#!/usr/bin/env python3 from typing import Tuple, Any, Dict, Optional, List, FrozenSet, Union, Type, Callable, Set import json import sys import zlib import re import os import argparse import hashlib import enum import shutil from os.path import splitext from datetime import date, datetime, timedelta, timezone from base64 import b64decode, b64encode, urlsafe_b64decode, urlsafe_b64encode import cbor2 # type: ignore import cose.algorithms # type: ignore import cose.keys.curves # type: ignore import cose.keys.keytype # type: ignore import requests import http.client import asn1crypto.cms # type: ignore from lxml.html import fromstring as parse_html # type: ignore from dateutil.parser import isoparse as parse_datetime from jose import jwt, jws, jwk from jose.backends.base import Key as JWKKey from base45 import b45decode # type: ignore from requests.exceptions import BaseHTTPError # type: ignore from requests.cookies import RequestsCookieJar # type: ignore from cose.headers import KID, Algorithm # type: ignore from cose.keys import CoseKey from cose.keys.curves import CoseCurve, P256, P384, P521 from cose.keys.keyops import VerifyOp # type: ignore from cose.keys.keyparam import KpAlg, EC2KpX, EC2KpY, EC2KpCurve, KpKty, RSAKpN, RSAKpE, KpKeyOps # type: ignore from cose.keys.keytype import KtyEC2, KtyRSA from cose.messages import CoseMessage, Sign1Message # type: ignore from cose.algorithms import Ps256, Es256 from cryptography import x509 from cryptography.x509 import load_der_x509_certificate, load_pem_x509_certificate, load_der_x509_crl, load_pem_x509_crl, Name, NameAttribute, Version, Extensions, Extension from cryptography.x509.extensions import AuthorityKeyIdentifier, CRLDistributionPoints, ExtensionNotFound, ExtendedKeyUsage, SubjectKeyIdentifier from cryptography.x509.name import _NAMEOID_TO_NAME from cryptography.x509.oid import NameOID, ObjectIdentifier, ExtensionOID # type: ignore from cryptography.exceptions import InvalidSignature from cryptography.hazmat.primitives import hashes from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.serialization import Encoding, PublicFormat, load_pem_public_key, load_der_public_key from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric import ec from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric.ec import EllipticCurvePublicKey, EllipticCurvePublicNumbers, ECDSA, SECP256R1, EllipticCurve from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric.rsa import RSAPublicKey, RSAPublicNumbers from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric.utils import encode_dss_signature from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric.padding import PKCS1v15 # based on: https://github.com/ehn-digital-green-development/ehn-sign-verify-python-trivial # Digital Green Certificate Gateway API SPEC: https://eu-digital-green-certificates.github.io/dgc-gateway/#/Trust%20Lists/downloadTrustList # But where is it hosted? # Extended Key Usage OIDs: VALID_FOR_TEST = ObjectIdentifier('') VALID_FOR_VACCINATION = ObjectIdentifier('') VALID_FOR_RECOVERY = ObjectIdentifier('') EXT_KEY_USAGE_NAMES: Dict[ObjectIdentifier, str] = { VALID_FOR_TEST: 'test', VALID_FOR_VACCINATION: 'vaccination', VALID_FOR_RECOVERY: 'recovery', # these are bugs in some X.509 certificates: ObjectIdentifier(''): 'test', ObjectIdentifier(''): 'vaccination', ObjectIdentifier(''): 'recovery', } EXT_KEY_USAGE_OIDS: Dict[str, ObjectIdentifier] = { 'test': VALID_FOR_TEST, 'vaccination': VALID_FOR_VACCINATION, 'recovery': VALID_FOR_RECOVERY, } FAIL_ON_ERROR = False WARNING_AS_ERROR = False # these would need parameters: 'blake2b', 'blake2s', 'sha512-224', 'sha512-256', 'shake256', 'shake128' HASH_ALGORITHMS: Dict[str, Type[hashes.HashAlgorithm]] = {} for attr_name in dir(hashes): attr = getattr(hashes, attr_name) if isinstance(attr, type): if isinstance(attr, type) and issubclass(attr, hashes.HashAlgorithm) and attr is not hashes.HashAlgorithm: HASH_ALGORITHMS[attr.name] = attr # type: ignore EPOCH = datetime(1970, 1, 1) CertList = Dict[bytes, x509.Certificate] JS_CERT_PATTERN = re.compile(r"'({[^-']*-----BEGIN[^']*)'") ESC = re.compile(r'\\x([0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F])') CURVE_NAME_IGNORE = re.compile(r'[-_ ]') MD_CERT_PATTERN = re.compile(r'(?Phttps://[^()\s]+)[^-:]*(?P-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----[^-]*-----END CERTIFICATE-----\r?\n?)') # https://tools.ietf.org/search/rfc4492#appendix-A COSE_CURVES: Dict[str, Type[CoseCurve]] = { 'secp256r1': P256, 'prime256v1': P256, 'secp384r1': P384, 'secp521r1': P521, } NIST_CURVES: Dict[str, Type[EllipticCurve]] = { 'K-163': ec.SECT163K1, 'B-163': ec.SECT163R2, 'K-233': ec.SECT233K1, 'B-233': ec.SECT233R1, 'K-283': ec.SECT283K1, 'B-283': ec.SECT283R1, 'K-409': ec.SECT409K1, 'B-409': ec.SECT409R1, 'K-571': ec.SECT571K1, 'B-571': ec.SECT571R1, 'P-192': ec.SECP192R1, 'P-224': ec.SECP224R1, 'P-256': ec.SECP256R1, 'P-384': ec.SECP384R1, 'P-521': ec.SECP521R1, } SECG_TO_NIST_CURVES: Dict[str, str] = {curve.name: name for name, curve in NIST_CURVES.items()} # type: ignore NAME_OIDS = {name: name_oid for name_oid, name in _NAMEOID_TO_NAME.items()} NAME_OIDS_COVID_PASS_VERIFIER = dict( postalCode = NameOID.POSTAL_CODE, street = NameOID.STREET_ADDRESS, organizationIdentifier = NameOID.ORGANIZATION_NAME, serialNumber = NameOID.SERIAL_NUMBER, ) NAME_OIDS_COVID_PASS_VERIFIER.update(NAME_OIDS) name = curve = None for name in dir(cose.keys.curves): if not name.startswith('_'): curve = getattr(cose.keys.curves, name) if curve is not CoseCurve and isinstance(curve, type) and issubclass(curve, CoseCurve) and curve.fullname != 'RESERVED': # type: ignore name = CURVE_NAME_IGNORE.sub('', curve.fullname).lower() # type: ignore COSE_CURVES[name] = curve del name, curve PREFIX = 'HC1:' PREFIX_NO = 'NO1:' # Norway CLAIM_NAMES = { 1: "Issuer", 6: "Issued At", 4: "Expires At", -260: "Health Claims", } DATETIME_CLAIMS = {6, 4} # This is an old test trust list, not current! It includes test public keys too! OLD_CERTS_URL_AT = 'https://dgc.a-sit.at/ehn/cert/listv2' OLD_SIGNS_URL_AT = 'https://dgc.a-sit.at/ehn/cert/sigv2' # Trust List used by Austrian greencheck app: CERTS_URL_AT_GREENCHECK = 'https://greencheck.gv.at/api/v2/masterdata' CERTS_URL_AT_PROD = 'https://dgc-trust.qr.gv.at/trustlist' SIGN_URL_AT_PROD = 'https://dgc-trust.qr.gv.at/trustlistsig' CERTS_URL_AT_TEST = 'https://dgc-trusttest.qr.gv.at/trustlist' SIGN_URL_AT_TEST = 'https://dgc-trusttest.qr.gv.at/trustlistsig' # only used for root kec extraction from greencheck JavaScript: ROOT_CERT_KEY_ID_AT = b'\xe0\x9f\xf7\x8f\x02R\x06\xb6' # See: https://github.com/Federal-Ministry-of-Health-AT/green-pass-overview # These root certs are copied from some presentation slides. # TODO: Link a proper source here once it becomes available? # # TODO: keep up to date # Last updated 05.08.2022 ROOT_CERT_AT_PROD = b'''\ -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- MIIB1DCCAXmgAwIBAgIKAYDcOWBmNxlPgDAKBggqhkjOPQQDAjBEMQswCQYDVQQG EwJBVDEPMA0GA1UECgwGQk1TR1BLMQwwCgYDVQQFEwMwMDIxFjAUBgNVBAMMDUFU IERHQyBDU0NBIDIwHhcNMjIwNTE5MTIwOTQ5WhcNMjMwNjE5MTIwOTQ5WjBFMQsw CQYDVQQGEwJBVDEPMA0GA1UECgwGQk1TR1BLMQ8wDQYDVQQFEwYwMDIwMDIxFDAS BgNVBAMMC0FUIERHQyBUTCAyMFkwEwYHKoZIzj0CAQYIKoZIzj0DAQcDQgAEl2tm d16CBHXwcBN0r1Uy+CmNW/b2V0BNP85y5N3JZeo/8l9ey/jIe5mol9fFcGTk9bCk 8zphVo0SreHa5aWrQKNSMFAwDgYDVR0PAQH/BAQDAgeAMB0GA1UdDgQWBBRTwp6d cDGcPUB6IwdDja/a3ncM0TAfBgNVHSMEGDAWgBQvWRbxO3tS9HatiMTvp8sD9Rwy wTAKBggqhkjOPQQDAgNJADBGAiEAleZ8CcLG4FK4kty+sN0APZmT6LfEE2kzznyV yEepU0gCIQCGaqJpOwPXBmgoOsehnJkA0+TZX8V2p1Bg/nqnuYqXFg== -----END CERTIFICATE----- ''' ROOT_CERT_AT_TEST = b'''\ -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- MIIB6zCCAZGgAwIBAgIKAYDM2HHZBVwwtTAKBggqhkjOPQQDAjBQMQswCQYDVQQG EwJBVDEPMA0GA1UECgwGQk1TR1BLMQowCAYDVQQLDAFRMQwwCgYDVQQFEwMwMDIx FjAUBgNVBAMMDUFUIERHQyBDU0NBIDIwHhcNMjIwNTE2MTIyOTM4WhcNMjMwNjE2 MTIyOTM4WjBRMQswCQYDVQQGEwJBVDEPMA0GA1UECgwGQk1TR1BLMQowCAYDVQQL DAFRMQ8wDQYDVQQFEwYwMDIwMDIxFDASBgNVBAMMC0FUIERHQyBUTCAyMFkwEwYH KoZIzj0CAQYIKoZIzj0DAQcDQgAE29KpT1eIKsy5Jx3J0xpPLW+fEBF7ma9943/j 4Z+o1TytLVok9cWjsdasWCS/zcRyAh7HBL+oyMWdFBOWENCQ76NSMFAwDgYDVR0P AQH/BAQDAgeAMB0GA1UdDgQWBBQYmsL5sXTdMCyW4UtP5BMxq+UAVzAfBgNVHSME GDAWgBRsSZFrO9SANI2CSK201pEayDltvTAKBggqhkjOPQQDAgNIADBFAiBToWg7 aGFDKcahC/dT/y5Fq1AQjQ0MyR5eZfydwzayNAIhAJwIWbWaF8bz6nIkoRrVgdf1 rgURIBDJ4WO02mZCVfLu -----END CERTIFICATE----- ''' # Trust List used by German Digitaler-Impfnachweis app: CERTS_URL_DE = 'https://de.dscg.ubirch.com/trustList/DSC/' PUBKEY_URL_DE = 'https://github.com/Digitaler-Impfnachweis/covpass-ios/raw/main/Certificates/PROD_RKI/CA/pubkey.pem' # Netherlands public keys: # (https://www.npkd.nl/csca-health.html) # https://verifier-api..coronacheck.nl/v4/verifier/public_keys # json containing a CMS (rfc5652) signature and a payload. Both base64 encoded. # The payload is a json dictionary of the domestic and international keys. The # later is an dictionary with the KID as a base64 encoded key and a subkjectPK # and keyUsage array with the allowed use. Typical decode is: # curl https://verifier-api.acc.coronacheck.nl/v4/verifier/public_keys |\ # jq -r .payload |\ # base64 -d |\ # jq .eu_keys CERTS_URL_NL = 'https://verifier-api.coronacheck.nl/v4/verifier/public_keys' ROOT_CERT_URL_NL = 'http://cert.pkioverheid.nl/EVRootCA.cer' # Keys from a French validation app (nothing official, just a hobby project by someone): # https://github.com/lovasoa/sanipasse/blob/master/src/assets/Digital_Green_Certificate_Signing_Keys.json # French trust list: # This requires the environment variable FR_TOKEN to be set to a bearer token that can be found in the TousAntiCovid Verif app. CERTS_URL_FR = 'https://portail.tacv.myservices-ingroupe.com/api/client/configuration/synchronisation/tacv' # Sweden (JOSE encoded): CERTS_URL_SE = 'https://dgcg.covidbevis.se/tp/trust-list' ROOT_CERT_URL_SE = 'https://dgcg.covidbevis.se/tp/cert' # See: https://github.com/DIGGSweden/dgc-trust/blob/main/specifications/trust-list.md # United Kingdom trust list: CERTS_URL_GB = 'https://covid-status.service.nhsx.nhs.uk/pubkeys/keys.json' # Italian trust list: CERTS_URL_IT = 'https://get.dgc.gov.it/v1/dgc/signercertificate/update' # Source: https://github.com/ministero-salute/dcc-utils/blob/master/examples/fetch_certificates.js CERTS_URL_COVID_PASS_VERIFIER = 'https://covid-pass-verifier.com/assets/certificates.json' # Norwegian trust list: CERTS_URL_NO = 'https://koronakontroll.nhn.no/v3/publickey' # Norwegian COVID-19 certificates