// Copyright 2017, Paul DeMarco. // All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. part of flutter_blue; class BluetoothService { final Guid uuid; final DeviceIdentifier deviceId; final bool isPrimary; final List characteristics; final List includedServices; BluetoothService.fromProto(protos.BluetoothService p) : uuid = new Guid(p.uuid), deviceId = new DeviceIdentifier(p.remoteId), isPrimary = p.isPrimary, characteristics = p.characteristics .map((c) => new BluetoothCharacteristic.fromProto(c)) .toList(), includedServices = p.includedServices .map((s) => new BluetoothService.fromProto(s)) .toList(); @override String toString() { return 'BluetoothService{uuid: $uuid, deviceId: $deviceId, isPrimary: $isPrimary, characteristics: $characteristics, includedServices: $includedServices}'; } }