--- title: "Flexbox Furigana" date: 2022-06-25 11:30:00 +1100 last_modified_at: 2022-06-28 10:00:00 +1100 tags: japan japanese 日本語 振り仮名 ふりがな annotation blog jekyll meta header: image: /assets/images/2022-06-25/menu-with-furigana.jpg image_description: "大和田鮨" teaser: /assets/images/2022-06-25/menu-with-furigana.jpg overlay_image: /assets/images/2022-06-25/menu-with-furigana-header.jpg overlay_filter: 0.4 caption: > Photo by 極地狐 on Flickr excerpt: > Styling _kanji_ readings is a big subject for such small text. --- _[Furigana][]_ are annotations used to indicate the Japanese reading, or pronunciation, of Chinese _[kanji][]_ characters. As a simple example, let's say we have a character like this[^1]:
_Furigana_ for the _kanji_, written with _[hiragana][]_[^2], can be placed above it[^3]:
( くるま )
This is all well and good for Japanese speakers, but what if I wanted English-speakers to be able to read along as well? This can be done by adding the character's pronunciation using Latin script (_[romaji][]_) as another _furigana_-style annotation:
( くるま , kuruma )
Okay, but what does this word actually mean? We could put an English translation to the right of the word, or pile on _yet another_ annotation for the English meaning[^4]:
( くるま , kuruma , car )
For single words, this "full-suite" of annotations could be considered acceptable, but for complete sentences, where the objective is to have a non-Japanese speaker read along {% include ruby.html word="phonetically" annotation="fuh·neh·ti·kuh·lee" %}, I think any translation needs its own dedicated section. I did exactly this in a previous blog post, _[A Person's Character (人という字は)][]_, where I wanted to show the {% include ruby.html word="pronunciation" annotation="/pɹəˌnʌn.siˈeɪ.ʃən/" %} and meaning of some lines of dialogue from the television drama _[Kinpachi-sensei][]_. The intention was to enable English speakers to follow the Japanese dialogue using the _romaji_ annotations, and _then_ read the translation:
{% include japanese.html word="君" furigana="きみ" romaji="Kimi" furigana-left-padding="4px" %} {% include japanese.html word="たち" romaji="tachi" %} {% include japanese.html word="いい" romaji="ii" %} {% include japanese.html word="です" romaji="desu" %} {% include japanese.html word="か" romaji="ka~." %} {% include japanese.html word="〜。" %} {% include japanese.html word="人" furigana="ひと" romaji="Hito" furigana-left-padding="4px" %} {% include japanese.html word="と" romaji="to" %} {% include japanese.html word="いう" romaji="iu" %} {% include japanese.html word="字" furigana="じ" romaji="ji" furigana-left-padding="4px" %} {% include japanese.html word="は" romaji="wa" %} {% include japanese.html word="ねぇ" romaji="nē," %} {% include japanese.html word="、" %} {% include japanese.html word="ひとり" romaji="hitori" %} {% include japanese.html word="の" romaji="no" %} {% include japanese.html word="「人」" furigana="ひと" romaji="\"hito\"" furigana-left-padding="8px" %} {% include japanese.html word="が" romaji="ga" %} {% include japanese.html word="もう" romaji="mō" %} {% include japanese.html word="ひとり" romaji="hitori" %} {% include japanese.html word="の" romaji="no" %} {% include japanese.html word="「人」" furigana="ひと" romaji="\"hito\"" furigana-left-padding="8px" %} {% include japanese.html word="を" romaji="o" %} {% include japanese.html word="支えて" furigana="ささ" romaji="sasaete" furigana-align="left" furigana-left-padding="3px" %} {% include japanese.html word="いる" romaji="iru" %} {% include japanese.html word="字" furigana="じ" romaji="ji" furigana-left-padding="4px" %} {% include japanese.html word="です" romaji="desu." %} {% include japanese.html word="。" %} {% include japanese.html word="つまり" romaji="Tsumari," %} {% include japanese.html word="、" %} {% include japanese.html word="人" furigana="ひと" romaji="hito" furigana-left-padding="4px" %} {% include japanese.html word="と" romaji="to" %} {% include japanese.html word="人" furigana="ひと" romaji="hito" furigana-left-padding="4px" %} {% include japanese.html word="が" romaji="ga" %} {% include japanese.html words="支え,合ってる" furigana="ささ,あ" romaji="sasae,atteru" furigana-align="left" furigana-left-padding="3px,8px" %} {% include japanese.html word="から" romaji="kara" %} {% include japanese.html word="人" furigana="ひと" romaji="hito" furigana-left-padding="4px" %} {% include japanese.html word="なん" romaji="nan" %} {% include japanese.html word="です" romaji="desu." %} {% include