seem to be based on the European Health Certificate but just with an 'NO1:' prefix. # https://harrisonsand.com/posts/covid-certificates/ # Switzerland: # See: https://github.com/cn-uofbasel/ch-dcc-keys ROOT_CERT_URL_CH = 'https://www.bit.admin.ch/dam/bit/en/dokumente/pki/scanning_center/swiss_governmentrootcaii.crt.download.crt/swiss_governmentrootcaii.crt' CERTS_URL_CH = 'https://www.cc.bit.admin.ch/trust/v1/keys/list' UPDATE_URL_CH = 'https://www.cc.bit.admin.ch/trust/v1/keys/updates?certFormat=ANDROID' USER_AGENT = os.getenv('USER_AGENT') or 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows) Firefox/90.0' # See also this thread: # https://github.com/eu-digital-green-certificates/dgc-participating-countries/issues/10 DEFAULT_NOT_VALID_BEFORE = datetime(1970, 1, 1) DEFAULT_NOT_VALID_AFTER = datetime(9999, 12, 31, 23, 59, 59, 999999) class HackCertificate(x509.Certificate): _public_key: Union[EllipticCurvePublicKey, RSAPublicKey] _issuer: Name _subject: Name _extensions: Extensions _not_valid_before: datetime _not_valid_after: datetime def __init__(self, public_key: Union[EllipticCurvePublicKey, RSAPublicKey], issuer: Optional[Name] = None, subject: Optional[Name] = None, not_valid_before: datetime = DEFAULT_NOT_VALID_BEFORE, not_valid_after: datetime = DEFAULT_NOT_VALID_AFTER, extensions: Optional[Extensions] = None, ): self._public_key = public_key self._issuer = issuer if issuer is not None else Name([]) self._subject = subject if subject is not None else Name([]) self._extensions = extensions if extensions is not None else Extensions([]) self._not_valid_before = not_valid_before self._not_valid_after = not_valid_after def fingerprint(self, algorithm: hashes.HashAlgorithm) -> bytes: raise NotImplementedError @property def extensions(self) -> Extensions: return self._extensions @property def signature(self) -> bytes: return b'' @property def tbs_certificate_bytes(self) -> bytes: return b'' @property def tbs_precertificate_bytes(self) -> bytes: return b'' def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool: if not isinstance(other, HackCertificate): return False return self.__as_tuple() == other.__as_tuple() def __ne__(self, other: object) -> bool: if not isinstance(other, HackCertificate): return True return self.__as_tuple() != other.__as_tuple() def __as_tuple(self) -> Tuple[Union[EllipticCurvePublicKey, RSAPublicKey], Name, Name, Extensions]: return (self._public_key, self._issuer, self._subject, self._extensions) def __hash__(self) -> int: return hash(self.__as_tuple()) @property def serial_number(self) -> int: return 0 @property def issuer(self) -> Name: return self._issuer @property def subject(self) -> Name: return self._subject @property def version(self) -> Version: return Version.v1 @property def signature_algorithm_oid(self) -> ObjectIdentifier: raise NotImplementedError @property def signature_hash_algorithm(self): raise NotImplementedError @property def not_valid_before(self) -> datetime: return self._not_valid_before @property def not_valid_after(self) -> datetime: return self._not_valid_after def public_key(self): return self._public_key def public_bytes(self, encoding: Encoding): raise NotImplementedError("cannot serialize certificate from public-key only") #return self._public_key.public_bytes(encoding, PublicFormat.SubjectPublicKeyInfo) def json_serial(obj: Any) -> str: """JSON serializer for objects not serializable by default json code""" if isinstance(obj, (datetime, date)): return obj.isoformat() raise TypeError(f"Type {type(obj)} not serializable") def load_ehc_certs(filename: str, check_kid: bool) -> CertList: with open(filename, 'rb') as stream: certs_cbor = stream.read() return load_ehc_certs_cbor(certs_cbor, filename, check_kid) def load_ehc_certs_cbor(cbor_data: bytes, source: str, check_kid: bool) -> CertList: certs_data = cbor2.loads(cbor_data) certs: CertList = {} for item in certs_data['c']: key_id = item.get('i') try: cert_data = item.get('c') if cert_data: cert = load_der_x509_certificate(cert_data) if check_kid: fingerprint = cert.fingerprint(hashes.SHA256()) if key_id != fingerprint[0:8]: raise ValueError(f'Key ID missmatch: {key_id.hex()} != {fingerprint[0:8].hex()}') else: pubkey_data = item['k'] pubkey = load_der_public_key(pubkey_data) issuer_dict = item.get('is') issuer = parse_json_relative_distinguished_name(issuer_dict) if issuer_dict is not None else Name([]) subject_dict = item.get('su') subject = parse_json_relative_distinguished_name(subject_dict) if subject_dict is not None else Name([]) nb = item.get('nb') not_valid_before = EPOCH + timedelta(seconds=nb) if nb is not None else DEFAULT_NOT_VALID_BEFORE na = item.get('na') not_valid_after = EPOCH + timedelta(seconds=na) if na is not None else DEFAULT_NOT_VALID_AFTER if isinstance(pubkey, (EllipticCurvePublicKey, RSAPublicKey)): cert = HackCertificate(pubkey, not_valid_before = not_valid_before, not_valid_after = not_valid_after, issuer = issuer, subject = subject, ) else: pubkey_type = type(pubkey) raise NotImplementedError(f'Unsupported public key type: {pubkey_type.__module__}.{pubkey_type.__name__}') if key_id in certs: print_warn(f'doubled key ID in {source} trust list, only using last: {format_key_id(key_id)}') except Exception as error: print_err(f'decoding {source} trust list entry {format_key_id(key_id)}: {error}') else: certs[key_id] = cert return certs def load_ehc_certs_pem(pem_data: bytes, source: str) -> CertList: certs: CertList = {} index = 0 while index < len(pem_data): while index < len(pem_data) and chr(pem_data[index]).isspace(): index += 1 if index >= len(pem_data): break if not pem_data.startswith(b'-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----', index): raise ValueError(f'decoding {source}: illegal file format') end_index = pem_data.find(b'-----END CERTIFICATE-----', index) if end_index < 0: raise ValueError(f'decoding {source}: illegal file format') end_index += len(b'-----END CERTIFICATE-----') cert = load_pem_x509_certificate(pem_data[index:end_index]) index = end_index fingerprint = cert.fingerprint(hashes.SHA256()) key_id = fingerprint[0:8] if key_id in certs: print_warn(f'doubled key ID in {source} trust list, only using last: {format_key_id(key_id)}') certs[key_id] = cert return certs def make_json_relative_distinguished_name(name: Name) -> Dict[str, str]: return {_NAMEOID_TO_NAME.get(attr.oid, attr.oid.dotted_string): attr.value for attr in reversed(list(name))} def parse_json_relative_distinguished_name(name_dict: Dict[str, str]) -> Name: name_attrs: List[NameAttribute] = [] for attr_type_str, attr_value in name_dict.items(): attr_type = NAME_OIDS.get(attr_type_str) or ObjectIdentifier(attr_type_str) name_attrs.append(NameAttribute(attr_type, attr_value)) return Name(name_attrs) def load_hack_certs_json(data: bytes, source: str) -> CertList: certs_dict = json.loads(data) certs: CertList = {} for key_id_hex, cert_dict in certs_dict['trustList'].items(): not_valid_before = parse_datetime(cert_dict['notValidBefore']) not_valid_after = parse_datetime(cert_dict['notValidAfter']) issuer = parse_json_relative_distinguished_name(cert_dict['issuer']) if 'issuer' in cert_dict else Name([]) subject = parse_json_relative_distinguished_name(cert_dict['subject']) if 'subject' in cert_dict else Name([]) pubkey_dict = cert_dict['publicKey'] usage = cert_dict.get('usage') exts: List[Extension] = [] if usage is not None: usage_oids: List[ObjectIdentifier] = [] for use in usage: oid = EXT_KEY_USAGE_OIDS[use] usage_oids.append(oid) exts.append(Extension(ExtensionOID.EXTENDED_KEY_USAGE, False, ExtendedKeyUsage(usage_oids))) extensions = Extensions(exts) key_id = urlsafe_b64decode_ignore_padding(pubkey_dict['kid']) key_type = pubkey_dict['kty'] if key_type == 'EC': curve_name = pubkey_dict['crv'] curve_type = NIST_CURVES.get(curve_name) if not curve_type: raise ValueError(f'unknown elliptic curve: {curve_name!r}') curve = curve_type() x_bytes = urlsafe_b64decode_ignore_padding(pubkey_dict['x']) y_bytes = urlsafe_b64decode_ignore_padding(pubkey_dict['y']) x = int.from_bytes(x_bytes, byteorder="big", signed=False) y = int.from_bytes(y_bytes, byteorder="big", signed=False) ec_pubkey = EllipticCurvePublicNumbers(x, y, curve).public_key() cert = HackCertificate(ec_pubkey, issuer, subject, not_valid_before, not_valid_after, extensions=extensions) if key_id in certs: print_warn(f'doubled key ID in {source} trust list, only using last: {format_key_id(key_id)}') certs[key_id] = cert elif key_type == 'RSA': e_bytes = urlsafe_b64decode_ignore_padding(pubkey_dict['e']) n_bytes = urlsafe_b64decode_ignore_padding(pubkey_dict['n']) e = int.from_bytes(e_bytes, byteorder="big", signed=False) n = int.from_bytes(n_bytes, byteorder="big", signed=False) rsa_pubkey = RSAPublicNumbers(e, n).public_key() cert = HackCertificate(rsa_pubkey, issuer, subject, not_valid_before, not_valid_after, extensions=extensions) if key_id in certs: print_warn(f'doubled key ID in {source} trust list, only using last: {format_key_id(key_id)}') certs[key_id] = cert else: print_err(f'decoding {source} trust list: illegal key type: {key_type!r}') return certs def print_err(msg: str) -> None: if FAIL_ON_ERROR: raise Exception(msg) else: # so that errors and normal output is correctly interleaved: sys.stdout.flush() print(f'ERROR: {msg}', file=sys.stderr) def print_warn(msg: str) -> None: if WARNING_AS_ERROR: print_err(msg) else: # so that errors and normal output is correctly interleaved: sys.stdout.flush() print(f'WARNING: {msg}', file=sys.stderr) def load_de_trust_list(data: bytes, pubkey: Optional[EllipticCurvePublicKey] = None, check_kid: bool = True) -> CertList: certs: CertList = {} sign_b64, body_json = data.split(b'\n', 1) sign = b64decode(sign_b64) body = json.loads(body_json) if pubkey is not None: r = int.from_bytes(sign[:len(sign)//2], byteorder="big", signed=False) s = int.from_bytes(sign[len(sign)//2:], byteorder="big", signed=False) sign_dds = encode_dss_signature(r, s) try: pubkey.verify(sign_dds, body_json, ECDSA(hashes.SHA256())) except InvalidSignature: raise ValueError(f'Invalid signature of DE trust list: {sign.hex()}') for cert in body['certificates']: try: key_id_b64 = cert['kid'] key_id = b64decode(key_id_b64) except Exception as error: print_err(f'decoding DE trust list entry {json.dumps(cert)}: {error}') else: try: country = cert['country'] cert_type = cert['certificateType'] if cert_type != 'DSC': raise ValueError(f'unknown certificateType {cert_type!r} (country={country}, kid={key_id.hex()}') raw_data = b64decode(cert['rawData']) cert = load_der_x509_certificate(raw_data) if check_kid: fingerprint = cert.fingerprint(hashes.SHA256()) if key_id != fingerprint[0:8]: raise ValueError(f'Key ID missmatch: {key_id.hex()} != {fingerprint[0:8].hex()}') if key_id in certs: print_warn(f'doubled key ID in DE trust list, only using last: {format_key_id(key_id)}') except Exception as error: print_err(f'decoding DE trust list entry {format_key_id(key_id)}: {error}') else: certs[key_id] = cert return certs def download_at_greencheck_certs(check_kid: bool) -> CertList: root_certs: Dict[bytes, x509.Certificate] cookies: Optional[RequestsCookieJar] = None try: root_certs, cookies = get_at_greencheck_root_certs_and_cookies() except (BaseHTTPError, ValueError, KeyError) as error: print_err(f'AT trust list error (NOT VALIDATING): {error}') root_certs = {} response = requests.get(CERTS_URL_AT_GREENCHECK, headers={ 'User-Agent': USER_AGENT, 'Accept': 'application/json', 'x-app-type': 'browser', 'x-app-version': '1.12', 'Sec-Fetch-Dest': 'empty', 'Sec-Fetch-Mode': 'cors', 'Sec-Fetch-Site': 'same-origin', 'Sec-GPC': '1', 'Cache-Control': 'max-age=0', }, cookies=cookies) response.raise_for_status() certs_json = json.loads(response.content)['trustList'] certs_cbor = b64decode(certs_json['trustListContent']) certs_sig = b64decode(certs_json['trustListSignature']) sig_msg = CoseMessage.decode(certs_sig) if not isinstance(sig_msg, Sign1Message): msg_type = type(sig_msg) raise TypeError(f'AT trust list: expected signature to be a Sign1 COSE message, but is: {msg_type.__module__}.{msg_type.__name__}') root_cert_key_id = sig_msg.phdr.get(KID) or sig_msg.uhdr[KID] root_cert: Optional[x509.Certificate] = root_certs.get(root_cert_key_id) if root_cert is not None: now = datetime.utcnow() if now < root_cert.not_valid_before: raise ValueError(f'AT trust list root certificate not yet valid: {now.isoformat()} < {root_cert.not_valid_before.isoformat()}') if now > root_cert.not_valid_after: raise ValueError(f'AT trust list root certificate already expired: {now.isoformat()} > {root_cert.not_valid_after.isoformat()}') sig_msg.key = cert_to_cose_key(root_cert) # type: ignore if not sig_msg.verify_signature(): # type: ignore raise ValueError(f'Invalid signature of AT trust list: {sig_msg.signature.hex()}') # type: ignore sig = cbor2.loads(sig_msg.payload) digest = hashlib.sha256(certs_cbor).digest() if sig[2] != digest: raise ValueError(f'Invalid hash of AT trust list. expected: {sig[2].hex()}, actual: {digest.hex()}') created_at = EPOCH + timedelta(seconds=sig[5]) # I guess? Or "not valid before"? expires_at = EPOCH + timedelta(seconds=sig[4]) if now > expires_at: raise ValueError(f'AT trust list already expired at {expires_at.isoformat()}') else: print_err(f'root certificate for AT trust list not found!') return load_ehc_certs_cbor(certs_cbor, 'AT', check_kid) def download_at_certs(check_kid: bool, test: bool = False, token: Optional[str] = None) -> CertList: # TODO: update to handle tokens once required #if token is None: # token = os.getenv('AT_TOKEN') # if token is None: # raise KeyError( # 'Required environment variable AT_TOKEN for AT trust list is not set. ' # 'Information about how to get a token will follow soon.') if test: certs_url = CERTS_URL_AT_TEST sign_url = SIGN_URL_AT_TEST root_cert = get_root_cert('AT-TEST') else: certs_url = CERTS_URL_AT_PROD sign_url = SIGN_URL_AT_PROD root_cert = get_root_cert('AT') response = requests.get(certs_url, headers={'User-Agent': USER_AGENT}) #response = requests.get(certs_url, headers={ # 'User-Agent': USER_AGENT, # 'Authorization': f'Bearer {token}', #}) response.raise_for_status() certs_cbor = response.content response = requests.get(sign_url, headers={'User-Agent': USER_AGENT}) #response = requests.get(sign_url, headers={ # 'User-Agent': USER_AGENT, # 'Authorization': f'Bearer {token}', #}) response.raise_for_status() certs_sig = response.content sig_msg = CoseMessage.decode(certs_sig) if not isinstance(sig_msg, Sign1Message): msg_type = type(sig_msg) raise TypeError(f'AT trust list: expected signature to be a Sign1 COSE message, but is: {msg_type.__module__}.{msg_type.__name__}') root_cert_key_id = sig_msg.phdr.get(KID) or sig_msg.uhdr[KID] key_id = root_cert.fingerprint(hashes.SHA256())[:8] if key_id != root_cert_key_id: raise ValueError(f'AT trust list root certificate key ID missmatch. {key_id.hex()} != {root_cert_key_id.hex()}') now = datetime.utcnow() if now < root_cert.not_valid_before: raise ValueError(f'AT trust list root certificate not yet valid: {now.isoformat()} < {root_cert.not_valid_before.isoformat()}') if now > root_cert.not_valid_after: raise ValueError(f'AT trust list root certificate already expired: {now.isoformat()} > {root_cert.not_valid_after.isoformat()}') sig_msg.key = cert_to_cose_key(root_cert) # type: ignore if not sig_msg.verify_signature(): # type: ignore raise ValueError(f'Invalid signature of AT trust list: {sig_msg.signature.hex()}') # type: ignore sig = cbor2.loads(sig_msg.payload) digest = hashlib.sha256(certs_cbor).digest() if sig[2] != digest: raise ValueError(f'Invalid hash of AT trust list. expected: {sig[2].hex()}, actual: {digest.hex()}') created_at = EPOCH + timedelta(seconds=sig[5]) # I guess? Or "not valid before"? expires_at = EPOCH + timedelta(seconds=sig[4]) if now > expires_at: raise ValueError(f'AT trust list already expired at {expires_at.isoformat()}') return load_ehc_certs_cbor(certs_cbor, 'AT', check_kid) def download_de_certs(check_kid: bool) -> CertList: response = requests.get(CERTS_URL_DE, headers={'User-Agent': USER_AGENT}) response.raise_for_status() certs_signed_json = response.content pubkey: Optional[EllipticCurvePublicKey] = None try: pubkey = get_root_cert('DE').public_key() # type: ignore except (BaseHTTPError, ValueError) as error: print_err(f'DE trust list error (NOT VALIDATING): {error}') return load_de_trust_list(certs_signed_json, pubkey, check_kid) def download_se_certs(check_kid: bool) -> CertList: certs: CertList = {} root_cert: Optional[x509.Certificate] = None try: root_cert = get_root_cert('SE') except (BaseHTTPError, ValueError) as error: print_err(f'SE trust list error (NOT VALIDATING): {error}') response = requests.get(CERTS_URL_SE, headers={'User-Agent': USER_AGENT}) response.raise_for_status() if root_cert is None: token = jwt.get_unverified_claims(response.content.decode(response.encoding or 'UTF-8')) else: token = load_jwt(response.content, root_cert, {'verify_aud': False}) for country, country_keys in token['dsc_trust_list'].items(): for entry in country_keys['keys']: key_id = b64decode(entry['kid']) for key_data in entry['x5c']: try: cert = load_der_x509_certificate(b64decode_ignore_padding(key_data)) if check_kid: fingerprint = cert.fingerprint(hashes.SHA256()) if key_id != fingerprint[0:8]: raise ValueError(f'Key ID missmatch: {key_id.hex()} != {fingerprint[0:8].hex()}') if key_id in certs: print_warn(f'doubled key ID in SE trust list, only using last: {format_key_id(key_id)}') except Exception as error: print_err(f'decoding SE trust list entry {format_key_id(key_id)}: {error}') else: certs[key_id] = cert return certs def download_covid_pass_verifier_certs(check_kid: bool) -> CertList: certs: CertList = {} response = requests.get(CERTS_URL_COVID_PASS_VERIFIER, headers={'User-Agent': USER_AGENT}) response.raise_for_status() certs_json = json.loads(response.content) for entry in certs_json: key_id = bytes(entry['kid']) cert_der = bytes(entry['crt']) if cert_der: try: cert = load_der_x509_certificate(cert_der) except Exception as error: print_err(f'decoding covid-pass-verifier.com trust list entry {format_key_id(key_id)}: {error}') else: if check_kid: fingerprint = cert.fingerprint(hashes.SHA256()) if key_id != fingerprint[0:8]: raise ValueError(f'Key ID missmatch: {key_id.hex()} != {fingerprint[0:8].hex()}') if key_id in certs: print_warn(f'doubled key ID in covid-pass-verifier.com trust list, only using last: {format_key_id(key_id)}') certs[key_id] = cert else: iss = entry.get('iss') if iss: issuer = Name([NameAttribute(NAME_OIDS_COVID_PASS_VERIFIER.get(key) or ObjectIdentifier(key), value) for key, value in iss.items()]) else: issuer = Name([]) sub = entry.get('sub') if sub: subject = Name([NameAttribute(NAME_OIDS_COVID_PASS_VERIFIER.get(key) or ObjectIdentifier(key), value) for key, value in sub.items()]) else: subject = Name([]) pub = entry['pub'] if 'x' in pub and 'y' in pub: # EC x_bytes = bytes(pub['x']) y_bytes = bytes(pub['y']) x = int.from_bytes(x_bytes, byteorder="big", signed=False) y = int.from_bytes(y_bytes, byteorder="big", signed=False) curve = SECP256R1() ec_pubkey = EllipticCurvePublicNumbers(x, y, curve).public_key() cert = HackCertificate(ec_pubkey, issuer, subject) if key_id in certs: print_warn(f'doubled key ID in covid-pass-verifier.com trust list, only using last: {format_key_id(key_id)}') certs[key_id] = cert elif 'n' in pub and 'e' in pub: # RSA e_bytes = bytes(pub['e']) n_bytes = bytes(pub['n']) e = int.from_bytes(e_bytes, byteorder="big", signed=False) n = int.from_bytes(n_bytes, byteorder="big", signed=False) rsa_pubkey = RSAPublicNumbers(e, n).public_key() cert = HackCertificate(rsa_pubkey, issuer, subject) if key_id in certs: print_warn(f'doubled key ID in covid-pass-verifier.com trust list, only using last: {format_key_id(key_id)}') certs[key_id] = cert else: print_err(f'decoding covid-pass-verifier.com trust list entry {format_key_id(key_id)}: no supported public key data found') return certs def download_fr_certs(check_kid: bool, token: Optional[str] = None) -> CertList: certs: CertList = {} if token is None: token = os.getenv('FR_TOKEN') if token is None: raise KeyError( 'Required environment variable FR_TOKEN for FR trust list is not set. ' 'You can get the value of the token from the TousAntiCovid Verif app. ' 'See token_lite at https://gitlab.inria.fr/tousanticovid-verif/tousanticovid-verif-ios/-/blob/master/Anticovid%20Verify/resources/prod/prod.plist') response = requests.get(CERTS_URL_FR, headers={ 'User-Agent': USER_AGENT, 'Authorization': f'Bearer {token}', }) response.raise_for_status() certs_json = json.loads(response.content) for key_id_b64, cert_b64 in certs_json['certificatesDCC'].items(): try: key_id = b64decode_ignore_padding(key_id_b64) except Exception as error: print_err(f'decoding FR trust list entry {key_id_b64}: {error}') else: try: cert_pem = b64decode(cert_b64) # Yes, they encode it twice! cert_der = b64decode(cert_pem) try: cert = load_der_x509_certificate(cert_der) except ValueError: cert = load_hack_certificate_from_der_public_key(cert_der) # HackCertificate.fingerprint() is not implemented else: if check_kid: fingerprint = cert.fingerprint(hashes.SHA256()) if key_id != fingerprint[0:8]: raise ValueError(f'Key ID missmatch: {key_id.hex()} != {fingerprint[0:8].hex()}') if key_id in certs: print_warn(f'doubled key ID in FR trust list, only using last: {format_key_id(key_id)}') except Exception as error: print_err(f'decoding FR trust list entry {format_key_id(key_id)}: {error}') else: certs[key_id] = cert return certs def build_trust_chain(certs: List[x509.Certificate]) -> Dict[bytes, x509.Certificate]: trustchain: Dict[bytes, x509.Certificate] = {} for cert in certs: subject_key_id: Extension[SubjectKeyIdentifier] = cert.extensions.get_extension_for_oid(ExtensionOID.SUBJECT_KEY_IDENTIFIER) # type: ignore trustchain[subject_key_id.value.digest] = cert return trustchain def verify_trust_chain(cert: x509.Certificate, trustchain: Dict[bytes, x509.Certificate], root_cert: x509.Certificate) -> bool: signed_cert: x509.Certificate = cert rsa_padding = PKCS1v15() root_subject_key_id_ext: Extension[SubjectKeyIdentifier] = root_cert.extensions.get_extension_for_oid(ExtensionOID.SUBJECT_KEY_IDENTIFIER) # type: ignore root_subject_key_id = root_subject_key_id_ext.value.digest visited: Set[bytes] = set() while signed_cert is not root_cert: auth_key_id_ext: Extension[AuthorityKeyIdentifier] = signed_cert.extensions.get_extension_for_oid(ExtensionOID.AUTHORITY_KEY_IDENTIFIER) # type: ignore auth_key_id = auth_key_id_ext.value.key_identifier if auth_key_id is None: raise ValueError(f'a certificate in the trust chain misses an authority key identifier') if auth_key_id in visited: raise ValueError('loop in trust chain detected') visited.add(auth_key_id) issuer_cert: Optional[x509.Certificate] if root_subject_key_id == auth_key_id: issuer_cert = root_cert else: issuer_cert = trustchain.get(auth_key_id) if issuer_cert == root_cert: # just to be sure that there is no trickery: issuer_cert = root_cert if issuer_cert is None: auth_key_id_str = ':'.join('%02X' % x for x in auth_key_id) fingerprint = signed_cert.fingerprint(hashes.SHA256()) fingerprint_str = ':'.join('%02X' % x for x in fingerprint) print_err(f'Could not verify signature of a certificate in the trust chain.\n' f'fingerprint: {fingerprint_str}\n' f'authority key ID: {auth_key_id_str}') return False pubkey = issuer_cert.public_key() try: if isinstance(pubkey, RSAPublicKey): pubkey.verify( signed_cert.signature, signed_cert.tbs_certificate_bytes, rsa_padding, signed_cert.signature_hash_algorithm, # type: ignore ) elif isinstance(pubkey, EllipticCurvePublicKey): pubkey.verify( signed_cert.signature, signed_cert.tbs_certificate_bytes, ECDSA(signed_cert.signature_hash_algorithm), # type: ignore ) else: pubkey_type = type(pubkey) raise NotImplementedError(f'Unsupported public key type: {pubkey_type.__module__}.{pubkey_type.__name__}') except InvalidSignature: try: subject_key_id_ext: Extension[SubjectKeyIdentifier] = signed_cert.extensions.get_extension_for_oid(ExtensionOID.SUBJECT_KEY_IDENTIFIER) # type: ignore subject_key_id = subject_key_id_ext.value.digest except ExtensionNotFound: subject_key_id_str = 'N/A' except ValueError as error: print_err(f'Parsing extended key usage: {error}') subject_key_id_str = 'N/A' else: subject_key_id_str = ':'.join('%02X' % x for x in subject_key_id) fingerprint = signed_cert.fingerprint(hashes.SHA256()) fingerprint_str = ':'.join('%02X' % x for x in fingerprint) print_err(f'Could not verify signature of a certificate in the trust chain.\n' f'fingerprint: {fingerprint_str}\n' f'subject key ID: {subject_key_id_str}') return False signed_cert = issuer_cert return True def verify_pkcs7_detached_signature(payload: bytes, signature: bytes, root_cert: x509.Certificate) -> bool: content_info = asn1crypto.cms.ContentInfo.load(signature) content = content_info['content'] # type: ignore cert_set = content['certificates'] certs: List[x509.Certificate] = [] for asn1cert in cert_set: if asn1cert.name == 'certificate': certs.append(load_der_x509_certificate(asn1cert.chosen.dump())) else: raise NotImplementedError(f'Certificate option in trust chain not supported: {asn1cert.name}') trustchain = build_trust_chain(certs) certs_by_serial: Optional[Dict[int, x509.Certificate]] = None for signer_info in content['signer_infos']: sid = signer_info['sid'] if sid.name == 'issuer_and_serial_number': if certs_by_serial is None: # lazily create this mapping only if needed certs_by_serial = {} for cert in certs: serial_number = cert.serial_number if serial_number in certs_by_serial: raise ValueError(f'Doubled serial number in trust chain: {serial_number}') certs_by_serial[serial_number] = cert serial_number = sid.chosen['serial_number'].native cert = certs_by_serial[serial_number] elif sid.name == 'subject_key_identifier': cert = trustchain[sid.chosen.native] else: return False if not verify_trust_chain(cert, trustchain, root_cert): return False pubkey = cert.public_key() digest_algo = signer_info['digest_algorithm']['algorithm'].native digest = hashlib.new(digest_algo, payload).digest() sig_algo = signer_info['signature_algorithm']['algorithm'].native signed_attrs = signer_info['signed_attrs'] # see: https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc5652#section-5.4 signed_data: Union[bytes, bytearray] if signed_attrs: has_message_digest = False for signed_attr in signed_attrs: if signed_attr['type'].native == 'message_digest': for msg_digest in signed_attr['values'].native: has_message_digest = True if digest != msg_digest: print_err(f'Payload digest missmatch.\n' f'expected: {msg_digest.hex()}\n' f'actual: {digest.hex()}') return False if not has_message_digest: raise ValueError(f'Message digest signed attribute is missing.') signed_attrs_bytes = bytearray(signed_attrs.dump()) #signed_attrs_bytes[0] = ASN1_SET | ASN1_CONSTRUCTED signed_attrs_bytes[0] = 0x11 | 0x20 signed_data = signed_attrs_bytes else: signed_data = payload sign = signer_info['signature'].native try: if isinstance(pubkey, RSAPublicKey): if sig_algo != 'rsassa_pkcs1v15': raise NotImplementedError(f'Unsupported signature algorithm: {sig_algo}') pubkey.verify( sign, signed_data, PKCS1v15(), HASH_ALGORITHMS[digest_algo](), # type: ignore ) elif isinstance(pubkey, EllipticCurvePublicKey): pubkey.verify( sign, signed_data, ECDSA(HASH_ALGORITHMS[digest_algo]()), ) else: pubkey_type = type(pubkey) raise NotImplementedError(f'Unsupported public key type: {pubkey_type.__module__}.{pubkey_type.__name__}') except InvalidSignature: return False return True def download_nl_certs(check_kid: bool, token: Optional[str] = None) -> CertList: # Fetch the root certificate for the Netherlands; used to secure the # trust list. Non fatal error if this fails. root_cert: Optional[x509.Certificate] = None try: root_cert = get_root_cert('NL') except (BaseHTTPError, ValueError) as error: print_err(f'NL trust list error (NOT VALIDATING): {error}') certs: CertList = {} response = requests.get(CERTS_URL_NL, headers={'User-Agent': USER_AGENT}) response.raise_for_status() certs_json = json.loads(response.content) payload = b64decode(certs_json['payload']) if root_cert is not None: # Signature is a CMS (rfc5652) detached signature of the payload. # The certificate chain in this pkcs#7 signature rolls up to the # rootkey of the Kingdom of the Netherlands (https://www.pkioverheid.nl) # signature = b64decode(certs_json['signature']) try: valid = verify_pkcs7_detached_signature(payload, signature, root_cert) except (NotImplementedError, ValueError) as error: print_err(f'NL trust list error (NOT VALIDATING): {error}') else: if not valid: raise ValueError(f'Invalid signature of NL trust list: {signature.hex()}') payload_dict = json.loads(payload) # We ignore the 'nl_keys' - these are for the domestic QR codes; which are # privacy preserving C.L. signature based to allow for unlinkability as to # prevent tracking/surveilance. # for key_id_b64, pubkeys in payload_dict['eu_keys'].items(): try: key_id = b64decode(key_id_b64) except Exception as error: print_err(f'decoding NL trust list entry {key_id_b64}: {error}') else: try: for entry in pubkeys: try: # XXX: Why is subjectPk an array? How can there be more than one key to a key ID? pubkey_der = b64decode(entry['subjectPk']) # entry['keyUsage'] is array of 't' or 'v' or 'r' cert = load_hack_certificate_from_der_public_key(pubkey_der) if key_id in certs: print_warn(f'doubled key ID in NL trust list, only using last: {format_key_id(key_id)}') except Exception as error: print_err(f'decoding NL trust list entry {format_key_id(key_id)}: {error}') else: certs[key_id] = cert except Exception as error: print_err(f'decoding NL trust list entry {format_key_id(key_id)}: {error}') return certs CH_USER_AGENT = 'ch.admin.bag.covidcertificate.wallet;2.1.1;1626211804080;Android;28' def get_ch_token() -> str: token = os.getenv('CH_TOKEN') if token is None: raise KeyError( "Required environment variable CH_TOKEN for CH trust list is not set. " "You can get the value of the token from the BIT's Android CovidCertificate app APK.") return token def download_ch_certs(check_kid: bool, token: Optional[str] = None) -> CertList: if token is None: token = get_ch_token() root_cert: Optional[x509.Certificate] = None try: root_cert = get_root_cert('CH') except (BaseHTTPError, ValueError) as error: print_err(f'CH trust list error (NOT VALIDATING): {error}') response = requests.get(CERTS_URL_CH, headers={ 'User-Agent': CH_USER_AGENT, 'Accept': 'application/json+jws', 'Accept-Encoding': 'gzip', 'Authorization': f'Bearer {token}', }) response.raise_for_status() if root_cert is None: certs_token = jwt.get_unverified_claims(response.content.decode(response.encoding or 'UTF-8')) else: certs_token = load_jwt(response.content, root_cert) active_key_ids_b64 = certs_token['activeKeyIds'] active_key_ids = frozenset(b64decode(key_id_b64) for key_id_b64 in active_key_ids_b64) response = requests.get(UPDATE_URL_CH, headers={ 'User-Agent': CH_USER_AGENT, 'Accept': 'application/json+jws', 'Accept-Encoding': 'gzip', 'Authorization': f'Bearer {token}', }) response.raise_for_status() if root_cert is None: update_token = jwt.get_unverified_claims(response.content.decode(response.encoding or 'UTF-8')) else: update_token = load_jwt(response.content, root_cert) pubkeys: List[Dict[str, Optional[str]]] = update_token['certs'] certs: CertList = {} for pub in