#!/bin/bash # ### AUTHOR INFO # (C) Patrik Kernstock # Website: pkern.at # ### SCRIPT INFO # Version: see in changelog # Licence: GNU GPL v2 # Description: # Collects some important diagnostic data about # the operating system and the bot installation. # When finished it returns informative information, # ready to copy and paste it in the right section # in the sinusbot forum to your forum post. # # Important links: # Development of this script: https://github.com/patschi/sinusbot-tools # TeamSpeak: https://www.teamspeak.com # SinusBot forum: https://forum.sinusbot.com # SinusBot forum thread [english]: https://forum.sinusbot.com/threads/diagsinusbot-sh-sinusbot-diagnostic-script.831/#post-4418 # SinusBot forum thread [german]: https://forum.sinusbot.com/threads/diagsinusbot-sh-sinusbot-diagnostik-script.832/#post-4419 # ### Known issues: # Mostly this issues are non-critical and just kind of hard to fix or workaround. # If you have any ideas, feel free to tell me them. # # - Getting DISK data on OpenVZ machines and non-english systems may still not work. # ### THANKS TO... # all people, who helped developing and testing # this script in any way. For more information # see with parameter: '-c' or '--credits'. # ### USAGE # To download and execute this script you can use: # $ cd /path/to/sinusbot/ # usually /opt/ts3bot/ # $ curl -O https://raw.githubusercontent.com/patschi/sinusbot-tools/master/tools/diagSinusbot.sh # $ bash diagSinusbot.sh # $ rm diagSinusbot.sh # optionally to cleanup # # Simple One-liner: # $ curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/patschi/sinusbot-tools/master/tools/diagSinusbot.sh | bash # ### DISCLAIMER # No warranty, execute on your own risk. # No cats were harmed during development. # May contain traces of eastereggs. # ################################################## #### MAGIC HAPPENS BELOW. #### DO NOT TOUCH ANYTHING BELOW, IF YOU #### DO NOT KNOW WHAT YOU ARE DOING! ################################################## ### SCRIPT CONFIGURATION VARIABLES # setting important variables # NOTICE: Unfortunately this does not when the script file is being piped to bash. #SCRIPT_FILE_DETAILS="$(awk 'match($0, /v([0-9.]*)\:((\s)*)\[(.*)\]/) { print substr($0, RSTART, RLENGTH) };' "$(basename "$0")" | awk 'END{ print }')" #SCRIPT_VERSION_NUMBER="$(echo $SCRIPT_FILE_DETAILS | awk -F":" '{ print $1 }')" #SCRIPT_VERSION_DATE="$(echo $SCRIPT_FILE_DETAILS | awk -F"[" '{ print substr($2, 1, length($2)-1) }')" # general settings # SCRIPT SCRIPT_AUTHOR_NAME="Patrik Kernstock aka. Patschi" SCRIPT_AUTHOR_WEBSITE="patrik.kernstock.net" SCRIPT_YEAR="2015-2019" SCRIPT_NAME="diagSinusbot" # get version number and date automatically from changelog SCRIPT_VERSION_NUMBER="0.8.0" SCRIPT_VERSION_DATE="2019-06-16 00:01 UTC" VERSION_CHANNEL="master" SCRIPT_PROJECT_SITE="https://github.com/patschi/sinusbot-tools/tree/$VERSION_CHANNEL" SCRIPT_PROJECT_DLURL="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/patschi/sinusbot-tools/$VERSION_CHANNEL/tools/diagSinusbot.sh" SCRIPT_VERSION_FILE="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/patschi/sinusbot-tools/$VERSION_CHANNEL/tools/updates/diagSinusbot/version.txt" SCRIPT_CHANGELOG_LIST="https://github.com/patschi/sinusbot-tools/tree/master/tools/updates/diagSinusbot" SCRIPT_CHANGELOG_FILE="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/patschi/sinusbot-tools/$VERSION_CHANNEL/tools/updates/diagSinusbot/changelog-{VER}.txt" # script COMMANDS dependencies SCRIPT_REQ_CMDS="apt-get pwd awk wc free grep echo cat date df stat getconf netstat sort head curl date ldd" # script PACKAGES dependencies SCRIPT_REQ_PKGS="bc binutils coreutils lsb-release util-linux net-tools curl" # which domain to check for accessibility CHECK_WEB_URL="https://www.sinusbot.com/diag" CHECK_DOMAIN_ACCESS="auto" # check reachability for update servers CHECK_UPDATE_SERVERS="https://update01.sinusbot.com/diag https://update02.sinusbot.com/diag https://update03.sinusbot.com/diag" # BOT # bot PACKAGES dependencies BOT_REQ_PACKAGES="x11vnc xvfb libxcursor1 ca-certificates bzip2 libnss3 libegl1-mesa x11-xkb-utils libasound2" ## SCRIPT SETTINGS # IPv6 HTTPS check, 0 = off, 1 = on CHECK_CURL_IPV6=0 # NTP server address NTP_SERVER_ADDR="time.google.com" # Do not force anything. Let it unchanged! (Trust me I'm an engineer.) MODE_FORCE=0 ## EXECUTION VARIABLES EXEC_CURL="curl -q --user-agent "$SCRIPT_NAME/v$SCRIPT_VERSION_NUMBER"" ### FUNCTIONS ## Function for text output say() { if [ -z "$1" ] && [ -z "$2" ]; then echo return fi # criteria local CRIT=$(echo "$1" | tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]') # message local MSG="$2" local MSG="$(string_replace "$MSG" "\[b\]" "\x1b[1m")" local MSG="$(string_replace "$MSG" "\[\/b\]" "\x1b[0m")" # default prefix local PREFIX="" # modes for echo command local MODES="-e" if [ "$CRIT" == "WAIT" ] || [ "$CRIT" == "QUESTION" ]; then local MODES="$MODES -n" fi # color for criterias if [ ! -z "$CRIT" ]; then # prefix local PREFIX="[$(date +"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")] " case "$CRIT" in ERROR) # RED CRIT="\e[0;31m$CRIT\e[0;37m" ;; WARNING) # YELLOW CRIT="\e[0;33m$CRIT\e[0;37m" ;; INFO) # CYAN CRIT="\e[0;36m$CRIT\e[0;37m" ;; OKAY|QUESTION|WAIT|WELCOME) # GREEN CRIT="\e[0;32m$CRIT\e[0;37m" ;; DEBUG) # PURPLE CRIT="\e[0;35m$CRIT\e[0;37m" ;; *) # WHITE CRIT="\e[0;37m$CRIT" ;; esac fi echo -ne "\e[40m" # echo message if [ ! -z "$CRIT" ]; then # if $CRIT is set... echo $MODES "$PREFIX[$CRIT] $MSG" else # if $CRIT is NOT set... echo $MODES "$PREFIX$MSG" fi echo -ne "\e[0m" } ## Function for string replacing (Usage: string_replace "string" "pattern" "replacement") string_replace() { # (the missing $ of "$1" is correct!) echo "${1/$2/$3}" } ## Function to parse comments from the script file parse_version_comment_line() { echo "$1" | awk 'match($0, /# Version: (.*)/) { print $3 };' } ## Function to pause till input pause() { say "wait" "Press [ENTER] to continue..." await_answer } ## Function for welcome header show_welcome() { # do not forget to manually replace the domain name # below here with the domain behind $CHECK_DOMAIN_ACCESS! # AND keep the format that style! (justify the text) say say "welcome" "================================================" say "welcome" "= [b]HELLO![/b] Having an issue? I'm here to assist! =" say "welcome" "= =" say "welcome" "= Thanks for using this diagnostic script! =" say "welcome" "= The more information you provide, the =" say "welcome" "= better we can help to solve your problem. =" say "welcome" "= =" say "welcome" "= The execution may take some moments to =" say "welcome" "= collection the most important information =" say "welcome" "= of your system and your bot installation. =" say "welcome" "= =" say "welcome" "= After everything is done, you will get a =" say "welcome" "= summarized output ready to copy & paste it =" say "welcome" "= within a CODE-tag in the SinusBot forum. =" say "welcome" "= [Link: https://forum.sinusbot.com] =" say "welcome" "= =" say "welcome" "= This script uses DNS resolutions and HTTPS =" say "welcome" "= requests to Sinusbot-related domains to =" say "welcome" "= check if your network settings are valid. =" say "welcome" "================================================" say "welcome" "= Please also report any feedback or issues =" say "welcome" "= related to the script in the official forum. =" say "welcome" "= Thank you and happy debugging! =" say "welcome" "= -- $SCRIPT_AUTHOR_NAME. =" say "welcome" "================================================" say pause } ## Function to show help text show_help() { say "info" "Available parameters:" say "info" " -h|--help This help." say "info" " -w|--skip-welcome-text Skips the welcome screen." say "info" " -a|--skip-os-update-check Skips the APT OS updates check." say "info" " -o|--skip-update-check Skips the script update check." say "info" " -u|--only-update-check Only check for script update. (overrides update skip)" say "info" " -m|--skip-wait-messages Skip waiting time after important messages" say "info" " -c|--credits Show credits." say "info" " -v|--version Show version." say "info" " moo The cow says." say "info" "This tool has Super Cow Powers." } ## Function to show current version show_version() { say "info" "(C) $SCRIPT_YEAR, $SCRIPT_AUTHOR_NAME ($SCRIPT_AUTHOR_WEBSITE)" say "info" "$SCRIPT_NAME v$SCRIPT_VERSION_NUMBER [$SCRIPT_VERSION_DATE]" say "info" "Project site...: $SCRIPT_PROJECT_SITE" say "info" "Script download: $SCRIPT_PROJECT_DLURL" } ## Function to show credits (whooaaa!) show_credits() { say "info" ">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>" say "info" " THANKS TO EVERYONE WHO HAVE HELPED IN ANY WAY!" say "info" " Special thanks goes to..." say "info" "" say "info" " [b]flyth[/b] Michael F. for developing SinusBot, testing this script and ideas" say "info" " [b]Xuxe[/b] Julian H. for testing, ideas and contributing code" say "info" " [b]GetMeOutOfHere[/b] - for testing and ideas" say "info" " [b]JANNIX[/b] Jan H. for testing" say "info" " [b]maxibanki[/b] Max S. for testing, finding bugs and contributing code" say "info" " [b]irgendwer[/b] Jonas for testing and ideas" say "info" " [b]Multivitamin[/b] David for testing and ideas" say "info" "" say "info" " ...if u see 'em somewhere, give 'em some chocolate cookieees!" say "info" "<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<" } ## Function t000 m0o0o0o0o0o0oo t000d4y show_moo() { cat </dev/null; then if [ -z "$2" ]; then say "error" "Missing command '$1'." return 1 else say "error" "Missing command '$1'. Please install package '$2': apt-get install $2" confirm_package_install "$2" if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then return 1 else return 0 fi fi return 1 else return 0 fi } ## Function for checking if command exists is_command_available() { if which "$1" >/dev/null; then return 0 else return 1 fi } ## Function to check root privileges is_user_root() { if [ "$(id -u)" -ne 0 ]; then say "error" "This diagnostic script must be run with root privileges!" say "info" "[b]Reason[/b]: This script does perform many different checks and some of them" say "info" "do require root privileges to do so - example: apt-get calls, port checks," say "info" "or to even be able to operate, if any permissions are set wrong." failed "no root privileges" fi } ## Function to check if it is a debian-based operating system is_supported_os() { SYS_OS_LSBRELEASE_ID=$(lsb_release --id --short | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]') SYS_OS_LSBRELEASE_RELEASE=$(lsb_release --release --short | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]') SYS_OS_LSBRELEASE_RELEASE_MAJOR=$(echo "$SYS_OS_LSBRELEASE_RELEASE" | awk -F'.' '{ print $1 }') SYS_OS_LSBRELEASE_DESCRIPTION=$(lsb_release --description --short) # check if operating system supported if [ "$SYS_OS_LSBRELEASE_ID" != "debian" ] && [ "$SYS_OS_LSBRELEASE_ID" != "ubuntu" ]; then say "error" "This script is only designed to run on following operating systems: Debian, Ubuntu." say "error" "IMPORTANT: Running the script with parameter '--force-run|-f' will prevent aborting here. However it is /!