{ "name": "Berry Light", "variables": { "blue1": "#0084FF", "blue2": "#005FE7", "blue3": "#003DB1", "blue4": "#00217A", "blue5": "#000F43", "pink1": "#FF00E0", "pink2": "#FF00BA", "pink3": "#C50082", "pink4": "#880051", "pink5": "#4B0028", "purple1": "#A200FF", "purple2": "#8C00E0", "purple3": "#6C00AB", "purple4": "#4B0076", "purple5": "#2A0041", "green1": "#00EB00", "green2": "#00C000", "green3": "#008E00", "green4": "#006700", "green5": "#003800", "grey1": "#2A2A2F", "grey2": "#333333", "grey3": "#555555", "grey4": "#888888", "grey5": "#DDDDDD", "grey6": "#EEEEEE", "white": "#FFFFFF", "orange": "#F2CA00", "red": "#BE2C13", }, "globals": { "background": "var(white)", "foreground": "var(grey4)", "caret": "var(grey4)", "block_caret": "var(grey6)", "misspelling": "var(red)", "selection": "var(grey5)", "brackets_foreground": "var(grey4)", "bracket_contents_options": "underline", "bracket_contents_foreground": "var(grey4)", }, "rules": [ { "scope": "support", "foreground": "var(pink1)", }, { "scope": "comment", "foreground": "var(grey4)" }, { "scope": "invalid", "foreground": "var(orange)" }, { "scope": "invalid.deprecated", "foreground": "var(orange)" }, { "scope": "constant", "foreground": "var(blue1)" }, // PHP example: public const BAR = 321, "321" will be colourized { "scope": "constant.numeric", "foreground": "var(blue1)" }, { "scope": "constant.language", "foreground": "var(blue1)" }, { "scope": "constant.character.escape", "foreground": "var(blue1)" }, { "scope": "constant.other", "foreground": "var(pink1)" }, { "scope": "string", "foreground": "var(blue3)", }, // HTML example: , "preconnect" will be colourized { "scope": "string.quoted", "foreground": "var(blue3)", }, // PHP examples: use, const, function, string, array, null { "scope": "storage.type", "foreground": "var(blue1)", }, // PHP examples: private, protect, public { "scope": "storage.modifier", "foreground": "var(blue1)", }, // PHP examples: $foo { "scope": "variable", "foreground": "var(grey1)" }, // PHP examples: $this->foo, "$this" will be colourized { "scope": "variable.language", "foreground": "var(grey1)" }, // PHP examples: $foo { "scope": "variable.other", "foreground": "var(grey1)" }, { "scope": "variable.other.member", "foreground": "var(pink1)" }, // PHP example: public function getUser, "getUser" will be colourized { "scope": "variable.function", "foreground": "var(green2)" }, { "scope": "variable.parameter", "foreground": "var(grey1)" }, // PHP example: new User(), "new" will be colourized { "scope": "keyword", "foreground": "var(blue1)" }, // PHP examples: return, die { "scope": "keyword.control", "foreground": "var(blue1)" }, // PHP examples: if, else { "scope": "keyword.control.conditional", "foreground": "var(blue1)" }, // PHP examples: =, ==, ===, &&, ||, &, and, or { "scope": "keyword.operator", "foreground": "var(grey4)" }, { "scope": "keyword.declaration", "foreground": "var(blue1)" }, // PHP example: public function getUser(): User, ":" will be colourized { "scope": "meta.function.return-type", "foreground": "var(grey4)" }, // Function name { "scope": "entity.name", "foreground": "var(green2)" }, { "scope": "entity.name.function", "foreground": "var(green2)" }, { "scope": "entity.name.namespace", "foreground": "var(pink1)" }, // TODO: determine why colours aren't respected { "scope": "entity.name.function.constructor", "foreground": "var(green2)" }, // TODO: determine why colours aren't respected { "scope": "entity.name.function.destructor", "foreground": "var(green2)" }, { "scope": "entity.name.enum", "foreground": "var(pink1)" }, { "scope": "entity.name.class", "foreground": "var(pink1)" }, { "scope": "entity.other.inherited-class", "foreground": "var(pink1)" }, // PHP Examples: public const FOO, "FOO" will be colourized { "scope": "entity.name.constant", "foreground": "var(pink1)" }, { "scope": "entity.name.label", "foreground": "var(pink1)" }, { "scope": "entity.name.section", "foreground": "var(pink1)" }, // HTML examples:
, both "div" will be colourized { "scope": "entity.name.tag", "foreground": "var(pink1)" }, { "scope": "entity.other.attribute-name", "foreground": "var(grey4)" }, { "scope": "meta.group", "foreground": "var(grey4)", }, // PHP: method call parantheses { "scope": "punctuation.section.group.begin", "foreground": "var(grey4)" }, { "scope": "punctuation.section.group.end", "foreground": "var(grey4)" }, // JavaScript { "scope": "source.js punctuation.accessor", "foreground": "var(grey4)" }, { "scope": "source.ts punctuation.accessor", "foreground": "var(grey4)" }, { "scope": "source.js variable.function", "foreground": "var(green2)" }, { "scope": "source.ts variable.function", "foreground": "var(green2)" }, { "scope": "source.js meta.property.object", "foreground": "var(pink1)" }, { "scope": "source.ts meta.property.object", "foreground": "var(pink1)" }, // Targets keyword: document,window,navigator { "scope": "support.type.object.dom.js", "foreground": "var(grey1)" }, { "scope": "support.type.object.dom.ts", "foreground": "var(grey1)" }, // Targets keyword: console { "scope": "support.type.object.console.js", "foreground": "var(grey1)" }, { "scope": "support.type.object.console.ts", "foreground": "var(grey1)" }, // Targets keyword: new { "scope": "keyword.operator.word.new.js", "foreground": "var(blue1)" }, { "scope": "keyword.operator.word.new.ts", "foreground": "var(blue1)" }, // JavaScript examples: const u = new User();, "User" will be colourized { "scope": "source.js variable", "foreground": "var(pink1)" }, { "scope": "source.ts variable", "foreground": "var(pink1)" }, // JSON { "name": "Subkey", "scope": "source.json meta.mapping.value.json meta.sequence.json meta.mapping.key.json string.quoted.double.json", "foreground": "var(pink1)" }, { "name": "Subvalue", "scope": "source.json meta.mapping.value.json meta.sequence.json meta.mapping.value.json string.quoted.double.json", "foreground": "var(blue2)" }, { "name": "Key", "scope": "source.json meta.mapping.key.json string.quoted.double.json", "foreground": "var(pink1)" }, { "name": "Subvalue", "scope": "source.json meta.mapping.value.json meta.mapping.value.json string.quoted.double.json", "foreground": "var(blue2)" }, ] }