pubkeys: try: key_id = b64decode(pub['keyId']) # type: ignore except Exception as error: print_err(f'decoding CH trust list entry {json.dumps(pub)}: {error}') else: try: if key_id in active_key_ids: alg = pub['alg'] usage: str = pub.get('use', 'tvr') # type: ignore usages: List[ObjectIdentifier] = [] if usage != 'sig': if 't' in usage: usages.append(VALID_FOR_TEST) if 'v' in usage: usages.append(VALID_FOR_VACCINATION) if 'r' in usage: usages.append(VALID_FOR_RECOVERY) exts: List[Extension] = [] if usages: exts.append(Extension(ExtensionOID.EXTENDED_KEY_USAGE, False, ExtendedKeyUsage(usages))) extensions = Extensions(exts) if alg == 'ES256': # EC x_bytes = b64decode(pub['x']) # type: ignore y_bytes = b64decode(pub['y']) # type: ignore x = int.from_bytes(x_bytes, byteorder="big", signed=False) y = int.from_bytes(y_bytes, byteorder="big", signed=False) crv: str = pub['crv'] # type: ignore curve = NIST_CURVES[crv]() ec_pubkey = EllipticCurvePublicNumbers(x, y, curve).public_key() cert = HackCertificate(ec_pubkey, extensions=extensions) elif alg == 'RS256': # RSA e_bytes = b64decode(pub['e']) # type: ignore n_bytes = b64decode(pub['n']) # type: ignore e = int.from_bytes(e_bytes, byteorder="big", signed=False) n = int.from_bytes(n_bytes, byteorder="big", signed=False) rsa_pubkey = RSAPublicNumbers(e, n).public_key() cert = HackCertificate(rsa_pubkey, extensions=extensions) else: raise NotImplementedError(f'algorithm not supported: {alg!r}') if key_id in certs: print_warn(f'doubled key ID in CH trust list, only using last: {format_key_id(key_id)}') certs[key_id] = cert except Exception as error: print_err(f'decoding CH trust list entry {format_key_id(key_id)}: {error}') return certs def download_no_certs(check_kid: bool, token: Optional[str] = None) -> CertList: NO_USER_AGENT = 'FHICORC/38357 CFNetwork/1240.0.4 Darwin/20.5.0' if token is None: token = os.getenv('NO_TOKEN') if token is None: raise KeyError( "Required environment variable NO_TOKEN for NO trust list is not set. " "You can get the value of the token from the Kontroll av koronasertifikat app APK.") response = requests.get(CERTS_URL_NO, headers={ 'User-Agent': NO_USER_AGENT, 'Authorization': token, }) response.raise_for_status() certs: CertList = {} # TODO: find out if there is some sort of root cert to verify the trust list? certs_json = json.loads(response.content) for entry in certs_json: key_id = b64decode(entry['kid']) pubkey_der = b64decode(entry['publicKey']) cert = load_hack_certificate_from_der_public_key(pubkey_der) if key_id in certs: print_warn(f'doubled key ID in NO trust list, only using last: {format_key_id(key_id)}') certs[key_id] = cert return certs def download_gb_certs(check_kid: bool) -> CertList: response = requests.get(CERTS_URL_GB, headers={'User-Agent': USER_AGENT}) response.raise_for_status() certs: CertList = {} # TODO: find out if there is some sort of root cert to verify the trust list? md5_b64 = response.headers.get('content-md5') if md5_b64 is not None: expected_md5 = b64decode(md5_b64) actual_md5 = hashlib.md5(response.content).digest() if expected_md5 != actual_md5: raise ValueError(f'MD5 sum missmatch of GB trust list: expected: {expected_md5.hex()}, actual: {actual_md5.hex()}') certs_json = json.loads(response.content) for entry in certs_json: key_id = b64decode(entry['kid']) pubkey_der = b64decode(entry['publicKey']) cert = load_hack_certificate_from_der_public_key( pubkey_der, Name([NameAttribute(NameOID.COUNTRY_NAME, 'GB')]), Name([NameAttribute(NameOID.COUNTRY_NAME, 'GB')]), ) if key_id in certs: print_warn(f'doubled key ID in GB trust list, only using last: {format_key_id(key_id)}') certs[key_id] = cert return certs def download_it_certs(check_kid: bool) -> CertList: certs: CertList = {} resume_token = None while True: headers: Dict[str, str] = {'User-Agent': USER_AGENT} if resume_token: headers['X-RESUME-TOKEN'] = resume_token response = requests.get(CERTS_URL_IT, headers=headers) if response.status_code == 204: break response.raise_for_status() key_id: Optional[bytes] = None try: key_id = b64decode(response.headers['x-kid']) cert = load_der_x509_certificate(b64decode(response.content)) if check_kid: fingerprint = cert.fingerprint(hashes.SHA256()) if key_id != fingerprint[0:8]: raise ValueError(f'Key ID missmatch: {key_id.hex()} != {fingerprint[0:8].hex()}') if key_id in certs: print_warn(f'doubled key ID in IT trust list, only using last: {format_key_id(key_id)}') except Exception as error: print_err(f'decoding IT trust list entry {format_key_id(key_id) if key_id is not None else "(invalid or missing x-kid header)"}: {error}') else: certs[key_id] = cert resume_token = response.headers.get('x-resume-token') if not resume_token: break return certs DOWNLOADERS: Dict[str, Callable[[bool], CertList]] = { 'AT-GREENCHECK': download_at_greencheck_certs, 'AT': download_at_certs, 'AT-TEST': lambda check_kid: download_at_certs(check_kid, test=True), 'CH': download_ch_certs, 'DE': download_de_certs, 'FR': download_fr_certs, 'GB': download_gb_certs, 'IT': download_it_certs, 'NL': download_nl_certs, 'NO': download_no_certs, 'SE': download_se_certs, 'UK': download_gb_certs, # alias 'COVID-PASS-VERIFIER': download_covid_pass_verifier_certs, } def download_ehc_certs(sources: List[str], check_kid: bool, certs_table: Dict[str, CertList] = {}) -> CertList: certs: CertList = {} get_downloader = DOWNLOADERS.get for source in sources: source_certs = certs_table.get(source) if source_certs is not None: certs.update(source_certs) else: downloader = get_downloader(source) if downloader is None: raise ValueError(f'Unknown trust list source: {source}') certs.update(downloader(check_kid)) return certs def get_at_greencheck_root_cert(root_cert_key_id: bytes = ROOT_CERT_KEY_ID_AT) -> x509.Certificate: root_certs, _cookies = get_at_greencheck_root_certs_and_cookies() root_cert = root_certs.get(root_cert_key_id) if root_cert is None: raise KeyError(f'AT certificate with key ID {format_key_id(root_cert_key_id)} not found!') return root_cert def get_at_greencheck_root_certs_and_cookies() -> Tuple[Dict[bytes, x509.Certificate], RequestsCookieJar]: # TODO: Find out another place where to get the AT root certificate from. # This gets it from the same server as the trust list itself, which is suboptimal. response = requests.get('https://greencheck.gv.at/', headers={'User-Agent': USER_AGENT}) response.raise_for_status() cookies = response.cookies doc = parse_html(response.content.decode(response.encoding or 'UTF-8')) root_certs: Dict[bytes, x509.Certificate] = {} for script in doc.xpath('//script'): src = script.attrib.get('src') if src and src.startswith('/static/js/main.') and src.endswith('.chunk.js'): response = requests.get(f'https://greencheck.gv.at{src}', headers={'User-Agent': USER_AGENT}, cookies=cookies) status_code = response.status_code if status_code < 200 or status_code >= 300: print_err(f'https://greencheck.gv.at{src} {status_code} {http.client.responses.get(status_code, "")}') else: source = response.content.decode(response.encoding or 'UTF-8') match = JS_CERT_PATTERN.search(source) if match: certs_pems_js = match.group(1) certs_pems_js = ESC.sub(lambda match: chr(int(match[1], 16)), certs_pems_js) for meta_cert_key, meta_cert_src in json.loads(certs_pems_js).items(): meta_cert = load_pem_x509_certificate(meta_cert_src.encode()) key_id = meta_cert.fingerprint(hashes.SHA256())[:8] root_certs[key_id] = meta_cert return root_certs, cookies def get_at_github_root_cert(test: bool = False) -> x509.Certificate: response = requests.get('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Federal-Ministry-of-Health-AT/green-pass-overview/main/README.md', headers={'User-Agent': USER_AGENT}) response.raise_for_status() text = response.content.decode(response.encoding or 'UTF-8') certs: Dict[str, x509.Certificate] = {} for url, cert_data in MD_CERT_PATTERN.findall(text): cert = load_pem_x509_certificate(cert_data.encode('UTF-8')) certs[url] = cert if test: res_cert = certs.get('https://dgc-trusttest.qr.gv.at') or certs.get('https://dgc-trusttest.gv.at') else: res_cert = certs.get('https://dgc-trust.qr.gv.at') if res_cert is None: raise KeyError(f'AT {"testing" if test else "production"} root certificate not found!') return res_cert def get_at_root_cert() -> x509.Certificate: return load_pem_x509_certificate(ROOT_CERT_AT_PROD) def get_at_test_root_cert() -> x509.Certificate: return load_pem_x509_certificate(ROOT_CERT_AT_TEST) def get_de_root_pubkey() -> EllipticCurvePublicKey: response = requests.get(PUBKEY_URL_DE, headers={'User-Agent': USER_AGENT}) response.raise_for_status() pubkey = load_pem_public_key(response.content) if not isinstance(pubkey, EllipticCurvePublicKey): pubkey_type = type(pubkey) raise ValueError(f'{PUBKEY_URL_DE} is expected to be an EllipticCurvePublicKey but actually is {pubkey_type.__module__}.{pubkey_type.__name__}') return pubkey def get_de_root_cert() -> x509.Certificate: return HackCertificate(get_de_root_pubkey()) def get_nl_root_cert() -> x509.Certificate: response = requests.get(ROOT_CERT_URL_NL, headers={'User-Agent': USER_AGENT}) response.raise_for_status() return load_der_x509_certificate(response.content) def get_se_root_cert() -> x509.Certificate: response = requests.get(ROOT_CERT_URL_SE, headers={'User-Agent': USER_AGENT}) response.raise_for_status() return load_pem_x509_certificate(response.content) def get_ch_root_cert(token: Optional[str] = None) -> x509.Certificate: if token is None: token = get_ch_token() response = requests.get(ROOT_CERT_URL_CH, headers={ 'User-Agent': CH_USER_AGENT, 'Accept': 'application/json+jws', 'Accept-Encoding': 'gzip', 'Authorization': f'Bearer {token}', }) response.raise_for_status() return load_pem_x509_certificate(response.content) ROOT_CERT_DOWNLOADERS: Dict[str, Callable[[], x509.Certificate]] = { 'AT-GREENCHECK': get_at_greencheck_root_cert, 'AT': get_at_root_cert, 'AT-TEST': get_at_test_root_cert, 'AT-GITHUB': get_at_github_root_cert, 'AT-TEST-GITHUB': lambda: get_at_github_root_cert(test=True), 'DE': get_de_root_cert, # actually just a public key 'NL': get_nl_root_cert, 'SE': get_se_root_cert, 'CH': get_ch_root_cert, } def get_root_cert(source: str) -> x509.Certificate: envvar = f'{source.replace("-", "_")}_ROOT_CERT' value = os.getenv(envvar) if value is None: return ROOT_CERT_DOWNLOADERS[source]() if value.startswith('-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----'): return load_pem_x509_certificate(value.encode()) elif value.startswith('-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----'): pubkey = load_pem_public_key(value.encode()) if not isinstance(pubkey, (EllipticCurvePublicKey, RSAPublicKey)): pubkey_type = type(pubkey) raise ValueError(f'expected EllipticCurvePublicKey or RSAPublicKey but actually got {pubkey_type.