\ STRONGLY NOT RECOMMENDED /!\ as it may result in various errors, incorrect output or unexpected errors!" if [ "$MODE_FORCE" -eq 0 ]; then failed "unsupported operating system" fi fi say "info" "Detected operating system: $SYS_OS_LSBRELEASE_DESCRIPTION" # check version of operating system: debian if [ "$SYS_OS_LSBRELEASE_ID" == "debian" ] && (( $(echo "$SYS_OS_LSBRELEASE_RELEASE_MAJOR <= 6" | bc -l) )); then # is less or equal 6 = too old. say "warning" "You are using a too old operating system! Debian Squeeze and before are not officially supported for SinusBot. Please upgrade to a more recent system." sleep 1 fi # check version of operating system: ubuntu if [ "$SYS_OS_LSBRELEASE_ID" == "ubuntu" ] && (( $(echo "$SYS_OS_LSBRELEASE_RELEASE <= 12.04" | bc -l) )); then # is less or equal 12.04 = too old. say "warning" "You are using a too old operating system! Ubuntu 12.04 and before are not officially supported for SinusBot. Please upgrade to a more recent system." sleep 1 fi } ## Function to crawl given URL load_webfile() { # timeout is 10 seconds, because maybe slower internet connections or slow DNS resolutions. $EXEC_CURL --fail --insecure --connect-timeout 10 --silent "$1" } ## Function to check outgoing connections check_web() { local URL=$1 # timeout is 10 seconds, because maybe slower internet connections or slow DNS resolutions. $EXEC_CURL --head --write-out "%{http_code}" --fail --insecure --silent --connect-timeout 10 -o /dev/null "$URL" } ## Function to check outgoing IPv4 connections check_web_ipv4() { local URL=$1 # timeout is 10 seconds, because maybe slower internet connections or slow DNS resolutions. $EXEC_CURL --head --write-out "%{http_code}" --fail --insecure --ipv4 --silent --connect-timeout 10 -o /dev/null "$URL" } ## Function to check outgoing IPv6 connections check_web_ipv6() { local URL=$1 # timeout is 10 seconds, because maybe slower internet connections or slow DNS resolutions. $EXEC_CURL --head --write-out "%{http_code}" --fail --insecure --ipv6 --silent --connect-timeout 10 -o /dev/null "$URL" } ## Function to parse host from a given URL parse_host_of_url() { echo "$1" | awk -F/ '{ print $3 }' } ## Function to check if a new update is available script_check_for_update() { # Return codes: # 0 = no update # 1 = failed retrieving info # 2 = update available local UPD_CHECK=$(load_webfile "$SCRIPT_VERSION_FILE") if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then return 1 else local UPD_CHECK_STATUS="$(echo "$UPD_CHECK" | grep -Po '(?<="status": ")[^"]*')" if [ "$UPD_CHECK_STATUS" != "true" ]; then return 1 else UPD_CHECK_VER="$(echo "$UPD_CHECK" | grep -Po '(?<="version": ")[^"]*')" if compare_version $SCRIPT_VERSION_NUMBER $UPD_CHECK_VER; then return 2 else return 0 fi fi fi } ## Function to check if there is a changelog for the given version number script_check_for_changelog() { # Return codes: # 1 = failed retrieving changelog # ...else changelog may be returned. local UPD_CHANGELOG=$(load_webfile "$(script_get_changelog_url "$1")") if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then return 1 else echo "$UPD_CHANGELOG" fi } ## Function to get actual changelog url file of the given version number script_get_changelog_url() { string_replace "$SCRIPT_CHANGELOG_FILE" "\{VER\}" "$1" } ## Function to compare version numbers compare_version() { # Return codes: # 0 = does not match (means: there is a newer version available) # 1 = does match (means: no other version available = no update) if [ "$1" == "$2" ]; then return 1 else if [ "$1" == "$(echo -e "$1\n$2" | sort --version-sort --reverse | head -n1)" ]; then return 1 else return 0 fi fi } ## Function to search bot binary check_bot_binary() { BOT_BINARY="" local BINARIES="ts3bot sinusbot" for BINARY in $BINARIES; do if [ -f "$BOT_PATH/$BINARY" ]; then BOT_BINARY="$BINARY" say "debug" "Binary '$BOT_BINARY' found." fi done if [ -z "$BOT_BINARY" ]; then # empty. not found. return 1 else return 0 fi } ## Function to check if bot config exists check_bot_config() { if [ ! -f "$BOT_PATH/config.ini" ]; then say "error" "Bot configuration not found!" failed "bot config not found" fi } ## Function to check available updates via apt-get check_available_updates() { apt-get -s dist-upgrade | awk '/^Inst/ { print $2 }' | wc -l } ## Function to parse bot configuration file parse_bot_config() { echo "$BOT_CONFIG" | grep "$1" | cut -d '=' -f2 | sed -e 's/^[[:space:]]*//' -e 's/[[:space:]]*$//' | sed -e 's/^[\"]*//' -e 's/[\"]*$//' } ## Function to