Remote PHPUnit commands ======================= Originally forked from This plugin allows you the run the PHPUnit on a remote server tests using the Sublime Text interface, without having to open and use the command line. ### Available commands: - `Remote PHPUnit: Run all` - `Remote PHPUnit: Run unit tests` - `Remote PHPUnit: Run functional tests` - `Remote PHPUnit: Run tests in current file` ### Coloring output ![Coloring output]( ### Installation: Use Package Controller or create a the directory `RemotePHPUnit` in your Sublime Text Packages directory, and you're ready to go. ### Configuration: The server_address configuration is mandatory. An example for a Symfony2 Vagrant setup looks as follows: ``` { "phpunit_path": "/usr/bin/phpunit", "phpunit_xml_path": "app/", "root_folder": "/vagrant", "server_user": "vagrant", "server_address": "", "ssh_key": "app/vagrant_key" } ``` * The shared folder on vagrant is /vagrant * An SSH Key was generated (```ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 2048```) and placed under /vagrant/app/vagrant_key so that the files are /vagrant/app/vagrant_key and /vagrant/app/ Also the was added to the autohorized_keys (```cat /vagrant/app/ >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys```) * The server_address is the IP of the Vagrant instance * The phpunit_xml_path is the relative path to the PHPUnit config file (phpunit.xml or phpunit.xml.dist) ### Usage: Press Cmd + Shift + P for the dropdown command list, search for `Remote PHPUnit: `, and pick your command. Also you can use `Tools/Remote PHPUnit` menu item ### Notes: - PHPUnit config file needs to been in the root folder of your structure in the sidebar. - You need insert in Sublime Text user settings `"show_panel_on_build": true` or use `Tools/Build Results/Show Build Results` menu item for view results. Give some feedback. Thanks.