__module__}.{pubkey_type.__name__}') return HackCertificate(pubkey) with open(value, "rb") as fp: data = fp.read() if data.startswith(b'-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----'): return load_pem_x509_certificate(data) elif data.startswith(b'-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----'): pubkey = load_pem_public_key(data) if not isinstance(pubkey, (EllipticCurvePublicKey, RSAPublicKey)): pubkey_type = type(pubkey) raise ValueError(f'expected EllipticCurvePublicKey or RSAPublicKey but actually got {pubkey_type.__module__}.{pubkey_type.__name__}') return HackCertificate(pubkey) else: return load_der_x509_certificate(data) def get_default_root_cert_filename(source: str) -> str: envvar = f'{source.replace("-", "_")}_ROOT_CERT' value = os.getenv(envvar) if value is not None and \ not value.startswith('-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----') and \ not value.startswith('-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----'): return value return f'{source}.pem' def save_cert(cert: x509.Certificate, filename: str) -> None: _, ext = splitext(filename) ext = ext.lower() if ext == '.pem': encoding = Encoding.PEM else: encoding = Encoding.DER try: data = cert.public_bytes(encoding) except NotImplementedError: data = cert.public_key().public_bytes(encoding, PublicFormat.SubjectPublicKeyInfo) with open(filename, 'wb') as fp: fp.write(data) def load_jwt(token: bytes, root_cert: x509.Certificate, options: Optional[Dict[str, bool]] = None) -> Dict[str, Any]: header = jws.get_unverified_header(token) # type: ignore trustchain = [x509.load_der_x509_certificate(b64decode(cert_b64)) for cert_b64 in header['x5c']] trustchain.append(root_cert) rsa_padding = PKCS1v15() for index in range(len(trustchain) - 1): signed_cert = trustchain[index] issuer_cert = trustchain[index + 1] pubkey = issuer_cert.public_key() if isinstance(pubkey, RSAPublicKey): assert signed_cert.signature_hash_algorithm is not None pubkey.verify( signed_cert.signature, signed_cert.tbs_certificate_bytes, rsa_padding, signed_cert.signature_hash_algorithm ) elif isinstance(pubkey, EllipticCurvePublicKey): assert signed_cert.signature_hash_algorithm is not None pubkey.verify( signed_cert.signature, signed_cert.tbs_certificate_bytes, ECDSA(signed_cert.signature_hash_algorithm) ) else: pubkey_type = type(pubkey) raise NotImplementedError(f'Unsupported public key type: {pubkey_type.__module__}.{pubkey_type.__name__}') pubkey = trustchain[0].public_key() sigkey: JWKKey if isinstance(pubkey, RSAPublicKey): rsa_pn = pubkey.public_numbers() e = rsa_pn.e.to_bytes((rsa_pn.e.bit_length() + 7) // 8, byteorder='big') n = rsa_pn.n.to_bytes((rsa_pn.n.bit_length() + 7) // 8, byteorder='big') sigkey = jwk.construct({ 'kty': 'RSA', 'alg': 'RS256', 'e': b64encode(e), 'n': b64encode(n), }) elif isinstance(pubkey, EllipticCurvePublicKey): ec_pn = pubkey.public_numbers() size = pubkey.curve.key_size // 8 x = ec_pn.x.to_bytes(size, byteorder="big") y = ec_pn.y.to_bytes(size, byteorder="big") sigkey = jwk.construct({ 'kty': 'EC', 'alg': 'ES256', 'crv': SECG_TO_NIST_CURVES.get(pubkey.curve.name, pubkey.curve.name), 'x': b64encode(x), 'y': b64encode(y), }) else: pubkey_type = type(pubkey) raise NotImplementedError(f'Unsupported public key type: {pubkey_type.__module__}.{pubkey_type.__name__}') return jwt.decode(token, key=sigkey, options=options) def load_hack_certificate_from_der_public_key(data: bytes, issuer: Optional[Name] = None, subject: Optional[Name] = None, not_valid_before: datetime = DEFAULT_NOT_VALID_BEFORE, not_valid_after: datetime = DEFAULT_NOT_VALID_AFTER, ) -> HackCertificate: pubkey = load_der_public_key(data) if isinstance(pubkey, EllipticCurvePublicKey): return HackCertificate(pubkey, issuer, subject, not_valid_before, not_valid_after) elif isinstance(pubkey, RSAPublicKey): return HackCertificate(pubkey, issuer, subject, not_valid_before, not_valid_after) else: pubkey_type = type(pubkey) raise NotImplementedError(f'Unsupported public key type: {pubkey_type.__module__}.{pubkey_type.__name__}') def b64decode_ignore_padding(b64str: str) -> bytes: return b64decode(b64str + "=" * ((4 - len(b64str) % 4) % 4)) def urlsafe_b64decode_ignore_padding(b64str: str) -> bytes: return urlsafe_b64decode(b64str + "=" * ((4 - len(b64str) % 4) % 4)) def decode_ehc(b45_data: str) -> CoseMessage: if b45_data.startswith(PREFIX): b45_data = b45_data[len(PREFIX):] elif b45_data.startswith(PREFIX_NO): b45_data = b45_data[len(PREFIX_NO):] try: data = b45decode(b45_data) except ValueError: print(b45_data) raise ValueError(f'Invalid base45 string. Try with single quotes.') from None if data.startswith(b'x'): data = zlib.decompress(data) msg: CoseMessage = CoseMessage.decode(data) return msg def format_key_id(key_id: bytes) -> str: key_id_hex = key_id.hex() key_id_b64 = b64encode(key_id).decode("ASCII") if all(byte >= 0x21 and byte <= 0x7E for byte in key_id): return f'{key_id_hex} / {key_id_b64} / {key_id.decode("ASCII")}' return f'{key_id_hex} / {key_id_b64}' def verify_ehc(msg: CoseMessage, issued_at: datetime, certs: CertList, print_exts: bool = False) -> bool: cose_algo = msg.phdr.get(Algorithm) or msg.uhdr.get(Algorithm) print(f'COSE Sig. Algo.: {cose_algo.fullname if cose_algo is not None else "N/A"}') if isinstance(msg, Sign1Message): print(f'Signature : {b64encode(msg.signature).decode("ASCII")}') # type: ignore # TODO: Should we allow (or warn about) key IDs from the unprotected header? # I mean, as long as the actual key it referres to is valid # (i.e. is in the trust list) it shouldn't matter, right? key_id = msg.phdr.get(KID) or msg.uhdr[KID] cert = certs.get(key_id) # XXX: is this correct? is it not two levels of signed certificates? if not cert: raise KeyError(f'Key ID not found in trust list: {key_id.hex()}') print('X.509 Certificate:') print_cert(key_id, cert, print_exts, indent=' ') cert_expired = False if cert.not_valid_before is not None and issued_at < cert.not_valid_before: cert_expired = True if cert.not_valid_after is not None and issued_at > cert.not_valid_after: cert_expired = True print(f' Cert Expired : {cert_expired}') revoked_cert = get_revoked_cert(key_id, cert) if revoked_cert: print(f'Cert Revoked At: {revoked_cert.revocation_date.isoformat()}') revoked = True else: revoked = False msg.key = cert_to_cose_key(cert) # type: ignore valid = msg.verify_signature() # type: ignore usage = get_key_usage(cert) ehc_payload = cbor2.loads(msg.payload) ehc = ehc_payload[-260][1] usage_valid = True if 'v' in ehc and 'vaccination' not in usage: usage_valid = False if 't' in ehc and 'test' not in usage: usage_valid = False if 'r' in ehc and 'recovery' not in usage: usage_valid = False print(f'Valid Key Usage: {usage_valid}') print(f'Signature Valid: {valid}') return valid and not cert_expired and not revoked and usage_valid def cert_to_cose_key(cert: x509.Certificate) -> CoseKey: pk = cert.public_key() if isinstance(pk, EllipticCurvePublicKey): ec_pn = pk.public_numbers() size = pk.curve.key_size // 8 x = ec_pn.x.to_bytes(size, byteorder="big") y = ec_pn.y.to_bytes(size, byteorder="big") curve_name = CURVE_NAME_IGNORE.sub('', pk.curve.name).lower() curve = COSE_CURVES.get(curve_name) if not curve: raise NotImplementedError(f'Unsupported curve: {pk.curve.name}') return CoseKey.from_dict( { KpKeyOps: [VerifyOp], KpKty: KtyEC2, EC2KpCurve: curve, KpAlg: Es256, EC2KpX: x, EC2KpY: y, } ) elif isinstance(pk, RSAPublicKey): rsa_pn = pk.public_numbers() e = rsa_pn.e.to_bytes((rsa_pn.e.bit_length() + 7) // 8, byteorder='big') n = rsa_pn.n.to_bytes((rsa_pn.n.bit_length() + 7) // 8, byteorder='big') return CoseKey.from_dict( { KpKeyOps: [VerifyOp], KpKty: KtyRSA, KpAlg: Ps256, RSAKpE: e, RSAKpN: n, } ) #elif isinstance(pk, DSAPublicKey): # dsa_pn = pk.public_numbers() # return CoseKey.from_dict( # { # # ??? # } # ) else: pk_type = type(pk) raise NotImplementedError(f'Unsupported public key type: {pk_type.__module__}.{pk_type.__name__}') crl_status: Dict[str, int] = {} crls: Dict[str, x509.CertificateRevocationList] = {} def get_cached_crl(uri: str) -> x509.CertificateRevocationList: crl = crls.get(uri) if crl is not None: return crl status_code = crl_status.get(uri) if status_code is not None: raise ValueError(f'{uri} {status_code} {http.client.responses.get(status_code, "")}') response = requests.get(uri, headers={'User-Agent': USER_AGENT}) status_code = response.status_code crl_status[uri] = status_code if response.status_code >= 400 and response.status_code < 600: raise ValueError(f'{uri} {status_code} {http.client.responses.get(status_code, "")}') crl_bytes = response.content if crl_bytes.startswith(b'-----BEGIN'): crl = load_pem_x509_crl(crl_bytes) else: crl = load_der_x509_crl(crl_bytes) crls[uri] = crl return crl def get_revoked_cert(key_id: bytes, cert: x509.Certificate) -> Optional[x509.RevokedCertificate]: try: crl_points_ext: Extension[CRLDistributionPoints] = cert.extensions.get_extension_for_oid(ExtensionOID.CRL_DISTRIBUTION_POINTS) # type: ignore except ExtensionNotFound: pass except ValueError as error: print_err(f'parsing CRL distribution points of key {format_key_id(key_id)}: {error}') else: crl_points = crl_points_ext.value for crl_point in crl_points: uris = crl_point.full_name if uris: for uri in uris: lower_uri = uri.value.lower() if lower_uri.startswith('http:') or lower_uri.startswith('https:'): try: crl = get_cached_crl(uri.value) except Exception as error: print_err(f'loading revokation list of key {format_key_id(key_id)}: {uri.value} {error}') else: return crl.get_revoked_certificate_by_serial_number(cert.serial_number) return None ENV_COMMENT = re.compile(r'^\s*(?:#.*)?$') ENV_VAR = re.compile(r'^\s*(?P[0-9_a-zA-Z]+)\s*=\s*(?:"(?P(?:[^"\\]|\\["nrt\\])*)"\s*|(?P[^#"]*))(?:#.*)?