get version of SinusBot get_bot_version() { say "debug" "Trying to get SinusBot version using version parameter..." > /proc/${PPID}/fd/0 local BOT_VERSION_CMD=$("$BOT_PATH/$BOT_BINARY" --version 2>/dev/null) echo "$BOT_VERSION_CMD" | grep -q -P '^flag provided but not defined' >/dev/null if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then say "debug" "Error getting SinusBot version. Falling back to other method." > /proc/${PPID}/fd/0 local BOT_VERSION_STRING=$(strings "$BOT_PATH/$BOT_BINARY" | grep "Version:" | cut -d ' ' -f2) if [ "$BOT_VERSION_STRING" != "" ]; then echo "$BOT_VERSION_STRING" else echo "unknown" fi else local BOT_VERSION_CMD=$(echo -e "$BOT_VERSION_CMD" | egrep "^SinusBot" | awk '{ print $2 }') echo "$BOT_VERSION_CMD" fi } ## Function to get version of the ts3 client get_ts3_client_version() { local TS3_VER=$(awk 'match($0, /Client Release (.*)/) { print $4 };' "$1" | awk 'NR==1') if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then TS3_VER="unknown" fi echo "$TS3_VER" } ## Function to check if package is installed is_os_package_installed() { dpkg-query -W -f='${Status}' "$1" 2>&1 | grep -q -P 'install ok installed' 2>&1 if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then return 0 else return 1 fi } ## Function to get the current installed version for a given package get_installed_version_package() { local PKG_VERSION="$(dpkg-query -W -f='${Version}' "$1" 2>&1)" if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then echo "$PKG_VERSION" else echo "unknown" fi } ## Function to check if package is installed is_os_package_installed_check() { if ! is_os_package_installed "$1"; then say "error" "Missing package '$1'. Please install package '$2': apt-get install $2" confirm_package_install "$2" if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then return 0 else return 1 fi fi } ## Function to get missing packages from a list get_missing_os_packages() { local OS_PACKAGES_MISSING="" for PACKAGE in $1; do is_os_package_installed "$PACKAGE" if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then local OS_PACKAGES_MISSING="$OS_PACKAGES_MISSING $PACKAGE" fi done trim_spaces "$OS_PACKAGES_MISSING" } ## Function to get installed scripts get_installed_bot_scripts() { local INSTALLED_SCRIPTS="" if [ -d "$BOT_PATH/scripts/" ]; then for SCRIPT_FILE in $BOT_PATH/scripts/*.js; do if [ "$INSTALLED_SCRIPTS" == "" ]; then local INSTALLED_SCRIPTS="$(basename "$SCRIPT_FILE")" else local INSTALLED_SCRIPTS="$INSTALLED_SCRIPTS; $(basename "$SCRIPT_FILE")" fi done trim_spaces "$INSTALLED_SCRIPTS" else say "warning" "Scripts folder not found! (are you using v0.9.9 or prior?)" fi } ## Function to trim whitespaces before and after a string trim_spaces() { echo -e "$(echo -e "$@" | sed -e 's/^[[:space:]]*//' -e 's/[[:space:]]*$//')" } ## Function to get a md5 hash of a file get_file_hash() { if [ -f "$1" ]; then md5sum "$1" | awk '{print $1}' else echo "unknown" fi } ## Function to check if port is in use port_in_use() { PORT=$1 # check if port $1 is in use. netstat -lnt | awk -v port="$PORT" '$4 ~ "."port' | grep -i 'LISTEN' &>/dev/null return $? } ## Function to get user id from a running process id get_userid_from_pid() { grep -r '^Uid:' /proc/$1/status | cut -f2 } ## Function to get username by id (linux os) get_user_name_by_uid() { awk -F: "/:$1:/{print \$1}" /etc/passwd } ## Function which exites the script with a successful exit code script_done() { exit 0 } ## Function to resolve hostname to IP resolve_hostname() { getent hosts "$1" | head -n 1 | cut -d ' ' -f 1 } ## Function to check DNS resolution check_dns_resolution() { if [ "$(resolve_hostname "$1")" != "" ]; then return 0 else return 1 fi } ## Get time by NTP get_time_by_ntp() { # get current external date by NTP (Credits: http://seriot.ch/ntp.php) local NTP_TIME="$(echo $((0x`printf c%47s|nc -uw1 $NTP_SERVER_ADDR 123|xxd -s40 -l4 -p`-64#23GDW0)) 2>&1)" if ! [[ $NTP_TIME =~ ^-?[0-9]+([.][0-9]+)?$ ]] || [ "$NTP_TIME" == "-2208988800" ]; then NTP_TIME=0 fi echo $NTP_TIME } ## Function await answer await_answer() { # workaround with /proc/[...] required only when read command # is in a function. When not given, the script may not wait # for an entered answer. read -p "" prompt < /proc/${PPID}/fd/0 echo "$prompt" } ## Function to get current locale get_locale_current() { echo $LANG } ################ ## MAIN CODE! ## ################ SCRIPT_PATH=$(pwd) # PARAMETERS while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do case "$1" in -w|--skip-welcome-text ) NO_WELCOME="yes" ;; -a|--skip-os-update-check ) NO_OS_UPD_CHECK="yes" ;; -o|--skip-update-check ) NO_UPD_CHECK="yes" ;; -u|--only-update-check|--update ) ONLY_SCRIPT_UPDATE_CHECK="yes" ;; -m|--skip-wait-messages ) SKIP_WAIT_MESSAGES="yes" ;; -f|--force-run ) MODE_FORCE=1 ;; -h|--help ) show_help script_done ;; -c|--credits ) show_credits script_done ;; -v|--version ) show_version script_done ;; moo ) show_moo script_done ;; # unknown parameters -*|--* ) say "warning" "Unknown parameter: '$1'." ;; esac shift done # check values. if [ "$SCRIPT_VERSION_NUMBER" == "" ]; then say "error" "Important variable empty: SCRIPT_VERSION_NUMBER. Aborting." failed "Version number incorrectly set." fi if [ "$SCRIPT_VERSION_DATE" == "" ]; then say "error" "Important variable empty: SCRIPT_VERSION_DATE. Aborting." failed "Version date incorrectly set." fi # further checks. is_user_root # do not show welcome screen, when user dont want to if [ "$NO_WELCOME" != "yes" ]; then show_welcome fi # running what...? say "info" "Starting $SCRIPT_NAME v$SCRIPT_VERSION_NUMBER [$SCRIPT_VERSION_DATE]..." # Check if we want to automatically set the domain access if [ "$CHECK_DOMAIN_ACCESS" = "auto" ]; then CHECK_DOMAIN_ACCESS="$(parse_host_of_url "$CHECK_WEB_URL")" fi # checking script dependencies PACKAGES_MISSING=$(get_missing_os_packages "$SCRIPT_REQ_PKGS") if [ "$PACKAGES_MISSING" != "" ]; then say "warning" "Required packages for the script are not installed on this system." say "info" "Following packages are missing: $PACKAGES_MISSING" say "question" "Should I install them for you now? [y/N] " if [[ $(await_answer) =~ [yY](es)* ]]; then INSTALL_CMD="apt-get install -y $PACKAGES_MISSING" say "debug" "Installing packages using '$INSTALL_CMD'..." sleep 1 # initiating installation eval "$INSTALL_CMD" # check if everything worked if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then say "error" "Installation went wrong! Please install required packages manually!" failed "failed package installation for script" else say "info" "Installation seems to be finished. Please re-run this script now!" script_done fi else say "warning" "Installation aborted. Please install the packages yourself before re-starting this script." failed "automated script installation aborted" fi fi # check if commands are available for the script REQ_CMDS=0 for SMCMD in $SCRIPT_REQ_CMDS; do check_command "$SMCMD" if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then REQ_CMDS=1 fi done # check if any commands are missing if [ $REQ_CMDS -ne 0 ]; then say "error" "Missing commands... Install and try again please." failed "missing commands" fi # check for script update... maybe there are important changes, or something like that. # of course skip check, if the user don't want to stay up 2 date. if [ "$NO_UPD_CHECK" == "yes" ] && [ "$ONLY_SCRIPT_UPDATE_CHECK" != "yes" ]; then say "warning" "Script update check skipped by user. This is NOT recommended!" say "warning" "Please at least check manually if there is any new update available." say "warning" "You are currently using script version: $SCRIPT_VERSION_NUMBER from $SCRIPT_VERSION_DATE." say "warning" "The latest script can be found at: $SCRIPT_PROJECT_DLURL" else DISPLAY_CHANGELOG="yes" say "info" "Checking for new diagnostic script version..." script_check_for_update UPD_CHECK_RETURN=$? if [ $UPD_CHECK_RETURN -eq 0 ]; then say "okay" "You are using the latest version." else if [ $UPD_CHECK_RETURN -eq 2 ]; then say "info" "There is a new version available for download! You are using v$SCRIPT_VERSION_NUMBER, but v$UPD_CHECK_VER is already available." say "info" "It is recommended to update the script to the latest version before continuing executing this diagnostic script." # does the user want to see the changelog? say "question" "Do you want to see the changelog of the recent update? [Y/n] " if [[ $(await_answer) =~ [nN](o)* ]]; then DISPLAY_CHANGELOG="no" fi # load and show it! if [ "$DISPLAY_CHANGELOG" == "yes" ]; then # hint for complete changelog. say "info" "######################################################################################" say "info" " The complete detailed history of every release you may find under the following URL:" say "info" " > $SCRIPT_CHANGELOG_LIST" say "info" "######################################################################################" # trying to get changelog say "debug" "Trying to get script update changelog..." CHANGELOG="$(script_check_for_changelog "$UPD_CHECK_VER")" if [ "$CHANGELOG" != "" ]; then say "info" "Displaying CHANGELOG for diagSinusBot v$UPD_CHECK_VER:" say "info" "######################################################################################" while IFS= read -r line; do say "info" " $line" done <<< "$CHANGELOG" say "info" "######################################################################################" else say "warning" "Failed getting update changelog." say "debug" "Tried getting changelog from '$(script_get_changelog_url "$UPD_CHECK_VER")'..." fi fi # do u wanna update? say "question" "Should I automatically update the diagnostic script for you? [Y/n] " # default is here yes. So if the user says explicity no, we do nothing than throwing out some text. if [[ $(await_answer) =~ [nN](o)* ]]; then say "warning" "Automated update skipped by user." sleep 1 say "warning" "Please at least update the diagnostic script manually before continuing using this script." say "warning" "You are currently using version: $SCRIPT_VERSION_NUMBER from $SCRIPT_VERSION_DATE, but v$UPD_CHECK_VER is already available." say "warning" "The latest script can be found at: $SCRIPT_PROJECT_DLURL" sleep 1 pause else say "info" "Downloading new script version..." say "debug" "Download script URL: '$SCRIPT_PROJECT_DLURL'." CUR_SCRIPT_PATH="$SCRIPT_PATH/$(basename "$0")" # check if tmp file of this script does already exist. if so, we delete it. if [ -f "$CUR_SCRIPT_PATH.tmp" ]; then rm "$CUR_SCRIPT_PATH.tmp" fi # downloading new script... curl -o "$CUR_SCRIPT_PATH.tmp" "$SCRIPT_PROJECT_DLURL" if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then say "error" "Error when downloading the new script! Please investigate issues and try again. Skipping update for now." say "warning" "Please at least update the diagnostic script manually before continuing using this script." say "warning" "The latest script can be found at: $SCRIPT_PROJECT_DLURL" pause else if [ ! -f "$CUR_SCRIPT_PATH.tmp" ]; then say "error" "Strange issue here: Even after successful download according to the exit status, the new script file is missing. Please investigate." say "warning" "Please at least update the diagnostic script manually before continuing using this script." say "warning" "The latest script can be found at: $SCRIPT_PROJECT_DLURL" pause else # check syntax of new script (should be enough to detect non-bash script files, when something got wrong when downloading) bash -n "$CUR_SCRIPT_PATH.tmp" &>/dev/null if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then say "error" "Something went wrong while downloading the script. Either the download failed or the syntax of the script is faulty." say "warning" "Skipping automated update..." sleep 1 say "warning" "Please at least update the diagnostic script manually before continuing using this script." say "warning" "You are currently using version: $SCRIPT_VERSION_NUMBER from $SCRIPT_VERSION_DATE, but v$UPD_CHECK_VER is already available." say "warning" "The latest script can be found at: $SCRIPT_PROJECT_DLURL" pause else # make backup of old script mv "$CUR_SCRIPT_PATH" "$CUR_SCRIPT_PATH.bak" if [ $? -ne 0 ] || [ ! -f "$CUR_SCRIPT_PATH.bak" ]; then say "error" "Strange issue here: Renaming script file to backup file did failed. Skipping update. Please investigate." say "warning" "Please at least update the diagnostic script manually before continuing using this script." say "warning" "The latest script can be found at: $SCRIPT_PROJECT_DLURL" pause else # rename temp update script to the filename of before mv "$CUR_SCRIPT_PATH.tmp" "$CUR_SCRIPT_PATH" if [ $? -ne 0 ] || [ ! -f "$CUR_SCRIPT_PATH.bak" ]; then say "error" "Strange issue here: Renaming the new script file to the original file name failed. Skipping update. Please investigate." say "warning" "Please at least update the diagnostic script manually before continuing using this script." say "warning" "The latest script can be found at: $SCRIPT_PROJECT_DLURL" pause else say "info" "Update complete. Please re-run the script, so that the changes take effect!" sleep 1 say "info" "Thanks for using and updating the script! :)" say say "info" "Re-run the script using the command:" say "info" " $ bash $CUR_SCRIPT_PATH" say pause exit 0 fi fi fi fi fi fi else say "error" "There was an error while checking for an update. Check your internet connection." say "info" "Make sure that the version check file is accessible by the server:" say "info" "> URL: $SCRIPT_VERSION_FILE" pause fi fi fi # check if only script update check was initiated if [ "$ONLY_SCRIPT_UPDATE_CHECK" == "yes" ]; then say "debug" "Only update check was initiated. Exiting..." exit 0 fi # checking if OS is supported is_supported_os # checking bot dependencies PACKAGES_MISSING="" if [ "$BOT_REQ_PACKAGES" != "" ]; then PACKAGES_MISSING=$(get_missing_os_packages "$BOT_REQ_PACKAGES") if [ "$PACKAGES_MISSING" != "" ]; then say "warning" "Required packages for the bot are not installed on this system." say "info" "Following packages are missing: $PACKAGES_MISSING" say "question" "Should I install them for you now? [y/N] " if [[ $(await_answer) =~ [yY](es)* ]]; then INSTALL_CMD="apt-get install -y $PACKAGES_MISSING" say "debug" "Installing packages using '$INSTALL_CMD'..." sleep 1 # initiating installation eval "$INSTALL_CMD" # check if everything worked if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then say "error" "Installation went wrong! Please install required packages manually!" failed "failed package installation for bot" else say "info" "Installation seems to be finished. Please re-run this script now!" script_done fi else say "warning" "Installation aborted. Please install the packages yourself before re-starting the bot." failed "automated bot installation aborted" fi fi fi # checking dependencies for bot if [ "$PACKAGES_MISSING" == "" ]; then SYS_PACKAGES_MISSING="None" else SYS_PACKAGES_MISSING="Missing packages: $PACKAGES_MISSING" fi # bot binary searching say "info" "Searching bot binary..." # checking for bot binary file BOT_PATH="" # possible bot search paths BOT_SEARCH_PATHS=("$(pwd)" "/opt/sinusbot/" "/opt/ts3bot/" "/opt/ts3soundboard/" "/home/sinusbot/" "/home/sinusbot/sinusbot/") for BOT_PATH in "${BOT_SEARCH_PATHS[@]}"; do say "debug" "Searching in directory '$BOT_PATH'..." if [ -d "$BOT_PATH" ]; then check_bot_binary if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then say "info" "Binary found." break else BOT_PATH="" fi fi done if [ "$BOT_PATH" == "" ]; then say "error" "Bot binary not found! Execute this script in the SinusBot directory!" failed "bot binary not found" fi # if bot dir was found, check config file now check_bot_config BOT_FULL_PATH="$(echo "$BOT_PATH/$BOT_BINARY" | sed -e 's|//|/|g')" BOT_FULL_PATH_FILE="$BOT_PATH/$BOT_BINARY" BOT_BINARY_HASH=$(get_file_hash "$BOT_FULL_PATH_FILE") BOT_BINARY_FILE_INFO_PERMS=$(stat -c %a $BOT_FULL_PATH_FILE) BOT_BINARY_FILE_INFO_USER=$(stat -c %U $BOT_FULL_PATH_FILE) BOT_BINARY_PATH_EXTENDED="MD5 Hash: $BOT_BINARY_HASH, Perms: $BOT_BINARY_FILE_INFO_PERMS, User: $BOT_BINARY_FILE_INFO_USER" # collecting information say "debug" "Collecting information..." say "info" "(Scan may take some moments...)" # system say "info" "Collecting system information..." say "debug" "Getting operating system version..." # get OS details SYS_OS=$(lsb_release --short --description) SYS_OS_EXTENDED="" if [ -f "/proc/user_beancounters" ]; then SYS_OS_EXTENDED="(OpenVZ)" say "warning" "It seems your machine is a OpenVZ container. OpenVZ is known for failing on some checks in this diagnostic scripts. These are known limitations due to restrictions and the nature of the containering software." elif [ -f "/proc/1/cgroup" ] && [ ! -f "/.dockerenv" ]; then grep -Pq 'lxc' /proc/1/cgroup if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then SYS_OS_EXTENDED="(LXC)" say "warning" "It seems your machine is a LXC container. LXC is known for failing on some checks in this diagnostic scripts. These are known limitations due to restrictions and the nature of the containering software." fi elif [ -f "/proc/1/cgroup" ] && [ -f "/.dockerenv" ]; then grep -Pq 'docker' /proc/1/cgroup if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then SYS_OS_EXTENDED="(Docker)" fi fi # get load avg SYS_LOAD_AVG=$(cat /proc/loadavg | cut -d " " -f -3) # get package manager last modified date SYS_APT_LASTUPDATE=$(date --date="@$(stat -c %Y '/var/lib/apt/lists')" +"%d.%m.%Y %H:%M:%S %Z %::z") # get uptime SYS_UPTIME=$( https://www.teamspeak.com/downloads" say "warning" "******************************* ATTENTION *******************************" say say "info" "READ THE MESSAGE ABOVE! This message should warn you, do not ignore it." # check if we wait after this message. if [ "$SKIP_WAIT_MESSAGES" != "yes" ]; then say "info" "It is really important. Seriously. (Script will continue in 5 seconds...)" sleep 5 pause fi # now check if running TS3Client and newer with SinusBot 0.9.16 and older elif ( compare_version 3.1 $BOT_CONFIG_TS3PATH_VERSION || [ "$BOT_CONFIG_TS3PATH_VERSION" == "3.1" ] ) && ( compare_version $BOT_VERSION 0.9.18 || [ "$BOT_VERSION" == "0.9.18" ] ); then BOT_CONFIG_TS3PATH_VERSION_EXTENDED="(not supported!)" say say "warning" "***************************** NOT SUPPORTED *****************************" say "warning" "[b]THIS TS3 CLIENT VERSION IS NOT SUPPORTED AND NOT WORKING![/b]" say "warning" "TeamSpeak 3 Client with version 3.1+ and later is currently not supported" say "warning" "with SinusBot version 0.9.16 and older." say "warning" "You may solve this issue by:" say "warning" " 1. Downgrade your TS3 client to a supported TS3 client version." say "warning" " 2. Upgrade to a supported SinusBot version which supports this client." say "warning" " (as long as an newer version is available)" say "warning" "***************************** NOT SUPPORTED *****************************" say # check if we wait after this message. if [ "$SKIP_WAIT_MESSAGES" != "yes" ]; then sleep 7 pause fi fi # check for compatibility of client 3.0.19 and newer on Debian 7 and older if [ "$BOT_CONFIG_TS3PATH_VERSION" == "3.0.19" ] || compare_version 3.0.19 $BOT_CONFIG_TS3PATH_VERSION; then if [ "$SYS_OS_LSBRELEASE_ID" == "debian" ] && (( $(echo "$SYS_OS_LSBRELEASE_RELEASE_MAJOR <= 7" | bc -l) )); then say "warning" "The TeamSpeak 3 client 3.0.19 and newer is not compatible with Debian 7 and older. Please switch back to an older TeamSpeak 3 version (for example [[b]NOT[/b] recommended!] or upgrade to a newer operating system which has newer dependencies." if [ "$SKIP_WAIT_MESSAGES" != "yes" ]; then sleep 3 fi fi fi fi else BOT_CONFIG_TS3PATH_EXTENDED="(CHANGELOG file not found!)" fi # checking bot plugin in ts3client say "debug" "Checking installation of bot plugin in ts3client..." if [ -f "$BOT_CONFIG_TS3PATH_DIRECTORY/plugins/libsoundbot_plugin.so" ]; then BOT_TS3_PLUGIN="installed" BOT_TS3_PLUGIN_HASH_TS3CLIENT="$(get_file_hash "$BOT_CONFIG_TS3PATH_DIRECTORY/plugins/libsoundbot_plugin.so")" if [ -f "$BOT_PATH/plugin/libsoundbot_plugin.so" ]; then BOT_TS3_PLUGIN_HASH_BOTPLUGIN="$(get_file_hash "$BOT_PATH/plugin/libsoundbot_plugin.so")" if [ "$BOT_TS3_PLUGIN_HASH_BOTPLUGIN" == "$BOT_TS3_PLUGIN_HASH_TS3CLIENT" ]; then BOT_TS3_PLUGIN_EXTENDED="(md5 hash match)" else BOT_TS3_PLUGIN_EXTENDED="(md5 hash mismatch!)" fi else BOT_TS3_PLUGIN_EXTENDED="(plugin in bot directory not found)" fi else BOT_TS3_PLUGIN="not installed" BOT_TS3_PLUGIN_EXTENDED="" fi # checking libqxcb-glx-integration.so file say "debug" "Checking if libqxcb-glx-integration.so file exists..." if [ -f "$BOT_CONFIG_TS3PATH_DIRECTORY/xcbglintegrations/libqxcb-glx-integration.so" ]; then BOT_TS3_LIBQXCB_GLX_INTEGRATION="yes" else BOT_TS3_LIBQXCB_GLX_INTEGRATION="no" fi else BOT_CONFIG_TS3PATH_EXTENDED="(TS3client-binary does not exist!)" fi # checking for youtube-dl say "debug" "Checking for 