#!/usr/bin/env perl use strict; use warnings; use LWP::UserAgent; use MIME::Base64; use XML::Simple; use LWP::Simple; use Socket; use Getopt::Long; use Pod::Usage; use Sys::Hostname; use IO::Socket::SSL qw( SSL_VERIFY_NONE ); use Net::SMTPS; use Net::Ping::External qw(ping); use Data::Validate::IP; #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Parse options #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #pod2usage(1) if !@ARGV; my $error; my $homedir = ( getpwuid($>) )[7]; my $config_file = "$homedir/.cpaneldyndns"; my %opts = ( 'helo' => hostname(), ); GetOptions( \%opts, 'help|?', 'domain=s' => \$opts{'domain'}, 'host=s' => \$opts{'host'}, 'ip=s' => \$opts{'ip'}, 'ttl=s' => \$opts{'ttl'}, # cPanel connection parameters 'cpanel_user=s' => \$opts{'cpanel_user'}, 'cpanel_pass=s' => \$opts{'cpanel_pass'}, 'cpanel_domain=s' => \$opts{'cpanel_domain'}, # SMTP parameters to send change email 'helo=s' => \$opts{'helo'}, 'email_auth_user=s' => \$opts{'email_auth_user'}, 'email_auth_pass=s' => \$opts{'email_auth_pass'}, 'email_addr=s' => \$opts{'email_addr'}, 'outbound_server=s' => \$opts{'outbound_server'}, # IP for outbound connection check 'check_host=s' => \$opts{'check_host'}, # Location of the configuration file 'config_file=s' => \$config_file ) or die "Invalid options passed to $0\n"; if ( -e $config_file ) { open( my $cf_fh, "<", $config_file ) or warn "could not open $config_file"; LINE: while ( my $cf_line = <$cf_fh> ) { # read each line chomp $cf_line; next LINE if $cf_line eq '' || $cf_line =~ /^#/; my ( $key, $value ) = split( /=/, $cf_line ); $opts{$key} = $value; } close($cf_fh); } pod2usage(1) if $opts{'help'}; die "Required parameters not specified or no configuration file found. Run '$0 --help' for instructions.\n" unless $opts{'domain'} and $opts{'host'} and $opts{'cpanel_user'} and $opts{'cpanel_pass'} and $opts{'cpanel_domain'} and $opts{'check_host'}; # Set default $email_addr $opts{'$email_addr'} ||= $opts{'email_auth_user'}; # Use email for output instead of STDOUT if email parameters specified my $send_email = ( $opts{'email_addr'} ) ? 1 : 0; #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Validate user input #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- my $validator = Data::Validate::IP->new; if ( $opts{'ip'} && !$validator->is_ipv4( $opts{'ip'} ) ) { die "Specified IP address '$opts{'ip'}' doesn't look like an IPv4 address.\n"; } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Set user account parameters #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- my $auth = 'Basic ' . MIME::Base64::encode( $opts{'cpanel_user'} . ':' . $opts{'cpanel_pass'} ); #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Disable SSL validation #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new( ssl_opts => { verify_hostname => 0 } ); #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Main code body #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Set update IP to detected remote IP address if IP not specified on cmd line my $external_ip = $opts{'ip'} || get_external_ip(); # Get current host IP address and see if it matches the given IP my ( $current_ip_line, $current_ip ) = get_zone_data( $opts{'domain'}, $opts{'host'} ); if ( $current_ip eq $external_ip ) { #Detected remote IP $external_ip matches current IP $current_ip; no IP update needed. exit(0); } #print "Trying to update $opts{'host'} IP to $external_ip ...\n"; my $result = set_host_ip( $opts{'domain'}, $current_ip_line, $external_ip ); if ( $result eq 'succeeded' ) { output("Update successful! Changed $current_ip to $external_ip\n"); exit(0); } else { $error = 1; output("Update not successful, $result\n"); exit(1); } print "Reached end of script, something bad happened\n"; exit(255); sub output { my ($status_msg) = @_; die "No status message supplied\n" if !$status_msg; return ($send_email) ? send_email($status_msg) : print $status_msg; } sub send_email { my ($body_text) = @_; my $success_subject = "Updated IP address for " . "$opts{'host'}.$opts{'domain'}"; my $subject = $error ? "Issue detected when running" : $success_subject; # If the SMTP transaction is failing, add 'Debug => 1,' to the method below # which will output the full details of the SMTP connection my $smtp = Net::SMTPS->new( $opts{'outbound_server'}, Hello => $opts{'helo'}, Port => 587, Timeout => 20, doSSL => 'starttls', SSL_verify_mode => IO::Socket::SSL::SSL_VERIFY_NONE, ) or die "Could not connect to $opts{'outbound_server'}:\n$@\n"; $smtp->auth( $opts{'email_auth_user'}, $opts{'email_auth_pass'} ) or die "Couldn't send email:\n" . $smtp->message(); $smtp->mail( $opts{'email_auth_user'} ); $smtp->to( $opts{'email_addr'} ) or die "Couldn't send email:\n" . $smtp->message(); $smtp->data(); $smtp->datasend("From: $opts{'email_auth_user'}\n"); $smtp->datasend("To: $opts{'email_addr'}\n"); $smtp->datasend("Subject: $0 - $subject\n"); $smtp->datasend( 'Date: ' . localtime() . "\n" ); $smtp->datasend("\n"); $smtp->datasend($body_text); $smtp->dataend(); $smtp->quit(); return 1; } sub get_zone_data { my ( $domain, $hostname ) = @_; $hostname .= ".