$') ENV_QUOTE = re.compile(r'\\(.)') ENV_ESC = { '\\': '\\', '"': '"', 'n': '\n', 'r': '\r', 't': '\t', } def parse_env(data: str) -> Dict[str, str]: env: Dict[str, str] = {} for index, line in enumerate(data.split('\n')): if not ENV_COMMENT.match(line): match = ENV_VAR.match(line) if not match: raise SyntaxError(f'in .env file: {line}') key: str = match.group('key') # type: ignore quoted: Optional[str] = match.group('quoted') value: str if quoted is not None: value = ENV_QUOTE.sub(lambda m: ENV_ESC[m.group(1)], quoted) # type: ignore else: value = match.group('plain') # type: ignore env[key] = value return env def save_certs(certs: CertList, certs_path: str, allow_public_key_only: bool = False) -> None: ext = splitext(certs_path)[1] lower_ext = ext.lower() if lower_ext == '.json': from jwcrypto.jwk import JWK # type: ignore # JSON that includes all info in a format as needed by WebCrypto, I hope certs_json = {} for key_id, cert in certs.items(): pubkey = cert.public_key() pubkey_jwk = JWK.from_pyca(pubkey) pubkey_json = pubkey_jwk.export(as_dict=True, private_key=False) assert isinstance(pubkey_json, dict) pubkey_json['key_ops'] = ['verify'] # not sure about this: pubkey_json['kid'] = urlsafe_b64encode(key_id).decode('ASCII') # even less sure about this: if pubkey_json['kty'] == 'EC': algo = { 'name': 'ECDSA', 'namedCurve': pubkey_json['crv'], 'hash': {'name': "SHA-256"}, } else: algo = { 'name': 'RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5', 'hash': {'name': "SHA-256"}, } cert_json = { 'issuer': make_json_relative_distinguished_name(cert.issuer), 'subject': make_json_relative_distinguished_name(cert.subject), 'notValidBefore': cert.not_valid_before.isoformat(), 'notValidAfter': cert.not_valid_after.isoformat(), 'publicKey': pubkey_json, 'algorithm': algo, 'usage': sorted(get_key_usage(cert)), } certs_json[key_id.hex()] = cert_json json_doc = { 'timestamp': datetime.utcnow().isoformat()+'Z', 'trustList': certs_json, } with open(certs_path, 'w') as text_stream: json.dump(json_doc, text_stream) elif lower_ext == '.cbor': # same CBOR format as AT trust list cert_list: List[Dict[str, Any]] = [] for key_id, cert in certs.items(): if allow_public_key_only and isinstance(cert, HackCertificate): entry: Dict[str, Any] = { 'i': key_id, 'k': cert.public_key().public_bytes(Encoding.DER, PublicFormat.SubjectPublicKeyInfo), } issuer = cert.issuer if issuer: entry['is'] = make_json_relative_distinguished_name(issuer) subject = cert.subject if subject: entry['su'] = make_json_relative_distinguished_name(subject) not_valid_before = cert.not_valid_before if not_valid_before is not DEFAULT_NOT_VALID_BEFORE: if not_valid_before.tzinfo is None: not_valid_before = not_valid_before.replace(tzinfo=timezone.utc) entry['nb'] = int(not_valid_before.timestamp()) not_valid_after = cert.not_valid_before if not_valid_after is not DEFAULT_NOT_VALID_AFTER: if not_valid_after.tzinfo is None: not_valid_after = not_valid_after.replace(tzinfo=timezone.utc) entry['na'] = int(not_valid_after.timestamp()) cert_list.append(entry) else: try: cert_bytes = cert.public_bytes(Encoding.DER) except NotImplementedError as error: print_err(f'Cannot store entry {format_key_id(key_id)} in CBOR trust list: {error}') else: cert_list.append({ 'i': key_id, 'c': cert_bytes, }) with open(certs_path, 'wb') as fp: cbor2.dump({'c': cert_list}, fp) elif lower_ext == '.pem': with open(certs_path, 'wb') as fp: for cert in certs.values(): cert_data = cert.public_bytes(Encoding.PEM) fp.write(cert_data) elif lower_ext == '.der' or lower_ext == '.crt': if len(certs) != 1: raise ValueError(f'Can only store exactly one certificate to a {ext} file') cert = next(iter(certs.values())) with open(certs_path, 'wb') as fp: cert_data = cert.public_bytes(Encoding.DER) fp.write(cert_data) else: raise ValueError(f'Unsupported certificates file extension: {ext!r}') def split_lines(text: str, width: int) -> List[str]: lines: List[str] = [] for line_str in text.split('\n'): line: List[str] = [] line_len = 0 for word in line_str.split(' '): word_len = len(word) next_len = line_len + word_len if line: next_len += 1 if next_len > width: lines.append(' '.join(line)) line.clear() line_len = 0 elif line: line_len += 1 line.append(word) line_len += word_len lines.append(' '.join(line)) return lines def fill_text(text: str, width: int, indent: str) -> str: return '\n'.join(indent + line for line in split_lines(text, width - len(indent))) class SmartFormatter(argparse.HelpFormatter): def _split_lines(self, text: str, width: int) -> List[str]: return split_lines(text, width) def _fill_text(self, text: str, width: int, indent: str) -> str: return fill_text(text, width, indent) def parse_sources(sources_str: str) -> List[str]: sources_str = sources_str.strip() return [country.strip().upper() for country in sources_str.split(',')] if sources_str else [] class Align(enum.Enum): Left = 0 Right = 1 Center = 2 def align(self, text: str, width: int, fillchar: str = ' ') -> str: if self == Align.Left: return text.ljust(width, fillchar) elif self == Align.Right: return text.rjust(width, fillchar) else: return text.center(width, fillchar) def print_table(header: List[str], align: List[Align], body: List[List[str]]) -> None: widths: List[int] = [len(cell) for cell in header] for row in body: for index, cell in enumerate(row): cell_len = len(cell) while index >= len(widths): widths.append(0) if widths[index] < cell_len: widths[index] = cell_len while len(align) < len(widths): align.append(Align.Left) print(' | '.join(alignment.align(cell, width) for alignment, cell, width in zip(align, header, widths)).rstrip()) print('-+-'.join(alignment.align('', width, '-') for alignment, width in zip(align, widths))) for row in body: print(' | '.join(alignment.align(cell, width) for alignment, cell, width in zip(align, row, widths)).rstrip()) def get_key_usage(cert: x509.Certificate) -> Set[str]: usage: Set[str] = set() try: ext_key_usage: Extension[ExtendedKeyUsage] = cert.extensions.get_extension_for_oid(ExtensionOID.EXTENDED_KEY_USAGE) # type: ignore except ExtensionNotFound: pass except ValueError as error: print_err(f'Parsing extended key usage: {error}') else: for oid in ext_key_usage.value: usage_name = EXT_KEY_USAGE_NAMES.get(oid) if usage_name is not None: usage.add(usage_name) if not usage: usage = {'test', 'vaccination', 'recovery'} return usage def print_cert(key_id: bytes, cert: x509.Certificate, print_exts: bool = False, revoked_certs: Optional[Dict[bytes, x509.RevokedCertificate]] = None, indent: Union[str, int]='') -> None: if isinstance(indent, int): indent = ' ' * indent print(f'{indent}Key ID :', format_key_id(key_id)) if not isinstance(cert, HackCertificate): print(f'{indent}Serial Nr. :', ":".join("%02x" % byte for byte in cert.serial_number.to_bytes(20, byteorder="big"))) print(f'{indent}Issuer :', cert.issuer.rfc4514_string()) print(f'{indent}Subject :', cert.subject.rfc4514_string()) print(f'{indent}Valid Date Range:', cert.not_valid_before.isoformat() if cert.not_valid_before is not None else 'N/A', '-', cert.not_valid_after.isoformat() if cert.not_valid_after is not None else 'N/A') print(f'{indent}Version :', cert.version.name) try: exts = cert.extensions except ValueError as error: print_err(f'Parsing extensions: {error}') exts = Extensions([]) usage: Set[str] = set() try: ext_key_usage: Extension[ExtendedKeyUsage] = exts.get_extension_for_oid(ExtensionOID.EXTENDED_KEY_USAGE) # type: ignore except ExtensionNotFound: pass except ValueError as error: print_err(f'Parsing extended key usage: {error}') else: for oid in ext_key_usage.value: usage_name = EXT_KEY_USAGE_NAMES.get(oid) if usage_name is None: print_warn(f'Unexpected extened key usage: {oid.dotted_string} ({oid._name})') else: usage.add(usage_name) if not usage: usage = {'test', 'vaccination', 'recovery'} print(f'{indent}Ext. Key Usage : {", ".join(sorted(usage))}') pk = cert.public_key() print(f'{indent}Key Type : {type(pk).__name__.strip("_")}') if isinstance(pk, EllipticCurvePublicKey): print(f'{indent}Curve :', pk.curve.name) if not isinstance(cert, HackCertificate): signature_algorithm_oid = cert.signature_algorithm_oid print(f'{indent}Signature Algo. : oid={signature_algorithm_oid.dotted_string}, name={signature_algorithm_oid._name}') print(f'{indent}Signature :', b64encode(cert.signature).decode('ASCII')) if revoked_certs is not None: revoked_cert = revoked_certs.get(key_id) if revoked_cert: print(f'{indent}Revoked At :', revoked_cert.revocation_date.isoformat()) if print_exts and exts: print(f'{indent}Extensions :') for ext in exts: print(f'{indent}- oid={ext.oid.dotted_string}, name={ext.oid._name}, value={ext.value}') def main() -> None: ap = argparse.ArgumentParser(formatter_class=SmartFormatter, add_help=False) ap.add_argument('--help', '-h', action='store_true', default=False, help= 'Show this help message and exit.') certs_ap = ap.add_mutually_exclusive_group() certs_ap.add_argument('--certs-file', metavar="FILE", help= 'Trust list in CBOR or JSON format.') certs_ap.add_argument('--certs-from', metavar="LIST", help= "Download trust list from given country's trust list service. Comma separated list, entries from later country overwrites earlier.\n" "See also environment variables.\n" "\n" "Supported countries: AT, CH, DE, FR, GB, IT, NL, NO, SE\n" "\n" "Note that the GB trust list only contains GB public keys, so you might want to combine it with another.\n" "\n" "If neither --certs-file nor --certs-from is given then --certs-from=DE,AT is used as default.\n", default='DE,AT') certs_ap.add_argument('--certs-table', metavar='LIST', help= 'Print table of trust list certificates showing where which key ID is avaliable showing the country of the certificate as it is known to the given trust list. ' '"X" means the certificate/public key is in the trust list, but no country attribute is known for it.') ap.add_argument('--no-verify', action='store_true', default=False, help='Skip certificate verification.') ap.add_argument('--no-key-id-check', action='store_false', default=True, dest='check_kid', help= "Disable check of key IDs.\n" "Key IDs are suppost to be the first 8 bytes of the SHA512 hash of the certificate, but some certificates of non-EU countries don't adhere to that and give out different key IDs.") ap.add_argument('--list-certs', action='store_true', help='List certificates from trust list.') ap.add_argument('--print-exts', action='store_true', help='Also print certificate extensions.') ap.add_argument('--strip-revoked', action='store_true', help= 'Strip revoked X509 certificates.\n' 'This downloads the revocation list for each certificate in the trust list(s), if the certificate has an revocation list attribute. ' "A lot of the certificates have broken revocation list entries. Meaning for some the attribute doesn't even parse, for others the " 'given URI points to a non-existing endpoint, a broken endpoint, or the data returned from the endpoint is broken.