'youtube-dl'..." BOT_CONFIG_YTDLPATH=$(parse_bot_config "YoutubeDLPath") YTDL_VERSION="unknown" if [ "$BOT_CONFIG_YTDLPATH" == "" ]; then BOT_CONFIG_YTDLPATH="not set" BOT_CONFIG_YTDLPATH_EXTENDED="" # check anyway, maybe the binary is installed anyway but just not set if [ -f "$(which youtube-dl)" ]; then YTDL_VERSION=$($(which youtube-dl) --version) BOT_CONFIG_YTDLPATH_EXTENDED="(does exist anyway, version: $YTDL_VERSION)" fi else if [ -f "$BOT_CONFIG_YTDLPATH" ]; then YTDL_VERSION=$($BOT_CONFIG_YTDLPATH --version) BOT_CONFIG_YTDLPATH_EXTENDED="(does exist, version: $YTDL_VERSION)" else BOT_CONFIG_YTDLPATH_EXTENDED="(does not exist!)" fi fi # get current operating system date SYS_TIME_ZONE="$(cat /etc/timezone)" SYS_TIME_TS_LOCAL=$(date +%s) # get human-readable date SYS_TIME_LOCAL=$(date --date @$SYS_TIME_TS_LOCAL +"%d.%m.%Y %H:%M:%S %Z %::z") # get current external date by NTP SYS_TIME_TS_REMOTE=$(get_time_by_ntp) if [ "$SYS_TIME_TS_REMOTE" == "0" ]; then say "error" "Failed trieving remote time from NTP server $NTP_SERVER_ADDR! Is any firewall blocking the NTP request, or is the DNS resolution failing?" SYS_TIME_REMOTE="" SYS_TIME_DIFF="n/a" else # get human-readable date SYS_TIME_REMOTE=$(date --date @$SYS_TIME_TS_REMOTE +"%d.%m.%Y %H:%M:%S %Z %::z") SYS_TIME_DIFF_MAX=30 SYS_TIME_DIFF=$(($SYS_TIME_TS_REMOTE - $SYS_TIME_TS_LOCAL)) SYS_TIME_DIFF_EXTENDED="" # always move over negative difference integer to positive, as it doesn't really matter anyway yet if [ "$SYS_TIME_DIFF" -lt 0 ]; then ((SYS_TIME_DIFF *= -1)) fi # check difference if [ $SYS_TIME_DIFF -le 2 ]; then SYS_TIME_DIFF_EXTENDED="(Time diff less than 2 secs. Good.)" elif [ $SYS_TIME_DIFF -le 10 ]; then SYS_TIME_DIFF_EXTENDED="(Time diff less than 10 secs. Acceptable.)" elif [ $SYS_TIME_DIFF -le $SYS_TIME_DIFF_MAX ]; then say "warning" "Time difference of local and remote time is less than $SYS_TIME_DIFF_MAX seconds, but greater than 10 seconds! Please update your local time using NTP or so to prevent any server or SinusBot-specific issues! A correct server time is always strongly recommended!" SYS_TIME_DIFF_EXTENDED="(Time diff between 10 and $SYS_TIME_DIFF_MAX secs! Critical!)" elif [ $SYS_TIME_DIFF -ge $SYS_TIME_DIFF_MAX ]; then say "warning" "Time difference of local and remote time is greater than $SYS_TIME_DIFF_MAX seconds! Please update your local time using NTP or so to prevent any server or SinusBot-specific issues! A correct server time is always strongly recommended!" SYS_TIME_DIFF_EXTENDED="(Time diff greater than $SYS_TIME_DIFF_MAX secs!)" fi fi # generate output say "debug" "Generating output..." OUTPUT=$(cat << EOF ========================================================== SINUSBOT RELATED SYSTEM INFORMATION - Operating System: $SYS_OS $SYS_OS_EXTENDED - Kernel: $SYS_OS_KERNEL - Load Average: $SYS_LOAD_AVG - Uptime: $SYS_UPTIME_TEXT - OS x64 check: $SYS_OS_ARCH_X64_TEXT - OS Updates: $SYS_AVAIL_UPDS $SYS_AVAIL_UPDS_TEXT - OS Missing Packages: $SYS_PACKAGES_MISSING - OS APT Last Update: $SYS_APT_LASTUPDATE - Shell Locale: $LOCALE_LANG - Bot Start Script: $SYS_BOT_AUTOSTART $SYS_BOT_AUTOSTART_EXTENDED - CPU: $SYS_CPU_DATA - RAM: $(bytes_format $SYS_RAM_USAGE)/$(bytes_format $SYS_RAM_TOTAL) in use (${SYS_RAM_PERNT}%) $SYS_RAM_EXTENDED - SWAP: $(bytes_format $SYS_SWAP_USAGE)/$(bytes_format $SYS_SWAP_TOTAL) in use (${SYS_SWAP_PERNT}%) $SYS_SWAP_EXTENDED - DISK: $(bytes_format $SYS_DISK_USAGE)/$(bytes_format $SYS_DISK_TOTAL) in use (${SYS_DISK_PERNT}%) $SYS_DISK_EXTENDED - Package versions: - libglib: $PKG_VERSION_GLIBC BOT INFORMATION - Status: $BOT_STATUS $BOT_STATUS_EXTENDED - Webinterface: $BOT_WEB_STATUS $BOT_WEB_STATUS_EXTENDED - Binary: $BOT_FULL_PATH - Binary Info: $BOT_BINARY_PATH_EXTENDED - Version: $BOT_VERSION - TS3 Plugin: $BOT_TS3_PLUGIN $BOT_TS3_PLUGIN_EXTENDED - Bot Plugin: $BOT_TS3_PLUGIN_HASH_BOTPLUGIN - TS3 Client: $BOT_TS3_PLUGIN_HASH_TS3CLIENT - Config: - LogLevel = $BOT_CONFIG_LOGLEVEL $BOT_CONFIG_LOGLEVEL_EXTENDED - TS3Path = $BOT_CONFIG_TS3PATH $BOT_CONFIG_TS3PATH_EXTENDED - YoutubeDLPath = $BOT_CONFIG_YTDLPATH $BOT_CONFIG_YTDLPATH_EXTENDED - Installed scripts: $BOT_INSTALLED_SCRIPTS BOT TECHNICAL INFORMATION - File exists: - TS3Client/libqxcb-glx-integration.so: $BOT_TS3_LIBQXCB_GLX_INTEGRATION - LDD output: $BOT_LDD REACHABILITY CHECKS - HTTPS check with IPv4 mode: $CHECK_WEB_IPV4_TEXT - HTTPS check with IPv6 mode: $CHECK_WEB_IPV6_TEXT - DNS resolution check: $SYS_OS_DNS_CHECK_TEXT - Update server checks: $UPDSRV_CHECK_TEXT TIME INFORMATION - Time (local): $SYS_TIME_LOCAL - Time (remote): $SYS_TIME_REMOTE - Time (difference): $SYS_TIME_DIFF secs $SYS_TIME_DIFF_EXTENDED - Timezone: $SYS_TIME_ZONE OTHER INFORMATION - TeamSpeak3 Version: $BOT_CONFIG_TS3PATH_VERSION $BOT_CONFIG_TS3PATH_VERSION_EXTENDED - youtube-dl Version: $YTDL_VERSION - DiagScript Version: $SCRIPT_VERSION_NUMBER ========================================================== EOF ) # new lines and the finished output say say say "" "[b]Please attach this output to your forum post:[/b]" say say "" "[CODE]" say "" "$OUTPUT" say "" "[/CODE]" say say "" "[b]Notice[/b]: For a better overview, post this data in the forum within a CODE-tag!" say say say "debug" "Done." # we are done. script_done