japanese.html word="。" %} {% include japanese.html word="人" furigana="ひと" romaji="Hito" furigana-left-padding="4px" %} {% include japanese.html word="は" romaji="wa" %} {% include japanese.html word="人" furigana="ひと" romaji="hito" furigana-left-padding="4px" %} {% include japanese.html word="に" romaji="ni" %} {% include japanese.html word="よって" romaji="yotte" %} {% include japanese.html word="支えられ" furigana="ささ" romaji="sasaerare," furigana-align="left" furigana-left-padding="3px" %} {% include japanese.html word="、" %} {% include japanese.html word="人" furigana="ひと" romaji="hito" furigana-left-padding="4px" %} {% include japanese.html word="の" romaji="no" %} {% include japanese.html word="間" furigana="あいだ" romaji="aida" furigana-left-padding="5px" %} {% include japanese.html word="で" romaji="de" %} {% include japanese.html word="人間" furigana="にんげん" romaji="ningen" furigana-left-padding="6px" %} {% include japanese.html word="として" romaji="toshite" %} {% include japanese.html word="磨かれて" furigana="みが" romaji="migakarete" furigana-align="left" furigana-left-padding="4px" %} {% include japanese.html word="いくん" romaji="ikun" %} {% include japanese.html word="です" romaji="desu." %} {% include japanese.html word="。" %}

Can I have your attention, please. So, the character for "person" consists of one person holding up and sustaining another person. In other words, it is a "person" precisely because a person and another person are supporting each other. A person gets support from other people and their community, and through that support, grows and develops as a human.
Figuring out the idiosyncrasies of how to mark-up and display all of these annotations in the way I wanted using [HTML][] and [CSS][], and then developing a way to extract that logic out into functionality that could be shared across multiple [Markdown][]-based blog posts using [Liquid][], took me far more time than I expected, and became the catalyst for writing this particular blog post. So, the following is my [brain dump][] on what I learned about using annotations on the web. ## Annotation Markup
Japanese word meaning 'furigana' with above smaller orange phonetic hiragana called 'furigana' helping to pronounce it.
Image by Kang Seonghoon, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons
_Furigana_ is a type of [Ruby character][] annotation[^5], and is marked up in HTML using the [``][] tag. Searching the internet for how to mark-up `` elements leads to a significant amount of conflicting information. The [W3 Ruby Annotation][] document mentions a selection of markup tags that can appear inside a `` tag: - [``][]: ruby text (the annotation) - [``][]: ruby parenthesis (for when a browser does not support ruby annotations and the ruby text gets rendered inline) - [``][]: ruby base (the text that is being annotated) - [``][]: ruby text container (a container for `` elements when markup is "complex") - ``: ruby base container (a container for `` elements when markup is "complex") Each of the tag links in the list above is from the [Mozilla HTML documentation][], a trustworthy source for this kind of information (in my opinion), and they say that the ``, ``, and `` tags are [deprecated][Deprecation], and should be avoided. In order to future-proof _furigana_ annotations, it would seem that only three tags should be used: container `` tags, along with child `` and `` tags. So, for the "car" _kanji_ from the example above, {% include ruby.html word="車" annotation="くるま" %}, the markup could look like the following: ```html ( くるま ) ``` > What are those `` tags for? In the event that a browser does not support > ruby annotations, the code above will display as: > >
> 車(くるま) >
> >
> alt="Ruby tag base CSS styles in Chrome dev tools"> >
> > I could not find any built-in functionality that would force a modern browser > to "pretend" it does not support annotations, but I was able to follow the > [Inlining Ruby Annotations][] section of [CSS Ruby Annotation Layout Module][], > and add styling via the browser developer tools to achieve the desired display > behaviour: > > ```css > rp, rt { > display: inline; > white-space: inherit; > font: inherit; > text-emphasis: inherit; > } > ``` Given that the [HTML spec for the `` element][] says that a `` tag can contain "one or more `` elements", you may be forgiven for thinking that adding the extra _romaji_ annotation would be a case of perhaps appending it beneath the _furigana_: ```html ( くるま , kuruma ) ```