\n' 'Note that this has nothing to do with revocation of European Health Certificates, it is only about revocation of trust list entries.') ap.add_argument('--save-certs', metavar='FILE', action='append', help= 'Store downloaded trust list to FILE. The filetype is derived from the extension, which can be .json or .cbor') ap.add_argument('--download-root-cert', metavar='SOURCE[@FILENAME]', action='append', help= 'Download and store root certificate (or public key) of SOURCE as FILENAME. ' 'If FILENAME is not given SOURCE.pem is used. ' 'If FILENAME ends in ".pem" the certificate (or public key) is stored encoded as PEM, otherwise it is encoded as DER.') ap.add_argument('--download-all-root-certs', action='store_true', help= 'Download and store all root certificates (or public keys) and store them in SOURCE.pem files.') ap.add_argument('--allow-public-key-only', '--allow-pubkey-only', action='store_true', help= 'When writing the CBOR trust list format it usually rejects entries that are only public keys and not full x509 certificates. ' 'With this options it also writes entries that are only public keys.') ap.add_argument('--envfile', metavar='FILE', default='.env', help= 'Load environment variables from FILE. Default is ".env". ' 'Set this to an empty string to not load environment varibles from a file.') ap.add_argument('--fail-on-error', action='store_true', default=False, help='Turns every error into an exception.') ap.add_argument('--warning-as-error', action='store_true', default=False, help='Turns every warning into an error.') ap.add_argument('--image', action='store_true', default=False, help='ehc_code is a path to an image file containing a QR-code.') ap.add_argument('ehc_code', nargs='*', help='Scanned EHC QR-code, or when --image is passed path to an image file.') args = ap.parse_args() if args.help: width = shutil.get_terminal_size().columns extra_help: List[Tuple[str, List[Tuple[str, str]]]] = [ ( 'environment variables:', [ ( '_ROOT_CERT', "Some of the trust lists are have signatures that can be checked with a certain trust list " "specific root certificate (or just public key in the case of DE). Instead of always downloading " "these certificates you can just download them once using --download-root-cert or " "--download-all-root-certs and then supply them to this script using environment variables. " "The environment variable can be a path to a PEM or DER encoded certificate, a PEM encoded " "public key, or the value of the environment variable itself can be a PEM encoded certificate " "or public key. You can use this to pin the root certificate.\n" "\n" "Example:\n" " ./verify_ehc.py --download-root-cert SE@se_root_cert.crt\n" " export SE_ROOT_CERT=se_root_cert.crt\n" " ./verify_ehc.py --certs-from SE --save-certs certs.cbor\n" "\n" "Trust list sources for which root certificates are supported:\n" " AT, CH, DE, NL, SE" ), # TODO: Write proper help text once this information becomes available. #( # 'AT_TOKEN', # "Downloading the Austrian (AT) trust list requires the environment variable AT_TOKEN set to " # "a token that you will be able to get from somewhere. Still waiting on the government to " # "pulicise anything about that. " # "See also: https://github.com/Federal-Ministry-of-Health-AT/green-pass-overview" #), ( 'CH_TOKEN', "Downloading the Swiss (CH) trust list and root certificate requires the environment variable " "CH_TOKEN set to a bearer token that can be found in the BIT's Android CovidCertificate app " "APK. See also: https://github.com/cn-uofbasel/ch-dcc-keys" ), ( 'FR_TOKEN', "Downloading the French (FR) trust list requires the environment variable FR_TOKEN set to a bearer " "token that can be found in the TousAntiCovid Verif app. " "See also token_lite: https://gitlab.inria.fr/tousanticovid-verif/tousanticovid-verif-ios/-/blob/master/Anticovid%20Verify/resources/prod/prod.plist" ), ( 'NO_TOKEN', "Downloading the Norwegian (NO) trust list requires the environment variable NO_TOKEN set to an " "AuthorizationHeader string that can be found in the Kontroll av koronasertifikat app APK. " "See also: https://harrisonsand.com/posts/covid-certificates/" ), ] ) ] ap.print_help() print() item_name_limit = 20 for title, help_items in extra_help: print(title) max_item_name_len = 0 for item_name, description in help_items: item_name_len = len(item_name) if item_name_len > max_item_name_len and item_name_len < item_name_limit: max_item_name_len = item_name_len if max_item_name_len == 0: max_item_name_len = item_name_limit rest_width = max(width - 4 - max_item_name_len, 1) indent = ' ' * (width - rest_width) for item_name, description in help_items: lines = split_lines(description, rest_width) if len(item_name) > item_name_limit: print(f' {item_name}') else: print(f' {item_name.ljust(max_item_name_len)} {lines[0]}') lines = lines[1:] for line in lines: print(indent + line) print() print('Report issues to: https://github.com/panzi/verify-ehc/issues') return global FAIL_ON_ERROR, WARNING_AS_ERROR FAIL_ON_ERROR = args.fail_on_error WARNING_AS_ERROR = args.warning_as_error check_kid = args.check_kid if args.envfile: try: with open(args.envfile, 'r') as text_stream: env_str = text_stream.read() except (FileNotFoundError, IsADirectoryError): pass else: env = parse_env(env_str) os.environ.update(env) download_root_certs = args.download_root_cert or [] if args.download_all_root_certs: download_root_certs.extend(ROOT_CERT_DOWNLOADERS.keys()) for download_root_cert in download_root_certs: parts = download_root_cert.split('@', 1) source = parts[0] if len(parts) > 1: filename = parts[1] else: filename = get_default_root_cert_filename(source) source_upper = source.strip().upper() root_cert_downloader = ROOT_CERT_DOWNLOADERS.get(source_upper) if root_cert_downloader is None: if source_upper in DOWNLOADERS: raise KeyError(f'{source_upper} has no known root certificate') else: raise KeyError(f'Unknown trust list source: {source}') root_cert = root_cert_downloader() save_cert(root_cert, filename) certs_table: Dict[str, CertList] = {} if args.certs_table: sources = parse_sources(args.certs_table) all_certs: CertList = {} get_downloader = DOWNLOADERS.get header: List[str] = ['Key ID'] align: List[Align] = [Align.Left] for source in sources: header.append(source) align.append(Align.Center) downloader = get_downloader(source) if downloader is None: raise ValueError(f'Unknown trust list source: {source}') source_certs = downloader(check_kid) certs_table[source] = source_certs all_certs.update(source_certs) def sort_key(key_id: bytes) -> Tuple[List[str], bytes]: countries: List[str] = [] for source in sources: cert = certs_table[source].get(key_id) if cert is not None: for attr in cert.subject.get_attributes_for_oid(NameOID.COUNTRY_NAME): countries.append(attr.value) return countries, key_id body: List[List[str]] = [] for key_id in sorted(all_certs, key=sort_key): row: List[str] = [b64encode(key_id).decode('ASCII')] for source in sources: cert = certs_table[source].get(key_id) if cert is None: cell = '' else: cell = ','.join(attr.value for attr in cert.subject.get_attributes_for_oid(NameOID.COUNTRY_NAME)) or 'X' row.append(cell) body.append(row) print_table(header, align, body) certs: Optional[CertList] = None if not args.no_verify or args.save_certs or args.list_certs: if args.certs_file: lower_certs_file = args.certs_file.lower() if lower_certs_file.endswith('.json'): with open(args.certs_file, 'rb') as fp: certs_data = fp.read() certs = load_hack_certs_json(certs_data, args.certs_file) elif lower_certs_file.endswith('.pem'): with open(args.certs_file, 'rb') as fp: certs_data = fp.read() certs = load_ehc_certs_pem(certs_data, args.certs_file) elif lower_certs_file.endswith('.der') or lower_certs_file.endswith('.crt'): with open(args.certs_file, 'rb') as fp: certs_data = fp.read() cert = load_der_x509_certificate(certs_data) fingerprint = cert.fingerprint(hashes.SHA256()) key_id = fingerprint[0:8] certs = {key_id: cert} else: certs = load_ehc_certs(args.certs_file, check_kid) else: certs = download_ehc_certs(parse_sources(args.certs_from), check_kid, certs_table) if not certs: print_err("empty trust list!") revoked_certs: Dict[bytes, x509.RevokedCertificate] = {} if args.list_certs or args.strip_revoked: items: List[Tuple[bytes, x509.Certificate]] items = list(certs.items()) items.sort(key=lambda item: (item[1].issuer.rfc4514_string(), item[1].subject.rfc4514_string(), item[0])) if args.strip_revoked: for key_id, cert in items: revoked_cert = get_revoked_cert(key_id, cert) if revoked_cert: revoked_certs[key_id] = revoked_cert if args.list_certs: revoked_certs_for_print: Optional[Dict[bytes, x509.RevokedCertificate]] = revoked_certs if args.strip_revoked else None for key_id, cert in items: print_cert(key_id, cert, print_exts=args.print_exts, revoked_certs=revoked_certs_for_print) print() if args.strip_revoked: for key_id in revoked_certs: del certs[key_id] if args.save_certs: for certs_path in args.save_certs: save_certs(certs, certs_path, args.allow_public_key_only) ehc_codes: List[str] = [] if args.image: from pyzbar.pyzbar import decode as decode_qrcode # type: ignore from PIL import Image # type: ignore for filename in args.ehc_code: images: List[Image.Image] = [] if filename.lower().endswith('.pdf'): from pdf2image import convert_from_path # type: ignore images = convert_from_path(filename) else: images.append(Image.open(filename, 'r')) if images: for image in images: qrcodes = decode_qrcode(image) if qrcodes: for qrcode in qrcodes: ehc_codes.append(qrcode.data.decode("utf-8")) if not ehc_codes: print_err(f'{filename}: no qr-code found') else: ehc_codes.extend(args.ehc_code) if args.no_verify: certs = None for ehc_code in ehc_codes: ehc_msg = decode_ehc(ehc_code) ehc_payload = cbor2.loads(ehc_msg.payload) for key, value in ehc_payload.items(): if key != -260: name = CLAIM_NAMES.get(key) if name is not None: if key in DATETIME_CLAIMS: dt = EPOCH + timedelta(seconds=value) value = dt.isoformat() else: name = f'Claim {key} (unknown)' print(f'{name:15}: {value}') issued_at = EPOCH + timedelta(seconds=ehc_payload[6]) expires_at_int = ehc_payload.get(4) if expires_at_int is not None: expires_at = EPOCH + timedelta(seconds=expires_at_int) print(f'Is Expired :', datetime.utcnow() > expires_at) if certs is not None: verify_ehc(ehc_msg, issued_at, certs, args.print_exts) ehc = ehc_payload[-260][1] print('Payload :') print(json.dumps(ehc, indent=4, sort_keys=True, default=json_serial)) print() if __name__ == '__main__': main()