format-version: 1.2 data-version: releases/2025-02-01/pato.obo subsetdef: abnormal_slim "Abnormal/normal slim" subsetdef: absent_slim "Absent/present slim" subsetdef: attribute_slim "Attribute slim" subsetdef: cell_quality "cell_quality" subsetdef: disposition_slim "Disposition slim" subsetdef: hpo_slim "Human phenotype slim" subsetdef: "" subsetdef: "" subsetdef: "" subsetdef: "" subsetdef: mpath_slim "Pathology slim" subsetdef: relational_slim "Relational slim: types of quality that require an additional entity in order to exist" subsetdef: ro-eco "" subsetdef: scalar_slim "Scalar slim" subsetdef: value_slim "Value slim" default-namespace: quality idspace: dc idspace: oboInOwl idspace: terms ontology: pato property_value: dc:description "An ontology of phenotypic qualities (properties, attributes or characteristics)." xsd:string property_value: dc:title "PATO - the Phenotype And Trait Ontology" xsd:string property_value: has_ontology_root_term PATO:0000001 property_value: owl:versionInfo "2025-02-01" xsd:string property_value: terms:license [Term] id: PATO:0000000 name: obsolete pato is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000001 name: quality alt_id: PATO:0000072 def: "A dependent entity that inheres in a bearer by virtue of how the bearer is related to other entities" [PATOC:GVG] [Term] id: PATO:0000002 name: obsolete value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000003 name: obsolete assay is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000004 name: mobility def: "A quality of inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's disposition to move freely." [PATOC:GVG] comment: Should be defined using translocation. subset: attribute_slim subset: disposition_slim subset: scalar_slim is_a: PATO:0001018 ! physical quality [Term] id: PATO:0000005 name: obsolete absolute activity is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000006 name: obsolete process is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000007 name: obsolete relative activity is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000008 name: speed def: "A physical quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's scalar absolute value of the rate of change of the bearer's position." [Wikipedia:http\://] subset: attribute_slim subset: scalar_slim synonym: "velocity" RELATED [] is_a: PATO:0001906 ! movement quality [Term] id: PATO:0000009 name: obsolete absolute speed is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000010 name: obsolete relative speed is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000011 name: age def: "A time quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of how long the bearer has existed." [WordNet:WordNet] subset: attribute_slim subset: scalar_slim is_a: PATO:0000165 ! time [Term] id: PATO:0000012 name: obsolete absolute age is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000013 name: obsolete relative age is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000014 name: color alt_id: PATO:0000020 def: "A composite chromatic quality composed of hue, saturation and intensity parts." [PATOC:GVG] subset: attribute_slim synonym: "colour" EXACT [] synonym: "relative color" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0000051 ! morphology is_a: PATO:0001300 ! optical quality [Term] id: PATO:0000015 name: color hue def: "A chromatic scalar-circular quality inhering in an object that manifests in an observer by virtue of the dominant wavelength of the visible light; may be subject to fiat divisions, typically into 7 or 8 spectra." [PATOC:cjm] subset: attribute_slim is_a: PATO:0001301 ! chromatic property [Term] id: PATO:0000016 name: color brightness def: "A scalar optical property that is the intensity, value or amount of perceived light." [PATOC:MAH] comment: Color brightness refers to the intensity, lightness or value of the light present. Think of this as a dimmer switch. subset: attribute_slim synonym: "color intensity" EXACT [] synonym: "color lightness" EXACT [] synonym: "color value" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0001300 ! optical quality [Term] id: PATO:0000017 name: color saturation def: "A scalar chromatic property that is the degree of purity of perceived light." [PATOC:GVG] comment: Color saturation refers to the amount of white light or gray paint mixed in with the hue (single wavelength) and is a measure of color purity. subset: attribute_slim is_a: PATO:0001301 ! chromatic property [Term] id: PATO:0000018 name: fluorescence def: "A luminous flux quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's emitting longer wavelength light following the absorption of shorter wavelength radiation; fluorescence is common with aromatic compounds with several rings joined together." [PATOC:GVG] subset: attribute_slim is_a: PATO:0001296 ! luminous flux [Term] id: PATO:0000019 name: color pattern def: "A chromatic property that is the relative position of different hues or degrees of saturation." [PATOC:GVG] subset: attribute_slim is_a: PATO:0000060 ! spatial pattern [Term] id: PATO:0000021 name: compatibility def: "A quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's disposition to harmonious coexistence." [PATOC:GVG] comment: Needs redefined or obsoleted. Is this the same as genetic incompatibility? Moved to organismal quality. subset: attribute_slim subset: disposition_slim subset: relational_slim is_a: PATO:0000186 ! behavioral quality [Term] id: PATO:0000022 name: obsolete gametophytic compatability is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000023 name: obsolete relative compatability is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000024 name: obsolete sporophytic compatability is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000025 name: composition alt_id: PATO:0002015 def: "A single physical entity inhering in an bearer by virtue of the bearer's quantities or relative ratios of subparts." [PATOC:GVG] comment: For example calcium composition (which may inhere in bone), haemoglobin composition (which may inhere in blood). subset: attribute_slim subset: scalar_slim synonym: "composed of" EXACT [] synonym: "compositionality" EXACT [] synonym: "content" EXACT [] synonym: "structure, composition" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0000141 ! structure [Term] id: PATO:0000026 name: obsolete carbohydrate composition is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000027 name: obsolete electrolyte composition is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000028 name: obsolete macromolecular composition is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000029 name: obsolete protein composition is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000030 name: obsolete enzyme composition is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000031 name: obsolete metabolite composition is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000032 name: obsolete secondary product composition is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000033 name: concentration of def: "A quality inhering in a substance by virtue of the amount of the bearer's there is mixed with another substance." [Wikipedia:http\://] subset: attribute_slim subset: relational_slim subset: scalar_slim synonym: "concentration" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0000070 ! amount [Term] id: PATO:0000034 name: obsolete protein concentration is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000035 name: obsolete carbohydrate concentration is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000036 name: obsolete water content is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000037 name: consistency def: "A physical quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's density, firmness, or viscosity." [PATOC:GVG] subset: attribute_slim subset: mpath_slim synonym: "firmness" RELATED [] is_a: PATO:0001018 ! physical quality [Term] id: PATO:0000038 name: obsolete gel consistency is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000039 name: direction def: "A physical quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's orientation in space." [thesaurus.maths:thesaurus.maths] comment: TODO: consider merging with angular placement. subset: attribute_slim is_a: PATO:0001018 ! physical quality [Term] id: PATO:0000040 name: distance def: "A quality that is the extent of space between two entities." [PATOC:GVG] subset: attribute_slim subset: relational_slim subset: scalar_slim is_a: PATO:0001018 ! physical quality [Term] id: PATO:0000041 name: obsolete absolutedistance is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000042 name: obsolete relative distance is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000043 name: flavor def: "A quality of a physical entity inhering in a bearer by virtue of whether the bearer's molecules are being perceived by a taste and odorant receptors." [PATOC:GVG] subset: attribute_slim subset: relational_slim is_a: PATO:0001018 ! physical quality [Term] id: PATO:0000044 name: frequency def: "A physical quality which inheres in a bearer by virtue of the number of the bearer's repetitive actions in a particular time." [Wikipedia:http\://] subset: attribute_slim subset: scalar_slim is_a: PATO:0050000 ! rate of occurence [Term] id: PATO:0000045 name: obsolete absolute frequency is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000046 name: obsolete relative frequency is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000047 name: biological sex def: "An organismal quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's ability to undergo sexual reproduction in order to differentiate the individuals or types involved." [MGED:MGED] subset: attribute_slim is_a: PATO:0001995 ! organismal quality [Term] id: PATO:0000048 name: hardness def: "A physical quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's resistance to pressure, being broken, or pierced" [merriam-webster:merriam-webster] subset: attribute_slim subset: disposition_slim synonym: "impenetrability" RELATED [] synonym: "toughness" RELATED [] is_a: PATO:0001546 ! quality of a solid [Term] id: PATO:0000049 name: intensity def: "A quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's possessing or displaying a distinctive feature in type or degree or effect or force." [PATOC:GVG] subset: attribute_slim subset: hpo_slim is_a: PATO:0000068 ! qualitative [Term] id: PATO:0000050 name: life span def: "A time quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's expected maximum age." [PATOC:GVG] subset: attribute_slim is_a: PATO:0000165 ! time [Term] id: PATO:0000051 name: morphology def: "A quality of a single physical entity inhering in the bearer by virtue of the bearer's size or shape or structure." [PATOC:GVG] subset: attribute_slim is_a: PATO:0001241 ! physical object quality [Term] id: PATO:0000052 name: shape alt_id: PATO:0001647 def: "A morphological quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's ratios of distances between its features (points, edges, surfaces and also holes etc)." [PATOC:GVG] comment: Shapes are invariant on size transformations. Shapes can be subdivided into 2D and 3D shapes, We can also make a distinction between shapes of complete self-connected objects, and shapes of parts of objects. subset: attribute_slim synonym: "relational shape quality" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0000051 ! morphology [Term] id: PATO:0000054 name: obsolete absolute number is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000055 name: obsolete relative number is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000056 name: trophic quality def: "An organismal quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's disposition to synthesize a particular organic compound required for its growth." [Wikipedia:http\://] subset: attribute_slim subset: disposition_slim synonym: "nutritional quality" RELATED [] is_a: PATO:0001995 ! organismal quality [Term] id: PATO:0000057 name: occurrence alt_id: PATO:0000156 alt_id: PATO:0000158 def: "A quality of a single process inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's occurrence." [PATOC:GVG] subset: attribute_slim subset: hpo_slim synonym: "incidence" EXACT [] synonym: "temporal" BROAD [] is_a: PATO:0002323 ! temporal distribution quality [Term] id: PATO:0000058 name: odor def: "A physical quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's molecules being are aerially dispersed and perceived by an odorant receptor." [PATOC:GVG] subset: attribute_slim is_a: PATO:0001018 ! physical quality [Term] id: PATO:0000059 name: obsolete parental quality def: "A parental quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of exhibiting the characteristic of a parent." [WordNet:WordNet] subset: attribute_slim synonym: "parental type" EXACT [] is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000060 name: spatial pattern alt_id: PATO:0000132 alt_id: PATO:0001565 def: "A spatial quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's exhibiting repetition of placement of its parts." [PATOC:GVG] subset: attribute_slim subset: hpo_slim synonym: "distribution" EXACT [] synonym: "pattern" RELATED [] is_a: PATO:0000051 ! morphology [Term] id: PATO:0000061 name: obsolete relative pattern is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000062 name: sleep pattern def: "A sleep quality defined by the mathematic properties of the relative time frames of the sleep cycle." [PATOC:GVG] subset: attribute_slim is_a: PATO:0001530 ! behavioral quality of a process [Term] id: PATO:0000063 name: obsolete percentage is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000064 name: obsolete absolute percentage is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000065 name: obsolete relative percentage is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000066 name: pilosity def: "A texture quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's having hair or bristles." [PATOC:GVG] subset: attribute_slim subset: scalar_slim is_a: PATO:0000150 ! texture [Term] id: PATO:0000067 name: obsolete relative pilosity is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000068 name: qualitative def: "A quality of an entity that is descriptive or observational, typically not represented numerically." [,] comment: TODO: define this or obsolete it and move children somewhere else. is_a: PATO:0000001 ! quality [Term] id: PATO:0000069 name: deviation (from_normal) def: "A quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the whether the bearer differs from normal or average." [PATOC:GVG] subset: attribute_slim is_a: PATO:0000068 ! qualitative [Term] id: PATO:0000070 name: amount alt_id: PATO:0000053 alt_id: PATO:0000071 alt_id: PATO:0001169 alt_id: PATO:0001226 def: "The number of entities of this type that are part of the whole organism." [PATOC:GVG] comment: This term was originally named "presence". It has been renamed to reduce ambiguity. Consider annotating with the reciprocal relation,PATO:0001555, has_number_of. For example, rather than E=fin ray Q=count in organism C=10, say E=organism Q=has number of E2= fin ray C=10. subset: attribute_slim synonym: "count in organism" RELATED [] synonym: "number" RELATED [] synonym: "presence" RELATED [] synonym: "presence or absence in organism" EXACT [] synonym: "quantitative" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0103000 ! quantitative relationship: RO:0015012 PATO:0001555 ! reciprocal of has number of [Term] id: PATO:0000073 name: obsolete relative_quality is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000074 name: obsolete shattering is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000075 name: obsolete threshability is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000076 name: obsolete regulation is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000077 name: response to def: "A quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the whether the bearer's disposition to react to a stimulus or an agent." [PATOC:GVG] subset: attribute_slim subset: disposition_slim subset: relational_slim subset: scalar_slim synonym: "reactivity" RELATED [GOC:CJM] synonym: "response" RELATED [] synonym: "responsivity" RELATED [] is_a: PATO:0001995 ! organismal quality [Term] id: PATO:0000078 name: rhythm quality def: "A quality of a single process inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's movement or variation characterized by the regular recurrence or alternation of different quantities or conditions." [] subset: attribute_slim is_a: PATO:0002323 ! temporal distribution quality [Term] id: PATO:0000079 name: obsolete absolute rhythym is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000080 name: amplitude def: "A physical quality of a process inhering in a bearer by virtue of the size of the bearer's maximum displacement from the 'normal' position, when periodic motion is taking place." [thesaurus.maths:thesaurus.maths] subset: attribute_slim is_a: PATO:0002062 ! physical quality of a process [Term] id: PATO:0000082 name: persistence def: "A rhythm quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the repetitiveness of bearer's rhythm." [] subset: attribute_slim is_a: PATO:0000078 ! rhythm quality [Term] id: PATO:0000083 name: phase def: "A quality that exists by virtue of being a particular point in the time of a cycle." [PATOC:GVG] subset: attribute_slim is_a: PATO:0002323 ! temporal distribution quality [Term] id: PATO:0000084 name: obsolete relative rhythym is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000085 name: sensitivity toward def: "A quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's disposition to detect or perceive external stimulation." [PATOC:GVG] subset: attribute_slim subset: disposition_slim subset: relational_slim synonym: "sensitivity" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0001995 ! organismal quality [Term] id: PATO:0000086 name: obsolete absolute sensitivity is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000087 name: obsolete disease sensitivity is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000088 name: obsolete absolute disease sensitivity is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000089 name: obsolete relative disease sensitivity is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000090 name: obsolete relative sensitivity is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000091 name: obsolete stress sensitivity is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000092 name: obsolete abiotic stress sensitivity is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000093 name: obsolete chemical sensitivity is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000094 name: obsolete drug sensitivity is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000095 name: obsolete absolute drug sensitivity is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000096 name: obsolete relative drug sensitivity is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000097 name: obsolete herbicide sensitivity is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000098 name: obsolete insecticide sensitivity is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000099 name: obsolete plant growth hormone sensitivity is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000100 name: obsolete soil composition sensitivity is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000101 name: obsolete soil nutrient sensitivity is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000102 name: obsolete macronutrient sensitivity is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000103 name: obsolete micronutrient sensitivity is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000104 name: obsolete osmotic response sensitivity is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000105 name: obsolete p h sensitivity is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000106 name: obsolete acid sensitivity is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000107 name: obsolete alkali sensitivity is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000108 name: obsolete salt sensitivity is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000109 name: obsolete water sensitivity is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000110 name: obsolete drought sensitivity is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000111 name: obsolete flooding sensitivity is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000112 name: obsolete humidity sensitivity is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000113 name: obsolete radiation sensitivity is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000114 name: obsolete temperature sensitivity is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000115 name: obsolete absolute temperature sensitivity is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000116 name: obsolete relative temperature sensitivity is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000117 name: size def: "A morphology quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's physical magnitude." [WordNet:WordNet] subset: attribute_slim subset: scalar_slim is_a: PATO:0000051 ! morphology [Term] id: PATO:0000118 name: obsolete absolute size is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000119 name: height def: "A 1-D extent quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's vertical dimension of extension." [PATOC:GVG] subset: attribute_slim subset: scalar_slim is_a: PATO:0001708 ! 1-D extent [Term] id: PATO:0000120 name: obsolete absolute height is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000121 name: obsolete relative height is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000122 name: length def: "A 1-D extent quality which is equal to the distance between two points." [PATOC:GVG] comment: Length often refers to the longer or longest dimension of an object, however, this is not always true. See for full discussion. subset: attribute_slim subset: mpath_slim subset: scalar_slim is_a: PATO:0001708 ! 1-D extent property_value: seeAlso "" xsd:string [Term] id: PATO:0000123 name: obsolete absolute length is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000124 name: obsolete relative length is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000125 name: mass def: "A physical quality that inheres in a bearer by virtue of the proportion of the bearer's amount of matter." [PATOC:GVG] comment: For any biological use of PATO, the concept that should be used is 'mass' and not 'weight'. For example, increased weight of an organism. subset: attribute_slim subset: relational_slim subset: scalar_slim is_a: PATO:0001018 ! physical quality [Term] id: PATO:0000126 name: obsolete absolute mass is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000127 name: obsolete relative mass is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000128 name: weight def: "A physical quality inhering in a bearer that has mass near a gravitational body. Important usage note: Note that this ontology has a class for a similar concept, mass (PATO:0000125). Mass and weight are not equivalent. For most use cases, the class mass is strongly preferred over weight." [, Wikipedia:http\://] comment: For any biological use of PATO, the concept that should be used is 'mass' and not 'weight'. For example, increased weight of an organism. subset: attribute_slim subset: scalar_slim is_a: PATO:0001035 ! force [Term] id: PATO:0000129 name: obsolete absolute weight is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000130 name: obsolete relative weight is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000131 name: obsolete relative size is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000133 name: orientation alt_id: PATO:0000137 def: "A spatial quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's placement which is defined by the angle between the bearer and an axis, or the angle between the bearer and another object." [PATOC:JE] subset: attribute_slim subset: relational_slim synonym: "amount of rotation" RELATED [] synonym: "angle" RELATED [] synonym: "angular magnitude" RELATED [] synonym: "angular placement" EXACT [] synonym: "plane angle" RELATED [] is_a: PATO:0000140 ! position [Term] id: PATO:0000134 name: obsolete absolute_angle is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000135 name: obsolete relative_angle is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000136 name: closure def: "A morphological quality pertaining to the degree to which an object contains an opening, aperture, orifice or vent." [PATOC:CJM, PATOC:GVG] subset: attribute_slim is_a: PATO:0000051 ! morphology [Term] id: PATO:0000138 name: obsolete absolute orientation is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000139 name: obsolete relative orientation is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000140 name: position alt_id: PATO:0001032 alt_id: PATO:0001631 def: "A spatial quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's spatial location relative to other objects in the vicinity." [PATOC:GVG] subset: attribute_slim synonym: "location" EXACT [] synonym: "placement" EXACT [] synonym: "relational spatial quality" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0001018 ! physical quality [Term] id: PATO:0000141 name: structure alt_id: PATO:0001452 def: "A morphology quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's relative position, shape, arrangements and connectivity of an organism's various parts; the pattern underlying its form." [PATOC:GVG] subset: attribute_slim synonym: "conformation" BROAD [VT:1000738] synonym: "relational structural quality" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0000051 ! morphology [Term] id: PATO:0000142 name: obsolete substance is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000143 name: obsolete addictive substance is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000144 name: obsolete solid substance comment: This term was made obsolete because it is not a quality. To update annotations, consider the following term 'quality of a solid; 'PATO:0001546' is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000145 name: obsolete liquid substance comment: This term was made obsolete because it is not a quality. To update annotations, consider the following term 'quality of a liquid; PATO:0001548 ' is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000146 name: temperature def: "A physical quality of the thermal energy of a system." [PATOC:GVG] subset: attribute_slim subset: scalar_slim is_a: PATO:0001018 ! physical quality [Term] id: PATO:0000147 name: obsolete absolute temperature is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000148 name: obsolete body temperature is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000149 name: obsolete relative temperature is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000150 name: texture def: "A morphologic quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's relative size, organization and distribution of its surface elements or the representation or invention of the appearance of its surface; visual and tactile surface characteristics." [PATOC:GVG] subset: attribute_slim is_a: PATO:0000051 ! morphology [Term] id: PATO:0000151 name: obsolete relative texture is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000152 name: threshold def: "A quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's sensitivity towards a fixed location or value where a change is observed; upper limit." [PATOC:GVG] subset: attribute_slim subset: disposition_slim subset: relational_slim is_a: PATO:0000085 ! sensitivity toward [Term] id: PATO:0000153 name: obsolete absolute threshold is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000154 name: obsolete pain threshold is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000155 name: obsolete relative threshold is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000157 name: obsolete absolute temporal is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000159 name: obsolete absolute incidence is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000160 name: obsolete relative incidence is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000161 name: rate def: "A quality of a single process inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's occurrence per unit time." [PATOC:melissa] subset: attribute_slim subset: scalar_slim is_a: PATO:0002062 ! physical quality of a process [Term] id: PATO:0000162 name: obsolete absolute rate is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000163 name: obsolete relative rate is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000164 name: obsolete relative temporal is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000165 name: time def: "A quality in which events occur in sequence." [PATOC:GVG] subset: attribute_slim subset: scalar_slim is_a: PATO:0001018 ! physical quality [Term] id: PATO:0000166 name: obsolete absolute time is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000167 name: obsolete bouts def: "A limited, often assigned period of activity." [] subset: attribute_slim is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000168 name: obsolete relative time is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000169 name: viability def: "An organismal quality inhering in a bearer or a population by virtue of the bearer's disposition to survive and develop normally or the number of surviving individuals in a given population." [PATOC:GVG] subset: attribute_slim subset: disposition_slim is_a: PATO:0001995 ! organismal quality [Term] id: PATO:0000170 name: obsolete yield is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000171 name: obsolete absolute yield is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000172 name: obsolete relative yield is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000173 name: obsolete function is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000174 name: obsolete autonomic function is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000175 name: obsolete behavioral function is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000176 name: obsolete metabolic function is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000177 name: obsolete physiological function is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000178 name: obsolete relative function is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000179 name: obsolete body position is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000180 name: obsolete body tone is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000181 name: obsolete piloerection is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000182 name: obsolete abdominal tone is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000183 name: obsolete limb tone is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000184 name: obsolete arousal is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000185 name: balance def: "A behavioral quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of having physical steadiness." [thefreedictionary:thefreedictionary] subset: attribute_slim subset: disposition_slim is_a: PATO:0000186 ! behavioral quality [Term] id: PATO:0000186 name: behavioral quality alt_id: PATO:0001722 def: "An organismal quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's behavior aggregate of the responses or reactions or movements in a given situation." [PATOC:GVG] synonym: "behavioural quality" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0001995 ! organismal quality [Term] id: PATO:0000187 name: obsolete consumption quality def: "A relational quality of occurrent inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's ability to consume a resource." [PATOC:GVG] comment: Use GO:0007631 subset: attribute_slim subset: relational_slim synonym: "propensity to consume" RELATED [] is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000188 name: coordination def: "A behavioral quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's having or lacking skillful and effective interaction of movement." [PATOC:GVG] subset: attribute_slim subset: disposition_slim subset: scalar_slim is_a: PATO:0000186 ! behavioral quality [Term] id: PATO:0000189 name: discrimination def: "A behavioral quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of whether the bearer's disposition to perceive differences between two or more stimuli." [PATOC:GVG] subset: attribute_slim subset: disposition_slim subset: relational_slim is_a: PATO:0000186 ! behavioral quality [Term] id: PATO:0000190 name: obsolete gait is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000191 name: obsolete learning_and memory is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000192 name: obsolete locomotor_activity is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000193 name: obsolete mating is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000194 name: obsolete spontaneous_activity is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000195 name: obsolete startle response is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000196 name: obsolete vocalization is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000197 name: obsolete transfer_arousal is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000198 name: obsolete absolute consumption is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000199 name: obsolete relative consumption is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000200 name: obsolete learning is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000201 name: obsolete memory is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000202 name: obsolete long term memory is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000203 name: obsolete short term memory is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000204 name: obsolete absolute locomotor_activity is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000205 name: obsolete relative locomotor_activity is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000206 name: obsolete enzyme function is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000207 name: obsolete circulatory function is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000208 name: obsolete defensive function is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000209 name: obsolete digestive function is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000210 name: obsolete excretory function is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000211 name: obsolete muscle function is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000212 name: obsolete neural function is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000213 name: obsolete neurobehavioral function is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000214 name: obsolete reproductive function is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000215 name: obsolete respiratory function is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000216 name: obsolete heart rate is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000217 name: obsolete immune function is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000218 name: obsolete repair function is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000219 name: obsolete healing is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000220 name: obsolete regeneration is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000221 name: obsolete urination is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000222 name: obsolete muscle elevation is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000223 name: obsolete muscle strength is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000224 name: obsolete motor function is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000225 name: obsolete sensory function is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000226 name: obsolete tactile response is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000227 name: obsolete motor performance is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000228 name: obsolete auditory is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000229 name: obsolete olfactory is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000230 name: obsolete proprioreception is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000231 name: obsolete reflex is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000232 name: obsolete taste is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000233 name: obsolete touch is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000234 name: obsolete visual is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000235 name: obsolete odor_acuity is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000236 name: obsolete odor type is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000237 name: obsolete absolute odor_acuity is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000238 name: obsolete relative odor_acuity is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000239 name: obsolete blinking reflex is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000240 name: obsolete contact righting reflex is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000241 name: obsolete corneal reflex is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000242 name: obsolete flinch reflex is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000243 name: obsolete lordosis reflex is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000244 name: obsolete ocular reflex is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000245 name: obsolete pinna reflex is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000246 name: obsolete postural reflex is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000247 name: obsolete proboscis extension reflex is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000248 name: obsolete pupillary reflex is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000249 name: obsolete righting reflex is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000250 name: obsolete spinal reflex is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000251 name: obsolete startle reflex is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000252 name: obsolete suckling reflex is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000253 name: obsolete swallowing reflex is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000254 name: obsolete vibrissae reflex is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000255 name: obsolete taste_acuity is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000256 name: obsolete taste type is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000257 name: obsolete absolute taste_acuity is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000258 name: obsolete relative taste_acuity is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000259 name: obsolete visual_ability is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000260 name: obsolete visual_acuity is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000261 name: maturity def: "A quality of a single physical entity which is held by a bearer when the latter exhibits a state of growth, differentiation, or development." [Merriam-Webster:Merriam-Webster] subset: attribute_slim is_a: PATO:0001995 ! organismal quality [Term] id: PATO:0000262 name: obsolete visual placing is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000263 name: obsolete visual threshold is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000264 name: obsolete absolute visual_ability is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000265 name: obsolete relative visual_ability is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000266 name: obsolete absolute visual_acuity is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000267 name: obsolete relative visual_acuity is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000268 name: obsolete absolute visual threshold is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000269 name: obsolete relative visual threshold is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000270 name: obsolete defecation is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000271 name: obsolete prepulse inhibition is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000272 name: obsolete relative neurobehavioral function is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000273 name: fecundity def: "A reproductive quality inhering in an organism or population by virtue of the bearer's potential reproductive capacity ad measured by the number of gametes." [Wikipedia:http\://] subset: attribute_slim subset: disposition_slim subset: scalar_slim is_a: PATO:0001434 ! reproductive quality [Term] id: PATO:0000274 name: fertility def: "A reproductive quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's initiating, sustaining, or supporting reproduction." [PATOC:GVG] subset: attribute_slim subset: disposition_slim is_a: PATO:0001434 ! reproductive quality [Term] id: PATO:0000275 name: obsolete gestational period is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000276 name: brood size def: "A reproductive quality inhering in the young of an animal by virtue of their number." [PATOC:GVG] subset: attribute_slim subset: scalar_slim synonym: "litter size" RELATED [] is_a: PATO:0001496 ! brood quality [Term] id: PATO:0000277 name: female fertility def: "A fertility quality inhering in a female by virtue of the bearer's disposition to initiate, sustain, or support reproduction." [PATOC:GVG] subset: attribute_slim subset: disposition_slim is_a: PATO:0000274 ! fertility [Term] id: PATO:0000278 name: obsolete hybrid fertility is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000279 name: male fertility def: "A fertility quality of inhering in a male by virtue of the bearer's disposition to initiate, sustain, or support reproduction." [PATOC:GVG] subset: attribute_slim subset: disposition_slim is_a: PATO:0000274 ! fertility [Term] id: PATO:0000280 name: obsolete backcross fertility is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000281 name: obsolete cytoplasmic sterility is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000282 name: obsolete f1 fertility is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000283 name: obsolete f2 fertility is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000284 name: obsolete germ line dependent fertility is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000285 name: obsolete soma dependent fertility is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000286 name: obsolete cytoplasmic male sterility is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000287 name: obsolete absolute litter size is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000288 name: obsolete relative litter size is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000289 name: obsolete respiratory rate is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000290 name: obsolete absolute respiratory rate is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000291 name: obsolete relative respiratory rate is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000292 name: obsolete mobility value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000293 name: obsolete absolute activity value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000294 name: obsolete process value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000295 name: obsolete relative activity value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000296 name: obsolete speed value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000297 name: arrested alt_id: PATO:0001508 def: "A quality of a process which ends earlier than the natural end time or reference process." [PATOC:LC] comment: TODO: the definition is incorrect. See absent. subset: value_slim synonym: "abolished" EXACT [] synonym: "incomplete" RELATED [] is_a: PATO:0002052 ! decreased occurrence is_a: PATO:0002324 ! offset quality [Term] id: PATO:0000298 name: obsolete not arrested value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000299 name: mobile def: "A mobility quality of inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's disposition to move freely." [PATOC:GVG] subset: disposition_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000004 ! mobility disjoint_from: PATO:0000300 ! immobile relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0000300 ! immobile [Term] id: PATO:0000300 name: immobile def: "A mobility quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's being incapable to move freely." [PATOC:GVG] subset: disposition_slim subset: value_slim synonym: "fixed" RELATED [] is_a: PATO:0000004 ! mobility relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0000299 ! mobile [Term] id: PATO:0000301 name: obsolete absolute speed value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000302 name: obsolete relative speed value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000303 name: increased speed def: "A speed which is relatively high." [PATOC:GVG] subset: value_slim synonym: "fast speed" RELATED [] synonym: "high speed" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0000008 ! speed is_a: PATO:0002305 ! increased object quality relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0000304 ! decreased speed [Term] id: PATO:0000304 name: decreased speed def: "A speed which is relatively low." [PATOC:GVG] subset: value_slim synonym: "slow" EXACT [] synonym: "slow speed" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0000008 ! speed is_a: PATO:0002303 ! decreased object quality relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0000303 ! increased speed [Term] id: PATO:0000305 name: obsolete age value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000306 name: obsolete absolute age value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000307 name: obsolete relative age value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000308 name: old def: "An age which is relatively high." [PATOC:GVG] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000011 ! age relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0000309 ! young [Term] id: PATO:0000309 name: young def: "An age which is relatively low." [PATOC:GVG] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000011 ! age relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0000308 ! old [Term] id: PATO:0000310 name: obsolete color value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000311 name: obsolete color hue value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000312 name: obsolete color intensity value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000313 name: obsolete color saturation value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000314 name: obsolete flourescence value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000315 name: obsolete color pattern value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000316 name: obsolete relative color value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000317 name: black def: "A color that lacks any hues as parts." [PATOC:GVG] subset: mpath_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000014 ! color [Term] id: PATO:0000318 name: blue def: "A color hue with low wavelength of that portion of the visible spectrum lying between green and indigo, evoked in the human observer by radiant energy with wavelengths of approximately 420 to 490 nanometers." [Dictionary:http\://] subset: mpath_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000014 ! color [Term] id: PATO:0000319 name: cyan def: "A color consisting of green and blue hue." [PATOC:GVG] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000014 ! color [Term] id: PATO:0000320 name: green def: "A color hue with medium-low wavelength of that portion of the visible spectrum lying between yellow and blue, evoked in the human observer by radiant energy with wavelengths of approximately 490 to 570 nanometers." [Dictionary:http\://] subset: mpath_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000014 ! color [Term] id: PATO:0000321 name: magenta def: "A color consisting of red and blue hues." [Wikipedia:http\://] subset: mpath_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000014 ! color [Term] id: PATO:0000322 name: red def: "A color hue with high wavelength of the long-wave end of the visible spectrum, evoked in the human observer by radiant energy with wavelengths of approximately 630 to 750 nanometers." [Dictionary:http\://] subset: mpath_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000014 ! color [Term] id: PATO:0000323 name: white def: "An achromatic color of maximum brightness; the color of objects that reflect nearly all light of all visible wavelengths." [Dictionary:http\://] subset: mpath_slim subset: value_slim synonym: "whitish" RELATED [] is_a: PATO:0000014 ! color [Term] id: PATO:0000324 name: yellow def: "A color hue with medium wavelength of that portion of the visible spectrum lying between orange and green, evoked in the human observer by radiant energy with wavelengths of approximately 570 to 590 nanometers." [Dictionary:http\://] subset: mpath_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000014 ! color [Term] id: PATO:0000325 name: obsolete bright is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000326 name: obsolete dim is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000327 name: low brightness def: "A color brightness which is relatively low." [PATOC:MAH] subset: value_slim synonym: "dark" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0000016 ! color brightness relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0000665 ! high brightness [Term] id: PATO:0000328 name: low saturation def: "A color saturation which is of low purity." [PATOC:MAH] subset: value_slim synonym: "dull" RELATED [] synonym: "pale" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0000017 ! color saturation relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0001229 ! high saturation [Term] id: PATO:0000329 name: blotchy def: "A color pattern inhering in a bearer by virtue of bearer's being marked with irregularly shaped spots or blots of a different hue or degree of saturation." [] subset: value_slim synonym: "blotched" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0001533 ! multi-colored [Term] id: PATO:0000330 name: irregular spatial pattern def: "A spatial pattern inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's magnitude of or the relationships between its repeated parts lack consistency." [PATOC:GVG] subset: cell_quality subset: mpath_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000060 ! spatial pattern relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0000440 ! regular spatial pattern [Term] id: PATO:0000331 name: discolored def: "A color quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's being altered or spoiled in color." [] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000019 ! color pattern relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0000336 ! colored [Term] id: PATO:0000333 name: spotted def: "A color pattern inhering in a bearer by virtue of bearer's being marked with a round area of different hue or degree of saturation." [PATOC:GVG] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001533 ! multi-colored [Term] id: PATO:0000335 name: obsolete variegated synonym: "mottled (sensu Drosophila)" RELATED [] is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000336 name: colored alt_id: PATO:0000332 def: "A color quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's having color." [PATOC:GVG] subset: value_slim synonym: "pigmented" RELATED [] is_a: PATO:0000014 ! color relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0000331 ! discolored [Term] id: PATO:0000337 name: colorless alt_id: PATO:0000334 def: "A color quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's lacking color." [PATOC:GVG] subset: value_slim synonym: "unpigmented" RELATED [] is_a: PATO:0000019 ! color pattern [Term] id: PATO:0000338 name: obsolete compatability value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000339 name: obsolete gametophytic compatability value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000340 name: obsolete relative compatability value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000341 name: obsolete sporophytic compatability value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000342 name: obsolete gametophyte compatible value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000343 name: obsolete gametophyte incompatible value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000344 name: compatible def: "A compatibility quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's being capable of harmonious coexistence." [PATOC:GVG] subset: disposition_slim subset: relational_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000021 ! compatibility disjoint_from: PATO:0000345 ! incompatible relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0000345 ! incompatible [Term] id: PATO:0000345 name: incompatible def: "A compatibility quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's being incapable of harmonious coexistence." [PATOC:GVG] subset: disposition_slim subset: relational_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000021 ! compatibility relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0000344 ! compatible [Term] id: PATO:0000346 name: obsolete sporophyte compatible value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000347 name: obsolete sporophyte incompatible value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000348 name: obsolete composition value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000349 name: obsolete carbohydrate composition value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000350 name: obsolete electrolyte composition value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000351 name: obsolete macromolecular composition value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000352 name: obsolete metabolite composition value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000353 name: obsolete secondary product composition value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000354 name: obsolete protein composition value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000355 name: obsolete enzyme composition value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000356 name: obsolete concentration value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000357 name: obsolete protein concentration value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000358 name: obsolete sugar concentration value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000359 name: obsolete water content value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000360 name: obsolete consistency value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000361 name: obsolete gel consistency value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000362 name: obsolete direction value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000363 name: obsolete away is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000364 name: obsolete bi-directional is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000365 name: down def: "A directional quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's direction from a higher to a lower point." [PATOC:GVG] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000039 ! direction relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0000370 ! up [Term] id: PATO:0000366 name: left def: "A directional quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's direction that is similar to the direction of an object to the north when it faces east." [PATOC:GVG] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000039 ! direction [Term] id: PATO:0000367 name: right def: "A directional quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's direction that is similar to the direction of an object to the north when it faces west." [PATOC:GVG] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000039 ! direction [Term] id: PATO:0000368 name: obsolete towards1 is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000369 name: obsolete unidirectional is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000370 name: up def: "A directional quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's direction from a lower to a higher point." [PATOC:GVG] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000039 ! direction relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0000365 ! down [Term] id: PATO:0000371 name: obsolete distance value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000372 name: obsolete absolute distance value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000373 name: obsolete relative distance value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000374 name: increased distance def: "A distance which is greater relative to the normal or average." [PATOC:GVG] subset: relational_slim subset: value_slim synonym: "long distance" RELATED [] is_a: PATO:0000040 ! distance is_a: PATO:0002305 ! increased object quality relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0000375 ! decreased distance [Term] id: PATO:0000375 name: decreased distance def: "A distance which is lesser relative to the normal or average." [PATOC:GVG] subset: relational_slim subset: value_slim synonym: "short distance" RELATED [] is_a: PATO:0000040 ! distance is_a: PATO:0002303 ! decreased object quality relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0000374 ! increased distance [Term] id: PATO:0000376 name: obsolete flavor value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000377 name: obsolete frequency value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000378 name: obsolete absolute frequency value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000379 name: obsolete relative frequency value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000380 name: increased frequency def: "A frequency which is relatively high." [PATOC:GVG] subset: mpath_slim subset: value_slim synonym: "frequent" RELATED [] synonym: "high frequency" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0000044 ! frequency is_a: PATO:0055003 ! increased rate of occurrence relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0000381 ! decreased frequency [Term] id: PATO:0000381 name: decreased frequency def: "A frequency which is relatively low." [PATOC:GVG] subset: mpath_slim subset: value_slim synonym: "infrequent" RELATED [] synonym: "low frequency" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0000044 ! frequency is_a: PATO:0055004 ! decreased rate of occurrence relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0000380 ! increased frequency [Term] id: PATO:0000382 name: obsolete gender value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000383 name: female def: "A biological sex quality inhering in an individual or a population that only produces gametes that can be fertilised by male gametes." [MGED:MGED] subset: mpath_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001894 ! phenotypic sex [Term] id: PATO:0000384 name: male def: "A biological sex quality inhering in an individual or a population whose sex organs contain only male gametes." [MGED:MGED] subset: mpath_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001894 ! phenotypic sex [Term] id: PATO:0000385 name: obsolete hardness value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000386 name: hard def: "A hardness quality of being rigid and resistant to pressure." [PATOC:GVG] subset: disposition_slim subset: mpath_slim subset: value_slim synonym: "firm" RELATED [] synonym: "impenetrable" RELATED [] synonym: "tough" RELATED [] is_a: PATO:0000048 ! hardness is_a: PATO:0002305 ! increased object quality relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0000387 ! soft [Term] id: PATO:0000387 name: soft def: "A hardness quality of giving little resistance to pressure." [PATOC:GVG] subset: disposition_slim subset: mpath_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000048 ! hardness is_a: PATO:0002303 ! decreased object quality relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0000386 ! hard [Term] id: PATO:0000388 name: obsolete intensity value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000389 name: acute def: "A quality of a process inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's having a sudden onset, sharp rise, and short course." [dictionary:reference] subset: hpo_slim subset: mpath_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001309 ! duration relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0001863 ! chronic [Term] id: PATO:0000390 name: obsolete extreme is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000391 name: obsolete intense is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000392 name: obsolete limited is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000393 name: obsolete maximal is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000394 name: mild intensity def: "An intensity which is less than moderate in type or degree or effect or force." [PATOC:GVG] subset: hpo_slim subset: mpath_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000049 ! intensity [Term] id: PATO:0000395 name: moderate intensity def: "An intensity which is less than extreme in type or degree or effect or force." [Merriam-Webster:Merriam-Webster] subset: hpo_slim subset: mpath_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000049 ! intensity [Term] id: PATO:0000396 name: severe intensity def: "An intensity which is extremely bad or unpleasant in type or degree or effect or force." [WordNet:WordNet] subset: hpo_slim subset: mpath_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000049 ! intensity [Term] id: PATO:0000397 name: obsolete slight subset: mpath_slim is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000398 name: obsolete vigorous is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000399 name: obsolete life span value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000400 name: obsolete morphology value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000401 name: obsolete shape value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000402 name: branched def: "A branchiness quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's having branches." [WordNet:WordNet] subset: cell_quality subset: mpath_slim subset: value_slim synonym: "ramified" EXACT [] synonym: "ramiform" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0002009 ! branchiness disjoint_from: PATO:0000414 ! unbranched relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0000414 ! unbranched [Term] id: PATO:0000403 name: cleft def: "A concave quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's resembling a groove or fissure." [WordNet:WordNet] subset: cell_quality subset: mpath_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001857 ! concave [Term] id: PATO:0000404 name: coiled alt_id: PATO:0001363 def: "A shape quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's being curled or wound (especially in concentric rings or spirals)." [WordNet:WordNet] subset: cell_quality subset: mpath_slim subset: value_slim synonym: "helical" RELATED [] synonym: "helicoid" RELATED [] synonym: "helicoidal" RELATED [] synonym: "helix-shaped" RELATED [] synonym: "spiral" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0001794 ! coiling relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0000415 ! uncoiled [Term] id: PATO:0000405 name: curled def: "A shape quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's having parallel chains in undulate fashion on the border." [PATOC:GVG] subset: cell_quality subset: mpath_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000052 ! shape [Term] id: PATO:0000406 name: curved def: "A curvature quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's having or being marked by a curve or smoothly rounded bend." [WordNet:WordNet] subset: cell_quality subset: value_slim synonym: "bowing" NARROW [] synonym: "curled" RELATED [] is_a: PATO:0001591 ! curvature [Term] id: PATO:0000407 name: flat def: "A quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's having a horizontal surface without a slope, tilt, or curvature." [web:http\://] subset: cell_quality subset: mpath_slim subset: value_slim synonym: "plate-like" RELATED [] is_a: PATO:0002254 ! flattened [Term] id: PATO:0000409 name: oblate def: "A spheroid quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's exhibiting an equatorial diameter greater than its polar diameter." [WordNet:WordNet] subset: cell_quality subset: mpath_slim subset: value_slim synonym: "oblate spheroid" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0001865 ! spheroid [Term] id: PATO:0000410 name: pinnate def: "A shape quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's having leaflets or leaflets-like structures on each side of a common axis." [WordNet:WordNet] subset: cell_quality subset: mpath_slim subset: value_slim synonym: "feather-like" RELATED [] synonym: "of a leaf shape" RELATED [] is_a: PATO:0000052 ! shape [Term] id: PATO:0000411 name: circular def: "A shape quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's being such that every part of the surface or the circumference is equidistant from the center." [] subset: cell_quality subset: mpath_slim subset: value_slim synonym: "round" RELATED [] synonym: "rounded" RELATED [] is_a: PATO:0000947 ! elliptic [Term] id: PATO:0000413 name: square def: "A shape quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's having an equal-sided rectangular form." [] subset: cell_quality subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0002317 ! parallelogram [Term] id: PATO:0000414 name: unbranched def: "A branchiness quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's lacking branches." [PATOC:GVG] subset: cell_quality subset: mpath_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0002009 ! branchiness relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0000402 ! branched [Term] id: PATO:0000415 name: uncoiled def: "A shape quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's being not curled or wound (especially in concentric rings or spirals)." [WordNet:WordNet] subset: cell_quality subset: mpath_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001794 ! coiling relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0000404 ! coiled [Term] id: PATO:0000416 name: obsolete count value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000417 name: obsolete absolute number value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000418 name: obsolete relative number value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000421 name: obsolete nutritional value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000422 name: auxotrophic def: "A nutritional quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's inability to synthesize a particular organic compound required for its growth." [Wikipedia:http\://] subset: disposition_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000056 ! trophic quality relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0000423 ! prototrophic [Term] id: PATO:0000423 name: prototrophic def: "A nutritional quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's ability to synthesize a particular organic compound required for its growth." [Wikipedia:http\://] subset: disposition_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000056 ! trophic quality relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0000422 ! auxotrophic [Term] id: PATO:0000424 name: obsolete occurence value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000425 name: obsolete continual subset: mpath_slim is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000427 name: recurrent def: "A quality of a single process inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's occurring or appearing again or repeatedly." [] subset: hpo_slim subset: mpath_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000057 ! occurrence relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0000428 ! sporadic [Term] id: PATO:0000428 name: sporadic def: "A quality of a single process inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's once or in or a few unpredictable instances." [PATO:MAH, WordNet:WordNet] subset: hpo_slim subset: mpath_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000057 ! occurrence relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0000427 ! recurrent [Term] id: PATO:0000430 name: obsolete unique is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000431 name: obsolete odor value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000432 name: obsolete parental type value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000433 name: obsolete paternal def: "A parental quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of exhibiting the characteristic of a father." [WordNet:WordNet] subset: value_slim is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000434 name: obsolete maternal def: "A parental quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of exhibiting the characteristic of a mother." [WordNet:WordNet] subset: value_slim is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000435 name: obsolete pattern value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000436 name: obsolete concrete is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000437 name: obsolete sleep pattern value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000438 name: invariant def: "A variability quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's lacking or not exhibiting variation." [Dictionary:http\://] subset: value_slim synonym: "constant" RELATED [] synonym: "uniform" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0001303 ! variability relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0001227 ! variant [Term] id: PATO:0000439 name: obsolete perseverative is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000440 name: regular spatial pattern def: "A pattern quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's having a repeatable or predictable placement." [PATOC:GVG] subset: mpath_slim subset: relational_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000060 ! spatial pattern relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0000330 ! irregular spatial pattern [Term] id: PATO:0000441 name: repetitive def: "A quality of a single process inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's marked by tedious repetition." [] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000057 ! occurrence [Term] id: PATO:0000442 name: obsolete insomnia def: "A sleep pattern quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's inability to sleep." [WordNet:WordNet] comment: Consider NBO:0000422. subset: disposition_slim subset: value_slim is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000443 name: obsolete narcolepsy def: "A sleep pattern quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's disrupted sleep during normal sleeping period; often accompanied by cataplexy, sleep paralysis." [] comment: Consider NBO:0000423 subset: disposition_slim subset: value_slim is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000444 name: obsolete percentage value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000445 name: obsolete relative percentage value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000446 name: obsolete absolute percentage value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000447 name: obsolete decreased percentage is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000448 name: obsolete high percentage is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000449 name: obsolete increased percentage is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000450 name: obsolete low percentage is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000451 name: obsolete pilosity value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000452 name: obsolete relative pilosity value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000453 name: glabrous def: "A pilosity quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's lack of hairs or bristles." [PATOC:CJM, PATOC:GVG] subset: mpath_slim subset: value_slim synonym: "hairless" RELATED [] is_a: PATO:0000066 ! pilosity disjoint_from: PATO:0000454 ! hairy [Term] id: PATO:0000454 name: hairy def: "A pilosity quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's being covered with hair or hairlike projections." [PATOC:GVG] subset: mpath_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000066 ! pilosity [Term] id: PATO:0000455 name: pubescent def: "A maturity quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's having arrived at the onset of puberty (the age at which sex glands become functional) but not yet fully mature." [WordNet:WordNet] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000261 ! maturity [Term] id: PATO:0000456 name: obsolete abstract is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000457 name: obsolete deviation(from_normal) value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000458 name: obsolete presence value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000459 name: obsolete relative quantity value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000460 name: abnormal def: "A quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's deviation from normal or average." [PATOC:GVG] subset: abnormal_slim subset: mpath_slim subset: value_slim synonym: "aberrant" RELATED [] synonym: "atypia" RELATED [] synonym: "atypical" RELATED [] synonym: "defective" RELATED [] is_a: PATO:0000069 ! deviation (from_normal) relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0000461 ! normal [Term] id: PATO:0000461 name: normal def: "A quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's exhibiting no deviation from normal or average." [PATOC:GVG] subset: abnormal_slim subset: mpath_slim subset: value_slim synonym: "average" RELATED [] is_a: PATO:0000068 ! qualitative relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0000460 ! abnormal [Term] id: PATO:0000462 name: absent alt_id: PATO:0001996 def: "A quality denoting the lack of an entity." [thefreedictionary.:thefreedictionary.] comment: We recommend using the new absent terms (physical absence, absent anatomical entity, or absent process) instead of this class. This is a legacy term and will ultimately be obsoleted.\nSee subset: absent_slim subset: mpath_slim subset: value_slim synonym: "absence" EXACT [] synonym: "absent from organism" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0000070 ! amount disjoint_from: PATO:0000467 ! present relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0000467 ! present relationship: RO:0015012 PATO:0001558 ! reciprocal of lacking processual parts relationship: RO:0015012 PATO:0002000 ! reciprocal of lacks all parts of type [Term] id: PATO:0000463 name: conspicuous def: "A quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of being clearly visible." [thefreedictionary:thefreedictionary] subset: mpath_slim subset: value_slim synonym: "distinct" RELATED [] is_a: PATO:0001998 ! conspicuousness relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0000464 ! inconspicuous [Term] id: PATO:0000464 name: inconspicuous def: "A quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of not being clearly visible." [thefreedictionary:thefreedictionary] subset: mpath_slim subset: value_slim synonym: "faint" RELATED [] is_a: PATO:0001998 ! conspicuousness relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0000463 ! conspicuous [Term] id: PATO:0000465 name: obsolete marked is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000466 name: obsolete none is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000467 name: present def: "A quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's existence." [PATOC:GVG] subset: absent_slim subset: value_slim synonym: "present in organism" RELATED [] is_a: PATO:0000070 ! amount relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0000462 ! absent [Term] id: PATO:0000469 name: obsolete high is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000470 name: increased amount alt_id: PATO:0000420 alt_id: PATO:0000650 def: "An amount which is relatively high." [PATOC:GVG] subset: value_slim synonym: "accessory" RELATED [] synonym: "increased" RELATED [] synonym: "increased number" EXACT [] synonym: "present in greater numbers in organism" EXACT [] synonym: "supernumerary" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0000467 ! present is_a: PATO:0002300 ! increased quality relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0001997 ! decreased amount [Term] id: PATO:0000471 name: obsolete low is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000472 name: obsolete quality value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000473 name: obsolete relative_quality value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000474 name: obsolete shattering value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000475 name: obsolete threshability value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000476 name: obsolete bad value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000477 name: obsolete good value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000478 name: obsolete poor value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000479 name: obsolete regulation value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000480 name: obsolete positive regulation is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000481 name: obsolete negative regulation is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000482 name: obsolete response value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000483 name: obsolete tactile hyperresponsive is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000484 name: obsolete tactile hyporesponsive is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000485 name: obsolete mild response is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000486 name: obsolete moderate response is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000487 name: responsive to def: "A response quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's disposition to react to a stimulus or an agent." [PATOC:GVG] subset: disposition_slim subset: relational_slim subset: value_slim synonym: "responsive" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0000077 ! response to disjoint_from: PATO:0000488 ! unresponsive to relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0000488 ! unresponsive to [Term] id: PATO:0000488 name: unresponsive to def: "A response quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's lack of reaction to a stimulus or an agent." [PATOC:GVG] subset: disposition_slim subset: relational_slim subset: value_slim synonym: "unresponsive" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0000077 ! response to relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0000487 ! responsive to [Term] id: PATO:0000489 name: obsolete vigorous response is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000490 name: obsolete rhythym value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000491 name: obsolete sensitivity value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000492 name: obsolete absolute rhythym value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000493 name: obsolete amplitude value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000494 name: obsolete period value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000495 name: obsolete persistence value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000496 name: obsolete phase value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000497 name: obsolete relative rhythym value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000498 name: increased duration alt_id: PATO:0000715 def: "A duration quality of a process which is relatively high." [PATOC:GVG] subset: value_slim synonym: "chronic" RELATED [] synonym: "high time" EXACT [] synonym: "increased period" EXACT [] synonym: "increased time" EXACT [] synonym: "prolonged period" RELATED [] synonym: "slow time" RELATED [] is_a: PATO:0001309 ! duration is_a: PATO:0002304 ! increased process quality relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0000499 ! decreased duration [Term] id: PATO:0000499 name: decreased duration alt_id: PATO:0000716 def: "A duration quality of a process which is relatively low." [PATOC:GVG] subset: value_slim synonym: "decreased period" EXACT [] synonym: "decreased time" EXACT [] synonym: "fast time" RELATED [] synonym: "low period" EXACT [] synonym: "shortened period" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0001309 ! duration is_a: PATO:0002302 ! decreased process quality relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0000498 ! increased duration [Term] id: PATO:0000500 name: advanced phase def: "A phase which occurs earlier than the natural start time." [PATOC:GVG] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000083 ! phase [Term] id: PATO:0000501 name: dark phase def: "A phase which occurs during dark cycle." [PATOC:GVG] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000083 ! phase [Term] id: PATO:0000502 name: delayed def: "A quality of a process which starts later than the natural start time or the reference process." [PATOC:LC] subset: value_slim synonym: "late" RELATED [] is_a: PATO:0002325 ! onset quality [Term] id: PATO:0000503 name: light phase def: "A phase which occurs during the light cycle." [PATOC:GVG] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000083 ! phase [Term] id: PATO:0000504 name: arrhythmic def: "A rhythm quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's lacking rhythm." [PATOC:GVG] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000078 ! rhythm quality relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0000505 ! rhythmic [Term] id: PATO:0000505 name: rhythmic def: "A rhythm quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's having rhythm." [PATOC:GVG] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000078 ! rhythm quality relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0000504 ! arrhythmic [Term] id: PATO:0000506 name: obsolete absolute sensitivity value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000507 name: obsolete disease sensitivity value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000508 name: obsolete relative sensitivity value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000509 name: obsolete stress sensitivity value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000510 name: obsolete temperature sensitivity value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000511 name: obsolete absolute disease sensitivity value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000512 name: obsolete relative disease sensitivity value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000513 name: insensitive toward def: "A quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's lacking sensitivity toward an external stimulus." [PATOC:GVG] subset: disposition_slim subset: relational_slim subset: value_slim synonym: "insensitive" EXACT [] synonym: "resistant" RELATED [] is_a: PATO:0000085 ! sensitivity toward relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0000516 ! sensitive toward [Term] id: PATO:0000514 name: obsolete intolerant value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000515 name: tolerant to def: "A resistance quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of its disposition to endure or being insensitive to a stimulus." [PATOC:GVG] subset: disposition_slim subset: relational_slim subset: value_slim synonym: "tolerant" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0001046 ! resistance to disjoint_from: PATO:0001178 ! resistant to [Term] id: PATO:0000516 name: sensitive toward def: "A quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's having sensitivity toward an external stimulus." [PATOC:GVG] subset: disposition_slim subset: relational_slim subset: value_slim synonym: "sensitive" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0000085 ! sensitivity toward relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0000513 ! insensitive toward [Term] id: PATO:0000517 name: obsolete abiotic stress sensitivity value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000518 name: obsolete chemical sensitivity value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000519 name: obsolete humidity sensitivity value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000520 name: obsolete radiation sensitivity value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000521 name: obsolete drug sensitivity value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000522 name: obsolete herbicide sensitivity value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000523 name: obsolete insecticide sensitivity value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000524 name: obsolete plant growth hormone sensitivity value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000525 name: obsolete soil composition sensitivity value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000526 name: obsolete absolute drug sensitivity value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000527 name: obsolete relative drug sensitivity value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000528 name: obsolete drug insensitive is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000529 name: obsolete drug sensitive is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000530 name: obsolete soil nutrient sensitivity value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000531 name: obsolete macronutrient sensitivity value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000532 name: obsolete micronutrient sensitivity value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000533 name: obsolete osmotic response sensitivity is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000534 name: obsolete p h sensitivity value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000535 name: obsolete salt sensitivity value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000536 name: obsolete water sensitivity value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000537 name: obsolete acid sensitivity value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000538 name: obsolete alkali sensitivity value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000539 name: obsolete drought sensitivity value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000540 name: obsolete flooding sensitivity value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000541 name: obsolete photosensitivity value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000542 name: obsolete absolute photosensitivity value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000543 name: obsolete light intensivity sensitivity value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000544 name: obsolete light_quality sensitivity value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000545 name: obsolete relative photosensitivity value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000546 name: photoinsensitive def: "A photosensitivity quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's lacking photosensitivity." [PATOC:GVG] subset: disposition_slim subset: value_slim synonym: "photoresistant" RELATED [] is_a: PATO:0000927 ! photosensitivity disjoint_from: PATO:0000547 ! photosensitive relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0000547 ! photosensitive [Term] id: PATO:0000547 name: photosensitive def: "A photosensitivity quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's exhibiting photosensitivity." [PATOC:GVG] subset: disposition_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000927 ! photosensitivity relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0000546 ! photoinsensitive [Term] id: PATO:0000548 name: obsolete blue light sensitivity value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000549 name: obsolete far red light sensitivity value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000550 name: obsolete red light sensitivity value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000551 name: obsolete u v light sensitivity value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000552 name: obsolete absolute temperature sensitivity value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000553 name: obsolete relative temperature sensitivity value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000554 name: obsolete cold sensitive is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000555 name: obsolete heat sensitive is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000556 name: obsolete thermoinsensitive synonym: "thermoresistant" RELATED [] is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000557 name: obsolete thermosensitive is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000558 name: obsolete size value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000559 name: obsolete absolute size value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000560 name: obsolete height value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000561 name: obsolete length value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000562 name: obsolete mass value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000563 name: obsolete relative size value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000564 name: obsolete thickness value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000565 name: obsolete volume value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000566 name: obsolete width value synonym: ":breadth" RELATED [] is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000567 name: obsolete absolute height value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000568 name: obsolete relative height value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000569 name: decreased height def: "A height which is relatively low." [PATOC:GVG] subset: value_slim synonym: "short" RELATED [] is_a: PATO:0000119 ! height is_a: PATO:0000587 ! decreased size relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0000570 ! increased height [Term] id: PATO:0000570 name: increased height def: "A height which is relatively high." [PATOC:GVG] subset: value_slim synonym: "tall" RELATED [] is_a: PATO:0000119 ! height is_a: PATO:0000586 ! increased size relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0000569 ! decreased height [Term] id: PATO:0000571 name: obsolete absolute length value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000572 name: obsolete relative length value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000573 name: increased length def: "A length quality which is relatively large." [PATOC:GVG] subset: value_slim synonym: "long" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0000122 ! length is_a: PATO:0000586 ! increased size relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0000574 ! decreased length [Term] id: PATO:0000574 name: decreased length def: "A length quality which is relatively small." [PATOC:GVG] subset: value_slim synonym: "short" EXACT [] synonym: "shortened" RELATED [] synonym: "stubby" RELATED [] is_a: PATO:0000122 ! length is_a: PATO:0000587 ! decreased size relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0000573 ! increased length [Term] id: PATO:0000575 name: obsolete absolute mass