( くるま , kuruma )
Not great. We can, however, rearrange the `` child elements, and leverage CSS [Flexbox][] styling, to exhert more control over the visuals (we will keep styling [inline][inline CSS] for demonstration purposes moving forward): ```html ( kuruma , くるま ) ```
( kuruma , くるま )
This displays in a similar way to the initial example at the beginning of the post (though the default gap between the _kanji_ and _furigana_ is a bit concerning...). However, I think the meaning behind the child elements of the `` parent tag have become muddled. What is annotating what? Is 車 annotating _kuruma_, along with くるま annotating 車? Technically, it seems these semantics are valid, but is there is another way to communicate the desired annotations via markup? > Note, also, that we have headed into exploitation territory for the meaning of > the `` tag to make sure that we get **車(くるま, kuruma)** displayed when > annotations are not supported (commas are not parentheses, after all). I do > not currently know of a "better" way to mark this up to allow for a similar > kind of display. The code examples in the [HTML spec for the `` element][] show that "a nested `` element" can be used for inner annotations. In our case, this could mean that the markup should indicate that: - くるま annotates 車 (one `` inner nested element) - _kuruma_ annotates the {% include ruby.html word="車" annotation="くるま" %} compound (another `` outer nesting element) Let's see how this could look in markup: ```html ( くるま ) kuruma ```
( くるま ) kuruma
Looks acceptable to me, and I think the meaning of the markup is conveyed in a clearer way. > Nesting `` tags like this means we have to give up the ability to > display the _furigana_ and _romaji_ together [**車(くるま, kuruma)**], when > annotations are not supported. But, I am prepared to accept this compromise > because the fallback display looks good enough for the rare times it will > probably ever be viewed: > >
Before concluding that we have the `` markup and styling to use as a foundation to build with, let's test it with a few other _kanji_ scenarios. ## Single Word, Multiple _Kanji_ Not every word in Japanese can be written with a single _kanji_; many require multiple _kanji_ together in a compound. So, let's test the current markup's display of _kanji_ compounds by changing the "car" into an "automobile": ```html 自動車 ( じどうしゃ ) jidōsha ```
自動車 ( じどうしゃ ) jidōsha
This looks like it displays as expected. However, pedanticism is going to get the best of me here: even though the _furigana_ is correct for the entire word, they _don't quite_ line up perfectly above the individual characters they are annotating the reading for. Let's see if we can fix that by adding more ``/`` tag sets: ```html ( )( どう )( しゃ ) jidōsha ```
( )( どう )( しゃ ) jidōsha
Ah, much better! The difference may be minor, but I think it's important! > Doing this, unfortunately, "breaks" the `
` fallback display even more, as > the _furigana_ readings are now displayed broken down not by full word, but by > character: > >
自 (じ) 動 (どう) 車 (しゃ)
> > At this point, I think attempting to handle the fallback display gracefully is > going to be prioritised to a distant second compared to getting the _furigana_ > displaying well for "normal" modern browser usage. ## Single Word, Alternating _Kanji_ and _Kana_ [Compound verbs][] in Japanese are a good example of words that alternate between _kanji_ and _[kana][]_ in their construction. For example, in the annotations for the word _norikomu_ (乗り込む), meaning "to get into (a vehicle)", I would expect there to be _furigana_ over 乗 and 込, but not over り or む. As for the _romaji_, I think a single annotation under the word would suffice. Let's see if we can re-use the code from the _kanji_ compound to achieve the effect we want: ```html ( ) り 込 ( ) norikomu ```
( ) り 込 ( ) norikomu
Hmm, not quite right: that second _furigana_ positioning is incorrect, and there is an awkward space between 乗り and 込む. Perhaps each half of this word needs to be its own `` element? Let's give that a try: ```html ( ) ( ) norikomu ```
( ) ( ) norikomu
The _furigana_ positioning is fixed, but since we now have three child elements under the `` tag, the `flex-direction: column` styling is displaying them all vertically, which is not the result we want. In order to get them to display as one set, we will need to wrap a container around the 乗り and 込む `` tags. Yet another `` tag seems like it could be overkill here, so, instead, let's try a plain old [``][] tag, and give it some Flexbox styling as well: ```html ( ) ( ) norikomu ```
