if (char !== '/') { tagName += char; } } break; } } return tagName; } var STATE_OUTPUT = 0; var STATE_HTML = 1; var STATE_EXCLAMATION = 2; var STATE_COMMENT = 3; /** * Strips HTML tags from `subject`. * * @function stripTags * @static * @since 1.1.0 * @memberOf Strip * @param {string} [subject=''] The string to strip from. * @param {string|Array} [allowableTags] The string `''` or array `['tag1', 'tag2']` of tags that should not be stripped. * @param {string} [replacement=''] The string to replace the stripped tag. * @return {string} Returns the stripped string. * @example * * v.stripTags('Summer is nice'); * // => 'Summer is nice' * * v.stripTags('Winter is cold', ['b', 'i']); * // => 'Winter is cold' * * v.stripTags('Sun
set', '', '-'); * // => 'Sun-set' */ function trim$2(subject, allowableTags, replacement) { subject = coerceToString(subject); if (subject === '') { return ''; } if (!Array.isArray(allowableTags)) { var allowableTagsString = coerceToString(allowableTags); allowableTags = allowableTagsString === '' ? [] : parseTagList(allowableTagsString); } var replacementString = coerceToString(replacement); var length = subject.length; var hasAllowableTags = allowableTags.length > 0; var hasSubstring = hasSubstringAtIndex.bind(null, subject); var state = STATE_OUTPUT; var depth = 0; var output = ''; var tagContent = ''; var quote = null; for (var index = 0; index < length; index++) { var char = subject[index]; var advance = false; switch (char) { case '<': if (quote) { break; } if (hasSubstring('< ', index, false)) { advance = true; break; } if (state === STATE_OUTPUT) { advance = true; state = STATE_HTML; break; } if (state === STATE_HTML) { depth++; break; } advance = true; break; case '!': if (state === STATE_HTML && hasSubstring('': if (depth > 0) { depth--; break; } if (quote) { break; } if (state === STATE_HTML) { quote = null; state = STATE_OUTPUT; if (hasAllowableTags) { tagContent += '>'; var tagName = parseTagName(tagContent); if (allowableTags.indexOf(tagName.toLowerCase()) !== -1) { output += tagContent; } else { output += replacementString; } tagContent = ''; } else { output += replacementString; } break; } if (state === STATE_EXCLAMATION || state === STATE_COMMENT && hasSubstring('-->', index)) { quote = null; state = STATE_OUTPUT; tagContent = ''; break; } advance = true; break; default: advance = true; } if (advance) { switch (state) { case STATE_OUTPUT: output += char; break; case STATE_HTML: if (hasAllowableTags) { tagContent += char; } break; } } } return output; } var globalObject$1 = null; function getGlobalObject() { if (globalObject$1 !== null) { return globalObject$1; } /* istanbul ignore next */ // It's hard to mock the global variables. This code surely works fine. I hope :) if (typeof global === 'object' && global.Object === Object) { // NodeJS global object globalObject$1 = global; } else if (typeof self === 'object' && self.Object === Object) { // self property from Window object globalObject$1 = self; } else { // Other cases. Function constructor always has the context as global object globalObject$1 = new Function('return this')(); } return globalObject$1; } var globalObject = getGlobalObject(); var previousV = globalObject.v; /** * Restores `v` variable to previous value and returns Voca library instance. * * @function noConflict * @static * @since 1.0.0 * @memberOf Util * @return {Object} Returns Voca library instance. * @example * var voca = v.noConflict(); * voca.isAlpha('Hello'); * // => true */ function noConflict() { if (this === globalObject.v) { globalObject.v = previousV; } return this; } /** * A property that contains the library semantic version number. * @name version * @static * @since 1.0.0 * @memberOf Util * @type string * @example * v.version * // => '1.3.1' */ var version = '1.3.1'; /* eslint sort-imports: "off" */ /** * Functions to change the case * @namespace Case */ /** * Chain functions * @namespace Chain */ /** * Functions to cut a string * @namespace Chop */ /** * Functions to count characters in a string * @namespace Count */ /** * Functions to format * @namespace Format */ /** * Functions to escape RegExp special characters * @namespace Escape */ /** * Functions to find index * @namespace Index */ /** * Functions to manipulate a string * @namespace Manipulate */ /** * Functions to query a string * @namespace Query */ /** * Functions to split a string * @namespace Split */ /** * Functions to strip a string * @namespace Strip */ /** * Util functions and properties * @namespace Util */ var functions = { camelCase: camelCase, capitalize: capitalize, decapitalize: decapitalize, kebabCase: kebabCase, lowerCase: lowerCase, snakeCase: snakeCase, swapCase: swapCase, titleCase: titleCase, upperCase: upperCase, count: count, countGraphemes: countGrapheme, countSubstrings: countSubstrings, countWhere: countWhere, countWords: countWords, escapeHtml: escapeHtml, escapeRegExp: escapeRegExp, unescapeHtml: unescapeHtml, sprintf: sprintf, vprintf: vprintf, indexOf: indexOf, lastIndexOf: lastIndexOf, search: search, charAt: charAt, codePointAt: codePointAt, first: first, graphemeAt: graphemeAt, last: last, prune: prune, slice: slice, substr: substr, substring: substring, truncate: truncate, insert: insert, latinise: latinise, pad: pad, padLeft: padLeft, padRight: padRight, repeat: repeat, replace: replace, replaceAll: replaceAll, reverse: reverse, reverseGrapheme: reverseGrapheme, slugify: slugify, splice: splice, tr: tr, trim: trim, trimLeft: trimLeft, trimRight: trimRight, wordWrap: wordWrap, endsWith: endsWith, includes: includes, isAlpha: isAlpha, isAlphaDigit: isAlphaDigit, isBlank: isBlank, isDigit: isDigit, isEmpty: isEmpty, isLowerCase: isLowerCase, isNumeric: isNumeric, isString: isString, isUpperCase: isUpperCase, matches: matches, startsWith: startsWith, chars: chars, codePoints: codePoints, graphemes: graphemes, split: split, words: words, stripBom: trim$1, stripTags: trim$2, noConflict: noConflict, version: version }; /** * The chain wrapper constructor. * * @ignore * @param {string} subject The string to be wrapped. * @param {boolean} [explicitChain=false] A boolean that indicates if the chain sequence is explicit or implicit. * @return {ChainWrapper} Returns a new instance of `ChainWrapper` * @constructor */ function ChainWrapper(subject, explicitChain) { this._wrappedValue = subject; this._explicitChain = explicitChain; } /** * Unwraps the chain sequence wrapped value. * * @memberof Chain * @since 1.0.0 * @function __proto__value * @return {*} Returns the unwrapped value. * @example * v * .chain('Hello world') * .replace('Hello', 'Hi') * .lowerCase() * .slugify() * .value() * // => 'hi-world' * * v(' Space travel ') * .trim() * .truncate(8) * .value() * // => 'Space...' */ ChainWrapper.prototype.value = function () { return this._wrappedValue; }; /** * Override the default object valueOf(). * * @ignore * @return {*} Returns the wrapped value. */ ChainWrapper.prototype.valueOf = function () { return this.value(); }; /** * Returns the wrapped value to be used in JSON.stringify(). * * @ignore * @return {*} Returns the wrapped value. */ ChainWrapper.prototype.toJSON = function () { return this.value(); }; /** * Returns the string representation of the wrapped value. * * @ignore * @return {string} Returns the string representation. */ ChainWrapper.prototype.toString = function () { return String(this.value()); }; /** * Creates a new chain object that enables explicit chain sequences. * Use `v.prototype.value()` to unwrap the result.
* Does not modify the wrapped value. * * @memberof Chain * @since 1.0.0 * @function __proto__chain * @return {Object} Returns the wrapper in explicit mode. * @example * v('Back to School') * .chain() * .lowerCase() * .words() * .value() * // => ['back', 'to', 'school'] * * v(" Back to School ") * .chain() * .trim() * .truncate(7) * .value() * // => 'Back...' */ ChainWrapper.prototype.chain = function () { return new ChainWrapper(this._wrappedValue, true); }; /** * Modifies the wrapped value with the invocation result of `changer` function. The current wrapped value is the * argument of `changer` invocation. * * @memberof Chain * @since 1.0.0 * @function __proto__thru * @param {Function} changer The function to invoke. * @return {Object} Returns the new wrapper that wraps the invocation result of `changer`. * @example * v * .chain('sun is shining') * .words() * .thru(function(words) { * return words[0]; * }) * .value() * // => 'sun' * */ ChainWrapper.prototype.thru = function (changer) { if (typeof changer === 'function') { return new ChainWrapper(changer(this._wrappedValue), this._explicitChain); } return this; }; /** * A boolean that indicates if the chain sequence is explicit or implicit. * @ignore * @type {boolean} * @private */ ChainWrapper.prototype._explicitChain = true; /** * Make a voca function chainable. * * @ignore * @param {Function} functionInstance The function to make chainable * @return {Function} Returns the chainable function */ function makeFunctionChainable(functionInstance) { return function () { for (var _len = arguments.length, args = Array(_len), _key = 0; _key < _len; _key++) { args[_key] = arguments[_key]; } var result = functionInstance.apply(undefined, [this._wrappedValue].concat(args)); if (this._explicitChain || typeof result === 'string') { return new ChainWrapper(result, this._explicitChain); } else { return result; } }; } Object.keys(functions).forEach(function (name) { ChainWrapper.prototype[name] = makeFunctionChainable(functions[name]); }); /** * Creates a chain object that wraps `subject`, enabling explicit chain sequences.
* Use `v.prototype.value()` to unwrap the result. * * @memberOf Chain * @since 1.0.0 * @function chain * @param {string} subject The string to wrap. * @return {Object} Returns the new wrapper object. * @example * v * .chain('Back to School') * .lowerCase() * .words() * .value() * // => ['back', 'to', 'school'] */ function chain(subject) { return new ChainWrapper(subject, true); } var _extends = Object.assign || function (target) { for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) { var source = arguments[i]; for (var key in source) { if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(source, key)) { target[key] = source[key]; } } } return target; }; /** * Creates a chain object that wraps `subject`, enabling implicit chain sequences.
* A function that returns `number`, `boolean` or `array` type terminates the chain sequence and returns the unwrapped value. * Otherwise use `v.prototype.value()` to unwrap the result. * * @memberOf Chain * @since 1.0.0 * @function v * @param {string} subject The string to wrap. * @return {Object} Returns the new wrapper object. * @example * v('Back to School') * .lowerCase() * .words() * // => ['back', 'to', 'school'] * * v(" Back to School ") * .trim() * .truncate(7) * .value() * // => 'Back...' */ function Voca(subject) { return new ChainWrapper(subject, false); } _extends(Voca, functions, { chain: chain }); return Voca; })));