value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000576 name: obsolete relative mass value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000577 name: obsolete weight value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000580 name: obsolete absolute weight value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000581 name: obsolete relative weight value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000582 name: increased weight def: "A weight which is relatively high." [PATOC:GVG] subset: value_slim synonym: "heavy" EXACT [] synonym: "high weight" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0000128 ! weight is_a: PATO:0002245 ! increased force relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0000583 ! decreased weight [Term] id: PATO:0000583 name: decreased weight def: "A weight which is relatively low." [PATOC:GVG] subset: value_slim synonym: "light weight" EXACT [] synonym: "low weight" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0000128 ! weight is_a: PATO:0002246 ! decreased force relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0000582 ! increased weight [Term] id: PATO:0000584 name: hypertrophic def: "An increased size quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's exhibiting enlargement of a cell or constituent group of cells (for example, organ)." [PATOC:MAH] subset: mpath_slim subset: value_slim synonym: "hypertrophy" NARROW [] is_a: PATO:0000595 ! increased volume relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0000585 ! hypotrophic [Term] id: PATO:0000585 name: hypotrophic alt_id: PATO:0000412 def: "A decreased size quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's exhibiting reduced size of a cell or constituent group of cells (for example, organ)." [PATOC:MAH] subset: mpath_slim subset: value_slim synonym: "shrunken" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0000596 ! decreased volume relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0000584 ! hypertrophic [Term] id: PATO:0000586 name: increased size alt_id: PATO:0001202 def: "A size quality which is relatively high." [PATOC:GVG] subset: value_slim synonym: "big" RELATED [] synonym: "enlarged" RELATED [] synonym: "expanded" RELATED [] synonym: "great" RELATED [] synonym: "large" RELATED [] is_a: PATO:0000117 ! size is_a: PATO:0002305 ! increased object quality relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0000587 ! decreased size [Term] id: PATO:0000587 name: decreased size def: "A size quality which is relatively low." [PATOC:GVG] subset: value_slim synonym: "hypoplasia" NARROW [] synonym: "reduced" RELATED [] synonym: "small" RELATED [] synonym: "tiny" RELATED [] synonym: "underdeveloped" NARROW [] is_a: PATO:0000117 ! size is_a: PATO:0002303 ! decreased object quality relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0000586 ! increased size [Term] id: PATO:0000588 name: vestigial def: "A quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's being a remnant structure from earlier development or evolution." [PATOC:MAH] comment: May be part of an animal (such as an organ or bone) that is no longer used by the species and has therefore become smaller or less developed. subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000141 ! structure [Term] id: PATO:0000589 name: obsolete absolute thickness value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000590 name: obsolete relative thickness value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000591 name: increased thickness def: "A thickness which is relatively high." [PATOC:GVG] subset: mpath_slim subset: value_slim synonym: "high thickness" EXACT [] synonym: "stout" EXACT [] synonym: "thick" RELATED [] synonym: "thickened" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0000586 ! increased size is_a: PATO:0000915 ! thickness relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0000592 ! decreased thickness [Term] id: PATO:0000592 name: decreased thickness def: "A thickness which is relatively low." [PATOC:GVG] subset: mpath_slim subset: value_slim synonym: "low thickness" EXACT [] synonym: "slender" RELATED [] synonym: "thin" RELATED [] is_a: PATO:0000587 ! decreased size is_a: PATO:0000915 ! thickness relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0000591 ! increased thickness [Term] id: PATO:0000593 name: obsolete absolute volume value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000594 name: obsolete relative volume value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000595 name: increased volume def: "A volume which is relatively high." [PATOC:GVG] subset: mpath_slim subset: value_slim synonym: "high volume" EXACT [] synonym: "large volume" RELATED [] is_a: PATO:0000586 ! increased size is_a: PATO:0000918 ! volume relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0000596 ! decreased volume [Term] id: PATO:0000596 name: decreased volume def: "A volume which is relatively low." [PATOC:GVG] subset: mpath_slim subset: value_slim synonym: "low volume" EXACT [] synonym: "small volume" RELATED [] is_a: PATO:0000587 ! decreased size is_a: PATO:0000918 ! volume relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0000595 ! increased volume [Term] id: PATO:0000597 name: obsolete absolute width value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000598 name: obsolete relative width value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000599 name: decreased width def: "A width which is relatively small." [PATOC:GVG] subset: value_slim synonym: "narrow" RELATED [] is_a: PATO:0000587 ! decreased size is_a: PATO:0000921 ! width relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0000600 ! increased width [Term] id: PATO:0000600 name: increased width def: "A width which is relatively large." [PATOC:GVG] subset: value_slim synonym: "broad" RELATED [] synonym: "wide" RELATED [] synonym: "wide/broad" RELATED [] is_a: PATO:0000586 ! increased size is_a: PATO:0000921 ! width relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0000599 ! decreased width [Term] id: PATO:0000601 name: obsolete spatial value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000602 name: obsolete angle value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000603 name: obsolete closure value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000604 name: obsolete orientation value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000605 name: obsolete placement value synonym: "location" RELATED [] synonym: "position" RELATED [] is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000606 name: obsolete absolute angle value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000607 name: obsolete relative angle value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000608 name: closed def: "A morphological quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's affording blocked passage or view." [] subset: value_slim synonym: "blocked" RELATED [] is_a: PATO:0000136 ! closure disjoint_from: PATO:0000610 ! open relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0000610 ! open [Term] id: PATO:0000609 name: closure incomplete def: "A morphological quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's affording not completed blocked passage or view." [PATOC:GVG] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000610 ! open [Term] id: PATO:0000610 name: open def: "A morphological quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's affording unobstructed passage or view." [] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000136 ! closure relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0000608 ! closed [Term] id: PATO:0000611 name: obsolete absolute orientation value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000612 name: obsolete relative orientation value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000613 name: disoriented def: "A spatial pattern inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's lacking orientation." [PATOC:GVG] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000330 ! irregular spatial pattern relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0000614 ! oriented [Term] id: PATO:0000614 name: oriented def: "A pattern where all the repeated elements are oriented in the same direction." [PATOC:MAH] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000440 ! regular spatial pattern relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0000613 ! disoriented [Term] id: PATO:0000615 name: wholly anteriorized def: "An anteriorized quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's gross morphology containing only what are normally anterior structures." [PATOC:GVG] subset: value_slim synonym: "anterioralized" RELATED [] synonym: "anteriorized" RELATED [] synonym: "wholly anterioralized" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0030000 ! anteriorized [Term] id: PATO:0000616 name: asymmetrical def: "A symmetry quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's lacking symmetry." [PATOC:GVG] subset: cell_quality subset: mpath_slim subset: value_slim synonym: "asymmetric" EXACT [] synonym: "asymmetry" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0000965 ! symmetry [Term] id: PATO:0000617 name: bent def: "A shape quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's having one or more angle(s) in its length." [PATOC:MAH] subset: value_slim synonym: "angled" EXACT [] synonym: "flexed" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0000052 ! shape [Term] id: PATO:0000618 name: bilateral def: "A positional quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's having two sides; two-sided." [] subset: mpath_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000140 ! position [Term] id: PATO:0000619 name: crowded def: "A positional quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's being overfilled." [WordNet:WordNet] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000140 ! position relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0000633 ! uncrowded [Term] id: PATO:0000620 name: wholly dorsalized def: "A dorsalized quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's gross morphology containing only what are normally dorsal structures." [PATOC:melissa] subset: mpath_slim subset: value_slim synonym: "dorsalized" RELATED [] is_a: PATO:0030001 ! dorsalized [Term] id: PATO:0000622 name: erect def: "A positional quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's being upright in position or posture." [WordNet:WordNet] subset: value_slim synonym: "upright" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0000140 ! position [Term] id: PATO:0000623 name: exserted def: "A quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's protruding or projecting from the body." [sdvc:sdvc] subset: value_slim synonym: "prolapse" RELATED [] synonym: "prolapsed" RELATED [] is_a: PATO:0001598 ! protruding [Term] id: PATO:0000624 name: inserted into def: "A spatial quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's becoming joined together with an additional entity." [PATOC:nw] subset: relational_slim subset: value_slim synonym: "inserted" EXACT [] synonym: "introduced into" RELATED [] is_a: PATO:0000140 ! position [Term] id: PATO:0000625 name: inverted def: "An oriented quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's being reversed in position, order, or condition." [PATOC:GVG] subset: mpath_slim subset: value_slim synonym: "backward" RELATED [] synonym: "reversed" RELATED [] is_a: PATO:0000614 ! oriented [Term] id: PATO:0000626 name: lateralized def: "A positional quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's being moved or displaced to one side so as to make lateral." [] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000140 ! position [Term] id: PATO:0000627 name: localized def: "A spatial pattern quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's being confined or restricted to a particular location." [WordNet:WordNet] subset: hpo_slim subset: mpath_slim subset: value_slim synonym: "focal" EXACT [] synonym: "localised" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0000060 ! spatial pattern [Term] id: PATO:0000628 name: mislocalised alt_id: PATO:0000621 def: "A positional quality inhering in a bearer by virtue the bearer's being changed in abnormal position." [PATOC:GVG] subset: disposition_slim subset: value_slim synonym: "ectopic" EXACT [] synonym: "mislocalized" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0002181 ! displaced [Term] id: PATO:0000629 name: misrouted def: "A positional quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's having mistakenly taken course, way, or passage; ill-routed." [NDI:NDI] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000140 ! position [Term] id: PATO:0000630 name: wholly posteriorized def: "A posteriorized quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's gross morphology containing only what are normally posterior structures." [PATOC:GVG] subset: mpath_slim subset: value_slim synonym: "posterioralized" RELATED [] synonym: "posteriorized" RELATED [] synonym: "wholly posterioralized" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0030002 ! posteriorized [Term] id: PATO:0000631 name: prostrate def: "A positional quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's being stretched out and lying at full length along the ground." [] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000140 ! position [Term] id: PATO:0000632 name: symmetrical def: "A symmetry quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's being capable of division by a longitudinal plane into similar halves." [PATOC:GVG] comment: similar pattern in both halves subset: cell_quality subset: mpath_slim subset: value_slim synonym: "symmetric" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0000440 ! regular spatial pattern is_a: PATO:0000965 ! symmetry [Term] id: PATO:0000633 name: uncrowded def: "A spatial pattern inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's being not overfilled." [PATOC:GVG] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000060 ! spatial pattern relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0000619 ! crowded [Term] id: PATO:0000634 name: unilateral def: "A spatial pattern inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's involvement of only one part or side." [WordNet:WordNet] subset: mpath_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000060 ! spatial pattern [Term] id: PATO:0000635 name: unlocalised def: "A spatial pattern inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's not being confined or restricted to a particular location." [WordNet:WordNet] subset: mpath_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000060 ! spatial pattern [Term] id: PATO:0000636 name: wholly ventralized def: "A ventralized quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's gross morphology containing only what are normally ventral structures." [PATOC:GVG] subset: mpath_slim subset: value_slim synonym: "ventralized" RELATED [] is_a: PATO:0030003 ! ventralized [Term] id: PATO:0000637 name: obsolete structure value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000638 name: apoptotic def: "A structural quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's consisting of blebbing of the nucleus and DNA fragmentation due to the cell undergoing a specific form of programmed cell death termed apoptosis." [PATOC:GVG] subset: value_slim xref: GO:0006915 is_a: PATO:0000141 ! structure [Term] id: PATO:0000639 name: degenerate def: "A structural quality inhering in a bearer whose structure deteriorates or is lost over time due to an active pathological process." [PATOC:mb, PATOC:PortlandMeetingFeb2015] subset: mpath_slim subset: value_slim synonym: "degeneration" NARROW [] is_a: PATO:0002037 ! degeneration disjoint_from: PATO:0001623 ! atrophied disjoint_from: PATO:0002038 ! non-degenerate relationship: has_part PATO:0000585 ! hypotrophic relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0002038 ! non-degenerate [Term] id: PATO:0000640 name: dysplastic def: "A structural quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's exhibiting an alteration in size, shape or organization of its constituent cells." [PATOC:MAH] subset: mpath_slim subset: value_slim synonym: "dysplasia" NARROW [] is_a: PATO:0000141 ! structure [Term] id: PATO:0000641 name: obsolete deposition defective is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000642 name: fused with def: "A structural quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's being merged with another entity." [PATOC:GVG] subset: mpath_slim subset: relational_slim subset: value_slim synonym: "coalesced" RELATED [] synonym: "fused" EXACT [] synonym: "fused to" EXACT [] synonym: "joined with" RELATED [] synonym: "merged with" RELATED [] is_a: PATO:0000141 ! structure relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0000651 ! unfused from [Term] id: PATO:0000643 name: herniated def: "A quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's bodily structure that has protruded through an abnormal opening in the wall that contains it." [spinalstenosis:spinalstenosis] subset: mpath_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001598 ! protruding [Term] id: PATO:0000644 name: hyperplastic alt_id: PATO:0000943 def: "A physical quality inhering in an organ or tissue by virtue of the bearer's exhibiting an increased number of cells, typically associated with an increase in size." [Wikipedia:Hyperplasia] subset: mpath_slim subset: value_slim synonym: "hyperplasia" EXACT [] synonym: "overdeveloped" RELATED [] is_a: PATO:0002305 ! increased object quality relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0000645 ! hypoplastic [Term] id: PATO:0000645 name: hypoplastic alt_id: PATO:0000942 def: "A physical quality inhering in an organ or tissue by virtue of the bearer's exhibiting a decreased number of cells, typically associated with a decrease in size." [PATOC:GVG, Wikipedia:Hypoplasia] subset: mpath_slim subset: value_slim synonym: "hypoplasia" EXACT [] synonym: "underdeveloped" RELATED [] is_a: PATO:0002290 ! aplastic/hypoplastic is_a: PATO:0002303 ! decreased object quality relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0000644 ! hyperplastic [Term] id: PATO:0000646 name: malformed def: "A morphological quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's being distorted during formation." [PATOC:MAH] subset: mpath_slim subset: value_slim synonym: "malformation" NARROW [] is_a: PATO:0001617 ! deformed [Term] id: PATO:0000647 name: necrotic def: "A structural quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's undergoing unprogrammed cell death." [Wikipedia:http\://] subset: mpath_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000141 ! structure [Term] id: PATO:0000648 name: obstructed def: "A morphological quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's being blocked or filled with obstacles or an obstacle." [] subset: mpath_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000608 ! closed [Term] id: PATO:0000651 name: unfused from def: "A structural quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's being no longer merged with another entity." [PATOC:nw] subset: relational_slim subset: value_slim synonym: "unfused" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0000141 ! structure relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0000642 ! fused with [Term] id: PATO:0000652 name: obsolete substance value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000653 name: obsolete addictive substance value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000654 name: obsolete alcochol value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000655 name: obsolete amphetamine value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000656 name: obsolete time_quantity is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000657 name: obsolete length_quantity is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000658 name: obsolete metamphetamine value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000659 name: obsolete temparature_quantity is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000660 name: obsolete angle_quantity is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000661 name: obsolete solid substance value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000662 name: obsolete volume_quantity is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000663 name: obsolete occurrent is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000664 name: obsolete substance_quantity is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000665 name: high brightness def: "A color brightness which is relatively high." [PATOC:MAH] subset: value_slim synonym: "light" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0000016 ! color brightness relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0000327 ! low brightness [Term] id: PATO:0000666 name: obsolete energy_quantity is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000667 name: obsolete liquid substance value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000668 name: obsolete mass_quantity is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000669 name: obsolete concentration_unit is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000670 name: obsolete saccharin versus water value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000671 name: obsolete water value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000672 name: obsolete unit is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000673 name: obsolete temperature value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000674 name: obsolete absolute temperature value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000675 name: obsolete body temperature value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000676 name: obsolete relative temperature value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000679 name: obsolete temporal value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000680 name: obsolete absolute temporal value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000681 name: obsolete incidence value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000682 name: obsolete rate value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000683 name: obsolete relative temporal value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000684 name: obsolete absolute incidence value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000685 name: obsolete relative incidence value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000686 name: obsolete absolute rate value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000687 name: obsolete relative rate value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000688 name: asynchronous def: "A quality of a single process inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's not occurring or existing at the same time or having the same period or phase." [WordNet:WordNet] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000057 ! occurrence relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0000695 ! synchronous [Term] id: PATO:0000689 name: continuous alt_id: PATO:0000429 def: "A quality of a single process inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's being uninterrupted in time, sequence, substance, or extent." [] subset: value_slim synonym: "uninterrupted" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0000057 ! occurrence relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0000690 ! discontinuous [Term] id: PATO:0000690 name: discontinuous alt_id: PATO:0000426 def: "A quality of a single process inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's being marked by breaks or interruptions." [] subset: value_slim synonym: "intermittent" RELATED [] synonym: "interrupted" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0000057 ! occurrence relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0000689 ! continuous [Term] id: PATO:0000692 name: heterochronic def: "A quality of a single process inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's origin or development at an unusual time or out of the regular sequence." [] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000057 ! occurrence [Term] id: PATO:0000693 name: obsolete late is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000694 name: premature alt_id: PATO:0000691 alt_id: PATO:0002086 def: "A quality of a process which starts earlier than the natural start time or the reference process." [PATO:LC] subset: value_slim synonym: "advanced" EXACT [] synonym: "early" RELATED [] synonym: "precocious" RELATED [] is_a: PATO:0002325 ! onset quality [Term] id: PATO:0000695 name: synchronous def: "A quality of a single process inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's occurring or existing at the same time or having the same period or phase." [PATOC:GVG] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000057 ! occurrence relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0000688 ! asynchronous [Term] id: PATO:0000696 name: obsolete texture value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000697 name: obsolete relative texture value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000698 name: obsolete floury is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000699 name: obsolete glutinous is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000700 name: rough alt_id: PATO:0001616 def: "A texture quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's irregular surface." [PATOC:GVG] subset: mpath_slim subset: value_slim synonym: "coarse" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0000150 ! texture relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0000701 ! smooth [Term] id: PATO:0000701 name: smooth def: "A texture quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's processing a surface free of roughness or irregularities." [PATOC:GVG] subset: mpath_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000150 ! texture relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0000700 ! rough [Term] id: PATO:0000702 name: obsolete threshold value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000703 name: obsolete absolute threshold value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000704 name: obsolete pain threshold value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000705 name: obsolete relative threshold value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000706 name: increased threshold alt_id: PATO:0000709 def: "A threshold which is relatively high." [PATOC:GVG] subset: disposition_slim subset: relational_slim subset: value_slim synonym: "high threshold" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0000152 ! threshold is_a: PATO:0002305 ! increased object quality relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0000708 ! decreased threshold [Term] id: PATO:0000708 name: decreased threshold alt_id: PATO:0000707 def: "A threshold which is relatively low." [PATOC:GVG] subset: disposition_slim subset: relational_slim subset: value_slim synonym: "low threshold" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0000152 ! threshold is_a: PATO:0002303 ! decreased object quality relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0000706 ! increased threshold [Term] id: PATO:0000710 name: obsolete time value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000711 name: obsolete absolute time value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000712 name: obsolete bouts value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000713 name: obsolete relative time value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000714 name: obsolete latency value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000717 name: obsolete viability value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000718 name: lethal (sensu genetics) def: "A viability quality inhering in a population by virtue of the bearer's long term survival inability." [PATOC:GVG] subset: disposition_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000169 ! viability [Term] id: PATO:0000719 name: viable def: "A viability quality inhering in a bearer or a population by virtue of the bearer's ability to survive or the long term survival ability of a given population." [PATOC:GVG] subset: disposition_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000169 ! viability [Term] id: PATO:0000720 name: obsolete yield value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000721 name: obsolete absolute yield value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000722 name: obsolete relative yield value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000723 name: obsolete high yield is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000724 name: obsolete low yield is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000725 name: obsolete function value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000726 name: obsolete autonomic function value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000727 name: obsolete behavioral function value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000728 name: obsolete metabolic function value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000729 name: obsolete physiological function value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000730 name: obsolete relative function value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000731 name: obsolete body position value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000732 name: obsolete body tone value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000733 name: obsolete piloerection value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000734 name: obsolete abdominal tone value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000735 name: obsolete limb tone value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000736 name: obsolete dysfunctional value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000737 name: obsolete functional value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000738 name: obsolete enzyme function value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000739 name: obsolete absolute enzyme function value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000740 name: obsolete relative enzyme function value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000741 name: obsolete high enzyme function value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000742 name: obsolete low enzyme function value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000743 name: obsolete arousal value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000744 name: obsolete balance value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000745 name: obsolete behavioral quality value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000746 name: obsolete consumption value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000747 name: obsolete coordination value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000748 name: obsolete discrimination value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000749 name: obsolete gait value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000750 name: obsolete learning and memory value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000751 name: obsolete locomotor activity value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000752 name: obsolete mating value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000753 name: obsolete spontaneous activity value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000754 name: obsolete startle response is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000755 name: obsolete vocalization value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000756 name: obsolete transfer arousal value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000757 name: balanced def: "A balance quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's having balance." [PATOC:GVG] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000185 ! balance disjoint_from: PATO:0000758 ! unbalanced relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0000758 ! unbalanced [Term] id: PATO:0000758 name: unbalanced def: "A balance quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's lacking balance." [PATOC:GVG] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000185 ! balance relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0000757 ! balanced [Term] id: PATO:0000759 name: bang sensitive def: "A behavioral quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's exhibiting paralytic behaviour when subjected to mechanical shock." [PATOC:flybase] subset: disposition_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000186 ! behavioral quality relationship: has_part PATO:0000763 ! paralysed [Term] id: PATO:0000760 name: increased behavioural activity def: "A behavioral quality of a process inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's exhibiting increased activity." [PATOC:GVG] subset: value_slim synonym: "hyperactive" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0001707 ! behavioural active is_a: PATO:0002305 ! increased object quality relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0000761 ! decreased behavioural activity [Term] id: PATO:0000761 name: decreased behavioural activity def: "A behavioral quality of a process inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's exhibiting reduced activity." [PATOC:GVG] subset: value_slim synonym: "hypoactive" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0001707 ! behavioural active is_a: PATO:0002303 ! decreased object quality relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0000760 ! increased behavioural activity [Term] id: PATO:0000762 name: obsolete impaired def: "Diminished, damaged, or weakened." [] subset: value_slim is_obsolete: true consider: PATO:0001624 [Term] id: PATO:0000763 name: paralysed def: "A behavioral quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's being affected by loss of the ability to move a body part." [PATOC:GVG] subset: value_slim synonym: "palsy" NARROW [] is_a: PATO:0002076 ! movement behavioral quality [Term] id: PATO:0000764 name: passive def: "A behavioral quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's receiving or being subjected to an action without responding or initiating an action in return." [] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000186 ! behavioral quality [Term] id: PATO:0000765 name: obsolete absolute consumption value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000766 name: obsolete relative consumption value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000767 name: obsolete increased consumption def: "A consumption which is relatively high." [PATOC:GVG] comment: Use GO:0007631 subset: relational_slim subset: value_slim synonym: "high consumption" EXACT [] synonym: "increased propensity to consume" RELATED [] is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000768 name: obsolete decreased consumption def: "A consumption which is relatively low." [PATOC:GVG] comment: Use GO:0007631 subset: relational_slim subset: value_slim synonym: "decreased propensity to consume" RELATED [] synonym: "low consumption" EXACT [] is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000769 name: coordinated def: "A coordination quality of inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's having skillful and effective interaction of movement." [PATOC:GVG] subset: disposition_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000188 ! coordination disjoint_from: PATO:0000770 ! uncoordinated relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0000770 ! uncoordinated [Term] id: PATO:0000770 name: uncoordinated def: "A coordination quality of inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's lacking skillful and effective interaction of movement." [PATOC:GVG] subset: disposition_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000188 ! coordination relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0000769 ! coordinated [Term] id: PATO:0000771 name: aversion def: "A preference quality in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's disliking a perceived stimulus." [PATOC:GVG] subset: disposition_slim subset: relational_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000773 ! preference disjoint_from: PATO:0000772 ! indifference [Term] id: PATO:0000772 name: indifference def: "A preference quality in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's having no preference to a perceived stimulus." [PATOC:GVG] subset: disposition_slim subset: relational_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000773 ! preference [Term] id: PATO:0000773 name: preference def: "A discrimination quality in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's liking a perceived stimulus." [PATOC:GVG] subset: attribute_slim subset: disposition_slim subset: relational_slim is_a: PATO:0000189 ! discrimination [Term] id: PATO:0000774 name: obsolete bizarre gate is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000775 name: obsolete learning value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000776 name: obsolete memory value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000777 name: obsolete long term memory value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000778 name: obsolete short term memory value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000779 name: obsolete absolute locomotor activity value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000780 name: obsolete relative locomotor activity value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000781 name: obsolete circulatory function value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000782 name: obsolete defensive function value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000783 name: obsolete digestive function value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000784 name: obsolete excretory function value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000785 name: obsolete muscle function value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000786 name: obsolete neural function value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000787 name: obsolete neurobehavioral function value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000788 name: obsolete reproductive function value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000789 name: obsolete respiratory function value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000790 name: obsolete heart rate value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000791 name: obsolete immune function value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000792 name: obsolete repair function value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000793 name: obsolete immubocompetent value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000794 name: obsolete immunodeficient value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000795 name: obsolete healing value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000796 name: obsolete regeneration value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000797 name: obsolete urination value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000798 name: obsolete defecation value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000799 name: obsolete muscle elevation value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000800 name: obsolete muscle strength value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000801 name: obsolete motor function value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000802 name: obsolete sensory function value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000803 name: obsolete tactile response value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000804 name: obsolete motor performance value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000805 name: obsolete auditory value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000806 name: obsolete olfactory value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000807 name: obsolete proprioreception value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000808 name: obsolete reflex value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000809 name: obsolete taste value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000810 name: obsolete touch value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000811 name: obsolete visual value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000812 name: obsolete odor acuity value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000813 name: obsolete odor type value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000814 name: obsolete taste acuity value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000815 name: obsolete absolute odor acuity value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000816 name: obsolete relative odor acuity value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000817 name: obsolete anosmia is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000818 name: obsolete concentration_quantity is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000819 name: obsolete quantity is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000820 name: obsolete absolute taste acuity value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000821 name: obsolete relative taste acuity value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000822 name: obsolete taste type value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000823 name: obsolete quinine taste is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000824 name: obsolete water taste is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000825 name: obsolete visual ability value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000826 name: obsolete visual acuity value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000827 name: obsolete visual threshold value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000828 name: obsolete visual placing value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000829 name: obsolete absolute visual ability value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000830 name: obsolete relative visual ability value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000831 name: obsolete absolute visual acuity value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000832 name: obsolete relative visual acuity value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000833 name: obsolete absolute visual threshold value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000834 name: obsolete relative visual threshold value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000835 name: obsolete auditory acuity value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000836 name: obsolete auditory ability value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000837 name: obsolete auditory threshold value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000838 name: obsolete absolute auditory ability value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000839 name: obsolete relative auditory ability value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000840 name: obsolete absolute auditory acuity value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000841 name: obsolete relative auditory acuity value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000842 name: obsolete absolute auditory threshold value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000843 name: obsolete relative auditory threshold value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000844 name: obsolete auditory acuity is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000845 name: obsolete auditory ability is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000846 name: obsolete auditory threshold is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000847 name: obsolete absolute auditory acuity is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000848 name: obsolete relative auditory acuity is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000849 name: obsolete absolute auditory ability is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000850 name: obsolete relative auditory ability is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000851 name: obsolete absolute auditory threshold is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000852 name: obsolete relative auditory threshold is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000853 name: obsolete blinking reflex value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000854 name: obsolete contact righting reflex value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000855 name: obsolete corneal reflex value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000856 name: obsolete flinch reflex value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000857 name: obsolete lordosis reflex value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000858 name: obsolete ocular reflex value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000859 name: obsolete pinna reflex value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000860 name: obsolete postural reflex value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000861 name: obsolete proboscis extension reflex value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000862 name: obsolete pupillary reflex value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000863 name: obsolete righting reflex value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000864 name: obsolete spinal reflex value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000865 name: obsolete startle reflex value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000866 name: obsolete suckling reflex value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000867 name: obsolete swallowing reflex value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000868 name: obsolete vibrissae reflex value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000869 name: obsolete prepulse inhibition value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000870 name: obsolete relative neurobehavioral function value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000871 name: obsolete aggressive is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000872 name: obsolete anxious is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000873 name: obsolete cataleptic is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000874 name: obsolete fearful is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000875 name: obsolete irritable is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000876 name: obsolete respiratory rate value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000877 name: obsolete absolute respiratory rate value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000878 name: obsolete relative respiratory rate value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000879 name: obsolete fecundity value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000880 name: obsolete fertility value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000881 name: obsolete gestational period value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000882 name: obsolete litter size value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000883 name: obsolete female fertility value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000884 name: obsolete hybrid fertility value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000885 name: obsolete male fertility value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000886 name: obsolete absolute litter size value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000887 name: obsolete relative litter size value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000888 name: female fertile def: "A female fertility quality inhering in a female by virtue of the bearer's disposition to initiate, sustain, or support reproduction." [PATOC:GVG] subset: disposition_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000277 ! female fertility disjoint_from: PATO:0000892 ! female sterile relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0000892 ! female sterile [Term] id: PATO:0000889 name: obsolete cytoplasmic male sterility value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000890 name: male sterile def: "A male fertility quality inhering in a male by virtue of the bearer's being incapable of initiating, sustaining, or supporting reproduction." [PATOC:GVG] subset: disposition_slim subset: value_slim synonym: "male infertile" RELATED [] is_a: PATO:0000956 ! sterile disjoint_from: PATO:0000891 ! male fertile relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0000891 ! male fertile [Term] id: PATO:0000891 name: male fertile def: "A male fertility quality inhering in a male by virtue of the bearer's being capable of initiating, sustaining, or supporting reproduction." [PATOC:GVG] subset: disposition_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000279 ! male fertility relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0000890 ! male sterile [Term] id: PATO:0000892 name: female sterile def: "A female fertility quality inhering in a female by virtue of the bearer's being incapable of initiating, sustaining, or supporting reproduction." [PATOC:GVG] subset: disposition_slim subset: value_slim synonym: "female infertile" RELATED [] is_a: PATO:0000956 ! sterile relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0000888 ! female fertile [Term] id: PATO:0000893 name: obsolete backcross fertility value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000894 name: obsolete cytoplasmic sterility value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000895 name: obsolete f1 fertility value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000896 name: obsolete f2 fertility value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000897 name: obsolete germ line dependent fertility value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000898 name: obsolete intercross fertility value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000899 name: obsolete soma dependent fertility value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000900 name: obsolete backcross fertile is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000901 name: obsolete backcross sterile synonym: "backcross infertile" RELATED [] is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000902 name: obsolete chinsurah boro type value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000903 name: obsolete cms-hl type value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000904 name: obsolete wild abortive value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000905 name: obsolete f1 fertile is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000906 name: obsolete f1 sterile synonym: "F1 infertile" RELATED [] is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000907 name: obsolete f2 fertile is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000908 name: obsolete f2 sterile synonym: "F2 infertile" RELATED [] is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000909 name: obsolete intercross fertile is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000910 name: obsolete intercross sterile synonym: "intercross infertile" RELATED [] is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000911 name: decreased rate def: "A rate which is relatively low." [PATO:GVG] subset: mpath_slim subset: value_slim synonym: "slow rate" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0000161 ! rate is_a: PATO:0002302 ! decreased process quality relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0000912 ! increased rate [Term] id: PATO:0000912 name: increased rate def: "A rate which is relatively high." [PATO:GVG] subset: mpath_slim subset: value_slim synonym: "fast rate" EXACT [] synonym: "high rate" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0000161 ! rate is_a: PATO:0002304 ! increased process quality relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0000911 ! decreased rate [Term] id: PATO:0000913 name: obsolete qualitative value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000914 name: obsolete continuant is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000915 name: thickness def: "A 1-D extent quality which is equal to the dimension through an object as opposed to its length or width." [WordNet:WordNet] comment: Thickness often refers to the smallest 1-D extent compared to the other two orthogonal dimensions, however, this is not always true. See for full discussion. subset: attribute_slim subset: scalar_slim is_a: PATO:0001708 ! 1-D extent property_value: seeAlso "" xsd:string [Term] id: PATO:0000916 name: obsolete absolute thickness is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000917 name: obsolete relative thickness is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000918 name: volume def: "A 3-D extent quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's amount of 3-dimensional space it occupies." [PATOC:GVG] subset: attribute_slim subset: mpath_slim subset: scalar_slim is_a: PATO:0001710 ! 3-D extent [Term] id: PATO:0000919 name: obsolete absolute volume is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000920 name: obsolete relative volume is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000921 name: width def: "A 1-D extent quality which is equal to the distance from one side of an object to another side which is opposite." [PATOC:GVG] comment: Width often refers to the dimension that is greater than the extent in only one of the other two orthogonal dimensions, however, this is not always true. See for full discussion. subset: attribute_slim subset: scalar_slim synonym: "breadth" RELATED [] is_a: PATO:0001708 ! 1-D extent property_value: seeAlso "" xsd:string [Term] id: PATO:0000922 name: obsolete absolute width is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000923 name: obsolete relative width is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000924 name: obsolete relative enzyme function is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000925 name: obsolete absolute enzyme function is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000926 name: obsolete intercross fertility is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000927 name: photosensitivity def: "A quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's disposition to being sensitivity to the action of radiant energy." [WordNet:WordNet] subset: attribute_slim subset: disposition_slim subset: scalar_slim is_a: PATO:0000085 ! sensitivity toward [Term] id: PATO:0000928 name: obsolete absolute photosensitivity is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000929 name: obsolete light intensivity sensitivity is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000930 name: obsolete light_quality sensitivity is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000931 name: obsolete blue light sensitivity is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000932 name: obsolete far red light sensitivity is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000933 name: obsolete red light sensitivity is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000934 name: obsolete u v light sensitivity is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000935 name: obsolete relative photosensitivity is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000936 name: truncated def: "A shape quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's terminating abruptly by having or as if having an end or point cut off." [] subset: value_slim synonym: "truncate" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0000052 ! shape [Term] id: PATO:0000937 name: disorganized def: "A structural quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's lacking organisation." [PATOC:GVG] subset: mpath_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0002264 ! organization quality disjoint_from: PATO:0000938 ! organized relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0000938 ! organized [Term] id: PATO:0000938 name: organized def: "A structural quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's exhibiting organisation." [PATOC:GVG] subset: mpath_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0002264 ! organization quality relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0000937 ! disorganized [Term] id: PATO:0000939 name: obsolete regular shape subset: mpath_slim is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000940 name: obsolete irregular shape subset: mpath_slim is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000941 name: vacuolated def: "A structural quality inhering in a cytoplasm that contains fluid filled cavities." [PATOC:mh] subset: cell_quality subset: mpath_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0002014 ! structure, cavities [Term] id: PATO:0000944 name: sharpness def: "A shape quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's having a sharp or tapered end or point." [PATOC:GVG] subset: attribute_slim subset: cell_quality synonym: "apiculate" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0000052 ! shape [Term] id: PATO:0000945 name: epinastic def: "A shape quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's exhibiting a downward bending of its leaves or other plant parts." [PATOC:GVG] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000052 ! shape [Term] id: PATO:0000946 name: oblong def: "A shape quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's having a somewhat elongated form with approximately parallel sides." [PATOC:GVG] subset: cell_quality subset: mpath_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0002006 ! 2-D shape [Term] id: PATO:0000947 name: elliptic def: "A spheroid quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's being oval with two axes of symmetry, as produced by a conical section." [PATOC:GVG] subset: cell_quality subset: mpath_slim subset: value_slim synonym: "ellipse-shaped" EXACT [] synonym: "ellipsoid" EXACT [] synonym: "elliptical" EXACT [] synonym: "oval" RELATED [] synonym: "ovoid" RELATED [] is_a: PATO:0002318 ! superelliptic [Term] id: PATO:0000948 name: heart shaped def: "A concave 3-D shape quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's having a sinus or rounded lobe at the base." [PATOC:GVG] comment: Having the shape of heart. subset: cell_quality subset: value_slim synonym: "cordate" EXACT [] synonym: "cordiform" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0002008 ! concave 3-D shape [Term] id: PATO:0000949 name: fasciated def: "A shape quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's being abnormally flattened or coalesced." [PATOC:GVG] subset: cell_quality subset: mpath_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000052 ! shape [Term] id: PATO:0000950 name: grey def: "A color between white and black colors." [] subset: mpath_slim subset: value_slim synonym: "plumbeous" RELATED [] is_a: PATO:0000014 ! color [Term] id: PATO:0000951 name: purple def: "A color that falls about midway between red and blue in hue." [Dictionary:http\://] subset: mpath_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000014 ! color [Term] id: PATO:0000952 name: brown def: "A color consisting of dark orange, red, of very low intensity." [Wikipedia:http\://] subset: mpath_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000014 ! color [Term] id: PATO:0000953 name: orange def: "A color hue with high-medium wavelength that of that portion of the visible spectrum lying between red and yellow, evoked in the human observer by radiant energy with wavelengths of approximately 585 to 620 nanometers." [Wikipedia:http\://] subset: mpath_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000014 ! color [Term] id: PATO:0000954 name: pink def: "Red color having medium to high brightness and low to moderate saturation." [PATOC:MAH] subset: mpath_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000322 ! red [Term] id: PATO:0000955 name: fertile def: "A fertility quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's being capable of initiating, sustaining, or supporting reproduction." [PATOC:GVG] subset: disposition_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000274 ! fertility disjoint_from: PATO:0000956 ! sterile relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0000956 ! sterile [Term] id: PATO:0000956 name: sterile def: "A fertility quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's being incapable of initiating, sustaining, or supporting reproduction." [PATOC:GVG] subset: disposition_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000274 ! fertility relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0000955 ! fertile [Term] id: PATO:0000957 name: opacity def: "An optical quality which obtains by virtue of the ability of the bearer to absorb visible light." [PATOC:GVG] subset: attribute_slim is_a: PATO:0001300 ! optical quality [Term] id: PATO:0000958 name: obsolete opacity value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000959 name: obsolete relative opacity is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000960 name: obsolete absolute opacity is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000961 name: obsolete relative opacity value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000962 name: obsolete absolute opacity value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000963 name: opaque def: "A optical quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's not being clear; not transmitting or reflecting light or radiant energy." [PATOC:GVG] subset: mpath_slim subset: value_slim synonym: "clouding" RELATED [] synonym: "cloudy" RELATED [] synonym: "non-transparent" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0000957 ! opacity relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0000964 ! transparent [Term] id: PATO:0000964 name: transparent def: "A optical quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's lacking opacity." [PATOC:GVG] subset: mpath_slim subset: value_slim synonym: "clear" EXACT [] synonym: "hyaline" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0000957 ! opacity relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0000963 ! opaque [Term] id: PATO:0000965 name: symmetry def: "A pattern quality of inhering in a bearer by virtue of the correspondence in size, shape, and relative position of the bearer's parts on opposite sides of a dividing line or median plane or about a center or axis." [PATOC:GVG] subset: attribute_slim is_a: PATO:0000060 ! spatial pattern [Term] id: PATO:0000966 name: obsolete symmetry value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000967 name: undulate alt_id: PATO:0001610 alt_id: PATO:0001939 def: "A shape quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's having a sinuate margin and rippled surface." [PATOC:GVG] subset: cell_quality subset: mpath_slim subset: value_slim synonym: "rippled" RELATED [] synonym: "sinuate" RELATED [] synonym: "undulated" EXACT [] synonym: "undulating" EXACT [] synonym: "waved" EXACT [] synonym: "wavy" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0000052 ! shape [Term] id: PATO:0000968 name: obsolete albino value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000969 name: dwarf-like def: "A size quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's being abnormally small." [] subset: value_slim synonym: "dwarfed" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0000587 ! decreased size [Term] id: PATO:0000970 name: permeability def: "A structural quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's disposition to being permeated or pervaded by a gas or liquid (as by osmosis or diffusion)." [Biology-online:Biology-online] subset: attribute_slim subset: disposition_slim subset: scalar_slim is_a: PATO:0000141 ! structure [Term] id: PATO:0000971 name: obsolete absolute permeability is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000972 name: obsolete relative permeability is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000973 name: porosity def: "A structure quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's disposition to admit the passage of gas or liquid through pores or interstices." [PATOC:GVG] subset: attribute_slim subset: disposition_slim subset: scalar_slim is_a: PATO:0000141 ! structure [Term] id: PATO:0000974 name: obsolete relative porosity is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000975 name: obsolete absolute porosity is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000976 name: obsolete permeability value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000977 name: obsolete absolute permeability value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000978 name: obsolete relative permeability value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000979 name: obsolete porosity value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000980 name: obsolete absolute porosity value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000981 name: obsolete relative porosity value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000982 name: permeable def: "A permeability quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's being capable to be permeated or pervaded by a gas or liquid (as by osmosis or diffusion)." [Biology-online:Biology-online] subset: disposition_slim subset: value_slim synonym: "porous" RELATED [] is_a: PATO:0000970 ! permeability disjoint_from: PATO:0000983 ! impermeable relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0000983 ! impermeable [Term] id: PATO:0000983 name: impermeable def: "A permeability quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's being incapable of being permeated or pervaded by a gas or liquid (as by osmosis or diffusion)." [Biology-online:Biology-online] subset: disposition_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000970 ! permeability relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0000982 ! permeable [Term] id: PATO:0000984 name: porous def: "A porosity quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's being capable of admitting the passage of gas or liquid through pores or interstices." [PATOC:GVG] subset: disposition_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000973 ! porosity disjoint_from: PATO:0000985 ! non-porous relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0000985 ! non-porous [Term] id: PATO:0000985 name: non-porous def: "A porosity quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's being incapable of admitting the passage of gas or liquid through pores or interstices." [PATOC:GVG] subset: disposition_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000973 ! porosity relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0000984 ! porous [Term] id: PATO:0000986 name: obsolete absolute consistency is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000987 name: obsolete relative consistency is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000988 name: obsolete relative consistency value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000989 name: obsolete absolute consistency value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000990 name: obsolete consistent is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000991 name: obsolete inconsistent is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000992 name: viscosity def: "A physical quality of a fluid inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's disposition to internal resistance to flow." [PATOC:GVG] subset: attribute_slim subset: disposition_slim is_a: PATO:0001548 ! quality of a liquid [Term] id: PATO:0000993 name: obsolete relative viscosity is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000994 name: obsolete absolute viscosity is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000995 name: obsolete viscosity value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000996 name: obsolete absolute viscosity value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000997 name: obsolete relative viscosity value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0000998 name: viscous def: "A viscosity quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's having viscosity." [PATOC:GVG] subset: disposition_slim subset: mpath_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000992 ! viscosity [Term] id: PATO:0000999 name: alternation def: "A quality of a single process inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's successive change from one thing or state to another and back again." [WordNet:WordNet] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000057 ! occurrence [Term] id: PATO:0001000 name: obsolete relative alternation is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0001001 name: obsolete absolute alternation is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0001002 name: obsolete alternation value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0001003 name: obsolete relative alternation value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0001004 name: obsolete absolute alternation value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0001005 name: latency def: "A time quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the time it elapses for the bearer to respond to a stimulus." [PATOC:GVG] comment: This class is a candidate for obsoletion. The definition is not clear, and the placement under "delayed" is not consistent with the definition. subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000502 ! delayed [Term] id: PATO:0001006 name: obsolete absolute latency is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0001007 name: obsolete relative latency is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0001008 name: obsolete absolute latency value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0001009 name: obsolete relative latency value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0001010 name: obsolete relative intensity is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0001011 name: obsolete absolute intensity is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0001012 name: obsolete relative intensity value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0001013 name: obsolete absolute intensity value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0001014 name: obsolete absolute occurence is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0001015 name: obsolete relative occurence is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0001016 name: obsolete absolute occurence value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0001017 name: obsolete relative occurence value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0001018 name: physical quality alt_id: PATO:0002079 def: "A quality of a physical entity that exists through action of continuants at the physical level of organisation in relation to other entities." [PATOC:GVG] subset: attribute_slim synonym: "relational physical quality" EXACT [] xref: Wikipedia:Physical_property is_a: PATO:0001241 ! physical object quality [Term] id: PATO:0001019 name: mass density def: "A physical quality which inheres in a bearer by virtue of some influence is exerted by the bearer's mass per unit size." [WordNet:WordNet] subset: attribute_slim subset: scalar_slim synonym: "density" RELATED [] is_a: PATO:0001018 ! physical quality [Term] id: PATO:0001020 name: damage def: "A structural quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of whether the bearer has been harmed or injured or spoiled." [WordNet:WordNet] subset: attribute_slim is_a: PATO:0000141 ! structure [Term] id: PATO:0001021 name: energy def: "A physical quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's capacity to do work." [Wikipedia:http\://] subset: attribute_slim subset: scalar_slim is_a: PATO:0001018 ! physical quality [Term] id: PATO:0001022 name: impulse def: "A physical quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the amount of momentum caused a certain force will produce over time." [url:http\://] subset: attribute_slim subset: scalar_slim is_a: PATO:0001018 ! physical quality [Term] id: PATO:0001023 name: momentum def: "A physical quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's velocity multiplied by its mass." [PATOC:GVG] subset: attribute_slim subset: scalar_slim is_a: PATO:0001906 ! movement quality [Term] id: PATO:0001024 name: power def: "A physical quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's rate of doing work." [Wikipedia:http\://] subset: attribute_slim is_a: PATO:0001018 ! physical quality [Term] id: PATO:0001025 name: pressure def: "A physical quality that inheres in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's amount of force per unit area it exerts." [PATOC:GVG] subset: attribute_slim is_a: PATO:0001018 ! physical quality [Term] id: PATO:0001026 name: work def: "A physical quality which is equal to the energy transferred by a force to a moving object." [Wikipedia:http\://] subset: attribute_slim synonym: "W" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0001018 ! physical quality [Term] id: PATO:0001027 name: obsolete physical quantity is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0001028 name: acceleration def: "A physical quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the rate of change of the bearer's velocity in either speed or direction." [Wikipedia:http\://] subset: attribute_slim subset: scalar_slim is_a: PATO:0001906 ! movement quality [Term] id: PATO:0001029 name: efficiency def: "A physical quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of ratio of the bearer's output to the bearer's input." [WordNet:WordNet] subset: attribute_slim is_a: PATO:0001018 ! physical quality [Term] id: PATO:0001030 name: flux def: "A physical quality that exists by virtue of the rate of flow of the bearer across a given surface." [WordNet:WordNet] subset: attribute_slim subset: scalar_slim is_a: PATO:0001906 ! movement quality [Term] id: PATO:0001031 name: elasticity def: "A physical quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's disposition to recover its size and shape after deformation in any way." [merriam-webster:merriam-webster] subset: attribute_slim subset: disposition_slim subset: scalar_slim is_a: PATO:0001018 ! physical quality [Term] id: PATO:0001033 name: obsolete stiffness is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0001034 name: strain def: "A physical quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the relative change in the bearer's length or the bearer's volume when being stretched or squashed." [PATOC:GVG] subset: attribute_slim is_a: PATO:0001018 ! physical quality [Term] id: PATO:0001035 name: force def: "A physical quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's rate of change of momentum." [thesaurus.maths:thesaurus.maths] subset: attribute_slim subset: scalar_slim synonym: "force amplitude" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0001018 ! physical quality [Term] id: PATO:0001036 name: obsolete relative life span is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0001037 name: obsolete absolute life span is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0001038 name: obsolete ratio is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0001039 name: obsolete absolute ratio is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0001040 name: obsolete relative ratio is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0001041 name: obsolete relative amplitude is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0001042 name: obsolete absolute amplitude is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0001043 name: susceptibility toward def: "A quality inhering in an entity by virtue of the bearer's propensity to resist an external stimulus." [PATOC:GVG] subset: attribute_slim subset: disposition_slim subset: relational_slim synonym: "susceptibility" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0000085 ! sensitivity toward relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0001046 ! resistance to [Term] id: PATO:0001044 name: obsolete absolute power is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0001045 name: obsolete relative power is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0001046 name: resistance to def: "A quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's disposition to resist to a stimulus." [PATOC:GVG] subset: attribute_slim subset: disposition_slim subset: relational_slim subset: scalar_slim synonym: "resistance" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0001995 ! organismal quality relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0001043 ! susceptibility toward [Term] id: PATO:0001047 name: obsolete absolute resistance is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0001048 name: obsolete relative resistance is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0001049 name: obsolete absolute susceptibility is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0001050 name: obsolete relative susceptibility is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0001051 name: acute angle to def: "An angle which is less than 90 degrees." [thesaurus.maths:thesaurus.maths] subset: relational_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0002326 ! angle [Term] id: PATO:0001052 name: obtuse angle to def: "An angle which is between 90 degrees and 180 degrees to another entity." [thesaurus.maths:thesaurus.maths] subset: relational_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0002326 ! angle [Term] id: PATO:0001053 name: convex angle to def: "An angle which is less than 180 degrees to another entity." [] subset: relational_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0002326 ! angle [Term] id: PATO:0001054 name: internal angle def: "A convex angle that is inside two adjacent sides of a polygon." [PATOC:GVG] subset: relational_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001053 ! convex angle to [Term] id: PATO:0001055 name: reflex angle to def: "An angular placement quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's placement at an angle that is greater than 180 degrees but less than 360 degrees to another entity." [thesaurus.maths:thesaurus.maths] subset: relational_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0002326 ! angle [Term] id: PATO:0001056 name: obsolete number is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0001057 name: obsolete relative acceleration is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0001058 name: obsolete absolute acceleration is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0001059 name: obsolete relative efficiency is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0001060 name: obsolete absolute efficiency is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0001061 name: obsolete relative elasticity is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0001062 name: obsolete absolute elasticity is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0001063 name: obsolete relative flux is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0001064 name: obsolete absolute flux is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0001065 name: obsolete relative stiffness is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0001066 name: obsolete absolute stiffness is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0001067 name: obsolete absolute strain is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0001068 name: obsolete relative strain is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0001069 name: obsolete relative density is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0001070 name: obsolete absolute density is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0001071 name: obsolete relative energy is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0001072 name: obsolete absolute energy is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0001073 name: obsolete relative impulse is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0001074 name: obsolete absolute impulse is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0001075 name: obsolete absolute momentum is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0001076 name: obsolete relative momentum is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0001077 name: obsolete absolute pressure is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0001078 name: obsolete relative pressure is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0001079 name: obsolete absolute work is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0001080 name: obsolete relative work is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0001081 name: obsolete physical measure value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0001082 name: obsolete damage value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0001083 name: obsolete acceleration value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0001084 name: obsolete relative acceleration value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0001085 name: obsolete absolute acceleration value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0001086 name: obsolete efficiency value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0001087 name: obsolete relative efficiency value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0001088 name: obsolete absolute efficiency value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0001089 name: obsolete elasticity value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0001090 name: obsolete absolute elasticity value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0001091 name: obsolete relative elasticity value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0001092 name: obsolete flux value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0001093 name: obsolete relative flux value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0001094 name: obsolete absolute flux value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0001095 name: obsolete force value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0001096 name: obsolete absolute force value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0001097 name: obsolete relative force value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0001098 name: obsolete absolute force is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0001099 name: obsolete relative force is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0001100 name: obsolete position value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0001101 name: obsolete stiffness value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0001102 name: obsolete absolute stiffness value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0001103 name: obsolete relative stiffness value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0001104 name: obsolete strain value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0001105 name: obsolete absolute strain value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0001106 name: obsolete relative strain value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0001107 name: obsolete density value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0001108 name: obsolete relative amplitude value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0001109 name: obsolete absolute amplitude value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0001110 name: obsolete absolute density value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0001111 name: obsolete relative density value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0001112 name: obsolete energy value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0001113 name: obsolete absolute energy value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0001114 name: obsolete relative energy value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0001115 name: obsolete impulse value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0001116 name: obsolete relative impulse value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0001117 name: obsolete absolute impulse value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0001118 name: obsolete momentum value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0001119 name: obsolete absolute momentum value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0001120 name: obsolete relative momentum value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0001121 name: obsolete power value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0001122 name: obsolete absolute power value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0001123 name: obsolete relative power value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0001124 name: obsolete pressure value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0001125 name: obsolete absolute pressure value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0001126 name: obsolete relative pressure value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0001127 name: obsolete work value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0001128 name: obsolete absolute work value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0001129 name: obsolete relative work value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0001130 name: obsolete ratio value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0001131 name: obsolete absolute ratio value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0001132 name: obsolete relative ratio value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0001133 name: obsolete immunoglobulin concentration is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0001134 name: obsolete ig a concentration is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0001135 name: obsolete ig d concentration is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0001136 name: obsolete ig e concentration is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0001137 name: obsolete ig g concentration is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0001138 name: obsolete ig m concentration is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0001139 name: obsolete urine glucose composition is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0001140 name: obsolete immunoglobulin concentration value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0001141 name: obsolete ig a concentration value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0001142 name: obsolete ig d concentration value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0001143 name: obsolete ig e concentration value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0001144 name: obsolete ig g concentration value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0001145 name: obsolete ig m concentration value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0001146 name: obsolete resistance value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0001147 name: obsolete absolute resistance value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0001148 name: obsolete relative resistance value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0001149 name: obsolete susceptibility value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0001150 name: obsolete absolute susceptibility value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0001151 name: obsolete relative susceptibility value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0001152 name: susceptible toward def: "A quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's having susceptibilty toward an external stimulus." [PATOC:GVG] subset: disposition_slim subset: relational_slim subset: value_slim synonym: "susceptible" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0001043 ! susceptibility toward disjoint_from: PATO:0001153 ! insusceptible toward relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0001153 ! insusceptible toward [Term] id: PATO:0001153 name: insusceptible toward def: "A quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's lacking susceptibilty toward an external stimulus." [PATO:GVG] subset: disposition_slim subset: relational_slim subset: value_slim synonym: "insusceptible" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0001043 ! susceptibility toward relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0001152 ! susceptible toward [Term] id: PATO:0001154 name: elongated def: "A quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's length being notably higher than its width." [WordNet:WordNet] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000052 ! shape relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0002364 ! shortened [Term] id: PATO:0001155 name: obsolete absolute concentration is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0001156 name: obsolete relative concentration is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0001157 name: obsolete absolute concentration value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0001158 name: obsolete relative concentration value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0001159 name: concentrated def: "A concentration quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's exhibiting concentration." [PATOC:GVG] subset: relational_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000033 ! concentration of [Term] id: PATO:0001160 name: obsolete unconcentrated is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0001161 name: diluted def: "A concentration which relatively low." [PATOC:GVG] subset: relational_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000033 ! concentration of [Term] id: PATO:0001162 name: increased concentration def: "A concentration which is higher relative to the normal or average." [PATOC:GVG] subset: relational_slim subset: value_slim synonym: "high concentration" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0000470 ! increased amount is_a: PATO:0001159 ! concentrated is_a: PATO:0002305 ! increased object quality relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0001163 ! decreased concentration [Term] id: PATO:0001163 name: decreased concentration def: "A concentration which is lower relative to the normal or average." [PATOC:GVG] subset: relational_slim subset: value_slim synonym: "low concentration" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0001159 ! concentrated is_a: PATO:0001997 ! decreased amount is_a: PATO:0002303 ! decreased object quality relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0001162 ! increased concentration [Term] id: PATO:0001164 name: dense def: "A physical quality which inheres in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's exhibiting density." [PATOC:GVG] subset: mpath_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001019 ! mass density [Term] id: PATO:0001165 name: obsolete urine enzyme composition value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0001166 name: obsolete urine enzyme composition is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0001167 name: damaged def: "A structural quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer being harmed or injured or spoiled, such that its functionality is impaired." [WordNet:WordNet] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001020 ! damage disjoint_from: PATO:0001168 ! undamaged relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0001168 ! undamaged [Term] id: PATO:0001168 name: undamaged def: "A structural quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of not being harmed or injured or