( ) ( ) norikomu
Looks good to me! If we _did_ want to split the _romaji_, so the annotation was under each part of the word, we have the option of changing the tag nesting around to achieve that effect: ```html ( ) nori ( ) komu ```
( ) nori ( ) komu
Great! We now know there are options around the display for _romaji_, for potential readability and/or aesthetic reasons. ## Styled _Furigana_ Speaking of aesthetics, does _furigana_ still display as expected if the CSS `font-style` changes, like how everything gets italicised on this page when the content is within `
` tags? Let's find out with the phrase {% include japanese.html word="自,動,車" furigana="じ,どう,しゃ" romaji="jidōsha" %} {%- include japanese.html word="に" romaji="ni" %} {%- include japanese.html word="乗り,込む" furigana="の,こ" romaji="norikomu" furigana-align="left" furigana-left-padding="5px,7px" %} ("to get into the automobile"): ```html
( )( どう )( しゃ ) jidōsha ni ( ) ( ) norikomu
( )( どう )( しゃ ) jidōsha ni ( ) ( ) norikomu
Well, it seems that annotations do not really understand italics; they look a tiny bit off, don't they? It would be nice to be able to nudge them a bit to the right on an individual character basis. Luckily, this is a simple matter of just adding in some [`text-align`][] styling in the `` tags: ```html
( ) jidōsha
( ) ( どう ) ( しゃ ) jidōsha ni ( ) ( ) norikomu
This looks a tiny bit better, though it seems to be more effective for single character _furigana_ than those for compound characters. Pushing the _furigana_ any further to the right would involve adding some [`padding-left`][] attributes to the `
` tag (which could push the _kanji_ into places you may not want), so feel free to experiment on getting the alignment just right for your tastes. Finally, let's just confirm the markup works for some exceptional circumstances. ## Long and Short _Furigana_ There are some words in Japanese where up to five syllables can be represented by a single _kanji_. Let's use the markup with _uketamawaru_ a word that fits these conditions, and means "to be told" or "to receive (an order)": ```html ( うけたまわ ) uketamawaru ```
( うけたまわ ) uketamawaru
I think this display is _okay_, given the awkwardness of the _furigana_ to _kanji_ ratio. But, that gap between 承 and る just seems too big to me, and makes me wonder whether allowing for more flexibility in the size of the _furigana_ annotation would make it less unwieldy. Let's see what happens if we give the _furigana_ a smaller absolute CSS [`font-size`][] value: ```html ( うけたまわ ) uketamawaru ```
( うけたまわ ) uketamawaru
Much better, I think, and it can be adjusted to preference on a per-character basis. Now, what about the opposite scenario, when there are more _kanji_ than _furigana_ characters? This will only really happen with so-called [Special Readings][], which occur frequently with geographical or human names. So, let's try the markup with a good example of this, the surname _Hozumi_: ```html 八月一日 ( ほずみ ) Hozumi ```
八月一日 ( ほずみ ) Hozumi
I think this display of ほずみ[^6] looks fine. The spacing of the _furigana_ may look a bit strange, but since there is no correlation between the annotation and the pronunciation of each individual _kanji_, having them spread out evenly across the top of the word, or center-aligned, is probably the most logical way to display them. ## Markup Reuse As you can see from the chunky markup blocks above, annotations can take up a lot of coding space. Personally, I do not want to have to manually write `` tags every time I want to insert a Japanese word with any kind of annotation into my blog posts, so I wanted a way to reuse that markup. [Jekyll][] is the engine that currently powers this blog, and it allows the usage of [Liquid][], a templating language, which has enabled me to put `` code into functions that take parameters to fine-tune how annotations should display. These functions are littered throughout the [code for this blog post][], as well as other Japanese language-related posts, and fall into two main groups. ### Basic Ruby Tags These are functions that wrap around `` tags for purposes of general annotation, and are not specific to Japanese (though they can certainly be used that way). Some examples used in this blog post that you may have noticed are: ```liquid {%- raw -%} {% include ruby.html word="phonetically" annotation="fuh·neh·ti·kuh·lee" %} {% include ruby.html word="pronunciation" annotation="/pɹəˌnʌn.siˈeɪ.