# parkr does dotfiles, courtesy of tombell ## ~ is where the ♥ is My dotfiles were originally a fork of @tombell's dotfiles, which were originally a fork of @holman's dotfiles. Your dotfiles are you personalised configuration files for UNIX-like systems, they usually reside in your home (`~`) directory. Like @tombell's and @holman's, my dotfiles are organised into topics (ruby, git, zsh etc). For more information about dotfiles and @holman's specifically check out his [repo][holman-repo] and [blog post][holman-post] on the subject. [holman-repo]: https://github.com/holman/dotfiles [holman-post]: http://zachholman.com/2010/08/dotfiles-are-meant-to-be-forked/ ## Install * `git clone git://github.com/parkr/dotfiles ~/.dotfiles` * `cd ~/.dotfiles` * `git submodule init` * `git submodule update` * `rake install` The install rake task will symlink all the correct files from `~/.dotfiles` to your home directory. You will want to configure and tweak everything inside the `~/.dotfiles` directory though. ## Components Taken from @holman's, there are a few special files in the repository: * `bin/`, anything in `bin/` will get added to your `$PATH` and made available everywhere * `/*.zsh`, any files ending with `.zsh` will get loaded into your environment * `/*.symlink`, any files ending with `.symlink` will get symlinked into your `$HOME`. This is so you can keep all of those versioned in your dotfiles but still keep those autoloaded in your home directory. These get symlinked when you run `rake install` * `/*.completion.sh`, any files ended in `completion.sh` get loaded last so that they get loaded after we set up zsh autocomplete functions ## Extras There are a few things I use to make my life awesome. They're not a required dependency, but if you install them they'll make your life more awesome as well. * If you want some more colours for things like `ls`, install `grc`: `brew install grc` * If you want `rvm` or `rbenv` to manage your ruby installs, install either and you'll get the current ruby version in your prompt ## Bug Just open an issue and/or pull request. ## Thanks I originally forked @tombell's dotfiles, who originally forked @holamn's dotfiles, who originally forked @ryanb's dotfiles. So thanks to them.