spoiled." [WordNet:WordNet] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001020 ! damage relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0001167 ! damaged [Term] id: PATO:0001170 name: obsolete numerical value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0001171 name: elastic def: "An elasticity quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's ability to recover its size and shape after deformation in any way." [merriam-webster:merriam-webster] subset: disposition_slim subset: mpath_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001031 ! elasticity disjoint_from: PATO:0001172 ! inelastic relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0001172 ! inelastic [Term] id: PATO:0001172 name: inelastic def: "An elasticity quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's inability to recover its size and shape after deformation in any way." [merriam-webster:merriam-webster] subset: disposition_slim subset: mpath_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001031 ! elasticity relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0001171 ! elastic [Term] id: PATO:0001173 name: obsolete urine glucose composition value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0001174 name: obsolete urine composition is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0001175 name: obsolete urine composition is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0001176 name: obsolete deaf is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0001177 name: obsolete blind is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0001178 name: resistant to def: "A resistance quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's resistance to a stimulus." [PATOC:GVG] subset: disposition_slim subset: relational_slim subset: value_slim synonym: "resistant" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0001046 ! resistance to [Term] id: PATO:0001179 name: obsolete immune is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0001180 name: obsolete relative response is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0001181 name: obsolete absolute response is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0001182 name: obsolete relative response is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0001183 name: obsolete absolute response value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0001184 name: obsolete maturity value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0001185 name: larval def: "A maturity quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's indirect development, undergoing metamorphosis." [Wikipedia:http\://] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000261 ! maturity [Term] id: PATO:0001186 name: prepubescent def: "A maturity quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's being at the age immediately before puberty." [WordNet:WordNet] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000261 ! maturity [Term] id: PATO:0001187 name: pupal def: "A maturity quality inhering in a insect by virtue of the bearer's being in the chrysalis (cocoon) or post larval stage." [WordNet:WordNet] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000261 ! maturity [Term] id: PATO:0001188 name: prepupal def: "A maturity quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's being in an inactive stage in the development of some insects, between the larval and the pupal stages." [WordNet:WordNet] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000261 ! maturity [Term] id: PATO:0001189 name: adolescent def: "A maturity quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's being between the onset of puberty and maturity." [WordNet:WordNet] subset: mpath_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000261 ! maturity [Term] id: PATO:0001190 name: juvenile def: "A maturity quality inhering in a bearer by virtue the bearer's being not fully grown or developed." [] subset: mpath_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000261 ! maturity [Term] id: PATO:0001191 name: medial to def: "A spatial quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's being located toward the middle relative to another entity." [PATOC:nw] subset: mpath_slim subset: relational_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000140 ! position [Term] id: PATO:0001192 name: hyperresponsive to def: "A response quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's excessive reaction to a stimulus or an agent." [PATOC:GVG] subset: disposition_slim subset: relational_slim subset: value_slim synonym: "hyperresponsive" EXACT [] synonym: "increased responsivity" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0000487 ! responsive to is_a: PATO:0002305 ! increased object quality relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0001194 ! hyporesponsive to [Term] id: PATO:0001193 name: lateral to def: "A spatial quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's being located toward the side relative to another entity." [PATOC:GVG] subset: mpath_slim subset: relational_slim subset: value_slim synonym: "lateral" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0000140 ! position [Term] id: PATO:0001194 name: hyporesponsive to def: "A response quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's limited reaction to a stimulus or an agent." [PATOC:GVG] subset: disposition_slim subset: relational_slim subset: value_slim synonym: "decreased responsivity" EXACT [] synonym: "hyporesponsive" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0000487 ! responsive to is_a: PATO:0002303 ! decreased object quality relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0001192 ! hyperresponsive to [Term] id: PATO:0001195 name: proximal to def: "A spatial quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's being located more centrally than another entity." [PATOC:nw] subset: mpath_slim subset: relational_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000140 ! position [Term] id: PATO:0001196 name: ventral to def: "A spatial quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's being located toward the abdomen of an organism relative to another entity." [PATOC:nw] subset: mpath_slim subset: relational_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000140 ! position [Term] id: PATO:0001197 name: obsolete modified direction is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0001198 name: obsolete unmodified direction is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0001199 name: linear def: "A shape quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's being narrow, with the two opposite margins parallel." [ISBN:0881923214] subset: cell_quality subset: mpath_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000052 ! shape [Term] id: PATO:0001200 name: T-shaped def: "A concave 3-D shape quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's being shaped in the form of the letter T." [WordNet:WordNet] subset: cell_quality subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001890 ! tripartite [Term] id: PATO:0001201 name: Y-shaped def: "A concave 3-D shape quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's being shaped in the form of the letter Y." [WordNet:WordNet] subset: cell_quality subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001890 ! tripartite [Term] id: PATO:0001204 name: obsolete not enlarged subset: mpath_slim is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0001205 name: dentated def: "A surface feature shape quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's having toothlike projections in the margin." [WordNet:WordNet] subset: cell_quality subset: mpath_slim subset: value_slim synonym: "dentate" EXACT [] synonym: "toothed" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0001206 ! serrated [Term] id: PATO:0001206 name: serrated def: "A shape quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of having sharp straight-edged teeth pointing to the apex." [ISBN:0881923214] subset: cell_quality subset: mpath_slim subset: value_slim synonym: "serrate" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0001976 ! serration relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0001975 ! unserrated [Term] id: PATO:0001207 name: obsolete absolute compatability is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0001208 name: odorless def: "An odor quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's lacking odour." [PATOC:GVG] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000058 ! odor disjoint_from: PATO:0001331 ! odorous [Term] id: PATO:0001209 name: obsolete absolute function is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0001210 name: obsolete plane_angle_quantity is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0001211 name: obsolete solid_angle_quantity is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0001212 name: obsolete length_unit is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0001213 name: obsolete mass_unit is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0001214 name: obsolete temparature_unit is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0001215 name: obsolete time_unit is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0001216 name: obsolete volume_unit is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0001217 name: obsolete energy_unit is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0001218 name: obsolete substance_unit is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0001219 name: obsolete area_unit is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0001220 name: obsolete angle_unit is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0001221 name: obsolete plane_angle_unit is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0001222 name: obsolete solid_angle_unit is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0001223 name: obsolete quantitative value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0001224 name: obsolete real number is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0001225 name: obsolete relational number is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0001227 name: variant def: "A variability quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of whether the bearer exhibits variation or change." [Dictionary:http\://] subset: relational_slim subset: value_slim synonym: "variable" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0001303 ! variability relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0000438 ! invariant [Term] id: PATO:0001228 name: obsolete dull is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0001229 name: high saturation def: "A color saturation which is of high purity." [PATOC:MAH] subset: value_slim synonym: "bright" EXACT [] synonym: "vivid" RELATED [] is_a: PATO:0000017 ! color saturation relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0000328 ! low saturation [Term] id: PATO:0001230 name: strength def: "A quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's power or force." [] subset: attribute_slim subset: scalar_slim is_a: PATO:0001018 ! physical quality [Term] id: PATO:0001231 name: obsolete cold insensitive is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0001232 name: obsolete heat insentive is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0001233 name: dorsal to def: "A spatial quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's being located toward the back or upper surface of an organism relative to another entity." [PATOC:nw] subset: relational_slim subset: value_slim synonym: "dorsal" EXACT [] synonym: "posterior_to (human torso)" EXACT [] synonym: "superior_to (human head)" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0000140 ! position relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0001234 ! distal to [Term] id: PATO:0001234 name: distal to def: "A spatial quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's being located further from a more centrally located entity." [PATOC:nw] subset: mpath_slim subset: relational_slim subset: value_slim synonym: "distal" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0000140 ! position relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0001233 ! dorsal to [Term] id: PATO:0001235 name: obsolete strength value is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0001236 name: process quality alt_id: PATO:0001239 alt_id: PATO:0001240 def: "A quality which inheres in an process." [PATOC:GVG] comment: See comments of relational quality of a physical entity. synonym: "quality of a process" EXACT [] synonym: "quality of occurrent" EXACT [] synonym: "quality of process" EXACT [] synonym: "relational quality of occurrent" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0000001 ! quality disjoint_from: PATO:0001241 ! physical object quality [Term] id: PATO:0001241 name: physical object quality alt_id: PATO:0001237 alt_id: PATO:0001238 def: "A quality which inheres in a continuant." [PATOC:GVG] comment: Relational qualities are qualities that hold between multiple entities. Normal (monadic) qualities such as the shape of a eyeball exist purely as a quality of that eyeball. A relational quality such as sensitivity to light is a quality of that eyeball (and connecting nervous system) as it relates to incoming light waves/particles. synonym: "monadic quality of a continuant" EXACT [] synonym: "monadic quality of an object" NARROW [] synonym: "monadic quality of continuant" NARROW [] synonym: "multiply inhering quality of a physical entity" EXACT [] synonym: "quality of a continuant" EXACT [] synonym: "quality of a single physical entity" EXACT [] synonym: "quality of an object" EXACT [] synonym: "quality of continuant" EXACT [] xref: snap:Quality is_a: PATO:0000001 ! quality [Term] id: PATO:0001242 name: wavelength def: "A physical quality which is equal to the distance between repeating units of a wave pattern." [PATOC:GVG] subset: attribute_slim subset: scalar_slim is_a: PATO:0001018 ! physical quality [Term] id: PATO:0001243 name: light blue def: "A color consisting of blue hue and high brightness." [PATOC:GVG] subset: mpath_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000318 ! blue [Term] id: PATO:0001244 name: dark blue def: "A color consisting of blue hue and low brightness." [PATOC:GVG] subset: mpath_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000318 ! blue [Term] id: PATO:0001245 name: dark brown def: "A color consisting of brown hue and low brightness." [PATOC:GVG] subset: mpath_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000952 ! brown [Term] id: PATO:0001246 name: light brown def: "A color consisting of brown hue and high brightness." [PATOC:GVG] subset: mpath_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000952 ! brown [Term] id: PATO:0001247 name: light cyan def: "A color consisting of cyan hue and high brightness." [PATOC:GVG] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000319 ! cyan [Term] id: PATO:0001248 name: dark cyan def: "A color consisting of cyan hue and low brightness." [PATOC:GVG] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000319 ! cyan [Term] id: PATO:0001249 name: dark green def: "A color consisting of green hue and low brightness." [PATOC:GVG] subset: mpath_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000320 ! green [Term] id: PATO:0001250 name: light green def: "A color consisting of green hue and high brightness." [PATOC:GVG] subset: mpath_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000320 ! green [Term] id: PATO:0001251 name: dark grey def: "A color consisting of grey color and low brightness." [PATOC:GVG] subset: mpath_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000950 ! grey [Term] id: PATO:0001252 name: light grey def: "A color consisting of grey color and high brightness." [PATOC:GVG] subset: mpath_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000950 ! grey [Term] id: PATO:0001253 name: light magenta def: "A color consisting of magenta color and high brightness." [PATOC:GVG] subset: mpath_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000321 ! magenta [Term] id: PATO:0001254 name: dark magenta def: "A color consisting of magenta with low brightness." [PATOC:GVG] subset: mpath_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000321 ! magenta [Term] id: PATO:0001255 name: light orange def: "A color consisting of orange hue and high brightness." [PATOC:GVG] subset: mpath_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000953 ! orange [Term] id: PATO:0001256 name: dark orange def: "A color consisting of orange color and low brightness." [PATOC:GVG] subset: mpath_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000953 ! orange [Term] id: PATO:0001257 name: light deep pink def: "Pink color having high brightness and moderate saturation." [PATOC:GVG] subset: mpath_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000954 ! pink [Term] id: PATO:0001258 name: deep pink def: "Pink color having medium brightness and moderate saturation." [PATOC:MAH] subset: mpath_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000954 ! pink [Term] id: PATO:0001259 name: dark purple def: "A color consisting of purple color and low brightness." [PATOC:GVG] subset: mpath_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000951 ! purple [Term] id: PATO:0001260 name: light purple def: "A color consisting of purple color and high brightness." [PATOC:GVG] subset: mpath_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000951 ! purple [Term] id: PATO:0001261 name: dark red def: "A color consisting of red hue and low brightness." [PATOC:GVG] subset: mpath_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000322 ! red [Term] id: PATO:0001262 name: light red def: "A color consisting of red hue and high brightness." [PATOC:GVG] subset: mpath_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000322 ! red [Term] id: PATO:0001263 name: dark yellow def: "A color consisting of yellow hue and low brightness." [PATOC:GVG] subset: mpath_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000324 ! yellow [Term] id: PATO:0001264 name: light yellow def: "A color consisting of yellow hue and high brightness." [PATOC:GVG] subset: mpath_slim subset: value_slim synonym: "blond" RELATED [] is_a: PATO:0000324 ! yellow [Term] id: PATO:0001265 name: saturated blue def: "A color consisting of blue hue and high saturation." [PATOC:GVG] subset: mpath_slim subset: value_slim synonym: "bright blue" RELATED [] is_a: PATO:0000318 ! blue [Term] id: PATO:0001266 name: desaturated blue def: "A color consisting of blue hue and low saturation." [PATOC:GVG] subset: value_slim synonym: "pale blue" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0000318 ! blue [Term] id: PATO:0001267 name: saturated brown def: "A color consisting of brown hue and high saturation." [PATOC:GVG] subset: value_slim synonym: "bright brown" RELATED [] is_a: PATO:0000952 ! brown [Term] id: PATO:0001268 name: desaturated brown def: "A color consisting of brown hue and low saturation." [PATOC:GVG] subset: value_slim synonym: "pale brown" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0000952 ! brown [Term] id: PATO:0001269 name: saturated cyan def: "A color consisting of cyan colour and high saturation." [PATOC:GVG] subset: value_slim synonym: "bright cyan" RELATED [] is_a: PATO:0000319 ! cyan [Term] id: PATO:0001270 name: desaturated cyan def: "A color consisting of cyan colour and low saturation." [PATOC:GVG] subset: value_slim synonym: "pale cyan" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0000319 ! cyan [Term] id: PATO:0001271 name: saturated green def: "A color consisting of green hue and high saturation." [PATOC:GVG] subset: value_slim synonym: "bright green" RELATED [] is_a: PATO:0000320 ! green [Term] id: PATO:0001272 name: desaturated green def: "A color consisting of green hue and low saturation." [PATOC:GVG] subset: value_slim synonym: "pale green" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0000320 ! green [Term] id: PATO:0001273 name: obsolete bright grey def: "A color consisting of grey color and high saturation." [PATOC:GVG] subset: value_slim is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0001274 name: obsolete pale grey def: "A color consisting of grey color and low saturation." [PATOC:GVG] subset: value_slim is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0001275 name: saturated magenta def: "A color consisting of magenta color and high saturation." [PATOC:GVG] subset: value_slim synonym: "bright magenta" RELATED [] is_a: PATO:0000321 ! magenta [Term] id: PATO:0001276 name: desaturated magenta def: "A color consisting of magenta color and low saturation." [PATOC:GVG] subset: value_slim synonym: "pale magenta" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0000321 ! magenta [Term] id: PATO:0001277 name: saturated orange def: "A color consisting of orange hue and high saturation." [PATOC:GVG] subset: value_slim synonym: "bright orange" RELATED [] is_a: PATO:0000953 ! orange [Term] id: PATO:0001278 name: desaturated orange def: "A color consisting of orange hue and low saturation." [PATOC:GVG] subset: value_slim synonym: "pale orange" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0000953 ! orange [Term] id: PATO:0001280 name: dark pale pink alt_id: PATO:0001279 def: "Pink color having medium brightness and low saturation." [PATOC:GVG] subset: mpath_slim subset: value_slim synonym: "bright pink" RELATED [] is_a: PATO:0000954 ! pink [Term] id: PATO:0001281 name: saturated purple def: "A color consisting of purple color and high saturation." [PATOC:GVG] subset: value_slim synonym: "bright purple" RELATED [] is_a: PATO:0000951 ! purple [Term] id: PATO:0001282 name: desaturated purple def: "A color consisting of purple color and low saturation." [PATOC:GVG] subset: value_slim synonym: "pale purple" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0000951 ! purple [Term] id: PATO:0001283 name: saturated red def: "A color consisting of red hue and high saturation." [PATOC:GVG] subset: mpath_slim subset: value_slim synonym: "bright red" RELATED [] is_a: PATO:0000322 ! red [Term] id: PATO:0001284 name: desaturated red def: "A color consisting of red hue and low saturation." [PATOC:GVG] subset: value_slim synonym: "pale red" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0000322 ! red [Term] id: PATO:0001285 name: saturated yellow def: "A color consisting of yellow hue and high saturation." [PATOC:GVG] subset: value_slim synonym: "bright yellow" RELATED [] is_a: PATO:0000324 ! yellow [Term] id: PATO:0001286 name: desaturated yellow def: "A color consisting of yellow hue and low saturation." [PATOC:GVG] subset: value_slim synonym: "pale yellow" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0000324 ! yellow [Term] id: PATO:0001287 name: red brown def: "A color consisting of red and brown hue." [PATOC:GVG] subset: mpath_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000952 ! brown [Term] id: PATO:0001288 name: dark red brown def: "A color consisting of red and brown hue and low brightness." [PATOC:GVG] subset: mpath_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001287 ! red brown [Term] id: PATO:0001289 name: light red brown def: "A color consisting of red and brown hue and high brightness." [PATOC:GVG] subset: mpath_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001287 ! red brown [Term] id: PATO:0001290 name: fluorescent def: "A fluorescence quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of emitting light during exposure to radiation from an external source." [] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000018 ! fluorescence [Term] id: PATO:0001291 name: obsolete electromagnetic (EM) radiation quality def: "OBSOLETE A radiation quality that inheres in a bearer by virtue of how that bearer interacts with electromagnetic radiation." [Wikipedia:http\://] comment: See is_obsolete: true replaced_by: PATO:0070060 [Term] id: PATO:0001292 name: full-spectrum EM radiation quality def: "An EM radiation quality that is independent of the EM wavelength range." [PATOC:GVG] subset: attribute_slim is_a: PATO:0070060 ! quality of interaction of a substance with electromagnetic radiation [Term] id: PATO:0001293 name: absorption quality def: "A scalar EM radiation quality which obtains by the capacity of the bearer to retain radiation." [PATOC:GVG] subset: attribute_slim is_a: PATO:0001292 ! full-spectrum EM radiation quality [Term] id: PATO:0001294 name: radiation reflective quality def: "A scalar EM radiation quality which obtains by the capacity of the bearer to scatter or reflect radiation." [PATOC:GVG] subset: attribute_slim is_a: PATO:0001292 ! full-spectrum EM radiation quality [Term] id: PATO:0001295 name: albedo def: "A reflective quality restricted to a particular wavelength." [PATOC:cjm] comment: Typically used for light, but also applied to full EM spectrum. subset: attribute_slim is_a: PATO:0001294 ! radiation reflective quality [Term] id: PATO:0001296 name: luminous flux def: "A scalar optical quality which obtains by the magnitude of the light emitted by the bearer." [PATOC:GVG] subset: attribute_slim is_a: PATO:0001300 ! optical quality [Term] id: PATO:0001297 name: reflectivity def: "A radiation reflective quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the ratio of the energy of a wave reflected from its surface to the energy possessed by the wave striking the bearer's surface." [PATOC:GVG] subset: attribute_slim is_a: PATO:0001294 ! radiation reflective quality [Term] id: PATO:0001298 name: phosphorescence def: "A fluorescence in which the emittence continues after the absorption has ceased." [PATOC:GVG] subset: relational_slim is_a: PATO:0000018 ! fluorescence [Term] id: PATO:0001299 name: radiation emitting quality def: "A scalar EM radiation quality which obtains by the capacity of the bearer to emit radiation." [PATOC:GVG] subset: attribute_slim is_a: PATO:0001292 ! full-spectrum EM radiation quality [Term] id: PATO:0001300 name: optical quality def: "An EM radiation quality in which the EM radiation is within the fiat range of the spectrum visible deemed to be light." [PATOC:GVG] subset: attribute_slim is_a: PATO:0070060 ! quality of interaction of a substance with electromagnetic radiation [Term] id: PATO:0001301 name: chromatic property def: "An optical quality that is the mixture, purity or pattern of wavelengths of light perceived by the observer." [PATOC:MAH] subset: attribute_slim is_a: PATO:0001300 ! optical quality [Term] id: PATO:0001302 name: vermilion def: "A color consisting of red and orange hue with a slight amount of gray." [PATOC:GVG] subset: mpath_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000014 ! color [Term] id: PATO:0001303 name: variability def: "A quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's disposition to varying or changing." [Dictionary:http\://] subset: attribute_slim synonym: "variability of a physical quality" RELATED [] is_a: PATO:0000001 ! quality [Term] id: PATO:0001304 name: variability of temperature def: "A variability quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of whether the bearer exhibits temperature variation or change." [PATO:GVG] subset: attribute_slim is_a: PATO:0001303 ! variability relationship: RO:0002503 PATO:0000146 ! towards temperature [Term] id: PATO:0001305 name: increased temperature alt_id: PATO:0000678 def: "A temperature which is relatively high." [PATOC:GVG] subset: value_slim synonym: "high temperature" EXACT [] synonym: "hot" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0000146 ! temperature is_a: PATO:0002305 ! increased object quality relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0001306 ! decreased temperature [Term] id: PATO:0001306 name: decreased temperature alt_id: PATO:0000677 def: "A temperature which is relatively low." [PATOC:GVG] subset: value_slim synonym: "cold" EXACT [] synonym: "low temperature" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0000146 ! temperature is_a: PATO:0002303 ! decreased object quality relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0001305 ! increased temperature [Term] id: PATO:0001307 name: decreased variability of temperature def: "A variability of temperature which is relatively low." [PATOC:GVG] subset: value_slim synonym: "low variability of temperature" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0001314 ! variant temperature is_a: PATO:0002301 ! decreased quality relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0001308 ! increased variability of temperature [Term] id: PATO:0001308 name: increased variability of temperature def: "A variability of temperature which is relatively high." [PATOC:GVG] subset: value_slim synonym: "high variability of temperature" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0001314 ! variant temperature is_a: PATO:0002300 ! increased quality relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0001307 ! decreased variability of temperature [Term] id: PATO:0001309 name: duration alt_id: PATO:0000081 def: "A process quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's magnitude of the temporal extent between the starting and ending point." [PATOC:mellybelly] subset: attribute_slim subset: hpo_slim synonym: "period" EXACT [] synonym: "time" RELATED [] is_a: PATO:0002062 ! physical quality of a process [Term] id: PATO:0001310 name: duration of temperature def: "A duration quality of a process inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's duration of exhibition of thermal energy." [PATOC:GVG] comment: TODO: obsolete? I don't know what this means. subset: attribute_slim is_a: PATO:0001309 ! duration [Term] id: PATO:0001311 name: decreased duration of temperature def: "A duration of temperature which is lesser relative to the normal or average enduring or continuing in time." [PATOC:GVG] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000499 ! decreased duration is_a: PATO:0001310 ! duration of temperature relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0001312 ! increased duration of temperature [Term] id: PATO:0001312 name: increased duration of temperature def: "A duration of temperature which is greater relative to the normal or average in respect to the quality of temperature of enduring or continuing in time." [PATOC:GVG] subset: value_slim synonym: "high duration of temperature" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0000498 ! increased duration is_a: PATO:0001310 ! duration of temperature relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0001311 ! decreased duration of temperature [Term] id: PATO:0001313 name: invariant temperature def: "A variability quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's lacking or not exhibiting variation of temperature." [PATO:GVG] subset: relational_slim is_a: PATO:0001304 ! variability of temperature relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0001314 ! variant temperature [Term] id: PATO:0001314 name: variant temperature def: "A variability quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's having or exhibiting variation of temperature." [PATO:GVG] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001304 ! variability of temperature relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0001313 ! invariant temperature [Term] id: PATO:0001315 name: mild increased temperature def: "A temperature which is increased by a low degree." [PATOC:GVG] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001305 ! increased temperature [Term] id: PATO:0001316 name: moderate increased temperature def: "A temperature which is increased by a medium degree." [PATOC:GVG] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001305 ! increased temperature [Term] id: PATO:0001317 name: severe increased temperature def: "A temperature which is increased by a high degree." [PATOC:GVG] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001305 ! increased temperature [Term] id: PATO:0001318 name: indiscriminate def: "A discrimination quality in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's being incapable perceiving differences between two or more stimuli." [PATOC:GVG] subset: disposition_slim subset: relational_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000189 ! discrimination disjoint_from: PATO:0001319 ! discriminate relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0001319 ! discriminate [Term] id: PATO:0001319 name: discriminate def: "A discrimination quality in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's being capable of perceiving differences between two or more stimuli." [PATOC:GVG] subset: disposition_slim subset: relational_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000189 ! discrimination relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0001318 ! indiscriminate [Term] id: PATO:0001320 name: pubescent hair def: "A pilosity quality of being covered with short hairs or soft down." [PATOC:GVG] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000454 ! hairy [Term] id: PATO:0001321 name: right angle to def: "An angle which is 90 degrees to another entity." [thesaurus.math:thesaurus.math] subset: relational_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0002326 ! angle [Term] id: PATO:0001322 name: straight angle to def: "An angle which is 180 degrees to another entity." [thesaurus.maths:thesaurus.maths] comment: TODO: decide on correct parentage. subset: relational_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0002326 ! angle [Term] id: PATO:0001323 name: area def: "A 2-D extent quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's two dimensional extent." [Wikipedia:http\://] subset: attribute_slim subset: mpath_slim subset: scalar_slim is_a: PATO:0001709 ! 2-D extent [Term] id: PATO:0001324 name: bilateral symmetry def: "A symmetry quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's being symmetric about a plane running from its frontal end to its caudal end (head to tail), and has nearly identical right and left halves." [Wikipedia:http\://] subset: cell_quality subset: value_slim synonym: "left-right symmetry" EXACT [] synonym: "pennate" RELATED [,] is_a: PATO:0000965 ! symmetry [Term] id: PATO:0001325 name: radial symmetry def: "A symmetry quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's having equal proportion around a central point or axis." [PATOC:GVG] subset: attribute_slim subset: cell_quality synonym: "centric" EXACT [,] is_a: PATO:0000965 ! symmetry [Term] id: PATO:0001326 name: obsolete left-right symmetry subset: value_slim is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0001327 name: zygomorphic def: "A symmetry quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's being capable of division into symmetrical halves by only one longitudinal plane passing through the axis." [WordNet:WordNet] subset: cell_quality subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001324 ! bilateral symmetry [Term] id: PATO:0001328 name: actinomorphic def: "A symmetry quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's being capable of division into symmetrical halves by any longitudinal plane passing through the axis." [WordNet:WordNet] subset: cell_quality subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001325 ! radial symmetry [Term] id: PATO:0001329 name: flavourful def: "A flavor quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's having flavour." [PATOC:GVG] subset: relational_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000043 ! flavor disjoint_from: PATO:0001330 ! flavourless [Term] id: PATO:0001330 name: flavourless def: "A flavor quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's lacking flavour." [PATOC:GVG] subset: relational_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000043 ! flavor [Term] id: PATO:0001331 name: odorous def: "An odor quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's having odour." [PATOC:GVG] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000058 ! odor [Term] id: PATO:0001332 name: amorphous def: "A morphology quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's lack of distinct morphology." [PATOC:GVG] subset: cell_quality subset: mpath_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000051 ! morphology [Term] id: PATO:0001333 name: temporally extended def: "A quality of a process which ends later than the natural end time." [PATOC:melissa] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0002304 ! increased process quality is_a: PATO:0002324 ! offset quality [Term] id: PATO:0001334 name: diameter def: "A length quality which is equal to the length of any straight line segment that passes through the center of a circle and whose endpoints are on the circular boundary." [Wikipedia:http\://] subset: attribute_slim subset: mpath_slim subset: scalar_slim is_a: PATO:0001708 ! 1-D extent [Term] id: PATO:0001335 name: bacterial mating type def: "A mating type that indicates whether the F plasmid has integrated into the chromosome." [MGED:MGED] subset: attribute_slim is_a: PATO:0001895 ! mating type [Term] id: PATO:0001336 name: obsolete unknown sex def: "A biological sex quality inhering in an individual whose sex is unknown." [MGED:MGED] comment: Unknown is not a type of sex. subset: value_slim is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0001337 name: yeast mating type def: "A yeast mating type." [PATOC:GVG] subset: attribute_slim is_a: PATO:0001895 ! mating type [Term] id: PATO:0001338 name: mixed sex def: "A biological sex quality inhering in a population of multiple sexes." [MGED:MGED] comment: For example a mixture of females and male or males and hermaphrodites. subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0002003 ! population quality [Term] id: PATO:0001339 name: biomaterial purity def: "A composition quality inhering in an bearer by virtue of the bearer's homogeneity of a biomaterial." [MGED:MGED] subset: attribute_slim subset: scalar_slim is_a: PATO:0000025 ! composition [Term] id: PATO:0001340 name: hermaphrodite def: "A biological sex quality inhering in an organism or a population with both male and female sexual organs in one individual." [MGED:MGED] subset: value_slim synonym: "hermaphroditic" EXACT [] synonym: "intersex" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0001894 ! phenotypic sex [Term] id: PATO:0001341 name: a mating type (yeast) def: "A S. cerevisiae mating type cells that secrete a pheromone that in alpha haploids stimulates processes that lead to mating." [MGED:MGED] subset: value_slim synonym: "a" BROAD [] is_a: PATO:0001342 ! Saccharomyces cerevisiae mating type [Term] id: PATO:0001342 name: Saccharomyces cerevisiae mating type def: "A S. cerevisiae mating type." [PATOC:GVG] subset: attribute_slim is_a: PATO:0001337 ! yeast mating type [Term] id: PATO:0001343 name: Schizosaccharomyces pombe mating type def: "A S. pombe mating type determined by the gene configuration on the mat1 locus." [PATOC:GVG] subset: attribute_slim is_a: PATO:0001337 ! yeast mating type [Term] id: PATO:0001344 name: alpha mating type (yeast) def: "A S. cerevisiae mating type cells that secrete a pheromone that stimulates a haploids." [MGED:MGED] subset: value_slim synonym: "alpha" BROAD [] is_a: PATO:0001342 ! Saccharomyces cerevisiae mating type [Term] id: PATO:0001345 name: h minus def: "A S. pombe mating type determined by the mat1-Mc and mat1-Mi on the mat1 locus." [PATOC:GVG] subset: value_slim synonym: "h -" EXACT [] synonym: "M" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0001343 ! Schizosaccharomyces pombe mating type [Term] id: PATO:0001346 name: h plus def: "A S. pombe mating type determined by the mat1-Pc and mat1-Pi on the mat1 locus." [PATOC:GVG] subset: value_slim synonym: "h+" EXACT [] synonym: "P" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0001343 ! Schizosaccharomyces pombe mating type [Term] id: PATO:0001347 name: F mating type def: "A bacterial mating type indicating the presence of F plasmid in a bacterial cell." [MGED:MGED] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001335 ! bacterial mating type [Term] id: PATO:0001348 name: F minus mating type def: "A bacterial mating type indicating the absence of F plasmid in a bacterial cell." [MGED:MGED] subset: value_slim synonym: "F-" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0001335 ! bacterial mating type [Term] id: PATO:0001349 name: high frequency recombinant def: "A mating type that indicates that the F plasmid has integrated into the chromosome." [MGED:MGED] subset: value_slim synonym: "Hfr" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0001348 ! F minus mating type [Term] id: PATO:0001350 name: angular acceleration def: "A physical quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the rate of change of the bearer's angular velocity." [Wikipedia:http\://] subset: attribute_slim subset: scalar_slim is_a: PATO:0001028 ! acceleration [Term] id: PATO:0001351 name: area density def: "A density quality which inheres in a bearer by virtue of some influence exerted by the bearer's mass on a given area." [Wikipedia:http\://] subset: attribute_slim subset: scalar_slim is_a: PATO:0001019 ! mass density [Term] id: PATO:0001352 name: linear density def: "A density quality which is equal to the mass exerting an influence on a one-dimensional object." [Wikipedia:http\://] subset: attribute_slim subset: scalar_slim is_a: PATO:0001019 ! mass density [Term] id: PATO:0001353 name: volumetric density def: "A density quality which inheres in a bearer by virtue of some influence exerted by the bearer's mass on a given volume." [Wikipedia:http\://] subset: attribute_slim subset: scalar_slim is_a: PATO:0001019 ! mass density [Term] id: PATO:0001354 name: translucent def: "A optical quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's exhibiting low opacity." [PATOC:GVG] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000957 ! opacity [Term] id: PATO:0001355 name: convex def: "A shape quality that obtains by virtue of the bearer having inward facing edges; having a surface or boundary that curves or bulges outward, as the exterior of a sphere." [PATOC:GVG] subset: cell_quality subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0002005 ! concavity relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0001857 ! concave [Term] id: PATO:0001356 name: pleomorphic def: "A shape quality inhering in a cell by virtue of the bearer's ability to take on two or more different shapes during its life cycle." [PATOC:GVG] subset: cell_quality subset: disposition_slim subset: mpath_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000052 ! shape [Term] id: PATO:0001357 name: pulvinate def: "A convex 3-D shape quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's being shaped like a cushion or has a marked convex cushion-like form." [PATOC:GVG] subset: mpath_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0002007 ! convex 3-D shape [Term] id: PATO:0001358 name: umbonate def: "A quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's having a knob or knoblike protuberance." [PATOC:GVG] subset: cell_quality subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001598 ! protruding [Term] id: PATO:0001359 name: rugose def: "A surface feature shape quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's having many wrinkles or creases on the surface." [PATOC:GVG] subset: cell_quality subset: mpath_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001925 ! surface feature shape [Term] id: PATO:0001360 name: filamentous def: "A shape quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's having thin filamentous extensions at its edge." [PATOC:GVG] subset: cell_quality subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000052 ! shape [Term] id: PATO:0001361 name: warty def: "A texture quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's being covered with warts or projections that resemble warts resulting in a hard rough surface." [PATOC:GVG] subset: mpath_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000700 ! rough [Term] id: PATO:0001362 name: fragile def: "A structural quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's disposition to being easily damaged or destroyed." [WordNet:WordNet] subset: disposition_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001662 ! fragility disjoint_from: PATO:0001716 ! non-fragile relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0001716 ! non-fragile [Term] id: PATO:0001364 name: rhizoidal def: "A quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's having root like extensions radiating from its center." [PATOC:GVG] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001598 ! protruding [Term] id: PATO:0001365 name: spiny def: "A surface feature shape quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's having spines, thorns or similar thin projections on its surface." [PATOC:GVG] subset: cell_quality subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001925 ! surface feature shape [Term] id: PATO:0001366 name: punctiform def: "A shape quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's being small and resembling a point." [PATOC:GVG] subset: cell_quality subset: mpath_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000052 ! shape [Term] id: PATO:0001367 name: lobate def: "A surface feature shape quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's having deeply undulating edges forming lobes." [PATOC:GVG] subset: cell_quality subset: mpath_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001925 ! surface feature shape [Term] id: PATO:0001368 name: erose def: "A surface feature shape quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's having an irregularly toothed edge." [PATOC:GVG] subset: cell_quality subset: value_slim synonym: "jagged" RELATED [] is_a: PATO:0001976 ! serration [Term] id: PATO:0001369 name: raised def: "A shape quality inhering in a colony by virtue of the bearer's appearing above the medium surface with terraced edges." [PATOC:GVG] subset: mpath_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000052 ! shape [Term] id: PATO:0001370 name: viscid def: "A coating quality which is sticky or clammy." [PATOC:GVG] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0002012 ! coating [Term] id: PATO:0001371 name: mucoid def: "A composition quality inhering in an bearer by virtue of the bearer's consistency of mucus." [PATOC:GVG] subset: mpath_slim subset: value_slim synonym: "mucinous" RELATED [] synonym: "mucous" RELATED [] is_a: PATO:0000025 ! composition [Term] id: PATO:0001372 name: refractivity def: "A physical quality that inheres in propagating wave (light or sound) virtue of the bearer's change in direction when passing from one medium to another." [WordNet:WordNet] subset: attribute_slim subset: disposition_slim is_a: PATO:0001294 ! radiation reflective quality [Term] id: PATO:0001373 name: glistening def: "A reflectivity quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's reflecting lots of light." [PATOC:GVG] subset: value_slim synonym: "glossy" EXACT [] synonym: "shiny" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0001297 ! reflectivity [Term] id: PATO:0001374 name: ploidy def: "A cellular quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's number of homologous sets of chromosomes in the nucleus or primary chromosome-containing compartment of the cell, each set essentially coding for all the biological traits of the organism." [Wikipedia:http\://] subset: attribute_slim is_a: PATO:0001396 ! cellular quality [Term] id: PATO:0001375 name: haploid def: "A ploidy quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's containing a single set of homologous chromosomes." [Wikipedia:http\://] subset: cell_quality subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001393 ! euploid [Term] id: PATO:0001376 name: monoploid def: "A ploidy quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's containing a single set of unique homologous chromosomes." [Wikipedia:http\://] subset: cell_quality subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001393 ! euploid [Term] id: PATO:0001377 name: polyploid def: "A ploidy quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's containing more than two homologous sets of chromosomes." [Wikipedia:http\://] subset: cell_quality subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001393 ! euploid [Term] id: PATO:0001378 name: autopolyploid def: "A polyploidy quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's containing chromosomes derived from a single species." [Wikipedia:http\://] subset: cell_quality subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001377 ! polyploid [Term] id: PATO:0001379 name: allopolyploidy def: "A polyploidy quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's containing chromosomes derived from different species." [Wikipedia:http\://] subset: cell_quality subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001377 ! polyploid [Term] id: PATO:0001380 name: paleopolyploid def: "A polyploidy quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's having an ancient polyploid ancestor." [Wikipedia:http\://] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001377 ! polyploid [Term] id: PATO:0001381 name: triploid def: "A polyploidy quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's containing three homologous sets of chromosomes." [Wikipedia:http\://] subset: cell_quality subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001377 ! polyploid [Term] id: PATO:0001382 name: tetraploid def: "A polyploidy quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's containing four homologous sets of chromosomes." [Wikipedia:http\://] subset: cell_quality subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001377 ! polyploid [Term] id: PATO:0001383 name: pentaploid def: "A polyploidy quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's containing five homologous sets of chromosomes." [Wikipedia:http\://] subset: cell_quality subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001377 ! polyploid [Term] id: PATO:0001384 name: hexaploid def: "A polyploidy quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's containing six homologous sets of chromosomes." [Wikipedia:http\://] subset: cell_quality subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001377 ! polyploid [Term] id: PATO:0001385 name: aneuploid def: "A ploidy quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's containing a non-integral multiple of the monoploid number, due to extra or missing chromosomes." [Wikipedia:http\://] subset: cell_quality subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001374 ! ploidy [Term] id: PATO:0001386 name: monosomy def: "An aneuploidy quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's containing only one chromosome from a pair in a cell's nucleus." [Wikipedia:http\://] subset: cell_quality subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001385 ! aneuploid [Term] id: PATO:0001387 name: disomy def: "An aneuploidy quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's containing only two chromosome from a pair in a cell's nucleus." [Wikipedia:http\://] comment: For diploid organisms, such as humans, it is the normal condition, whilst for organisms that are normally triploid or above, disomy is an aneuploidy. subset: cell_quality subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001385 ! aneuploid [Term] id: PATO:0001388 name: uniparental disomy def: "A disomy quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's containing two copies of the chromosome from one of the parents (with no contribution from the other parent)." [Wikipedia:http\://] subset: cell_quality subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001387 ! disomy [Term] id: PATO:0001389 name: trisomy def: "An aneuploidy quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's containing three, instead of two, chromosomes of a particular numbered type in an organism." [Wikipedia:http\://] subset: cell_quality subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001385 ! aneuploid [Term] id: PATO:0001390 name: partial trisomy def: "A trisomy quality inhering in a bearer when part of the bearer's extra chromosome is attached to one of the other chromosomes, or if one of the bearer's chromosomes has two copies of part of its chromosome." [Wikipedia:http\://] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001389 ! trisomy [Term] id: PATO:0001391 name: mosaic trisomy def: "A trisomy quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's having extra chromosomal material in only some of it's cells." [PATOC:GVG] subset: cell_quality subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001389 ! trisomy [Term] id: PATO:0001392 name: endopolyploid def: "A polyploidy quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's chromosome number being increased by endomitosis and for which the degree of ploidy is proportional to the number of times that endomitosis has taken place." [Wikipedia:http\://] subset: cell_quality subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001377 ! polyploid [Term] id: PATO:0001393 name: euploid def: "A ploidy quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's containing an integral multiple of the monoploid number, possibly excluding the sex-determining chromosomes." [Wikipedia:http\://] subset: cell_quality subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001374 ! ploidy [Term] id: PATO:0001394 name: diploid def: "A ploidy quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's having two copies (homologs) of each chromosome, usually one from the mother and one from the father." [Wikipedia:http\://] comment: The exact number may be one or two different from the 2n number and still be classified as diploidy (although with aneuploidy). Nearly all mammals are diploid organisms, although all individuals have some small fraction of cells that are polyploidy. subset: cell_quality subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001393 ! euploid [Term] id: PATO:0001395 name: haplodiploid def: "A diploidy quality inhering in a bearer in by virtue of belonging in a species whose one of the sexes has haploid cells and the other has diploid cells." [Wikipedia:http\://] subset: cell_quality subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001394 ! diploid [Term] id: PATO:0001396 name: cellular quality def: "A monadic quality of continuant that exists at the cellular level of organisation." [PATOC:GVG] is_a: PATO:0070044 ! anatomical structure quality [Term] id: PATO:0001397 name: cellular potency def: "A cellular quality that arises by virtue of whether the bearer's disposition to differentiate into one or more mature cell types." [PATOC:GVG] subset: attribute_slim subset: disposition_slim is_a: PATO:0001396 ! cellular quality [Term] id: PATO:0001398 name: self-renewal def: "A cellular quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's having the ability to go through numerous cycles of cell division while maintaining the undifferentiated state." [PATOC:GVG] subset: attribute_slim subset: disposition_slim is_a: PATO:0002102 ! proliferative [Term] id: PATO:0001399 name: totipotent def: "A cellular potency that is the capacity to produce differentiated cell types of all three primary germ layers and extraembryonic cell types." [Wikipedia:http\://] subset: cell_quality subset: disposition_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001397 ! cellular potency [Term] id: PATO:0001400 name: unipotent def: "A cellular potency that is the capacity to produce only one differentiated cell type." [Wikipedia:http\://] comment: Unipotent cells have the quality of self-renewal which distinguishes them from non-stem cells. subset: cell_quality subset: disposition_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001397 ! cellular potency [Term] id: PATO:0001401 name: oligopotent def: "A cellular potency that is the capacity to form multiple differentiated cell types of a specific lineage and lack self renewing capacity." [PATOC:MAH] comment: Less potent than multipotent, often thought of as precursor or progenitor cell status. subset: cell_quality subset: disposition_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001397 ! cellular potency [Term] id: PATO:0001402 name: multipotent def: "A cellular potency that is the capacity to form multiple differentiated cell types." [Wikipedia:http\://] subset: cell_quality subset: disposition_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001397 ! cellular potency [Term] id: PATO:0001403 name: pluripotent def: "A cellular potency that is the capacity to produce differentiated cell types of all three primary germ layers but not extraembryonic cell types." [Wikipedia:http\://] subset: cell_quality subset: disposition_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001397 ! cellular potency [Term] id: PATO:0001404 name: nucleate quality def: "A cellular quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of bearer's number of nuclei." [PATOC:GVG] subset: attribute_slim is_a: PATO:0001396 ! cellular quality [Term] id: PATO:0001405 name: anucleate def: "A nucleate quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's having no nucleus." [Biology-online:Biology-online] subset: cell_quality subset: mpath_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001404 ! nucleate quality [Term] id: PATO:0001406 name: binucleate def: "A nucleate quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's having two nuclei." [Biology-online:Biology-online] subset: cell_quality subset: mpath_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001908 ! multinucleate [Term] id: PATO:0001407 name: mononucleate def: "A nucleate quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's having one nucleus." [Biology-online:Biology-online] subset: cell_quality subset: mpath_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0002505 ! nucleated [Term] id: PATO:0001408 name: ciliated def: "A cellular quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's having one or more cilia as a part." [PMID:36924208, wikipedia:Cilium] subset: cell_quality subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001396 ! cellular quality [Term] id: PATO:0001409 name: spindle-shaped def: "A shape quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's resembling a long tapered rod." [Biology-online:Biology-online] subset: cell_quality subset: mpath_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0002007 ! convex 3-D shape [Term] id: PATO:0001410 name: striated def: "A shape quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's being marked by narrow lines or grooves, usually parallel." [Biology-online:Biology-online] subset: cell_quality subset: mpath_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000052 ! shape [Term] id: PATO:0001411 name: structured def: "A structural quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's having distinct structure." [PATOC:GVG] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000141 ! structure relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0001412 ! unstructured [Term] id: PATO:0001412 name: unstructured def: "A structural quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's lacking distinct structure." [PATOC:GVG] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000141 ! structure relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0001411 ! structured [Term] id: PATO:0001413 name: angular velocity def: "A physical quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the rate of the bearer's angular movement about an axis; the angle rotated in a given time." [Wikipedia:http\://] subset: attribute_slim subset: scalar_slim is_a: PATO:0002242 ! velocity [Term] id: PATO:0001414 name: catalytic activity def: "A physical quality inhering in a catalyst by virtue of the amount of the catalyst's action." [PATOC:GVG] subset: attribute_slim subset: scalar_slim is_a: PATO:0001018 ! physical quality [Term] id: PATO:0001415 name: morbidity def: "A quality inhering in a population by virtue of the proportion of its members that are ill at a given time." [PATOC:GVG] subset: attribute_slim subset: scalar_slim is_a: PATO:0002003 ! population quality [Term] id: PATO:0001416 name: regular duration def: "A duration which has regular start and/or end times." [PATOC:GVG] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001309 ! duration relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0001417 ! irregular duration [Term] id: PATO:0001417 name: irregular duration def: "A duration quality of a process inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's duration which has irregular start and/or end times." [PATOC:melissa] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001309 ! duration relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0001416 ! regular duration [Term] id: PATO:0001418 name: lethargic def: "A behavioral quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's being deficient in alertness or activity." [WordNet:WordNet] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0002265 ! behavioural activity [Term] id: PATO:0001419 name: sharp def: "A shape quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's terminating in a point or edge." [PATOC:GVG] subset: cell_quality subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000944 ! sharpness [Term] id: PATO:0001420 name: buoyancy def: "A physical quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's disposition to rise or float in a fluid medium such as water or air." [PATOC:GVG] subset: attribute_slim subset: disposition_slim subset: scalar_slim is_a: PATO:0001018 ! physical quality [Term] id: PATO:0001421 name: alive def: "A viability quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's condition before death." [PATOC:GVG] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000169 ! viability [Term] id: PATO:0001422 name: dead def: "A viability quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the cessation of the bearer's life." [PATOC:GVG] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000169 ! viability [Term] id: PATO:0001423 name: refractile def: "A reflectivity quality inhering in the bearer by virtue of the bearer's ability to refract light." [biology-online:biology-online] subset: disposition_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001372 ! refractivity [Term] id: PATO:0001424 name: violet def: "A color hue with very low wavelength of that portion of the visible spectrum lying between reddish blue or bluish purple, evoked in the human observer by radiant energy with wavelengths of approximately 420 to 380 nanometers." [Wikipedia:http\://] subset: mpath_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000014 ! color [Term] id: PATO:0001425 name: rosy def: "A color hue consisting of red hue and yellow hue and high brightness." [PATOC:GVG] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000014 ! color [Term] id: PATO:0001426 name: maroon def: "A color consisting of purple and brown hue." [Wikipedia:http\://] subset: mpath_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000014 ! color [Term] id: PATO:0001427 name: compound acidity def: "A concentration quality inhering in compound by virtue of the bearer's tendency to act as a hydron donor." [chemicool:chemicool] subset: attribute_slim subset: scalar_slim is_a: PATO:0001842 ! acidity [Term] id: PATO:0001428 name: medium acidity def: "A concentration quality inhering in a medium by virtue of the bearer's tendency to hydronate a specific reference base." [chemicool:chemicool] subset: attribute_slim subset: scalar_slim is_a: PATO:0001842 ! acidity [Term] id: PATO:0001429 name: acidic def: "An medium acidity quality inhering in a solution by virtue of the bearer's a high concentration of H+ ions." [chemicool:chemicool] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001428 ! medium acidity [Term] id: PATO:0001430 name: alkaline def: "An medium acidity quality inhering in a solution by virtue of the bearer's a low concentration of H+ ions." [chemicool:chemicool] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001428 ! medium acidity [Term] id: PATO:0001431 name: adhesivity def: "An emergent molecular quality that arises by virtue of the bearer's disposition to exhibit molecular attraction to another entity in contact." [PATOC:GVG] comment: The definition is general enough to cover adhesion arising from different kinds of chemical bonding/forces, although for PATO this term will most commonly used for cellular adhesion. See also GO:0031589 "cell-substrate adhesion". subset: attribute_slim subset: disposition_slim subset: relational_slim synonym: "adhesiveness" EXACT [] synonym: "stickiness" RELATED [] is_a: PATO:0001018 ! physical quality [Term] id: PATO:0001432 name: decayed def: "A quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's decomposition into component parts." [Medical-dictionary:Medical-dictionary] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000169 ! viability [Term] id: PATO:0001433 name: growth quality of occurrent alt_id: PATO:0001489 def: "A quality of a single process which describes the growth of an organism, structure, or group of organisms." [PATOC:MAH] subset: attribute_slim synonym: "growth quality of a process" RELATED [] synonym: "growth timing quality" RELATED [] is_a: PATO:0001236 ! process quality [Term] id: PATO:0001434 name: reproductive quality def: "An organismal quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's ability to produce new life or offspring." [WordNet:WordNet] is_a: PATO:0001995 ! organismal quality [Term] id: PATO:0001435 name: attachment quality def: "A structural quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's having connection or association with another entity." [PATOC:GVG] subset: attribute_slim subset: relational_slim is_a: PATO:0000141 ! structure [Term] id: PATO:0001436 name: sessile (sensu botany) def: "An attachment quality inhering in a flower by virtue of the bearer's lacking a stalk, as in flowers or leaves that grow directly from the stem." [Wikipedia:http\://] subset: relational_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001435 ! attachment quality [Term] id: PATO:0001437 name: sessile (sensu zoology) def: "A attachment quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's inability to move about." [Wikipedia:http\://] subset: mpath_slim subset: relational_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001435 ! attachment quality [Term] id: PATO:0001438 name: pedicellate def: "A attachment quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's having or being supported by a pedicel or pedicle." [MedTerms:MedTerms] subset: relational_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001435 ! attachment quality [Term] id: PATO:0001439 name: tonicity alt_id: PATO:0001498 def: "A contractile quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's elastic tension that facilitate response to stimuli." [WordNet:WordNet] comment: TODO: we need a clearer differentium between this and contractility - or merge? subset: attribute_slim subset: disposition_slim subset: scalar_slim synonym: "tone" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0001579 ! contractility [Term] id: PATO:0001440 name: homophilic def: "A cellular adhesivity quality inhering in a molecule in one cell by virtue of the bearer's attachment to an identical molecule in an adjacent cell." [GO:GO] subset: relational_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001531 ! cellular adhesivity disjoint_from: PATO:0001441 ! heterophilic [Term] id: PATO:0001441 name: heterophilic def: "A cellular adhesivity quality inhering in a molecule in one cell by virtue of the bearer's attachment to an nonidentical molecule in an adjacent cell." [GO:GO] subset: relational_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001531 ! cellular adhesivity [Term] id: PATO:0001442 name: wholeness def: "A structural quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of whether the bearer includes all its components." [] subset: attribute_slim is_a: PATO:0000141 ! structure [Term] id: PATO:0001444 name: broken alt_id: PATO:0001443 alt_id: PATO:0001820 def: "A structural quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's components no longer being in a single contiguous unit." [] subset: value_slim synonym: "cracked" RELATED [] synonym: "fractured" NARROW [] synonym: "fragmented" EXACT [] synonym: "hemorrhaged" RELATED [] synonym: "split" RELATED [] synonym: "torn" RELATED [] is_a: PATO:0001442 ! wholeness disjoint_from: PATO:0001446 ! whole [Term] id: PATO:0001445 name: disassembled def: "A wholeness quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's being taken apart into its constituent parts." [] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001444 ! broken [Term] id: PATO:0001446 name: whole def: "A wholeness quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's including all its components." [] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001442 ! wholeness [Term] id: PATO:0001447 name: calcified def: "A composition quality inhering in an bearer by virtue of the bearer's being encrusted or impregnated with calcium carbonate (CHEBI:3311)." [] subset: cell_quality subset: mpath_slim subset: value_slim synonym: "calcareous" EXACT [] synonym: "calcification" NARROW [] is_a: PATO:0000025 ! composition [Term] id: PATO:0001448 name: ossified def: "A composition quality inhering in an bearer by virtue of the bearer's being hardened by the deposition of calcium into bone." [MAMMALOGY:MAMMALOGY] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001447 ! calcified [Term] id: PATO:0001449 name: cartilaginous def: "A composition quality inhering in an bearer by virtue of the bearer's cartilage quantities." [Wikipedia:http\://] comment: Cartilage is a type of dense connective tissue. It is composed of specialized cells called chondrocytes (CL:0000138) that produce a large amount of extracellular matrix composed of collagen fibers, abundant ground substance rich in proteoglycan, and elastin fibers. subset: mpath_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000025 ! composition [Term] id: PATO:0001450 name: edematous def: "A structural quality which is held by a bearer when the latter exhibits an excessive accumulation of extracellular fluid." [] subset: mpath_slim subset: value_slim synonym: "edema" NARROW [] synonym: "edemic" EXACT [] synonym: "oedema" NARROW [] synonym: "oedematous" EXACT [] synonym: "oedemic" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0000025 ! composition [Term] id: PATO:0001451 name: obsolete edematous (sensu botany) def: "An extended swelling in plant organs caused primarily by an excessive accumulation of water." [] synonym: "edemic" RELATED [] synonym: "oedematous" RELATED [] synonym: "oedemic" RELATED [] is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0001453 name: detached from def: "An attachment quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's lacking connection or association with another entity." [PATOC:GVG] subset: mpath_slim subset: relational_slim subset: value_slim synonym: "detached" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0001435 ! attachment quality [Term] id: PATO:0001454 name: sensitivity to oxygen def: "A sensitivity quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's dependence on oxygen." [PATOC:GVG] subset: attribute_slim subset: disposition_slim subset: scalar_slim is_a: PATO:0000085 ! sensitivity toward [Term] id: PATO:0001455 name: aerobic def: "A quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's dependence on oxygen." [PATOC:GVG] subset: disposition_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001454 ! sensitivity to oxygen disjoint_from: PATO:0001456 ! anaerobic relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0001456 ! anaerobic [Term] id: PATO:0001456 name: anaerobic def: "A quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's independence on oxygen." [PATOC:GVG] subset: disposition_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001454 ! sensitivity to oxygen relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0001455 ! aerobic [Term] id: PATO:0001457 name: sensitivity of a process def: "A quality of a process inhering in bearer by virtue of the bearer's disposition to respond to stimulation." [PATOC:GVG] subset: attribute_slim subset: disposition_slim subset: relational_slim synonym: "sensitivity of occurrent" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0002062 ! physical quality of a process [Term] id: PATO:0001458 name: sensitivity of a process to oxygen def: "A sensitivity of a process quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's unfolding in a location with or without oxygen." [PATOC:GVG] subset: attribute_slim subset: disposition_slim synonym: "sensitivity of occurrent to oxygen" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0001457 ! sensitivity of a process [Term] id: PATO:0001459 name: aerobic (for occurrence) def: "A sensitivity of a process inhering in a biological process by virtue of the process unfolding in a location with oxygen." [PATOC:GVG] subset: disposition_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001458 ! sensitivity of a process to oxygen relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0001460 ! anaerobic (for occurrence) [Term] id: PATO:0001460 name: anaerobic (for occurrence) def: "A sensitivity of a process inhering in a biological process by virtue of the process unfolding in a location without oxygen." [PATOC:GVG] subset: disposition_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001458 ! sensitivity of a process to oxygen relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0001459 ! aerobic (for occurrence) [Term] id: PATO:0001461 name: surface tension def: "A physical quality inhering in a liquid by virtue of the bearer's ability to attraction of molecules at its surface as a result of unbalanced molecular cohesive forces." [Wikipedia:http\://] subset: attribute_slim subset: disposition_slim subset: scalar_slim is_a: PATO:0001018 ! physical quality [Term] id: PATO:0001462 name: membrane potential def: "A quality inhering in a cell's plasma membrane by virtue of the electrical potential difference across it." [Wikipedia:http\://] subset: attribute_slim subset: scalar_slim is_a: PATO:0001464 ! electric potential [Term] id: PATO:0001463 name: action potential def: "A quality inhering in a cell's plasma membrane by virtue of a brief fluctuation in the bearer's potential caused by the rapid opening and closing of voltage-gated ion channels." [Wikipedia:http\://] subset: attribute_slim subset: scalar_slim is_a: PATO:0001464 ! electric potential [Term] id: PATO:0001464 name: electric potential def: "A quality that is equal to the potential energy per unit charge associated with a static (time-invariant) electric field, also called the electrostatic potential." [Wikipedia:http\://] subset: attribute_slim subset: scalar_slim is_a: PATO:0001018 ! physical quality [Term] id: PATO:0001465 name: monstrous def: "A malformed quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's all-encompassing, grotesque morphological defects." [PATOC:GVG] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000646 ! malformed [Term] id: PATO:0001466 name: curved rostral def: "A curvature quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's being curved towards the front of an organism." [PATOC:GVG] subset: value_slim synonym: "curved anterior" EXACT [] synonym: "curved superior (human torso)" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0000406 ! curved [Term] id: PATO:0001467 name: curved caudal def: "A curvature quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's being curved towards the part of the body from which the tail arises." [PATOC:GVG] subset: value_slim synonym: "curved inferior (human torso)" EXACT [] synonym: "curved posterior" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0000406 ! curved [Term] id: PATO:0001468 name: curved dorsal def: "A curvature quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's being curved towards the back or upper surface of an organism." [PATOC:GVG] subset: value_slim synonym: "curved posterior (human torso)" EXACT [] synonym: "curved superior (human head)" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0000406 ! curved [Term] id: PATO:0001469 name: curved ventral def: "A curvature quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's being curved towards the abdomen of an organism." [PATOC:GVG] subset: value_slim synonym: "curved anterior (human torso)" EXACT [] synonym: "curved inferior (human head)" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0000406 ! curved [Term] id: PATO:0001470 name: ratio def: "A quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's magnitude in proportion to the magnitude of another entity." [] {terms:contributor=""} comment: Examples: height to weight; brain size to body size; root to shoot ratio; urinary sodium to potassium ratio. waist-hip ratio. {terms:contributor=""} subset: attribute_slim subset: relational_slim synonym: "proportion" EXACT [] synonym: "proportionality" EXACT [] synonym: "proportionality to" EXACT [] synonym: "quotient" EXACT [] synonym: "rate" RELATED [] is_a: PATO:0001018 ! physical quality [Term] id: PATO:0001472 name: decreased depth alt_id: PATO:0001692 def: "A depth which is relatively low." [PATOC:GVG] subset: value_slim synonym: "low depth" EXACT [] synonym: "shallow" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0000587 ! decreased size is_a: PATO:0001595 ! depth relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0001596 ! increased depth [Term] id: PATO:0001473 name: duplicated def: "A quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's being present in two copies." [] subset: mpath_slim subset: value_slim synonym: "doubled" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0000470 ! increased amount [Term] id: PATO:0001474 name: anteverted def: "An oriented quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's axis being positioned forward." [bdid:bdid] subset: mpath_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000614 ! oriented [Term] id: PATO:0001475 name: increased position def: "A position which is relatively high." [PATOC:GVG] subset: value_slim synonym: "high position" RELATED [] is_a: PATO:0000140 ! position is_a: PATO:0002305 ! increased object quality relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0001476 ! decreased position [Term] id: PATO:0001476 name: decreased position def: "A positional which is relatively low." [PATOC:GVG] subset: value_slim synonym: "low position" RELATED [] is_a: PATO:0000140 ! position is_a: PATO:0002303 ! decreased object quality relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0001475 ! increased position [Term] id: PATO:0001477 name: retracted def: "A positional quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's being drawn in or pulled back from any given point." [] subset: value_slim synonym: "moved" BROAD [] synonym: "retruded" RELATED [] is_a: PATO:0000140 ! position [Term] id: PATO:0001478 name: collapsed def: "A structural quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's being broken down; caved in." [] subset: mpath_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000141 ! structure [Term] id: PATO:0001480 name: spongy def: "A structural quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's resembling a sponge in elasticity, absorbency, or porousness." [] subset: mpath_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000141 ! structure relationship: has_part PATO:0000982 ! permeable [Term] id: PATO:0001481 name: sloped def: "A shape quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's having an oblique or slanted direction." [WordNet:WordNet] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000052 ! shape [Term] id: PATO:0001482 name: prominent def: "A quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's standing out or projecting beyond a surface or line." [] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001598 ! protruding is_a: PATO:0015007 ! prominence [Term] id: PATO:0001483 name: aplastic def: "Absence of an organ, tissue or cell due to failure to develop from a primordium or precursor cell." [PATOC:GVG, PATOC:PortlandMeetingFeb2015] comment: With aplasia, the primordium or precursor develops, but does not proceed in its development to a mature structure subset: mpath_slim subset: value_slim synonym: "aplasia" EXACT [] synonym: "undeveloped" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0002290 ! aplastic/hypoplastic is_a: PATO:0002291 ! agenesis [Term] id: PATO:0001484 name: recent def: "A quality of a process which occurs near to or not long before the present." [WordNet:WordNet] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0002325 ! onset quality [Term] id: PATO:0001485 name: condensed alt_id: PATO:0001840 def: "A structural quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's being thicker or more closely packed together; pressed tightly together." [PATOC:GVG] subset: mpath_slim subset: value_slim synonym: "compact" BROAD [] synonym: "compressed" EXACT [] synonym: "dense" RELATED [] synonym: "squashed" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0000141 ! structure relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0002452 ! decondensed [Term] id: PATO:0001486 name: chronological age def: "An age quality that exists by virtue of the time (years and months) that the bearer has existed." [WordNet:Wordnet] subset: attribute_slim is_a: PATO:0000011 ! age [Term] id: PATO:0001487 name: senescent def: "A time quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's growing old; aging." [] subset: mpath_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000011 ! age [Term] id: PATO:0001488 name: cellular motility def: "A cellular quality inhering in a cell by virtue of whether the bearer exhibits the ability to move spontaneously." [] comment: Term should be obsoleted and the GO term cellular motility should be used instead. subset: attribute_slim subset: disposition_slim subset: scalar_slim is_a: PATO:0001396 ! cellular quality [Term] id: PATO:0001490 name: heterochronic growth def: "A growth quality of a process inhering in an organism, structure, or group of organisms by virtue of the bearer's reduced or increased growth." [PATOC:MAH] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001433 ! growth quality of occurrent [Term] id: PATO:0001491 name: neotenous growth def: "A paedomorphic growth quality which is due to a reduced rate." [PATOC:mh] subset: value_slim synonym: "neotenic growth" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0001749 ! paedomorphic growth [Term] id: PATO:0001492 name: growth rate def: "The rate or speed of the change in size of an individual entity or change in number of a population." [,] subset: attribute_slim subset: scalar_slim is_a: PATO:0000161 ! rate [Term] id: PATO:0001493 name: hypertrophic growth comment: This term will be obsoleted; Use GO:growth and PATO:rate. subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001492 ! growth rate relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0001494 ! hypotrophic growth [Term] id: PATO:0001494 name: hypotrophic growth comment: This term will be obsoleted; Use GO:growth and PATO:rate. subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001492 ! growth rate relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0001493 ! hypertrophic growth [Term] id: PATO:0001495 name: notched def: "A concave quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's shape being a V-shaped cut." [] subset: cell_quality subset: mpath_slim subset: value_slim synonym: "indented" RELATED [] is_a: PATO:0001857 ! concave [Term] id: PATO:0001496 name: brood quality def: "A reproductive quality inhering in the young of an animal by virtue of the bearer's being cared for at one time." [WordNet:WordNet] subset: attribute_slim is_a: PATO:0001434 ! reproductive quality [Term] id: PATO:0001497 name: brood viability def: "A reproductive quality inhering in the young of an animal by virtue of the bearer's disposition to survive and develop normally." [PATOC:GVG] subset: attribute_slim subset: disposition_slim is_a: PATO:0000169 ! viability [Term] id: PATO:0001499 name: spherical alt_id: PATO:0000408 def: "A spheroid quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's resembling a ball (a sphere whose equatorial diameter is equal to the polar diameter)." [WordNet:WordNet] subset: cell_quality subset: mpath_slim subset: value_slim synonym: "globular" EXACT [] synonym: "rotund" RELATED [] is_a: PATO:0001865 ! spheroid relationship: RO:0015011 PATO:0000411 ! has cross section circular [Term] id: PATO:0001500 name: tapered def: "A shape quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's being gradually narrower or thinner toward one end." [WordNet:WordNet] subset: cell_quality subset: value_slim synonym: "taper" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0001419 ! sharp [Term] id: PATO:0001501 name: immature def: "A quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's lacking complete growth, differentiation, or development." [Merriam-Webster:Merriam-Webster] subset: value_slim synonym: "underdeveloped" RELATED [] is_a: PATO:0000261 ! maturity relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0001701 ! mature [Term] id: PATO:0001502 name: complexity def: "A monadic quality of continuant inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's being intricate and compounded." [WordNet:WordNet] comment: TODO: obsolete this. subset: attribute_slim is_a: PATO:0000141 ! structure [Term] id: PATO:0001503 name: simple def: "A complexity quality in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's having few parts or being complicated or compound." [WordNet:WordNet] subset: mpath_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001502 ! complexity disjoint_from: PATO:0001504 ! complex [Term] id: PATO:0001504 name: complex def: "A complexity quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's being intricate and compounded." [WordNet:WordNet] subset: mpath_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001502 ! complexity [Term] id: PATO:0001505 name: separated from def: "A structural quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's not being in contact with another entity, or of no longer being connected or joined with another entity." [WordNet:WordNet] subset: relational_slim subset: value_slim synonym: "discontiguous" RELATED [] synonym: "divided_from" RELATED [] synonym: "splitted from" RELATED [] is_a: PATO:0000141 ! structure [Term] id: PATO:0001506 name: diastatic def: "A structural quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's separation of normally joined parts, such as the separation of adjacent bones without fracture or of certain abdominal muscles during pregnancy." [] subset: relational_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001505 ! separated from [Term] id: PATO:0001507 name: disrupted def: "A quality of a single process inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's being interrupted of its normal course." [PATOC:GVG] subset: mpath_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000057 ! occurrence [Term] id: PATO:0001509 name: functionality def: "A quality of a single physical entity that arises by virtue of whether the bearer exhibits the ability to perform a regular function(s)." [PATOC:MAH] subset: attribute_slim subset: disposition_slim subset: scalar_slim is_a: PATO:0001241 ! physical object quality [Term] id: PATO:0001510 name: functional def: "A functionality quality held by the bearer when the latter is able to perform a regular function(s)." [PATOC:MAH] subset: disposition_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001509 ! functionality relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0001511 ! non-functional [Term] id: PATO:0001511 name: non-functional alt_id: PATO:0001640 def: "A disfunctional quality held by the bearer when the latter is unable to perform a regular function(s)." [PATC:MAH] subset: disposition_slim subset: value_slim synonym: "defective" RELATED [] synonym: "disfunctional" EXACT [] synonym: "failure" RELATED [] synonym: "functional failure" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0001509 ! functionality relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0001510 ! functional [Term] id: PATO:0001512 name: punctate def: "A pattern inhering in a surface by virtue of the bearer's being marked by the presence of dots, punctures, points or pits." [medical-dictionary:medical-dictionary] subset: mpath_slim subset: value_slim synonym: "dotted" RELATED [] synonym: "spotted" RELATED [] synonym: "stippled" RELATED [] is_a: PATO:0000330 ! irregular spatial pattern [Term] id: PATO:0001514 name: delaminated def: "A structural quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's lacking some outer layer." [PATOC:cjm] subset: mpath_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000141 ! structure [Term] id: PATO:0001515 name: variable color def: "A color quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's being uneven in color." [PATOC:NC] subset: value_slim synonym: "murky" RELATED [] is_a: PATO:0000019 ! color pattern [Term] id: PATO:0001516 name: focus def: "An optical quality where light rays originating from a point on the object converge." [Wikipedia:http\://] subset: attribute_slim is_a: PATO:0001300 ! optical quality [Term] id: PATO:0001517 name: focused def: "An optical quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's having focus." [PATOC:GVG] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001516 ! focus [Term] id: PATO:0001518 name: blurry def: "An optical quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's lacking focus." [PATOC:NC] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001516 ! focus [Term] id: PATO:0001519 name: sound quality def: "A quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of vibration, as perceived by the sense of hearing." [Wikipedia:http\://] subset: attribute_slim is_a: PATO:0001018 ! physical quality [Term] id: PATO:0001520 name: sound frequency def: "The frequency of transmitted vibrations." [] subset: attribute_slim subset: scalar_slim is_a: PATO:0000044 ! frequency [Term] id: PATO:0001521 name: sound amplitude def: "A physical quality inhering in a sound wave by virtue of the maximum magnitude (value without regard to sign) of its disturbance." [] subset: attribute_slim synonym: "loudness" BROAD [] is_a: PATO:0000080 ! amplitude [Term] id: PATO:0001522 name: sound speed def: "A physical quality inhering in sound by virtue of the bearer's travelling speed in a given medium under specified conditions." [Wikipedia:http\://] subset: attribute_slim subset: scalar_slim is_a: PATO:0000008 ! speed [Term] id: PATO:0001523 name: sound wavelength def: "A physical quality which is equal to the quotient of the speed of a sound wave divided by its wavelength." [Wikipedia:http\://] subset: attribute_slim subset: scalar_slim is_a: PATO:0001242 ! wavelength [Term] id: PATO:0001524 name: intrasonic def: "A sound frequency in the range of 0-20 Hz." [studyphysics:studyphysics] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001520 ! sound frequency [Term] id: PATO:0001525 name: sonic def: "A sound frequency in the range of 20 to 20.000 Hz." [url:http\://] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001520 ! sound frequency [Term] id: PATO:0001526 name: ultrasonic def: "A sound frequency in the range of 20 000 + Hz." [studyphysics:studyphysics] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001520 ! sound frequency [Term] id: PATO:0001527 name: quiet def: "A sound amplitude which is relatively low." [PATOC:GVG] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001519 ! sound quality [Term] id: PATO:0001528 name: loud def: "A sound amplitude which is relatively high." [PATOC:GVG] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001519 ! sound quality [Term] id: PATO:0001529 name: cellular spatiotemporal quality def: "A spatiotemporal quality inhering in a cell." [PATOC:GVG] subset: attribute_slim is_a: PATO:0001236 ! process quality [Term] id: PATO:0001530 name: behavioral quality of a process def: "A quality of a single process inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's behavior." [PATOC:GVG] subset: attribute_slim synonym: "behavioral quality of occurrent" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0001236 ! process quality [Term] id: PATO:0001531 name: cellular adhesivity def: "A cellular quality that exists by virtue of the disposition of the cell to adhere to other cells and molecules, through the emergent action of the molecular parts of the cell surface." [PATOC:cjm] subset: attribute_slim subset: disposition_slim is_a: PATO:0001396 ! cellular quality is_a: PATO:0001431 ! adhesivity [Term] id: PATO:0001532 name: mono-colored def: "A color pattern inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's having one hue." [PATOC:GVG] subset: value_slim synonym: "evenly colored" EXACT [] synonym: "homogeneously colored" EXACT [] synonym: "homogenously pigmented" RELATED [] synonym: "uniformly colored" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0000019 ! color pattern [Term] id: PATO:0001533 name: multi-colored def: "A color pattern inhering in a bearer by virtue of bearer's having two or more hues or degrees of saturation." [PATOC:GVG] subset: value_slim synonym: "variegated" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0000019 ! color pattern [Term] id: PATO:0001534 name: motley def: "A color pattern inhering in a bearer by virtue of bearer's having 3 or more hues or degrees of saturations." [merriam-webster.:merriam-webster.] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001533 ! multi-colored [Term] id: PATO:0001535 name: dappled def: "A color pattern inhering in a bearer by virtue of bearer's being marked with small spots, patches, or specks of hue or degree of saturation differing from that of the background." [merriam-webster.:merriam-webster.] subset: value_slim synonym: "speckled" RELATED [] is_a: PATO:0001533 ! multi-colored [Term] id: PATO:0001536 name: solubility def: "A molecular quality that inheres in a molecular entity by virtue of the bearer's disposition to dissolve in a liquid." [edp:edp] subset: attribute_slim subset: disposition_slim subset: relational_slim subset: scalar_slim is_a: PATO:0002182 ! molecular quality [Term] id: PATO:0001537 name: soluble in def: "A solubility quality inhering in a substance by virtue of the bearer's disposition to dissolve in a liquid." [edp:edp] subset: disposition_slim subset: relational_slim subset: value_slim synonym: "soluble" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0001536 ! solubility disjoint_from: PATO:0001538 ! insoluble in relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0001538 ! insoluble in [Term] id: PATO:0001538 name: insoluble in def: "A solubility quality inhering in a substance by virtue of the bearer's inability of a substance to dissolve in a liquid." [edp:edp] subset: disposition_slim subset: relational_slim subset: value_slim synonym: "insoluble" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0001536 ! solubility relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0001537 ! soluble in [Term] id: PATO:0001539 name: amylose composition def: "A compositional quality inhering in an bearer by virtue of the bearer's quantities or relative ratios of amylose of the inhering entity." [PATOC:GVG] subset: attribute_slim subset: scalar_slim synonym: "amylose compositionality" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0000025 ! composition [Term] id: PATO:0001540 name: glutinous def: "An amylose composition quality inhering in an bearer by virtue of the bearer's having negligible or no amylose content." [TO:TO] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001539 ! amylose composition [Term] id: PATO:0001541 name: non-glutinous def: "An amylose composition quality inhering in an bearer by virtue of the bearer's having high amount of amylose content." [TO:TO] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001539 ! amylose composition [Term] id: PATO:0001542 name: delayed phase def: "A phase which starts later than natural start point." [PATOC:GVG] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000083 ! phase [Term] id: PATO:0001543 name: flexibility def: "A physical quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's disposition to being turned, bowed, or twisted without breaking." [merriam-webster:merriam-webster] subset: attribute_slim subset: disposition_slim is_a: PATO:0001546 ! quality of a solid [Term] id: PATO:0001544 name: flexible def: "A physical quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's ability of being turned, bowed, or twisted without breaking." [merriam-webster:merriam-webster] subset: disposition_slim subset: value_slim synonym: "bendy" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0001543 ! flexibility relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0001545 ! inflexible [Term] id: PATO:0001545 name: inflexible def: "A physical quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's inability of being turned, bowed, or twisted without breaking." [merriam-webster:merriam-webster] subset: disposition_slim subset: value_slim synonym: "stiff" EXACT [] synonym: "stiffness" RELATED [] is_a: PATO:0001543 ! flexibility relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0001544 ! flexible [Term] id: PATO:0001546 name: quality of a solid def: "A physical quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's exhibiting the physical characteristics of an entity characterized by particles arranged such that their shape and volume are relatively stable." [Chemistry:http\://] subset: attribute_slim synonym: "solidity" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0002198 ! quality of a substance [Term] id: PATO:0001547 name: quality of a gas def: "A physical quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's exhibiting the physical characteristics of an entity consisting of particles that have neither a defined volume nor defined shape." [Chemistry:http\://, PATOC:GVG] subset: attribute_slim synonym: "gaseous" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0002198 ! quality of a substance [Term] id: PATO:0001548 name: quality of a liquid def: "A physical quality inhering in an entity exhibiting the physical characteristics of an amorphous (non-crystalline) form of matter between a gas and a solid that has a definite volume, but no definite shape." [url:http\://] subset: attribute_slim synonym: "liquidity" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0002198 ! quality of a substance [Term] id: PATO:0001549 name: increased sensitivity toward def: "A sensitivity toward an external stimulus which is higher than normal/average." [PATO:GVG] subset: disposition_slim subset: relational_slim subset: value_slim synonym: "high sensitivity toward" EXACT [] synonym: "increased sensitivity" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0000516 ! sensitive toward is_a: PATO:0002305 ! increased object quality relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0001550 ! decreased sensitivity toward [Term] id: PATO:0001550 name: decreased sensitivity toward def: "A sensitivity toward an external stimulus which is lower than normal/average." [PATO:GVG] subset: disposition_slim subset: relational_slim subset: value_slim synonym: "decreased sensitivity" EXACT [] synonym: "low sensitivity toward" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0000516 ! sensitive toward is_a: PATO:0002303 ! decreased object quality relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0001549 ! increased sensitivity toward [Term] id: PATO:0001551 name: increased sensitivity of a process def: "A sensitivity of a process which is higher than normal or average." [PATO:GVG] subset: relational_slim subset: value_slim synonym: "high sensitivity of occurrent" EXACT [] synonym: "increased sensitivity of occurrent" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0001457 ! sensitivity of a process is_a: PATO:0002304 ! increased process quality relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0001552 ! decreased sensitivity of a process [Term] id: PATO:0001552 name: decreased sensitivity of a process def: "A sensitivity of a process which is lower than normal or average." [PATO:GVG] subset: relational_slim subset: value_slim synonym: "decreased sensitivity of occurrent" EXACT [] synonym: "low sensitivity of occurrent" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0001457 ! sensitivity of a process is_a: PATO:0002302 ! decreased process quality relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0001551 ! increased sensitivity of a process [Term] id: PATO:0001553 name: increased sensitivity of a process to oxygen def: "A sensitivity of occurrent to oxygen which is higher than normal or average." [PATO:GVG] subset: disposition_slim subset: value_slim synonym: "high sensitivity of occurrent to oxygen" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0001459 ! aerobic (for occurrence) is_a: PATO:0001551 ! increased sensitivity of a process relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0001554 ! decreased sensitivity of a process to oxygen [Term] id: PATO:0001554 name: decreased sensitivity of a process to oxygen def: "A sensitivity of a process to oxygen which is lower than normal or average." [PATO:GVG] subset: disposition_slim subset: value_slim synonym: "low sensitivity of occurrent to oxygen" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0001459 ! aerobic (for occurrence) is_a: PATO:0001552 ! decreased sensitivity of a process relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0001553 ! increased sensitivity of a process to oxygen [Term] id: PATO:0001555 name: has number of def: "The number of parts of a particular type that the bearer entity has. This is a relational quality, and thus holds between two entities: the bearer of the quality, and the type of parts." [PATOC:CJM] subset: attribute_slim subset: relational_slim synonym: "cardinality" RELATED [] synonym: "extra or missing physical or functional parts" EXACT [] synonym: "has or lacks parts of type" EXACT [] synonym: "mereological quality" EXACT [] synonym: "number" RELATED [] synonym: "number of" EXACT [] xref: OBO_REL:has_part is_a: PATO:0000070 ! amount [Term] id: PATO:0001558 name: lacking processual parts def: "A quality of a process inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's lacking a processual part as specified by the additional entity." [PATOC:GVG] subset: relational_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001564 ! extra or missing processual parts relationship: RO:0015012 PATO:0000462 ! reciprocal of absent [Term] id: PATO:0001559 name: having extra function def: "A functionality quality which is held by the bearer when the latter is able to perform additional or different function(s)." [PATO:MAH] subset: disposition_slim subset: value_slim synonym: "having supernumerary functions" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0001509 ! functionality is_a: PATO:0002305 ! increased object quality [Term] id: PATO:0001561 name: having extra processual parts def: "A quality of a process inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's having additional processual parts." [PATOC:GVG] subset: relational_slim subset: value_slim synonym: "having supernumerary processual parts" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0001564 ! extra or missing processual parts [Term] id: PATO:0001562 name: decreased mass alt_id: PATO:0000579 def: "A mass which is lower than normal or average." [PATO:GVG] subset: value_slim synonym: "low mass" EXACT [] synonym: "small mass" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0000125 ! mass is_a: PATO:0002303 ! decreased object quality relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0001563 ! increased mass [Term] id: PATO:0001563 name: increased mass alt_id: PATO:0000578 def: "A mass which is higher than normal or average." [PATO:GVG] subset: value_slim synonym: "high mass" EXACT [] synonym: "large mass" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0000125 ! mass is_a: PATO:0002305 ! increased object quality relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0001562 ! decreased mass [Term] id: PATO:0001564 name: extra or missing processual parts def: "A quality of a process inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's processual parts." [PATOC:GVG] subset: relational_slim is_a: PATO:0001236 ! process quality [Term] id: PATO:0001566 name: distributed alt_id: PATO:0001513 def: "A spatial pattern inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's being spread out or scattered about or divided up." [WordNet:WordNet] subset: mpath_slim subset: value_slim synonym: "diffuse" EXACT [] synonym: "scattered" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0000060 ! spatial pattern disjoint_from: PATO:0001629 ! aggregated relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0001567 ! undistributed [Term] id: PATO:0001567 name: undistributed def: "A spatial pattern inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's not being spread out or scattered about or divided up." [WordNet:WordNet] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000060 ! spatial pattern relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0001566 ! distributed [Term] id: PATO:0001570 name: having decreased processual parts def: "A quality of a process inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's having fewer processual parts." [PATO:GVG] subset: relational_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001564 ! extra or missing processual parts [Term] id: PATO:0001571 name: dilated def: "A size quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's being made wider or larger in all dimensions." [WordNet:WordNet] subset: mpath_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000586 ! increased size [Term] id: PATO:0001573 name: isometrical def: "A symmetry quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's having equal dimensions or measurements." [WordNet:WordNet] subset: cell_quality subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000965 ! symmetry [Term] id: PATO:0001574 name: flow rate def: "A physical quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's motion characteristic." [WordNet:WordNet] subset: attribute_slim subset: scalar_slim is_a: PATO:0001906 ! movement quality [Term] id: PATO:0001575 name: decreased pressure def: "A pressure which is relatively low." [PATO:GVG] subset: value_slim synonym: "low pressure" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0001025 ! pressure is_a: PATO:0002303 ! decreased object quality relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0001576 ! increased pressure [Term] id: PATO:0001576 name: increased pressure def: "A pressure which is relatively high." [PATO:GVG] subset: value_slim synonym: "high pressure" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0001025 ! pressure is_a: PATO:0002305 ! increased object quality relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0001575 ! decreased pressure [Term] id: PATO:0001577 name: increased permeability def: "A permeability which is relatively high." [PATO:GVG] subset: disposition_slim subset: value_slim synonym: "high permeability" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0000982 ! permeable is_a: PATO:0002305 ! increased object quality relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0001578 ! decreased permeability [Term] id: PATO:0001578 name: decreased permeability def: "A permeability which is relatively low." [PATO:GVG] subset: disposition_slim subset: value_slim synonym: "low permeability" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0000982 ! permeable is_a: PATO:0002303 ! decreased object quality relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0001577 ! increased permeability [Term] id: PATO:0001579 name: contractility def: "A physical quality that is the ability to contract or shrink." [WordNet:WordNet] subset: attribute_slim subset: disposition_slim subset: scalar_slim is_a: PATO:0001018 ! physical quality [Term] id: PATO:0001580 name: increased contractility def: "A contractility which is relatively high." [PATO:GVG] subset: disposition_slim subset: value_slim synonym: "high contractility" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0001690 ! contractile is_a: PATO:0002305 ! increased object quality relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0001581 ! decreased contractility [Term] id: PATO:0001581 name: decreased contractility def: "A contractility which is relatively low." [PATO:GVG] subset: disposition_slim subset: value_slim synonym: "low contractility" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0001690 ! contractile is_a: PATO:0002303 ! decreased object quality relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0001580 ! increased contractility [Term] id: PATO:0001582 name: obsolete relaxational quality def: "A spatial quality inhering in an inactive muscle or muscle fibers by virtue of the bearer's exhibiting gradual lengthening." [WordNet:WordNet] comment: GO has now relevant relation terms which should be used instead. is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0001583 name: decreased variability def: "A variability which is relatively low." [PATO:GVG] subset: value_slim synonym: "low variability" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0001227 ! variant is_a: PATO:0002301 ! decreased quality relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0001584 ! increased variability [Term] id: PATO:0001584 name: increased variability def: "A variability which is relatively high." [PATO:GVG] subset: value_slim synonym: "high variability" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0001227 ! variant is_a: PATO:0002300 ! increased quality relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0001583 ! decreased variability [Term] id: PATO:0001585 name: conductivity def: "A physical quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's disposition to transmit of an entity through a medium." [PATOC:GVG] comment: Examples could be heat or electricity or sound. subset: attribute_slim subset: disposition_slim subset: scalar_slim is_a: PATO:0001018 ! physical quality [Term] id: PATO:0001586 name: variability of rate def: "A variability quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of whether the bearer exhibits rate variation or change." [PATO:GVG] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001303 ! variability relationship: RO:0002503 PATO:0000161 ! towards rate [Term] id: PATO:0001587 name: increased variability of rate def: "A variability of rate which is relatively high." [PATO:GVG] subset: value_slim synonym: "high variability of rate" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0001586 ! variability of rate is_a: PATO:0002300 ! increased quality relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0001588 ! decreased variability of rate [Term] id: PATO:0001588 name: decreased variability of rate def: "A variability of rate which is relatively low." [PATO:GVG] subset: value_slim synonym: "low variability of rate" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0001586 ! variability of rate is_a: PATO:0002301 ! decreased quality relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0001587 ! increased variability of rate [Term] id: PATO:0001589 name: obsolete enhanced def: "Increased, intensified." [PATOC:GVG] comment: Obsoleted because it used to be a child of behavioral quality, which really meant increased magnitude of a given behavior. Now this can be done by using increased magnitude with another quality. is_obsolete: true consider: PATO:0002017 [Term] id: PATO:0001590 name: overlap with def: "A structural quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's coinciding spatially, partially or wholly with another entity." [PATO:GVG] subset: relational_slim subset: value_slim synonym: "overlap" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0000141 ! structure [Term] id: PATO:0001591 name: curvature def: "A surface shape quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's exhibiting a degree of bending." [WordNet:WordNet] subset: attribute_slim is_a: PATO:0000052 ! shape [Term] id: PATO:0001592 name: increased curvature def: "A curvature which is relatively high." [PATO:GVG] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000406 ! curved is_a: PATO:0002305 ! increased object quality relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0001593 ! decreased curvature [Term] id: PATO:0001593 name: decreased curvature def: "A curvature which is relatively low." [PATO:GVG] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000406 ! curved is_a: PATO:0002303 ! decreased object quality relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0001592 ! increased curvature [Term] id: PATO:0001594 name: arched def: "A concave quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's forming or resembling an arch." [WordNet:WordNet] subset: cell_quality is_a: PATO:0001857 ! concave [Term] id: PATO:0001595 name: depth def: "A 1-D extent quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's downward or backward or inward dimension." [WordNet:WordNet] subset: attribute_slim subset: scalar_slim is_a: PATO:0001708 ! 1-D extent [Term] id: PATO:0001596 name: increased depth alt_id: PATO:0001666 def: "A depth quality which is relatively high." [PATO:GVG] subset: value_slim synonym: "deep" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0000586 ! increased size is_a: PATO:0001595 ! depth relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0001472 ! decreased depth [Term] id: PATO:0001597 name: everted def: "An oriented quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's being turned outward in placement." [thefreedictionary:thefreedictionary] subset: mpath_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000614 ! oriented [Term] id: PATO:0001598 name: protruding alt_id: PATO:0001644 def: "A quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's extending out above or beyond a surface or boundary." [WordNet:WordNet] subset: value_slim synonym: "protruding" EXACT [] synonym: "relational protruding quality" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0001018 ! physical quality [Term] id: PATO:0001599 name: rotated def: "An oriented quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's being relocated around an axis." [] subset: mpath_slim subset: value_slim synonym: "rotation" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0000614 ! oriented [Term] id: PATO:0001600 name: posteriorly rotated def: "A rotation quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of being rotated towards the rear of organism." [PATOC:GVG] subset: mpath_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001599 ! rotated [Term] id: PATO:0001601 name: anteriorly rotated def: "A rotation quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of being rotated towards the front of an organism." [PATOC:GVG] subset: mpath_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001599 ! rotated [Term] id: PATO:0001602 name: distended def: "A size quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's being abnormally expanded or increased in size." [WordNet:WordNet] subset: mpath_slim subset: value_slim synonym: "expanded" RELATED [] is_a: PATO:0000586 ! increased size [Term] id: PATO:0001603 name: increased life span def: "A life span which is relatively high." [PATO:GVG] synonym: "high life span" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0000050 ! life span is_a: PATO:0002305 ! increased object quality relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0001604 ! decreased life span [Term] id: PATO:0001604 name: decreased life span def: "A life span which is relatively low." [PATO:GVG] synonym: "low life span" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0000050 ! life span is_a: PATO:0002303 ! decreased object quality relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0001603 ! increased life span [Term] id: PATO:0001605 name: disheveled def: "A spatial pattern inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's being in disarray; extremely disorderly." [WordNet:WordNet] subset: cell_quality subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000330 ! irregular spatial pattern [Term] id: PATO:0001606 name: greasy def: "A coating which is oily and slippery." [] subset: mpath_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0002012 ! coating [Term] id: PATO:0001607 name: matted def: "A tangled quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's being not possible to unravel." [PATOC:MAH] subset: mpath_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001846 ! tangled [Term] id: PATO:0001608 name: patchy def: "A spatial pattern inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's being marked by, consisting of, or diversified with patches." [Merriam-Webster:Merriam-Webster] subset: mpath_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000330 ! irregular spatial pattern [Term] id: PATO:0001609 name: sparse def: "A spatial pattern inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's being scattered; spread irregularly, and at a distance from each other." [biology.lsu:biology.lsu] subset: mpath_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000060 ! spatial pattern [Term] id: PATO:0001611 name: variability of color def: "A variability quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of whether the bearer exhibits color variation or change." [PATO:GVG] subset: attribute_slim is_a: PATO:0001303 ! variability relationship: RO:0002503 PATO:0000014 ! towards color [Term] id: PATO:0001612 name: increased variability of color def: "A variability of color which is relatively high." [PATO:GVG] subset: value_slim synonym: "high variability of color" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0001615 ! variant color is_a: PATO:0002300 ! increased quality relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0001613 ! decreased variability of color [Term] id: PATO:0001613 name: decreased variability of color def: "A variability of color which is relatively low." [PATO:GVG] subset: value_slim synonym: "low variability of color" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0001615 ! variant color is_a: PATO:0002301 ! decreased quality relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0001612 ! increased variability of color [Term] id: PATO:0001614 name: invariant color def: "A variability quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's lacking or not exhibiting variation of color." [PATO:GVG] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001611 ! variability of color relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0001615 ! variant color [Term] id: PATO:0001615 name: variant color def: "A variability quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's having or exhibiting variation of colour." [PATO:GVG] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001611 ! variability of color relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0001614 ! invariant color [Term] id: PATO:0001617 name: deformed def: "A morphological quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's being distorted in form." [] subset: value_slim synonym: "disfigured" RELATED [] synonym: "distorted" RELATED [] is_a: PATO:0000051 ! morphology [Term] id: PATO:0001618 name: increased tonicity def: "A tonicity which is relatively high." [PATO:GVG] subset: disposition_slim subset: value_slim synonym: "high tonicity" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0001439 ! tonicity is_a: PATO:0002305 ! increased object quality relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0001619 ! decreased tonicity [Term] id: PATO:0001619 name: decreased tonicity def: "A tonicity which is relatively low." [PATO:GVG] subset: disposition_slim subset: value_slim synonym: "low tonicity" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0001439 ! tonicity is_a: PATO:0002303 ! decreased object quality relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0001618 ! increased tonicity [Term] id: PATO:0001620 name: turgor def: "A structural quality inhering in a cell or blood vessel or capillary by virtue of the bearer's being in a rigid state of fullness resulting from pressure of the contents against the wall or membrane." [WordNet:WordNet] subset: attribute_slim subset: scalar_slim is_a: PATO:0000141 ! structure [Term] id: PATO:0001621 name: decreased turgor def: "A turgor which is relatively low." [PATO:GVG] subset: cell_quality subset: value_slim synonym: "low turgor" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0001620 ! turgor is_a: PATO:0002303 ! decreased object quality relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0001622 ! increased turgor [Term] id: PATO:0001622 name: increased turgor def: "A turgor which is relatively high." [PATO:GVG] subset: cell_quality subset: value_slim synonym: "high turgor" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0001620 ! turgor is_a: PATO:0002305 ! increased object quality relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0001621 ! decreased turgor [Term] id: PATO:0001623 name: atrophied def: "A size quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of a part or parts of the bearer's being decreased in size due to reduction in tissue mass through wasting." [Wiikipedia:Wasting, Wikipedia:Atrophy] subset: mpath_slim subset: value_slim synonym: "atrophic" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0000587 ! decreased size [Term] id: PATO:0001624 name: decreased functionality alt_id: PATO:0001556 alt_id: PATO:0001568 alt_id: PATO:0001641 alt_id: PATO:0001642 def: "A functionality quality held by the bearer when the latter exhibits decreased ability to perform a regular function(s)." [PATO:MAH] subset: disposition_slim subset: value_slim synonym: "dysfunction" BROAD [] synonym: "dysfunctional" BROAD [] synonym: "having decreased function" EXACT [] synonym: "impaired" RELATED [] synonym: "lacks function of type" EXACT [] synonym: "low functionality" EXACT [] synonym: "partial functionality" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0001510 ! functional is_a: PATO:0002303 ! decreased object quality relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0001625 ! increased functionality [Term] id: PATO:0001625 name: increased functionality def: "A functional quality held by the bearer when the latter exhibits increased ability to perform a regular function(s)." [PATO:MAH] subset: disposition_slim subset: value_slim synonym: "high functionality" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0001510 ! functional is_a: PATO:0001559 ! having extra function relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0001624 ! decreased functionality [Term] id: PATO:0001626 name: sufficiency def: "A structural quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of whether the bearer has enough functionality." [PATO:GVG] comment: This term and children should probably be obsoleted. subset: attribute_slim synonym: "adequacy" RELATED [] is_a: PATO:0001509 ! functionality [Term] id: PATO:0001627 name: sufficient def: "A wholeness quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's has enough functionality." [PATO:GVG] subset: value_slim synonym: "adequate" RELATED [] is_a: PATO:0001626 ! sufficiency relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0001628 ! insufficient [Term] id: PATO:0001628 name: insufficient def: "A wholeness quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's lacks enough functionality." [PATO:GVG] subset: value_slim synonym: "inadequate" RELATED [] is_a: PATO:0001626 ! sufficiency relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0001627 ! sufficient [Term] id: PATO:0001629 name: aggregated def: "A spatial pattern inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's being gathered or tending to gather into a mass or whole." [WordNet:WordNet] subset: mpath_slim subset: value_slim synonym: "clumped" EXACT [] synonym: "clustered" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0000330 ! irregular spatial pattern [Term] id: PATO:0001630 name: dispersed def: "A positional quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's being distributed or spread over a considerable extent." [WordNet:WordNet] subset: mpath_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000140 ! position [Term] id: PATO:0001632 name: anterior to def: "A spatial quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's being located toward the front of an organism relative to another entity." [PATOC:nw] subset: mpath_slim subset: relational_slim subset: value_slim synonym: "preceding" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0000140 ! position [Term] id: PATO:0001633 name: posterior to def: "A spatial quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's being located toward the rear of an organism relative to another entity." [PATOC:nw] subset: mpath_slim subset: relational_slim subset: value_slim synonym: "posterior (human torso)" EXACT [] synonym: "superior (human head)" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0000140 ! position [Term] id: PATO:0001634 name: necessity (continuant) def: "A quality of a single physical entity inhering in a bearer by virtue of whether the bearer is essential or indispensable." [WordNet:WordNet] subset: attribute_slim is_a: PATO:0001509 ! functionality [Term] id: PATO:0001635 name: necessary (continuant) def: "A necessity quality (continuant) inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's being essential or indispensable." [WordNet:WordNet] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001634 ! necessity (continuant) disjoint_from: PATO:0001636 ! unnecessary (continuant) relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0001636 ! unnecessary (continuant) [Term] id: PATO:0001636 name: unnecessary (continuant) def: "A necessity quality (continuant) inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's being non-essential or dispensable." [WordNet:WordNet] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001634 ! necessity (continuant) relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0001635 ! necessary (continuant) [Term] id: PATO:0001637 name: necessity of occurrent def: "A quality of single process inhering in a bearer by virtue of whether the bearer is essential or indispensable." [PATO:GVG] subset: attribute_slim is_a: PATO:0001236 ! process quality [Term] id: PATO:0001638 name: necessary (occurrent) def: "A necessity quality inhering in a process by virtue of the bearer's being essential or indispensable." [PATO:GVG] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001637 ! necessity of occurrent relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0001639 ! unnecessary (occurrent) [Term] id: PATO:0001639 name: unnecessary (occurrent) def: "A necessity quality inhering in a process by virtue of the bearer's being non-essential or dispensable." [PATO:GVG] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001637 ! necessity of occurrent relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0001638 ! necessary (occurrent) [Term] id: PATO:0001643 name: stubby def: "A size quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's having a short, stocky build." [] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000052 ! shape [Term] id: PATO:0001645 name: protruding into def: "A quality inhering into a bearer by virtue of the bearer's extending out above or beyond its surface or boundary into the surface or boundary of another entity." [PATOC:nc] subset: relational_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001598 ! protruding [Term] id: PATO:0001646 name: protruding out of def: "A quality inhering into a bearer by virtue of the bearer's extending out above or beyond its surface or boundary and outwards in relation to the physical space occupied by another entity." [PATOC:nc] subset: relational_slim subset: value_slim synonym: "exits through" RELATED [] synonym: "exposed" RELATED [] synonym: "extruding from" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0001598 ! protruding [Term] id: PATO:0001648 name: circumference def: "An 1-D extent quality which is equal to the length of the closed curve of a circle." [WordNet:WordNet] subset: attribute_slim subset: scalar_slim is_a: PATO:0001711 ! perimeter [Term] id: PATO:0001649 name: curved lateral def: "A curvature quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's being curved towards the side." [PATOC:GVG] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000406 ! curved [Term] id: PATO:0001650 name: increased resistance to def: "A resistance to a stimulus which is relatively high." [PATOC:GVG] subset: disposition_slim subset: relational_slim subset: value_slim synonym: "high resistance to" EXACT [] synonym: "increased resistance" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0001178 ! resistant to is_a: PATO:0002305 ! increased object quality relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0001651 ! decreased resistance to [Term] id: PATO:0001651 name: decreased resistance to def: "A resistance to a stimulus which is relatively low." [PATOC:GVG] subset: disposition_slim subset: relational_slim subset: value_slim synonym: "decreased resistance" EXACT [] synonym: "low resistance to" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0001178 ! resistant to is_a: PATO:0002303 ! decreased object quality relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0001650 ! increased resistance to [Term] id: PATO:0001652 name: alignment def: "A spatial quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's spatial positioning with respect to an additional entity." [PATOC:GVG] subset: attribute_slim subset: relational_slim is_a: PATO:0000140 ! position relationship: has_part PATO:0000133 ! orientation [Term] id: PATO:0001653 name: aligned with def: "An alignment quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's being in a proper spatial positioning with respect to an additional entity." [PATO:GVG] subset: relational_slim subset: value_slim synonym: "aligned" EXACT [] synonym: "aligned to" RELATED [] is_a: PATO:0001652 ! alignment relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0001654 ! misaligned with [Term] id: PATO:0001654 name: misaligned with def: "An alignment quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's being in a improper spatial positioning with respect to an additional entity." [PATOC:GVG] subset: relational_slim subset: value_slim synonym: "misaligned" EXACT [] synonym: "unaligned with" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0001652 ! alignment relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0001653 ! aligned with [Term] id: PATO:0001655 name: osmolarity def: "A concentration quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's amount of osmoles of solute per liter of solution." [Wikipedia:http\://] subset: attribute_slim subset: relational_slim subset: scalar_slim is_a: PATO:0000033 ! concentration of [Term] id: PATO:0001656 name: decreased osmolarity def: "A osmolarity which is relatively low." [PATOC:GVG] subset: relational_slim subset: value_slim synonym: "low osmolarity" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0001655 ! osmolarity is_a: PATO:0001997 ! decreased amount is_a: PATO:0002303 ! decreased object quality relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0001657 ! increased osmolarity [Term] id: PATO:0001657 name: increased osmolarity def: "A osmolarity which is relatively high." [PATOC:GVG] subset: relational_slim subset: value_slim synonym: "high osmolarity" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0000470 ! increased amount is_a: PATO:0001655 ! osmolarity is_a: PATO:0002305 ! increased object quality relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0001656 ! decreased osmolarity [Term] id: PATO:0001658 name: dorsally rotated def: "A rotation quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of being rotated towards the back or upper surface of an organism." [PATOC:GVG] subset: mpath_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001599 ! rotated [Term] id: PATO:0001659 name: ventrally rotated def: "A rotation quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of being rotated towards the abdomen of an organism." [PATOC:GVG] subset: mpath_slim subset: relational_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001599 ! rotated [Term] id: PATO:0001660 name: obsolete decreased action potential def: "An action potential which is relatively low." [PATOC:GVG] subset: value_slim synonym: "low action potential" EXACT [] is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0001661 name: obsolete increased action potential def: "An action potential which is relatively high." [PATOC:GVG] subset: value_slim synonym: "high action potential" EXACT [] is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0001662 name: fragility def: "A structural quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's disposition to being damaged or destroyed." [WordNet:WordNet] subset: attribute_slim subset: disposition_slim subset: scalar_slim is_a: PATO:0000141 ! structure [Term] id: PATO:0001663 name: increased solubility def: "A solubility which is relatively high." [PATO:GVG] subset: disposition_slim subset: relational_slim subset: value_slim synonym: "high solubility" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0001537 ! soluble in is_a: PATO:0002305 ! increased object quality relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0001664 ! decreased solubility [Term] id: PATO:0001664 name: decreased solubility def: "A solubility which is relatively low." [PATO:GVG] subset: disposition_slim subset: relational_slim subset: value_slim synonym: "low solubility" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0001537 ! soluble in is_a: PATO:0002303 ! decreased object quality relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0001663 ! increased solubility [Term] id: PATO:0001665 name: superficial alt_id: PATO:0001471 def: "A spatial pattern inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's being located near a surface." [] subset: mpath_slim subset: relational_slim subset: value_slim synonym: "superficial to" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0000140 ! position [Term] id: PATO:0001667 name: attached to def: "An attachment quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's connection or association with another entity." [PATOC:GVG] subset: mpath_slim subset: relational_slim subset: value_slim synonym: "affixed to" RELATED [] synonym: "attached" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0001435 ! attachment quality [Term] id: PATO:0001668 name: associated with def: "A structural quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's being in close proximity and physically interacting with another entity." [PATOC:GVG] subset: mpath_slim subset: relational_slim subset: value_slim synonym: "associated" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0000141 ! structure [Term] id: PATO:0001669 name: increased susceptibility toward def: "A susceptibility toward an external stimulus which is higher than normal/average." [PATOC:GVG] subset: disposition_slim subset: relational_slim subset: value_slim synonym: "high susceptibility toward" EXACT [] synonym: "increased susceptibility" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0001152 ! susceptible toward is_a: PATO:0002305 ! increased object quality relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0001670 ! decreased susceptibility toward [Term] id: PATO:0001670 name: decreased susceptibility toward def: "A susceptibility toward an external stimulus which is lower than normal/average." [PATOC:GVG] subset: disposition_slim subset: relational_slim subset: value_slim synonym: "decreased susceptibility" EXACT [] synonym: "low susceptibility toward" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0001152 ! susceptible toward is_a: PATO:0002303 ! decreased object quality relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0001669 ! increased susceptibility toward [Term] id: PATO:0001671 name: increased distribution def: "A distribution which is relatively high." [PATOC:GVG] subset: value_slim synonym: "high distribution" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0001475 ! increased position is_a: PATO:0001566 ! distributed relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0001672 ! decreased distribution [Term] id: PATO:0001672 name: decreased distribution def: "A distribution which is relatively low." [PATOC:GVG] subset: value_slim synonym: "low distribution" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0001476 ! decreased position is_a: PATO:0001566 ! distributed relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0001671 ! increased distribution [Term] id: PATO:0001673 name: cystic def: "Structure quality that is the presence of at least one sac-like closed membranous structure containing one or more liquid or solid organism substances." [PATOC:MAH] comment: Cystic is an abnormal condition. subset: value_slim synonym: "cysts" NARROW [] is_a: PATO:0002014 ! structure, cavities [Term] id: PATO:0001674 name: catalytic (activity) concentration def: "A concentration quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's catalytic activity divided by the volume of the system." [IUPAC:IUPAC] subset: attribute_slim subset: relational_slim subset: scalar_slim is_a: PATO:0000033 ! concentration of [Term] id: PATO:0001675 name: decreased efficiency def: "An efficiency which is relatively low." [PATOC:GVG] subset: value_slim synonym: "low efficiency" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0001678 ! efficient is_a: PATO:0002303 ! decreased object quality relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0001676 ! increased efficiency [Term] id: PATO:0001676 name: increased efficiency def: "An efficiency which is relatively high." [PATOC:GVG] subset: value_slim synonym: "high efficiency" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0001678 ! efficient is_a: PATO:0002305 ! increased object quality relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0001675 ! decreased efficiency [Term] id: PATO:0001677 name: inefficient def: "An efficiency quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's lacking efficiency." [PATOC:GVG] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001029 ! efficiency disjoint_from: PATO:0001678 ! efficient relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0001678 ! efficient [Term] id: PATO:0001678 name: efficient def: "An efficiency quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's having efficiency." [PATOC:GVG] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001029 ! efficiency relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0001677 ! inefficient [Term] id: PATO:0001679 name: specific volume def: "A volume quality inhering in a mass of substance by virtue of the amount of 3-dimensional space it occupies." [Wikipedia:http\://] comment: The reciprocal of density. subset: attribute_slim subset: scalar_slim is_a: PATO:0000918 ! volume [Term] id: PATO:0001680 name: molar volume def: "A volume quality inhering in a homogeneous substance containing 6.02 x 1023 atoms or molecules by virtue of the amount of 3-dimensional space it occupies." [Wikipedia:http\://] subset: attribute_slim subset: scalar_slim is_a: PATO:0000918 ! volume [Term] id: PATO:0001681 name: molar mass def: "A physical quality that inheres in a homogeneous substance containing 6.02 x 1023 atoms or molecules." [Wikipedia:http\://] subset: attribute_slim subset: scalar_slim is_a: PATO:0000125 ! mass [Term] id: PATO:0001682 name: magnetism def: "A physical quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's disposition to exert an attractive or repulsive force on other entities." [Wikipedia:http\://] subset: attribute_slim subset: disposition_slim subset: scalar_slim is_a: PATO:0001018 ! physical quality [Term] id: PATO:0001683 name: increased magnetism def: "A magnetism which is relatively high." [PATOC:GVG] subset: disposition_slim subset: value_slim synonym: "high magnetism" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0001685 ! magnetic is_a: PATO:0002305 ! increased object quality relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0001684 ! decreased magnetism [Term] id: PATO:0001684 name: decreased magnetism def: "A magnetism which is relatively low." [PATOC:GVG] subset: disposition_slim subset: value_slim synonym: "low magnetism" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0001685 ! magnetic is_a: PATO:0002303 ! decreased object quality relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0001683 ! increased magnetism [Term] id: PATO:0001685 name: magnetic def: "A magnetic quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's ability to exert magnitism." [PATOC:GVG] subset: disposition_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001682 ! magnetism disjoint_from: PATO:0001686 ! non-magnetic relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0001686 ! non-magnetic [Term] id: PATO:0001686 name: non-magnetic def: "A magnetic quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's inability to exert magnitism." [PATOC:GVG] subset: disposition_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001682 ! magnetism relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0001685 ! magnetic [Term] id: PATO:0001687 name: elevation def: "A positional quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's vertical distance of a point above or below a reference surface." [Trailillustrated:Trailillustrated] subset: attribute_slim is_a: PATO:0000140 ! position [Term] id: PATO:0001688 name: increased elevation def: "An elevation which is relatively high." [PATOC:GVG] subset: value_slim synonym: "elevated" RELATED [] synonym: "high elevation" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0001475 ! increased position is_a: PATO:0001687 ! elevation relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0001689 ! decreased elevation [Term] id: PATO:0001689 name: decreased elevation def: "An elevation which is relatively low." [PATOC:GVG] subset: value_slim synonym: "low elevation" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0001476 ! decreased position is_a: PATO:0001687 ! elevation relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0001688 ! increased elevation [Term] id: PATO:0001690 name: contractile def: "A contractility quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's ability of contracting or being contracted." [PATOC:GVG] comment: This refers to the disposition of the bearer. subset: disposition_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001579 ! contractility disjoint_from: PATO:0001691 ! non-contractile relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0001691 ! non-contractile [Term] id: PATO:0001691 name: non-contractile def: "A contractility quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's inability of contracting or being contracted." [PATOC:GVG] comment: This refers to the disposition of the bearer. subset: disposition_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001579 ! contractility relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0001690 ! contractile [Term] id: PATO:0001693 name: increased viscosity def: "A viscosity which relatively high." [PATOC:GVG] subset: disposition_slim subset: value_slim synonym: "high viscosity" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0000998 ! viscous is_a: PATO:0002305 ! increased object quality relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0001694 ! decreased viscosity [Term] id: PATO:0001694 name: decreased viscosity def: "A viscosity which relatively low." [PATOC:GVG] subset: disposition_slim subset: value_slim synonym: "low viscosity" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0000998 ! viscous is_a: PATO:0002303 ! decreased object quality relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0001693 ! increased viscosity [Term] id: PATO:0001695 name: increased fecundity def: "A fecundity which is relatively high." [PATOC:GVG] subset: disposition_slim subset: value_slim synonym: "high fecundity" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0000273 ! fecundity is_a: PATO:0002305 ! increased object quality relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0001696 ! decreased fecundity [Term] id: PATO:0001696 name: decreased fecundity def: "A fecundity which is relatively low." [PATOC:GVG] subset: disposition_slim subset: value_slim synonym: "low fecundity" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0000273 ! fecundity is_a: PATO:0002303 ! decreased object quality relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0001695 ! increased fecundity [Term] id: PATO:0001697 name: decreased photosensitivity def: "A photosensitivity which is relatively low." [PATOC:GVG] subset: disposition_slim subset: relational_slim subset: value_slim synonym: "low photosensitivity" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0000547 ! photosensitive is_a: PATO:0002303 ! decreased object quality relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0001698 ! increased photosensitivity [Term] id: PATO:0001698 name: increased photosensitivity def: "A photosensitivity which is relatively high." [PATOC:GVG] subset: disposition_slim subset: relational_slim subset: value_slim synonym: "high photosensitivity" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0000547 ! photosensitive is_a: PATO:0002305 ! increased object quality relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0001697 ! decreased photosensitivity [Term] id: PATO:0001699 name: regular sleep pattern def: "A sleep pattern which has regular start and/or end times." [PATOC:GVG] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000062 ! sleep pattern relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0001700 ! irregular sleep pattern [Term] id: PATO:0001700 name: irregular sleep pattern def: "A sleep pattern which has irregular start and/or end times." [PATOC:GVG] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000062 ! sleep pattern relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0001699 ! regular sleep pattern [Term] id: PATO:0001701 name: mature def: "A quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's exhibiting complete growth, differentiation, or development." [Merriam-Webster:Merriam-Webster] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000261 ! maturity relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0001501 ! immature [Term] id: PATO:0001702 name: saturated violet def: "A color consisting of violet hue and high saturation." [PATOC:GVG] subset: value_slim synonym: "bright violet" RELATED [] is_a: PATO:0001424 ! violet [Term] id: PATO:0001703 name: desaturated violet def: "A color consisting of violet hue and low saturation." [PATOC:GVG] subset: value_slim synonym: "pale violet" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0001424 ! violet [Term] id: PATO:0001704 name: light violet def: "A color consisting of violet hue and high brightness." [PATOC:GVG] subset: mpath_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001424 ! violet [Term] id: PATO:0001705 name: dark violet def: "A color consisting of violet hue and low brightness." [PATOC:GVG] subset: mpath_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001424 ! violet [Term] id: PATO:0001706 name: behavioural inactive def: "A behavioral quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's disposition to lack activity." [PATOC:GVG] subset: disposition_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0002265 ! behavioural activity disjoint_from: PATO:0001707 ! behavioural active relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0001707 ! behavioural active [Term] id: PATO:0001707 name: behavioural active def: "A behavioral quality of a process inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's exhibiting marked activity." [PATOC:GVG] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0002265 ! behavioural activity relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0001706 ! behavioural inactive [Term] id: PATO:0001708 name: 1-D extent def: "A size quality inhering in an bearer by virtue of the bearer's extension in one dimension." [PATOC:GVG] subset: attribute_slim synonym: "1-D size" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0000117 ! size [Term] id: PATO:0001709 name: 2-D extent def: "A size quality inhering in an bearer by virtue of the bearer's extension in two dimensions." [PATOC:GVG] subset: attribute_slim synonym: "2-D size" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0000117 ! size [Term] id: PATO:0001710 name: 3-D extent def: "A size quality inhering in an bearer by virtue of the bearer's extension in three dimensions." [PATOC:GVG] subset: attribute_slim synonym: "3D size" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0000117 ! size [Term] id: PATO:0001711 name: perimeter def: "An 1-D extent quality inhering in two-dimensional bearer by virtue of being equal to the distance around it." [Wikipedia:http\://] subset: attribute_slim subset: scalar_slim is_a: PATO:0001708 ! 1-D extent [Term] id: PATO:0001712 name: increased perimeter def: "A perimeter which is relatively high." [PATOC:GVG] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000573 ! increased length is_a: PATO:0001711 ! perimeter relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0001713 ! decreased perimeter [Term] id: PATO:0001713 name: decreased perimeter def: "A perimeter which is relatively low." [PATOC:GVG] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000574 ! decreased length is_a: PATO:0001711 ! perimeter relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0001712 ! increased perimeter [Term] id: PATO:0001714 name: increased diameter def: "A diameter which is relatively large." [PATOC:GVG] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000586 ! increased size is_a: PATO:0001334 ! diameter relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0001715 ! decreased diameter [Term] id: PATO:0001715 name: decreased diameter def: "A diameter which is relatively small." [PATOC:GVG] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000587 ! decreased size is_a: PATO:0001334 ! diameter relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0001714 ! increased diameter [Term] id: PATO:0001716 name: non-fragile def: "A structural quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's ability to withstand great strain without tearing or breaking." [] subset: attribute_slim subset: disposition_slim synonym: "resilient" RELATED [] synonym: "strong" RELATED [] synonym: "tough" RELATED [] is_a: PATO:0001662 ! fragility relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0001362 ! fragile [Term] id: PATO:0001717 name: radiation emitting intensity quality def: "A radiation emitting quality which obtains by the intensity of the bearer emitted radiation." [PATOC:GVG] is_a: PATO:0001299 ! radiation emitting quality [Term] id: PATO:0001718 name: luminance def: "A quality that exists by virtue of the luminous intensity per unit area projected in a given direction." [Wikipedia:http\://] is_a: PATO:0001296 ! luminous flux [Term] id: PATO:0001719 name: receptivity def: "A behavioral quality which holds by virtue of whether the bearer exhibits the ability to receive another agentitive entity." [PATOC:cjm] subset: attribute_slim subset: relational_slim subset: scalar_slim is_a: PATO:0000186 ! behavioral quality [Term] id: PATO:0001720 name: female receptivity def: "A behavioral quality which holds by virtue of extent of the receptiveness of a female to male advances." [GO:GO] subset: attribute_slim subset: relational_slim subset: scalar_slim is_a: PATO:0001719 ! receptivity [Term] id: PATO:0001721 name: male receptivity def: "A behavioral quality which holds by virtue of extent of the receptiveness of a male to female advances." [PATOC:GVG] subset: attribute_slim subset: relational_slim subset: scalar_slim is_a: PATO:0001719 ! receptivity [Term] id: PATO:0001723 name: increased female receptivity def: "A female receptivity which is relatively high." [PATOC:GVG] subset: relational_slim subset: value_slim synonym: "high female receptivity" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0001720 ! female receptivity is_a: PATO:0002305 ! increased object quality relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0001724 ! decreased female receptivity [Term] id: PATO:0001724 name: decreased female receptivity def: "A female receptivity which is relatively low." [PATOC:GVG] subset: relational_slim subset: value_slim synonym: "low female receptivity" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0001720 ! female receptivity is_a: PATO:0002303 ! decreased object quality relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0001723 ! increased female receptivity [Term] id: PATO:0001725 name: increased male receptivity def: "A male receptivity which is relatively high." [PATOC:GVG] subset: relational_slim subset: value_slim synonym: "high male receptivity" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0001721 ! male receptivity is_a: PATO:0002305 ! increased object quality relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0001726 ! decreased male receptivity [Term] id: PATO:0001726 name: decreased male receptivity def: "A male receptivity which is relatively low." [PATOC:GVG] subset: relational_slim subset: value_slim synonym: "low male receptivity" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0001721 ! male receptivity is_a: PATO:0002303 ! decreased object quality relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0001725 ! increased male receptivity [Term] id: PATO:0001727 name: disposition def: "A quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's prevailing tendency, mood, or inclination." [Merriam-Webster:Merriam-Webster] subset: attribute_slim subset: disposition_slim subset: relational_slim synonym: "tendency" RELATED [] is_a: PATO:0001241 ! physical object quality [Term] id: PATO:0001728 name: multi-cellular organismal disposition def: "A disposition inhering in a multi-cellular organism." [PATOC:GVG] subset: attribute_slim subset: disposition_slim is_a: PATO:0001727 ! disposition [Term] id: PATO:0001729 name: shedability def: "An organismal quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's disposition to lose an entity by natural process." [PATOC:GVG] subset: attribute_slim subset: disposition_slim subset: relational_slim is_a: PATO:0001995 ! organismal quality [Term] id: PATO:0001730 name: deciduous (generic) def: "A quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's disposition to shed body parts." [PATOC:GVG] subset: disposition_slim subset: relational_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001729 ! shedability [Term] id: PATO:0001731 name: deciduous (plant) def: "A quality inhering in a plant by virtue of the bearer's disposition to shed foliage." [PATOC:cjm] subset: disposition_slim subset: relational_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001729 ! shedability [Term] id: PATO:0001732 name: non-deciduous (any body part) def: "A quality inhering in a plant by virtue of the bearer's disposition to not shed any body part." [PATOC:GVG] subset: disposition_slim subset: relational_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001729 ! shedability [Term] id: PATO:0001733 name: evergreen (plant) def: "A quality inhering in a plant by virtue of the bearer's disposition to retain foliage." [PATOC:GVG] subset: disposition_slim subset: relational_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001729 ! shedability [Term] id: PATO:0001734 name: semi-deciduous(plant) def: "A quality inhering in a plant by virtue of the bearer's disposition to being between evergeen and deciduous." [PATOC:cjm] subset: disposition_slim subset: relational_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001729 ! shedability [Term] id: PATO:0001735 name: liquid configuration def: "A physical quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's parts having the arrangement which exhibits characteristics of liquids." [PATOC:GVG] synonym: "liquid" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0001548 ! quality of a liquid [Term] id: PATO:0001736 name: solid configuration def: "A physical quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's parts having the arrangement which exhibits characteristics of solids." [PATOC:GVG] subset: value_slim synonym: "solid" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0001546 ! quality of a solid [Term] id: PATO:0001737 name: gaseus configuration def: "A physical quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's parts having the arrangement which exhibits characteristics of gases." [PATOC:GVG] synonym: "gas" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0001547 ! quality of a gas [Term] id: PATO:0001738 name: dissociated from def: "A structural quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's lacking physically interaction with another entity." [PATOC:GVG] subset: relational_slim subset: value_slim synonym: "dissociated" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0000141 ! structure [Term] id: PATO:0001739 name: radiation quality def: "A quality of radiation that reflects the fluence spectrum of charged and neutral particles within the material or medium where dose is being deposited." [DOI:10.20348/STOREDB/1173/1250,] comment: Radiation quality is often expressed in terms of the linear energy transfer of the ionising particles that deliver the absorbed dose, but this is an over simplification. {xref="DOI:10.2307/3570787"} subset: attribute_slim is_a: PATO:0001018 ! physical quality [Term] id: PATO:0001740 name: activity (of a radionuclide) def: "A radiation quality inhering in a radioactive substance by virtue of its transformation (disintegration) rate." [PATOC:GVG] comment: See subset: attribute_slim synonym: "radioactivity" EXACT [] xref: ENVO:03510037 is_a: PATO:0002198 ! quality of a substance [Term] id: PATO:0001741 name: radioactive def: "A radiation quality inhering in bearer by virtue of the bearer's exhibiting or being caused by radioactivity." [WordNet:WordNet] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001740 ! activity (of a radionuclide) [Term] id: PATO:0001742 name: increased radioactivity def: "A radioactivity which is relatively low." [PATOC:GVG] subset: value_slim synonym: "high radioactivity" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0001741 ! radioactive is_a: PATO:0002305 ! increased object quality relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0001743 ! decreased radioactivity [Term] id: PATO:0001743 name: decreased radioactivity def: "A radioactivity which is relatively high." [PATOC:GVG] subset: value_slim synonym: "low radioactivity" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0001741 ! radioactive is_a: PATO:0002303 ! decreased object quality relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0001742 ! increased radioactivity [Term] id: PATO:0001744 name: irradiated def: "A quality of a substance inhering in a bearer by virtue of it being currently or previously exposed to electromagnetic radiation," [, ISSN:9781496335418] comment: This may refer to incident external irradiation or internal radiation from an ingested or otherwise internal source. subset: attribute_slim subset: scalar_slim synonym: "radiation exposed" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0002198 ! quality of a substance [Term] id: PATO:0001745 name: obsolete radiation absorbed dose def: "OBSOLETE A radiation exposure quality inhering in a substance by virtue of the radiation energy \"deposited\" in a kilogram of a substance." [arpansa:arpansa] comment: subset: attribute_slim subset: scalar_slim is_obsolete: true consider: RBO:00005010 [Term] id: PATO:0001746 name: obsolete radiation equivalent dose def: "OBSOLETE A radiation exposure quality inhering in a tissue by virtue of the relation between the absorbed dose to the effective biological damage of the radiation to that tissue." [arpansa:arpansa] comment: See: subset: attribute_slim subset: scalar_slim is_obsolete: true consider: RBO:00000023 [Term] id: PATO:0001747 name: obsolete radiation effective dose def: "OBSOLETE A radiation exposure quality inhering in an organ by virtue of the multiplication of an equivalent dose to that organ multiplied by the tissue weighting factor for that organ." [arpansa:arpansa] comment: See: subset: attribute_slim subset: scalar_slim is_obsolete: true consider: RBO:00000014 [Term] id: PATO:0001748 name: invaginated def: "A shape quality in which a portion of the outermost boundary of an entity folds in space such that a portion that was originally convex is now concave." [PATOC:GVG] subset: cell_quality subset: mpath_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001857 ! concave [Term] id: PATO:0001749 name: paedomorphic growth def: "A heterochronic growth quality inhering in an organism, structure, or group of organisms by virtue of the bearer's reduced growth." [PATOC:mh] subset: value_slim synonym: "hypoplastic growth" EXACT [] synonym: "pedomorphic growth" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0001490 ! heterochronic growth relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0001752 ! peramorphic growth [Term] id: PATO:0001750 name: postdisplaced growth def: "A paedomorphic growth quality which is due to a delayed onset." [PATOC:mh] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001749 ! paedomorphic growth [Term] id: PATO:0001751 name: progenetic growth def: "A paedomorphic growth quality which is due to an earlier offset." [PATOC:mh] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001749 ! paedomorphic growth [Term] id: PATO:0001752 name: peramorphic growth def: "A heterochronic growth quality inhering in an organism, structure, or group of organisms by virtue of the bearer's increased growth." [PATOC:mh] subset: attribute_slim synonym: "hyperplastic growth" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0001490 ! heterochronic growth relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0001749 ! paedomorphic growth [Term] id: PATO:0001753 name: accelerated growth def: "A peramorphic growth quality which is due to an increased rate." [PATOC:mh] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001752 ! peramorphic growth [Term] id: PATO:0001754 name: predisplaced growth def: "A peramorphic growth quality which is due to an earlier onset." [PATOC:mh] subset: value_slim synonym: "precocious growth" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0001752 ! peramorphic growth [Term] id: PATO:0001755 name: hypermorphic growth def: "A peramorphic growth quality which is due to a delayed offset." [PATOC:mh] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001752 ! peramorphic growth [Term] id: PATO:0001756 name: heat conductivity def: "A conductivity quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's disposition to spontaneous transfer of thermal energy from a region of higher temperature to a region of lower temperature." [Wikipedia:http\://] subset: attribute_slim subset: disposition_slim subset: scalar_slim synonym: "thermal conduction" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0001585 ! conductivity [Term] id: PATO:0001757 name: electrical conductivity def: "A conductivity quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's ability to convey electricity." [Wikipedia:http\://] subset: attribute_slim subset: disposition_slim subset: scalar_slim is_a: PATO:0001585 ! conductivity [Term] id: PATO:0001758 name: nerve conductivity def: "A conductivity quality inhering in motor and sensory nerves by virtue of the bearer's ability to convey electricity." [PATOC:GVG] subset: attribute_slim subset: disposition_slim subset: scalar_slim is_a: PATO:0001757 ! electrical conductivity [Term] id: PATO:0001759 name: granular def: "A composition quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's containing granules." [] subset: mpath_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000025 ! composition [Term] id: PATO:0001760 name: female semi-fertile subset: disposition_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001767 ! semi-fertile relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0001763 ! female semi-sterile [Term] id: PATO:0001761 name: male semi-fertile subset: disposition_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001767 ! semi-fertile relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0001762 ! male semi-sterile [Term] id: PATO:0001762 name: male semi-sterile subset: disposition_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000279 ! male fertility relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0001761 ! male semi-fertile [Term] id: PATO:0001763 name: female semi-sterile subset: disposition_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000277 ! female fertility relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0001760 ! female semi-fertile [Term] id: PATO:0001764 name: increased age def: "An age which is high relative to the normal or average." [PATOC:GVG] subset: value_slim synonym: "high age" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0000011 ! age is_a: PATO:0002305 ! increased object quality relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0001765 ! decreased age [Term] id: PATO:0001765 name: decreased age def: "An age which is low relative to the normal or average." [PATOC:GVG] subset: value_slim synonym: "low age" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0000011 ! age is_a: PATO:0002303 ! decreased object quality relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0001764 ! increased age [Term] id: PATO:0001766 name: obsolete cellular polarity def: "A cellular quality inhering in a cell by virtue of its anisotropic intracellular organization." [PATOC:GVG] subset: attribute_slim subset: cell_quality is_obsolete: true consider: PATO:0001769 [Term] id: PATO:0001767 name: semi-fertile subset: disposition_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000274 ! fertility [Term] id: PATO:0001768 name: semi-lethal (sensu genetics) def: "A viability quality inhering in a bearer or a population by virtue of some of it's members' inability to survive to reproduce." [PATOC:CVC] subset: disposition_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000169 ! viability [Term] id: PATO:0001769 name: positional polarity def: "A positional quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's location of features or characteristics along an axis." [PATOC:MAH] subset: attribute_slim synonym: "cellular polarity" RELATED [PATOC:MAH] is_a: PATO:0000140 ! position [Term] id: PATO:0001770 name: semi-viable def: "A viability quality inhering in a population by virtue of some of it's members' ability to survive." [PATOC:CVC] subset: disposition_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000169 ! viability [Term] id: PATO:0001772 name: surrounding def: "A spatial quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's being extended on all sides of another entity simultaneously." [] comment: Nedd to add reciprocal of relationship to 'surrounded by' PATO:0005016. subset: relational_slim subset: value_slim synonym: "encircling" EXACT [] synonym: "enclosing" EXACT [] synonym: "wrapping" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0000140 ! position [Term] id: PATO:0001773 name: monophasic def: "A quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's having only one phase or stage." [] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000083 ! phase [Term] id: PATO:0001774 name: polyphasic def: "A quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's having or existing in many phases." [PATOC:GVG] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000083 ! phase [Term] id: PATO:0001775 name: dorsal-ventral polarity def: "A positional quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's location of features or characteristics along the dorsal-ventral axis." [PATOC:MAH] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001769 ! positional polarity [Term] id: PATO:0001776 name: increased flexibility def: "A flexibility which is relatively high." [PATOC:GVG] subset: disposition_slim subset: value_slim synonym: "high flexibility" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0001544 ! flexible is_a: PATO:0002305 ! increased object quality relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0001777 ! decreased flexibility [Term] id: PATO:0001777 name: decreased flexibility def: "A flexibility which is relatively low." [PATOC:GVG] subset: disposition_slim subset: value_slim synonym: "low flexibility" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0001544 ! flexible is_a: PATO:0002303 ! decreased object quality relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0001776 ! increased flexibility [Term] id: PATO:0001778 name: increased strength def: "A strength which is relatively high." [PATOC:GVG] subset: value_slim synonym: "high strength" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0001230 ! strength is_a: PATO:0002305 ! increased object quality relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0001779 ! decreased strength [Term] id: PATO:0001779 name: decreased strength def: "A strength which is relatively low." [PATOC:GVG] subset: value_slim synonym: "weak" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0001230 ! strength is_a: PATO:0002303 ! decreased object quality relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0001778 ! increased strength [Term] id: PATO:0001780 name: dystrophic def: "A size quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's being abnormally developed, usually due to malnutrition." [Wiikipedia:Wiikipedia] subset: mpath_slim subset: value_slim synonym: "dystrophied" EXACT [] synonym: "dystrophy" RELATED [] is_a: PATO:0000587 ! decreased size [Term] id: PATO:0001781 name: irregular thickness def: "A thickness quality which lacks pattern." [PATOC:GVG] is_a: PATO:0000915 ! thickness [Term] id: PATO:0001782 name: increased intensity def: "An intensity which is relatively high." [PATOC:GVG] subset: value_slim synonym: "high intensity" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0000049 ! intensity is_a: PATO:0002300 ! increased quality relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0001783 ! decreased intensity [Term] id: PATO:0001783 name: decreased intensity def: "An intensity which is relatively low." [PATOC:GVG] subset: value_slim synonym: "low intensity" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0000049 ! intensity is_a: PATO:0002301 ! decreased quality relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0001782 ! increased intensity [Term] id: PATO:0001784 name: bifurcated alt_id: PATO:0001572 def: "A branched quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's being divided into two branches." [] subset: cell_quality subset: mpath_slim subset: value_slim synonym: "bifid" EXACT [] synonym: "forked" RELATED [] is_a: PATO:0000402 ! branched is_a: PATO:0001786 ! split [Term] id: PATO:0001785 name: splayed def: "A curvature quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's being curved outward." [PATOC:GVG] comment: TODO: obsolete, definition too ambiguous. subset: cell_quality subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000406 ! curved [Term] id: PATO:0001786 name: split def: "A shape quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's being divided or broken up into parts or divisions." [] subset: mpath_slim subset: value_slim synonym: "clefted" EXACT [] synonym: "divided" RELATED [] synonym: "forked" RELATED [] synonym: "septate" NARROW [] synonym: "subdivided" RELATED [] is_a: PATO:0000052 ! shape disjoint_from: PATO:0002034 ! undivided [Term] id: PATO:0001787 name: rotational curvature def: "A curvature quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's being curved around an axis." [PATOC:GVG] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001591 ! curvature [Term] id: PATO:0001788 name: increased mass density def: "A density which is higher relative to the normal or average." [PATOC:GVG] subset: value_slim synonym: "high density" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0001164 ! dense is_a: PATO:0002305 ! increased object quality relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0001790 ! decreased mass density [Term] id: PATO:0001789 name: domed def: "A curvature quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's having a shape resembling a dome." [PATOC:GVG] subset: cell_quality subset: mpath_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000406 ! curved [Term] id: PATO:0001790 name: decreased mass density def: "A density which is lower relative to the normal or average." [PATOC:GVG] subset: value_slim synonym: "low density" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0001164 ! dense is_a: PATO:0002303 ! decreased object quality relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0001788 ! increased mass density [Term] id: PATO:0001791 name: multi-localised def: "A spatial pattern inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's being confined or restricted to multiple locations." [PATOC:GVG] subset: mpath_slim subset: value_slim synonym: "multi-focal" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0000060 ! spatial pattern [Term] id: PATO:0001792 name: left side of def: "A spatial quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's being located on left side of from the a another entity." [PATOC:GVG] subset: mpath_slim subset: relational_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000140 ! position [Term] id: PATO:0001793 name: right side of def: "A spatial quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's being located on right side of a another entity." [PATOC:GVG] subset: mpath_slim subset: relational_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000140 ! position [Term] id: PATO:0001794 name: coiling def: "A shape quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's being wound in a continuous series of loops." [Online_Dictionary:Online_Dictionary] subset: attribute_slim is_a: PATO:0000052 ! shape [Term] id: PATO:0001795 name: increased coiling def: "A coiling which is relatively high." [PATOC:GVG] subset: cell_quality subset: value_slim synonym: "high coiling" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0000404 ! coiled is_a: PATO:0002305 ! increased object quality relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0001796 ! decreased coiling [Term] id: PATO:0001796 name: decreased coiling def: "A coiling which is relatively low." [PATOC:GVG] subset: cell_quality subset: value_slim synonym: "low coiling" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0000404 ! coiled is_a: PATO:0002303 ! decreased object quality relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0001795 ! increased coiling [Term] id: PATO:0001798 name: kinked def: "A shape quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's having multiple angles in its length." [] subset: cell_quality subset: value_slim synonym: "tightly curled" RELATED [] synonym: "twisted" RELATED [] is_a: PATO:0000617 ! bent [Term] id: PATO:0001799 name: ruffled def: "A shape quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's exhibiting disturbance of its smoothness or regularity." [] subset: cell_quality subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000052 ! shape [Term] id: PATO:0001800 name: water composition def: "A composition quality inhering in an bearer by virtue of the quantities or relative ratios of water of the inhering entity." [PATOC:GVG] subset: attribute_slim subset: scalar_slim is_a: PATO:0000025 ! composition [Term] id: PATO:0001801 name: decreased water composition def: "A composition quality inhering in an bearer by virtue of the reduction in amount of water the bearer contains." [Wikipedia:http\://] subset: value_slim synonym: "dehydrated" EXACT [] synonym: "dry" RELATED [] is_a: PATO:0001800 ! water composition is_a: PATO:0002303 ! decreased object quality [Term] id: PATO:0001802 name: loose def: "A pattern quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's not being compact or dense in arrangement." [] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000330 ! irregular spatial pattern [Term] id: PATO:0001803 name: phototoxic def: "A photosensitivity quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's disposition to being susceptible to damage by light." [] subset: disposition_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000927 ! photosensitivity [Term] id: PATO:0001804 name: scaly def: "A texture quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's being covered or partially covered with scales." [] subset: mpath_slim subset: value_slim synonym: "squamous" RELATED [] is_a: PATO:0000150 ! texture [Term] id: PATO:0001805 name: flaky def: "A texture quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's formed or tending to form flakes or thin, crisp fragments." [] subset: mpath_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000150 ! texture [Term] id: PATO:0001806 name: sensitivity to irradiation def: "A sensitivity quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's exposure to radiation." [PATOC:GVG] subset: attribute_slim subset: disposition_slim subset: scalar_slim is_a: PATO:0000085 ! sensitivity toward [Term] id: PATO:0001807 name: decreased sensitivity to irradiation def: "A sensitivity to irradiation which is relatively low." [PATOC:GVG] subset: disposition_slim subset: value_slim synonym: "low sensitivity to irradiation" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0001806 ! sensitivity to irradiation is_a: PATO:0002303 ! decreased object quality relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0001808 ! increased sensitivity to irradiation [Term] id: PATO:0001808 name: increased sensitivity to irradiation def: "A sensitivity to irradiation which is relatively high." [PATOC:GVG] subset: disposition_slim subset: value_slim synonym: "high sensitivity to irradiation" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0001806 ! sensitivity to irradiation is_a: PATO:0002305 ! increased object quality relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0001807 ! decreased sensitivity to irradiation [Term] id: PATO:0001809 name: tight def: "A pattern quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's being compact or dense in arrangement." [PATOC:GVG] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000440 ! regular spatial pattern [Term] id: PATO:0001810 name: wrinkled def: "A grooved texture quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's being marked by one or more creases in a normally smooth surface." [url:http\://] subset: mpath_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0002255 ! grooved [Term] id: PATO:0001811 name: obsolete increased relaxation def: "A relaxation which is relatively high." [PATOC:GVG] comment: GO has now relevant relation terms which should be used instead. subset: value_slim synonym: "high relaxation" EXACT [] is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0001812 name: obsolete decreased relaxation def: "A relaxation which is relatively low." [PATOC:GVG] comment: GO has now relevant relation terms which should be used instead. subset: value_slim synonym: "low relaxation" EXACT [] is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0001813 name: atonicity def: "A structural quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's lack elastic tension that facilitate response to stimuli." [PATOC:GVG] subset: disposition_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001439 ! tonicity [Term] id: PATO:0001814 name: dystonicity def: "A structural quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's impaired elastic tension that facilitate response to stimuli." [PATOC:GVG] subset: disposition_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001439 ! tonicity [Term] id: PATO:0001815 name: fatigability def: "A strength quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's disposition to lose strength." [WordNet:WordNet] subset: attribute_slim subset: disposition_slim subset: scalar_slim is_a: PATO:0001230 ! strength [Term] id: PATO:0001816 name: increased fatigability def: "A fatigability which is relatively high." [PATOC:GVG] subset: disposition_slim subset: value_slim synonym: "high fatigability" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0001779 ! decreased strength is_a: PATO:0001815 ! fatigability relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0001817 ! decreased fatigability [Term] id: PATO:0001817 name: decreased fatigability def: "A fatigability which is relatively low." [PATOC:GVG] subset: disposition_slim subset: value_slim synonym: "low fatigability" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0001778 ! increased strength is_a: PATO:0001815 ! fatigability relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0001816 ! increased fatigability [Term] id: PATO:0001818 name: progressive def: "A quality of a single process inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's increasing over time." [PATOC:GVG] subset: hpo_slim subset: mpath_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000057 ! occurrence relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0002026 ! non-progressive [Term] id: PATO:0001819 name: atretic def: "A morphological quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's absence or closure of a normal body orifice or tubular passage." [] subset: mpath_slim subset: value_slim synonym: "atresia" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0000608 ! closed [Term] id: PATO:0001821 name: imperforate def: "A structural quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's having no opening." [] subset: mpath_slim subset: value_slim synonym: "unperforated" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0002014 ! structure, cavities relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0002112 ! perforate [Term] id: PATO:0001822 name: wetness def: "A quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of whether the bearer's being covered by a liquid." [] subset: attribute_slim subset: mpath_slim subset: scalar_slim is_a: PATO:0001018 ! physical quality [Term] id: PATO:0001823 name: wet def: "A wetness quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's being covered by a liquid." [PATOC:GVG] subset: mpath_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001822 ! wetness disjoint_from: PATO:0001824 ! dry relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0001824 ! dry [Term] id: PATO:0001824 name: dry def: "A wetness quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's not being covered by a liquid." [PATOC:GVG] subset: mpath_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001822 ! wetness relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0001823 ! wet [Term] id: PATO:0001825 name: increased wetness def: "A wetness quality that is relatively high." [PATOC:GVG] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001823 ! wet is_a: PATO:0002305 ! increased object quality relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0001826 ! decreased wetness [Term] id: PATO:0001826 name: decreased wetness def: "A wetness quality that is relatively low." [PATOC:GVG] subset: value_slim synonym: "low wetness" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0001823 ! wet is_a: PATO:0002303 ! decreased object quality relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0001825 ! increased wetness [Term] id: PATO:0001827 name: pseudohermaphrodite def: "A biological sex quality inhering in an individual or a population by virtue of having internal reproductive organs of one sex and external sexual characteristics of the other sex." [WordNet:WordNet] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001894 ! phenotypic sex [Term] id: PATO:0001828 name: male pseudohermaphrodite def: "A biological sex quality inhering in an individual or a population by virtue of having internal reproductive organs of male and external sexual characteristics of female." [PATOC:GVG] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001827 ! pseudohermaphrodite [Term] id: PATO:0001829 name: female pseudohermaphrodite def: "A biological sex quality inhering in an individual or a population by virtue of having internal reproductive organs of female and external sexual characteristics of male." [PATOC:GVG] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001827 ! pseudohermaphrodite [Term] id: PATO:0001830 name: decreased female fertility def: "A female fertility which is relatively low." [PATOC:GVG] subset: disposition_slim subset: value_slim synonym: "low female fertility" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0000888 ! female fertile is_a: PATO:0002303 ! decreased object quality relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0001831 ! increased female fertility [Term] id: PATO:0001831 name: increased female fertility def: "A female fertility which is relatively high." [PATOC:GVG] subset: disposition_slim subset: value_slim synonym: "high female fertility" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0000888 ! female fertile is_a: PATO:0002305 ! increased object quality relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0001830 ! decreased female fertility [Term] id: PATO:0001832 name: increased male fertility def: "A male fertility which is relatively high." [PATOC:GVG] subset: disposition_slim subset: value_slim synonym: "high male fertility" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0000891 ! male fertile is_a: PATO:0002305 ! increased object quality relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0001833 ! decreased male fertility [Term] id: PATO:0001833 name: decreased male fertility def: "A male fertility which is relatively low." [PATOC:GVG] subset: disposition_slim subset: value_slim synonym: "low male fertility" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0000891 ! male fertile is_a: PATO:0002303 ! decreased object quality relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0001832 ! increased male fertility [Term] id: PATO:0001834 name: decreased fertility def: "A fertility which is relatively low." [PATOC:GVG] subset: disposition_slim subset: value_slim synonym: "low fertility" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0000955 ! fertile is_a: PATO:0002303 ! decreased object quality relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0001835 ! increased fertility [Term] id: PATO:0001835 name: increased fertility def: "A fertility which is relatively high." [PATOC:GVG] subset: disposition_slim subset: value_slim synonym: "high fertility" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0000955 ! fertile is_a: PATO:0002305 ! increased object quality relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0001834 ! decreased fertility [Term] id: PATO:0001836 name: congested def: "A structural quality inhering in a bearer with some kind of aperture or opening that is blocked or clogged." [] subset: mpath_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000141 ! structure [Term] id: PATO:0001838 name: decreased fluid flow def: "A flow that is relatively low." [PATOC:GVG] subset: value_slim synonym: "low flow" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0002243 ! fluid flow rate is_a: PATO:0002303 ! decreased object quality relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0001839 ! increased fluid flow [Term] id: PATO:0001839 name: increased fluid flow def: "A fluid flow that is relatively high." [PATOC:GVG] subset: value_slim synonym: "high flow" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0002243 ! fluid flow rate is_a: PATO:0002305 ! increased object quality relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0001838 ! decreased fluid flow [Term] id: PATO:0001841 name: remittent intensity def: "An intensity which is characterized by temporary abatement in severity." [] subset: hpo_slim subset: mpath_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000049 ! intensity [Term] id: PATO:0001842 name: acidity def: "A concentration quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's containing acid (hydrogen ions)." [biology-online:biology-online] subset: attribute_slim subset: scalar_slim synonym: "pH" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0000033 ! concentration of [Term] id: PATO:0001843 name: decreased acidity def: "An acidity which is relatively low." [PATOC:GVG] subset: value_slim synonym: "low acidity" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0001842 ! acidity is_a: PATO:0001997 ! decreased amount is_a: PATO:0002303 ! decreased object quality relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0001844 ! increased acidity [Term] id: PATO:0001844 name: increased acidity def: "An acidity which is relatively high." [PATOC:GVG] subset: value_slim synonym: "high acidity" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0000470 ! increased amount is_a: PATO:0001842 ! acidity is_a: PATO:0002305 ! increased object quality relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0001843 ! decreased acidity [Term] id: PATO:0001845 name: irregular rhythm def: "A rhythm quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's lacking rhythm lacking pattern." [PATOC:GVG] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000078 ! rhythm quality [Term] id: PATO:0001846 name: tangled def: "A structural quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's being entwined and difficult to unravel." [] subset: mpath_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000141 ! structure [Term] id: PATO:0001847 name: constricted alt_id: PATO:0001837 def: "A structural quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's being drawn together, compressed or squeezed physically." [WordNet:WordNet] subset: value_slim synonym: "stenosis" EXACT [] synonym: "stenotic" EXACT [] synonym: "stricture" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0000141 ! structure [Term] id: PATO:0001848 name: asymmetrically curved def: "A curvature quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's being curved asymmetrically." [PATOC:GVG] subset: cell_quality subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000406 ! curved [Term] id: PATO:0001849 name: abrased def: "A texture quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of a portion of the bearer's surface being scraped away." [] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000150 ! texture [Term] id: PATO:0001850 name: scarred def: "A structural quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's being fibrous tissue that replaces normal tissue destroyed by injury or disease." [] subset: mpath_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000141 ! structure [Term] id: PATO:0001851 name: swollen def: "A structure quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's exhibiting transient abnormal enlargement, not due to cell proliferation." [] subset: mpath_slim subset: value_slim synonym: "swelling" NARROW [] is_a: PATO:0000141 ! structure relationship: has_part PATO:0000586 ! increased size relationship: has_part PATO:0001598 ! protruding [Term] id: PATO:0001852 name: dislocated alt_id: PATO:0001479 alt_id: PATO:0002158 alt_id: PATO:0002159 def: "A positional quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's being out of its usual or proper place, or position due to it being physically moved from the normal location." [] subset: mpath_slim subset: value_slim synonym: "dislocation" EXACT [] synonym: "luxated" EXACT [] synonym: "luxation" EXACT [] synonym: "relational dislocated quality" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0002181 ! displaced [Term] id: PATO:0001853 name: hydrocephalic def: "A structural quality which is held by a bearer when the latter exhibits an excessive accumulation of cerebral spinal fluid." [PATOC:mh] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001450 ! edematous [Term] id: PATO:0001854 name: vertical def: "A spatial pattern inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's being situated at right angles to the horizon." [] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000060 ! spatial pattern [Term] id: PATO:0001855 name: horizontal def: "A positional quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's being in the plane of the horizon." [] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000140 ! position [Term] id: PATO:0001856 name: introverted def: "An oriented quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's being turned inward upon itself." [] comment: For example, a tubular organ or part. subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000614 ! oriented [Term] id: PATO:0001857 name: concave def: "A shape quality in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's curving inward." [WordNet:WordNet] subset: cell_quality subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0002005 ! concavity relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0001355 ! convex [Term] id: PATO:0001858 name: partially paralysed def: "A functionality quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of being not completely paralysed." [PATOC:GVG] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0002076 ! movement behavioral quality [Term] id: PATO:0001859 name: increased coordination def: "A coordination which is relatively high." [PATOC:GVG] subset: disposition_slim subset: value_slim synonym: "high coordination" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0000769 ! coordinated is_a: PATO:0002305 ! increased object quality relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0001860 ! decreased coordination [Term] id: PATO:0001860 name: decreased coordination def: "A coordination which is relatively low." [PATOC:GVG] subset: disposition_slim subset: value_slim synonym: "low coordination" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0000769 ! coordinated is_a: PATO:0002303 ! decreased object quality relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0001859 ! increased coordination [Term] id: PATO:0001861 name: fasciculated def: "A structural quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's forming a bundle of aligned anatomical fibers, as of muscle or nerve." [] subset: mpath_slim subset: value_slim synonym: "fascicled" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0002013 ! fasciculation disjoint_from: PATO:0001959 ! defasciculated relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0001959 ! defasciculated [Term] id: PATO:0001862 name: lack of fertility in offspring def: "A fertility quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's disposition to make its offspring sterile." [PATOC:GVG] subset: disposition_slim subset: value_slim synonym: "grandchildless" RELATED [] is_a: PATO:0000274 ! fertility [Term] id: PATO:0001863 name: chronic def: "A duration quality of a process inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's having slow progressive course of indefinite duration." [PATOC:cjm] subset: hpo_slim subset: mpath_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001309 ! duration relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0000389 ! acute [Term] id: PATO:0001865 name: spheroid alt_id: PATO:0001864 def: "A convex 3-D shape quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's having a quadric surface in three dimensions obtained by rotating an ellipse about one of its principal axes. Includes spheres and oblate/prolate spheroids." [Wikipedia:http\://] subset: cell_quality subset: mpath_slim subset: value_slim synonym: "sphericality" RELATED [] is_a: PATO:0002007 ! convex 3-D shape [Term] id: PATO:0001866 name: prolate def: "A spheroid quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's exhibiting a polar diameter longer than its equatorial diameter." [Wikipedia:http\://] subset: cell_quality subset: value_slim synonym: "prolate spheroid" RELATED [] xref: Image:http\:// is_a: PATO:0001865 ! spheroid [Term] id: PATO:0001867 name: rectangular def: "A shape quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of it being a quadrilateral polygon in which all four angles are right angles." [Wikipedia:http\://] subset: cell_quality subset: value_slim xref: Image:http\:// is_a: PATO:0002317 ! parallelogram [Term] id: PATO:0001868 name: autofluorescence def: "A fluorescence quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's exhibiting fluorescence which is self-induced." [PATOC:mb] subset: attribute_slim is_a: PATO:0000018 ! fluorescence [Term] id: PATO:0001869 name: pathological def: "A quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's being abnormal and having a destructive effect on living tissue." [PATOC:cjm] subset: abnormal_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000460 ! abnormal [Term] id: PATO:0001870 name: crescent-shaped def: "A shape quality inhering in a circular disk by virtue of the bearer's having a segment of another circle removed from its edge, so that what remains is a shape enclosed by two circular arcs of different diameters which intersect at two points (usually in such a manner that the enclosed shape does not include the center of the original circle)." [Wikipedia:http\://] subset: cell_quality subset: value_slim synonym: "bow-shaped" RELATED [] synonym: "crescentic" EXACT [] synonym: "lunate" RELATED [] xref: Image:http\:// is_a: PATO:0002006 ! 