Python Checker ============== A maintainable Python code checker for Sublime Text 3 ![Screenshot](../screenshots/screenshot.png) Once the plugin is installed, it will highlight common problems in your Python code. Internally it relies on the wonderful `pyflakes` and `pep8` packages. Installation ------------ Use [Package Control]( Python version -------------- By default Python Checker will use the version of Python that came with Sublime Text 3. This currently means Python 3 and can result in problems like `undefined name 'unicode'` being reported. If you want to use a different version, set the `python_interpreter_path` option in your project settings: ```json # .sublime-project { "settings": { "python_interpreter_path": "/usr/bin/python" } } ``` This is compatible with other plugins including [SublimeJEDI]( PEP8 checks ----------- Use the standard `pep8` [configuration files]( to control the behaviour including skipping some checks. An example project configration might look like this: ```ini # setup.cfg or tox.ini [pep8] ignore = E501,W191 max-line-length = 120 ```