$domain."; my $xml = XML::Simple->new; my $request = HTTP::Request->new( GET => "https://$opts{'cpanel_domain'}:2083/xml-api/cpanel?cpanel_xmlapi_module=ZoneEdit&cpanel_xmlapi_func=fetchzone&domain=$domain" ); $request->header( Authorization => $auth ); my $response = $ua->request($request); my $zone; $zone = eval { $xml->XMLin( $response->content ) }; if ( !defined $zone ) { $error = 1; output( "Couldn't connect to '$opts{'cpanel_domain'}' to fetch zone contents for $domain:\nPlease ensure 'cpanel_domain' is set correctly.\n" ); exit(1); } # Assuming we find the zone, iterate over it and find the $hostname record my ( $record_number, $address, $found_hostname ); if ( exists $zone->{'data'}->{'status'} && $zone->{'data'}->{'status'} eq '1' ) { my $count = @{ $zone->{'data'}->{'record'} }; my $item = 0; while ( $item <= $count ) { my $name = $zone->{'data'}->{'record'}[$item]->{'name'}; my $type = $zone->{'data'}->{'record'}[$item]->{'type'}; if ( ( defined($name) && $name eq $hostname ) && ( $type eq 'A' ) ) { $record_number = $zone->{'data'}->{'record'}[$item]->{'Line'}; $address = $zone->{'data'}->{'record'}[$item]->{'address'}; $found_hostname = 1; } $item++; } } else { $error = 1; output( "Couldn't fetch zone for $domain:\n$zone->{'error'}\nPlease ensure 'domain', 'cpanel_user', and 'cpanel_pass' are set correctly."); exit(1); } if ( !$found_hostname ) { $error = 1; output("No A record was found for $hostname\n"); exit(1); } return ( $record_number, $address ); } sub set_host_ip { my ( $domain, $line_number, $newip ) = @_; my $xml = XML::Simple->new; my $request = HTTP::Request->new( GET => "https://$opts{'cpanel_domain'}:2083/xml-api/cpanel?cpanel_xmlapi_module=ZoneEdit&cpanel_xmlapi_func=edit_zone_record&domain=$domain&line=$line_number&address=$newip&ttl=$opts{'ttl'}" ); $request->header( Authorization => $auth ); my $response = $ua->request($request); my $reply = $xml->XMLin( $response->content ); my $set_status = $reply->{'data'}->{'status'}; return ( $set_status == 1 ) ? 'succeeded' : $reply->{'data'}->{'statusmsg'}; } sub get_external_ip { #check for connectivity #no need to run any further if connection out is dead my $alive = ping( 'host' => $opts{'check_host'} ); if (!$alive) { print "Can't ping $opts{'check_host'}, it's either down or there's no internet connection.\n"; exit(1); } #grab detetected IP address my $url = 'http://go.cpanel.net/myip'; my $ip; if ( !defined $opts{'ip'} ) { $ip = get($url); if ( !$validator->is_ipv4($ip) ) { output( "'$url' didn't return an IP address:\n" . "$ip\n" ); exit(1); } chomp $ip; if ( !$ip ) { $error = 1; output( "Couldn't connect to $url, it may be unresponsive or not work amymore.\n" ); exit(1); } } return $ip; } =pod =head1 NAME cpanel-dnsupdater.pl =cut =head1 VERSION 0.8.9 =cut =head1 USAGE cpanel-dnsupdater.pl [options] Example: cpanel-dnsupdater.pl --host home --domain domain.tld --cpanel_user cptest --cpanel_pass 12345 --cpanel_domain cptest.tld --check_host =cut =head1 DESCRIPTION This script is useful for updating the IP address of an A record on a cPanel hosted domain with either a supplied IP, or a detected IP. This allows you to use your own cPanel domain for dynamic DNS instead of having to use a third party DNS service. If your specify email address parameters, then script output is emailed to you, otherwise all output is printed to STDOUT. =cut =head1 ARGUMENTS =head2 Required --host Host name to update in the domain's zonefile. eg. 'www' --domain Name of the domain to update --cpanel_user cPanel account login name --cpanel_pass cPanel account password --cpanel_domain cPanel account domain name --check_host IP address of host to check for connectivity. eg. or your DNS resolver =head2 Optional --ip IP address to update the A record with. This defaults to the detected external IP. --email_auth_user Email address for SMTP Auth --email_auth_pass Password for SMTP Auth (use \ to escape characters) --email_addr Email address to send successful/error report to (defaults to email_auth_user) --outbound_server Server to send mail through --helo Change the HELO that is sent to the outbound server, this setting defaults to the current hostname --config_file Specify the location of a configuration file (defaults to ~/.cpaneldyndns) --ttl Positive integer to set record TTL =head2 Using a Config File (~/.cpaneldyndns) Instead of passing options on the command line, a configuration file can be used. Any options specified on the command line will be overriden by the configuration file options. The file takes the format of 'option=value', eg: host=home domain=mydomain.com The default location of the file is in the home directory of the current user and the default filename is '.cpaneldyndns' =cut =head1 EXIT STATUS Exits with 1 if there was any issue updating the record, 255 if the end of script was reached in error, and 0 if IP was either changed, or the detected IP matches the given IP. =head1 AUTHOR Paul Trost Original code by Stefan Gofferje - http://stefan.gofferje.net/ =cut =head1 LICENSE AND COPYRIGHT Copyright 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016. This script is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2, or at your option any later version.