2-D shape [Term] id: PATO:0001871 name: reniform def: "A concave 3-D shape quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's having the shape of a kidney." [ISBN:0881923214] subset: value_slim synonym: "bean shaped" RELATED [] synonym: "kidney-shaped" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0002008 ! concave 3-D shape [Term] id: PATO:0001872 name: cuboid def: "A convex 3-D shape quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's resemblance to a cube (a 3-D shape with a square cross section)." [PATOC:MAH] subset: cell_quality subset: value_slim synonym: "block-like" RELATED [] synonym: "cuboidal" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0002007 ! convex 3-D shape relationship: RO:0015011 PATO:0000413 ! has cross section square [Term] id: PATO:0001873 name: cylindrical alt_id: PATO:0001203 def: "A convex 3-D shape quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's exhibiting a consistently-sized round cross section." [PATOC:MAH] subset: cell_quality subset: value_slim synonym: "rod-like" EXACT [] synonym: "rod-shaped" EXACT [] synonym: "tubulate" NARROW [] is_a: PATO:0002007 ! convex 3-D shape relationship: RO:0015011 PATO:0000411 ! has cross section circular [Term] id: PATO:0001874 name: discoid def: "A shape quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's being cylindrical, in which the height is less than the diameter." [PATOC:cjm] subset: cell_quality subset: value_slim synonym: "disc-shaped" EXACT [] synonym: "disk-shaped" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0001873 ! cylindrical [Term] id: PATO:0001875 name: triangular def: "A shape quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's having three angles." [wordreference:wordreference] subset: cell_quality subset: value_slim synonym: "delta shaped" RELATED [] synonym: "deltoid" EXACT [] synonym: "triangle" RELATED [] synonym: "triangle-shaped" RELATED [] is_a: PATO:0002006 ! 2-D shape [Term] id: PATO:0001876 name: dumbbell-shaped def: "A concave 3-D shape quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's having two parts, roughly spherical and of equal size, connected by a bar." [PATOC:GVG] subset: cell_quality subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0002008 ! concave 3-D shape [Term] id: PATO:0001877 name: lanceolate def: "A shape quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's being shaped like a lance-head, considerably longer than wide, tapering towards the tip from below the middle; attached at the broad end." [PATOC:GVG] subset: cell_quality subset: value_slim synonym: "spear-shaped" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0001419 ! sharp [Term] id: PATO:0001878 name: sigmoid def: "A shape quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's consisting of two curves, in opposite directions. S-shaped." [PATOC:CJM] subset: cell_quality subset: value_slim synonym: "S-shaped" EXACT [] synonym: "sigmoidal" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0000052 ! shape [Term] id: PATO:0001879 name: U-shaped def: "A concave 3-D shape quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's being shaped in the form of the letter U." [WordNet:WordNet] subset: cell_quality subset: value_slim synonym: "horseshoe" NARROW [] synonym: "horseshoe shaped" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0002008 ! concave 3-D shape [Term] id: PATO:0001880 name: caudate def: "A quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's having a tail or tail-like projection." [PATOC:cjm] subset: value_slim synonym: "caudal" EXACT [] synonym: "tailed" RELATED [] is_a: PATO:0000623 ! exserted [Term] id: PATO:0001881 name: arrow-shaped def: "A shape quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's forming two equal obtuse triangles with a short side in common." [ISBN:0881923214, RKC:RKC] comment: Gradually enlarged at the base, like the head of an arrow. subset: cell_quality subset: value_slim synonym: "sagittate" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0000052 ! shape [Term] id: PATO:0001882 name: limaciform def: "A concave 3-D shape quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's resembling a slug." [PATOC:CJM] subset: cell_quality subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0002008 ! concave 3-D shape [Term] id: PATO:0001883 name: clavate alt_id: PATO:0001797 def: "A concave 3-D shape quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's gradually becoming thicker towards the end." [MP:0000576] subset: value_slim synonym: "club-like" EXACT [] synonym: "club-shaped" EXACT [] synonym: "clubbed" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0002008 ! concave 3-D shape [Term] id: PATO:0001884 name: hydrophobicity def: "A physical quality inhering in a bearer by virtue the bearer's disposition to being water-repellent; tending to repel and not absorb water." [WordNet:WordNet] subset: attribute_slim subset: disposition_slim is_a: PATO:0001018 ! physical quality disjoint_from: PATO:0001886 ! hydrophilicity relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0001886 ! hydrophilicity [Term] id: PATO:0001885 name: hydrophobic def: "A quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's lacking affinity for water; tending to repel and not absorb water; tending not to dissolve in or mix with or be wetted by water." [WordNet:WordNet] subset: disposition_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001884 ! hydrophobicity relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0001887 ! hydrophilic [Term] id: PATO:0001886 name: hydrophilicity def: "A physical quality inhering in a bearer by virtue the bearer's disposition to having an affinity for water; it is readily absorbing or dissolving in water." [] subset: attribute_slim subset: disposition_slim is_a: PATO:0001018 ! physical quality relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0001884 ! hydrophobicity [Term] id: PATO:0001887 name: hydrophilic def: "A quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's disposition to having a strong affinity for water; tending to dissolve in, mix with, or be wetted by water." [WordNet:WordNet] subset: disposition_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001886 ! hydrophilicity relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0001885 ! hydrophobic [Term] id: PATO:0001888 name: miscibility def: "A quality of a liquid inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's ability to mix with (dissolve in) another liquid." [Chemicool:Chemicool] subset: attribute_slim subset: disposition_slim is_a: PATO:0001548 ! quality of a liquid [Term] id: PATO:0001889 name: scalloped def: "A surface feature shape quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's having the border, edge, or outline cut into a series of segments of circles resembling a scallop-shell." [Oxford:EnglishDictionary] subset: cell_quality subset: value_slim synonym: "crenate" EXACT [] synonym: "crenulate" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0001976 ! serration [Term] id: PATO:0001890 name: tripartite def: "A concave 3-D shape quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's being divided into three branches." [InfoVisual:InfoVisual] subset: cell_quality subset: value_slim synonym: "trifurcate" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0000402 ! branched is_a: PATO:0002008 ! concave 3-D shape [Term] id: PATO:0001891 name: ovate def: "A spheroid quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's exhibiting a continuous convex surface with an axis of symmetry and one axis longer than the other; egg-shaped." [PATOC:mc] subset: cell_quality subset: mpath_slim subset: value_slim synonym: "eccentric" RELATED [] synonym: "egg-shaped" EXACT [] synonym: "oval" EXACT [] synonym: "ovoid" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0001865 ! spheroid relationship: RO:0015011 PATO:0000946 ! has cross section oblong [Term] id: PATO:0001892 name: decreased odor def: "An odor quality of having decreased odor." [PATOC:GVG] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001331 ! odorous is_a: PATO:0002303 ! decreased object quality relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0001893 ! increased odor [Term] id: PATO:0001893 name: increased odor def: "An odor quality of having increased odor." [PATOC:GVG] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001331 ! odorous is_a: PATO:0002305 ! increased object quality relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0001892 ! decreased odor [Term] id: PATO:0001894 name: phenotypic sex def: "An organismal quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's physical expression of sexual characteristics." [] subset: attribute_slim is_a: PATO:0000047 ! biological sex [Term] id: PATO:0001895 name: mating type def: "A biological sex quality inhering in an individual or a population that undergo sexual reproduction." [wikipedia:wikipedia] subset: attribute_slim is_a: PATO:0000047 ! biological sex [Term] id: PATO:0001896 name: unlumenized def: "A structure quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's lacking of a three dimensional space surrounded by one or more anatomical structures and containing one or more anatomical substances." [PATOC:MAH] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0002014 ! structure, cavities relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0001897 ! lumenized [Term] id: PATO:0001897 name: lumenized def: "A structure quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's having a three dimensional space surrounded by one or more anatomical structures and containing one or more anatomical substances." [PATOC:MAH] comment: See GO term: GO:0031974 membrane-enclosed lumen [DEF:"The enclosed volume within a sealed membrane or between two sealed membranes"]. subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0002014 ! structure, cavities relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0001896 ! unlumenized [Term] id: PATO:0001898 name: increased circumference def: "A circumference which is relatively high." [PATOC:GVG] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001648 ! circumference is_a: PATO:0001712 ! increased perimeter relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0001899 ! decreased circumference [Term] id: PATO:0001899 name: decreased circumference def: "A circumference which is relatively low." [PATOC:GVG] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001648 ! circumference is_a: PATO:0001713 ! decreased perimeter relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0001898 ! increased circumference [Term] id: PATO:0001900 name: front def: "A directional quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's direction that is similar to the direction of an object to the south when it faces north." [PATOC:GVG] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000039 ! direction relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0001901 ! back [Term] id: PATO:0001901 name: back def: "A directional quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's direction that is similar to the direction of an object to the north when it faces south." [PATOC:GVG] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000039 ! direction relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0001900 ! front [Term] id: PATO:0001902 name: unidirectional def: "A directional quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's having one direction only." [PATOC:GVG] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000039 ! direction [Term] id: PATO:0001903 name: bi-directional def: "A directional quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's having two directions." [PATOC:GVG] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000039 ! direction [Term] id: PATO:0001904 name: circling direction def: "A directional quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's direction approximating the shape of a circle." [PATOC:GVG] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000039 ! direction [Term] id: PATO:0001905 name: has normal numbers of parts of type def: "The bearer of this quality has_part = n, where n is the normal amount for a comparable organism. Note that the bearer of the quality is the whole, not the part." [PATOC:CJM] subset: relational_slim synonym: "having physical part" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0001555 ! has number of relationship: RO:0015012 PATO:0002050 ! reciprocal of normal amount [Term] id: PATO:0001906 name: movement quality def: "A physical quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's participation in movement." [PATOC:GVG] subset: attribute_slim is_a: PATO:0001018 ! physical quality [Term] id: PATO:0001907 name: botryoidal def: "A surface feature shape quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's being like the surface of a compact mass of grapes." [PATOC:cvs] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001925 ! surface feature shape [Term] id: PATO:0001908 name: multinucleate def: "A nucleate quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's having more than one nucleus." [PATOC:GVG] subset: mpath_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0002505 ! nucleated [Term] id: PATO:0001909 name: trinucleate def: "A nucleate quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's having three nuclei." [thefreedictionary:thefreedictionary] subset: mpath_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001908 ! multinucleate [Term] id: PATO:0001910 name: folded def: "A surface feature shape quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's one part being layered over another connected part." [PATOC:cjm] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001925 ! surface feature shape [Term] id: PATO:0001911 name: circling def: "A behavioral quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's exhibiting movement in a circular course." [PATOC:mb] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0002076 ! movement behavioral quality [Term] id: PATO:0001912 name: physiological state def: "A quality of a single process inhering in a bearer by virtue of the state of bearer's mechanical, physical, and biochemical processes." [PATOC:mb] is_a: PATO:0001236 ! process quality [Term] id: PATO:0001913 name: ictal def: "A physiological state which is characterized by periods of high-frequency high amplitude electrical activity in neuronal tissue." [PATOC:mb] is_a: PATO:0001912 ! physiological state [Term] id: PATO:0001914 name: non-ictal def: "A physiological state which is characterized by normal electrical activity in neuronal tissue." [PATOC:mb] is_a: PATO:0001912 ! physiological state [Term] id: PATO:0001915 name: anterodorsal to def: "A spatial quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's being located toward the front and upper surface of an organism relative to another entity." [PATOC:wd] subset: relational_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001632 ! anterior to [Term] id: PATO:0001916 name: posterodorsal to def: "A spatial quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's being located toward the rear and upper surface of an organism relative to another entity." [PATOC:wd] subset: relational_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001633 ! posterior to [Term] id: PATO:0001917 name: anteroventral to def: "A spatial quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's being located toward the front and abdomen of an organism relative to another entity." [PATOC:wd] subset: relational_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001632 ! anterior to [Term] id: PATO:0001918 name: posteroventral to def: "A spatial quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's being located toward the rear and abdomen of an organism relative to another entity." [PATOC:wd] subset: relational_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001633 ! posterior to [Term] id: PATO:0001919 name: mislocalised dorsally def: "A positional quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's being positioned towards the back or upper surface of an organism." [PATOC:mb] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000628 ! mislocalised [Term] id: PATO:0001920 name: mislocalised ventrally def: "A positional quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's being positioned towards the abdomen of an organism." [PATOC:mb] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000628 ! mislocalised [Term] id: PATO:0001921 name: mislocalised anteriorly def: "A positional quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's being positioned towards the front of an organism." [PATOC:mb] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000628 ! mislocalised [Term] id: PATO:0001922 name: mislocalised posteriorly def: "A positional quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's being positioned towards the rear of an organism." [PATOC:mb] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000628 ! mislocalised [Term] id: PATO:0001923 name: mislocalised laterally def: "A positional quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's being positioned towards the side of an organism." [PATOC:mb] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000628 ! mislocalised [Term] id: PATO:0001924 name: mislocalised medially def: "A positional quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's being positioned towards the middle of an organism." [PATOC:mb] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000628 ! mislocalised [Term] id: PATO:0001925 name: surface feature shape def: "A surface shape quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's shape of features present on its surface or outer shell." [PATOC:CJM] comment: This quality either inheres directly in the surface, or in the entity that has the surface. For example, to say that a particular fly wing is curved is shorthand for saying the wing has a surface which is curved. subset: attribute_slim is_a: PATO:0000052 ! shape [Term] id: PATO:0001926 name: increased fluorescence def: "A fluorescence which is higher than normal." [PATOC:GVG] subset: value_slim synonym: "high fluorescence" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0001290 ! fluorescent is_a: PATO:0002305 ! increased object quality relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0001927 ! decreased fluorescence [Term] id: PATO:0001927 name: decreased fluorescence def: "A fluorescence which is lower than normal." [PATOC:GVG] subset: value_slim synonym: "low fluorescence" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0001290 ! fluorescent is_a: PATO:0002303 ! decreased object quality relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0001926 ! increased fluorescence [Term] id: PATO:0001928 name: blistered def: "A texture quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of a local accumulation of fluid underneath the surface of the bearer." [PATOC:GVG] subset: mpath_slim subset: value_slim synonym: "blistering" NARROW [] is_a: PATO:0000150 ! texture [Term] id: PATO:0001929 name: variability of shape def: "A variability quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of whether the bearer exhibits shape variation or change." [PATOC:GVG] subset: attribute_slim is_a: PATO:0001303 ! variability relationship: RO:0002503 PATO:0000052 ! towards shape [Term] id: PATO:0001930 name: variant shape def: "A quality inhering in a bearer by virtue the bearer's having or exhibiting variation its shape." [PATOC:GVG] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001929 ! variability of shape relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0001931 ! invariant shape [Term] id: PATO:0001931 name: invariant shape def: "A quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's lacking or not exhibiting variation of shape." [PATOC:GVG] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001929 ! variability of shape relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0001930 ! variant shape [Term] id: PATO:0001932 name: alternate placement def: "A pattern quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's being placed alternately one above the other." [ISBN:0881923214] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000440 ! regular spatial pattern [Term] id: PATO:0001933 name: opposite def: "A positional quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's being positioned on opposite sides on the same plane." [ISBN:0881923214] subset: relational_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000140 ! position [Term] id: PATO:0001934 name: orbicular def: "A shape quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's being perfectly circular." [ISBN:0881923214] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000411 ! circular [Term] id: PATO:0001935 name: obtuse def: "A shape quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's being roundish, a little inclining to be oblong." [ISBN:0881923214] subset: value_slim synonym: "roundish" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0000411 ! circular [Term] id: PATO:0001936 name: obovate def: "A spheroid quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's being egg-shaped and flat, with the narrow end attached to the base." [wordreference:wordreference] subset: value_slim synonym: "obovoid" RELATED [] is_a: PATO:0001891 ! ovate [Term] id: PATO:0001937 name: spatulate def: "A shape quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's being oblong, with the lower end very much attenuated." [ISBN:0881923214] subset: value_slim synonym: "spathulate" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0000946 ! oblong [Term] id: PATO:0001938 name: rhomboid def: "A spheroid quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's being oval and a little angular in the middle." [ISBN:0881923214] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0002317 ! parallelogram [Term] id: PATO:0001940 name: gigantic def: "A size quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's being many folds greater relative to the normal average." [PATOC:UMH] subset: value_slim synonym: "giant" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0000586 ! increased size [Term] id: PATO:0001941 name: yellow green def: "A color consisting of yellow and green hues." [PATOC:GVG] subset: mpath_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000320 ! green [Term] id: PATO:0001942 name: brown green def: "A color consisting of brown and green hues." [PATOC:GVG] synonym: "olive green" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0000320 ! green [Term] id: PATO:0001943 name: lilac def: "A purple color which has low saturation and low brightness." [PATOC:GVG] subset: mpath_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000951 ! purple [Term] id: PATO:0001944 name: yellow orange def: "A color consisting of yellow and orange hue." [PATOC:GVG] subset: mpath_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000953 ! orange [Term] id: PATO:0001945 name: ochre def: "A moderate yellow-orange to orange color." [wordreference:wordreference] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001944 ! yellow orange [Term] id: PATO:0001946 name: banded def: "A color pattern inhering in a bearer by virtue of bearer's exhibiting transverse stripes of one hue or degree of saturation crossing another." [ISBN:0881923214] subset: value_slim synonym: "striped" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0001533 ! multi-colored [Term] id: PATO:0001947 name: netted def: "A color pattern inhering in a bearer by virtue of bearer's being covered with reticulated lines of a different hue or degree of saturation." [ISBN:0881923214] subset: value_slim synonym: "net-like" EXACT [] synonym: "reticulated" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0001533 ! multi-colored [Term] id: PATO:0001948 name: furrowed def: "A grooved texture quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's being marked by two or more parallel channels." [PATOC:JE] subset: value_slim synonym: "fluted" RELATED [] is_a: PATO:0002255 ! grooved [Term] id: PATO:0001949 name: pointleted def: "A shape quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's terminating abruptly in a little point." [ISBN:0881923214] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001419 ! sharp [Term] id: PATO:0001950 name: blunt def: "A shape quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's terminating gradually in a rounded end." [ISBN:0881923214] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000944 ! sharpness [Term] id: PATO:0001951 name: whorled def: "A spatial pattern inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's being in opposition round a common axis." [ISBN:0881923214] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000060 ! spatial pattern [Term] id: PATO:0001952 name: distichous def: "A spatial quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's being arranged in two opposite rows (and hence in the same plane)." [ISBN:0881923214] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000140 ! position [Term] id: PATO:0001953 name: decussate def: "A pattern quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's consisting of paired parts that alternately cross each other." [ISBN:0881923214] subset: value_slim synonym: "crosscutting" EXACT [] synonym: "intercrossing" EXACT [] synonym: "intersecting" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0000440 ! regular spatial pattern [Term] id: PATO:0001954 name: subulate def: "A shape quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's being linear, very narrow, tapering to a very fine point from a narrow base." [ISBN:0881923214] subset: value_slim synonym: "awl-shaped" EXACT [] synonym: "needle-like" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0001199 ! linear [Term] id: PATO:0001955 name: cuneate def: "A shape quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's being narrowly triangular, wider at the apex and tapering toward the base." [wordreference:wordreference] subset: value_slim synonym: "wedge-shaped" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0001875 ! triangular [Term] id: PATO:0001956 name: variability of size def: "A variability quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of whether the bearer exhibits size variation or change." [PATOC:GVG] subset: attribute_slim is_a: PATO:0001303 ! variability relationship: RO:0002503 PATO:0000117 ! towards size [Term] id: PATO:0001957 name: decreased variability of size def: "A variability of size which is relatively low." [PATOC:GVG] subset: value_slim synonym: "low variability of size" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0001956 ! variability of size is_a: PATO:0002301 ! decreased quality relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0001958 ! increased variability of size [Term] id: PATO:0001958 name: increased variability of size def: "A variability of size which is relatively high." [PATOC:GVG] subset: value_slim synonym: "high variability of size" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0001956 ! variability of size is_a: PATO:0002300 ! increased quality relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0001957 ! decreased variability of size [Term] id: PATO:0001959 name: defasciculated def: "A structural quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's in which bundles of aligned anatomical fibers have become separated." [PATOC:mw] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0002013 ! fasciculation relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0001861 ! fasciculated [Term] id: PATO:0001960 name: interdigitated def: "A shape quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's parts or projections being interlocked; for example, the fingers of two hands that are clasped." [PATOC:wdahdul] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000052 ! shape [Term] id: PATO:0001961 name: in contact with def: "A structural quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's touching another entity." [PATOC:wdahdul] subset: relational_slim subset: value_slim synonym: "contiguous" RELATED [] is_a: PATO:0000141 ! structure [Term] id: PATO:0001962 name: involute def: "A curled quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's edges of its surface being rolled inwards spirally on each side." [ISBN:0881923214] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000405 ! curled [Term] id: PATO:0001963 name: revolute def: "A curled quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's edges of its surface being rolled backwards spirally on each side." [ISBN:0881923214] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000405 ! curled [Term] id: PATO:0001964 name: circinate def: "A curled quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's edges of its surface being rolled spirally downwards." [ISBN:0881923214] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000405 ! curled [Term] id: PATO:0001965 name: reclinate def: "A curled quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's edges of its surface being bent down upon their stalk." [ISBN:0881923214] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000405 ! curled [Term] id: PATO:0001966 name: convolute def: "A curled quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's one edge of its surface being wholly rolled up in another." [ISBN:0881923214] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000405 ! curled [Term] id: PATO:0001967 name: actinodromous def: "A branched quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's having three or more primary branches diverging radially from a single point." [Hickey:1988] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000402 ! branched [Term] id: PATO:0001968 name: parallelodromous def: "A branched quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's having two or more parallel primary branches originate beside each other and converge apically." [Hickey:1988] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000402 ! branched [Term] id: PATO:0001969 name: craspedodromous def: "A branched quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's having secondary branches terminating at the margin." [Hickey:1988] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000402 ! branched [Term] id: PATO:0001970 name: brochidodromous def: "A branched quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's having secondary branches joined together in a series of prominent arches." [Hickey:1988] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000402 ! branched [Term] id: PATO:0001971 name: cladodromous def: "A branched quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's having secondary branches freely branching toward the margin." [Hickey:1988] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000402 ! branched [Term] id: PATO:0001972 name: reticulodromous def: "A branched quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's having secondary branches branching into a reticulum toward the margin." [Hickey:1988] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000402 ! branched [Term] id: PATO:0001973 name: cuspidate def: "A shape quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's being tapering gradually into a rigid point." [ISBN:0881923214] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001500 ! tapered [Term] id: PATO:0001974 name: retuse def: "A shape quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's terminating in a round end, the centre of which is depressed." [ISBN:0881923214] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001950 ! blunt [Term] id: PATO:0001975 name: unserrated def: "A surface feature shape quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's lacking sharp straight-edged teeth pointing to the apex." [ISBN:0881923214] subset: value_slim synonym: "smooth" RELATED [] is_a: PATO:0001976 ! serration relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0001206 ! serrated [Term] id: PATO:0001976 name: serration def: "A surface feature shape quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's having or lacking sharp straight-edged teeth pointing to the apex." [PATOC:GVG] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0002267 ! edge shape [Term] id: PATO:0001977 name: angular def: "A shape quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's having at least one salient angle on the margin." [PATOC:GVG] subset: value_slim synonym: "angulate" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0000052 ! shape [Term] id: PATO:0001978 name: cut def: "A shape quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's being regularly divided by deep incisions." [ISBN:0881923214] subset: value_slim synonym: "incised" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0000052 ! shape [Term] id: PATO:0001979 name: lobed def: "A shape quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's being partly divided into a determinate number of regions." [ISBN:0881923214] subset: mpath_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000052 ! shape [Term] id: PATO:0001980 name: digitate def: "A shape quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's having distinct parts arising from a common point or center." [thefreedictionary:thefreedictionary] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000052 ! shape [Term] id: PATO:0001981 name: auriculate def: "A shape quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's having a shape resembling an ear." [url:http\://] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000052 ! shape [Term] id: PATO:0001982 name: attenuate def: "A shape quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's gradually tapering to a slender point." [url:http\://] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001500 ! tapered [Term] id: PATO:0001983 name: perfoliate def: "A structural quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's two basal lobes being united together." [ISBN:0881923214] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000141 ! structure [Term] id: PATO:0001984 name: decurrent def: "A shape quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's being prolonged below the point of insertion." [ISBN:0881923214] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000052 ! shape [Term] id: PATO:0001985 name: frozen def: "A quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's being kept below its freezing point." [OBI:OBI] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000146 ! temperature [Term] id: PATO:0001986 name: dissolved def: "A quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's passing into solution." [PATOC:GVG] subset: relational_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001536 ! solubility [Term] id: PATO:0001987 name: saccular def: "A structural quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's having a three dimensional cavity with a narrow or no opening, and often containing an anatomical substance." [PATOC:MAH] subset: value_slim synonym: "sacular" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0002014 ! structure, cavities [Term] id: PATO:0001988 name: quadrangular def: "A shape quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's having four angles and four sides." [url:http\://] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0002006 ! 2-D shape [Term] id: PATO:0001989 name: sinuous def: "A curvature quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's having many curves and turns." [PATOC:GVG] subset: value_slim synonym: "twisted" RELATED [] is_a: PATO:0001591 ! curvature [Term] id: PATO:0001990 name: duration of disease def: "A duration quality of a process inhering in a disease by virtue of the bearer's duration of an impairment of health or of a condition of abnormal functioning." [PATOC:GVG] comment: MAH: I think this term should be obsoleted. Is it used? is_a: PATO:0001309 ! duration [Term] id: PATO:0001991 name: immortal def: "A quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's disposition to being capable of indefinite growth or division." [] subset: disposition_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000169 ! viability [Term] id: PATO:0001992 name: cellularity def: "An organismal quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's consisting cells." [PATOC:GVG] subset: attribute_slim subset: scalar_slim is_a: PATO:0001995 ! organismal quality [Term] id: PATO:0001993 name: multicellular def: "A cellularity quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's consisting of more than one cell." [PATOC:GVG] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001992 ! cellularity disjoint_from: PATO:0001994 ! unicellular [Term] id: PATO:0001994 name: unicellular def: "A cellularity quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's consisting of exactly one cell." [PATOC:GVG] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001992 ! cellularity [Term] id: PATO:0001995 name: organismal quality def: "A quality that inheres in an entire organism or part of an organism." [PATOC:CJM] is_a: PATO:0001241 ! physical object quality disjoint_from: PATO:0002003 ! population quality [Term] id: PATO:0001997 name: decreased amount alt_id: PATO:0000419 alt_id: PATO:0000468 def: "An amount which is relatively low." [PATOC:GVG] subset: value_slim synonym: "decreased" RELATED [] synonym: "decreased number" EXACT [] synonym: "present in fewer numbers in organism" EXACT [] synonym: "reduced" RELATED [] synonym: "subnumerary" RELATED [] is_a: PATO:0000467 ! present is_a: PATO:0002301 ! decreased quality relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0000470 ! increased amount [Term] id: PATO:0001998 name: conspicuousness def: "A quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of its visibility." [PATOC:MAH] comment: This term was created as a grouping term for the 2 terms "conspicuous" and "inconspicuous". However, it is not clear if these terms should even remain in PATO. is_a: PATO:0000068 ! qualitative [Term] id: PATO:0001999 name: lacks parts or has fewer parts of type def: "The bearer of this quality has_part < n of the indicated entity type, where n is the normal amount for a comparable organism. Note that the bearer of the quality is the whole, not the part. Formally: If a bearer entity e has fewer parts of type X at time t, then the number of instances x of X at t such that x part_of e is < n, where n is either the normal number for comparable entities, or n is stated explicitly. This case includes the limit case, where the bearer lacks all parts of the specified type." [PATOC:CJM] subset: relational_slim synonym: "loss of" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0002083 ! altered number of [Term] id: PATO:0002000 name: lacks all parts of type alt_id: PATO:0001557 def: "A quality of physical entities inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's lacking a physical part as specified by the additional entity." [PATOC:CJM] comment: Example: [E=organism Q=lacks_all_parts_of_type E2=Wing] - applies to an organism. A relational quality in which the bearer entity has no parts of the specified type. The bearer of this quality has_part = 0 of the indicated entity type, where a comparable organism usually has at least 1 part of the same type. Note that the bearer of the quality is the whole, not the part. Formally: If a bearer entity e lacks all parts of type X at time t, then there exists no instances x of X at t such that x part_of e that has no wings, where wings are normally present in that organism type. In OWL this is equivalent to a restriction on the OBO_REL:has_part relation with cardinality=0, i.e has_part 0 E2. subset: relational_slim synonym: "lacks all physical parts of type" EXACT [] xref: OBO_REL:lacks_part is_a: PATO:0001999 ! lacks parts or has fewer parts of type relationship: RO:0015012 PATO:0000462 ! reciprocal of absent [Term] id: PATO:0002001 name: has fewer parts of type alt_id: PATO:0001569 def: "The bearer of this quality has_part < n AND has_part > 0 of the indicated entity type, where n is the normal amount for a comparable organism. Note that the bearer of the quality is the whole, not the part. Formally: If a bearer entity e has fewer parts of type X at time t, then the number of instances x of X at t such that x part_of e is < n, where n is either the normal number for comparable entities, or n is stated explicitly." [PATOC:CJM] comment: Example: [E=hand Q=has_fewer_parts_of_type E2=digit] - applies to an organism that has no less fingers than is normal for organisms of that type. subset: relational_slim synonym: "decreased number of" EXACT [] synonym: "has decreased number of" EXACT [] synonym: "has fewer physical parts of type" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0001997 ! decreased amount is_a: PATO:0001999 ! lacks parts or has fewer parts of type is_a: PATO:0002303 ! decreased object quality relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0002002 ! has extra parts of type [Term] id: PATO:0002002 name: has extra parts of type alt_id: PATO:0001560 def: "The bearer of this quality has_part > n of the indicated entity type, where n is the normal amount for a comparable organism. Note that the bearer of the quality is the whole, not the part." [PATOC:CJM] comment: In polydactyly, the bearer of the quality is the hand, and the entity type being counted is 'finger'. In EQ syntax, E=hand, Q= E2=finger. subset: relational_slim synonym: "has extra parts of" EXACT [] synonym: "has increased number of" EXACT [] synonym: "having extra physical parts" EXACT [] synonym: "having supernumerary physical parts" EXACT [] synonym: "increased number of" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0000470 ! increased amount is_a: PATO:0002083 ! altered number of is_a: PATO:0002305 ! increased object quality relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0002001 ! has fewer parts of type [Term] id: PATO:0002003 name: population quality def: "A quality that inheres in an entire population or part of a population." [PATOC:GVG] subset: attribute_slim is_a: PATO:0001241 ! physical object quality disjoint_from: PATO:0040057 ! population process quality [Term] id: PATO:0002004 name: obsolete surface shape def: "A shape that inheres in a part of a surface. An object can have different surface shapes on different parts of its surface." [PATOC:CJM] comment: Consider PATO:0001925 subset: attribute_slim is_obsolete: true [Term] id: PATO:0002005 name: concavity def: "Surface shape that refers to the inward or outward curvature of the surface." [PATOC:MAH] subset: attribute_slim is_a: PATO:0000052 ! shape [Term] id: PATO:0002006 name: 2-D shape def: "A shape that inheres in a 2 dimensional entity, such as a cross section or projection of a 3 dimensional entity." [PATOC:CJM] subset: attribute_slim synonym: "2-D projection" RELATED [] synonym: "cross-sectional" RELATED [] is_a: PATO:0000052 ! shape [Term] id: PATO:0002007 name: convex 3-D shape def: "A complete three dimensional shape in which for every line connecting pair of points on the object is within the object. Or: a shape lacking cavities. Contrast: concave." [PATOC:CJM] comment: Use this term or an is_a child of this term when the entire shape of the object is known. subset: attribute_slim xref: Image:http\:// is_a: PATO:0002266 ! 3-D shape relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0002008 ! concave 3-D shape relationship: RO:0015011 PATO:0002006 ! has cross section 2-D shape [Term] id: PATO:0002008 name: concave 3-D shape def: "A complete three dimensional shape in which there is a line connecting pair of points on the object that lies outside the object. Or: a shape with cavities. Contrast: concave." [PATOC:CJM] subset: attribute_slim xref: Image:http\://\:Convex_polygon_illustration2.png is_a: PATO:0002266 ! 3-D shape relationship: has_part PATO:0001857 ! concave relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0002007 ! convex 3-D shape [Term] id: PATO:0002009 name: branchiness def: "A shape quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the degree to which there are subdivisions or offshoots in a bearer entity." [PATOC:MAH] subset: attribute_slim subset: cell_quality is_a: PATO:0000052 ! shape [Term] id: PATO:0002010 name: looseness def: "A texture quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's bing full of small openings or gaps." [url:http\://] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000150 ! texture [Term] id: PATO:0002011 name: neoplastic def: "A structural quality which is held by a bearer when the latter's disposition the presence of abnormally proliferating masses of cells." [PATOC:MAH] subset: disposition_slim subset: mpath_slim subset: value_slim synonym: "tumorous" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0000141 ! structure [Term] id: PATO:0002012 name: coating def: "A texture quality that exists through a liquid cover on the surface of the bearer." [Wikipedia:Wikipedia] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000150 ! texture [Term] id: PATO:0002013 name: fasciculation def: "A structural quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of whether the bearer forms a bundle of anatomical fibers, as of muscle or nerve." [\://] subset: attribute_slim is_a: PATO:0000141 ! structure [Term] id: PATO:0002014 name: structure, cavities def: "A structural quality that inheres in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's containing hollow areas." [PATOC:GVG] subset: attribute_slim is_a: PATO:0000141 ! structure [Term] id: PATO:0002016 name: magnitude is_a: PATO:0000068 ! qualitative [Term] id: PATO:0002017 name: increased magnitude synonym: "high magnitude" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0002016 ! magnitude relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0002018 ! decreased magnitude [Term] id: PATO:0002018 name: decreased magnitude synonym: "low magnitude" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0002016 ! magnitude relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0002017 ! increased magnitude [Term] id: PATO:0002019 name: aplastic growth def: "A growth quality of occurrent in which the growth of an organism, structure or group of organisms does not occur." [PATOC:MAH] synonym: "agenesis" NARROW [] is_a: PATO:0001433 ! growth quality of occurrent [Term] id: PATO:0002020 name: pale pink def: "Pink color having high brightness and low saturation." [PATOC:GVG] is_a: PATO:0000954 ! pink [Term] id: PATO:0002021 name: conical def: "A convex 3-D shape quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's resembling a cone (a 3-D shape with a round cross section that tapers)." [Wikipedia:http\://] subset: value_slim synonym: "cone-shaped" EXACT [] xref: Image:http\:// is_a: PATO:0002007 ! convex 3-D shape [Term] id: PATO:0002022 name: villiform def: "A concave 3-D shape quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's resembling a minute projection (villus)." [PATOC:PEM] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0002008 ! concave 3-D shape [Term] id: PATO:0002023 name: apical-basal polarity def: "A positional quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's location of features or characteristics along an apical-basal axis." [PATOC:MAH] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001769 ! positional polarity [Term] id: PATO:0002024 name: anterior-posterior polarity def: "A positional quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's location of features or characteristics along the anterior-posterior axis." [PATOC:MAH] subset: value_slim synonym: "rostral-caudal polarity" EXACT [] synonym: "superior-caudal polarity (human torso)" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0001769 ! positional polarity [Term] id: PATO:0002025 name: external angle def: "A convex angle that is formed by one side of a polygon and a line extended from an adjacent side." [] subset: relational_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001053 ! convex angle to [Term] id: PATO:0002026 name: non-progressive def: "A quality of a single process inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's not increasing over time." [PATOC:GVG] subset: hpo_slim subset: mpath_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000057 ! occurrence relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0001818 ! progressive property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2008-12-18T12:49:19Z [Term] id: PATO:0002027 name: osmolality def: "A concentration quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's amount of osmoles of solute per kilogram of solvent." [Wikipedia:http\://] subset: attribute_slim subset: relational_slim subset: scalar_slim is_a: PATO:0000033 ! concentration of property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2009-01-27T10:53:11Z [Term] id: PATO:0002028 name: decreased osmolality def: "An osmolality which is relatively low." [PATOC:GVG] subset: relational_slim subset: value_slim synonym: "low osmolality" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0001997 ! decreased amount is_a: PATO:0002027 ! osmolality is_a: PATO:0002303 ! decreased object quality relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0002029 ! increased osmolality property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2009-01-27T10:55:33Z [Term] id: PATO:0002029 name: increased osmolality def: "An osmolality which is relatively high." [PATOC:GVG] subset: relational_slim subset: value_slim synonym: "high osmolality" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0000470 ! increased amount is_a: PATO:0002027 ! osmolality is_a: PATO:0002305 ! increased object quality relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0002028 ! decreased osmolality property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2009-01-27T10:56:19Z [Term] id: PATO:0002030 name: specificity to def: "A molecular quality that inheres in a molecular entity by virtue of whether the bearer exhibits the ability of a probe to react precisely with a specific target molecule." [PATOC:mc] subset: attribute_slim subset: disposition_slim subset: relational_slim is_a: PATO:0002182 ! molecular quality property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2009-01-27T11:13:52Z [Term] id: PATO:0002031 name: upturned def: "A curvature quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's being curved or tilted such that the tip points upwards." [PATOC:cjm] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000406 ! curved property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2009-01-27T11:23:45Z [Term] id: PATO:0002032 name: forward scatter def: "A reflectivity quality inhering in light by virtue of the bearer's scattering occurring at small angle to the incident beam." [PATOC:mc] subset: attribute_slim is_a: PATO:0001294 ! radiation reflective quality property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2009-01-27T11:38:49Z [Term] id: PATO:0002033 name: side scatter def: "A reflective quality that is the light scattering occurring at wide angle (around 90 degrees) to the incident beam." [PATOC:mc] subset: attribute_slim is_a: PATO:0001294 ! radiation reflective quality property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2009-01-27T11:39:36Z [Term] id: PATO:0002034 name: undivided def: "A shape quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's being unseparated into parts or divisions." [PATOC:GVG] subset: value_slim synonym: "unseparated" RELATED [] is_a: PATO:0000052 ! shape property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2009-01-27T11:53:46Z [Term] id: PATO:0002035 name: ipsilateral to def: "A spatial quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's being on the same side in relation to another structure." [PATOC:GVG] subset: mpath_slim subset: relational_slim subset: value_slim synonym: "ipsilateral" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0000140 ! position property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2009-02-01T02:04:11Z [Term] id: PATO:0002036 name: axial to def: "A spatial quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's being located towards the central axis of the organism or an extremity." [PATOC:GVG] subset: mpath_slim subset: relational_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000140 ! position property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2009-02-01T02:06:20Z [Term] id: PATO:0002037 name: degeneration def: "A structural quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer exhibiting deterioration of its structure." [PATOC:GVG] subset: attribute_slim subset: scalar_slim is_a: PATO:0000141 ! structure property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2009-02-03T11:13:19Z [Term] id: PATO:0002038 name: non-degenerate def: "A structural quality inhering in a bearer whose structure which does not deteriorate." [PATOC:GVG] subset: value_slim synonym: "not degenerate" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0002037 ! degeneration relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0000639 ! degenerate property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2009-02-03T11:14:54Z [Term] id: PATO:0002039 name: biconcave def: "A concave quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's curving inward on both sides or surfaces." [PATOC:GVG] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001857 ! concave relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0002040 ! biconvex [Term] id: PATO:0002040 name: biconvex def: "A shape quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's being convex on both sides or surface." [thefreedictionary:http\://] subset: value_slim xref: Image:http\:// is_a: PATO:0001355 ! convex relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0002039 ! biconcave [Term] id: PATO:0002041 name: anterior-posterior diameter def: "A diameter that is along the anterior-posterior axis." [PATOC:GVG] subset: attribute_slim subset: scalar_slim is_a: PATO:0001334 ! diameter [Term] id: PATO:0002042 name: decreased anterior-posterior diameter def: "An anterior-posterior diameter quality which is relatively small." [PATOC:GVG] subset: value_slim synonym: "low anterior-posterior diameter" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0001715 ! decreased diameter is_a: PATO:0002041 ! anterior-posterior diameter relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0002043 ! increased anterior-posterior diameter [Term] id: PATO:0002043 name: increased anterior-posterior diameter def: "An anterior-posterior diameter quality which is relatively large." [PATOC:GVG] subset: value_slim synonym: "high anterior-posterior diameter" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0001714 ! increased diameter is_a: PATO:0002041 ! anterior-posterior diameter relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0002042 ! decreased anterior-posterior diameter [Term] id: PATO:0002044 name: trapezoid def: "A shape quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's being a quadrilateral with two parallel sides." [PATOC:GVG] subset: value_slim synonym: "trapezoidal" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0001988 ! quadrangular [Term] id: PATO:0002045 name: dendritic def: "A branched quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's having smaller branches arising from larger branches. Resembling a tree in branching structure." [PATOC:cvs] subset: value_slim synonym: "dendriform" EXACT [] synonym: "dendroid" EXACT [] synonym: "dendroidal" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0000402 ! branched property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2009-02-15T08:11:41Z [Term] id: PATO:0002046 name: abaxial to def: "A spatial quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's being away from or on the opposite side of the central axis." [medical-dictionary:http\://] subset: mpath_slim subset: relational_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000140 ! position property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2009-03-03T04:16:11Z [Term] id: PATO:0002047 name: adaxial to def: "A spatial quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's being located on the side nearest to the axis of an organ or organism." [thefreedictionary:http\://] subset: mpath_slim subset: relational_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000140 ! position property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2009-03-03T04:22:28Z [Term] id: PATO:0002048 name: mosaicism def: "An organismal quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's having two or more cell populations that differ in genetic makeup. This situation can affect any type of cell, including blood cells, gametes (egg and sperm cells), and skin." [Medline:http\://] subset: attribute_slim synonym: "heterogeneity" RELATED [] is_a: PATO:0001995 ! organismal quality property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2009-03-03T04:30:52Z [Term] id: PATO:0002049 name: lateral and rotional curvature def: "A curvature quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's being curved around an axis and towards the side." [PATOC:GVG] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001787 ! rotational curvature property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2009-03-13T12:36:14Z [Term] id: PATO:0002050 name: normal amount def: "An amount which normal." [PATOC:GVG] synonym: "present in normal numbers in organism" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0000467 ! present relationship: RO:0015012 PATO:0001905 ! reciprocal of has normal numbers of parts of type property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2009-03-20T11:16:22Z [Term] id: PATO:0002051 name: increased occurrence def: "An occurrence which is relatively high." [PATOC:GVG] synonym: "increased incidence" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0000057 ! occurrence is_a: PATO:0002304 ! increased process quality relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0002052 ! decreased occurrence property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2009-03-26T11:10:11Z [Term] id: PATO:0002052 name: decreased occurrence def: "An occurrence which is relatively low." [PATOC:GVG] synonym: "decreased incidence" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0000057 ! occurrence is_a: PATO:0002302 ! decreased process quality relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0002051 ! increased occurrence property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2009-03-26T11:12:35Z [Term] id: PATO:0002053 name: dorso-ventrally flattened def: "A quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's being flattened along dorso-ventral axis." [PATOC:MSP] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0002254 ! flattened property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2009-03-26T03:02:38Z [Term] id: PATO:0002054 name: laterally compressed def: "A quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's being flattened along transverse axis." [PATOC:msp] subset: value_slim synonym: "laterally flattened" EXACT [] synonym: "transversely flattened" RELATED [] is_a: PATO:0002254 ! flattened property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2009-03-26T03:03:37Z [Term] id: PATO:0002055 name: increased fragility def: "A fragility which is relatively high." [PATOC:GVG] subset: disposition_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001362 ! fragile is_a: PATO:0002305 ! increased object quality relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0002056 ! decreased fragility property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2009-03-26T04:01:37Z [Term] id: PATO:0002056 name: decreased fragility def: "A fragility which is relatively low." [PATOC:GVG] subset: disposition_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001362 ! fragile is_a: PATO:0002303 ! decreased object quality relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0002055 ! increased fragility property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2009-03-26T04:02:14Z [Term] id: PATO:0002057 name: increased area def: "An area which is relatively high." [PATOC:GVG] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000586 ! increased size is_a: PATO:0001323 ! area relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0002058 ! decreased area property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2009-03-30T04:11:43Z [Term] id: PATO:0002058 name: decreased area def: "An area which is relatively low." [PATOC:GVG] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000587 ! decreased size is_a: PATO:0001323 ! area relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0002057 ! increased area property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2009-03-30T04:12:11Z [Term] id: PATO:0002059 name: emmision wavelength def: "The specific wavelength of light emitted by a fluorescent molecule, such as a labelled probe, upon absorption of light at the (higher) excitation wavelength." [web:http\://] subset: attribute_slim is_a: PATO:0001299 ! radiation emitting quality property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2009-05-27T02:25:33Z [Term] id: PATO:0002060 name: absorption wavelength def: "The specific wavelength of radiation that can be retained by a bearer." [PATOC:GVG] subset: attribute_slim is_a: PATO:0001293 ! absorption quality property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2009-05-27T02:33:32Z [Term] id: PATO:0002062 name: physical quality of a process subset: attribute_slim is_a: PATO:0001236 ! process quality property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2009-06-05T09:16:46Z [Term] id: PATO:0002063 name: columnar def: "A shape inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's being elongated and cylindrical." [PATOC:me] subset: cell_quality subset: mpath_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000052 ! shape property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2009-07-01T01:44:06Z [Term] id: PATO:0002064 name: fenestrated def: "A structure quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's delimited by a surface with holes." [PATOC:me] subset: cell_quality subset: mpath_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000141 ! structure property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2009-07-01T01:46:53Z [Term] id: PATO:0002065 name: star shaped def: "A shape quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's being arranged like rays or radii; radiating from a common center." [PATOC:me] subset: cell_quality subset: mpath_slim subset: value_slim synonym: "stellate" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0000052 ! shape property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2009-07-01T01:48:19Z [Term] id: PATO:0002066 name: crystal configuration def: "A solid configuration inhering in a material entity by virtue of its constituent atoms, molecules, or ions being arranged in an orderly repeating pattern extending in all three spatial dimensions." [Wikipedia:http\://] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001736 ! solid configuration property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2009-07-01T01:50:40Z [Term] id: PATO:0002067 name: stratification def: "A spatial pattern inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's layered configuration." [PATOC:GVG] subset: attribute_slim is_a: PATO:0000060 ! spatial pattern property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2009-07-01T02:30:45Z [Term] id: PATO:0002068 name: stratified def: "A spatial pattern inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's exhibiting a layered configuration." [PATOC:GVG] subset: mpath_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0002067 ! stratification relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0002069 ! unstratified property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2009-07-01T02:31:53Z [Term] id: PATO:0002069 name: unstratified def: "A spatial pattern inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's lacking a layered configuration." [PATOC:GVG] subset: mpath_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0002067 ! stratification relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0002068 ! stratified property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2009-07-01T02:33:41Z [Term] id: PATO:0002070 name: affinity def: "A molecular quality that arises from the molecular attraction exerted between two atoms or compounds." [PATOC:GVG] subset: attribute_slim subset: disposition_slim subset: relational_slim subset: scalar_slim is_a: PATO:0002182 ! molecular quality property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2009-09-18T01:16:16Z [Term] id: PATO:0002071 name: increased affinity def: "An affinity which is relatively high." [PATOC:GVG] subset: disposition_slim subset: relational_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0002070 ! affinity is_a: PATO:0002305 ! increased object quality relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0002072 ! decreased affinity property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2009-09-18T01:29:42Z [Term] id: PATO:0002072 name: decreased affinity def: "An affinity which is relatively low." [PATOC:GVG] subset: disposition_slim subset: relational_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0002070 ! affinity is_a: PATO:0002303 ! decreased object quality relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0002071 ! increased affinity property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2009-09-18T01:30:11Z [Term] id: PATO:0002073 name: avidity def: "A molecular quality that arises from the synergistic strength of bond affinities between multiple bond interactions." [Wikipedia:Wikipedia] subset: attribute_slim subset: disposition_slim subset: relational_slim subset: scalar_slim is_a: PATO:0002182 ! molecular quality property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2009-09-18T01:41:44Z [Term] id: PATO:0002074 name: increased avidity def: "An avidity which is relatively high." [PATOC:GVG] subset: disposition_slim subset: relational_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0002073 ! avidity is_a: PATO:0002305 ! increased object quality relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0002075 ! decreased avidity property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2009-09-18T01:45:56Z [Term] id: PATO:0002075 name: decreased avidity def: "An avidity which is relatively low." [PATOC:GVG] subset: disposition_slim subset: relational_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0002073 ! avidity is_a: PATO:0002303 ! decreased object quality relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0002074 ! increased avidity property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2009-09-18T01:45:59Z [Term] id: PATO:0002076 name: movement behavioral quality def: "A behavioral quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's movement." [PATOC:GVG] subset: attribute_slim synonym: "movement behavioural quality" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0000186 ! behavioral quality property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2009-09-18T02:04:48Z [Term] id: PATO:0002077 name: stacked def: "A spatial quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's being positioned with multiple entities of the same type above and below." [PATOC:CJM] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000140 ! position property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2009-09-18T02:11:35Z [Term] id: PATO:0002078 name: hollow def: "A quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's having an empty space or cavity within." [url:http\://] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0002014 ! structure, cavities property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2009-09-18T02:19:20Z [Term] id: PATO:0002080 name: broken into two pieces def: "A broken quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's being separated into two contiguous wholes." [PATOC:CJM] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001444 ! broken property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2009-09-21T10:18:11Z [Term] id: PATO:0002081 name: shattered def: "A broken quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's being broken into multiple contiguous wholes." [PATOC:GJM] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001444 ! broken property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2009-09-21T10:18:51Z [Term] id: PATO:0002082 name: partially broken def: "A broken quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's being still one contiguous whole but structurally damaged such that in danger of become two or more." [PATOC:CJM] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001444 ! broken property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2009-09-21T10:20:06Z [Term] id: PATO:0002083 name: altered number of def: "Having extra or fewer parts." [PATOC:GVG] subset: attribute_slim subset: relational_slim is_a: PATO:0000051 ! morphology is_a: PATO:0001555 ! has number of property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2009-09-21T10:41:58Z [Term] id: PATO:0002084 name: obsolete post-mortem def: "The period after death of the organism." [thefreedictionary:thefreedictionary] comment: Terms were requested by the OBI consortium but it was later decided that the term was not reflecting a quality rather what it might be refered to as a "conferred quality". subset: value_slim property_value: terms:contributor is_obsolete: true creation_date: 2009-09-25T11:29:21Z [Term] id: PATO:0002085 name: obsolete pre-mortem def: "The period before death of the organism." [merriam-webster:merriam-webster] comment: Terms were requested by the OBI consortium but it was later decided that the term was not reflecting a quality rather what it might be refered to as a "conferred quality". subset: value_slim property_value: terms:contributor is_obsolete: true creation_date: 2009-09-25T11:31:13Z [Term] id: PATO:0002087 name: bullet-shaped def: "A quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's being short and wide and tapered distally." [PATOC:GVG] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0002007 ! convex 3-D shape property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2009-09-30T09:53:43Z [Term] id: PATO:0002088 name: monocystic def: "A structure quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's body containing one cyst - a formation of a sac-like closed membranous structure not associated with neoplasia." [mondofacto:mondofacto] subset: mpath_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001673 ! cystic property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2009-10-01T03:00:20Z [Term] id: PATO:0002089 name: polycystic def: "A structure quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's body containing more than one cyst - formations of sac-like closed membranous structures not associated with neoplasia." [PATOC:GVG] subset: value_slim synonym: "multicystic" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0001673 ! cystic property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2009-10-01T03:02:54Z [Term] id: PATO:0002090 name: adenomatous def: "A morphology quality inhering in a tumour by virtue of the bearer's exhibiting the morphological characteristics of a glandular epithelial cell." [PATOC:GVG] subset: mpath_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000051 ! morphology property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2009-10-05T11:25:52Z [Term] id: PATO:0002091 name: subacute def: "A quality of a single process inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's having an onset and time course between acute and chronic." [PATOC:GVG] subset: hpo_slim subset: mpath_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001309 ! duration property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2009-10-05T11:31:35Z [Term] id: PATO:0002092 name: anaplastic def: "A morphology quality inhering in a neoplastic cell by virtue of the bearer's exhibiting breakdown of cell-cell interaction maintaining tissue architecture, proliferative dysregulation and bizarre modification to nucleus size and shape." [PATOC:GVG] subset: mpath_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000051 ! morphology property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2009-10-05T11:45:53Z [Term] id: PATO:0002093 name: ballooning def: "A volume quality inhering in a degenerating cell by virtue of the bearer's exhibiting an increase in volume associated with cytoplasmic abnormalities." [PATOC:GVG] subset: mpath_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000595 ! increased volume property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2009-10-05T12:01:13Z [Term] id: PATO:0002094 name: basophilic def: "An affinity inhering in an anatomical structure by virtue of the bearer exhibiting a molecular interaction for basic dyes under specific pH conditions." [PATOC:GVG] subset: disposition_slim subset: mpath_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0070045 ! anatomical histological quality property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2009-10-05T12:05:23Z [Term] id: PATO:0002095 name: obsolete neoplasm disposition def: "A disposition inhering in a tumour to progress or fail to progress during it's life time." [PATOC:GVG] subset: attribute_slim property_value: terms:contributor is_obsolete: true creation_date: 2009-10-05T12:15:02Z [Term] id: PATO:0002096 name: neoplastic, non-malignant def: "A disposition inhering in a tumour by virtue of the bearer's disposition not to progress, invade surrounding tissues or metastasize." [PATOC:GVG] subset: disposition_slim subset: mpath_slim subset: value_slim synonym: "benign" RELATED [] is_a: PATO:0002011 ! neoplastic disjoint_from: PATO:0002097 ! neoplastic, malignant disjoint_from: PATO:0002098 ! neoplastic, metastatic disjoint_from: PATO:0002129 ! neoplastic, invasive property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2009-10-05T12:47:14Z [Term] id: PATO:0002097 name: neoplastic, malignant def: "A disposition inhering in a tumour by virtue of the bearer's disposition to progress, invade surrounding tissues or metastasize." [PATOC:GVG] subset: disposition_slim subset: mpath_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0002011 ! neoplastic disjoint_from: PATO:0002132 ! neoplastic, non-invasive property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2009-10-05T12:50:22Z [Term] id: PATO:0002098 name: neoplastic, metastatic def: "A disposition inhering in a tumour by virtue of the bearer's disposition to spread and invade distant tissues." [PATOC:GVG] subset: disposition_slim subset: mpath_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0002011 ! neoplastic disjoint_from: PATO:0002132 ! neoplastic, non-invasive property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2009-10-05T12:54:48Z [Term] id: PATO:0002099 name: differentiated def: "A cellular quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of its stable specialization to a particular cell type." [PATOC:GVG] subset: mpath_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001397 ! cellular potency relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0002100 ! undifferentiated property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2009-10-05T12:58:54Z [Term] id: PATO:0002100 name: undifferentiated def: "A cellular quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of having not yet acquired a special structure of function." [PATOC:GVG] subset: mpath_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001397 ! cellular potency relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0002099 ! differentiated property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2009-10-05T12:59:21Z [Term] id: PATO:0002101 name: metaplastic def: "A cellular quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of having changed from one fully differentiated state into another." [PATOC:GVG] subset: mpath_slim subset: value_slim synonym: "trans-differentiated" RELATED [] is_a: PATO:0001397 ! cellular potency property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2009-10-05T01:09:09Z [Term] id: PATO:0002102 name: proliferative def: "A cellular quality inhering in a cell that arises by virtue of whether the bearer exhibits the ability to grow and proliferate in number through cell division." [PATOC:GVG] subset: disposition_slim subset: mpath_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001396 ! cellular quality property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2009-10-05T01:16:31Z [Term] id: PATO:0002103 name: infiltrative def: "A structural quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's penetrating or permeating another substance or area." [PATOC:GVG] subset: mpath_slim subset: value_slim synonym: "infiltrating" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0000141 ! structure property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2009-10-05T01:27:56Z [Term] id: PATO:0002104 name: inflamed def: "A compositional quality inhering in an bearer by virtue of the bearer's infiltration by leukocytes, local edema and accumulation of plasma proteins." [PATOC:GVG] subset: mpath_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000025 ! composition property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2009-10-05T01:37:35Z [Term] id: PATO:0002105 name: hemorrhagic def: "A structural quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's exhibiting excessive discharge of blood from the blood vessels." [PATOC:GVG] subset: mpath_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000141 ! structure property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2009-10-05T01:55:53Z [Term] id: PATO:0002106 name: poorly differentiated def: "A cellular quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of its lacking most of the cellular characteristics which would allow it to be fully differentiated." [PATOC:GVG] subset: mpath_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0002099 ! differentiated property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2009-10-05T02:53:43Z [Term] id: PATO:0002107 name: peripheral def: "A positional quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's being at the edge or boundary of a related entity." [PATOC:GVG] subset: mpath_slim subset: relational_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000140 ! position property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2009-10-05T02:58:16Z [Term] id: PATO:0002108 name: papillary def: "A quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's resembling small nipple like projection." [PATO:GVG] subset: mpath_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000623 ! exserted property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2009-10-05T03:04:52Z [Term] id: PATO:0002109 name: caseous def: "A structural quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's resembling cheese." [] subset: mpath_slim subset: value_slim synonym: "cheese-like" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0000141 ! structure property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2009-10-05T03:09:27Z [Term] id: PATO:0002110 name: well differentiated def: "A cellular quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of its having most of the cellular characteristics of the tissue of origin." [PATOC:GVG] subset: mpath_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0002099 ! differentiated property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2009-10-05T03:26:29Z [Term] id: PATO:0002111 name: moderately well differentiated def: "A cellular quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of its lacking few of the cellular characteristics which would allow it to be fully differentiated." [PATOC:GVG] subset: cell_quality subset: mpath_slim is_a: PATO:0002099 ! differentiated property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2009-10-05T03:29:42Z [Term] id: PATO:0002112 name: perforate alt_id: PATO:0000649 def: "A structural quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's having a hole or holes, especially a row or array of small holes." [] subset: mpath_slim subset: value_slim synonym: "permeable" RELATED [] synonym: "pierced" RELATED [] is_a: PATO:0002014 ! structure, cavities relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0001821 ! imperforate property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2009-10-05T03:37:05Z [Term] id: PATO:0002113 name: cribriform def: "Perforated like a sieve." [merriam-webster:merriam-webster] subset: mpath_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0002112 ! perforate property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2009-10-05T03:38:22Z [Term] id: PATO:0002114 name: fatty def: "A composition quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's containing excess lipid." [PATOC:GVG] subset: mpath_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000025 ! composition property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2009-10-05T03:47:15Z [Term] id: PATO:0002115 name: fibrinoid def: "A composition quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's containing fibrin." [PATOC:GVG] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000025 ! composition property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2009-10-05T04:01:01Z [Term] id: PATO:0002116 name: fibrinopurulent def: "A composition quality inhering in exudate by virtue of the bearer's containing fibrin." [PATOC:GVG] subset: mpath_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000025 ! composition property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2009-10-05T04:03:03Z [Term] id: PATO:0002117 name: glandular def: "A morphology quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's exhbiting the morphological characteristics of a gland." [PATOC:GVG] subset: mpath_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000051 ! morphology property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2009-10-05T04:11:30Z [Term] id: PATO:0002118 name: multiple def: "A quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's being present in more than two copies." [PATOC:GVG] subset: mpath_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000470 ! increased amount property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2009-10-06T03:28:38Z [Term] id: PATO:0002119 name: hydropic def: "A structural quality which is held by a bearer when the latter exhibits an excessive accumulation of intracellular fluid." [PATOC:GVG] subset: mpath_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000025 ! composition property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2009-10-06T03:45:58Z [Term] id: PATO:0002120 name: suppurative def: "A quality inhering a bearer by virtue of the bearer's ability to generate pus." [PATOC:GVG] subset: mpath_slim subset: value_slim synonym: "purulent" RELATED [] is_a: PATO:0000025 ! composition property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2009-10-06T03:56:00Z [Term] id: PATO:0002121 name: trabecular def: "A spatial pattern inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's structure resembling an irregular meshwork with cross-linking struts." [PATOC:GVG] subset: mpath_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000330 ! irregular spatial pattern property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2009-10-06T03:57:55Z [Term] id: PATO:0002122 name: mixed def: "A composition quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's being composed of more than one identifiable entities." [PATOC:GVG] subset: mpath_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000025 ! composition property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2009-10-06T04:29:17Z [Term] id: PATO:0002123 name: minimal def: "Being smallest in amount, extent or degree." [PATOC:GVG] subset: mpath_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000467 ! present property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2009-10-06T04:33:48Z [Term] id: PATO:0002124 name: laminar def: "A quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's processing the form of a thin plate sheet or layer." [PATOC:GVG] subset: mpath_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000141 ! structure property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2009-10-06T04:37:14Z [Term] id: PATO:0002125 name: nodular def: "A quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's consisting a knot-like mass." [PATOC:GVG] subset: mpath_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000141 ! structure property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2009-10-06T04:40:06Z [Term] id: PATO:0002126 name: osseous def: "A quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's containing bone." [PATOC:GVG] subset: mpath_slim subset: value_slim synonym: "bony" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0000025 ! composition property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2009-10-06T04:42:11Z [Term] id: PATO:0002127 name: scirrhous def: "A hardness quality of being rigid and resistant to pressure and fibrous." [PATOC:GVG] subset: disposition_slim subset: mpath_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000386 ! hard property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2009-10-06T04:49:30Z [Term] id: PATO:0002128 name: serous def: "A quality inhering a bearer by virtue of the bearer's containing or resembling serum." [PATOC:GVG] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000025 ! composition property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2009-10-06T04:51:16Z [Term] id: PATO:0002129 name: neoplastic, invasive def: "A disposition inhering in a tumour by virtue of the bearer's disposition to invade surrounding tissues." [PATOC:GVG] subset: disposition_slim subset: mpath_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0002011 ! neoplastic disjoint_from: PATO:0002132 ! neoplastic, non-invasive property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2009-10-06T05:02:45Z [Term] id: PATO:0002130 name: neoplastic, deeply invasive def: "A disposition inhering in a tumour by virtue of the bearer's disposition to invade surrounding tissues to a large extend." [PATOC:GVG] subset: disposition_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0002129 ! neoplastic, invasive property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2009-10-06T05:03:13Z [Term] id: PATO:0002131 name: abduction def: "A displaced angular placement quality inhering in a body part by virtue of the bearer's movement away from the medial plane of the body." [wikipedia:wikipedia] subset: attribute_slim subset: relational_slim is_a: PATO:0002168 ! displaced to property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2009-10-13T06:38:53Z [Term] id: PATO:0002132 name: neoplastic, non-invasive def: "A disposition inhering in a tumour by virtue of the bearer's disposition not to invade surrounding tissues." [PATOC:GVG] subset: disposition_slim subset: mpath_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0002011 ! neoplastic property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2009-10-06T05:04:18Z [Term] id: PATO:0002133 name: adduction def: "A displaced angular placement quality inhering in a body part by virtue of the bearer's movement closer the medial plane of the body." [wikipedia:wikipedia] comment: This term is also used in reference to the operation of the muscle in anatomy or musculature. subset: attribute_slim subset: relational_slim is_a: PATO:0002168 ! displaced to property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2009-10-13T06:41:39Z [Term] id: PATO:0002134 name: fibrillary def: "A composition quaity inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's containing of or pertaining to fibrils, or nanoscale fibers." [wikipedia:wikipedia] subset: value_slim synonym: "fibrillate" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0000025 ! composition property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2009-10-26T12:53:47Z [Term] id: PATO:0002135 name: delayed closure def: "A duration quality of a process inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's delay to complete the closure of the opening of an anatomical entity." [PATOC:GVG] is_a: PATO:0000502 ! delayed property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2009-10-26T01:03:17Z [Term] id: PATO:0002136 name: radiopacity def: "A quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's relative inability of electromagnetism to pass through a particular material, particularly X-rays." [Wikipedia:Wikipedia] subset: attribute_slim subset: disposition_slim subset: scalar_slim is_a: PATO:0070060 ! quality of interaction of a substance with electromagnetic radiation property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2009-10-26T01:14:38Z [Term] id: PATO:0002137 name: radiopaque def: "A radiopacity quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's prevention of the passage of electromagnetic radiation." [Wikipedia:Wikipedia] subset: disposition_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0002136 ! radiopacity property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2009-10-26T01:16:08Z [Term] id: PATO:0002138 name: edibility def: "A physical quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's disposition to being fit to be eaten." [PATOC:VO] subset: attribute_slim subset: disposition_slim subset: relational_slim synonym: "edibleness" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0001018 ! physical quality property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2009-10-26T01:20:24Z [Term] id: PATO:0002139 name: edible def: "A physical quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer being suitable for use as food." [PATOC:VO] subset: disposition_slim subset: relational_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0002138 ! edibility disjoint_from: PATO:0002140 ! inedible relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0002140 ! inedible property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2009-10-26T01:21:34Z [Term] id: PATO:0002140 name: inedible def: "A physical quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer not being suitable for use as food." [PATOC:VO] subset: disposition_slim subset: relational_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0002138 ! edibility relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0002139 ! edible property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2009-10-26T01:22:27Z [Term] id: PATO:0002141 name: irregular density def: "A density quality which lacks pattern." [PATOC:GVG] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001019 ! mass density property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2009-10-28T01:57:53Z [Term] id: PATO:0002142 name: bracket subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000052 ! shape property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2009-10-28T03:14:54Z [Term] id: PATO:0002143 name: sloped downward subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001481 ! sloped property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2009-10-30T02:18:39Z [Term] id: PATO:0002144 name: increased radiopacity def: "A radiopacity that is relatively high." [PATOC:GVG] subset: disposition_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0002136 ! radiopacity is_a: PATO:0002305 ! increased object quality relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0002145 ! decreased radiopacity property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2009-10-30T03:30:39Z [Term] id: PATO:0002145 name: decreased radiopacity def: "A radiopacity that is relatively low." [PATOC:GVG] subset: disposition_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0002136 ! radiopacity is_a: PATO:0002303 ! decreased object quality relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0002144 ! increased radiopacity property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2009-10-30T03:31:31Z [Term] id: PATO:0002146 name: virulence def: "A quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the severity of infectious disease caused by the bearer in a target organism." [,] subset: attribute_slim subset: scalar_slim is_a: PATO:0001995 ! organismal quality property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2009-10-30T05:04:06Z [Term] id: PATO:0002147 name: reduced virulence def: "A virulence that is relatively low." [PATOC:GVG] subset: value_slim synonym: "attenuated" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0002146 ! virulence is_a: PATO:0002303 ! decreased object quality relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0002148 ! increased virulence property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2009-10-30T05:05:02Z [Term] id: PATO:0002148 name: increased virulence def: "A virulence that is relatively high." [PATOC:GVG] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0002146 ! virulence is_a: PATO:0002305 ! increased object quality relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0002147 ! reduced virulence property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2009-10-30T05:13:10Z [Term] id: PATO:0002149 name: ivory def: "A quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer exhibiting increased density resulting in exhibiting increased degree of radiopacity (in X-rays)." [PATOC:GVG] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001788 ! increased mass density property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2009-11-03T02:59:08Z [Term] id: PATO:0002150 name: splayed caudal def: "A curvature quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's being curved outwards from the part of the body from which the tail arises." [PATOC:GVG] subset: value_slim synonym: "splayed inferior (human torso)" EXACT [] synonym: "splayed posterior" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0001785 ! splayed property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2009-11-06T01:13:10Z [Term] id: PATO:0002151 name: splayed dorsal def: "A curvature quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's being curved outwards from the back or upper surface of an organism." [PATOC:GVG] subset: value_slim synonym: "splayed posterior (human torso)" RELATED [] is_a: PATO:0001785 ! splayed property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2009-11-06T01:14:09Z [Term] id: PATO:0002152 name: splayed lateral def: "A curvature quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's being curved outwards from the side." [PATOC:GVG] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001785 ! splayed property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2009-11-06T01:14:22Z [Term] id: PATO:0002153 name: splayed rostral def: "A curvature quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's being curved outwards the front of an organism." [PATOC:GVG] subset: value_slim synonym: "splayed anterior" EXACT [] synonym: "splayed superior (human torso)" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0001785 ! splayed property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2009-11-06T01:14:31Z [Term] id: PATO:0002154 name: splayed ventral def: "A curvature quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's being curved outwards the abdomen of an organism." [PATOC:GVG] subset: value_slim synonym: "splayed anterior (human torso)" EXACT [] synonym: "splayed inferior (human head)" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0001785 ! splayed property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2009-11-06T01:14:42Z [Term] id: PATO:0002155 name: medially rotated def: "A rotation quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of being rotated towards the middle of an organism." [PATOC:GVG] subset: mpath_slim subset: value_slim synonym: "internally rotated" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0001599 ! rotated property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2009-11-06T02:23:28Z [Term] id: PATO:0002156 name: laterally rotated def: "A rotation quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of being rotated towards the side of an organism." [PATOC:GVG] subset: mpath_slim subset: value_slim synonym: "externally rotated" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0001599 ! rotated property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2009-11-06T02:25:10Z [Term] id: PATO:0002157 name: partially dislocated alt_id: PATO:0002160 def: "A positional quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's being slightly out of its usual or proper place, or position." [PATOC:GVG] subset: relational_slim subset: value_slim synonym: "partial dislocated towards" EXACT [] synonym: "subluxation" EXACT [] synonym: "suluxated towards" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0001852 ! dislocated property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2009-11-06T03:34:15Z [Term] id: PATO:0002161 name: bicornuate def: "Having two horns or horn-shaped branches." [mondofacto:mondofacto] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0002008 ! concave 3-D shape property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2009-11-11T02:37:52Z [Term] id: PATO:0002162 name: high-arched def: "A concave quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's forming or resembling an arch of an increased apical height." [PATOC:GVG] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001594 ! arched is_a: PATO:0002305 ! increased object quality property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2009-11-26T02:34:06Z [Term] id: PATO:0002163 name: herniated into def: "A quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's bodily structure that has protruded through an abnormal opening in the wall that contains it into the surface or boundary of another entity." [PATOC:GVG] subset: mpath_slim subset: relational_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001645 ! protruding into property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2009-11-26T04:50:43Z [Term] id: PATO:0002164 name: curved medial def: "A curvature quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's being curved towards the middle." [PATOC:GVG] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000406 ! curved property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2009-12-02T10:06:21Z [Term] id: PATO:0002165 name: drooping def: "To bent or hang downwards." [thefreedictionary.:thefreedictionary.] subset: value_slim synonym: "sagging" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0000052 ! shape property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2009-12-02T03:32:55Z [Term] id: PATO:0002166 name: premature closure def: "A duration quality of a process inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's premature completion of the closure of the opening of an anatomical entity." [PATOC:GVG] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000694 ! premature property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2009-12-02T04:10:10Z [Term] id: PATO:0002167 name: herniated out of def: "A protruding quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's bodily structure that has protruded out of the surface or boundary of another entity." [PATOC:GVG] subset: mpath_slim subset: relational_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001646 ! protruding out of property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2009-12-02T05:19:32Z [Term] id: PATO:0002168 name: displaced to def: "An angular placement quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer being changed in position in relation to another entity." [PATOC:GVG] subset: relational_slim synonym: "mislocalised to" RELATED [] is_a: PATO:0000133 ! orientation property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2010-01-14T04:45:18Z [Term] id: PATO:0002169 name: split medially def: "A shape quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's being split along the median axis." [PATOC:GVG] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001786 ! split property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2010-02-03T04:37:15Z [Term] id: PATO:0002170 name: split laterally def: "A shape quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's being split asymmetrically on one side." [PATOC:GVG] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001786 ! split property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2010-02-03T04:37:40Z [Term] id: PATO:0002171 name: split bilaterally def: "A shape quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's being split on two side." [PATOC:GVG] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001786 ! split property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2010-02-03T04:37:53Z [Term] id: PATO:0002172 name: split radially def: "A shape quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's being split along the radial axis." [PATOC:GVG] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001786 ! split property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2010-02-03T04:42:35Z [Term] id: PATO:0002173 name: misaligned towards def: "An alignment quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's being in a improper spatial positioning towards an additional entity." [PATOC:GVG] subset: attribute_slim subset: relational_slim is_a: PATO:0001654 ! misaligned with property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2010-02-22T03:18:17Z [Term] id: PATO:0002174 name: misaligned away from def: "An alignment quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's being in a improper spatial positioning away from an additional entity." [PATOC:GVG] subset: attribute_slim subset: relational_slim is_a: PATO:0001654 ! misaligned with property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2010-02-22T03:18:48Z [Term] id: PATO:0002175 name: spatial deviation def: "A spatial quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's changed direction of position towards another entity." [PATO:GVG] subset: attribute_slim is_a: PATO:0000060 ! spatial pattern property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2010-02-25T09:14:42Z [Term] id: PATO:0002176 name: deviation towards the lateral side def: "A deviation quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's changed direction of position towards the side." [PATOC:GVG] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0002175 ! spatial deviation property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2010-02-25T09:16:04Z [Term] id: PATO:0002177 name: deviation towards the medial side def: "A deviation quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's changed direction of position towards the middle." [PATOC:GVG] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0002175 ! spatial deviation property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2010-02-25T09:16:56Z [Term] id: PATO:0002178 name: mislocalised radially def: "A positional quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's being out of its usual or proper place, or position around a central point or axis." [PATOC:GVG] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000628 ! mislocalised property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2010-02-25T11:24:58Z [Term] id: PATO:0002179 name: mislocalised proximally def: "A positional quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's being positioned towards to point of attachment or origin." [PATOC:GVG] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000628 ! mislocalised property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2010-02-25T12:34:48Z [Term] id: PATO:0002180 name: straight def: "A shape quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's being free of curves, bends, or angles." [merriam-webster:merriam-webster] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000052 ! shape property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2010-02-28T08:54:59Z [Term] id: PATO:0002181 name: displaced def: "A positional quality inhering in a bearer by virtue the bearer's being changed in position." [PATOC:GVG] subset: attribute_slim is_a: PATO:0000140 ! position property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2010-03-01T02:56:33Z [Term] id: PATO:0002182 name: molecular quality alt_id: PATO:0002061 def: "A quality which inheres in a molecular entity, a single molecule, atom, ion, radical etc." [PATOC:GVG] synonym: "relational molecular quality" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0001241 ! physical object quality property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2010-03-10T03:18:15Z [Term] id: PATO:0002183 name: cyclicity def: "A molecular quality that inheres in a molecular entity by virtue of whether that there is a presence of cycles in the connection of the atoms within the molecular entity." [PATOC:JH] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0002182 ! molecular quality property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2010-03-10T03:19:46Z [Term] id: PATO:0002184 name: cyclic cyclicity def: "Cyclic cyclicity inheres in a molecule when the atoms of the molecule do contain at least one cycle in the atom-atom connection paths (through bonds)." [PATOC:JH] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0002183 ! cyclicity property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2010-03-10T03:20:54Z [Term] id: PATO:0002185 name: acyclic cyclicity def: "Acyclic cyclicity inheres in a molecule when the atoms within the molecule do not contain at least one cycle in the atom-atom connection paths (through the bonds)." [PATOC:JH] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0002183 ! cyclicity property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2010-03-10T03:21:39Z [Term] id: PATO:0002186 name: polarity def: "A molecular quality that inheres in a molecular entity by virtue of whether or not the molecular entity has a separation of electric charge which leads to the molecule having an electric dipole." [PATOC:JH] subset: attribute_slim subset: scalar_slim is_a: PATO:0002182 ! molecular quality property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2010-03-10T03:22:04Z [Term] id: PATO:0002187 name: polar polarity def: "Polar polarity is a quality that inheres in a molecular entity when the molecular entity is polar, i.e. does possess an electric dipole." [PATOC:JH] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0002186 ! polarity disjoint_from: PATO:0002188 ! nonpolar polarity property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2010-03-10T03:22:49Z [Term] id: PATO:0002188 name: nonpolar polarity def: "A molecular quality which inheres in a molecular entity when the molecular entity does not possess an electrical dipole." [PATOC:JH] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0002186 ! polarity property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2010-03-10T03:24:01Z [Term] id: PATO:0002189 name: electric polarizability def: "The ease of distortion of the electron cloud of a molecular entity by an electric field." [PATOC:JH] subset: attribute_slim subset: scalar_slim is_a: PATO:0002182 ! molecular quality property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2010-03-10T03:24:47Z [Term] id: PATO:0002190 name: aromaticity def: "A molecular quality that inheres in a molecular entity by virtue of the presence of a conjugated ring of unsaturated bonds, lone pairs, or empty orbitals that exhibit a stabilization stronger than would be expected by the stabilization of conjugation alone." [PATOC:JH] subset: attribute_slim subset: scalar_slim is_a: PATO:0002182 ! molecular quality property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2010-03-10T03:25:27Z [Term] id: PATO:0002191 name: aromatic def: "A molecular quality that inheres in a molecular entity when it possesses at least one ring that is aromatic, i.e. A conjugated ring of unsaturated bonds, lone pairs, or empty orbitals that exhibit a stabilization stronger than would be expected by the stabilization of conjugation alone." [PATOC:JH] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0002190 ! aromaticity disjoint_from: PATO:0002192 ! non-aromatic relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0002192 ! non-aromatic property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2010-03-10T03:25:59Z [Term] id: PATO:0002192 name: non-aromatic def: "A quality that inheres in a molecular entity by virtue of the molecule possessing no rings that are aromatic." [PATOC:JH] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0002190 ! aromaticity relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0002191 ! aromatic property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2010-03-10T03:26:41Z [Term] id: PATO:0002193 name: electric charge def: "A molecular quality that inheres in a molecular entity by virtue of the overall electric charge of the molecule, which is due to a comparison between the total number of electrons and the total number of protons." [PATOC:JH] subset: attribute_slim subset: scalar_slim is_a: PATO:0002182 ! molecular quality property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2010-03-10T03:28:54Z [Term] id: PATO:0002194 name: neutral charge def: "A quality which inheres in a molecular entity by virtue of the molecular entity possessing the same amount of electrons overall as protons, thus having an overall neutral charge." [PATOC:JH] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0002193 ! electric charge disjoint_from: PATO:0002195 ! positive charge disjoint_from: PATO:0002196 ! negative charge property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2010-03-10T03:29:37Z [Term] id: PATO:0002195 name: positive charge def: "A quality which inheres in a molecular entity by virtue of the molecular entity possessing more protons overall than electrons, thus having an overall positive charge." [PATOC:JH] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0002193 ! electric charge disjoint_from: PATO:0002196 ! negative charge relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0002196 ! negative charge property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2010-03-10T03:30:06Z [Term] id: PATO:0002196 name: negative charge def: "A quality which inheres in a molecular entity by virtue of the molecular entity possessing more electrons overall than protons, thus having an overall negative charge." [PATOC:JH] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0002193 ! electric charge relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0002195 ! positive charge property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2010-03-10T03:30:39Z [Term] id: PATO:0002197 name: electronegativity def: "A quality that describes the power of an atom to attract electrons to itself ." [PATOC:JH] subset: attribute_slim subset: disposition_slim subset: scalar_slim is_a: PATO:0002182 ! molecular quality property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2010-03-10T03:31:15Z [Term] id: PATO:0002198 name: quality of a substance def: "A quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of its constitution." [PATOC:GVG] subset: attribute_slim is_a: PATO:0001018 ! physical quality property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2010-03-15T04:35:27Z [Term] id: PATO:0002199 name: meltability def: "A quality which inheres in a substance by virtue of the ease with which the substance can be changed from a solid to a liquid state especially by the application of heat." [PATOC:JH] subset: attribute_slim is_a: PATO:0002198 ! quality of a substance property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2010-03-15T04:36:57Z [Term] id: PATO:0002200 name: vaporizability def: "A quality which inheres in a substance by virtue of the ease with which the substance can be changed into a gaseous state." [PATOC:JH] subset: attribute_slim is_a: PATO:0002198 ! quality of a substance property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2010-03-15T04:38:02Z [Term] id: PATO:0002201 name: handedness def: "A behavioral quality inhering ina bearer by virtue of the bearer's unequal distribution of fine motor skill between its left and right hands or feet." [birnlex:2178] comment: Adapted from Wikipedia and the birnlex term that is dbxref'd. Added on behalf of OBI at March 2010 workshop. subset: attribute_slim subset: disposition_slim is_a: PATO:0000186 ! behavioral quality property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2010-03-22T05:48:33Z [Term] id: PATO:0002202 name: left handedness def: "Handedness where the organism preferentially uses the left hand or foot for tasks requiring the use of a single hand or foot or a dominant hand or foot." [birnlex:2038] subset: disposition_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0002201 ! handedness property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2010-03-22T05:49:06Z [Term] id: PATO:0002203 name: right handedness def: "Handedness where the organism preferentially uses the right hand or foot for tasks requiring the use of a single hand or foot or a dominant hand or foot." [birnlex:2184] subset: disposition_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0002201 ! handedness property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2010-03-22T05:49:19Z [Term] id: PATO:0002204 name: ambidextrous handedness def: "Handedness where the organism exhibits no overall dominance in the use of right or left hand or foot in the performance of tasks that require one hand or foot or a dominant hand or foot." [birnlex:2042] subset: disposition_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0002201 ! handedness property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2010-03-22T05:49:30Z [Term] id: PATO:0002205 name: capacitance def: "A quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's ability to hold an electrical charge." [Wikipedia:Wikipedia] comment: Capacitance is also a measure of the amount of electrical energy stored (or separated) for a given electric potential. subset: attribute_slim subset: disposition_slim subset: scalar_slim is_a: PATO:0002182 ! molecular quality property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2010-03-25T09:42:51Z [Term] id: PATO:0002206 name: neonatal def: "A maturity quality inhering to a bearer by virtue of the bearer's being at the point or short after birth." [PATOC:GVG] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000261 ! maturity property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2010-05-07T12:11:47Z [Term] id: PATO:0002207 name: insertion depth def: "A quality that is the distance between the end of the inserted object and the surface of the object into which it penetrates." [PATOC:GVG] subset: attribute_slim subset: relational_slim subset: scalar_slim is_a: PATO:0000040 ! distance property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2010-05-14T11:40:24Z [Term] id: PATO:0002208 name: spoon-shaped def: "A concave 3-D shape quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's being shaped in the form of a spoon." [thefreedictionary:http\://] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0002008 ! concave 3-D shape property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2010-07-08T12:13:12Z [Term] id: PATO:0002209 name: incisiform def: "A shape quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's having the shape of an incisor tooth." [thefreedictionary:http\://] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001419 ! sharp property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2010-07-08T12:16:04Z [Term] id: PATO:0002210 name: bulbous def: "A convex 3-D shape quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's resembling a teardrop." [PATOC:GVG] subset: value_slim synonym: "bulb-shaped" EXACT [] synonym: "bulblike" EXACT [] synonym: "swollen" RELATED [] is_a: PATO:0001865 ! spheroid property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2010-07-08T12:19:08Z [Term] id: PATO:0002211 name: recurved def: "A curvature quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's being curved backward or inward." [merriam-webster:http\://] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000406 ! curved property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2010-07-08T12:26:45Z [Term] id: PATO:0002212 name: slender def: "A shape quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's being small or narrow in circumference or width in proportion to length or height." [merriam-webster:http\://] subset: value_slim synonym: "gracile" RELATED [] is_a: PATO:0000052 ! shape property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2010-07-08T01:32:26Z [Term] id: PATO:0002213 name: obclavate def: "A concave 3-D shape quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's shape being inversely clavate." [PATOC:GVG] subset: cell_quality subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0002008 ! concave 3-D shape property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2010-07-08T01:47:09Z [Term] id: PATO:0002214 name: bilobed def: "A lobed quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's being divided into or having two lobes." [thefreedictionary:http\://] subset: mpath_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001979 ! lobed property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2010-07-08T01:54:08Z [Term] id: PATO:0002215 name: falciform def: "A shape quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's having the shape of a scythe or sickle." [merriam-webster:http\://] subset: value_slim synonym: "falcate" EXACT [] synonym: "hooked" EXACT [] synonym: "scythe-shaped" EXACT [] synonym: "sickle-shaped" EXACT [] synonym: "unciform" EXACT [] synonym: "uncinate" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0000052 ! shape property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2010-07-08T01:57:46Z [Term] id: PATO:0002216 name: ubiquinated def: "A molecular quality that pertains to the post-translational modification of a protein by the covalent attachment of one or more ubiquitin monomer." [neurolex:http\://] subset: value_slim synonym: "Ubiquitylation" RELATED [] is_a: PATO:0002182 ! molecular quality property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2010-07-08T02:00:37Z [Term] id: PATO:0002217 name: nitrated def: "A molecular quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's being combined, or impregnated, with nitric acid, or some of its compounds." [neurolex:http\://\:Nitrated_Molecular_Quality] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0002182 ! molecular quality property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2010-07-08T02:04:03Z [Term] id: PATO:0002218 name: demyelinated def: "A quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's loss of myelin sheath." [thefreedictionary:http\://] comment: For example loss of myelin sheath from a normally myelinated axon or dendrite. subset: mpath_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000141 ! structure property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2010-07-08T02:08:06Z [Term] id: PATO:0002219 name: fan-shaped def: "A quality inhering in a bearer that is shaped in the form of a fan." [thefreedictionary:http\://] subset: value_slim synonym: "fan-like" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0002006 ! 2-D shape property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2010-07-09T01:43:42Z [Term] id: PATO:0002220 name: phosphorylated def: "A quality inhering in a protein or a molecule by virtue of the bearer's having a phosphate (PO4) group." [] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0002262 ! phosphorylation disjoint_from: PATO:0002263 ! dephosphorylated relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0002263 ! dephosphorylated property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2010-07-09T01:50:14Z [Term] id: PATO:0002221 name: increased phosphorylation def: "A quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's being phosphorylated to a more than normal extent, or fully saturated with phosphate groups." [Wikipedia:http\://] subset: value_slim synonym: "hyperphosphorylated" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0002220 ! phosphorylated is_a: PATO:0002305 ! increased object quality relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0002222 ! decreased phosphorylation property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2010-07-09T01:51:52Z [Term] id: PATO:0002222 name: decreased phosphorylation def: "A quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's being phosphorylated to a lesser than normal extent, or less than fully." [Wikipedia:http\://] subset: value_slim synonym: "hypophosporylated" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0002220 ! phosphorylated is_a: PATO:0002303 ! decreased object quality relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0002221 ! increased phosphorylation property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2010-07-09T01:54:22Z [Term] id: PATO:0002223 name: oxidized def: "A quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's having reacted with oxygen, or been modified by oxidation (the reaction in which the atoms of an element lose electrons and the valence of the element increases)." [Wikipedia:http\://] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0002182 ! molecular quality property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2010-07-09T01:59:35Z [Term] id: PATO:0002224 name: V-shaped def: "An angular shape quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's having a single angle in its length giving the bearer the form of the letter V." [PATOC:JE] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001977 ! angular property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2010-07-13T04:12:13Z [Term] id: PATO:0002225 name: L-shaped def: "An angular shape quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's having a single angle in its length giving the bearer the form of the letter L." [PATOC:JE] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001977 ! angular property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2010-07-13T04:14:59Z [Term] id: PATO:0002226 name: subcylindrical def: "A cylindrical shape quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's being imperfectly cylindrical or approximately cylindrical." [url:http\://] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001873 ! cylindrical property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2010-07-13T04:22:30Z [Term] id: PATO:0002227 name: cup-shaped def: "A concave 3-D shape quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's shape form resembling the shape of a cup." [url:http\://] subset: value_slim synonym: "cup-like" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0002008 ! concave 3-D shape property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2010-07-13T04:29:32Z [Term] id: PATO:0002228 name: acuminate def: "A tapered shape quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's tapering gradually to a sharp point." [url:http\://] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001500 ! tapered property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2010-07-15T09:03:18Z [Term] id: PATO:0002229 name: subrectangular def: "A quadrangular shape quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's being approximately rectangular." [url:http\://] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001988 ! quadrangular property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2010-07-19T12:18:57Z [Term] id: PATO:0002230 name: subtriangular def: "A triangular shape quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's being nearly, but not perfectly, triangular." [url:http\://] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001875 ! triangular property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2010-07-19T12:20:59Z [Term] id: PATO:0002231 name: multifid def: "A split shape quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's having or being divided into many lobes or similar segments." [url:http\://] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001786 ! split property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2010-07-19T12:23:02Z [Term] id: PATO:0002232 name: semicircular def: "A 2-D shape quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's having shape or form of half a circle." [url:http\://] subset: value_slim synonym: "half circle" EXACT [] synonym: "semicircle" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0002006 ! 2-D shape property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2010-07-19T01:02:27Z [Term] id: PATO:0002233 name: far from def: "A spatial quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's being located far (not close to) in space in relation to another entity." [PATOC:PM] subset: relational_slim subset: value_slim synonym: "distant from" EXACT [] synonym: "remote from" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0000140 ! position property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2010-07-19T02:43:53Z [Term] id: PATO:0002234 name: emarginate def: "A notched shape quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's having a notched tip or edge." [url:http\://] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001495 ! notched property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2010-07-19T04:25:58Z [Term] id: PATO:0002235 name: blade-like def: "A tapered shape quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's being flat, slender, and tapering to a point." [PATOC:JE] subset: value_slim synonym: "blade-shaped" EXACT [] synonym: "ensiform" EXACT [] synonym: "sword-like" EXACT [] synonym: "sword-shaped" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0001500 ! tapered property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2010-07-19T04:29:05Z [Term] id: PATO:0002236 name: aliform def: "Shape quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's being shaped like a wing." [url:http\://] subset: value_slim synonym: "wing-shaped" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0002006 ! 2-D shape property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2010-07-23T02:19:14Z [Term] id: PATO:0002237 name: retrorse def: "A curvature quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's being curved backward or downward." [url:http\://] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000406 ! curved property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2010-07-23T02:22:09Z [Term] id: PATO:0002238 name: antrorse def: "A curvature quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's being curved forward or upward." [url:http\://] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000406 ! curved property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2010-07-23T02:22:56Z [Term] id: PATO:0002239 name: hourglass-shaped def: "A concave 3-D shape that inheres in the bearer by virtue of the bearer's nearly) symmetric shape wide at its ends and narrow in the middle, resembling the figure of number 8." [url:http\://] subset: value_slim synonym: "figure 8 shaped" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0002008 ! concave 3-D shape property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2010-07-23T02:25:24Z [Term] id: PATO:0002240 name: teardrop-shaped def: "A convex 3-D shape quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's shape resembling falling drop." [] subset: value_slim synonym: "drop shaped" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0002007 ! convex 3-D shape property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2010-07-23T02:31:11Z [Term] id: PATO:0002241 name: trilobed def: "A lobed quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's being divided into or having three lobes." [url:http\://] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001979 ! lobed property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2010-07-28T12:57:46Z [Term] id: PATO:0002242 name: velocity def: "A physical quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's rate of change of the position." [url:http\://] subset: attribute_slim subset: scalar_slim is_a: PATO:0001906 ! movement quality property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2010-07-28T02:52:48Z [Term] id: PATO:0002243 name: fluid flow rate def: "A physical quality inhering in a fluid (liquid or gas) by virtue of the amount of fluid which passes through a given surface per unit time." [url:http\://] subset: attribute_slim subset: scalar_slim synonym: "volume flow rate" EXACT [] synonym: "volumetric flow rate" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0001574 ! flow rate property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2010-07-28T03:00:20Z [Term] id: PATO:0002244 name: mass flow rate def: "A flow rate quality inhering in a substance by virtue of the mass of substance which passes through a given surface per unit time." [url:http\://] subset: attribute_slim is_a: PATO:0001574 ! flow rate property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2010-07-28T03:02:03Z [Term] id: PATO:0002245 name: increased force def: "A force which relative high." [PATOC:GVG] subset: value_slim synonym: "increased force amplitude" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0001035 ! force is_a: PATO:0002305 ! increased object quality relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0002246 ! decreased force property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2010-08-04T11:12:20Z [Term] id: PATO:0002246 name: decreased force def: "A force which is relative low." [PATOC:GVG] subset: value_slim synonym: "decreased force amplitude" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0001035 ! force is_a: PATO:0002303 ! decreased object quality relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0002245 ! increased force property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2010-08-04T11:13:13Z [Term] id: PATO:0002247 name: degree of pigmentation def: "A quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's having or lacking of substances produced by living organisms that have a color resulting from selective color absorption." [url:http\://] subset: attribute_slim subset: scalar_slim is_a: PATO:0000141 ! structure relationship: RO:0002610 PATO:0000014 ! correlated with color property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2010-08-09T04:14:00Z [Term] id: PATO:0002248 name: pigmented def: "A degree of pigmentation quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's having substances produced by living organisms that have a color resulting from selective color absorption." [PATOC:GVG] subset: mpath_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0002247 ! degree of pigmentation disjoint_from: PATO:0002249 ! unpigmented relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0002249 ! unpigmented property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2010-08-09T04:16:49Z [Term] id: PATO:0002249 name: unpigmented def: "A degree of pigmentation quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's lacking substances produced by living organisms that have a color resulting from selective color absorption." [PATOC:GVG] subset: mpath_slim subset: value_slim synonym: "depigmented" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0002247 ! degree of pigmentation relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0002248 ! pigmented property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2010-08-09T04:17:04Z [Term] id: PATO:0002250 name: increased pigmentation def: "A degree of pigmentation quality that is relatively high." [PATOC:GVG] subset: mpath_slim subset: value_slim synonym: "hyperpigmented" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0002248 ! pigmented is_a: PATO:0002305 ! increased object quality relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0002251 ! decreased pigmentation property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2010-08-09T04:17:19Z [Term] id: PATO:0002251 name: decreased pigmentation def: "A degree of pigmentation quality that is relative low." [PATOC:GVG] subset: mpath_slim subset: value_slim synonym: "hypopigmented" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0002248 ! pigmented is_a: PATO:0002303 ! decreased object quality relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0002250 ! increased pigmentation property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2010-08-09T04:17:37Z [Term] id: PATO:0002252 name: antero-posteriorly flattened def: "A quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's being flattened along the antero-posterior axis." [PATOC:JC] subset: value_slim synonym: "antero-posteriorly compressed" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0002254 ! flattened property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2010-08-16T03:57:42Z [Term] id: PATO:0002253 name: platelike def: "A quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's being roundish, flattish shape, possibly with a slightly angled edge." [PATOC:CVC] subset: value_slim synonym: "plate-like" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0000407 ! flat property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2010-08-16T03:57:48Z [Term] id: PATO:0002254 name: flattened def: "A quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's surface becoming more extended in a plane." [PATOC:CVS] comment: Becoming flat but not necessarily completely flat. subset: value_slim synonym: "compressed" RELATED [] is_a: PATO:0001591 ! curvature property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2010-08-16T03:59:34Z [Term] id: PATO:0002255 name: grooved def: "Texture quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's being marked with one or more channels." [PATOC:JE] subset: value_slim synonym: "channeled" RELATED [] synonym: "creased" RELATED [] is_a: PATO:0000150 ! texture property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2010-09-01T10:27:48Z [Term] id: PATO:0002256 name: tricuspidate def: "A cuscpidate quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer possessing three cusps." [PATOC:WD] subset: value_slim synonym: "tricuspid" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0002257 ! multicuspidate property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2010-09-08T02:21:50Z [Term] id: PATO:0002257 name: multicuspidate def: "A cuscpidate quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer possessing more than one cusp." [PATOC:WD] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001973 ! cuspidate property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2010-09-08T02:23:22Z [Term] id: PATO:0002258 name: pointed def: "A shape quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's having a point." [PATOC:http\://] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001419 ! sharp property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2010-09-08T03:15:16Z [Term] id: PATO:0002259 name: adjacent to alt_id: PATO:0001771 def: "A spatial quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's being located near in space in relation to another entity." [PATOC:GVG] subset: relational_slim subset: value_slim synonym: "approaches" EXACT [] synonym: "close to" EXACT [] synonym: "near to" EXACT [] synonym: "vicinity of" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0000140 ! position property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2010-09-08T03:20:06Z [Term] id: PATO:0002260 name: semi erect def: "A quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's being partially upright in position or posture." [PATOC:GVG] synonym: "semi upright" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0000622 ! erect property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2010-09-08T03:27:21Z [Term] id: PATO:0002261 name: located in def: "A spatial quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's location within another entity." [PATOC:WD] subset: relational_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000140 ! position property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2010-09-09T09:36:56Z [Term] id: PATO:0002262 name: phosphorylation def: "A quality inhering in a protein or a molecule by virtue of the addition of a phosphate (PO4) group to the bearer." [url:http\://] subset: attribute_slim subset: scalar_slim is_a: PATO:0002182 ! molecular quality property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2010-09-16T08:57:56Z [Term] id: PATO:0002263 name: dephosphorylated def: "A quality inhering in a protein or a molecule by virtue of the bearer's lacking a phosphate (PO4) group." [url:http\://] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0002262 ! phosphorylation relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0002220 ! phosphorylated property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2010-09-16T09:04:21Z [Term] id: PATO:0002264 name: organization quality def: "A structural quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's being arranged in a systematic fashion." [PATOC:GVG] subset: attribute_slim is_a: PATO:0000141 ! structure property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2010-09-16T10:22:52Z [Term] id: PATO:0002265 name: behavioural activity def: "A behavioral quality of a process inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's disposition to exhibit marked activity." [PATOC:GVG] subset: attribute_slim subset: disposition_slim subset: scalar_slim is_a: PATO:0000186 ! behavioral quality property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2010-09-21T06:56:58Z [Term] id: PATO:0002266 name: 3-D shape def: "A shape that inheres in a 3 dimensional entity." [PATOC:OREGON] is_a: PATO:0000052 ! shape property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2010-10-05T12:31:16Z [Term] id: PATO:0002267 name: edge shape is_a: PATO:0000052 ! shape property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2010-10-05T12:34:31Z [Term] id: PATO:0002268 name: centered def: "A positional quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's being located in a position equidistant from edges." [PATOC:OREGON] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000140 ! position property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2010-10-05T01:09:32Z [Term] id: PATO:0002269 name: accumulation def: "A structural quality of the collection or massing of one physical object within another physical object." [PATOC:CVC] subset: attribute_slim subset: relational_slim subset: scalar_slim synonym: "pooled" RELATED [] is_a: PATO:0000141 ! structure property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2010-10-26T01:57:02Z [Term] id: PATO:0002270 name: increased accumulation def: "An increased number of physical objects that are accumulated within another physical object usually as a result of a failure to break down or remove objects in a timely manner." [PATOC:GVG] subset: relational_slim subset: value_slim synonym: "accumulated" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0002269 ! accumulation relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0002271 ! decreased accumulation property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2010-10-26T02:00:20Z [Term] id: PATO:0002271 name: decreased accumulation def: "An accumulation which is relative low." [PATOC:GVG] subset: relational_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0002269 ! accumulation relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0002270 ! increased accumulation property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2010-10-26T02:04:45Z [Term] id: PATO:0002272 name: parallel to def: "A spatial quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's being located at the same continuous distance relative to another object." [PATOC:WD] subset: relational_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000140 ! position property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2010-10-26T02:07:42Z [Term] id: PATO:0002273 name: marbled def: "Multicolored quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's being colored with a variegated pattern resembling marble,." [url:http\://] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001533 ! multi-colored property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2010-11-16T11:17:32Z [Term] id: PATO:0002274 name: mottled def: "Multicolored quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's being dappled with spots, patches, or blotches of different colors." [url:http\://] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001533 ! multi-colored property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2010-11-16T11:22:57Z [Term] id: PATO:0002275 name: high contrast color pattern def: "A color pattern quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's color pattern in which light and dark colors (for example white and black) are codistributed to create a visual impression." [PATOC:WD] subset: disposition_slim is_a: PATO:0000019 ! color pattern property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2010-11-16T11:24:15Z [Term] id: PATO:0002276 name: barred def: "A color pattern inhering in a bearer by virtue of bearer's exhibiting vertical bars of one hue or degree of saturation crossing another." [PATOC:WD] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001533 ! multi-colored property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2010-11-16T11:30:40Z [Term] id: PATO:0002277 name: iridescent def: "A quality of certain surfaces which appear to change colour as the angle of view changes." [url:http\://] is_a: PATO:0001615 ! variant color property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2010-12-12T12:37:41Z [Term] id: PATO:0002278 name: articulated with def: "A structural quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's participating in a joint with another entity." [PATOC:WD] subset: relational_slim is_a: PATO:0001961 ! in contact with property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2011-01-20T05:39:18Z [Term] id: PATO:0002279 name: tightly articulated with def: "A structural quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's being strongly articulated with another entity." [PATOC:WD] subset: relational_slim is_a: PATO:0002278 ! articulated with property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2011-01-20T05:39:59Z [Term] id: PATO:0002280 name: broadly articulated with def: "A structural quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's possessing a broad surface in articulation with another entity." [PATOC:WD] subset: relational_slim is_a: PATO:0002278 ! articulated with property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2011-01-20T05:40:29Z [Term] id: PATO:0002281 name: biscupidate def: "A cuscpidate quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer possessing two cusps." [PATOC:GVG] synonym: "bicuspid" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0002257 ! multicuspidate property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2011-02-07T03:13:18Z [Term] id: PATO:0002282 name: increased mobility def: "A mobility which is relative high." [PATO:GVG] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000299 ! mobile is_a: PATO:0002305 ! increased object quality relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0002283 ! decreased mobility property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2011-03-09T09:16:03Z [Term] id: PATO:0002283 name: decreased mobility def: "A mobility which is relative low." [PATOC:GVG] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000299 ! mobile is_a: PATO:0002303 ! decreased object quality relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0002282 ! increased mobility property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2011-03-09T09:16:47Z [Term] id: PATO:0002284 name: tension def: "A physical quality that pertains by virtue of a pulling force that is directed away from the bearer and attempts to stretch or elongate the bearer." [PATOC:GVG] subset: attribute_slim subset: scalar_slim is_a: PATO:0001018 ! physical quality property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2011-03-10T08:41:21Z [Term] id: PATO:0002285 name: increased branchiness def: "Branchiness quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of increasing the degree to which there are subdivisions or offshoots in a bearer entity." [PATOC:CVS] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000402 ! branched relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0002286 ! decreased branchiness property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2011-03-10T09:07:57Z [Term] id: PATO:0002286 name: decreased branchiness def: "Branchiness quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of decreasing the degree to which there are subdivisions or offshoots in a bearer entity." [PATOC:CVS] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000402 ! branched relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0002285 ! increased branchiness property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2011-03-10T09:08:37Z [Term] id: PATO:0002287 name: increased elasticity def: "An elasticity which is relatively high." [PATOC:GVG] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001171 ! elastic is_a: PATO:0002305 ! increased object quality relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0002288 ! decreased elasticity property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2011-03-30T11:50:21Z [Term] id: PATO:0002288 name: decreased elasticity def: "An elasticity which is relatively low." [PATOC:GVG] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001171 ! elastic is_a: PATO:0002303 ! decreased object quality relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0002287 ! increased elasticity property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2011-03-30T11:50:39Z [Term] id: PATO:0002289 name: setose def: "A hairy quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's being covered with setae." [ISBN:0913424137] comment: Setose as a label is used extensively to describe insect phenotypes that have hairy-like appearances (i.e., they are covered in setae, not the hairs of mammals). A bristle is a type of seta. subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000454 ! hairy property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2011-04-04T08:44:10Z [Term] id: PATO:0002290 name: aplastic/hypoplastic def: "Decreased size or absence of organ, tissue or cell due to a reduction in cell numbers." [] synonym: "aplasia/hypoplasia" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0001241 ! physical object quality property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2011-04-18T05:11:33Z [Term] id: PATO:0002291 name: agenesis def: "Absence of a tissue or organ due to failure to develop." [PATO:GVG] is_a: PATO:0040060 ! absence of anatomical entity property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2011-04-18T05:17:34Z [Term] id: PATO:0002292 name: transient def: "A structural quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's underlying structure being capable of change." [PATOC:WD] comment: For example, structures undergoing endochondral ossification change in composition from cartilaginous to ossified. synonym: "transient structure" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0000141 ! structure disjoint_from: PATO:0002293 ! permanent property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2011-05-03T03:01:59Z [Term] id: PATO:0002293 name: permanent def: "A structural quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's underlying structure not changing over time." [PATOC:WD] synonym: "permanent structure" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0000141 ! structure property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2011-05-03T03:03:50Z [Term] id: PATO:0002294 name: scrobiculate def: "A texture that is uniformly covered in short, oblong, or trench-like depressions." [Book:Book] is_a: PATO:0000150 ! texture property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2011-05-03T03:12:47Z [Term] id: PATO:0002295 name: areolate def: "A surface feature shape inhering in a surface by virtue of the bearer's being divided by ridge-like structures into a number of small, irregular spaces." [Book:Book] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001925 ! surface feature shape property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2011-05-17T07:57:45Z [Term] id: PATO:0002296 name: foveate def: "A texture quality inhering in a surface by virtue of the bearer's being marked by the presence of small, shallow, regular depressions called fovae." [Book:Book] subset: value_slim synonym: "foveolate" RELATED [] synonym: "pitted" RELATED [] is_a: PATO:0000150 ! texture property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2011-05-17T07:59:30Z [Term] id: PATO:0002297 name: decreased cellular motility def: "A cellular motility which is lower relative to the normal or average." [PATOC:GVG] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001488 ! cellular motility is_a: PATO:0002303 ! decreased object quality relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0002298 ! increased cellular motility [Term] id: PATO:0002298 name: increased cellular motility def: "A cellular motility which is higher relative to the normal or average." [PATOC:GVG] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001488 ! cellular motility is_a: PATO:0002305 ! increased object quality relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0002297 ! decreased cellular motility [Term] id: PATO:0002299 name: tubular def: "A cylindrical shape that is hollow." [PATOC:GVG] synonym: "tube like" EXACT [] synonym: "tube-shaped" EXACT [] synonym: "tubulate" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0001873 ! cylindrical is_a: PATO:0002078 ! hollow property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2011-06-08T06:33:50Z [Term] id: PATO:0002300 name: increased quality def: "A quality that has a value that is increased compared to normal or average." [PATOC:GVG] is_a: PATO:0000069 ! deviation (from_normal) relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0002301 ! decreased quality relationship: RO:0015007 PATO:0000461 ! increased in magnitude relative to normal property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2011-06-16T06:39:43Z [Term] id: PATO:0002301 name: decreased quality def: "A quality that has a value that is decreased compared to normal or average." [PATOC:GVG] is_a: PATO:0000069 ! deviation (from_normal) relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0002300 ! increased quality relationship: RO:0015008 PATO:0000461 ! decreased in magnitude relative to normal property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2011-06-16T06:40:15Z [Term] id: PATO:0002302 name: decreased process quality def: "A quality of a process that has a value that is decreased compared to normal or average." [PATOC:GVG] is_a: PATO:0001236 ! process quality is_a: PATO:0002301 ! decreased quality relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0002304 ! increased process quality property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2011-06-16T06:50:59Z [Term] id: PATO:0002303 name: decreased object quality def: "A quality of an object that has a value that is decreased compared to normal or average." [PATOC:GVG] is_a: PATO:0001241 ! physical object quality is_a: PATO:0002301 ! decreased quality relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0002305 ! increased object quality property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2011-06-16T06:51:54Z [Term] id: PATO:0002304 name: increased process quality def: "A quality of a process that has a value that is increased compared to normal or average." [PATOC:GVG] is_a: PATO:0001236 ! process quality is_a: PATO:0002300 ! increased quality relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0002302 ! decreased process quality property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2011-06-16T06:53:08Z [Term] id: PATO:0002305 name: increased object quality def: "A quality of an object that has a value that is increased compared to normal or average." [PATOC:GVG] is_a: PATO:0001241 ! physical object quality is_a: PATO:0002300 ! increased quality relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0002303 ! decreased object quality property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2011-06-16T06:54:01Z [Term] id: PATO:0002306 name: equilateral triangular def: "A triangular quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's having all sides of the same length." [PATOC:JB] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001875 ! triangular disjoint_from: PATO:0002307 ! isosceles triangular disjoint_from: PATO:0002308 ! scalene triangular property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2011-06-27T11:22:50Z [Term] id: PATO:0002307 name: isosceles triangular def: "A triangular quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's having two sides have the same length." [PATOC:JB] subset: scalar_slim is_a: PATO:0001875 ! triangular disjoint_from: PATO:0002308 ! scalene triangular property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2011-06-27T11:23:52Z [Term] id: PATO:0002308 name: scalene triangular def: "A triangular quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's having all sides of unequal length." [PATOC:JB] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001875 ! triangular property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2011-06-27T11:24:24Z [Term] id: PATO:0002309 name: fiber shaped def: "A convex 3-D shape quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's exhibiting a by virtue of the bearer's exhibiting a consistently sized and approximately round cross-section along its length, which is many times larger than its diameter." [PATOC:DC] comment: Note that a fiber shaped object may take any circuitous or straight path through space (think of a length of string or rope). subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0002226 ! subcylindrical property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2011-09-09T04:50:10Z [Term] id: PATO:0002310 name: robust def: "A quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's being strong, thick or sturdy." [PATOC:BF] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000052 ! shape property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2011-09-20T06:23:31Z [Term] id: PATO:0002311 name: fimbriated def: "Having a fringe or border of hairlike or fingerlike projections." [PATO:WS] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000052 ! shape property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2011-09-22T03:52:11Z [Term] id: PATO:0002312 name: segmented def: "Consisting of segments or similar parts arranged in a longitudinal series." [OED:] subset: mpath_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000141 ! structure property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2011-10-03T03:42:23Z [Term] id: PATO:0002313 name: telescopic def: "Having or resembling the shape of a telescope." [PATOC:BF] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000052 ! shape property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2011-10-03T03:49:26Z [Term] id: PATO:0002314 name: ligamentous def: "Having the nature or characteristic of, a ligament; composed of the tissue proper to ligaments." [PATOC:BF] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000025 ! composition property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2011-10-03T03:57:39Z [Term] id: PATO:0002315 name: brush-like shape def: "A shape quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's resembling the end of a brush with a multitude of bristles." [PATOC:BF] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000052 ! shape property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2011-10-03T03:59:59Z [Term] id: PATO:0002316 name: autogenous def: "Being separate or discrete from other skeletal elements." [PATOC:WD] subset: value_slim synonym: "free" RELATED [] is_a: PATO:0000141 ! structure property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2011-10-03T04:17:08Z [Term] id: PATO:0002317 name: parallelogram def: "A convex quadrilateral is a parallelogram if and only if any one of the following statements are true:\n1. Each diagonal divides the quadrilateral into two congruent triangles with the same orientation.\n2. The opposite sides are congruent in pairs.\n3. The diagonals bisect each other.\n4. The opposite angles are congruent in pairs.\n5. The sum of the squares of the sides equals the sum of the squares of the diagonals. (This is the parallelogram law)\n6.It possesses rotational symmetry.\n7.One pair of opposite sides are parallel and congruent.\n8.Two pairs of adjacent angles are supplementary." [wikipedia:Parallelogram] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001988 ! quadrangular property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2011-10-12T12:33:07Z [Term] id: PATO:0002318 name: superelliptic def: "A shape constituting a transition between a rectangle and a circle; a closed curve, of which the circle and ellipse are special cases, whose parametric equation is x = a.cos2/rt, y = b.cos2/rt" [wiktionary:superellipse] synonym: "Lamé curve" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0002006 ! 2-D shape property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2011-10-12T12:45:16Z [Term] id: PATO:0002319 name: squircle def: "A shape with properties between those of a square and those of a circle." [wikipedia:Squircle] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0002318 ! superelliptic property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2011-10-12T12:47:48Z [Term] id: PATO:0002320 name: diamond shaped def: "A superelliptic shape inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's shape resembling a diamond." [PATO:WC] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0002318 ! superelliptic property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2011-10-12T12:49:06Z [Term] id: PATO:0002321 name: hypoelliptic is_a: PATO:0002318 ! superelliptic relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0002322 ! hyperelliptic property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2011-10-12T12:50:59Z [Term] id: PATO:0002322 name: hyperelliptic is_a: PATO:0002318 ! superelliptic relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0002321 ! hypoelliptic property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2011-10-12T12:51:19Z [Term] id: PATO:0002323 name: temporal distribution quality def: "A temporal distribution pattern of process occurrences within a regulation/reference process." [PATOC:LC] subset: attribute_slim is_a: PATO:0002062 ! physical quality of a process property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2011-11-22T01:12:28Z [Term] id: PATO:0002324 name: offset quality def: "The temporal relation between the end of the process with respect to a reference process." [PATOC:LC] subset: attribute_slim synonym: "completeness" RELATED [GOC:CJM] synonym: "extent" RELATED [GOC:CJM] is_a: PATO:0002323 ! temporal distribution quality property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2011-11-23T11:46:00Z [Term] id: PATO:0002325 name: onset quality def: "The temporal relation between the start of the process with respect to a reference process." [PATOC:LC] subset: attribute_slim synonym: "initiation" RELATED [] is_a: PATO:0002323 ! temporal distribution quality property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2011-11-23T11:47:34Z [Term] id: PATO:0002326 name: angle def: "An orientation inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's placement at an angle." [PATOC:GVG] subset: attribute_slim subset: relational_slim is_a: PATO:0000133 ! orientation property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2011-11-23T12:06:09Z [Term] id: PATO:0002327 name: increased angle to def: "An angle which is relatively high." [PATOC:GVG] subset: relational_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001475 ! increased position is_a: PATO:0002326 ! angle relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0002328 ! decreased angle to property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2011-11-23T12:06:38Z [Term] id: PATO:0002328 name: decreased angle to def: "An angle which is relatively low." [PATOC:GVG] subset: relational_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001476 ! decreased position is_a: PATO:0002326 ! angle relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0002327 ! increased angle to property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2011-11-23T12:06:54Z [Term] id: PATO:0002329 name: hyponastic def: "A shape quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's exhibiting a upward bending of its leaves or other plant parts." [PATOC:DS] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000052 ! shape property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2012-01-31T11:40:23Z [Term] id: PATO:0002330 name: oblanceolate def: "A quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's being extended along a straight line, and is shaped like a reversed lance-point, with the tapering point attached to the leafstalk." [PATOC:PG] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001199 ! linear property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2012-01-31T11:57:54Z [Term] id: PATO:0002331 name: adhesive def: "A physical quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer exhibiting molecular attraction to another entity in contact." [PATOC:GVG] subset: value_slim synonym: "resinous" RELATED [] is_a: PATO:0001431 ! adhesivity relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0002332 ! non-adhesive property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2012-01-31T12:28:16Z [Term] id: PATO:0002332 name: non-adhesive def: "A physical quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer not exhibiting molecular attraction to another entity in contact." [PATOC:GVG] subset: value_slim synonym: "non-resinous" RELATED [] is_a: PATO:0001431 ! adhesivity relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0002331 ! adhesive property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2012-01-31T12:28:57Z [Term] id: PATO:0002333 name: increased adhesivity def: "A adhesivity which is relatively high." [PATOC:GVG] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0002305 ! increased object quality is_a: PATO:0002331 ! adhesive relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0002334 ! decreased adhesivity property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2012-01-31T12:32:43Z [Term] id: PATO:0002334 name: decreased adhesivity def: "A adhesivity which is relatively low." [PATOC:GVG] is_a: PATO:0002303 ! decreased object quality is_a: PATO:0002331 ! adhesive relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0002333 ! increased adhesivity property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2012-01-31T12:42:22Z [Term] id: PATO:0002335 name: tholiform def: "A shape quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's being dome-shaped." [PATOC:dd] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000052 ! shape property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2012-01-31T02:32:14Z [Term] id: PATO:0002336 name: pyramidal def: "A shape quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's having triangular faces that meet at a common point and containing a polygonal shaped base." [PATOC:DD] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000052 ! shape property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2012-01-31T02:35:02Z [Term] id: PATO:0002337 name: lance-ovate def: "A spheroid quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's exhibiting a continuous convex surface with an axis of symmetry and one axis longer than the other; characterized with an egg-shaped form crossed with a lance-head shaped form." [PATOC:DD] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001877 ! lanceolate property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2012-01-31T02:43:15Z [Term] id: PATO:0002338 name: lanceolate-triangular def: "A shape quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's being shaped like a lance-head, considerably longer than wide, tapering towards the tip from below the middle together forming three angles; attached at the broad end." [PATOC:DD] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001877 ! lanceolate property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2012-01-31T02:46:43Z [Term] id: PATO:0002339 name: hispid def: "A quality of being covered with stiff or rough hairs." [PATOC:GVG] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000454 ! hairy property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2012-01-31T02:51:37Z [Term] id: PATO:0002340 name: hispidulous def: "A quality of being minutely hispid." [PATOC:DD] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0002339 ! hispid property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2012-01-31T02:53:21Z [Term] id: PATO:0002341 name: tomentose def: "A quality of being covered with short, dense, matted hairs." [] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000454 ! hairy property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2012-01-31T02:55:56Z [Term] id: PATO:0002342 name: cupulate def: "A quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's being a cupule, with a structure similar to a cup that also encloses the ovule in partiality." [PATOC:DD] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0002227 ! cup-shaped property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2012-01-31T02:59:07Z [Term] id: PATO:0002343 name: decumbent def: "A positional quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's lying or growing on the ground but with erect or rising tips." [] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000631 ! prostrate property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2012-01-31T03:13:12Z [Term] id: PATO:0002344 name: arachnose def: "A quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's being characterized by fine, entangled hairs giving the appearance of cobweb." [PATOC:DD] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000454 ! hairy property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2012-01-31T03:49:00Z [Term] id: PATO:0002345 name: lemon-shaped def: "A convex 3-D shape quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's having a quadric surface in three dimensions obtained by rotating less than half of a circular arc about an axis passing through the endpoints of the arc" [PATOC:MH] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0002007 ! convex 3-D shape property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2012-01-31T03:55:16Z [Term] id: PATO:0002346 name: snowman-shaped def: "A concave 3-D shape quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's having two connected parts, roughly spherical, of different sizes." [PATOC:MH] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0002008 ! concave 3-D shape property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2012-01-31T03:58:10Z [Term] id: PATO:0002347 name: obconical def: "A conical quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's resembling a cone, with the pointed end attached to an organism." [wiktionary:http\://] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0002021 ! conical property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2012-01-31T04:05:28Z [Term] id: PATO:0002348 name: ligneous def: "A structural quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer resembling wood." [merriam-webster:http\://] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000141 ! structure property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2012-01-31T04:06:50Z [Term] id: PATO:0002349 name: basal to def: "A spatial quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's being located toward the base of an organism relative to another entity." [merriam-webster:http\://] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000140 ! position property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2012-01-31T04:12:25Z [Term] id: PATO:0002350 name: cauline to def: "A spatial quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's being located toward the stalk of an organism relative to another entity." [merriam-webster:http\://] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000140 ! position property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2012-01-31T04:13:06Z [Term] id: PATO:0002351 name: fleshy def: "A structural quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer resembling or containing flesh." [wiktionary:http\://] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000025 ! composition property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2012-01-31T04:15:30Z [Term] id: PATO:0002352 name: herbaceous def: "A quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's upper parts die back to the rootstock at the end of the growing season." [PATOC:PG] subset: scalar_slim is_a: PATO:0001729 ! shedability property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2012-01-31T04:29:36Z [Term] id: PATO:0002353 name: activation quality def: "A quality that inheres in a bearer in virtue of its realizing one of its functions." [PATOC:RH] subset: attribute_slim is_a: PATO:0001509 ! functionality property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2012-01-31T04:51:42Z [Term] id: PATO:0002354 name: active def: "A quality of an physical object that is currently realizing one of its functions." [PATOC:RH] subset: attribute_slim is_a: PATO:0002353 ! activation quality relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0002355 ! inactive property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2012-01-31T04:52:04Z [Term] id: PATO:0002355 name: inactive def: "A quality of a physical object that is currently realizing none of its functions." [PATOC:RH] subset: attribute_slim is_a: PATO:0002353 ! activation quality relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0002354 ! active property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2012-01-31T04:52:14Z [Term] id: PATO:0002356 name: constitutively active def: "A quality of a physical object that has been constantly realizing some of its functions." [PATOC:RH] subset: attribute_slim is_a: PATO:0002354 ! active property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2012-01-31T04:52:24Z [Term] id: PATO:0002357 name: D-shaped def: "A shape quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's having a strait side and an arched side giving the bearer the form of the letter D." [PATOC:AE] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0002007 ! convex 3-D shape property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2012-02-21T11:46:51Z [Term] id: PATO:0002358 name: ridged def: "An elongated raised margin or border." [PATOC:GVG] subset: value_slim synonym: "ridge-like" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0000052 ! shape property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2012-02-21T12:27:39Z [Term] id: PATO:0002359 name: broad def: "A quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's width being notably higher than its length." [PATOC:GVG] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000052 ! shape property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2012-03-13T06:04:00Z [Term] id: PATO:0002360 name: tendency def: "A disposition that can be compared on a linear scale - that is that it can be increased or decreased." [PATOC:RH] subset: attribute_slim subset: disposition_slim subset: relational_slim is_a: PATO:0001727 ! disposition property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2012-03-16T06:31:50Z [Term] id: PATO:0002361 name: increased tendency def: "A tendency which is relatively high." [PATOC:GVG] subset: disposition_slim subset: relational_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0002305 ! increased object quality is_a: PATO:0002360 ! tendency relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0002362 ! decreased tendency property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2012-03-16T06:31:57Z [Term] id: PATO:0002362 name: decreased tendency def: "A tendency which is relatively low." [PATOC:GVG] subset: disposition_slim subset: relational_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0002303 ! decreased object quality is_a: PATO:0002360 ! tendency relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0002361 ! increased tendency property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2012-03-16T06:32:57Z [Term] id: PATO:0002363 name: bronze def: "A medium brown color with a metallic sheen, resembles the actual alloy bronze." [PATO:LC] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000952 ! brown property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2012-05-03T11:08:18Z [Term] id: PATO:0002364 name: shortened def: "A quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's length being notably lower than its width." [PATOC:GVG] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000052 ! shape relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0001154 ! elongated property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2012-04-18T06:31:29Z [Term] id: PATO:0002365 name: intact female def: "Female quality of having complete, unaltered reproductive organs" [PATOC:MF] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000383 ! female property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2012-05-03T11:18:41Z [Term] id: PATO:0002366 name: intact male def: "Male quality of having complete, unaltered reproductive organs." [PATOC:MF] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000384 ! male property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2012-05-03T11:19:06Z [Term] id: PATO:0002367 name: castrated male def: "Male quality of being incapable to reproduce because of functional loss of the testicles from surgical removal or chemical means." [PATOC:MF] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000384 ! male property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2012-05-03T11:22:29Z [Term] id: PATO:0002368 name: nulliparous def: "A viviparous organism having never given birth." [PATOC:mf] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0002370 ! parity property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2012-05-03T11:25:25Z [Term] id: PATO:0002369 name: multiparous def: "A viviparous organism that has given birth two or more times." [wiki:http\://] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0002370 ! parity is_a: PATO:0040028 ! parous property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2012-05-03T11:26:34Z [Term] id: PATO:0002370 name: parity def: "The number of time that a viviparous organism has given birth." [wiki:http\://] subset: attribute_slim is_a: PATO:0001434 ! reproductive quality property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2012-05-03T11:27:56Z [Term] id: PATO:0002371 name: primiparous def: "A viviparous organism having given birth one time." [wiki:http\://] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0002370 ! parity is_a: PATO:0040028 ! parous property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2012-05-03T11:29:38Z [Term] id: PATO:0002372 name: grand multiparous def: "A viviparous organism that has given birth five or more times." [wiki:http\://] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0002369 ! multiparous property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2012-05-03T11:30:28Z [Term] id: PATO:0002373 name: mediolateral polarity def: "A positional quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's location of features or characteristics along the mediolateral axis." [PATOC:DS] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001769 ! positional polarity property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2012-07-05T01:49:04Z [Term] id: PATO:0002374 name: fluctuating def: "Recurrent and often more or less cyclic alteration." [PATOC:DS] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001227 ! variant property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2012-07-05T01:52:36Z [Term] id: PATO:0002375 name: trumpet-shaped def: "A concave 3-D shape quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's shape form resembling the shape of a trumpet." [PATOC:DS] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0002008 ! concave 3-D shape property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2012-07-05T02:45:17Z [Term] id: PATO:0002376 name: inflated def: "A structure quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's being filled with air." [PATOC:CVS] subset: value_slim synonym: "air-filled" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0002014 ! structure, cavities relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0002377 ! uninflated property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2012-07-05T02:55:10Z [Term] id: PATO:0002377 name: uninflated def: "A structure quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's being not filed with air." [PATOC:CVS] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0002014 ! structure, cavities relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0002376 ! inflated property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2012-07-05T02:56:07Z [Term] id: PATO:0002378 name: acinus def: "Having a shape that resembles a many-lobed \"berry,\" such as a raspberry." [wikipedia:https\://] subset: mpath_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001979 ! lobed property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2012-07-05T02:58:05Z [Term] id: PATO:0002379 name: ovariohysterectomized female def: "A female fertility quality inhering in a female by virtue of the bearer's not being capable of reproducing because of surgical removal of ovaries and uterus." [PATOC:MF] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000892 ! female sterile property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2012-07-05T03:04:28Z [Term] id: PATO:0002380 name: ovariectomized female def: "A female fertility quality inhering in a female by virtue of the bearer's not being capable of reproducing because of surgical removal of ovaries." [PATOC:MF] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000892 ! female sterile property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2012-07-05T03:06:12Z [Term] id: PATO:0002381 name: waxiness def: "A composition quality inhering in an bearer by virtue of the presence of long chain aliphatic lipids on the surface of an organism." [PATOC:lm] subset: attribute_slim is_a: PATO:0000025 ! composition property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2012-07-05T03:17:00Z [Term] id: PATO:0002382 name: increased waxiness def: "A waxiness which is relatively high." [PATOC:GVG] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0002305 ! increased object quality is_a: PATO:0002381 ! waxiness relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0002383 ! decreased waxiness property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2012-07-05T03:18:03Z [Term] id: PATO:0002383 name: decreased waxiness def: "A waxiness which is relatively low." [] is_a: PATO:0002303 ! decreased object quality is_a: PATO:0002381 ! waxiness relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0002382 ! increased waxiness property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2012-07-05T03:18:14Z [Term] id: PATO:0002384 name: waxy def: "Presence of long chain aliphatic lipids on the surface of an organism." [PATOC:lm] subset: mpath_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0002381 ! waxiness property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2012-07-05T03:18:21Z [Term] id: PATO:0002385 name: striate-angular def: "A shape quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's being marked by narrow lines, usually parallel, with at least one salient angle on the margin" [FNA:FNA] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001410 ! striated property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2012-07-05T05:17:07Z [Term] id: PATO:0002386 name: anvil def: "A concave 3-D shape that inheres in the bearer by virtue of the bearer's shape that is wider at one end and narrow in the middle." [PATOC:AD] synonym: "anvil shaped" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0002008 ! concave 3-D shape property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2012-07-23T03:13:41Z [Term] id: PATO:0002387 name: peracute def: "Extremely acute and aggressive onset of a pathological process." [PATOC:PNS] subset: mpath_slim subset: value_slim synonym: "per-acute" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0000389 ! acute property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2012-09-15T02:57:46Z [Term] id: PATO:0002388 name: pedunculate def: "Being supported by a peduncle or stalk." [PATOC:GV] subset: mpath_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000141 ! structure property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2012-10-12T01:10:41Z [Term] id: PATO:0002389 name: procumbent def: "Growing horizontal to the ground without setting roots." [PATO:PG] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000631 ! prostrate property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2012-10-12T01:33:50Z [Term] id: PATO:0002390 name: radius def: "A length quality which is equal to the length of any straight line segment that passes from the center of a circle to any endpoint on the circular boundary. The radius is half of the diameter." [PATO:DS] subset: attribute_slim subset: scalar_slim is_a: PATO:0000122 ! length property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2012-11-15T05:17:15Z [Term] id: PATO:0002391 name: triradiate def: "A shape quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's having three rays or radiating branches." [merriam-webster:merriam-webster] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000052 ! shape property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2012-11-15T05:19:32Z [Term] id: PATO:0002392 name: diagonal to def: "A spatial quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's being located on a sloping line joining two nonconsecutive points of an entity relative to another entity." [PATOC:GVG] subset: relational_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000140 ! position property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2012-11-15T05:21:51Z [Term] id: PATO:0002393 name: increased tolerance to def: "A tolerance quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's increased ability to endure a stimulus." [PATOC:LC] subset: relational_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000515 ! tolerant to is_a: PATO:0002305 ! increased object quality relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0002394 ! decreased tolerance to property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2012-11-15T05:32:07Z [Term] id: PATO:0002394 name: decreased tolerance to def: "A tolerance quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's decreased ability to endure a stimulus." [PATOC:LC] subset: relational_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000515 ! tolerant to is_a: PATO:0002303 ! decreased object quality relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0002393 ! increased tolerance to property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2012-11-15T05:33:05Z [Term] id: PATO:0002395 name: mislocalized abaxially def: "A positional quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's being positioned away from the axis of an organism." [PATOC:EH] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000628 ! mislocalised property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2012-11-20T04:13:32Z [Term] id: PATO:0002396 name: mislocalized adaxially def: "A positional quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's being positioned towards the axis of an organism." [PATOC:EH] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000628 ! mislocalised property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2012-11-20T04:15:12Z [Term] id: PATO:0002397 name: subcircular def: "A circular shape quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's being nearly, but not perfectly, circular." [PATOC:AD] subset: value_slim synonym: "round" RELATED [] synonym: "rounded" RELATED [] is_a: PATO:0002006 ! 2-D shape property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2012-12-07T05:32:18Z [Term] id: PATO:0002398 name: obsolete property_value: terms:contributor is_obsolete: true creation_date: 2012-12-07T05:34:16Z [Term] id: PATO:0002399 name: anteromedially rotated def: "A rotation quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of being rotated towards the front and the middle of an organism." [PATOC:JI] subset: mpath_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001599 ! rotated property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2012-12-07T05:41:01Z [Term] id: PATO:0002400 name: fusiform def: "Having a spindle-like shape that is wide in the middle and tapers at both ends." [wikipedia:wikipedia] subset: mpath_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001409 ! spindle-shaped property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2012-12-07T05:43:25Z [Term] id: PATO:0002401 name: random pattern def: "characterised by an unidentifiable pattern." [PATOC:MPATH] subset: mpath_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000060 ! spatial pattern property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2012-12-17T10:37:55Z [Term] id: PATO:0002402 name: multifocal to coalescing def: "Multiple lesions some interconnecting with each other." [PATOC:MPATH] subset: mpath_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001791 ! multi-localised property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2012-12-17T10:40:18Z [Term] id: PATO:0002403 name: generalized def: "Affecting all regions without specificity of distribution." [PATOC:MPTH] subset: hpo_slim subset: mpath_slim subset: value_slim synonym: "generalised" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0000060 ! spatial pattern property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2012-12-17T10:41:37Z [Term] id: PATO:0002404 name: segmental def: "Affecting a segment or segments." [PATOC:MPATH] subset: mpath_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000060 ! spatial pattern property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2012-12-17T10:43:13Z [Term] id: PATO:0002405 name: friability def: "A structural quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's disposition to be reduced to smaller pieces with little effort." [Wikipedia:https\://] subset: mpath_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000141 ! structure property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2012-12-17T10:47:16Z [Term] id: PATO:0002406 name: friable def: "Easily reduced to powder or easily fragmentable or crumbly." [PATOC:MPATH] subset: mpath_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0002405 ! friability property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2012-12-17T10:48:30Z [Term] id: PATO:0002407 name: indurated def: "Having become firm or hard especially by increase of fibrous elements." [mw:http\://] subset: mpath_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0002405 ! friability property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2012-12-17T10:49:11Z [Term] id: PATO:0002408 name: watery def: "Having the consistency of water." [PATOC:MPATH] subset: mpath_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000025 ! composition property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2012-12-17T10:51:32Z [Term] id: PATO:0002409 name: fluid-filled def: "Bounded structure filled with fluid." [PATOC:MPATH] subset: mpath_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0002014 ! structure, cavities property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2012-12-17T10:53:18Z [Term] id: PATO:0002410 name: beige def: "A colour that is very pale yellowish brown." [PATOC:MPATH] subset: mpath_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0002413 ! light yellow brown property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2012-12-17T10:54:55Z [Term] id: PATO:0002411 name: yellow brown def: "A color consisting of yellow and brown hue." [PATOC:GVG] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000952 ! brown property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2012-12-17T10:55:51Z [Term] id: PATO:0002412 name: dark yellow brown def: "A color consisting of yellow and brown hue and low brightness." [PATOC:GVG] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0002411 ! yellow brown property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2012-12-17T10:56:22Z [Term] id: PATO:0002413 name: light yellow brown def: "A color consisting of yellow and brown hue and high brightness." [PATOC:GVG] is_a: PATO:0002411 ! yellow brown property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2012-12-17T10:57:27Z [Term] id: PATO:0002414 name: chronic-active def: "A quality of duration having progressive course of indefinite duration with active, acute-like elements." [PATOC:MPATH] subset: mpath_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001863 ! chronic property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2012-12-17T10:59:58Z [Term] id: PATO:0002415 name: focally extensive def: "Single lesion with expansion into surrounding tissue." [PATOC:MPATH] subset: mpath_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000627 ! localized property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2012-12-17T11:01:31Z [Term] id: PATO:0002416 name: sunken def: "Flattened from above downward; below the normal level or the level of the surrounding parts." [PATOC:MPATH] subset: mpath_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001687 ! elevation property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2012-12-17T12:06:55Z [Term] id: PATO:0002417 name: transmural def: "Extending through or affecting the entire thickness of the wall of an organ or cavity or boundary." [PATOC:MPATH] subset: mpath_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000140 ! position property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2012-12-17T02:16:18Z [Term] id: PATO:0002418 name: acidophilic def: "An affinity inhering in an anatomical structure by virtue of the bearer exhibiting a molecular interaction for acidic dyes under specific pH conditions." [PATOC:GVG] comment: Eosin stains acidophilic structures, hence eosinophilic is the same as acidophilic. subset: mpath_slim subset: value_slim synonym: "eosinophilic" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0070045 ! anatomical histological quality property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2012-12-17T03:01:19Z [Term] id: PATO:0002419 name: obsolete eosinophilic def: "OBSOLETE. An affinity inhering in an anatomical structure by virtue of the bearer exhibiting a molecular interaction for eosin dye." [PATOC:GVG] comment: Eosin stains acidophilic structures, hence eosinophilic is the same as acidophilic. See subset: mpath_slim subset: value_slim property_value: terms:contributor is_obsolete: true replaced_by: PATO:0002418 creation_date: 2012-12-17T03:02:09Z [Term] id: PATO:0002420 name: amphiphilic def: "Having both hydrophilic and hydrophobic (or lipophilic) groups." [wikipedia:http\://] subset: mpath_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0070045 ! anatomical histological quality property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2012-12-17T03:04:39Z [Term] id: PATO:0002421 name: cicatricial def: "Having or resembling the characteristic of a cicatrix - a scar resulting from formation and contraction of fibrous tissue." [mw:http\://] subset: mpath_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000052 ! shape property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2012-12-17T03:08:09Z [Term] id: PATO:0002422 name: acinar def: "Pertaining to the individual parts making up an aggregate fruit like a many-lobed \"berry,\" such as a raspberry." [wikipedia:https\://] comment: Acinus is Latin for berry. subset: mpath_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000141 ! structure property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2012-12-17T03:11:10Z [Term] id: PATO:0002423 name: papillomatous def: "A round or lobulated protruding form resembling a nipple." [PATOC:MPATH] subset: mpath_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000052 ! shape property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2012-12-17T03:13:44Z [Term] id: PATO:0002424 name: divergent from def: "A positional quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's having two or more entities that extend from a common point in different directions." [PATOC:AD] subset: attribute_slim subset: relational_slim is_a: PATO:0000140 ! position property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2012-12-20T11:43:47Z [Term] id: PATO:0002425 name: exposed def: "Open to view or not covered by another entity." [PATOC:WD] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000140 ! position property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2012-12-20T11:47:16Z [Term] id: PATO:0002426 name: scaphoid def: "A shape quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's being shaped like a boat." [wordnetweb:wordnetweb] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000052 ! shape property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2013-01-29T09:12:03Z [Term] id: PATO:0002427 name: knobbled def: "A surface feature shape having numerous very small circular rounded projections or protuberances." [] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001925 ! surface feature shape property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2013-01-29T09:15:53Z [Term] id: PATO:0002428 name: tripodal def: "A 3-D shape with three supports or legs." [PATOC:WC] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000052 ! shape property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2013-01-29T09:18:44Z [Term] id: PATO:0002429 name: x-shaped def: "A shape quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's being shaped in the form of the letter X." [PATOC:WC] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000052 ! shape property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2013-01-29T09:19:53Z [Term] id: PATO:0002430 name: strap-shaped def: "A shape quality in which the bearer is shaped like a narrow band; ligulate." [thefreedictionary:thefreedictionary] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000052 ! shape property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2013-01-29T09:21:17Z [Term] id: PATO:0002431 name: waisted def: "A shape quality in which the bearer possesses a gradual, yet distinct, thinning from a wide starting point." [PATOC:WC] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000052 ! shape property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2013-01-29T09:24:46Z [Term] id: PATO:0002432 name: spade-shaped def: "A shape that is in the form of a spade." [PATOC:WC] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000052 ! shape property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2013-01-29T09:26:49Z [Term] id: PATO:0002433 name: sculpted surface def: "A surface feature shape marked by large amounts of relief, often with multiple ridges and grooves in close association. Topographically complex." [PATOC:AD] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001925 ! surface feature shape property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2013-01-29T09:27:55Z [Term] id: PATO:0002434 name: perpendicular to def: "A spatial quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's being located at a right angle relative to another entity." [PATOC:WC] subset: relational_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000140 ! position property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2013-01-29T09:29:55Z [Term] id: PATO:0002435 name: abutting def: "A positional quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer touching another entity along a border or with a projecting part." [merriam-webster:merriam-webster] subset: relational_slim subset: scalar_slim subset: value_slim synonym: "abut" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0000140 ! position property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2013-01-29T09:31:12Z [Term] id: PATO:0002436 name: offset def: "A positional quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's position being displaced from a reference point." [PATOC:AD] subset: relational_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000140 ! position property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2013-01-29T09:32:22Z [Term] id: PATO:0002437 name: interlocked with def: "A structural quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's being locked together or interconnected to another entity." [merriam-webster:merriam-webster] subset: relational_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000141 ! structure property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2013-01-29T09:37:13Z [Term] id: PATO:0002438 name: subdermal def: "A structural quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's being located or placed beneath the skin." [thefreedictionary:thefreedictionary] subset: value_slim synonym: "subcutaneous" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0000141 ! structure property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2013-01-29T09:41:50Z [Term] id: PATO:0002439 name: w-shaped def: "An angular shape quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's having two angles in its length giving the bearer the form of the letter W." [PATOC:WC] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001977 ! angular property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2013-01-29T09:45:54Z [Term] id: PATO:0002440 name: ornamentation def: "A surface feature shape quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the degree of the bearer's highly topographical with ridges, pits, rugosity or other surface structures." [PATOC:GVG] subset: disposition_slim is_a: PATO:0001925 ! surface feature shape property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2013-01-29T10:57:42Z [Term] id: PATO:0002441 name: ornamented def: "A surface feature shape in which the bearer's surface is highly topographical with ridges, pits, rugosity or other surface structures." [PATOC:AD] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0002440 ! ornamentation relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0002442 ! unornamented property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2013-01-29T10:59:42Z [Term] id: PATO:0002442 name: unornamented def: "A surface feature shape in which the bearer's surface is lacking ridges, pits, rugosity or other surface structures." [PATOC:AD] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0002440 ! ornamentation relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0002441 ! ornamented property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2013-01-29T11:00:20Z [Term] id: PATO:0002443 name: level with def: "A positional quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's being located at the same level as another entity." [PATOC:NI] subset: relational_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000140 ! position property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2013-01-29T11:01:46Z [Term] id: PATO:0002444 name: mineralized def: "A composition quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's being composed of or possessing inorganic material." [PATOC:WC] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000025 ! composition property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2013-01-29T11:03:49Z [Term] id: PATO:0002445 name: torsioned def: "A shape quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's being twisted or turned." [freedictionary:freedictionary] comment: The word "torsion" has multiple different meanings in different context (e.g. the act of twisting or the morphology of the digestive tract in gastropods). This term refers purely to the resulting shape and is not to be used in the engineering and mechanics sense of torsion. \nNote: kinked PATO:0001798(synonym twisted) is similar to 'torsioned', but it is different in that something that is kinked has sharp twists or turns. synonym: "twisted" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0000052 ! shape property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2013-01-29T11:05:26Z [Term] id: PATO:0002446 name: anchor-shaped def: "A shape quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's having a shape resembling an anchor." [PATOC:WC] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000052 ! shape property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2013-01-29T11:07:17Z [Term] id: PATO:0002447 name: quadripartite def: "A shape quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer being divided into four parts." [PATOC:WC] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0002008 ! concave 3-D shape property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2013-01-29T11:08:28Z [Term] id: PATO:0002448 name: oriented towards def: "A quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's being aligned or positioned towards another entity." [PATOC:WD] subset: relational_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000133 ! orientation property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2013-02-16T02:57:06Z [Term] id: PATO:0002449 name: posteromedial to def: "A spatial quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's being located toward the rear and mid-line surface of an organism relative to another entity." [PATOC:WC] subset: relational_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001633 ! posterior to property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2013-02-16T03:00:46Z [Term] id: PATO:0002450 name: firm def: "A hardness quality of giving significant resistance to pressure." [PATOC:CM] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000048 ! hardness property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2013-02-26T02:02:38Z [Term] id: PATO:0002451 name: sexually dimorphic def: "A quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's exhibiting a phenotypic difference between males and females of the same species." [PATOC:WC] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001995 ! organismal quality property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2013-03-11T09:22:04Z [Term] id: PATO:0002452 name: decondensed def: "A structural quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer being thinner or more loosely packed." [PATOC:JL] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000141 ! structure relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0001485 ! condensed property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2013-04-08T08:43:31Z [Term] id: PATO:0002453 name: eroding def: "A structural quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer bring gradually worn away." [PATOC:JL] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000141 ! structure property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2013-04-08T08:45:08Z [Term] id: PATO:0002454 name: carpel-like def: "A quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's similarity to the appearance of a carpel." [PATO:JL] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000052 ! shape property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2013-04-09T06:00:28Z [Term] id: PATO:0002455 name: corymb-like def: "A quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's architecture bearing resemblence to a corymb type of inflorescence." [PATOC:JL] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000052 ! shape property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2013-04-09T06:01:02Z [Term] id: PATO:0002456 name: inflorescence-like def: "A quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's similarity to the appearance of an inflorescence." [PATOC:JL] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000052 ! shape property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2013-04-09T06:02:05Z [Term] id: PATO:0002457 name: leaf-like def: "A structural quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's similarity to the appearance of a leaf." [PATOC:JL] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000052 ! shape property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2013-04-09T06:02:58Z [Term] id: PATO:0002458 name: pin-like def: "A quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer being thin and lacking outgrowths." [PATOC:JL] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000052 ! shape property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2013-04-09T06:03:56Z [Term] id: PATO:0002459 name: sepal-like def: "A structural quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's similarity to the appearance of a sepal," [PATOC:JL] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000052 ! shape property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2013-04-09T06:04:36Z [Term] id: PATO:0002460 name: shriveled def: "A structural quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer being smaller and contracted, especially due to loss of moisture." [PATOC:JL] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000141 ! structure property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2013-04-09T06:05:18Z [Term] id: PATO:0002461 name: wilty def: "To bend or hang downwards due to loss of water" [] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0002165 ! drooping property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2013-04-09T06:06:14Z [Term] id: PATO:0002462 name: collagenous def: "A composition quality inhering in an bearer by virtue of the bearer's consisting of collagen." [PATOC:WD] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000025 ! composition property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2013-09-15T11:34:15Z [Term] id: PATO:0002463 name: extends to def: "A positional quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of some aspect of the bearer extending to the position of another entity." [PATOC:WD] subset: relational_slim is_a: PATO:0000140 ! position property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2013-09-15T11:41:00Z [Term] id: PATO:0002464 name: extends beyond def: "A positional quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of some aspect of the bearer extending past the position of another entity." [PATOC:WD] subset: relational_slim is_a: PATO:0000140 ! position property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2013-09-15T11:42:15Z [Term] id: PATO:0002465 name: prism shaped def: "A quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's resembling a prism." [] subset: value_slim synonym: "tent shaped" RELATED [] is_a: PATO:0000052 ! shape property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2013-09-15T11:44:03Z [Term] id: PATO:0002466 name: keyhole shaped def: "A shape quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer resembling a keyhole." [PATOC:WD] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000052 ! shape property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2013-09-15T11:45:53Z [Term] id: PATO:0002467 name: lathlike def: "A shape quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer resembling a thin narrow strip." [PATOC:WD] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000052 ! shape property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2013-09-15T11:47:11Z [Term] id: PATO:0002468 name: distensible def: "A structure quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's being capable of swelling or stretching." [PATOC:WD] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0015008 ! distensibility property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2013-09-15T11:48:26Z [Term] id: PATO:0002469 name: sutured to def: "Structural quality inhering in a bearer in which a joint has apposed bony surfaces united by fibrous tissue, permitting no movement; found only between bones." [PATOC:WD] subset: relational_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000141 ! structure property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2013-09-15T11:55:50Z [Term] id: PATO:0002470 name: transformed to def: "A morphological quality between two bearers inhering that one bearer is subject to change the nature, function, or condition of itself to become the other." [PATOC:LC] subset: relational_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000051 ! morphology property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2013-09-15T12:01:57Z [Term] id: PATO:0002471 name: increased velocity def: "A physical quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's increased rate of change of the position." [PATOC:NV] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0002242 ! velocity is_a: PATO:0002305 ! increased object quality relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0002472 ! decreased velocity property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2013-09-15T12:03:45Z [Term] id: PATO:0002472 name: decreased velocity def: "A physical quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's decreased rate of change of the position." [PATOC:NV] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0002242 ! velocity is_a: PATO:0002303 ! decreased object quality relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0002471 ! increased velocity property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2013-09-15T12:05:06Z [Term] id: PATO:0002473 name: neoplastic, spontaneous def: "A disposition inhering in a tumour by virtue of the bearer's disposition to spontaneously arise." [PATOC:NV] subset: mpath_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0002011 ! neoplastic property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2013-09-15T12:07:08Z [Term] id: PATO:0002474 name: bitter def: "A flavor quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's having an acrid, sharp, or disagreeable flavor." [PATOC:LC] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001329 ! flavourful property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2013-09-15T12:09:15Z [Term] id: PATO:0002475 name: subterminal def: "A position quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's existing near the end of another entity." [PATOC:WD] subset: relational_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000140 ! position property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2013-09-15T12:17:41Z [Term] id: PATO:0002476 name: terminal def: "A position quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's forming the end of another entity." [PATOC:WD] subset: relational_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000140 ! position property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2013-09-15T12:18:08Z [Term] id: PATO:0002477 name: brittle def: "A structural quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's disposition to breaks without significant deformation (strain) when subjected to stress." [wikipedia:http\://] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000141 ! structure property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2013-09-15T12:25:03Z [Term] id: PATO:0002478 name: transversely striated def: "A shape quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's being marked by narrow lines or grooves, usually parallel, that are oriented transversely relative to the long axis of the bearer." [PATOC:DS] subset: cell_quality subset: mpath_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001410 ! striated property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2013-09-15T12:29:15Z [Term] id: PATO:0002479 name: obliquely striated def: "A shape quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's being marked by narrow lines or grooves, usually parallel, that are oriented obliquely relative to the long axis of the bearer." [PATOC:DS] subset: cell_quality subset: mpath_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001410 ! striated property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2013-09-15T12:29:42Z [Term] id: PATO:0002480 name: poorly ossified def: "A quality inhering in an bearer by virtue of the bearer's possessing only minor levels of ossification." [PATOC:AD] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001448 ! ossified property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2013-09-30T05:47:07Z [Term] id: PATO:0002481 name: oblique orientation def: "An orientation quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer having a slanting direction or position : neither perpendicular nor parallel." [merriam-wester:http\://] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000133 ! orientation property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2013-09-30T05:49:50Z [Term] id: PATO:0002482 name: slit-like def: "Shape quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer exhibiting a narrow and elongate opening." [PATOC:WD] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000052 ! shape property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2013-09-30T05:51:39Z [Term] id: PATO:0002483 name: external to def: "Positional quality in which an entity is located outside of another entity." [PATOC:WD] subset: relational_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000140 ! position property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2013-09-30T06:06:27Z [Term] id: PATO:0002484 name: inverted-V shaped def: "An angular shape quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's having a single angle in its length giving the bearer the form of an inverted letter V." [PATOC:WD] subset: value_slim synonym: "chevron shaped" BROAD [] is_a: PATO:0001977 ! angular property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2013-10-10T03:55:44Z [Term] id: PATO:0002485 name: parallel-sided def: "A shape quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's possessing two sides that are at the same continuous distance relative to each other." [PATOC:WD] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000052 ! shape property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2013-10-10T03:58:37Z [Term] id: PATO:0002486 name: multi-organismal process quality def: "A quality inhering in a process by virtue of that process having two or more organisms as participants." [PATOC:DS] subset: attribute_slim is_a: PATO:0001236 ! process quality property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2013-10-10T04:08:44Z [Term] id: PATO:0002487 name: single organismal process quality def: "A quality inhering in a process by virtue of that process having exactly one organism as a participant." [PATOC:DS] subset: attribute_slim is_a: PATO:0001236 ! process quality disjoint_from: PATO:0040057 ! population process quality property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2013-10-10T04:09:51Z [Term] id: PATO:0002488 name: overlapping def: "Overlap with quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's being positioned over another entity so as to cover some portion of it." [PATOC:WD] subset: relational_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001590 ! overlap with property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2013-10-10T04:12:22Z [Term] id: PATO:0002489 name: overlapped by def: "Overlap with quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's being positioned under another entity so as to be covered by some portion of it." [PATOC:WD] subset: relational_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001590 ! overlap with property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2013-10-10T04:13:04Z [Term] id: PATO:0002490 name: anterior orientation def: "An orientation quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer having a position that is directed anteriorly." [PATOC:WD] subset: value_slim synonym: "anteriorly directly" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0000133 ! orientation property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2013-10-10T05:11:26Z [Term] id: PATO:0002491 name: anterodorsal orientation def: "An orientation quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer having a position that is directed anterodorsally." [PATOC:WD] subset: value_slim synonym: "anterodorsally directed" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0000133 ! orientation relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0002526 ! anterodistal orientation property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2013-10-10T05:12:15Z [Term] id: PATO:0002492 name: anterolateral orientation def: "An orientation quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer having a position that is directed anterolaterally." [PATOC:WD] subset: value_slim synonym: "anterolaterally directed" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0000133 ! orientation property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2013-10-10T05:13:17Z [Term] id: PATO:0002493 name: anteroventral orientation def: "An orientation quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer having a position that is directed anteroventrally." [PATOC:WD] subset: value_slim synonym: "anteroventrally directed" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0000133 ! orientation property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2013-10-10T05:13:55Z [Term] id: PATO:0002494 name: distal orientation def: "An orientation quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer having a position that is directed distally." [PATOC:WD] subset: value_slim synonym: "distally directed" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0000133 ! orientation relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0002495 ! dorsal orientation property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2013-10-10T05:14:37Z [Term] id: PATO:0002495 name: dorsal orientation def: "An orientation quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer having a position that is directed dorsally." [PATOC:WD] subset: value_slim synonym: "dorsally directed" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0000133 ! orientation relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0002494 ! distal orientation property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2013-10-10T05:15:24Z [Term] id: PATO:0002496 name: dorsolateral orientation def: "An orientation quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer having a position that is directed dorsolaterally." [PATOC:WD] subset: value_slim synonym: "dorsolaterally directed" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0000133 ! orientation property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2013-10-10T05:16:04Z [Term] id: PATO:0002497 name: lateral orientation def: "An orientation quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer having a position that is directed laterally." [PATOC:WD] subset: value_slim synonym: "laterally directed" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0000133 ! orientation property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2013-10-10T05:16:45Z [Term] id: PATO:0002498 name: medial orientation def: "An orientation quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer having a position that is directed medially." [PATOC:WD] subset: value_slim synonym: "medially directed" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0000133 ! orientation property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2013-10-10T05:17:30Z [Term] id: PATO:0002499 name: posterior orientation def: "An orientation quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer having a position that is directed posteriorly." [PATOC:WD] subset: value_slim synonym: "posteriorly directed" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0000133 ! orientation property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2013-10-10T05:18:21Z [Term] id: PATO:0002500 name: ventrolaterally orientation def: "An orientation quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer having a position that is directed ventrolaterally." [PATOC:WD] subset: value_slim synonym: "ventrolaterally directed" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0000133 ! orientation property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2013-10-10T05:19:16Z [Term] id: PATO:0002501 name: ventral orientation def: "An orientation quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer having a position that is directed ventrally." [PATOC:WD] subset: value_slim synonym: "ventrally directed" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0000133 ! orientation property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2013-10-10T05:19:22Z [Term] id: PATO:0002502 name: transverse orientation def: "An orientation quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer having a position that is directed transversely." [PATOC:WD] subset: value_slim synonym: "transversely oriented" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0000133 ! orientation property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2013-10-10T05:19:25Z [Term] id: PATO:0002503 name: posterolateral orientation def: "An orientation quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer having a position that is directed posterolaterally." [PATOC:WD] subset: value_slim synonym: "posterolaterally directed" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0000133 ! orientation property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2013-10-10T05:19:28Z [Term] id: PATO:0002504 name: posterodorsal orientation def: "An orientation quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer having a position that is directed posterodorsally." [PATOC:WD] subset: value_slim synonym: "posterodorsally directed" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0000133 ! orientation relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0002527 ! posterodistal orientation property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2013-10-10T05:19:36Z [Term] id: PATO:0002505 name: nucleated def: "A nucleate quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's having one or more nucleus." [PATOC:GVG] subset: mpath_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001404 ! nucleate quality property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2013-10-21T05:44:34Z [Term] id: PATO:0002506 name: alobate def: "A surface feature shape quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's not having undulating edges forming lobes." [PATOC:DOS] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001925 ! surface feature shape property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2013-10-25T04:42:40Z [Term] id: PATO:0002507 name: keratinous def: "A composition quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's consisting of keratin." [PATOC:EJS] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000025 ! composition property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2014-02-04T12:38:14Z [Term] id: PATO:0002508 name: concealed def: "A positional quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer being hidden from view." [PATOC:EJS] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000140 ! position property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2014-02-04T01:30:21Z [Term] id: PATO:0002509 name: hexagonal def: "A 2-D shape quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's having six angles and six sides." [Merriam-Webster:hexagonal] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0002006 ! 2-D shape property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2014-02-04T01:50:05Z [Term] id: PATO:0002510 name: multipartite def: "A concave 3-D shape quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer being divided into multiple parts." [PATOC:EJS] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0002008 ! concave 3-D shape property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2014-02-06T01:15:28Z [Term] id: PATO:0002511 name: cane-like def: "A shape quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's similarity to the appearance of a cane." [PATOC:EJS] subset: value_slim synonym: "cane-shaped" RELATED [] is_a: PATO:0000052 ! shape property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2014-02-06T02:04:35Z [Term] id: PATO:0002512 name: confluent with def: "A positional quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer flowing or coming together with another entity." [Merriam-Webster:confluent] subset: relational_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000140 ! position property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2014-02-06T02:28:39Z [Term] id: PATO:0002513 name: oblique to def: "A positional quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's having a slanting direction (neither perpendicular nor parallel) relative to another entity." [PATOC:EJS] subset: relational_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000140 ! position property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2014-02-06T02:54:16Z [Term] id: PATO:0002514 name: anteromedial orientation def: "An orientation quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer having a position that is directed anteromedially." [PATOC:EJS] subset: value_slim synonym: "medioanterior orientation" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0000133 ! orientation property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2014-02-07T12:59:10Z [Term] id: PATO:0002515 name: increased elevation relative to def: "An elevation quality inhering in a bearer by virtue the bearer's being in a high position relative to another entity." [PATOC:EJS] subset: relational_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001687 ! elevation property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2014-02-07T01:12:48Z [Term] id: PATO:0002516 name: concealed by def: "A positional quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer being hidden from view or covered by another entity." [PATOC:EJS] subset: relational_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000140 ! position property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2014-02-10T01:13:53Z [Term] id: PATO:0002517 name: saddle-shaped def: "A shape quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's similarity to the appearance of a saddle." [PATOC:EJS] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000052 ! shape property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2014-02-10T01:23:13Z [Term] id: PATO:0002518 name: flush def: "A positional quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer being level or even with another surface." [WordReference:flush] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000140 ! position property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2014-02-10T01:26:50Z [Term] id: PATO:0002519 name: cancellous def: "A structural quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's having an open, latticed, or porous structure; used especially of bone." [TheFreeDictionary:cancellous] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000141 ! structure property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2014-02-10T01:33:14Z [Term] id: PATO:0002520 name: scute-like def: "A shape quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer being shaped like a scute or an osteoderm." [PATOC:EJS] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000052 ! shape property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2014-02-10T01:37:47Z [Term] id: PATO:0002521 name: funnel-shaped def: "A shape quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's similarity to the appearance of a funnel." [PATOC:EJS] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000052 ! shape property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2014-02-10T01:40:05Z [Term] id: PATO:0002522 name: keel-shaped def: "A shape quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer having an elongate structure, similar to a ridge, that extends longitudinally along an anatomical entity." [PATOC:EJS] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000052 ! shape property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2014-02-10T01:46:38Z [Term] id: PATO:0002523 name: vertical to def: "A positional quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's being located at a right angle relative to another entity and to the horizon." [PATOC:EJS] subset: relational_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000140 ! position property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2014-02-10T02:25:42Z [Term] id: PATO:0002524 name: mesiolateral orientation def: "An orientation quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer having a position that is directed mesiolaterally." [PATOC:EJS] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000133 ! orientation property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2014-02-10T02:37:42Z [Term] id: PATO:0002525 name: separating def: "A structural quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer being in a position that produces a separation in, or acting to separate, another entity." [PATOC:EJS] subset: relational_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000141 ! structure property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2014-02-10T02:48:15Z [Term] id: PATO:0002526 name: anterodistal orientation def: "An orientation quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer having a position that is directed anterodistally." [PATOC:EJS] synonym: "antero-distal orientation" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0000133 ! orientation relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0002491 ! anterodorsal orientation property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2014-03-11T11:28:39Z [Term] id: PATO:0002527 name: posterodistal orientation def: "An orientation quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer having a position that is directed posterodistally." [PATOC:EJS] synonym: "postero-distal orientation" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0000133 ! orientation relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0002504 ! posterodorsal orientation property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2014-03-11T11:29:22Z [Term] id: PATO:0002528 name: obsolete borderline intensity comment: obsoleted because the ID was accidentally reused is_obsolete: true replaced_by: PATO:0002628 [Term] id: PATO:0002529 name: obsolete profound intensity comment: obsoleted because the ID was accidentally reused is_obsolete: true replaced_by: PATO:0002629 [Term] id: PATO:0002530 name: obsolete episodic comment: obsoleted because the ID was accidentally reused is_obsolete: true replaced_by: PATO:0002630 [Term] id: PATO:0002531 name: obsolete refractory comment: obsoleted because the ID was accidentally reused is_obsolete: true replaced_by: PATO:0002631 [Term] id: PATO:0002532 name: obsolete secondary comment: obsoleted because the ID was accidentally reused is_obsolete: true replaced_by: PATO:0002632 [Term] id: PATO:0002533 name: bipartite def: "A multipartite quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer being divided into two parts." [PATOC:WD] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0002510 ! multipartite property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2014-08-12T11:12:13Z [Term] id: PATO:0002534 name: plowshare shaped def: "A shape quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's being shaped like a plowshare." [PATOC:WD] subset: value_slim synonym: "plow-share shaped" EXACT [] xref: Image:http\:// is_a: PATO:0000052 ! shape property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2014-08-12T11:23:12Z [Term] id: PATO:0002535 name: peg-like def: "A shape quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's having a short and stout cylindrical shape." [PATOC:WD] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000052 ! shape property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2014-08-12T11:30:08Z [Term] id: PATO:0002536 name: boomerang shaped def: "A shape quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's having a shape like a boomerang, with two arms connected at an angle." [PATOC:WD] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000052 ! shape property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2014-08-12T11:32:16Z [Term] id: PATO:0002537 name: subovoid def: "A spheroid quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's exhibiting a shape not quite ovoid. approximately ovoid." [merriam-webster:http\://] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001865 ! spheroid property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2014-08-12T11:51:38Z [Term] id: PATO:0002538 name: concavo-convex def: "A shape quality that obtains by virtue of the bearer being concave on one side and convex on the other." [merriam-webster:http\://] subset: value_slim synonym: "concavoconvex" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0002005 ! concavity property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2014-08-12T11:56:13Z [Term] id: PATO:0002539 name: ring shaped def: "A shape quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's having a shape like a ring (a circular shape enclosing a space)." [PATOC:WD] subset: value_slim synonym: "annular" EXACT [] synonym: "ring-shaped" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0000947 ! elliptic property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2014-08-12T12:01:56Z [Term] id: PATO:0002540 name: spur shaped def: "A shape quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's possessing a small, spike-like shape." [PATOC:WD] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000052 ! shape property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2014-08-12T12:07:44Z [Term] id: PATO:0002541 name: homeostatic def: "Pertaining to the ability or tendency of an organism or cell to maintain internal equilibrium by adjusting its physiological processes." [GO:0042592] is_a: PATO:0001995 ! organismal quality property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2014-12-01T16:07:28Z [Term] id: PATO:0002628 name: borderline intensity def: "An intensity which is borderline in it its effect or force as compared to baseline or normal." [] subset: hpo_slim is_a: PATO:0000049 ! intensity property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2014-05-26T06:42:21Z [Term] id: PATO:0002629 name: profound intensity def: "An intensity which is characterized by being very severe." [PATO:MAH] subset: hpo_slim is_a: PATO:0000049 ! intensity property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2014-05-26T06:44:11Z [Term] id: PATO:0002630 name: episodic def: "An occurrence quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's having a course that occurs occasionally." [PATO:MAH] subset: hpo_slim is_a: PATO:0000057 ! occurrence property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2014-05-26T06:50:16Z [Term] id: PATO:0002631 name: refractory def: "An occurrence of a process during which time there is an inability to change the course, extent, or repetition of the process." [PATO:MAH] subset: hpo_slim is_a: PATO:0000057 ! occurrence property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2014-05-26T13:09:29Z [Term] id: PATO:0002632 name: secondary def: "A quality in which the effect or outcome is not primary or the focus of the observation." [PATO:MAH] subset: hpo_slim is_a: PATO:0000068 ! qualitative property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2014-05-26T13:17:45Z [Term] id: PATO:0005000 name: hemispheroid def: "A 3-D shape that is half of a sphere." [PATOC:WD] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0002007 ! convex 3-D shape property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2014-09-09T12:25:08Z [Term] id: PATO:0005001 name: variability of count def: "A variability quality inhering in the bearer by virtue of the bearer having a variable number or count of an entity." [PATOC:WD] subset: value_slim synonym: "variable number" RELATED [] is_a: PATO:0001303 ! variability relationship: RO:0002503 PATO:0000070 ! towards amount property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2014-09-09T12:27:33Z [Term] id: PATO:0005002 name: pear shaped def: "Having the shape of a pear; tapering near the top and bulging toward the base or bottom. From" [PATOC:WD] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0002007 ! convex 3-D shape property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2014-09-09T12:30:02Z [Term] id: PATO:0005003 name: paddle shaped def: "A quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's resembling the form of a paddle." [PATOC:WD] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000052 ! shape property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2014-09-09T12:34:45Z [Term] id: PATO:0005004 name: subelliptical def: "A shape that is almost an ellipse." [PATOC:WD] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0002318 ! superelliptic property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2014-09-09T12:36:15Z [Term] id: PATO:0005005 name: radiating def: "Shape quality inhering in a bearer expanding outward, or having parts expanding outward, from a center point." [PATOC:WD] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000052 ! shape property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2014-09-09T12:37:27Z [Term] id: PATO:0005006 name: differentiated from def: "A morphology quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's being morphologically distinguishable from another entity." [PATOC:WD] subset: relational_slim subset: value_slim synonym: "distinct from" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0000051 ! morphology property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2014-09-09T12:40:57Z [Term] id: PATO:0005007 name: hypsodont def: "A 3-D shape inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's having dentition characterized by high-crowned teeth and enamel which extends far past the gum line, which provides extra material for wear and tear." [DOI:10.1111/j.1469-185X.2011.00176.x] comment: Need to include axiom: hypsodont inheres_in some ('tooth crown' and bearer_of 'increased \nheight'). subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0002266 ! 3-D shape property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2014-09-09T12:58:01Z [Term] id: PATO:0005008 name: brachydont def: "A 3-D shape inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's having dentition characterized by low-crowned teeth. Human teeth are brachydont." [DOI:10.1111/j.1469-185X.2011.00176.x] comment: Need to include axiom: brachydont inheres_in some ('tooth crown' and bearer_of 'decreased \nheight'). subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0002266 ! 3-D shape property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2014-09-09T12:59:35Z [Term] id: PATO:0005009 name: molariform def: "A 3-D shape inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's having an entity in the form of a molar tooth." [PATOC:WD] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0002266 ! 3-D shape property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2014-09-09T13:03:00Z [Term] id: PATO:0005010 name: plumose def: "A branched quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's having many fine filaments or branches that give a feathery appearance: for example, resembling a feather." [\://] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000402 ! branched property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2014-09-25T15:03:17Z [Term] id: PATO:0005011 name: continuous with def: "A positional quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer possessing an uninterrupted or unbroken connection or spatial distribution relative to the position of another entity." [PATOC:WD] subset: relational_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000140 ! position property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2014-09-25T15:07:34Z [Term] id: PATO:0005012 name: complete structure def: "A structural quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer being fully formed compared to entities lacking parts." [PATOC:WD] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000141 ! structure relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0005013 ! incomplete structure property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2014-09-25T15:11:47Z [Term] id: PATO:0005013 name: incomplete structure def: "A structural quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's lacking parts or having a reduced form compared to fully formed entities." [PATOC:WD] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000141 ! structure relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0005012 ! complete structure property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2014-09-25T15:12:35Z [Term] id: PATO:0005014 name: subspherical def: "A spheroid shape quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's being nearly, but not perfectly, spherical." [PATOC:WD] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001865 ! spheroid property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2014-09-25T15:16:25Z [Term] id: PATO:0005015 name: tapered size def: "A size quality inhering in an entity or set of entities in which size increases or decreases along the extent of the entity or set." [PATOC:WD] subset: value_slim synonym: "gradient of size" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0000117 ! size property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2014-09-25T15:17:51Z [Term] id: PATO:0005016 name: surrounded by def: "A positional quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's being enclosed on all sides by another entity." [PATOC:WD] subset: relational_slim subset: value_slim synonym: "enclosed by" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0000140 ! position property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2014-09-25T15:20:55Z [Term] id: PATO:0005017 name: labiolingually compressed def: "A quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's being compressed from the side facing the lips to the side facing the tongue." [PATOC:WD] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0002254 ! flattened property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2014-10-02T11:52:09Z [Term] id: PATO:0005018 name: mesiodistally compressed def: "A quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's being compressed from the side facing the midline of the jaw to the side opposite the midline." [PATOC:WD] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0002254 ! flattened property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2014-10-02T11:53:52Z [Term] id: PATO:0005019 name: curved lingually def: "A curvature quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's being curved towards the tongue." [PATOC:WD] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000406 ! curved property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2014-10-02T12:01:16Z [Term] id: PATO:0005020 name: irregularly shaped def: "A shape quality inhering on a bearer by virtue of a bearer's shape lacking in pattern or uniformity; for example, it may have sides of different lengths, different curvatures, or unequal angles." [PATOC:WD] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000052 ! shape property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2014-10-03T10:23:17Z [Term] id: PATO:0005021 name: unicuspidate def: "Cuspidate quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's possessing a single cusp." [PATOC:WD] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001973 ! cuspidate property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2014-10-17T14:14:04Z [Term] id: PATO:0005022 name: uniform diameter def: "A diameter that remains constant throughout the extent of an entity." [PATOC:WD] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001334 ! diameter property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2014-10-17T14:15:59Z [Term] id: PATO:0005023 name: parasagittal orientation def: "An orientation quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer having a position that is in the parasagittal plane." [PATOC:WD] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000133 ! orientation property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2014-10-17T14:21:30Z [Term] id: PATO:0005024 name: longitudinal orientation def: "An orientation quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer having a position that is directed along the longitudinal or anterior-posterior axis." [PATOC:WD] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000133 ! orientation property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2014-10-17T14:24:19Z [Term] id: PATO:0010000 name: maximally connected def: "A structural quality inhering in the bearer by virtue of the bearer consisting of a single, maximally connected structure." [GOC:dos] comment: What counts as maximally connected may be relative to some specification of granularity. is_a: PATO:0000141 ! structure property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2014-12-12T08:41:11Z [Term] id: PATO:0010001 name: disconnected def: "A structural quality inhering in the bearer by virtue of the bearer consisting of multiple structures lacking any physical connection to each other." [GOC:dos] is_a: PATO:0000141 ! structure property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2014-12-12T08:43:17Z [Term] id: PATO:0010002 name: propagation velocity def: "The velocity of spatial propagation of a process. Examples include the velocity of propagation of an action potential along an axon." [] is_a: PATO:0002062 ! physical quality of a process property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2019-07-18T18:24:15Z [Term] id: PATO:0010003 name: increased propagation velocity def: "A propagation velocity that is higher than normal." [] is_a: PATO:0002304 ! increased process quality is_a: PATO:0010002 ! propagation velocity property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2019-07-18T18:24:25Z [Term] id: PATO:0010004 name: decreased propagation velocity def: "A propagation velocity that is lower than normal." [] is_a: PATO:0002302 ! decreased process quality is_a: PATO:0010002 ! propagation velocity property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2019-07-18T18:24:36Z [Term] id: PATO:0010005 name: spatial distribution of a process def: "A physical quality of a process that is its spatial distribution. For example, bone mineralization follows stereotypical spatial distribution patterns during development, which may be altered in some phenotypes." [] subset: attribute_slim is_a: PATO:0002062 ! physical quality of a process property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2019-07-18T18:49:08Z [Term] id: PATO:0010006 name: cell morphology def: "A quality of a single cell inhering in the bearer by virtue of the bearer's size or shape or structure." [] comment: Use this term for morphologies that can *only* inhere in a cell, e.g. morphological qualities inhering in a cell by virtue of the presence, location or shape of one or more cell parts. is_a: PATO:0000051 ! morphology property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2021-01-23T11:31:53Z [Term] id: PATO:0010007 name: multiciliated def: "A cellular quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's having multiple cilia." [PMID:36924208] is_a: PATO:0001408 ! ciliated property_value: terms:contributor property_value: terms:date "2024-07-23T10:43:20Z" xsd:dateTime [Term] id: PATO:0010008 name: monociliated def: "A cellular quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's having only one cilium." [PMID:36924208] is_a: PATO:0001408 ! ciliated property_value: terms:contributor property_value: terms:date "2024-07-23T10:43:33Z" xsd:dateTime [Term] id: PATO:0015001 name: absence due to degeneration def: "Absence due to a degenerative process." [PATOC:PortlandMeetingFeb2015] subset: absent_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000639 ! degenerate is_a: PATO:0040060 ! absence of anatomical entity property_value: terms:contributor [Term] id: PATO:0015002 name: process efficacy def: "The ability of a process to produce its output." [PATOC:PortlandMeetingFeb2015] subset: attribute_slim is_a: PATO:0002062 ! physical quality of a process property_value: terms:contributor [Term] id: PATO:0015003 name: decreased efficacy def: "A decrease in the ability of a process to produce its output." [PATOC:PortlandMeetingFeb2015] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0002302 ! decreased process quality is_a: PATO:0015002 ! process efficacy relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0015004 ! increased efficacy property_value: terms:contributor [Term] id: PATO:0015004 name: increased efficacy def: "A increase in the ability of a process to produce its output." [PATOC:PortlandMeetingFeb2015] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0002304 ! increased process quality is_a: PATO:0015002 ! process efficacy relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0015003 ! decreased efficacy property_value: terms:contributor [Term] id: PATO:0015005 name: tendrilous def: "Slender and spirally coiled." [] subset: value_slim synonym: "tendril-like" RELATED [] synonym: "tendril-shaped" RELATED [] synonym: "tendrilled" BROAD [] is_a: PATO:0000052 ! shape relationship: has_part PATO:0000404 ! coiled relationship: has_part PATO:0002212 ! slender [Term] id: PATO:0015006 name: polymeric def: "A quality inhering in a structure by virtue of it consisting of many of repeated, similar or identical subunits, arranged in some orderly array." [GOC:DOS,] comment: A complete coverage of this domain would subclasses homopolymeric, copolymeric, crystalline. subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000141 ! structure [Term] id: PATO:0015007 name: prominence def: "A quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the degree to which the bearers stands out or projects beyond a surface or line." [GOC:CJM] subset: attribute_slim is_a: PATO:0001018 ! physical quality [Term] id: PATO:0015008 name: distensibility def: "A quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the extent to which the bearer is capable of being stretched or swollen." [GOC:CJM] subset: attribute_slim is_a: PATO:0000141 ! structure [Term] id: PATO:0015009 name: humidity def: "A quality inhering in air by virtue of the partial pressure exerted by the bearer's water vapour content." [] subset: attribute_slim is_a: PATO:0001547 ! quality of a gas [Term] id: PATO:0015010 name: increased humidity def: "An increase in humidity." [] subset: value_slim synonym: "humid" RELATED [] is_a: PATO:0002305 ! increased object quality is_a: PATO:0015009 ! humidity relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0015011 ! decreased humidity [Term] id: PATO:0015011 name: decreased humidity def: "An decrease in humidity." [] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0002303 ! decreased object quality is_a: PATO:0015009 ! humidity relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0015010 ! increased humidity [Term] id: PATO:0015012 name: quality of a plasma def: "A physical quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's exhibiting the physical characteristics of an entity consisting of roughly equal proportions of positively and negatively charged particles, having neither a defined volume nor defined shape, having internal magnetic fields, and being electrically conductive." [] subset: attribute_slim is_a: PATO:0001547 ! quality of a gas [Term] id: PATO:0015013 name: degree of illumination def: "The degree to which the bearer is exposed to visible light." [] subset: attribute_slim is_a: PATO:0070060 ! quality of interaction of a substance with electromagnetic radiation [Term] id: PATO:0015014 name: increased degree of illumination def: "An increase in illumination." [] subset: value_slim synonym: "illuminated" RELATED [] is_a: PATO:0002305 ! increased object quality is_a: PATO:0015013 ! degree of illumination relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0015015 ! decreased degree of illumination [Term] id: PATO:0015015 name: decreased degree of illumination def: "An decrease in illumination." [] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0002303 ! decreased object quality is_a: PATO:0015013 ! degree of illumination relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0015014 ! increased degree of illumination [Term] id: PATO:0015016 name: stepped def: "Having a shape or form that resembles a step of a stairway (e.g., a ledge or offset margin)." [,] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000052 ! shape [Term] id: PATO:0015017 name: quality of a colloid def: "A physical quality inhering in an entity by virtue of a portion of the bearer's molecular or polymolecular constituents present in one phase being dispersed in a portion of the bearer's constituents present in another phase." [ENVO:pb,,] subset: attribute_slim is_a: PATO:0002198 ! quality of a substance [Term] id: PATO:0015018 name: quality of an aerosol def: "A physical quality inhering in an entity by virtue of the bearer's solid or liquid constituents being suspended in a gas." [ENVO:pb,] subset: attribute_slim is_a: PATO:0015017 ! quality of a colloid [Term] id: PATO:0015019 name: C-shaped def: "A concave 3-D shape quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's being shaped in the form of the letter C." [github:mah11,] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0002008 ! concave 3-D shape [Term] id: PATO:0015020 name: J-shaped def: "A concave 3-D shape quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's being shaped in the form of the letter J." [github:mah11,] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0002008 ! concave 3-D shape [Term] id: PATO:0015021 name: combustibility def: "The propensity of a material to undergo combustion. Combustion encompasses smouldering and flaming combustion. Combustibility is usually applied to solids." [,] subset: attribute_slim is_a: PATO:0001018 ! physical quality [Term] id: PATO:0015022 name: increased combustibility def: "An increase in combustibility." [] subset: value_slim synonym: "combustible" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0002305 ! increased object quality is_a: PATO:0015021 ! combustibility relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0015023 ! decreased combustibility [Term] id: PATO:0015023 name: decreased combustibility def: "An decrease in combustibility." [] subset: value_slim synonym: "noncombustible" RELATED [] is_a: PATO:0002303 ! decreased object quality is_a: PATO:0015021 ! combustibility relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0015022 ! increased combustibility [Term] id: PATO:0015024 name: increased porosity def: "An increase in porosity." [] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000973 ! porosity is_a: PATO:0002305 ! increased object quality [Term] id: PATO:0015025 name: decreased porosity def: "An decrease in porosity." [] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000973 ! porosity is_a: PATO:0002303 ! decreased object quality relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0015024 ! increased porosity [Term] id: PATO:0015026 name: stability def: "quality, state, or degree of being stable." [] subset: attribute_slim subset: disposition_slim is_a: PATO:0000141 ! structure [Term] id: PATO:0015027 name: increased stability def: "An increase in stability." [] subset: disposition_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0002305 ! increased object quality is_a: PATO:0015026 ! stability [Term] id: PATO:0015028 name: decreased stability def: "A decrease in stability." [] subset: disposition_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0002303 ! decreased object quality is_a: PATO:0015026 ! stability relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0015027 ! increased stability [Term] id: PATO:0015029 name: quality of a suspension def: "A physical quality inhering in an entity by virtue of the bearer's solid or liquid constituents being transiently dispersed in a solid, liquid, or gas before settling due to gravity or centrifugal forces." [ENVO:pb,] subset: attribute_slim is_a: PATO:0002198 ! quality of a substance [Term] id: PATO:0015030 name: plume-shaped def: "A shape that ineres in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's mass being distributed in a feather-like fashion." [] subset: value_slim synonym: "feather-shaped" EXACT [] synonym: "plumed" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0000052 ! shape [Term] id: PATO:0015031 name: contamination def: "The presence of a constituent, impurity, or some other undesirable element that spoils, corrupts, infects, makes unfit, or makes inferior a material, physical body, natural environment, place of human occupancy, or other material entity." [,] subset: attribute_slim synonym: "degree of contamination" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0000025 ! composition [Term] id: PATO:0015032 name: increased contamination def: "An increase in contamination." [,] subset: value_slim synonym: "contaminated" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0002305 ! increased object quality is_a: PATO:0015031 ! contamination [Term] id: PATO:0015033 name: decreased contamination def: "A decrease in contamination." [,] subset: value_slim synonym: "uncontaminated" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0002303 ! decreased object quality is_a: PATO:0015031 ! contamination relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0015032 ! increased contamination [Term] id: PATO:0020000 name: genotypic sex def: "A biological sex quality inhering in an individual based upon genotypic composition of sex chromosomes." [PATOC:MAH] comment: Note that the chromosomal constitution of genotypic sex varies in different organisms. In human, we have XY, XX, though abnormal XXY, X0, XYY, and other combinations are possible. is_a: PATO:0000047 ! biological sex property_value: terms:contributor [Term] id: PATO:0020001 name: male genotypic sex def: "A biological sex quality inhering in an individual based upon genotypic composition that confers the capability for an organism to differentiate male gonads." [PATOC:MAH] comment: Note that the chromosomal constitution of genotypic sex varies in different organisms. In human, this would be XY, though abnormal XXY and XYY would also result in a male phenotypic outcome. is_a: PATO:0020000 ! genotypic sex property_value: terms:contributor [Term] id: PATO:0020002 name: female genotypic sex def: "A biological sex quality inhering in an individual or a population based upon genotypic composition that confers the capability for an organism to differentiate female gonads." [PATOC:MAH] comment: Note that the chromosomal constitution of genotypic sex varies in different organisms. In human, this would be XX, though abnormal X0 and XXX would also result in a female phenotypic outcome. is_a: PATO:0020000 ! genotypic sex property_value: terms:contributor [Term] id: PATO:0025000 name: potability def: "A physical quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's disposition to being fit to be used as a safe means of hydration." [Wikipedia:https\://] synonym: "drinkability" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0001018 ! physical quality property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2015-09-01T16:16:44Z [Term] id: PATO:0025001 name: non-potable def: "A physical quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer not being suitable for use as a safe means of hydration." [Wikipedia:https\://] synonym: "undrinkable" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0025000 ! potability disjoint_from: PATO:0025002 ! potable relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0025002 ! potable property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2015-09-01T16:18:57Z [Term] id: PATO:0025002 name: potable def: "A physical quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer being suitable for use as a safe means of hydration." [Wikipedia:https\://] synonym: "drinkable" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0025000 ! potability relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0025001 ! non-potable property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2015-09-01T16:19:02Z [Term] id: PATO:0030000 name: anteriorized def: "A malformed quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's gross morphology containing what are normally anterior structures and missing some or all of what are normally posterior structures." [PATOC:EJS] synonym: "anterioralized" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0000646 ! malformed property_value: terms:contributor [Term] id: PATO:0030001 name: dorsalized def: "A malformed quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's gross morphology containing what are normally dorsal structures and missing some or all of what are normally ventral structures." [PATOC:EJS] is_a: PATO:0000646 ! malformed property_value: terms:contributor [Term] id: PATO:0030002 name: posteriorized def: "A malformed quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's gross morphology containing what are normally posterior structures and missing some or all of what are normally anterior structures." [PATOC:EJS] synonym: "posterioralized" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0000646 ! malformed property_value: terms:contributor [Term] id: PATO:0030003 name: ventralized def: "A malformed quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's gross morphology containing what are normally ventral structures and missing some or all of what are normally dorsal structures." [PATOC:EJS] is_a: PATO:0000646 ! malformed property_value: terms:contributor [Term] id: PATO:0030004 name: partially anteriorized def: "An anteriorized quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's gross morphology containing what are normally anterior structures and missing some but not all of what are normally posterior structures." [PATOC:EJS] synonym: "partially anterioralized" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0030000 ! anteriorized property_value: terms:contributor [Term] id: PATO:0030005 name: partially dorsalized def: "A dorsalized quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's gross morphology containing what are normally dorsal structures and missing some but not all of what are normally ventral structures." [PATOC:EJS] is_a: PATO:0030001 ! dorsalized property_value: terms:contributor [Term] id: PATO:0030006 name: partially posteriorized def: "A posteriorized quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's gross morphology containing what are normally posterior structures and missing some but not all of what are normally anterior structures." [PATOC:EJS] synonym: "partially posterioralized" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0030002 ! posteriorized property_value: terms:contributor [Term] id: PATO:0030007 name: partially ventralized def: "A ventralized quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's gross morphology containing what are normally ventral structures and missing some but not all of what are normally dorsal structures." [PATOC:EJS] is_a: PATO:0030003 ! ventralized property_value: terms:contributor [Term] id: PATO:0030008 name: dorso-anteriorized def: "A malformed quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's gross morphology containing what are normally dorso-anterior structures and missing some or all of what are normally ventro-posterior structures." [PATOC:EJS] is_a: PATO:0000646 ! malformed property_value: terms:contributor [Term] id: PATO:0030009 name: partially dorso-anteriorized def: "A dorso-anteriorized quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's gross morphology containing what are normally dorso-anterior structures and missing some but not all of what are normally ventro-posterior structures." [PATOC:EJS] is_a: PATO:0030008 ! dorso-anteriorized property_value: terms:contributor [Term] id: PATO:0030010 name: wholly dorso-anteriorized def: "A dorso-anteriorized quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's gross morphology containing only what are normally dorso-anterior structures." [PATOC:EJS] is_a: PATO:0030008 ! dorso-anteriorized property_value: terms:contributor [Term] id: PATO:0030011 name: ventro-posteriorized def: "A malformed quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's gross morphology containing what are normally ventro-posterior structures and missing some or all of what are normally dorso-anterior structures." [PATOC:EJS] is_a: PATO:0000646 ! malformed property_value: terms:contributor [Term] id: PATO:0030012 name: partially ventro-posteriorized def: "A ventro-posteriorized quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's gross morphology containing what are normally ventro-posterior structures and missing some but not all of what are normally dorso-anterior structures." [PATOC:EJS] is_a: PATO:0030011 ! ventro-posteriorized property_value: terms:contributor [Term] id: PATO:0030013 name: wholly ventro-posteriorized def: "A ventro-posteriorized quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's gross morphology containing only what are normally ventro-posterior structures." [PATOC:EJS] is_a: PATO:0030011 ! ventro-posteriorized property_value: terms:contributor [Term] id: PATO:0040000 name: heterotaxic def: "An oriented quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's being abnormally placed or arranged." [] is_a: PATO:0000625 ! inverted property_value: dc:date "2018-05-21T22:44:38Z" xsd:dateTime property_value: terms:contributor [Term] id: PATO:0040001 name: obsolete ring-shaped is_obsolete: true replaced_by: PATO:0002539 [Term] id: PATO:0040002 name: position originates from def: "A positional quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of some aspect of that bearer beginning from a position on another entity." [] comment: Original label "originates from" changed to current label to differentiate that this term is a positional quality rather than one that connects between an entity and another entity it originates from. subset: relational_slim is_a: PATO:0000140 ! position property_value: dc:date "2018-05-24T04:10:53Z" xsd:dateTime property_value: terms:contributor [Term] id: PATO:0040003 name: pathogenicity def: "The ability of a pathogen to produce an infectious disease or disorder in an another organism." [] is_a: PATO:0001995 ! organismal quality property_value: dc:date "2018-08-02T04:24:52Z" xsd:dateTime property_value: terms:contributor [Term] id: PATO:0040004 name: plush def: "A texture quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's being covered or partially covered with hair that has increased thickness and softness." [,] is_a: PATO:0000150 ! texture property_value: dc:date "2018-08-02T04:39:30Z" xsd:dateTime property_value: terms:contributor [Term] id: PATO:0040005 name: posteroventral orientation def: "An orientation quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer having a position that is directed posteroventrally." [] synonym: "posteroventrally oriented" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0000133 ! orientation property_value: dc:date "2018-11-12T22:54:16Z" xsd:dateTime property_value: terms:contributor [Term] id: PATO:0040006 name: crown like def: "A shape quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's having a shape like a crown." [] is_a: PATO:0000052 ! shape property_value: dc:date "2018-11-12T18:09:59Z" xsd:dateTime property_value: terms:contributor [Term] id: PATO:0040007 name: shell shaped def: "A shape quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's having a shape like a shell." [] is_a: PATO:0000052 ! shape property_value: dc:date "2018-11-12T18:12:47Z" xsd:dateTime property_value: terms:contributor [Term] id: PATO:0040008 name: fringed def: "A shape quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's having an ornamental border consisting of short straight or twisted threads or strips hanging from cut or raveled edges or from a separate band." [,] is_a: PATO:0002267 ! edge shape property_value: dc:date "2018-11-12T18:15:10Z" xsd:dateTime property_value: terms:contributor [Term] id: PATO:0040009 name: bowl shaped def: "A concave 3-D shape quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's being shaped in the form of a bowl." [] is_a: PATO:0002008 ! concave 3-D shape property_value: dc:date "2018-11-12T18:17:01Z" xsd:dateTime property_value: terms:contributor [Term] id: PATO:0040010 name: mobile relative to def: "Mobility relative to a second entity." [] comment: For example, distinct anteroposterior mobility of palatine relative to mesethmoid. is_a: PATO:0000004 ! mobility property_value: dc:date "2018-11-12T18:20:08Z" xsd:dateTime property_value: terms:contributor [Term] id: PATO:0040011 name: immobile relative to def: "Immobility relative to a second entity." [] comment: For example: distinct anteroposterior immobility of palatine relative to mesethmoid. is_a: PATO:0000004 ! mobility property_value: dc:date "2018-11-12T18:21:07Z" xsd:dateTime property_value: terms:contributor [Term] id: PATO:0040012 name: plug shaped def: "A shape that is in the form of a plug, being tube-like and expanded on one end." [] synonym: "plug like" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0000052 ! shape property_value: dc:date "2018-11-12T18:24:41Z" xsd:dateTime property_value: terms:contributor [Term] id: PATO:0040013 name: dorsomedial orientation def: "An orientation quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer having a position that is directed dorsomedially." [] synonym: "dorsomedially directed" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0000133 ! orientation property_value: dc:date "2018-11-12T18:27:57Z" xsd:dateTime property_value: terms:contributor [Term] id: PATO:0040014 name: band shaped def: "A shape that is in the form of a narrow strip encircling an object." [,] synonym: "band like" EXACT [] synonym: "band-like" EXACT [] synonym: "strip like" EXACT [] synonym: "strip-like" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0000052 ! shape property_value: dc:date "2018-11-12T18:31:51Z" xsd:dateTime property_value: terms:contributor [Term] id: PATO:0040015 name: trough shaped def: "A concave 3-D shape quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's shape resembling that of a trough, being narrow, long, and boxlike in shape." [,] synonym: "trough like" EXACT [] synonym: "trough-like" EXACT [] synonym: "trough-shaped" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0002008 ! concave 3-D shape property_value: dc:date "2018-11-12T18:35:51Z" xsd:dateTime property_value: terms:contributor [Term] id: PATO:0040016 name: pentagonal def: "A shape quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's having five angles and five sides." [,] is_a: PATO:0002006 ! 2-D shape property_value: dc:date "2018-11-12T18:39:48Z" xsd:dateTime property_value: terms:contributor [Term] id: PATO:0040017 name: dysplastic growth def: "A growth quality of occurrent in which the growth of an organism, structure or group of organisms is abnormal." [] synonym: "dysgenesis" NARROW [] is_a: PATO:0001433 ! growth quality of occurrent property_value: dc:date "2018-11-12T19:01:51Z" xsd:dateTime property_value: terms:contributor [Term] id: PATO:0040019 name: fibrotic def: "Fibrosis is the formation of excess fibrous connective tissue in an organ or tissue in a reparative or reactive process." [] is_a: PATO:0000025 ! composition property_value: dc:date "2018-11-12T23:16:17Z" xsd:dateTime property_value: terms:contributor [Term] id: PATO:0040020 name: spayed female def: "Female quality of being incapable to reproduce because of functional loss of the ovaries and/or uterus from surgical removal." [] is_a: PATO:0000383 ! female property_value: dc:date "2018-11-16T22:52:49Z" xsd:dateTime property_value: terms:contributor [Term] id: PATO:0040021 name: unpaired def: "The bearer of this quality has_part n=1 of the indicated entity type, where n is bilaterally paired for a comparable organism.." [] is_a: PATO:0000467 ! present property_value: terms:contributor [Term] id: PATO:0040022 name: flared def: "A shape quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer being expanded laterally and or opened outward in shape." [] is_a: PATO:0000052 ! shape property_value: dc:date "2018-11-19T21:49:07Z" xsd:dateTime property_value: terms:contributor [Term] id: PATO:0040023 name: distomedial orientation def: "An orientation quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer having a position that is directed distomedially, ie, pertaining to an inside aspect, but also farther away from the center of the body." [] synonym: "disto-medial orientation" EXACT [] synonym: "distomedial" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0000133 ! orientation property_value: dc:date "2018-11-19T21:54:33Z" xsd:dateTime property_value: terms:contributor [Term] id: PATO:0040024 name: bilaterally paired def: "The bearer of this quality has_part n=2 of the indicated entity type, where n is unpaired for a comparable organism." [] synonym: "paired" BROAD [] is_a: PATO:0000467 ! present property_value: terms:contributor [Term] id: PATO:0040025 name: lesioned def: "A structural quality which is held by a bearer where a localized pathological or traumatic structural change, damage, deformity, or discontinuity of tissue, organ, or body part is present." [NCIT:C3824] is_a: PATO:0000141 ! structure property_value: terms:contributor [Term] id: PATO:0040026 name: structurally discontinuous def: "A structural quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's being marked by interruptions or gaps." [] comment: This term is intended for use for terms such as MP:0010461 discontinuous pulmonary artery and MP:0004157 interrupted aortic arch. synonym: "structurally interrupted" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0001241 ! physical object quality property_value: terms:contributor [Term] id: PATO:0040027 name: doubled haploid def: "A ploidy quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's haploid cells undergo chromosome doubling." [Wikipedia:https\://] synonym: "double haploid" EXACT [] synonym: "double-haploid" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0001393 ! euploid property_value: terms:contributor [Term] id: PATO:0040028 name: parous def: "An organismal quality of having successfully reproduced." [EFO:0002947] is_a: PATO:0001434 ! reproductive quality property_value: terms:contributor [Term] id: PATO:0040029 name: shaded def: "A physical quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of that bearer being shielded from visible light." [] comment: Shaded does not refer to radiation more generally, as this would be more shielded than shaded. is_a: PATO:0001018 ! physical quality property_value: terms:contributor [Term] id: PATO:0040030 name: decreased width and length def: "A width and length quality which is relatively small, where both width and length are decreased." [] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000574 ! decreased length is_a: PATO:0000599 ! decreased width relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0040031 ! increased width and length property_value: terms:contributor [Term] id: PATO:0040031 name: increased width and length def: "A width and length quality that is relatively large, where both width and length are increased." [] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000573 ! increased length is_a: PATO:0000600 ! increased width relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0040030 ! decreased width and length property_value: terms:contributor [Term] id: PATO:0040032 name: increased linear velocity def: "A distance traveled in a specific time that is relatively high." [] is_a: PATO:0002304 ! increased process quality property_value: terms:contributor [Term] id: PATO:0040033 name: decreased linear velocity def: "A distance traveled in a specific time that is relatively low." [] is_a: PATO:0002302 ! decreased process quality property_value: terms:contributor [Term] id: PATO:0040034 name: fractured def: "A broken quality where an entity is cracked or broken, usually a bone." [] is_a: PATO:0001444 ! broken property_value: terms:contributor [Term] id: PATO:0040035 name: transversely fractured def: "A fractured quality where the fracture traverses the bone perpendicular to the axis of the bone." [] synonym: "fractured, transverse" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0040034 ! fractured property_value: terms:contributor [Term] id: PATO:0040036 name: impact-fractured def: "A fractured quality in which one of the fragments is driven into another fragment." [] synonym: "fractured, impacted" EXACT [] synonym: "impact fractured" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0040034 ! fractured property_value: terms:contributor [Term] id: PATO:0040037 name: linearly fractured def: "A fractured quality where the fracture runs parallel to the long axis of a bone." [] synonym: "fractured, linear" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0040034 ! fractured property_value: terms:contributor [Term] id: PATO:0040038 name: obliquely fractured def: "A fractured quality where the fracture occurs at a plane oblique to the long axis of the bone." [] synonym: "fractured, oblique" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0040034 ! fractured property_value: terms:contributor [Term] id: PATO:0040039 name: spirally fractured def: "A fractured quality that occurs when torque (a rotating force) is applied along the axis of a bone." [] synonym: "fractured, spiral" EXACT [] synonym: "fractured, torsion" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0040034 ! fractured property_value: terms:contributor [Term] id: PATO:0040040 name: compression-fractured def: "A fractured quality that is caused by a loss of bone mass (osteoporosis) that occurs as part of aging." [] synonym: "compression fractured" EXACT [] synonym: "fractured, compression" EXACT [] synonym: "fractured, wedge" EXACT [] synonym: "wedge fractured" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0040034 ! fractured property_value: terms:contributor [Term] id: PATO:0040041 name: avulsion fractured def: "A fractured quality in which the fragment of bone tears away from the main mass of bone as a result of physical trauma." [] synonym: "fractured, avulsion" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0040034 ! fractured property_value: terms:contributor [Term] id: PATO:0040042 name: decreased ratio def: "A decreased quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's decreased magnitude in proportion to the magnitude of another entity." [] {terms:contributor="", terms:contributor=""} comment: Example: decreased proportion of CD4 T cells relative to total T cells. subset: relational_slim synonym: "decreased proportion" EXACT [] synonym: "decreased proportionality" EXACT [] synonym: "decreased proportionality to" EXACT [] synonym: "decreased quotient" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0001470 ! ratio is_a: PATO:0002303 ! decreased object quality property_value: terms:contributor [Term] id: PATO:0040043 name: increased ratio def: "An increased quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's increased magnitude in proportion to the magnitude of another entity." [] {terms:contributor="", terms:contributor=""} comment: Example: increased proportion of CD4 T cells relative to total T cells. subset: relational_slim synonym: "increased proportion" EXACT [] synonym: "increased proportionality" EXACT [] synonym: "increased proportionality to" EXACT [] synonym: "increased quotient" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0001470 ! ratio is_a: PATO:0002305 ! increased object quality property_value: terms:contributor [Term] id: PATO:0040044 name: ruptured def: "A structural quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's components being torn, typically used for soft tissues or membranes." [] synonym: "burst" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0001444 ! broken property_value: terms:contributor [Term] id: PATO:0040045 name: population growth rate def: "The rate or speed of the change in in number of a population." [,] is_a: PATO:0001492 ! growth rate is_a: PATO:0040057 ! population process quality created_by: [Term] id: PATO:0040046 name: single organismal growth rate def: "The rate or speed of the change in size of an individual entity." [,] is_a: PATO:0002487 ! single organismal process quality created_by: [Term] id: PATO:0040047 name: fragmented def: "Existing or functioning as though broken into separate parts; disorganized; disunified." [] comment: Moved to a child of wholeness because broken implies a trauma and fragmented could be caused by a developmental process. See HP:0100168 Fragmented epiphyses as an example. is_a: PATO:0001442 ! wholeness property_value: terms:contributor [Term] id: PATO:0040048 name: erythematous def: "Red due to increase blood circulation in a defined area." [] synonym: "erythema" EXACT [] synonym: "skin redness" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0000051 ! morphology property_value: terms:contributor [Term] id: PATO:0040049 name: male with DSD def: "A biological sex quality inhering in an individual or a population who are otherwise male of a non-hermaphroditic species who has ambiguous or atypical congenital development of the reproductive system." [] comment: The term intersex is popular in use, but may be considered offensive when applied to humans. DSD can be expanded multiple ways to 'disorders/differences of sexual development/differentiation'. synonym: "intersex" BROAD [] synonym: "male with differences of sexual differentiation" EXACT [] synonym: "male with disorder of sexual development" EXACT [] synonym: "male, DSD" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0001894 ! phenotypic sex property_value: seeAlso "" xsd:string created_by: [Term] id: PATO:0040050 name: diandrous def: "A phenotypic sex quality inhering in a plant organism or a population of plants in which the flowers have two stamens." [] {comment=""} is_a: PATO:0001894 ! phenotypic sex property_value: terms:contributor [Term] id: PATO:0040051 name: monandrous def: "A phenotypic sex quality inhering in a plant organism or a population of plants in which the flowers have only one stamen." [,] is_a: PATO:0001894 ! phenotypic sex property_value: terms:contributor [Term] id: PATO:0040052 name: protogynous def: "A sequential hermaphroditic quality whereby organisms start out as female and change to male at a later life stage." [] {comment=""} synonym: "protogyny" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0070000 ! sequential hermaphrodite property_value: terms:contributor [Term] id: PATO:0040053 name: protandrous def: "A sequential hermaphroditic quality whereby organisms start out as male and change to female at a later life stage." [,] synonym: "protandry" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0070000 ! sequential hermaphrodite property_value: terms:contributor [Term] id: PATO:0040054 name: protogynous hermaphroditism def: "A protogynous quality whereby organisms start out as female and change to hermaphrodite at a later life stage." [] synonym: "protogynous hermaphrodite" EXACT [] synonym: "protogynous hermaphroditic" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0040052 ! protogynous property_value: terms:contributor [Term] id: PATO:0040055 name: protandrous hermaphroditism def: "A protandrous quality whereby organisms start out as male and change to hermaphrodite at a later life stage." [] synonym: "protandrous hermaphrodite" EXACT [] synonym: "protandrous hermaphroditic" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0040053 ! protandrous property_value: terms:contributor [Term] id: PATO:0040056 name: female with DSD def: "A biological sex quality inhering in an individual or a population who are otherwise female of a non-hermaphroditic species who has ambiguous or atypical congenital development of the reproductive system." [] comment: The term intersex is popular in use, but may be considered offensive when applied to humans. DSD can be expanded multiple ways to 'disorders/differences of sexual development/differentiation'. synonym: "female with differences of sexual differentiation" EXACT [] synonym: "female with disorder of sexual development" EXACT [] synonym: "female, DSD" EXACT [] synonym: "intersex" BROAD [] is_a: PATO:0001894 ! phenotypic sex property_value: seeAlso "" xsd:string created_by: [Term] id: PATO:0040057 name: population process quality def: "A quality inhering in a process by virtue of that process having a population or part of a population, where population is defined as a collection of individuals from the same taxonomic class distinguished by one or more characteristics, as participants." [] is_a: PATO:0001236 ! process quality created_by: [Term] id: PATO:0040058 name: absence of physical object def: "A quality denoting the lack of a physical entity or object, such as a chemical." [thefreedictionary.:thefreedictionary.] subset: absent_slim synonym: "physical absence" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0001241 ! physical object quality created_by: [Term] id: PATO:0040059 name: absent process def: "A quality denoting the lack of a process or function." [] subset: absent_slim synonym: "Process absence" EXACT [] xref: thefreedictionary.:thefreedictionary. is_a: PATO:0001236 ! process quality created_by: [Term] id: PATO:0040060 name: absence of anatomical entity def: "A quality denoting the lack of an anatomical entity or cellular component." [thefreedictionary.:thefreedictionary.] comment: Absence of anatomical entity should only be used when all of the entity is absent. For example, absent teeth would mean all teeth are absent not some teeth are absent. subset: absent_slim synonym: "anatomical entity absence" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0000051 ! morphology is_a: PATO:0040058 ! absence of physical object created_by: [Term] id: PATO:0040070 name: thermoplastic def: "A physical quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's disposition to deform by heating." [,] is_a: PATO:0001018 ! physical quality property_value: terms:contributor property_value: terms:contributor property_value: terms:contributor property_value: terms:contributor [Term] id: PATO:0040071 name: nuclear/cytoplasmic ratio def: "A quality inhering in a cell by virtue of the ratio between the volume of its nucleus and the volume of its cytoplasm." [Wikipedia:NC_ratio&oldid=931936284] synonym: "N:C ratio" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0001396 ! cellular quality created_by: [Term] id: PATO:0040072 name: high nuclear/cytoplasmic ratio def: "A quality inhering in a cell by virtue of the cell having a high nuclear/cytoplasmic ratio." [, Wikipedia:NC_ratio&oldid=931936284] comment: A high nuclear/cytolasmic ratio is 70% or higher. synonym: "high N:C ratio" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0001396 ! cellular quality created_by: [Term] id: PATO:0045000 name: normal rate def: "A rate which is relatively normal." [] subset: mpath_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000161 ! rate is_a: PATO:0045073 ! normal process quality [Term] id: PATO:0045001 name: normal object quality def: "A quality of an object that has a value that is normal or average." [] is_a: PATO:0001241 ! physical object quality relationship: RO:0015010 PATO:0000461 ! has relative magnitude normal property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2017-12-21T14:11:01Z [Term] id: PATO:0045002 name: normal acidity def: "An acidity which is relatively normal." [] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001842 ! acidity is_a: PATO:0045001 ! normal object quality [Term] id: PATO:0045003 name: normal adhesivity def: "A adhesivity which is relatively normal or average." [] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0002331 ! adhesive is_a: PATO:0045001 ! normal object quality property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2017-12-22T14:16:43Z [Term] id: PATO:0045004 name: normal affinity def: "An affinity which is relatively normal or average." [] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0002070 ! affinity is_a: PATO:0045001 ! normal object quality property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2017-12-22T14:16:43Z [Term] id: PATO:0045005 name: normal age def: "An age which is relatively normal or average." [] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000011 ! age is_a: PATO:0045001 ! normal object quality property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2017-12-22T14:16:43Z [Term] id: PATO:0045006 name: normal avidity def: "An avidity which is relatively normal or average." [] subset: disposition_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0002073 ! avidity is_a: PATO:0045001 ! normal object quality property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2017-12-22T14:16:43Z [Term] id: PATO:0045007 name: normal behavioural activity def: "A behavioural quality of a process inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's exhibiting normal or average activity." [] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001707 ! behavioural active is_a: PATO:0045001 ! normal object quality property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2017-12-22T14:16:43Z [Term] id: PATO:0045008 name: normal cellular motility def: "A cellular motility which is normal or average." [] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001488 ! cellular motility is_a: PATO:0045001 ! normal object quality property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2017-12-22T14:16:43Z [Term] id: PATO:0045009 name: normal coiling def: "A coiling which is normal or average." [] subset: cell_quality subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000404 ! coiled is_a: PATO:0045001 ! normal object quality property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2017-12-22T14:16:43Z [Term] id: PATO:0045010 name: normal concentration def: "A concentration which is relatively normal or average." [] subset: relational_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001159 ! concentrated is_a: PATO:0045001 ! normal object quality property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2017-12-22T14:16:43Z [Term] id: PATO:0045011 name: normal contractility def: "A contractility which is relatively normal or average." [] subset: disposition_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001690 ! contractile is_a: PATO:0045001 ! normal object quality property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2017-12-22T14:16:43Z [Term] id: PATO:0045012 name: normal coordination def: "A coordination which is relatively normal or average." [] subset: disposition_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000769 ! coordinated is_a: PATO:0045001 ! normal object quality property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2017-12-22T14:16:43Z [Term] id: PATO:0045013 name: normal curvature def: "A curvature which is relatively normal or average." [] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000406 ! curved is_a: PATO:0045001 ! normal object quality property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2017-12-22T14:16:43Z [Term] id: PATO:0045014 name: normal distance def: "A distance which is relatively normal or average." [] subset: relational_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000040 ! distance is_a: PATO:0045001 ! normal object quality property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2017-12-22T14:16:43Z [Term] id: PATO:0045015 name: normal efficiency def: "An efficiency which is relatively normal or average." [] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001678 ! efficient is_a: PATO:0045001 ! normal object quality property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2017-12-22T14:16:43Z [Term] id: PATO:0045016 name: normal elasticity def: "An elasticity which is relatively normal or average." [] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001171 ! elastic is_a: PATO:0045001 ! normal object quality property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2017-12-22T14:16:43Z [Term] id: PATO:0045017 name: normal fecundity def: "A fecundity which is relatively normal or average." [] subset: disposition_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000273 ! fecundity is_a: PATO:0045001 ! normal object quality property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2017-12-22T14:16:43Z [Term] id: PATO:0045018 name: normal female fertility def: "A female fertility which is relatively normal or average." [] subset: disposition_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000888 ! female fertile is_a: PATO:0045001 ! normal object quality property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2017-12-22T14:16:43Z [Term] id: PATO:0045019 name: normal female receptivity def: "A female receptivity which is relatively normal or average." [] subset: disposition_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001720 ! female receptivity is_a: PATO:0045001 ! normal object quality property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2017-12-22T14:16:43Z [Term] id: PATO:0045020 name: normal fertility def: "A fertility which is relatively normal or average." [] subset: disposition_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000955 ! fertile is_a: PATO:0045001 ! normal object quality property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2017-12-22T14:16:43Z [Term] id: PATO:0045021 name: normal flexibility def: "A flexibility which is relatively normal or average." [] subset: disposition_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001544 ! flexible is_a: PATO:0045001 ! normal object quality property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2017-12-22T14:16:43Z [Term] id: PATO:0045022 name: normal fluid flow def: "A fluid flow which is relatively normal or average." [] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0002243 ! fluid flow rate is_a: PATO:0045001 ! normal object quality property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2017-12-22T14:16:43Z [Term] id: PATO:0045023 name: normal fluorescence def: "A fluorescence which is relatively normal or average." [] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001290 ! fluorescent is_a: PATO:0045001 ! normal object quality property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2017-12-22T14:16:43Z [Term] id: PATO:0045024 name: normal force def: "A force which is relatively normal or average." [] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001035 ! force is_a: PATO:0045001 ! normal object quality property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2017-12-22T14:16:43Z [Term] id: PATO:0045025 name: normal fragility def: "A fragility which is relatively normal or average." [] subset: disposition_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001362 ! fragile is_a: PATO:0045001 ! normal object quality property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2017-12-22T14:16:43Z [Term] id: PATO:0045026 name: normal life span def: "A life span which is relatively normal or average." [] is_a: PATO:0000050 ! life span is_a: PATO:0045001 ! normal object quality property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2017-12-22T14:16:43Z [Term] id: PATO:0045027 name: normal magnetism def: "A magnetism which is relatively normal or average." [] subset: disposition_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001685 ! magnetic is_a: PATO:0045001 ! normal object quality property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2017-12-22T14:16:43Z [Term] id: PATO:0045028 name: normal male fertility def: "A male fertility which is relatively normal or average." [] subset: disposition_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000891 ! male fertile is_a: PATO:0045001 ! normal object quality property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2017-12-22T14:16:43Z [Term] id: PATO:0045029 name: normal male receptivity def: "A male receptivity which is relatively normal or average." [] subset: relational_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001721 ! male receptivity is_a: PATO:0045001 ! normal object quality property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2017-12-22T14:16:43Z [Term] id: PATO:0045030 name: normal mass def: "A mass which is relatively normal or average." [] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000125 ! mass is_a: PATO:0045001 ! normal object quality property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2017-12-22T14:16:43Z [Term] id: PATO:0045031 name: normal mass density def: "A density which is relatively normal or average." [] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001164 ! dense is_a: PATO:0045001 ! normal object quality property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2017-12-22T14:16:43Z [Term] id: PATO:0045032 name: normal mobility def: "A mobility which is relatively normal or average." [] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000299 ! mobile is_a: PATO:0045001 ! normal object quality property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2017-12-22T14:16:43Z [Term] id: PATO:0045033 name: normal odor def: "An odor quality of having relatively normal or average odor." [] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001331 ! odorous is_a: PATO:0045001 ! normal object quality property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2017-12-22T14:16:43Z [Term] id: PATO:0045034 name: normal osmolality def: "An osmolality which is relatively normal or average odor." [] subset: relational_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0002027 ! osmolality is_a: PATO:0045001 ! normal object quality property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2017-12-22T14:16:43Z [Term] id: PATO:0045035 name: normal osmolarity def: "An osmolarity which is relatively normal or average odor." [] subset: relational_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001655 ! osmolarity is_a: PATO:0045001 ! normal object quality property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2017-12-22T14:16:43Z [Term] id: PATO:0045036 name: normal permeability def: "A permeability which is relatively normal or average." [] subset: disposition_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000982 ! permeable is_a: PATO:0045001 ! normal object quality property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2017-12-22T14:16:43Z [Term] id: PATO:0045037 name: normal phosphorylation def: "A quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's being phosphorylated to a normal or average extent." [] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0002220 ! phosphorylated is_a: PATO:0045001 ! normal object quality property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2017-12-22T14:16:43Z [Term] id: PATO:0045038 name: normal photosensitivity def: "A photosensitivity which is relatively normal or average" [] subset: disposition_slim subset: relational_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000547 ! photosensitive is_a: PATO:0045001 ! normal object quality property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2017-12-22T14:16:43Z [Term] id: PATO:0045039 name: normal pigmentation def: "A degree of pigmentation quality which is relatively normal or average" [] subset: mpath_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0002248 ! pigmented is_a: PATO:0045001 ! normal object quality property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2017-12-22T14:16:43Z [Term] id: PATO:0045040 name: normal position def: "A position which is relatively normal or average" [] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000140 ! position is_a: PATO:0045001 ! normal object quality property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2017-12-22T14:16:43Z [Term] id: PATO:0045041 name: normal angle to def: "An angle which is relatively normal or average" [] subset: relational_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0002326 ! angle is_a: PATO:0045040 ! normal position property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2017-12-22T14:16:43Z [Term] id: PATO:0045042 name: normal distribution def: "A distribution which is relatively normal or average" [] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001566 ! distributed is_a: PATO:0045040 ! normal position property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2017-12-22T14:16:43Z [Term] id: PATO:0045043 name: normal elevation def: "An elevation which is relatively normal or average" [] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001687 ! elevation is_a: PATO:0045040 ! normal position property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2017-12-22T14:16:43Z [Term] id: PATO:0045044 name: normal pressure def: "A pressure which is relatively normal or average" [] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001025 ! pressure is_a: PATO:0045001 ! normal object quality property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2017-12-22T14:16:43Z [Term] id: PATO:0045045 name: normal radioactivity def: "A radioactivity which is relatively normal or average" [] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001741 ! radioactive is_a: PATO:0045001 ! normal object quality property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2017-12-22T14:16:43Z [Term] id: PATO:0045046 name: normal radiopacity def: "A radiopacity which is relatively normal or average" [] subset: disposition_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0002136 ! radiopacity is_a: PATO:0045001 ! normal object quality property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2017-12-22T14:16:43Z [Term] id: PATO:0045047 name: normal resistance to def: "A resistance to a stimulus which is relatively normal or average" [] subset: disposition_slim subset: relational_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001178 ! resistant to is_a: PATO:0045001 ! normal object quality property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2017-12-22T14:16:43Z [Term] id: PATO:0045048 name: normal sensitivity to irradiation def: "A sensitivity to irradiation which is relatively normal or average" [] subset: disposition_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001806 ! sensitivity to irradiation is_a: PATO:0045001 ! normal object quality property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2017-12-22T14:16:43Z [Term] id: PATO:0045049 name: normal sensitivity toward def: "A sensitivity toward an external stimulus which is relatively normal or average" [] subset: disposition_slim subset: relational_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000516 ! sensitive toward is_a: PATO:0045001 ! normal object quality property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2017-12-22T14:16:43Z [Term] id: PATO:0045050 name: normal size def: "A size quality which is relatively normal or average" [] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000117 ! size is_a: PATO:0045001 ! normal object quality property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2017-12-22T14:16:43Z [Term] id: PATO:0045051 name: normal area def: "An area which is relatively normal or average" [] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001323 ! area is_a: PATO:0045050 ! normal size property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2017-12-22T14:16:43Z [Term] id: PATO:0045052 name: normal depth def: "A depth quality which is relatively normal or average" [] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001595 ! depth is_a: PATO:0045050 ! normal size property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2017-12-22T14:16:43Z [Term] id: PATO:0045053 name: normal height def: "A height which is relatively normal or average" [] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000119 ! height is_a: PATO:0045050 ! normal size property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2017-12-22T14:16:43Z [Term] id: PATO:0045054 name: normal length def: "A length quality which is relatively normal or average" [] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000122 ! length is_a: PATO:0045050 ! normal size property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2017-12-22T14:16:43Z [Term] id: PATO:0045055 name: normal diameter def: "A diameter which is relatively normal or average" [] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001334 ! diameter is_a: PATO:0045050 ! normal size property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2017-12-22T14:16:43Z [Term] id: PATO:0045056 name: normal anterior-posterior diameter def: "An anterior-posterior diameter which is relatively normal or average" [] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0002041 ! anterior-posterior diameter is_a: PATO:0045055 ! normal diameter property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2017-12-22T14:16:43Z [Term] id: PATO:0045057 name: normal perimeter def: "A perimeter which is relatively normal or average" [] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001711 ! perimeter is_a: PATO:0045054 ! normal length property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2017-12-22T14:16:43Z [Term] id: PATO:0045058 name: normal circumference def: "A circumference which is relatively normal or average" [] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001648 ! circumference is_a: PATO:0045057 ! normal perimeter property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2017-12-22T14:16:43Z [Term] id: PATO:0045059 name: normal thickness def: "A thickness which is relatively normal or average" [] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000915 ! thickness is_a: PATO:0045050 ! normal size property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2017-12-22T14:16:43Z [Term] id: PATO:0045060 name: normal volume def: "A volume which is relatively normal or average" [] subset: mpath_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000918 ! volume is_a: PATO:0045050 ! normal size property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2017-12-22T14:16:43Z [Term] id: PATO:0045061 name: normal width def: "A width which is relatively normal or average" [] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000921 ! width is_a: PATO:0045050 ! normal size property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2017-12-22T14:16:43Z [Term] id: PATO:0045062 name: normal solubility def: "A solubility which is relatively normal or average" [] subset: disposition_slim subset: relational_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001537 ! soluble in is_a: PATO:0045001 ! normal object quality property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2017-12-22T14:16:43Z [Term] id: PATO:0045063 name: normal speed def: "A speed which is relatively normal or average" [] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000008 ! speed is_a: PATO:0045001 ! normal object quality property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2017-12-22T14:16:43Z [Term] id: PATO:0045064 name: normal strength def: "A strength which is relatively normal or average" [] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001230 ! strength is_a: PATO:0045001 ! normal object quality property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2017-12-22T14:16:43Z [Term] id: PATO:0045065 name: normal fatigability def: "A fatigability which is relatively normal or average" [] subset: disposition_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001815 ! fatigability is_a: PATO:0045064 ! normal strength property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2017-12-22T14:16:43Z [Term] id: PATO:0045066 name: normal susceptibility toward def: "A susceptibility toward an external stimulus which is relatively normal or average" [] subset: disposition_slim subset: relational_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001152 ! susceptible toward is_a: PATO:0045001 ! normal object quality property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2017-12-22T14:16:43Z [Term] id: PATO:0045067 name: normal temperature def: "A temperature which is relatively normal or average" [] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000146 ! temperature is_a: PATO:0045001 ! normal object quality property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2017-12-22T14:16:43Z [Term] id: PATO:0045068 name: normal tendency def: "A tendency which is relatively normal or average" [] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0002360 ! tendency is_a: PATO:0045001 ! normal object quality property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2017-12-22T14:16:43Z [Term] id: PATO:0045069 name: normal threshold def: "A threshold which is relatively normal or average" [] subset: disposition_slim subset: relational_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000152 ! threshold is_a: PATO:0045001 ! normal object quality property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2017-12-22T14:16:43Z [Term] id: PATO:0045070 name: normal tolerance to def: "A tolerance to an external stimulus which is relatively normal or average" [] subset: relational_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000515 ! tolerant to is_a: PATO:0045001 ! normal object quality property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2017-12-22T14:16:43Z [Term] id: PATO:0045071 name: normal tonicity def: "A tonicity which is relatively normal or average" [] subset: disposition_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001439 ! tonicity is_a: PATO:0045001 ! normal object quality property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2017-12-22T14:16:43Z [Term] id: PATO:0045072 name: normal turgor def: "A turgor which is relatively normal or average" [] subset: cell_quality subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001620 ! turgor is_a: PATO:0045001 ! normal object quality property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2017-12-22T14:16:43Z [Term] id: PATO:0045073 name: normal process quality def: "A quality of a process that has a value that is normal or average." [] is_a: PATO:0001236 ! process quality relationship: RO:0015010 PATO:0000461 ! has relative magnitude normal property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2017-12-21T14:11:01Z [Term] id: PATO:0045074 name: normal variability def: "A variability which is relatively normal or average" [] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001227 ! variant relationship: RO:0015010 PATO:0000461 ! has relative magnitude normal property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2017-12-22T14:16:43Z [Term] id: PATO:0045075 name: normal variability of color def: "A variability of color which is relatively normal or average" [] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001615 ! variant color relationship: RO:0015010 PATO:0000461 ! has relative magnitude normal property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2017-12-22T14:16:43Z [Term] id: PATO:0045076 name: normal variability of rate def: "A variability of rate which is relatively normal or average" [] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001586 ! variability of rate relationship: RO:0015010 PATO:0000461 ! has relative magnitude normal property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2017-12-22T14:16:43Z [Term] id: PATO:0045077 name: normal variability of size def: "A variability of size which is relatively normal or average" [] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001956 ! variability of size relationship: RO:0015010 PATO:0000461 ! has relative magnitude normal property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2017-12-22T14:16:43Z [Term] id: PATO:0045078 name: normal variability of temperature def: "A variability of temperature which is relatively normal or average" [] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001314 ! variant temperature relationship: RO:0015010 PATO:0000461 ! has relative magnitude normal property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2017-12-22T14:16:43Z [Term] id: PATO:0045079 name: normal velocity def: "A velocity which is relatively normal or average" [] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0002242 ! velocity is_a: PATO:0045001 ! normal object quality property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2017-12-22T14:16:43Z [Term] id: PATO:0045080 name: normal virulence def: "A virulence which is relatively normal or average" [] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0002146 ! virulence is_a: PATO:0045001 ! normal object quality property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2017-12-22T14:16:43Z [Term] id: PATO:0045081 name: normal viscosity def: "A viscosity which is relatively normal or average" [] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000998 ! viscous is_a: PATO:0045001 ! normal object quality property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2017-12-22T14:16:43Z [Term] id: PATO:0045082 name: normal waxiness def: "A waxiness which is relatively normal or average" [] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0002381 ! waxiness is_a: PATO:0045001 ! normal object quality property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2017-12-22T14:16:43Z [Term] id: PATO:0045083 name: normal wetness def: "A wetness which is relatively normal or average" [] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001823 ! wet is_a: PATO:0045001 ! normal object quality property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2017-12-22T14:16:43Z [Term] id: PATO:0045084 name: normal duration def: "A duration quality of a process which is relatively normal." [] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001309 ! duration is_a: PATO:0045073 ! normal process quality [Term] id: PATO:0045085 name: normal duration of temperature def: "A duration quality of temperature quality of a process which is relatively normal." [] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001310 ! duration of temperature is_a: PATO:0045084 ! normal duration [Term] id: PATO:0045086 name: normal occurrence def: "An occurrence which is relatively normal." [] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000057 ! occurrence is_a: PATO:0045073 ! normal process quality [Term] id: PATO:0045087 name: normal frequency def: "A frequency which is relatively normal." [] subset: mpath_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000044 ! frequency is_a: PATO:0045000 ! normal rate [Term] id: PATO:0045088 name: normal sensitivity of a process def: "A sensitivity of a process which is relatively normal." [] subset: relational_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001457 ! sensitivity of a process is_a: PATO:0045073 ! normal process quality [Term] id: PATO:0045089 name: normal sensitivity of a process to oxygen def: "A sensitivity of occurrent to oxygen which is relatively normal." [] subset: disposition_slim subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0001459 ! aerobic (for occurrence) is_a: PATO:0045088 ! normal sensitivity of a process [Term] id: PATO:0045090 name: cardinal direction def: "The four cardinal directions or cardinal points are the directions north, east, south, and west, commonly denoted by their initials, N, E, S, W. East and west are at right angles to north and south, with east being in the clockwise direction of rotation from north and west being directly opposite east." [Wikipedia:http\://] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0000039 ! direction property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2017-12-22T14:16:43Z [Term] id: PATO:0045091 name: north def: "North is one of the four compass points or cardinal directions. It is the opposite of south and is perpendicular to east and west." [Wikipedia:http\://] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0045090 ! cardinal direction relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0045093 ! south property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2017-12-22T14:16:43Z [Term] id: PATO:0045092 name: east def: "East is one of the four cardinal directions or points of the compass. It is the opposite direction from west." [Wikipedia:http\://] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0045090 ! cardinal direction relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0045094 ! west property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2017-12-22T14:16:43Z [Term] id: PATO:0045093 name: south def: "South is one of the four cardinal directions or compass points. South is the polar opposite of north and is perpendicular to east and west." [Wikipedia:http\://] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0045090 ! cardinal direction relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0045091 ! north property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2017-12-22T14:16:43Z [Term] id: PATO:0045094 name: west def: "West is one of the four cardinal directions or points of the compass. It is the opposite direction from east." [Wikipedia:http\://] subset: value_slim is_a: PATO:0045090 ! cardinal direction relationship: is_opposite_of PATO:0045092 ! east property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2017-12-22T14:16:43Z [Term] id: PATO:0050000 name: rate of occurence def: "The number of repeated events per unit time, occurring in a repeating series. (e.g. the number of heart beats occurring over 1 minute)" [] is_a: PATO:0000161 ! rate [Term] id: PATO:0050001 name: rate of continuous process def: "The rate of output of a continuous process. Example include: growth rate, cell migration rate, enzyme reaction rate." [] is_a: PATO:0000161 ! rate is_a: PATO:0015002 ! process efficacy [Term] id: PATO:0055001 name: decreased spatial extent of a process def: "A spatial distribution of a process in which the process occupies a smaller length, area, or volume than the reference process. For example, heterochromatin may form over a shorter length of a chromosome in a mutant than in wild type." [] is_a: PATO:0002302 ! decreased process quality is_a: PATO:0010005 ! spatial distribution of a process property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2019-07-29T14:22:24Z [Term] id: PATO:0055002 name: increased spatial extent of a process def: "A spatial distribution of a process in which the process occupies a greater length, area, or volume than the reference process. For example, heterochromatin may form over a shorter length of a chromosome in a mutant than in wild type." [] is_a: PATO:0002304 ! increased process quality is_a: PATO:0010005 ! spatial distribution of a process property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2019-07-29T14:23:31Z [Term] id: PATO:0055003 name: increased rate of occurrence def: "A rate of occurrence that is relatively high." [] is_a: PATO:0000912 ! increased rate is_a: PATO:0050000 ! rate of occurence property_value: dc:date "2020-08-19T09:23:19Z" xsd:dateTime property_value: terms:contributor [Term] id: PATO:0055004 name: decreased rate of occurrence def: "A rate of occurrence that is relatively low." [] is_a: PATO:0000911 ! decreased rate is_a: PATO:0050000 ! rate of occurence property_value: dc:date "2020-08-19T09:24:35Z" xsd:dateTime property_value: terms:contributor [Term] id: PATO:0055005 name: increased rate of continuous process def: "A rate of output of a continuous process that is relatively high." [] is_a: PATO:0000912 ! increased rate is_a: PATO:0015004 ! increased efficacy is_a: PATO:0050001 ! rate of continuous process property_value: dc:date "2020-08-19T09:24:56Z" xsd:dateTime property_value: terms:contributor [Term] id: PATO:0055006 name: decreased rate of continuous process def: "A rate of output of a continuous process that is relatively low." [] is_a: PATO:0000911 ! decreased rate is_a: PATO:0015003 ! decreased efficacy is_a: PATO:0050001 ! rate of continuous process property_value: dc:date "2020-08-19T09:25:07Z" xsd:dateTime property_value: terms:contributor [Term] id: PATO:0060001 name: sex-specific def: "A quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's being present in one sex and absent from the other in members of the same species." [] is_a: PATO:0002451 ! sexually dimorphic property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2019-08-23T08:46:30Z [Term] id: PATO:0060002 name: male-specific def: "A quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's being present in males and absent from females in members of the same species." [] is_a: PATO:0060001 ! sex-specific property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2019-08-23T08:49:59Z [Term] id: PATO:0060003 name: female-specific def: "A quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's being present in females and absent from males in members of the same species." [] is_a: PATO:0060001 ! sex-specific property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2019-08-23T08:51:22Z [Term] id: PATO:0065001 name: lysed def: "The breakdown, disintegration, destruction of an entity due to the breaking of cell membranes by any means." [] is_a: PATO:0000141 ! structure property_value: terms:contributor [Term] id: PATO:0065002 name: patchy pigmentation def: "A degree of pigmentation quality that is diversified with patches, or irregularity." [] is_a: PATO:0002248 ! pigmented property_value: terms:contributor [Term] id: PATO:0070000 name: sequential hermaphrodite def: "A hermaphroditic quality that inheres in a population or organism where an organism changes is a different sexes during different life stages." [,,] comment: Sequential hermaphrodity is generally characterized by an organism producing female gametes and male gametes during different life stages. synonym: "sequential hermaphroditic" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0001340 ! hermaphrodite property_value: terms:contributor [Term] id: PATO:0070001 name: neurogliaform morphology def: "A cell morphology that inheres in neurons which have a small round soma, a large number of short, smooth, or slightly beaded primary dendrites that give rise to only a few secondary branches, and a branched axon that establishes a dense axonal mesh with thin shafts." [PMID:17122314] xref: ilxtr:NeurogliaformPhenotype is_a: PATO:0070026 ! multipolar neuron morphology property_value: terms:contributor [Term] id: PATO:0070002 name: basket cell morphology def: "A cell morphology that inheres in multipolar neurons with densely branched terminal axonal arborizations that form basket-like structures surrounding and synapsing to the somas of target cells." [doi:10.1016/b978-0-12-369497-3.10004-4, WikipediaVersioned:Basket_cell&oldid=951703880] xref: ILX:0101123 xref: ilxtr:BasketPhenotype xref: nifext:3 is_a: PATO:0070026 ! multipolar neuron morphology property_value: terms:contributor [Term] id: PATO:0070003 name: small basket cell morphology def: "A basket cell morphology that inheres in neurons with axonal arbors composed of frequent, short, curvy axonal branches that tend to be near their somata and within the same layer." [PMID:11884355] xref: ilxtr:SmallBasketPhenotype is_a: PATO:0070002 ! basket cell morphology property_value: terms:contributor [Term] id: PATO:0070004 name: large basket cell morphology def: "A basket cell morphology that inheres in neurons that are large, and typically ascend to give rise to many long horizontally and vertically projecting axon collaterals that traverse neighboring columns and can extend through all cortical layers." [PMID:11884355] xref: ilxtr:LargeBasketPhenotype is_a: PATO:0070002 ! basket cell morphology property_value: terms:contributor [Term] id: PATO:0070005 name: nest basket cell morphology def: "A basket cell morphology that inheres in neurons which have simpler dendritic arbors (compared to small or large basket cell morphology), and an axonal plexus of intermediate density, composed of a few long, smooth axonal branches." [PMID:11884355] xref: ilxtr:NestBasketPhenotype is_a: PATO:0070002 ! basket cell morphology property_value: terms:contributor [Term] id: PATO:0070006 name: cortical bipolar morphology def: "A cell morphology that inheres in neurons which have two principal dendrites that emerge from the soma and begin to branch some distance from it, have few spines, and branch in narrow fields. This is in contrast to bitufted morphology where branching occurs close to the soma." [doi:10.1016/b978-0-12-369497-3.10004-4, PMID:18568015] comment: This is specific to cortical bipolar cells and are distinguished from retinal bipolar cell morphology which has an axon and dendrite emerging from opposite ends of the soma. xref: ILX:0101312 xref: ilxtr:BipolarPhenotype xref: nifext:2 is_a: PATO:0070027 ! bitufted dendrite cell morphology property_value: terms:contributor [Term] id: PATO:0070007 name: Martinotti morphology def: "A cell morphology that inheres in neurons which are large and non-spiny, with dendrites radiating in a multipolar or bitufted pattern, often favouring the descending side, and axons that ascend directly from the superficial side of the soma, and travel upward without branching." [doi:10.1016/b978-0-12-369497-3.10004-4] xref: ilxtr:MartinottiPhenotype is_a: PATO:0070026 ! multipolar neuron morphology property_value: terms:contributor [Term] id: PATO:0070008 name: T Martinotti morphology def: "A Martinotti cell morphology that inheres in neurons which have axons that form a horizontal ramification, making it T-shaped." [doi:10.1016/b978-0-12-369497-3.10004-4] synonym: "'T-shaped' Martinotti morphology" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0070007 ! Martinotti morphology property_value: terms:contributor [Term] id: PATO:0070009 name: fan Martinotti morphology def: "A Martinotti cell morphology that inheres in neurons which have axons that form a fan-like plexus." [doi:10.1016/b978-0-12-369497-3.10004-4] synonym: "'fanning-out' Martinotti morphology" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0070007 ! Martinotti morphology property_value: terms:contributor [Term] id: PATO:0070010 name: stellate morphology def: "A cell morphology that inheres in neurons that have dendritic processes radiating from the cell body forming a star-like shape." [ISBN:9780123973481] xref: ILX:0111036 xref: SAO:9271919883 is_a: PATO:0070026 ! multipolar neuron morphology property_value: terms:contributor [Term] id: PATO:0070011 name: chandelier cell morphology def: "A cell morphology that inheres in neurons which are small and round, and make highly specialized synapses with the axon initial segments of pyramidal neurons, wrapping them with candle-shaped synaptic 'cartridges'." [doi:10.1016/b978-0-12-369497-3.10004-4] comment: Chandelier cells can be bitufted or multipolar. {xref="DOI:10.1016/B978-0-12-369497-3.10004-4"} xref: ILX:0102028 xref: ilxtr:ChandelierPhenotype xref: nifext:4 is_a: PATO:0010006 ! cell morphology property_value: terms:contributor [Term] id: PATO:0070012 name: bitufted cell morphology def: "A cell morphology that inheres in neurons which have two clusters of primary dendrites that originate directly and extend from opposite ends of the soma, and axons that form a plexus which spreads widely. Compared to the narrow vertical axonal projection of bipolar morphology, and the 'horse-tail' axonal cluster of double boquet cells, bitufted morphology has wide horizontal axonal spans, and branching that occur close to the soma. Their vertical projection is also less extensive and crosses mostly to neighboring layers." [doi:10.1016/b978-0-12-369497-3.10004-4, PMID:15378039, PMID:18568015] xref: ilxtr:BituftedPhenotype is_a: PATO:0070027 ! bitufted dendrite cell morphology property_value: terms:contributor [Term] id: PATO:0070013 name: spiny stellate cell morphology def: "A cell morphology that inheres in neurons which have spiny basal dendrites and resemble pyramidal cells but lose their apical dendrites as they mature. Their axons nearly always emerge from the descending side of the soma, but often recurve and ascend with arc-like collaterals." [doi:10.1016/b978-0-12-369497-3.10004-4] xref: ilxtr:SpinyStellatePhenotype is_a: PATO:0070026 ! multipolar neuron morphology property_value: terms:contributor [Term] id: PATO:0070015 name: pyramidal family morphology def: "A cell morphology that inheres in neurons which have a pyramidal shaped soma, a single axon, a large apical dendrite and multiple basal dendrites." [doi:10.1016/b978-0-12-369497-3.10004-4] xref: ILX:0109553 xref: SAO:1465673360 is_a: PATO:0070026 ! multipolar neuron morphology property_value: terms:contributor [Term] id: PATO:0070016 name: horizontal pyramidal morphology def: "A pyramidal family morphology that inheres in neurons which have an apical tree which is oriented parallel to the pia." [PMID:30715238] xref: ilxtr:HorizontalPyramidalPhenotype is_a: PATO:0070015 ! pyramidal family morphology disjoint_from: PATO:0070017 ! standard pyramidal morphology property_value: terms:contributor [Term] id: PATO:0070017 name: standard pyramidal morphology def: "A pyramidal family morphology that inheres in neurons which have a standard pyramidal shape with its apical dendrite aligned vertically." [doi:10.1016/b978-0-12-369497-3.10004-4] synonym: "pyramidal cell morphology" EXACT [] synonym: "vertical pyramidal morphology" EXACT [] xref: ilxtr:PyramidalPhenotype is_a: PATO:0070015 ! pyramidal family morphology property_value: terms:contributor [Term] id: PATO:0070018 name: tufted pyramidal morphology def: "A pyramidal cell morphology that inheres in neurons which have a distinct tuft formation, distal from the soma." [PMID:30715238] xref: ilxtr:TuftedPyramidalPhenotype is_a: PATO:0070017 ! standard pyramidal morphology property_value: terms:contributor [Term] id: PATO:0070019 name: untufted pyramidal morphology def: "A pyramidal cell morphology that inheres in neurons which lack a clear tuft formation but extend to large radial distances." [PMID:30715238] xref: ilxtr:UntuftedPyramidalPhenotype is_a: PATO:0070017 ! standard pyramidal morphology property_value: terms:contributor [Term] id: PATO:0070020 name: stellate pyramidal morphology def: "A pyramidal cell morphology that inheres in neurons which lack a tuft formation but extend to small radial distances forming a star-like shape." [PMID:30715238] xref: ilxtr:StarPyramidalPhenotype is_a: PATO:0070017 ! standard pyramidal morphology property_value: terms:contributor [Term] id: PATO:0070021 name: inverted pyramidal morphology def: "A pyramidal cell morphology that inheres in neurons which have an apical tree which is oriented towards the white matter." [PMID:30715238] xref: ilxtr:InvertedPyramidalPhenotype is_a: PATO:0070017 ! standard pyramidal morphology property_value: terms:contributor [Term] id: PATO:0070025 name: unipolar neuron morphology def: "A cell morphology that inheres in neurons with only one process, a neurite, that extends from the cell body. The neurite then branches to form dendritic and axonal processes." [WikipediaVersioned:Unipolar_neuron&oldid=994458581] is_a: PATO:0010006 ! cell morphology property_value: terms:contributor [Term] id: PATO:0070026 name: multipolar neuron morphology def: "A cell morphology that inheres in neurons which possess three or more neurites, usually a single axon and many dendrites and dendritic branches." [WikipediaVersioned:Multipolar_neuron&oldid=1022942606] xref: ILX:0107196 xref: NLX:378 is_a: PATO:0010006 ! cell morphology property_value: terms:contributor [Term] id: PATO:0070027 name: bitufted dendrite cell morphology def: "A cell morphology that inheres in neurons with dendrites that are bidirectional, emerging from opposite ends of the soma, with the two arbors extending in radial or tangential directions." [PMID:18568015] comment: This morphology type is distinct from bitufted cell morphology in that it refers to bitufted dendrite morphology rather than bitufted cell morphology. is_a: PATO:0010006 ! cell morphology property_value: terms:contributor [Term] id: PATO:0070028 name: extratelencephalic projecting def: "A neuron projection quality that is a characteristic of neurons whose soma is located in the telencephalon and that project to structures outside the telencephalon" [DOI:10.1101/2020.10.19.343129] synonym: "ET projecting" EXACT [] xref: ILX:0770101 is_a: PATO:0070033 ! neuron projection quality property_value: terms:contributor [Term] id: PATO:0070029 name: corticothalamic projecting def: "A neuron projection quality that is a characteristic of neurons with soma in the cerebral cortex and projections to the thalamus." [DOI:10.1101/2020.10.19.343129] synonym: "CT projecting" EXACT [] xref: ILX:0770102 is_a: PATO:0070033 ! neuron projection quality property_value: terms:contributor [Term] id: PATO:0070030 name: near projecting def: "A neuron projection quality that is a characteristic of neurons with projections that terminate locally rather than distantly." [DOI:10.1101/2020.10.19.343129] synonym: "NP" EXACT [] xref: ILX:0770103 is_a: PATO:0070033 ! neuron projection quality property_value: terms:contributor [Term] id: PATO:0070031 name: corticomedulla projecting def: "A neuron projection quality that is a characteristic of neurons that project to the medulla oblongata from other brain regions." [DOI:10.1101/2020.10.19.343129] synonym: "MY projecting" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0070033 ! neuron projection quality property_value: terms:contributor [Term] id: PATO:0070033 name: neuron projection quality def: "A physical quality inhering in a neuron by virtue of the relative location of its soma and the regions to which it projects and makes synaptic contacts in." [DOI:10.1101/2020.10.19.343129] is_a: PATO:0001018 ! physical quality property_value: terms:contributor [Term] id: PATO:0070034 name: intratelencephalic projecting def: "A neuron projection quality that is a characteristic of neurons with both soma and projections entirely within the telencephalon." [DOI:10.1101/2020.10.19.343129] synonym: "IT projecting" EXACT [] xref: ILX:0770100 is_a: PATO:0070033 ! neuron projection quality property_value: terms:contributor [Term] id: PATO:0070036 name: dendrite quality def: "A quality inhering in a neuron's dendrites by virtue of the bearer's physical composition." [] xref: ILX:0103022 is_a: PATO:0000001 ! quality property_value: terms:contributor [Term] id: PATO:0070038 name: spiny dendrite quality def: "A dendrite quality inhering in a neuron by virtue of the bearer's dendrite having spines." [] xref: ILX:0110980 is_a: PATO:0070036 ! dendrite quality property_value: terms:contributor [Term] id: PATO:0070039 name: tufted dendrite quality def: "A dendrite quality inhering in a neuron by virtue of the bearer's dendrite having a terminal tuft." [ILX:0112065] xref: ILX:0112065 xref: SAO:754373097 is_a: PATO:0070036 ! dendrite quality property_value: terms:contributor [Term] id: PATO:0070040 name: aspiny dendrite quality def: "A dendrite quality inhering in a neuron by virtue of the bearer's dendrite having few or no recognizable dendritic spines." [ILX:0100932] xref: ILX:0100932 xref: SAO:128827344 is_a: PATO:0070036 ! dendrite quality property_value: terms:contributor [Term] id: PATO:0070041 name: varicose dendrite quality def: "A dendrite quality inhering in a neuron by virtue of the bearer's dendrite having numerous swellings or varicosities along their length." [ILX:0112263] xref: ILX:0112263 xref: SAO:1706854098 is_a: PATO:0070036 ! dendrite quality property_value: terms:contributor [Term] id: PATO:0070042 name: retinal bipolar morphology def: "A cell morphology that inheres in retinal neurons which have two principal fibres, an axon and a dendrite, that emerge from opposite end the soma." [WikipediaVersioned:Retina_bipolar_cell&oldid=1033254616] comment: This is distinct from cortical bipolar morphology which has two dendrites emerging from opposite ends of the soma, rather than one axon and one dendrite. is_a: PATO:0010006 ! cell morphology property_value: terms:contributor [Term] id: PATO:0070044 name: anatomical structure quality def: "A quality of continuant that exist at the anatomical level of organisation and anything under it. This includes, but is not limited to, cells , tissues, and components." [] is_a: PATO:0001241 ! physical object quality created_by: [Term] id: PATO:0070045 name: anatomical histological quality def: "A quality inhering in an anotomical structure by virtue of its capacity to be stained by specific histological dyes." [] is_a: PATO:0070044 ! anatomical structure quality created_by: [Term] id: PATO:0070046 name: neutrophillic def: "An affinity inhering in an anatomical structure by virtue of the bearer exhibiting a molecular interaction that stains and colors, pale-pink, with Wright-Giemsa stain." [GOC:add] is_a: PATO:0070045 ! anatomical histological quality created_by: [Term] id: PATO:0070047 name: polychromatophilic def: "An affinity inhering in an anatomical structure by virtue of the bearer exhibiting a molecular interaction for both basic and acid stains under specific pH conditions." [GOC:add] is_a: PATO:0070045 ! anatomical histological quality created_by: [Term] id: PATO:0070059 name: rusty def: "A texture quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's being covered by iron oxide as a result of oxidation." [WikipediaVersioned:Rust&oldid=1072363937] is_a: PATO:0000150 ! texture property_value: terms:contributor [Term] id: PATO:0070060 name: quality of interaction of a substance with electromagnetic radiation def: "A quality of a substance on which or through which electromagnetic radiation impinges or traverses with respect to radiation. This substance quality changes the quality of the incident radiation with respect to any of: intensity, direction, scatter and wavelength." [] subset: attribute_slim is_a: PATO:0002198 ! quality of a substance [Term] id: PATO:0070061 name: double bouquet morphology def: "A cell morphology that inheres in neurons with bitufted dendritic morphology but with the special feature of a tight fascicular axonal cylinder that resembles a 'horse tail'." [PMID:15378039] is_a: PATO:0070027 ! bitufted dendrite cell morphology [Term] id: PATO:0070062 name: bistratified dendrite cell morphology def: "A cell morphology that inheres in neurons with dendrites that stratify at two and only two locations." [PMID:34093409] is_a: PATO:0010006 ! cell morphology property_value: terms:contributor [Term] id: PATO:0070063 name: monostratified dendrite cell morphology def: "A cell morphology that inheres in neurons with dendrites that stratify at one and only one location." [PMID:34093409] is_a: PATO:0010006 ! cell morphology property_value: terms:contributor [Term] id: PATO:0070064 name: dendritic field size def: "A 3-D extent quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the spatial region that is defined by the maximal span of the bearer's dendritic arbor." [,,] is_a: PATO:0001710 ! 3-D extent property_value: terms:contributor property_value: terms:contributor property_value: terms:contributor [Term] id: PATO:0080001 name: quality of a fluid def: "A physical quality inhering in an entity exhibiting the physical charachteristics of a material that flows under applied force." [WikipediaVersioned:Fluid&oldid=1049126570] subset: attribute_slim synonym: "fluidity" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0002198 ! quality of a substance [Term] id: PATO:0085001 name: salinity def: "An osmolarity quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the total amount of ionic salts dissolved in the bearer." [,,,,] is_a: PATO:0001655 ! osmolarity property_value: terms:contributor creation_date: 2020-10-30T08:08:48Z [Term] id: PATO:0095001 name: organismal area to mass ratio def: "Quotient (or ratio) of surface area of an organism divided by the mass of the same organism" [] is_a: PATO:0001470 ! ratio is_a: PATO:0001995 ! organismal quality property_value: dc:creator property_value: dc:date "2021-05-17T13:13:52Z" xsd:dateTime [Term] id: PATO:0095002 name: cursorial def: "An organismal quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's morphological and physiological adaptation for running." [] is_a: PATO:0001995 ! organismal quality property_value: dc:creator property_value: dc:date "2021-05-17T13:19:15Z" xsd:dateTime [Term] id: PATO:0095003 name: fossorial def: "An organismal quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's morphological and physiological adaptation for digging and living underground." [] is_a: PATO:0001995 ! organismal quality property_value: dc:creator property_value: dc:date "2021-05-17T13:19:57Z" xsd:dateTime [Term] id: PATO:0095004 name: arboreal def: "An organismal quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's morphological and physiological adaptation for living in trees." [] is_a: PATO:0001995 ! organismal quality property_value: dc:creator property_value: dc:date "2021-05-17T13:20:31Z" xsd:dateTime [Term] id: PATO:0095005 name: crepuscular def: "A quality of a process that happens during dawn and dusk." [] is_a: PATO:0001236 ! process quality property_value: dc:creator property_value: dc:date "2021-05-17T13:22:18Z" xsd:dateTime [Term] id: PATO:0095006 name: nocturnal def: "A quality of a process that happens during the hours of darkness." [] is_a: PATO:0001236 ! process quality property_value: dc:creator property_value: dc:date "2021-05-17T13:26:38Z" xsd:dateTime [Term] id: PATO:0095007 name: diurnal def: "A quality of a process that happens during the hours of daylight." [] is_a: PATO:0001236 ! process quality property_value: dc:creator property_value: dc:date "2021-05-17T13:27:09Z" xsd:dateTime [Term] id: PATO:0095008 name: migratory def: "An organismal quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's morphological and physiological adaptation for participating in long-distance movement of conspecifics, usually on a seasonal basis." [] is_a: PATO:0001995 ! organismal quality property_value: dc:creator property_value: dc:date "2021-05-17T13:28:09Z" xsd:dateTime [Term] id: PATO:0095009 name: anecic def: "An organismal quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's ability to burrow more than 20 cm deep into the soil and make permanent, vertical burrows." [] is_a: PATO:0001995 ! organismal quality property_value: dc:creator property_value: dc:date "2021-05-17T13:28:41Z" xsd:dateTime [Term] id: PATO:0103000 name: quantitative def: "A quality of an entity that can be represented numerically, including anything that can be counted, measured, or given a numerical value." [,] is_a: PATO:0000001 ! quality created_by: [Typedef] id: RO:0002100 name: has soma location def: "Relation between a neuron and a material anatomical entity that its soma is part of." [] transitive_over: part_of ! part of [Typedef] id: RO:0002102 name: axon synapses in def: "Relation between a neuron and some structure its axon forms (chemical) synapses in." [] transitive_over: part_of ! part of [Typedef] id: RO:0002503 name: towards def: "q towards e2 if and only if q is a relational quality such that q inheres-in some e, and e != e2 and q is dependent on e2" [] [Typedef] id: RO:0002610 name: correlated with def: "A relationship that holds between two entities, where the entities exhibit a statistical dependence relationship. The entities may be statistical variables, or they may be other kinds of entities such as diseases, chemical entities or processes." [] [Typedef] id: RO:0015007 name: increased in magnitude relative to def: "q1 increased_in_magnitude_relative_to q2 if and only if magnitude(q1) > magnitude(q2). Here, magnitude(q) is a function that maps a quality to a unit-invariant scale." [] comment: This relation is used to determine the 'directionality' of relative qualities such as 'increased strength', relative to the parent type, 'strength'. domain: PATO:0000001 ! quality range: PATO:0000001 ! quality [Typedef] id: RO:0015008 name: decreased in magnitude relative to def: "q1 decreased_in_magnitude_relative_to q2 if and only if magnitude(q1) < magnitude(q2). Here, magnitude(q) is a function that maps a quality to a unit-invariant scale." [] comment: This relation is used to determine the 'directionality' of relative qualities such as 'decreased strength', relative to the parent type, 'strength'. domain: PATO:0000001 ! quality range: PATO:0000001 ! quality [Typedef] id: RO:0015010 name: has relative magnitude [Typedef] id: RO:0015011 name: has cross section def: "s3 has_cross_section s3 if and only if : there exists some 2d plane that intersects the bearer of s3, and the impression of s3 upon that plane has shape quality s2." [] comment: Example: a spherical object has the quality of being spherical, and the spherical quality has_cross_section round. [Typedef] id: RO:0015012 name: reciprocal of def: "q1 reciprocal_of q2 if and only if : q1 and q2 are relational qualities and a phenotype e q1 e2 mutually implies a phenotype e2 q2 e." [] comment: There are frequently two ways to state the same thing: we can say 'spermatocyte lacks asters' or 'asters absent from spermatocyte'. In this case the quality is 'lacking all parts of type' - it is a (relational) quality of the spermatocyte, and it is with respect to instances of 'aster'. One of the popular requirements of PATO is that it continue to support 'absent', so we need to relate statements which use this quality to the 'lacking all parts of type' quality. [Typedef] id: bearer_of name: bearer of name: has characteristic namespace: external def: "Inverse of characteristic_of" [] xref: RO:0000053 is_inverse_functional: true [Typedef] id: correlates_with name: obsolete correlates_with comment: Consider using RO:0002610 instead. See is_obsolete: true replaced_by: RO:0002610 [Typedef] id: decreased_in_magnitude_relative_to name: obsolete decreased_in_magnitude_relative_to def: "OBSOLETE. q1 decreased_in_magnitude_relative_to q2 if and only if magnitude(q1) < magnitude(q2). Here, magnitude(q) is a function that maps a quality to a unit-invariant scale." [PATOC:CJM] comment: Refer to for obsoletion reason. This relation is used to determine the 'directionality' of relative qualities such as 'decreased strength', relative to the parent type, 'strength'. domain: PATO:0000001 ! quality range: PATO:0000001 ! quality is_transitive: true is_obsolete: true replaced_by: RO:0015008 [Typedef] id: different_in_magnitude_relative_to name: obsolete different_in_magnitude_relative_to def: "OBSOLETE. q1 different_in_magnitude_relative_to q2 if and only if magnitude(q1) NOT =~ magnitude(q2). Here, magnitude(q) is a function that maps a quality to a unit-invariant scale." [PATOC:CJM] comment: Refer to for obsoletion reason. domain: PATO:0000001 ! quality range: PATO:0000001 ! quality is_obsolete: true replaced_by: RO:0015006 [Typedef] id: directly_associated_with name: obsolete directly_associated_with def: "OBSOLETE. q1 directly_associated_with q2 iff q1 is dependent on q2, and the magnitude of q1 increases if the magnitude of q2 is increased, or the magnitude of q1 decreases if the magnitude of q2 is decreased. The relationship is not necessarily linear." [PATOC:cjm, Wikipedia:Association_(statistics)] comment: refer to for obsoletion reason. \nOBSOLETE. Example: 'Lewy bodies increased number related to dystrophic neurite increased number' (from annotation of PMID:8740227 in Here the increase in the number of lewy bodies is directly_associated_with the increase in the number of dystrophic neurites.\nAssociation is weaker than correlation or proportionality. These relations may be later added to PATO. is_obsolete: true created_by: cjm creation_date: 2009-08-26T02:50:08Z [Typedef] id: has_component name: has component namespace: external def: "w 'has component' p if w 'has part' p and w is such that it can be directly disassembled into into n parts p, p2, p3, ..., pn, where these parts are of similar type." [] subset: ro-eco xref: RO:0002180 is_a: has_part ! has part [Typedef] id: has_cross_section name: obsolete has_cross_section def: "OBSOLETE. s3 has_cross_section s3 if and only if : there exists some 2d plane that intersects the bearer of s3, and the impression of s3 upon that plane has shape quality s2." [PATOC:CJM] comment: Refer to Example: a spherical object has the quality of being spherical, and the spherical quality has_cross_section round. is_obsolete: true replaced_by: RO:0015011 [Typedef] id: has_dividend_entity name: obsolete has_dividend_entity comment: refer to for obsoletion reason. is_obsolete: true [Typedef] id: has_dividend_quality name: obsolete has_dividend_quality comment: refer to for obsoletion reason. is_obsolete: true [Typedef] id: has_divisor_entity name: obsolete has_divisor_entity comment: refer to for obsoletion reason. is_obsolete: true [Typedef] id: has_divisor_quality name: obsolete has_divisor_quality comment: refer to for obsoletion reason. is_obsolete: true [Typedef] id: has_ontology_root_term name: has ontology root term namespace: external xref: IAO:0000700 is_metadata_tag: true is_class_level: true [Typedef] id: has_part name: has part name: has_part namespace: external def: "a core relation that holds between a whole and its part" [] subset: subset: subset: xref: BFO:0000051 is_transitive: true [Typedef] id: has_ratio_quality name: obsolete has_ratio_quality comment: refer to for obsoletion reason. is_obsolete: true [Typedef] id: has_relative_magnitude name: obsolete has_relative_magnitude comment: Refer to is_obsolete: true replaced_by: RO:0015010 [Typedef] id: increased_in_magnitude_relative_to name: obsolete increased_in_magnitude_relative_to def: "OBSOLETE. q1 increased_in_magnitude_relative_to q2 if and only if magnitude(q1) > magnitude(q2). Here, magnitude(q) is a function that maps a quality to a unit-invariant scale." [PATOC:CJM] comment: Refer to This relation is used to determine the 'directionality' of relative qualities such as 'increased strength', relative to the parent type, 'strength'. domain: PATO:0000001 ! quality range: PATO:0000001 ! quality is_transitive: true is_obsolete: true replaced_by: RO:0015007 [Typedef] id: inversely_associated_with name: obsolete inversely_associated_with def: "OBSOLETE. q1 inversely_associated_with q2 iff q1 is dependent on q2, and the magnitude of q1 decreases if the magnitude of q2 is increased, or the magnitude of q1 increases if the magnitude of q2 is decreased. The relationship is not necessarily linear." [PATOC:cjm, Wikipedia:Association_(statistics)] comment: refer to for obsoletion reason. is_obsolete: true created_by: cjm creation_date: 2009-08-26T02:50:24Z [Typedef] id: is_magnitude_of name: obsolete is_magnitude_of namespace: pato.ontology comment: refer to for obsoletion reason. is_obsolete: true [Typedef] id: is_measurement_of name: obsolete is_measurement_of namespace: pato.ontology comment: refer to for obsoletion reason. is_obsolete: true [Typedef] id: is_opposite_of name: is opposite of name: is_opposite_of def: "x is the opposite of y if there exists some distance metric M, and there exists no z such as M(x,z) <= M(x,y) or M(y,z) <= M(y,x)." [] xref: RO:0002604 is_metadata_tag: true is_class_level: true [Typedef] id: is_unit_of name: obsolete is_unit_of namespace: pato.ontology comment: refer to for obsoletion reason. is_obsolete: true [Typedef] id: part_of name: part of name: part_of namespace: external def: "a core relation that holds between a part and its whole" [] subset: subset: subset: subset: xref: BFO:0000050 is_transitive: true inverse_of: has_part ! has part [Typedef] id: realized_by name: obsolete realized_by comment: Consider using RO:0009501 instead. See is_obsolete: true replaced_by: RO:0009501 [Typedef] id: reciprocal_of name: obsolete reciprocal_of def: "OBSOLETE. q1 reciprocal_of q2 if and only if : q1 and q2 are relational qualities and a phenotype e q1 e2 mutually implies a phenotype e2 q2 e." [PATOC:CJM] comment: Refer to There are frequently two ways to state the same thing: we can say 'spermatocyte lacks asters' or 'asters absent from spermatocyte'. In this case the quality is 'lacking all parts of type' - it is a (relational) quality of the spermatocyte, and it is with respect to instances of 'aster'. One of the popular requirements of PATO is that it continue to support 'absent', so we need to relate statements which use this quality to the 'lacking all parts of type' quality. is_obsolete: true replaced_by: RO:0015012 [Typedef] id: similar_in_magnitude_relative_to name: obsolete similar_in_magnitude_relative_to def: "OBSOLETE. q1 similar_in_magnitude_relative_to q2 if and only if magnitude(q1) =~ magnitude(q2). Here, magnitude(q) is a function that maps a quality to a unit-invariant scale." [PATOC:CJM] comment: Refer to for obsoletion reason. domain: PATO:0000001 ! quality range: PATO:0000001 ! quality is_obsolete: true replaced_by: RO:0015009 [Typedef] id: singly_occurring_form_of name: obsolete singly_occurring_form_of comment: refer to for obsoletion reason.\nOBSOLETE. PATO divides qualities between normal (monadic, singly-occurring) qualities and relational qualities. Relational qualities stand in the 'towards' relation with respect to some additional entity. For example, The sensitivity of an eye towards red light. In some cases we want to represent a quality such as 'protruding' in both monadic and relational branches. We use this relation to link them. synonym: "monadic_form_of" EXACT [] is_obsolete: true [Typedef] id: towards name: obsolete towards comment: Consider using RO:0002503 instead. See is_obsolete: true replaced_by: RO:0002503