(* * Copyright (c) 2010-2020, Alexandru Ciobanu (alex+git@ciobanu.org) * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * Neither the name of this library nor the * names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products * derived from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR ''AS IS'' AND ANY * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY * DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES * (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND * ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS * SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. *) {$IFDEF FPC} {$IFDEF VER3} // FPC 3.x {$MODE DELPHI} {$MODESWITCH UnicodeStrings} {$MODESWITCH ADVANCEDRECORDS} {$CODEPAGE UTF8} {$DEFINE TZDB_SUPPORTED_COMPILER} {$WARN 04104 OFF} // Data is ASCII so these string warnings can be safely ignored. {$WARN 04105 OFF} // Ditto {$ENDIF} {$ELSE} {$IFDEF CONDITIONALEXPRESSIONS} {$IF DECLARED(CompilerVersion)} {$IF CompilerVersion >= 22} // Delphi XE + {$DEFINE TZDB_SUPPORTED_COMPILER} {$DEFINE DELPHI} {$IFEND} {$IFEND} {$ENDIF} {$ENDIF} {$IFNDEF TZDB_SUPPORTED_COMPILER} {$MESSAGE ERROR 'TZDB requires at least Delphi XE or FreePascal 3.0 to compile!'} {$ENDIF} unit TZDB; interface uses {$IFDEF DELPHI} System.SysUtils, System.DateUtils, System.Types, System.TimeSpan, Generics.Collections, Generics.Defaults, System.Classes; {$ELSE} SysUtils, DateUtils, Types, FGL, SyncObjs, Classes; {$ENDIF} type {$IFNDEF DELPHI} /// Exception thrown when the passed local time is invalid. ELocalTimeInvalid = class(Exception); /// Defines four types that a local date/time type can be in. TLocalTimeType = ( /// The local time is in the Standard year period. lttStandard, /// The local time is in the DST year period. lttDaylight, /// The local time is in DST -> Standard year period. lttAmbiguous, /// The local time is in the Standard -> DST year period. lttInvalid ); {$ENDIF} /// Exception type used to signal the caller code that a requested time zone /// is not present in the bundled database or that its format is invalid. ETimeZoneInvalid = class(Exception); /// Exception type used to signal the caller code that date/time year details are not /// bundled for the given time zone. EUnknownTimeZoneYear = class(Exception); /// Special type used to manipulate TDateTime in millisecond precision. /// This is an internal type. TPreciseTime = type Int64; /// Represents a specific date/time segment of the year. /// A calendar year in most time zones is divided into standard/ambiguous/daylight/invalid/standard segments. TYearSegment = record private FStartsAt, FEndsAt: TPreciseTime; FType: TLocalTimeType; FName: string; FPeriodOffset, FBias: Int64; function GetUtcOffset: {$IFDEF DELPHI}TTimeSpan{$ELSE}Int64{$ENDIF}; inline; function GetStartsAt: TDateTime; function GetEndsAt: TDateTime; function UtcTimeInSegment(const AUtcTime: TPreciseTime; out ANoBias: Boolean): Boolean; public /// The date/time when the segment starts. /// A date/time value representing the start of the segment. property StartsAt: TDateTime read GetStartsAt; /// The date/time when the segment ends. /// A date/time value representing the end of the segment. property EndsAt: TDateTime read GetEndsAt; /// The type of the segment. /// An enum value representing the type of the segment. property LocalType: TLocalTimeType read FType; /// The time zone display name used to describe the segment. /// The string value of the display name. property DisplayName: string read FName; /// The time zone UTC offset. /// The UTC offset including the DST bias. property UtcOffset: {$IFDEF DELPHI}TTimeSpan{$ELSE}Int64{$ENDIF} read GetUtcOffset; {$IFDEF FPC} /// Equality operator used to compare two values of this type /// The first segment to compare. /// The second segment to compare. /// True if the segments are equal. class operator Equal(const ALeft, ARight: TYearSegment): Boolean; {$ENDIF} end; /// An array of year segments. TYearSegmentArray = array of TYearSegment; /// A timezone class implementation that retreives its data from the bundled database. /// This class inherits the standard TTimeZone class in Delphi XE. TBundledTimeZone = class private FZone: Pointer; { PZone } {$IFNDEF DELPHI} FSegmentsByYearLock: TCriticalSection; {$ENDIF} FSegmentsByYear: {$IFDEF DELPHI}TDictionary{$ELSE}TFPGMap{$ENDIF}; function GetSpillOverYearBreakdown(const AYear: Word): TYearSegmentArray; function GetSegment(const AYear: Word; const APreciseTime: TPreciseTime; const AForceDaylight: Boolean; const AFailOnInvalid: Boolean): TYearSegment; function GetSegmentUtc(const AYear: Word; const APreciseTime: TPreciseTime): TYearSegment; function TryFindSegment(const AYear: Word; const AType: TLocalTimeType; const ARev: Boolean; out ASegment: TYearSegment): Boolean; function GetCurrentAbbreviation: string; function GetCurrentDisplayName: string; function GetCurrentUtcOffset: {$IFDEF DELPHI}TTimeSpan{$ELSE}Int64{$ENDIF}; protected /// Returns the ID of the timezone. An ID is a string that should uniquely identify the timezone. /// The ID of the timezone. function DoGetID: string; public /// Creates a new instance of this timezone class. /// The ID of the timezone to use (ex. "Europe/Bucharest"). /// The specified ID cannot be found in the bundled database. constructor Create(const ATimeZoneID: string); /// Destroys the current instance. destructor Destroy; override; /// Returns a list of known time zones. /// Pass True to include time zone aliases into the list. /// An array of strings representing the IDs of the known time zones. class function KnownTimeZones(const AIncludeAliases: Boolean = False): TStringDynArray; /// Returns a list of known time zone aliases. /// An array of strings representing the aliases of the known time zones. class function KnownAliases: TStringDynArray; /// Returns the time zone name for a given alias. /// The alias to lookup. /// The name of the time zone, if found. /// The specified alias cannot be found in the bundled database. class function GetTimeZoneFromAlias(const AAliasID: string): string; inline; /// Returns an instance of this time zone class. /// The ID of the timezone to use (ex. "Europe/Bucharest"). /// The specified ID cannot be found in the bundled database. class function GetTimeZone(const ATimeZoneID: string): TBundledTimeZone; /// Returns the version of the TZDB component. /// A string representing the version of the source. class function Version: string; /// Returns the version of compiled TZDB database. /// A string representing the compiled version. class function DbVersion: string; /// Breaks a given year into components segments. /// The year to get data for. /// The specified year is not in the bundled database. function GetYearBreakdown(const AYear: Word): TYearSegmentArray; /// Get the starting date/time of daylight period. /// This function considers the first period of this type and will not work properly for complicated time zones. /// The year to get data for. /// The start time of daylight saving period in the local time; or '00/00/0000 00:00:00.000' is there is no such date/time. /// The specified year is not in the bundled database. function DaylightTimeStart(const AYear: Word): TDateTime; inline; /// Get the starting date/time of standard period. /// This function considers the first period of this type and will not work properly for complicated time zones. /// The year to get data for. /// The start date/time of standard period in local time; or '00/00/0000 00:00:00.000' is there is no such date/time. /// The specified year is not in the bundled database. function StandardTimeStart(const AYear: Word): TDateTime; inline; /// Get the starting date/time of invalid period. /// This function considers the first period of this type and will not work properly for complicated time zones. /// The year to get data for. /// The start date/time of invalid period in local time; or '00/00/0000 00:00:00.000' is there is no such date/time. /// The specified year is not in the bundled database. function InvalidTimeStart(const AYear: word): TDateTime; inline; /// Get the starting date/time of ambiguous period. /// This function considers the first period of this type and will not work properly for complicated time zones. /// The year to get data for. /// The start date/time of ambiguous period in local time; or '00/00/0000 00:00:00.000' is there is no such date/time. /// The specified year is not in the bundled database. function AmbiguousTimeStart(const AYear: word): TDateTime; inline; /// Get the ending date/time of daylight saving period. /// This function considers the first period of this type and will not work properly for complicated time zones. /// The year to get data for. /// The end date/time of daylight saving period in local time; or '00/00/0000 00:00:00.000' is there is no such date/time. /// The specified year is not in the bundled database. function DaylightTimeEnd(const AYear: word): TDateTime; inline; /// Get the ending date/time of standard period. /// This function considers the first period of this type and will not work properly for complicated time zones. /// The year to get data for. /// The ending date/time of standard period in local time; or '00/00/0000 00:00:00.000' is there is no such date/time. /// The specified year is not in the bundled database. function StandardTimeEnd(const AYear: word): TDateTime; inline; /// Get the ending date/time of invalid period. /// This function considers the first period of this type and will not work properly for complicated time zones. /// The year to get data for. /// The end date/time of invalid period in local time; or '00/00/0000 00:00:00.000' is there is no such date/time. /// The specified year is not in the bundled database. function InvalidTimeEnd(const AYear: word): TDateTime; inline; /// Get the ending date/time of ambiguous period. /// This function considers the first period of this type and will not work properly for complicated time zones. /// The year to get data for. /// The end date/time of ambiguous period in local time; or '00/00/0000 00:00:00.000' is there is no such date/time. /// The specified year is not in the bundled database. function AmbiguousTimeEnd(const AYear: word): TDateTime; inline; /// Determines if the timezone has daylight saving period. /// The year to check. /// true if the timezone has daylight saving time in the specified year. /// The specified year is not in the bundled database. function HasDaylightTime(const AYear: word): Boolean; inline; /// Converts a give local date/time to ISO8601 date time string. /// The local date/time to convert. /// The ISO8601 date/time string that corresponds to the passed local time. /// The specified year is not in the bundled database. function ToISO8601Format(const ADateTime: TDateTime): String; /// Generates an abbreviation string for the given local time. /// The local time. /// Specify a True value if ambiguous periods should be treated as DST. /// A string containing the abbreviation. /// The specified date/time year is not in the bundled database. /// The specified local time is invalid. function GetAbbreviation(const ADateTime: TDateTime; const AForceDaylight: Boolean = false): String; /// Generates a diplay string for the given local time. /// The local time. /// Specify a True value if ambiguous periods should be treated as DST. /// A string containing the display name. /// The specified date/time year is not in the bundled database. /// The specified local time is invalid. function GetDisplayName(const ADateTime: TDateTime; const AForceDaylight: Boolean = false): String; /// Returns the type of the local time. /// The local time. /// An enumeration value specifying the type of the local time. /// The specified date/time year is not in the bundled database. function GetLocalTimeType(const ADateTime: TDateTime): TLocalTimeType; /// Checks whether the specified local time is ambiguous. /// The local time. /// True if the local time is ambiguous; False otherwise. /// The specified date/time year is not in the bundled database. function IsAmbiguousTime(const ADateTime: TDateTime): Boolean; /// Checks whether the specified local time is daylight. /// The local time. /// Specify a True value if ambiguous periods should be treated as DST. /// True if the local time is ambiguous; False otherwise. /// The specified date/time year is not in the bundled database. function IsDaylightTime(const ADateTime: TDateTime; const AForceDaylight: Boolean = false): Boolean; /// Checks whether the specified local time is invalid. /// The local time. /// True if the local time is invalid; False otherwise. /// The specified date/time year is not in the bundled database. function IsInvalidTime(const ADateTime: TDateTime): Boolean; inline; /// Checks whether the specified local time is standard. /// The local time. /// Specify a True value if ambiguous periods should be treated as DST. /// True if the local time is standard; False otherwise. /// The specified date/time year is not in the bundled database. function IsStandardTime(const ADateTime: TDateTime; const AForceDaylight: Boolean = false): Boolean; /// Returns the UTC offset of the given local time. /// The local time. /// Specify a True value if ambiguous periods should be treated as DST. /// The UTC offset of the given local time. Subtract this value from the passed local time to obtain an UTC time. /// The specified local time is invalid. /// The specified date/time year is not in the bundled database. function GetUtcOffset(const ADateTime: TDateTime; const AForceDaylight: Boolean = false): {$IFDEF DELPHI}TTimeSpan{$ELSE}Int64{$ENDIF}; /// Converts an UTC time to a local time. /// The UTC time. /// The local time that corresponds to the passed UTC time. /// The specified date/time year is not in the bundled database. function ToLocalTime(const ADateTime: TDateTime): TDateTime; /// Converts a local time to an UTC time. /// The local time. /// Specify a True value if ambiguous periods should be treated as DST. /// The UTC time that corresponds to the passed local time. /// The specified local time is invalid. /// The specified date/time year is not in the bundled database. function ToUniversalTime(const ADateTime: TDateTime; const AForceDaylight: Boolean = false): TDateTime; /// Returns the ID of the timezone. An ID is a string that should uniquely identify the timezone. /// The ID of the timezone. property ID: string read DoGetID; /// Returns the current time zone's display name string. /// A string containing the display name. property DisplayName: string read GetCurrentDisplayName; /// Returns the current time zone's abbreviation string. /// A string containing the abbreviation. property Abbreviation: string read GetCurrentAbbreviation; /// Returns the current time zone's UTC offset. /// The current UTC offset. property UtcOffset: {$IFDEF DELPHI}TTimeSpan{$ELSE}Int64{$ENDIF} read GetCurrentUtcOffset; end; implementation resourcestring SNoBundledTZForName = 'Could not find any data for timezone "%s".'; SDateTimeNotResolvable = 'The date [%s] does not match any known period of timezone "%s".'; SYearNotResolvable = 'The year [%d] does not match any known period of timezone "%s".'; SInvalidLocalTime = 'Local date/time value %s is invalid (does not exist in the time zone).'; const CComponentVersion = ''; type { Day type. Specifies the "relative" day in a month } TDayType = (dtFixed, dtLastOfMonth, dtNthOfMonth, dtPredOfMonth); { Specifies the mode in which a time value is specified } TTimeMode = (trLocal, trStandard, trUniversal); { Stores the information about the relative days } TRelativeDay = record case FDayType: TDayType of dtFixed: (FFixedDay: Word); dtLastOfMonth: (FLastDayOfWeek: Word); dtNthOfMonth: (FNthDayOfWeek: Word; FNthDayIndex: Word); dtPredOfMonth: (FPredDayOfWeek: Word; FPredDayIndex: Word); end; { Pointer to a relative day } PRelativeDay = ^TRelativeDay; { Defines a rule used for DST changes } TRule = record FInMonth: Word; { The month (1 - 12) when DST change occurs } FOnDay: PRelativeDay; { Pointer to a TRelativeDay value } FAt: Int64; { Time, in seconds } FAtMode: TTimeMode; { Time relation mode } FOffset: Int64; { Offset from GMT in seconds } FFmtPart: string; { A symbolic string used later when building short TZ names } end; { Pointer to a rule } PRule = ^TRule; { Defines a rule that also has a validity date defined } TYearBoundRule = record FStart: Word; { The year in which the rule starts to apply } FEnd: Word; { The year in which the rule ends to apply } FRule: PRule; { A pointer to the actual rule } end; { Pointer to a year-bound rule entry } PYearBoundRule = ^TYearBoundRule; { Defines a rule family. If fact it is a set of rules combined under the same ID } TRuleFamily = record FCount: Integer; { Count of rule in the current family } FFirstRule: PYearBoundRule; { Pointer to the first rule in a static array defined previously } end; { A pointer to a rule family } PRuleFamily = ^TRuleFamily; { A period of some years (for a zone) that defines specific DST rules and offsets } TPeriod = record FOffset: Integer; { GMT offset in seconds for this period of time } FRuleFamily: PRuleFamily; { Pointer to the family if rules that apply to this period } FFmtStr: string; { Format string that will get translated in certain conditions } FUntilYear, FUntilMonth: Word; { Period is valid until this Year/Month } FUntilDay: PRelativeDay; { Period is valid until this Day in Year/Month } FUntilTime: Int64; FUntilTimeMode: TTimeMode; { Time relation mode } { Period is valid until this time of day Day in Year/Month. In seconds } end; { Pointer to a TPeriod } PPeriod = ^TPeriod; { Defines a time-zone. } TZone = record FName: string; { Zone name (aka Europe/Romania, Europe/London etc) } FCount: Integer; { Count of periods defined by this zone } FFirstPeriod: PPeriod; { Pointer to the first TPeriod for this zone } end; { Pointer to a zone object } PZone = ^TZone; { Alias to a zone } TZoneAlias = record FName: string; { Name of the zone to alias } FAliasTo: PZone; { Pointer to aliased zone } end; { This file is auto-generated. Do not change its contents since it is highly dependant on the consumer unit. } const CIANAVersion = '2024a'; var { This array contains the definitions of relative days used later on in the rules. } CRelativeDays: array[0 .. 80] of TRelativeDay = ( (FDayType: dtLastOfMonth; FLastDayOfWeek: 7), (FDayType: dtFixed; FFixedDay: 9), (FDayType: dtFixed; FFixedDay: 14), (FDayType: dtFixed; FFixedDay: 30), (FDayType: dtFixed; FFixedDay: 6), (FDayType: dtNthOfMonth; FNthDayOfWeek: 7; FNthDayIndex: 1), (FDayType: dtNthOfMonth; FNthDayOfWeek: 7; FNthDayIndex: 8), (FDayType: dtFixed; FFixedDay: 18), (FDayType: dtFixed; FFixedDay: 13), (FDayType: dtFixed; FFixedDay: 1), (FDayType: dtFixed; FFixedDay: 15), (FDayType: dtFixed; FFixedDay: 25), (FDayType: dtFixed; FFixedDay: 26), (FDayType: dtFixed; FFixedDay: 7), (FDayType: dtFixed; FFixedDay: 22), (FDayType: dtFixed; FFixedDay: 19), (FDayType: dtFixed; FFixedDay: 20), (FDayType: dtFixed; FFixedDay: 27), (FDayType: dtFixed; FFixedDay: 4), (FDayType: dtFixed; FFixedDay: 21), (FDayType: dtFixed; FFixedDay: 8), (FDayType: dtFixed; FFixedDay: 3), (FDayType: dtFixed; FFixedDay: 24), (FDayType: dtFixed; FFixedDay: 29), (FDayType: dtFixed; FFixedDay: 2), (FDayType: dtFixed; FFixedDay: 11), (FDayType: dtFixed; FFixedDay: 23), (FDayType: dtFixed; FFixedDay: 17), (FDayType: dtFixed; FFixedDay: 5), (FDayType: dtFixed; FFixedDay: 12), (FDayType: dtNthOfMonth; FNthDayOfWeek: 1; FNthDayIndex: 9), (FDayType: dtNthOfMonth; FNthDayOfWeek: 1; FNthDayIndex: 2), (FDayType: dtNthOfMonth; FNthDayOfWeek: 7; FNthDayIndex: 2), (FDayType: dtFixed; FFixedDay: 28), (FDayType: dtFixed; FFixedDay: 16), (FDayType: dtNthOfMonth; FNthDayOfWeek: 1; FNthDayIndex: 24), (FDayType: dtNthOfMonth; FNthDayOfWeek: 6; FNthDayIndex: 21), (FDayType: dtNthOfMonth; FNthDayOfWeek: 7; FNthDayIndex: 15), (FDayType: dtNthOfMonth; FNthDayOfWeek: 7; FNthDayIndex: 25), (FDayType: dtFixed; FFixedDay: 31), (FDayType: dtFixed; FFixedDay: 10), (FDayType: dtNthOfMonth; FNthDayOfWeek: 6; FNthDayIndex: 1), (FDayType: dtNthOfMonth; FNthDayOfWeek: 6; FNthDayIndex: 8), (FDayType: dtNthOfMonth; FNthDayOfWeek: 7; FNthDayIndex: 22), (FDayType: dtNthOfMonth; FNthDayOfWeek: 6; FNthDayIndex: 15), (FDayType: dtNthOfMonth; FNthDayOfWeek: 7; FNthDayIndex: 5), (FDayType: dtNthOfMonth; FNthDayOfWeek: 7; FNthDayIndex: 14), (FDayType: dtNthOfMonth; FNthDayOfWeek: 1; FNthDayIndex: 1), (FDayType: dtNthOfMonth; FNthDayOfWeek: 7; FNthDayIndex: 16), (FDayType: dtNthOfMonth; FNthDayOfWeek: 1; FNthDayIndex: 23), (FDayType: dtNthOfMonth; FNthDayOfWeek: 7; FNthDayIndex: 11), (FDayType: dtNthOfMonth; FNthDayOfWeek: 7; FNthDayIndex: 28), (FDayType: dtNthOfMonth; FNthDayOfWeek: 7; FNthDayIndex: 31), (FDayType: dtNthOfMonth; FNthDayOfWeek: 7; FNthDayIndex: 18), (FDayType: dtLastOfMonth; FLastDayOfWeek: 6), (FDayType: dtNthOfMonth; FNthDayOfWeek: 6; FNthDayIndex: 17), (FDayType: dtPredOfMonth; FPredDayOfWeek: 5; FPredDayIndex: 1), (FDayType: dtNthOfMonth; FNthDayOfWeek: 5; FNthDayIndex: 23), (FDayType: dtNthOfMonth; FNthDayOfWeek: 5; FNthDayIndex: 1), (FDayType: dtNthOfMonth; FNthDayOfWeek: 5; FNthDayIndex: 15), (FDayType: dtLastOfMonth; FLastDayOfWeek: 5), (FDayType: dtLastOfMonth; FLastDayOfWeek: 4), (FDayType: dtNthOfMonth; FNthDayOfWeek: 7; FNthDayIndex: 7), (FDayType: dtNthOfMonth; FNthDayOfWeek: 6; FNthDayIndex: 7), (FDayType: dtPredOfMonth; FPredDayOfWeek: 6; FPredDayIndex: 30), (FDayType: dtLastOfMonth; FLastDayOfWeek: 1), (FDayType: dtNthOfMonth; FNthDayOfWeek: 7; FNthDayIndex: 9), (FDayType: dtNthOfMonth; FNthDayOfWeek: 7; FNthDayIndex: 23), (FDayType: dtNthOfMonth; FNthDayOfWeek: 7; FNthDayIndex: 21), (FDayType: dtNthOfMonth; FNthDayOfWeek: 7; FNthDayIndex: 19), (FDayType: dtNthOfMonth; FNthDayOfWeek: 1; FNthDayIndex: 15), (FDayType: dtNthOfMonth; FNthDayOfWeek: 7; FNthDayIndex: 4), (FDayType: dtNthOfMonth; FNthDayOfWeek: 6; FNthDayIndex: 24), (FDayType: dtNthOfMonth; FNthDayOfWeek: 6; FNthDayIndex: 25), (FDayType: dtNthOfMonth; FNthDayOfWeek: 6; FNthDayIndex: 13), (FDayType: dtNthOfMonth; FNthDayOfWeek: 6; FNthDayIndex: 12), (FDayType: dtNthOfMonth; FNthDayOfWeek: 7; FNthDayIndex: 24), (FDayType: dtNthOfMonth; FNthDayOfWeek: 7; FNthDayIndex: 29), (FDayType: dtNthOfMonth; FNthDayOfWeek: 7; FNthDayIndex: 12), (FDayType: dtNthOfMonth; FNthDayOfWeek: 6; FNthDayIndex: 22), (FDayType: dtNthOfMonth; FNthDayOfWeek: 4; FNthDayIndex: 1) ); var { This array contains the definitions of DST rules. Used by rule families. } CRules: array[0 .. 1292] of TRule = ( {CRules[0]} (FInMonth: 3; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[0]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'D'), {CRules[1]} (FInMonth: 10; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[0]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[2]} (FInMonth: 2; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[1]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'W'), {CRules[3]} (FInMonth: 8; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[2]; FAt: 82800; FAtMode: trUniversal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'P'), {CRules[4]} (FInMonth: 9; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[3]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[5]} (FInMonth: 4; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[0]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'D'), {CRules[6]} (FInMonth: 1; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[4]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'D'), {CRules[7]} (FInMonth: 2; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[0]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'D'), {CRules[8]} (FInMonth: 4; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[5]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'D'), {CRules[9]} (FInMonth: 3; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[6]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'D'), {CRules[10]} (FInMonth: 11; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[5]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[11]} (FInMonth: 9; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[0]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[12]} (FInMonth: 6; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[8]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'D'), {CRules[13]} (FInMonth: 5; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[14]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[14]} (FInMonth: 3; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[2]; FAt: 7260; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'D'), {CRules[15]} (FInMonth: 1; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[16]} (FInMonth: 4; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[0]; FAt: 3600; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'D'), {CRules[17]} (FInMonth: 6; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[14]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'D'), {CRules[18]} (FInMonth: 5; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'D'), {CRules[19]} (FInMonth: 5; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'D'), {CRules[20]} (FInMonth: 9; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[21]} (FInMonth: 4; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[0]; FAt: 60; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'D'), {CRules[22]} (FInMonth: 6; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[24]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[23]} (FInMonth: 4; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[2]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'D'), {CRules[24]} (FInMonth: 10; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[17]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[25]} (FInMonth: 4; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[20]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'D'), {CRules[26]} (FInMonth: 9; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[27]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[27]} (FInMonth: 5; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[28]; FAt: 82800; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'D'), {CRules[28]} (FInMonth: 8; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[29]; FAt: 82800; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[29]} (FInMonth: 5; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[5]; FAt: 82800; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'D'), {CRules[30]} (FInMonth: 10; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[0]; FAt: 82800; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[31]} (FInMonth: 5; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[30]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'D'), {CRules[32]} (FInMonth: 10; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[31]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[33]} (FInMonth: 5; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[6]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'D'), {CRules[34]} (FInMonth: 10; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[32]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[35]} (FInMonth: 4; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[5]; FAt: 60; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'D'), {CRules[36]} (FInMonth: 10; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[0]; FAt: 60; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[37]} (FInMonth: 4; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[5]; FAt: 60; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 7200; FFmtPart: 'DD'), {CRules[38]} (FInMonth: 3; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[6]; FAt: 60; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'D'), {CRules[39]} (FInMonth: 11; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[5]; FAt: 60; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[40]} (FInMonth: 4; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'D'), {CRules[41]} (FInMonth: 10; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[42]} (FInMonth: 5; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[1]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'D'), {CRules[43]} (FInMonth: 8; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[23]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[44]} (FInMonth: 5; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[4]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'D'), {CRules[45]} (FInMonth: 9; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[28]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[46]} (FInMonth: 4; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[3]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'D'), {CRules[47]} (FInMonth: 5; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[5]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'D'), {CRules[48]} (FInMonth: 9; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[18]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[49]} (FInMonth: 9; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[10]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[50]} (FInMonth: 9; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[33]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[51]} (FInMonth: 5; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[34]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'D'), {CRules[52]} (FInMonth: 9; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[8]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[53]} (FInMonth: 9; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[12]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[54]} (FInMonth: 5; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[6]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'D'), {CRules[55]} (FInMonth: 9; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[1]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[56]} (FInMonth: 9; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[21]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[57]} (FInMonth: 9; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[35]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[58]} (FInMonth: 10; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[24]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[59]} (FInMonth: 5; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[16]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'D'), {CRules[60]} (FInMonth: 9; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[34]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[61]} (FInMonth: 6; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[24]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'D'), {CRules[62]} (FInMonth: 9; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[3]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[63]} (FInMonth: 6; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'D'), {CRules[64]} (FInMonth: 9; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[2]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[65]} (FInMonth: 5; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[33]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'D'), {CRules[66]} (FInMonth: 6; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[6]; FAt: 3600; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'D'), {CRules[67]} (FInMonth: 9; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[6]; FAt: 3600; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[68]} (FInMonth: 6; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[5]; FAt: 3600; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'D'), {CRules[69]} (FInMonth: 9; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[5]; FAt: 3600; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[70]} (FInMonth: 5; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[17]; FAt: 3600; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'D'), {CRules[71]} (FInMonth: 9; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[36]; FAt: 3600; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[72]} (FInMonth: 5; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[15]; FAt: 3600; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'D'), {CRules[73]} (FInMonth: 5; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[18]; FAt: 3600; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'D'), {CRules[74]} (FInMonth: 3; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[3]; FAt: 84600; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'D'), {CRules[75]} (FInMonth: 10; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[12]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[76]} (FInMonth: 5; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[24]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'D'), {CRules[77]} (FInMonth: 5; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[10]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'D'), {CRules[78]} (FInMonth: 9; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[10]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[79]} (FInMonth: 9; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[37]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[80]} (FInMonth: 5; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[5]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'D'), {CRules[81]} (FInMonth: 9; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[38]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[82]} (FInMonth: 4; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[38]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'D'), {CRules[83]} (FInMonth: 11; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[0]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[84]} (FInMonth: 4; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[26]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'D'), {CRules[85]} (FInMonth: 9; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[27]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[86]} (FInMonth: 5; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[34]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'D'), {CRules[87]} (FInMonth: 9; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[12]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[88]} (FInMonth: 5; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[29]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'D'), {CRules[89]} (FInMonth: 10; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[8]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[90]} (FInMonth: 9; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[14]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[91]} (FInMonth: 10; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[5]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[92]} (FInMonth: 4; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[6]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'D'), {CRules[93]} (FInMonth: 10; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[6]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[94]} (FInMonth: 4; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[6]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'D'), {CRules[95]} (FInMonth: 10; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[6]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[96]} (FInMonth: 5; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[17]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[97]} (FInMonth: 9; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[23]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[98]} (FInMonth: 5; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[11]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'D'), {CRules[99]} (FInMonth: 11; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[100]} (FInMonth: 4; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[0]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 7200; FFmtPart: 'DD'), {CRules[101]} (FInMonth: 5; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FAt: 82800; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'D'), {CRules[102]} (FInMonth: 2; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[28]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'D'), {CRules[103]} (FInMonth: 6; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[11]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[104]} (FInMonth: 12; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[1]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'D'), {CRules[105]} (FInMonth: 4; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[106]} (FInMonth: 12; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[34]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'W'), {CRules[107]} (FInMonth: 5; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[108]} (FInMonth: 2; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[29]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'D'), {CRules[109]} (FInMonth: 7; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[3]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[110]} (FInMonth: 4; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[15]; FAt: 18000; FAtMode: trUniversal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'D'), {CRules[111]} (FInMonth: 8; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[39]; FAt: 21600; FAtMode: trUniversal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[112]} (FInMonth: 5; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[24]; FAt: 18000; FAtMode: trUniversal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'D'), {CRules[113]} (FInMonth: 9; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[28]; FAt: 21600; FAtMode: trUniversal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[114]} (FInMonth: 4; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[40]; FAt: 18000; FAtMode: trUniversal; FOffset: 1800; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[115]} (FInMonth: 9; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[40]; FAt: 21600; FAtMode: trUniversal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[116]} (FInMonth: 6; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[29]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'D'), {CRules[117]} (FInMonth: 10; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[5]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[118]} (FInMonth: 4; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[37]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'D'), {CRules[119]} (FInMonth: 9; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[11]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[120]} (FInMonth: 10; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[41]; FAt: 86400; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 1800; FFmtPart: '-0530'), {CRules[121]} (FInMonth: 2; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[42]; FAt: 86400; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: 'CST'), {CRules[122]} (FInMonth: 6; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[17]; FAt: 86400; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'CWT'), {CRules[123]} (FInMonth: 8; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[2]; FAt: 82800; FAtMode: trUniversal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'CPT'), {CRules[124]} (FInMonth: 12; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[10]; FAt: 86400; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: 'CST'), {CRules[125]} (FInMonth: 12; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[28]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'CDT'), {CRules[126]} (FInMonth: 2; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[1]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: 'CST'), {CRules[127]} (FInMonth: 12; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[7]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'CDT'), {CRules[128]} (FInMonth: 2; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[29]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: 'CST'), {CRules[129]} (FInMonth: 4; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[28]; FAt: 86400; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[130]} (FInMonth: 9; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[3]; FAt: 86400; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[131]} (FInMonth: 4; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[8]; FAt: 86400; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[132]} (FInMonth: 9; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[10]; FAt: 86400; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[133]} (FInMonth: 1; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[25]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'D'), {CRules[134]} (FInMonth: 10; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[7]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[135]} (FInMonth: 3; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[19]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'D'), {CRules[136]} (FInMonth: 10; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[39]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[137]} (FInMonth: 5; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[37]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'D'), {CRules[138]} (FInMonth: 9; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[6]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[139]} (FInMonth: 5; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[43]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'D'), {CRules[140]} (FInMonth: 9; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[5]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[141]} (FInMonth: 2; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[0]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'D'), {CRules[142]} (FInMonth: 6; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[5]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[143]} (FInMonth: 1; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[44]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'D'), {CRules[144]} (FInMonth: 7; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[145]} (FInMonth: 3; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[10]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[146]} (FInMonth: 6; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[40]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'D'), {CRules[147]} (FInMonth: 10; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[40]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[148]} (FInMonth: 6; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[5]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'D'), {CRules[149]} (FInMonth: 9; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[5]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[150]} (FInMonth: 5; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[23]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'D'), {CRules[151]} (FInMonth: 4; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[20]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'D'), {CRules[152]} (FInMonth: 9; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[6]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[153]} (FInMonth: 4; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[2]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'D'), {CRules[154]} (FInMonth: 4; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[0]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'D'), {CRules[155]} (FInMonth: 10; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[0]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[156]} (FInMonth: 10; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[20]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[157]} (FInMonth: 5; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[13]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'D'), {CRules[158]} (FInMonth: 3; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[37]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'D'), {CRules[159]} (FInMonth: 5; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[45]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'D'), {CRules[160]} (FInMonth: 3; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[46]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'D'), {CRules[161]} (FInMonth: 4; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[5]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'D'), {CRules[162]} (FInMonth: 10; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[4]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trStandard; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[163]} (FInMonth: 10; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[29]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trStandard; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[164]} (FInMonth: 3; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[0]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trStandard; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'D'), {CRules[165]} (FInMonth: 3; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[6]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trStandard; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'D'), {CRules[166]} (FInMonth: 11; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[8]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trStandard; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[167]} (FInMonth: 11; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[5]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trStandard; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[168]} (FInMonth: 10; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[3]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'EDT'), {CRules[169]} (FInMonth: 2; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[33]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: 'EST'), {CRules[170]} (FInMonth: 10; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[0]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 1800; FFmtPart: '-0430'), {CRules[171]} (FInMonth: 2; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[19]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: 'EST'), {CRules[172]} (FInMonth: 1; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[16]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: 'EST'), {CRules[173]} (FInMonth: 1; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[19]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: 'EST'), {CRules[174]} (FInMonth: 9; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[0]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[175]} (FInMonth: 11; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[11]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'D'), {CRules[176]} (FInMonth: 2; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[22]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[177]} (FInMonth: 5; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[19]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'D'), {CRules[178]} (FInMonth: 9; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[14]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[179]} (FInMonth: 3; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[26]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'D'), {CRules[180]} (FInMonth: 9; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[13]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[181]} (FInMonth: 5; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[20]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'D'), {CRules[182]} (FInMonth: 4; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[5]; FAt: 3600; FAtMode: trStandard; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'D'), {CRules[183]} (FInMonth: 10; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[0]; FAt: 3600; FAtMode: trStandard; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[184]} (FInMonth: 8; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[47]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[185]} (FInMonth: 3; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[48]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'D'), {CRules[186]} (FInMonth: 6; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[49]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[187]} (FInMonth: 4; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[40]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'D'), {CRules[188]} (FInMonth: 4; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[3]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'D'), {CRules[189]} (FInMonth: 10; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[5]; FAt: 3600; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[190]} (FInMonth: 3; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[0]; FAt: 3600; FAtMode: trUniversal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[191]} (FInMonth: 9; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[0]; FAt: 3600; FAtMode: trUniversal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[192]} (FInMonth: 10; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[0]; FAt: 3600; FAtMode: trUniversal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[193]} (FInMonth: 3; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[0]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[194]} (FInMonth: 9; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[0]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[195]} (FInMonth: 10; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[0]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[196]} (FInMonth: 4; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[197]} (FInMonth: 10; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[198]} (FInMonth: 9; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[0]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trStandard; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[199]} (FInMonth: 3; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[0]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trStandard; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[200]} (FInMonth: 10; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[0]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trStandard; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[201]} (FInMonth: 3; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[0]; FAt: 14400; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[202]} (FInMonth: 10; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[0]; FAt: 18000; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[203]} (FInMonth: 6; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[15]; FAt: 82800; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[204]} (FInMonth: 12; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[39]; FAt: 86400; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[205]} (FInMonth: 4; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[29]; FAt: 86400; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'D'), {CRules[206]} (FInMonth: 9; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[3]; FAt: 86400; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[207]} (FInMonth: 10; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[29]; FAt: 86400; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[208]} (FInMonth: 3; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[10]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'D'), {CRules[209]} (FInMonth: 11; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FAt: 86400; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[210]} (FInMonth: 1; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[39]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'D'), {CRules[211]} (FInMonth: 9; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FAt: 86400; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[212]} (FInMonth: 5; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[10]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'D'), {CRules[213]} (FInMonth: 4; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[10]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'D'), {CRules[214]} (FInMonth: 10; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[39]; FAt: 86400; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[215]} (FInMonth: 5; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[18]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'D'), {CRules[216]} (FInMonth: 9; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[50]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[217]} (FInMonth: 4; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[50]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'D'), {CRules[218]} (FInMonth: 4; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[19]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[219]} (FInMonth: 12; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FAt: 12600; FAtMode: trStandard; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[220]} (FInMonth: 4; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[8]; FAt: 12600; FAtMode: trStandard; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[221]} (FInMonth: 11; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[3]; FAt: 12600; FAtMode: trStandard; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[222]} (FInMonth: 5; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[24]; FAt: 12600; FAtMode: trStandard; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[223]} (FInMonth: 10; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[51]; FAt: 12600; FAtMode: trStandard; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[224]} (FInMonth: 4; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[5]; FAt: 12600; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[225]} (FInMonth: 10; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[52]; FAt: 12600; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[226]} (FInMonth: 3; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[53]; FAt: 12600; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[227]} (FInMonth: 4; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[48]; FAt: 12600; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[228]} (FInMonth: 10; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[48]; FAt: 12600; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[229]} (FInMonth: 12; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[3]; FAt: 12600; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[230]} (FInMonth: 5; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[8]; FAt: 12600; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[231]} (FInMonth: 10; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[19]; FAt: 12600; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[232]} (FInMonth: 3; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'D'), {CRules[233]} (FInMonth: 7; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'D'), {CRules[234]} (FInMonth: 4; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[3]; FAt: 82800; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[235]} (FInMonth: 11; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[27]; FAt: 82800; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[236]} (FInMonth: 9; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[3]; FAt: 82800; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[237]} (FInMonth: 4; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[3]; FAt: 82800; FAtMode: trStandard; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'D'), {CRules[238]} (FInMonth: 4; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[15]; FAt: 82800; FAtMode: trStandard; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'D'), {CRules[239]} (FInMonth: 11; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[3]; FAt: 82800; FAtMode: trStandard; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[240]} (FInMonth: 5; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[24]; FAt: 82800; FAtMode: trStandard; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'D'), {CRules[241]} (FInMonth: 10; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[39]; FAt: 82800; FAtMode: trStandard; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[242]} (FInMonth: 4; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[41]; FAt: 82800; FAtMode: trStandard; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'D'), {CRules[243]} (FInMonth: 10; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[54]; FAt: 82800; FAtMode: trStandard; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[244]} (FInMonth: 3; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[39]; FAt: 82800; FAtMode: trStandard; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'D'), {CRules[245]} (FInMonth: 10; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[33]; FAt: 82800; FAtMode: trStandard; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[246]} (FInMonth: 11; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FAt: 82800; FAtMode: trStandard; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[247]} (FInMonth: 3; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[55]; FAt: 82800; FAtMode: trStandard; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'D'), {CRules[248]} (FInMonth: 11; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[28]; FAt: 82800; FAtMode: trStandard; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[249]} (FInMonth: 11; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[5]; FAt: 12600; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[250]} (FInMonth: 3; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[53]; FAt: 12600; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'D'), {CRules[251]} (FInMonth: 4; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[48]; FAt: 12600; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'D'), {CRules[252]} (FInMonth: 10; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[48]; FAt: 9000; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[253]} (FInMonth: 10; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[48]; FAt: 12600; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[254]} (FInMonth: 12; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[3]; FAt: 12600; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'D'), {CRules[255]} (FInMonth: 5; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[8]; FAt: 12600; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'D'), {CRules[256]} (FInMonth: 4; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[8]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[257]} (FInMonth: 10; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[29]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[258]} (FInMonth: 5; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[10]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[259]} (FInMonth: 10; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[25]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[260]} (FInMonth: 4; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[5]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[261]} (FInMonth: 9; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[11]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[262]} (FInMonth: 10; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[24]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[263]} (FInMonth: 3; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[0]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[264]} (FInMonth: 1; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[265]} (FInMonth: 3; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[19]; FAt: 82800; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[266]} (FInMonth: 10; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[16]; FAt: 86400; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[267]} (FInMonth: 3; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[22]; FAt: 86400; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[268]} (FInMonth: 8; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[28]; FAt: 3600; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[269]} (FInMonth: 5; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[12]; FAt: 86400; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[270]} (FInMonth: 9; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[7]; FAt: 86400; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[271]} (FInMonth: 3; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[16]; FAt: 86400; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[272]} (FInMonth: 9; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[14]; FAt: 86400; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[273]} (FInMonth: 5; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[24]; FAt: 86400; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[274]} (FInMonth: 3; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[19]; FAt: 86400; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[275]} (FInMonth: 9; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[19]; FAt: 86400; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[276]} (FInMonth: 9; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[16]; FAt: 86400; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[277]} (FInMonth: 5; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[278]} (FInMonth: 3; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[39]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[279]} (FInMonth: 3; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[0]; FAt: 3600; FAtMode: trStandard; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[280]} (FInMonth: 4; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FAt: 10800; FAtMode: trStandard; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[281]} (FInMonth: 10; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FAt: 10800; FAtMode: trStandard; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[282]} (FInMonth: 5; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[39]; FAt: 86400; FAtMode: trUniversal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'D'), {CRules[283]} (FInMonth: 11; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[34]; FAt: 86400; FAtMode: trUniversal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'D'), {CRules[284]} (FInMonth: 3; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[39]; FAt: 86400; FAtMode: trUniversal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'D'), {CRules[285]} (FInMonth: 4; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[10]; FAt: 86400; FAtMode: trUniversal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'D'), {CRules[286]} (FInMonth: 5; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[14]; FAt: 86400; FAtMode: trUniversal; FOffset: 7200; FFmtPart: 'DD'), {CRules[287]} (FInMonth: 8; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[39]; FAt: 86400; FAtMode: trUniversal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'D'), {CRules[288]} (FInMonth: 4; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[3]; FAt: 86400; FAtMode: trUniversal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'D'), {CRules[289]} (FInMonth: 9; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[2]; FAt: 86400; FAtMode: trUniversal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[290]} (FInMonth: 11; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[40]; FAt: 86400; FAtMode: trUniversal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[291]} (FInMonth: 4; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[15]; FAt: 86400; FAtMode: trUniversal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'D'), {CRules[292]} (FInMonth: 10; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[7]; FAt: 86400; FAtMode: trUniversal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[293]} (FInMonth: 4; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[25]; FAt: 86400; FAtMode: trUniversal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'D'), {CRules[294]} (FInMonth: 9; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[29]; FAt: 86400; FAtMode: trUniversal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[295]} (FInMonth: 6; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[29]; FAt: 86400; FAtMode: trUniversal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'D'), {CRules[296]} (FInMonth: 9; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[25]; FAt: 86400; FAtMode: trUniversal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[297]} (FInMonth: 6; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[25]; FAt: 86400; FAtMode: trUniversal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'D'), {CRules[298]} (FInMonth: 9; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[40]; FAt: 86400; FAtMode: trUniversal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[299]} (FInMonth: 6; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[24]; FAt: 86400; FAtMode: trUniversal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'D'), {CRules[300]} (FInMonth: 9; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[23]; FAt: 86400; FAtMode: trUniversal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[301]} (FInMonth: 4; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[17]; FAt: 86400; FAtMode: trUniversal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'D'), {CRules[302]} (FInMonth: 9; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[19]; FAt: 86400; FAtMode: trUniversal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[303]} (FInMonth: 7; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[4]; FAt: 86400; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'D'), {CRules[304]} (FInMonth: 8; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[3]; FAt: 86400; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[305]} (FInMonth: 8; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[24]; FAt: 86400; FAtMode: trStandard; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'D'), {CRules[306]} (FInMonth: 9; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[8]; FAt: 86400; FAtMode: trStandard; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[307]} (FInMonth: 5; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[28]; FAt: 86400; FAtMode: trStandard; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'D'), {CRules[308]} (FInMonth: 8; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[11]; FAt: 86400; FAtMode: trStandard; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[309]} (FInMonth: 4; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[8]; FAt: 86400; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'D'), {CRules[310]} (FInMonth: 8; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[39]; FAt: 86400; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[311]} (FInMonth: 5; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[27]; FAt: 86400; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'D'), {CRules[312]} (FInMonth: 9; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[4]; FAt: 86400; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[313]} (FInMonth: 4; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[2]; FAt: 86400; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'D'), {CRules[314]} (FInMonth: 4; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[1]; FAt: 86400; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'D'), {CRules[315]} (FInMonth: 9; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[21]; FAt: 86400; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[316]} (FInMonth: 4; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[23]; FAt: 86400; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'D'), {CRules[317]} (FInMonth: 9; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[24]; FAt: 86400; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[318]} (FInMonth: 3; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[22]; FAt: 86400; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'D'), {CRules[319]} (FInMonth: 3; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[26]; FAt: 86400; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'D'), {CRules[320]} (FInMonth: 3; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[33]; FAt: 86400; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'D'), {CRules[321]} (FInMonth: 9; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[28]; FAt: 86400; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[322]} (FInMonth: 4; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[24]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'D'), {CRules[323]} (FInMonth: 8; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[33]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[324]} (FInMonth: 3; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[39]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'D'), {CRules[325]} (FInMonth: 3; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[2]; FAt: 86400; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'D'), {CRules[326]} (FInMonth: 3; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[16]; FAt: 86400; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'D'), {CRules[327]} (FInMonth: 3; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[16]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'D'), {CRules[328]} (FInMonth: 9; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[4]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[329]} (FInMonth: 4; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[24]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'D'), {CRules[330]} (FInMonth: 9; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[21]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[331]} (FInMonth: 10; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[4]; FAt: 3600; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[332]} (FInMonth: 4; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[1]; FAt: 3600; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'D'), {CRules[333]} (FInMonth: 9; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[22]; FAt: 3600; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[334]} (FInMonth: 3; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[23]; FAt: 3600; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'D'), {CRules[335]} (FInMonth: 10; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[13]; FAt: 3600; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[336]} (FInMonth: 3; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[33]; FAt: 3600; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'D'), {CRules[337]} (FInMonth: 10; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[21]; FAt: 3600; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[338]} (FInMonth: 4; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[13]; FAt: 3600; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'D'), {CRules[339]} (FInMonth: 9; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[14]; FAt: 3600; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[340]} (FInMonth: 4; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[56]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'D'), {CRules[341]} (FInMonth: 10; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[1]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[342]} (FInMonth: 10; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[343]} (FInMonth: 9; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[34]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[344]} (FInMonth: 10; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[28]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[345]} (FInMonth: 9; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[17]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[346]} (FInMonth: 9; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[29]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[347]} (FInMonth: 10; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[24]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[348]} (FInMonth: 9; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[26]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[349]} (FInMonth: 3; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[57]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'D'), {CRules[350]} (FInMonth: 5; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[41]; FAt: 86400; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'D'), {CRules[351]} (FInMonth: 9; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[42]; FAt: 90000; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[352]} (FInMonth: 4; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[41]; FAt: 86400; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'D'), {CRules[353]} (FInMonth: 6; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[4]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[354]} (FInMonth: 5; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[355]} (FInMonth: 11; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[356]} (FInMonth: 4; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[3]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[357]} (FInMonth: 9; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[3]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[358]} (FInMonth: 4; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[359]} (FInMonth: 4; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[58]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[360]} (FInMonth: 10; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[58]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[361]} (FInMonth: 5; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[20]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[362]} (FInMonth: 4; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[17]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[363]} (FInMonth: 4; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[27]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[364]} (FInMonth: 9; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[17]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[365]} (FInMonth: 4; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[40]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[366]} (FInMonth: 9; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[59]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[367]} (FInMonth: 7; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trStandard; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[368]} (FInMonth: 9; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[60]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trStandard; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[369]} (FInMonth: 3; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[61]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trStandard; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[370]} (FInMonth: 3; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[61]; FAt: 86400; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[371]} (FInMonth: 10; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[22]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trStandard; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[372]} (FInMonth: 10; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[10]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trStandard; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[373]} (FInMonth: 10; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[60]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trStandard; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[374]} (FInMonth: 12; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[16]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[375]} (FInMonth: 2; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[61]; FAt: 86400; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[376]} (FInMonth: 4; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[62]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trStandard; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[377]} (FInMonth: 3; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[0]; FAt: 9000; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[378]} (FInMonth: 10; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[0]; FAt: 9000; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[379]} (FInMonth: 4; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[21]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'D'), {CRules[380]} (FInMonth: 9; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[63]; FAt: 86400; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[381]} (FInMonth: 5; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[28]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'D'), {CRules[382]} (FInMonth: 9; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[20]; FAt: 86400; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[383]} (FInMonth: 9; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[55]; FAt: 86400; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[384]} (FInMonth: 10; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[6]; FAt: 10800; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[385]} (FInMonth: 3; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[33]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[386]} (FInMonth: 10; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[11]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[387]} (FInMonth: 4; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[21]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[388]} (FInMonth: 10; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[21]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[389]} (FInMonth: 3; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[12]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[390]} (FInMonth: 10; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[20]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[391]} (FInMonth: 4; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[14]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[392]} (FInMonth: 9; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[34]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[393]} (FInMonth: 6; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[14]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[394]} (FInMonth: 10; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[34]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[395]} (FInMonth: 6; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[396]} (FInMonth: 5; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[40]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[397]} (FInMonth: 10; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[18]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[398]} (FInMonth: 9; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[2]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 1200; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[399]} (FInMonth: 12; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[2]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[400]} (FInMonth: 4; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[54]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[401]} (FInMonth: 9; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[54]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[402]} (FInMonth: 3; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[54]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[403]} (FInMonth: 9; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[54]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[404]} (FInMonth: 4; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[32]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[405]} (FInMonth: 10; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[32]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[406]} (FInMonth: 4; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[10]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[407]} (FInMonth: 5; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FAt: 3600; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[408]} (FInMonth: 9; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[3]; FAt: 10800; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[409]} (FInMonth: 4; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[59]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[410]} (FInMonth: 10; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[59]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[411]} (FInMonth: 10; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FAt: 3600; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[412]} (FInMonth: 10; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[18]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[413]} (FInMonth: 9; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[14]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[414]} (FInMonth: 9; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[8]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[415]} (FInMonth: 3; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[60]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[416]} (FInMonth: 9; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[417]} (FInMonth: 9; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[18]; FAt: 3600; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[418]} (FInMonth: 8; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[25]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[419]} (FInMonth: 4; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FAt: 60; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[420]} (FInMonth: 8; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[421]} (FInMonth: 8; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[3]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[422]} (FInMonth: 9; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[19]; FAt: 3600; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[423]} (FInMonth: 10; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[26]; FAt: 3600; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[424]} (FInMonth: 3; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[64]; FAt: 3600; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[425]} (FInMonth: 10; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[64]; FAt: 3600; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[426]} (FInMonth: 3; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[23]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[427]} (FInMonth: 10; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[64]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[428]} (FInMonth: 3; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[64]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[429]} (FInMonth: 10; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[22]; FAt: 3600; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[430]} (FInMonth: 10; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[23]; FAt: 3600; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[431]} (FInMonth: 3; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[17]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[432]} (FInMonth: 10; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[64]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[433]} (FInMonth: 4; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[23]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[434]} (FInMonth: 4; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[16]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[435]} (FInMonth: 4; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[29]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[436]} (FInMonth: 3; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[64]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[437]} (FInMonth: 10; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[7]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[438]} (FInMonth: 10; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[40]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[439]} (FInMonth: 9; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[11]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[440]} (FInMonth: 9; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[27]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[441]} (FInMonth: 9; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[442]} (FInMonth: 10; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[16]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[443]} (FInMonth: 8; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[22]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[444]} (FInMonth: 10; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[28]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[445]} (FInMonth: 8; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[34]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[446]} (FInMonth: 9; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[17]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[447]} (FInMonth: 8; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[448]} (FInMonth: 9; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[15]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[449]} (FInMonth: 7; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[26]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[450]} (FInMonth: 9; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[21]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[451]} (FInMonth: 7; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[10]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[452]} (FInMonth: 8; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[12]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[453]} (FInMonth: 6; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[3]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[454]} (FInMonth: 8; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[7]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[455]} (FInMonth: 6; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[14]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[456]} (FInMonth: 8; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[21]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[457]} (FInMonth: 6; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[4]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[458]} (FInMonth: 7; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[11]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[459]} (FInMonth: 5; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[23]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[460]} (FInMonth: 7; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[40]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[461]} (FInMonth: 5; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[19]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[462]} (FInMonth: 7; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[24]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[463]} (FInMonth: 5; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[4]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[464]} (FInMonth: 6; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[22]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[465]} (FInMonth: 4; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[17]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[466]} (FInMonth: 6; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[20]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[467]} (FInMonth: 4; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[29]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[468]} (FInMonth: 5; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[39]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[469]} (FInMonth: 4; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[18]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[470]} (FInMonth: 5; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[26]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[471]} (FInMonth: 5; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[20]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[472]} (FInMonth: 4; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[2]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[473]} (FInMonth: 4; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[4]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[474]} (FInMonth: 10; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[16]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[475]} (FInMonth: 10; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[29]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[476]} (FInMonth: 9; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[15]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[477]} (FInMonth: 9; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[40]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[478]} (FInMonth: 10; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[14]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[479]} (FInMonth: 9; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[24]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[480]} (FInMonth: 10; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[2]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[481]} (FInMonth: 8; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[7]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[482]} (FInMonth: 10; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[4]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[483]} (FInMonth: 8; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[40]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[484]} (FInMonth: 9; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[19]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[485]} (FInMonth: 7; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[11]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[486]} (FInMonth: 9; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[29]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[487]} (FInMonth: 7; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[27]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[488]} (FInMonth: 9; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[18]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[489]} (FInMonth: 7; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[1]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[490]} (FInMonth: 8; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[16]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[491]} (FInMonth: 6; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[22]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[492]} (FInMonth: 8; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[29]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[493]} (FInMonth: 6; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[10]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[494]} (FInMonth: 7; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[17]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[495]} (FInMonth: 6; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[13]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[496]} (FInMonth: 7; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[15]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[497]} (FInMonth: 5; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[26]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[498]} (FInMonth: 7; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[25]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[499]} (FInMonth: 5; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[10]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[500]} (FInMonth: 6; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[12]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[501]} (FInMonth: 4; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[23]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[502]} (FInMonth: 6; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[27]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[503]} (FInMonth: 4; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[19]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[504]} (FInMonth: 6; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[1]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[505]} (FInMonth: 4; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[8]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[506]} (FInMonth: 5; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[11]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[507]} (FInMonth: 11; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'D'), {CRules[508]} (FInMonth: 2; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[509]} (FInMonth: 4; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[29]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'D'), {CRules[510]} (FInMonth: 3; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[14]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'D'), {CRules[511]} (FInMonth: 9; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[19]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[512]} (FInMonth: 4; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[37]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[513]} (FInMonth: 10; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[5]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[514]} (FInMonth: 10; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[515]} (FInMonth: 5; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[516]} (FInMonth: 9; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[3]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[517]} (FInMonth: 4; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[22]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[518]} (FInMonth: 4; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[1]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[519]} (FInMonth: 2; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[34]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[520]} (FInMonth: 10; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[1]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[521]} (FInMonth: 3; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[522]} (FInMonth: 10; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[39]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[523]} (FInMonth: 3; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[10]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[524]} (FInMonth: 3; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[39]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[525]} (FInMonth: 4; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[526]} (FInMonth: 4; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[20]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[527]} (FInMonth: 3; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[65]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[528]} (FInMonth: 11; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[58]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[529]} (FInMonth: 3; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[0]; FAt: 3600; FAtMode: trUniversal; FOffset: 7200; FFmtPart: '+02'), {CRules[530]} (FInMonth: 10; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[0]; FAt: 3600; FAtMode: trUniversal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: '+00'), {CRules[531]} (FInMonth: 5; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[19]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trStandard; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'BST'), {CRules[532]} (FInMonth: 10; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trStandard; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: 'GMT'), {CRules[533]} (FInMonth: 4; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[20]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trStandard; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'BST'), {CRules[534]} (FInMonth: 9; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[27]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trStandard; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: 'GMT'), {CRules[535]} (FInMonth: 3; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[22]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trStandard; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'BST'), {CRules[536]} (FInMonth: 9; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[3]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trStandard; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: 'GMT'), {CRules[537]} (FInMonth: 3; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[3]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trStandard; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'BST'), {CRules[538]} (FInMonth: 9; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[23]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trStandard; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: 'GMT'), {CRules[539]} (FInMonth: 3; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[33]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trStandard; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'BST'), {CRules[540]} (FInMonth: 10; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[11]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trStandard; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: 'GMT'), {CRules[541]} (FInMonth: 4; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[21]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trStandard; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'BST'), {CRules[542]} (FInMonth: 10; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[21]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trStandard; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: 'GMT'), {CRules[543]} (FInMonth: 3; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[12]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trStandard; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'BST'), {CRules[544]} (FInMonth: 10; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[20]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trStandard; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: 'GMT'), {CRules[545]} (FInMonth: 4; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[48]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trStandard; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'BST'), {CRules[546]} (FInMonth: 9; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[48]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trStandard; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: 'GMT'), {CRules[547]} (FInMonth: 4; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[66]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trStandard; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'BST'), {CRules[548]} (FInMonth: 10; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[32]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trStandard; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: 'GMT'), {CRules[549]} (FInMonth: 11; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[48]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trStandard; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: 'GMT'), {CRules[550]} (FInMonth: 2; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[67]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trStandard; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'BST'), {CRules[551]} (FInMonth: 5; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[32]; FAt: 3600; FAtMode: trStandard; FOffset: 7200; FFmtPart: 'BDST'), {CRules[552]} (FInMonth: 8; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[66]; FAt: 3600; FAtMode: trStandard; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'BST'), {CRules[553]} (FInMonth: 4; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[32]; FAt: 3600; FAtMode: trStandard; FOffset: 7200; FFmtPart: 'BDST'), {CRules[554]} (FInMonth: 9; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[48]; FAt: 3600; FAtMode: trStandard; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'BST'), {CRules[555]} (FInMonth: 4; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[31]; FAt: 3600; FAtMode: trStandard; FOffset: 7200; FFmtPart: 'BDST'), {CRules[556]} (FInMonth: 7; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[66]; FAt: 3600; FAtMode: trStandard; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'BST'), {CRules[557]} (FInMonth: 3; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[34]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trStandard; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'BST'), {CRules[558]} (FInMonth: 4; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[8]; FAt: 3600; FAtMode: trStandard; FOffset: 7200; FFmtPart: 'BDST'), {CRules[559]} (FInMonth: 8; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[40]; FAt: 3600; FAtMode: trStandard; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'BST'), {CRules[560]} (FInMonth: 11; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[24]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trStandard; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: 'GMT'), {CRules[561]} (FInMonth: 3; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[2]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trStandard; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'BST'), {CRules[562]} (FInMonth: 10; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[39]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trStandard; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: 'GMT'), {CRules[563]} (FInMonth: 10; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[3]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trStandard; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: 'GMT'), {CRules[564]} (FInMonth: 4; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[46]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trStandard; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'BST'), {CRules[565]} (FInMonth: 10; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[68]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trStandard; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: 'GMT'), {CRules[566]} (FInMonth: 3; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[0]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trStandard; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'BST'), {CRules[567]} (FInMonth: 10; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[67]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trStandard; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: 'GMT'), {CRules[568]} (FInMonth: 3; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[69]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trStandard; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'BST'), {CRules[569]} (FInMonth: 2; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[7]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trStandard; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'BST'), {CRules[570]} (FInMonth: 3; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[48]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trStandard; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'BST'), {CRules[571]} (FInMonth: 3; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[0]; FAt: 3600; FAtMode: trUniversal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'BST'), {CRules[572]} (FInMonth: 10; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[67]; FAt: 3600; FAtMode: trUniversal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: 'GMT'), {CRules[573]} (FInMonth: 10; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[43]; FAt: 3600; FAtMode: trUniversal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: 'GMT'), {CRules[574]} (FInMonth: 10; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[39]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trUniversal; FOffset: -3600; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[575]} (FInMonth: 3; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[48]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trUniversal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[576]} (FInMonth: 10; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[67]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trUniversal; FOffset: -3600; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[577]} (FInMonth: 3; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[0]; FAt: 3600; FAtMode: trUniversal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[578]} (FInMonth: 10; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[67]; FAt: 3600; FAtMode: trUniversal; FOffset: -3600; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[579]} (FInMonth: 10; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[43]; FAt: 3600; FAtMode: trUniversal; FOffset: -3600; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[580]} (FInMonth: 10; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[0]; FAt: 3600; FAtMode: trUniversal; FOffset: -3600; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[581]} (FInMonth: 4; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[5]; FAt: 3600; FAtMode: trUniversal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[582]} (FInMonth: 4; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[3]; FAt: 82800; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[583]} (FInMonth: 4; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[70]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trStandard; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[584]} (FInMonth: 9; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[70]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trStandard; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[585]} (FInMonth: 11; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[24]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trStandard; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[586]} (FInMonth: 3; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[23]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trStandard; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[587]} (FInMonth: 4; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[47]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trStandard; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[588]} (FInMonth: 10; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[24]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trStandard; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[589]} (FInMonth: 9; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[34]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trStandard; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[590]} (FInMonth: 4; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[5]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trStandard; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[591]} (FInMonth: 3; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[0]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trStandard; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[592]} (FInMonth: 7; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FAt: 82800; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'MST'), {CRules[593]} (FInMonth: 12; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[33]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: 'MMT'), {CRules[594]} (FInMonth: 5; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[39]; FAt: 79200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 7200; FFmtPart: 'MDST'), {CRules[595]} (FInMonth: 9; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[34]; FAt: 3600; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'MST'), {CRules[596]} (FInMonth: 5; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[39]; FAt: 82800; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 7200; FFmtPart: 'MDST'), {CRules[597]} (FInMonth: 7; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trUniversal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'MSD'), {CRules[598]} (FInMonth: 8; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[34]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: 'MSK'), {CRules[599]} (FInMonth: 2; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[2]; FAt: 82800; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'MSD'), {CRules[600]} (FInMonth: 3; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[16]; FAt: 82800; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 7200; FFmtPart: '+05'), {CRules[601]} (FInMonth: 9; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'MSD'), {CRules[602]} (FInMonth: 6; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[34]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[603]} (FInMonth: 11; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[24]; FAt: 10800; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[604]} (FInMonth: 4; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[40]; FAt: 10800; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[605]} (FInMonth: 5; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[18]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[606]} (FInMonth: 5; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[24]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[607]} (FInMonth: 5; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[4]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[608]} (FInMonth: 5; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[28]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[609]} (FInMonth: 5; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[21]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[610]} (FInMonth: 4; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[12]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[611]} (FInMonth: 4; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[7]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[612]} (FInMonth: 4; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[28]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trStandard; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[613]} (FInMonth: 10; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[13]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trStandard; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[614]} (FInMonth: 4; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[7]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trStandard; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[615]} (FInMonth: 4; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[4]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[616]} (FInMonth: 9; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[33]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[617]} (FInMonth: 3; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[1]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trStandard; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[618]} (FInMonth: 10; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[41]; FAt: 82800; FAtMode: trStandard; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[619]} (FInMonth: 3; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FAt: 82800; FAtMode: trStandard; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[620]} (FInMonth: 2; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[2]; FAt: 82800; FAtMode: trStandard; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[621]} (FInMonth: 10; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[26]; FAt: 82800; FAtMode: trStandard; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[622]} (FInMonth: 3; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[2]; FAt: 82800; FAtMode: trStandard; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[623]} (FInMonth: 10; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[11]; FAt: 82800; FAtMode: trStandard; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[624]} (FInMonth: 3; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[11]; FAt: 82800; FAtMode: trStandard; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[625]} (FInMonth: 4; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[19]; FAt: 82800; FAtMode: trStandard; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[626]} (FInMonth: 3; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[23]; FAt: 82800; FAtMode: trStandard; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[627]} (FInMonth: 4; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[18]; FAt: 82800; FAtMode: trStandard; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[628]} (FInMonth: 4; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[27]; FAt: 82800; FAtMode: trStandard; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[629]} (FInMonth: 4; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[1]; FAt: 82800; FAtMode: trStandard; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[630]} (FInMonth: 4; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[2]; FAt: 82800; FAtMode: trStandard; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[631]} (FInMonth: 10; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[32]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trStandard; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[632]} (FInMonth: 4; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[19]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trStandard; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[633]} (FInMonth: 4; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[8]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trStandard; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[634]} (FInMonth: 4; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[15]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trStandard; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[635]} (FInMonth: 4; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[21]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trStandard; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[636]} (FInMonth: 3; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[12]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trStandard; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[637]} (FInMonth: 4; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[20]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trStandard; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[638]} (FInMonth: 4; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[18]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trStandard; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[639]} (FInMonth: 3; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[17]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trStandard; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[640]} (FInMonth: 4; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[34]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trStandard; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[641]} (FInMonth: 11; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[15]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trStandard; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[642]} (FInMonth: 2; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[11]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trStandard; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[643]} (FInMonth: 4; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[24]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trStandard; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[644]} (FInMonth: 5; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[15]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trStandard; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[645]} (FInMonth: 3; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[39]; FAt: 82800; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[646]} (FInMonth: 4; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[41]; FAt: 82800; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[647]} (FInMonth: 9; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[23]; FAt: 3600; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[648]} (FInMonth: 9; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[17]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[649]} (FInMonth: 5; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[4]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trStandard; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[650]} (FInMonth: 4; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[24]; FAt: 86400; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[651]} (FInMonth: 10; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[18]; FAt: 3600; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[652]} (FInMonth: 9; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[0]; FAt: 10800; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[653]} (FInMonth: 6; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[2]; FAt: 82800; FAtMode: trStandard; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[654]} (FInMonth: 10; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[5]; FAt: 82800; FAtMode: trStandard; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[655]} (FInMonth: 3; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[22]; FAt: 82800; FAtMode: trStandard; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[656]} (FInMonth: 3; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[1]; FAt: 82800; FAtMode: trStandard; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[657]} (FInMonth: 5; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[12]; FAt: 82800; FAtMode: trStandard; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[658]} (FInMonth: 4; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[16]; FAt: 82800; FAtMode: trStandard; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[659]} (FInMonth: 4; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[29]; FAt: 82800; FAtMode: trStandard; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[660]} (FInMonth: 4; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[7]; FAt: 82800; FAtMode: trStandard; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[661]} (FInMonth: 4; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[24]; FAt: 82800; FAtMode: trStandard; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[662]} (FInMonth: 4; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[13]; FAt: 82800; FAtMode: trStandard; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[663]} (FInMonth: 3; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[3]; FAt: 82800; FAtMode: trStandard; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[664]} (FInMonth: 4; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[21]; FAt: 82800; FAtMode: trStandard; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[665]} (FInMonth: 3; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[12]; FAt: 82800; FAtMode: trStandard; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[666]} (FInMonth: 4; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[10]; FAt: 82800; FAtMode: trStandard; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[667]} (FInMonth: 11; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[7]; FAt: 82800; FAtMode: trStandard; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[668]} (FInMonth: 5; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[28]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 7200; FFmtPart: 'M'), {CRules[669]} (FInMonth: 10; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[4]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[670]} (FInMonth: 3; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[1]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 7200; FFmtPart: 'M'), {CRules[671]} (FInMonth: 11; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[24]; FAt: 10800; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[672]} (FInMonth: 3; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[23]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 7200; FFmtPart: 'M'), {CRules[673]} (FInMonth: 10; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[18]; FAt: 10800; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[674]} (FInMonth: 4; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[21]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 7200; FFmtPart: 'M'), {CRules[675]} (FInMonth: 10; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[20]; FAt: 3600; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[676]} (FInMonth: 4; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[24]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 7200; FFmtPart: 'M'), {CRules[677]} (FInMonth: 9; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[34]; FAt: 10800; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[678]} (FInMonth: 3; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[33]; FAt: 3600; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[679]} (FInMonth: 9; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[12]; FAt: 3600; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[680]} (FInMonth: 4; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[4]; FAt: 10800; FAtMode: trStandard; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[681]} (FInMonth: 5; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[25]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trStandard; FOffset: 7200; FFmtPart: 'M'), {CRules[682]} (FInMonth: 6; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[23]; FAt: 10800; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[683]} (FInMonth: 4; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[40]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trStandard; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[684]} (FInMonth: 5; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[22]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 7200; FFmtPart: 'M'), {CRules[685]} (FInMonth: 9; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[22]; FAt: 10800; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[686]} (FInMonth: 11; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[7]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trStandard; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[687]} (FInMonth: 7; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[13]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[688]} (FInMonth: 4; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[13]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[689]} (FInMonth: 3; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[3]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[690]} (FInMonth: 11; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[24]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[691]} (FInMonth: 4; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[29]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trStandard; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[692]} (FInMonth: 11; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[12]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trStandard; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[693]} (FInMonth: 4; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[25]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trStandard; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[694]} (FInMonth: 9; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[12]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trStandard; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[695]} (FInMonth: 9; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[22]; FAt: 14400; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[696]} (FInMonth: 4; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FAt: 32400; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[697]} (FInMonth: 9; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[23]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[698]} (FInMonth: 4; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[10]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[699]} (FInMonth: 9; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[70]; FAt: 10800; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[700]} (FInMonth: 5; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FAt: 82800; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[701]} (FInMonth: 11; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FAt: 3600; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[702]} (FInMonth: 4; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[71]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trStandard; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[703]} (FInMonth: 5; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[26]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[704]} (FInMonth: 5; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[14]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[705]} (FInMonth: 10; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[24]; FAt: 10800; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[706]} (FInMonth: 6; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[5]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[707]} (FInMonth: 9; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[33]; FAt: 3600; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[708]} (FInMonth: 6; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[21]; FAt: 86400; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[709]} (FInMonth: 3; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[39]; FAt: 86400; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[710]} (FInMonth: 3; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[1]; FAt: 86400; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[711]} (FInMonth: 10; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[4]; FAt: 86400; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[712]} (FInMonth: 3; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FAt: 86400; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[713]} (FInMonth: 10; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[18]; FAt: 86400; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[714]} (FInMonth: 3; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[16]; FAt: 86400; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[715]} (FInMonth: 6; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[2]; FAt: 86400; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[716]} (FInMonth: 9; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[10]; FAt: 3600; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[717]} (FInMonth: 3; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[27]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trStandard; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[718]} (FInMonth: 10; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[4]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trStandard; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[719]} (FInMonth: 3; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[34]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trStandard; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[720]} (FInMonth: 10; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[28]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trStandard; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[721]} (FInMonth: 2; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[23]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trStandard; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[722]} (FInMonth: 10; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[21]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trStandard; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[723]} (FInMonth: 5; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[43]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trStandard; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[724]} (FInMonth: 9; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[22]; FAt: 86400; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[725]} (FInMonth: 9; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[43]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trStandard; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[726]} (FInMonth: 5; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[39]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trStandard; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[727]} (FInMonth: 6; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[21]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trStandard; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[728]} (FInMonth: 5; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[12]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trStandard; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[729]} (FInMonth: 5; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[3]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trStandard; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[730]} (FInMonth: 3; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[39]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trStandard; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[731]} (FInMonth: 9; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[23]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trStandard; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[732]} (FInMonth: 9; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[37]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[733]} (FInMonth: 10; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[0]; FAt: 10800; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[734]} (FInMonth: 4; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[23]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[735]} (FInMonth: 4; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[2]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trStandard; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[736]} (FInMonth: 5; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[18]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trStandard; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[737]} (FInMonth: 6; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[24]; FAt: 3600; FAtMode: trStandard; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[738]} (FInMonth: 3; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[3]; FAt: 3600; FAtMode: trStandard; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[739]} (FInMonth: 5; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[39]; FAt: 3600; FAtMode: trStandard; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[740]} (FInMonth: 10; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[5]; FAt: 3600; FAtMode: trStandard; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[741]} (FInMonth: 4; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[21]; FAt: 3600; FAtMode: trStandard; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[742]} (FInMonth: 5; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[0]; FAt: 3600; FAtMode: trStandard; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[743]} (FInMonth: 6; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[27]; FAt: 82800; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[744]} (FInMonth: 2; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[33]; FAt: 82800; FAtMode: trStandard; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[745]} (FInMonth: 10; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[2]; FAt: 82800; FAtMode: trStandard; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[746]} (FInMonth: 2; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[23]; FAt: 82800; FAtMode: trStandard; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[747]} (FInMonth: 4; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[34]; FAt: 82800; FAtMode: trStandard; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[748]} (FInMonth: 2; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[22]; FAt: 82800; FAtMode: trStandard; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[749]} (FInMonth: 10; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[28]; FAt: 82800; FAtMode: trStandard; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[750]} (FInMonth: 4; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[28]; FAt: 82800; FAtMode: trStandard; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[751]} (FInMonth: 3; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[42]; FAt: 82800; FAtMode: trStandard; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[752]} (FInMonth: 4; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[11]; FAt: 79200; FAtMode: trStandard; FOffset: 7200; FFmtPart: 'M'), {CRules[753]} (FInMonth: 8; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[10]; FAt: 79200; FAtMode: trStandard; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[754]} (FInMonth: 10; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[72]; FAt: 82800; FAtMode: trStandard; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[755]} (FInMonth: 4; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[27]; FAt: 79200; FAtMode: trStandard; FOffset: 7200; FFmtPart: 'M'), {CRules[756]} (FInMonth: 8; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[73]; FAt: 79200; FAtMode: trStandard; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[757]} (FInMonth: 4; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[36]; FAt: 79200; FAtMode: trStandard; FOffset: 7200; FFmtPart: 'M'), {CRules[758]} (FInMonth: 5; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[19]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trStandard; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[759]} (FInMonth: 10; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[5]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trStandard; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[760]} (FInMonth: 5; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[17]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[761]} (FInMonth: 4; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[4]; FAt: 82800; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[762]} (FInMonth: 10; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[41]; FAt: 86400; FAtMode: trStandard; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[763]} (FInMonth: 6; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[34]; FAt: 82800; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[764]} (FInMonth: 10; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[24]; FAt: 86400; FAtMode: trStandard; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[765]} (FInMonth: 4; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[3]; FAt: 82800; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 7200; FFmtPart: 'M'), {CRules[766]} (FInMonth: 10; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[24]; FAt: 86400; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[767]} (FInMonth: 10; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[13]; FAt: 86400; FAtMode: trStandard; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[768]} (FInMonth: 5; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[24]; FAt: 82800; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[769]} (FInMonth: 9; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FAt: 3600; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[770]} (FInMonth: 4; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[74]; FAt: 82800; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[771]} (FInMonth: 10; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[24]; FAt: 3600; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[772]} (FInMonth: 4; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[75]; FAt: 82800; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[773]} (FInMonth: 3; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[17]; FAt: 82800; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[774]} (FInMonth: 6; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[21]; FAt: 43200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[775]} (FInMonth: 6; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[22]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[776]} (FInMonth: 8; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[18]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[777]} (FInMonth: 5; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[47]; FAt: 3600; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[778]} (FInMonth: 10; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[47]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[779]} (FInMonth: 5; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[8]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[780]} (FInMonth: 10; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[4]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[781]} (FInMonth: 12; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[782]} (FInMonth: 9; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[19]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[783]} (FInMonth: 4; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[48]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[784]} (FInMonth: 4; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[34]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[785]} (FInMonth: 7; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[10]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[786]} (FInMonth: 10; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[3]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[787]} (FInMonth: 6; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[21]; FAt: 3600; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[788]} (FInMonth: 10; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[52]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[789]} (FInMonth: 3; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[14]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[790]} (FInMonth: 3; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[19]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[791]} (FInMonth: 10; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[37]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[792]} (FInMonth: 6; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[23]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[793]} (FInMonth: 7; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[39]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[794]} (FInMonth: 4; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[16]; FAt: 3600; FAtMode: trStandard; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[795]} (FInMonth: 3; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[16]; FAt: 3600; FAtMode: trStandard; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[796]} (FInMonth: 12; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[797]} (FInMonth: 4; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[798]} (FInMonth: 10; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[10]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[799]} (FInMonth: 3; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[800]} (FInMonth: 11; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[801]} (FInMonth: 7; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[802]} (FInMonth: 6; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[10]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[803]} (FInMonth: 10; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[804]} (FInMonth: 12; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[10]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[805]} (FInMonth: 4; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[24]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[806]} (FInMonth: 10; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[5]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[807]} (FInMonth: 4; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[5]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[808]} (FInMonth: 1; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[26]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[809]} (FInMonth: 5; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[810]} (FInMonth: 3; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[5]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[811]} (FInMonth: 10; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[37]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[812]} (FInMonth: 3; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[21]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[813]} (FInMonth: 12; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[3]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[814]} (FInMonth: 3; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[37]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[815]} (FInMonth: 3; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[6]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[816]} (FInMonth: 10; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[6]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[817]} (FInMonth: 10; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[21]; FAt: 39600; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[818]} (FInMonth: 10; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[21]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[819]} (FInMonth: 4; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[34]; FAt: 3600; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[820]} (FInMonth: 12; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[1]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[821]} (FInMonth: 1; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[39]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[822]} (FInMonth: 3; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[39]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[823]} (FInMonth: 11; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[24]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[824]} (FInMonth: 3; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[10]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[825]} (FInMonth: 10; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[11]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[826]} (FInMonth: 2; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[2]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[827]} (FInMonth: 2; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[13]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[828]} (FInMonth: 10; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[34]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[829]} (FInMonth: 1; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[23]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[830]} (FInMonth: 2; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[25]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[831]} (FInMonth: 10; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[19]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[832]} (FInMonth: 2; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[27]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[833]} (FInMonth: 10; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[16]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[834]} (FInMonth: 2; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[1]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[835]} (FInMonth: 1; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[39]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[836]} (FInMonth: 10; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[50]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[837]} (FInMonth: 2; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[37]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[838]} (FInMonth: 10; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[4]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[839]} (FInMonth: 2; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[34]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[840]} (FInMonth: 10; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[25]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[841]} (FInMonth: 2; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[19]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[842]} (FInMonth: 2; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[17]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[843]} (FInMonth: 11; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[21]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[844]} (FInMonth: 10; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[15]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[845]} (FInMonth: 11; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[28]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[846]} (FInMonth: 2; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[11]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[847]} (FInMonth: 2; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[43]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[848]} (FInMonth: 11; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[5]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[849]} (FInMonth: 9; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[850]} (FInMonth: 11; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[21]; FAt: 14400; FAtMode: trUniversal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[851]} (FInMonth: 3; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[3]; FAt: 10800; FAtMode: trUniversal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[852]} (FInMonth: 11; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[26]; FAt: 14400; FAtMode: trUniversal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[853]} (FInMonth: 3; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[23]; FAt: 10800; FAtMode: trUniversal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[854]} (FInMonth: 3; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[2]; FAt: 10800; FAtMode: trUniversal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[855]} (FInMonth: 10; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[66]; FAt: 14400; FAtMode: trUniversal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[856]} (FInMonth: 3; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[66]; FAt: 10800; FAtMode: trUniversal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[857]} (FInMonth: 9; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[3]; FAt: 14400; FAtMode: trUniversal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[858]} (FInMonth: 4; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[29]; FAt: 10800; FAtMode: trUniversal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[859]} (FInMonth: 9; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[34]; FAt: 14400; FAtMode: trUniversal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[860]} (FInMonth: 9; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[17]; FAt: 14400; FAtMode: trUniversal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[861]} (FInMonth: 4; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[18]; FAt: 10800; FAtMode: trUniversal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[862]} (FInMonth: 4; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[5]; FAt: 10800; FAtMode: trUniversal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[863]} (FInMonth: 5; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[32]; FAt: 10800; FAtMode: trUniversal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[864]} (FInMonth: 8; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[48]; FAt: 14400; FAtMode: trUniversal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[865]} (FInMonth: 4; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[67]; FAt: 10800; FAtMode: trUniversal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[866]} (FInMonth: 9; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[32]; FAt: 14400; FAtMode: trUniversal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[867]} (FInMonth: 5; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[66]; FAt: 10800; FAtMode: trUniversal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[868]} (FInMonth: 8; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[66]; FAt: 14400; FAtMode: trUniversal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[869]} (FInMonth: 4; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[32]; FAt: 10800; FAtMode: trUniversal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[870]} (FInMonth: 9; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[66]; FAt: 14400; FAtMode: trUniversal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[871]} (FInMonth: 5; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[21]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[872]} (FInMonth: 2; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[4]; FAt: 86400; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[873]} (FInMonth: 11; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[33]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[874]} (FInMonth: 2; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[28]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[875]} (FInMonth: 9; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[0]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[876]} (FInMonth: 3; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[69]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[877]} (FInMonth: 4; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[0]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[878]} (FInMonth: 9; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[34]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[879]} (FInMonth: 9; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[66]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[880]} (FInMonth: 4; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[48]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[881]} (FInMonth: 4; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[37]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[882]} (FInMonth: 9; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[5]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[883]} (FInMonth: 10; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[14]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[884]} (FInMonth: 10; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[28]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[885]} (FInMonth: 2; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[0]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[886]} (FInMonth: 9; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[5]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[887]} (FInMonth: 4; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[6]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[888]} (FInMonth: 3; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[43]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[889]} (FInMonth: 1; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[890]} (FInMonth: 3; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[76]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[891]} (FInMonth: 10; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 1800; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[892]} (FInMonth: 10; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[0]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 1800; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[893]} (FInMonth: 3; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[54]; FAt: 86400; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[894]} (FInMonth: 10; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[17]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 1800; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[895]} (FInMonth: 8; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 1800; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[896]} (FInMonth: 12; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[2]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 1800; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[897]} (FInMonth: 3; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[2]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[898]} (FInMonth: 5; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[22]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 1800; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[899]} (FInMonth: 11; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[10]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[900]} (FInMonth: 1; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[27]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[901]} (FInMonth: 3; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[4]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[902]} (FInMonth: 4; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[18]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[903]} (FInMonth: 9; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[12]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[904]} (FInMonth: 5; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[17]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 1800; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[905]} (FInMonth: 12; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[906]} (FInMonth: 4; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[11]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[907]} (FInMonth: 6; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[2]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[908]} (FInMonth: 4; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[26]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[909]} (FInMonth: 7; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[34]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[910]} (FInMonth: 1; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[8]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 5400; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[911]} (FInMonth: 3; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[40]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 1800; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[912]} (FInMonth: 12; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[14]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[913]} (FInMonth: 3; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[3]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[914]} (FInMonth: 12; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[15]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[915]} (FInMonth: 12; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[18]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[916]} (FInMonth: 12; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[27]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[917]} (FInMonth: 4; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[23]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[918]} (FInMonth: 3; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[34]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[919]} (FInMonth: 12; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[2]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[920]} (FInMonth: 2; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[33]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[921]} (FInMonth: 12; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[25]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[922]} (FInMonth: 3; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[28]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[923]} (FInMonth: 10; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[23]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[924]} (FInMonth: 10; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[68]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[925]} (FInMonth: 10; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[7]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[926]} (FInMonth: 9; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[15]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[927]} (FInMonth: 3; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[17]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[928]} (FInMonth: 10; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[1]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[929]} (FInMonth: 3; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[6]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[930]} (FInMonth: 10; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[5]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[931]} (FInMonth: 11; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[22]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 1200; FFmtPart: '+0020'), {CRules[932]} (FInMonth: 1; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: 'GMT'), {CRules[933]} (FInMonth: 9; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 1200; FFmtPart: '+0020'), {CRules[934]} (FInMonth: 5; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 1200; FFmtPart: '+0020'), {CRules[935]} (FInMonth: 9; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 1800; FFmtPart: '+0030'), {CRules[936]} (FInMonth: 12; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 1200; FFmtPart: '-0040'), {CRules[937]} (FInMonth: 3; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[39]; FAt: 86400; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: '-01'), {CRules[938]} (FInMonth: 8; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[39]; FAt: 86400; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 1200; FFmtPart: '-0040'), {CRules[939]} (FInMonth: 5; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[39]; FAt: 86400; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: '-01'), {CRules[940]} (FInMonth: 3; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[11]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'D'), {CRules[941]} (FInMonth: 4; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[22]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[942]} (FInMonth: 3; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[39]; FAt: 9000; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'D'), {CRules[943]} (FInMonth: 10; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[11]; FAt: 9000; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[944]} (FInMonth: 5; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[24]; FAt: 9000; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'D'), {CRules[945]} (FInMonth: 10; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[5]; FAt: 9000; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[946]} (FInMonth: 5; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[27]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'D'), {CRules[947]} (FInMonth: 9; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[0]; FAt: 9000; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[948]} (FInMonth: 4; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[54]; FAt: 86400; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'D'), {CRules[949]} (FInMonth: 9; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[54]; FAt: 86400; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[950]} (FInMonth: 5; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FAt: 86400; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'W'), {CRules[951]} (FInMonth: 12; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[39]; FAt: 86400; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[952]} (FInMonth: 2; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'W'), {CRules[953]} (FInMonth: 10; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[27]; FAt: 86400; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[954]} (FInMonth: 2; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[15]; FAt: 82800; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[955]} (FInMonth: 10; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[19]; FAt: 3600; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[956]} (FInMonth: 11; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[34]; FAt: 3600; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[957]} (FInMonth: 3; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[15]; FAt: 82800; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[958]} (FInMonth: 6; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[26]; FAt: 3600; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[959]} (FInMonth: 4; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[23]; FAt: 82800; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[960]} (FInMonth: 10; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[23]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[961]} (FInMonth: 2; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[11]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[962]} (FInMonth: 11; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[32]; FAt: 3600; FAtMode: trStandard; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[963]} (FInMonth: 3; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[32]; FAt: 3600; FAtMode: trStandard; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[964]} (FInMonth: 3; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[5]; FAt: 3600; FAtMode: trStandard; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[965]} (FInMonth: 10; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[43]; FAt: 3600; FAtMode: trStandard; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[966]} (FInMonth: 4; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[5]; FAt: 3600; FAtMode: trStandard; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[967]} (FInMonth: 10; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[3]; FAt: 3600; FAtMode: trStandard; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[968]} (FInMonth: 5; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'NST'), {CRules[969]} (FInMonth: 10; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: 'AMT'), {CRules[970]} (FInMonth: 4; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[34]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trStandard; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'NST'), {CRules[971]} (FInMonth: 9; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[27]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trStandard; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: 'AMT'), {CRules[972]} (FInMonth: 4; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[47]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trStandard; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'NST'), {CRules[973]} (FInMonth: 9; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[65]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trStandard; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: 'AMT'), {CRules[974]} (FInMonth: 3; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[0]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trStandard; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'NST'), {CRules[975]} (FInMonth: 10; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[32]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trStandard; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: 'AMT'), {CRules[976]} (FInMonth: 6; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[58]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trStandard; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'NST'), {CRules[977]} (FInMonth: 5; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[10]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trStandard; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'NST'), {CRules[978]} (FInMonth: 5; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[14]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trStandard; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'NST'), {CRules[979]} (FInMonth: 5; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[10]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trStandard; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[980]} (FInMonth: 5; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[2]; FAt: 82800; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[981]} (FInMonth: 9; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[3]; FAt: 82800; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[982]} (FInMonth: 8; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[10]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trStandard; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[983]} (FInMonth: 5; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[1]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trStandard; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[984]} (FInMonth: 8; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[20]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trStandard; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[985]} (FInMonth: 4; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[33]; FAt: 82800; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[986]} (FInMonth: 9; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[27]; FAt: 3600; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[987]} (FInMonth: 10; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[28]; FAt: 10800; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[988]} (FInMonth: 10; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[22]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[989]} (FInMonth: 10; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[12]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[990]} (FInMonth: 10; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[32]; FAt: 3600; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[991]} (FInMonth: 5; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[14]; FAt: 3600; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[992]} (FInMonth: 3; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[37]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trStandard; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[993]} (FInMonth: 4; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[11]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trStandard; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[994]} (FInMonth: 1; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trStandard; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'D'), {CRules[995]} (FInMonth: 3; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[0]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trStandard; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[996]} (FInMonth: 9; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[17]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trStandard; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'D'), {CRules[997]} (FInMonth: 10; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[21]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trStandard; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'D'), {CRules[998]} (FInMonth: 10; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[0]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trStandard; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'D'), {CRules[999]} (FInMonth: 3; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[5]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trStandard; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[1000]} (FInMonth: 11; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[27]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trStandard; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'D'), {CRules[1001]} (FInMonth: 12; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[21]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trStandard; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'D'), {CRules[1002]} (FInMonth: 2; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[0]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trStandard; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[1003]} (FInMonth: 10; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[15]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trStandard; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'D'), {CRules[1004]} (FInMonth: 2; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[17]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trStandard; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[1005]} (FInMonth: 3; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[37]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trStandard; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[1006]} (FInMonth: 3; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[21]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trStandard; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[1007]} (FInMonth: 3; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[14]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trStandard; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[1008]} (FInMonth: 3; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[13]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trStandard; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[1009]} (FInMonth: 3; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[16]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trStandard; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[1010]} (FInMonth: 4; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[24]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trStandard; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[1011]} (FInMonth: 4; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[5]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trStandard; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[1012]} (FInMonth: 10; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[5]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trStandard; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'D'), {CRules[1013]} (FInMonth: 10; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[43]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trStandard; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'D'), {CRules[1014]} (FInMonth: 3; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[77]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trStandard; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[1015]} (FInMonth: 3; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[6]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trStandard; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[1016]} (FInMonth: 10; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[37]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trStandard; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'D'), {CRules[1017]} (FInMonth: 8; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[0]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trStandard; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'D'), {CRules[1018]} (FInMonth: 10; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[0]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[1019]} (FInMonth: 3; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[5]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[1020]} (FInMonth: 10; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[0]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 1800; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[1021]} (FInMonth: 3; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[37]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[1022]} (FInMonth: 10; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[15]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 1800; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[1023]} (FInMonth: 3; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[0]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[1024]} (FInMonth: 8; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[0]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 1800; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[1025]} (FInMonth: 4; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[5]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[1026]} (FInMonth: 10; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[5]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 1800; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[1027]} (FInMonth: 11; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[5]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[1028]} (FInMonth: 2; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[0]; FAt: 10800; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[1029]} (FInMonth: 11; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[23]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[1030]} (FInMonth: 3; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[0]; FAt: 10800; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[1031]} (FInMonth: 10; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[68]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[1032]} (FInMonth: 3; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[5]; FAt: 10800; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[1033]} (FInMonth: 1; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[53]; FAt: 10800; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[1034]} (FInMonth: 1; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[53]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[1035]} (FInMonth: 1; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[78]; FAt: 10800; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[1036]} (FInMonth: 11; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[6]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[1037]} (FInMonth: 12; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[16]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[1038]} (FInMonth: 6; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[17]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'D'), {CRules[1039]} (FInMonth: 1; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[23]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[1040]} (FInMonth: 9; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'D'), {CRules[1041]} (FInMonth: 1; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[12]; FAt: 60; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[1042]} (FInMonth: 8; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[39]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[1043]} (FInMonth: 12; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[34]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'D'), {CRules[1044]} (FInMonth: 2; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[22]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[1045]} (FInMonth: 5; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[12]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'D'), {CRules[1046]} (FInMonth: 8; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[14]; FAt: 7260; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[1047]} (FInMonth: 4; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[22]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'D'), {CRules[1048]} (FInMonth: 8; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[33]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[1049]} (FInMonth: 12; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[5]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[1050]} (FInMonth: 12; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trStandard; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[1051]} (FInMonth: 3; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[24]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trStandard; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[1052]} (FInMonth: 11; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[4]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[1053]} (FInMonth: 3; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[18]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: 'M'), {CRules[1054]} (FInMonth: 10; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[6]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 1800; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[1055]} (FInMonth: 3; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[37]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: 'M'), {CRules[1056]} (FInMonth: 4; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[0]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: 'M'), {CRules[1057]} (FInMonth: 9; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[0]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 1800; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[1058]} (FInMonth: 1; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[1059]} (FInMonth: 11; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[5]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trStandard; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'D'), {CRules[1060]} (FInMonth: 11; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[5]; FAt: 9900; FAtMode: trStandard; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[1061]} (FInMonth: 2; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[0]; FAt: 9900; FAtMode: trStandard; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[1062]} (FInMonth: 10; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[0]; FAt: 9900; FAtMode: trStandard; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[1063]} (FInMonth: 3; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[5]; FAt: 9900; FAtMode: trStandard; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[1064]} (FInMonth: 10; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[6]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trStandard; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'D'), {CRules[1065]} (FInMonth: 10; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[6]; FAt: 9900; FAtMode: trStandard; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[1066]} (FInMonth: 10; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[5]; FAt: 9900; FAtMode: trStandard; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[1067]} (FInMonth: 3; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[37]; FAt: 9900; FAtMode: trStandard; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[1068]} (FInMonth: 9; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[0]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trStandard; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'D'), {CRules[1069]} (FInMonth: 9; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[0]; FAt: 9900; FAtMode: trStandard; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[1070]} (FInMonth: 4; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[5]; FAt: 9900; FAtMode: trStandard; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[1071]} (FInMonth: 11; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[29]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 1800; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[1072]} (FInMonth: 4; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[41]; FAt: 14400; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[1073]} (FInMonth: 9; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[54]; FAt: 10800; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[1074]} (FInMonth: 4; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[5]; FAt: 14400; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[1075]} (FInMonth: 9; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[0]; FAt: 10800; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[1076]} (FInMonth: 10; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[13]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trStandard; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[1077]} (FInMonth: 3; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[15]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trStandard; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[1078]} (FInMonth: 1; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[0]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[1079]} (FInMonth: 1; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[37]; FAt: 10800; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[1080]} (FInMonth: 12; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[14]; FAt: 43200; FAtMode: trUniversal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[1081]} (FInMonth: 3; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[3]; FAt: 43200; FAtMode: trUniversal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[1082]} (FInMonth: 9; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[79]; FAt: 86400; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[1083]} (FInMonth: 3; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[79]; FAt: 86400; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[1084]} (FInMonth: 1; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[79]; FAt: 86400; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[1085]} (FInMonth: 10; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[79]; FAt: 86400; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[1086]} (FInMonth: 6; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[19]; FAt: 82800; FAtMode: trStandard; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[1087]} (FInMonth: 9; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[25]; FAt: 82800; FAtMode: trStandard; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[1088]} (FInMonth: 11; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[15]; FAt: 3600; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[1089]} (FInMonth: 10; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[20]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[1090]} (FInMonth: 9; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[34]; FAt: 3600; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[1091]} (FInMonth: 4; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[11]; FAt: 82800; FAtMode: trStandard; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[1092]} (FInMonth: 9; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[12]; FAt: 82800; FAtMode: trStandard; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[1093]} (FInMonth: 10; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[19]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[1094]} (FInMonth: 3; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[22]; FAt: 3600; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[1095]} (FInMonth: 9; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[14]; FAt: 10800; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[1096]} (FInMonth: 4; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[11]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[1097]} (FInMonth: 10; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[17]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[1098]} (FInMonth: 7; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[11]; FAt: 3600; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[1099]} (FInMonth: 7; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[29]; FAt: 3600; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[1100]} (FInMonth: 5; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[4]; FAt: 3600; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[1101]} (FInMonth: 4; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[60]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trStandard; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[1102]} (FInMonth: 9; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[61]; FAt: 86400; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[1103]} (FInMonth: 9; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[80]; FAt: 86400; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[1104]} (FInMonth: 8; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[61]; FAt: 86400; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[1105]} (FInMonth: 8; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[16]; FAt: 86400; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[1106]} (FInMonth: 8; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[40]; FAt: 86400; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[1107]} (FInMonth: 9; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[1]; FAt: 86400; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[1108]} (FInMonth: 5; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[10]; FAt: 86400; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[1109]} (FInMonth: 6; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[12]; FAt: 86400; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[1110]} (FInMonth: 7; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[39]; FAt: 86400; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[1111]} (FInMonth: 10; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[61]; FAt: 86400; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[1112]} (FInMonth: 10; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[1]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[1113]} (FInMonth: 9; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[3]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[1114]} (FInMonth: 4; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[18]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[1115]} (FInMonth: 3; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[60]; FAt: 3600; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[1116]} (FInMonth: 10; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[60]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[1117]} (FInMonth: 10; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[40]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[1118]} (FInMonth: 3; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[19]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[1119]} (FInMonth: 9; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[29]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[1120]} (FInMonth: 11; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[15]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[1121]} (FInMonth: 2; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[11]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[1122]} (FInMonth: 11; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[7]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[1123]} (FInMonth: 6; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[25]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[1124]} (FInMonth: 10; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[23]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[1125]} (FInMonth: 6; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[21]; FAt: 43200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[1126]} (FInMonth: 6; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[22]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[1127]} (FInMonth: 6; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[1128]} (FInMonth: 8; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[19]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[1129]} (FInMonth: 5; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[24]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[1130]} (FInMonth: 8; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[20]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[1131]} (FInMonth: 4; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[21]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[1132]} (FInMonth: 7; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[39]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[1133]} (FInMonth: 4; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[0]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[1134]} (FInMonth: 7; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[16]; FAt: 10800; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[1135]} (FInMonth: 8; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[16]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[1136]} (FInMonth: 7; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[13]; FAt: 10800; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[1137]} (FInMonth: 8; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[40]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[1138]} (FInMonth: 6; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[33]; FAt: 10800; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[1139]} (FInMonth: 8; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[24]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[1140]} (FInMonth: 6; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[2]; FAt: 10800; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[1141]} (FInMonth: 7; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[15]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[1142]} (FInMonth: 6; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[28]; FAt: 10800; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[1143]} (FInMonth: 7; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[40]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[1144]} (FInMonth: 5; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[19]; FAt: 10800; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[1145]} (FInMonth: 7; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[24]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[1146]} (FInMonth: 5; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[8]; FAt: 10800; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[1147]} (FInMonth: 6; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[27]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[1148]} (FInMonth: 5; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[28]; FAt: 10800; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: -3600; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[1149]} (FInMonth: 6; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[1]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[1150]} (FInMonth: 4; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[15]; FAt: 10800; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: -3600; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[1151]} (FInMonth: 5; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[39]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[1152]} (FInMonth: 4; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[25]; FAt: 10800; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: -3600; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[1153]} (FInMonth: 5; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[34]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[1154]} (FInMonth: 3; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[17]; FAt: 10800; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: -3600; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[1155]} (FInMonth: 5; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[20]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[1156]} (FInMonth: 3; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[15]; FAt: 10800; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: -3600; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[1157]} (FInMonth: 4; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[26]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[1158]} (FInMonth: 3; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[40]; FAt: 10800; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: -3600; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[1159]} (FInMonth: 4; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[2]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[1160]} (FInMonth: 2; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[26]; FAt: 10800; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: -3600; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[1161]} (FInMonth: 4; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[4]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[1162]} (FInMonth: 2; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[10]; FAt: 10800; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: -3600; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[1163]} (FInMonth: 3; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[14]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[1164]} (FInMonth: 2; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[13]; FAt: 10800; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: -3600; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[1165]} (FInMonth: 3; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[2]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[1166]} (FInMonth: 1; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[26]; FAt: 10800; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: -3600; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[1167]} (FInMonth: 3; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[28]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[1168]} (FInMonth: 1; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[2]; FAt: 10800; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: -3600; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[1169]} (FInMonth: 2; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[7]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[1170]} (FInMonth: 12; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[3]; FAt: 10800; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: -3600; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[1171]} (FInMonth: 2; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[40]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[1172]} (FInMonth: 12; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[14]; FAt: 10800; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: -3600; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[1173]} (FInMonth: 1; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[12]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[1174]} (FInMonth: 12; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[2]; FAt: 10800; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: -3600; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[1175]} (FInMonth: 1; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[7]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[1176]} (FInMonth: 11; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[33]; FAt: 10800; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: -3600; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[1177]} (FInMonth: 1; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[1]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[1178]} (FInMonth: 11; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[16]; FAt: 10800; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: -3600; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[1179]} (FInMonth: 12; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[11]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[1180]} (FInMonth: 11; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[28]; FAt: 10800; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: -3600; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[1181]} (FInMonth: 12; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[27]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[1182]} (FInMonth: 10; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[33]; FAt: 10800; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: -3600; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[1183]} (FInMonth: 12; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[1]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[1184]} (FInMonth: 10; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[15]; FAt: 10800; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: -3600; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[1185]} (FInMonth: 11; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[26]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[1186]} (FInMonth: 10; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[18]; FAt: 10800; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: -3600; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[1187]} (FInMonth: 11; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[10]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[1188]} (FInMonth: 9; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[12]; FAt: 10800; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: -3600; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[1189]} (FInMonth: 9; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[7]; FAt: 10800; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: -3600; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[1190]} (FInMonth: 10; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[26]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[1191]} (FInMonth: 9; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[24]; FAt: 10800; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: -3600; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[1192]} (FInMonth: 10; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[2]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[1193]} (FInMonth: 8; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[11]; FAt: 10800; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: -3600; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[1194]} (FInMonth: 8; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[40]; FAt: 10800; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: -3600; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[1195]} (FInMonth: 9; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[19]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[1196]} (FInMonth: 8; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[24]; FAt: 10800; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: -3600; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[1197]} (FInMonth: 7; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[22]; FAt: 10800; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: -3600; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[1198]} (FInMonth: 8; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[33]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[1199]} (FInMonth: 7; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[1]; FAt: 10800; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: -3600; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[1200]} (FInMonth: 8; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[16]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[1201]} (FInMonth: 7; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FAt: 10800; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: -3600; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[1202]} (FInMonth: 8; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[28]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[1203]} (FInMonth: 6; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[26]; FAt: 10800; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: -3600; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[1204]} (FInMonth: 7; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[33]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[1205]} (FInMonth: 6; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[13]; FAt: 10800; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: -3600; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[1206]} (FInMonth: 7; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[15]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[1207]} (FInMonth: 5; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[3]; FAt: 10800; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: -3600; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[1208]} (FInMonth: 7; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[18]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[1209]} (FInMonth: 5; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[10]; FAt: 10800; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: -3600; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[1210]} (FInMonth: 6; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[12]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[1211]} (FInMonth: 5; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[13]; FAt: 10800; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: -3600; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[1212]} (FInMonth: 6; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[7]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[1213]} (FInMonth: 4; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[33]; FAt: 10800; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: -3600; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[1214]} (FInMonth: 6; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[24]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[1215]} (FInMonth: 4; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[8]; FAt: 10800; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: -3600; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[1216]} (FInMonth: 5; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[11]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[1217]} (FInMonth: 4; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[28]; FAt: 10800; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: -3600; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[1218]} (FInMonth: 5; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[40]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[1219]} (FInMonth: 3; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[33]; FAt: 10800; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: -3600; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[1220]} (FInMonth: 5; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[24]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[1221]} (FInMonth: 3; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[29]; FAt: 10800; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: -3600; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[1222]} (FInMonth: 3; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[18]; FAt: 10800; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: -3600; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[1223]} (FInMonth: 4; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[20]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[1224]} (FInMonth: 2; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[27]; FAt: 10800; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: -3600; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[1225]} (FInMonth: 3; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[39]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[1226]} (FInMonth: 2; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[1]; FAt: 10800; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: -3600; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[1227]} (FInMonth: 3; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[26]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[1228]} (FInMonth: 2; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FAt: 10800; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: -3600; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[1229]} (FInMonth: 3; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[13]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[1230]} (FInMonth: 1; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[34]; FAt: 10800; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: -3600; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[1231]} (FInMonth: 2; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[17]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[1232]} (FInMonth: 1; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[20]; FAt: 10800; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: -3600; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[1233]} (FInMonth: 2; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[29]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[1234]} (FInMonth: 12; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[39]; FAt: 10800; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: -3600; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[1235]} (FInMonth: 2; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[18]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[1236]} (FInMonth: 12; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[34]; FAt: 10800; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: -3600; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[1237]} (FInMonth: 1; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[17]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[1238]} (FInMonth: 12; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[13]; FAt: 10800; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: -3600; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[1239]} (FInMonth: 1; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[25]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[1240]} (FInMonth: 11; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[14]; FAt: 10800; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: -3600; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[1241]} (FInMonth: 1; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[21]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[1242]} (FInMonth: 11; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[2]; FAt: 10800; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: -3600; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[1243]} (FInMonth: 12; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[12]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[1244]} (FInMonth: 11; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[4]; FAt: 10800; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: -3600; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[1245]} (FInMonth: 12; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[25]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[1246]} (FInMonth: 10; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[19]; FAt: 10800; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: -3600; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[1247]} (FInMonth: 12; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[24]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[1248]} (FInMonth: 10; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[8]; FAt: 10800; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: -3600; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[1249]} (FInMonth: 11; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[27]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[1250]} (FInMonth: 10; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[28]; FAt: 10800; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: -3600; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[1251]} (FInMonth: 11; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[1]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[1252]} (FInMonth: 9; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[16]; FAt: 10800; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: -3600; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[1253]} (FInMonth: 11; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[1254]} (FInMonth: 9; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[25]; FAt: 10800; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: -3600; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[1255]} (FInMonth: 10; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[34]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[1256]} (FInMonth: 8; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[17]; FAt: 10800; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: -3600; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[1257]} (FInMonth: 8; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[15]; FAt: 10800; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: -3600; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[1258]} (FInMonth: 8; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[25]; FAt: 10800; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: -3600; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[1259]} (FInMonth: 9; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[10]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[1260]} (FInMonth: 7; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[12]; FAt: 10800; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: -3600; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[1261]} (FInMonth: 9; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[4]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[1262]} (FInMonth: 7; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[7]; FAt: 10800; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: -3600; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[1263]} (FInMonth: 8; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[14]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[1264]} (FInMonth: 7; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[40]; FAt: 10800; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: -3600; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[1265]} (FInMonth: 8; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[2]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[1266]} (FInMonth: 6; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[11]; FAt: 10800; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: -3600; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[1267]} (FInMonth: 8; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[4]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[1268]} (FInMonth: 6; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[34]; FAt: 10800; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: -3600; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[1269]} (FInMonth: 7; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[19]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[1270]} (FInMonth: 6; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FAt: 10800; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: -3600; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[1271]} (FInMonth: 7; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[8]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[1272]} (FInMonth: 5; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[22]; FAt: 10800; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: -3600; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[1273]} (FInMonth: 6; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[33]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[1274]} (FInMonth: 5; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[34]; FAt: 10800; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: -3600; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[1275]} (FInMonth: 6; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[16]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[1276]} (FInMonth: 4; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[3]; FAt: 10800; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: -3600; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[1277]} (FInMonth: 6; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[25]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[1278]} (FInMonth: 4; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[14]; FAt: 10800; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: -3600; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[1279]} (FInMonth: 5; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[17]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[1280]} (FInMonth: 4; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[2]; FAt: 10800; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: -3600; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[1281]} (FInMonth: 5; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[15]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[1282]} (FInMonth: 3; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[3]; FAt: 10800; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: -3600; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[1283]} (FInMonth: 5; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[25]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[1284]} (FInMonth: 3; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[19]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: -3600; FFmtPart: 'WAT'), {CRules[1285]} (FInMonth: 9; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[5]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: 'CAT'), {CRules[1286]} (FInMonth: 4; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[5]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: -3600; FFmtPart: 'WAT'), {CRules[1287]} (FInMonth: 9; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[37]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[1288]} (FInMonth: 4; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[0]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[1289]} (FInMonth: 2; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[11]; FAt: 82800; FAtMode: trStandard; FOffset: 3600; FFmtPart: 'S'), {CRules[1290]} (FInMonth: 4; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[27]; FAt: 7200; FAtMode: trLocal; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[1291]} (FInMonth: 9; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[22]; FAt: 0; FAtMode: trStandard; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: ''), {CRules[1292]} (FInMonth: 9; FOnDay: @CRelativeDays[3]; FAt: 3600; FAtMode: trStandard; FOffset: 0; FFmtPart: '') ); var { Date-bound rules for US family } CFamily_0_Arr: array[0 .. 12] of TYearBoundRule = ( (FStart: 1918; FEnd: 1919; FRule: @CRules[0]), (FStart: 1918; FEnd: 1919; FRule: @CRules[1]), (FStart: 1942; FEnd: 1942; FRule: @CRules[2]), (FStart: 1945; FEnd: 1945; FRule: @CRules[3]), (FStart: 1945; FEnd: 1945; FRule: @CRules[4]), (FStart: 1967; FEnd: 2006; FRule: @CRules[1]), (FStart: 1967; FEnd: 1973; FRule: @CRules[5]), (FStart: 1974; FEnd: 1974; FRule: @CRules[6]), (FStart: 1975; FEnd: 1975; FRule: @CRules[7]), (FStart: 1976; FEnd: 1986; FRule: @CRules[5]), (FStart: 1987; FEnd: 2006; FRule: @CRules[8]), (FStart: 2007; FEnd: 9999; FRule: @CRules[9]), (FStart: 2007; FEnd: 9999; FRule: @CRules[10]) ); { Date-bound rules for NYC family } CFamily_1_Arr: array[0 .. 4] of TYearBoundRule = ( (FStart: 1920; FEnd: 1920; FRule: @CRules[0]), (FStart: 1920; FEnd: 1920; FRule: @CRules[1]), (FStart: 1921; FEnd: 1966; FRule: @CRules[5]), (FStart: 1921; FEnd: 1954; FRule: @CRules[11]), (FStart: 1955; FEnd: 1966; FRule: @CRules[1]) ); { Date-bound rules for Chicago family } CFamily_2_Arr: array[0 .. 5] of TYearBoundRule = ( (FStart: 1920; FEnd: 1920; FRule: @CRules[12]), (FStart: 1920; FEnd: 1921; FRule: @CRules[1]), (FStart: 1921; FEnd: 1921; FRule: @CRules[0]), (FStart: 1922; FEnd: 1966; FRule: @CRules[5]), (FStart: 1922; FEnd: 1954; FRule: @CRules[11]), (FStart: 1955; FEnd: 1966; FRule: @CRules[1]) ); { Date-bound rules for Denver family } CFamily_3_Arr: array[0 .. 4] of TYearBoundRule = ( (FStart: 1920; FEnd: 1921; FRule: @CRules[0]), (FStart: 1920; FEnd: 1920; FRule: @CRules[1]), (FStart: 1921; FEnd: 1921; FRule: @CRules[13]), (FStart: 1965; FEnd: 1966; FRule: @CRules[5]), (FStart: 1965; FEnd: 1966; FRule: @CRules[1]) ); { Date-bound rules for CA family } CFamily_4_Arr: array[0 .. 4] of TYearBoundRule = ( (FStart: 1948; FEnd: 1948; FRule: @CRules[14]), (FStart: 1949; FEnd: 1949; FRule: @CRules[15]), (FStart: 1950; FEnd: 1966; FRule: @CRules[16]), (FStart: 1950; FEnd: 1961; FRule: @CRules[11]), (FStart: 1962; FEnd: 1966; FRule: @CRules[1]) ); { Date-bound rules for Indianapolis family } CFamily_5_Arr: array[0 .. 2] of TYearBoundRule = ( (FStart: 1941; FEnd: 1941; FRule: @CRules[17]), (FStart: 1941; FEnd: 1954; FRule: @CRules[11]), (FStart: 1946; FEnd: 1954; FRule: @CRules[5]) ); { Date-bound rules for Marengo family } CFamily_6_Arr: array[0 .. 3] of TYearBoundRule = ( (FStart: 1951; FEnd: 1951; FRule: @CRules[5]), (FStart: 1951; FEnd: 1951; FRule: @CRules[11]), (FStart: 1954; FEnd: 1960; FRule: @CRules[5]), (FStart: 1954; FEnd: 1960; FRule: @CRules[11]) ); { Date-bound rules for Vincennes family } CFamily_7_Arr: array[0 .. 8] of TYearBoundRule = ( (FStart: 1946; FEnd: 1946; FRule: @CRules[5]), (FStart: 1946; FEnd: 1946; FRule: @CRules[11]), (FStart: 1953; FEnd: 1954; FRule: @CRules[5]), (FStart: 1953; FEnd: 1959; FRule: @CRules[11]), (FStart: 1955; FEnd: 1955; FRule: @CRules[18]), (FStart: 1956; FEnd: 1963; FRule: @CRules[5]), (FStart: 1960; FEnd: 1960; FRule: @CRules[1]), (FStart: 1961; FEnd: 1961; FRule: @CRules[11]), (FStart: 1962; FEnd: 1963; FRule: @CRules[1]) ); { Date-bound rules for Perry family } CFamily_8_Arr: array[0 .. 3] of TYearBoundRule = ( (FStart: 1955; FEnd: 1955; FRule: @CRules[18]), (FStart: 1955; FEnd: 1960; FRule: @CRules[11]), (FStart: 1956; FEnd: 1963; FRule: @CRules[5]), (FStart: 1961; FEnd: 1963; FRule: @CRules[1]) ); { Date-bound rules for Pike family } CFamily_9_Arr: array[0 .. 3] of TYearBoundRule = ( (FStart: 1955; FEnd: 1955; FRule: @CRules[18]), (FStart: 1955; FEnd: 1960; FRule: @CRules[11]), (FStart: 1956; FEnd: 1964; FRule: @CRules[5]), (FStart: 1961; FEnd: 1964; FRule: @CRules[1]) ); { Date-bound rules for Starke family } CFamily_10_Arr: array[0 .. 4] of TYearBoundRule = ( (FStart: 1947; FEnd: 1961; FRule: @CRules[5]), (FStart: 1947; FEnd: 1954; FRule: @CRules[11]), (FStart: 1955; FEnd: 1956; FRule: @CRules[1]), (FStart: 1957; FEnd: 1958; FRule: @CRules[11]), (FStart: 1959; FEnd: 1961; FRule: @CRules[1]) ); { Date-bound rules for Pulaski family } CFamily_11_Arr: array[0 .. 3] of TYearBoundRule = ( (FStart: 1946; FEnd: 1960; FRule: @CRules[5]), (FStart: 1946; FEnd: 1954; FRule: @CRules[11]), (FStart: 1955; FEnd: 1956; FRule: @CRules[1]), (FStart: 1957; FEnd: 1960; FRule: @CRules[11]) ); { Date-bound rules for Louisville family } CFamily_12_Arr: array[0 .. 8] of TYearBoundRule = ( (FStart: 1921; FEnd: 1921; FRule: @CRules[19]), (FStart: 1921; FEnd: 1921; FRule: @CRules[20]), (FStart: 1941; FEnd: 1941; FRule: @CRules[5]), (FStart: 1941; FEnd: 1941; FRule: @CRules[11]), (FStart: 1946; FEnd: 1946; FRule: @CRules[21]), (FStart: 1946; FEnd: 1946; FRule: @CRules[22]), (FStart: 1950; FEnd: 1961; FRule: @CRules[5]), (FStart: 1950; FEnd: 1955; FRule: @CRules[11]), (FStart: 1956; FEnd: 1961; FRule: @CRules[1]) ); { Date-bound rules for Detroit family } CFamily_13_Arr: array[0 .. 1] of TYearBoundRule = ( (FStart: 1948; FEnd: 1948; FRule: @CRules[5]), (FStart: 1948; FEnd: 1948; FRule: @CRules[11]) ); { Date-bound rules for Menominee family } CFamily_14_Arr: array[0 .. 3] of TYearBoundRule = ( (FStart: 1946; FEnd: 1946; FRule: @CRules[5]), (FStart: 1946; FEnd: 1946; FRule: @CRules[11]), (FStart: 1966; FEnd: 1966; FRule: @CRules[5]), (FStart: 1966; FEnd: 1966; FRule: @CRules[1]) ); { Date-bound rules for Canada family } CFamily_15_Arr: array[0 .. 9] of TYearBoundRule = ( (FStart: 1918; FEnd: 1918; FRule: @CRules[23]), (FStart: 1918; FEnd: 1918; FRule: @CRules[24]), (FStart: 1942; FEnd: 1942; FRule: @CRules[2]), (FStart: 1945; FEnd: 1945; FRule: @CRules[3]), (FStart: 1945; FEnd: 1945; FRule: @CRules[4]), (FStart: 1974; FEnd: 1986; FRule: @CRules[5]), (FStart: 1974; FEnd: 2006; FRule: @CRules[1]), (FStart: 1987; FEnd: 2006; FRule: @CRules[8]), (FStart: 2007; FEnd: 9999; FRule: @CRules[9]), (FStart: 2007; FEnd: 9999; FRule: @CRules[10]) ); { Date-bound rules for StJohns family } CFamily_16_Arr: array[0 .. 18] of TYearBoundRule = ( (FStart: 1917; FEnd: 1917; FRule: @CRules[25]), (FStart: 1917; FEnd: 1917; FRule: @CRules[26]), (FStart: 1919; FEnd: 1919; FRule: @CRules[27]), (FStart: 1919; FEnd: 1919; FRule: @CRules[28]), (FStart: 1920; FEnd: 1935; FRule: @CRules[29]), (FStart: 1920; FEnd: 1935; FRule: @CRules[30]), (FStart: 1936; FEnd: 1941; FRule: @CRules[31]), (FStart: 1936; FEnd: 1941; FRule: @CRules[32]), (FStart: 1946; FEnd: 1950; FRule: @CRules[33]), (FStart: 1946; FEnd: 1950; FRule: @CRules[34]), (FStart: 1951; FEnd: 1986; FRule: @CRules[5]), (FStart: 1951; FEnd: 1959; FRule: @CRules[11]), (FStart: 1960; FEnd: 1986; FRule: @CRules[1]), (FStart: 1987; FEnd: 1987; FRule: @CRules[35]), (FStart: 1987; FEnd: 2006; FRule: @CRules[36]), (FStart: 1988; FEnd: 1988; FRule: @CRules[37]), (FStart: 1989; FEnd: 2006; FRule: @CRules[35]), (FStart: 2007; FEnd: 2011; FRule: @CRules[38]), (FStart: 2007; FEnd: 2010; FRule: @CRules[39]) ); { Date-bound rules for Halifax family } CFamily_17_Arr: array[0 .. 40] of TYearBoundRule = ( (FStart: 1916; FEnd: 1916; FRule: @CRules[40]), (FStart: 1916; FEnd: 1916; FRule: @CRules[41]), (FStart: 1920; FEnd: 1920; FRule: @CRules[42]), (FStart: 1920; FEnd: 1920; FRule: @CRules[43]), (FStart: 1921; FEnd: 1921; FRule: @CRules[44]), (FStart: 1921; FEnd: 1922; FRule: @CRules[45]), (FStart: 1922; FEnd: 1922; FRule: @CRules[46]), (FStart: 1923; FEnd: 1925; FRule: @CRules[47]), (FStart: 1923; FEnd: 1923; FRule: @CRules[48]), (FStart: 1924; FEnd: 1924; FRule: @CRules[49]), (FStart: 1925; FEnd: 1925; FRule: @CRules[50]), (FStart: 1926; FEnd: 1926; FRule: @CRules[51]), (FStart: 1926; FEnd: 1926; FRule: @CRules[52]), (FStart: 1927; FEnd: 1927; FRule: @CRules[18]), (FStart: 1927; FEnd: 1927; FRule: @CRules[53]), (FStart: 1928; FEnd: 1931; FRule: @CRules[54]), (FStart: 1928; FEnd: 1928; FRule: @CRules[55]), (FStart: 1929; FEnd: 1929; FRule: @CRules[56]), (FStart: 1930; FEnd: 1930; FRule: @CRules[49]), (FStart: 1931; FEnd: 1932; FRule: @CRules[57]), (FStart: 1932; FEnd: 1932; FRule: @CRules[18]), (FStart: 1933; FEnd: 1933; FRule: @CRules[46]), (FStart: 1933; FEnd: 1933; FRule: @CRules[58]), (FStart: 1934; FEnd: 1934; FRule: @CRules[59]), (FStart: 1934; FEnd: 1934; FRule: @CRules[60]), (FStart: 1935; FEnd: 1935; FRule: @CRules[61]), (FStart: 1935; FEnd: 1935; FRule: @CRules[62]), (FStart: 1936; FEnd: 1936; FRule: @CRules[63]), (FStart: 1936; FEnd: 1936; FRule: @CRules[64]), (FStart: 1937; FEnd: 1938; FRule: @CRules[47]), (FStart: 1937; FEnd: 1941; FRule: @CRules[57]), (FStart: 1939; FEnd: 1939; FRule: @CRules[65]), (FStart: 1940; FEnd: 1941; FRule: @CRules[47]), (FStart: 1946; FEnd: 1949; FRule: @CRules[5]), (FStart: 1946; FEnd: 1949; FRule: @CRules[11]), (FStart: 1951; FEnd: 1954; FRule: @CRules[5]), (FStart: 1951; FEnd: 1954; FRule: @CRules[11]), (FStart: 1956; FEnd: 1959; FRule: @CRules[5]), (FStart: 1956; FEnd: 1959; FRule: @CRules[11]), (FStart: 1962; FEnd: 1973; FRule: @CRules[5]), (FStart: 1962; FEnd: 1973; FRule: @CRules[1]) ); { Date-bound rules for Moncton family } CFamily_18_Arr: array[0 .. 12] of TYearBoundRule = ( (FStart: 1933; FEnd: 1935; FRule: @CRules[66]), (FStart: 1933; FEnd: 1935; FRule: @CRules[67]), (FStart: 1936; FEnd: 1938; FRule: @CRules[68]), (FStart: 1936; FEnd: 1938; FRule: @CRules[69]), (FStart: 1939; FEnd: 1939; FRule: @CRules[70]), (FStart: 1939; FEnd: 1941; FRule: @CRules[71]), (FStart: 1940; FEnd: 1940; FRule: @CRules[72]), (FStart: 1941; FEnd: 1941; FRule: @CRules[73]), (FStart: 1946; FEnd: 1972; FRule: @CRules[5]), (FStart: 1946; FEnd: 1956; FRule: @CRules[11]), (FStart: 1957; FEnd: 1972; FRule: @CRules[1]), (FStart: 1993; FEnd: 2006; FRule: @CRules[35]), (FStart: 1993; FEnd: 2006; FRule: @CRules[36]) ); { Date-bound rules for Toronto family } CFamily_19_Arr: array[0 .. 17] of TYearBoundRule = ( (FStart: 1919; FEnd: 1919; FRule: @CRules[74]), (FStart: 1919; FEnd: 1919; FRule: @CRules[75]), (FStart: 1920; FEnd: 1920; FRule: @CRules[76]), (FStart: 1920; FEnd: 1920; FRule: @CRules[53]), (FStart: 1921; FEnd: 1921; FRule: @CRules[77]), (FStart: 1921; FEnd: 1921; FRule: @CRules[78]), (FStart: 1922; FEnd: 1923; FRule: @CRules[33]), (FStart: 1922; FEnd: 1926; FRule: @CRules[79]), (FStart: 1924; FEnd: 1927; FRule: @CRules[80]), (FStart: 1927; FEnd: 1937; FRule: @CRules[81]), (FStart: 1928; FEnd: 1937; FRule: @CRules[82]), (FStart: 1938; FEnd: 1940; FRule: @CRules[5]), (FStart: 1938; FEnd: 1939; FRule: @CRules[11]), (FStart: 1945; FEnd: 1948; FRule: @CRules[11]), (FStart: 1946; FEnd: 1973; FRule: @CRules[5]), (FStart: 1949; FEnd: 1950; FRule: @CRules[83]), (FStart: 1951; FEnd: 1956; FRule: @CRules[11]), (FStart: 1957; FEnd: 1973; FRule: @CRules[1]) ); { Date-bound rules for Winn family } CFamily_20_Arr: array[0 .. 23] of TYearBoundRule = ( (FStart: 1916; FEnd: 1916; FRule: @CRules[84]), (FStart: 1916; FEnd: 1916; FRule: @CRules[85]), (FStart: 1918; FEnd: 1918; FRule: @CRules[23]), (FStart: 1918; FEnd: 1918; FRule: @CRules[24]), (FStart: 1937; FEnd: 1937; FRule: @CRules[86]), (FStart: 1937; FEnd: 1937; FRule: @CRules[87]), (FStart: 1942; FEnd: 1942; FRule: @CRules[2]), (FStart: 1945; FEnd: 1945; FRule: @CRules[3]), (FStart: 1945; FEnd: 1945; FRule: @CRules[11]), (FStart: 1946; FEnd: 1946; FRule: @CRules[88]), (FStart: 1946; FEnd: 1946; FRule: @CRules[89]), (FStart: 1947; FEnd: 1949; FRule: @CRules[5]), (FStart: 1947; FEnd: 1949; FRule: @CRules[11]), (FStart: 1950; FEnd: 1950; FRule: @CRules[19]), (FStart: 1950; FEnd: 1950; FRule: @CRules[4]), (FStart: 1951; FEnd: 1960; FRule: @CRules[5]), (FStart: 1951; FEnd: 1958; FRule: @CRules[11]), (FStart: 1959; FEnd: 1959; FRule: @CRules[1]), (FStart: 1960; FEnd: 1960; FRule: @CRules[11]), (FStart: 1963; FEnd: 1963; FRule: @CRules[5]), (FStart: 1963; FEnd: 1963; FRule: @CRules[90]), (FStart: 1966; FEnd: 1986; FRule: @CRules[5]), (FStart: 1966; FEnd: 2005; FRule: @CRules[1]), (FStart: 1987; FEnd: 2005; FRule: @CRules[8]) ); { Date-bound rules for Regina family } CFamily_21_Arr: array[0 .. 16] of TYearBoundRule = ( (FStart: 1918; FEnd: 1918; FRule: @CRules[23]), (FStart: 1918; FEnd: 1918; FRule: @CRules[24]), (FStart: 1930; FEnd: 1934; FRule: @CRules[47]), (FStart: 1930; FEnd: 1934; FRule: @CRules[91]), (FStart: 1937; FEnd: 1941; FRule: @CRules[92]), (FStart: 1937; FEnd: 1937; FRule: @CRules[93]), (FStart: 1938; FEnd: 1938; FRule: @CRules[91]), (FStart: 1939; FEnd: 1941; FRule: @CRules[93]), (FStart: 1942; FEnd: 1942; FRule: @CRules[2]), (FStart: 1945; FEnd: 1945; FRule: @CRules[3]), (FStart: 1945; FEnd: 1945; FRule: @CRules[11]), (FStart: 1946; FEnd: 1946; FRule: @CRules[94]), (FStart: 1946; FEnd: 1946; FRule: @CRules[95]), (FStart: 1947; FEnd: 1957; FRule: @CRules[5]), (FStart: 1947; FEnd: 1957; FRule: @CRules[11]), (FStart: 1959; FEnd: 1959; FRule: @CRules[5]), (FStart: 1959; FEnd: 1959; FRule: @CRules[1]) ); { Date-bound rules for Swift family } CFamily_22_Arr: array[0 .. 4] of TYearBoundRule = ( (FStart: 1957; FEnd: 1957; FRule: @CRules[5]), (FStart: 1957; FEnd: 1957; FRule: @CRules[1]), (FStart: 1959; FEnd: 1961; FRule: @CRules[5]), (FStart: 1959; FEnd: 1959; FRule: @CRules[1]), (FStart: 1960; FEnd: 1961; FRule: @CRules[11]) ); { Date-bound rules for Edm family } CFamily_23_Arr: array[0 .. 12] of TYearBoundRule = ( (FStart: 1918; FEnd: 1919; FRule: @CRules[94]), (FStart: 1918; FEnd: 1918; FRule: @CRules[24]), (FStart: 1919; FEnd: 1919; FRule: @CRules[96]), (FStart: 1920; FEnd: 1923; FRule: @CRules[5]), (FStart: 1920; FEnd: 1920; FRule: @CRules[1]), (FStart: 1921; FEnd: 1923; FRule: @CRules[11]), (FStart: 1942; FEnd: 1942; FRule: @CRules[2]), (FStart: 1945; FEnd: 1945; FRule: @CRules[3]), (FStart: 1945; FEnd: 1945; FRule: @CRules[11]), (FStart: 1947; FEnd: 1947; FRule: @CRules[5]), (FStart: 1947; FEnd: 1947; FRule: @CRules[11]), (FStart: 1972; FEnd: 1986; FRule: @CRules[5]), (FStart: 1972; FEnd: 2006; FRule: @CRules[1]) ); { Date-bound rules for Vanc family } CFamily_24_Arr: array[0 .. 8] of TYearBoundRule = ( (FStart: 1918; FEnd: 1918; FRule: @CRules[23]), (FStart: 1918; FEnd: 1918; FRule: @CRules[24]), (FStart: 1942; FEnd: 1942; FRule: @CRules[2]), (FStart: 1945; FEnd: 1945; FRule: @CRules[3]), (FStart: 1945; FEnd: 1945; FRule: @CRules[4]), (FStart: 1946; FEnd: 1986; FRule: @CRules[5]), (FStart: 1946; FEnd: 1946; FRule: @CRules[97]), (FStart: 1947; FEnd: 1961; FRule: @CRules[11]), (FStart: 1962; FEnd: 2006; FRule: @CRules[1]) ); { Date-bound rules for NT_YK family } CFamily_25_Arr: array[0 .. 9] of TYearBoundRule = ( (FStart: 1918; FEnd: 1918; FRule: @CRules[23]), (FStart: 1918; FEnd: 1918; FRule: @CRules[24]), (FStart: 1919; FEnd: 1919; FRule: @CRules[98]), (FStart: 1919; FEnd: 1919; FRule: @CRules[99]), (FStart: 1942; FEnd: 1942; FRule: @CRules[2]), (FStart: 1945; FEnd: 1945; FRule: @CRules[3]), (FStart: 1945; FEnd: 1945; FRule: @CRules[4]), (FStart: 1972; FEnd: 1986; FRule: @CRules[5]), (FStart: 1972; FEnd: 2006; FRule: @CRules[1]), (FStart: 1987; FEnd: 2006; FRule: @CRules[8]) ); { Date-bound rules for Yukon family } CFamily_26_Arr: array[0 .. 1] of TYearBoundRule = ( (FStart: 1965; FEnd: 1965; FRule: @CRules[100]), (FStart: 1965; FEnd: 1965; FRule: @CRules[1]) ); { Date-bound rules for Mexico family } CFamily_27_Arr: array[0 .. 