{ "openapi": "3.0.3", "info": { "title": "Disputes", "description": "Occasionally, something goes wrong with a customer's order. To dispute a charge, a customer can create a dispute with PayPal. PayPal merchants, partners, and external developers can use the PayPal Disputes API to manage customer disputes.
Note: In the live environment, merchants cannot create disputes but can only respond to customer-created disputes. However, merchants can create disputes in the sandbox environment. When you create an app, enable Disputes in the App feature options section.
A customer can also ask his or her bank or credit card company to dispute and reverse a charge, which is known as a chargeback. For more information, see Disputes, claims, chargebacks, and bank reversals.

When a customer disputes a charge, you can use this API to provide evidence that the charge is legitimate. To provide evidence or appeal a dispute, you submit a proof of delivery or proof of refund document or notes, which can include logs.

Normally, an agent at PayPal creates a dispute, updates the dispute status, and settles disputes, but now you can run test cases in the sandbox that complete these operations.

Important: The create, cancel, compute metrics, change reason, and validate eligibility methods are available as a limited-release solution at this time. For more information, reach out to your PayPal account manager.

For details, see Disputes Overview documentation.", "version": "1.10", "contact": {} }, "servers": [ { "url": "https://api-m.sandbox.paypal.com", "description": "PayPal Sandbox Environment" }, { "url": "https://api-m.paypal.com", "description": "PayPal Live Environment" } ], "tags": [ { "name": "disputes", "description": "Use the `/disputes` resource to list disputes, create disputes, show dispute details, and partially a dispute. Normally, an agent at PayPal creates disputes but now you can run test cases in the sandbox that create disputes." }, { "name": "disputes-actions", "description": "Use the `/disputes` resource with a dispute ID and an action to: