import http from 'k6/http'; import { check, sleep } from 'k6'; import exec from 'k6/execution'; import encoding from 'k6/encoding'; import { randomString, randomItem, randomIntBetween, uuidv4 } from '' export const options = { discardResponseBodies: true, scenarios: { contacts: { executor: 'constant-vus', vus: 10, duration: "5m", }, }, }; function current_time() { let event = new Date(); return event.toISOString(); } function schemas() { return Number(__ENV.P_SCHEMA_COUNT) } function events_per_call() { return Number(__ENV.P_EVENTS_COUNT) } const common_schema = [ { "name": "source_time", "gen": current_time, "arg": null }, { "name": "level", "gen": randomItem, "arg": ["info", "warn", "error"] }, { "name": "message", "gen": randomItem, "arg": ["Application started", "Application is failing", "Logging a request"] }, { "name": "version", "gen": randomItem, "arg": ["1.0.0", "1.1.0", "1.2.0"] }, { "name": "user_id", "gen": randomIntBetween, "arg": [10000, 100000] }, { "name": "device_id", "gen": randomIntBetween, "arg": [0, 5000] }, { "name": "session_id", "gen": randomItem, "arg": ["abc", "pqr", "xyz"] }, { "name": "os", "gen": randomItem, "arg": ["macOS", "Linux", "Windows"] }, { "name": "host", "gen": randomItem, "arg": ["", "", ""] }, { "name": "uuid", "gen": uuidv4, "arg": null }, ] const add_fields = { "location": { "gen": randomString, "arg": 16 }, "timezone": { "gen": randomString, "arg": 3 }, "user_agent": { "gen": randomItem, "arg": ["Banana", "PineApple", "PearOS", "OrangeOS", "Kiwi"] }, "runtime": { "gen": randomString, "arg": 3 }, "request_body": { "gen": randomString, "arg": 100 }, "status_code": { "gen": randomItem, "arg": [200, 300, 400, 500] }, "response_time": { "gen": randomItem, "arg": [12, 22, 34, 56, 70, 112] }, "process_id": { "gen": randomIntBetween, "arg": [100, 1000] }, "app_meta": { "gen": randomString, "arg": 24 } } const addFields_permutation = [ ['location', 'request_body', 'status_code', 'app_meta'], ['timezone', 'user_agent', 'runtime', 'app_meta'], ['timezone', 'request_body', 'response_time', 'process_id'], ['timezone', 'user_agent', 'request_body', 'process_id'], ['runtime', 'status_code', 'response_time', 'process_id'], ['location', 'user_agent', 'runtime', 'process_id'], ['location', 'timezone', 'request_body', 'response_time'], ['timezone', 'user_agent', 'status_code', 'process_id'], ['timezone', 'runtime', 'request_body', 'response_time'], ['timezone', 'status_code', 'response_time', 'process_id'], ['timezone', 'runtime', 'status_code', 'response_time'], ['location', 'timezone', 'response_time', 'process_id'], ['location', 'timezone', 'runtime', 'process_id'], ['user_agent', 'runtime', 'status_code', 'process_id'], ['timezone', 'response_time', 'process_id', 'app_meta'], ['location', 'user_agent', 'status_code', 'response_time'], ['timezone', 'user_agent', 'runtime', 'status_code'], ['request_body', 'status_code', 'process_id', 'app_meta'], ['location', 'user_agent', 'runtime', 'request_body'], ['location', 'timezone', 'status_code', 'response_time'], ['location', 'user_agent', 'response_time', 'process_id'], ['timezone', 'runtime', 'response_time', 'process_id'], ['location', 'timezone', 'user_agent', 'runtime'], ['user_agent', 'request_body', 'status_code', 'process_id'], ['runtime', 'request_body', 'response_time', 'process_id'], ['location', 'runtime', 'request_body', 'app_meta'], ['runtime', 'response_time', 'process_id', 'app_meta'], ['location', 'runtime', 'status_code', 'app_meta'], ['location', 'runtime', 'process_id', 'app_meta'], ['location', 'request_body', 'process_id', 'app_meta'], ['location', 'timezone', 'runtime', 'request_body'], ['timezone', 'user_agent', 'response_time', 'app_meta'], ['runtime', 'request_body', 'status_code', 'response_time'], ['location', 'timezone', 'user_agent', 'response_time'], ['location', 'runtime', 'request_body', 'status_code'], ['location', 'user_agent', 'request_body', 'response_time'], ['location', 'status_code', 'process_id', 'app_meta'], ['user_agent', 'status_code', 'response_time', 'app_meta'], ['timezone', 'request_body', 'status_code', 'response_time'], ['user_agent', 'runtime', 'request_body', 'process_id'], ['user_agent', 'runtime', 'response_time', 'app_meta'], ['user_agent', 'request_body', 'response_time', 'app_meta'] ]; function generateOverlappingSchemas(number = 5) { const schemas = []; addFields_permutation.slice(0, number).forEach((listOfFields) => { const new_schema = [...common_schema]; listOfFields.forEach((field) => { let gen_value = add_fields[field]; let obj = { "name": field }; Object.assign(obj, gen_value); new_schema.push(obj) }) schemas.push(new_schema) }) return schemas; } function generateJSON(schema) { let json = {}; schema.forEach(item => { let { name, gen, arg } = item; var value; if ((gen === current_time) || (gen === uuidv4)) { value = gen(); } else if (gen === randomIntBetween) { value = gen(...arg); } else { value = gen(arg) } json[name] = value; }); return json; } function generateEvents(numberOfEvents = 3) { const events = []; let numberOfSchemas = schemas(); if (!numberOfSchemas) { numberOfSchemas = 5 } let listOfSchema = generateOverlappingSchemas(numberOfSchemas); for (let i = 0; i < numberOfEvents; i++) { for (let j = 0; j < listOfSchema.length; j++) { events.push(generateJSON(listOfSchema[j])) } } return events } export default function () { sleep(0.1); const url = `${__ENV.P_URL}/api/v1/ingest`; const credentials = `${__ENV.P_USERNAME}:${__ENV.P_PASSWORD}`; const encodedCredentials = encoding.b64encode(credentials); const params = { headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'Authorization': 'Basic ' + `${encodedCredentials}`, 'X-P-STREAM': `${__ENV.P_STREAM}`, 'X-P-META-Host': '', 'X-P-META-Source': 'quest-test', 'X-P-META-ContainerName': 'log-generator', 'X-P-META-ContainerImage': '', 'X-P-META-Namespace': 'go-apasdp', 'X-P-META-PodLabels': 'app=go-app,pod-template-hash=6c87bc9cc9', } } let events = events_per_call(); if (!events) { events = 10 } let batch_requests = JSON.stringify(generateEvents(events)); let response =, batch_requests, params); if ( !check(response, { 'status code MUST be 200': (res) => res.status == 200, }) ) { exec.test.abort("Failed to send event.. status != 200"); } }