ʃən/" %} {% include ruby.html word="車" annotation="くるま" %} {% endraw -%} ``` ### Ruby Tags for Japanese There are also functions that take in parameters which allow all the fine-tuning customisations to _furigana_ and _romaji_ we have seen in the examples above, and are hence specific for use with Japanese. Under the hood, they all leverage the `{% raw %}{% include ruby.html %}{% endraw %}` function. Some examples used in this post are: ```liquid {%- raw -%} {% include japanese.html word="自,動,車" furigana="じ,どう,しゃ" romaji="jidōsha" %} {% include japanese.html word="に" romaji="ni" %} {% include japanese.html word="乗り,込む" furigana="の,こ" romaji="norikomu" furigana-align="left" furigana-left-padding="5px,7px" %} {% endraw -%} ``` Going through the details of these functions is something I will leave up to the interested reader[^7]. You can find all the code in the [`_includes/` directory][] of this blog's codebase. ## Much Ado About Annotations For such small text, the coding, display, debugging, and [refactoring][Code Refactoring] of _furigana_ has taken up a significant amount of my time and brain space. However, I still do not _really_ know if I am doing it "right". The developers over at the [Japanese Language Stack Exchange][], whom I assume are experts at all things Japanese for the web, would seem to eschew `` and `` tags for `` tags in order to represent `` and `` values for their cool _furigana_ pop-ups: ```html 終幕 さいご ``` However, [NHK Easy News][] _does_ use `` and `` tags in the same way as the examples in this post. However, they, too, have opted to not use `` tags (perhaps they considered them to be legacy/unnecessary...?). [Yahoo News Japan][] does not support _furigana_ annotations at all, preferring instead to display ``-style parenthesised _kanji_ readings inline (perhaps because they are a bit [Web 1.0][]-in-the-tooth, and still want to support browsing on {% include ruby.html word="[Galápagos phones][]" annotation="ガラケー" annotation-style="text-align: center" %}, which display pages using [cHTML][], a subset of HTML that [does not support `` tags][imode tag reference]). Regardless, this post represents everything I think I know about _furigana_ for the web, and now you know it, too. If new information comes up, or the specification for use of ``-related tags changes, I am definitely happy to revise any content. If there is something I have missed, please reach out and let me know! [^1]: All Japanese character displays were confirmed to work as expected on [Google Chrome][]. So, if you use another browser, and explanations do not quite match the display, that would be why. [^2]: _Hiragana_ is generally used for _furigana_, but you can also see _[katakana][]_ used to annotate some [surnames and place names][Furigana#Names], as well as convey [double meanings and linguistic puns][Furigana#Punning_and_double_meaning]. [^3]: Placed above when the _kanji_ is written left-to-right horizontally (_[yokogaki][]_), but placed to the right when written right-to-left vertically (_[tategaki][]_). [^4]: Or, you could use a browser extension like [Rikaichan][] or [Rikaikun][], which display pop-up kanji readings and English translations when you mouse over them, making any lack of annotations irrelevant. For purposes of this post, we'll pretend they do not exist (I still absolutely recommend using them, though!). [^5]: The name of which is from an old British typography type that had a height of 5.5 [points][point], and not to be confused with anything related to the [Ruby][] programming language. [^6]: As well as {% include japanese.html word="ほずみ" romaji="Hozumi" %}, 八月一日 can be read as {% include japanese.html word="ほづみ" romaji="Hozumi" %}, {% include japanese.html word="やぶみ" romaji="Yabumi" %}, and {% include japanese.html word="はっさく" romaji="Hassaku" %}. [^7]: It was tough to keep my own interest up with Liquid since I found using it so frustrating, even after changing my mindset to thinking of it as ["smart HTML rather than dumb Ruby"][Multi-Dimensional and Associative Arrays in Shopify Liquid]. Nevertheless, I got what I wanted in the end after significant trial and error; hopefully, you can save yourself some time and irritation by using the code if you have similar use cases. [A Person's Character (人という字は)]: https://www.paulfioravanti.com/blog/persons-character/ [brain dump]: https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/brain_dump [cHTML]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/I-mode [code for this blog post]: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/paulfioravanti/paulfioravanti.github.io/release/_posts/2022-06-25-flexbox-furigana.md [Code Refactoring]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Code_refactoring [Compound verbs]: https://www.wasabi-jpn.com/japanese-grammar/japanese-compound-verbs/ [CSS]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CSS [CSS Ruby Annotation Layout Module]: https://www.w3.org/TR/css-ruby-1/ [Deprecation]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deprecation [Flexbox]: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Learn/CSS/CSS_layout/Flexbox [`font-size`]: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/font-size [Furigana]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Furigana [Furigana#Names]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Furigana#Names [Furigana#Punning_and_double_meaning]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Furigana#Punning_and_double_meaning [Galápagos phones]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gal%C3%A1pagos_syndrome#Mobile_phones [Google Chrome]: https://www.google.com/chrome/ [hiragana]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hiragana [HTML]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HTML [HTML spec for the `` element]: https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/text-level-semantics.html#the-ruby-element [imode tag reference]: https://www.docomo.ne.jp/service/developer/make/content/browser/html/tag/ [`_includes/` directory]: https://github.com/paulfioravanti/paulfioravanti.github.io/tree/release/_includes [inline CSS]: https://www.w3schools.com/html/html_css.asp [Inlining Ruby Annotations]: https://www.w3.org/TR/css-ruby-1/#default-inline [Japanese Language Stack Exchange]: https://japanese.stackexchange.com/ [Jekyll]: https://jekyllrb.com/ [kana]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kana [kanji]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kanji [katakana]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Katakana [Kinpachi-sensei]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kinpachi-sensei [Liquid]: https://shopify.github.io/liquid/ [Markdown]: https://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/ [Mozilla HTML documentation]: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML [Multi-Dimensional and Associative Arrays in Shopify Liquid]: https://ideawrights.com/shopify-associative-arrays/ [NHK Easy News]: https://www3.nhk.or.jp/news/easy/ [`padding-left`]: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/padding-left [point]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Point_(typography) [``]: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/rb [Rikaichan]: https://addons.thunderbird.net/en-us/firefox/addon/rikaichan/ [Rikaikun]: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/rikaikun/jipdnfibhldikgcjhfnomkfpcebammhp?hl=en [romaji]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Romanization_of_Japanese [``]: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/rp [``]: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/rt [``]: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/rtc [``]: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/ruby [Ruby]: https://www.ruby-lang.org/en/ [Ruby character]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ruby_character [``]: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/span [Special Readings]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kanji#Special_readings [tategaki]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Horizontal_and_vertical_writing_in_East_Asian_scripts#Japanese [`text-align`]: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/text-align [W3 Ruby Annotation]: https://www.w3.org/TR/2001/REC-ruby-20010531/Overview.html.utf-8 [Web 1.0]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Web_2.0#Web_1.0 [Yahoo News Japan]: https://news.yahoo.co.jp/ [yokogaki]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Horizontal_and_vertical_writing_in_East_Asian_scripts#Japanese