15] of TYearBoundRule = ( (FStart: 1931; FEnd: 1931; FRule: @CRules[101]), (FStart: 1931; FEnd: 1931; FRule: @CRules[41]), (FStart: 1939; FEnd: 1939; FRule: @CRules[102]), (FStart: 1939; FEnd: 1939; FRule: @CRules[103]), (FStart: 1940; FEnd: 1940; FRule: @CRules[104]), (FStart: 1941; FEnd: 1941; FRule: @CRules[105]), (FStart: 1943; FEnd: 1943; FRule: @CRules[106]), (FStart: 1944; FEnd: 1944; FRule: @CRules[107]), (FStart: 1950; FEnd: 1950; FRule: @CRules[108]), (FStart: 1950; FEnd: 1950; FRule: @CRules[109]), (FStart: 1996; FEnd: 2000; FRule: @CRules[8]), (FStart: 1996; FEnd: 2000; FRule: @CRules[1]), (FStart: 2001; FEnd: 2001; FRule: @CRules[80]), (FStart: 2001; FEnd: 2001; FRule: @CRules[11]), (FStart: 2002; FEnd: 2022; FRule: @CRules[8]), (FStart: 2002; FEnd: 2022; FRule: @CRules[1]) ); { Date-bound rules for Barb family } CFamily_28_Arr: array[0 .. 10] of TYearBoundRule = ( (FStart: 1942; FEnd: 1942; FRule: @CRules[110]), (FStart: 1942; FEnd: 1942; FRule: @CRules[111]), (FStart: 1943; FEnd: 1943; FRule: @CRules[112]), (FStart: 1943; FEnd: 1943; FRule: @CRules[113]), (FStart: 1944; FEnd: 1944; FRule: @CRules[114]), (FStart: 1944; FEnd: 1944; FRule: @CRules[115]), (FStart: 1977; FEnd: 1977; FRule: @CRules[116]), (FStart: 1977; FEnd: 1978; FRule: @CRules[117]), (FStart: 1978; FEnd: 1980; FRule: @CRules[118]), (FStart: 1979; FEnd: 1979; FRule: @CRules[4]), (FStart: 1980; FEnd: 1980; FRule: @CRules[119]) ); { Date-bound rules for Belize family } CFamily_29_Arr: array[0 .. 10] of TYearBoundRule = ( (FStart: 1918; FEnd: 1941; FRule: @CRules[120]), (FStart: 1919; FEnd: 1942; FRule: @CRules[121]), (FStart: 1942; FEnd: 1942; FRule: @CRules[122]), (FStart: 1945; FEnd: 1945; FRule: @CRules[123]), (FStart: 1945; FEnd: 1945; FRule: @CRules[124]), (FStart: 1947; FEnd: 1967; FRule: @CRules[120]), (FStart: 1948; FEnd: 1968; FRule: @CRules[121]), (FStart: 1973; FEnd: 1973; FRule: @CRules[125]), (FStart: 1974; FEnd: 1974; FRule: @CRules[126]), (FStart: 1982; FEnd: 1982; FRule: @CRules[127]), (FStart: 1983; FEnd: 1983; FRule: @CRules[128]) ); { Date-bound rules for Bermuda family } CFamily_30_Arr: array[0 .. 15] of TYearBoundRule = ( (FStart: 1917; FEnd: 1917; FRule: @CRules[129]), (FStart: 1917; FEnd: 1917; FRule: @CRules[130]), (FStart: 1918; FEnd: 1918; FRule: @CRules[131]), (FStart: 1918; FEnd: 1918; FRule: @CRules[132]), (FStart: 1942; FEnd: 1942; FRule: @CRules[133]), (FStart: 1942; FEnd: 1942; FRule: @CRules[134]), (FStart: 1943; FEnd: 1943; FRule: @CRules[135]), (FStart: 1943; FEnd: 1943; FRule: @CRules[136]), (FStart: 1944; FEnd: 1945; FRule: @CRules[9]), (FStart: 1944; FEnd: 1945; FRule: @CRules[10]), (FStart: 1947; FEnd: 1947; FRule: @CRules[137]), (FStart: 1947; FEnd: 1947; FRule: @CRules[138]), (FStart: 1948; FEnd: 1952; FRule: @CRules[139]), (FStart: 1948; FEnd: 1952; FRule: @CRules[140]), (FStart: 1956; FEnd: 1956; FRule: @CRules[139]), (FStart: 1956; FEnd: 1956; FRule: @CRules[1]) ); { Date-bound rules for CR family } CFamily_31_Arr: array[0 .. 4] of TYearBoundRule = ( (FStart: 1979; FEnd: 1980; FRule: @CRules[141]), (FStart: 1979; FEnd: 1980; FRule: @CRules[142]), (FStart: 1991; FEnd: 1992; FRule: @CRules[143]), (FStart: 1991; FEnd: 1991; FRule: @CRules[144]), (FStart: 1992; FEnd: 1992; FRule: @CRules[145]) ); { Date-bound rules for Cuba family } CFamily_32_Arr: array[0 .. 38] of TYearBoundRule = ( (FStart: 1928; FEnd: 1928; FRule: @CRules[146]), (FStart: 1928; FEnd: 1928; FRule: @CRules[147]), (FStart: 1940; FEnd: 1942; FRule: @CRules[148]), (FStart: 1940; FEnd: 1942; FRule: @CRules[149]), (FStart: 1945; FEnd: 1946; FRule: @CRules[148]), (FStart: 1945; FEnd: 1946; FRule: @CRules[149]), (FStart: 1965; FEnd: 1965; FRule: @CRules[63]), (FStart: 1965; FEnd: 1965; FRule: @CRules[62]), (FStart: 1966; FEnd: 1966; FRule: @CRules[150]), (FStart: 1966; FEnd: 1966; FRule: @CRules[58]), (FStart: 1967; FEnd: 1967; FRule: @CRules[151]), (FStart: 1967; FEnd: 1968; FRule: @CRules[152]), (FStart: 1968; FEnd: 1968; FRule: @CRules[153]), (FStart: 1969; FEnd: 1977; FRule: @CRules[154]), (FStart: 1969; FEnd: 1971; FRule: @CRules[155]), (FStart: 1972; FEnd: 1974; FRule: @CRules[156]), (FStart: 1975; FEnd: 1977; FRule: @CRules[155]), (FStart: 1978; FEnd: 1978; FRule: @CRules[157]), (FStart: 1978; FEnd: 1990; FRule: @CRules[93]), (FStart: 1979; FEnd: 1980; FRule: @CRules[158]), (FStart: 1981; FEnd: 1985; FRule: @CRules[159]), (FStart: 1986; FEnd: 1989; FRule: @CRules[160]), (FStart: 1990; FEnd: 1997; FRule: @CRules[161]), (FStart: 1991; FEnd: 1995; FRule: @CRules[93]), (FStart: 1996; FEnd: 1996; FRule: @CRules[162]), (FStart: 1997; FEnd: 1997; FRule: @CRules[163]), (FStart: 1998; FEnd: 1999; FRule: @CRules[164]), (FStart: 1998; FEnd: 2003; FRule: @CRules[155]), (FStart: 2000; FEnd: 2003; FRule: @CRules[161]), (FStart: 2004; FEnd: 2004; FRule: @CRules[164]), (FStart: 2006; FEnd: 2010; FRule: @CRules[155]), (FStart: 2007; FEnd: 2007; FRule: @CRules[165]), (FStart: 2008; FEnd: 2008; FRule: @CRules[158]), (FStart: 2009; FEnd: 2010; FRule: @CRules[165]), (FStart: 2011; FEnd: 2011; FRule: @CRules[158]), (FStart: 2011; FEnd: 2011; FRule: @CRules[166]), (FStart: 2012; FEnd: 2012; FRule: @CRules[40]), (FStart: 2012; FEnd: 9999; FRule: @CRules[167]), (FStart: 2013; FEnd: 9999; FRule: @CRules[165]) ); { Date-bound rules for DR family } CFamily_33_Arr: array[0 .. 5] of TYearBoundRule = ( (FStart: 1966; FEnd: 1966; FRule: @CRules[168]), (FStart: 1967; FEnd: 1967; FRule: @CRules[169]), (FStart: 1969; FEnd: 1973; FRule: @CRules[170]), (FStart: 1970; FEnd: 1970; FRule: @CRules[171]), (FStart: 1971; FEnd: 1971; FRule: @CRules[172]), (FStart: 1972; FEnd: 1974; FRule: @CRules[173]) ); { Date-bound rules for Salv family } CFamily_34_Arr: array[0 .. 1] of TYearBoundRule = ( (FStart: 1987; FEnd: 1988; FRule: @CRules[47]), (FStart: 1987; FEnd: 1988; FRule: @CRules[174]) ); { Date-bound rules for Guat family } CFamily_35_Arr: array[0 .. 7] of TYearBoundRule = ( (FStart: 1973; FEnd: 1973; FRule: @CRules[175]), (FStart: 1974; FEnd: 1974; FRule: @CRules[176]), (FStart: 1983; FEnd: 1983; FRule: @CRules[177]), (FStart: 1983; FEnd: 1983; FRule: @CRules[178]), (FStart: 1991; FEnd: 1991; FRule: @CRules[179]), (FStart: 1991; FEnd: 1991; FRule: @CRules[180]), (FStart: 2006; FEnd: 2006; FRule: @CRules[46]), (FStart: 2006; FEnd: 2006; FRule: @CRules[41]) ); { Date-bound rules for Haiti family } CFamily_36_Arr: array[0 .. 10] of TYearBoundRule = ( (FStart: 1983; FEnd: 1983; FRule: @CRules[181]), (FStart: 1984; FEnd: 1987; FRule: @CRules[154]), (FStart: 1983; FEnd: 1987; FRule: @CRules[155]), (FStart: 1988; FEnd: 1997; FRule: @CRules[182]), (FStart: 1988; FEnd: 1997; FRule: @CRules[183]), (FStart: 2005; FEnd: 2006; FRule: @CRules[161]), (FStart: 2005; FEnd: 2006; FRule: @CRules[155]), (FStart: 2012; FEnd: 2015; FRule: @CRules[9]), (FStart: 2012; FEnd: 2015; FRule: @CRules[10]), (FStart: 2017; FEnd: 9999; FRule: @CRules[9]), (FStart: 2017; FEnd: 9999; FRule: @CRules[10]) ); { Date-bound rules for Hond family } CFamily_37_Arr: array[0 .. 3] of TYearBoundRule = ( (FStart: 1987; FEnd: 1988; FRule: @CRules[47]), (FStart: 1987; FEnd: 1988; FRule: @CRules[174]), (FStart: 2006; FEnd: 2006; FRule: @CRules[47]), (FStart: 2006; FEnd: 2006; FRule: @CRules[184]) ); { Date-bound rules for Nic family } CFamily_38_Arr: array[0 .. 5] of TYearBoundRule = ( (FStart: 1979; FEnd: 1980; FRule: @CRules[185]), (FStart: 1979; FEnd: 1980; FRule: @CRules[186]), (FStart: 2005; FEnd: 2005; FRule: @CRules[187]), (FStart: 2005; FEnd: 2005; FRule: @CRules[91]), (FStart: 2006; FEnd: 2006; FRule: @CRules[188]), (FStart: 2006; FEnd: 2006; FRule: @CRules[189]) ); { Date-bound rules for EUAsia family } CFamily_39_Arr: array[0 .. 2] of TYearBoundRule = ( (FStart: 1981; FEnd: 9999; FRule: @CRules[190]), (FStart: 1979; FEnd: 1995; FRule: @CRules[191]), (FStart: 1996; FEnd: 9999; FRule: @CRules[192]) ); { Date-bound rules for E-EurAsia family } CFamily_40_Arr: array[0 .. 2] of TYearBoundRule = ( (FStart: 1981; FEnd: 9999; FRule: @CRules[193]), (FStart: 1979; FEnd: 1995; FRule: @CRules[194]), (FStart: 1996; FEnd: 9999; FRule: @CRules[195]) ); { Date-bound rules for RussiaAsia family } CFamily_41_Arr: array[0 .. 4] of TYearBoundRule = ( (FStart: 1981; FEnd: 1984; FRule: @CRules[196]), (FStart: 1981; FEnd: 1983; FRule: @CRules[197]), (FStart: 1984; FEnd: 1995; FRule: @CRules[198]), (FStart: 1985; FEnd: 2010; FRule: @CRules[199]), (FStart: 1996; FEnd: 2010; FRule: @CRules[200]) ); { Date-bound rules for Armenia family } CFamily_42_Arr: array[0 .. 1] of TYearBoundRule = ( (FStart: 2011; FEnd: 2011; FRule: @CRules[199]), (FStart: 2011; FEnd: 2011; FRule: @CRules[200]) ); { Date-bound rules for Azer family } CFamily_43_Arr: array[0 .. 1] of TYearBoundRule = ( (FStart: 1997; FEnd: 2015; FRule: @CRules[201]), (FStart: 1997; FEnd: 2015; FRule: @CRules[202]) ); { Date-bound rules for Dhaka family } CFamily_44_Arr: array[0 .. 1] of TYearBoundRule = ( (FStart: 2009; FEnd: 2009; FRule: @CRules[203]), (FStart: 2009; FEnd: 2009; FRule: @CRules[204]) ); { Date-bound rules for Shang family } CFamily_45_Arr: array[0 .. 13] of TYearBoundRule = ( (FStart: 1919; FEnd: 1919; FRule: @CRules[205]), (FStart: 1919; FEnd: 1919; FRule: @CRules[206]), (FStart: 1940; FEnd: 1940; FRule: @CRules[63]), (FStart: 1940; FEnd: 1940; FRule: @CRules[207]), (FStart: 1941; FEnd: 1941; FRule: @CRules[208]), (FStart: 1941; FEnd: 1941; FRule: @CRules[209]), (FStart: 1942; FEnd: 1942; FRule: @CRules[210]), (FStart: 1945; FEnd: 1945; FRule: @CRules[211]), (FStart: 1946; FEnd: 1946; FRule: @CRules[212]), (FStart: 1946; FEnd: 1946; FRule: @CRules[206]), (FStart: 1947; FEnd: 1947; FRule: @CRules[213]), (FStart: 1947; FEnd: 1947; FRule: @CRules[214]), (FStart: 1948; FEnd: 1949; FRule: @CRules[18]), (FStart: 1948; FEnd: 1949; FRule: @CRules[206]) ); { Date-bound rules for PRC family } CFamily_46_Arr: array[0 .. 2] of TYearBoundRule = ( (FStart: 1986; FEnd: 1986; FRule: @CRules[215]), (FStart: 1986; FEnd: 1991; FRule: @CRules[216]), (FStart: 1987; FEnd: 1991; FRule: @CRules[217]) ); { Date-bound rules for HK family } CFamily_47_Arr: array[0 .. 13] of TYearBoundRule = ( (FStart: 1946; FEnd: 1946; FRule: @CRules[218]), (FStart: 1946; FEnd: 1946; FRule: @CRules[219]), (FStart: 1947; FEnd: 1947; FRule: @CRules[220]), (FStart: 1947; FEnd: 1947; FRule: @CRules[221]), (FStart: 1948; FEnd: 1948; FRule: @CRules[222]), (FStart: 1948; FEnd: 1952; FRule: @CRules[223]), (FStart: 1949; FEnd: 1953; FRule: @CRules[224]), (FStart: 1953; FEnd: 1964; FRule: @CRules[225]), (FStart: 1954; FEnd: 1964; FRule: @CRules[226]), (FStart: 1965; FEnd: 1976; FRule: @CRules[227]), (FStart: 1965; FEnd: 1976; FRule: @CRules[228]), (FStart: 1973; FEnd: 1973; FRule: @CRules[229]), (FStart: 1979; FEnd: 1979; FRule: @CRules[230]), (FStart: 1979; FEnd: 1979; FRule: @CRules[231]) ); { Date-bound rules for Taiwan family } CFamily_48_Arr: array[0 .. 14] of TYearBoundRule = ( (FStart: 1946; FEnd: 1946; FRule: @CRules[212]), (FStart: 1946; FEnd: 1946; FRule: @CRules[41]), (FStart: 1947; FEnd: 1947; FRule: @CRules[213]), (FStart: 1947; FEnd: 1947; FRule: @CRules[99]), (FStart: 1948; FEnd: 1951; FRule: @CRules[18]), (FStart: 1948; FEnd: 1951; FRule: @CRules[41]), (FStart: 1952; FEnd: 1952; FRule: @CRules[232]), (FStart: 1952; FEnd: 1954; FRule: @CRules[99]), (FStart: 1953; FEnd: 1959; FRule: @CRules[40]), (FStart: 1955; FEnd: 1961; FRule: @CRules[41]), (FStart: 1960; FEnd: 1961; FRule: @CRules[63]), (FStart: 1974; FEnd: 1975; FRule: @CRules[40]), (FStart: 1974; FEnd: 1975; FRule: @CRules[41]), (FStart: 1979; FEnd: 1979; FRule: @CRules[233]), (FStart: 1979; FEnd: 1979; FRule: @CRules[41]) ); { Date-bound rules for Macau family } CFamily_49_Arr: array[0 .. 26] of TYearBoundRule = ( (FStart: 1942; FEnd: 1943; FRule: @CRules[234]), (FStart: 1942; FEnd: 1942; FRule: @CRules[235]), (FStart: 1943; FEnd: 1943; FRule: @CRules[236]), (FStart: 1946; FEnd: 1946; FRule: @CRules[237]), (FStart: 1946; FEnd: 1946; FRule: @CRules[236]), (FStart: 1947; FEnd: 1947; FRule: @CRules[238]), (FStart: 1947; FEnd: 1947; FRule: @CRules[239]), (FStart: 1948; FEnd: 1948; FRule: @CRules[240]), (FStart: 1948; FEnd: 1948; FRule: @CRules[241]), (FStart: 1949; FEnd: 1950; FRule: @CRules[242]), (FStart: 1949; FEnd: 1950; FRule: @CRules[243]), (FStart: 1951; FEnd: 1951; FRule: @CRules[244]), (FStart: 1951; FEnd: 1951; FRule: @CRules[245]), (FStart: 1952; FEnd: 1953; FRule: @CRules[242]), (FStart: 1952; FEnd: 1952; FRule: @CRules[246]), (FStart: 1953; FEnd: 1954; FRule: @CRules[243]), (FStart: 1954; FEnd: 1956; FRule: @CRules[247]), (FStart: 1955; FEnd: 1955; FRule: @CRules[248]), (FStart: 1956; FEnd: 1964; FRule: @CRules[249]), (FStart: 1957; FEnd: 1964; FRule: @CRules[250]), (FStart: 1965; FEnd: 1973; FRule: @CRules[251]), (FStart: 1965; FEnd: 1966; FRule: @CRules[252]), (FStart: 1967; FEnd: 1976; FRule: @CRules[253]), (FStart: 1973; FEnd: 1973; FRule: @CRules[254]), (FStart: 1975; FEnd: 1976; FRule: @CRules[251]), (FStart: 1979; FEnd: 1979; FRule: @CRules[255]), (FStart: 1979; FEnd: 1979; FRule: @CRules[253]) ); { Date-bound rules for Cyprus family } CFamily_50_Arr: array[0 .. 8] of TYearBoundRule = ( (FStart: 1975; FEnd: 1975; FRule: @CRules[256]), (FStart: 1975; FEnd: 1975; FRule: @CRules[257]), (FStart: 1976; FEnd: 1976; FRule: @CRules[258]), (FStart: 1976; FEnd: 1976; FRule: @CRules[259]), (FStart: 1977; FEnd: 1980; FRule: @CRules[260]), (FStart: 1977; FEnd: 1977; FRule: @CRules[261]), (FStart: 1978; FEnd: 1978; FRule: @CRules[262]), (FStart: 1979; FEnd: 1997; FRule: @CRules[194]), (FStart: 1981; FEnd: 1998; FRule: @CRules[263]) ); { Date-bound rules for Iran family } CFamily_51_Arr: array[0 .. 39] of TYearBoundRule = ( (FStart: 1910; FEnd: 1910; FRule: @CRules[264]), (FStart: 1977; FEnd: 1977; FRule: @CRules[265]), (FStart: 1977; FEnd: 1977; FRule: @CRules[266]), (FStart: 1978; FEnd: 1978; FRule: @CRules[267]), (FStart: 1978; FEnd: 1978; FRule: @CRules[268]), (FStart: 1979; FEnd: 1979; FRule: @CRules[269]), (FStart: 1979; FEnd: 1979; FRule: @CRules[270]), (FStart: 1980; FEnd: 1980; FRule: @CRules[271]), (FStart: 1980; FEnd: 1980; FRule: @CRules[272]), (FStart: 1991; FEnd: 1991; FRule: @CRules[273]), (FStart: 1992; FEnd: 1995; FRule: @CRules[274]), (FStart: 1991; FEnd: 1995; FRule: @CRules[275]), (FStart: 1996; FEnd: 1996; FRule: @CRules[271]), (FStart: 1996; FEnd: 1996; FRule: @CRules[276]), (FStart: 1997; FEnd: 1999; FRule: @CRules[274]), (FStart: 1997; FEnd: 1999; FRule: @CRules[275]), (FStart: 2000; FEnd: 2000; FRule: @CRules[271]), (FStart: 2000; FEnd: 2000; FRule: @CRules[276]), (FStart: 2001; FEnd: 2003; FRule: @CRules[274]), (FStart: 2001; FEnd: 2003; FRule: @CRules[275]), (FStart: 2004; FEnd: 2004; FRule: @CRules[271]), (FStart: 2004; FEnd: 2004; FRule: @CRules[276]), (FStart: 2005; FEnd: 2005; FRule: @CRules[274]), (FStart: 2005; FEnd: 2005; FRule: @CRules[275]), (FStart: 2008; FEnd: 2008; FRule: @CRules[271]), (FStart: 2008; FEnd: 2008; FRule: @CRules[276]), (FStart: 2009; FEnd: 2011; FRule: @CRules[274]), (FStart: 2009; FEnd: 2011; FRule: @CRules[275]), (FStart: 2012; FEnd: 2012; FRule: @CRules[271]), (FStart: 2012; FEnd: 2012; FRule: @CRules[276]), (FStart: 2013; FEnd: 2015; FRule: @CRules[274]), (FStart: 2013; FEnd: 2015; FRule: @CRules[275]), (FStart: 2016; FEnd: 2016; FRule: @CRules[271]), (FStart: 2016; FEnd: 2016; FRule: @CRules[276]), (FStart: 2017; FEnd: 2019; FRule: @CRules[274]), (FStart: 2017; FEnd: 2019; FRule: @CRules[275]), (FStart: 2020; FEnd: 2020; FRule: @CRules[271]), (FStart: 2020; FEnd: 2020; FRule: @CRules[276]), (FStart: 2021; FEnd: 2022; FRule: @CRules[274]), (FStart: 2021; FEnd: 2022; FRule: @CRules[275]) ); { Date-bound rules for Iraq family } CFamily_52_Arr: array[0 .. 7] of TYearBoundRule = ( (FStart: 1982; FEnd: 1982; FRule: @CRules[277]), (FStart: 1982; FEnd: 1984; FRule: @CRules[197]), (FStart: 1983; FEnd: 1983; FRule: @CRules[278]), (FStart: 1984; FEnd: 1985; FRule: @CRules[196]), (FStart: 1985; FEnd: 1990; FRule: @CRules[191]), (FStart: 1986; FEnd: 1990; FRule: @CRules[279]), (FStart: 1991; FEnd: 2007; FRule: @CRules[280]), (FStart: 1991; FEnd: 2007; FRule: @CRules[281]) ); { Date-bound rules for Zion family } CFamily_53_Arr: array[0 .. 84] of TYearBoundRule = ( (FStart: 1940; FEnd: 1940; FRule: @CRules[282]), (FStart: 1940; FEnd: 1940; FRule: @CRules[206]), (FStart: 1940; FEnd: 1940; FRule: @CRules[283]), (FStart: 1942; FEnd: 1946; FRule: @CRules[214]), (FStart: 1943; FEnd: 1944; FRule: @CRules[284]), (FStart: 1945; FEnd: 1946; FRule: @CRules[285]), (FStart: 1948; FEnd: 1948; FRule: @CRules[286]), (FStart: 1948; FEnd: 1948; FRule: @CRules[287]), (FStart: 1948; FEnd: 1949; FRule: @CRules[214]), (FStart: 1949; FEnd: 1949; FRule: @CRules[288]), (FStart: 1950; FEnd: 1950; FRule: @CRules[285]), (FStart: 1950; FEnd: 1950; FRule: @CRules[289]), (FStart: 1951; FEnd: 1951; FRule: @CRules[284]), (FStart: 1951; FEnd: 1951; FRule: @CRules[290]), (FStart: 1952; FEnd: 1952; FRule: @CRules[291]), (FStart: 1952; FEnd: 1952; FRule: @CRules[292]), (FStart: 1953; FEnd: 1953; FRule: @CRules[293]), (FStart: 1953; FEnd: 1953; FRule: @CRules[294]), (FStart: 1954; FEnd: 1954; FRule: @CRules[295]), (FStart: 1954; FEnd: 1954; FRule: @CRules[296]), (FStart: 1955; FEnd: 1955; FRule: @CRules[297]), (FStart: 1955; FEnd: 1955; FRule: @CRules[298]), (FStart: 1956; FEnd: 1956; FRule: @CRules[299]), (FStart: 1956; FEnd: 1956; FRule: @CRules[300]), (FStart: 1957; FEnd: 1957; FRule: @CRules[301]), (FStart: 1957; FEnd: 1957; FRule: @CRules[302]), (FStart: 1974; FEnd: 1974; FRule: @CRules[303]), (FStart: 1974; FEnd: 1974; FRule: @CRules[207]), (FStart: 1975; FEnd: 1975; FRule: @CRules[291]), (FStart: 1975; FEnd: 1975; FRule: @CRules[304]), (FStart: 1980; FEnd: 1980; FRule: @CRules[305]), (FStart: 1980; FEnd: 1980; FRule: @CRules[306]), (FStart: 1984; FEnd: 1984; FRule: @CRules[307]), (FStart: 1984; FEnd: 1984; FRule: @CRules[308]), (FStart: 1985; FEnd: 1985; FRule: @CRules[309]), (FStart: 1985; FEnd: 1985; FRule: @CRules[310]), (FStart: 1986; FEnd: 1986; FRule: @CRules[311]), (FStart: 1986; FEnd: 1986; FRule: @CRules[312]), (FStart: 1987; FEnd: 1987; FRule: @CRules[313]), (FStart: 1987; FEnd: 1987; FRule: @CRules[294]), (FStart: 1988; FEnd: 1988; FRule: @CRules[314]), (FStart: 1988; FEnd: 1988; FRule: @CRules[315]), (FStart: 1989; FEnd: 1989; FRule: @CRules[316]), (FStart: 1989; FEnd: 1989; FRule: @CRules[317]), (FStart: 1990; FEnd: 1990; FRule: @CRules[318]), (FStart: 1990; FEnd: 1990; FRule: @CRules[308]), (FStart: 1991; FEnd: 1991; FRule: @CRules[319]), (FStart: 1991; FEnd: 1991; FRule: @CRules[310]), (FStart: 1992; FEnd: 1992; FRule: @CRules[320]), (FStart: 1992; FEnd: 1992; FRule: @CRules[321]), (FStart: 1993; FEnd: 1993; FRule: @CRules[322]), (FStart: 1993; FEnd: 1993; FRule: @CRules[45]), (FStart: 1994; FEnd: 1994; FRule: @CRules[40]), (FStart: 1994; FEnd: 1994; FRule: @CRules[323]), (FStart: 1995; FEnd: 1995; FRule: @CRules[324]), (FStart: 1995; FEnd: 1995; FRule: @CRules[56]), (FStart: 1996; FEnd: 1996; FRule: @CRules[325]), (FStart: 1996; FEnd: 1996; FRule: @CRules[132]), (FStart: 1997; FEnd: 1997; FRule: @CRules[326]), (FStart: 1997; FEnd: 1997; FRule: @CRules[306]), (FStart: 1998; FEnd: 1998; FRule: @CRules[327]), (FStart: 1998; FEnd: 1998; FRule: @CRules[328]), (FStart: 1999; FEnd: 1999; FRule: @CRules[329]), (FStart: 1999; FEnd: 1999; FRule: @CRules[330]), (FStart: 2000; FEnd: 2000; FRule: @CRules[23]), (FStart: 2000; FEnd: 2000; FRule: @CRules[331]), (FStart: 2001; FEnd: 2001; FRule: @CRules[332]), (FStart: 2001; FEnd: 2001; FRule: @CRules[333]), (FStart: 2002; FEnd: 2002; FRule: @CRules[334]), (FStart: 2002; FEnd: 2002; FRule: @CRules[335]), (FStart: 2003; FEnd: 2003; FRule: @CRules[336]), (FStart: 2003; FEnd: 2003; FRule: @CRules[337]), (FStart: 2004; FEnd: 2004; FRule: @CRules[338]), (FStart: 2004; FEnd: 2004; FRule: @CRules[339]), (FStart: 2005; FEnd: 2012; FRule: @CRules[340]), (FStart: 2005; FEnd: 2005; FRule: @CRules[341]), (FStart: 2006; FEnd: 2006; FRule: @CRules[342]), (FStart: 2007; FEnd: 2007; FRule: @CRules[343]), (FStart: 2008; FEnd: 2008; FRule: @CRules[344]), (FStart: 2009; FEnd: 2009; FRule: @CRules[345]), (FStart: 2010; FEnd: 2010; FRule: @CRules[346]), (FStart: 2011; FEnd: 2011; FRule: @CRules[347]), (FStart: 2012; FEnd: 2012; FRule: @CRules[348]), (FStart: 2013; FEnd: 9999; FRule: @CRules[349]), (FStart: 2013; FEnd: 9999; FRule: @CRules[1]) ); { Date-bound rules for Japan family } CFamily_54_Arr: array[0 .. 3] of TYearBoundRule = ( (FStart: 1948; FEnd: 1948; FRule: @CRules[350]), (FStart: 1948; FEnd: 1951; FRule: @CRules[351]), (FStart: 1949; FEnd: 1949; FRule: @CRules[352]), (FStart: 1950; FEnd: 1951; FRule: @CRules[350]) ); { Date-bound rules for Jordan family } CFamily_55_Arr: array[0 .. 31] of TYearBoundRule = ( (FStart: 1973; FEnd: 1973; FRule: @CRules[353]), (FStart: 1973; FEnd: 1975; FRule: @CRules[197]), (FStart: 1974; FEnd: 1977; FRule: @CRules[354]), (FStart: 1976; FEnd: 1976; FRule: @CRules[355]), (FStart: 1977; FEnd: 1977; FRule: @CRules[197]), (FStart: 1978; FEnd: 1978; FRule: @CRules[356]), (FStart: 1978; FEnd: 1978; FRule: @CRules[357]), (FStart: 1985; FEnd: 1985; FRule: @CRules[358]), (FStart: 1985; FEnd: 1985; FRule: @CRules[197]), (FStart: 1986; FEnd: 1988; FRule: @CRules[359]), (FStart: 1986; FEnd: 1990; FRule: @CRules[360]), (FStart: 1989; FEnd: 1989; FRule: @CRules[361]), (FStart: 1990; FEnd: 1990; FRule: @CRules[362]), (FStart: 1991; FEnd: 1991; FRule: @CRules[363]), (FStart: 1991; FEnd: 1991; FRule: @CRules[364]), (FStart: 1992; FEnd: 1992; FRule: @CRules[365]), (FStart: 1992; FEnd: 1993; FRule: @CRules[360]), (FStart: 1993; FEnd: 1998; FRule: @CRules[359]), (FStart: 1994; FEnd: 1994; FRule: @CRules[366]), (FStart: 1995; FEnd: 1998; FRule: @CRules[366]), (FStart: 1999; FEnd: 1999; FRule: @CRules[367]), (FStart: 1999; FEnd: 2002; FRule: @CRules[368]), (FStart: 2000; FEnd: 2001; FRule: @CRules[369]), (FStart: 2002; FEnd: 2012; FRule: @CRules[370]), (FStart: 2003; FEnd: 2003; FRule: @CRules[371]), (FStart: 2004; FEnd: 2004; FRule: @CRules[372]), (FStart: 2005; FEnd: 2005; FRule: @CRules[368]), (FStart: 2006; FEnd: 2011; FRule: @CRules[373]), (FStart: 2013; FEnd: 2013; FRule: @CRules[374]), (FStart: 2014; FEnd: 2021; FRule: @CRules[370]), (FStart: 2014; FEnd: 2022; FRule: @CRules[373]), (FStart: 2022; FEnd: 2022; FRule: @CRules[375]) ); { Date-bound rules for Kyrgyz family } CFamily_56_Arr: array[0 .. 3] of TYearBoundRule = ( (FStart: 1992; FEnd: 1996; FRule: @CRules[376]), (FStart: 1992; FEnd: 1996; FRule: @CRules[194]), (FStart: 1997; FEnd: 2005; FRule: @CRules[377]), (FStart: 1997; FEnd: 2004; FRule: @CRules[378]) ); { Date-bound rules for ROK family } CFamily_57_Arr: array[0 .. 13] of TYearBoundRule = ( (FStart: 1948; FEnd: 1948; FRule: @CRules[63]), (FStart: 1948; FEnd: 1948; FRule: @CRules[294]), (FStart: 1949; FEnd: 1949; FRule: @CRules[379]), (FStart: 1949; FEnd: 1951; FRule: @CRules[380]), (FStart: 1950; FEnd: 1950; FRule: @CRules[40]), (FStart: 1951; FEnd: 1951; FRule: @CRules[44]), (FStart: 1955; FEnd: 1955; FRule: @CRules[381]), (FStart: 1955; FEnd: 1955; FRule: @CRules[382]), (FStart: 1956; FEnd: 1956; FRule: @CRules[59]), (FStart: 1956; FEnd: 1956; FRule: @CRules[300]), (FStart: 1957; FEnd: 1960; FRule: @CRules[47]), (FStart: 1957; FEnd: 1960; FRule: @CRules[383]), (FStart: 1987; FEnd: 1988; FRule: @CRules[33]), (FStart: 1987; FEnd: 1988; FRule: @CRules[384]) ); { Date-bound rules for Lebanon family } CFamily_58_Arr: array[0 .. 23] of TYearBoundRule = ( (FStart: 1920; FEnd: 1920; FRule: @CRules[385]), (FStart: 1920; FEnd: 1920; FRule: @CRules[386]), (FStart: 1921; FEnd: 1921; FRule: @CRules[387]), (FStart: 1921; FEnd: 1921; FRule: @CRules[388]), (FStart: 1922; FEnd: 1922; FRule: @CRules[389]), (FStart: 1922; FEnd: 1922; FRule: @CRules[390]), (FStart: 1923; FEnd: 1923; FRule: @CRules[391]), (FStart: 1923; FEnd: 1923; FRule: @CRules[392]), (FStart: 1957; FEnd: 1961; FRule: @CRules[354]), (FStart: 1957; FEnd: 1961; FRule: @CRules[197]), (FStart: 1972; FEnd: 1972; FRule: @CRules[393]), (FStart: 1972; FEnd: 1977; FRule: @CRules[197]), (FStart: 1973; FEnd: 1977; FRule: @CRules[354]), (FStart: 1978; FEnd: 1978; FRule: @CRules[356]), (FStart: 1978; FEnd: 1978; FRule: @CRules[357]), (FStart: 1984; FEnd: 1987; FRule: @CRules[354]), (FStart: 1984; FEnd: 1991; FRule: @CRules[394]), (FStart: 1988; FEnd: 1988; FRule: @CRules[395]), (FStart: 1989; FEnd: 1989; FRule: @CRules[396]), (FStart: 1990; FEnd: 1992; FRule: @CRules[354]), (FStart: 1992; FEnd: 1992; FRule: @CRules[397]), (FStart: 1993; FEnd: 9999; FRule: @CRules[263]), (FStart: 1993; FEnd: 1998; FRule: @CRules[194]), (FStart: 1999; FEnd: 9999; FRule: @CRules[195]) ); { Date-bound rules for NBorneo family } CFamily_59_Arr: array[0 .. 1] of TYearBoundRule = ( (FStart: 1935; FEnd: 1941; FRule: @CRules[398]), (FStart: 1935; FEnd: 1941; FRule: @CRules[399]) ); { Date-bound rules for Mongol family } CFamily_60_Arr: array[0 .. 8] of TYearBoundRule = ( (FStart: 1983; FEnd: 1984; FRule: @CRules[196]), (FStart: 1983; FEnd: 1983; FRule: @CRules[197]), (FStart: 1985; FEnd: 1998; FRule: @CRules[193]), (FStart: 1984; FEnd: 1998; FRule: @CRules[194]), (FStart: 2001; FEnd: 2001; FRule: @CRules[400]), (FStart: 2001; FEnd: 2006; FRule: @CRules[401]), (FStart: 2002; FEnd: 2006; FRule: @CRules[402]), (FStart: 2015; FEnd: 2016; FRule: @CRules[402]), (FStart: 2015; FEnd: 2016; FRule: @CRules[403]) ); { Date-bound rules for Pakistan family } CFamily_61_Arr: array[0 .. 4] of TYearBoundRule = ( (FStart: 2002; FEnd: 2002; FRule: @CRules[404]), (FStart: 2002; FEnd: 2002; FRule: @CRules[405]), (FStart: 2008; FEnd: 2008; FRule: @CRules[395]), (FStart: 2008; FEnd: 2009; FRule: @CRules[355]), (FStart: 2009; FEnd: 2009; FRule: @CRules[406]) ); { Date-bound rules for EgyptAsia family } CFamily_62_Arr: array[0 .. 5] of TYearBoundRule = ( (FStart: 1957; FEnd: 1957; FRule: @CRules[396]), (FStart: 1957; FEnd: 1958; FRule: @CRules[197]), (FStart: 1958; FEnd: 1958; FRule: @CRules[354]), (FStart: 1959; FEnd: 1967; FRule: @CRules[407]), (FStart: 1959; FEnd: 1965; FRule: @CRules[408]), (FStart: 1966; FEnd: 1966; FRule: @CRules[281]) ); { Date-bound rules for Palestine family } CFamily_63_Arr: array[0 .. 109] of TYearBoundRule = ( (FStart: 1999; FEnd: 2005; FRule: @CRules[409]), (FStart: 1999; FEnd: 2003; FRule: @CRules[410]), (FStart: 2004; FEnd: 2004; FRule: @CRules[411]), (FStart: 2005; FEnd: 2005; FRule: @CRules[412]), (FStart: 2006; FEnd: 2007; FRule: @CRules[358]), (FStart: 2006; FEnd: 2006; FRule: @CRules[413]), (FStart: 2007; FEnd: 2007; FRule: @CRules[414]), (FStart: 2008; FEnd: 2009; FRule: @CRules[415]), (FStart: 2008; FEnd: 2008; FRule: @CRules[416]), (FStart: 2009; FEnd: 2009; FRule: @CRules[417]), (FStart: 2010; FEnd: 2010; FRule: @CRules[389]), (FStart: 2010; FEnd: 2010; FRule: @CRules[418]), (FStart: 2011; FEnd: 2011; FRule: @CRules[419]), (FStart: 2011; FEnd: 2011; FRule: @CRules[420]), (FStart: 2011; FEnd: 2011; FRule: @CRules[421]), (FStart: 2011; FEnd: 2011; FRule: @CRules[357]), (FStart: 2012; FEnd: 2014; FRule: @CRules[370]), (FStart: 2012; FEnd: 2012; FRule: @CRules[422]), (FStart: 2013; FEnd: 2013; FRule: @CRules[364]), (FStart: 2014; FEnd: 2014; FRule: @CRules[371]), (FStart: 2015; FEnd: 2015; FRule: @CRules[385]), (FStart: 2015; FEnd: 2015; FRule: @CRules[423]), (FStart: 2016; FEnd: 2018; FRule: @CRules[424]), (FStart: 2016; FEnd: 2018; FRule: @CRules[425]), (FStart: 2019; FEnd: 2019; FRule: @CRules[426]), (FStart: 2019; FEnd: 2019; FRule: @CRules[427]), (FStart: 2020; FEnd: 2021; FRule: @CRules[428]), (FStart: 2020; FEnd: 2020; FRule: @CRules[429]), (FStart: 2021; FEnd: 2021; FRule: @CRules[430]), (FStart: 2022; FEnd: 2022; FRule: @CRules[431]), (FStart: 2022; FEnd: 2035; FRule: @CRules[432]), (FStart: 2023; FEnd: 2023; FRule: @CRules[433]), (FStart: 2024; FEnd: 2024; FRule: @CRules[434]), (FStart: 2025; FEnd: 2025; FRule: @CRules[435]), (FStart: 2026; FEnd: 2054; FRule: @CRules[436]), (FStart: 2036; FEnd: 2036; FRule: @CRules[437]), (FStart: 2037; FEnd: 2037; FRule: @CRules[438]), (FStart: 2038; FEnd: 2038; FRule: @CRules[439]), (FStart: 2039; FEnd: 2039; FRule: @CRules[440]), (FStart: 2040; FEnd: 2040; FRule: @CRules[441]), (FStart: 2040; FEnd: 2040; FRule: @CRules[442]), (FStart: 2040; FEnd: 2067; FRule: @CRules[432]), (FStart: 2041; FEnd: 2041; FRule: @CRules[443]), (FStart: 2041; FEnd: 2041; FRule: @CRules[444]), (FStart: 2042; FEnd: 2042; FRule: @CRules[445]), (FStart: 2042; FEnd: 2042; FRule: @CRules[446]), (FStart: 2043; FEnd: 2043; FRule: @CRules[447]), (FStart: 2043; FEnd: 2043; FRule: @CRules[448]), (FStart: 2044; FEnd: 2044; FRule: @CRules[449]), (FStart: 2044; FEnd: 2044; FRule: @CRules[450]), (FStart: 2045; FEnd: 2045; FRule: @CRules[451]), (FStart: 2045; FEnd: 2045; FRule: @CRules[452]), (FStart: 2046; FEnd: 2046; FRule: @CRules[453]), (FStart: 2046; FEnd: 2046; FRule: @CRules[454]), (FStart: 2047; FEnd: 2047; FRule: @CRules[455]), (FStart: 2047; FEnd: 2047; FRule: @CRules[456]), (FStart: 2048; FEnd: 2048; FRule: @CRules[457]), (FStart: 2048; FEnd: 2048; FRule: @CRules[458]), (FStart: 2049; FEnd: 2049; FRule: @CRules[459]), (FStart: 2049; FEnd: 2049; FRule: @CRules[460]), (FStart: 2050; FEnd: 2050; FRule: @CRules[461]), (FStart: 2050; FEnd: 2050; FRule: @CRules[462]), (FStart: 2051; FEnd: 2051; FRule: @CRules[463]), (FStart: 2051; FEnd: 2051; FRule: @CRules[464]), (FStart: 2052; FEnd: 2052; FRule: @CRules[465]), (FStart: 2052; FEnd: 2052; FRule: @CRules[466]), (FStart: 2053; FEnd: 2053; FRule: @CRules[467]), (FStart: 2053; FEnd: 2053; FRule: @CRules[468]), (FStart: 2054; FEnd: 2054; FRule: @CRules[469]), (FStart: 2054; FEnd: 2054; FRule: @CRules[470]), (FStart: 2055; FEnd: 2055; FRule: @CRules[471]), (FStart: 2056; FEnd: 2056; FRule: @CRules[433]), (FStart: 2057; FEnd: 2057; FRule: @CRules[472]), (FStart: 2058; FEnd: 2058; FRule: @CRules[473]), (FStart: 2059; FEnd: 9999; FRule: @CRules[436]), (FStart: 2068; FEnd: 2068; FRule: @CRules[474]), (FStart: 2069; FEnd: 2069; FRule: @CRules[475]), (FStart: 2070; FEnd: 2070; FRule: @CRules[412]), (FStart: 2071; FEnd: 2071; FRule: @CRules[476]), (FStart: 2072; FEnd: 2072; FRule: @CRules[477]), (FStart: 2072; FEnd: 2072; FRule: @CRules[478]), (FStart: 2072; FEnd: 9999; FRule: @CRules[432]), (FStart: 2073; FEnd: 2073; FRule: @CRules[479]), (FStart: 2073; FEnd: 2073; FRule: @CRules[480]), (FStart: 2074; FEnd: 2074; FRule: @CRules[481]), (FStart: 2074; FEnd: 2074; FRule: @CRules[482]), (FStart: 2075; FEnd: 2075; FRule: @CRules[483]), (FStart: 2075; FEnd: 2075; FRule: @CRules[484]), (FStart: 2076; FEnd: 2076; FRule: @CRules[485]), (FStart: 2076; FEnd: 2076; FRule: @CRules[486]), (FStart: 2077; FEnd: 2077; FRule: @CRules[487]), (FStart: 2077; FEnd: 2077; FRule: @CRules[488]), (FStart: 2078; FEnd: 2078; FRule: @CRules[489]), (FStart: 2078; FEnd: 2078; FRule: @CRules[490]), (FStart: 2079; FEnd: 2079; FRule: @CRules[491]), (FStart: 2079; FEnd: 2079; FRule: @CRules[492]), (FStart: 2080; FEnd: 2080; FRule: @CRules[493]), (FStart: 2080; FEnd: 2080; FRule: @CRules[494]), (FStart: 2081; FEnd: 2081; FRule: @CRules[495]), (FStart: 2081; FEnd: 2081; FRule: @CRules[496]), (FStart: 2082; FEnd: 2082; FRule: @CRules[497]), (FStart: 2082; FEnd: 2082; FRule: @CRules[498]), (FStart: 2083; FEnd: 2083; FRule: @CRules[499]), (FStart: 2083; FEnd: 2083; FRule: @CRules[500]), (FStart: 2084; FEnd: 2084; FRule: @CRules[501]), (FStart: 2084; FEnd: 2084; FRule: @CRules[502]), (FStart: 2085; FEnd: 2085; FRule: @CRules[503]), (FStart: 2085; FEnd: 2085; FRule: @CRules[504]), (FStart: 2086; FEnd: 2086; FRule: @CRules[505]), (FStart: 2086; FEnd: 2086; FRule: @CRules[506]) ); { Date-bound rules for Phil family } CFamily_64_Arr: array[0 .. 5] of TYearBoundRule = ( (FStart: 1936; FEnd: 1936; FRule: @CRules[507]), (FStart: 1937; FEnd: 1937; FRule: @CRules[508]), (FStart: 1954; FEnd: 1954; FRule: @CRules[509]), (FStart: 1954; FEnd: 1954; FRule: @CRules[144]), (FStart: 1978; FEnd: 1978; FRule: @CRules[510]), (FStart: 1978; FEnd: 1978; FRule: @CRules[511]) ); { Date-bound rules for Syria family } CFamily_65_Arr: array[0 .. 40] of TYearBoundRule = ( (FStart: 1920; FEnd: 1923; FRule: @CRules[512]), (FStart: 1920; FEnd: 1923; FRule: @CRules[513]), (FStart: 1962; FEnd: 1962; FRule: @CRules[433]), (FStart: 1962; FEnd: 1962; FRule: @CRules[514]), (FStart: 1963; FEnd: 1965; FRule: @CRules[515]), (FStart: 1963; FEnd: 1963; FRule: @CRules[516]), (FStart: 1964; FEnd: 1964; FRule: @CRules[514]), (FStart: 1965; FEnd: 1965; FRule: @CRules[516]), (FStart: 1966; FEnd: 1966; FRule: @CRules[517]), (FStart: 1966; FEnd: 1976; FRule: @CRules[514]), (FStart: 1967; FEnd: 1978; FRule: @CRules[515]), (FStart: 1977; FEnd: 1978; FRule: @CRules[441]), (FStart: 1983; FEnd: 1984; FRule: @CRules[518]), (FStart: 1983; FEnd: 1984; FRule: @CRules[514]), (FStart: 1986; FEnd: 1986; FRule: @CRules[519]), (FStart: 1986; FEnd: 1986; FRule: @CRules[520]), (FStart: 1987; FEnd: 1987; FRule: @CRules[521]), (FStart: 1987; FEnd: 1988; FRule: @CRules[522]), (FStart: 1988; FEnd: 1988; FRule: @CRules[523]), (FStart: 1989; FEnd: 1989; FRule: @CRules[524]), (FStart: 1989; FEnd: 1989; FRule: @CRules[514]), (FStart: 1990; FEnd: 1990; FRule: @CRules[525]), (FStart: 1990; FEnd: 1990; FRule: @CRules[516]), (FStart: 1991; FEnd: 1991; FRule: @CRules[358]), (FStart: 1991; FEnd: 1992; FRule: @CRules[197]), (FStart: 1992; FEnd: 1992; FRule: @CRules[526]), (FStart: 1993; FEnd: 1993; FRule: @CRules[389]), (FStart: 1993; FEnd: 1993; FRule: @CRules[261]), (FStart: 1994; FEnd: 1996; FRule: @CRules[358]), (FStart: 1994; FEnd: 2005; FRule: @CRules[197]), (FStart: 1997; FEnd: 1998; FRule: @CRules[527]), (FStart: 1999; FEnd: 2006; FRule: @CRules[358]), (FStart: 2006; FEnd: 2006; FRule: @CRules[413]), (FStart: 2007; FEnd: 2007; FRule: @CRules[415]), (FStart: 2007; FEnd: 2007; FRule: @CRules[528]), (FStart: 2008; FEnd: 2008; FRule: @CRules[359]), (FStart: 2008; FEnd: 2008; FRule: @CRules[355]), (FStart: 2009; FEnd: 2009; FRule: @CRules[415]), (FStart: 2010; FEnd: 2011; FRule: @CRules[359]), (FStart: 2012; FEnd: 2022; FRule: @CRules[415]), (FStart: 2009; FEnd: 2022; FRule: @CRules[373]) ); { Date-bound rules for Troll family } CFamily_66_Arr: array[0 .. 1] of TYearBoundRule = ( (FStart: 2005; FEnd: 9999; FRule: @CRules[529]), (FStart: 2004; FEnd: 9999; FRule: @CRules[530]) ); { Date-bound rules for GB-Eire family } CFamily_67_Arr: array[0 .. 64] of TYearBoundRule = ( (FStart: 1916; FEnd: 1916; FRule: @CRules[531]), (FStart: 1916; FEnd: 1916; FRule: @CRules[532]), (FStart: 1917; FEnd: 1917; FRule: @CRules[533]), (FStart: 1917; FEnd: 1917; FRule: @CRules[534]), (FStart: 1918; FEnd: 1918; FRule: @CRules[535]), (FStart: 1918; FEnd: 1918; FRule: @CRules[536]), (FStart: 1919; FEnd: 1919; FRule: @CRules[537]), (FStart: 1919; FEnd: 1919; FRule: @CRules[538]), (FStart: 1920; FEnd: 1920; FRule: @CRules[539]), (FStart: 1920; FEnd: 1920; FRule: @CRules[540]), (FStart: 1921; FEnd: 1921; FRule: @CRules[541]), (FStart: 1921; FEnd: 1921; FRule: @CRules[542]), (FStart: 1922; FEnd: 1922; FRule: @CRules[543]), (FStart: 1922; FEnd: 1922; FRule: @CRules[544]), (FStart: 1923; FEnd: 1923; FRule: @CRules[545]), (FStart: 1923; FEnd: 1924; FRule: @CRules[546]), (FStart: 1924; FEnd: 1924; FRule: @CRules[547]), (FStart: 1925; FEnd: 1926; FRule: @CRules[545]), (FStart: 1925; FEnd: 1938; FRule: @CRules[548]), (FStart: 1927; FEnd: 1927; FRule: @CRules[547]), (FStart: 1928; FEnd: 1929; FRule: @CRules[545]), (FStart: 1930; FEnd: 1930; FRule: @CRules[547]), (FStart: 1931; FEnd: 1932; FRule: @CRules[545]), (FStart: 1933; FEnd: 1933; FRule: @CRules[547]), (FStart: 1934; FEnd: 1934; FRule: @CRules[545]), (FStart: 1935; FEnd: 1935; FRule: @CRules[547]), (FStart: 1936; FEnd: 1937; FRule: @CRules[545]), (FStart: 1938; FEnd: 1938; FRule: @CRules[547]), (FStart: 1939; FEnd: 1939; FRule: @CRules[545]), (FStart: 1939; FEnd: 1939; FRule: @CRules[549]), (FStart: 1940; FEnd: 1940; FRule: @CRules[550]), (FStart: 1941; FEnd: 1941; FRule: @CRules[551]), (FStart: 1941; FEnd: 1943; FRule: @CRules[552]), (FStart: 1942; FEnd: 1944; FRule: @CRules[553]), (FStart: 1944; FEnd: 1944; FRule: @CRules[554]), (FStart: 1945; FEnd: 1945; FRule: @CRules[555]), (FStart: 1945; FEnd: 1945; FRule: @CRules[556]), (FStart: 1945; FEnd: 1946; FRule: @CRules[548]), (FStart: 1946; FEnd: 1946; FRule: @CRules[547]), (FStart: 1947; FEnd: 1947; FRule: @CRules[557]), (FStart: 1947; FEnd: 1947; FRule: @CRules[558]), (FStart: 1947; FEnd: 1947; FRule: @CRules[559]), (FStart: 1947; FEnd: 1947; FRule: @CRules[560]), (FStart: 1948; FEnd: 1948; FRule: @CRules[561]), (FStart: 1948; FEnd: 1948; FRule: @CRules[562]), (FStart: 1949; FEnd: 1949; FRule: @CRules[541]), (FStart: 1949; FEnd: 1949; FRule: @CRules[563]), (FStart: 1950; FEnd: 1952; FRule: @CRules[564]), (FStart: 1950; FEnd: 1952; FRule: @CRules[565]), (FStart: 1953; FEnd: 1953; FRule: @CRules[545]), (FStart: 1953; FEnd: 1960; FRule: @CRules[548]), (FStart: 1954; FEnd: 1954; FRule: @CRules[547]), (FStart: 1955; FEnd: 1956; FRule: @CRules[545]), (FStart: 1957; FEnd: 1957; FRule: @CRules[547]), (FStart: 1958; FEnd: 1959; FRule: @CRules[545]), (FStart: 1960; FEnd: 1960; FRule: @CRules[547]), (FStart: 1961; FEnd: 1963; FRule: @CRules[566]), (FStart: 1961; FEnd: 1968; FRule: @CRules[567]), (FStart: 1964; FEnd: 1967; FRule: @CRules[568]), (FStart: 1968; FEnd: 1968; FRule: @CRules[569]), (FStart: 1972; FEnd: 1980; FRule: @CRules[570]), (FStart: 1972; FEnd: 1980; FRule: @CRules[567]), (FStart: 1981; FEnd: 1995; FRule: @CRules[571]), (FStart: 1981; FEnd: 1989; FRule: @CRules[572]), (FStart: 1990; FEnd: 1995; FRule: @CRules[573]) ); { Date-bound rules for EU family } CFamily_68_Arr: array[0 .. 5] of TYearBoundRule = ( (FStart: 1977; FEnd: 1980; FRule: @CRules[581]), (FStart: 1977; FEnd: 1977; FRule: @CRules[191]), (FStart: 1978; FEnd: 1978; FRule: @CRules[411]), (FStart: 1979; FEnd: 1995; FRule: @CRules[191]), (FStart: 1981; FEnd: 9999; FRule: @CRules[190]), (FStart: 1996; FEnd: 9999; FRule: @CRules[192]) ); { Date-bound rules for Eire family } CFamily_69_Arr: array[0 .. 6] of TYearBoundRule = ( (FStart: 1971; FEnd: 1971; FRule: @CRules[574]), (FStart: 1972; FEnd: 1980; FRule: @CRules[575]), (FStart: 1972; FEnd: 1980; FRule: @CRules[576]), (FStart: 1981; FEnd: 9999; FRule: @CRules[577]), (FStart: 1981; FEnd: 1989; FRule: @CRules[578]), (FStart: 1990; FEnd: 1995; FRule: @CRules[579]), (FStart: 1996; FEnd: 9999; FRule: @CRules[580]) ); { Date-bound rules for W-Eur family } CFamily_70_Arr: array[0 .. 5] of TYearBoundRule = ( (FStart: 1977; FEnd: 1980; FRule: @CRules[581]), (FStart: 1977; FEnd: 1977; FRule: @CRules[191]), (FStart: 1978; FEnd: 1978; FRule: @CRules[411]), (FStart: 1979; FEnd: 1995; FRule: @CRules[191]), (FStart: 1981; FEnd: 9999; FRule: @CRules[190]), (FStart: 1996; FEnd: 9999; FRule: @CRules[192]) ); { Date-bound rules for C-Eur family } CFamily_71_Arr: array[0 .. 16] of TYearBoundRule = ( (FStart: 1916; FEnd: 1916; FRule: @CRules[582]), (FStart: 1916; FEnd: 1916; FRule: @CRules[411]), (FStart: 1917; FEnd: 1918; FRule: @CRules[583]), (FStart: 1917; FEnd: 1918; FRule: @CRules[584]), (FStart: 1940; FEnd: 1940; FRule: @CRules[525]), (FStart: 1942; FEnd: 1942; FRule: @CRules[585]), (FStart: 1943; FEnd: 1943; FRule: @CRules[586]), (FStart: 1943; FEnd: 1943; FRule: @CRules[412]), (FStart: 1944; FEnd: 1945; FRule: @CRules[587]), (FStart: 1944; FEnd: 1944; FRule: @CRules[588]), (FStart: 1945; FEnd: 1945; FRule: @CRules[589]), (FStart: 1977; FEnd: 1980; FRule: @CRules[590]), (FStart: 1977; FEnd: 1977; FRule: @CRules[198]), (FStart: 1978; FEnd: 1978; FRule: @CRules[514]), (FStart: 1979; FEnd: 1995; FRule: @CRules[198]), (FStart: 1981; FEnd: 9999; FRule: @CRules[591]), (FStart: 1996; FEnd: 9999; FRule: @CRules[200]) ); { Date-bound rules for E-Eur family } CFamily_72_Arr: array[0 .. 5] of TYearBoundRule = ( (FStart: 1977; FEnd: 1980; FRule: @CRules[260]), (FStart: 1977; FEnd: 1977; FRule: @CRules[194]), (FStart: 1978; FEnd: 1978; FRule: @CRules[197]), (FStart: 1979; FEnd: 1995; FRule: @CRules[194]), (FStart: 1981; FEnd: 9999; FRule: @CRules[263]), (FStart: 1996; FEnd: 9999; FRule: @CRules[195]) ); { Date-bound rules for Russia family } CFamily_73_Arr: array[0 .. 15] of TYearBoundRule = ( (FStart: 1917; FEnd: 1917; FRule: @CRules[592]), (FStart: 1917; FEnd: 1917; FRule: @CRules[593]), (FStart: 1918; FEnd: 1918; FRule: @CRules[594]), (FStart: 1918; FEnd: 1918; FRule: @CRules[595]), (FStart: 1919; FEnd: 1919; FRule: @CRules[596]), (FStart: 1919; FEnd: 1919; FRule: @CRules[597]), (FStart: 1919; FEnd: 1919; FRule: @CRules[598]), (FStart: 1921; FEnd: 1921; FRule: @CRules[599]), (FStart: 1921; FEnd: 1921; FRule: @CRules[600]), (FStart: 1921; FEnd: 1921; FRule: @CRules[601]), (FStart: 1921; FEnd: 1921; FRule: @CRules[197]), (FStart: 1981; FEnd: 1984; FRule: @CRules[358]), (FStart: 1981; FEnd: 1983; FRule: @CRules[197]), (FStart: 1984; FEnd: 1995; FRule: @CRules[198]), (FStart: 1985; FEnd: 2010; FRule: @CRules[591]), (FStart: 1996; FEnd: 2010; FRule: @CRules[200]) ); { Date-bound rules for Albania family } CFamily_74_Arr: array[0 .. 24] of TYearBoundRule = ( (FStart: 1940; FEnd: 1940; FRule: @CRules[602]), (FStart: 1942; FEnd: 1942; FRule: @CRules[603]), (FStart: 1943; FEnd: 1943; FRule: @CRules[586]), (FStart: 1943; FEnd: 1943; FRule: @CRules[604]), (FStart: 1974; FEnd: 1974; FRule: @CRules[605]), (FStart: 1974; FEnd: 1974; FRule: @CRules[262]), (FStart: 1975; FEnd: 1975; FRule: @CRules[354]), (FStart: 1975; FEnd: 1975; FRule: @CRules[262]), (FStart: 1976; FEnd: 1976; FRule: @CRules[606]), (FStart: 1976; FEnd: 1976; FRule: @CRules[388]), (FStart: 1977; FEnd: 1977; FRule: @CRules[361]), (FStart: 1977; FEnd: 1977; FRule: @CRules[262]), (FStart: 1978; FEnd: 1978; FRule: @CRules[607]), (FStart: 1978; FEnd: 1978; FRule: @CRules[197]), (FStart: 1979; FEnd: 1979; FRule: @CRules[608]), (FStart: 1979; FEnd: 1979; FRule: @CRules[357]), (FStart: 1980; FEnd: 1980; FRule: @CRules[609]), (FStart: 1980; FEnd: 1980; FRule: @CRules[397]), (FStart: 1981; FEnd: 1981; FRule: @CRules[610]), (FStart: 1981; FEnd: 1981; FRule: @CRules[364]), (FStart: 1982; FEnd: 1982; FRule: @CRules[606]), (FStart: 1982; FEnd: 1982; FRule: @CRules[388]), (FStart: 1983; FEnd: 1983; FRule: @CRules[611]), (FStart: 1983; FEnd: 1983; FRule: @CRules[197]), (FStart: 1984; FEnd: 1984; FRule: @CRules[358]) ); { Date-bound rules for Austria family } CFamily_75_Arr: array[0 .. 8] of TYearBoundRule = ( (FStart: 1920; FEnd: 1920; FRule: @CRules[612]), (FStart: 1920; FEnd: 1920; FRule: @CRules[414]), (FStart: 1946; FEnd: 1946; FRule: @CRules[472]), (FStart: 1946; FEnd: 1946; FRule: @CRules[613]), (FStart: 1947; FEnd: 1948; FRule: @CRules[513]), (FStart: 1947; FEnd: 1947; FRule: @CRules[473]), (FStart: 1948; FEnd: 1948; FRule: @CRules[614]), (FStart: 1980; FEnd: 1980; FRule: @CRules[615]), (FStart: 1980; FEnd: 1980; FRule: @CRules[616]) ); { Date-bound rules for Belgium family } CFamily_76_Arr: array[0 .. 33] of TYearBoundRule = ( (FStart: 1918; FEnd: 1918; FRule: @CRules[617]), (FStart: 1918; FEnd: 1919; FRule: @CRules[618]), (FStart: 1919; FEnd: 1919; FRule: @CRules[619]), (FStart: 1920; FEnd: 1920; FRule: @CRules[620]), (FStart: 1920; FEnd: 1920; FRule: @CRules[621]), (FStart: 1921; FEnd: 1921; FRule: @CRules[622]), (FStart: 1921; FEnd: 1921; FRule: @CRules[623]), (FStart: 1922; FEnd: 1922; FRule: @CRules[624]), (FStart: 1922; FEnd: 1927; FRule: @CRules[618]), (FStart: 1923; FEnd: 1923; FRule: @CRules[625]), (FStart: 1924; FEnd: 1924; FRule: @CRules[626]), (FStart: 1925; FEnd: 1925; FRule: @CRules[627]), (FStart: 1926; FEnd: 1926; FRule: @CRules[628]), (FStart: 1927; FEnd: 1927; FRule: @CRules[629]), (FStart: 1928; FEnd: 1928; FRule: @CRules[630]), (FStart: 1928; FEnd: 1938; FRule: @CRules[631]), (FStart: 1929; FEnd: 1929; FRule: @CRules[632]), (FStart: 1930; FEnd: 1930; FRule: @CRules[633]), (FStart: 1931; FEnd: 1931; FRule: @CRules[634]), (FStart: 1932; FEnd: 1932; FRule: @CRules[635]), (FStart: 1933; FEnd: 1933; FRule: @CRules[636]), (FStart: 1934; FEnd: 1934; FRule: @CRules[637]), (FStart: 1935; FEnd: 1935; FRule: @CRules[524]), (FStart: 1936; FEnd: 1936; FRule: @CRules[634]), (FStart: 1937; FEnd: 1937; FRule: @CRules[638]), (FStart: 1938; FEnd: 1938; FRule: @CRules[639]), (FStart: 1939; FEnd: 1939; FRule: @CRules[640]), (FStart: 1939; FEnd: 1939; FRule: @CRules[641]), (FStart: 1940; FEnd: 1940; FRule: @CRules[642]), (FStart: 1944; FEnd: 1944; FRule: @CRules[440]), (FStart: 1945; FEnd: 1945; FRule: @CRules[643]), (FStart: 1945; FEnd: 1945; FRule: @CRules[589]), (FStart: 1946; FEnd: 1946; FRule: @CRules[644]), (FStart: 1946; FEnd: 1946; FRule: @CRules[613]) ); { Date-bound rules for Bulg family } CFamily_77_Arr: array[0 .. 4] of TYearBoundRule = ( (FStart: 1979; FEnd: 1979; FRule: @CRules[645]), (FStart: 1979; FEnd: 1979; FRule: @CRules[411]), (FStart: 1980; FEnd: 1982; FRule: @CRules[646]), (FStart: 1980; FEnd: 1980; FRule: @CRules[647]), (FStart: 1981; FEnd: 1981; FRule: @CRules[648]) ); { Date-bound rules for Czech family } CFamily_78_Arr: array[0 .. 5] of TYearBoundRule = ( (FStart: 1945; FEnd: 1945; FRule: @CRules[587]), (FStart: 1945; FEnd: 1945; FRule: @CRules[514]), (FStart: 1946; FEnd: 1946; FRule: @CRules[649]), (FStart: 1946; FEnd: 1949; FRule: @CRules[513]), (FStart: 1947; FEnd: 1948; FRule: @CRules[512]), (FStart: 1949; FEnd: 1949; FRule: @CRules[518]) ); { Date-bound rules for Thule family } CFamily_79_Arr: array[0 .. 5] of TYearBoundRule = ( (FStart: 1991; FEnd: 1992; FRule: @CRules[0]), (FStart: 1991; FEnd: 1992; FRule: @CRules[11]), (FStart: 1993; FEnd: 2006; FRule: @CRules[8]), (FStart: 1993; FEnd: 2006; FRule: @CRules[1]), (FStart: 2007; FEnd: 9999; FRule: @CRules[9]), (FStart: 2007; FEnd: 9999; FRule: @CRules[10]) ); { Date-bound rules for Finland family } CFamily_80_Arr: array[0 .. 3] of TYearBoundRule = ( (FStart: 1942; FEnd: 1942; FRule: @CRules[650]), (FStart: 1942; FEnd: 1942; FRule: @CRules[651]), (FStart: 1981; FEnd: 1982; FRule: @CRules[591]), (FStart: 1981; FEnd: 1982; FRule: @CRules[652]) ); { Date-bound rules for France family } CFamily_81_Arr: array[0 .. 41] of TYearBoundRule = ( (FStart: 1916; FEnd: 1916; FRule: @CRules[653]), (FStart: 1916; FEnd: 1919; FRule: @CRules[654]), (FStart: 1917; FEnd: 1917; FRule: @CRules[655]), (FStart: 1918; FEnd: 1918; FRule: @CRules[656]), (FStart: 1919; FEnd: 1919; FRule: @CRules[619]), (FStart: 1920; FEnd: 1920; FRule: @CRules[620]), (FStart: 1920; FEnd: 1920; FRule: @CRules[621]), (FStart: 1921; FEnd: 1921; FRule: @CRules[622]), (FStart: 1921; FEnd: 1921; FRule: @CRules[623]), (FStart: 1922; FEnd: 1922; FRule: @CRules[624]), (FStart: 1922; FEnd: 1938; FRule: @CRules[618]), (FStart: 1923; FEnd: 1923; FRule: @CRules[657]), (FStart: 1924; FEnd: 1924; FRule: @CRules[626]), (FStart: 1925; FEnd: 1925; FRule: @CRules[627]), (FStart: 1926; FEnd: 1926; FRule: @CRules[628]), (FStart: 1927; FEnd: 1927; FRule: @CRules[629]), (FStart: 1928; FEnd: 1928; FRule: @CRules[630]), (FStart: 1929; FEnd: 1929; FRule: @CRules[658]), (FStart: 1930; FEnd: 1930; FRule: @CRules[659]), (FStart: 1931; FEnd: 1931; FRule: @CRules[660]), (FStart: 1932; FEnd: 1932; FRule: @CRules[661]), (FStart: 1933; FEnd: 1933; FRule: @CRules[624]), (FStart: 1934; FEnd: 1934; FRule: @CRules[662]), (FStart: 1935; FEnd: 1935; FRule: @CRules[663]), (FStart: 1936; FEnd: 1936; FRule: @CRules[660]), (FStart: 1937; FEnd: 1937; FRule: @CRules[664]), (FStart: 1938; FEnd: 1938; FRule: @CRules[665]), (FStart: 1939; FEnd: 1939; FRule: @CRules[666]), (FStart: 1939; FEnd: 1939; FRule: @CRules[667]), (FStart: 1940; FEnd: 1940; FRule: @CRules[642]), (FStart: 1941; FEnd: 1941; FRule: @CRules[668]), (FStart: 1941; FEnd: 1941; FRule: @CRules[669]), (FStart: 1942; FEnd: 1942; FRule: @CRules[670]), (FStart: 1942; FEnd: 1942; FRule: @CRules[671]), (FStart: 1943; FEnd: 1943; FRule: @CRules[672]), (FStart: 1943; FEnd: 1943; FRule: @CRules[673]), (FStart: 1944; FEnd: 1944; FRule: @CRules[674]), (FStart: 1944; FEnd: 1944; FRule: @CRules[675]), (FStart: 1945; FEnd: 1945; FRule: @CRules[676]), (FStart: 1945; FEnd: 1945; FRule: @CRules[677]), (FStart: 1976; FEnd: 1976; FRule: @CRules[678]), (FStart: 1976; FEnd: 1976; FRule: @CRules[679]) ); { Date-bound rules for Germany family } CFamily_82_Arr: array[0 .. 7] of TYearBoundRule = ( (FStart: 1946; FEnd: 1946; FRule: @CRules[472]), (FStart: 1946; FEnd: 1946; FRule: @CRules[613]), (FStart: 1947; FEnd: 1949; FRule: @CRules[513]), (FStart: 1947; FEnd: 1947; FRule: @CRules[680]), (FStart: 1947; FEnd: 1947; FRule: @CRules[681]), (FStart: 1947; FEnd: 1947; FRule: @CRules[682]), (FStart: 1948; FEnd: 1948; FRule: @CRules[614]), (FStart: 1949; FEnd: 1949; FRule: @CRules[683]) ); { Date-bound rules for SovietZone family } CFamily_83_Arr: array[0 .. 2] of TYearBoundRule = ( (FStart: 1945; FEnd: 1945; FRule: @CRules[684]), (FStart: 1945; FEnd: 1945; FRule: @CRules[685]), (FStart: 1945; FEnd: 1945; FRule: @CRules[686]) ); { Date-bound rules for Greece family } CFamily_84_Arr: array[0 .. 18] of TYearBoundRule = ( (FStart: 1932; FEnd: 1932; FRule: @CRules[687]), (FStart: 1932; FEnd: 1932; FRule: @CRules[416]), (FStart: 1941; FEnd: 1941; FRule: @CRules[688]), (FStart: 1942; FEnd: 1942; FRule: @CRules[603]), (FStart: 1943; FEnd: 1943; FRule: @CRules[689]), (FStart: 1943; FEnd: 1943; FRule: @CRules[397]), (FStart: 1952; FEnd: 1952; FRule: @CRules[367]), (FStart: 1952; FEnd: 1952; FRule: @CRules[690]), (FStart: 1975; FEnd: 1975; FRule: @CRules[691]), (FStart: 1975; FEnd: 1975; FRule: @CRules[692]), (FStart: 1976; FEnd: 1976; FRule: @CRules[693]), (FStart: 1976; FEnd: 1976; FRule: @CRules[438]), (FStart: 1977; FEnd: 1978; FRule: @CRules[590]), (FStart: 1977; FEnd: 1977; FRule: @CRules[694]), (FStart: 1978; FEnd: 1978; FRule: @CRules[695]), (FStart: 1979; FEnd: 1979; FRule: @CRules[696]), (FStart: 1979; FEnd: 1979; FRule: @CRules[697]), (FStart: 1980; FEnd: 1980; FRule: @CRules[358]), (FStart: 1980; FEnd: 1980; FRule: @CRules[616]) ); { Date-bound rules for Hungary family } CFamily_85_Arr: array[0 .. 18] of TYearBoundRule = ( (FStart: 1918; FEnd: 1919; FRule: @CRules[698]), (FStart: 1918; FEnd: 1920; FRule: @CRules[699]), (FStart: 1920; FEnd: 1920; FRule: @CRules[612]), (FStart: 1945; FEnd: 1945; FRule: @CRules[700]), (FStart: 1945; FEnd: 1945; FRule: @CRules[701]), (FStart: 1946; FEnd: 1946; FRule: @CRules[524]), (FStart: 1946; FEnd: 1946; FRule: @CRules[613]), (FStart: 1947; FEnd: 1949; FRule: @CRules[702]), (FStart: 1947; FEnd: 1949; FRule: @CRules[513]), (FStart: 1954; FEnd: 1954; FRule: @CRules[703]), (FStart: 1954; FEnd: 1954; FRule: @CRules[388]), (FStart: 1955; FEnd: 1955; FRule: @CRules[704]), (FStart: 1955; FEnd: 1955; FRule: @CRules[705]), (FStart: 1956; FEnd: 1957; FRule: @CRules[706]), (FStart: 1956; FEnd: 1957; FRule: @CRules[652]), (FStart: 1980; FEnd: 1980; FRule: @CRules[615]), (FStart: 1980; FEnd: 1980; FRule: @CRules[707]), (FStart: 1981; FEnd: 1983; FRule: @CRules[263]), (FStart: 1981; FEnd: 1983; FRule: @CRules[191]) ); { Date-bound rules for Italy family } CFamily_86_Arr: array[0 .. 40] of TYearBoundRule = ( (FStart: 1916; FEnd: 1916; FRule: @CRules[708]), (FStart: 1916; FEnd: 1917; FRule: @CRules[130]), (FStart: 1917; FEnd: 1917; FRule: @CRules[709]), (FStart: 1918; FEnd: 1918; FRule: @CRules[710]), (FStart: 1918; FEnd: 1918; FRule: @CRules[711]), (FStart: 1919; FEnd: 1919; FRule: @CRules[712]), (FStart: 1919; FEnd: 1919; FRule: @CRules[713]), (FStart: 1920; FEnd: 1920; FRule: @CRules[714]), (FStart: 1920; FEnd: 1920; FRule: @CRules[270]), (FStart: 1940; FEnd: 1940; FRule: @CRules[715]), (FStart: 1942; FEnd: 1942; FRule: @CRules[585]), (FStart: 1943; FEnd: 1943; FRule: @CRules[586]), (FStart: 1943; FEnd: 1943; FRule: @CRules[412]), (FStart: 1944; FEnd: 1944; FRule: @CRules[643]), (FStart: 1944; FEnd: 1944; FRule: @CRules[440]), (FStart: 1945; FEnd: 1945; FRule: @CRules[643]), (FStart: 1945; FEnd: 1945; FRule: @CRules[716]), (FStart: 1946; FEnd: 1946; FRule: @CRules[717]), (FStart: 1946; FEnd: 1946; FRule: @CRules[718]), (FStart: 1947; FEnd: 1947; FRule: @CRules[719]), (FStart: 1947; FEnd: 1947; FRule: @CRules[720]), (FStart: 1948; FEnd: 1948; FRule: @CRules[721]), (FStart: 1948; FEnd: 1948; FRule: @CRules[722]), (FStart: 1966; FEnd: 1968; FRule: @CRules[723]), (FStart: 1966; FEnd: 1966; FRule: @CRules[724]), (FStart: 1967; FEnd: 1969; FRule: @CRules[725]), (FStart: 1969; FEnd: 1969; FRule: @CRules[395]), (FStart: 1970; FEnd: 1970; FRule: @CRules[726]), (FStart: 1970; FEnd: 1970; FRule: @CRules[194]), (FStart: 1971; FEnd: 1972; FRule: @CRules[723]), (FStart: 1971; FEnd: 1971; FRule: @CRules[194]), (FStart: 1972; FEnd: 1972; FRule: @CRules[197]), (FStart: 1973; FEnd: 1973; FRule: @CRules[727]), (FStart: 1973; FEnd: 1974; FRule: @CRules[194]), (FStart: 1974; FEnd: 1974; FRule: @CRules[728]), (FStart: 1975; FEnd: 1975; FRule: @CRules[395]), (FStart: 1975; FEnd: 1977; FRule: @CRules[194]), (FStart: 1976; FEnd: 1976; FRule: @CRules[729]), (FStart: 1977; FEnd: 1979; FRule: @CRules[723]), (FStart: 1978; FEnd: 1978; FRule: @CRules[197]), (FStart: 1979; FEnd: 1979; FRule: @CRules[357]) ); { Date-bound rules for Latvia family } CFamily_87_Arr: array[0 .. 1] of TYearBoundRule = ( (FStart: 1989; FEnd: 1996; FRule: @CRules[591]), (FStart: 1989; FEnd: 1996; FRule: @CRules[198]) ); { Date-bound rules for Malta family } CFamily_88_Arr: array[0 .. 6] of TYearBoundRule = ( (FStart: 1973; FEnd: 1973; FRule: @CRules[730]), (FStart: 1973; FEnd: 1973; FRule: @CRules[731]), (FStart: 1974; FEnd: 1974; FRule: @CRules[218]), (FStart: 1974; FEnd: 1974; FRule: @CRules[392]), (FStart: 1975; FEnd: 1979; FRule: @CRules[512]), (FStart: 1975; FEnd: 1980; FRule: @CRules[732]), (FStart: 1980; FEnd: 1980; FRule: @CRules[524]) ); { Date-bound rules for Moldova family } CFamily_89_Arr: array[0 .. 1] of TYearBoundRule = ( (FStart: 1997; FEnd: 9999; FRule: @CRules[591]), (FStart: 1997; FEnd: 9999; FRule: @CRules[733]) ); { Date-bound rules for Romania family } CFamily_90_Arr: array[0 .. 8] of TYearBoundRule = ( (FStart: 1932; FEnd: 1932; FRule: @CRules[758]), (FStart: 1932; FEnd: 1939; FRule: @CRules[759]), (FStart: 1933; FEnd: 1939; FRule: @CRules[404]), (FStart: 1979; FEnd: 1979; FRule: @CRules[760]), (FStart: 1979; FEnd: 1979; FRule: @CRules[194]), (FStart: 1980; FEnd: 1980; FRule: @CRules[750]), (FStart: 1980; FEnd: 1980; FRule: @CRules[191]), (FStart: 1991; FEnd: 1993; FRule: @CRules[263]), (FStart: 1991; FEnd: 1993; FRule: @CRules[194]) ); { Date-bound rules for Poland family } CFamily_91_Arr: array[0 .. 19] of TYearBoundRule = ( (FStart: 1918; FEnd: 1919; FRule: @CRules[589]), (FStart: 1919; FEnd: 1919; FRule: @CRules[698]), (FStart: 1944; FEnd: 1944; FRule: @CRules[635]), (FStart: 1944; FEnd: 1944; FRule: @CRules[412]), (FStart: 1945; FEnd: 1945; FRule: @CRules[734]), (FStart: 1945; FEnd: 1945; FRule: @CRules[355]), (FStart: 1946; FEnd: 1946; FRule: @CRules[735]), (FStart: 1946; FEnd: 1946; FRule: @CRules[613]), (FStart: 1947; FEnd: 1947; FRule: @CRules[736]), (FStart: 1947; FEnd: 1949; FRule: @CRules[513]), (FStart: 1948; FEnd: 1948; FRule: @CRules[614]), (FStart: 1949; FEnd: 1949; FRule: @CRules[683]), (FStart: 1957; FEnd: 1957; FRule: @CRules[737]), (FStart: 1957; FEnd: 1958; FRule: @CRules[191]), (FStart: 1958; FEnd: 1958; FRule: @CRules[738]), (FStart: 1959; FEnd: 1959; FRule: @CRules[739]), (FStart: 1959; FEnd: 1961; FRule: @CRules[740]), (FStart: 1960; FEnd: 1960; FRule: @CRules[741]), (FStart: 1961; FEnd: 1964; FRule: @CRules[742]), (FStart: 1962; FEnd: 1964; FRule: @CRules[191]) ); { Date-bound rules for Port family } CFamily_92_Arr: array[0 .. 47] of TYearBoundRule = ( (FStart: 1916; FEnd: 1916; FRule: @CRules[743]), (FStart: 1916; FEnd: 1916; FRule: @CRules[701]), (FStart: 1917; FEnd: 1917; FRule: @CRules[744]), (FStart: 1917; FEnd: 1921; FRule: @CRules[745]), (FStart: 1918; FEnd: 1918; FRule: @CRules[619]), (FStart: 1919; FEnd: 1919; FRule: @CRules[744]), (FStart: 1920; FEnd: 1920; FRule: @CRules[746]), (FStart: 1921; FEnd: 1921; FRule: @CRules[744]), (FStart: 1924; FEnd: 1924; FRule: @CRules[747]), (FStart: 1924; FEnd: 1924; FRule: @CRules[745]), (FStart: 1926; FEnd: 1926; FRule: @CRules[628]), (FStart: 1926; FEnd: 1929; FRule: @CRules[618]), (FStart: 1927; FEnd: 1927; FRule: @CRules[629]), (FStart: 1928; FEnd: 1928; FRule: @CRules[630]), (FStart: 1929; FEnd: 1929; FRule: @CRules[658]), (FStart: 1931; FEnd: 1931; FRule: @CRules[660]), (FStart: 1931; FEnd: 1932; FRule: @CRules[618]), (FStart: 1932; FEnd: 1932; FRule: @CRules[661]), (FStart: 1934; FEnd: 1934; FRule: @CRules[662]), (FStart: 1934; FEnd: 1938; FRule: @CRules[618]), (FStart: 1935; FEnd: 1935; FRule: @CRules[663]), (FStart: 1936; FEnd: 1936; FRule: @CRules[660]), (FStart: 1937; FEnd: 1937; FRule: @CRules[664]), (FStart: 1938; FEnd: 1938; FRule: @CRules[665]), (FStart: 1939; FEnd: 1939; FRule: @CRules[666]), (FStart: 1939; FEnd: 1939; FRule: @CRules[667]), (FStart: 1940; FEnd: 1940; FRule: @CRules[748]), (FStart: 1940; FEnd: 1941; FRule: @CRules[749]), (FStart: 1941; FEnd: 1941; FRule: @CRules[750]), (FStart: 1942; FEnd: 1945; FRule: @CRules[751]), (FStart: 1942; FEnd: 1942; FRule: @CRules[752]), (FStart: 1942; FEnd: 1942; FRule: @CRules[753]), (FStart: 1942; FEnd: 1945; FRule: @CRules[754]), (FStart: 1943; FEnd: 1943; FRule: @CRules[755]), (FStart: 1943; FEnd: 1945; FRule: @CRules[756]), (FStart: 1944; FEnd: 1945; FRule: @CRules[757]), (FStart: 1946; FEnd: 1946; FRule: @CRules[646]), (FStart: 1946; FEnd: 1946; FRule: @CRules[618]), (FStart: 1947; FEnd: 1965; FRule: @CRules[590]), (FStart: 1947; FEnd: 1965; FRule: @CRules[513]), (FStart: 1977; FEnd: 1977; FRule: @CRules[431]), (FStart: 1977; FEnd: 1977; FRule: @CRules[261]), (FStart: 1978; FEnd: 1979; FRule: @CRules[260]), (FStart: 1978; FEnd: 1978; FRule: @CRules[197]), (FStart: 1979; FEnd: 1982; FRule: @CRules[191]), (FStart: 1980; FEnd: 1980; FRule: @CRules[263]), (FStart: 1981; FEnd: 1982; FRule: @CRules[190]), (FStart: 1983; FEnd: 1983; FRule: @CRules[591]) ); { Date-bound rules for Spain family } CFamily_93_Arr: array[0 .. 29] of TYearBoundRule = ( (FStart: 1918; FEnd: 1918; FRule: @CRules[666]), (FStart: 1918; FEnd: 1919; FRule: @CRules[711]), (FStart: 1919; FEnd: 1919; FRule: @CRules[761]), (FStart: 1924; FEnd: 1924; FRule: @CRules[747]), (FStart: 1924; FEnd: 1924; FRule: @CRules[713]), (FStart: 1926; FEnd: 1926; FRule: @CRules[628]), (FStart: 1926; FEnd: 1929; FRule: @CRules[762]), (FStart: 1927; FEnd: 1927; FRule: @CRules[629]), (FStart: 1928; FEnd: 1928; FRule: @CRules[406]), (FStart: 1929; FEnd: 1929; FRule: @CRules[658]), (FStart: 1937; FEnd: 1937; FRule: @CRules[763]), (FStart: 1937; FEnd: 1937; FRule: @CRules[764]), (FStart: 1938; FEnd: 1938; FRule: @CRules[661]), (FStart: 1938; FEnd: 1938; FRule: @CRules[765]), (FStart: 1938; FEnd: 1938; FRule: @CRules[766]), (FStart: 1939; FEnd: 1939; FRule: @CRules[767]), (FStart: 1942; FEnd: 1942; FRule: @CRules[768]), (FStart: 1942; FEnd: 1942; FRule: @CRules[769]), (FStart: 1943; FEnd: 1946; FRule: @CRules[770]), (FStart: 1943; FEnd: 1944; FRule: @CRules[740]), (FStart: 1945; FEnd: 1946; FRule: @CRules[191]), (FStart: 1949; FEnd: 1949; FRule: @CRules[582]), (FStart: 1949; FEnd: 1949; FRule: @CRules[771]), (FStart: 1974; FEnd: 1975; FRule: @CRules[772]), (FStart: 1974; FEnd: 1975; FRule: @CRules[740]), (FStart: 1976; FEnd: 1976; FRule: @CRules[773]), (FStart: 1976; FEnd: 1977; FRule: @CRules[191]), (FStart: 1977; FEnd: 1977; FRule: @CRules[661]), (FStart: 1978; FEnd: 1978; FRule: @CRules[643]), (FStart: 1978; FEnd: 1978; FRule: @CRules[514]) ); { Date-bound rules for SpainAfrica family } CFamily_94_Arr: array[0 .. 8] of TYearBoundRule = ( (FStart: 1967; FEnd: 1967; FRule: @CRules[774]), (FStart: 1967; FEnd: 1967; FRule: @CRules[197]), (FStart: 1974; FEnd: 1974; FRule: @CRules[775]), (FStart: 1974; FEnd: 1974; FRule: @CRules[416]), (FStart: 1976; FEnd: 1977; FRule: @CRules[354]), (FStart: 1976; FEnd: 1976; FRule: @CRules[420]), (FStart: 1977; FEnd: 1977; FRule: @CRules[616]), (FStart: 1978; FEnd: 1978; FRule: @CRules[395]), (FStart: 1978; FEnd: 1978; FRule: @CRules[776]) ); { Date-bound rules for Swiss family } CFamily_95_Arr: array[0 .. 1] of TYearBoundRule = ( (FStart: 1941; FEnd: 1942; FRule: @CRules[777]), (FStart: 1941; FEnd: 1942; FRule: @CRules[778]) ); { Date-bound rules for Turkey family } CFamily_96_Arr: array[0 .. 44] of TYearBoundRule = ( (FStart: 1916; FEnd: 1916; FRule: @CRules[354]), (FStart: 1916; FEnd: 1916; FRule: @CRules[197]), (FStart: 1920; FEnd: 1920; FRule: @CRules[385]), (FStart: 1920; FEnd: 1920; FRule: @CRules[386]), (FStart: 1921; FEnd: 1921; FRule: @CRules[387]), (FStart: 1921; FEnd: 1921; FRule: @CRules[388]), (FStart: 1922; FEnd: 1922; FRule: @CRules[389]), (FStart: 1922; FEnd: 1922; FRule: @CRules[390]), (FStart: 1924; FEnd: 1924; FRule: @CRules[779]), (FStart: 1924; FEnd: 1925; FRule: @CRules[197]), (FStart: 1925; FEnd: 1925; FRule: @CRules[354]), (FStart: 1940; FEnd: 1940; FRule: @CRules[367]), (FStart: 1940; FEnd: 1940; FRule: @CRules[780]), (FStart: 1940; FEnd: 1940; FRule: @CRules[781]), (FStart: 1941; FEnd: 1941; FRule: @CRules[782]), (FStart: 1942; FEnd: 1942; FRule: @CRules[358]), (FStart: 1945; FEnd: 1945; FRule: @CRules[390]), (FStart: 1946; FEnd: 1946; FRule: @CRules[395]), (FStart: 1946; FEnd: 1946; FRule: @CRules[197]), (FStart: 1947; FEnd: 1948; FRule: @CRules[783]), (FStart: 1947; FEnd: 1951; FRule: @CRules[405]), (FStart: 1949; FEnd: 1949; FRule: @CRules[365]), (FStart: 1950; FEnd: 1950; FRule: @CRules[784]), (FStart: 1951; FEnd: 1951; FRule: @CRules[391]), (FStart: 1962; FEnd: 1962; FRule: @CRules[785]), (FStart: 1963; FEnd: 1963; FRule: @CRules[786]), (FStart: 1964; FEnd: 1964; FRule: @CRules[258]), (FStart: 1964; FEnd: 1964; FRule: @CRules[197]), (FStart: 1973; FEnd: 1973; FRule: @CRules[787]), (FStart: 1973; FEnd: 1976; FRule: @CRules[788]), (FStart: 1974; FEnd: 1974; FRule: @CRules[524]), (FStart: 1975; FEnd: 1975; FRule: @CRules[789]), (FStart: 1976; FEnd: 1976; FRule: @CRules[790]), (FStart: 1977; FEnd: 1978; FRule: @CRules[590]), (FStart: 1977; FEnd: 1978; FRule: @CRules[791]), (FStart: 1978; FEnd: 1978; FRule: @CRules[792]), (FStart: 1983; FEnd: 1983; FRule: @CRules[793]), (FStart: 1983; FEnd: 1983; FRule: @CRules[588]), (FStart: 1985; FEnd: 1985; FRule: @CRules[794]), (FStart: 1985; FEnd: 1985; FRule: @CRules[707]), (FStart: 1986; FEnd: 1993; FRule: @CRules[190]), (FStart: 1986; FEnd: 1995; FRule: @CRules[191]), (FStart: 1994; FEnd: 1994; FRule: @CRules[795]), (FStart: 1995; FEnd: 2006; FRule: @CRules[190]), (FStart: 1996; FEnd: 2006; FRule: @CRules[192]) ); { Date-bound rules for Arg family } CFamily_97_Arr: array[0 .. 28] of TYearBoundRule = ( (FStart: 1930; FEnd: 1930; FRule: @CRules[796]), (FStart: 1931; FEnd: 1931; FRule: @CRules[797]), (FStart: 1931; FEnd: 1931; FRule: @CRules[798]), (FStart: 1932; FEnd: 1940; FRule: @CRules[799]), (FStart: 1932; FEnd: 1939; FRule: @CRules[800]), (FStart: 1940; FEnd: 1940; FRule: @CRules[801]), (FStart: 1941; FEnd: 1941; FRule: @CRules[802]), (FStart: 1941; FEnd: 1941; FRule: @CRules[798]), (FStart: 1943; FEnd: 1943; FRule: @CRules[420]), (FStart: 1943; FEnd: 1943; FRule: @CRules[798]), (FStart: 1946; FEnd: 1946; FRule: @CRules[799]), (FStart: 1946; FEnd: 1946; FRule: @CRules[803]), (FStart: 1963; FEnd: 1963; FRule: @CRules[197]), (FStart: 1963; FEnd: 1963; FRule: @CRules[804]), (FStart: 1964; FEnd: 1966; FRule: @CRules[799]), (FStart: 1964; FEnd: 1966; FRule: @CRules[798]), (FStart: 1967; FEnd: 1967; FRule: @CRules[805]), (FStart: 1967; FEnd: 1968; FRule: @CRules[806]), (FStart: 1968; FEnd: 1969; FRule: @CRules[807]), (FStart: 1974; FEnd: 1974; FRule: @CRules[808]), (FStart: 1974; FEnd: 1974; FRule: @CRules[809]), (FStart: 1988; FEnd: 1988; FRule: @CRules[796]), (FStart: 1989; FEnd: 1993; FRule: @CRules[810]), (FStart: 1989; FEnd: 1992; FRule: @CRules[811]), (FStart: 1999; FEnd: 1999; FRule: @CRules[806]), (FStart: 2000; FEnd: 2000; FRule: @CRules[812]), (FStart: 2007; FEnd: 2007; FRule: @CRules[813]), (FStart: 2008; FEnd: 2009; FRule: @CRules[814]), (FStart: 2008; FEnd: 2008; FRule: @CRules[811]) ); { Date-bound rules for SanLuis family } CFamily_98_Arr: array[0 .. 1] of TYearBoundRule = ( (FStart: 2008; FEnd: 2009; FRule: @CRules[815]), (FStart: 2007; FEnd: 2008; FRule: @CRules[816]) ); { Date-bound rules for Brazil family } CFamily_99_Arr: array[0 .. 56] of TYearBoundRule = ( (FStart: 1931; FEnd: 1931; FRule: @CRules[817]), (FStart: 1932; FEnd: 1933; FRule: @CRules[797]), (FStart: 1932; FEnd: 1932; FRule: @CRules[818]), (FStart: 1949; FEnd: 1952; FRule: @CRules[796]), (FStart: 1950; FEnd: 1950; FRule: @CRules[819]), (FStart: 1951; FEnd: 1952; FRule: @CRules[797]), (FStart: 1953; FEnd: 1953; FRule: @CRules[799]), (FStart: 1963; FEnd: 1963; FRule: @CRules[820]), (FStart: 1964; FEnd: 1964; FRule: @CRules[799]), (FStart: 1965; FEnd: 1965; FRule: @CRules[821]), (FStart: 1965; FEnd: 1965; FRule: @CRules[822]), (FStart: 1965; FEnd: 1965; FRule: @CRules[796]), (FStart: 1966; FEnd: 1968; FRule: @CRules[799]), (FStart: 1966; FEnd: 1967; FRule: @CRules[800]), (FStart: 1985; FEnd: 1985; FRule: @CRules[823]), (FStart: 1986; FEnd: 1986; FRule: @CRules[824]), (FStart: 1986; FEnd: 1986; FRule: @CRules[825]), (FStart: 1987; FEnd: 1987; FRule: @CRules[826]), (FStart: 1987; FEnd: 1987; FRule: @CRules[825]), (FStart: 1988; FEnd: 1988; FRule: @CRules[827]), (FStart: 1988; FEnd: 1988; FRule: @CRules[828]), (FStart: 1989; FEnd: 1989; FRule: @CRules[829]), (FStart: 1989; FEnd: 1989; FRule: @CRules[798]), (FStart: 1990; FEnd: 1990; FRule: @CRules[830]), (FStart: 1990; FEnd: 1990; FRule: @CRules[831]), (FStart: 1991; FEnd: 1991; FRule: @CRules[832]), (FStart: 1991; FEnd: 1991; FRule: @CRules[833]), (FStart: 1992; FEnd: 1992; FRule: @CRules[834]), (FStart: 1992; FEnd: 1992; FRule: @CRules[825]), (FStart: 1993; FEnd: 1993; FRule: @CRules[835]), (FStart: 1993; FEnd: 1995; FRule: @CRules[836]), (FStart: 1994; FEnd: 1995; FRule: @CRules[837]), (FStart: 1996; FEnd: 1996; FRule: @CRules[830]), (FStart: 1996; FEnd: 1996; FRule: @CRules[838]), (FStart: 1997; FEnd: 1997; FRule: @CRules[839]), (FStart: 1997; FEnd: 1997; FRule: @CRules[838]), (FStart: 1998; FEnd: 1998; FRule: @CRules[799]), (FStart: 1998; FEnd: 1998; FRule: @CRules[840]), (FStart: 1999; FEnd: 1999; FRule: @CRules[841]), (FStart: 1999; FEnd: 1999; FRule: @CRules[818]), (FStart: 2000; FEnd: 2000; FRule: @CRules[842]), (FStart: 2000; FEnd: 2001; FRule: @CRules[816]), (FStart: 2001; FEnd: 2006; FRule: @CRules[837]), (FStart: 2002; FEnd: 2002; FRule: @CRules[843]), (FStart: 2003; FEnd: 2003; FRule: @CRules[844]), (FStart: 2004; FEnd: 2004; FRule: @CRules[823]), (FStart: 2005; FEnd: 2005; FRule: @CRules[828]), (FStart: 2006; FEnd: 2006; FRule: @CRules[845]), (FStart: 2007; FEnd: 2007; FRule: @CRules[846]), (FStart: 2007; FEnd: 2007; FRule: @CRules[816]), (FStart: 2008; FEnd: 2017; FRule: @CRules[811]), (FStart: 2008; FEnd: 2011; FRule: @CRules[837]), (FStart: 2012; FEnd: 2012; FRule: @CRules[847]), (FStart: 2013; FEnd: 2014; FRule: @CRules[837]), (FStart: 2015; FEnd: 2015; FRule: @CRules[847]), (FStart: 2016; FEnd: 2019; FRule: @CRules[837]), (FStart: 2018; FEnd: 2018; FRule: @CRules[848]) ); { Date-bound rules for Chile family } CFamily_100_Arr: array[0 .. 35] of TYearBoundRule = ( (FStart: 1927; FEnd: 1931; FRule: @CRules[849]), (FStart: 1928; FEnd: 1932; FRule: @CRules[797]), (FStart: 1968; FEnd: 1968; FRule: @CRules[850]), (FStart: 1969; FEnd: 1969; FRule: @CRules[851]), (FStart: 1969; FEnd: 1969; FRule: @CRules[852]), (FStart: 1970; FEnd: 1970; FRule: @CRules[853]), (FStart: 1971; FEnd: 1971; FRule: @CRules[854]), (FStart: 1970; FEnd: 1972; FRule: @CRules[855]), (FStart: 1972; FEnd: 1986; FRule: @CRules[856]), (FStart: 1973; FEnd: 1973; FRule: @CRules[857]), (FStart: 1974; FEnd: 1987; FRule: @CRules[855]), (FStart: 1987; FEnd: 1987; FRule: @CRules[858]), (FStart: 1988; FEnd: 1990; FRule: @CRules[856]), (FStart: 1988; FEnd: 1989; FRule: @CRules[855]), (FStart: 1990; FEnd: 1990; FRule: @CRules[859]), (FStart: 1991; FEnd: 1996; FRule: @CRules[856]), (FStart: 1991; FEnd: 1997; FRule: @CRules[855]), (FStart: 1997; FEnd: 1997; FRule: @CRules[851]), (FStart: 1998; FEnd: 1998; FRule: @CRules[856]), (FStart: 1998; FEnd: 1998; FRule: @CRules[860]), (FStart: 1999; FEnd: 1999; FRule: @CRules[861]), (FStart: 1999; FEnd: 2010; FRule: @CRules[855]), (FStart: 2000; FEnd: 2007; FRule: @CRules[856]), (FStart: 2008; FEnd: 2008; FRule: @CRules[851]), (FStart: 2009; FEnd: 2009; FRule: @CRules[856]), (FStart: 2010; FEnd: 2010; FRule: @CRules[862]), (FStart: 2011; FEnd: 2011; FRule: @CRules[863]), (FStart: 2011; FEnd: 2011; FRule: @CRules[864]), (FStart: 2012; FEnd: 2014; FRule: @CRules[865]), (FStart: 2012; FEnd: 2014; FRule: @CRules[866]), (FStart: 2016; FEnd: 2018; FRule: @CRules[867]), (FStart: 2016; FEnd: 2018; FRule: @CRules[868]), (FStart: 2019; FEnd: 9999; FRule: @CRules[869]), (FStart: 2019; FEnd: 2021; FRule: @CRules[866]), (FStart: 2022; FEnd: 2022; FRule: @CRules[870]), (FStart: 2023; FEnd: 9999; FRule: @CRules[866]) ); { Date-bound rules for CO family } CFamily_101_Arr: array[0 .. 1] of TYearBoundRule = ( (FStart: 1992; FEnd: 1992; FRule: @CRules[871]), (FStart: 1993; FEnd: 1993; FRule: @CRules[872]) ); { Date-bound rules for Ecuador family } CFamily_102_Arr: array[0 .. 1] of TYearBoundRule = ( (FStart: 1992; FEnd: 1992; FRule: @CRules[873]), (FStart: 1993; FEnd: 1993; FRule: @CRules[874]) ); { Date-bound rules for Falk family } CFamily_103_Arr: array[0 .. 11] of TYearBoundRule = ( (FStart: 1937; FEnd: 1938; FRule: @CRules[875]), (FStart: 1938; FEnd: 1942; FRule: @CRules[876]), (FStart: 1939; FEnd: 1939; FRule: @CRules[803]), (FStart: 1940; FEnd: 1942; FRule: @CRules[875]), (FStart: 1943; FEnd: 1943; FRule: @CRules[264]), (FStart: 1983; FEnd: 1983; FRule: @CRules[875]), (FStart: 1984; FEnd: 1985; FRule: @CRules[877]), (FStart: 1984; FEnd: 1984; FRule: @CRules[878]), (FStart: 1985; FEnd: 2000; FRule: @CRules[879]), (FStart: 1986; FEnd: 2000; FRule: @CRules[880]), (FStart: 2001; FEnd: 2010; FRule: @CRules[881]), (FStart: 2001; FEnd: 2010; FRule: @CRules[882]) ); { Date-bound rules for Para family } CFamily_104_Arr: array[0 .. 21] of TYearBoundRule = ( (FStart: 1975; FEnd: 1988; FRule: @CRules[803]), (FStart: 1975; FEnd: 1978; FRule: @CRules[799]), (FStart: 1979; FEnd: 1991; FRule: @CRules[797]), (FStart: 1989; FEnd: 1989; FRule: @CRules[883]), (FStart: 1990; FEnd: 1990; FRule: @CRules[803]), (FStart: 1991; FEnd: 1991; FRule: @CRules[838]), (FStart: 1992; FEnd: 1992; FRule: @CRules[799]), (FStart: 1992; FEnd: 1992; FRule: @CRules[884]), (FStart: 1993; FEnd: 1993; FRule: @CRules[822]), (FStart: 1993; FEnd: 1995; FRule: @CRules[803]), (FStart: 1994; FEnd: 1995; FRule: @CRules[885]), (FStart: 1996; FEnd: 1996; FRule: @CRules[799]), (FStart: 1996; FEnd: 2001; FRule: @CRules[806]), (FStart: 1997; FEnd: 1997; FRule: @CRules[885]), (FStart: 1998; FEnd: 2001; FRule: @CRules[810]), (FStart: 2002; FEnd: 2004; FRule: @CRules[807]), (FStart: 2002; FEnd: 2003; FRule: @CRules[886]), (FStart: 2004; FEnd: 2009; FRule: @CRules[811]), (FStart: 2005; FEnd: 2009; FRule: @CRules[815]), (FStart: 2010; FEnd: 9999; FRule: @CRules[806]), (FStart: 2010; FEnd: 2012; FRule: @CRules[887]), (FStart: 2013; FEnd: 9999; FRule: @CRules[888]) ); { Date-bound rules for Peru family } CFamily_105_Arr: array[0 .. 9] of TYearBoundRule = ( (FStart: 1938; FEnd: 1938; FRule: @CRules[889]), (FStart: 1938; FEnd: 1938; FRule: @CRules[797]), (FStart: 1938; FEnd: 1939; FRule: @CRules[875]), (FStart: 1939; FEnd: 1940; FRule: @CRules[890]), (FStart: 1986; FEnd: 1987; FRule: @CRules[889]), (FStart: 1986; FEnd: 1987; FRule: @CRules[797]), (FStart: 1990; FEnd: 1990; FRule: @CRules[889]), (FStart: 1990; FEnd: 1990; FRule: @CRules[797]), (FStart: 1994; FEnd: 1994; FRule: @CRules[889]), (FStart: 1994; FEnd: 1994; FRule: @CRules[797]) ); { Date-bound rules for Uruguay family } CFamily_106_Arr: array[0 .. 47] of TYearBoundRule = ( (FStart: 1923; FEnd: 1925; FRule: @CRules[891]), (FStart: 1924; FEnd: 1926; FRule: @CRules[797]), (FStart: 1933; FEnd: 1938; FRule: @CRules[892]), (FStart: 1934; FEnd: 1941; FRule: @CRules[893]), (FStart: 1939; FEnd: 1939; FRule: @CRules[891]), (FStart: 1940; FEnd: 1940; FRule: @CRules[894]), (FStart: 1941; FEnd: 1941; FRule: @CRules[895]), (FStart: 1942; FEnd: 1942; FRule: @CRules[896]), (FStart: 1943; FEnd: 1943; FRule: @CRules[897]), (FStart: 1959; FEnd: 1959; FRule: @CRules[898]), (FStart: 1959; FEnd: 1959; FRule: @CRules[899]), (FStart: 1960; FEnd: 1960; FRule: @CRules[900]), (FStart: 1960; FEnd: 1960; FRule: @CRules[901]), (FStart: 1965; FEnd: 1965; FRule: @CRules[902]), (FStart: 1965; FEnd: 1965; FRule: @CRules[903]), (FStart: 1968; FEnd: 1968; FRule: @CRules[904]), (FStart: 1968; FEnd: 1968; FRule: @CRules[905]), (FStart: 1970; FEnd: 1970; FRule: @CRules[906]), (FStart: 1970; FEnd: 1970; FRule: @CRules[907]), (FStart: 1972; FEnd: 1972; FRule: @CRules[908]), (FStart: 1972; FEnd: 1972; FRule: @CRules[909]), (FStart: 1974; FEnd: 1974; FRule: @CRules[910]), (FStart: 1974; FEnd: 1974; FRule: @CRules[911]), (FStart: 1974; FEnd: 1974; FRule: @CRules[416]), (FStart: 1974; FEnd: 1974; FRule: @CRules[912]), (FStart: 1975; FEnd: 1975; FRule: @CRules[913]), (FStart: 1976; FEnd: 1976; FRule: @CRules[914]), (FStart: 1977; FEnd: 1977; FRule: @CRules[901]), (FStart: 1977; FEnd: 1977; FRule: @CRules[915]), (FStart: 1978; FEnd: 1979; FRule: @CRules[810]), (FStart: 1978; FEnd: 1978; FRule: @CRules[916]), (FStart: 1979; FEnd: 1979; FRule: @CRules[917]), (FStart: 1980; FEnd: 1980; FRule: @CRules[918]), (FStart: 1987; FEnd: 1987; FRule: @CRules[919]), (FStart: 1988; FEnd: 1988; FRule: @CRules[920]), (FStart: 1988; FEnd: 1988; FRule: @CRules[921]), (FStart: 1989; FEnd: 1989; FRule: @CRules[922]), (FStart: 1989; FEnd: 1989; FRule: @CRules[923]), (FStart: 1990; FEnd: 1990; FRule: @CRules[846]), (FStart: 1990; FEnd: 1991; FRule: @CRules[924]), (FStart: 1991; FEnd: 1992; FRule: @CRules[810]), (FStart: 1992; FEnd: 1992; FRule: @CRules[925]), (FStart: 1993; FEnd: 1993; FRule: @CRules[920]), (FStart: 2004; FEnd: 2004; FRule: @CRules[926]), (FStart: 2005; FEnd: 2005; FRule: @CRules[927]), (FStart: 2005; FEnd: 2005; FRule: @CRules[928]), (FStart: 2006; FEnd: 2015; FRule: @CRules[929]), (FStart: 2006; FEnd: 2014; FRule: @CRules[930]) ); { Date-bound rules for Ghana family } CFamily_107_Arr: array[0 .. 5] of TYearBoundRule = ( (FStart: 1919; FEnd: 1919; FRule: @CRules[931]), (FStart: 1920; FEnd: 1942; FRule: @CRules[932]), (FStart: 1920; FEnd: 1939; FRule: @CRules[933]), (FStart: 1940; FEnd: 1941; FRule: @CRules[934]), (FStart: 1950; FEnd: 1955; FRule: @CRules[935]), (FStart: 1951; FEnd: 1956; FRule: @CRules[932]) ); { Date-bound rules for SL family } CFamily_108_Arr: array[0 .. 3] of TYearBoundRule = ( (FStart: 1932; FEnd: 1932; FRule: @CRules[936]), (FStart: 1933; FEnd: 1938; FRule: @CRules[937]), (FStart: 1933; FEnd: 1939; FRule: @CRules[938]), (FStart: 1939; FEnd: 1939; FRule: @CRules[939]) ); { Date-bound rules for Mont family } CFamily_109_Arr: array[0 .. 19] of TYearBoundRule = ( (FStart: 1917; FEnd: 1917; FRule: @CRules[940]), (FStart: 1917; FEnd: 1917; FRule: @CRules[941]), (FStart: 1919; FEnd: 1919; FRule: @CRules[942]), (FStart: 1919; FEnd: 1919; FRule: @CRules[943]), (FStart: 1920; FEnd: 1920; FRule: @CRules[944]), (FStart: 1920; FEnd: 1922; FRule: @CRules[945]), (FStart: 1921; FEnd: 1921; FRule: @CRules[19]), (FStart: 1922; FEnd: 1922; FRule: @CRules[188]), (FStart: 1924; FEnd: 1924; FRule: @CRules[946]), (FStart: 1924; FEnd: 1926; FRule: @CRules[947]), (FStart: 1925; FEnd: 1926; FRule: @CRules[80]), (FStart: 1927; FEnd: 1937; FRule: @CRules[948]), (FStart: 1927; FEnd: 1937; FRule: @CRules[949]), (FStart: 1938; FEnd: 1940; FRule: @CRules[154]), (FStart: 1938; FEnd: 1939; FRule: @CRules[174]), (FStart: 1946; FEnd: 1973; FRule: @CRules[5]), (FStart: 1945; FEnd: 1948; FRule: @CRules[11]), (FStart: 1949; FEnd: 1950; FRule: @CRules[1]), (FStart: 1951; FEnd: 1956; FRule: @CRules[11]), (FStart: 1957; FEnd: 1973; FRule: @CRules[1]) ); { Date-bound rules for Bahamas family } CFamily_110_Arr: array[0 .. 6] of TYearBoundRule = ( (FStart: 1942; FEnd: 1942; FRule: @CRules[950]), (FStart: 1944; FEnd: 1944; FRule: @CRules[951]), (FStart: 1945; FEnd: 1945; FRule: @CRules[952]), (FStart: 1945; FEnd: 1945; FRule: @CRules[3]), (FStart: 1945; FEnd: 1945; FRule: @CRules[953]), (FStart: 1964; FEnd: 1975; FRule: @CRules[1]), (FStart: 1964; FEnd: 1975; FRule: @CRules[5]) ); { Date-bound rules for NZ family } CFamily_111_Arr: array[0 .. 15] of TYearBoundRule = ( (FStart: 1927; FEnd: 1927; FRule: @CRules[1052]), (FStart: 1928; FEnd: 1928; FRule: @CRules[1053]), (FStart: 1928; FEnd: 1933; FRule: @CRules[1054]), (FStart: 1929; FEnd: 1933; FRule: @CRules[1055]), (FStart: 1934; FEnd: 1940; FRule: @CRules[1056]), (FStart: 1934; FEnd: 1940; FRule: @CRules[1057]), (FStart: 1946; FEnd: 1946; FRule: @CRules[1058]), (FStart: 1974; FEnd: 1974; FRule: @CRules[1059]), (FStart: 1975; FEnd: 1975; FRule: @CRules[1002]), (FStart: 1975; FEnd: 1988; FRule: @CRules[998]), (FStart: 1976; FEnd: 1989; FRule: @CRules[999]), (FStart: 1989; FEnd: 1989; FRule: @CRules[1064]), (FStart: 1990; FEnd: 2006; FRule: @CRules[1012]), (FStart: 1990; FEnd: 2007; FRule: @CRules[1005]), (FStart: 2007; FEnd: 9999; FRule: @CRules[1068]), (FStart: 2008; FEnd: 9999; FRule: @CRules[1011]) ); { Date-bound rules for Iceland family } CFamily_112_Arr: array[0 .. 15] of TYearBoundRule = ( (FStart: 1917; FEnd: 1919; FRule: @CRules[954]), (FStart: 1917; FEnd: 1917; FRule: @CRules[955]), (FStart: 1918; FEnd: 1919; FRule: @CRules[956]), (FStart: 1921; FEnd: 1921; FRule: @CRules[957]), (FStart: 1921; FEnd: 1921; FRule: @CRules[958]), (FStart: 1939; FEnd: 1939; FRule: @CRules[959]), (FStart: 1939; FEnd: 1939; FRule: @CRules[960]), (FStart: 1940; FEnd: 1940; FRule: @CRules[961]), (FStart: 1940; FEnd: 1941; FRule: @CRules[962]), (FStart: 1941; FEnd: 1942; FRule: @CRules[963]), (FStart: 1943; FEnd: 1946; FRule: @CRules[964]), (FStart: 1942; FEnd: 1948; FRule: @CRules[965]), (FStart: 1947; FEnd: 1967; FRule: @CRules[966]), (FStart: 1949; FEnd: 1949; FRule: @CRules[967]), (FStart: 1950; FEnd: 1966; FRule: @CRules[965]), (FStart: 1967; FEnd: 1967; FRule: @CRules[430]) ); { Date-bound rules for AT family } CFamily_113_Arr: array[0 .. 22] of TYearBoundRule = ( (FStart: 1916; FEnd: 1916; FRule: @CRules[1012]), (FStart: 1917; FEnd: 1917; FRule: @CRules[995]), (FStart: 1917; FEnd: 1918; FRule: @CRules[1013]), (FStart: 1918; FEnd: 1919; FRule: @CRules[999]), (FStart: 1967; FEnd: 1967; FRule: @CRules[1012]), (FStart: 1968; FEnd: 1968; FRule: @CRules[1014]), (FStart: 1968; FEnd: 1985; FRule: @CRules[998]), (FStart: 1969; FEnd: 1971; FRule: @CRules[1015]), (FStart: 1972; FEnd: 1972; FRule: @CRules[1002]), (FStart: 1973; FEnd: 1981; FRule: @CRules[999]), (FStart: 1982; FEnd: 1983; FRule: @CRules[995]), (FStart: 1984; FEnd: 1986; FRule: @CRules[999]), (FStart: 1986; FEnd: 1986; FRule: @CRules[1016]), (FStart: 1987; FEnd: 1990; FRule: @CRules[1005]), (FStart: 1987; FEnd: 1987; FRule: @CRules[1013]), (FStart: 1988; FEnd: 1990; FRule: @CRules[998]), (FStart: 1991; FEnd: 1999; FRule: @CRules[1012]), (FStart: 1991; FEnd: 2005; FRule: @CRules[995]), (FStart: 2000; FEnd: 2000; FRule: @CRules[1017]), (FStart: 2001; FEnd: 9999; FRule: @CRules[1012]), (FStart: 2006; FEnd: 2006; FRule: @CRules[1011]), (FStart: 2007; FEnd: 2007; FRule: @CRules[995]), (FStart: 2008; FEnd: 9999; FRule: @CRules[1011]) ); { Date-bound rules for Aus family } CFamily_114_Arr: array[0 .. 6] of TYearBoundRule = ( (FStart: 1917; FEnd: 1917; FRule: @CRules[994]), (FStart: 1917; FEnd: 1917; FRule: @CRules[995]), (FStart: 1942; FEnd: 1942; FRule: @CRules[994]), (FStart: 1942; FEnd: 1942; FRule: @CRules[995]), (FStart: 1942; FEnd: 1942; FRule: @CRules[996]), (FStart: 1943; FEnd: 1944; FRule: @CRules[995]), (FStart: 1943; FEnd: 1943; FRule: @CRules[997]) ); { Date-bound rules for Neth family } CFamily_115_Arr: array[0 .. 19] of TYearBoundRule = ( (FStart: 1916; FEnd: 1916; FRule: @CRules[968]), (FStart: 1916; FEnd: 1916; FRule: @CRules[969]), (FStart: 1917; FEnd: 1917; FRule: @CRules[970]), (FStart: 1917; FEnd: 1917; FRule: @CRules[971]), (FStart: 1918; FEnd: 1921; FRule: @CRules[972]), (FStart: 1918; FEnd: 1921; FRule: @CRules[973]), (FStart: 1922; FEnd: 1922; FRule: @CRules[974]), (FStart: 1922; FEnd: 1936; FRule: @CRules[975]), (FStart: 1923; FEnd: 1923; FRule: @CRules[976]), (FStart: 1924; FEnd: 1924; FRule: @CRules[974]), (FStart: 1925; FEnd: 1925; FRule: @CRules[976]), (FStart: 1926; FEnd: 1931; FRule: @CRules[977]), (FStart: 1932; FEnd: 1932; FRule: @CRules[978]), (FStart: 1933; FEnd: 1936; FRule: @CRules[977]), (FStart: 1937; FEnd: 1937; FRule: @CRules[978]), (FStart: 1937; FEnd: 1937; FRule: @CRules[367]), (FStart: 1937; FEnd: 1939; FRule: @CRules[631]), (FStart: 1938; FEnd: 1939; FRule: @CRules[979]), (FStart: 1945; FEnd: 1945; FRule: @CRules[643]), (FStart: 1945; FEnd: 1945; FRule: @CRules[589]) ); { Date-bound rules for Denmark family } CFamily_116_Arr: array[0 .. 10] of TYearBoundRule = ( (FStart: 1916; FEnd: 1916; FRule: @CRules[980]), (FStart: 1916; FEnd: 1916; FRule: @CRules[981]), (FStart: 1940; FEnd: 1940; FRule: @CRules[258]), (FStart: 1945; FEnd: 1945; FRule: @CRules[643]), (FStart: 1945; FEnd: 1945; FRule: @CRules[982]), (FStart: 1946; FEnd: 1946; FRule: @CRules[515]), (FStart: 1946; FEnd: 1946; FRule: @CRules[441]), (FStart: 1947; FEnd: 1947; FRule: @CRules[736]), (FStart: 1947; FEnd: 1947; FRule: @CRules[483]), (FStart: 1948; FEnd: 1948; FRule: @CRules[983]), (FStart: 1948; FEnd: 1948; FRule: @CRules[984]) ); { Date-bound rules for Lux family } CFamily_117_Arr: array[0 .. 22] of TYearBoundRule = ( (FStart: 1916; FEnd: 1916; FRule: @CRules[980]), (FStart: 1916; FEnd: 1916; FRule: @CRules[411]), (FStart: 1917; FEnd: 1917; FRule: @CRules[985]), (FStart: 1917; FEnd: 1917; FRule: @CRules[986]), (FStart: 1918; FEnd: 1918; FRule: @CRules[583]), (FStart: 1918; FEnd: 1918; FRule: @CRules[584]), (FStart: 1919; FEnd: 1919; FRule: @CRules[619]), (FStart: 1919; FEnd: 1919; FRule: @CRules[987]), (FStart: 1920; FEnd: 1920; FRule: @CRules[620]), (FStart: 1920; FEnd: 1920; FRule: @CRules[988]), (FStart: 1921; FEnd: 1921; FRule: @CRules[622]), (FStart: 1921; FEnd: 1921; FRule: @CRules[989]), (FStart: 1922; FEnd: 1922; FRule: @CRules[624]), (FStart: 1922; FEnd: 1922; FRule: @CRules[990]), (FStart: 1923; FEnd: 1923; FRule: @CRules[625]), (FStart: 1923; FEnd: 1923; FRule: @CRules[631]), (FStart: 1924; FEnd: 1924; FRule: @CRules[626]), (FStart: 1924; FEnd: 1928; FRule: @CRules[990]), (FStart: 1925; FEnd: 1925; FRule: @CRules[750]), (FStart: 1926; FEnd: 1926; FRule: @CRules[628]), (FStart: 1927; FEnd: 1927; FRule: @CRules[629]), (FStart: 1928; FEnd: 1928; FRule: @CRules[630]), (FStart: 1929; FEnd: 1929; FRule: @CRules[658]) ); { Date-bound rules for Norway family } CFamily_118_Arr: array[0 .. 6] of TYearBoundRule = ( (FStart: 1916; FEnd: 1916; FRule: @CRules[991]), (FStart: 1916; FEnd: 1916; FRule: @CRules[357]), (FStart: 1945; FEnd: 1945; FRule: @CRules[643]), (FStart: 1945; FEnd: 1945; FRule: @CRules[514]), (FStart: 1959; FEnd: 1964; FRule: @CRules[992]), (FStart: 1959; FEnd: 1965; FRule: @CRules[732]), (FStart: 1965; FEnd: 1965; FRule: @CRules[993]) ); { Date-bound rules for Guam family } CFamily_119_Arr: array[0 .. 13] of TYearBoundRule = ( (FStart: 1959; FEnd: 1959; FRule: @CRules[1038]), (FStart: 1961; FEnd: 1961; FRule: @CRules[1039]), (FStart: 1967; FEnd: 1967; FRule: @CRules[1040]), (FStart: 1969; FEnd: 1969; FRule: @CRules[1041]), (FStart: 1969; FEnd: 1969; FRule: @CRules[17]), (FStart: 1969; FEnd: 1969; FRule: @CRules[1042]), (FStart: 1970; FEnd: 1971; FRule: @CRules[5]), (FStart: 1970; FEnd: 1971; FRule: @CRules[140]), (FStart: 1973; FEnd: 1973; FRule: @CRules[1043]), (FStart: 1974; FEnd: 1974; FRule: @CRules[1044]), (FStart: 1976; FEnd: 1976; FRule: @CRules[1045]), (FStart: 1976; FEnd: 1976; FRule: @CRules[1046]), (FStart: 1977; FEnd: 1977; FRule: @CRules[1047]), (FStart: 1977; FEnd: 1977; FRule: @CRules[1048]) ); { Date-bound rules for AW family } CFamily_120_Arr: array[0 .. 8] of TYearBoundRule = ( (FStart: 1974; FEnd: 1974; FRule: @CRules[998]), (FStart: 1975; FEnd: 1975; FRule: @CRules[999]), (FStart: 1983; FEnd: 1983; FRule: @CRules[998]), (FStart: 1984; FEnd: 1984; FRule: @CRules[999]), (FStart: 1991; FEnd: 1991; FRule: @CRules[1000]), (FStart: 1992; FEnd: 1992; FRule: @CRules[999]), (FStart: 2006; FEnd: 2006; FRule: @CRules[1001]), (FStart: 2007; FEnd: 2009; FRule: @CRules[995]), (FStart: 2007; FEnd: 2008; FRule: @CRules[998]) ); { Date-bound rules for AQ family } CFamily_121_Arr: array[0 .. 3] of TYearBoundRule = ( (FStart: 1971; FEnd: 1971; FRule: @CRules[998]), (FStart: 1972; FEnd: 1972; FRule: @CRules[1002]), (FStart: 1989; FEnd: 1991; FRule: @CRules[998]), (FStart: 1990; FEnd: 1992; FRule: @CRules[999]) ); { Date-bound rules for Holiday family } CFamily_122_Arr: array[0 .. 1] of TYearBoundRule = ( (FStart: 1992; FEnd: 1993; FRule: @CRules[998]), (FStart: 1993; FEnd: 1994; FRule: @CRules[999]) ); { Date-bound rules for AS family } CFamily_123_Arr: array[0 .. 14] of TYearBoundRule = ( (FStart: 1971; FEnd: 1985; FRule: @CRules[998]), (FStart: 1986; FEnd: 1986; FRule: @CRules[1003]), (FStart: 1987; FEnd: 2007; FRule: @CRules[998]), (FStart: 1972; FEnd: 1972; FRule: @CRules[1004]), (FStart: 1973; FEnd: 1985; FRule: @CRules[999]), (FStart: 1986; FEnd: 1990; FRule: @CRules[1005]), (FStart: 1991; FEnd: 1991; FRule: @CRules[1006]), (FStart: 1992; FEnd: 1992; FRule: @CRules[1007]), (FStart: 1993; FEnd: 1993; FRule: @CRules[1008]), (FStart: 1994; FEnd: 1994; FRule: @CRules[1009]), (FStart: 1995; FEnd: 2005; FRule: @CRules[995]), (FStart: 2006; FEnd: 2006; FRule: @CRules[1010]), (FStart: 2007; FEnd: 2007; FRule: @CRules[995]), (FStart: 2008; FEnd: 9999; FRule: @CRules[1011]), (FStart: 2008; FEnd: 9999; FRule: @CRules[1012]) ); { Date-bound rules for AV family } CFamily_124_Arr: array[0 .. 13] of TYearBoundRule = ( (FStart: 1971; FEnd: 1985; FRule: @CRules[998]), (FStart: 1972; FEnd: 1972; FRule: @CRules[1002]), (FStart: 1973; FEnd: 1985; FRule: @CRules[999]), (FStart: 1986; FEnd: 1990; FRule: @CRules[1005]), (FStart: 1986; FEnd: 1987; FRule: @CRules[1016]), (FStart: 1988; FEnd: 1999; FRule: @CRules[998]), (FStart: 1991; FEnd: 1994; FRule: @CRules[999]), (FStart: 1995; FEnd: 2005; FRule: @CRules[995]), (FStart: 2000; FEnd: 2000; FRule: @CRules[1017]), (FStart: 2001; FEnd: 2007; FRule: @CRules[998]), (FStart: 2006; FEnd: 2006; FRule: @CRules[1011]), (FStart: 2007; FEnd: 2007; FRule: @CRules[995]), (FStart: 2008; FEnd: 9999; FRule: @CRules[1011]), (FStart: 2008; FEnd: 9999; FRule: @CRules[1012]) ); { Date-bound rules for AN family } CFamily_125_Arr: array[0 .. 15] of TYearBoundRule = ( (FStart: 1971; FEnd: 1985; FRule: @CRules[998]), (FStart: 1972; FEnd: 1972; FRule: @CRules[1004]), (FStart: 1973; FEnd: 1981; FRule: @CRules[999]), (FStart: 1982; FEnd: 1982; FRule: @CRules[1011]), (FStart: 1983; FEnd: 1985; FRule: @CRules[999]), (FStart: 1986; FEnd: 1989; FRule: @CRules[1005]), (FStart: 1986; FEnd: 1986; FRule: @CRules[1003]), (FStart: 1987; FEnd: 1999; FRule: @CRules[998]), (FStart: 1990; FEnd: 1995; FRule: @CRules[999]), (FStart: 1996; FEnd: 2005; FRule: @CRules[995]), (FStart: 2000; FEnd: 2000; FRule: @CRules[1017]), (FStart: 2001; FEnd: 2007; FRule: @CRules[998]), (FStart: 2006; FEnd: 2006; FRule: @CRules[1011]), (FStart: 2007; FEnd: 2007; FRule: @CRules[995]), (FStart: 2008; FEnd: 9999; FRule: @CRules[1011]), (FStart: 2008; FEnd: 9999; FRule: @CRules[1012]) ); { Date-bound rules for LH family } CFamily_126_Arr: array[0 .. 13] of TYearBoundRule = ( (FStart: 1981; FEnd: 1984; FRule: @CRules[1018]), (FStart: 1982; FEnd: 1985; FRule: @CRules[1019]), (FStart: 1985; FEnd: 1985; FRule: @CRules[1020]), (FStart: 1986; FEnd: 1989; FRule: @CRules[1021]), (FStart: 1986; FEnd: 1986; FRule: @CRules[1022]), (FStart: 1987; FEnd: 1999; FRule: @CRules[1020]), (FStart: 1990; FEnd: 1995; FRule: @CRules[1019]), (FStart: 1996; FEnd: 2005; FRule: @CRules[1023]), (FStart: 2000; FEnd: 2000; FRule: @CRules[1024]), (FStart: 2001; FEnd: 2007; FRule: @CRules[1020]), (FStart: 2006; FEnd: 2006; FRule: @CRules[1025]), (FStart: 2007; FEnd: 2007; FRule: @CRules[1023]), (FStart: 2008; FEnd: 9999; FRule: @CRules[1025]), (FStart: 2008; FEnd: 9999; FRule: @CRules[1026]) ); { Date-bound rules for Fiji family } CFamily_127_Arr: array[0 .. 11] of TYearBoundRule = ( (FStart: 1998; FEnd: 1999; FRule: @CRules[1027]), (FStart: 1999; FEnd: 2000; FRule: @CRules[1028]), (FStart: 2009; FEnd: 2009; FRule: @CRules[1029]), (FStart: 2010; FEnd: 2010; FRule: @CRules[1030]), (FStart: 2010; FEnd: 2013; FRule: @CRules[1031]), (FStart: 2011; FEnd: 2011; FRule: @CRules[1032]), (FStart: 2012; FEnd: 2013; FRule: @CRules[1033]), (FStart: 2014; FEnd: 2014; FRule: @CRules[1034]), (FStart: 2014; FEnd: 2018; FRule: @CRules[1027]), (FStart: 2015; FEnd: 2021; FRule: @CRules[1035]), (FStart: 2019; FEnd: 2019; FRule: @CRules[1036]), (FStart: 2020; FEnd: 2020; FRule: @CRules[1037]) ); { Date-bound rules for NC family } CFamily_128_Arr: array[0 .. 3] of TYearBoundRule = ( (FStart: 1977; FEnd: 1978; FRule: @CRules[1049]), (FStart: 1978; FEnd: 1979; FRule: @CRules[842]), (FStart: 1996; FEnd: 1996; FRule: @CRules[1050]), (FStart: 1997; FEnd: 1997; FRule: @CRules[1051]) ); { Date-bound rules for Chatham family } CFamily_129_Arr: array[0 .. 8] of TYearBoundRule = ( (FStart: 1974; FEnd: 1974; FRule: @CRules[1060]), (FStart: 1975; FEnd: 1975; FRule: @CRules[1061]), (FStart: 1975; FEnd: 1988; FRule: @CRules[1062]), (FStart: 1976; FEnd: 1989; FRule: @CRules[1063]), (FStart: 1989; FEnd: 1989; FRule: @CRules[1065]), (FStart: 1990; FEnd: 2006; FRule: @CRules[1066]), (FStart: 1990; FEnd: 2007; FRule: @CRules[1067]), (FStart: 2007; FEnd: 9999; FRule: @CRules[1069]), (FStart: 2008; FEnd: 9999; FRule: @CRules[1070]) ); { Date-bound rules for Cook family } CFamily_130_Arr: array[0 .. 2] of TYearBoundRule = ( (FStart: 1978; FEnd: 1978; FRule: @CRules[1071]), (FStart: 1979; FEnd: 1991; FRule: @CRules[810]), (FStart: 1979; FEnd: 1990; FRule: @CRules[892]) ); { Date-bound rules for WS family } CFamily_131_Arr: array[0 .. 4] of TYearBoundRule = ( (FStart: 2010; FEnd: 2010; FRule: @CRules[875]), (FStart: 2011; FEnd: 2011; FRule: @CRules[1072]), (FStart: 2011; FEnd: 2011; FRule: @CRules[1073]), (FStart: 2012; FEnd: 2021; FRule: @CRules[1074]), (FStart: 2012; FEnd: 2020; FRule: @CRules[1075]) ); { Date-bound rules for Tonga family } CFamily_132_Arr: array[0 .. 5] of TYearBoundRule = ( (FStart: 1999; FEnd: 1999; FRule: @CRules[1076]), (FStart: 2000; FEnd: 2000; FRule: @CRules[1077]), (FStart: 2000; FEnd: 2001; FRule: @CRules[1027]), (FStart: 2001; FEnd: 2002; FRule: @CRules[1078]), (FStart: 2016; FEnd: 2016; FRule: @CRules[1027]), (FStart: 2017; FEnd: 2017; FRule: @CRules[1079]) ); { Date-bound rules for Vanuatu family } CFamily_133_Arr: array[0 .. 5] of TYearBoundRule = ( (FStart: 1973; FEnd: 1973; FRule: @CRules[1080]), (FStart: 1974; FEnd: 1974; FRule: @CRules[1081]), (FStart: 1983; FEnd: 1991; FRule: @CRules[1082]), (FStart: 1984; FEnd: 1991; FRule: @CRules[1083]), (FStart: 1992; FEnd: 1993; FRule: @CRules[1084]), (FStart: 1992; FEnd: 1992; FRule: @CRules[1085]) ); { Date-bound rules for Algeria family } CFamily_134_Arr: array[0 .. 21] of TYearBoundRule = ( (FStart: 1916; FEnd: 1916; FRule: @CRules[653]), (FStart: 1916; FEnd: 1919; FRule: @CRules[654]), (FStart: 1917; FEnd: 1917; FRule: @CRules[655]), (FStart: 1918; FEnd: 1918; FRule: @CRules[656]), (FStart: 1919; FEnd: 1919; FRule: @CRules[619]), (FStart: 1920; FEnd: 1920; FRule: @CRules[620]), (FStart: 1920; FEnd: 1920; FRule: @CRules[621]), (FStart: 1921; FEnd: 1921; FRule: @CRules[622]), (FStart: 1921; FEnd: 1921; FRule: @CRules[1086]), (FStart: 1939; FEnd: 1939; FRule: @CRules[1087]), (FStart: 1939; FEnd: 1939; FRule: @CRules[1088]), (FStart: 1944; FEnd: 1945; FRule: @CRules[587]), (FStart: 1944; FEnd: 1944; FRule: @CRules[1089]), (FStart: 1945; FEnd: 1945; FRule: @CRules[1090]), (FStart: 1971; FEnd: 1971; FRule: @CRules[1091]), (FStart: 1971; FEnd: 1971; FRule: @CRules[1092]), (FStart: 1977; FEnd: 1977; FRule: @CRules[607]), (FStart: 1977; FEnd: 1977; FRule: @CRules[1093]), (FStart: 1978; FEnd: 1978; FRule: @CRules[1094]), (FStart: 1978; FEnd: 1978; FRule: @CRules[1095]), (FStart: 1980; FEnd: 1980; FRule: @CRules[1096]), (FStart: 1980; FEnd: 1980; FRule: @CRules[522]) ); { Date-bound rules for Egypt family } CFamily_135_Arr: array[0 .. 33] of TYearBoundRule = ( (FStart: 1940; FEnd: 1940; FRule: @CRules[785]), (FStart: 1940; FEnd: 1940; FRule: @CRules[197]), (FStart: 1941; FEnd: 1941; FRule: @CRules[406]), (FStart: 1941; FEnd: 1941; FRule: @CRules[392]), (FStart: 1942; FEnd: 1944; FRule: @CRules[358]), (FStart: 1942; FEnd: 1942; FRule: @CRules[1097]), (FStart: 1943; FEnd: 1945; FRule: @CRules[355]), (FStart: 1945; FEnd: 1945; FRule: @CRules[784]), (FStart: 1957; FEnd: 1957; FRule: @CRules[396]), (FStart: 1957; FEnd: 1958; FRule: @CRules[197]), (FStart: 1958; FEnd: 1958; FRule: @CRules[354]), (FStart: 1959; FEnd: 1981; FRule: @CRules[407]), (FStart: 1959; FEnd: 1965; FRule: @CRules[408]), (FStart: 1966; FEnd: 1994; FRule: @CRules[281]), (FStart: 1982; FEnd: 1982; FRule: @CRules[1098]), (FStart: 1983; FEnd: 1983; FRule: @CRules[1099]), (FStart: 1984; FEnd: 1988; FRule: @CRules[407]), (FStart: 1989; FEnd: 1989; FRule: @CRules[1100]), (FStart: 1990; FEnd: 1994; FRule: @CRules[407]), (FStart: 1995; FEnd: 2010; FRule: @CRules[1101]), (FStart: 1995; FEnd: 2005; FRule: @CRules[1102]), (FStart: 2006; FEnd: 2006; FRule: @CRules[275]), (FStart: 2007; FEnd: 2007; FRule: @CRules[1103]), (FStart: 2008; FEnd: 2008; FRule: @CRules[1104]), (FStart: 2009; FEnd: 2009; FRule: @CRules[1105]), (FStart: 2010; FEnd: 2010; FRule: @CRules[1106]), (FStart: 2010; FEnd: 2010; FRule: @CRules[1107]), (FStart: 2010; FEnd: 2010; FRule: @CRules[1102]), (FStart: 2014; FEnd: 2014; FRule: @CRules[1108]), (FStart: 2014; FEnd: 2014; FRule: @CRules[1109]), (FStart: 2014; FEnd: 2014; FRule: @CRules[1110]), (FStart: 2014; FEnd: 2014; FRule: @CRules[1102]), (FStart: 2023; FEnd: 9999; FRule: @CRules[1101]), (FStart: 2023; FEnd: 9999; FRule: @CRules[1111]) ); { Date-bound rules for Libya family } CFamily_136_Arr: array[0 .. 16] of TYearBoundRule = ( (FStart: 1951; FEnd: 1951; FRule: @CRules[480]), (FStart: 1952; FEnd: 1952; FRule: @CRules[264]), (FStart: 1953; FEnd: 1953; FRule: @CRules[1112]), (FStart: 1954; FEnd: 1954; FRule: @CRules[264]), (FStart: 1955; FEnd: 1955; FRule: @CRules[1113]), (FStart: 1956; FEnd: 1956; FRule: @CRules[264]), (FStart: 1982; FEnd: 1984; FRule: @CRules[358]), (FStart: 1982; FEnd: 1985; FRule: @CRules[197]), (FStart: 1985; FEnd: 1985; FRule: @CRules[615]), (FStart: 1986; FEnd: 1986; FRule: @CRules[1114]), (FStart: 1986; FEnd: 1986; FRule: @CRules[388]), (FStart: 1987; FEnd: 1989; FRule: @CRules[358]), (FStart: 1987; FEnd: 1989; FRule: @CRules[197]), (FStart: 1997; FEnd: 1997; FRule: @CRules[1114]), (FStart: 1997; FEnd: 1997; FRule: @CRules[397]), (FStart: 2013; FEnd: 2013; FRule: @CRules[1115]), (FStart: 2013; FEnd: 2013; FRule: @CRules[1116]) ); { Date-bound rules for Mauritius family } CFamily_137_Arr: array[0 .. 3] of TYearBoundRule = ( (FStart: 1982; FEnd: 1982; FRule: @CRules[1117]), (FStart: 1983; FEnd: 1983; FRule: @CRules[1118]), (FStart: 2008; FEnd: 2008; FRule: @CRules[1018]), (FStart: 2009; FEnd: 2009; FRule: @CRules[1023]) ); { Date-bound rules for Morocco family } CFamily_138_Arr: array[0 .. 182] of TYearBoundRule = ( (FStart: 1939; FEnd: 1939; FRule: @CRules[1119]), (FStart: 1939; FEnd: 1939; FRule: @CRules[1120]), (FStart: 1940; FEnd: 1940; FRule: @CRules[1121]), (FStart: 1945; FEnd: 1945; FRule: @CRules[1122]), (FStart: 1950; FEnd: 1950; FRule: @CRules[1123]), (FStart: 1950; FEnd: 1950; FRule: @CRules[1124]), (FStart: 1967; FEnd: 1967; FRule: @CRules[1125]), (FStart: 1967; FEnd: 1967; FRule: @CRules[197]), (FStart: 1974; FEnd: 1974; FRule: @CRules[1126]), (FStart: 1974; FEnd: 1974; FRule: @CRules[416]), (FStart: 1976; FEnd: 1977; FRule: @CRules[277]), (FStart: 1976; FEnd: 1976; FRule: @CRules[420]), (FStart: 1977; FEnd: 1977; FRule: @CRules[616]), (FStart: 1978; FEnd: 1978; FRule: @CRules[1127]), (FStart: 1978; FEnd: 1978; FRule: @CRules[776]), (FStart: 2008; FEnd: 2008; FRule: @CRules[1127]), (FStart: 2008; FEnd: 2008; FRule: @CRules[416]), (FStart: 2009; FEnd: 2009; FRule: @CRules[1127]), (FStart: 2009; FEnd: 2009; FRule: @CRules[1128]), (FStart: 2010; FEnd: 2010; FRule: @CRules[1129]), (FStart: 2010; FEnd: 2010; FRule: @CRules[1130]), (FStart: 2011; FEnd: 2011; FRule: @CRules[1131]), (FStart: 2011; FEnd: 2011; FRule: @CRules[1132]), (FStart: 2012; FEnd: 2013; FRule: @CRules[1133]), (FStart: 2012; FEnd: 2012; FRule: @CRules[1134]), (FStart: 2012; FEnd: 2012; FRule: @CRules[1135]), (FStart: 2012; FEnd: 2012; FRule: @CRules[408]), (FStart: 2013; FEnd: 2013; FRule: @CRules[1136]), (FStart: 2013; FEnd: 2013; FRule: @CRules[1137]), (FStart: 2013; FEnd: 2018; FRule: @CRules[733]), (FStart: 2014; FEnd: 2018; FRule: @CRules[199]), (FStart: 2014; FEnd: 2014; FRule: @CRules[1138]), (FStart: 2014; FEnd: 2014; FRule: @CRules[1139]), (FStart: 2015; FEnd: 2015; FRule: @CRules[1140]), (FStart: 2015; FEnd: 2015; FRule: @CRules[1141]), (FStart: 2016; FEnd: 2016; FRule: @CRules[1142]), (FStart: 2016; FEnd: 2016; FRule: @CRules[1143]), (FStart: 2017; FEnd: 2017; FRule: @CRules[1144]), (FStart: 2017; FEnd: 2017; FRule: @CRules[1145]), (FStart: 2018; FEnd: 2018; FRule: @CRules[1146]), (FStart: 2018; FEnd: 2018; FRule: @CRules[1147]), (FStart: 2019; FEnd: 2019; FRule: @CRules[1148]), (FStart: 2019; FEnd: 2019; FRule: @CRules[1149]), (FStart: 2020; FEnd: 2020; FRule: @CRules[1150]), (FStart: 2020; FEnd: 2020; FRule: @CRules[1151]), (FStart: 2021; FEnd: 2021; FRule: @CRules[1152]), (FStart: 2021; FEnd: 2021; FRule: @CRules[1153]), (FStart: 2022; FEnd: 2022; FRule: @CRules[1154]), (FStart: 2022; FEnd: 2022; FRule: @CRules[1155]), (FStart: 2023; FEnd: 2023; FRule: @CRules[1156]), (FStart: 2023; FEnd: 2023; FRule: @CRules[1157]), (FStart: 2024; FEnd: 2024; FRule: @CRules[1158]), (FStart: 2024; FEnd: 2024; FRule: @CRules[1159]), (FStart: 2025; FEnd: 2025; FRule: @CRules[1160]), (FStart: 2025; FEnd: 2025; FRule: @CRules[1161]), (FStart: 2026; FEnd: 2026; FRule: @CRules[1162]), (FStart: 2026; FEnd: 2026; FRule: @CRules[1163]), (FStart: 2027; FEnd: 2027; FRule: @CRules[1164]), (FStart: 2027; FEnd: 2027; FRule: @CRules[1165]), (FStart: 2028; FEnd: 2028; FRule: @CRules[1166]), (FStart: 2028; FEnd: 2028; FRule: @CRules[1167]), (FStart: 2029; FEnd: 2029; FRule: @CRules[1168]), (FStart: 2029; FEnd: 2029; FRule: @CRules[1169]), (FStart: 2029; FEnd: 2029; FRule: @CRules[1170]), (FStart: 2030; FEnd: 2030; FRule: @CRules[1171]), (FStart: 2030; FEnd: 2030; FRule: @CRules[1172]), (FStart: 2031; FEnd: 2031; FRule: @CRules[1173]), (FStart: 2031; FEnd: 2031; FRule: @CRules[1174]), (FStart: 2032; FEnd: 2032; FRule: @CRules[1175]), (FStart: 2032; FEnd: 2032; FRule: @CRules[1176]), (FStart: 2033; FEnd: 2033; FRule: @CRules[1177]), (FStart: 2033; FEnd: 2033; FRule: @CRules[1178]), (FStart: 2033; FEnd: 2033; FRule: @CRules[1179]), (FStart: 2034; FEnd: 2034; FRule: @CRules[1180]), (FStart: 2034; FEnd: 2034; FRule: @CRules[1181]), (FStart: 2035; FEnd: 2035; FRule: @CRules[1182]), (FStart: 2035; FEnd: 2035; FRule: @CRules[1183]), (FStart: 2036; FEnd: 2036; FRule: @CRules[1184]), (FStart: 2036; FEnd: 2036; FRule: @CRules[1185]), (FStart: 2037; FEnd: 2037; FRule: @CRules[1186]), (FStart: 2037; FEnd: 2037; FRule: @CRules[1187]), (FStart: 2038; FEnd: 2038; FRule: @CRules[1188]), (FStart: 2038; FEnd: 2038; FRule: @CRules[522]), (FStart: 2039; FEnd: 2039; FRule: @CRules[1189]), (FStart: 2039; FEnd: 2039; FRule: @CRules[1190]), (FStart: 2040; FEnd: 2040; FRule: @CRules[1191]), (FStart: 2040; FEnd: 2040; FRule: @CRules[1192]), (FStart: 2041; FEnd: 2041; FRule: @CRules[1193]), (FStart: 2041; FEnd: 2041; FRule: @CRules[697]), (FStart: 2042; FEnd: 2042; FRule: @CRules[1194]), (FStart: 2042; FEnd: 2042; FRule: @CRules[1195]), (FStart: 2043; FEnd: 2043; FRule: @CRules[1196]), (FStart: 2043; FEnd: 2043; FRule: @CRules[414]), (FStart: 2044; FEnd: 2044; FRule: @CRules[1197]), (FStart: 2044; FEnd: 2044; FRule: @CRules[1198]), (FStart: 2045; FEnd: 2045; FRule: @CRules[1199]), (FStart: 2045; FEnd: 2045; FRule: @CRules[1200]), (FStart: 2046; FEnd: 2046; FRule: @CRules[1201]), (FStart: 2046; FEnd: 2046; FRule: @CRules[1202]), (FStart: 2047; FEnd: 2047; FRule: @CRules[1203]), (FStart: 2047; FEnd: 2047; FRule: @CRules[1204]), (FStart: 2048; FEnd: 2048; FRule: @CRules[1205]), (FStart: 2048; FEnd: 2048; FRule: @CRules[1206]), (FStart: 2049; FEnd: 2049; FRule: @CRules[1207]), (FStart: 2049; FEnd: 2049; FRule: @CRules[1208]), (FStart: 2050; FEnd: 2050; FRule: @CRules[1209]), (FStart: 2050; FEnd: 2050; FRule: @CRules[1210]), (FStart: 2051; FEnd: 2051; FRule: @CRules[1211]), (FStart: 2051; FEnd: 2051; FRule: @CRules[1212]), (FStart: 2052; FEnd: 2052; FRule: @CRules[1213]), (FStart: 2052; FEnd: 2052; FRule: @CRules[1214]), (FStart: 2053; FEnd: 2053; FRule: @CRules[1215]), (FStart: 2053; FEnd: 2053; FRule: @CRules[1216]), (FStart: 2054; FEnd: 2054; FRule: @CRules[1217]), (FStart: 2054; FEnd: 2054; FRule: @CRules[1218]), (FStart: 2055; FEnd: 2055; FRule: @CRules[1219]), (FStart: 2055; FEnd: 2055; FRule: @CRules[1220]), (FStart: 2056; FEnd: 2056; FRule: @CRules[1221]), (FStart: 2056; FEnd: 2056; FRule: @CRules[1157]), (FStart: 2057; FEnd: 2057; FRule: @CRules[1222]), (FStart: 2057; FEnd: 2057; FRule: @CRules[1223]), (FStart: 2058; FEnd: 2058; FRule: @CRules[1224]), (FStart: 2058; FEnd: 2058; FRule: @CRules[1225]), (FStart: 2059; FEnd: 2059; FRule: @CRules[1226]), (FStart: 2059; FEnd: 2059; FRule: @CRules[1227]), (FStart: 2060; FEnd: 2060; FRule: @CRules[1228]), (FStart: 2060; FEnd: 2060; FRule: @CRules[1229]), (FStart: 2061; FEnd: 2061; FRule: @CRules[1230]), (FStart: 2061; FEnd: 2061; FRule: @CRules[1231]), (FStart: 2062; FEnd: 2062; FRule: @CRules[1232]), (FStart: 2062; FEnd: 2062; FRule: @CRules[1233]), (FStart: 2062; FEnd: 2062; FRule: @CRules[1234]), (FStart: 2063; FEnd: 2063; FRule: @CRules[1235]), (FStart: 2063; FEnd: 2063; FRule: @CRules[1236]), (FStart: 2064; FEnd: 2064; FRule: @CRules[1237]), (FStart: 2064; FEnd: 2064; FRule: @CRules[1238]), (FStart: 2065; FEnd: 2065; FRule: @CRules[1239]), (FStart: 2065; FEnd: 2065; FRule: @CRules[1240]), (FStart: 2066; FEnd: 2066; FRule: @CRules[1241]), (FStart: 2066; FEnd: 2066; FRule: @CRules[1242]), (FStart: 2066; FEnd: 2066; FRule: @CRules[1243]), (FStart: 2067; FEnd: 2067; FRule: @CRules[1244]), (FStart: 2067; FEnd: 2067; FRule: @CRules[1245]), (FStart: 2068; FEnd: 2068; FRule: @CRules[1246]), (FStart: 2068; FEnd: 2068; FRule: @CRules[1247]), (FStart: 2069; FEnd: 2069; FRule: @CRules[1248]), (FStart: 2069; FEnd: 2069; FRule: @CRules[1249]), (FStart: 2070; FEnd: 2070; FRule: @CRules[1250]), (FStart: 2070; FEnd: 2070; FRule: @CRules[1251]), (FStart: 2071; FEnd: 2071; FRule: @CRules[1252]), (FStart: 2071; FEnd: 2071; FRule: @CRules[1253]), (FStart: 2072; FEnd: 2072; FRule: @CRules[1254]), (FStart: 2072; FEnd: 2072; FRule: @CRules[1255]), (FStart: 2073; FEnd: 2073; FRule: @CRules[1256]), (FStart: 2073; FEnd: 2073; FRule: @CRules[1089]), (FStart: 2074; FEnd: 2074; FRule: @CRules[1257]), (FStart: 2074; FEnd: 2074; FRule: @CRules[516]), (FStart: 2075; FEnd: 2075; FRule: @CRules[1258]), (FStart: 2075; FEnd: 2075; FRule: @CRules[1259]), (FStart: 2076; FEnd: 2076; FRule: @CRules[1260]), (FStart: 2076; FEnd: 2076; FRule: @CRules[1261]), (FStart: 2077; FEnd: 2077; FRule: @CRules[1262]), (FStart: 2077; FEnd: 2077; FRule: @CRules[1263]), (FStart: 2078; FEnd: 2078; FRule: @CRules[1264]), (FStart: 2078; FEnd: 2078; FRule: @CRules[1265]), (FStart: 2079; FEnd: 2079; FRule: @CRules[1266]), (FStart: 2079; FEnd: 2079; FRule: @CRules[1267]), (FStart: 2080; FEnd: 2080; FRule: @CRules[1268]), (FStart: 2080; FEnd: 2080; FRule: @CRules[1269]), (FStart: 2081; FEnd: 2081; FRule: @CRules[1270]), (FStart: 2081; FEnd: 2081; FRule: @CRules[1271]), (FStart: 2082; FEnd: 2082; FRule: @CRules[1272]), (FStart: 2082; FEnd: 2082; FRule: @CRules[1273]), (FStart: 2083; FEnd: 2083; FRule: @CRules[1274]), (FStart: 2083; FEnd: 2083; FRule: @CRules[1275]), (FStart: 2084; FEnd: 2084; FRule: @CRules[1276]), (FStart: 2084; FEnd: 2084; FRule: @CRules[1277]), (FStart: 2085; FEnd: 2085; FRule: @CRules[1278]), (FStart: 2085; FEnd: 2085; FRule: @CRules[1279]), (FStart: 2086; FEnd: 2086; FRule: @CRules[1280]), (FStart: 2086; FEnd: 2086; FRule: @CRules[1281]), (FStart: 2087; FEnd: 2087; FRule: @CRules[1282]), (FStart: 2087; FEnd: 2087; FRule: @CRules[1283]) ); { Date-bound rules for Namibia family } CFamily_139_Arr: array[0 .. 2] of TYearBoundRule = ( (FStart: 1994; FEnd: 1994; FRule: @CRules[1284]), (FStart: 1994; FEnd: 2017; FRule: @CRules[1285]), (FStart: 1995; FEnd: 2017; FRule: @CRules[1286]) ); { Date-bound rules for SA family } CFamily_140_Arr: array[0 .. 1] of TYearBoundRule = ( (FStart: 1942; FEnd: 1943; FRule: @CRules[1287]), (FStart: 1943; FEnd: 1944; FRule: @CRules[1021]) ); { Date-bound rules for Sudan family } CFamily_141_Arr: array[0 .. 3] of TYearBoundRule = ( (FStart: 1970; FEnd: 1970; FRule: @CRules[354]), (FStart: 1970; FEnd: 1985; FRule: @CRules[372]), (FStart: 1971; FEnd: 1971; FRule: @CRules[356]), (FStart: 1972; FEnd: 1985; FRule: @CRules[1288]) ); { Date-bound rules for Tunisia family } CFamily_142_Arr: array[0 .. 24] of TYearBoundRule = ( (FStart: 1939; FEnd: 1939; FRule: @CRules[666]), (FStart: 1939; FEnd: 1939; FRule: @CRules[667]), (FStart: 1940; FEnd: 1940; FRule: @CRules[1289]), (FStart: 1941; FEnd: 1941; FRule: @CRules[780]), (FStart: 1942; FEnd: 1942; FRule: @CRules[617]), (FStart: 1942; FEnd: 1942; FRule: @CRules[603]), (FStart: 1943; FEnd: 1943; FRule: @CRules[586]), (FStart: 1943; FEnd: 1943; FRule: @CRules[1290]), (FStart: 1943; FEnd: 1943; FRule: @CRules[993]), (FStart: 1943; FEnd: 1943; FRule: @CRules[412]), (FStart: 1944; FEnd: 1945; FRule: @CRules[587]), (FStart: 1944; FEnd: 1944; FRule: @CRules[390]), (FStart: 1945; FEnd: 1945; FRule: @CRules[392]), (FStart: 1977; FEnd: 1977; FRule: @CRules[356]), (FStart: 1977; FEnd: 1977; FRule: @CRules[1291]), (FStart: 1978; FEnd: 1978; FRule: @CRules[354]), (FStart: 1978; FEnd: 1978; FRule: @CRules[197]), (FStart: 1988; FEnd: 1988; FRule: @CRules[395]), (FStart: 1988; FEnd: 1990; FRule: @CRules[194]), (FStart: 1989; FEnd: 1989; FRule: @CRules[389]), (FStart: 1990; FEnd: 1990; FRule: @CRules[354]), (FStart: 2005; FEnd: 2005; FRule: @CRules[354]), (FStart: 2005; FEnd: 2005; FRule: @CRules[1292]), (FStart: 2006; FEnd: 2008; FRule: @CRules[591]), (FStart: 2006; FEnd: 2008; FRule: @CRules[200]) ); var { This array contains rule families. } CRuleFamilies: array[0 .. 142] of TRuleFamily = ( (FCount: 13; FFirstRule: @CFamily_0_Arr), (FCount: 5; FFirstRule: @CFamily_1_Arr), (FCount: 6; FFirstRule: @CFamily_2_Arr), (FCount: 5; FFirstRule: @CFamily_3_Arr), (FCount: 5; FFirstRule: @CFamily_4_Arr), (FCount: 3; FFirstRule: @CFamily_5_Arr), (FCount: 4; FFirstRule: @CFamily_6_Arr), (FCount: 9; FFirstRule: @CFamily_7_Arr), (FCount: 4; FFirstRule: @CFamily_8_Arr), (FCount: 4; FFirstRule: @CFamily_9_Arr), (FCount: 5; FFirstRule: @CFamily_10_Arr), (FCount: 4; FFirstRule: @CFamily_11_Arr), (FCount: 9; FFirstRule: @CFamily_12_Arr), (FCount: 2; FFirstRule: @CFamily_13_Arr), (FCount: 4; FFirstRule: @CFamily_14_Arr), (FCount: 10; FFirstRule: @CFamily_15_Arr), (FCount: 19; FFirstRule: @CFamily_16_Arr), (FCount: 41; FFirstRule: @CFamily_17_Arr), (FCount: 13; FFirstRule: @CFamily_18_Arr), (FCount: 18; FFirstRule: @CFamily_19_Arr), (FCount: 24; FFirstRule: @CFamily_20_Arr), (FCount: 17; FFirstRule: @CFamily_21_Arr), (FCount: 5; FFirstRule: @CFamily_22_Arr), (FCount: 13; FFirstRule: @CFamily_23_Arr), (FCount: 9; FFirstRule: @CFamily_24_Arr), (FCount: 10; FFirstRule: @CFamily_25_Arr), (FCount: 2; FFirstRule: @CFamily_26_Arr), (FCount: 16; FFirstRule: @CFamily_27_Arr), (FCount: 11; FFirstRule: @CFamily_28_Arr), (FCount: 11; FFirstRule: @CFamily_29_Arr), (FCount: 16; FFirstRule: @CFamily_30_Arr), (FCount: 5; FFirstRule: @CFamily_31_Arr), (FCount: 39; FFirstRule: @CFamily_32_Arr), (FCount: 6; FFirstRule: @CFamily_33_Arr), (FCount: 2; FFirstRule: @CFamily_34_Arr), (FCount: 8; FFirstRule: @CFamily_35_Arr), (FCount: 11; FFirstRule: @CFamily_36_Arr), (FCount: 4; FFirstRule: @CFamily_37_Arr), (FCount: 6; FFirstRule: @CFamily_38_Arr), (FCount: 3; FFirstRule: @CFamily_39_Arr), (FCount: 3; FFirstRule: @CFamily_40_Arr), (FCount: 5; FFirstRule: @CFamily_41_Arr), (FCount: 2; FFirstRule: @CFamily_42_Arr), (FCount: 2; FFirstRule: @CFamily_43_Arr), (FCount: 2; FFirstRule: @CFamily_44_Arr), (FCount: 14; FFirstRule: @CFamily_45_Arr), (FCount: 3; FFirstRule: @CFamily_46_Arr), (FCount: 14; FFirstRule: @CFamily_47_Arr), (FCount: 15; FFirstRule: @CFamily_48_Arr), (FCount: 27; FFirstRule: @CFamily_49_Arr), (FCount: 9; FFirstRule: @CFamily_50_Arr), (FCount: 40; FFirstRule: @CFamily_51_Arr), (FCount: 8; FFirstRule: @CFamily_52_Arr), (FCount: 85; FFirstRule: @CFamily_53_Arr), (FCount: 4; FFirstRule: @CFamily_54_Arr), (FCount: 32; FFirstRule: @CFamily_55_Arr), (FCount: 4; FFirstRule: @CFamily_56_Arr), (FCount: 14; FFirstRule: @CFamily_57_Arr), (FCount: 24; FFirstRule: @CFamily_58_Arr), (FCount: 2; FFirstRule: @CFamily_59_Arr), (FCount: 9; FFirstRule: @CFamily_60_Arr), (FCount: 5; FFirstRule: @CFamily_61_Arr), (FCount: 6; FFirstRule: @CFamily_62_Arr), (FCount: 110; FFirstRule: @CFamily_63_Arr), (FCount: 6; FFirstRule: @CFamily_64_Arr), (FCount: 41; FFirstRule: @CFamily_65_Arr), (FCount: 2; FFirstRule: @CFamily_66_Arr), (FCount: 65; FFirstRule: @CFamily_67_Arr), (FCount: 6; FFirstRule: @CFamily_68_Arr), (FCount: 7; FFirstRule: @CFamily_69_Arr), (FCount: 6; FFirstRule: @CFamily_70_Arr), (FCount: 17; FFirstRule: @CFamily_71_Arr), (FCount: 6; FFirstRule: @CFamily_72_Arr), (FCount: 16; FFirstRule: @CFamily_73_Arr), (FCount: 25; FFirstRule: @CFamily_74_Arr), (FCount: 9; FFirstRule: @CFamily_75_Arr), (FCount: 34; FFirstRule: @CFamily_76_Arr), (FCount: 5; FFirstRule: @CFamily_77_Arr), (FCount: 6; FFirstRule: @CFamily_78_Arr), (FCount: 6; FFirstRule: @CFamily_79_Arr), (FCount: 4; FFirstRule: @CFamily_80_Arr), (FCount: 42; FFirstRule: @CFamily_81_Arr), (FCount: 8; FFirstRule: @CFamily_82_Arr), (FCount: 3; FFirstRule: @CFamily_83_Arr), (FCount: 19; FFirstRule: @CFamily_84_Arr), (FCount: 19; FFirstRule: @CFamily_85_Arr), (FCount: 41; FFirstRule: @CFamily_86_Arr), (FCount: 2; FFirstRule: @CFamily_87_Arr), (FCount: 7; FFirstRule: @CFamily_88_Arr), (FCount: 2; FFirstRule: @CFamily_89_Arr), (FCount: 9; FFirstRule: @CFamily_90_Arr), (FCount: 20; FFirstRule: @CFamily_91_Arr), (FCount: 48; FFirstRule: @CFamily_92_Arr), (FCount: 30; FFirstRule: @CFamily_93_Arr), (FCount: 9; FFirstRule: @CFamily_94_Arr), (FCount: 2; FFirstRule: @CFamily_95_Arr), (FCount: 45; FFirstRule: @CFamily_96_Arr), (FCount: 29; FFirstRule: @CFamily_97_Arr), (FCount: 2; FFirstRule: @CFamily_98_Arr), (FCount: 57; FFirstRule: @CFamily_99_Arr), (FCount: 36; FFirstRule: @CFamily_100_Arr), (FCount: 2; FFirstRule: @CFamily_101_Arr), (FCount: 2; FFirstRule: @CFamily_102_Arr), (FCount: 12; FFirstRule: @CFamily_103_Arr), (FCount: 22; FFirstRule: @CFamily_104_Arr), (FCount: 10; FFirstRule: @CFamily_105_Arr), (FCount: 48; FFirstRule: @CFamily_106_Arr), (FCount: 6; FFirstRule: @CFamily_107_Arr), (FCount: 4; FFirstRule: @CFamily_108_Arr), (FCount: 20; FFirstRule: @CFamily_109_Arr), (FCount: 7; FFirstRule: @CFamily_110_Arr), (FCount: 16; FFirstRule: @CFamily_111_Arr), (FCount: 16; FFirstRule: @CFamily_112_Arr), (FCount: 23; FFirstRule: @CFamily_113_Arr), (FCount: 7; FFirstRule: @CFamily_114_Arr), (FCount: 20; FFirstRule: @CFamily_115_Arr), (FCount: 11; FFirstRule: @CFamily_116_Arr), (FCount: 23; FFirstRule: @CFamily_117_Arr), (FCount: 7; FFirstRule: @CFamily_118_Arr), (FCount: 14; FFirstRule: @CFamily_119_Arr), (FCount: 9; FFirstRule: @CFamily_120_Arr), (FCount: 4; FFirstRule: @CFamily_121_Arr), (FCount: 2; FFirstRule: @CFamily_122_Arr), (FCount: 15; FFirstRule: @CFamily_123_Arr), (FCount: 14; FFirstRule: @CFamily_124_Arr), (FCount: 16; FFirstRule: @CFamily_125_Arr), (FCount: 14; FFirstRule: @CFamily_126_Arr), (FCount: 12; FFirstRule: @CFamily_127_Arr), (FCount: 4; FFirstRule: @CFamily_128_Arr), (FCount: 9; FFirstRule: @CFamily_129_Arr), (FCount: 3; FFirstRule: @CFamily_130_Arr), (FCount: 5; FFirstRule: @CFamily_131_Arr), (FCount: 6; FFirstRule: @CFamily_132_Arr), (FCount: 6; FFirstRule: @CFamily_133_Arr), (FCount: 22; FFirstRule: @CFamily_134_Arr), (FCount: 34; FFirstRule: @CFamily_135_Arr), (FCount: 17; FFirstRule: @CFamily_136_Arr), (FCount: 4; FFirstRule: @CFamily_137_Arr), (FCount: 183; FFirstRule: @CFamily_138_Arr), (FCount: 3; FFirstRule: @CFamily_139_Arr), (FCount: 2; FFirstRule: @CFamily_140_Arr), (FCount: 4; FFirstRule: @CFamily_141_Arr), (FCount: 25; FFirstRule: @CFamily_142_Arr) ); var { Time periods for Africa/Abidjan zone } CZone_0_Arr: array[0 .. 1] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: -968; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1912; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 0; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'GMT'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Africa/Accra zone } CZone_1_Arr: array[0 .. 3] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: -52; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1915; FUntilMonth: 11; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[24]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 0; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[107]; FFmtStr: '%s'; FUntilYear: 1942; FUntilMonth: 2; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[20]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 1800; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+0030'; FUntilYear: 1946; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[4]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 0; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[107]; FFmtStr: '%s'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Africa/Addis_Ababa zone } CZone_2_Arr: array[0 .. 2] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: 9288; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1870; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 9320; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'ADMT'; FUntilYear: 1936; FUntilMonth: 5; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[28]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 10800; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'EAT'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Africa/Algiers zone } CZone_3_Arr: array[0 .. 9] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: 732; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1891; FUntilMonth: 3; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[34]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 561; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'PMT'; FUntilYear: 1911; FUntilMonth: 3; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[25]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 0; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[134]; FFmtStr: 'WE%sT'; FUntilYear: 1940; FUntilMonth: 2; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[11]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 3600; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[134]; FFmtStr: 'CE%sT'; FUntilYear: 1946; FUntilMonth: 10; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[13]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 0; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'WET'; FUntilYear: 1956; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[23]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 3600; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'CET'; FUntilYear: 1963; FUntilMonth: 4; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[2]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 0; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[134]; FFmtStr: 'WE%sT'; FUntilYear: 1977; FUntilMonth: 10; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[19]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 3600; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[134]; FFmtStr: 'CE%sT'; FUntilYear: 1979; FUntilMonth: 10; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[12]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 0; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[134]; FFmtStr: 'WE%sT'; FUntilYear: 1981; FUntilMonth: 5; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 3600; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'CET'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Africa/Asmara zone } CZone_4_Arr: array[0 .. 3] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: 9332; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1870; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 9332; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'AMT'; FUntilYear: 1890; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 9320; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'ADMT'; FUntilYear: 1936; FUntilMonth: 5; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[28]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 10800; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'EAT'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Africa/Bamako zone } CZone_5_Arr: array[0 .. 3] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: -1920; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1912; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 0; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'GMT'; FUntilYear: 1934; FUntilMonth: 2; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[12]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -3600; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '-01'; FUntilYear: 1960; FUntilMonth: 6; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[16]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 0; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'GMT'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Africa/Bangui zone } CZone_6_Arr: array[0 .. 1] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: 4460; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1912; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 3600; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'WAT'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Africa/Banjul zone } CZone_7_Arr: array[0 .. 3] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: -3996; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1912; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -3996; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'BMT'; FUntilYear: 1933; FUntilMonth: 4; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -3600; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '-01'; FUntilYear: 1942; FUntilMonth: 2; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 0; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'GMT'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Africa/Bissau zone } CZone_8_Arr: array[0 .. 2] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: -3740; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1912; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FUntilTime: 3600; FUntilTimeMode: trUniversal), (FOffset: -3600; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '-01'; FUntilYear: 1975; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 0; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'GMT'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Africa/Blantyre zone } CZone_9_Arr: array[0 .. 3] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: 8400; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1911; FUntilMonth: 7; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[22]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 8470; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'ZMT'; FUntilYear: 1914; FUntilMonth: 6; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[3]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 8460; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'ZMT'; FUntilYear: 1925; FUntilMonth: 7; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 7200; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'CAT'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Africa/Brazzaville zone } CZone_10_Arr: array[0 .. 1] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: 3668; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1912; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 3600; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'WAT'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Africa/Bujumbura zone } CZone_11_Arr: array[0 .. 1] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: 7048; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1890; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 7200; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'CAT'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Africa/Cairo zone } CZone_12_Arr: array[0 .. 1] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: 7509; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1900; FUntilMonth: 10; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 7200; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[135]; FFmtStr: 'EE%sT'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Africa/Casablanca zone } CZone_13_Arr: array[0 .. 4] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: -1820; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1913; FUntilMonth: 10; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[12]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 0; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[138]; FFmtStr: '+00/+01'; FUntilYear: 1984; FUntilMonth: 3; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[34]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 3600; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+01'; FUntilYear: 1986; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 0; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[138]; FFmtStr: '+00/+01'; FUntilYear: 2018; FUntilMonth: 10; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[33]; FUntilTime: 10800; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 3600; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[138]; FFmtStr: '+01/+00'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Africa/Ceuta zone } CZone_14_Arr: array[0 .. 8] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: -1276; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1901; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trUniversal), (FOffset: 0; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'WET'; FUntilYear: 1918; FUntilMonth: 5; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[4]; FUntilTime: 82800; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 0; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'WEST'; FUntilYear: 1918; FUntilMonth: 10; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[13]; FUntilTime: 82800; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 0; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'WET'; FUntilYear: 1924; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 0; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[93]; FFmtStr: 'WE%sT'; FUntilYear: 1929; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 0; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'WET'; FUntilYear: 1967; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 0; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[94]; FFmtStr: 'WE%sT'; FUntilYear: 1984; FUntilMonth: 3; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[34]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 3600; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'CET'; FUntilYear: 1986; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 3600; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[68]; FFmtStr: 'CE%sT'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Africa/Conakry zone } CZone_15_Arr: array[0 .. 3] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: -3292; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1912; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 0; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'GMT'; FUntilYear: 1934; FUntilMonth: 2; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[12]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -3600; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '-01'; FUntilYear: 1960; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 0; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'GMT'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Africa/Dakar zone } CZone_16_Arr: array[0 .. 2] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: -4184; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1912; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -3600; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '-01'; FUntilYear: 1941; FUntilMonth: 6; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 0; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'GMT'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Africa/Dar_es_Salaam zone } CZone_17_Arr: array[0 .. 3] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: 9428; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1931; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 10800; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'EAT'; FUntilYear: 1948; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 9900; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+0245'; FUntilYear: 1961; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 10800; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'EAT'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Africa/Djibouti zone } CZone_18_Arr: array[0 .. 1] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: 10356; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1911; FUntilMonth: 7; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 10800; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'EAT'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Africa/Douala zone } CZone_19_Arr: array[0 .. 1] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: 2328; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1912; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 3600; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'WAT'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Africa/El_Aaiun zone } CZone_20_Arr: array[0 .. 3] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: -3168; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1934; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -3600; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '-01'; FUntilYear: 1976; FUntilMonth: 4; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[2]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 0; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[138]; FFmtStr: '+00/+01'; FUntilYear: 2018; FUntilMonth: 10; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[33]; FUntilTime: 10800; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 3600; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[138]; FFmtStr: '+01/+00'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Africa/Freetown zone } CZone_21_Arr: array[0 .. 4] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: -3180; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1882; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -3180; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'FMT'; FUntilYear: 1913; FUntilMonth: 7; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -3600; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[108]; FFmtStr: '%s'; FUntilYear: 1939; FUntilMonth: 9; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[28]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -3600; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '-01'; FUntilYear: 1941; FUntilMonth: 12; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[4]; FUntilTime: 86400; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 0; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'GMT'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Africa/Gaborone zone } CZone_22_Arr: array[0 .. 4] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: 6220; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1885; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 5400; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'SAST'; FUntilYear: 1903; FUntilMonth: 3; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 7200; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'CAT'; FUntilYear: 1943; FUntilMonth: 9; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[15]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 7200; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'CAST'; FUntilYear: 1944; FUntilMonth: 3; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[15]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 7200; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'CAT'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Africa/Harare zone } CZone_23_Arr: array[0 .. 1] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: 7452; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1903; FUntilMonth: 3; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 7200; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'CAT'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Africa/Johannesburg zone } CZone_24_Arr: array[0 .. 2] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: 6720; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1892; FUntilMonth: 2; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[20]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 5400; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'SAST'; FUntilYear: 1903; FUntilMonth: 3; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 7200; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[140]; FFmtStr: 'SAST'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Africa/Juba zone } CZone_25_Arr: array[0 .. 3] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: 7588; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1931; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 7200; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[141]; FFmtStr: 'CA%sT'; FUntilYear: 2000; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[10]; FUntilTime: 43200; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 10800; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'EAT'; FUntilYear: 2021; FUntilMonth: 2; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 7200; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'CAT'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Africa/Kampala zone } CZone_26_Arr: array[0 .. 4] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: 7780; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1928; FUntilMonth: 7; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 10800; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'EAT'; FUntilYear: 1930; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 9000; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+0230'; FUntilYear: 1948; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 9900; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+0245'; FUntilYear: 1957; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 10800; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'EAT'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Africa/Khartoum zone } CZone_27_Arr: array[0 .. 3] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: 7808; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1931; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 7200; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[141]; FFmtStr: 'CA%sT'; FUntilYear: 2000; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[10]; FUntilTime: 43200; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 10800; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'EAT'; FUntilYear: 2017; FUntilMonth: 11; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 7200; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'CAT'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Africa/Kigali zone } CZone_28_Arr: array[0 .. 1] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: 7216; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1935; FUntilMonth: 6; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 7200; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'CAT'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Africa/Kinshasa zone } CZone_29_Arr: array[0 .. 1] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: 3672; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1897; FUntilMonth: 11; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[1]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 3600; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'WAT'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Africa/Lagos zone } CZone_30_Arr: array[0 .. 4] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: 815; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1905; FUntilMonth: 7; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 0; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'GMT'; FUntilYear: 1908; FUntilMonth: 7; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 815; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1914; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 1800; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+0030'; FUntilYear: 1919; FUntilMonth: 9; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 3600; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'WAT'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Africa/Libreville zone } CZone_31_Arr: array[0 .. 1] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: 2268; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1912; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 3600; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'WAT'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Africa/Lome zone } CZone_32_Arr: array[0 .. 1] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: 292; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1893; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 0; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'GMT'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Africa/Luanda zone } CZone_33_Arr: array[0 .. 2] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: 3176; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1892; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 3124; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1911; FUntilMonth: 12; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[39]; FUntilTime: 82800; FUntilTimeMode: trUniversal), (FOffset: 3600; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'WAT'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Africa/Lubumbashi zone } CZone_34_Arr: array[0 .. 2] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: 6592; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1897; FUntilMonth: 11; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[1]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 3600; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'WAT'; FUntilYear: 1920; FUntilMonth: 4; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[11]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 7200; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'CAT'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Africa/Lusaka zone } CZone_35_Arr: array[0 .. 1] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: 6788; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1903; FUntilMonth: 3; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 7200; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'CAT'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Africa/Malabo zone } CZone_36_Arr: array[0 .. 2] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: 2108; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1912; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 0; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'GMT'; FUntilYear: 1963; FUntilMonth: 12; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[10]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 3600; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'WAT'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Africa/Maputo zone } CZone_37_Arr: array[0 .. 1] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: 7820; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1903; FUntilMonth: 3; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 7200; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'CAT'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Africa/Maseru zone } CZone_38_Arr: array[0 .. 3] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: 6600; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1903; FUntilMonth: 3; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 7200; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'SAST'; FUntilYear: 1943; FUntilMonth: 9; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[15]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 7200; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'SAST'; FUntilYear: 1944; FUntilMonth: 3; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[15]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 7200; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'SAST'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Africa/Mbabane zone } CZone_39_Arr: array[0 .. 1] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: 7464; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1903; FUntilMonth: 3; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 7200; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'SAST'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Africa/Mogadishu zone } CZone_40_Arr: array[0 .. 3] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: 10888; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1893; FUntilMonth: 11; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 10800; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'EAT'; FUntilYear: 1931; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 9000; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+0230'; FUntilYear: 1957; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 10800; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'EAT'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Africa/Monrovia zone } CZone_41_Arr: array[0 .. 3] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: -2588; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1882; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -2588; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'MMT'; FUntilYear: 1919; FUntilMonth: 3; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -2670; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'MMT'; FUntilYear: 1972; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[13]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 0; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'GMT'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Africa/Nairobi zone } CZone_42_Arr: array[0 .. 5] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: 8836; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1908; FUntilMonth: 5; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 9000; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+0230'; FUntilYear: 1928; FUntilMonth: 6; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[3]; FUntilTime: 86400; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 10800; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'EAT'; FUntilYear: 1930; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[18]; FUntilTime: 86400; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 9000; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+0230'; FUntilYear: 1936; FUntilMonth: 12; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[39]; FUntilTime: 86400; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 9900; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+0245'; FUntilYear: 1942; FUntilMonth: 7; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[39]; FUntilTime: 86400; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 10800; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'EAT'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Africa/Ndjamena zone } CZone_43_Arr: array[0 .. 3] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: 3612; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1912; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 3600; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'WAT'; FUntilYear: 1979; FUntilMonth: 10; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[2]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 3600; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'WAST'; FUntilYear: 1980; FUntilMonth: 3; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[20]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 3600; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'WAT'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Africa/Niamey zone } CZone_44_Arr: array[0 .. 3] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: 508; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1912; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -3600; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '-01'; FUntilYear: 1934; FUntilMonth: 2; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[12]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 0; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'GMT'; FUntilYear: 1960; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 3600; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'WAT'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Africa/Nouakchott zone } CZone_45_Arr: array[0 .. 3] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: -3828; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1912; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 0; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'GMT'; FUntilYear: 1934; FUntilMonth: 2; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[12]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -3600; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '-01'; FUntilYear: 1960; FUntilMonth: 11; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[33]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 0; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'GMT'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Africa/Ouagadougou zone } CZone_46_Arr: array[0 .. 1] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: -364; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1912; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 0; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'GMT'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Africa/Porto-Novo zone } CZone_47_Arr: array[0 .. 2] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: 628; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1912; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 0; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'GMT'; FUntilYear: 1934; FUntilMonth: 2; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[12]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 3600; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'WAT'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Africa/Sao_Tome zone } CZone_48_Arr: array[0 .. 4] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: 1616; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1884; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -2205; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1912; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trUniversal), (FOffset: 0; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'GMT'; FUntilYear: 2018; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FUntilTime: 3600; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 3600; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'WAT'; FUntilYear: 2019; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 0; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'GMT'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Africa/Timbuktu zone } CZone_49_Arr: array[0 .. 1] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: -724; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1912; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 0; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'GMT'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Africa/Tripoli zone } CZone_50_Arr: array[0 .. 8] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: 3164; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1920; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 3600; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[136]; FFmtStr: 'CE%sT'; FUntilYear: 1959; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 7200; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'EET'; FUntilYear: 1982; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 3600; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[136]; FFmtStr: 'CE%sT'; FUntilYear: 1990; FUntilMonth: 5; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[18]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 7200; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'EET'; FUntilYear: 1996; FUntilMonth: 9; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[3]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 3600; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[136]; FFmtStr: 'CE%sT'; FUntilYear: 1997; FUntilMonth: 10; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[18]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 7200; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'EET'; FUntilYear: 2012; FUntilMonth: 11; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[40]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 3600; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[136]; FFmtStr: 'CE%sT'; FUntilYear: 2013; FUntilMonth: 10; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[11]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 7200; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'EET'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Africa/Tunis zone } CZone_51_Arr: array[0 .. 2] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: 2444; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1881; FUntilMonth: 5; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[29]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 561; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'PMT'; FUntilYear: 1911; FUntilMonth: 3; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[25]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 3600; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[142]; FFmtStr: 'CE%sT'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Africa/Windhoek zone } CZone_52_Arr: array[0 .. 5] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: 4104; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1892; FUntilMonth: 2; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[20]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 5400; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+0130'; FUntilYear: 1903; FUntilMonth: 3; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 7200; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'SAST'; FUntilYear: 1942; FUntilMonth: 9; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[16]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 7200; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'SAST'; FUntilYear: 1943; FUntilMonth: 3; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[19]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 7200; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'SAST'; FUntilYear: 1990; FUntilMonth: 3; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[19]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 7200; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[139]; FFmtStr: '%s'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for America/Adak zone } CZone_53_Arr: array[0 .. 8] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: 44002; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1867; FUntilMonth: 10; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[15]; FUntilTime: 45875; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -42398; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1900; FUntilMonth: 8; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[16]; FUntilTime: 43200; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -39600; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'NST'; FUntilYear: 1942; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -39600; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[0]; FFmtStr: 'N%sT'; FUntilYear: 1946; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -39600; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'NST'; FUntilYear: 1967; FUntilMonth: 4; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -39600; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'BST'; FUntilYear: 1969; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -39600; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[0]; FFmtStr: 'B%sT'; FUntilYear: 1983; FUntilMonth: 10; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[3]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -36000; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[0]; FFmtStr: 'AH%sT'; FUntilYear: 1983; FUntilMonth: 11; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[3]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -36000; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[0]; FFmtStr: 'H%sT'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for America/Anchorage zone } CZone_54_Arr: array[0 .. 7] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: 50424; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1867; FUntilMonth: 10; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[15]; FUntilTime: 52297; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -35976; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1900; FUntilMonth: 8; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[16]; FUntilTime: 43200; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -36000; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'AST'; FUntilYear: 1942; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -36000; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[0]; FFmtStr: 'A%sT'; FUntilYear: 1967; FUntilMonth: 4; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -36000; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'AHST'; FUntilYear: 1969; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -36000; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[0]; FFmtStr: 'AH%sT'; FUntilYear: 1983; FUntilMonth: 10; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[3]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -32400; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[0]; FFmtStr: 'Y%sT'; FUntilYear: 1983; FUntilMonth: 11; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[3]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -32400; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[0]; FFmtStr: 'AK%sT'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for America/Anguilla zone } CZone_55_Arr: array[0 .. 1] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: -15136; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1912; FUntilMonth: 3; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[24]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -14400; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'AST'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for America/Antigua zone } CZone_56_Arr: array[0 .. 2] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: -14832; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1912; FUntilMonth: 3; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[24]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -18000; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'EST'; FUntilYear: 1951; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -14400; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'AST'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for America/Araguaina zone } CZone_57_Arr: array[0 .. 6] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: -11568; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1914; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -10800; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[99]; FFmtStr: '-03/-02'; FUntilYear: 1990; FUntilMonth: 9; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[27]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -10800; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '-03'; FUntilYear: 1995; FUntilMonth: 9; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[2]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -10800; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[99]; FFmtStr: '-03/-02'; FUntilYear: 2003; FUntilMonth: 9; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[22]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -10800; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '-03'; FUntilYear: 2012; FUntilMonth: 10; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[19]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -10800; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[99]; FFmtStr: '-03/-02'; FUntilYear: 2013; FUntilMonth: 9; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -10800; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '-03'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires zone } CZone_58_Arr: array[0 .. 6] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: -14028; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1894; FUntilMonth: 10; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[39]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -15408; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'CMT'; FUntilYear: 1920; FUntilMonth: 5; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -14400; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '-04'; FUntilYear: 1930; FUntilMonth: 12; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -14400; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[97]; FFmtStr: '-04/-03'; FUntilYear: 1969; FUntilMonth: 10; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[28]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -10800; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[97]; FFmtStr: '-03/-02'; FUntilYear: 1999; FUntilMonth: 10; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[21]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -14400; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[97]; FFmtStr: '-04/-03'; FUntilYear: 2000; FUntilMonth: 3; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[21]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -10800; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[97]; FFmtStr: '-03/-02'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for America/Argentina/Catamarca zone } CZone_59_Arr: array[0 .. 11] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: -15788; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1894; FUntilMonth: 10; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[39]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -15408; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'CMT'; FUntilYear: 1920; FUntilMonth: 5; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -14400; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '-04'; FUntilYear: 1930; FUntilMonth: 12; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -14400; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[97]; FFmtStr: '-04/-03'; FUntilYear: 1969; FUntilMonth: 10; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[28]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -10800; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[97]; FFmtStr: '-03/-02'; FUntilYear: 1991; FUntilMonth: 3; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[21]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -14400; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '-04'; FUntilYear: 1991; FUntilMonth: 10; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[16]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -10800; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[97]; FFmtStr: '-03/-02'; FUntilYear: 1999; FUntilMonth: 10; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[21]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -14400; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[97]; FFmtStr: '-04/-03'; FUntilYear: 2000; FUntilMonth: 3; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[21]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -10800; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '-03'; FUntilYear: 2004; FUntilMonth: 6; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -14400; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '-04'; FUntilYear: 2004; FUntilMonth: 6; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[16]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -10800; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[97]; FFmtStr: '-03/-02'; FUntilYear: 2008; FUntilMonth: 10; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[7]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -10800; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '-03'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for America/Argentina/ComodRivadavia zone } CZone_60_Arr: array[0 .. 10] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: -16200; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1894; FUntilMonth: 10; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[39]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -15408; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'CMT'; FUntilYear: 1920; FUntilMonth: 5; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -14400; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '-04'; FUntilYear: 1930; FUntilMonth: 12; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -14400; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[97]; FFmtStr: '-04/-03'; FUntilYear: 1969; FUntilMonth: 10; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[28]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -10800; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[97]; FFmtStr: '-03/-02'; FUntilYear: 1991; FUntilMonth: 3; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[21]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -14400; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '-04'; FUntilYear: 1991; FUntilMonth: 10; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[16]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -10800; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[97]; FFmtStr: '-03/-02'; FUntilYear: 1999; FUntilMonth: 10; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[21]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -14400; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[97]; FFmtStr: '-04/-03'; FUntilYear: 2000; FUntilMonth: 3; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[21]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -10800; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '-03'; FUntilYear: 2004; FUntilMonth: 6; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -14400; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '-04'; FUntilYear: 2004; FUntilMonth: 6; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[16]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -10800; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '-03'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for America/Argentina/Cordoba zone } CZone_61_Arr: array[0 .. 8] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: -15408; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1894; FUntilMonth: 10; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[39]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -15408; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'CMT'; FUntilYear: 1920; FUntilMonth: 5; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -14400; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '-04'; FUntilYear: 1930; FUntilMonth: 12; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -14400; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[97]; FFmtStr: '-04/-03'; FUntilYear: 1969; FUntilMonth: 10; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[28]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -10800; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[97]; FFmtStr: '-03/-02'; FUntilYear: 1991; FUntilMonth: 3; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[21]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -14400; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '-04'; FUntilYear: 1991; FUntilMonth: 10; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[16]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -10800; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[97]; FFmtStr: '-03/-02'; FUntilYear: 1999; FUntilMonth: 10; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[21]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -14400; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[97]; FFmtStr: '-04/-03'; FUntilYear: 2000; FUntilMonth: 3; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[21]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -10800; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[97]; FFmtStr: '-03/-02'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for America/Argentina/Jujuy zone } CZone_62_Arr: array[0 .. 12] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: -15672; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1894; FUntilMonth: 10; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[39]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -15408; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'CMT'; FUntilYear: 1920; FUntilMonth: 5; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -14400; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '-04'; FUntilYear: 1930; FUntilMonth: 12; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -14400; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[97]; FFmtStr: '-04/-03'; FUntilYear: 1969; FUntilMonth: 10; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[28]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -10800; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[97]; FFmtStr: '-03/-02'; FUntilYear: 1990; FUntilMonth: 3; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[18]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -14400; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '-04'; FUntilYear: 1990; FUntilMonth: 10; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[33]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -14400; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '-03'; FUntilYear: 1991; FUntilMonth: 3; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[27]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -14400; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '-04'; FUntilYear: 1991; FUntilMonth: 10; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[4]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -10800; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '-02'; FUntilYear: 1992; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -10800; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[97]; FFmtStr: '-03/-02'; FUntilYear: 1999; FUntilMonth: 10; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[21]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -14400; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[97]; FFmtStr: '-04/-03'; FUntilYear: 2000; FUntilMonth: 3; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[21]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -10800; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[97]; FFmtStr: '-03/-02'; FUntilYear: 2008; FUntilMonth: 10; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[7]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -10800; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '-03'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for America/Argentina/La_Rioja zone } CZone_63_Arr: array[0 .. 11] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: -16044; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1894; FUntilMonth: 10; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[39]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -15408; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'CMT'; FUntilYear: 1920; FUntilMonth: 5; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -14400; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '-04'; FUntilYear: 1930; FUntilMonth: 12; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -14400; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[97]; FFmtStr: '-04/-03'; FUntilYear: 1969; FUntilMonth: 10; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[28]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -10800; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[97]; FFmtStr: '-03/-02'; FUntilYear: 1991; FUntilMonth: 3; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -14400; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '-04'; FUntilYear: 1991; FUntilMonth: 5; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[13]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -10800; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[97]; FFmtStr: '-03/-02'; FUntilYear: 1999; FUntilMonth: 10; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[21]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -14400; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[97]; FFmtStr: '-04/-03'; FUntilYear: 2000; FUntilMonth: 3; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[21]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -10800; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '-03'; FUntilYear: 2004; FUntilMonth: 6; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -14400; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '-04'; FUntilYear: 2004; FUntilMonth: 6; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[16]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -10800; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[97]; FFmtStr: '-03/-02'; FUntilYear: 2008; FUntilMonth: 10; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[7]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -10800; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '-03'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for America/Argentina/Mendoza zone } CZone_64_Arr: array[0 .. 15] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: -16516; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1894; FUntilMonth: 10; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[39]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -15408; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'CMT'; FUntilYear: 1920; FUntilMonth: 5; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -14400; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '-04'; FUntilYear: 1930; FUntilMonth: 12; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -14400; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[97]; FFmtStr: '-04/-03'; FUntilYear: 1969; FUntilMonth: 10; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[28]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -10800; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[97]; FFmtStr: '-03/-02'; FUntilYear: 1990; FUntilMonth: 3; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[18]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -14400; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '-04'; FUntilYear: 1990; FUntilMonth: 10; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[10]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -14400; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '-03'; FUntilYear: 1991; FUntilMonth: 3; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -14400; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '-04'; FUntilYear: 1991; FUntilMonth: 10; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[10]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -14400; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '-03'; FUntilYear: 1992; FUntilMonth: 3; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -14400; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '-04'; FUntilYear: 1992; FUntilMonth: 10; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[7]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -10800; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[97]; FFmtStr: '-03/-02'; FUntilYear: 1999; FUntilMonth: 10; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[21]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -14400; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[97]; FFmtStr: '-04/-03'; FUntilYear: 2000; FUntilMonth: 3; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[21]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -10800; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '-03'; FUntilYear: 2004; FUntilMonth: 5; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[26]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -14400; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '-04'; FUntilYear: 2004; FUntilMonth: 9; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[12]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -10800; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[97]; FFmtStr: '-03/-02'; FUntilYear: 2008; FUntilMonth: 10; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[7]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -10800; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '-03'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for America/Argentina/Rio_Gallegos zone } CZone_65_Arr: array[0 .. 9] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: -16612; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1894; FUntilMonth: 10; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[39]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -15408; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'CMT'; FUntilYear: 1920; FUntilMonth: 5; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -14400; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '-04'; FUntilYear: 1930; FUntilMonth: 12; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -14400; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[97]; FFmtStr: '-04/-03'; FUntilYear: 1969; FUntilMonth: 10; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[28]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -10800; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[97]; FFmtStr: '-03/-02'; FUntilYear: 1999; FUntilMonth: 10; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[21]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -14400; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[97]; FFmtStr: '-04/-03'; FUntilYear: 2000; FUntilMonth: 3; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[21]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -10800; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '-03'; FUntilYear: 2004; FUntilMonth: 6; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -14400; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '-04'; FUntilYear: 2004; FUntilMonth: 6; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[16]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -10800; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[97]; FFmtStr: '-03/-02'; FUntilYear: 2008; FUntilMonth: 10; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[7]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -10800; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '-03'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for America/Argentina/Salta zone } CZone_66_Arr: array[0 .. 9] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: -15700; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1894; FUntilMonth: 10; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[39]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -15408; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'CMT'; FUntilYear: 1920; FUntilMonth: 5; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -14400; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '-04'; FUntilYear: 1930; FUntilMonth: 12; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -14400; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[97]; FFmtStr: '-04/-03'; FUntilYear: 1969; FUntilMonth: 10; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[28]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -10800; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[97]; FFmtStr: '-03/-02'; FUntilYear: 1991; FUntilMonth: 3; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[21]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -14400; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '-04'; FUntilYear: 1991; FUntilMonth: 10; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[16]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -10800; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[97]; FFmtStr: '-03/-02'; FUntilYear: 1999; FUntilMonth: 10; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[21]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -14400; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[97]; FFmtStr: '-04/-03'; FUntilYear: 2000; FUntilMonth: 3; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[21]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -10800; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[97]; FFmtStr: '-03/-02'; FUntilYear: 2008; FUntilMonth: 10; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[7]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -10800; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '-03'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for America/Argentina/San_Juan zone } CZone_67_Arr: array[0 .. 11] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: -16444; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1894; FUntilMonth: 10; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[39]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -15408; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'CMT'; FUntilYear: 1920; FUntilMonth: 5; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -14400; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '-04'; FUntilYear: 1930; FUntilMonth: 12; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -14400; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[97]; FFmtStr: '-04/-03'; FUntilYear: 1969; FUntilMonth: 10; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[28]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -10800; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[97]; FFmtStr: '-03/-02'; FUntilYear: 1991; FUntilMonth: 3; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -14400; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '-04'; FUntilYear: 1991; FUntilMonth: 5; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[13]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -10800; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[97]; FFmtStr: '-03/-02'; FUntilYear: 1999; FUntilMonth: 10; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[21]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -14400; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[97]; FFmtStr: '-04/-03'; FUntilYear: 2000; FUntilMonth: 3; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[21]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -10800; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '-03'; FUntilYear: 2004; FUntilMonth: 5; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[39]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -14400; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '-04'; FUntilYear: 2004; FUntilMonth: 7; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[11]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -10800; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[97]; FFmtStr: '-03/-02'; FUntilYear: 2008; FUntilMonth: 10; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[7]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -10800; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '-03'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for America/Argentina/San_Luis zone } CZone_68_Arr: array[0 .. 15] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: -15924; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1894; FUntilMonth: 10; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[39]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -15408; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'CMT'; FUntilYear: 1920; FUntilMonth: 5; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -14400; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '-04'; FUntilYear: 1930; FUntilMonth: 12; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -14400; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[97]; FFmtStr: '-04/-03'; FUntilYear: 1969; FUntilMonth: 10; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[28]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -10800; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[97]; FFmtStr: '-03/-02'; FUntilYear: 1990; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -10800; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '-02'; FUntilYear: 1990; FUntilMonth: 3; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[2]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -14400; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '-04'; FUntilYear: 1990; FUntilMonth: 10; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[10]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -14400; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '-03'; FUntilYear: 1991; FUntilMonth: 3; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -14400; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '-04'; FUntilYear: 1991; FUntilMonth: 6; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -10800; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '-03'; FUntilYear: 1999; FUntilMonth: 10; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[21]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -14400; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '-03'; FUntilYear: 2000; FUntilMonth: 3; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[21]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -10800; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '-03'; FUntilYear: 2004; FUntilMonth: 5; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[39]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -14400; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '-04'; FUntilYear: 2004; FUntilMonth: 7; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[11]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -10800; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[97]; FFmtStr: '-03/-02'; FUntilYear: 2008; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[19]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -14400; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[98]; FFmtStr: '-04/-03'; FUntilYear: 2009; FUntilMonth: 10; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[25]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -10800; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '-03'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for America/Argentina/Tucuman zone } CZone_69_Arr: array[0 .. 10] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: -15652; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1894; FUntilMonth: 10; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[39]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -15408; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'CMT'; FUntilYear: 1920; FUntilMonth: 5; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -14400; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '-04'; FUntilYear: 1930; FUntilMonth: 12; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -14400; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[97]; FFmtStr: '-04/-03'; FUntilYear: 1969; FUntilMonth: 10; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[28]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -10800; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[97]; FFmtStr: '-03/-02'; FUntilYear: 1991; FUntilMonth: 3; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[21]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -14400; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '-04'; FUntilYear: 1991; FUntilMonth: 10; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[16]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -10800; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[97]; FFmtStr: '-03/-02'; FUntilYear: 1999; FUntilMonth: 10; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[21]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -14400; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[97]; FFmtStr: '-04/-03'; FUntilYear: 2000; FUntilMonth: 3; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[21]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -10800; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '-03'; FUntilYear: 2004; FUntilMonth: 6; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -14400; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '-04'; FUntilYear: 2004; FUntilMonth: 6; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[8]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -10800; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[97]; FFmtStr: '-03/-02'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for America/Argentina/Ushuaia zone } CZone_70_Arr: array[0 .. 9] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: -16392; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1894; FUntilMonth: 10; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[39]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -15408; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'CMT'; FUntilYear: 1920; FUntilMonth: 5; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -14400; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '-04'; FUntilYear: 1930; FUntilMonth: 12; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -14400; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[97]; FFmtStr: '-04/-03'; FUntilYear: 1969; FUntilMonth: 10; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[28]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -10800; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[97]; FFmtStr: '-03/-02'; FUntilYear: 1999; FUntilMonth: 10; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[21]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -14400; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[97]; FFmtStr: '-04/-03'; FUntilYear: 2000; FUntilMonth: 3; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[21]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -10800; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '-03'; FUntilYear: 2004; FUntilMonth: 5; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[3]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -14400; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '-04'; FUntilYear: 2004; FUntilMonth: 6; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[16]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -10800; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[97]; FFmtStr: '-03/-02'; FUntilYear: 2008; FUntilMonth: 10; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[7]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -10800; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '-03'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for America/Aruba zone } CZone_71_Arr: array[0 .. 2] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: -16824; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1912; FUntilMonth: 2; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[29]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -16200; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '-0430'; FUntilYear: 1965; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -14400; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'AST'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for America/Asuncion zone } CZone_72_Arr: array[0 .. 4] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: -13840; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1890; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -13840; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'AMT'; FUntilYear: 1931; FUntilMonth: 10; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[40]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -14400; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '-04'; FUntilYear: 1972; FUntilMonth: 10; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -10800; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '-03'; FUntilYear: 1974; FUntilMonth: 4; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -14400; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[104]; FFmtStr: '-04/-03'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for America/Atikokan zone } CZone_73_Arr: array[0 .. 4] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: -21988; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1895; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -21600; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[15]; FFmtStr: 'C%sT'; FUntilYear: 1940; FUntilMonth: 9; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[23]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -21600; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'CDT'; FUntilYear: 1942; FUntilMonth: 2; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[1]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trStandard), (FOffset: -21600; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[15]; FFmtStr: 'C%sT'; FUntilYear: 1945; FUntilMonth: 9; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[3]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -18000; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'EST'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for America/Bahia zone } CZone_74_Arr: array[0 .. 4] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: -9244; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1914; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -10800; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[99]; FFmtStr: '-03/-02'; FUntilYear: 2003; FUntilMonth: 9; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[22]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -10800; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '-03'; FUntilYear: 2011; FUntilMonth: 10; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[34]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -10800; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[99]; FFmtStr: '-03/-02'; FUntilYear: 2012; FUntilMonth: 10; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[19]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -10800; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '-03'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for America/Bahia_Banderas zone } CZone_75_Arr: array[0 .. 8] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: -25260; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1922; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FUntilTime: 25200; FUntilTimeMode: trUniversal), (FOffset: -25200; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'MST'; FUntilYear: 1927; FUntilMonth: 6; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[40]; FUntilTime: 82800; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -21600; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'CST'; FUntilYear: 1930; FUntilMonth: 11; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[10]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -25200; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[27]; FFmtStr: 'M%sT'; FUntilYear: 1932; FUntilMonth: 4; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -21600; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'CST'; FUntilYear: 1942; FUntilMonth: 4; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[22]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -25200; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'MST'; FUntilYear: 1949; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[2]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -28800; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'PST'; FUntilYear: 1970; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -25200; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[27]; FFmtStr: 'M%sT'; FUntilYear: 2010; FUntilMonth: 4; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[18]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -21600; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[27]; FFmtStr: 'C%sT'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for America/Barbados zone } CZone_76_Arr: array[0 .. 3] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: -14309; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1911; FUntilMonth: 8; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[33]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -14400; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[28]; FFmtStr: 'A%sT'; FUntilYear: 1944; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -14400; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[28]; FFmtStr: 'AST/-0330'; FUntilYear: 1945; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -14400; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[28]; FFmtStr: 'A%sT'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for America/Belem zone } CZone_77_Arr: array[0 .. 2] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: -11636; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1914; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -10800; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[99]; FFmtStr: '-03/-02'; FUntilYear: 1988; FUntilMonth: 9; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[29]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -10800; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '-03'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for America/Belize zone } CZone_78_Arr: array[0 .. 1] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: -21168; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1912; FUntilMonth: 4; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -21600; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[29]; FFmtStr: '%s'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for America/Blanc-Sablon zone } CZone_79_Arr: array[0 .. 2] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: -13708; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1884; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -14400; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[15]; FFmtStr: 'A%sT'; FUntilYear: 1970; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -14400; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'AST'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for America/Boa_Vista zone } CZone_80_Arr: array[0 .. 4] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: -14560; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1914; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -14400; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[99]; FFmtStr: '-04/-03'; FUntilYear: 1988; FUntilMonth: 9; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[29]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -14400; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '-04'; FUntilYear: 1999; FUntilMonth: 9; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[3]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -14400; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[99]; FFmtStr: '-04/-03'; FUntilYear: 2000; FUntilMonth: 10; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[10]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -14400; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '-04'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for America/Bogota zone } CZone_81_Arr: array[0 .. 2] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: -17776; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1884; FUntilMonth: 3; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[8]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -17776; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'BMT'; FUntilYear: 1914; FUntilMonth: 11; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[26]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -18000; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[101]; FFmtStr: '-05/-04'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for America/Boise zone } CZone_82_Arr: array[0 .. 4] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: -27889; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1883; FUntilMonth: 11; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[7]; FUntilTime: 72000; FUntilTimeMode: trUniversal), (FOffset: -28800; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[0]; FFmtStr: 'P%sT'; FUntilYear: 1923; FUntilMonth: 5; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[8]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -25200; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[0]; FFmtStr: 'M%sT'; FUntilYear: 1974; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -25200; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'MST'; FUntilYear: 1974; FUntilMonth: 2; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[21]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -25200; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[0]; FFmtStr: 'M%sT'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for America/Cambridge_Bay zone } CZone_83_Arr: array[0 .. 5] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: 0; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '-00'; FUntilYear: 1920; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -25200; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[25]; FFmtStr: 'M%sT'; FUntilYear: 1999; FUntilMonth: 10; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[39]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -21600; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[15]; FFmtStr: 'C%sT'; FUntilYear: 2000; FUntilMonth: 10; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[23]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -18000; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'EST'; FUntilYear: 2000; FUntilMonth: 11; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[28]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -21600; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'CST'; FUntilYear: 2001; FUntilMonth: 4; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FUntilTime: 10800; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -25200; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[15]; FFmtStr: 'M%sT'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for America/Campo_Grande zone } CZone_84_Arr: array[0 .. 1] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: -13108; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1914; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -14400; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[99]; FFmtStr: '-04/-03'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for America/Cancun zone } CZone_85_Arr: array[0 .. 4] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: -20824; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1922; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FUntilTime: 21600; FUntilTimeMode: trUniversal), (FOffset: -21600; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'CST'; FUntilYear: 1981; FUntilMonth: 12; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[26]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -18000; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[27]; FFmtStr: 'E%sT'; FUntilYear: 1998; FUntilMonth: 8; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[24]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -21600; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[27]; FFmtStr: 'C%sT'; FUntilYear: 2015; FUntilMonth: 2; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -18000; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'EST'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for America/Caracas zone } CZone_86_Arr: array[0 .. 5] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: -16064; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1890; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -16060; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'CMT'; FUntilYear: 1912; FUntilMonth: 2; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[29]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -16200; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '-0430'; FUntilYear: 1965; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -14400; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '-04'; FUntilYear: 2007; FUntilMonth: 12; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[1]; FUntilTime: 10800; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -16200; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '-0430'; FUntilYear: 2016; FUntilMonth: 5; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FUntilTime: 9000; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -14400; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '-04'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for America/Cayenne zone } CZone_87_Arr: array[0 .. 2] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: -12560; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1911; FUntilMonth: 7; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -14400; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '-04'; FUntilYear: 1967; FUntilMonth: 10; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -10800; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '-03'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for America/Cayman zone } CZone_88_Arr: array[0 .. 2] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: -19532; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1890; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -18430; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'KMT'; FUntilYear: 1912; FUntilMonth: 2; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -18000; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'EST'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for America/Chicago zone } CZone_89_Arr: array[0 .. 7] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: -21036; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1883; FUntilMonth: 11; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[7]; FUntilTime: 64800; FUntilTimeMode: trUniversal), (FOffset: -21600; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[0]; FFmtStr: 'C%sT'; FUntilYear: 1920; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -21600; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[2]; FFmtStr: 'C%sT'; FUntilYear: 1936; FUntilMonth: 3; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -18000; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'EST'; FUntilYear: 1936; FUntilMonth: 11; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[10]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -21600; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[2]; FFmtStr: 'C%sT'; FUntilYear: 1942; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -21600; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[0]; FFmtStr: 'C%sT'; FUntilYear: 1946; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -21600; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[2]; FFmtStr: 'C%sT'; FUntilYear: 1967; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -21600; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[0]; FFmtStr: 'C%sT'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for America/Chihuahua zone } CZone_90_Arr: array[0 .. 8] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: -25460; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1922; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FUntilTime: 25200; FUntilTimeMode: trUniversal), (FOffset: -25200; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'MST'; FUntilYear: 1927; FUntilMonth: 6; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[40]; FUntilTime: 82800; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -21600; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'CST'; FUntilYear: 1930; FUntilMonth: 11; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[10]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -25200; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[27]; FFmtStr: 'M%sT'; FUntilYear: 1932; FUntilMonth: 4; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -21600; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'CST'; FUntilYear: 1996; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -21600; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[27]; FFmtStr: 'C%sT'; FUntilYear: 1998; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -21600; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'CST'; FUntilYear: 1998; FUntilMonth: 4; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[5]; FUntilTime: 10800; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -25200; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[27]; FFmtStr: 'M%sT'; FUntilYear: 2022; FUntilMonth: 10; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[3]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -21600; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'CST'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for America/Ciudad_Juarez zone } CZone_91_Arr: array[0 .. 10] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: -25556; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1922; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FUntilTime: 25200; FUntilTimeMode: trUniversal), (FOffset: -25200; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'MST'; FUntilYear: 1927; FUntilMonth: 6; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[40]; FUntilTime: 82800; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -21600; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'CST'; FUntilYear: 1930; FUntilMonth: 11; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[10]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -25200; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[27]; FFmtStr: 'M%sT'; FUntilYear: 1932; FUntilMonth: 4; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -21600; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'CST'; FUntilYear: 1996; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -21600; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[27]; FFmtStr: 'C%sT'; FUntilYear: 1998; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -21600; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'CST'; FUntilYear: 1998; FUntilMonth: 4; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[5]; FUntilTime: 10800; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -25200; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[27]; FFmtStr: 'M%sT'; FUntilYear: 2010; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -25200; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[0]; FFmtStr: 'M%sT'; FUntilYear: 2022; FUntilMonth: 10; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[3]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -21600; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'CST'; FUntilYear: 2022; FUntilMonth: 11; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[3]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -25200; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[0]; FFmtStr: 'M%sT'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for America/Coral_Harbour zone } CZone_92_Arr: array[0 .. 2] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: -19960; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1884; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -18000; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[25]; FFmtStr: 'E%sT'; FUntilYear: 1946; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -18000; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'EST'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for America/Costa_Rica zone } CZone_93_Arr: array[0 .. 2] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: -20173; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1890; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -20173; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'SJMT'; FUntilYear: 1921; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[10]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -21600; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[31]; FFmtStr: 'C%sT'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for America/Creston zone } CZone_94_Arr: array[0 .. 3] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: -27964; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1884; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -25200; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'MST'; FUntilYear: 1916; FUntilMonth: 10; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -28800; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'PST'; FUntilYear: 1918; FUntilMonth: 6; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[24]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -25200; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'MST'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for America/Cuiaba zone } CZone_95_Arr: array[0 .. 3] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: -13460; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1914; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -14400; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[99]; FFmtStr: '-04/-03'; FUntilYear: 2003; FUntilMonth: 9; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[22]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -14400; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '-04'; FUntilYear: 2004; FUntilMonth: 10; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -14400; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[99]; FFmtStr: '-04/-03'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for America/Curacao zone } CZone_96_Arr: array[0 .. 2] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: -16547; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1912; FUntilMonth: 2; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[29]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -16200; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '-0430'; FUntilYear: 1965; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -14400; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'AST'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for America/Danmarkshavn zone } CZone_97_Arr: array[0 .. 3] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: -4480; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1916; FUntilMonth: 7; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[33]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -10800; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '-03'; FUntilYear: 1980; FUntilMonth: 4; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[4]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -10800; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[68]; FFmtStr: '-03/-02'; FUntilYear: 1996; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 0; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'GMT'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for America/Dawson zone } CZone_98_Arr: array[0 .. 5] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: -33460; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1900; FUntilMonth: 8; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[16]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -32400; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[25]; FFmtStr: 'Y%sT'; FUntilYear: 1965; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -32400; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[26]; FFmtStr: 'Y%sT'; FUntilYear: 1973; FUntilMonth: 10; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[33]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -28800; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'PST'; FUntilYear: 1980; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -28800; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[15]; FFmtStr: 'P%sT'; FUntilYear: 2020; FUntilMonth: 11; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -25200; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'MST'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for America/Dawson_Creek zone } CZone_99_Arr: array[0 .. 3] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: -28856; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1884; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -28800; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[15]; FFmtStr: 'P%sT'; FUntilYear: 1947; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -28800; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[24]; FFmtStr: 'P%sT'; FUntilYear: 1972; FUntilMonth: 8; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[3]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -25200; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'MST'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for America/Denver zone } CZone_100_Arr: array[0 .. 5] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: -25196; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1883; FUntilMonth: 11; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[7]; FUntilTime: 68400; FUntilTimeMode: trUniversal), (FOffset: -25200; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[0]; FFmtStr: 'M%sT'; FUntilYear: 1920; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -25200; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[3]; FFmtStr: 'M%sT'; FUntilYear: 1942; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -25200; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[0]; FFmtStr: 'M%sT'; FUntilYear: 1946; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -25200; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[3]; FFmtStr: 'M%sT'; FUntilYear: 1967; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -25200; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[0]; FFmtStr: 'M%sT'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for America/Detroit zone } CZone_101_Arr: array[0 .. 9] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: -19931; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1905; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -21600; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'CST'; FUntilYear: 1915; FUntilMonth: 5; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[10]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -18000; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'EST'; FUntilYear: 1942; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -18000; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[0]; FFmtStr: 'E%sT'; FUntilYear: 1946; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -18000; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[13]; FFmtStr: 'E%sT'; FUntilYear: 1967; FUntilMonth: 6; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[2]; FUntilTime: 60; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -18000; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[0]; FFmtStr: 'E%sT'; FUntilYear: 1969; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -18000; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'EST'; FUntilYear: 1973; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -18000; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[0]; FFmtStr: 'E%sT'; FUntilYear: 1975; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -18000; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'EST'; FUntilYear: 1975; FUntilMonth: 4; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[17]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -18000; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[0]; FFmtStr: 'E%sT'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for America/Dominica zone } CZone_102_Arr: array[0 .. 1] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: -14736; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1911; FUntilMonth: 7; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FUntilTime: 60; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -14400; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'AST'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for America/Edmonton zone } CZone_103_Arr: array[0 .. 2] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: -27232; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1906; FUntilMonth: 9; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -25200; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[23]; FFmtStr: 'M%sT'; FUntilYear: 1987; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -25200; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[15]; FFmtStr: 'M%sT'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for America/Eirunepe zone } CZone_104_Arr: array[0 .. 6] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: -16768; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1914; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -18000; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[99]; FFmtStr: '-05/-04'; FUntilYear: 1988; FUntilMonth: 9; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[29]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -18000; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '-05'; FUntilYear: 1993; FUntilMonth: 9; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[33]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -18000; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[99]; FFmtStr: '-05/-04'; FUntilYear: 1994; FUntilMonth: 9; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[14]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -18000; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '-05'; FUntilYear: 2008; FUntilMonth: 6; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[22]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -14400; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '-04'; FUntilYear: 2013; FUntilMonth: 11; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[40]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -18000; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '-05'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for America/El_Salvador zone } CZone_105_Arr: array[0 .. 1] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: -21408; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1921; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -21600; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[34]; FFmtStr: 'C%sT'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for America/Ensenada zone } CZone_106_Arr: array[0 .. 6] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: -27988; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1922; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FUntilTime: 812; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -28800; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'PST'; FUntilYear: 1927; FUntilMonth: 6; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[40]; FUntilTime: 82800; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -25200; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'MST'; FUntilYear: 1930; FUntilMonth: 11; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[34]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -28800; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'PST'; FUntilYear: 1942; FUntilMonth: 4; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -25200; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'MST'; FUntilYear: 1949; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[2]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -28800; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'PST'; FUntilYear: 1996; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -28800; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[27]; FFmtStr: 'P%sT'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for America/Fortaleza zone } CZone_107_Arr: array[0 .. 6] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: -9240; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1914; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -10800; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[99]; FFmtStr: '-03/-02'; FUntilYear: 1990; FUntilMonth: 9; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[27]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -10800; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '-03'; FUntilYear: 1999; FUntilMonth: 9; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[3]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -10800; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[99]; FFmtStr: '-03/-02'; FUntilYear: 2000; FUntilMonth: 10; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[14]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -10800; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '-03'; FUntilYear: 2001; FUntilMonth: 9; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[8]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -10800; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[99]; FFmtStr: '-03/-02'; FUntilYear: 2002; FUntilMonth: 10; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -10800; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '-03'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for America/Fort_Nelson zone } CZone_108_Arr: array[0 .. 5] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: -29447; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1884; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -28800; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[24]; FFmtStr: 'P%sT'; FUntilYear: 1946; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -28800; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'PST'; FUntilYear: 1947; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -28800; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[24]; FFmtStr: 'P%sT'; FUntilYear: 1987; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -28800; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[15]; FFmtStr: 'P%sT'; FUntilYear: 2015; FUntilMonth: 3; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[20]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -25200; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'MST'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for America/Glace_Bay zone } CZone_109_Arr: array[0 .. 5] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: -14388; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1902; FUntilMonth: 6; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[10]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -14400; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[15]; FFmtStr: 'A%sT'; FUntilYear: 1953; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -14400; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[17]; FFmtStr: 'A%sT'; FUntilYear: 1954; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -14400; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'AST'; FUntilYear: 1972; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -14400; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[17]; FFmtStr: 'A%sT'; FUntilYear: 1974; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -14400; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[15]; FFmtStr: 'A%sT'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for America/Goose_Bay zone } CZone_110_Arr: array[0 .. 9] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: -14500; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1884; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -12652; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'NST'; FUntilYear: 1918; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -12652; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[15]; FFmtStr: 'N%sT'; FUntilYear: 1919; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -12652; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'NST'; FUntilYear: 1935; FUntilMonth: 3; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[3]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -12600; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'NST'; FUntilYear: 1936; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -12600; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[16]; FFmtStr: 'N%sT'; FUntilYear: 1942; FUntilMonth: 5; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[25]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -12600; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[15]; FFmtStr: 'N%sT'; FUntilYear: 1946; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -12600; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[16]; FFmtStr: 'N%sT'; FUntilYear: 1966; FUntilMonth: 3; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[10]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -14400; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[16]; FFmtStr: 'A%sT'; FUntilYear: 2011; FUntilMonth: 11; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -14400; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[15]; FFmtStr: 'A%sT'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for America/Grand_Turk zone } CZone_111_Arr: array[0 .. 5] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: -17072; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1890; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -18430; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'KMT'; FUntilYear: 1912; FUntilMonth: 2; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -18000; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'EST'; FUntilYear: 1979; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -18000; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[0]; FFmtStr: 'E%sT'; FUntilYear: 2015; FUntilMonth: 3; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[20]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -14400; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'AST'; FUntilYear: 2018; FUntilMonth: 3; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[25]; FUntilTime: 10800; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -18000; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[0]; FFmtStr: 'E%sT'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for America/Grenada zone } CZone_112_Arr: array[0 .. 1] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: -14820; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1911; FUntilMonth: 7; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -14400; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'AST'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for America/Guadeloupe zone } CZone_113_Arr: array[0 .. 1] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: -14768; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1911; FUntilMonth: 6; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[20]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -14400; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'AST'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for America/Guatemala zone } CZone_114_Arr: array[0 .. 1] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: -21724; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1918; FUntilMonth: 10; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[28]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -21600; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[35]; FFmtStr: 'C%sT'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for America/Guayaquil zone } CZone_115_Arr: array[0 .. 2] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: -19160; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1890; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -18840; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'QMT'; FUntilYear: 1931; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -18000; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[102]; FFmtStr: '-05/-04'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for America/Guyana zone } CZone_116_Arr: array[0 .. 4] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: -13959; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1911; FUntilMonth: 8; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -14400; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '-04'; FUntilYear: 1915; FUntilMonth: 3; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -13500; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '-0345'; FUntilYear: 1975; FUntilMonth: 8; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -10800; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '-03'; FUntilYear: 1992; FUntilMonth: 3; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[23]; FUntilTime: 3600; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -14400; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '-04'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for America/Halifax zone } CZone_117_Arr: array[0 .. 6] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: -15264; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1902; FUntilMonth: 6; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[10]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -14400; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[17]; FFmtStr: 'A%sT'; FUntilYear: 1918; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -14400; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[15]; FFmtStr: 'A%sT'; FUntilYear: 1919; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -14400; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[17]; FFmtStr: 'A%sT'; FUntilYear: 1942; FUntilMonth: 2; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[1]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trStandard), (FOffset: -14400; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[15]; FFmtStr: 'A%sT'; FUntilYear: 1946; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -14400; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[17]; FFmtStr: 'A%sT'; FUntilYear: 1974; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -14400; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[15]; FFmtStr: 'A%sT'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for America/Havana zone } CZone_118_Arr: array[0 .. 2] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: -19768; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1890; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -19776; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'HMT'; FUntilYear: 1925; FUntilMonth: 7; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[15]; FUntilTime: 43200; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -18000; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[32]; FFmtStr: 'C%sT'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for America/Hermosillo zone } CZone_119_Arr: array[0 .. 8] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: -26632; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1922; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FUntilTime: 25200; FUntilTimeMode: trUniversal), (FOffset: -25200; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'MST'; FUntilYear: 1927; FUntilMonth: 6; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[40]; FUntilTime: 82800; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -21600; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'CST'; FUntilYear: 1930; FUntilMonth: 11; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[10]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -25200; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[27]; FFmtStr: 'M%sT'; FUntilYear: 1932; FUntilMonth: 4; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -21600; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'CST'; FUntilYear: 1942; FUntilMonth: 4; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[22]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -25200; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'MST'; FUntilYear: 1949; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[2]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -28800; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'PST'; FUntilYear: 1970; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -25200; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[27]; FFmtStr: 'M%sT'; FUntilYear: 1999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -25200; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'MST'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for America/Indiana/Indianapolis zone } CZone_120_Arr: array[0 .. 10] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: -20678; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1883; FUntilMonth: 11; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[7]; FUntilTime: 64800; FUntilTimeMode: trUniversal), (FOffset: -21600; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[0]; FFmtStr: 'C%sT'; FUntilYear: 1920; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -21600; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[5]; FFmtStr: 'C%sT'; FUntilYear: 1942; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -21600; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[0]; FFmtStr: 'C%sT'; FUntilYear: 1946; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -21600; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[5]; FFmtStr: 'C%sT'; FUntilYear: 1955; FUntilMonth: 4; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[22]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -18000; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'EST'; FUntilYear: 1957; FUntilMonth: 9; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[23]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -21600; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'CST'; FUntilYear: 1958; FUntilMonth: 4; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[17]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -18000; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'EST'; FUntilYear: 1969; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -18000; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[0]; FFmtStr: 'E%sT'; FUntilYear: 1971; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -18000; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'EST'; FUntilYear: 2006; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -18000; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[0]; FFmtStr: 'E%sT'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for America/Indiana/Knox zone } CZone_121_Arr: array[0 .. 6] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: -20790; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1883; FUntilMonth: 11; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[7]; FUntilTime: 64800; FUntilTimeMode: trUniversal), (FOffset: -21600; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[0]; FFmtStr: 'C%sT'; FUntilYear: 1947; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -21600; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[10]; FFmtStr: 'C%sT'; FUntilYear: 1962; FUntilMonth: 4; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[23]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -18000; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'EST'; FUntilYear: 1963; FUntilMonth: 10; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[17]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -21600; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[0]; FFmtStr: 'C%sT'; FUntilYear: 1991; FUntilMonth: 10; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[17]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -18000; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'EST'; FUntilYear: 2006; FUntilMonth: 4; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[24]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -21600; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[0]; FFmtStr: 'C%sT'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for America/Indiana/Marengo zone } CZone_122_Arr: array[0 .. 8] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: -20723; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1883; FUntilMonth: 11; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[7]; FUntilTime: 64800; FUntilTimeMode: trUniversal), (FOffset: -21600; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[0]; FFmtStr: 'C%sT'; FUntilYear: 1951; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -21600; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[6]; FFmtStr: 'C%sT'; FUntilYear: 1961; FUntilMonth: 4; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[3]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -18000; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'EST'; FUntilYear: 1969; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -18000; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[0]; FFmtStr: 'E%sT'; FUntilYear: 1974; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[4]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -21600; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'CDT'; FUntilYear: 1974; FUntilMonth: 10; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[17]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -18000; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[0]; FFmtStr: 'E%sT'; FUntilYear: 1976; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -18000; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'EST'; FUntilYear: 2006; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -18000; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[0]; FFmtStr: 'E%sT'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for America/Indiana/Petersburg zone } CZone_123_Arr: array[0 .. 7] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: -20947; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1883; FUntilMonth: 11; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[7]; FUntilTime: 64800; FUntilTimeMode: trUniversal), (FOffset: -21600; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[0]; FFmtStr: 'C%sT'; FUntilYear: 1955; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -21600; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[9]; FFmtStr: 'C%sT'; FUntilYear: 1965; FUntilMonth: 4; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[11]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -18000; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'EST'; FUntilYear: 1966; FUntilMonth: 10; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[3]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -21600; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[0]; FFmtStr: 'C%sT'; FUntilYear: 1977; FUntilMonth: 10; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[3]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -18000; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'EST'; FUntilYear: 2006; FUntilMonth: 4; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[24]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -21600; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[0]; FFmtStr: 'C%sT'; FUntilYear: 2007; FUntilMonth: 11; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[18]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -18000; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[0]; FFmtStr: 'E%sT'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for America/Indiana/Tell_City zone } CZone_124_Arr: array[0 .. 7] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: -20823; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1883; FUntilMonth: 11; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[7]; FUntilTime: 64800; FUntilTimeMode: trUniversal), (FOffset: -21600; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[0]; FFmtStr: 'C%sT'; FUntilYear: 1946; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -21600; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[8]; FFmtStr: 'C%sT'; FUntilYear: 1964; FUntilMonth: 4; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[12]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -18000; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'EST'; FUntilYear: 1967; FUntilMonth: 10; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[23]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -21600; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[0]; FFmtStr: 'C%sT'; FUntilYear: 1969; FUntilMonth: 4; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[17]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -18000; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[0]; FFmtStr: 'E%sT'; FUntilYear: 1971; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -18000; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'EST'; FUntilYear: 2006; FUntilMonth: 4; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[24]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -21600; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[0]; FFmtStr: 'C%sT'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for America/Indiana/Vevay zone } CZone_125_Arr: array[0 .. 5] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: -20416; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1883; FUntilMonth: 11; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[7]; FUntilTime: 64800; FUntilTimeMode: trUniversal), (FOffset: -21600; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[0]; FFmtStr: 'C%sT'; FUntilYear: 1954; FUntilMonth: 4; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[11]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -18000; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'EST'; FUntilYear: 1969; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -18000; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[0]; FFmtStr: 'E%sT'; FUntilYear: 1973; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -18000; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'EST'; FUntilYear: 2006; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -18000; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[0]; FFmtStr: 'E%sT'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for America/Indiana/Vincennes zone } CZone_126_Arr: array[0 .. 7] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: -21007; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1883; FUntilMonth: 11; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[7]; FUntilTime: 64800; FUntilTimeMode: trUniversal), (FOffset: -21600; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[0]; FFmtStr: 'C%sT'; FUntilYear: 1946; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -21600; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[7]; FFmtStr: 'C%sT'; FUntilYear: 1964; FUntilMonth: 4; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[12]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -18000; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'EST'; FUntilYear: 1969; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -18000; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[0]; FFmtStr: 'E%sT'; FUntilYear: 1971; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -18000; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'EST'; FUntilYear: 2006; FUntilMonth: 4; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[24]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -21600; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[0]; FFmtStr: 'C%sT'; FUntilYear: 2007; FUntilMonth: 11; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[18]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -18000; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[0]; FFmtStr: 'E%sT'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for America/Indiana/Winamac zone } CZone_127_Arr: array[0 .. 7] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: -20785; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1883; FUntilMonth: 11; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[7]; FUntilTime: 64800; FUntilTimeMode: trUniversal), (FOffset: -21600; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[0]; FFmtStr: 'C%sT'; FUntilYear: 1946; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -21600; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[11]; FFmtStr: 'C%sT'; FUntilYear: 1961; FUntilMonth: 4; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[3]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -18000; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'EST'; FUntilYear: 1969; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -18000; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[0]; FFmtStr: 'E%sT'; FUntilYear: 1971; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -18000; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'EST'; FUntilYear: 2006; FUntilMonth: 4; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[24]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -21600; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[0]; FFmtStr: 'C%sT'; FUntilYear: 2007; FUntilMonth: 3; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[25]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -18000; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[0]; FFmtStr: 'E%sT'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for America/Inuvik zone } CZone_128_Arr: array[0 .. 3] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: 0; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '-00'; FUntilYear: 1953; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -28800; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[25]; FFmtStr: 'P%sT'; FUntilYear: 1979; FUntilMonth: 4; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[0]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -25200; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[25]; FFmtStr: 'M%sT'; FUntilYear: 1980; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -25200; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[15]; FFmtStr: 'M%sT'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for America/Iqaluit zone } CZone_129_Arr: array[0 .. 3] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: 0; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '-00'; FUntilYear: 1942; FUntilMonth: 8; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -18000; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[25]; FFmtStr: 'E%sT'; FUntilYear: 1999; FUntilMonth: 10; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[39]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -21600; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[15]; FFmtStr: 'C%sT'; FUntilYear: 2000; FUntilMonth: 10; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[23]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -18000; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[15]; FFmtStr: 'E%sT'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for America/Jamaica zone } CZone_130_Arr: array[0 .. 4] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: -18430; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1890; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -18430; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'KMT'; FUntilYear: 1912; FUntilMonth: 2; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -18000; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'EST'; FUntilYear: 1974; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -18000; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[0]; FFmtStr: 'E%sT'; FUntilYear: 1984; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -18000; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'EST'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for America/Juneau zone } CZone_131_Arr: array[0 .. 9] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: 54139; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1867; FUntilMonth: 10; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[15]; FUntilTime: 56012; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -32261; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1900; FUntilMonth: 8; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[16]; FUntilTime: 43200; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -28800; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'PST'; FUntilYear: 1942; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -28800; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[0]; FFmtStr: 'P%sT'; FUntilYear: 1946; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -28800; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'PST'; FUntilYear: 1969; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -28800; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[0]; FFmtStr: 'P%sT'; FUntilYear: 1980; FUntilMonth: 4; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[17]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -32400; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[0]; FFmtStr: 'Y%sT'; FUntilYear: 1980; FUntilMonth: 10; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[12]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -28800; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[0]; FFmtStr: 'P%sT'; FUntilYear: 1983; FUntilMonth: 10; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[3]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -32400; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[0]; FFmtStr: 'Y%sT'; FUntilYear: 1983; FUntilMonth: 11; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[3]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -32400; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[0]; FFmtStr: 'AK%sT'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for America/Kentucky/Louisville zone } CZone_132_Arr: array[0 .. 8] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: -20582; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1883; FUntilMonth: 11; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[7]; FUntilTime: 64800; FUntilTimeMode: trUniversal), (FOffset: -21600; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[0]; FFmtStr: 'C%sT'; FUntilYear: 1921; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -21600; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[12]; FFmtStr: 'C%sT'; FUntilYear: 1942; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -21600; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[0]; FFmtStr: 'C%sT'; FUntilYear: 1946; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -21600; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[12]; FFmtStr: 'C%sT'; FUntilYear: 1961; FUntilMonth: 7; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[26]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -18000; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'EST'; FUntilYear: 1968; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -18000; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[0]; FFmtStr: 'E%sT'; FUntilYear: 1974; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[4]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -21600; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'CDT'; FUntilYear: 1974; FUntilMonth: 10; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[17]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -18000; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[0]; FFmtStr: 'E%sT'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for America/Kentucky/Monticello zone } CZone_133_Arr: array[0 .. 4] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: -20364; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1883; FUntilMonth: 11; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[7]; FUntilTime: 64800; FUntilTimeMode: trUniversal), (FOffset: -21600; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[0]; FFmtStr: 'C%sT'; FUntilYear: 1946; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -21600; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'CST'; FUntilYear: 1968; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -21600; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[0]; FFmtStr: 'C%sT'; FUntilYear: 2000; FUntilMonth: 10; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[23]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -18000; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[0]; FFmtStr: 'E%sT'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for America/La_Paz zone } CZone_134_Arr: array[0 .. 3] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: -16356; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1890; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -16356; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'CMT'; FUntilYear: 1931; FUntilMonth: 10; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[10]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -16356; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'BST'; FUntilYear: 1932; FUntilMonth: 3; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[19]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -14400; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '-04'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for America/Lima zone } CZone_135_Arr: array[0 .. 2] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: -18492; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1890; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -18516; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1908; FUntilMonth: 7; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[33]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -18000; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[105]; FFmtStr: '-05/-04'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for America/Los_Angeles zone } CZone_136_Arr: array[0 .. 3] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: -28378; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1883; FUntilMonth: 11; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[7]; FUntilTime: 72000; FUntilTimeMode: trUniversal), (FOffset: -28800; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[0]; FFmtStr: 'P%sT'; FUntilYear: 1946; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -28800; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[4]; FFmtStr: 'P%sT'; FUntilYear: 1967; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -28800; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[0]; FFmtStr: 'P%sT'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for America/Maceio zone } CZone_137_Arr: array[0 .. 8] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: -8572; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1914; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -10800; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[99]; FFmtStr: '-03/-02'; FUntilYear: 1990; FUntilMonth: 9; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[27]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -10800; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '-03'; FUntilYear: 1995; FUntilMonth: 10; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[8]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -10800; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[99]; FFmtStr: '-03/-02'; FUntilYear: 1996; FUntilMonth: 9; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[18]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -10800; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '-03'; FUntilYear: 1999; FUntilMonth: 9; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[3]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -10800; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[99]; FFmtStr: '-03/-02'; FUntilYear: 2000; FUntilMonth: 10; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[14]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -10800; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '-03'; FUntilYear: 2001; FUntilMonth: 9; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[8]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -10800; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[99]; FFmtStr: '-03/-02'; FUntilYear: 2002; FUntilMonth: 10; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -10800; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '-03'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for America/Managua zone } CZone_138_Arr: array[0 .. 8] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: -20708; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1890; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -20712; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'MMT'; FUntilYear: 1934; FUntilMonth: 6; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[26]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -21600; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'CST'; FUntilYear: 1973; FUntilMonth: 5; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -18000; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'EST'; FUntilYear: 1975; FUntilMonth: 2; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[34]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -21600; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[38]; FFmtStr: 'C%sT'; FUntilYear: 1992; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FUntilTime: 14400; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -18000; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'EST'; FUntilYear: 1992; FUntilMonth: 9; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[22]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -21600; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'CST'; FUntilYear: 1993; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -18000; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'EST'; FUntilYear: 1997; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -21600; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[38]; FFmtStr: 'C%sT'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for America/Manaus zone } CZone_139_Arr: array[0 .. 4] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: -14404; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1914; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -14400; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[99]; FFmtStr: '-04/-03'; FUntilYear: 1988; FUntilMonth: 9; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[29]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -14400; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '-04'; FUntilYear: 1993; FUntilMonth: 9; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[33]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -14400; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[99]; FFmtStr: '-04/-03'; FUntilYear: 1994; FUntilMonth: 9; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[14]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -14400; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '-04'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for America/Martinique zone } CZone_140_Arr: array[0 .. 4] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: -14660; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1890; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -14660; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'FFMT'; FUntilYear: 1911; FUntilMonth: 5; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -14400; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'AST'; FUntilYear: 1980; FUntilMonth: 4; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[4]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -14400; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'ADT'; FUntilYear: 1980; FUntilMonth: 9; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[33]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -14400; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'AST'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for America/Matamoros zone } CZone_141_Arr: array[0 .. 4] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: -23400; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1922; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FUntilTime: 21600; FUntilTimeMode: trUniversal), (FOffset: -21600; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'CST'; FUntilYear: 1988; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -21600; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[0]; FFmtStr: 'C%sT'; FUntilYear: 1989; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -21600; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[27]; FFmtStr: 'C%sT'; FUntilYear: 2010; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -21600; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[0]; FFmtStr: 'C%sT'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for America/Mazatlan zone } CZone_142_Arr: array[0 .. 7] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: -25540; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1922; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FUntilTime: 25200; FUntilTimeMode: trUniversal), (FOffset: -25200; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'MST'; FUntilYear: 1927; FUntilMonth: 6; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[40]; FUntilTime: 82800; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -21600; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'CST'; FUntilYear: 1930; FUntilMonth: 11; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[10]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -25200; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[27]; FFmtStr: 'M%sT'; FUntilYear: 1932; FUntilMonth: 4; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -21600; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'CST'; FUntilYear: 1942; FUntilMonth: 4; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[22]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -25200; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'MST'; FUntilYear: 1949; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[2]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -28800; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'PST'; FUntilYear: 1970; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -25200; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[27]; FFmtStr: 'M%sT'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for America/Menominee zone } CZone_143_Arr: array[0 .. 4] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: -21027; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1885; FUntilMonth: 9; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[7]; FUntilTime: 43200; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -21600; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[0]; FFmtStr: 'C%sT'; FUntilYear: 1946; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -21600; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[14]; FFmtStr: 'C%sT'; FUntilYear: 1969; FUntilMonth: 4; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[17]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -18000; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'EST'; FUntilYear: 1973; FUntilMonth: 4; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[23]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -21600; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[0]; FFmtStr: 'C%sT'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for America/Merida zone } CZone_144_Arr: array[0 .. 3] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: -21508; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1922; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FUntilTime: 21600; FUntilTimeMode: trUniversal), (FOffset: -21600; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'CST'; FUntilYear: 1981; FUntilMonth: 12; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[26]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -18000; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'EST'; FUntilYear: 1982; FUntilMonth: 12; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[24]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -21600; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[27]; FFmtStr: 'C%sT'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for America/Metlakatla zone } CZone_145_Arr: array[0 .. 9] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: 54822; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1867; FUntilMonth: 10; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[15]; FUntilTime: 56695; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -31578; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1900; FUntilMonth: 8; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[16]; FUntilTime: 43200; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -28800; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'PST'; FUntilYear: 1942; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -28800; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[0]; FFmtStr: 'P%sT'; FUntilYear: 1946; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -28800; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'PST'; FUntilYear: 1969; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -28800; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[0]; FFmtStr: 'P%sT'; FUntilYear: 1983; FUntilMonth: 10; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[3]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -28800; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'PST'; FUntilYear: 2015; FUntilMonth: 11; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -32400; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[0]; FFmtStr: 'AK%sT'; FUntilYear: 2018; FUntilMonth: 11; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[18]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -28800; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'PST'; FUntilYear: 2019; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[16]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -32400; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[0]; FFmtStr: 'AK%sT'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for America/Mexico_City zone } CZone_146_Arr: array[0 .. 6] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: -23796; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1922; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FUntilTime: 25200; FUntilTimeMode: trUniversal), (FOffset: -25200; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'MST'; FUntilYear: 1927; FUntilMonth: 6; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[40]; FUntilTime: 82800; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -21600; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'CST'; FUntilYear: 1930; FUntilMonth: 11; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[10]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -25200; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[27]; FFmtStr: 'M%sT'; FUntilYear: 1932; FUntilMonth: 4; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -21600; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[27]; FFmtStr: 'C%sT'; FUntilYear: 2001; FUntilMonth: 9; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[3]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -21600; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'CST'; FUntilYear: 2002; FUntilMonth: 2; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[16]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -21600; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[27]; FFmtStr: 'C%sT'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for America/Miquelon zone } CZone_147_Arr: array[0 .. 3] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: -13480; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1911; FUntilMonth: 6; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[10]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -14400; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'AST'; FUntilYear: 1980; FUntilMonth: 5; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -10800; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '-03'; FUntilYear: 1987; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -10800; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[15]; FFmtStr: '-03/-02'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for America/Moncton zone } CZone_148_Arr: array[0 .. 8] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: -15548; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1883; FUntilMonth: 12; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[1]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -18000; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'EST'; FUntilYear: 1902; FUntilMonth: 6; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[10]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -14400; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[15]; FFmtStr: 'A%sT'; FUntilYear: 1933; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -14400; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[18]; FFmtStr: 'A%sT'; FUntilYear: 1942; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -14400; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[15]; FFmtStr: 'A%sT'; FUntilYear: 1946; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -14400; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[18]; FFmtStr: 'A%sT'; FUntilYear: 1973; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -14400; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[15]; FFmtStr: 'A%sT'; FUntilYear: 1993; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -14400; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[18]; FFmtStr: 'A%sT'; FUntilYear: 2007; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -14400; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[15]; FFmtStr: 'A%sT'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for America/Monterrey zone } CZone_149_Arr: array[0 .. 3] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: -24076; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1922; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FUntilTime: 21600; FUntilTimeMode: trUniversal), (FOffset: -21600; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'CST'; FUntilYear: 1988; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -21600; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[0]; FFmtStr: 'C%sT'; FUntilYear: 1989; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -21600; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[27]; FFmtStr: 'C%sT'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for America/Montevideo zone } CZone_150_Arr: array[0 .. 10] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: -13491; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1908; FUntilMonth: 6; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[40]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -13491; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'MMT'; FUntilYear: 1920; FUntilMonth: 5; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -14400; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '-04'; FUntilYear: 1923; FUntilMonth: 10; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -12600; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[106]; FFmtStr: '-0330/-03'; FUntilYear: 1942; FUntilMonth: 12; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[2]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -10800; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[106]; FFmtStr: '-03/-0230'; FUntilYear: 1960; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -10800; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[106]; FFmtStr: '-03/-02'; FUntilYear: 1968; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -10800; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[106]; FFmtStr: '-03/-0230'; FUntilYear: 1970; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -10800; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[106]; FFmtStr: '-03/-02'; FUntilYear: 1974; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -10800; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[106]; FFmtStr: '-03/-0130'; FUntilYear: 1974; FUntilMonth: 3; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[40]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -10800; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[106]; FFmtStr: '-03/-0230'; FUntilYear: 1974; FUntilMonth: 12; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[14]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -10800; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[106]; FFmtStr: '-03/-02'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for America/Montreal zone } CZone_151_Arr: array[0 .. 6] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: -17656; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1884; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -18000; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[109]; FFmtStr: 'E%sT'; FUntilYear: 1918; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -18000; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[15]; FFmtStr: 'E%sT'; FUntilYear: 1919; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -18000; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[109]; FFmtStr: 'E%sT'; FUntilYear: 1942; FUntilMonth: 2; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[1]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trStandard), (FOffset: -18000; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[15]; FFmtStr: 'E%sT'; FUntilYear: 1946; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -18000; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[109]; FFmtStr: 'E%sT'; FUntilYear: 1974; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -18000; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[15]; FFmtStr: 'E%sT'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for America/Montserrat zone } CZone_152_Arr: array[0 .. 1] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: -14932; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1911; FUntilMonth: 7; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FUntilTime: 60; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -14400; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'AST'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for America/Nassau zone } CZone_153_Arr: array[0 .. 2] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: -18570; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1912; FUntilMonth: 3; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[24]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -18000; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[110]; FFmtStr: 'E%sT'; FUntilYear: 1976; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -18000; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[0]; FFmtStr: 'E%sT'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for America/New_York zone } CZone_154_Arr: array[0 .. 5] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: -17762; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1883; FUntilMonth: 11; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[7]; FUntilTime: 61200; FUntilTimeMode: trUniversal), (FOffset: -18000; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[0]; FFmtStr: 'E%sT'; FUntilYear: 1920; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -18000; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[1]; FFmtStr: 'E%sT'; FUntilYear: 1942; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -18000; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[0]; FFmtStr: 'E%sT'; FUntilYear: 1946; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -18000; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[1]; FFmtStr: 'E%sT'; FUntilYear: 1967; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -18000; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[0]; FFmtStr: 'E%sT'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for America/Nipigon zone } CZone_155_Arr: array[0 .. 3] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: -21184; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1895; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -18000; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[15]; FFmtStr: 'E%sT'; FUntilYear: 1940; FUntilMonth: 9; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[23]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -18000; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'EDT'; FUntilYear: 1942; FUntilMonth: 2; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[1]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trStandard), (FOffset: -18000; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[15]; FFmtStr: 'E%sT'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for America/Nome zone } CZone_156_Arr: array[0 .. 8] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: 46702; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1867; FUntilMonth: 10; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[15]; FUntilTime: 48575; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -39698; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1900; FUntilMonth: 8; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[16]; FUntilTime: 43200; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -39600; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'NST'; FUntilYear: 1942; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -39600; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[0]; FFmtStr: 'N%sT'; FUntilYear: 1946; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -39600; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'NST'; FUntilYear: 1967; FUntilMonth: 4; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -39600; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'BST'; FUntilYear: 1969; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -39600; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[0]; FFmtStr: 'B%sT'; FUntilYear: 1983; FUntilMonth: 10; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[3]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -32400; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[0]; FFmtStr: 'Y%sT'; FUntilYear: 1983; FUntilMonth: 11; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[3]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -32400; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[0]; FFmtStr: 'AK%sT'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for America/Noronha zone } CZone_157_Arr: array[0 .. 6] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: -7780; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1914; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -7200; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[99]; FFmtStr: '-02/-01'; FUntilYear: 1990; FUntilMonth: 9; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[27]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -7200; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '-02'; FUntilYear: 1999; FUntilMonth: 9; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[3]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -7200; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[99]; FFmtStr: '-02/-01'; FUntilYear: 2000; FUntilMonth: 10; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[10]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -7200; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '-02'; FUntilYear: 2001; FUntilMonth: 9; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[8]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -7200; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[99]; FFmtStr: '-02/-01'; FUntilYear: 2002; FUntilMonth: 10; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -7200; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '-02'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for America/North_Dakota/Beulah zone } CZone_158_Arr: array[0 .. 2] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: -24427; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1883; FUntilMonth: 11; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[7]; FUntilTime: 68400; FUntilTimeMode: trUniversal), (FOffset: -25200; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[0]; FFmtStr: 'M%sT'; FUntilYear: 2010; FUntilMonth: 11; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[13]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -21600; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[0]; FFmtStr: 'C%sT'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for America/North_Dakota/Center zone } CZone_159_Arr: array[0 .. 2] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: -24312; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1883; FUntilMonth: 11; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[7]; FUntilTime: 68400; FUntilTimeMode: trUniversal), (FOffset: -25200; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[0]; FFmtStr: 'M%sT'; FUntilYear: 1992; FUntilMonth: 10; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[11]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -21600; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[0]; FFmtStr: 'C%sT'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for America/North_Dakota/New_Salem zone } CZone_160_Arr: array[0 .. 2] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: -24339; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1883; FUntilMonth: 11; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[7]; FUntilTime: 68400; FUntilTimeMode: trUniversal), (FOffset: -25200; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[0]; FFmtStr: 'M%sT'; FUntilYear: 2003; FUntilMonth: 10; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[12]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -21600; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[0]; FFmtStr: 'C%sT'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for America/Nuuk zone } CZone_161_Arr: array[0 .. 4] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: -12416; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1916; FUntilMonth: 7; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[33]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -10800; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '-03'; FUntilYear: 1980; FUntilMonth: 4; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[4]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -10800; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[68]; FFmtStr: '-03/-02'; FUntilYear: 2023; FUntilMonth: 3; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[12]; FUntilTime: 3600; FUntilTimeMode: trUniversal), (FOffset: -7200; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '-02'; FUntilYear: 2023; FUntilMonth: 10; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[23]; FUntilTime: 3600; FUntilTimeMode: trUniversal), (FOffset: -7200; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[68]; FFmtStr: '-02/-01'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for America/Ojinaga zone } CZone_162_Arr: array[0 .. 10] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: -25060; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1922; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FUntilTime: 25200; FUntilTimeMode: trUniversal), (FOffset: -25200; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'MST'; FUntilYear: 1927; FUntilMonth: 6; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[40]; FUntilTime: 82800; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -21600; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'CST'; FUntilYear: 1930; FUntilMonth: 11; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[10]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -25200; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[27]; FFmtStr: 'M%sT'; FUntilYear: 1932; FUntilMonth: 4; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -21600; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'CST'; FUntilYear: 1996; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -21600; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[27]; FFmtStr: 'C%sT'; FUntilYear: 1998; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -21600; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'CST'; FUntilYear: 1998; FUntilMonth: 4; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[5]; FUntilTime: 10800; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -25200; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[27]; FFmtStr: 'M%sT'; FUntilYear: 2010; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -25200; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[0]; FFmtStr: 'M%sT'; FUntilYear: 2022; FUntilMonth: 10; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[3]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -21600; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'CST'; FUntilYear: 2022; FUntilMonth: 11; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[3]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -21600; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[0]; FFmtStr: 'C%sT'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for America/Panama zone } CZone_163_Arr: array[0 .. 2] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: -19088; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1890; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -19176; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'CMT'; FUntilYear: 1908; FUntilMonth: 4; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[14]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -18000; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'EST'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for America/Pangnirtung zone } CZone_164_Arr: array[0 .. 3] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: 0; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '-00'; FUntilYear: 1921; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -18000; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[25]; FFmtStr: 'E%sT'; FUntilYear: 1999; FUntilMonth: 10; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[39]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -21600; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[15]; FFmtStr: 'C%sT'; FUntilYear: 2000; FUntilMonth: 10; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[23]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -18000; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[15]; FFmtStr: 'E%sT'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for America/Paramaribo zone } CZone_165_Arr: array[0 .. 4] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: -13240; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1911; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -13252; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'PMT'; FUntilYear: 1935; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -13236; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'PMT'; FUntilYear: 1945; FUntilMonth: 10; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -12600; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '-0330'; FUntilYear: 1984; FUntilMonth: 10; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -10800; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '-03'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for America/Phoenix zone } CZone_166_Arr: array[0 .. 6] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: -26898; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1883; FUntilMonth: 11; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[7]; FUntilTime: 68400; FUntilTimeMode: trUniversal), (FOffset: -25200; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[0]; FFmtStr: 'M%sT'; FUntilYear: 1944; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FUntilTime: 60; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -25200; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'MST'; FUntilYear: 1944; FUntilMonth: 4; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FUntilTime: 60; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -25200; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[0]; FFmtStr: 'M%sT'; FUntilYear: 1944; FUntilMonth: 10; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FUntilTime: 60; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -25200; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'MST'; FUntilYear: 1967; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -25200; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[0]; FFmtStr: 'M%sT'; FUntilYear: 1968; FUntilMonth: 3; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[19]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -25200; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'MST'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for America/Port-au-Prince zone } CZone_167_Arr: array[0 .. 2] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: -17360; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1890; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -17340; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'PPMT'; FUntilYear: 1917; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[22]; FUntilTime: 43200; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -18000; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[36]; FFmtStr: 'E%sT'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for America/Porto_Velho zone } CZone_168_Arr: array[0 .. 2] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: -15336; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1914; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -14400; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[99]; FFmtStr: '-04/-03'; FUntilYear: 1988; FUntilMonth: 9; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[29]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -14400; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '-04'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for America/Port_of_Spain zone } CZone_169_Arr: array[0 .. 1] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: -14764; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1912; FUntilMonth: 3; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[24]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -14400; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'AST'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for America/Puerto_Rico zone } CZone_170_Arr: array[0 .. 3] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: -15865; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1899; FUntilMonth: 3; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[33]; FUntilTime: 43200; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -14400; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'AST'; FUntilYear: 1942; FUntilMonth: 5; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[21]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -14400; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[0]; FFmtStr: 'A%sT'; FUntilYear: 1946; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -14400; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'AST'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for America/Punta_Arenas zone } CZone_171_Arr: array[0 .. 13] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: -17020; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1890; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -16965; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'SMT'; FUntilYear: 1910; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[40]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -18000; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '-05'; FUntilYear: 1916; FUntilMonth: 7; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -16965; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'SMT'; FUntilYear: 1918; FUntilMonth: 9; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[40]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -14400; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '-04'; FUntilYear: 1919; FUntilMonth: 7; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -16965; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'SMT'; FUntilYear: 1927; FUntilMonth: 9; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -18000; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[100]; FFmtStr: '-05/-04'; FUntilYear: 1932; FUntilMonth: 9; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -14400; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '-04'; FUntilYear: 1942; FUntilMonth: 6; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -18000; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '-05'; FUntilYear: 1942; FUntilMonth: 8; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -14400; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '-04'; FUntilYear: 1946; FUntilMonth: 8; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[33]; FUntilTime: 86400; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -18000; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '-04'; FUntilYear: 1947; FUntilMonth: 3; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[39]; FUntilTime: 86400; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -18000; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '-05'; FUntilYear: 1947; FUntilMonth: 5; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[19]; FUntilTime: 82800; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -14400; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[100]; FFmtStr: '-04/-03'; FUntilYear: 2016; FUntilMonth: 12; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[18]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -10800; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '-03'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for America/Rainy_River zone } CZone_172_Arr: array[0 .. 3] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: -22696; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1895; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -21600; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[15]; FFmtStr: 'C%sT'; FUntilYear: 1940; FUntilMonth: 9; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[23]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -21600; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'CDT'; FUntilYear: 1942; FUntilMonth: 2; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[1]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trStandard), (FOffset: -21600; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[15]; FFmtStr: 'C%sT'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for America/Rankin_Inlet zone } CZone_173_Arr: array[0 .. 3] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: 0; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '-00'; FUntilYear: 1957; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -21600; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[25]; FFmtStr: 'C%sT'; FUntilYear: 2000; FUntilMonth: 10; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[23]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -18000; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'EST'; FUntilYear: 2001; FUntilMonth: 4; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FUntilTime: 10800; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -21600; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[15]; FFmtStr: 'C%sT'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for America/Recife zone } CZone_174_Arr: array[0 .. 6] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: -8376; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1914; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -10800; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[99]; FFmtStr: '-03/-02'; FUntilYear: 1990; FUntilMonth: 9; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[27]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -10800; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '-03'; FUntilYear: 1999; FUntilMonth: 9; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[3]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -10800; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[99]; FFmtStr: '-03/-02'; FUntilYear: 2000; FUntilMonth: 10; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[10]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -10800; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '-03'; FUntilYear: 2001; FUntilMonth: 9; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[8]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -10800; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[99]; FFmtStr: '-03/-02'; FUntilYear: 2002; FUntilMonth: 10; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -10800; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '-03'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for America/Regina zone } CZone_175_Arr: array[0 .. 2] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: -25116; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1905; FUntilMonth: 9; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -25200; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[21]; FFmtStr: 'M%sT'; FUntilYear: 1960; FUntilMonth: 4; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[0]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -21600; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'CST'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for America/Resolute zone } CZone_176_Arr: array[0 .. 5] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: 0; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '-00'; FUntilYear: 1947; FUntilMonth: 8; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[39]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -21600; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[25]; FFmtStr: 'C%sT'; FUntilYear: 2000; FUntilMonth: 10; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[23]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -18000; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'EST'; FUntilYear: 2001; FUntilMonth: 4; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FUntilTime: 10800; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -21600; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[15]; FFmtStr: 'C%sT'; FUntilYear: 2006; FUntilMonth: 10; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[23]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -18000; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'EST'; FUntilYear: 2007; FUntilMonth: 3; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[25]; FUntilTime: 10800; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -21600; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[15]; FFmtStr: 'C%sT'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for America/Rio_Branco zone } CZone_177_Arr: array[0 .. 4] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: -16272; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1914; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -18000; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[99]; FFmtStr: '-05/-04'; FUntilYear: 1988; FUntilMonth: 9; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[29]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -18000; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '-05'; FUntilYear: 2008; FUntilMonth: 6; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[22]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -14400; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '-04'; FUntilYear: 2013; FUntilMonth: 11; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[40]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -18000; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '-05'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for America/Rosario zone } CZone_178_Arr: array[0 .. 7] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: -14560; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1894; FUntilMonth: 11; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -15404; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'CMT'; FUntilYear: 1920; FUntilMonth: 5; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -14400; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '-04'; FUntilYear: 1930; FUntilMonth: 12; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -14400; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[97]; FFmtStr: '-04/-03'; FUntilYear: 1969; FUntilMonth: 10; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[28]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -10800; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[97]; FFmtStr: '-03/-02'; FUntilYear: 1991; FUntilMonth: 7; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -10800; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '-03'; FUntilYear: 1999; FUntilMonth: 10; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[21]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -14400; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[97]; FFmtStr: '-04/-03'; FUntilYear: 2000; FUntilMonth: 3; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[21]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -10800; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '-03'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for America/Santarem zone } CZone_179_Arr: array[0 .. 3] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: -13128; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1914; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -14400; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[99]; FFmtStr: '-04/-03'; FUntilYear: 1988; FUntilMonth: 9; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[29]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -14400; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '-04'; FUntilYear: 2008; FUntilMonth: 6; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[22]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -10800; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '-03'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for America/Santiago zone } CZone_180_Arr: array[0 .. 13] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: -16965; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1890; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -16965; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'SMT'; FUntilYear: 1910; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[40]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -18000; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '-05'; FUntilYear: 1916; FUntilMonth: 7; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -16965; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'SMT'; FUntilYear: 1918; FUntilMonth: 9; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[40]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -14400; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '-04'; FUntilYear: 1919; FUntilMonth: 7; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -16965; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'SMT'; FUntilYear: 1927; FUntilMonth: 9; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -18000; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[100]; FFmtStr: '-05/-04'; FUntilYear: 1932; FUntilMonth: 9; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -14400; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '-04'; FUntilYear: 1942; FUntilMonth: 6; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -18000; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '-05'; FUntilYear: 1942; FUntilMonth: 8; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -14400; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '-04'; FUntilYear: 1946; FUntilMonth: 7; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[2]; FUntilTime: 86400; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -14400; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '-03'; FUntilYear: 1946; FUntilMonth: 8; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[33]; FUntilTime: 86400; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -18000; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '-04'; FUntilYear: 1947; FUntilMonth: 3; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[39]; FUntilTime: 86400; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -18000; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '-05'; FUntilYear: 1947; FUntilMonth: 5; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[19]; FUntilTime: 82800; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -14400; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[100]; FFmtStr: '-04/-03'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for America/Santo_Domingo zone } CZone_181_Arr: array[0 .. 5] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: -16776; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1890; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -16800; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'SDMT'; FUntilYear: 1933; FUntilMonth: 4; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FUntilTime: 43200; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -18000; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[33]; FFmtStr: '%s'; FUntilYear: 1974; FUntilMonth: 10; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[17]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -14400; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'AST'; FUntilYear: 2000; FUntilMonth: 10; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[23]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -18000; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[0]; FFmtStr: 'E%sT'; FUntilYear: 2000; FUntilMonth: 12; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[21]; FUntilTime: 3600; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -14400; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'AST'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for America/Sao_Paulo zone } CZone_182_Arr: array[0 .. 3] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: -11188; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1914; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -10800; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[99]; FFmtStr: '-03/-02'; FUntilYear: 1963; FUntilMonth: 10; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[26]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -10800; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '-02'; FUntilYear: 1964; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -10800; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[99]; FFmtStr: '-03/-02'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for America/Scoresbysund zone } CZone_183_Arr: array[0 .. 4] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: -5272; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1916; FUntilMonth: 7; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[33]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -7200; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '-02'; FUntilYear: 1980; FUntilMonth: 4; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[4]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -7200; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[71]; FFmtStr: '-02/-01'; FUntilYear: 1981; FUntilMonth: 3; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[23]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -3600; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[68]; FFmtStr: '-01/+00'; FUntilYear: 2024; FUntilMonth: 3; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[39]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -7200; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[68]; FFmtStr: '-02/-01'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for America/Sitka zone } CZone_184_Arr: array[0 .. 7] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: 53927; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1867; FUntilMonth: 10; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[15]; FUntilTime: 55800; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -32473; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1900; FUntilMonth: 8; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[16]; FUntilTime: 43200; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -28800; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'PST'; FUntilYear: 1942; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -28800; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[0]; FFmtStr: 'P%sT'; FUntilYear: 1946; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -28800; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'PST'; FUntilYear: 1969; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -28800; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[0]; FFmtStr: 'P%sT'; FUntilYear: 1983; FUntilMonth: 10; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[3]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -32400; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[0]; FFmtStr: 'Y%sT'; FUntilYear: 1983; FUntilMonth: 11; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[3]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -32400; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[0]; FFmtStr: 'AK%sT'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for America/St_Johns zone } CZone_185_Arr: array[0 .. 7] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: -12652; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1884; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -12652; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[16]; FFmtStr: 'N%sT'; FUntilYear: 1918; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -12652; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[15]; FFmtStr: 'N%sT'; FUntilYear: 1919; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -12652; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[16]; FFmtStr: 'N%sT'; FUntilYear: 1935; FUntilMonth: 3; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[3]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -12600; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[16]; FFmtStr: 'N%sT'; FUntilYear: 1942; FUntilMonth: 5; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[25]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -12600; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[15]; FFmtStr: 'N%sT'; FUntilYear: 1946; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -12600; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[16]; FFmtStr: 'N%sT'; FUntilYear: 2011; FUntilMonth: 11; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -12600; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[15]; FFmtStr: 'N%sT'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for America/St_Kitts zone } CZone_186_Arr: array[0 .. 1] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: -15052; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1912; FUntilMonth: 3; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[24]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -14400; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'AST'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for America/St_Lucia zone } CZone_187_Arr: array[0 .. 2] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: -14640; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1890; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -14640; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'CMT'; FUntilYear: 1912; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -14400; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'AST'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for America/St_Thomas zone } CZone_188_Arr: array[0 .. 1] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: -15584; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1911; FUntilMonth: 7; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -14400; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'AST'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for America/St_Vincent zone } CZone_189_Arr: array[0 .. 2] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: -14696; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1890; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -14696; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'KMT'; FUntilYear: 1912; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -14400; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'AST'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for America/Swift_Current zone } CZone_190_Arr: array[0 .. 4] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: -25880; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1905; FUntilMonth: 9; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -25200; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[15]; FFmtStr: 'M%sT'; FUntilYear: 1946; FUntilMonth: 4; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[0]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -25200; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[21]; FFmtStr: 'M%sT'; FUntilYear: 1950; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -25200; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[22]; FFmtStr: 'M%sT'; FUntilYear: 1972; FUntilMonth: 4; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[0]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -21600; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'CST'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for America/Tegucigalpa zone } CZone_191_Arr: array[0 .. 1] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: -20932; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1921; FUntilMonth: 4; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -21600; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[37]; FFmtStr: 'C%sT'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for America/Thule zone } CZone_192_Arr: array[0 .. 1] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: -16508; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1916; FUntilMonth: 7; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[33]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -14400; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[79]; FFmtStr: 'A%sT'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for America/Thunder_Bay zone } CZone_193_Arr: array[0 .. 5] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: -21420; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1895; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -21600; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'CST'; FUntilYear: 1910; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -18000; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'EST'; FUntilYear: 1942; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -18000; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[15]; FFmtStr: 'E%sT'; FUntilYear: 1970; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -18000; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[19]; FFmtStr: 'E%sT'; FUntilYear: 1974; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -18000; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[15]; FFmtStr: 'E%sT'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for America/Tijuana zone } CZone_194_Arr: array[0 .. 18] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: -28084; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1922; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FUntilTime: 25200; FUntilTimeMode: trUniversal), (FOffset: -25200; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'MST'; FUntilYear: 1924; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -28800; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'PST'; FUntilYear: 1927; FUntilMonth: 6; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[40]; FUntilTime: 82800; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -25200; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'MST'; FUntilYear: 1930; FUntilMonth: 11; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[10]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -28800; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'PST'; FUntilYear: 1931; FUntilMonth: 4; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -28800; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'PDT'; FUntilYear: 1931; FUntilMonth: 9; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[3]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -28800; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'PST'; FUntilYear: 1942; FUntilMonth: 4; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[22]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -28800; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'PWT'; FUntilYear: 1945; FUntilMonth: 8; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[2]; FUntilTime: 82800; FUntilTimeMode: trUniversal), (FOffset: -28800; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'PPT'; FUntilYear: 1945; FUntilMonth: 11; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[29]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -28800; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'PST'; FUntilYear: 1948; FUntilMonth: 4; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[28]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -28800; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'PDT'; FUntilYear: 1949; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[2]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -28800; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'PST'; FUntilYear: 1954; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -28800; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[4]; FFmtStr: 'P%sT'; FUntilYear: 1961; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -28800; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'PST'; FUntilYear: 1976; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -28800; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[0]; FFmtStr: 'P%sT'; FUntilYear: 1996; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -28800; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[27]; FFmtStr: 'P%sT'; FUntilYear: 2001; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -28800; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[0]; FFmtStr: 'P%sT'; FUntilYear: 2002; FUntilMonth: 2; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[16]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -28800; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[27]; FFmtStr: 'P%sT'; FUntilYear: 2010; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -28800; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[0]; FFmtStr: 'P%sT'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for America/Toronto zone } CZone_195_Arr: array[0 .. 5] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: -19052; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1895; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -18000; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[15]; FFmtStr: 'E%sT'; FUntilYear: 1919; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -18000; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[19]; FFmtStr: 'E%sT'; FUntilYear: 1942; FUntilMonth: 2; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[1]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trStandard), (FOffset: -18000; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[15]; FFmtStr: 'E%sT'; FUntilYear: 1946; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -18000; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[19]; FFmtStr: 'E%sT'; FUntilYear: 1974; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -18000; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[15]; FFmtStr: 'E%sT'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for America/Tortola zone } CZone_196_Arr: array[0 .. 1] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: -15508; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1911; FUntilMonth: 7; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -14400; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'AST'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for America/Vancouver zone } CZone_197_Arr: array[0 .. 2] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: -29548; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1884; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -28800; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[24]; FFmtStr: 'P%sT'; FUntilYear: 1987; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -28800; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[15]; FFmtStr: 'P%sT'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for America/Whitehorse zone } CZone_198_Arr: array[0 .. 5] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: -32412; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1900; FUntilMonth: 8; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[16]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -32400; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[25]; FFmtStr: 'Y%sT'; FUntilYear: 1965; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -32400; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[26]; FFmtStr: 'Y%sT'; FUntilYear: 1966; FUntilMonth: 2; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[17]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -28800; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'PST'; FUntilYear: 1980; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -28800; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[15]; FFmtStr: 'P%sT'; FUntilYear: 2020; FUntilMonth: 11; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -25200; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'MST'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for America/Winnipeg zone } CZone_199_Arr: array[0 .. 2] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: -23316; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1887; FUntilMonth: 7; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[34]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -21600; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[20]; FFmtStr: 'C%sT'; FUntilYear: 2006; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -21600; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[15]; FFmtStr: 'C%sT'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for America/Yakutat zone } CZone_200_Arr: array[0 .. 6] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: 52865; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1867; FUntilMonth: 10; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[15]; FUntilTime: 54738; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -33535; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1900; FUntilMonth: 8; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[16]; FUntilTime: 43200; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -32400; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'YST'; FUntilYear: 1942; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -32400; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[0]; FFmtStr: 'Y%sT'; FUntilYear: 1946; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -32400; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'YST'; FUntilYear: 1969; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -32400; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[0]; FFmtStr: 'Y%sT'; FUntilYear: 1983; FUntilMonth: 11; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[3]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -32400; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[0]; FFmtStr: 'AK%sT'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for America/Yellowknife zone } CZone_201_Arr: array[0 .. 2] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: 0; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '-00'; FUntilYear: 1935; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -25200; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[25]; FFmtStr: 'M%sT'; FUntilYear: 1980; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -25200; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[15]; FFmtStr: 'M%sT'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Antarctica/Casey zone } CZone_202_Arr: array[0 .. 17] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: 0; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '-00'; FUntilYear: 1969; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 28800; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+08'; FUntilYear: 2009; FUntilMonth: 10; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[7]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 39600; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+11'; FUntilYear: 2010; FUntilMonth: 3; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[28]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 28800; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+08'; FUntilYear: 2011; FUntilMonth: 10; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[33]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 39600; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+11'; FUntilYear: 2012; FUntilMonth: 2; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[19]; FUntilTime: 61200; FUntilTimeMode: trUniversal), (FOffset: 28800; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+08'; FUntilYear: 2016; FUntilMonth: 10; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[14]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 39600; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+11'; FUntilYear: 2018; FUntilMonth: 3; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[25]; FUntilTime: 14400; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 28800; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+08'; FUntilYear: 2018; FUntilMonth: 10; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[13]; FUntilTime: 14400; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 39600; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+11'; FUntilYear: 2019; FUntilMonth: 3; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[27]; FUntilTime: 10800; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 28800; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+08'; FUntilYear: 2019; FUntilMonth: 10; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[18]; FUntilTime: 10800; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 39600; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+11'; FUntilYear: 2020; FUntilMonth: 3; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[20]; FUntilTime: 10800; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 28800; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+08'; FUntilYear: 2020; FUntilMonth: 10; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[18]; FUntilTime: 60; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 39600; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+11'; FUntilYear: 2021; FUntilMonth: 3; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[2]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 28800; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+08'; FUntilYear: 2021; FUntilMonth: 10; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[21]; FUntilTime: 60; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 39600; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+11'; FUntilYear: 2022; FUntilMonth: 3; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[8]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 28800; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+08'; FUntilYear: 2022; FUntilMonth: 10; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[24]; FUntilTime: 60; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 39600; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+11'; FUntilYear: 2023; FUntilMonth: 3; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[1]; FUntilTime: 10800; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 28800; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+08'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Antarctica/Davis zone } CZone_203_Arr: array[0 .. 7] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: 0; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '-00'; FUntilYear: 1957; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[8]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 25200; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+07'; FUntilYear: 1964; FUntilMonth: 11; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 0; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '-00'; FUntilYear: 1969; FUntilMonth: 2; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 25200; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+07'; FUntilYear: 2009; FUntilMonth: 10; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[7]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 18000; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+05'; FUntilYear: 2010; FUntilMonth: 3; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[40]; FUntilTime: 72000; FUntilTimeMode: trUniversal), (FOffset: 25200; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+07'; FUntilYear: 2011; FUntilMonth: 10; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[33]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 18000; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+05'; FUntilYear: 2012; FUntilMonth: 2; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[19]; FUntilTime: 72000; FUntilTimeMode: trUniversal), (FOffset: 25200; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+07'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Antarctica/DumontDUrville zone } CZone_204_Arr: array[0 .. 3] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: 0; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '-00'; FUntilYear: 1947; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 36000; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+10'; FUntilYear: 1952; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[2]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 0; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '-00'; FUntilYear: 1956; FUntilMonth: 11; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 36000; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+10'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Antarctica/Macquarie zone } CZone_205_Arr: array[0 .. 8] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: 0; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '-00'; FUntilYear: 1899; FUntilMonth: 11; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 36000; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'AEST'; FUntilYear: 1916; FUntilMonth: 10; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 36000; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'AEDT'; FUntilYear: 1917; FUntilMonth: 2; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 36000; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[114]; FFmtStr: 'AE%sT'; FUntilYear: 1919; FUntilMonth: 4; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trStandard), (FOffset: 0; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '-00'; FUntilYear: 1948; FUntilMonth: 3; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[11]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 36000; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[114]; FFmtStr: 'AE%sT'; FUntilYear: 1967; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 36000; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[113]; FFmtStr: 'AE%sT'; FUntilYear: 2010; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 36000; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'AEDT'; FUntilYear: 2011; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 36000; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[113]; FFmtStr: 'AE%sT'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Antarctica/Mawson zone } CZone_206_Arr: array[0 .. 2] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: 0; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '-00'; FUntilYear: 1954; FUntilMonth: 2; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[8]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 21600; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+06'; FUntilYear: 2009; FUntilMonth: 10; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[7]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 18000; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+05'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Antarctica/McMurdo zone } CZone_207_Arr: array[0 .. 1] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: 0; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '-00'; FUntilYear: 1956; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 43200; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[111]; FFmtStr: 'NZ%sT'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Antarctica/Palmer zone } CZone_208_Arr: array[0 .. 4] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: 0; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '-00'; FUntilYear: 1965; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -14400; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[97]; FFmtStr: '-04/-03'; FUntilYear: 1969; FUntilMonth: 10; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[28]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -10800; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[97]; FFmtStr: '-03/-02'; FUntilYear: 1982; FUntilMonth: 5; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -14400; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[100]; FFmtStr: '-04/-03'; FUntilYear: 2016; FUntilMonth: 12; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[18]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -10800; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '-03'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Antarctica/Rothera zone } CZone_209_Arr: array[0 .. 1] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: 0; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '-00'; FUntilYear: 1976; FUntilMonth: 12; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -10800; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '-03'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Antarctica/Syowa zone } CZone_210_Arr: array[0 .. 1] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: 0; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '-00'; FUntilYear: 1957; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[23]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 10800; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+03'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Antarctica/Troll zone } CZone_211_Arr: array[0 .. 1] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: 0; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '-00'; FUntilYear: 2005; FUntilMonth: 2; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[29]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 0; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[66]; FFmtStr: '%s'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Antarctica/Vostok zone } CZone_212_Arr: array[0 .. 4] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: 0; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '-00'; FUntilYear: 1957; FUntilMonth: 12; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[34]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 25200; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+07'; FUntilYear: 1994; FUntilMonth: 2; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 0; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '-00'; FUntilYear: 1994; FUntilMonth: 11; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 25200; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+07'; FUntilYear: 2023; FUntilMonth: 12; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[7]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 18000; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+05'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Asia/Aden zone } CZone_213_Arr: array[0 .. 1] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: 10794; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1950; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 10800; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+03'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Asia/Almaty zone } CZone_214_Arr: array[0 .. 6] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: 18468; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1924; FUntilMonth: 5; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[24]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 18000; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+05'; FUntilYear: 1930; FUntilMonth: 6; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[19]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 21600; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[41]; FFmtStr: '+06/+07'; FUntilYear: 1991; FUntilMonth: 3; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[39]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trStandard), (FOffset: 18000; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[41]; FFmtStr: '+05/+06'; FUntilYear: 1992; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[15]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trStandard), (FOffset: 21600; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[41]; FFmtStr: '+06/+07'; FUntilYear: 2004; FUntilMonth: 10; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[39]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trStandard), (FOffset: 21600; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+06'; FUntilYear: 2024; FUntilMonth: 3; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 18000; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+05'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Asia/Amman zone } CZone_215_Arr: array[0 .. 2] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: 8624; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1931; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 7200; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[55]; FFmtStr: 'EE%sT'; FUntilYear: 2022; FUntilMonth: 10; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[33]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trStandard), (FOffset: 10800; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+03'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Asia/Anadyr zone } CZone_216_Arr: array[0 .. 7] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: 42596; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1924; FUntilMonth: 5; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[24]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 43200; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+12'; FUntilYear: 1930; FUntilMonth: 6; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[19]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 46800; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[73]; FFmtStr: '+13/+14'; FUntilYear: 1982; FUntilMonth: 4; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trStandard), (FOffset: 43200; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[73]; FFmtStr: '+12/+13'; FUntilYear: 1991; FUntilMonth: 3; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[39]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trStandard), (FOffset: 39600; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[73]; FFmtStr: '+11/+12'; FUntilYear: 1992; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[15]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trStandard), (FOffset: 43200; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[73]; FFmtStr: '+12/+13'; FUntilYear: 2010; FUntilMonth: 3; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[33]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trStandard), (FOffset: 39600; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[73]; FFmtStr: '+11/+12'; FUntilYear: 2011; FUntilMonth: 3; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[17]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trStandard), (FOffset: 43200; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+12'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Asia/Aqtau zone } CZone_217_Arr: array[0 .. 8] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: 12064; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1924; FUntilMonth: 5; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[24]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 14400; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+04'; FUntilYear: 1930; FUntilMonth: 6; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[19]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 18000; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+05'; FUntilYear: 1981; FUntilMonth: 10; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 21600; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+06'; FUntilYear: 1982; FUntilMonth: 4; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 18000; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[41]; FFmtStr: '+05/+06'; FUntilYear: 1991; FUntilMonth: 3; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[39]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trStandard), (FOffset: 14400; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[41]; FFmtStr: '+04/+05'; FUntilYear: 1992; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[15]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trStandard), (FOffset: 18000; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[41]; FFmtStr: '+05/+06'; FUntilYear: 1994; FUntilMonth: 9; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[11]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trStandard), (FOffset: 14400; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[41]; FFmtStr: '+04/+05'; FUntilYear: 2004; FUntilMonth: 10; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[39]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trStandard), (FOffset: 18000; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+05'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Asia/Aqtobe zone } CZone_218_Arr: array[0 .. 8] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: 13720; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1924; FUntilMonth: 5; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[24]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 14400; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+04'; FUntilYear: 1930; FUntilMonth: 6; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[19]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 18000; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+05'; FUntilYear: 1981; FUntilMonth: 4; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 18000; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+06'; FUntilYear: 1981; FUntilMonth: 10; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 21600; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+06'; FUntilYear: 1982; FUntilMonth: 4; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 18000; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[41]; FFmtStr: '+05/+06'; FUntilYear: 1991; FUntilMonth: 3; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[39]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trStandard), (FOffset: 14400; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[41]; FFmtStr: '+04/+05'; FUntilYear: 1992; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[15]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trStandard), (FOffset: 18000; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[41]; FFmtStr: '+05/+06'; FUntilYear: 2004; FUntilMonth: 10; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[39]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trStandard), (FOffset: 18000; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+05'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Asia/Ashgabat zone } CZone_219_Arr: array[0 .. 4] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: 14012; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1924; FUntilMonth: 5; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[24]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 14400; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+04'; FUntilYear: 1930; FUntilMonth: 6; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[19]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 18000; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[41]; FFmtStr: '+05/+06'; FUntilYear: 1991; FUntilMonth: 3; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[39]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 14400; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[41]; FFmtStr: '+04/+05'; FUntilYear: 1992; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[15]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 18000; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+05'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Asia/Atyrau zone } CZone_220_Arr: array[0 .. 8] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: 12464; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1924; FUntilMonth: 5; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[24]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 10800; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+03'; FUntilYear: 1930; FUntilMonth: 6; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[19]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 18000; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+05'; FUntilYear: 1981; FUntilMonth: 10; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 21600; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+06'; FUntilYear: 1982; FUntilMonth: 4; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 18000; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[41]; FFmtStr: '+05/+06'; FUntilYear: 1991; FUntilMonth: 3; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[39]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trStandard), (FOffset: 14400; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[41]; FFmtStr: '+04/+05'; FUntilYear: 1992; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[15]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trStandard), (FOffset: 18000; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[41]; FFmtStr: '+05/+06'; FUntilYear: 1999; FUntilMonth: 3; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[33]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trStandard), (FOffset: 14400; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[41]; FFmtStr: '+04/+05'; FUntilYear: 2004; FUntilMonth: 10; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[39]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trStandard), (FOffset: 18000; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+05'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Asia/Baghdad zone } CZone_221_Arr: array[0 .. 3] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: 10660; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1890; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 10656; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'BMT'; FUntilYear: 1918; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 10800; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+03'; FUntilYear: 1982; FUntilMonth: 5; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 10800; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[52]; FFmtStr: '+03/+04'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Asia/Bahrain zone } CZone_222_Arr: array[0 .. 3] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: 12140; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1941; FUntilMonth: 7; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[16]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 12600; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+0330'; FUntilYear: 1944; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 14400; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+04'; FUntilYear: 1972; FUntilMonth: 6; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 10800; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+03'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Asia/Baku zone } CZone_223_Arr: array[0 .. 6] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: 11964; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1924; FUntilMonth: 5; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[24]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 10800; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+03'; FUntilYear: 1957; FUntilMonth: 3; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 14400; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[41]; FFmtStr: '+04/+05'; FUntilYear: 1991; FUntilMonth: 3; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[39]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trStandard), (FOffset: 10800; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[41]; FFmtStr: '+03/+04'; FUntilYear: 1992; FUntilMonth: 9; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[0]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trStandard), (FOffset: 14400; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+04'; FUntilYear: 1996; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 14400; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[39]; FFmtStr: '+04/+05'; FUntilYear: 1997; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 14400; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[43]; FFmtStr: '+04/+05'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Asia/Bangkok zone } CZone_224_Arr: array[0 .. 2] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: 24124; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1880; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 24124; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'BMT'; FUntilYear: 1920; FUntilMonth: 4; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 25200; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+07'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Asia/Barnaul zone } CZone_225_Arr: array[0 .. 8] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: 20100; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1919; FUntilMonth: 12; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[40]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 21600; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+06'; FUntilYear: 1930; FUntilMonth: 6; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[19]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 25200; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[73]; FFmtStr: '+07/+08'; FUntilYear: 1991; FUntilMonth: 3; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[39]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trStandard), (FOffset: 21600; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[73]; FFmtStr: '+06/+07'; FUntilYear: 1992; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[15]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trStandard), (FOffset: 25200; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[73]; FFmtStr: '+07/+08'; FUntilYear: 1995; FUntilMonth: 5; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[33]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 21600; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[73]; FFmtStr: '+06/+07'; FUntilYear: 2011; FUntilMonth: 3; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[17]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trStandard), (FOffset: 25200; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+07'; FUntilYear: 2014; FUntilMonth: 10; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[12]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trStandard), (FOffset: 21600; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+06'; FUntilYear: 2016; FUntilMonth: 3; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[17]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trStandard), (FOffset: 25200; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+07'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Asia/Beirut zone } CZone_226_Arr: array[0 .. 1] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: 8520; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1880; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 7200; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[58]; FFmtStr: 'EE%sT'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Asia/Bishkek zone } CZone_227_Arr: array[0 .. 5] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: 17904; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1924; FUntilMonth: 5; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[24]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 18000; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+05'; FUntilYear: 1930; FUntilMonth: 6; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[19]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 21600; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[41]; FFmtStr: '+06/+07'; FUntilYear: 1991; FUntilMonth: 3; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[39]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trStandard), (FOffset: 18000; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[41]; FFmtStr: '+05/+06'; FUntilYear: 1991; FUntilMonth: 8; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[39]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 18000; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[56]; FFmtStr: '+05/+06'; FUntilYear: 2005; FUntilMonth: 8; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[29]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 21600; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+06'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Asia/Brunei zone } CZone_228_Arr: array[0 .. 2] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: 27580; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1926; FUntilMonth: 3; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 27000; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+0730'; FUntilYear: 1933; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 28800; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+08'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Asia/Chita zone } CZone_229_Arr: array[0 .. 7] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: 27232; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1919; FUntilMonth: 12; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[10]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 28800; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+08'; FUntilYear: 1930; FUntilMonth: 6; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[19]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 32400; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[73]; FFmtStr: '+09/+10'; FUntilYear: 1991; FUntilMonth: 3; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[39]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trStandard), (FOffset: 28800; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[73]; FFmtStr: '+08/+09'; FUntilYear: 1992; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[15]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trStandard), (FOffset: 32400; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[73]; FFmtStr: '+09/+10'; FUntilYear: 2011; FUntilMonth: 3; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[17]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trStandard), (FOffset: 36000; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+10'; FUntilYear: 2014; FUntilMonth: 10; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[12]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trStandard), (FOffset: 28800; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+08'; FUntilYear: 2016; FUntilMonth: 3; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[17]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 32400; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+09'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Asia/Choibalsan zone } CZone_230_Arr: array[0 .. 4] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: 27480; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1905; FUntilMonth: 8; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 25200; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+07'; FUntilYear: 1978; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 28800; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+08'; FUntilYear: 1983; FUntilMonth: 4; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 32400; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[60]; FFmtStr: '+09/+10'; FUntilYear: 2008; FUntilMonth: 3; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[39]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 28800; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[60]; FFmtStr: '+08/+09'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Asia/Chongqing zone } CZone_231_Arr: array[0 .. 2] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: 25580; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1928; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 25200; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+07'; FUntilYear: 1980; FUntilMonth: 5; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 28800; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[46]; FFmtStr: 'C%sT'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Asia/Colombo zone } CZone_232_Arr: array[0 .. 8] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: 19164; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1880; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 19172; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'MMT'; FUntilYear: 1906; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 19800; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+0530'; FUntilYear: 1942; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[28]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 19800; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+06'; FUntilYear: 1942; FUntilMonth: 9; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 19800; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+0630'; FUntilYear: 1945; FUntilMonth: 10; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[34]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 19800; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+0530'; FUntilYear: 1996; FUntilMonth: 5; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[11]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 23400; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+0630'; FUntilYear: 1996; FUntilMonth: 10; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[12]; FUntilTime: 1800; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 21600; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+06'; FUntilYear: 2006; FUntilMonth: 4; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[10]; FUntilTime: 1800; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 19800; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+0530'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Asia/Damascus zone } CZone_233_Arr: array[0 .. 2] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: 8712; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1920; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 7200; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[65]; FFmtStr: 'EE%sT'; FUntilYear: 2022; FUntilMonth: 10; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[33]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 10800; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+03'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Asia/Dhaka zone } CZone_234_Arr: array[0 .. 6] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: 21700; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1890; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 21200; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'HMT'; FUntilYear: 1941; FUntilMonth: 10; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 23400; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+0630'; FUntilYear: 1942; FUntilMonth: 5; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[10]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 19800; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+0530'; FUntilYear: 1942; FUntilMonth: 9; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 23400; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+0630'; FUntilYear: 1951; FUntilMonth: 9; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[3]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 21600; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+06'; FUntilYear: 2009; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 21600; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[44]; FFmtStr: '+06/+07'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Asia/Dili zone } CZone_235_Arr: array[0 .. 4] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: 30140; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1912; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 28800; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+08'; FUntilYear: 1942; FUntilMonth: 2; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[19]; FUntilTime: 82800; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 32400; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+09'; FUntilYear: 1976; FUntilMonth: 5; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[21]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 28800; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+08'; FUntilYear: 2000; FUntilMonth: 9; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[27]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 32400; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+09'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Asia/Dubai zone } CZone_236_Arr: array[0 .. 1] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: 13272; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1920; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 14400; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+04'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Asia/Dushanbe zone } CZone_237_Arr: array[0 .. 4] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: 16512; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1924; FUntilMonth: 5; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[24]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 18000; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+05'; FUntilYear: 1930; FUntilMonth: 6; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[19]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 21600; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[41]; FFmtStr: '+06/+07'; FUntilYear: 1991; FUntilMonth: 3; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[39]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trStandard), (FOffset: 18000; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+06'; FUntilYear: 1991; FUntilMonth: 9; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[1]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trStandard), (FOffset: 18000; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+05'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Asia/Famagusta zone } CZone_238_Arr: array[0 .. 4] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: 8148; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1921; FUntilMonth: 11; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[2]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 7200; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[50]; FFmtStr: 'EE%sT'; FUntilYear: 1998; FUntilMonth: 9; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 7200; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[39]; FFmtStr: 'EE%sT'; FUntilYear: 2016; FUntilMonth: 9; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[20]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 10800; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+03'; FUntilYear: 2017; FUntilMonth: 10; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[23]; FUntilTime: 3600; FUntilTimeMode: trUniversal), (FOffset: 7200; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[39]; FFmtStr: 'EE%sT'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Asia/Gaza zone } CZone_239_Arr: array[0 .. 11] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: 8272; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1900; FUntilMonth: 10; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 7200; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[53]; FFmtStr: 'EET/EEST'; FUntilYear: 1948; FUntilMonth: 5; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[10]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 7200; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[62]; FFmtStr: 'EE%sT'; FUntilYear: 1967; FUntilMonth: 6; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[28]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 7200; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[53]; FFmtStr: 'I%sT'; FUntilYear: 1996; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 7200; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[55]; FFmtStr: 'EE%sT'; FUntilYear: 1999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 7200; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[63]; FFmtStr: 'EE%sT'; FUntilYear: 2008; FUntilMonth: 8; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[23]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 7200; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'EET'; FUntilYear: 2008; FUntilMonth: 9; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 7200; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[63]; FFmtStr: 'EE%sT'; FUntilYear: 2010; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 7200; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'EET'; FUntilYear: 2010; FUntilMonth: 3; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[17]; FUntilTime: 60; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 7200; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[63]; FFmtStr: 'EE%sT'; FUntilYear: 2011; FUntilMonth: 8; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 7200; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'EET'; FUntilYear: 2012; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 7200; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[63]; FFmtStr: 'EE%sT'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Asia/Hanoi zone } CZone_240_Arr: array[0 .. 7] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: 25404; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1906; FUntilMonth: 7; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 25590; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'PLMT'; FUntilYear: 1911; FUntilMonth: 5; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 25200; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+07'; FUntilYear: 1942; FUntilMonth: 12; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[39]; FUntilTime: 82800; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 28800; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+08'; FUntilYear: 1945; FUntilMonth: 3; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[2]; FUntilTime: 82800; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 32400; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+09'; FUntilYear: 1945; FUntilMonth: 9; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[24]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 25200; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+07'; FUntilYear: 1947; FUntilMonth: 4; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 28800; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+08'; FUntilYear: 1954; FUntilMonth: 10; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 25200; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+07'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Asia/Harbin zone } CZone_241_Arr: array[0 .. 5] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: 30404; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1928; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 30600; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+0830'; FUntilYear: 1932; FUntilMonth: 3; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 28800; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'CST'; FUntilYear: 1940; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 32400; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+09'; FUntilYear: 1966; FUntilMonth: 5; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 30600; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+0830'; FUntilYear: 1980; FUntilMonth: 5; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 28800; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[46]; FFmtStr: 'C%sT'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Asia/Hebron zone } CZone_242_Arr: array[0 .. 5] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: 8423; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1900; FUntilMonth: 10; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 7200; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[53]; FFmtStr: 'EET/EEST'; FUntilYear: 1948; FUntilMonth: 5; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[10]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 7200; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[62]; FFmtStr: 'EE%sT'; FUntilYear: 1967; FUntilMonth: 6; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[28]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 7200; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[53]; FFmtStr: 'I%sT'; FUntilYear: 1996; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 7200; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[55]; FFmtStr: 'EE%sT'; FUntilYear: 1999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 7200; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[63]; FFmtStr: 'EE%sT'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Asia/Hong_Kong zone } CZone_243_Arr: array[0 .. 5] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: 27402; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1904; FUntilMonth: 10; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[23]; FUntilTime: 61200; FUntilTimeMode: trUniversal), (FOffset: 28800; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'HKT'; FUntilYear: 1941; FUntilMonth: 6; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[10]; FUntilTime: 10800; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 28800; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'HKST'; FUntilYear: 1941; FUntilMonth: 10; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FUntilTime: 14400; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 28800; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'HKWT'; FUntilYear: 1941; FUntilMonth: 12; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[11]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 32400; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'JST'; FUntilYear: 1945; FUntilMonth: 11; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[7]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 28800; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[47]; FFmtStr: 'HK%sT'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Asia/Hovd zone } CZone_244_Arr: array[0 .. 2] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: 21996; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1905; FUntilMonth: 8; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 21600; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+06'; FUntilYear: 1978; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 25200; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[60]; FFmtStr: '+07/+08'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Asia/Ho_Chi_Minh zone } CZone_245_Arr: array[0 .. 9] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: 25590; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1906; FUntilMonth: 7; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 25590; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'PLMT'; FUntilYear: 1911; FUntilMonth: 5; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 25200; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+07'; FUntilYear: 1942; FUntilMonth: 12; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[39]; FUntilTime: 82800; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 28800; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+08'; FUntilYear: 1945; FUntilMonth: 3; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[2]; FUntilTime: 82800; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 32400; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+09'; FUntilYear: 1945; FUntilMonth: 9; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FUntilTime: 86400; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 25200; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+07'; FUntilYear: 1947; FUntilMonth: 4; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 28800; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+08'; FUntilYear: 1955; FUntilMonth: 7; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FUntilTime: 3600; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 25200; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+07'; FUntilYear: 1959; FUntilMonth: 12; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[39]; FUntilTime: 82800; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 28800; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+08'; FUntilYear: 1975; FUntilMonth: 6; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[8]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 25200; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+07'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Asia/Irkutsk zone } CZone_246_Arr: array[0 .. 7] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: 25025; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1880; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 25025; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'IMT'; FUntilYear: 1920; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[11]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 25200; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+07'; FUntilYear: 1930; FUntilMonth: 6; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[19]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 28800; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[73]; FFmtStr: '+08/+09'; FUntilYear: 1991; FUntilMonth: 3; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[39]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trStandard), (FOffset: 25200; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[73]; FFmtStr: '+07/+08'; FUntilYear: 1992; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[15]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trStandard), (FOffset: 28800; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[73]; FFmtStr: '+08/+09'; FUntilYear: 2011; FUntilMonth: 3; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[17]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trStandard), (FOffset: 32400; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+09'; FUntilYear: 2014; FUntilMonth: 10; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[12]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trStandard), (FOffset: 28800; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+08'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Asia/Jakarta zone } CZone_247_Arr: array[0 .. 8] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: 25632; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1867; FUntilMonth: 8; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[40]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 25632; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'BMT'; FUntilYear: 1923; FUntilMonth: 12; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[39]; FUntilTime: 60000; FUntilTimeMode: trUniversal), (FOffset: 26400; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+0720'; FUntilYear: 1932; FUntilMonth: 11; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 27000; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+0730'; FUntilYear: 1942; FUntilMonth: 3; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[26]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 32400; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+09'; FUntilYear: 1945; FUntilMonth: 9; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[26]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 27000; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+0730'; FUntilYear: 1948; FUntilMonth: 5; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 28800; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+08'; FUntilYear: 1950; FUntilMonth: 5; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 27000; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+0730'; FUntilYear: 1964; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 25200; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'WIB'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Asia/Jayapura zone } CZone_248_Arr: array[0 .. 3] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: 33768; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1932; FUntilMonth: 11; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 32400; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+09'; FUntilYear: 1944; FUntilMonth: 9; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 34200; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+0930'; FUntilYear: 1964; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 32400; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'WIT'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Asia/Jerusalem zone } CZone_249_Arr: array[0 .. 2] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: 8454; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1880; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 8440; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'JMT'; FUntilYear: 1918; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 7200; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[53]; FFmtStr: 'I%sT'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Asia/Kabul zone } CZone_250_Arr: array[0 .. 2] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: 16608; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1890; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 14400; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+04'; FUntilYear: 1945; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 16200; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+0430'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Asia/Kamchatka zone } CZone_251_Arr: array[0 .. 6] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: 38076; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1922; FUntilMonth: 11; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[40]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 39600; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+11'; FUntilYear: 1930; FUntilMonth: 6; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[19]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 43200; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[73]; FFmtStr: '+12/+13'; FUntilYear: 1991; FUntilMonth: 3; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[39]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trStandard), (FOffset: 39600; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[73]; FFmtStr: '+11/+12'; FUntilYear: 1992; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[15]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trStandard), (FOffset: 43200; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[73]; FFmtStr: '+12/+13'; FUntilYear: 2010; FUntilMonth: 3; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[33]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trStandard), (FOffset: 39600; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[73]; FFmtStr: '+11/+12'; FUntilYear: 2011; FUntilMonth: 3; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[17]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trStandard), (FOffset: 43200; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+12'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Asia/Karachi zone } CZone_252_Arr: array[0 .. 5] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: 16092; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1907; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 19800; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+0530'; FUntilYear: 1942; FUntilMonth: 9; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 19800; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+0630'; FUntilYear: 1945; FUntilMonth: 10; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[10]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 19800; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+0530'; FUntilYear: 1951; FUntilMonth: 9; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[3]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 18000; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+05'; FUntilYear: 1971; FUntilMonth: 3; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[12]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 18000; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[61]; FFmtStr: 'PK%sT'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Asia/Kashgar zone } CZone_253_Arr: array[0 .. 3] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: 18236; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1928; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 19800; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+0530'; FUntilYear: 1940; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 18000; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+05'; FUntilYear: 1980; FUntilMonth: 5; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 28800; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[46]; FFmtStr: 'C%sT'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Asia/Kathmandu zone } CZone_254_Arr: array[0 .. 2] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: 20476; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1920; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 19800; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+0530'; FUntilYear: 1986; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 20700; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+0545'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Asia/Khandyga zone } CZone_255_Arr: array[0 .. 8] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: 32533; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1919; FUntilMonth: 12; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[10]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 28800; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+08'; FUntilYear: 1930; FUntilMonth: 6; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[19]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 32400; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[73]; FFmtStr: '+09/+10'; FUntilYear: 1991; FUntilMonth: 3; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[39]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trStandard), (FOffset: 28800; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[73]; FFmtStr: '+08/+09'; FUntilYear: 1992; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[15]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trStandard), (FOffset: 32400; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[73]; FFmtStr: '+09/+10'; FUntilYear: 2004; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 36000; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[73]; FFmtStr: '+10/+11'; FUntilYear: 2011; FUntilMonth: 3; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[17]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trStandard), (FOffset: 39600; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+11'; FUntilYear: 2011; FUntilMonth: 9; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[8]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trStandard), (FOffset: 36000; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+10'; FUntilYear: 2014; FUntilMonth: 10; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[12]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trStandard), (FOffset: 32400; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+09'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Asia/Kolkata zone } CZone_256_Arr: array[0 .. 7] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: 21208; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1854; FUntilMonth: 6; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[33]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 21200; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'HMT'; FUntilYear: 1870; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 19270; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'MMT'; FUntilYear: 1906; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 19800; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'IST'; FUntilYear: 1941; FUntilMonth: 10; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 19800; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+0630'; FUntilYear: 1942; FUntilMonth: 5; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[10]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 19800; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'IST'; FUntilYear: 1942; FUntilMonth: 9; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 19800; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+0630'; FUntilYear: 1945; FUntilMonth: 10; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[10]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 19800; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'IST'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Asia/Krasnoyarsk zone } CZone_257_Arr: array[0 .. 6] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: 22286; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1920; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[4]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 21600; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+06'; FUntilYear: 1930; FUntilMonth: 6; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[19]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 25200; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[73]; FFmtStr: '+07/+08'; FUntilYear: 1991; FUntilMonth: 3; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[39]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trStandard), (FOffset: 21600; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[73]; FFmtStr: '+06/+07'; FUntilYear: 1992; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[15]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trStandard), (FOffset: 25200; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[73]; FFmtStr: '+07/+08'; FUntilYear: 2011; FUntilMonth: 3; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[17]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trStandard), (FOffset: 28800; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+08'; FUntilYear: 2014; FUntilMonth: 10; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[12]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trStandard), (FOffset: 25200; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+07'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Asia/Kuala_Lumpur zone } CZone_258_Arr: array[0 .. 8] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: 24406; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1901; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 24925; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'SMT'; FUntilYear: 1905; FUntilMonth: 6; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 25200; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+07'; FUntilYear: 1933; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 25200; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+0720'; FUntilYear: 1936; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 26400; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+0720'; FUntilYear: 1941; FUntilMonth: 9; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 27000; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+0730'; FUntilYear: 1942; FUntilMonth: 2; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[34]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 32400; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+09'; FUntilYear: 1945; FUntilMonth: 9; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[29]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 27000; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+0730'; FUntilYear: 1981; FUntilMonth: 12; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[39]; FUntilTime: 57600; FUntilTimeMode: trUniversal), (FOffset: 28800; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+08'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Asia/Kuching zone } CZone_259_Arr: array[0 .. 4] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: 26480; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1926; FUntilMonth: 3; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 27000; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+0730'; FUntilYear: 1933; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 28800; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[59]; FFmtStr: '+08/+0820'; FUntilYear: 1942; FUntilMonth: 2; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[34]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 32400; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+09'; FUntilYear: 1945; FUntilMonth: 9; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[29]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 28800; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+08'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Asia/Kuwait zone } CZone_260_Arr: array[0 .. 1] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: 11516; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1950; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 10800; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+03'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Asia/Macau zone } CZone_261_Arr: array[0 .. 3] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: 27250; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1904; FUntilMonth: 10; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[3]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 28800; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'CST'; FUntilYear: 1941; FUntilMonth: 12; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[19]; FUntilTime: 82800; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 32400; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[49]; FFmtStr: '+09/+10'; FUntilYear: 1945; FUntilMonth: 9; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[3]; FUntilTime: 86400; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 28800; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[49]; FFmtStr: 'C%sT'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Asia/Magadan zone } CZone_262_Arr: array[0 .. 7] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: 36192; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1924; FUntilMonth: 5; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[24]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 36000; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+10'; FUntilYear: 1930; FUntilMonth: 6; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[19]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 39600; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[73]; FFmtStr: '+11/+12'; FUntilYear: 1991; FUntilMonth: 3; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[39]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trStandard), (FOffset: 36000; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[73]; FFmtStr: '+10/+11'; FUntilYear: 1992; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[15]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trStandard), (FOffset: 39600; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[73]; FFmtStr: '+11/+12'; FUntilYear: 2011; FUntilMonth: 3; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[17]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trStandard), (FOffset: 43200; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+12'; FUntilYear: 2014; FUntilMonth: 10; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[12]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trStandard), (FOffset: 36000; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+10'; FUntilYear: 2016; FUntilMonth: 4; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[22]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trStandard), (FOffset: 39600; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+11'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Asia/Makassar zone } CZone_263_Arr: array[0 .. 4] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: 28656; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1920; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 28656; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'MMT'; FUntilYear: 1932; FUntilMonth: 11; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 28800; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+08'; FUntilYear: 1942; FUntilMonth: 2; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[1]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 32400; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+09'; FUntilYear: 1945; FUntilMonth: 9; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[26]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 28800; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'WITA'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Asia/Manila zone } CZone_264_Arr: array[0 .. 4] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: -57360; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1844; FUntilMonth: 12; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[39]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 29040; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1899; FUntilMonth: 5; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[25]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 28800; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[64]; FFmtStr: 'P%sT'; FUntilYear: 1942; FUntilMonth: 5; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 32400; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'JST'; FUntilYear: 1944; FUntilMonth: 11; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 28800; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[64]; FFmtStr: 'P%sT'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Asia/Muscat zone } CZone_265_Arr: array[0 .. 1] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: 14064; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1920; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 14400; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+04'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Asia/Nicosia zone } CZone_266_Arr: array[0 .. 2] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: 8008; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1921; FUntilMonth: 11; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[2]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 7200; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[50]; FFmtStr: 'EE%sT'; FUntilYear: 1998; FUntilMonth: 9; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 7200; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[39]; FFmtStr: 'EE%sT'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Asia/Novokuznetsk zone } CZone_267_Arr: array[0 .. 6] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: 20928; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1924; FUntilMonth: 5; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 21600; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+06'; FUntilYear: 1930; FUntilMonth: 6; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[19]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 25200; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[73]; FFmtStr: '+07/+08'; FUntilYear: 1991; FUntilMonth: 3; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[39]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trStandard), (FOffset: 21600; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[73]; FFmtStr: '+06/+07'; FUntilYear: 1992; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[15]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trStandard), (FOffset: 25200; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[73]; FFmtStr: '+07/+08'; FUntilYear: 2010; FUntilMonth: 3; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[33]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trStandard), (FOffset: 21600; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[73]; FFmtStr: '+06/+07'; FUntilYear: 2011; FUntilMonth: 3; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[17]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trStandard), (FOffset: 25200; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+07'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Asia/Novosibirsk zone } CZone_268_Arr: array[0 .. 8] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: 19900; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1919; FUntilMonth: 12; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[2]; FUntilTime: 21600; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 21600; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+06'; FUntilYear: 1930; FUntilMonth: 6; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[19]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 25200; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[73]; FFmtStr: '+07/+08'; FUntilYear: 1991; FUntilMonth: 3; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[39]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trStandard), (FOffset: 21600; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[73]; FFmtStr: '+06/+07'; FUntilYear: 1992; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[15]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trStandard), (FOffset: 25200; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[73]; FFmtStr: '+07/+08'; FUntilYear: 1993; FUntilMonth: 5; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[26]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 21600; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[73]; FFmtStr: '+06/+07'; FUntilYear: 2011; FUntilMonth: 3; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[17]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trStandard), (FOffset: 25200; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+07'; FUntilYear: 2014; FUntilMonth: 10; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[12]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trStandard), (FOffset: 21600; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+06'; FUntilYear: 2016; FUntilMonth: 7; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[22]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trStandard), (FOffset: 25200; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+07'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Asia/Omsk zone } CZone_269_Arr: array[0 .. 6] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: 17610; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1919; FUntilMonth: 11; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[2]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 18000; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+05'; FUntilYear: 1930; FUntilMonth: 6; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[19]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 21600; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[73]; FFmtStr: '+06/+07'; FUntilYear: 1991; FUntilMonth: 3; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[39]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trStandard), (FOffset: 18000; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[73]; FFmtStr: '+05/+06'; FUntilYear: 1992; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[15]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trStandard), (FOffset: 21600; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[73]; FFmtStr: '+06/+07'; FUntilYear: 2011; FUntilMonth: 3; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[17]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trStandard), (FOffset: 25200; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+07'; FUntilYear: 2014; FUntilMonth: 10; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[12]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trStandard), (FOffset: 21600; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+06'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Asia/Oral zone } CZone_270_Arr: array[0 .. 9] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: 12324; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1924; FUntilMonth: 5; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[24]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 10800; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+03'; FUntilYear: 1930; FUntilMonth: 6; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[19]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 18000; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+05'; FUntilYear: 1981; FUntilMonth: 4; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 18000; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+06'; FUntilYear: 1981; FUntilMonth: 10; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 21600; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+06'; FUntilYear: 1982; FUntilMonth: 4; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 18000; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[41]; FFmtStr: '+05/+06'; FUntilYear: 1989; FUntilMonth: 3; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[12]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trStandard), (FOffset: 14400; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[41]; FFmtStr: '+04/+05'; FUntilYear: 1992; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[15]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trStandard), (FOffset: 18000; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[41]; FFmtStr: '+05/+06'; FUntilYear: 1992; FUntilMonth: 3; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[23]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trStandard), (FOffset: 14400; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[41]; FFmtStr: '+04/+05'; FUntilYear: 2004; FUntilMonth: 10; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[39]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trStandard), (FOffset: 18000; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+05'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Asia/Phnom_Penh zone } CZone_271_Arr: array[0 .. 5] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: 25180; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1906; FUntilMonth: 7; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 25590; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'PLMT'; FUntilYear: 1911; FUntilMonth: 5; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 25200; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+07'; FUntilYear: 1942; FUntilMonth: 12; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[39]; FUntilTime: 82800; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 28800; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+08'; FUntilYear: 1945; FUntilMonth: 3; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[2]; FUntilTime: 82800; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 32400; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+09'; FUntilYear: 1945; FUntilMonth: 9; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[24]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 25200; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+07'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Asia/Pontianak zone } CZone_272_Arr: array[0 .. 8] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: 26240; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1908; FUntilMonth: 5; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 26240; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'PMT'; FUntilYear: 1932; FUntilMonth: 11; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 27000; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+0730'; FUntilYear: 1942; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[23]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 32400; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+09'; FUntilYear: 1945; FUntilMonth: 9; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[26]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 27000; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+0730'; FUntilYear: 1948; FUntilMonth: 5; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 28800; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+08'; FUntilYear: 1950; FUntilMonth: 5; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 27000; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+0730'; FUntilYear: 1964; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 28800; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'WITA'; FUntilYear: 1988; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 25200; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'WIB'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Asia/Pyongyang zone } CZone_273_Arr: array[0 .. 5] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: 30180; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1908; FUntilMonth: 4; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 30600; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'KST'; FUntilYear: 1912; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 32400; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'JST'; FUntilYear: 1945; FUntilMonth: 8; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[22]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 32400; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'KST'; FUntilYear: 2015; FUntilMonth: 8; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[10]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 30600; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'KST'; FUntilYear: 2018; FUntilMonth: 5; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[18]; FUntilTime: 84600; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 32400; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'KST'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Asia/Qatar zone } CZone_274_Arr: array[0 .. 2] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: 12368; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1920; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 14400; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+04'; FUntilYear: 1972; FUntilMonth: 6; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 10800; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+03'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Asia/Qostanay zone } CZone_275_Arr: array[0 .. 9] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: 15268; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1924; FUntilMonth: 5; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[24]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 14400; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+04'; FUntilYear: 1930; FUntilMonth: 6; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[19]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 18000; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+05'; FUntilYear: 1981; FUntilMonth: 4; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 18000; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+06'; FUntilYear: 1981; FUntilMonth: 10; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 21600; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+06'; FUntilYear: 1982; FUntilMonth: 4; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 18000; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[41]; FFmtStr: '+05/+06'; FUntilYear: 1991; FUntilMonth: 3; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[39]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trStandard), (FOffset: 14400; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[41]; FFmtStr: '+04/+05'; FUntilYear: 1992; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[15]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trStandard), (FOffset: 18000; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[41]; FFmtStr: '+05/+06'; FUntilYear: 2004; FUntilMonth: 10; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[39]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trStandard), (FOffset: 21600; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+06'; FUntilYear: 2024; FUntilMonth: 3; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 18000; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+05'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Asia/Qyzylorda zone } CZone_276_Arr: array[0 .. 11] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: 15712; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1924; FUntilMonth: 5; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[24]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 14400; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+04'; FUntilYear: 1930; FUntilMonth: 6; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[19]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 18000; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+05'; FUntilYear: 1981; FUntilMonth: 4; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 18000; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+06'; FUntilYear: 1981; FUntilMonth: 10; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 21600; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+06'; FUntilYear: 1982; FUntilMonth: 4; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 18000; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[41]; FFmtStr: '+05/+06'; FUntilYear: 1991; FUntilMonth: 3; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[39]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trStandard), (FOffset: 14400; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[41]; FFmtStr: '+04/+05'; FUntilYear: 1991; FUntilMonth: 9; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[23]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trStandard), (FOffset: 18000; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[41]; FFmtStr: '+05/+06'; FUntilYear: 1992; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[15]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trStandard), (FOffset: 21600; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[41]; FFmtStr: '+06/+07'; FUntilYear: 1992; FUntilMonth: 3; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[23]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trStandard), (FOffset: 18000; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[41]; FFmtStr: '+05/+06'; FUntilYear: 2004; FUntilMonth: 10; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[39]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trStandard), (FOffset: 21600; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+06'; FUntilYear: 2018; FUntilMonth: 12; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[19]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 18000; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+05'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Asia/Riyadh zone } CZone_277_Arr: array[0 .. 1] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: 11212; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1947; FUntilMonth: 3; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[2]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 10800; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+03'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Asia/Sakhalin zone } CZone_278_Arr: array[0 .. 8] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: 34248; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1905; FUntilMonth: 8; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[26]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 32400; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+09'; FUntilYear: 1945; FUntilMonth: 8; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[11]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 39600; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[73]; FFmtStr: '+11/+12'; FUntilYear: 1991; FUntilMonth: 3; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[39]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trStandard), (FOffset: 36000; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[73]; FFmtStr: '+10/+11'; FUntilYear: 1992; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[15]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trStandard), (FOffset: 39600; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[73]; FFmtStr: '+11/+12'; FUntilYear: 1997; FUntilMonth: 3; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[0]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trStandard), (FOffset: 36000; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[73]; FFmtStr: '+10/+11'; FUntilYear: 2011; FUntilMonth: 3; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[17]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trStandard), (FOffset: 39600; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+11'; FUntilYear: 2014; FUntilMonth: 10; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[12]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trStandard), (FOffset: 36000; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+10'; FUntilYear: 2016; FUntilMonth: 3; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[17]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trStandard), (FOffset: 39600; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+11'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Asia/Samarkand zone } CZone_279_Arr: array[0 .. 6] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: 16073; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1924; FUntilMonth: 5; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[24]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 14400; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+04'; FUntilYear: 1930; FUntilMonth: 6; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[19]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 18000; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+05'; FUntilYear: 1981; FUntilMonth: 4; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 18000; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+06'; FUntilYear: 1981; FUntilMonth: 10; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 21600; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+06'; FUntilYear: 1982; FUntilMonth: 4; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 18000; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[41]; FFmtStr: '+05/+06'; FUntilYear: 1992; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 18000; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+05'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Asia/Seoul zone } CZone_280_Arr: array[0 .. 5] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: 30472; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1908; FUntilMonth: 4; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 30600; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'KST'; FUntilYear: 1912; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 32400; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'JST'; FUntilYear: 1945; FUntilMonth: 9; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[20]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 32400; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[57]; FFmtStr: 'K%sT'; FUntilYear: 1954; FUntilMonth: 3; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[19]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 30600; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[57]; FFmtStr: 'K%sT'; FUntilYear: 1961; FUntilMonth: 8; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[40]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 32400; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[57]; FFmtStr: 'K%sT'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Asia/Shanghai zone } CZone_281_Arr: array[0 .. 2] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: 29143; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1901; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 28800; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[45]; FFmtStr: 'C%sT'; FUntilYear: 1949; FUntilMonth: 5; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[33]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 28800; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[46]; FFmtStr: 'C%sT'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Asia/Singapore zone } CZone_282_Arr: array[0 .. 8] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: 24925; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1901; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 24925; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'SMT'; FUntilYear: 1905; FUntilMonth: 6; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 25200; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+07'; FUntilYear: 1933; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 25200; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+0720'; FUntilYear: 1936; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 26400; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+0720'; FUntilYear: 1941; FUntilMonth: 9; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 27000; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+0730'; FUntilYear: 1942; FUntilMonth: 2; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[34]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 32400; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+09'; FUntilYear: 1945; FUntilMonth: 9; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[29]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 27000; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+0730'; FUntilYear: 1981; FUntilMonth: 12; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[39]; FUntilTime: 57600; FUntilTimeMode: trUniversal), (FOffset: 28800; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+08'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Asia/Srednekolymsk zone } CZone_283_Arr: array[0 .. 6] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: 36892; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1924; FUntilMonth: 5; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[24]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 36000; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+10'; FUntilYear: 1930; FUntilMonth: 6; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[19]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 39600; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[73]; FFmtStr: '+11/+12'; FUntilYear: 1991; FUntilMonth: 3; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[39]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trStandard), (FOffset: 36000; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[73]; FFmtStr: '+10/+11'; FUntilYear: 1992; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[15]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trStandard), (FOffset: 39600; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[73]; FFmtStr: '+11/+12'; FUntilYear: 2011; FUntilMonth: 3; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[17]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trStandard), (FOffset: 43200; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+12'; FUntilYear: 2014; FUntilMonth: 10; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[12]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trStandard), (FOffset: 39600; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+11'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Asia/Taipei zone } CZone_284_Arr: array[0 .. 3] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: 29160; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1896; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 28800; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'CST'; FUntilYear: 1937; FUntilMonth: 10; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 32400; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'JST'; FUntilYear: 1945; FUntilMonth: 9; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[19]; FUntilTime: 3600; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 28800; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[48]; FFmtStr: 'C%sT'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Asia/Tashkent zone } CZone_285_Arr: array[0 .. 4] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: 16631; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1924; FUntilMonth: 5; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[24]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 18000; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+05'; FUntilYear: 1930; FUntilMonth: 6; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[19]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 21600; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[41]; FFmtStr: '+06/+07'; FUntilYear: 1991; FUntilMonth: 3; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[39]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 18000; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[41]; FFmtStr: '+05/+06'; FUntilYear: 1992; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 18000; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+05'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Asia/Tbilisi zone } CZone_286_Arr: array[0 .. 10] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: 10751; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1880; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 10751; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'TBMT'; FUntilYear: 1924; FUntilMonth: 5; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[24]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 10800; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+03'; FUntilYear: 1957; FUntilMonth: 3; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 14400; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[41]; FFmtStr: '+04/+05'; FUntilYear: 1991; FUntilMonth: 3; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[39]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trStandard), (FOffset: 10800; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[41]; FFmtStr: '+03/+04'; FUntilYear: 1992; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 10800; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[40]; FFmtStr: '+03/+04'; FUntilYear: 1994; FUntilMonth: 9; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[0]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 14400; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[40]; FFmtStr: '+04/+05'; FUntilYear: 1996; FUntilMonth: 10; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[0]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 14400; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+05'; FUntilYear: 1997; FUntilMonth: 3; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[0]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 14400; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[40]; FFmtStr: '+04/+05'; FUntilYear: 2004; FUntilMonth: 6; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[17]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 10800; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[41]; FFmtStr: '+03/+04'; FUntilYear: 2005; FUntilMonth: 3; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[0]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 14400; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+04'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Asia/Tehran zone } CZone_287_Arr: array[0 .. 4] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: 12344; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1916; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 12344; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'TMT'; FUntilYear: 1935; FUntilMonth: 6; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[8]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 12600; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[51]; FFmtStr: '+0330/+0430'; FUntilYear: 1977; FUntilMonth: 10; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[16]; FUntilTime: 86400; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 14400; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[51]; FFmtStr: '+04/+05'; FUntilYear: 1979; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 12600; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[51]; FFmtStr: '+0330/+0430'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Asia/Tel_Aviv zone } CZone_288_Arr: array[0 .. 2] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: 8344; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1880; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 8460; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'JMT'; FUntilYear: 1918; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 7200; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[53]; FFmtStr: 'I%sT'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Asia/Thimphu zone } CZone_289_Arr: array[0 .. 2] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: 21516; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1947; FUntilMonth: 8; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[10]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 19800; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+0530'; FUntilYear: 1987; FUntilMonth: 10; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 21600; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+06'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Asia/Tokyo zone } CZone_290_Arr: array[0 .. 1] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: 33539; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1887; FUntilMonth: 12; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[39]; FUntilTime: 54000; FUntilTimeMode: trUniversal), (FOffset: 32400; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[54]; FFmtStr: 'J%sT'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Asia/Tomsk zone } CZone_291_Arr: array[0 .. 8] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: 20391; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1919; FUntilMonth: 12; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[14]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 21600; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+06'; FUntilYear: 1930; FUntilMonth: 6; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[19]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 25200; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[73]; FFmtStr: '+07/+08'; FUntilYear: 1991; FUntilMonth: 3; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[39]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trStandard), (FOffset: 21600; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[73]; FFmtStr: '+06/+07'; FUntilYear: 1992; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[15]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trStandard), (FOffset: 25200; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[73]; FFmtStr: '+07/+08'; FUntilYear: 2002; FUntilMonth: 5; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FUntilTime: 10800; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 21600; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[73]; FFmtStr: '+06/+07'; FUntilYear: 2011; FUntilMonth: 3; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[17]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trStandard), (FOffset: 25200; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+07'; FUntilYear: 2014; FUntilMonth: 10; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[12]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trStandard), (FOffset: 21600; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+06'; FUntilYear: 2016; FUntilMonth: 5; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[23]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trStandard), (FOffset: 25200; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+07'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Asia/Ulaanbaatar zone } CZone_292_Arr: array[0 .. 2] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: 25652; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1905; FUntilMonth: 8; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 25200; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+07'; FUntilYear: 1978; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 28800; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[60]; FFmtStr: '+08/+09'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Asia/Urumqi zone } CZone_293_Arr: array[0 .. 1] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: 21020; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1928; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 21600; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+06'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Asia/Ust-Nera zone } CZone_294_Arr: array[0 .. 8] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: 34374; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1919; FUntilMonth: 12; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[10]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 28800; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+08'; FUntilYear: 1930; FUntilMonth: 6; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[19]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 32400; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[73]; FFmtStr: '+09/+10'; FUntilYear: 1981; FUntilMonth: 4; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 39600; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[73]; FFmtStr: '+11/+12'; FUntilYear: 1991; FUntilMonth: 3; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[39]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trStandard), (FOffset: 36000; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[73]; FFmtStr: '+10/+11'; FUntilYear: 1992; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[15]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trStandard), (FOffset: 39600; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[73]; FFmtStr: '+11/+12'; FUntilYear: 2011; FUntilMonth: 3; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[17]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trStandard), (FOffset: 43200; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+12'; FUntilYear: 2011; FUntilMonth: 9; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[8]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trStandard), (FOffset: 39600; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+11'; FUntilYear: 2014; FUntilMonth: 10; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[12]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trStandard), (FOffset: 36000; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+10'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Asia/Vientiane zone } CZone_295_Arr: array[0 .. 7] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: 24624; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1906; FUntilMonth: 7; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 25590; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'PLMT'; FUntilYear: 1911; FUntilMonth: 5; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 25200; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+07'; FUntilYear: 1942; FUntilMonth: 12; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[39]; FUntilTime: 82800; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 28800; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+08'; FUntilYear: 1945; FUntilMonth: 3; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[2]; FUntilTime: 82800; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 32400; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+09'; FUntilYear: 1945; FUntilMonth: 9; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[24]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 25200; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+07'; FUntilYear: 1947; FUntilMonth: 4; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 28800; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+08'; FUntilYear: 1955; FUntilMonth: 4; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[10]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 25200; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+07'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Asia/Vladivostok zone } CZone_296_Arr: array[0 .. 6] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: 31651; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1922; FUntilMonth: 11; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[10]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 32400; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+09'; FUntilYear: 1930; FUntilMonth: 6; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[19]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 36000; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[73]; FFmtStr: '+10/+11'; FUntilYear: 1991; FUntilMonth: 3; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[39]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trStandard), (FOffset: 32400; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[73]; FFmtStr: '+09/+10'; FUntilYear: 1992; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[15]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trStandard), (FOffset: 36000; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[73]; FFmtStr: '+10/+11'; FUntilYear: 2011; FUntilMonth: 3; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[17]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trStandard), (FOffset: 39600; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+11'; FUntilYear: 2014; FUntilMonth: 10; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[12]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trStandard), (FOffset: 36000; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+10'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Asia/Yakutsk zone } CZone_297_Arr: array[0 .. 6] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: 31138; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1919; FUntilMonth: 12; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[10]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 28800; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+08'; FUntilYear: 1930; FUntilMonth: 6; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[19]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 32400; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[73]; FFmtStr: '+09/+10'; FUntilYear: 1991; FUntilMonth: 3; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[39]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trStandard), (FOffset: 28800; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[73]; FFmtStr: '+08/+09'; FUntilYear: 1992; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[15]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trStandard), (FOffset: 32400; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[73]; FFmtStr: '+09/+10'; FUntilYear: 2011; FUntilMonth: 3; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[17]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trStandard), (FOffset: 36000; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+10'; FUntilYear: 2014; FUntilMonth: 10; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[12]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trStandard), (FOffset: 32400; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+09'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Asia/Yangon zone } CZone_298_Arr: array[0 .. 4] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: 23087; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1880; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 23087; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'RMT'; FUntilYear: 1920; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 23400; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+0630'; FUntilYear: 1942; FUntilMonth: 5; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 32400; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+09'; FUntilYear: 1945; FUntilMonth: 5; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[21]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 23400; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+0630'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Asia/Yekaterinburg zone } CZone_299_Arr: array[0 .. 7] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: 14553; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1916; FUntilMonth: 7; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[21]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 13505; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'PMT'; FUntilYear: 1919; FUntilMonth: 7; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[10]; FUntilTime: 14400; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 14400; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+04'; FUntilYear: 1930; FUntilMonth: 6; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[19]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 18000; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[73]; FFmtStr: '+05/+06'; FUntilYear: 1991; FUntilMonth: 3; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[39]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trStandard), (FOffset: 14400; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[73]; FFmtStr: '+04/+05'; FUntilYear: 1992; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[15]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trStandard), (FOffset: 18000; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[73]; FFmtStr: '+05/+06'; FUntilYear: 2011; FUntilMonth: 3; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[17]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trStandard), (FOffset: 21600; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+06'; FUntilYear: 2014; FUntilMonth: 10; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[12]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trStandard), (FOffset: 18000; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+05'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Asia/Yerevan zone } CZone_300_Arr: array[0 .. 6] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: 10680; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1924; FUntilMonth: 5; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[24]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 10800; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+03'; FUntilYear: 1957; FUntilMonth: 3; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 14400; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[41]; FFmtStr: '+04/+05'; FUntilYear: 1991; FUntilMonth: 3; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[39]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trStandard), (FOffset: 10800; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[41]; FFmtStr: '+03/+04'; FUntilYear: 1995; FUntilMonth: 9; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[22]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trStandard), (FOffset: 14400; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+04'; FUntilYear: 1997; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 14400; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[41]; FFmtStr: '+04/+05'; FUntilYear: 2011; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 14400; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[42]; FFmtStr: '+04/+05'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Atlantic/Azores zone } CZone_301_Arr: array[0 .. 14] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: -6160; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1884; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -6872; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'HMT'; FUntilYear: 1912; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trUniversal), (FOffset: -7200; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[92]; FFmtStr: '-02/-01'; FUntilYear: 1942; FUntilMonth: 4; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[11]; FUntilTime: 79200; FUntilTimeMode: trStandard), (FOffset: -7200; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[92]; FFmtStr: '+00'; FUntilYear: 1942; FUntilMonth: 8; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[10]; FUntilTime: 79200; FUntilTimeMode: trStandard), (FOffset: -7200; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[92]; FFmtStr: '-02/-01'; FUntilYear: 1943; FUntilMonth: 4; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[27]; FUntilTime: 79200; FUntilTimeMode: trStandard), (FOffset: -7200; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[92]; FFmtStr: '+00'; FUntilYear: 1943; FUntilMonth: 8; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[33]; FUntilTime: 79200; FUntilTimeMode: trStandard), (FOffset: -7200; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[92]; FFmtStr: '-02/-01'; FUntilYear: 1944; FUntilMonth: 4; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[14]; FUntilTime: 79200; FUntilTimeMode: trStandard), (FOffset: -7200; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[92]; FFmtStr: '+00'; FUntilYear: 1944; FUntilMonth: 8; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[12]; FUntilTime: 79200; FUntilTimeMode: trStandard), (FOffset: -7200; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[92]; FFmtStr: '-02/-01'; FUntilYear: 1945; FUntilMonth: 4; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[19]; FUntilTime: 79200; FUntilTimeMode: trStandard), (FOffset: -7200; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[92]; FFmtStr: '+00'; FUntilYear: 1945; FUntilMonth: 8; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[11]; FUntilTime: 79200; FUntilTimeMode: trStandard), (FOffset: -7200; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[92]; FFmtStr: '-02/-01'; FUntilYear: 1966; FUntilMonth: 4; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[21]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -3600; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[92]; FFmtStr: '-01/+00'; FUntilYear: 1983; FUntilMonth: 9; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[11]; FUntilTime: 3600; FUntilTimeMode: trStandard), (FOffset: -3600; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[70]; FFmtStr: '-01/+00'; FUntilYear: 1992; FUntilMonth: 9; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[17]; FUntilTime: 3600; FUntilTimeMode: trStandard), (FOffset: 0; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[68]; FFmtStr: 'WE%sT'; FUntilYear: 1993; FUntilMonth: 3; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[33]; FUntilTime: 3600; FUntilTimeMode: trUniversal), (FOffset: -3600; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[68]; FFmtStr: '-01/+00'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Atlantic/Bermuda zone } CZone_302_Arr: array[0 .. 4] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: -15558; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1890; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -15558; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[30]; FFmtStr: 'BMT/BST'; FUntilYear: 1930; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -14400; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[30]; FFmtStr: 'A%sT'; FUntilYear: 1974; FUntilMonth: 4; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[33]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -14400; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[15]; FFmtStr: 'A%sT'; FUntilYear: 1976; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -14400; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[0]; FFmtStr: 'A%sT'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Atlantic/Canary zone } CZone_303_Arr: array[0 .. 4] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: -3696; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1922; FUntilMonth: 3; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -3600; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '-01'; FUntilYear: 1946; FUntilMonth: 9; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[3]; FUntilTime: 3600; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 0; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'WET'; FUntilYear: 1980; FUntilMonth: 4; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[4]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trStandard), (FOffset: 0; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'WEST'; FUntilYear: 1980; FUntilMonth: 9; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[33]; FUntilTime: 3600; FUntilTimeMode: trUniversal), (FOffset: 0; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[68]; FFmtStr: 'WE%sT'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Atlantic/Cape_Verde zone } CZone_304_Arr: array[0 .. 4] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: -5644; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1912; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trUniversal), (FOffset: -7200; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '-02'; FUntilYear: 1942; FUntilMonth: 9; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -7200; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '-01'; FUntilYear: 1945; FUntilMonth: 10; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[10]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -7200; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '-02'; FUntilYear: 1975; FUntilMonth: 11; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[11]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -3600; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '-01'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Atlantic/Faroe zone } CZone_305_Arr: array[0 .. 2] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: -1624; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1908; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[25]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 0; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'WET'; FUntilYear: 1981; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 0; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[68]; FFmtStr: 'WE%sT'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Atlantic/Jan_Mayen zone } CZone_306_Arr: array[0 .. 0] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: -3600; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '-01'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Atlantic/Madeira zone } CZone_307_Arr: array[0 .. 12] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: -4056; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1884; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -4056; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'FMT'; FUntilYear: 1912; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FUntilTime: 3600; FUntilTimeMode: trUniversal), (FOffset: -3600; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[92]; FFmtStr: '-01/+00'; FUntilYear: 1942; FUntilMonth: 4; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[11]; FUntilTime: 79200; FUntilTimeMode: trStandard), (FOffset: -3600; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[92]; FFmtStr: '+01'; FUntilYear: 1942; FUntilMonth: 8; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[10]; FUntilTime: 79200; FUntilTimeMode: trStandard), (FOffset: -3600; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[92]; FFmtStr: '-01/+00'; FUntilYear: 1943; FUntilMonth: 4; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[27]; FUntilTime: 79200; FUntilTimeMode: trStandard), (FOffset: -3600; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[92]; FFmtStr: '+01'; FUntilYear: 1943; FUntilMonth: 8; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[33]; FUntilTime: 79200; FUntilTimeMode: trStandard), (FOffset: -3600; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[92]; FFmtStr: '-01/+00'; FUntilYear: 1944; FUntilMonth: 4; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[14]; FUntilTime: 79200; FUntilTimeMode: trStandard), (FOffset: -3600; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[92]; FFmtStr: '+01'; FUntilYear: 1944; FUntilMonth: 8; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[12]; FUntilTime: 79200; FUntilTimeMode: trStandard), (FOffset: -3600; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[92]; FFmtStr: '-01/+00'; FUntilYear: 1945; FUntilMonth: 4; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[19]; FUntilTime: 79200; FUntilTimeMode: trStandard), (FOffset: -3600; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[92]; FFmtStr: '+01'; FUntilYear: 1945; FUntilMonth: 8; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[11]; FUntilTime: 79200; FUntilTimeMode: trStandard), (FOffset: -3600; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[92]; FFmtStr: '-01/+00'; FUntilYear: 1966; FUntilMonth: 4; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[21]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 0; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[92]; FFmtStr: 'WE%sT'; FUntilYear: 1983; FUntilMonth: 9; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[11]; FUntilTime: 3600; FUntilTimeMode: trStandard), (FOffset: 0; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[68]; FFmtStr: 'WE%sT'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Atlantic/Reykjavik zone } CZone_308_Arr: array[0 .. 2] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: -5280; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1908; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -3600; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[112]; FFmtStr: '-01/+00'; FUntilYear: 1968; FUntilMonth: 4; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[13]; FUntilTime: 3600; FUntilTimeMode: trStandard), (FOffset: 0; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'GMT'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Atlantic/South_Georgia zone } CZone_309_Arr: array[0 .. 1] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: -8768; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1890; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -7200; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '-02'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Atlantic/Stanley zone } CZone_310_Arr: array[0 .. 5] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: -13884; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1890; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -13884; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'SMT'; FUntilYear: 1912; FUntilMonth: 3; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[29]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -14400; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[103]; FFmtStr: '-04/-03'; FUntilYear: 1983; FUntilMonth: 5; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -10800; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[103]; FFmtStr: '-03/-02'; FUntilYear: 1985; FUntilMonth: 9; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[10]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -14400; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[103]; FFmtStr: '-04/-03'; FUntilYear: 2010; FUntilMonth: 9; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[28]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -10800; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '-03'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Atlantic/St_Helena zone } CZone_311_Arr: array[0 .. 2] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: -1368; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1890; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -1368; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'JMT'; FUntilYear: 1951; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 0; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'GMT'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Australia/Adelaide zone } CZone_312_Arr: array[0 .. 3] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: 33260; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1895; FUntilMonth: 2; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 32400; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'ACST'; FUntilYear: 1899; FUntilMonth: 5; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 34200; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[114]; FFmtStr: 'AC%sT'; FUntilYear: 1971; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 34200; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[123]; FFmtStr: 'AC%sT'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Australia/Brisbane zone } CZone_313_Arr: array[0 .. 2] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: 36728; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1895; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 36000; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[114]; FFmtStr: 'AE%sT'; FUntilYear: 1971; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 36000; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[121]; FFmtStr: 'AE%sT'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Australia/Broken_Hill zone } CZone_314_Arr: array[0 .. 5] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: 33948; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1895; FUntilMonth: 2; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 36000; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'AEST'; FUntilYear: 1896; FUntilMonth: 8; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[26]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 32400; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'ACST'; FUntilYear: 1899; FUntilMonth: 5; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 34200; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[114]; FFmtStr: 'AC%sT'; FUntilYear: 1971; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 34200; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[125]; FFmtStr: 'AC%sT'; FUntilYear: 2000; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 34200; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[123]; FFmtStr: 'AC%sT'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Australia/Currie zone } CZone_315_Arr: array[0 .. 3] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: 34528; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1895; FUntilMonth: 9; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 36000; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[113]; FFmtStr: 'AE%sT'; FUntilYear: 1919; FUntilMonth: 10; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[22]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 36000; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[114]; FFmtStr: 'AE%sT'; FUntilYear: 1968; FUntilMonth: 10; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[10]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 36000; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[113]; FFmtStr: 'AE%sT'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Australia/Darwin zone } CZone_316_Arr: array[0 .. 2] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: 31400; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1895; FUntilMonth: 2; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 32400; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'ACST'; FUntilYear: 1899; FUntilMonth: 5; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 34200; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[114]; FFmtStr: 'AC%sT'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Australia/Eucla zone } CZone_317_Arr: array[0 .. 2] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: 30928; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1895; FUntilMonth: 12; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 31500; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[114]; FFmtStr: '+0845/+0945'; FUntilYear: 1943; FUntilMonth: 7; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 31500; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[120]; FFmtStr: '+0845/+0945'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Australia/Hobart zone } CZone_318_Arr: array[0 .. 3] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: 35356; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1895; FUntilMonth: 9; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 36000; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[113]; FFmtStr: 'AE%sT'; FUntilYear: 1919; FUntilMonth: 10; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[22]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 36000; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[114]; FFmtStr: 'AE%sT'; FUntilYear: 1967; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 36000; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[113]; FFmtStr: 'AE%sT'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Australia/Lindeman zone } CZone_319_Arr: array[0 .. 3] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: 35756; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1895; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 36000; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[114]; FFmtStr: 'AE%sT'; FUntilYear: 1971; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 36000; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[121]; FFmtStr: 'AE%sT'; FUntilYear: 1992; FUntilMonth: 7; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 36000; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[122]; FFmtStr: 'AE%sT'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Australia/Lord_Howe zone } CZone_320_Arr: array[0 .. 3] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: 38180; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1895; FUntilMonth: 2; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 36000; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'AEST'; FUntilYear: 1981; FUntilMonth: 3; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 37800; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[126]; FFmtStr: '+1030/+1130'; FUntilYear: 1985; FUntilMonth: 7; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 37800; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[126]; FFmtStr: '+1030/+11'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Australia/Melbourne zone } CZone_321_Arr: array[0 .. 2] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: 34792; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1895; FUntilMonth: 2; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 36000; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[114]; FFmtStr: 'AE%sT'; FUntilYear: 1971; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 36000; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[124]; FFmtStr: 'AE%sT'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Australia/Perth zone } CZone_322_Arr: array[0 .. 2] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: 27804; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1895; FUntilMonth: 12; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 28800; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[114]; FFmtStr: 'AW%sT'; FUntilYear: 1943; FUntilMonth: 7; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 28800; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[120]; FFmtStr: 'AW%sT'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Australia/Sydney zone } CZone_323_Arr: array[0 .. 2] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: 36292; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1895; FUntilMonth: 2; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 36000; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[114]; FFmtStr: 'AE%sT'; FUntilYear: 1971; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 36000; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[125]; FFmtStr: 'AE%sT'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for CET zone } CZone_324_Arr: array[0 .. 0] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: 3600; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[71]; FFmtStr: 'CE%sT'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for CST6CDT zone } CZone_325_Arr: array[0 .. 0] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: -21600; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[0]; FFmtStr: 'C%sT'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for EET zone } CZone_326_Arr: array[0 .. 0] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: 7200; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[68]; FFmtStr: 'EE%sT'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for EST zone } CZone_327_Arr: array[0 .. 0] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: -18000; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'EST'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for EST5EDT zone } CZone_328_Arr: array[0 .. 0] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: -18000; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[0]; FFmtStr: 'E%sT'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Etc/GMT zone } CZone_329_Arr: array[0 .. 0] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: 0; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'GMT'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Etc/GMT+1 zone } CZone_330_Arr: array[0 .. 0] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: -3600; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '-01'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Etc/GMT+10 zone } CZone_331_Arr: array[0 .. 0] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: -36000; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '-10'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Etc/GMT+11 zone } CZone_332_Arr: array[0 .. 0] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: -39600; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '-11'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Etc/GMT+12 zone } CZone_333_Arr: array[0 .. 0] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: -43200; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '-12'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Etc/GMT+2 zone } CZone_334_Arr: array[0 .. 0] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: -7200; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '-02'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Etc/GMT+3 zone } CZone_335_Arr: array[0 .. 0] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: -10800; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '-03'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Etc/GMT+4 zone } CZone_336_Arr: array[0 .. 0] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: -14400; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '-04'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Etc/GMT+5 zone } CZone_337_Arr: array[0 .. 0] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: -18000; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '-05'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Etc/GMT+6 zone } CZone_338_Arr: array[0 .. 0] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: -21600; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '-06'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Etc/GMT+7 zone } CZone_339_Arr: array[0 .. 0] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: -25200; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '-07'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Etc/GMT+8 zone } CZone_340_Arr: array[0 .. 0] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: -28800; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '-08'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Etc/GMT+9 zone } CZone_341_Arr: array[0 .. 0] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: -32400; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '-09'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Etc/GMT-1 zone } CZone_342_Arr: array[0 .. 0] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: 3600; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+01'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Etc/GMT-10 zone } CZone_343_Arr: array[0 .. 0] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: 36000; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+10'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Etc/GMT-11 zone } CZone_344_Arr: array[0 .. 0] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: 39600; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+11'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Etc/GMT-12 zone } CZone_345_Arr: array[0 .. 0] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: 43200; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+12'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Etc/GMT-13 zone } CZone_346_Arr: array[0 .. 0] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: 46800; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+13'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Etc/GMT-14 zone } CZone_347_Arr: array[0 .. 0] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: 50400; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+14'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Etc/GMT-2 zone } CZone_348_Arr: array[0 .. 0] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: 7200; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+02'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Etc/GMT-3 zone } CZone_349_Arr: array[0 .. 0] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: 10800; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+03'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Etc/GMT-4 zone } CZone_350_Arr: array[0 .. 0] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: 14400; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+04'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Etc/GMT-5 zone } CZone_351_Arr: array[0 .. 0] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: 18000; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+05'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Etc/GMT-6 zone } CZone_352_Arr: array[0 .. 0] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: 21600; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+06'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Etc/GMT-7 zone } CZone_353_Arr: array[0 .. 0] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: 25200; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+07'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Etc/GMT-8 zone } CZone_354_Arr: array[0 .. 0] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: 28800; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+08'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Etc/GMT-9 zone } CZone_355_Arr: array[0 .. 0] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: 32400; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+09'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Etc/UTC zone } CZone_356_Arr: array[0 .. 0] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: 0; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'UTC'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Europe/Amsterdam zone } CZone_357_Arr: array[0 .. 5] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: 1172; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1835; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 1172; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[115]; FFmtStr: '%s'; FUntilYear: 1937; FUntilMonth: 7; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 1200; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[115]; FFmtStr: '+0020/+0120'; FUntilYear: 1940; FUntilMonth: 5; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[34]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 3600; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[71]; FFmtStr: 'CE%sT'; FUntilYear: 1945; FUntilMonth: 4; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[24]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 3600; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[115]; FFmtStr: 'CE%sT'; FUntilYear: 1977; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 3600; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[68]; FFmtStr: 'CE%sT'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Europe/Andorra zone } CZone_358_Arr: array[0 .. 3] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: 364; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1901; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 0; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'WET'; FUntilYear: 1946; FUntilMonth: 9; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[3]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 3600; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'CET'; FUntilYear: 1985; FUntilMonth: 3; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[39]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 3600; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[68]; FFmtStr: 'CE%sT'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Europe/Astrakhan zone } CZone_359_Arr: array[0 .. 8] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: 11532; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1924; FUntilMonth: 5; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 10800; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+03'; FUntilYear: 1930; FUntilMonth: 6; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[19]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 14400; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[73]; FFmtStr: '+04/+05'; FUntilYear: 1989; FUntilMonth: 3; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[12]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trStandard), (FOffset: 10800; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[73]; FFmtStr: '+03/+04'; FUntilYear: 1991; FUntilMonth: 3; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[39]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trStandard), (FOffset: 14400; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+04'; FUntilYear: 1992; FUntilMonth: 3; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[23]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trStandard), (FOffset: 10800; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[73]; FFmtStr: '+03/+04'; FUntilYear: 2011; FUntilMonth: 3; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[17]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trStandard), (FOffset: 14400; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+04'; FUntilYear: 2014; FUntilMonth: 10; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[12]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trStandard), (FOffset: 10800; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+03'; FUntilYear: 2016; FUntilMonth: 3; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[17]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trStandard), (FOffset: 14400; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+04'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Europe/Athens zone } CZone_360_Arr: array[0 .. 5] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: 5692; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1895; FUntilMonth: 9; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[2]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 5692; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'AMT'; FUntilYear: 1916; FUntilMonth: 7; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[33]; FUntilTime: 60; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 7200; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[84]; FFmtStr: 'EE%sT'; FUntilYear: 1941; FUntilMonth: 4; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[3]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 3600; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[84]; FFmtStr: 'CE%sT'; FUntilYear: 1944; FUntilMonth: 4; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[18]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 7200; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[84]; FFmtStr: 'EE%sT'; FUntilYear: 1981; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 7200; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[68]; FFmtStr: 'EE%sT'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Europe/Belfast zone } CZone_361_Arr: array[0 .. 6] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: -1420; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1880; FUntilMonth: 8; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[24]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -1521; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'DMT'; FUntilYear: 1916; FUntilMonth: 5; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[19]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -1521; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'IST'; FUntilYear: 1916; FUntilMonth: 10; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trStandard), (FOffset: 0; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[67]; FFmtStr: '%s'; FUntilYear: 1968; FUntilMonth: 10; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[17]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 3600; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'BST'; FUntilYear: 1971; FUntilMonth: 10; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[39]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trUniversal), (FOffset: 0; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[67]; FFmtStr: '%s'; FUntilYear: 1996; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 0; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[68]; FFmtStr: 'GMT/BST'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Europe/Belgrade zone } CZone_362_Arr: array[0 .. 6] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: 4920; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1884; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 3600; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'CET'; FUntilYear: 1941; FUntilMonth: 4; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[7]; FUntilTime: 82800; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 3600; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[71]; FFmtStr: 'CE%sT'; FUntilYear: 1945; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 3600; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'CET'; FUntilYear: 1945; FUntilMonth: 5; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[20]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trStandard), (FOffset: 3600; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'CEST'; FUntilYear: 1945; FUntilMonth: 9; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[34]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trStandard), (FOffset: 3600; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'CET'; FUntilYear: 1982; FUntilMonth: 11; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[17]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 3600; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[68]; FFmtStr: 'CE%sT'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Europe/Berlin zone } CZone_363_Arr: array[0 .. 4] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: 3208; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1893; FUntilMonth: 4; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 3600; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[71]; FFmtStr: 'CE%sT'; FUntilYear: 1945; FUntilMonth: 5; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[22]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 3600; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[83]; FFmtStr: 'CE%sT'; FUntilYear: 1946; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 3600; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[82]; FFmtStr: 'CE%sT'; FUntilYear: 1980; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 3600; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[68]; FFmtStr: 'CE%sT'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Europe/Brussels zone } CZone_364_Arr: array[0 .. 8] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: 1050; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1880; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 1050; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'BMT'; FUntilYear: 1892; FUntilMonth: 5; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FUntilTime: 1050; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 0; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'WET'; FUntilYear: 1914; FUntilMonth: 11; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[20]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 3600; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'CET'; FUntilYear: 1916; FUntilMonth: 5; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 3600; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[71]; FFmtStr: 'CE%sT'; FUntilYear: 1918; FUntilMonth: 11; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[25]; FUntilTime: 39600; FUntilTimeMode: trUniversal), (FOffset: 0; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[76]; FFmtStr: 'WE%sT'; FUntilYear: 1940; FUntilMonth: 5; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[16]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trStandard), (FOffset: 3600; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[71]; FFmtStr: 'CE%sT'; FUntilYear: 1944; FUntilMonth: 9; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[21]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 3600; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[76]; FFmtStr: 'CE%sT'; FUntilYear: 1977; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 3600; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[68]; FFmtStr: 'CE%sT'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Europe/Bucharest zone } CZone_365_Arr: array[0 .. 6] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: 6264; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1891; FUntilMonth: 10; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 6264; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'BMT'; FUntilYear: 1931; FUntilMonth: 7; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[22]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 7200; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[90]; FFmtStr: 'EE%sT'; FUntilYear: 1981; FUntilMonth: 3; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[23]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trStandard), (FOffset: 7200; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[71]; FFmtStr: 'EE%sT'; FUntilYear: 1991; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 7200; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[90]; FFmtStr: 'EE%sT'; FUntilYear: 1994; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 7200; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[72]; FFmtStr: 'EE%sT'; FUntilYear: 1997; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 7200; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[68]; FFmtStr: 'EE%sT'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Europe/Budapest zone } CZone_366_Arr: array[0 .. 5] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: 4580; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1890; FUntilMonth: 11; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 3600; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[71]; FFmtStr: 'CE%sT'; FUntilYear: 1918; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 3600; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[85]; FFmtStr: 'CE%sT'; FUntilYear: 1941; FUntilMonth: 4; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[13]; FUntilTime: 82800; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 3600; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[71]; FFmtStr: 'CE%sT'; FUntilYear: 1945; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 3600; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[85]; FFmtStr: 'CE%sT'; FUntilYear: 1984; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 3600; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[68]; FFmtStr: 'CE%sT'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Europe/Chisinau zone } CZone_367_Arr: array[0 .. 9] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: 6920; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1880; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 6900; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'CMT'; FUntilYear: 1918; FUntilMonth: 2; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[10]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 6264; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'BMT'; FUntilYear: 1931; FUntilMonth: 7; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[22]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 7200; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[90]; FFmtStr: 'EE%sT'; FUntilYear: 1940; FUntilMonth: 8; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[10]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 7200; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'EEST'; FUntilYear: 1941; FUntilMonth: 7; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[27]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 3600; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[71]; FFmtStr: 'CE%sT'; FUntilYear: 1944; FUntilMonth: 8; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[22]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 10800; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[73]; FFmtStr: 'MSK/MSD'; FUntilYear: 1990; FUntilMonth: 5; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[4]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 7200; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[73]; FFmtStr: 'EE%sT'; FUntilYear: 1992; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 7200; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[72]; FFmtStr: 'EE%sT'; FUntilYear: 1997; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 7200; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[89]; FFmtStr: 'EE%sT'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Europe/Copenhagen zone } CZone_368_Arr: array[0 .. 5] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: 3020; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1890; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 3020; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'CMT'; FUntilYear: 1894; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 3600; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[116]; FFmtStr: 'CE%sT'; FUntilYear: 1942; FUntilMonth: 11; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[24]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trStandard), (FOffset: 3600; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[71]; FFmtStr: 'CE%sT'; FUntilYear: 1945; FUntilMonth: 4; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[24]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 3600; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[116]; FFmtStr: 'CE%sT'; FUntilYear: 1980; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 3600; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[68]; FFmtStr: 'CE%sT'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Europe/Dublin zone } CZone_369_Arr: array[0 .. 10] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: -1521; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1880; FUntilMonth: 8; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[24]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -1521; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'DMT'; FUntilYear: 1916; FUntilMonth: 5; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[19]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trStandard), (FOffset: -1521; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'IST'; FUntilYear: 1916; FUntilMonth: 10; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trStandard), (FOffset: 0; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[67]; FFmtStr: '%s'; FUntilYear: 1921; FUntilMonth: 12; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[4]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 0; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[67]; FFmtStr: 'GMT/IST'; FUntilYear: 1940; FUntilMonth: 2; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[11]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trStandard), (FOffset: 0; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'IST'; FUntilYear: 1946; FUntilMonth: 10; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[4]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trStandard), (FOffset: 0; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'GMT'; FUntilYear: 1947; FUntilMonth: 3; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[34]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trStandard), (FOffset: 0; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'IST'; FUntilYear: 1947; FUntilMonth: 11; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[24]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trStandard), (FOffset: 0; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'GMT'; FUntilYear: 1948; FUntilMonth: 4; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[7]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trStandard), (FOffset: 0; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[67]; FFmtStr: 'GMT/IST'; FUntilYear: 1968; FUntilMonth: 10; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[17]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 3600; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[69]; FFmtStr: 'IST/GMT'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Europe/Gibraltar zone } CZone_370_Arr: array[0 .. 3] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: -1284; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1880; FUntilMonth: 8; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[24]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 0; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[67]; FFmtStr: '%s'; FUntilYear: 1957; FUntilMonth: 4; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[2]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 3600; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'CET'; FUntilYear: 1982; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 3600; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[68]; FFmtStr: 'CE%sT'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Europe/Guernsey zone } CZone_371_Arr: array[0 .. 6] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: -609; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1913; FUntilMonth: 6; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[7]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 0; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[67]; FFmtStr: '%s'; FUntilYear: 1940; FUntilMonth: 7; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[24]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 3600; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[71]; FFmtStr: 'CE%sT'; FUntilYear: 1945; FUntilMonth: 5; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[20]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 0; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[67]; FFmtStr: '%s'; FUntilYear: 1968; FUntilMonth: 10; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[17]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 3600; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'BST'; FUntilYear: 1971; FUntilMonth: 10; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[39]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trUniversal), (FOffset: 0; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[67]; FFmtStr: '%s'; FUntilYear: 1996; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 0; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[68]; FFmtStr: 'GMT/BST'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Europe/Helsinki zone } CZone_372_Arr: array[0 .. 3] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: 5989; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1878; FUntilMonth: 5; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[39]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 5989; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'HMT'; FUntilYear: 1921; FUntilMonth: 5; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 7200; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[80]; FFmtStr: 'EE%sT'; FUntilYear: 1983; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 7200; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[68]; FFmtStr: 'EE%sT'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Europe/Isle_of_Man zone } CZone_373_Arr: array[0 .. 4] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: -1075; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1883; FUntilMonth: 3; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[3]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trStandard), (FOffset: 0; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[67]; FFmtStr: '%s'; FUntilYear: 1968; FUntilMonth: 10; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[17]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 3600; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'BST'; FUntilYear: 1971; FUntilMonth: 10; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[39]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trUniversal), (FOffset: 0; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[67]; FFmtStr: '%s'; FUntilYear: 1996; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 0; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[68]; FFmtStr: 'GMT/BST'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Europe/Istanbul zone } CZone_374_Arr: array[0 .. 12] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: 6952; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1880; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 7016; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'IMT'; FUntilYear: 1910; FUntilMonth: 10; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 7200; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[96]; FFmtStr: 'EE%sT'; FUntilYear: 1978; FUntilMonth: 6; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[23]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 10800; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[96]; FFmtStr: '+03/+04'; FUntilYear: 1984; FUntilMonth: 11; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 7200; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[96]; FFmtStr: 'EE%sT'; FUntilYear: 2007; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 7200; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[68]; FFmtStr: 'EE%sT'; FUntilYear: 2011; FUntilMonth: 3; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[17]; FUntilTime: 3600; FUntilTimeMode: trUniversal), (FOffset: 7200; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'EET'; FUntilYear: 2011; FUntilMonth: 3; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[33]; FUntilTime: 3600; FUntilTimeMode: trUniversal), (FOffset: 7200; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[68]; FFmtStr: 'EE%sT'; FUntilYear: 2014; FUntilMonth: 3; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[3]; FUntilTime: 3600; FUntilTimeMode: trUniversal), (FOffset: 7200; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'EET'; FUntilYear: 2014; FUntilMonth: 3; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[39]; FUntilTime: 3600; FUntilTimeMode: trUniversal), (FOffset: 7200; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[68]; FFmtStr: 'EE%sT'; FUntilYear: 2015; FUntilMonth: 10; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[11]; FUntilTime: 3600; FUntilTimeMode: trUniversal), (FOffset: 7200; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'EEST'; FUntilYear: 2015; FUntilMonth: 11; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[20]; FUntilTime: 3600; FUntilTimeMode: trUniversal), (FOffset: 7200; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[68]; FFmtStr: 'EE%sT'; FUntilYear: 2016; FUntilMonth: 9; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[13]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 10800; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+03'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Europe/Jersey zone } CZone_375_Arr: array[0 .. 6] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: -506; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1898; FUntilMonth: 6; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[25]; FUntilTime: 57600; FUntilTimeMode: trUniversal), (FOffset: 0; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[67]; FFmtStr: '%s'; FUntilYear: 1940; FUntilMonth: 7; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[24]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 3600; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[71]; FFmtStr: 'CE%sT'; FUntilYear: 1945; FUntilMonth: 5; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[20]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 0; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[67]; FFmtStr: '%s'; FUntilYear: 1968; FUntilMonth: 10; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[17]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 3600; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'BST'; FUntilYear: 1971; FUntilMonth: 10; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[39]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trUniversal), (FOffset: 0; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[67]; FFmtStr: '%s'; FUntilYear: 1996; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 0; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[68]; FFmtStr: 'GMT/BST'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Europe/Kaliningrad zone } CZone_376_Arr: array[0 .. 6] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: 4920; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1893; FUntilMonth: 4; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 3600; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[71]; FFmtStr: 'CE%sT'; FUntilYear: 1945; FUntilMonth: 4; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[40]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 7200; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[91]; FFmtStr: 'EE%sT'; FUntilYear: 1946; FUntilMonth: 4; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[13]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 10800; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[73]; FFmtStr: 'MSK/MSD'; FUntilYear: 1989; FUntilMonth: 3; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[12]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trStandard), (FOffset: 7200; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[73]; FFmtStr: 'EE%sT'; FUntilYear: 2011; FUntilMonth: 3; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[17]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trStandard), (FOffset: 10800; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+03'; FUntilYear: 2014; FUntilMonth: 10; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[12]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trStandard), (FOffset: 7200; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'EET'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Europe/Kirov zone } CZone_377_Arr: array[0 .. 7] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: 11928; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1919; FUntilMonth: 7; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trUniversal), (FOffset: 10800; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+03'; FUntilYear: 1930; FUntilMonth: 6; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[19]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 14400; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[73]; FFmtStr: '+04/+05'; FUntilYear: 1989; FUntilMonth: 3; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[12]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trStandard), (FOffset: 10800; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[73]; FFmtStr: 'MSK/MSD'; FUntilYear: 1991; FUntilMonth: 3; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[39]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trStandard), (FOffset: 14400; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+04'; FUntilYear: 1992; FUntilMonth: 3; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[23]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trStandard), (FOffset: 10800; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[73]; FFmtStr: 'MSK/MSD'; FUntilYear: 2011; FUntilMonth: 3; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[17]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trStandard), (FOffset: 14400; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'MSK'; FUntilYear: 2014; FUntilMonth: 10; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[12]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trStandard), (FOffset: 10800; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'MSK'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Europe/Kyiv zone } CZone_378_Arr: array[0 .. 8] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: 7324; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1880; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 7324; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'KMT'; FUntilYear: 1924; FUntilMonth: 5; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[24]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 7200; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'EET'; FUntilYear: 1930; FUntilMonth: 6; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[19]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 10800; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'MSK'; FUntilYear: 1941; FUntilMonth: 9; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[16]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 3600; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[71]; FFmtStr: 'CE%sT'; FUntilYear: 1943; FUntilMonth: 11; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[4]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 10800; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[73]; FFmtStr: 'MSK/MSD'; FUntilYear: 1990; FUntilMonth: 7; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 7200; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'EEST'; FUntilYear: 1991; FUntilMonth: 9; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[23]; FUntilTime: 10800; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 7200; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[71]; FFmtStr: 'EE%sT'; FUntilYear: 1996; FUntilMonth: 5; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[8]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 7200; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[68]; FFmtStr: 'EE%sT'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Europe/Lisbon zone } CZone_379_Arr: array[0 .. 7] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: -2205; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1884; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -2205; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1912; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trUniversal), (FOffset: 0; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[92]; FFmtStr: 'WE%sT'; FUntilYear: 1966; FUntilMonth: 4; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[21]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 3600; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'CET'; FUntilYear: 1976; FUntilMonth: 9; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[12]; FUntilTime: 3600; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 0; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[92]; FFmtStr: 'WE%sT'; FUntilYear: 1983; FUntilMonth: 9; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[11]; FUntilTime: 3600; FUntilTimeMode: trStandard), (FOffset: 0; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[70]; FFmtStr: 'WE%sT'; FUntilYear: 1992; FUntilMonth: 9; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[17]; FUntilTime: 3600; FUntilTimeMode: trStandard), (FOffset: 3600; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[68]; FFmtStr: 'CE%sT'; FUntilYear: 1996; FUntilMonth: 3; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[39]; FUntilTime: 3600; FUntilTimeMode: trUniversal), (FOffset: 0; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[68]; FFmtStr: 'WE%sT'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Europe/Ljubljana zone } CZone_380_Arr: array[0 .. 5] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: 3484; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1884; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 3600; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'CET'; FUntilYear: 1941; FUntilMonth: 4; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[7]; FUntilTime: 82800; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 3600; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[71]; FFmtStr: 'CE%sT'; FUntilYear: 1945; FUntilMonth: 5; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[20]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trStandard), (FOffset: 3600; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'CEST'; FUntilYear: 1945; FUntilMonth: 9; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[34]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trStandard), (FOffset: 3600; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'CET'; FUntilYear: 1982; FUntilMonth: 11; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[17]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 3600; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[68]; FFmtStr: 'CE%sT'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Europe/London zone } CZone_381_Arr: array[0 .. 4] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: -75; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1847; FUntilMonth: 12; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 0; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[67]; FFmtStr: '%s'; FUntilYear: 1968; FUntilMonth: 10; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[17]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 3600; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'BST'; FUntilYear: 1971; FUntilMonth: 10; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[39]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trUniversal), (FOffset: 0; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[67]; FFmtStr: '%s'; FUntilYear: 1996; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 0; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[68]; FFmtStr: 'GMT/BST'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Europe/Luxembourg zone } CZone_382_Arr: array[0 .. 6] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: 1476; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1904; FUntilMonth: 6; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 3600; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[117]; FFmtStr: 'CE%sT'; FUntilYear: 1918; FUntilMonth: 11; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[11]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 0; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[117]; FFmtStr: 'WE%sT'; FUntilYear: 1929; FUntilMonth: 10; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[4]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trStandard), (FOffset: 0; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[76]; FFmtStr: 'WE%sT'; FUntilYear: 1940; FUntilMonth: 5; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[2]; FUntilTime: 10800; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 3600; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[71]; FFmtStr: 'WE%sT'; FUntilYear: 1944; FUntilMonth: 9; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[7]; FUntilTime: 10800; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 3600; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[76]; FFmtStr: 'CE%sT'; FUntilYear: 1977; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 3600; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[68]; FFmtStr: 'CE%sT'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Europe/Madrid zone } CZone_383_Arr: array[0 .. 3] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: -884; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1901; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trUniversal), (FOffset: 0; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[93]; FFmtStr: 'WE%sT'; FUntilYear: 1940; FUntilMonth: 3; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[34]; FUntilTime: 82800; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 3600; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[93]; FFmtStr: 'CE%sT'; FUntilYear: 1979; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 3600; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[68]; FFmtStr: 'CE%sT'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Europe/Malta zone } CZone_384_Arr: array[0 .. 3] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: 3484; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1893; FUntilMonth: 11; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[24]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 3600; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[86]; FFmtStr: 'CE%sT'; FUntilYear: 1973; FUntilMonth: 3; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[39]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 3600; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[88]; FFmtStr: 'CE%sT'; FUntilYear: 1981; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 3600; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[68]; FFmtStr: 'CE%sT'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Europe/Minsk zone } CZone_385_Arr: array[0 .. 8] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: 6616; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1880; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 6600; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'MMT'; FUntilYear: 1924; FUntilMonth: 5; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[24]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 7200; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'EET'; FUntilYear: 1930; FUntilMonth: 6; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[19]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 10800; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'MSK'; FUntilYear: 1941; FUntilMonth: 6; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[33]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 3600; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[71]; FFmtStr: 'CE%sT'; FUntilYear: 1944; FUntilMonth: 7; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[21]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 10800; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[73]; FFmtStr: 'MSK/MSD'; FUntilYear: 1990; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 10800; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'MSK'; FUntilYear: 1991; FUntilMonth: 3; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[39]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trStandard), (FOffset: 7200; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[73]; FFmtStr: 'EE%sT'; FUntilYear: 2011; FUntilMonth: 3; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[17]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trStandard), (FOffset: 10800; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+03'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Europe/Monaco zone } CZone_386_Arr: array[0 .. 4] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: 1772; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1892; FUntilMonth: 6; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 561; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'PMT'; FUntilYear: 1911; FUntilMonth: 3; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[23]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 0; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[81]; FFmtStr: 'WE%sT'; FUntilYear: 1945; FUntilMonth: 9; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[34]; FUntilTime: 10800; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 3600; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[81]; FFmtStr: 'CE%sT'; FUntilYear: 1977; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 3600; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[68]; FFmtStr: 'CE%sT'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Europe/Moscow zone } CZone_387_Arr: array[0 .. 10] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: 9017; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1880; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 9017; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'MMT'; FUntilYear: 1916; FUntilMonth: 7; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[21]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 9079; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[73]; FFmtStr: '%s'; FUntilYear: 1919; FUntilMonth: 7; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trUniversal), (FOffset: 10800; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[73]; FFmtStr: '%s'; FUntilYear: 1921; FUntilMonth: 10; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 10800; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[73]; FFmtStr: 'MSK/MSD'; FUntilYear: 1922; FUntilMonth: 10; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 7200; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'EET'; FUntilYear: 1930; FUntilMonth: 6; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[19]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 10800; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[73]; FFmtStr: 'MSK/MSD'; FUntilYear: 1991; FUntilMonth: 3; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[39]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trStandard), (FOffset: 7200; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[73]; FFmtStr: 'EE%sT'; FUntilYear: 1992; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[15]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trStandard), (FOffset: 10800; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[73]; FFmtStr: 'MSK/MSD'; FUntilYear: 2011; FUntilMonth: 3; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[17]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trStandard), (FOffset: 14400; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'MSK'; FUntilYear: 2014; FUntilMonth: 10; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[12]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trStandard), (FOffset: 10800; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'MSK'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Europe/Oslo zone } CZone_388_Arr: array[0 .. 4] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: 2580; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1895; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 3600; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[118]; FFmtStr: 'CE%sT'; FUntilYear: 1940; FUntilMonth: 8; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[40]; FUntilTime: 82800; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 3600; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[71]; FFmtStr: 'CE%sT'; FUntilYear: 1945; FUntilMonth: 4; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[24]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 3600; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[118]; FFmtStr: 'CE%sT'; FUntilYear: 1980; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 3600; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[68]; FFmtStr: 'CE%sT'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Europe/Paris zone } CZone_389_Arr: array[0 .. 6] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: 561; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1891; FUntilMonth: 3; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[34]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 561; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'PMT'; FUntilYear: 1911; FUntilMonth: 3; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[25]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 0; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[81]; FFmtStr: 'WE%sT'; FUntilYear: 1940; FUntilMonth: 6; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[2]; FUntilTime: 82800; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 3600; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[71]; FFmtStr: 'CE%sT'; FUntilYear: 1944; FUntilMonth: 8; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[11]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 0; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[81]; FFmtStr: 'WE%sT'; FUntilYear: 1945; FUntilMonth: 9; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[34]; FUntilTime: 10800; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 3600; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[81]; FFmtStr: 'CE%sT'; FUntilYear: 1977; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 3600; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[68]; FFmtStr: 'CE%sT'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Europe/Prague zone } CZone_390_Arr: array[0 .. 6] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: 3464; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1850; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 3464; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'PMT'; FUntilYear: 1891; FUntilMonth: 10; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 3600; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[71]; FFmtStr: 'CE%sT'; FUntilYear: 1945; FUntilMonth: 5; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[1]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 3600; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[78]; FFmtStr: 'CE%sT'; FUntilYear: 1946; FUntilMonth: 12; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FUntilTime: 10800; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 3600; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'GMT'; FUntilYear: 1947; FUntilMonth: 2; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[26]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 3600; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[78]; FFmtStr: 'CE%sT'; FUntilYear: 1979; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 3600; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[68]; FFmtStr: 'CE%sT'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Europe/Riga zone } CZone_391_Arr: array[0 .. 14] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: 5794; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1880; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 5794; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'RMT'; FUntilYear: 1918; FUntilMonth: 4; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[10]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 5794; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LST'; FUntilYear: 1918; FUntilMonth: 9; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[34]; FUntilTime: 10800; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 5794; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'RMT'; FUntilYear: 1919; FUntilMonth: 4; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 5794; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LST'; FUntilYear: 1919; FUntilMonth: 5; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[14]; FUntilTime: 10800; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 5794; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'RMT'; FUntilYear: 1926; FUntilMonth: 5; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[25]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 7200; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'EET'; FUntilYear: 1940; FUntilMonth: 8; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[28]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 10800; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'MSK'; FUntilYear: 1941; FUntilMonth: 7; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 3600; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[71]; FFmtStr: 'CE%sT'; FUntilYear: 1944; FUntilMonth: 10; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[8]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 10800; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[73]; FFmtStr: 'MSK/MSD'; FUntilYear: 1989; FUntilMonth: 3; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[0]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trStandard), (FOffset: 7200; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'EEST'; FUntilYear: 1989; FUntilMonth: 9; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[0]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trStandard), (FOffset: 7200; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[87]; FFmtStr: 'EE%sT'; FUntilYear: 1997; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[19]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 7200; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[68]; FFmtStr: 'EE%sT'; FUntilYear: 2000; FUntilMonth: 2; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[23]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 7200; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'EET'; FUntilYear: 2001; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[24]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 7200; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[68]; FFmtStr: 'EE%sT'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Europe/Rome zone } CZone_392_Arr: array[0 .. 5] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: 2996; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1866; FUntilMonth: 12; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[29]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 2996; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'RMT'; FUntilYear: 1893; FUntilMonth: 10; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[39]; FUntilTime: 82800; FUntilTimeMode: trUniversal), (FOffset: 3600; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[86]; FFmtStr: 'CE%sT'; FUntilYear: 1943; FUntilMonth: 9; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[40]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 3600; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[71]; FFmtStr: 'CE%sT'; FUntilYear: 1944; FUntilMonth: 6; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[18]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 3600; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[86]; FFmtStr: 'CE%sT'; FUntilYear: 1980; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 3600; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[68]; FFmtStr: 'CE%sT'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Europe/Samara zone } CZone_393_Arr: array[0 .. 9] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: 12020; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1919; FUntilMonth: 7; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trUniversal), (FOffset: 10800; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+03'; FUntilYear: 1930; FUntilMonth: 6; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[19]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 14400; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+04'; FUntilYear: 1935; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[17]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 14400; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[73]; FFmtStr: '+04/+05'; FUntilYear: 1989; FUntilMonth: 3; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[12]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trStandard), (FOffset: 10800; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[73]; FFmtStr: '+03/+04'; FUntilYear: 1991; FUntilMonth: 3; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[39]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trStandard), (FOffset: 7200; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[73]; FFmtStr: '+02/+03'; FUntilYear: 1991; FUntilMonth: 9; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[23]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trStandard), (FOffset: 10800; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+03'; FUntilYear: 1991; FUntilMonth: 10; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[16]; FUntilTime: 10800; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 14400; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[73]; FFmtStr: '+04/+05'; FUntilYear: 2010; FUntilMonth: 3; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[33]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trStandard), (FOffset: 10800; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[73]; FFmtStr: '+03/+04'; FUntilYear: 2011; FUntilMonth: 3; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[17]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trStandard), (FOffset: 14400; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+04'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Europe/Sarajevo zone } CZone_394_Arr: array[0 .. 5] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: 4420; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1884; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 3600; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'CET'; FUntilYear: 1941; FUntilMonth: 4; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[7]; FUntilTime: 82800; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 3600; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[71]; FFmtStr: 'CE%sT'; FUntilYear: 1945; FUntilMonth: 5; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[20]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trStandard), (FOffset: 3600; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'CEST'; FUntilYear: 1945; FUntilMonth: 9; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[34]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trStandard), (FOffset: 3600; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'CET'; FUntilYear: 1982; FUntilMonth: 11; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[17]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 3600; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[68]; FFmtStr: 'CE%sT'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Europe/Saratov zone } CZone_395_Arr: array[0 .. 8] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: 11058; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1919; FUntilMonth: 7; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trUniversal), (FOffset: 10800; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+03'; FUntilYear: 1930; FUntilMonth: 6; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[19]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 14400; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[73]; FFmtStr: '+04/+05'; FUntilYear: 1988; FUntilMonth: 3; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[17]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trStandard), (FOffset: 10800; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[73]; FFmtStr: '+03/+04'; FUntilYear: 1991; FUntilMonth: 3; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[39]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trStandard), (FOffset: 14400; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+04'; FUntilYear: 1992; FUntilMonth: 3; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[23]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trStandard), (FOffset: 10800; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[73]; FFmtStr: '+03/+04'; FUntilYear: 2011; FUntilMonth: 3; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[17]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trStandard), (FOffset: 14400; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+04'; FUntilYear: 2014; FUntilMonth: 10; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[12]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trStandard), (FOffset: 10800; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+03'; FUntilYear: 2016; FUntilMonth: 12; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[18]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trStandard), (FOffset: 14400; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+04'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Europe/Simferopol zone } CZone_396_Arr: array[0 .. 14] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: 8184; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1880; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 8160; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'SMT'; FUntilYear: 1924; FUntilMonth: 5; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[24]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 7200; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'EET'; FUntilYear: 1930; FUntilMonth: 6; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[19]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 10800; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'MSK'; FUntilYear: 1941; FUntilMonth: 11; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 3600; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[71]; FFmtStr: 'CE%sT'; FUntilYear: 1944; FUntilMonth: 4; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[8]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 10800; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[73]; FFmtStr: 'MSK/MSD'; FUntilYear: 1990; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 10800; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'MSK'; FUntilYear: 1990; FUntilMonth: 7; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 7200; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'EET'; FUntilYear: 1992; FUntilMonth: 3; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[16]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 7200; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[71]; FFmtStr: 'EE%sT'; FUntilYear: 1994; FUntilMonth: 5; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 10800; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[71]; FFmtStr: 'MSK/MSD'; FUntilYear: 1996; FUntilMonth: 3; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[39]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trStandard), (FOffset: 10800; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'MSD'; FUntilYear: 1996; FUntilMonth: 10; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[17]; FUntilTime: 10800; FUntilTimeMode: trStandard), (FOffset: 10800; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'MSK'; FUntilYear: 1997; FUntilMonth: 3; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[0]; FUntilTime: 3600; FUntilTimeMode: trUniversal), (FOffset: 7200; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[68]; FFmtStr: 'EE%sT'; FUntilYear: 2014; FUntilMonth: 3; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[3]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 14400; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'MSK'; FUntilYear: 2014; FUntilMonth: 10; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[12]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trStandard), (FOffset: 10800; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'MSK'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Europe/Skopje zone } CZone_397_Arr: array[0 .. 5] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: 5144; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1884; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 3600; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'CET'; FUntilYear: 1941; FUntilMonth: 4; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[7]; FUntilTime: 82800; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 3600; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[71]; FFmtStr: 'CE%sT'; FUntilYear: 1945; FUntilMonth: 5; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[20]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trStandard), (FOffset: 3600; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'CEST'; FUntilYear: 1945; FUntilMonth: 9; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[34]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trStandard), (FOffset: 3600; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'CET'; FUntilYear: 1982; FUntilMonth: 11; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[17]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 3600; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[68]; FFmtStr: 'CE%sT'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Europe/Sofia zone } CZone_398_Arr: array[0 .. 9] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: 5596; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1880; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 7016; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'IMT'; FUntilYear: 1894; FUntilMonth: 11; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[3]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 7200; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'EET'; FUntilYear: 1942; FUntilMonth: 11; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[24]; FUntilTime: 10800; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 3600; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[71]; FFmtStr: 'CE%sT'; FUntilYear: 1945; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 3600; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'CET'; FUntilYear: 1945; FUntilMonth: 4; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[24]; FUntilTime: 10800; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 7200; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'EET'; FUntilYear: 1979; FUntilMonth: 3; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[39]; FUntilTime: 82800; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 7200; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[77]; FFmtStr: 'EE%sT'; FUntilYear: 1982; FUntilMonth: 9; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[12]; FUntilTime: 10800; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 7200; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[71]; FFmtStr: 'EE%sT'; FUntilYear: 1991; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 7200; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[72]; FFmtStr: 'EE%sT'; FUntilYear: 1997; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 7200; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[68]; FFmtStr: 'EE%sT'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Europe/Stockholm zone } CZone_399_Arr: array[0 .. 5] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: 4332; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1879; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 3614; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'SET'; FUntilYear: 1900; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 3600; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'CET'; FUntilYear: 1916; FUntilMonth: 5; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[2]; FUntilTime: 82800; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 3600; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'CEST'; FUntilYear: 1916; FUntilMonth: 10; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FUntilTime: 3600; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 3600; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'CET'; FUntilYear: 1980; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 3600; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[68]; FFmtStr: 'CE%sT'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Europe/Tallinn zone } CZone_400_Arr: array[0 .. 12] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: 5940; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1880; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 5940; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'TMT'; FUntilYear: 1918; FUntilMonth: 2; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 3600; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[71]; FFmtStr: 'CE%sT'; FUntilYear: 1919; FUntilMonth: 7; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 5940; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'TMT'; FUntilYear: 1921; FUntilMonth: 5; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 7200; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'EET'; FUntilYear: 1940; FUntilMonth: 8; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[4]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 10800; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'MSK'; FUntilYear: 1941; FUntilMonth: 9; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[10]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 3600; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[71]; FFmtStr: 'CE%sT'; FUntilYear: 1944; FUntilMonth: 9; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[14]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 10800; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[73]; FFmtStr: 'MSK/MSD'; FUntilYear: 1989; FUntilMonth: 3; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[12]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trStandard), (FOffset: 7200; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'EEST'; FUntilYear: 1989; FUntilMonth: 9; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[22]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trStandard), (FOffset: 7200; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[71]; FFmtStr: 'EE%sT'; FUntilYear: 1998; FUntilMonth: 9; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[14]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 7200; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[68]; FFmtStr: 'EE%sT'; FUntilYear: 1999; FUntilMonth: 10; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[39]; FUntilTime: 14400; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 7200; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'EET'; FUntilYear: 2002; FUntilMonth: 2; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[19]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 7200; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[68]; FFmtStr: 'EE%sT'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Europe/Tirane zone } CZone_401_Arr: array[0 .. 3] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: 4760; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1914; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 3600; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'CET'; FUntilYear: 1940; FUntilMonth: 6; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[34]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 3600; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[74]; FFmtStr: 'CE%sT'; FUntilYear: 1984; FUntilMonth: 7; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 3600; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[68]; FFmtStr: 'CE%sT'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Europe/Tiraspol zone } CZone_402_Arr: array[0 .. 8] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: 7112; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1880; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 6900; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'CMT'; FUntilYear: 1918; FUntilMonth: 2; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[10]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 6264; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'BMT'; FUntilYear: 1931; FUntilMonth: 7; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[22]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 7200; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[90]; FFmtStr: 'EE%sT'; FUntilYear: 1940; FUntilMonth: 8; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[10]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 7200; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'EEST'; FUntilYear: 1941; FUntilMonth: 7; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[27]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 3600; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[71]; FFmtStr: 'CE%sT'; FUntilYear: 1944; FUntilMonth: 8; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[22]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 10800; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[73]; FFmtStr: 'MSK/MSD'; FUntilYear: 1991; FUntilMonth: 3; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[39]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 7200; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[73]; FFmtStr: 'EE%sT'; FUntilYear: 1992; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[15]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 10800; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[73]; FFmtStr: 'MSK/MSD'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Europe/Ulyanovsk zone } CZone_403_Arr: array[0 .. 8] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: 11616; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1919; FUntilMonth: 7; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trUniversal), (FOffset: 10800; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+03'; FUntilYear: 1930; FUntilMonth: 6; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[19]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 14400; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[73]; FFmtStr: '+04/+05'; FUntilYear: 1989; FUntilMonth: 3; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[12]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trStandard), (FOffset: 10800; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[73]; FFmtStr: '+03/+04'; FUntilYear: 1991; FUntilMonth: 3; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[39]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trStandard), (FOffset: 7200; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[73]; FFmtStr: '+02/+03'; FUntilYear: 1992; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[15]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trStandard), (FOffset: 10800; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[73]; FFmtStr: '+03/+04'; FUntilYear: 2011; FUntilMonth: 3; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[17]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trStandard), (FOffset: 14400; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+04'; FUntilYear: 2014; FUntilMonth: 10; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[12]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trStandard), (FOffset: 10800; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+03'; FUntilYear: 2016; FUntilMonth: 3; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[17]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trStandard), (FOffset: 14400; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+04'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Europe/Uzhgorod zone } CZone_404_Arr: array[0 .. 10] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: 5352; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1890; FUntilMonth: 10; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 3600; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'CET'; FUntilYear: 1940; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 3600; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[71]; FFmtStr: 'CE%sT'; FUntilYear: 1944; FUntilMonth: 10; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 3600; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'CEST'; FUntilYear: 1944; FUntilMonth: 10; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[12]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 3600; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'CET'; FUntilYear: 1945; FUntilMonth: 6; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[23]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 10800; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[73]; FFmtStr: 'MSK/MSD'; FUntilYear: 1990; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 10800; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'MSK'; FUntilYear: 1990; FUntilMonth: 7; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 3600; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'CET'; FUntilYear: 1991; FUntilMonth: 3; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[39]; FUntilTime: 10800; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 7200; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'EET'; FUntilYear: 1992; FUntilMonth: 3; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[16]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 7200; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[71]; FFmtStr: 'EE%sT'; FUntilYear: 1996; FUntilMonth: 5; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[8]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 7200; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[68]; FFmtStr: 'EE%sT'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Europe/Vaduz zone } CZone_405_Arr: array[0 .. 2] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: 2284; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1894; FUntilMonth: 6; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 3600; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[95]; FFmtStr: 'CE%sT'; FUntilYear: 1981; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 3600; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[68]; FFmtStr: 'CE%sT'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Europe/Vienna zone } CZone_406_Arr: array[0 .. 7] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: 3921; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1893; FUntilMonth: 4; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 3600; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[71]; FFmtStr: 'CE%sT'; FUntilYear: 1920; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 3600; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[75]; FFmtStr: 'CE%sT'; FUntilYear: 1940; FUntilMonth: 4; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trStandard), (FOffset: 3600; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[71]; FFmtStr: 'CE%sT'; FUntilYear: 1945; FUntilMonth: 4; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[24]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trStandard), (FOffset: 3600; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'CEST'; FUntilYear: 1945; FUntilMonth: 4; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[29]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trStandard), (FOffset: 3600; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'CET'; FUntilYear: 1946; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 3600; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[75]; FFmtStr: 'CE%sT'; FUntilYear: 1981; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 3600; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[68]; FFmtStr: 'CE%sT'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Europe/Vilnius zone } CZone_407_Arr: array[0 .. 14] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: 6076; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1880; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 5040; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'WMT'; FUntilYear: 1917; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 5736; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'KMT'; FUntilYear: 1919; FUntilMonth: 10; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[40]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 3600; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'CET'; FUntilYear: 1920; FUntilMonth: 7; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[29]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 7200; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'EET'; FUntilYear: 1920; FUntilMonth: 10; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[1]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 3600; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'CET'; FUntilYear: 1940; FUntilMonth: 8; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[21]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 10800; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'MSK'; FUntilYear: 1941; FUntilMonth: 6; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[22]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 3600; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[71]; FFmtStr: 'CE%sT'; FUntilYear: 1944; FUntilMonth: 8; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 10800; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[73]; FFmtStr: 'MSK/MSD'; FUntilYear: 1989; FUntilMonth: 3; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[12]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trStandard), (FOffset: 7200; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[73]; FFmtStr: 'EE%sT'; FUntilYear: 1991; FUntilMonth: 9; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[23]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trStandard), (FOffset: 7200; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[71]; FFmtStr: 'EE%sT'; FUntilYear: 1998; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 7200; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'EET'; FUntilYear: 1998; FUntilMonth: 3; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[23]; FUntilTime: 3600; FUntilTimeMode: trUniversal), (FOffset: 3600; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[68]; FFmtStr: 'CE%sT'; FUntilYear: 1999; FUntilMonth: 10; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[39]; FUntilTime: 3600; FUntilTimeMode: trUniversal), (FOffset: 7200; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'EET'; FUntilYear: 2003; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 7200; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[68]; FFmtStr: 'EE%sT'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Europe/Volgograd zone } CZone_408_Arr: array[0 .. 10] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: 10660; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1920; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[21]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 10800; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+03'; FUntilYear: 1930; FUntilMonth: 6; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[19]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 14400; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+04'; FUntilYear: 1961; FUntilMonth: 11; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[25]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 14400; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[73]; FFmtStr: '+04/+05'; FUntilYear: 1988; FUntilMonth: 3; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[17]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trStandard), (FOffset: 10800; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[73]; FFmtStr: 'MSK/MSD'; FUntilYear: 1991; FUntilMonth: 3; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[39]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trStandard), (FOffset: 14400; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+04'; FUntilYear: 1992; FUntilMonth: 3; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[23]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trStandard), (FOffset: 10800; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[73]; FFmtStr: 'MSK/MSD'; FUntilYear: 2011; FUntilMonth: 3; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[17]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trStandard), (FOffset: 14400; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'MSK'; FUntilYear: 2014; FUntilMonth: 10; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[12]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trStandard), (FOffset: 10800; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'MSK'; FUntilYear: 2018; FUntilMonth: 10; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[33]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trStandard), (FOffset: 14400; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+04'; FUntilYear: 2020; FUntilMonth: 12; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[17]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trStandard), (FOffset: 10800; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'MSK'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Europe/Warsaw zone } CZone_409_Arr: array[0 .. 8] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: 5040; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1880; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 5040; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'WMT'; FUntilYear: 1915; FUntilMonth: 8; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[28]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 3600; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[71]; FFmtStr: 'CE%sT'; FUntilYear: 1918; FUntilMonth: 9; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[34]; FUntilTime: 10800; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 7200; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[91]; FFmtStr: 'EE%sT'; FUntilYear: 1922; FUntilMonth: 6; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 3600; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[91]; FFmtStr: 'CE%sT'; FUntilYear: 1940; FUntilMonth: 6; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[26]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 3600; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[71]; FFmtStr: 'CE%sT'; FUntilYear: 1944; FUntilMonth: 10; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 3600; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[91]; FFmtStr: 'CE%sT'; FUntilYear: 1977; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 3600; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[70]; FFmtStr: 'CE%sT'; FUntilYear: 1988; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 3600; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[68]; FFmtStr: 'CE%sT'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Europe/Zagreb zone } CZone_410_Arr: array[0 .. 5] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: 3832; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1884; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 3600; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'CET'; FUntilYear: 1941; FUntilMonth: 4; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[7]; FUntilTime: 82800; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 3600; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[71]; FFmtStr: 'CE%sT'; FUntilYear: 1945; FUntilMonth: 5; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[20]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trStandard), (FOffset: 3600; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'CEST'; FUntilYear: 1945; FUntilMonth: 9; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[34]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trStandard), (FOffset: 3600; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'CET'; FUntilYear: 1982; FUntilMonth: 11; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[17]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 3600; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[68]; FFmtStr: 'CE%sT'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Europe/Zaporozhye zone } CZone_411_Arr: array[0 .. 8] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: 8440; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1880; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 8400; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+0220'; FUntilYear: 1924; FUntilMonth: 5; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[24]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 7200; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'EET'; FUntilYear: 1930; FUntilMonth: 6; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[19]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 10800; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'MSK'; FUntilYear: 1941; FUntilMonth: 8; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[11]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 3600; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[71]; FFmtStr: 'CE%sT'; FUntilYear: 1943; FUntilMonth: 10; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[11]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 10800; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[73]; FFmtStr: 'MSK/MSD'; FUntilYear: 1991; FUntilMonth: 3; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[39]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 7200; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[72]; FFmtStr: 'EE%sT'; FUntilYear: 1992; FUntilMonth: 3; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[16]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 7200; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[71]; FFmtStr: 'EE%sT'; FUntilYear: 1996; FUntilMonth: 5; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[8]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 7200; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[68]; FFmtStr: 'EE%sT'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Europe/Zurich zone } CZone_412_Arr: array[0 .. 3] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: 2048; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1853; FUntilMonth: 7; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[34]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 1786; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'BMT'; FUntilYear: 1894; FUntilMonth: 6; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 3600; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[95]; FFmtStr: 'CE%sT'; FUntilYear: 1981; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 3600; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[68]; FFmtStr: 'CE%sT'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Factory zone } CZone_413_Arr: array[0 .. 0] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: 0; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '-00'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for HST zone } CZone_414_Arr: array[0 .. 0] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: -36000; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'HST'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Indian/Antananarivo zone } CZone_415_Arr: array[0 .. 3] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: 11404; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1911; FUntilMonth: 7; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 10800; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'EAT'; FUntilYear: 1954; FUntilMonth: 2; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[17]; FUntilTime: 82800; FUntilTimeMode: trStandard), (FOffset: 10800; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'EAST'; FUntilYear: 1954; FUntilMonth: 5; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[23]; FUntilTime: 82800; FUntilTimeMode: trStandard), (FOffset: 10800; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'EAT'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Indian/Chagos zone } CZone_416_Arr: array[0 .. 2] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: 17380; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1907; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 18000; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+05'; FUntilYear: 1996; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 21600; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+06'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Indian/Christmas zone } CZone_417_Arr: array[0 .. 1] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: 25372; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1895; FUntilMonth: 2; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 25200; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+07'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Indian/Cocos zone } CZone_418_Arr: array[0 .. 1] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: 23260; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1900; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 23400; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+0630'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Indian/Comoro zone } CZone_419_Arr: array[0 .. 1] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: 10384; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1911; FUntilMonth: 7; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 10800; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'EAT'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Indian/Kerguelen zone } CZone_420_Arr: array[0 .. 1] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: 0; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '-00'; FUntilYear: 1950; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 18000; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+05'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Indian/Mahe zone } CZone_421_Arr: array[0 .. 1] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: 13308; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1907; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 14400; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+04'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Indian/Maldives zone } CZone_422_Arr: array[0 .. 2] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: 17640; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1880; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 17640; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'MMT'; FUntilYear: 1960; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 18000; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+05'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Indian/Mauritius zone } CZone_423_Arr: array[0 .. 1] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: 13800; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1907; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 14400; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[137]; FFmtStr: '+04/+05'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Indian/Mayotte zone } CZone_424_Arr: array[0 .. 1] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: 10856; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1911; FUntilMonth: 7; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 10800; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'EAT'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Indian/Reunion zone } CZone_425_Arr: array[0 .. 1] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: 13312; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1911; FUntilMonth: 6; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 14400; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+04'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for MET zone } CZone_426_Arr: array[0 .. 0] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: 3600; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[71]; FFmtStr: 'ME%sT'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for MST zone } CZone_427_Arr: array[0 .. 0] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: -25200; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'MST'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for MST7MDT zone } CZone_428_Arr: array[0 .. 0] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: -25200; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[0]; FFmtStr: 'M%sT'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Pacific/Apia zone } CZone_429_Arr: array[0 .. 4] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: 45184; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1892; FUntilMonth: 7; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[28]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -41216; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1911; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -41400; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '-1130'; FUntilYear: 1950; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -39600; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[131]; FFmtStr: '-11/-10'; FUntilYear: 2011; FUntilMonth: 12; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[23]; FUntilTime: 86400; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 46800; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[131]; FFmtStr: '+13/+14'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Pacific/Auckland zone } CZone_430_Arr: array[0 .. 2] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: 41944; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1868; FUntilMonth: 11; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[24]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 41400; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[111]; FFmtStr: 'NZ%sT'; FUntilYear: 1946; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 43200; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[111]; FFmtStr: 'NZ%sT'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Pacific/Bougainville zone } CZone_431_Arr: array[0 .. 5] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: 37336; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1880; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 35312; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'PMMT'; FUntilYear: 1895; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 36000; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+10'; FUntilYear: 1942; FUntilMonth: 7; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 32400; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+09'; FUntilYear: 1945; FUntilMonth: 8; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[19]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 36000; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+10'; FUntilYear: 2014; FUntilMonth: 12; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[33]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 39600; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+11'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Pacific/Chatham zone } CZone_432_Arr: array[0 .. 2] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: 44028; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1868; FUntilMonth: 11; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[24]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 44100; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+1215'; FUntilYear: 1946; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 45900; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[129]; FFmtStr: '+1245/+1345'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Pacific/Chuuk zone } CZone_433_Arr: array[0 .. 6] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: -49972; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1844; FUntilMonth: 12; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[39]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 36428; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1901; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 36000; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+10'; FUntilYear: 1914; FUntilMonth: 10; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 32400; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+09'; FUntilYear: 1919; FUntilMonth: 2; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 36000; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+10'; FUntilYear: 1941; FUntilMonth: 4; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 32400; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+09'; FUntilYear: 1945; FUntilMonth: 8; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 36000; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+10'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Pacific/Easter zone } CZone_434_Arr: array[0 .. 3] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: -26248; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1890; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -26248; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'EMT'; FUntilYear: 1932; FUntilMonth: 9; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -25200; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[100]; FFmtStr: '-07/-06'; FUntilYear: 1982; FUntilMonth: 3; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[2]; FUntilTime: 10800; FUntilTimeMode: trUniversal), (FOffset: -21600; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[100]; FFmtStr: '-06/-05'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Pacific/Efate zone } CZone_435_Arr: array[0 .. 1] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: 40396; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1912; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[8]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 39600; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[133]; FFmtStr: '+11/+12'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Pacific/Enderbury zone } CZone_436_Arr: array[0 .. 4] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: 0; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '-00'; FUntilYear: 1860; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -41060; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1885; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 0; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '-00'; FUntilYear: 1938; FUntilMonth: 3; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[4]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -43200; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '-12'; FUntilYear: 1942; FUntilMonth: 2; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[1]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 0; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '-00'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Pacific/Fakaofo zone } CZone_437_Arr: array[0 .. 2] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: -41096; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1901; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -39600; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '-11'; FUntilYear: 2011; FUntilMonth: 12; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[3]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 46800; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+13'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Pacific/Fiji zone } CZone_438_Arr: array[0 .. 1] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: 42944; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1915; FUntilMonth: 10; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[12]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 43200; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[127]; FFmtStr: '+12/+13'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Pacific/Funafuti zone } CZone_439_Arr: array[0 .. 1] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: 43012; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1901; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 43200; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+12'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Pacific/Galapagos zone } CZone_440_Arr: array[0 .. 2] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: -21504; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1931; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -18000; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '-05'; FUntilYear: 1986; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -21600; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[102]; FFmtStr: '-06/-05'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Pacific/Gambier zone } CZone_441_Arr: array[0 .. 1] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: -32388; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1912; FUntilMonth: 10; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -32400; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '-09'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Pacific/Guadalcanal zone } CZone_442_Arr: array[0 .. 1] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: 38388; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1912; FUntilMonth: 10; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 39600; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+11'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Pacific/Guam zone } CZone_443_Arr: array[0 .. 5] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: -51660; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1844; FUntilMonth: 12; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[39]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 34740; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1901; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 36000; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'GST'; FUntilYear: 1941; FUntilMonth: 12; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[40]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 32400; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+09'; FUntilYear: 1944; FUntilMonth: 7; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[39]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 36000; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[119]; FFmtStr: 'G%sT'; FUntilYear: 2000; FUntilMonth: 12; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[26]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 36000; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'ChST'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Pacific/Honolulu zone } CZone_444_Arr: array[0 .. 4] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: -37886; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1896; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[8]; FUntilTime: 43200; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -37800; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'HST'; FUntilYear: 1933; FUntilMonth: 4; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[3]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -37800; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'HDT'; FUntilYear: 1933; FUntilMonth: 5; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[19]; FUntilTime: 43200; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -37800; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[0]; FFmtStr: 'H%sT'; FUntilYear: 1947; FUntilMonth: 6; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[20]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -36000; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'HST'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Pacific/Johnston zone } CZone_445_Arr: array[0 .. 0] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: -36000; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'HST'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Pacific/Kanton zone } CZone_446_Arr: array[0 .. 3] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: 0; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '-00'; FUntilYear: 1937; FUntilMonth: 8; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[39]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -43200; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '-12'; FUntilYear: 1979; FUntilMonth: 10; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -39600; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '-11'; FUntilYear: 1994; FUntilMonth: 12; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[39]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 46800; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+13'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Pacific/Kiritimati zone } CZone_447_Arr: array[0 .. 3] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: -37760; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1901; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -38400; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '-1040'; FUntilYear: 1979; FUntilMonth: 10; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -36000; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '-10'; FUntilYear: 1994; FUntilMonth: 12; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[39]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 50400; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+14'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Pacific/Kosrae zone } CZone_448_Arr: array[0 .. 9] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: -47284; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1844; FUntilMonth: 12; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[39]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 39116; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1901; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 39600; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+11'; FUntilYear: 1914; FUntilMonth: 10; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 32400; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+09'; FUntilYear: 1919; FUntilMonth: 2; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 39600; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+11'; FUntilYear: 1937; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 36000; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+10'; FUntilYear: 1941; FUntilMonth: 4; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 32400; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+09'; FUntilYear: 1945; FUntilMonth: 8; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 39600; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+11'; FUntilYear: 1969; FUntilMonth: 10; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 43200; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+12'; FUntilYear: 1999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 39600; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+11'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Pacific/Kwajalein zone } CZone_449_Arr: array[0 .. 6] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: 40160; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1901; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 39600; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+11'; FUntilYear: 1937; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 36000; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+10'; FUntilYear: 1941; FUntilMonth: 4; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 32400; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+09'; FUntilYear: 1944; FUntilMonth: 2; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[4]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 39600; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+11'; FUntilYear: 1969; FUntilMonth: 10; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -43200; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '-12'; FUntilYear: 1993; FUntilMonth: 8; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[16]; FUntilTime: 86400; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 43200; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+12'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Pacific/Majuro zone } CZone_450_Arr: array[0 .. 7] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: 41088; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1901; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 39600; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+11'; FUntilYear: 1914; FUntilMonth: 10; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 32400; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+09'; FUntilYear: 1919; FUntilMonth: 2; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 39600; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+11'; FUntilYear: 1937; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 36000; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+10'; FUntilYear: 1941; FUntilMonth: 4; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 32400; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+09'; FUntilYear: 1944; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[3]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 39600; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+11'; FUntilYear: 1969; FUntilMonth: 10; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 43200; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+12'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Pacific/Marquesas zone } CZone_451_Arr: array[0 .. 1] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: -33480; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1912; FUntilMonth: 10; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -34200; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '-0930'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Pacific/Midway zone } CZone_452_Arr: array[0 .. 3] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: -42568; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1901; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -39600; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '-11'; FUntilYear: 1956; FUntilMonth: 6; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[21]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -39600; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '-10'; FUntilYear: 1956; FUntilMonth: 9; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[24]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -39600; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'SST'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Pacific/Nauru zone } CZone_453_Arr: array[0 .. 4] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: 40060; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1921; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[10]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 41400; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+1130'; FUntilYear: 1942; FUntilMonth: 8; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[23]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 32400; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+09'; FUntilYear: 1945; FUntilMonth: 9; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[20]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 41400; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+1130'; FUntilYear: 1979; FUntilMonth: 2; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[40]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 43200; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+12'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Pacific/Niue zone } CZone_454_Arr: array[0 .. 2] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: -40780; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1952; FUntilMonth: 10; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[34]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -40800; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '-1120'; FUntilYear: 1964; FUntilMonth: 7; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -39600; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '-11'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Pacific/Norfolk zone } CZone_455_Arr: array[0 .. 6] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: 40312; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1901; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 40320; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+1112'; FUntilYear: 1951; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 41400; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+1130'; FUntilYear: 1974; FUntilMonth: 10; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[17]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trStandard), (FOffset: 41400; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+1230'; FUntilYear: 1975; FUntilMonth: 3; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[24]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trStandard), (FOffset: 41400; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+1130'; FUntilYear: 2015; FUntilMonth: 10; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[18]; FUntilTime: 7200; FUntilTimeMode: trStandard), (FOffset: 39600; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+11'; FUntilYear: 2019; FUntilMonth: 7; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 39600; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[125]; FFmtStr: '+11/+12'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Pacific/Noumea zone } CZone_456_Arr: array[0 .. 1] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: 39948; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1912; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[8]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 39600; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[128]; FFmtStr: '+11/+12'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Pacific/Pago_Pago zone } CZone_457_Arr: array[0 .. 2] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: 45432; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1892; FUntilMonth: 7; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[28]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -40968; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1911; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -39600; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'SST'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Pacific/Palau zone } CZone_458_Arr: array[0 .. 2] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: -54124; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1844; FUntilMonth: 12; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[39]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 32276; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1901; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 32400; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+09'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Pacific/Pitcairn zone } CZone_459_Arr: array[0 .. 2] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: -31220; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1901; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -30600; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '-0830'; FUntilYear: 1998; FUntilMonth: 4; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[17]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -28800; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '-08'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Pacific/Pohnpei zone } CZone_460_Arr: array[0 .. 7] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: -48428; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1844; FUntilMonth: 12; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[39]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 37972; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1901; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 39600; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+11'; FUntilYear: 1914; FUntilMonth: 10; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 32400; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+09'; FUntilYear: 1919; FUntilMonth: 2; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 39600; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+11'; FUntilYear: 1937; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 36000; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+10'; FUntilYear: 1941; FUntilMonth: 4; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 32400; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+09'; FUntilYear: 1945; FUntilMonth: 8; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 39600; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+11'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Pacific/Port_Moresby zone } CZone_461_Arr: array[0 .. 2] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: 35320; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1880; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 35312; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'PMMT'; FUntilYear: 1895; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 36000; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+10'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Pacific/Rarotonga zone } CZone_462_Arr: array[0 .. 3] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: 48056; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1899; FUntilMonth: 12; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[12]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -38344; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1952; FUntilMonth: 10; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[34]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -37800; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '-1030'; FUntilYear: 1978; FUntilMonth: 11; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[29]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -36000; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[130]; FFmtStr: '-10/-0930'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Pacific/Saipan zone } CZone_463_Arr: array[0 .. 4] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: -51420; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1844; FUntilMonth: 12; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[39]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 34980; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1901; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 32400; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+09'; FUntilYear: 1944; FUntilMonth: 7; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[1]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 36000; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[119]; FFmtStr: 'G%sT'; FUntilYear: 2000; FUntilMonth: 12; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[26]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 36000; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'ChST'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Pacific/Tahiti zone } CZone_464_Arr: array[0 .. 1] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: -35896; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1912; FUntilMonth: 10; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[9]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: -36000; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '-10'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Pacific/Tarawa zone } CZone_465_Arr: array[0 .. 1] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: 41524; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1901; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 43200; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+12'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Pacific/Tongatapu zone } CZone_466_Arr: array[0 .. 3] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: 44352; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1945; FUntilMonth: 9; FUntilDay: @CRelativeDays[40]; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 44400; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+1220'; FUntilYear: 1961; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 46800; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+13'; FUntilYear: 1999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 46800; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[132]; FFmtStr: '+13/+14'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Pacific/Wake zone } CZone_467_Arr: array[0 .. 1] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: 39988; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1901; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 43200; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+12'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for Pacific/Wallis zone } CZone_468_Arr: array[0 .. 1] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: 44120; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: 'LMT'; FUntilYear: 1901; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal), (FOffset: 43200; FRuleFamily: nil; FFmtStr: '+12'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for PST8PDT zone } CZone_469_Arr: array[0 .. 0] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: -28800; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[0]; FFmtStr: 'P%sT'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); { Time periods for WET zone } CZone_470_Arr: array[0 .. 0] of TPeriod = ( (FOffset: 0; FRuleFamily: @CRuleFamilies[68]; FFmtStr: 'WE%sT'; FUntilYear: 9999; FUntilMonth: 1; FUntilDay: nil; FUntilTime: 0; FUntilTimeMode: trLocal) ); var { This array contains zones. } CZones: array[0 .. 470] of TZone = ( (FName: 'Africa/Abidjan'; FCount: 2; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_0_Arr), (FName: 'Africa/Accra'; FCount: 4; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_1_Arr), (FName: 'Africa/Addis_Ababa'; FCount: 3; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_2_Arr), (FName: 'Africa/Algiers'; FCount: 10; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_3_Arr), (FName: 'Africa/Asmara'; FCount: 4; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_4_Arr), (FName: 'Africa/Bamako'; FCount: 4; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_5_Arr), (FName: 'Africa/Bangui'; FCount: 2; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_6_Arr), (FName: 'Africa/Banjul'; FCount: 4; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_7_Arr), (FName: 'Africa/Bissau'; FCount: 3; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_8_Arr), (FName: 'Africa/Blantyre'; FCount: 4; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_9_Arr), (FName: 'Africa/Brazzaville'; FCount: 2; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_10_Arr), (FName: 'Africa/Bujumbura'; FCount: 2; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_11_Arr), (FName: 'Africa/Cairo'; FCount: 2; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_12_Arr), (FName: 'Africa/Casablanca'; FCount: 5; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_13_Arr), (FName: 'Africa/Ceuta'; FCount: 9; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_14_Arr), (FName: 'Africa/Conakry'; FCount: 4; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_15_Arr), (FName: 'Africa/Dakar'; FCount: 3; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_16_Arr), (FName: 'Africa/Dar_es_Salaam'; FCount: 4; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_17_Arr), (FName: 'Africa/Djibouti'; FCount: 2; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_18_Arr), (FName: 'Africa/Douala'; FCount: 2; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_19_Arr), (FName: 'Africa/El_Aaiun'; FCount: 4; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_20_Arr), (FName: 'Africa/Freetown'; FCount: 5; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_21_Arr), (FName: 'Africa/Gaborone'; FCount: 5; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_22_Arr), (FName: 'Africa/Harare'; FCount: 2; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_23_Arr), (FName: 'Africa/Johannesburg'; FCount: 3; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_24_Arr), (FName: 'Africa/Juba'; FCount: 4; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_25_Arr), (FName: 'Africa/Kampala'; FCount: 5; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_26_Arr), (FName: 'Africa/Khartoum'; FCount: 4; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_27_Arr), (FName: 'Africa/Kigali'; FCount: 2; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_28_Arr), (FName: 'Africa/Kinshasa'; FCount: 2; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_29_Arr), (FName: 'Africa/Lagos'; FCount: 5; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_30_Arr), (FName: 'Africa/Libreville'; FCount: 2; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_31_Arr), (FName: 'Africa/Lome'; FCount: 2; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_32_Arr), (FName: 'Africa/Luanda'; FCount: 3; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_33_Arr), (FName: 'Africa/Lubumbashi'; FCount: 3; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_34_Arr), (FName: 'Africa/Lusaka'; FCount: 2; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_35_Arr), (FName: 'Africa/Malabo'; FCount: 3; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_36_Arr), (FName: 'Africa/Maputo'; FCount: 2; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_37_Arr), (FName: 'Africa/Maseru'; FCount: 4; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_38_Arr), (FName: 'Africa/Mbabane'; FCount: 2; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_39_Arr), (FName: 'Africa/Mogadishu'; FCount: 4; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_40_Arr), (FName: 'Africa/Monrovia'; FCount: 4; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_41_Arr), (FName: 'Africa/Nairobi'; FCount: 6; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_42_Arr), (FName: 'Africa/Ndjamena'; FCount: 4; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_43_Arr), (FName: 'Africa/Niamey'; FCount: 4; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_44_Arr), (FName: 'Africa/Nouakchott'; FCount: 4; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_45_Arr), (FName: 'Africa/Ouagadougou'; FCount: 2; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_46_Arr), (FName: 'Africa/Porto-Novo'; FCount: 3; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_47_Arr), (FName: 'Africa/Sao_Tome'; FCount: 5; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_48_Arr), (FName: 'Africa/Timbuktu'; FCount: 2; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_49_Arr), (FName: 'Africa/Tripoli'; FCount: 9; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_50_Arr), (FName: 'Africa/Tunis'; FCount: 3; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_51_Arr), (FName: 'Africa/Windhoek'; FCount: 6; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_52_Arr), (FName: 'America/Adak'; FCount: 9; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_53_Arr), (FName: 'America/Anchorage'; FCount: 8; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_54_Arr), (FName: 'America/Anguilla'; FCount: 2; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_55_Arr), (FName: 'America/Antigua'; FCount: 3; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_56_Arr), (FName: 'America/Araguaina'; FCount: 7; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_57_Arr), (FName: 'America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires'; FCount: 7; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_58_Arr), (FName: 'America/Argentina/Catamarca'; FCount: 12; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_59_Arr), (FName: 'America/Argentina/ComodRivadavia'; FCount: 11; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_60_Arr), (FName: 'America/Argentina/Cordoba'; FCount: 9; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_61_Arr), (FName: 'America/Argentina/Jujuy'; FCount: 13; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_62_Arr), (FName: 'America/Argentina/La_Rioja'; FCount: 12; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_63_Arr), (FName: 'America/Argentina/Mendoza'; FCount: 16; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_64_Arr), (FName: 'America/Argentina/Rio_Gallegos'; FCount: 10; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_65_Arr), (FName: 'America/Argentina/Salta'; FCount: 10; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_66_Arr), (FName: 'America/Argentina/San_Juan'; FCount: 12; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_67_Arr), (FName: 'America/Argentina/San_Luis'; FCount: 16; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_68_Arr), (FName: 'America/Argentina/Tucuman'; FCount: 11; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_69_Arr), (FName: 'America/Argentina/Ushuaia'; FCount: 10; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_70_Arr), (FName: 'America/Aruba'; FCount: 3; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_71_Arr), (FName: 'America/Asuncion'; FCount: 5; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_72_Arr), (FName: 'America/Atikokan'; FCount: 5; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_73_Arr), (FName: 'America/Bahia'; FCount: 5; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_74_Arr), (FName: 'America/Bahia_Banderas'; FCount: 9; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_75_Arr), (FName: 'America/Barbados'; FCount: 4; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_76_Arr), (FName: 'America/Belem'; FCount: 3; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_77_Arr), (FName: 'America/Belize'; FCount: 2; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_78_Arr), (FName: 'America/Blanc-Sablon'; FCount: 3; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_79_Arr), (FName: 'America/Boa_Vista'; FCount: 5; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_80_Arr), (FName: 'America/Bogota'; FCount: 3; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_81_Arr), (FName: 'America/Boise'; FCount: 5; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_82_Arr), (FName: 'America/Cambridge_Bay'; FCount: 6; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_83_Arr), (FName: 'America/Campo_Grande'; FCount: 2; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_84_Arr), (FName: 'America/Cancun'; FCount: 5; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_85_Arr), (FName: 'America/Caracas'; FCount: 6; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_86_Arr), (FName: 'America/Cayenne'; FCount: 3; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_87_Arr), (FName: 'America/Cayman'; FCount: 3; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_88_Arr), (FName: 'America/Chicago'; FCount: 8; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_89_Arr), (FName: 'America/Chihuahua'; FCount: 9; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_90_Arr), (FName: 'America/Ciudad_Juarez'; FCount: 11; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_91_Arr), (FName: 'America/Coral_Harbour'; FCount: 3; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_92_Arr), (FName: 'America/Costa_Rica'; FCount: 3; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_93_Arr), (FName: 'America/Creston'; FCount: 4; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_94_Arr), (FName: 'America/Cuiaba'; FCount: 4; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_95_Arr), (FName: 'America/Curacao'; FCount: 3; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_96_Arr), (FName: 'America/Danmarkshavn'; FCount: 4; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_97_Arr), (FName: 'America/Dawson'; FCount: 6; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_98_Arr), (FName: 'America/Dawson_Creek'; FCount: 4; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_99_Arr), (FName: 'America/Denver'; FCount: 6; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_100_Arr), (FName: 'America/Detroit'; FCount: 10; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_101_Arr), (FName: 'America/Dominica'; FCount: 2; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_102_Arr), (FName: 'America/Edmonton'; FCount: 3; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_103_Arr), (FName: 'America/Eirunepe'; FCount: 7; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_104_Arr), (FName: 'America/El_Salvador'; FCount: 2; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_105_Arr), (FName: 'America/Ensenada'; FCount: 7; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_106_Arr), (FName: 'America/Fortaleza'; FCount: 7; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_107_Arr), (FName: 'America/Fort_Nelson'; FCount: 6; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_108_Arr), (FName: 'America/Glace_Bay'; FCount: 6; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_109_Arr), (FName: 'America/Goose_Bay'; FCount: 10; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_110_Arr), (FName: 'America/Grand_Turk'; FCount: 6; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_111_Arr), (FName: 'America/Grenada'; FCount: 2; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_112_Arr), (FName: 'America/Guadeloupe'; FCount: 2; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_113_Arr), (FName: 'America/Guatemala'; FCount: 2; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_114_Arr), (FName: 'America/Guayaquil'; FCount: 3; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_115_Arr), (FName: 'America/Guyana'; FCount: 5; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_116_Arr), (FName: 'America/Halifax'; FCount: 7; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_117_Arr), (FName: 'America/Havana'; FCount: 3; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_118_Arr), (FName: 'America/Hermosillo'; FCount: 9; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_119_Arr), (FName: 'America/Indiana/Indianapolis'; FCount: 11; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_120_Arr), (FName: 'America/Indiana/Knox'; FCount: 7; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_121_Arr), (FName: 'America/Indiana/Marengo'; FCount: 9; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_122_Arr), (FName: 'America/Indiana/Petersburg'; FCount: 8; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_123_Arr), (FName: 'America/Indiana/Tell_City'; FCount: 8; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_124_Arr), (FName: 'America/Indiana/Vevay'; FCount: 6; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_125_Arr), (FName: 'America/Indiana/Vincennes'; FCount: 8; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_126_Arr), (FName: 'America/Indiana/Winamac'; FCount: 8; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_127_Arr), (FName: 'America/Inuvik'; FCount: 4; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_128_Arr), (FName: 'America/Iqaluit'; FCount: 4; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_129_Arr), (FName: 'America/Jamaica'; FCount: 5; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_130_Arr), (FName: 'America/Juneau'; FCount: 10; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_131_Arr), (FName: 'America/Kentucky/Louisville'; FCount: 9; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_132_Arr), (FName: 'America/Kentucky/Monticello'; FCount: 5; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_133_Arr), (FName: 'America/La_Paz'; FCount: 4; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_134_Arr), (FName: 'America/Lima'; FCount: 3; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_135_Arr), (FName: 'America/Los_Angeles'; FCount: 4; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_136_Arr), (FName: 'America/Maceio'; FCount: 9; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_137_Arr), (FName: 'America/Managua'; FCount: 9; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_138_Arr), (FName: 'America/Manaus'; FCount: 5; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_139_Arr), (FName: 'America/Martinique'; FCount: 5; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_140_Arr), (FName: 'America/Matamoros'; FCount: 5; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_141_Arr), (FName: 'America/Mazatlan'; FCount: 8; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_142_Arr), (FName: 'America/Menominee'; FCount: 5; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_143_Arr), (FName: 'America/Merida'; FCount: 4; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_144_Arr), (FName: 'America/Metlakatla'; FCount: 10; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_145_Arr), (FName: 'America/Mexico_City'; FCount: 7; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_146_Arr), (FName: 'America/Miquelon'; FCount: 4; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_147_Arr), (FName: 'America/Moncton'; FCount: 9; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_148_Arr), (FName: 'America/Monterrey'; FCount: 4; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_149_Arr), (FName: 'America/Montevideo'; FCount: 11; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_150_Arr), (FName: 'America/Montreal'; FCount: 7; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_151_Arr), (FName: 'America/Montserrat'; FCount: 2; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_152_Arr), (FName: 'America/Nassau'; FCount: 3; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_153_Arr), (FName: 'America/New_York'; FCount: 6; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_154_Arr), (FName: 'America/Nipigon'; FCount: 4; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_155_Arr), (FName: 'America/Nome'; FCount: 9; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_156_Arr), (FName: 'America/Noronha'; FCount: 7; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_157_Arr), (FName: 'America/North_Dakota/Beulah'; FCount: 3; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_158_Arr), (FName: 'America/North_Dakota/Center'; FCount: 3; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_159_Arr), (FName: 'America/North_Dakota/New_Salem'; FCount: 3; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_160_Arr), (FName: 'America/Nuuk'; FCount: 5; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_161_Arr), (FName: 'America/Ojinaga'; FCount: 11; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_162_Arr), (FName: 'America/Panama'; FCount: 3; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_163_Arr), (FName: 'America/Pangnirtung'; FCount: 4; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_164_Arr), (FName: 'America/Paramaribo'; FCount: 5; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_165_Arr), (FName: 'America/Phoenix'; FCount: 7; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_166_Arr), (FName: 'America/Port-au-Prince'; FCount: 3; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_167_Arr), (FName: 'America/Porto_Velho'; FCount: 3; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_168_Arr), (FName: 'America/Port_of_Spain'; FCount: 2; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_169_Arr), (FName: 'America/Puerto_Rico'; FCount: 4; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_170_Arr), (FName: 'America/Punta_Arenas'; FCount: 14; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_171_Arr), (FName: 'America/Rainy_River'; FCount: 4; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_172_Arr), (FName: 'America/Rankin_Inlet'; FCount: 4; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_173_Arr), (FName: 'America/Recife'; FCount: 7; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_174_Arr), (FName: 'America/Regina'; FCount: 3; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_175_Arr), (FName: 'America/Resolute'; FCount: 6; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_176_Arr), (FName: 'America/Rio_Branco'; FCount: 5; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_177_Arr), (FName: 'America/Rosario'; FCount: 8; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_178_Arr), (FName: 'America/Santarem'; FCount: 4; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_179_Arr), (FName: 'America/Santiago'; FCount: 14; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_180_Arr), (FName: 'America/Santo_Domingo'; FCount: 6; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_181_Arr), (FName: 'America/Sao_Paulo'; FCount: 4; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_182_Arr), (FName: 'America/Scoresbysund'; FCount: 5; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_183_Arr), (FName: 'America/Sitka'; FCount: 8; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_184_Arr), (FName: 'America/St_Johns'; FCount: 8; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_185_Arr), (FName: 'America/St_Kitts'; FCount: 2; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_186_Arr), (FName: 'America/St_Lucia'; FCount: 3; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_187_Arr), (FName: 'America/St_Thomas'; FCount: 2; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_188_Arr), (FName: 'America/St_Vincent'; FCount: 3; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_189_Arr), (FName: 'America/Swift_Current'; FCount: 5; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_190_Arr), (FName: 'America/Tegucigalpa'; FCount: 2; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_191_Arr), (FName: 'America/Thule'; FCount: 2; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_192_Arr), (FName: 'America/Thunder_Bay'; FCount: 6; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_193_Arr), (FName: 'America/Tijuana'; FCount: 19; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_194_Arr), (FName: 'America/Toronto'; FCount: 6; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_195_Arr), (FName: 'America/Tortola'; FCount: 2; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_196_Arr), (FName: 'America/Vancouver'; FCount: 3; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_197_Arr), (FName: 'America/Whitehorse'; FCount: 6; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_198_Arr), (FName: 'America/Winnipeg'; FCount: 3; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_199_Arr), (FName: 'America/Yakutat'; FCount: 7; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_200_Arr), (FName: 'America/Yellowknife'; FCount: 3; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_201_Arr), (FName: 'Antarctica/Casey'; FCount: 18; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_202_Arr), (FName: 'Antarctica/Davis'; FCount: 8; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_203_Arr), (FName: 'Antarctica/DumontDUrville'; FCount: 4; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_204_Arr), (FName: 'Antarctica/Macquarie'; FCount: 9; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_205_Arr), (FName: 'Antarctica/Mawson'; FCount: 3; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_206_Arr), (FName: 'Antarctica/McMurdo'; FCount: 2; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_207_Arr), (FName: 'Antarctica/Palmer'; FCount: 5; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_208_Arr), (FName: 'Antarctica/Rothera'; FCount: 2; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_209_Arr), (FName: 'Antarctica/Syowa'; FCount: 2; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_210_Arr), (FName: 'Antarctica/Troll'; FCount: 2; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_211_Arr), (FName: 'Antarctica/Vostok'; FCount: 5; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_212_Arr), (FName: 'Asia/Aden'; FCount: 2; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_213_Arr), (FName: 'Asia/Almaty'; FCount: 7; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_214_Arr), (FName: 'Asia/Amman'; FCount: 3; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_215_Arr), (FName: 'Asia/Anadyr'; FCount: 8; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_216_Arr), (FName: 'Asia/Aqtau'; FCount: 9; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_217_Arr), (FName: 'Asia/Aqtobe'; FCount: 9; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_218_Arr), (FName: 'Asia/Ashgabat'; FCount: 5; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_219_Arr), (FName: 'Asia/Atyrau'; FCount: 9; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_220_Arr), (FName: 'Asia/Baghdad'; FCount: 4; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_221_Arr), (FName: 'Asia/Bahrain'; FCount: 4; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_222_Arr), (FName: 'Asia/Baku'; FCount: 7; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_223_Arr), (FName: 'Asia/Bangkok'; FCount: 3; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_224_Arr), (FName: 'Asia/Barnaul'; FCount: 9; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_225_Arr), (FName: 'Asia/Beirut'; FCount: 2; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_226_Arr), (FName: 'Asia/Bishkek'; FCount: 6; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_227_Arr), (FName: 'Asia/Brunei'; FCount: 3; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_228_Arr), (FName: 'Asia/Chita'; FCount: 8; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_229_Arr), (FName: 'Asia/Choibalsan'; FCount: 5; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_230_Arr), (FName: 'Asia/Chongqing'; FCount: 3; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_231_Arr), (FName: 'Asia/Colombo'; FCount: 9; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_232_Arr), (FName: 'Asia/Damascus'; FCount: 3; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_233_Arr), (FName: 'Asia/Dhaka'; FCount: 7; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_234_Arr), (FName: 'Asia/Dili'; FCount: 5; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_235_Arr), (FName: 'Asia/Dubai'; FCount: 2; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_236_Arr), (FName: 'Asia/Dushanbe'; FCount: 5; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_237_Arr), (FName: 'Asia/Famagusta'; FCount: 5; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_238_Arr), (FName: 'Asia/Gaza'; FCount: 12; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_239_Arr), (FName: 'Asia/Hanoi'; FCount: 8; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_240_Arr), (FName: 'Asia/Harbin'; FCount: 6; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_241_Arr), (FName: 'Asia/Hebron'; FCount: 6; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_242_Arr), (FName: 'Asia/Hong_Kong'; FCount: 6; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_243_Arr), (FName: 'Asia/Hovd'; FCount: 3; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_244_Arr), (FName: 'Asia/Ho_Chi_Minh'; FCount: 10; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_245_Arr), (FName: 'Asia/Irkutsk'; FCount: 8; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_246_Arr), (FName: 'Asia/Jakarta'; FCount: 9; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_247_Arr), (FName: 'Asia/Jayapura'; FCount: 4; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_248_Arr), (FName: 'Asia/Jerusalem'; FCount: 3; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_249_Arr), (FName: 'Asia/Kabul'; FCount: 3; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_250_Arr), (FName: 'Asia/Kamchatka'; FCount: 7; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_251_Arr), (FName: 'Asia/Karachi'; FCount: 6; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_252_Arr), (FName: 'Asia/Kashgar'; FCount: 4; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_253_Arr), (FName: 'Asia/Kathmandu'; FCount: 3; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_254_Arr), (FName: 'Asia/Khandyga'; FCount: 9; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_255_Arr), (FName: 'Asia/Kolkata'; FCount: 8; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_256_Arr), (FName: 'Asia/Krasnoyarsk'; FCount: 7; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_257_Arr), (FName: 'Asia/Kuala_Lumpur'; FCount: 9; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_258_Arr), (FName: 'Asia/Kuching'; FCount: 5; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_259_Arr), (FName: 'Asia/Kuwait'; FCount: 2; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_260_Arr), (FName: 'Asia/Macau'; FCount: 4; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_261_Arr), (FName: 'Asia/Magadan'; FCount: 8; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_262_Arr), (FName: 'Asia/Makassar'; FCount: 5; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_263_Arr), (FName: 'Asia/Manila'; FCount: 5; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_264_Arr), (FName: 'Asia/Muscat'; FCount: 2; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_265_Arr), (FName: 'Asia/Nicosia'; FCount: 3; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_266_Arr), (FName: 'Asia/Novokuznetsk'; FCount: 7; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_267_Arr), (FName: 'Asia/Novosibirsk'; FCount: 9; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_268_Arr), (FName: 'Asia/Omsk'; FCount: 7; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_269_Arr), (FName: 'Asia/Oral'; FCount: 10; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_270_Arr), (FName: 'Asia/Phnom_Penh'; FCount: 6; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_271_Arr), (FName: 'Asia/Pontianak'; FCount: 9; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_272_Arr), (FName: 'Asia/Pyongyang'; FCount: 6; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_273_Arr), (FName: 'Asia/Qatar'; FCount: 3; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_274_Arr), (FName: 'Asia/Qostanay'; FCount: 10; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_275_Arr), (FName: 'Asia/Qyzylorda'; FCount: 12; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_276_Arr), (FName: 'Asia/Riyadh'; FCount: 2; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_277_Arr), (FName: 'Asia/Sakhalin'; FCount: 9; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_278_Arr), (FName: 'Asia/Samarkand'; FCount: 7; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_279_Arr), (FName: 'Asia/Seoul'; FCount: 6; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_280_Arr), (FName: 'Asia/Shanghai'; FCount: 3; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_281_Arr), (FName: 'Asia/Singapore'; FCount: 9; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_282_Arr), (FName: 'Asia/Srednekolymsk'; FCount: 7; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_283_Arr), (FName: 'Asia/Taipei'; FCount: 4; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_284_Arr), (FName: 'Asia/Tashkent'; FCount: 5; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_285_Arr), (FName: 'Asia/Tbilisi'; FCount: 11; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_286_Arr), (FName: 'Asia/Tehran'; FCount: 5; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_287_Arr), (FName: 'Asia/Tel_Aviv'; FCount: 3; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_288_Arr), (FName: 'Asia/Thimphu'; FCount: 3; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_289_Arr), (FName: 'Asia/Tokyo'; FCount: 2; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_290_Arr), (FName: 'Asia/Tomsk'; FCount: 9; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_291_Arr), (FName: 'Asia/Ulaanbaatar'; FCount: 3; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_292_Arr), (FName: 'Asia/Urumqi'; FCount: 2; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_293_Arr), (FName: 'Asia/Ust-Nera'; FCount: 9; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_294_Arr), (FName: 'Asia/Vientiane'; FCount: 8; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_295_Arr), (FName: 'Asia/Vladivostok'; FCount: 7; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_296_Arr), (FName: 'Asia/Yakutsk'; FCount: 7; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_297_Arr), (FName: 'Asia/Yangon'; FCount: 5; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_298_Arr), (FName: 'Asia/Yekaterinburg'; FCount: 8; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_299_Arr), (FName: 'Asia/Yerevan'; FCount: 7; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_300_Arr), (FName: 'Atlantic/Azores'; FCount: 15; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_301_Arr), (FName: 'Atlantic/Bermuda'; FCount: 5; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_302_Arr), (FName: 'Atlantic/Canary'; FCount: 5; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_303_Arr), (FName: 'Atlantic/Cape_Verde'; FCount: 5; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_304_Arr), (FName: 'Atlantic/Faroe'; FCount: 3; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_305_Arr), (FName: 'Atlantic/Jan_Mayen'; FCount: 1; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_306_Arr), (FName: 'Atlantic/Madeira'; FCount: 13; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_307_Arr), (FName: 'Atlantic/Reykjavik'; FCount: 3; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_308_Arr), (FName: 'Atlantic/South_Georgia'; FCount: 2; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_309_Arr), (FName: 'Atlantic/Stanley'; FCount: 6; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_310_Arr), (FName: 'Atlantic/St_Helena'; FCount: 3; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_311_Arr), (FName: 'Australia/Adelaide'; FCount: 4; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_312_Arr), (FName: 'Australia/Brisbane'; FCount: 3; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_313_Arr), (FName: 'Australia/Broken_Hill'; FCount: 6; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_314_Arr), (FName: 'Australia/Currie'; FCount: 4; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_315_Arr), (FName: 'Australia/Darwin'; FCount: 3; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_316_Arr), (FName: 'Australia/Eucla'; FCount: 3; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_317_Arr), (FName: 'Australia/Hobart'; FCount: 4; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_318_Arr), (FName: 'Australia/Lindeman'; FCount: 4; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_319_Arr), (FName: 'Australia/Lord_Howe'; FCount: 4; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_320_Arr), (FName: 'Australia/Melbourne'; FCount: 3; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_321_Arr), (FName: 'Australia/Perth'; FCount: 3; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_322_Arr), (FName: 'Australia/Sydney'; FCount: 3; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_323_Arr), (FName: 'CET'; FCount: 1; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_324_Arr), (FName: 'CST6CDT'; FCount: 1; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_325_Arr), (FName: 'EET'; FCount: 1; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_326_Arr), (FName: 'EST'; FCount: 1; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_327_Arr), (FName: 'EST5EDT'; FCount: 1; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_328_Arr), (FName: 'Etc/GMT'; FCount: 1; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_329_Arr), (FName: 'Etc/GMT+1'; FCount: 1; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_330_Arr), (FName: 'Etc/GMT+10'; FCount: 1; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_331_Arr), (FName: 'Etc/GMT+11'; FCount: 1; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_332_Arr), (FName: 'Etc/GMT+12'; FCount: 1; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_333_Arr), (FName: 'Etc/GMT+2'; FCount: 1; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_334_Arr), (FName: 'Etc/GMT+3'; FCount: 1; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_335_Arr), (FName: 'Etc/GMT+4'; FCount: 1; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_336_Arr), (FName: 'Etc/GMT+5'; FCount: 1; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_337_Arr), (FName: 'Etc/GMT+6'; FCount: 1; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_338_Arr), (FName: 'Etc/GMT+7'; FCount: 1; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_339_Arr), (FName: 'Etc/GMT+8'; FCount: 1; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_340_Arr), (FName: 'Etc/GMT+9'; FCount: 1; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_341_Arr), (FName: 'Etc/GMT-1'; FCount: 1; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_342_Arr), (FName: 'Etc/GMT-10'; FCount: 1; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_343_Arr), (FName: 'Etc/GMT-11'; FCount: 1; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_344_Arr), (FName: 'Etc/GMT-12'; FCount: 1; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_345_Arr), (FName: 'Etc/GMT-13'; FCount: 1; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_346_Arr), (FName: 'Etc/GMT-14'; FCount: 1; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_347_Arr), (FName: 'Etc/GMT-2'; FCount: 1; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_348_Arr), (FName: 'Etc/GMT-3'; FCount: 1; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_349_Arr), (FName: 'Etc/GMT-4'; FCount: 1; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_350_Arr), (FName: 'Etc/GMT-5'; FCount: 1; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_351_Arr), (FName: 'Etc/GMT-6'; FCount: 1; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_352_Arr), (FName: 'Etc/GMT-7'; FCount: 1; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_353_Arr), (FName: 'Etc/GMT-8'; FCount: 1; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_354_Arr), (FName: 'Etc/GMT-9'; FCount: 1; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_355_Arr), (FName: 'Etc/UTC'; FCount: 1; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_356_Arr), (FName: 'Europe/Amsterdam'; FCount: 6; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_357_Arr), (FName: 'Europe/Andorra'; FCount: 4; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_358_Arr), (FName: 'Europe/Astrakhan'; FCount: 9; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_359_Arr), (FName: 'Europe/Athens'; FCount: 6; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_360_Arr), (FName: 'Europe/Belfast'; FCount: 7; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_361_Arr), (FName: 'Europe/Belgrade'; FCount: 7; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_362_Arr), (FName: 'Europe/Berlin'; FCount: 5; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_363_Arr), (FName: 'Europe/Brussels'; FCount: 9; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_364_Arr), (FName: 'Europe/Bucharest'; FCount: 7; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_365_Arr), (FName: 'Europe/Budapest'; FCount: 6; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_366_Arr), (FName: 'Europe/Chisinau'; FCount: 10; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_367_Arr), (FName: 'Europe/Copenhagen'; FCount: 6; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_368_Arr), (FName: 'Europe/Dublin'; FCount: 11; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_369_Arr), (FName: 'Europe/Gibraltar'; FCount: 4; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_370_Arr), (FName: 'Europe/Guernsey'; FCount: 7; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_371_Arr), (FName: 'Europe/Helsinki'; FCount: 4; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_372_Arr), (FName: 'Europe/Isle_of_Man'; FCount: 5; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_373_Arr), (FName: 'Europe/Istanbul'; FCount: 13; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_374_Arr), (FName: 'Europe/Jersey'; FCount: 7; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_375_Arr), (FName: 'Europe/Kaliningrad'; FCount: 7; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_376_Arr), (FName: 'Europe/Kirov'; FCount: 8; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_377_Arr), (FName: 'Europe/Kyiv'; FCount: 9; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_378_Arr), (FName: 'Europe/Lisbon'; FCount: 8; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_379_Arr), (FName: 'Europe/Ljubljana'; FCount: 6; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_380_Arr), (FName: 'Europe/London'; FCount: 5; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_381_Arr), (FName: 'Europe/Luxembourg'; FCount: 7; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_382_Arr), (FName: 'Europe/Madrid'; FCount: 4; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_383_Arr), (FName: 'Europe/Malta'; FCount: 4; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_384_Arr), (FName: 'Europe/Minsk'; FCount: 9; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_385_Arr), (FName: 'Europe/Monaco'; FCount: 5; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_386_Arr), (FName: 'Europe/Moscow'; FCount: 11; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_387_Arr), (FName: 'Europe/Oslo'; FCount: 5; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_388_Arr), (FName: 'Europe/Paris'; FCount: 7; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_389_Arr), (FName: 'Europe/Prague'; FCount: 7; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_390_Arr), (FName: 'Europe/Riga'; FCount: 15; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_391_Arr), (FName: 'Europe/Rome'; FCount: 6; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_392_Arr), (FName: 'Europe/Samara'; FCount: 10; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_393_Arr), (FName: 'Europe/Sarajevo'; FCount: 6; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_394_Arr), (FName: 'Europe/Saratov'; FCount: 9; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_395_Arr), (FName: 'Europe/Simferopol'; FCount: 15; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_396_Arr), (FName: 'Europe/Skopje'; FCount: 6; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_397_Arr), (FName: 'Europe/Sofia'; FCount: 10; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_398_Arr), (FName: 'Europe/Stockholm'; FCount: 6; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_399_Arr), (FName: 'Europe/Tallinn'; FCount: 13; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_400_Arr), (FName: 'Europe/Tirane'; FCount: 4; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_401_Arr), (FName: 'Europe/Tiraspol'; FCount: 9; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_402_Arr), (FName: 'Europe/Ulyanovsk'; FCount: 9; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_403_Arr), (FName: 'Europe/Uzhgorod'; FCount: 11; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_404_Arr), (FName: 'Europe/Vaduz'; FCount: 3; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_405_Arr), (FName: 'Europe/Vienna'; FCount: 8; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_406_Arr), (FName: 'Europe/Vilnius'; FCount: 15; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_407_Arr), (FName: 'Europe/Volgograd'; FCount: 11; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_408_Arr), (FName: 'Europe/Warsaw'; FCount: 9; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_409_Arr), (FName: 'Europe/Zagreb'; FCount: 6; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_410_Arr), (FName: 'Europe/Zaporozhye'; FCount: 9; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_411_Arr), (FName: 'Europe/Zurich'; FCount: 4; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_412_Arr), (FName: 'Factory'; FCount: 1; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_413_Arr), (FName: 'HST'; FCount: 1; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_414_Arr), (FName: 'Indian/Antananarivo'; FCount: 4; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_415_Arr), (FName: 'Indian/Chagos'; FCount: 3; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_416_Arr), (FName: 'Indian/Christmas'; FCount: 2; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_417_Arr), (FName: 'Indian/Cocos'; FCount: 2; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_418_Arr), (FName: 'Indian/Comoro'; FCount: 2; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_419_Arr), (FName: 'Indian/Kerguelen'; FCount: 2; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_420_Arr), (FName: 'Indian/Mahe'; FCount: 2; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_421_Arr), (FName: 'Indian/Maldives'; FCount: 3; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_422_Arr), (FName: 'Indian/Mauritius'; FCount: 2; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_423_Arr), (FName: 'Indian/Mayotte'; FCount: 2; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_424_Arr), (FName: 'Indian/Reunion'; FCount: 2; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_425_Arr), (FName: 'MET'; FCount: 1; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_426_Arr), (FName: 'MST'; FCount: 1; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_427_Arr), (FName: 'MST7MDT'; FCount: 1; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_428_Arr), (FName: 'Pacific/Apia'; FCount: 5; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_429_Arr), (FName: 'Pacific/Auckland'; FCount: 3; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_430_Arr), (FName: 'Pacific/Bougainville'; FCount: 6; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_431_Arr), (FName: 'Pacific/Chatham'; FCount: 3; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_432_Arr), (FName: 'Pacific/Chuuk'; FCount: 7; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_433_Arr), (FName: 'Pacific/Easter'; FCount: 4; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_434_Arr), (FName: 'Pacific/Efate'; FCount: 2; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_435_Arr), (FName: 'Pacific/Enderbury'; FCount: 5; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_436_Arr), (FName: 'Pacific/Fakaofo'; FCount: 3; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_437_Arr), (FName: 'Pacific/Fiji'; FCount: 2; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_438_Arr), (FName: 'Pacific/Funafuti'; FCount: 2; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_439_Arr), (FName: 'Pacific/Galapagos'; FCount: 3; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_440_Arr), (FName: 'Pacific/Gambier'; FCount: 2; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_441_Arr), (FName: 'Pacific/Guadalcanal'; FCount: 2; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_442_Arr), (FName: 'Pacific/Guam'; FCount: 6; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_443_Arr), (FName: 'Pacific/Honolulu'; FCount: 5; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_444_Arr), (FName: 'Pacific/Johnston'; FCount: 1; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_445_Arr), (FName: 'Pacific/Kanton'; FCount: 4; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_446_Arr), (FName: 'Pacific/Kiritimati'; FCount: 4; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_447_Arr), (FName: 'Pacific/Kosrae'; FCount: 10; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_448_Arr), (FName: 'Pacific/Kwajalein'; FCount: 7; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_449_Arr), (FName: 'Pacific/Majuro'; FCount: 8; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_450_Arr), (FName: 'Pacific/Marquesas'; FCount: 2; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_451_Arr), (FName: 'Pacific/Midway'; FCount: 4; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_452_Arr), (FName: 'Pacific/Nauru'; FCount: 5; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_453_Arr), (FName: 'Pacific/Niue'; FCount: 3; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_454_Arr), (FName: 'Pacific/Norfolk'; FCount: 7; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_455_Arr), (FName: 'Pacific/Noumea'; FCount: 2; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_456_Arr), (FName: 'Pacific/Pago_Pago'; FCount: 3; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_457_Arr), (FName: 'Pacific/Palau'; FCount: 3; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_458_Arr), (FName: 'Pacific/Pitcairn'; FCount: 3; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_459_Arr), (FName: 'Pacific/Pohnpei'; FCount: 8; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_460_Arr), (FName: 'Pacific/Port_Moresby'; FCount: 3; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_461_Arr), (FName: 'Pacific/Rarotonga'; FCount: 4; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_462_Arr), (FName: 'Pacific/Saipan'; FCount: 5; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_463_Arr), (FName: 'Pacific/Tahiti'; FCount: 2; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_464_Arr), (FName: 'Pacific/Tarawa'; FCount: 2; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_465_Arr), (FName: 'Pacific/Tongatapu'; FCount: 4; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_466_Arr), (FName: 'Pacific/Wake'; FCount: 2; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_467_Arr), (FName: 'Pacific/Wallis'; FCount: 2; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_468_Arr), (FName: 'PST8PDT'; FCount: 1; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_469_Arr), (FName: 'WET'; FCount: 1; FFirstPeriod: @CZone_470_Arr) ); var { This array contains zone aliases. } CAliases: array[0 .. 408] of TZoneAlias = ( (FName: 'AUS Central Standard Time'; FAliasTo: @CZones[316]), (FName: 'AUS Eastern Standard Time'; FAliasTo: @CZones[323]), (FName: 'Afghanistan Standard Time'; FAliasTo: @CZones[250]), (FName: 'Africa/Accra'; FAliasTo: @CZones[0]), (FName: 'Africa/Addis_Ababa'; FAliasTo: @CZones[42]), (FName: 'Africa/Asmara'; FAliasTo: @CZones[42]), (FName: 'Africa/Asmera'; FAliasTo: @CZones[42]), (FName: 'Africa/Bamako'; FAliasTo: @CZones[0]), (FName: 'Africa/Bangui'; FAliasTo: @CZones[30]), (FName: 'Africa/Banjul'; FAliasTo: @CZones[0]), (FName: 'Africa/Blantyre'; FAliasTo: @CZones[37]), (FName: 'Africa/Brazzaville'; FAliasTo: @CZones[30]), (FName: 'Africa/Bujumbura'; FAliasTo: @CZones[37]), (FName: 'Africa/Conakry'; FAliasTo: @CZones[0]), (FName: 'Africa/Dakar'; FAliasTo: @CZones[0]), (FName: 'Africa/Dar_es_Salaam'; FAliasTo: @CZones[42]), (FName: 'Africa/Djibouti'; FAliasTo: @CZones[42]), (FName: 'Africa/Douala'; FAliasTo: @CZones[30]), (FName: 'Africa/Freetown'; FAliasTo: @CZones[0]), (FName: 'Africa/Gaborone'; FAliasTo: @CZones[37]), (FName: 'Africa/Harare'; FAliasTo: @CZones[37]), (FName: 'Africa/Kampala'; FAliasTo: @CZones[42]), (FName: 'Africa/Kigali'; FAliasTo: @CZones[37]), (FName: 'Africa/Kinshasa'; FAliasTo: @CZones[30]), (FName: 'Africa/Libreville'; FAliasTo: @CZones[30]), (FName: 'Africa/Lome'; FAliasTo: @CZones[0]), (FName: 'Africa/Luanda'; FAliasTo: @CZones[30]), (FName: 'Africa/Lubumbashi'; FAliasTo: @CZones[37]), (FName: 'Africa/Lusaka'; FAliasTo: @CZones[37]), (FName: 'Africa/Malabo'; FAliasTo: @CZones[30]), (FName: 'Africa/Maseru'; FAliasTo: @CZones[24]), (FName: 'Africa/Mbabane'; FAliasTo: @CZones[24]), (FName: 'Africa/Mogadishu'; FAliasTo: @CZones[42]), (FName: 'Africa/Niamey'; FAliasTo: @CZones[30]), (FName: 'Africa/Nouakchott'; FAliasTo: @CZones[0]), (FName: 'Africa/Ouagadougou'; FAliasTo: @CZones[0]), (FName: 'Africa/Porto-Novo'; FAliasTo: @CZones[30]), (FName: 'Africa/Timbuktu'; FAliasTo: @CZones[0]), (FName: 'Alaskan Standard Time'; FAliasTo: @CZones[54]), (FName: 'Aleutian Standard Time'; FAliasTo: @CZones[53]), (FName: 'Altai Standard Time'; FAliasTo: @CZones[225]), (FName: 'America/Anguilla'; FAliasTo: @CZones[170]), (FName: 'America/Antigua'; FAliasTo: @CZones[170]), (FName: 'America/Argentina/ComodRivadavia'; FAliasTo: @CZones[59]), (FName: 'America/Aruba'; FAliasTo: @CZones[170]), (FName: 'America/Atikokan'; FAliasTo: @CZones[163]), (FName: 'America/Atka'; FAliasTo: @CZones[53]), (FName: 'America/Blanc-Sablon'; FAliasTo: @CZones[170]), (FName: 'America/Buenos_Aires'; FAliasTo: @CZones[58]), (FName: 'America/Catamarca'; FAliasTo: @CZones[59]), (FName: 'America/Cayman'; FAliasTo: @CZones[163]), (FName: 'America/Coral_Harbour'; FAliasTo: @CZones[163]), (FName: 'America/Cordoba'; FAliasTo: @CZones[61]), (FName: 'America/Creston'; FAliasTo: @CZones[166]), (FName: 'America/Curacao'; FAliasTo: @CZones[170]), (FName: 'America/Dominica'; FAliasTo: @CZones[170]), (FName: 'America/Ensenada'; FAliasTo: @CZones[194]), (FName: 'America/Fort_Wayne'; FAliasTo: @CZones[120]), (FName: 'America/Godthab'; FAliasTo: @CZones[161]), (FName: 'America/Grenada'; FAliasTo: @CZones[170]), (FName: 'America/Guadeloupe'; FAliasTo: @CZones[170]), (FName: 'America/Indianapolis'; FAliasTo: @CZones[120]), (FName: 'America/Jujuy'; FAliasTo: @CZones[62]), (FName: 'America/Knox_IN'; FAliasTo: @CZones[121]), (FName: 'America/Kralendijk'; FAliasTo: @CZones[170]), (FName: 'America/Louisville'; FAliasTo: @CZones[132]), (FName: 'America/Lower_Princes'; FAliasTo: @CZones[170]), (FName: 'America/Marigot'; FAliasTo: @CZones[170]), (FName: 'America/Mendoza'; FAliasTo: @CZones[64]), (FName: 'America/Montreal'; FAliasTo: @CZones[195]), (FName: 'America/Montserrat'; FAliasTo: @CZones[170]), (FName: 'America/Nassau'; FAliasTo: @CZones[195]), (FName: 'America/Nipigon'; FAliasTo: @CZones[195]), (FName: 'America/Pangnirtung'; FAliasTo: @CZones[129]), (FName: 'America/Port_of_Spain'; FAliasTo: @CZones[170]), (FName: 'America/Porto_Acre'; FAliasTo: @CZones[177]), (FName: 'America/Rainy_River'; FAliasTo: @CZones[199]), (FName: 'America/Rosario'; FAliasTo: @CZones[61]), (FName: 'America/Santa_Isabel'; FAliasTo: @CZones[194]), (FName: 'America/Shiprock'; FAliasTo: @CZones[100]), (FName: 'America/St_Barthelemy'; FAliasTo: @CZones[170]), (FName: 'America/St_Kitts'; FAliasTo: @CZones[170]), (FName: 'America/St_Lucia'; FAliasTo: @CZones[170]), (FName: 'America/St_Thomas'; FAliasTo: @CZones[170]), (FName: 'America/St_Vincent'; FAliasTo: @CZones[170]), (FName: 'America/Thunder_Bay'; FAliasTo: @CZones[195]), (FName: 'America/Tortola'; FAliasTo: @CZones[170]), (FName: 'America/Virgin'; FAliasTo: @CZones[170]), (FName: 'America/Yellowknife'; FAliasTo: @CZones[103]), (FName: 'Antarctica/DumontDUrville'; FAliasTo: @CZones[461]), (FName: 'Antarctica/McMurdo'; FAliasTo: @CZones[430]), (FName: 'Antarctica/South_Pole'; FAliasTo: @CZones[430]), (FName: 'Antarctica/Syowa'; FAliasTo: @CZones[277]), (FName: 'Arab Standard Time'; FAliasTo: @CZones[277]), (FName: 'Arabian Standard Time'; FAliasTo: @CZones[236]), (FName: 'Arabic Standard Time'; FAliasTo: @CZones[221]), (FName: 'Arctic/Longyearbyen'; FAliasTo: @CZones[363]), (FName: 'Argentina Standard Time'; FAliasTo: @CZones[58]), (FName: 'Asia/Aden'; FAliasTo: @CZones[277]), (FName: 'Asia/Ashkhabad'; FAliasTo: @CZones[219]), (FName: 'Asia/Bahrain'; FAliasTo: @CZones[274]), (FName: 'Asia/Brunei'; FAliasTo: @CZones[259]), (FName: 'Asia/Calcutta'; FAliasTo: @CZones[256]), (FName: 'Asia/Chongqing'; FAliasTo: @CZones[281]), (FName: 'Asia/Chungking'; FAliasTo: @CZones[281]), (FName: 'Asia/Dacca'; FAliasTo: @CZones[234]), (FName: 'Asia/Harbin'; FAliasTo: @CZones[281]), (FName: 'Asia/Istanbul'; FAliasTo: @CZones[374]), (FName: 'Asia/Kashgar'; FAliasTo: @CZones[293]), (FName: 'Asia/Katmandu'; FAliasTo: @CZones[254]), (FName: 'Asia/Kuala_Lumpur'; FAliasTo: @CZones[282]), (FName: 'Asia/Kuwait'; FAliasTo: @CZones[277]), (FName: 'Asia/Macao'; FAliasTo: @CZones[261]), (FName: 'Asia/Muscat'; FAliasTo: @CZones[236]), (FName: 'Asia/Phnom_Penh'; FAliasTo: @CZones[224]), (FName: 'Asia/Rangoon'; FAliasTo: @CZones[298]), (FName: 'Asia/Saigon'; FAliasTo: @CZones[245]), (FName: 'Asia/Tel_Aviv'; FAliasTo: @CZones[249]), (FName: 'Asia/Thimbu'; FAliasTo: @CZones[289]), (FName: 'Asia/Ujung_Pandang'; FAliasTo: @CZones[263]), (FName: 'Asia/Ulan_Bator'; FAliasTo: @CZones[292]), (FName: 'Asia/Vientiane'; FAliasTo: @CZones[224]), (FName: 'Astrakhan Standard Time'; FAliasTo: @CZones[359]), (FName: 'Atlantic Standard Time'; FAliasTo: @CZones[117]), (FName: 'Atlantic/Faeroe'; FAliasTo: @CZones[305]), (FName: 'Atlantic/Jan_Mayen'; FAliasTo: @CZones[363]), (FName: 'Atlantic/Reykjavik'; FAliasTo: @CZones[0]), (FName: 'Atlantic/St_Helena'; FAliasTo: @CZones[0]), (FName: 'Aus Central W. Standard Time'; FAliasTo: @CZones[317]), (FName: 'Australia/ACT'; FAliasTo: @CZones[323]), (FName: 'Australia/Canberra'; FAliasTo: @CZones[323]), (FName: 'Australia/Currie'; FAliasTo: @CZones[318]), (FName: 'Australia/LHI'; FAliasTo: @CZones[320]), (FName: 'Australia/NSW'; FAliasTo: @CZones[323]), (FName: 'Australia/North'; FAliasTo: @CZones[316]), (FName: 'Australia/Queensland'; FAliasTo: @CZones[313]), (FName: 'Australia/South'; FAliasTo: @CZones[312]), (FName: 'Australia/Tasmania'; FAliasTo: @CZones[318]), (FName: 'Australia/Victoria'; FAliasTo: @CZones[321]), (FName: 'Australia/West'; FAliasTo: @CZones[322]), (FName: 'Australia/Yancowinna'; FAliasTo: @CZones[314]), (FName: 'Azerbaijan Standard Time'; FAliasTo: @CZones[223]), (FName: 'Azores Standard Time'; FAliasTo: @CZones[301]), (FName: 'Bahia Standard Time'; FAliasTo: @CZones[74]), (FName: 'Bangladesh Standard Time'; FAliasTo: @CZones[234]), (FName: 'Belarus Standard Time'; FAliasTo: @CZones[385]), (FName: 'Bougainville Standard Time'; FAliasTo: @CZones[431]), (FName: 'Brazil/Acre'; FAliasTo: @CZones[177]), (FName: 'Brazil/DeNoronha'; FAliasTo: @CZones[157]), (FName: 'Brazil/East'; FAliasTo: @CZones[182]), (FName: 'Brazil/West'; FAliasTo: @CZones[139]), (FName: 'Canada Central Standard Time'; FAliasTo: @CZones[175]), (FName: 'Canada/Atlantic'; FAliasTo: @CZones[117]), (FName: 'Canada/Central'; FAliasTo: @CZones[199]), (FName: 'Canada/Eastern'; FAliasTo: @CZones[195]), (FName: 'Canada/Mountain'; FAliasTo: @CZones[103]), (FName: 'Canada/Newfoundland'; FAliasTo: @CZones[185]), (FName: 'Canada/Pacific'; FAliasTo: @CZones[197]), (FName: 'Canada/Saskatchewan'; FAliasTo: @CZones[175]), (FName: 'Canada/Yukon'; FAliasTo: @CZones[198]), (FName: 'Cape Verde Standard Time'; FAliasTo: @CZones[304]), (FName: 'Caucasus Standard Time'; FAliasTo: @CZones[300]), (FName: 'Cen. Australia Standard Time'; FAliasTo: @CZones[312]), (FName: 'Central America Standard Time'; FAliasTo: @CZones[114]), (FName: 'Central Asia Standard Time'; FAliasTo: @CZones[227]), (FName: 'Central Brazilian Standard Time'; FAliasTo: @CZones[95]), (FName: 'Central Europe Standard Time'; FAliasTo: @CZones[366]), (FName: 'Central European Standard Time'; FAliasTo: @CZones[409]), (FName: 'Central Pacific Standard Time'; FAliasTo: @CZones[442]), (FName: 'Central Standard Time'; FAliasTo: @CZones[89]), (FName: 'Central Standard Time (Mexico)'; FAliasTo: @CZones[146]), (FName: 'Chatham Islands Standard Time'; FAliasTo: @CZones[432]), (FName: 'Chile/Continental'; FAliasTo: @CZones[180]), (FName: 'Chile/EasterIsland'; FAliasTo: @CZones[434]), (FName: 'China Standard Time'; FAliasTo: @CZones[281]), (FName: 'Cuba'; FAliasTo: @CZones[118]), (FName: 'Cuba Standard Time'; FAliasTo: @CZones[118]), (FName: 'Dateline Standard Time'; FAliasTo: @CZones[333]), (FName: 'E. Africa Standard Time'; FAliasTo: @CZones[42]), (FName: 'E. Australia Standard Time'; FAliasTo: @CZones[313]), (FName: 'E. Europe Standard Time'; FAliasTo: @CZones[367]), (FName: 'E. South America Standard Time'; FAliasTo: @CZones[182]), (FName: 'Easter Island Standard Time'; FAliasTo: @CZones[434]), (FName: 'Eastern Standard Time'; FAliasTo: @CZones[154]), (FName: 'Eastern Standard Time (Mexico)'; FAliasTo: @CZones[85]), (FName: 'Egypt'; FAliasTo: @CZones[12]), (FName: 'Egypt Standard Time'; FAliasTo: @CZones[12]), (FName: 'Eire'; FAliasTo: @CZones[369]), (FName: 'Ekaterinburg Standard Time'; FAliasTo: @CZones[299]), (FName: 'Etc/GMT+0'; FAliasTo: @CZones[329]), (FName: 'Etc/GMT-0'; FAliasTo: @CZones[329]), (FName: 'Etc/GMT0'; FAliasTo: @CZones[329]), (FName: 'Etc/Greenwich'; FAliasTo: @CZones[329]), (FName: 'Etc/UCT'; FAliasTo: @CZones[356]), (FName: 'Etc/Universal'; FAliasTo: @CZones[356]), (FName: 'Etc/Zulu'; FAliasTo: @CZones[356]), (FName: 'Europe/Amsterdam'; FAliasTo: @CZones[364]), (FName: 'Europe/Belfast'; FAliasTo: @CZones[381]), (FName: 'Europe/Bratislava'; FAliasTo: @CZones[390]), (FName: 'Europe/Busingen'; FAliasTo: @CZones[412]), (FName: 'Europe/Copenhagen'; FAliasTo: @CZones[363]), (FName: 'Europe/Guernsey'; FAliasTo: @CZones[381]), (FName: 'Europe/Isle_of_Man'; FAliasTo: @CZones[381]), (FName: 'Europe/Jersey'; FAliasTo: @CZones[381]), (FName: 'Europe/Kiev'; FAliasTo: @CZones[378]), (FName: 'Europe/Ljubljana'; FAliasTo: @CZones[362]), (FName: 'Europe/Luxembourg'; FAliasTo: @CZones[364]), (FName: 'Europe/Mariehamn'; FAliasTo: @CZones[372]), (FName: 'Europe/Monaco'; FAliasTo: @CZones[389]), (FName: 'Europe/Nicosia'; FAliasTo: @CZones[266]), (FName: 'Europe/Oslo'; FAliasTo: @CZones[363]), (FName: 'Europe/Podgorica'; FAliasTo: @CZones[362]), (FName: 'Europe/San_Marino'; FAliasTo: @CZones[392]), (FName: 'Europe/Sarajevo'; FAliasTo: @CZones[362]), (FName: 'Europe/Skopje'; FAliasTo: @CZones[362]), (FName: 'Europe/Stockholm'; FAliasTo: @CZones[363]), (FName: 'Europe/Tiraspol'; FAliasTo: @CZones[367]), (FName: 'Europe/Uzhgorod'; FAliasTo: @CZones[378]), (FName: 'Europe/Vaduz'; FAliasTo: @CZones[412]), (FName: 'Europe/Vatican'; FAliasTo: @CZones[392]), (FName: 'Europe/Zagreb'; FAliasTo: @CZones[362]), (FName: 'Europe/Zaporozhye'; FAliasTo: @CZones[378]), (FName: 'FLE Standard Time'; FAliasTo: @CZones[378]), (FName: 'Fiji Standard Time'; FAliasTo: @CZones[438]), (FName: 'GB'; FAliasTo: @CZones[381]), (FName: 'GB-Eire'; FAliasTo: @CZones[381]), (FName: 'GMT'; FAliasTo: @CZones[329]), (FName: 'GMT Standard Time'; FAliasTo: @CZones[381]), (FName: 'GMT+0'; FAliasTo: @CZones[329]), (FName: 'GMT+1'; FAliasTo: @CZones[330]), (FName: 'GMT+10'; FAliasTo: @CZones[331]), (FName: 'GMT+11'; FAliasTo: @CZones[332]), (FName: 'GMT+12'; FAliasTo: @CZones[333]), (FName: 'GMT+2'; FAliasTo: @CZones[334]), (FName: 'GMT+3'; FAliasTo: @CZones[335]), (FName: 'GMT+4'; FAliasTo: @CZones[336]), (FName: 'GMT+5'; FAliasTo: @CZones[337]), (FName: 'GMT+6'; FAliasTo: @CZones[338]), (FName: 'GMT+7'; FAliasTo: @CZones[339]), (FName: 'GMT+8'; FAliasTo: @CZones[340]), (FName: 'GMT+9'; FAliasTo: @CZones[341]), (FName: 'GMT-0'; FAliasTo: @CZones[329]), (FName: 'GMT-1'; FAliasTo: @CZones[342]), (FName: 'GMT-10'; FAliasTo: @CZones[343]), (FName: 'GMT-11'; FAliasTo: @CZones[344]), (FName: 'GMT-12'; FAliasTo: @CZones[345]), (FName: 'GMT-13'; FAliasTo: @CZones[346]), (FName: 'GMT-14'; FAliasTo: @CZones[347]), (FName: 'GMT-2'; FAliasTo: @CZones[348]), (FName: 'GMT-3'; FAliasTo: @CZones[349]), (FName: 'GMT-4'; FAliasTo: @CZones[350]), (FName: 'GMT-5'; FAliasTo: @CZones[351]), (FName: 'GMT-6'; FAliasTo: @CZones[352]), (FName: 'GMT-7'; FAliasTo: @CZones[353]), (FName: 'GMT-8'; FAliasTo: @CZones[354]), (FName: 'GMT-9'; FAliasTo: @CZones[355]), (FName: 'GMT0'; FAliasTo: @CZones[329]), (FName: 'GTB Standard Time'; FAliasTo: @CZones[365]), (FName: 'Georgian Standard Time'; FAliasTo: @CZones[286]), (FName: 'Greenland Standard Time'; FAliasTo: @CZones[161]), (FName: 'Greenwich'; FAliasTo: @CZones[329]), (FName: 'Greenwich Standard Time'; FAliasTo: @CZones[308]), (FName: 'Haiti Standard Time'; FAliasTo: @CZones[167]), (FName: 'Hawaiian Standard Time'; FAliasTo: @CZones[444]), (FName: 'Hongkong'; FAliasTo: @CZones[243]), (FName: 'Iceland'; FAliasTo: @CZones[0]), (FName: 'India Standard Time'; FAliasTo: @CZones[256]), (FName: 'Indian/Antananarivo'; FAliasTo: @CZones[42]), (FName: 'Indian/Christmas'; FAliasTo: @CZones[224]), (FName: 'Indian/Cocos'; FAliasTo: @CZones[298]), (FName: 'Indian/Comoro'; FAliasTo: @CZones[42]), (FName: 'Indian/Kerguelen'; FAliasTo: @CZones[422]), (FName: 'Indian/Mahe'; FAliasTo: @CZones[236]), (FName: 'Indian/Mayotte'; FAliasTo: @CZones[42]), (FName: 'Indian/Reunion'; FAliasTo: @CZones[236]), (FName: 'Iran'; FAliasTo: @CZones[287]), (FName: 'Iran Standard Time'; FAliasTo: @CZones[287]), (FName: 'Israel'; FAliasTo: @CZones[249]), (FName: 'Israel Standard Time'; FAliasTo: @CZones[249]), (FName: 'Jamaica'; FAliasTo: @CZones[130]), (FName: 'Japan'; FAliasTo: @CZones[290]), (FName: 'Jordan Standard Time'; FAliasTo: @CZones[215]), (FName: 'Kaliningrad Standard Time'; FAliasTo: @CZones[376]), (FName: 'Korea Standard Time'; FAliasTo: @CZones[280]), (FName: 'Kwajalein'; FAliasTo: @CZones[449]), (FName: 'Libya'; FAliasTo: @CZones[50]), (FName: 'Libya Standard Time'; FAliasTo: @CZones[50]), (FName: 'Line Islands Standard Time'; FAliasTo: @CZones[447]), (FName: 'Lord Howe Standard Time'; FAliasTo: @CZones[320]), (FName: 'Magadan Standard Time'; FAliasTo: @CZones[262]), (FName: 'Magallanes Standard Time'; FAliasTo: @CZones[171]), (FName: 'Marquesas Standard Time'; FAliasTo: @CZones[451]), (FName: 'Mauritius Standard Time'; FAliasTo: @CZones[423]), (FName: 'Mexico/BajaNorte'; FAliasTo: @CZones[194]), (FName: 'Mexico/BajaSur'; FAliasTo: @CZones[142]), (FName: 'Mexico/General'; FAliasTo: @CZones[146]), (FName: 'Middle East Standard Time'; FAliasTo: @CZones[226]), (FName: 'Montevideo Standard Time'; FAliasTo: @CZones[150]), (FName: 'Morocco Standard Time'; FAliasTo: @CZones[13]), (FName: 'Mountain Standard Time'; FAliasTo: @CZones[100]), (FName: 'Mountain Standard Time (Mexico)'; FAliasTo: @CZones[142]), (FName: 'Myanmar Standard Time'; FAliasTo: @CZones[298]), (FName: 'N. Central Asia Standard Time'; FAliasTo: @CZones[268]), (FName: 'NZ'; FAliasTo: @CZones[430]), (FName: 'NZ-CHAT'; FAliasTo: @CZones[432]), (FName: 'Namibia Standard Time'; FAliasTo: @CZones[52]), (FName: 'Navajo'; FAliasTo: @CZones[100]), (FName: 'Nepal Standard Time'; FAliasTo: @CZones[254]), (FName: 'New Zealand Standard Time'; FAliasTo: @CZones[430]), (FName: 'Newfoundland Standard Time'; FAliasTo: @CZones[185]), (FName: 'Norfolk Standard Time'; FAliasTo: @CZones[455]), (FName: 'North Asia East Standard Time'; FAliasTo: @CZones[246]), (FName: 'North Asia Standard Time'; FAliasTo: @CZones[257]), (FName: 'North Korea Standard Time'; FAliasTo: @CZones[273]), (FName: 'Omsk Standard Time'; FAliasTo: @CZones[269]), (FName: 'PRC'; FAliasTo: @CZones[281]), (FName: 'Pacific SA Standard Time'; FAliasTo: @CZones[180]), (FName: 'Pacific Standard Time'; FAliasTo: @CZones[136]), (FName: 'Pacific Standard Time (Mexico)'; FAliasTo: @CZones[194]), (FName: 'Pacific/Chuuk'; FAliasTo: @CZones[461]), (FName: 'Pacific/Enderbury'; FAliasTo: @CZones[446]), (FName: 'Pacific/Funafuti'; FAliasTo: @CZones[465]), (FName: 'Pacific/Johnston'; FAliasTo: @CZones[444]), (FName: 'Pacific/Majuro'; FAliasTo: @CZones[465]), (FName: 'Pacific/Midway'; FAliasTo: @CZones[457]), (FName: 'Pacific/Pohnpei'; FAliasTo: @CZones[442]), (FName: 'Pacific/Ponape'; FAliasTo: @CZones[442]), (FName: 'Pacific/Saipan'; FAliasTo: @CZones[443]), (FName: 'Pacific/Samoa'; FAliasTo: @CZones[457]), (FName: 'Pacific/Truk'; FAliasTo: @CZones[461]), (FName: 'Pacific/Wake'; FAliasTo: @CZones[465]), (FName: 'Pacific/Wallis'; FAliasTo: @CZones[465]), (FName: 'Pacific/Yap'; FAliasTo: @CZones[461]), (FName: 'Pakistan Standard Time'; FAliasTo: @CZones[252]), (FName: 'Paraguay Standard Time'; FAliasTo: @CZones[72]), (FName: 'Poland'; FAliasTo: @CZones[409]), (FName: 'Portugal'; FAliasTo: @CZones[379]), (FName: 'Qyzylorda Standard Time'; FAliasTo: @CZones[276]), (FName: 'ROC'; FAliasTo: @CZones[284]), (FName: 'ROK'; FAliasTo: @CZones[280]), (FName: 'Romance Standard Time'; FAliasTo: @CZones[389]), (FName: 'Russia Time Zone 10'; FAliasTo: @CZones[283]), (FName: 'Russia Time Zone 11'; FAliasTo: @CZones[251]), (FName: 'Russia Time Zone 3'; FAliasTo: @CZones[393]), (FName: 'Russian Standard Time'; FAliasTo: @CZones[387]), (FName: 'SA Eastern Standard Time'; FAliasTo: @CZones[87]), (FName: 'SA Pacific Standard Time'; FAliasTo: @CZones[81]), (FName: 'SA Western Standard Time'; FAliasTo: @CZones[134]), (FName: 'SE Asia Standard Time'; FAliasTo: @CZones[224]), (FName: 'Saint Pierre Standard Time'; FAliasTo: @CZones[147]), (FName: 'Sakhalin Standard Time'; FAliasTo: @CZones[278]), (FName: 'Samoa Standard Time'; FAliasTo: @CZones[429]), (FName: 'Sao Tome Standard Time'; FAliasTo: @CZones[48]), (FName: 'Saratov Standard Time'; FAliasTo: @CZones[395]), (FName: 'Singapore'; FAliasTo: @CZones[282]), (FName: 'Singapore Standard Time'; FAliasTo: @CZones[282]), (FName: 'South Africa Standard Time'; FAliasTo: @CZones[24]), (FName: 'South Sudan Standard Time'; FAliasTo: @CZones[25]), (FName: 'Sri Lanka Standard Time'; FAliasTo: @CZones[232]), (FName: 'Sudan Standard Time'; FAliasTo: @CZones[27]), (FName: 'Syria Standard Time'; FAliasTo: @CZones[233]), (FName: 'Taipei Standard Time'; FAliasTo: @CZones[284]), (FName: 'Tasmania Standard Time'; FAliasTo: @CZones[318]), (FName: 'Tocantins Standard Time'; FAliasTo: @CZones[57]), (FName: 'Tokyo Standard Time'; FAliasTo: @CZones[290]), (FName: 'Tomsk Standard Time'; FAliasTo: @CZones[291]), (FName: 'Tonga Standard Time'; FAliasTo: @CZones[466]), (FName: 'Transbaikal Standard Time'; FAliasTo: @CZones[229]), (FName: 'Turkey'; FAliasTo: @CZones[374]), (FName: 'Turkey Standard Time'; FAliasTo: @CZones[374]), (FName: 'Turks And Caicos Standard Time'; FAliasTo: @CZones[111]), (FName: 'UCT'; FAliasTo: @CZones[356]), (FName: 'US Eastern Standard Time'; FAliasTo: @CZones[120]), (FName: 'US Mountain Standard Time'; FAliasTo: @CZones[166]), (FName: 'US/Alaska'; FAliasTo: @CZones[54]), (FName: 'US/Aleutian'; FAliasTo: @CZones[53]), (FName: 'US/Arizona'; FAliasTo: @CZones[166]), (FName: 'US/Central'; FAliasTo: @CZones[89]), (FName: 'US/East-Indiana'; FAliasTo: @CZones[120]), (FName: 'US/Eastern'; FAliasTo: @CZones[154]), (FName: 'US/Hawaii'; FAliasTo: @CZones[444]), (FName: 'US/Indiana-Starke'; FAliasTo: @CZones[121]), (FName: 'US/Michigan'; FAliasTo: @CZones[101]), (FName: 'US/Mountain'; FAliasTo: @CZones[100]), (FName: 'US/Pacific'; FAliasTo: @CZones[136]), (FName: 'US/Samoa'; FAliasTo: @CZones[457]), (FName: 'UTC'; FAliasTo: @CZones[356]), (FName: 'UTC+12'; FAliasTo: @CZones[345]), (FName: 'UTC+13'; FAliasTo: @CZones[346]), (FName: 'UTC-02'; FAliasTo: @CZones[334]), (FName: 'UTC-08'; FAliasTo: @CZones[340]), (FName: 'UTC-09'; FAliasTo: @CZones[341]), (FName: 'UTC-11'; FAliasTo: @CZones[332]), (FName: 'Ulaanbaatar Standard Time'; FAliasTo: @CZones[292]), (FName: 'Universal'; FAliasTo: @CZones[356]), (FName: 'Venezuela Standard Time'; FAliasTo: @CZones[86]), (FName: 'Vladivostok Standard Time'; FAliasTo: @CZones[296]), (FName: 'Volgograd Standard Time'; FAliasTo: @CZones[408]), (FName: 'W-SU'; FAliasTo: @CZones[387]), (FName: 'W. Australia Standard Time'; FAliasTo: @CZones[322]), (FName: 'W. Central Africa Standard Time'; FAliasTo: @CZones[30]), (FName: 'W. Europe Standard Time'; FAliasTo: @CZones[363]), (FName: 'W. Mongolia Standard Time'; FAliasTo: @CZones[244]), (FName: 'West Asia Standard Time'; FAliasTo: @CZones[285]), (FName: 'West Bank Standard Time'; FAliasTo: @CZones[242]), (FName: 'West Pacific Standard Time'; FAliasTo: @CZones[461]), (FName: 'Yakutsk Standard Time'; FAliasTo: @CZones[297]), (FName: 'Yukon Standard Time'; FAliasTo: @CZones[198]), (FName: 'Zulu'; FAliasTo: @CZones[356]) ); const CNullDateTime = -DateDelta; function DateTimeToPreciseTime(const ADateTime: TDateTime): TPreciseTime; inline; var D, MS: Int64; begin D := Round(ADateTime * MSecsPerDay); MS := D div MSecsPerDay; Result := ((DateDelta + MS) * MSecsPerDay) + (Abs(D) mod MSecsPerDay); end; function PreciseTimeToDateTime(const APreciseTime: TPreciseTime): TDateTime; inline; var D, MS: Int64; begin Assert(APreciseTime > 0); D := (Int64(PUInt64(@APreciseTime)^ div Cardinal(MSecsPerDay)) - DateDelta) * MSecsPerDay; MS := Int64(PUInt64(@APreciseTime)^ mod Cardinal(MSecsPerDay)); if D < 0 then MS := -MS; Result := (D + MS) / MSecsPerDay; end; function PreciseTimeToStr(const APreciseTime: TPreciseTime): string; inline; begin Assert(APreciseTime > 0); Result := FormatDateTime('yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss.zzz', PreciseTimeToDateTime(APreciseTime)); end; function IncMillisecond(const APreciseTime: TPreciseTime; const AMilliseconds: Int64): TPreciseTime; inline; begin Result := APreciseTime + AMilliseconds; end; function IncSecond(const APreciseTime: TPreciseTime; const ASeconds: Int64): TPreciseTime; inline; begin Result := IncMillisecond(APreciseTime, ASeconds * 1000); end; function IncMinute(const APreciseTime: TPreciseTime; const AMinutes: Int64): TPreciseTime; inline; begin Result := IncSecond(APreciseTime, AMinutes * 60); end; function IncHour(const APreciseTime: TPreciseTime; const AHours: Int64): TPreciseTime; inline; begin Result := IncMinute(APreciseTime, AHours * 60); end; function IncDay(const APreciseTime: TPreciseTime; const ADays: Int64): TPreciseTime; inline; begin Result := IncHour(APreciseTime, ADays * 24); end; function IncWeek(const APreciseTime: TPreciseTime; const ADays: Int64): TPreciseTime; inline; begin Result := IncDay(APreciseTime, ADays * 7); end; function EncodePreciseDate(const AYear, AMonth, ADay: Word): TPreciseTime; inline; begin Result := DateTimeToPreciseTime(EncodeDate(AYear, AMonth, ADay)); end; function DayOfTheWeek(const APreciseTime: TPreciseTime): Word; inline; begin Assert(APreciseTime > 0); Result := {$IFDEF DELPHI}System.{$ENDIF}DateUtils.DayOfTheWeek(PreciseTimeToDateTime(APreciseTime)); end; function DayOf(const APreciseTime: TPreciseTime): Word; inline; begin Assert(APreciseTime > 0); Result := {$IFDEF DELPHI}System.{$ENDIF}DateUtils.DayOf(PreciseTimeToDateTime(APreciseTime)); end; function MonthOf(const APreciseTime: TPreciseTime): Word; inline; begin Assert(APreciseTime > 0); Result := {$IFDEF DELPHI}System.{$ENDIF}DateUtils.MonthOf(PreciseTimeToDateTime(APreciseTime)); end; function YearOf(const APreciseTime: TPreciseTime): Word; inline; begin Assert(APreciseTime > 0); Result := {$IFDEF DELPHI}System.{$ENDIF}DateUtils.YearOf(PreciseTimeToDateTime(APreciseTime)); end; function NullYearOf(const APreciseTime: TPreciseTime): Word; inline; begin if APreciseTime = 0 then Result := 0 else Result := YearOf(APreciseTime); end; function ComparePreciseTime(const A, B: TPreciseTime): Integer; inline; begin if A > B then Result := 1 else if A < B then Result := -1 else Result := 0; end; function EncodeDateMonthLastDayOfWeek(const AYear, AMonth, ADayOfWeek: Word): TPreciseTime; var LDoW: Word; begin { Generate a date that looks like: Year/Month/(Last Day of Month) } Result := EncodePreciseDate(AYear, AMonth, DaysInAMonth(AYear, AMonth)); { Get the day of week for this newly crafted date } LDoW := DayOfTheWeek(Result); { We're too far off now, let's decrease the number of days till we get to the desired one } if LDoW > ADayOfWeek then Result := IncDay(Result, -1 * (LDoW - ADayOfWeek)) else if LDoW < ADayOfWeek then Result := IncDay(Result, -1 * (DaysPerWeek - ADayOfWeek + LDoW)); end; function EncodeDateMonthFirstDayOfWeek(const AYear, AMonth, ADayOfWeek: Word): TPreciseTime; var LDoW: Word; begin { Generate a date that looks like: Year/Month/1st } Result := EncodePreciseDate(AYear, AMonth, 1); { Get the day of week for this newly crafted date } LDoW := DayOfTheWeek(Result); { We're too far off now, let's decrease the number of days till we get to the desired one } if LDoW > ADayOfWeek then Result := IncDay(Result, DaysPerWeek - LDoW + ADayOfWeek) else if (LDoW < ADayOfWeek) Then Result := IncDay(Result, ADayOfWeek - LDoW); end; function EncodeDateMonthFirstDayOfWeekAfter(const AYear, AMonth, ADayOfWeek, AAfter: Word): TPreciseTime; begin { Generate a date with the given day of week as first in month } Result := EncodeDateMonthFirstDayOfWeek(AYear, AMonth, ADayOfWeek); { Iterate until we've surpassed our min requirement } while DayOf(Result) < AAfter do begin Result := IncWeek(Result, 1); { Safe-guard! If we've gotten to another month, get back a week and stop. } if MonthOf(Result) <> AMonth then begin Result := IncWeek(Result, -1); break; end end; end; function EncodeDateMonthFirstDayOfWeekBefore(const AYear, AMonth, ADayOfWeek, ABefore: Word): TPreciseTime; var LWeekDayDiff : Integer; begin { Generate a date with ABefore as the Day in AMonth and AYear } Result := EncodePreciseDate(AYear, AMonth, ABefore); { Adjust Date by difference in DayOfWeek of Date and ADayOfWeek. If that difference is negative subtract a week. } LWeekDayDiff := DayOfTheWeek(Result) - ADayOfWeek; if LWeekDayDiff > 0 then Result := IncDay(Result, -LWeekDayDiff) else if LWeekDayDiff < 0 then Result := IncDay(Result, - (LWeekDayDiff + 7)); end; function RelativeToPreciseTime(const AYear, AMonth: Word; const ARelativeDay: PRelativeDay; const ATimeOfDay: Int64): TPreciseTime; begin Result := 0; { Special case - if there is no day defined then there is no time also. Exit with only the date part. } if ARelativeDay = nil then Result := EncodePreciseDate(AYear, AMonth, 1) else if ARelativeDay^.FDayType = dtFixed then Result := EncodePreciseDate(AYear, AMonth, ARelativeDay^.FFixedDay) else if ARelativeDay^.FDayType = dtLastOfMonth then Result := EncodeDateMonthLastDayOfWeek(AYear, AMonth, ARelativeDay^.FLastDayOfWeek) else if ARelativeDay^.FDayType = dtNthOfMonth then Result := EncodeDateMonthFirstDayOfWeekAfter(AYear, AMonth, ARelativeDay^.FNthDayOfWeek, ARelativeDay^.FNthDayIndex) else if ARelativeDay^.FDayType = dtPredOfMonth then Result := EncodeDateMonthFirstDayOfWeekBefore(AYear, AMonth, ARelativeDay^.FPredDayOfWeek, ARelativeDay^.FPredDayIndex); { Attach the time part now } Result := IncSecond(Result, ATimeOfDay); end; function FormatAbbreviation(const APeriod: PPeriod; const ARule: PRule; const ALocalTimeType: TLocalTimeType): string; var LDelimIndex: Integer; begin { From IANA TZDB https://data.iana.org/time-zones/tz-how-to.html The FORMAT column specifies the usual abbreviation of the time zone name. It can have one of three forms: * A string of three or more characters that are either ASCII alphanumerics, \93+\94, or \93-\94, in which case that\92s the abbreviation. * A pair of strings separated by a slash (\91/\92), in which case the first string is the abbreviation for the standard time name and the second string is the abbreviation for the daylight saving time name. * A string containing \93%s,\94 in which case the \93%s\94 will be replaced by the text in the appropriate Rule\92s LETTER column. } LDelimIndex := Pos('/', APeriod^.FFmtStr); if LDelimIndex > 0 then begin case ALocalTimeType of lttStandard: Result := Copy(APeriod^.FFmtStr, 1, LDelimIndex - 1); lttDaylight: Result := Copy(APeriod^.FFmtStr, LDelimIndex + 1, Length(APeriod^.FFmtStr)); end; end else if Pos('%s', APeriod^.FFmtStr) > 0 then begin { There is a place holder in the format string. Replace if with the current letter in the rule } if ARule <> nil then Result := Format(APeriod^.FFmtStr, [ARule^.FFmtPart]) else Result := Format(APeriod^.FFmtStr, ['']); { In case no rule is defined, replace the placeholder with an empty string } end else Result := APeriod^.FFmtStr; end; type { Stored the data for an "observed rule" which is either a rule or a rule-less segment of a year. } TObservedRule = record FPeriod: PPeriod; FRule: PRule; FStartsOn: TPreciseTime; FYear: Word; FNegDst: Boolean; function Bias: Int64; inline; function UtcOffset: Int64; inline; {$IFDEF FPC} class operator Equal(const A, B: TObservedRule): Boolean; {$ENDIF} end; {$IFDEF FPC} class operator TObservedRule.Equal(const A, B: TObservedRule): Boolean; begin Result := (A.FPeriod = B.FPeriod) and (A.FRule = B.FRule) and (A.FStartsOn = B.FStartsOn) and (A.FYear = B.FYear) and (A.FNegDst = B.FNegDst); end; {$ENDIF} function TObservedRule.Bias: Int64; begin if FRule <> nil then Result := FRule^.FOffset else Result := 0; end; function TObservedRule.UtcOffset: Int64; begin Result := FPeriod^.FOffset + Bias; end; type TObservedRuleArray = array of TObservedRule; TPRuleArray = array of PRule; PPRuleAndYear = ^TPRuleAndYear; TPRuleAndYear = record FYear: Word; FRule: PRule; {$IFDEF FPC} class operator Equal(const ALeft, ARight: TPRuleAndYear): Boolean; {$ENDIF} end; {$IFDEF FPC} class operator TPRuleAndYear.Equal(const ALeft, ARight: TPRuleAndYear): Boolean; begin Result := (ALeft.FYear = ARight.FYear) and (ALeft.FRule = ARight.FRule); end; {$ENDIF} function CompareRulesByStartTime(A, B: TPRuleAndYear): Integer; inline; var L, R: TPreciseTime; begin L := RelativeToPreciseTime(A.FYear, A.FRule^.FInMonth, A.FRule^.FOnDay, A.FRule^.FAt); R := RelativeToPreciseTime(B.FYear, B.FRule^.FInMonth, B.FRule^.FOnDay, B.FRule^.FAt); Result := ComparePreciseTime(L, R); end; function GetPeriodRulesForYear(const APeriod: PPeriod; const AYear: Word): TPRuleArray; var LRule: PYearBoundRule; I: Integer; LRules: {$IFDEF DELPHI}TList{$ELSE}TFPGList{$ENDIF}; {$IFDEF DELPHI} LComparer: IComparer; {$ENDIF} LElem: TPRuleAndYear; begin Result := nil; { Check whether we actually have a fule family attached } if APeriod^.FRuleFamily <> nil then begin LRules := {$IFDEF DELPHI}TList{$ELSE}TFPGList{$ENDIF}.Create; { Iterate over all rules in the period. } LRule := APeriod^.FRuleFamily^.FFirstRule; for I := 0 to APeriod^.FRuleFamily^.FCount - 1 do begin if (AYear >= LRule^.FStart) and (AYear <= LRule^.FEnd) then begin LElem.FYear := AYear; LElem.FRule := LRule^.FRule; LRules.Add(LElem); end; { Go to next rule } Inc(LRule); end; { Sort the list ascending by the activation date/time } {$IFDEF FPC} LRules.Sort(@CompareRulesByStartTime); {$ELSE} LComparer := TComparer.Construct(function(const A, B: TPRuleAndYear): Integer begin Result := CompareRulesByStartTime(A, B); end); LRules.Sort(LComparer); {$ENDIF} SetLength(Result, LRules.Count); for I := 0 to LRules.Count - 1 do Result[I] := LRules[I].FRule; LRules.Free; end; end; function GetObservedRulesForYear(const AZone: PZone; const AYear: Word): TObservedRuleArray; var LPeriod: PPeriod; LStart, LEnd: TPreciseTime; LRules: TPRuleArray; I, X, L: Integer; Z: Int64; PR: PRule; LY1: {$IFDEF DELPHI}TList{$ELSE}TFPGList{$ENDIF}; LYMinus1, LYPlus1, LR, LSk: TObservedRule; begin { Mark all intermediary data as un-initialized. <-- this is date ZERO which is the start point. } LStart := 0; LYMinus1.FPeriod := nil; LYPlus1.FPeriod := nil; LY1 := {$IFDEF DELPHI}TList{$ELSE}TFPGList{$ENDIF}.Create; try { Iterate over all periods in the zone. } LPeriod := AZone^.FFirstPeriod; for I := 0 to AZone^.FCount - 1 do begin { Calculate the end date of the period } LEnd := RelativeToPreciseTime( LPeriod^.FUntilYear, LPeriod^.FUntilMonth, LPeriod^.FUntilDay, LPeriod^.FUntilTime); { Try to get the last rule for the period (needed to calculate boundary) } LRules := GetPeriodRulesForYear(LPeriod, LPeriod^.FUntilYear); if LPeriod^.FUntilDay <> nil then begin { Adjust the end of the period according to the last rule in it. } if Length(LRules) > 0 then Z := LRules[Length(LRules) - 1]^.FOffset else Z := 0; case LPeriod^.FUntilTimeMode of trStandard: LEnd := IncSecond(LEnd, Z); trUniversal: LEnd := IncSecond(LEnd, LPeriod^.FOffset + Z); end; end; { Extract the last millisecond in the end to mark the end of the period. } LEnd := IncMilliSecond(LEnd, -1); { Collect last rule of the previous year. } if (NullYearOf(LStart) <= AYear - 1) and (YearOf(LEnd) >= AYear - 1) then begin { Load the rules for previous year. } LRules := GetPeriodRulesForYear(LPeriod, AYear - 1); LYMinus1.FPeriod := LPeriod; LYMinus1.FStartsOn := LStart; LYMinus1.FYear := AYear - 1; LYMinus1.FNegDst := false; if Length(LRules) > 0 then begin LYMinus1.FRule := LRules[Length(LRules) - 1]; { Determine the DST sign in period. } for PR in LRules do if PR^.FOffset < 0 then begin LYMinus1.FNegDst := true; break; end; end else LYMinus1.FRule := nil; end; { Collect first rule of the next year. } if (NullYearOf(LStart) <= AYear + 1) and (YearOf(LEnd) >= AYear + 1) and (LYPlus1.FPeriod = nil) then begin { Load the rules for following year. } LRules := GetPeriodRulesForYear(LPeriod, AYear + 1); LYPlus1.FPeriod := LPeriod; LYPlus1.FStartsOn := LStart; LYPlus1.FYear := AYear + 1; LYPlus1.FNegDst := false; if Length(LRules) > 0 then begin LYPlus1.FRule := LRules[0]; { Determine the DST sign in period. } for PR in LRules do if PR^.FOffset < 0 then begin LYPlus1.FNegDst := true; break; end; end else LYPlus1.FRule := nil; end; { Collect all the rules for the year we're looking for. } if (NullYearOf(LStart) <= AYear) and (YearOf(LEnd) >= AYear) then begin { Load the rules for this year. } LRules := GetPeriodRulesForYear(LPeriod, AYear); LR.FPeriod := LPeriod; LR.FStartsOn := LStart; LR.FYear := AYear; LR.FNegDst := false; { Determine the DST sign in period. } for PR in LRules do if PR^.FOffset < 0 then begin LR.FNegDst := true; break; end; if Length(LRules) > 0 then begin { Pump all the rules in } for X := 0 to Length(LRules) - 1 do begin LR.FRule := LRules[X]; LY1.Add(LR); end; end else begin { No rules available for this period/year. Still have to add something to indicate that. } LR.FRule := nil; LY1.Add(LR); end; end; { Update the start of the next period as the end of the current one and iterate next. } LStart := IncMillisecond(LEnd, 1); Inc(LPeriod); end; { Add the extra rules from prev and next years into the list } if LYMinus1.FPeriod <> nil then LY1.Insert(0, LYMinus1); if LYPlus1.FPeriod <> nil then LY1.Add(LYPlus1); { Re-calculate the start dates now and moveto result. } SetLength(Result, LY1.Count); L := 0; LSk.FPeriod := nil; for I := 0 to LY1.Count - 1 do begin LR := LY1[I]; LStart := LR.FStartsOn; if LR.FRule <> nil then begin { This is an actual rule, we can calculate the start time properly based on its' data } LR.FStartsOn := RelativeToPreciseTime(LR.FYear, LR.FRule^.FInMonth, LR.FRule^.FOnDay, LR.FRule^.FAt); if LR.FRule^.FOnDay <> nil then begin case LR.FRule^.FAtMode of trStandard: begin if (I > 0) and (LY1[I - 1].FRule <> nil) then LR.FStartsOn := IncSecond(LR.FStartsOn, LY1[I - 1].FRule^.FOffset); end; trUniversal: begin if I > 0 then begin { Adjust to local time based on previous rule } LR.FStartsOn := IncSecond(LR.FStartsOn, LY1[I - 1].FPeriod^.FOffset); if LY1[I - 1].FRule <> nil then LR.FStartsOn := IncSecond(LR.FStartsOn, LY1[I - 1].FRule^.FOffset); end; end; end; end; end else begin { This is not technically a rule - just naked segment. We'll need to infer data. } if NullYearOf(LR.FStartsOn) < LR.FYear then LR.FStartsOn := EncodePreciseDate(LR.FYear, 1, 1); end; { Very special case in here. Need suppress overlapping rules form different periods but same rule family. Also important to preserve the last overlapping rule as the last active on in the new period. } if ComparePreciseTime(LStart, LR.FStartsOn) <= 0 then begin if (LSk.FPeriod <> nil) and ((LSk.FPeriod <> LR.FPeriod) or (LSk.FYear <> LR.FYear)) then begin { The last skipped rule is the last one in the period/year. Assume that is still active } Result[L] := LSk; Inc(L); end; { Save the current rule as well. } Result[L] := LR; Inc(L); LSk.FPeriod := nil; end else begin { Save last skipped rule and reset its start to the start of its period. } LSk := LR; LSk.FStartsOn := LStart; end; end; SetLength(Result, L); finally LY1.Free; end; end; function BreakdownYearIntoSegments(const AZone: PZone; const AYear: Word): TYearSegmentArray; var X, Z: Integer; LSegment: TYearSegment; LObsRules: TObservedRuleArray; LRule, LNextRule: TObservedRule; LEnd: TPreciseTime; LCarryDelta, LDelta: Int64; LSegments: {$IFDEF DELPHI}TList{$ELSE}TFPGList{$ENDIF}; LYStart, LYEnd: TPreciseTime; begin Result := nil; LCarryDelta := 0; LSegments := {$IFDEF DELPHI}TList{$ELSE}TFPGList{$ENDIF}.Create; try { Get all rules that intersect this year in some way (this means some rules from Year +- 1 will apply) } LObsRules := GetObservedRulesForYear(AZone, AYear); for X := 0 to Length(LObsRules) - 1 do begin { Get current rule and next rule. Both are used to calculate things. } LRule := LObsRules[X]; if X < Length(LObsRules) - 1 then LNextRule := LObsRules[X + 1] else LNextRule.FPeriod := nil; { Fill in standard details. } LSegment.FPeriodOffset := LRule.FPeriod^.FOffset; LSegment.FBias := LRule.Bias; if not LRule.FNegDst then begin { 99.9% of zone have positive, normal DST offsets } if LSegment.FBias > 0 then LSegment.FType := lttDaylight else LSegment.FType := lttStandard; LSegment.FName := FormatAbbreviation(LRule.FPeriod, LRule.FRule, LSegment.FType); end else begin { For the rest we have to invert the logic } if LSegment.FBias < 0 then begin LSegment.FType := lttStandard; LSegment.FName := FormatAbbreviation(LRule.FPeriod, LRule.FRule, lttDaylight); end else begin LSegment.FType := lttDaylight; LSegment.FName := FormatAbbreviation(LRule.FPeriod, LRule.FRule, lttStandard); end; end; LSegment.FStartsAt := IncSecond(LRule.FStartsOn, LCarryDelta); { If there is another rule following, calculate the boundary and introduce the invalid/ambiguous regions. } if LNextRule.FPeriod <> nil then begin { Calculate the overall delta between two segments. } LDelta := LNextRule.UtcOffset - LRule.UtcOffset; { Add the core segment. } if LDelta < 0 then begin LCarryDelta := 0; LEnd := IncSecond(LNextRule.FStartsOn, LDelta); end else begin LCarryDelta := LDelta; LEnd := LNextRule.FStartsOn; end; LSegment.FEndsAt := IncMillisecond(LEnd, -1); LSegments.Add(LSegment); if LDelta > 0 then begin { This is a positive bias. This means we have an invalid region. } LSegment.FType := lttInvalid; LSegment.FBias := 0; LSegment.FStartsAt := LEnd; LSegment.FEndsAt := IncMillisecond(IncSecond(LSegment.FStartsAt, LDelta), -1); LSegments.Add(LSegment); end else if LDelta < 0 then begin { This is a negative bias. This means we have an ambiguous region. } LSegment.FType := lttAmbiguous; LSegment.FStartsAt := LEnd; LSegment.FEndsAt := IncMillisecond(IncSecond(LSegment.FStartsAt, -LDelta), -1); LSegments.Add(LSegment); end; end else begin { Just a placeholder of "to the end of time". } LSegment.FEndsAt := IncMilliSecond(EncodePreciseDate(LRule.FYear + 1, 1, 1), -1); LSegments.Add(LSegment); end; end; { Finalize the wortk by clipping the boundaries. } LYStart := EncodePreciseDate(AYear, 1, 1); LYEnd := IncMilliSecond(EncodePreciseDate(AYear + 1, 1, 1), -1); SetLength(Result, LSegments.Count); Z := 0; for X := 0 to LSegments.Count - 1 do begin LSegment := LSegments[X]; if ComparePreciseTime(LSegment.FEndsAt, LYStart) < 0 then continue; if ComparePreciseTime(LSegment.FStartsAt, LYEnd) > 0 then break; if ComparePreciseTime(LSegment.FStartsAt, LYStart) < 0 then LSegment.FStartsAt := LYStart; if ComparePreciseTime(LSegment.FEndsAt, LYEnd) > 0 then LSegment.FEndsAt := LYEnd; Result[Z] := LSegment; Inc(Z); end; SetLength(Result, Z); finally LSegments.Free; end; end; var {$IFNDEF DELPHI} FTimeZoneCacheLock: TCriticalSection; {$ENDIF} FTimeZoneCache: {$IFDEF DELPHI}TDictionary{$ELSE}TFPGMap{$ENDIF}; { TYearSegment } function TYearSegment.GetEndsAt: TDateTime; begin Result := PreciseTimeToDateTime(FEndsAt); end; function TYearSegment.GetStartsAt: TDateTime; begin Result := PreciseTimeToDateTime(FStartsAt); end; function TYearSegment.GetUtcOffset: {$IFDEF DELPHI}TTimeSpan{$ELSE}Int64{$ENDIF}; begin Result := {$IFDEF DELPHI}TTimeSpan.FromSeconds(FPeriodOffset + FBias){$ELSE}FPeriodOffset + FBias{$ENDIF}; end; function TYearSegment.UtcTimeInSegment(const AUtcTime: TPreciseTime; out ANoBias: Boolean): Boolean; var FStartsAtUtc, FEndAtUtc: TPreciseTime; begin if FType = lttAmbiguous then begin { Check for pre-switch } FStartsAtUtc := IncSecond(FStartsAt, -FPeriodOffset); FEndAtUtc := IncSecond(FEndsAt, -FPeriodOffset); if (ComparePreciseTime(AUtcTime, FStartsAtUtc) >= 0) and (ComparePreciseTime(AUtcTime, FEndAtUtc) <= 0) then begin ANoBias := true; Exit(true); end; { Check for post-switch } FStartsAtUtc := IncSecond(FStartsAt, -(FPeriodOffset + FBias)); FEndAtUtc := IncSecond(FEndsAt, -(FPeriodOffset + FBias)); if (ComparePreciseTime(AUtcTime, FStartsAtUtc) >= 0) and (ComparePreciseTime(AUtcTime, FEndAtUtc) <= 0) then begin ANoBias := false; Exit(true); end; end else if FType = lttStandard then begin FStartsAtUtc := IncSecond(FStartsAt, -FPeriodOffset); FEndAtUtc := IncSecond(FEndsAt, -FPeriodOffset); if (ComparePreciseTime(AUtcTime, FStartsAtUtc) >= 0) and (ComparePreciseTime(AUtcTime, FEndAtUtc) <= 0) then begin ANoBias := true; Exit(true); end; end else if FType = lttDaylight then begin FStartsAtUtc := IncSecond(FStartsAt, -(FPeriodOffset + FBias)); FEndAtUtc := IncSecond(FEndsAt, -(FPeriodOffset + FBias)); if (ComparePreciseTime(AUtcTime, FStartsAtUtc) >= 0) and (ComparePreciseTime(AUtcTime, FEndAtUtc) <= 0) then begin ANoBias := true; Exit(true); end; end; ANoBias := false; Result := false; end; {$IFDEF FPC} class operator TYearSegment.Equal(const ALeft, ARight: TYearSegment): Boolean; begin Result := (ALeft.FStartsAt = ARight.FStartsAt) and (ALeft.FEndsAt = ARight.FEndsAt) and (ALeft.FType = ARight.FType) and (ALeft.FName = ARight.FName) and (ALeft.FPeriodOffset = ARight.FPeriodOffset) and (ALeft.FBias = ARight.FBias); end; {$ENDIF} { TBundledTimeZone } function TBundledTimeZone.AmbiguousTimeEnd(const AYear: word): TDateTime; var LSegment: TYearSegment; begin if TryFindSegment(AYear, lttAmbiguous, false, LSegment) then Result := LSegment.EndsAt else Result := CNullDateTime; end; function TBundledTimeZone.AmbiguousTimeStart(const AYear: word): TDateTime; var LSegment: TYearSegment; begin if TryFindSegment(AYear, lttAmbiguous, true, LSegment) then Result := LSegment.StartsAt else Result := CNullDateTime; end; function TBundledTimeZone.InvalidTimeEnd(const AYear: word): TDateTime; var LSegment: TYearSegment; begin if TryFindSegment(AYear, lttInvalid, false, LSegment) then Result := LSegment.EndsAt else Result := CNullDateTime; end; function TBundledTimeZone.InvalidTimeStart(const AYear: word): TDateTime; var LSegment: TYearSegment; begin if TryFindSegment(AYear, lttInvalid, true, LSegment) then Result := LSegment.StartsAt else Result := CNullDateTime; end; constructor TBundledTimeZone.Create(const ATimeZoneID: string); var LIndex: Integer; begin FSegmentsByYear := {$IFDEF DELPHI}TDictionary{$ELSE}TFPGMap{$ENDIF}.Create; {$IFNDEF DELPHI} FSegmentsByYearLock := TCriticalSection.Create; {$ENDIF} { First, search in the CZones array } for LIndex := Low(CZones) to High(CZones) do if SameText(CZones[LIndex].FName, ATimeZoneID) then begin FZone := @CZones[LIndex]; break; end; { Second, search in the aliases array } if FZone = nil then for LIndex := Low(CAliases) to High(CAliases) do if SameText(CAliases[LIndex].FName, ATimeZoneID) then begin FZone := CAliases[LIndex].FAliasTo; break; end; { Throw exception on error } if FZone = nil then raise ETimeZoneInvalid.CreateResFmt(@SNoBundledTZForName, [ATimeZoneID]); end; function TBundledTimeZone.DaylightTimeEnd(const AYear: Word): TDateTime; var LSegment: TYearSegment; begin if TryFindSegment(AYear, lttDaylight, true, LSegment) then Result := LSegment.EndsAt else Result := CNullDateTime; end; function TBundledTimeZone.DaylightTimeStart(const AYear: word): TDateTime; var LSegment: TYearSegment; begin if TryFindSegment(AYear, lttDaylight, false, LSegment) then Result := LSegment.StartsAt else Result := CNullDateTime; end; function TBundledTimeZone.ToISO8601Format(const ADateTime: TDateTime): string; const CZFormat = '%.4d-%.2d-%.2dT%.2d:%.2d:%.2d.%.3dZ'; CFullFormat = '%.4d-%.2d-%.2dT%.2d:%.2d:%.2d.%.3d%s%.2d:%.2d'; var LSegment: TYearSegment; LYear, LMonth, LDay, LHours, LMins, LSecs, LMillis: Word; LBias, LBiasHours, LBiasMinutes: Int64; LBiasSign: Char; begin LSegment := GetSegmentUtc({$IFDEF DELPHI}System.{$ENDIF}DateUtils.YearOf(ADateTime), DateTimeToPreciseTime(ADateTime)); LBias := (LSegment.FPeriodOffset + LSegment.FBias) div SecsPerMin; { Decode the local time (as we will include the bias into the repr.) } DecodeDateTime(ADateTime, LYear, LMonth, LDay, LHours, LMins, LSecs, LMillis); if LBias = 0 then Result := Format(CZFormat, [LYear, LMonth, LDay, LHours, LMins, LSecs, LMillis]) else begin if (LBias >= 0) then LBiasSign := '+' else LBiasSign := '-'; LBiasHours := Abs(LBias) div MinsPerHour; LBiasMinutes := Abs(LBias) mod MinsPerHour; Result := Format(CFullFormat, [LYear, LMonth, LDay, LHours, LMins, LSecs, LMillis, LBiasSign, LBiasHours, LBiasMinutes]); end; end; procedure ForEachYearlySegment(AInfo, AItem, AData: Pointer; out AContinue: Boolean); begin if AData <> nil then SetLength(TYearSegmentArray(AData), 0); AContinue := True; end; destructor TBundledTimeZone.Destroy; begin { Free each rule } if Assigned(FSegmentsByYear) then FSegmentsByYear.Free; {$IFNDEF DELPHI} FSegmentsByYearLock.Free; {$ENDIF} inherited; end; function TBundledTimeZone.DoGetID: string; begin { Get the Id of the time zone from the stored var } Result := PZone(FZone)^.FName; end; function TBundledTimeZone.GetAbbreviation(const ADateTime: TDateTime; const AForceDaylight: Boolean): string; const CGMT = 'GMT'; CMinus = '-'; CPlus = '+'; CSemi = ':'; CDigitFmt = '%.2d'; function FmtPart(const APart: Word): string; begin Result := Format(CDigitFmt, [APart]); end; var LSegment: TYearSegment; LOffset, LHours, LMinutes, LSeconds: Int64; begin { Get the UTC offset for the given time. } LSegment := GetSegment({$IFDEF DELPHI}System.{$ENDIF}DateUtils.YearOf(ADateTime), DateTimeToPreciseTime(ADateTime), AForceDaylight, false); LOffset := LSegment.FPeriodOffset + LSegment.FBias; { Start with GMT } Result := CGMT; { Nothing for zero offset } if LOffset = 0 then Exit; { Calculate the hh:mm:ss parts } LSeconds := Abs(LOffset); LHours := LSeconds div (SecsPerMin * MinsPerHour); Dec(LSeconds, LHours * SecsPerMin * MinsPerHour); LMinutes := LSeconds div SecsPerMin; Dec(LSeconds, LMinutes * SecsPerMin); { Add the sign } if LOffset < 0 then Result := Result + CMinus else Result := Result + CPlus; { And now add the remaining pieces } Result := Result + FmtPart(LHours); if (LMinutes <> 0) or (LSeconds <> 0) then Result := Result + CSemi + FmtPart(LMinutes); if LSeconds <> 0 then Result := Result + CSemi + FmtPart(LSeconds); end; function TBundledTimeZone.GetCurrentAbbreviation: string; begin { Call GetAbbreviation for current local time. } Result := GetAbbreviation(Now); end; function TBundledTimeZone.GetCurrentDisplayName: string; begin { Call GetDisplayName for current local time. } Result := GetDisplayName(Now); end; function TBundledTimeZone.GetCurrentUtcOffset: {$IFDEF DELPHI}TTimeSpan{$ELSE}Int64{$ENDIF}; begin { Call GetUtcOffset for current local time. } Result := GetUtcOffset(Now); end; function TBundledTimeZone.GetDisplayName(const ADateTime: TDateTime; const AForceDaylight: Boolean): string; begin Result := GetSegment({$IFDEF DELPHI}System.{$ENDIF}DateUtils.YearOf(ADateTime), DateTimeToPreciseTime(ADateTime), AForceDaylight, true).DisplayName; end; function TBundledTimeZone.GetLocalTimeType(const ADateTime: TDateTime): TLocalTimeType; begin Result := GetSegment({$IFDEF DELPHI}System.{$ENDIF}DateUtils.YearOf(ADateTime), DateTimeToPreciseTime(ADateTime), true, false).LocalType; end; function TBundledTimeZone.GetUtcOffset(const ADateTime: TDateTime; const AForceDaylight: Boolean): {$IFDEF DELPHI}TTimeSpan{$ELSE}Int64{$ENDIF}; begin Result := GetSegment({$IFDEF DELPHI}System.{$ENDIF}DateUtils.YearOf(ADateTime), DateTimeToPreciseTime(ADateTime), AForceDaylight, true).UtcOffset; end; function TBundledTimeZone.IsAmbiguousTime(const ADateTime: TDateTime): Boolean; begin { Call GetLocalTimeType and check the result for lttInvalid } Result := GetLocalTimeType(ADateTime) = lttAmbiguous; end; function TBundledTimeZone.IsDaylightTime(const ADateTime: TDateTime; const AForceDaylight: Boolean): Boolean; var LType: TLocalTimeType; begin { Call GetLocalTimeType and store the result } LType := GetLocalTimeType(ADateTime); { If the type is daylight or ambiguous with forcing set to on. } Result := (LType = lttDaylight) or ((LType = lttAmbiguous) and AForceDaylight); end; function TBundledTimeZone.IsInvalidTime(const ADateTime: TDateTime): Boolean; begin { Call GetLocalTimeType and check the result for lttInvalid } Result := GetLocalTimeType(ADateTime) = lttInvalid; end; function TBundledTimeZone.IsStandardTime(const ADateTime: TDateTime; const AForceDaylight: Boolean): Boolean; var LType: TLocalTimeType; begin { Call GetLocalTimeType and store the result } LType := GetLocalTimeType(ADateTime); { If the type is standard or ambiguous with forcing set to off. } Result := (LType = lttStandard) or ((LType = lttAmbiguous) and not AForceDaylight); end; function TBundledTimeZone.ToLocalTime(const ADateTime: TDateTime): TDateTime; var LPreciseTime: TPreciseTime; LSegment: TYearSegment; begin LPreciseTime := DateTimeToPreciseTime(ADateTime); LSegment := GetSegmentUtc({$IFDEF DELPHI}System.{$ENDIF}DateUtils.YearOf(ADateTime), LPreciseTime); LPreciseTime := IncSecond(LPreciseTime, LSegment.FPeriodOffset + LSegment.FBias); Result := PreciseTimeToDateTime(LPreciseTime); end; function TBundledTimeZone.ToUniversalTime(const ADateTime: TDateTime; const AForceDaylight: Boolean): TDateTime; var LPreciseTime: TPreciseTime; LSegment: TYearSegment; begin LPreciseTime := DateTimeToPreciseTime(ADateTime); LSegment := GetSegment({$IFDEF DELPHI}System.{$ENDIF}DateUtils.YearOf(ADateTime), LPreciseTime, AForceDaylight, true); LPreciseTime := IncSecond(LPreciseTime, -(LSegment.FPeriodOffset + LSegment.FBias)); Result := PreciseTimeToDateTime(LPreciseTime); end; function TBundledTimeZone.GetSegment( const AYear: Word; const APreciseTime: TPreciseTime; const AForceDaylight: Boolean; const AFailOnInvalid: Boolean): TYearSegment; var LSegments: TYearSegmentArray; I: Integer; begin LSegments := GetYearBreakdown(AYear); for I := Low(LSegments) to High(LSegments) do begin if (ComparePreciseTime(LSegments[I].FStartsAt, APreciseTime) <= 0) and (ComparePreciseTime(LSegments[I].FEndsAt, APreciseTime) >= 0) then begin { This segment matches our time } if AFailOnInvalid and (LSegments[I].FType = lttInvalid) then raise ELocalTimeInvalid.CreateResFmt(@SInvalidLocalTime, [PreciseTimeToStr(APreciseTime)]); if not AForceDaylight and (LSegments[I].FType = lttAmbiguous) then begin { Requiring the next segment as part of the query. } if (I < High(LSegments)) and (LSegments[I + 1].FType = lttStandard) then begin Result := LSegments[I]; Result.FName := LSegments[I + 1].FName; Result.FBias := LSegments[I + 1].FBias; Exit; end; end else Exit(LSegments[I]); end; end; { Catch all issue. } raise EUnknownTimeZoneYear.CreateResFmt(@SDateTimeNotResolvable, [PreciseTimeToStr(APreciseTime), DoGetID()]); end; function TBundledTimeZone.GetSegmentUtc(const AYear: Word; const APreciseTime: TPreciseTime): TYearSegment; var LSegments: TYearSegmentArray; LSegment: TYearSegment; LNoBias: Boolean; begin LSegments := GetSpillOverYearBreakdown(AYear); for LSegment in LSegments do begin if LSegment.UtcTimeInSegment(APreciseTime, LNoBias) then begin Result := LSegment; { Special case when non-biased Ambiguous found - erase it. } if (LSegment.FType = lttAmbiguous) and LNoBias then Result.FBias := 0; Exit; end; end; { Catch all issue. } raise EUnknownTimeZoneYear.CreateResFmt(@SDateTimeNotResolvable, [PreciseTimeToStr(APreciseTime), DoGetID()]); end; function TBundledTimeZone.GetSpillOverYearBreakdown(const AYear: Word): TYearSegmentArray; var LPrev, LCurr, LNext: TYearSegmentArray; I, T: Integer; begin { Pull previous year but allow for error to be eaten. } try LPrev := GetYearBreakdown(AYear - 1); except on EUnknownTimeZoneYear do; end; LCurr := GetYearBreakdown(AYear); { Pull next year but allow for error to be eaten. } try LNext := GetYearBreakdown(AYear + 1); except on EUnknownTimeZoneYear do; end; { Merge all arrays } SetLength(Result, Length(LPrev) + Length(LCurr) + Length(LNext)); for I := 0 to Length(LPrev) - 1 do Result[I] := LPrev[I]; T := Length(LPrev); for I := 0 to Length(LCurr) - 1 do Result[I + T] := LCurr[I]; T := T + Length(LCurr); for I := 0 to Length(LNext) - 1 do Result[I + T] := LNext[I]; end; class function TBundledTimeZone.GetTimeZone(const ATimeZoneID: string): TBundledTimeZone; var LOut: TBundledTimeZone; begin { Access the cache } {$IFDEF DELPHI} MonitorEnter(FTimeZoneCache); {$ELSE} FTimeZoneCacheLock.Enter(); {$ENDIF} try { Check if we know this TZ } if not FTimeZoneCache.{$IFNDEF FPC}TryGetValue{$ELSE}TryGetData{$ENDIF}(UpperCase(ATimeZoneID), Result) then begin Result := TBundledTimeZone.Create(UpperCase(ATimeZoneID)); { Check if maybe we used an alias and need to change things } if FTimeZoneCache.{$IFNDEF FPC}TryGetValue{$ELSE}TryGetData{$ENDIF}(UpperCase(Result.ID), LOut) then begin Result.Free; Result := LOut; end else FTimeZoneCache.Add(UpperCase(Result.ID), Result); end; finally {$IFDEF DELPHI} MonitorExit(FTimeZoneCache); {$ELSE} FTimeZoneCacheLock.Leave; {$ENDIF} end; end; class function TBundledTimeZone.GetTimezoneFromAlias(const AAliasID: string): string; begin Result := GetTimeZone(AAliasID).ID; end; function TBundledTimeZone.GetYearBreakdown(const AYear: Word): TYearSegmentArray; begin { Guard for upper and lower date/time limits } if (AYear < 1) or (AYear > 9998) then raise EUnknownTimeZoneYear.CreateResFmt(@SYearNotResolvable, [AYear, DoGetID()]); Result := nil; {$IFDEF DELPHI} MonitorEnter(FSegmentsByYear); {$ELSE} FSegmentsByYearLock.Enter; {$ENDIF} try { Check if we have a cached list of matching rules for this date's year } if not FSegmentsByYear.{$IFDEF DELPHI}TryGetValue{$ELSE}TryGetData{$ENDIF}(AYear, Result) then begin Result := BreakdownYearIntoSegments(FZone, AYear); if Length(Result) = 0 then raise EUnknownTimeZoneYear.CreateResFmt(@SYearNotResolvable, [AYear, DoGetID()]); { Register the new array into the dictionary } FSegmentsByYear.Add(AYear, Result); end; finally {$IFDEF DELPHI} MonitorExit(FSegmentsByYear); {$ELSE} FSegmentsByYearLock.Leave; {$ENDIF} end; end; class function TBundledTimeZone.DbVersion: string; begin { This value comes from 'TZDB.inc' } Result := CIANAVersion; end; class function TBundledTimeZone.KnownAliases: TStringDynArray; var I: Integer; begin { Prepare the output array } SetLength(Result, Length(CAliases)); { Copy the aliases in (if requested) } for I := Low(CAliases) to High(CAliases) do begin Result[I] := CAliases[I].FName; end; end; class function TBundledTimeZone.KnownTimeZones(const AIncludeAliases: Boolean): TStringDynArray; var I, LIndex: Integer; begin { Prepare the output array } if AIncludeAliases then SetLength(Result, Length(CZones) + Length(CAliases)) else SetLength(Result, Length(CZones)); { Copy the zones in } LIndex := 0; for I := Low(CZones) to High(CZones) do begin Result[LIndex] := CZones[I].FName; Inc(LIndex); end; { Copy the aliases in (if requested) } if AIncludeAliases then for I := Low(CAliases) to High(CAliases) do begin Result[LIndex] := CAliases[I].FName; Inc(LIndex); end; end; function TBundledTimeZone.HasDaylightTime(const AYear: Word): Boolean; var LSegment: TYearSegment; begin Result := TryFindSegment(AYear, lttDaylight, false, LSegment); end; function TBundledTimeZone.StandardTimeEnd(const AYear: Word): TDateTime; var LSegment: TYearSegment; begin if TryFindSegment(AYear, lttStandard, true, LSegment) then Result := LSegment.EndsAt else Result := CNullDateTime; end; function TBundledTimeZone.StandardTimeStart(const aYear: word): TDateTime; var LSegment: TYearSegment; begin if TryFindSegment(AYear, lttStandard, false, LSegment) then Result := LSegment.StartsAt else Result := CNullDateTime; end; function TBundledTimeZone.TryFindSegment(const AYear: Word; const AType: TLocalTimeType; const ARev: Boolean; out ASegment: TYearSegment): Boolean; var LSegments: TYearSegmentArray; I: Integer; begin LSegments := GetYearBreakdown(AYear); { Invalid case but we'll handle it. } if Length(LSegments) = 0 then Exit(false); { Special case of one segment. } if Length(LSegments) = 1 then begin if LSegments[0].FType = AType then begin ASegment := LSegments[0]; Exit(true); end; Exit(false); end; { If the type is not the first, just find it. } if ARev then begin for I := Low(LSegments) to High(LSegments) do begin if LSegments[I].FType = AType then begin ASegment := LSegments[I]; Exit(true); end; end; end else begin for I := High(LSegments) downto Low(LSegments) do begin if LSegments[I].FType = AType then begin ASegment := LSegments[I]; Exit(true); end; end; end; { Nothing found. } Exit(false); end; class function TBundledTimeZone.Version: string; begin Result := CComponentVersion; end; procedure FinalizeDict(const ADict: {$IFDEF DELPHI}TDictionary{$ELSE}TFPGMap{$ENDIF}); {$IFDEF FPC} var I: Integer; begin for I := 0 to ADict.Count - 1 do ADict.Data[I].Free; {$ELSE} var LTZ: TBundledTimeZone; begin for LTZ in ADict.Values do LTZ.Free; {$ENDIF} FTimeZoneCache.Free; end; initialization {$IFNDEF DELPHI} FTimeZoneCacheLock := TCriticalSection.Create; {$ENDIF} FTimeZoneCache := {$IFDEF DELPHI}TDictionary{$ELSE}TFPGMap{$ENDIF}.Create; finalization FinalizeDict(FTimeZoneCache); {$IFNDEF DELPHI} FTimeZoneCacheLock.Free; {$ENDIF} end.