deviceId = "" ### Device ID (40 chars, leave empty for random) ### deviceName = "librespot-java-player" ### Device name ### deviceType = "SPEAKER" ### Device type (COMPUTER, TABLET, SMARTPHONE, SPEAKER, TV, AVR, STB, AUDIO_DONGLE, GAME_CONSOLE, CAST_VIDEO, CAST_AUDIO, AUTOMOBILE, WEARABLE, UNKNOWN_SPOTIFY, CAR_THING, UNKNOWN) ### preferredLocale = "en" ### Preferred locale ### logLevel = "TRACE" ### Log level (OFF, FATAL, ERROR, WARN, INFO, DEBUG, TRACE, ALL) ### [auth] ### Authentication ### strategy = "ZEROCONF" # Strategy (USER_PASS, ZEROCONF, BLOB, FACEBOOK, STORED) username = "" # Spotify username (BLOB, USER_PASS only) password = "" # Spotify password (USER_PASS only) blob = "" # Spotify authentication blob Base64-encoded (BLOB only) storeCredentials = false # Whether to store reusable credentials on disk (not a plain password) credentialsFile = "credentials.json" # Credentials file (JSON) [zeroconf] ### Zeroconf ### listenPort = -1 # Listen on this TCP port (`-1` for random) listenAll = true # Listen on all interfaces (overrides `zeroconf.interfaces`) interfaces = "" # Listen on these interfaces (comma separated list of names) [cache] ### Cache ### enabled = true # Cache enabled dir = "/var/librespot-java/" doCleanUp = true [preload] ### Preload ### enabled = true # Preload enabled [time] ### Time correction ### synchronizationMethod = "NTP" # Time synchronization method (NTP, PING, MELODY, MANUAL) manualCorrection = 0 # Manual time correction in millis [player] ### Player ### autoplayEnabled = true # Autoplay similar songs when your music ends preferredAudioQuality = "VERY_HIGH" # Preferred audio quality (NORMAL, HIGH, VERY_HIGH) enableNormalisation = true # Whether to apply the Spotify loudness normalisation normalisationPregain = +3.0 # Normalisation pregain in decibels (loud at +6, normal at +3, quiet at -5) initialVolume = 65536 # Initial volume (0-65536) volumeSteps = 64 # Number of volume notches logAvailableMixers = true # Log available mixers mixerSearchKeywords = "" # Mixer/backend search keywords (semicolon separated) crossfadeDuration = 0 # Crossfade overlap time (in milliseconds) output = "MIXER" # Audio output device (MIXER, PIPE, STDOUT) releaseLineDelay = 20 # Release mixer line after set delay (in seconds) pipe = "" # Output raw (signed) PCM to this file (`player.output` must be PIPE) retryOnChunkError = true # Whether the player should retry fetching a chuck if it fails metadataPipe = "" # Output metadata in Shairport Sync format ( [api] ### API ### port = 24879 # API port (`api` module only) host = "" # API listen interface (`api` module only) [proxy] ### Proxy ### enabled = false # Whether the proxy is enabled type = "HTTP" # The proxy type (HTTP, SOCKS) address = "" # The proxy hostname port = 0 # The proxy port auth = false # Whether authentication is enabled on the server username = "" # Basic auth username password = "" # Basic auth password